The Signal, 1899-5-11, Page 1r
-18 TSB 11E8'r.
. - •ter.
eelsu Norther, Methodist oWwroh. ate
�Aeoosatfl1ItNtyc��.tronal (ta.arvatery,, Now Tore, win
° j�.3ifidoo*-1'"ds 7'p6:
Bt. IAwrauoe,' Uontr al et: Qoderich. •
of Piano. 0,1.0. '1 heorl, Sight Raul
ins and tar Trainiing. A specialty of the
Vingil Practices Clavier method. Tho Virgil
Practice Clavier •I U. W. 1'bom+oo'm 1110010
dtmprium rua Mi11o411r Tbu mod omos IUhLiao Kiii-
Udrea. Stu
dents will 004We the Toronto conservator'
Oo.our. Terms oil •peil sioa .t the reed•
duce, Sal Britannia Seen... 2701ti
FOP itla1I Ola TO ROnt.
1 In 8t. Urwrge•a word. Apple at SwwA.
Idoses $M swoon 1o1. oil the Nth own.
of Colborne ; the property of Mn. WI loamYoung. The boars contains ten rooms. and
oil the premiss. aro a good stoNo and carriage
how° and bearing orchard. The ormol►s are
eight mile. from UoderlA marl one sada h.l(
miles rest of Calow. Ho 'Rooth/0 being floe
of the beet in the towaehin. For per•
tioulars .,ply to ANDREW JOHNSTON
t'srlpw P.O. 231m
INO the Organ Factory on Last sumps
on which are .ltnsesd two frame bootee. The
property is for rale on rea.ona0lo terns.. Ap.
ply to MHS. J. 17 EDWARD, Oodrich,
fa lm.
In the township et Kart Wawano•h, not
fat from oodarlch. beteg part of tet al is the
111 runoess.100. ornelstht of 1UI sorer, with
frame house and ban. 36 sores ore uudnr
nil ivation. the balance good grazing land.
frootm,4 on the It err M•I1'aed. A eo',d
room* for a farmer with a little oap.ta1. icor
trout and tornadoes apply to HANK or
MONTREAL, Usderah. *33m
11 cv,nn dioa. tw Dry femme residenoe
on %loin av ■os wow Waterloo street the
yoff Mro. J. A. MATTEL. ♦ pt w
7•aw +.r. ^..NwR.r4sspsssYet31t''os.... '1
fo•abl. •od 000yeeloo1 house on Il e
core r or St. Patrick and W.terlooat. will
to .•rant o+ end after the alb of June It
hu been 000upyled f r the last toe yews by
1' etu..taa 1Lal' ear por'Iculsr. apply to
MR.. D.T. MATTIIKWS, Oodericb tt,. 1t
survey in the Town of
RR -- ms which Le wooled • new dwell
mSae , flee' ew11x r, 18E6
Aekb 1 CA M B RONN.t HOLT k 1101.MKS.
New lathe time to mak e piens far Weald.
We have • choice Int of feast and crewman
oil trees la woe.. also bedding and house
[Utmost, wows. Krerrreeoa a epectalty,
.to extra choke let of evergreens for 'b4
.canon at low rakes, ranging from q 00 p r
100 op.
A ousel sot will be Riven on larger ever.
grue0ere we want the groand they ooe'.py
for other purports.. tome early and get y our
The Norma*, hart been insp•^teed be the
Government Inepeotor, who pronounced the
stook amnesty free from ism Joey Beale and
raj:ousel& He said It was the cleanest he
U.4 wee. Is ssimManc• with on Act pasted
la.t session bre
tbe Unterl° Lngtslature. our
stock will be flitted before leaving Nae-
ri•e. Order. •II promptly attended to.
EST. .101191SART. HwtmUlor 1'.O. 21 t1
Want d
• tell butes la prints and two -goad
ells, abo 4*147 dee ewte. Rabe** ash penes
„Mrdpaay�,, r* want dried speles at the Hamilton
Some. _..1F. -J-. 1IBAOW.... _ ..
Situations Vacant.
mon ( ht, • girt for ts..n1 housework.
WM be • rod rook, sop to D. trait to the
fell. Apsly 10 MR4. JOHN O. HAWLEY, at
the British Exobaage, It
to Mrs. Werl', etar floweth'e paving
m111. 111 tt
.. M and scalp.peeialist, of Lenten, will
at the Hotel 8.rlf ,4 for o.* week, May
Med N f7 h look fes *LW& w.ek. 11
'J toltor, oast -7 art eo.vey$00'. OMAR on
Ilamllton *Moot oppo.l'e rho ('0 borne Holt 1,
(ioderkh. Private fonds to lead on nwrtgs
t" a t per cert, Inoweat. Ya' Men' notes
cubed. ft tf
musical Recital
1. Inatrnmeutal Duo - From Foreign Parte.
Opt. 23. No.6. Hungary. Monakowaki,
MRN. Lorton AND Mins CAMrAtr:N'o.
2. Kr. n ollowt.
Min. L. Wrv.oa.
S. Vocal Solo -Le Poirot* I►'Amor. IFi....
or Song) From Open of Faust. (ltwimel
Mine Kra Amamin.,
4. RemitotNm.
Moat F.i.n.t Tyr. •
6. Vocal heel.. Crent.,Loos Mong. Morcr1ef
MR. WALTta BUtitsnan.
6. Recitation.
,L Vocal
iN uN COLA Valet.,
Moto -Flower Rong. (Iodine),
Mow Et•A Atis*n000r. .
I NTE.le►iwtue.
1. Inetruwnomal--Air de Ballet. Cramfnada
& Vool Solo- SelectedSomooto
Ma. Hawn Joitltrgymp.
3. Root lotion.
4. Yowl Sole- i•ABetM 0 , Loose You. Cowen
6. Recitation. Ms T. Showa.
t-flola: Ak este in the IIlmantw(
M. W. W. SronnAar.
Voted Moe- (a) 13nh1Bnk. Bischoff
(b) Daddy. Behreta!
Mini EVA /itene"6N.
Al.xmipanlst0 - Illtoa. iMOAi, MIM (saw
ratio* and Ma Rlwrmow.
TaOpDAT. }8/ty Alldh..•A.etles ado e1
etoawiewe 04
rrwti M
Matters Peter. she rows Fathers at the
lass left■ter neretsar.
The regular megjtle mi-Ihu C.tHs wowee,J
"8'!Iiil1a1+w Friday eventog. hleuilare r
The treasurers statement be April, as
follows, was proesntod
Bottom from Marsh ...$ 462.72
I •is, $
Noo-resident laud..
Mtaktnt fund int .rst
Water rotes
Electric haht rate..
IS.Ils p•yobl.
M•itl.nd O.y•
D aba(esmeats. -
Salories ...... $ 243 84
Fraction and sidnr-
Matot 23 36
Fare dspartmeol3 13
Eliot ion 37 00
Reside and bruises111 02
Quilt 11 46
Bolla p.yabf. . 7,500 00
Bonk Interest 66 46
__Water wpr k o (ospital
soot.) ..... 230
Waterworks m'a'il aro 546 71
Elsotrio Itcht •• 94 70
Public schools. 41S 40
1lraochthlo walk. 12 97
Slaking fund deposit -
Miscellaneous . 110110
Elevator note 10,000 KO
E'ev.tor 90 40
---119.328 73
Balsam .. .... ,...$ 165 86
The street Inspector reported that the
fenoo on the n. r.h side of the old show
grounds should be renewed. and that • poi. -
oasis Moberdstw
oiossa4b4berdstw setae-•Agrltaawel°.0h**
►hculd be repaired. Referred to public
woras committee.
A letter from E. Compton, It C , not,hec
the council, on behalf of MsloolnaNicholson,
that while walking on the sidewalk on the
north side et West+treat oil the •venlo. of
Atoll 2501 Mr. Nicholson had, throughsiooa-
Jrsally striking • largo lamp of coal tallith
was Iylo" en the sidewalk, fallen and AUL
tained grieve injuries. lila clteot claimed
damages from the corpor.tion on moonlit of
their nayh/sow in allowing the ',look of
cod to romans oe The mat-
ter au referred to the avowal committee.
The secretory of the elevator oompany
wrote sskiug dist conntotloo to made for
fin proteotioa purposes between the town
waterworks tyetem aid the system of sand -
pirate and boas to the elevator. (tefrred to
water sod light oommittee.
( ISat9 soti6d the waned 11.0 Dia
agreement with the oouootl regadmt the
beach bathing bouts had expired, and that
10 would not look sifur the institution any
I neer. Hs allied that the council attend
to the molter. The pabli, work. commit.
tee w.. instructed to look Oslo h• matter.
U T R station agent Stratton wrote, ea
b.hell of .upsrinteodat Fitzhugh, tbaokag
the coattail for their o tier to permit the com-
pany to 1.ormigh of Eoest street for the loos•
tion of • new steam sad satins that Mr.
F,Ishugh would oommanicete with the 000a -
oil should it be decided to make soy °hawse
A oommanioatloa from the I..deriok Or•
tan ('o. •.ked that the ooanoil tostroot the
town •nglee•r to plow • Iwo•inob suadpips
to the factory for Or. proleatioo. The w•-
•er and light committee esu given power to
sot in the nowt sr.
The following •nooana were referred to
the fins committee : queen City ll>1I Cs.,
1'0,1.10, 822.74 ; Jobs Shaw. rale(. 81.95 ;
Rochester k Patel -Arab Cool te Iron Co.,
Buffalo, awl, 866 62.
Ths public works commldtai reported that
they had asked for leaden for the oarsak•
log of the tomato and il•ebor Pak, and r• -
commended 11,1 the lowest tenderer. (1.o.
C Blank. be sty.. the 000tra,t at F58. The
report was adopted.
The water sod light oommt'tse reporter)
that May had received offers for led and
galvanized Tres pips from the dales 1a
town and had awarded 1ho °outrun for and
pipe to G. N. Davie at $5 95 par owe , and
oke ,01I r•ot for ,ol v.w zed iron pipe to Det•
Os Bra. at $9 75. 'Lhsy recommended that
the petition of Wm. Aob.oe w.1 otborn for
a watermdn on Angles& street be 'recited
and that a foer•ineb main ha pat is.1..eet•
Ing Violet's street with C.mbri& read upon
the petition/en' sigma. • contract to take
the water. They r.00mm.oded also the. •
25 -light tr.oatnrmw be purchased. They
hod shed for Isadore for the unloading of
meal and awarded tie contract to Neil Mo-
lter .0 23, wit" per too, his t.nd.r Mar
the lowest. The report was adopted.
(;onnotllor Humber gave oetice that et
the neat mooting he move that • t
I.w 1 • prepared mall submitted for t M rag.
Plating of awnings and signs over the side-
walks of the few..
Moved I y C. A. flambee, and saooadd
r y John Knox, that the public works erem-
mitte• take the eeceary eters to hove the
inoompute rranoltthlo walks rep.ired and
pat is got4fmtory oOUdlide. •0 ace, as ohs
MOM b well 1. for doing such work.
Conoml'or Humber tandar.• 1 his resigna-
40.s as Marano' et tae donate amomlltee
Toe resignation was aoo.prsrl and on motion
the members were appointed • staking
oemmlttee to 6!l the d demist r•oonoir. a
't. oomonittees. TM oeaooil adjoand
aInl nisi committee met and prepared she
following report, which wee adopted whoa
the erasion renamed Its slitting' Mr.
Holmes to M chairman of the 60asee tom•
miltes sod membrr of tM imolai and Ore
mat kat o•'mnll:er and wort of re.
via iota; Mr. Humber to M *batman pre tem.
of the subtle work" weetnietee.
The spootal esmrl041e reported pr
he 1N ma01es ref the applfation of 7717.
R.mbsJI, et the Kensington furniture bio-
logy, for • leas. The Mork had Mae tn-
Nraetd to write Mr. RamMll aeklat when
he could meat t1* oommlttr-
Tbe tomb was adeptd •set the mown
690 00
2 41
60 00
481 60
368 15
7,500 00
10 00
29 50
10,000 00
819,031 87
119.494 119
Wallis' Rats.
Te1'l�1S 1• Prow Natoli parties
t. mrgon for water rats Md all
sold settle the Pam* at my .014)5 nal or be-
Saturday, Kay 40th,
Afar that date the preHOont of t hs by
low will b. rlg'dly enfareed.
aM eleagedwabo,,A.d partly whir taws
noses fee tN.are oast notify t1s o.neot.r
ole they w1{14
AP peewee Is leave water tirood
ler ea mast die regular newsy at my
I lilt year hie young whore numbered fifty -
os. while Int mask no (ewer them ntnely-
Warr Hvaorr Ltae.AL Aasocuylo
The jjannual meeting of
of the Liberal Liao°
art hold tq p I)oolloion ,p.d
eQaanon "1114"1'a
May 30th. A I.'gn representation is ez•
Mw. 14 oi',.,i ON A SHOOTING K%l'iln
TION Amheretbarg Moho : While over to
Pelee Island a shore time age issin atop the
West Dock, Eogaeer Brough took 'seers'
view/too( 14.014 dock and aluog the sbore.
'I hay ere elodleat, meer.sesp-shots, and we
are indebted to Mr. Brough for tepee of
.'..I.Idr1ATw 12sTlrcrs IIIIANU.-Th. Col.
legions loatltote Lru.tees met oil Thur.d•y.
Ao •cuo,nt of James Wilson, 85 95, for
ohemioala was passed, and cbarm•n Jordan
and Dr. Sb.ssos ware appointed • oommit-
tee to interview Mr. Grant in rsar.00 to
forage tsps for the school o•det corps, with
full power to sot as ttey may may think
0.- olio inched his studio. The pries for ib . Rlrsi Pare Balt for table or dairy.
1a- I six bee t-lookeg Dellis, were &winded to oke Thasaars ua dela &hat make mea lake to
err. Zi.{s ' Sccoc Nlb, astd�tkat Is wAl ro minas aN
Lolly hen : M (v
1i1r31e. � -end isms,'+ aBc � a ILe:
town ; Mrs. Jams, McClu.kcy, Uoderioh , Tho bibles wpm
1111 mays hap ew blsdrsd
towshnD ; Ms W. Fulford, L.eburo those or wore malar. growth masse. •t H, 111,
Mrs .1. U., Auburn. Hallow.' studio drring .M sail week ortwo
BY MORD 1Y. Cason IMO --This was an
action tried Calel Justus Armour at
the Spring Arise. The wtlou was brought
to rsover damages and an scooting of
money retained by the def•odant belonging
to the Mastiff. Judgment 'was r.serv.J by
His Lordship, sed wee handod out recs•tly.
The result was • veirdect,lor the plaintiff for
1170 and High Court moats.
Put tate Marriot --A mass mating of
all those interested in poultry iv to be bold
on Saturday e0e0ier Wait(13:h inst. l at 8
o'olook in Mr. Lie'. ef6oe, court hour, to
take steps for wearing • large modern build.
lams, the •zhibition grpoods for proprI,
exhibiting poultry during the fall show. I•
is urteotly requested that everyone hater -
toted •stead this meet(sg. as meters will
be brought up that wiIl `a of the greatrt
arlrlt or MINS Rrey ROBERTSON -
Much sympathy u felt for the relative& of
Mir R,Ly Robot' Dian. the youngriPd•ugb-
tor of A .s. Robertson, of (;arson whoa,
lamamiewomd • on 'MOO 8rta 'iiilbq`t
dimes. Ths young woman was well koowo
and muoh e.temed In Uodrioh, hooter at-
undd tho';ollegiaa lost. hero. .Milo was •
Macs of Wm. Robertson, Fart street. The
funeral took plate 1. Celberae oem•tawy on
Sutd.y &tanto,.
To LIN'S IN TORONTO roil A' Wgn.r --
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Berry, Mir L•I!.
Bony and Mr. Omega Bary :eft on Tuesday
.no.niag het for Toronto, when they will
•pend (h..ummor. Mr. Harry has taken •
reerdeow nn Mannino forethe m oath.
of *isy, June, July sod August, and while
char etveooe from I.uokoow wall be gristly
mooed I.y • large olrote of reload. It tote be
ht ped :hat the change to oily life tor • few
month• will not only le p wean', but also
011110.h benefit to Abe health o' Mr, and
Mee. N.ntlaa. Mr. Berry
end his lousily are former readouts et Ledo -
rich and ase well known hero.
FLORIDA SNA kILS. -R. R. Sallow. site
o•her d.y doormat us some Musette' wr•
,os whine he received of Saturday from
Urrgor ll.Lae, of 0e0110', Florida.
Tby writ five snake -skin.. 'the
krg..1 one t• from • diamond nttler..ks
that mutt bays been formidable an lite. 1t
measures otos inches •1 the greatest width
sod or pit Del in Ieegth, but appears to 1.,•
hams am off some aieaow from tom head..
The rattles, two .n number, aro attached.'
The 'kin ma yety handsome one. Mr. Mo-
le et
1 eet says that vitas • ma, comes scream •
t.Ilow like this he either vanquish Mr.
make or elite pr.p•re to par la his ohoks.
I k+ collection includes the .k o of a gopher
snake ever roil feet in leogtb. Throe es oho
ooc of o gr, and rettle.nsk•, • btu. oce,but
very prettily marked ; indoor/. the.ktt.. re
•II n.uch mon pleasant to lock at'ham 'Nlr
sr1"teaf 0' eteteors would t
Mrfor PAY ion A N1*,PAPIR -At 14.
lut Divi.ioo Court It (Lwow nhe aim c.1
The err Pros Comp.oy se It hoards we
tried. 11 was an •otloe os so. oust to re
°over throe Trees' Nberrlption 1. The laity
Free Press. l'l.hitiff proved 'bat defeadas'
had taken th. paper regularly from the
poetcflioe, and was therefore sotitl.d 1014
for It. Defradan0 alleged that hs had
solace bed for the paper ; and one Careen
Adair, who lived is tits mambos new woo
pied by defendant, •ad is whose woe It bad
Imo most, had ordered the paws that whoa
lot . set away hs hod automated the poet
master to d, Leer It to defendant, who had
Imag.oed that Adair had paid for 10, The
judge held that defendant, having aka the
paper, got the l,..0At of It, and should have
stopped 01 if he did not want IL. Judea's&
for the plaintiff for f6 and oats. Blackburn
tor plaiat'ff. Mess for defeed•at.
TEAT t(Esw Of 000.84'(1 Utvo,,,N ---The
fourth mottling of the Goderioh division of
he West Hura Teachers' Association was
held ho the Citral sohool on Saturday C.
Esher, the prerldat, was in the chair.
C,mpositdoo for sound o1aaa was aarbt by
Mks OViggior, sod third oats by Mir Mo
Clack. y. Both tsohers taught with ability,
and the pupils answered readily and Ibour•
*tely. The following r l6aen wore elected
for the doming year : i'readenl, Mir
Shaman ; vis, president, H. blemish ;
secretary treasurer, Mia WI",Ins. 'rhe
neat meal lar will be hold on the fleet Sete,
day in Ooteber. "Scientific. Temperate*"
will be the sahjsot for disoats(os, omen] by
Mr. Tom. "0aoo Management and Ds-
o.plise' will also I e diseased. W. R Lott
•III take the euhjot in o1.eeotion witb
valor clams,. and M14 Weems le oeeaso-
tten with laeifr *leases N. FRAN10,
Sweet se,, tits ase'or mS.Eer of rhe Arm of
S eveasot R Finale, who had the ooetrot
for the sewer extension is Odwkh as 189'7,
did •1 Ora• e hospital, Detroit, on Safer.
day, April 29tb. rood was borid at Port
Huron the following Tuesday. Mr. Strew -
son asteroid the hospital about four weeks
before his death and, not rookie( salaam.
twy propos towards health, it was dsoldod
diet he met admit to se epoat nos, the
moll M which hs never The
d. oeesd had resoled t tom ng.p of s.vea*y-
two years and w.+ one of ulpkts, oke ether
two, both nae, bring now living, two m
UAoikam and tae oilier is Ss. O.aberlwes.
Mr. 8amousos was set • little ward of le
lag • triplet, ..d the olresm,tess.* were all
0he were reirsrkable swing to t be feet Whet
Orr Bead M . seed DIA age. Roth brothers
are kale and hearty. Mr. Rteves.•., who
was born mar London, was looked apes sr
se .prlsl0 red hams% Molnar* man amid as
ass who lase. ba bootees therenehly. Mr.
Flea.•. 1a pastas., Dae l a,. ie the bnsarass
for thirty yon. Ths derw sed brew •
family .f tit, three sons awl three daagh-
tees. They aro Elliott 41 , one e1 the la.d.
hag awyes of U►trei1 : AIhot t, of Chicago
Wish•., Maas and Mrs. Sprisger. el
Port Repos. sad Mn. Mel) mold, sl Tore'.
to. Mamoru* thewho attended the le.
moral wt IN. Oersbyseekb•. the.sprsre
had of rte ladapesedeae Foreetere.
BAuews' "San Dar "- Phetpkef
8aae.s lotto way a _..arfo w ilea '
"Inky day" en IN 1« of May, and the tea
soil l tolice •IF5 in the wtod•wfel el Weise
Width N bee bad ss S1kMh4t1M for wort
day.. Tk4s b 11 Novel affair with Mr.BU•
Seri mmi r geweirpisg pea.tet peeper(t.we
yes" by yew. Tbe drat year ha "took'
k' fit • II Oki fin
pollee magistrate Seaga committed Richard
Cb•mben,of Uodorioh town.bip, for trial o0
chore, of a'eeramiod a•e.ul• Chalk ONO le
very erld1Uy of ousosud mind .ad is sub-
j- tit to all sore of h•Ilucm,None, and is now
•op•ranNy developing d•ngetrous teodceols.
Too charge s0 which he is at preset 1n gaol
u that while is 000vereat,,o with Kdw•rd
►Chien, of Colborne, and without ary pre•
vooalroa or mason whatever, ha straok Me.
Million • violent blow o0 the head with his
walking stick, making a wound which bled
To.T Arrgoo TO TIM MOST 1uroaTANT
THING! Flan. -Tho proprietnrof Th. Clin-
ton New Era, write. to he paper from
01:1..•, aye : 1'he News-Rroord Is worried
buena" there is 02 In the estimator
for .o armory or poaith .a ('Luton.. At
the suggestion of Maj,r Hutton •11 the pro
posed armorl.e are deferred until another
year, so that Heron le no worse off tie- n
oiner places, soil Is le nut impossible that
semethiog may be dote towards. osw post -
alb e, hot The N.we-Record should not at
peot •11 the favors to be granted in one me-
sion. It was • Rood deal to swore • g' mer•
moa groat towards the harbor at Oo ferlob
la e.. Ses.lo., The others may coma lin
ewe, w..
A Stoves. -The .t home •t St. Ceorpe'a
school room, glen Ly 11,, women's and
girl. •uzili•rks, last Thursday eeentng wee
• decided success financially. Mr. Turnbull
toted as obsirman and In his introductory
✓ emarks said that the Woolen's Auz'lI•ty
was (goaded b, Mrs. Raldw!o i0 1885 and
that there were now 120 branches to the di•
neoae. The pogrom w.. opened by • piano
dost by Mao Onse-sia I -Patsy' R'y1, "1*IVo
1',.ml gays three roadies. with
.p'eo-:i 1 uprose re.. Miss C. L, Too-
zel a'0, rad. There was• recita-
tions Ly He1r. She/herd, 1..:1.a MoDon.ld,
Kdra Ty., Alma S arty and Malys Platt,
. 11 of them vary good. Miro i'•raoes sang •
olu c .14114 " Happy i).y,,' with
obhrt'o by Mise 1) Mr. (Off sang
" The Whaler's Yarm" and was !madly a.-
oor,J MIs R. Nebel rave. meet ...In on.
s tied " Unarms aid " ('. .od ii Mack
. tona ger, a 6u•• end clationet duo, .1 ith
war"! • hearty entre. A piwo solo by
Mum Ntft'l, • vocal du.t ly the
.Brea-Borrl.t and •a000 by Mr. Toms
oompl.tad the program. Mrs. Iilarkston.,
Vies Mostly N.hol Mr. Cuff wad Geoffrey
Holt .wed as.ceompsoists. Daring lour.
minion refrrhmen.s were d and the
candy and tansy -work tables were well pat-
0 C I. t:otet corps, renew ted lastSepteml.
and g.z ttwd in March, seems about to b:
-oma o •o of the 1 ea Irinrn of the town.
Tn• c-'n.paey roll shows 48 prig atm, 4 noo-
oomu.lsioned ,(liore, 3 commhsiomoi of
1,,ler.n9 d.ummsr, M•rly is Ap
rtl the c.rp. ae104 from the O.v.rnm..t
(ro nits &'.ods 01 teem., the rhes being new
liar tin' - flat ry. wilk whioh the boys ej-
trot to soaks some Frost 'con s a t the r.ore.
Con..dr'al.Ie time int energy have been de-
voted to drill and the company will soon be
in • Fc. •,I *toe of eitiolsocy. The moot
Coring end tonere 'header. t t many of the
students bear witn•es to the r' od work e1
reedy . ffeote l 1 y the °roan 1.tioo. 1%e
hal assured that three o+dela of ours will be
• co attnn•1 source of pride u . u0 otos ice,
beady" lgodto5 •u di an addd amanrity to
our t i ateaye a. •e tmo11. o' feet 'Has :stow
no b.rm Van detail us t the way. The
io.ti:u'e boardls kgfoe ih•puroh•.
of uniform :SDs and tb• boy, themselre are
endaeonot to rail ty p'pttar sobsorip
rind IM sum of 1.100 with whioh to clothe
themolcr in • neat and becoming uniform,.
In this laudan a enterprise we wish them sum
owe and fol soured that the lov.l peepl.
of Gode.toh w,ll liberally support them by
at note raising the, mama. y funds. The
efii:er in command of the cornier y, Copt
9w11, rums to fill bee pestties well, .ed his
just.' clfocn, 5..1..r Lieut. Ha,kett ..d
Junior Limit. Mclean, .re'e went
.now The foe-armmiseieaed riBe.,. are
nt Itrydges, S. g..nt Masson, Corp.
or.l Brown and Corporal Durbin. Th•
hot a may ne amused that we "hall all wards
with lively interest the growth sod s000esa
of the G. C i cadet. Tbo smaller b. vs of
the (, C.L, not to be cordes.., hays •I..
Orem red • crmr.ny bows as No. 2, of
whioh we .h .11 make fuller mention at •
later date.
"• MR ISATIN" IN TowN.-Oo.r • week
e go . rather uodere!sd young Englishmen
arrived in tows in oompany will )ems.
Snell, the weltknowa cattle brooder of
Hallett. The 'tumor said his name was
Haw, sod claimed that ho was one of the
e l. prated Bets family of /Shorthorn lam
who haye recently purehased the Christie
form in Oxford comfy. He had been to
Hul'ott to lee Mr. Seell, and had mad, a
deal with him for 83.000 worth of thorough
bred stook. Mr. Stell Introduced Mr. Bates
in county obrk Inn, and the "Intel omusty
flak gave 01s, Haw the ft.dom of rte
mtv for I Bey . Mr. R.t.s wall mash
struck with the Attrill property and Irew
.d late intention of sodeevortar to eff.ot a
perohas. H• oho sed with Mr
to go to 1t'•Ik.rlon and ere Mr. Cargill,
who is the no,:•r of some 8.. •took Is that
•elghbntM'oa. As Mr. Lase moll not
spare the lime le go to Walkerton, Mr.
Biter arranged with th. proprietor of the
(el borne Ho .1, at whlnh he wtsMaya,. M
•memptny l:im on Tuesday morning to that
town. When the morale. nom* M►.
oould to' be found, end up to 14. time of
writing has not torsed op. And now the
loom be around 11e (b,ert Howe he, "Who'
happened to Batons,
1 UeanAll, kl.y 9.h,
Jams, Horton has had • new •'rands\
orsoltal In front of ids 11..11e foetus the road.
RiMnv.n FRoll Hitt- Mr. and Mrs.
-John MaoNeeip, w , eta hove limed neer
us for *ewe yews. ge hew here this weak
en keep hose. for their nos John, •t Wolo-
han, whom wofe lately died.
Does T) MAKITOIA - Mr. and Mrs.
Ar bat 110,4nn, he for some yews bats
r.sidd In Muskoka, have r.m•vd with
their family to ledm'mton, K W.T., and Me
vim- merle pi.aseat lisps Thi Oosatrr mad
°haat• 11e...
The hIeyole ways has got Into Ileo hearts
ef a nemh50 of oar y*..f1 moo, some et
whew Myalready mode petroleums, of
wheels. (her Jovial blood, MIe1Aa
Gum Oa7, has ',ready • *lam Ie Ia.
street ion in the Mimi motion,
whfeh la mohair fair peewe05, end,
a the mar loran, thaws will ho an amateur
ram to Kaa(1 of the lustrsotor and some
61 1G pep le
A wird Most -keds,-• oaN0Alisei lei door
1 (e Meow then, therefore yam should gat
Use best. Use bode ere the kae1, the awn
and In eve ry GOO eatldactlon hal toleu giteo.
The eou.sJ of the tir.orasksr :. heard i'1
the land.
J. Wait hes beagles C. 1e•sa'e hours and
grewwd. es Hebron street.
A R Robertaon Intends opening • dentes
office at Kingsville within a taw days.
Don't miss It -May 19 to io the Omni
House. M... OVyon promuam • treat.
Tbs Codaloh Marina Buod will be one of
Clinton's astr•otior.s on the 24 6 of May.
Kap disengaged for M.y 19 It. Mire
Wynn is preparing • sorpri.•.tor the lore -I
of mulct.
Go to th. \ trtorta rest -went. Wat•.i
fur yam- too MUT, toot.wton.'y, fruit.,
etc.. C. IStat-w.roNE, prop.
W. t.. 1.1 nosy is budding • story snJ-r
half frame Ito... at the onrner of foron'o
street and Britannia rad, taws t'. 11. W.
In addition to the Route' furnishings and
Anyfoeds Malone, • number of other store-
keepers have commenced to sloe their
stores silly.
Ths Wein Huron I oanes oommi,x.onwr5
met at Clinton on Monday to close up busi-
ries In oroneotiou with the iruhg of
lici tie, for '99.
Ths o Id roughcast home on Chan.
Tweedy'• p,opar-y nn St. ILcld'. street is
Wing tore down, -.,t1 -. Twee}oommodioua
new hoes superawing tt.
N'• understand that Graham William.
has bnight cot ths lraaoh demo bosom.
of C H. Cowen, of 'Toronto, wh-oh piece he
g eminated has Lain m w.r.d by the former
U F Enema -Ton is addict, two Columb •
cb►inlere wbe's to hie bit rill !ivory and
ha. rwoolly* the •genoy for that popu•
lar wheel, who'll is recognized as au ttao•
d•rd e) the world.
A mooting of the bicyclists of the Iowa
will L, held in the°curt how/twat Tuesday
eveniag at 8 o'olook for the purpose et re.
organ L og the harm, ltioyole Club Keary
wha'man sod whaslwonan la
Jas. Tabb, of Colborne, who has bio
sort. oily 111 for "event we km, was to town
on Saturday. Althou,b .1111 tinder the
weather he showed sign. of Improvement, to
the argot at1.fa,0.lon of k:s many friends in
At the meatinr of Boron ledge, I 0 0 F.,
on Monday evesiag • new sot el plans for
the proposed 0 In1,11 ,we' Hell was sub
mitred and the oommlttee w., riven two
wake to bring in • further report on the
Th. Now En .t.te that • number of
young o..,. from this town raised • tow to
Gnaw, Sand, y ofur0oon . week ago. They
had had to" n uoh lquor. it's • pity tbe.e
yo.t, ma, f they hove not any respect for
themslvef, should diegraoe lb. tows they
live to by their direpuablt o,nens..
8e., .'. {.seek, is-6rlherne, hoe M.t,
reet.d by oe 1 gentleman in town for •
term of years. It Is their int. lotion at an
eery d.1s to stook the same with "peer kiwi
trou•, mod they width to cooly the pablao
tho( a.yoo. found fish's( upon the crock at
any tame WI I be prosecuted with the utmost
✓ icer of the law.
James Haym, our popular Iiverymw, was
is Tileonburg • short time ago. sod while
therm bought 0 tine pair of black 11rer
They will bs sed to Mr. (Booker, aneeessor
in the underlak,or basise•s to A. K. Cor•
nal, on his hues.. Mr. Hays sow has sem
of the finest horses in the county and • Irv•
fry not ezwlled In this s.otio..
Bh yoIO• . would wppredwt• some att.o-
Uno to the condition of the highways of In
town on the part of the authorities For
11•tanw, the Huron rood, whioh b sow
like the rocky road to 14.1, 1,, would be •
( riot deal hotter for the removal of the
resat oobb!es whioh straw it so thibkly for
some distoar. One of the town's ohlel
• tksetlo.s as • enamor resort is Its (0041,
rally fins roads, an4 it would pay the town
to give more attention to keapin, them to
thorough order.
Fiehleg s, ill continues Tight.
Tb• sawmill will his mooing soon.
The Bohr, Sarah, from line Tram, with
0edor pose for the (:oderloh Lumber Co.,
arrived Sunday DIerofog.
The dodo., Aro Ids is making gond prow•
arse in it• work. le hs completed the
Brae cot put the outer and of the north
TM *abr. H. N Tolman olarel Solidity
tnorelet, 11the., for Satoh R.y 1. Ia1 °ol.o
poste for Si.eols. The Tdm•s was fresh
painted Moe rprl.g.
Thema, MDO•w, it , has narn appointed
lighthouse -keeper .t K loard!ee, vice Wee.
Key, who 0.545ed n moonlit of advanoed
years sed Nada health.
The beating assoa hs nommeno.I and
Capt. Baxter has • fall line of pimento
boats at 1a beatbeeee on (h. Wand, wok
which M is prepared to soppy the pn I o
Ronan are pro'eding upon the dredge
beloeglsg to Porter & B'armor. r.f Part
Elgin, whioh was brought Pp here frcm
Rayfield Int fedi. This dredge le to he pot
to work .t Port Klein Oils season.
Tim whence of • 1•r,e gatMhy of 11 .std
Sits sets In Canadian waters in Like
Huron, near Soni•, was mad• last wet k.
The Nembutal Fishable Deportment is oil
the lookout for pesohes from the other
Fsak i1ember has •etirsly retmodelk.d
his stout yacht, Mea11.. Ha has had it oat
"moral times and finds It 10 first rat* order,
rse.Isg Meeh more easily than Iamb yes.
He tr ands to pot 11 1. ma In hooting ares, e
for tM breakwater.
Th. sir. 8e. Andrew, whioh was the tint
kat to slam from this pert this year, made
elm tie /rot arrival. Mho am* le hive
Mldlasd Tbunday cursing. She bed 900,-
000feat et limber foe Fore Mihail., ai
ales taking en hay, eats sod potato*"
loft ea Friday for th.t poet.
-L•oltllfiiy oertaa boys broke hate ,limp
bes, of Capt Heeler and did rialto •
hit of Irjery. These and all ether. are
waned •sdile► erespeeeing lend errand
the beat hawse as Monday boreaftr. traitor*
to •114.1• by this warming wUl basil the tees-
4aeaere *e the polios wort.
Dewlap elm past .ren the bridge to Ow
Island, athlete 1. 11.e priests property of
Ow ools Revs«, has bees sed by Ow gen•
mol prhMe, sad easeidwrahie liquefy has 1...
wre.Ekt .e 1►, 11te Casaba 1. of •pia.
that Mom who wee 11 a the mono Dag
Vail elwid ale... 11i'{o"iled108y keglRK
is proper repair.
alabey. vomitory and doable, awl they two D. ow mess lbs etwei ki lreelul *lei ala.
Fad f,.. M 4i0 tip, w W, .,,i RMMTa'a,) eutiu.r th
arp sestet* May 10sb e Opera
June 18th will be Flower Sunday at N
skeet Methodist ob.rob.
Ilag se the bow. of Miss 0. Welsh, Weet-et.,
es Friday evening.
Rev. F. W. Holll.rak.. B.A., of .tash-
legtoo, Ont., who is visiting in town, will
presok to the North-ot. M.abodletomogrga-
Um on Sunday .•Dojo. wej0,
Row. Dr. Pasco" will nadir with his
daag►teti Jllra (Ik.) Potts. is liamlltoo,
after 111. olore of hie pastorate of time Wag.
ham Methodist obarob w June.
The p•,tor will preach • epootel mason
to the Epworth lwague of Cbrtetlau l':u•
de.yor •t the srvioe on Sunday morning
out to North -.i. Motbud4t ohuroh.
The topic for next Friday orating in V
arta at. Kpworlh League will b., "11
shall we divlda our dots T" The top'o w
be totroduoed by Miss Eu -I Hillier.
R -v. F. W. Hollmrelr, It A , of Wyatt
Imago), Oat., gsys • very earnest add,. is •
the mosnl.g of the N'ieth street Methodic
ohmat Epwweh 1pmue on Tuesday rgoo
Th.t) Y.P.Y.('.E. Int o' a
Knox church seat Tu.'d.y eveu'ng
"Church Membership: Ue5ottron, pr.vileere
oar is " Rev. ►Ir. Aed.noo Ie to 1 v,1 1.w
Saturday erentog, the 130., .t the Salva-
tion Army barrauks, Enact Collier will
oo.deot • magic lantern service, 0.1111.4
"Poor Mike," •441.4 by the trophopbone.
Emigo Collier will also 000doot 11e meet•
logs sol day Sunday sod 1n the evenly
Case. W..1. H•0000k will farewell.
Roy. A, D. McDonald, DA/ , , praob.d
hie farewell swnioss in the Seatorth Pre.•
yteri•n church on Smday, April 30th, to
loris onogrrgit'oor. At the oonolueion of
the morotou same. Ur McDonald rays •
.h. rt resume of the wort socomplbhed dor-
+stf•+(tR orisoocaestwftktsssesunatiso-tVdnar
he Nen' to 9rlorth there wan on the roll
285 members ; stow then he received O0
profeeiou of faith, 457 ; o0 outdebate. 496;
and 96 who nam• in oIth the anion wit&
H•rpnrh.y, making • total of 1,029 o•w
member., or an .yer.:e of 5l • yaw. H.
haptird 421 children and adnlre ; attended
210 1.1 -•role sod wlebrntd 190 marriages,
and had aro • f 26 Bok people to at.
Mod to
to his con"raplloe. io ntereooa to
the finances of the w0gret•ttoo, he raid tho
present moose was 000et,noted slow he went
aRe•torth, at • coat of $3.000 ; a debt of
$8,500 was wiped rt', and the 000klbnlione
to the schemes of the (hooch had hum Is•
er.wd from 1116 to 110)4 1)artn his
forty ono yawn, in tbs mtoh.hy he had ro-
o.lved over two thou.and now member.,
baptized nine hundred, and attended lour
ht.odrd•Is, and celsMat.d four hun-
dred marriage. At the ol, . of each of 1 i.
farewell .ermone L' made au earnest appeal
e0 011, •0d eoeoully to the ynuog,who bay.
.o muoh of Lie before them, M Pnotise the
preempts he had endeavored to inoulau,
and ns word (hem 041.0, .ft. forty five
yen praachiot Ilea t• .p 1, of he had hie We
to live ova •Rain lie wool I desire no change
further than '11.t he might t. more
active and Importunate in nr...inr how•
upon hi. fellow;mortals the hleesd Ira, he
.•1 the Hilda. Ur, Mel/maid will tab. It
rest for • mouth or two before hat decides
where Ile will mak. his future Meme,
ieil Why We Urow- J, H. Pedder...., .... 6
Pr rty fur Fal. -Andrew ehalisetees.. 1
Lawn Sereior-W. L. Berges 1
Hours and Lot for Sale -Mr.J.A. Nal- "`
tel 1
Hairdrealog -ELT. Brown ,r 1
Oil Stora -H.,0. Easing/or .. 8
A000unmenent-U, F. Kmaeoa 1
Domestic. Waited -Ms. J. O. HawleyI
Hous to hoot- Mn. D. T. Matthews1
Announcement -U. E King 1
A000uocomeot- W.C.T. U 1
Program -W.1' T U 1
los Cram -C. Klaoke0ose...... .., 1
Aniounoemeot-Wilmer Nal*h.. 1
filmes Pure Salt for table and dairy.
Meet Carlsson married from Clinton on
Mr. and yrs H•mIok hiv.-ragas
oat Toronto.
Mr. (Rev.) Jas. Coateisvisiting with
mistime in Loudon.
Mu. Edw. Arm.trosg hs returned from
hoe visit to Stratford.
Mise Nellie Harris visited Woodstock and
inrervoll the Pest wok.
Allan Murray left via the ata. M1. Andrew
n0 Friday for Salt 814. Marie.
M. George Cottle, of Cliotos, is visiting
her dan,hter, Mr.. W. A. Rose.
John H. Williams, late with W. 1'.
Width, left on Monday for ("bloom.
Min Lirzie Robertson, of the Sodom pab-
lio school, was •t home over Sunday.
James Hanlon and Miami Nellie and
Maggie Webb wore vIatlng.0 Blyth oo San•
M. A. Voorhees left for tt loalpe" on Fri.
day. H• took tho air. 9t. Andrew to Fort
tV 01lam.
Fred. l Amnion returned from Whir ir. on
on Feld.y to resume work at the tenor
Mos. Humber Is lea Realorth this week
reRIHog his brother Hairy, who le speed•
in • few d•
g to town.
aro. Jams Stoddart and son, Hrr! elf ,
Ohtoseo, srs visiting at the readeao• of
Shedder', East Street.
Mr. and Mn., dohs (i Hawley, of 1)s
trail, lame arrived in town and will sp. nd
lie samwtw months hire.
William Sather. last Saeday wheeler' to
Du.g .non, hoe former home, and spent th -•
day with relatives and friends Iber..
Rev. F. W. Holllarek. and Mn. Hollm
rake, of Washington, ere visiting at *hs lat.
tore old bans, the rrldaoe of John Aoh.-
Heah. Robertoos, of 'Iorooto, was at the0
old bums over Sunday, Imolai come to se-
wed the tan.rol of his oous1., the let M el
Roby Roberts'''.
Robert Harron. formerly treasure• , f
A.h6etd, has old his lam sad 'stood. 'e
remove to l'derboro, where he Inert befog•
oomto" to Huron.
J W. Mans left yesterday morning for
()Wawa and w111 leve the Capital on lb.
15th to tit as seoreary of the Pomo K:..,
oommieslon. Manors to "Jost" !
Mir Maggi* Murray has retuned boom
shoe seveo sleuths' seloelIle Tampa and
airbus pilots in Iia South. She hat ass.
great deal dsrl.R for abatsbe, bit ryas
Then is, after all, w passe like Gore
William Gilmour, late of Kingston, ar-
rived last want to tali*** amities of fere-
was of the (lederleh •ayseor. Oweep L
Draw, Ibe law foreman, hs • poetthin es
the O. T. K as l..pester .f *Oysters.
Rla's ParAN• Mea fav t bl. er d•Iry
O.•ef Ile• Most pleasant eaarl.awta
.f • e "cern 1* premised for May 19th In
to Opera Howe. 8ee the programa.
Weimar,. -600 NM e1ei011 Dairy Bettor.
Ifdr., 11., web, 12.. tootle. O. E. K t vu,
W lagh•m, 11
A speeded sltrbal toot wade* tae taper
Oates of MIs Wye* a 1N Opera Noose
May 19011. Ra program .a.w4ws
M O.T.R. Nebelco.d *street . e,,y
to ail parte el fle.
w� se to the II sad toter (wwr•seee WwN
Angry, West O.
Bat le"wl talent M the mtmle•1 1'0,11.1 's
Ne Opera Ryas May 101►. TiN*os, 90.
-You 1,.te to go away from home
toruewr, Thu follow iug main front The
Toronto Star eoulatra information that will
'.hock 'natty of our ratters :
James Vales, of (lalerich, is now Clerk
tho Fires thalami Court of Huron
cenoly, Me
, ,its, (has. ager, demeaned.
The moot ..urprianl loan on earth will Le
OIr. SiA,:ta, anrt d we queetiovery mush H
h , will cloy dead just to oblige The Sl•r.* i'
-Politics e getting bot in Toron-
i.. The other day • delegation .1 /v,
Roouut Catholic laymuu waited upon H.
R•itu.'M 11.ikTY and asked him when he
wax going to mown from the Commissioner.
.hip "( i'uldic.t%"orka for ties Province. The
Inn.. gcnllen an informed Dia ivarviewei' l'rcuti' r Hanly dint the Lieut.-Gover-
pJlHl'.ghn(16l.Jtwa*4ee.esiew it 'dine
quest. , as they word the maker.. and
Weaken; of Cabinet \luuaten. Nuw it is
stated ihwt HARTT will hold on fr
wathe re-
'wander of the parliamentary term. and
that to suable him to do no L M
favorably known in Huron, will he appoin••
eel Ilepnty Minister.
-Tito United Statist Oorernment
Inas rusted little r 0o glory in its I'l,tlip•
pine war.. The lugs in 0tonery and treasure
heehawgteat,-iod the allowing for the nut•
lay is snail, itoltmvl. What with tho 120,-
000,000 to Spain and the pension, lint that
will follow the prosecution 'of the war,
Un14s San will find that his bank account
nil• be materially depleted, andyear..atter
tam 6111g-wsviug and the nhoua hate - teased
the coat of the expanaial Ida will still he
with him. llalf-tasked harhariene, under
tfie host conditions, do not woolly make
good tolottista,'*,Nj it keeps a stnme army -
mid navy atoll• large amount of guDp.wder
1., kap them in their proper Weak,
-The announcement in the dailies
that the continued ill -health of Hot. J. I.
1'ARTr. will 'w,rnaitato an •Iw,lute carnation
of work on lite part will nut Ito good news to
the country at largo'. Mr. TART., although
not foe from f•ilingw. ham prove,) himself to
he a moat .o•ter(ul departmental chief,
ami hat made for !Outwit a name mei a re-
putation as a 'politica lort4*r wh,s 1.d,t
We may not *gree with hint at all times --
and he would he the firwt man to admit that
he ix not infallible but he et&wln out pre.
emioeotly no a man who is honestly doing
hie hat to help on the progre4 of this coun•
try, and hie worn( enemies won't ay that hos
haw not put heart and soul into hit
week. IL tat to he hoped that ileo rest now
deaal,derl will hying about the needed re•
Munition to hoolth
(V'_11 A. NH W TON, URNTIOT. or LUCK -
3r4 %rte y of Iron month, s mod~n m.10.
ode of extraction and filling, and mazer &ra-
scial forth. Omo. siert door to Meld's tailor
shop. Iloun, 0 •.m, to i s.m.
TUESDAY, May 9th
('nvvALa'.•1,Nu,- The many friends of
Mrs. Case, wife of T. E. Case. nem hoe been
for Pomo time seriously i11, will he p's•..,4
to know that she Is grsdsally o,oy.Ieoi.g,
MrNOKIA!. MER'. D'■ - Th• memorial won
Hos re the domain of the 1•M Mies fan.
Sanderson was
.net Im
1 pr•eelvei
oondaoted bo the pastor, lay. B. I. Het.
toe, in oke Methodist ohuroh on last Sob.
hath 'miming.
Ftt 1. F'.'Itnrn,,,v.-Thi directors of *11'�e
Asbheld and Wawano.h Agr$o'Pur.l 9a6i•
e' y droided •t the Int meeting to hold the
t.11 e*hihi'ion oil the Aoriooltur•f ground"
at Dan,.anoo on the 1Ith and 12th of Ont.
nobor mat. "Mors anon...
FAIL WIIRAT CROP. -112 tbto 110tion of
the country there are many fields of (ell
whilst very patoky and to is thenrht 1.
m.ny of the farmers tb.., owing to look of
rain, the f.11 wheat arm will net be holt •
orep. Sema fawns are, In nunsequnce 01
1t. appearing 00 thin and poor, plowing" and
sowing other groin.
It!chard MoWhln50,, of tem teweshrp of
Aeh6old,in &DIldl.( a bong' os the proper•
ty whioh he reo.atly pnrohsed from the
ryodlals Kdwer I 1) intro 4 n.kinr
pr.psratios for baild,.g • kilobits et the
premises which ho moistly paroha,c.l from
,lolls Day a tae..tkold* of AIMrt street,
Andrew Platte 1101 purohaed • villas
I',t, adledning hle property, from the .ysd(.
eats. Dungannon is growing gra1oally
Nova or UiATrTt'D. -145.05,4 M•ader0,r
who w.. rrOon01y Moat of • ria s
o hem arAt a, .deceasee
s to her doos
and intonation was mode la last nook's Mr•
1 Tut St„NAt, desires to r ror.a his m iciest •
thanks to thew who •n ►.m1iy and gran t.
misty r1.dered wat•aw and sympathy to
his d.oasd ds.gb0• deltic. her 111a se.
Ms. Headers= was sbore* •10e.di.g kgr
a aker. who Is a sssysssee We le HI 'mow ON ( M
pried with tea vaallt7 el oke quaint Moo,
• friend a weed is • friend indeed."
C OMtxro AIf 110100. - Mir
of Reno Mwaallp, )4ra•...•molly, ,e yids•
lag kw deter, Ms. Jaw Rose, •ed, like
altone '100.1•, I. .0111 Lg herself ... Bar -
Alder W. Pre.dfne., a 0.41.4 lob, •hooded
tag Divides. Oars MIi hero as Mstad•y.
the Rik. H. wee sr.smpa.led to nee vil-
lage by M" wife Mr. sed Mrs. Prewah .g
were tile felleti of Mr. ant Ms. °rooked.
.C. Walker awl, bath
f lagro.l, as 1 Dowry. Walker sed Malt
of lbw
Mase W kl «wls, woe • fig the ,. .. Mrs.
Welker, el filo tl.,.... r. sed Ms
Mia wbe bee kw ... • M(bar Aa. '1}t.
'Ms ie.iwbesea, W�..-. .,
lea Ma Mew. hos eN.r$4 t. 11 .. m.
714 lefy NOW her *ilk