HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-4, Page 8• far. 8 T111011111DAT, April 27, 1699 THE SIGNAL : 1ODBRICA ONTARIO. zrE'v7 - - Musllns and Ginghams. _cess -+.+-r Q. The warm weather coming so quickly on C j ', us has made a big demand' fbr the light sum - go liter wear. You will find our, department o �• • complete with all the latest things of Ging- AI f 1.,hams, Mullins, Piques, Ducks, Organdies, etc. .,e2.,„,,, a =-{>ee OCU! ltad ef9� __ u Organdie Muslins, d regdar i1. for lSc. Satin Stripe Organdie Muslins, regular 25c., for 21c. New Dress Ducks. A splendid range of Colored Ducks, in Rule, Fawns, Br ,cons, Grecs and Blue, for summer suite i,r skirts, only ' 12 Nios White Dusk, only 10c Nies (rsah linens, for skirts oesuit., We., 1k. and 20c. Millinery Bargains.nal tads of Fancy Shapes all colors of Ladles' sal Children'. m Straw Hata, regular 75ctsll:e0, (gearing at Nine White Jlusiw Boutete, 15t:., ate. sale& & New whit. and Colored Sailors. Men's and Boys' Clothing. • • The assortment of neat, r. natty Clothing for men and bora winch .e put haled I�k this mining is now complete. IE.. I s 1 !$3.00-11Ps:- Aeparwte Pants and Vest*. Rtylish Spring Overcoat*. Come anti compare our raises. goys' hollers Smits, `%.11111.245. ;moo, ' •1.76. Lace Curtains, A as_sur gt°1ltr this department w�'rires1 i "25o. TO $5.00 _ sac. 'ho*emew,F'rilled Curtaiue, =1.00, gl.is aided 11.50 per,patr. Curtain Muslin., 5c., l0c. awl IS.. New Shirt Waists. A full range of Ready -to -Rear Waists and Sorts Nice White \Valets, ee�� new stripe running y) round style in Prints '{� nisi Ilintgg�..mi •' New BW,Checks. Niue range of beet - timade Waists in the trail. at ... .....50c. Parasols and Umbrellas. Nice Fancy Colored Parasols in Reds, Careens a u d Blues, with frilled effects, $?.N air $2.51 New Black Para- sols, with sterliog.il ver ornaments a n d silk covers, ver y dainty, at $4.00 ,:.pedal Beck Shade Roguery and Underwear. • EXTRA VALUE IN HOSE. We claim this Season the beat Ribbed Hose, feat black, for ladies or boys, going AT 2 FOR 26 CEMTS. Fire imported Hoe fam black, regular 25e., at .... 19c. New Plaid Hosiery in ladies' and Children's La4ae.' Vett, long sleeve., at tSr. Tidies' Vests, short sleeves, special at 124c. White Underwear of all kinds. slur wend MID !tic HRuCam. Linens and Towels. Yea, to' Seat value in Linen Towels we claim. Large size Huck Tosel at ....10c. Nina Fancy Damask Towels, .... 2 for 30c. Heavy Roller Towelling, 5c. a yarn. • New Frilled Ribbons, Wide Sash Ribbons, Yancy Belt Buckles; in fact, all the season's novelties. Come and see our range. CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO. Seidereh : Harry Beattie, barrister, bas diepessd of lou preens in lagersoll, sed l at present visiting at Me home bete. Ilnseafisld : W.. Me dillan h.. ries11 the oeetraot of Ms brlok house to A. Me- RearM : It will be a two-story building. \l'ingham Mrs. (.. Ku.esll and three ekildreo left per (2 P. K. for Dauphin, Man.; 9ertie remains in W nghem until' fall. Robs Mo(r•gor w.ot by same train to Wi.. • 1). (terms. sod 1). McKay g0gf� for Dauphin kik A('ARENITk A 1Og DftIGHTFULCIGAR That Meke5 of Eve 4 whoTri fs it -4.4ATY1tAV A Cr MONTREAL. ted.Waw awn r Oise Nissantilgrara W alta • tr•tted .r dxtr dere. sae btst- deed eases or Asthma treated W Ga**'. recordsLAI �� ps sesta. els.ty-ev absolute erlree mad thew ase gatbesed !item hospital Sold PS of NS 015hot ; Wes betties 01.. L Ma pltemN Ostub MARK Va- ts A FOR WSW 1sT Jae. WILSON. Bel. ARwr, Oederhtt. Catarrh In a climate os variable aa our. -ex - trams heat aad extreme cold -the very mature of Catarrh makes .. the moat 1003moa disease of the Oanadlan people; thus It is that medical statistics corn - tel eTartates Yellow 4ia$alsle mas- ts every thousand are to a greater or leaser degree victims to its ravages; and with all the searching atter truth and the many- .o -called Catarrh reme- dlea, there 1s but o .today advertl 4 and the sale .ought for to the Canadian public which publlt,hes a guarantee to cwir-t0at le Jnyatisse Catarrh Cur.. Were It ea untried and untested reme- tly, this could not ha done; were tt not that many oases of Catarrh, from one year to twenty-flve years' standing, had been permanently cured and their un- solicited testimony f. In the bands of the compounders, this would be vain boasting. but the constant testing only proves the constant truth -that it w111 euro. 125 Japmme Catarrh erre prints l■ every package a guarantee to cure. The 411 Teethesare plain sod simple. What It has done for thousands It cast do ter yea. 60 reale-All Druggists .r by mail y GUIPPITIOS a Oa.. moi(♦ FOR SAL B k JAS. W ILSON. disk ARear, Godwin. THAT UGLY PAPER Ought not to stay on your wall any longer ' when you can get really artistic color lugs and dainty patterns es low an 6 CENTS PER ROLL. CI Etr-liritTSO Psis -rut t AND PAMIR HANaltg, Ile.keal8e, • Near the Market. THE WEEKLY mAt.wer Vail Wheat rlour. family. per owe Flour, paeens. per .wt Bran. 1 toe.. Whorls. • toe Screening., per ewt Rya . per bush.. Huvk wheat. per blab Dame beet 0 ...,.p......«. M Pees, a nosh- «....,.t..'4.. f w Harter. per bomb II to Hay. i ton .� W to Potatoes. a hue►.. ,. palm" . ,.:J.10 to Patter. �...}« It w (,be..e. per lh_........... ... i 10 to !assts eapaked, Asa:... e 0 ie sMdee oaa 1 a 0 10 to pr Ib............ _ 0 I $to momma/ Beet fore quarter 05 00 to Dreamed Bee. bled 6 00 to Oovee.Cn. May 1. nen. 003 to066 215 to 10 2 50 to t 30 If 00 tole 00 lb OD 60111 :M 60 te a 00 50 30 w 3) 30 60 .sere... sass. -....... 13 11 10 16 se 00 ea 00 00 16 16 11 00 60 The Trainmen sal the ,V4.swria ellen oburob pareoease, whloh Y ales •reMsd wit to the .harsh. is op. Th• midis** is te be ewe seeriss high, brlok veneered. The. Hnok.top hes removed from his dwelling on Lighthouse street to ths hoc•s formerly 000apted by D. H. Ro..,of the seam laundry, meow of West and Waterloo streets An ezobange suggest, that now is the time for the laying of graoolithio walk.. is July and August it to too bot. lid after that ill. weather is too uooertaln. What thine our town father.' Frwaki., ths eldet.hda of Mr. and Mr.. F. J. Prtdbam, who had Dam aa invalid all his 111e, died on Friday at the see of nine .an es and en months. Th. funeral w held on Sunday afternoon. The condition of the town water has been very bad the past week. The town council should give the question of oar water sup. ply very serious oowideration ; failing this, the board of health should take the matter op. The onotrset for the ereotioa of a new bailee for Rev. Father MoOab., of Ssforth, was let Inst week to Joseph Real isg, of Seaforth, .t $2,505. The •osOractor does not supply the erne or ogee. the build- ing is to be of Milton ptr.amed brlok J. A. bowler, the well -knows designer of this tomo, M lk. srahitwt: BIIGGI WE HAVE A. NIOE LOT OF THIS YEAR'S DESIGNS And. are Selling them at Prices that will suit you. agg Arra dye, �►4mu.h•�,..:►, IISt� VOI"JAP: - . OIIkINe '•.i44,6. •lunar Gundry's Auction Rooms, 'rt h I tor" $ 1 • f -v" We sold �uESGco. W. Tboson &Sul MUSIC DEPOT. "MCCREADYS" AND "CRESCENTS" in 1898, and will continue to sell them in 1899. It cost our customers, on an average, less than 2 cents each for repairs on our Bicycles last year. We challenge any other dealer honestly to show as good a record. __190,068af these vittris were:made-mad-saotd-In'9d, and ind1t ationf3'pollft to &sate of. ear-- }Aj;0ot for '99. • We have the very latest improvements on our Bicycles ; the best material that can be obtained is used in theta construction, and all are fully guaranteed. The prices are right, viz. : 35te0. ss a 00 AND $40.00 - all high grade, but differently equipped. We do not sell cheap -made Wheels, and we know them to be the most expensive in the end. If you intend to buy call on us and we will be pleased to show you our different lines and explain their construction. If you cannot call, write us, and we will be pleased to supply you with catalogue, or call on you if you wish. Do not forget that we sell also the celebrated "GODERICH ORGAN" and "WORMWITH PIANO," both so familiarly known as to need no further comment. In Sewing flachines we sell the "WHITE," "NEW WILLIAMS" and "QUEEN," from $25.00 up, according to style and finish. We carry a full line of small musical instruments -Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, &c. -and a large collection of the latest flusic Folios, vocal and instrumental, and sheet music. "Empire" Typewriters, $55.00. Give us a call and you will be pleased with our goods and prices. " t Geo. W. Thomson & Son. -Mdependeri The man who buys Shorey's Ready Tailored Clothing looks and feels independent. His apparel is just as stylish as though he had paid a high price to a swell tailor. His appearance is a recommendation if he is seeking employment. The simple fact that he is wear- ingShorey's Clothing is proof of his well-balanced judgement. And the guarantee card he finds in the pocket of each garment makes him independent of all risk. The clothes must satisfy him, or he c#n have hismoney back. AT THE -OLD BUSINESS IN A NEW STAND! We bet to state that we have again opened a Grocery business, at the corner of the Square and Montreal street, the store formerly occupied by H. J. Horton. We have a complete stock of fresh Groceries, and shall be able to supply our customers with first- class goods at the lowest possible prices. _ We hope to be able to serve al) our old Mends, r - and many new ones. • ' STURDY & CO. GODEAICH STEAM BOILER WORKS, A. S. GHRYSTAL, 9anxNor f e Okrysfal ! Uleo., manufacturer of all kinds of BOZLERB. Smoke Stacks, Halt Pana, Sheet Its, Works, etc., etc., And Dealer In- Fegtn.s, Maohiaery Ca5W., 6e. All .Ism of Pipe. and Pip. Fisting►, Steam .ad Water Genres, Glob. Valve►, Check Valye., In.pirstor., (:jnctere and ]r• *tore Con.tsntiy cis hand at levet Prices. A special line of Steel %Pater and P1. Troughs for u•e of f.rmere and other.. Repstrtag era.ptl► attended to A. 8. OESTOTAL, N51, R. O. Boa 37. Goderiob, A Great Snap i. our (;infer Snap, at 5o. a wand, of which we.ell a barrel . week, This ian't our only .nap, as we carry •vseylbiog that oaa be found In OS SW to -date grocery .tore, and our prime are right. The farmers know that they can always get from u. . snap for t1.k produce. We draw the liar „ N legitimate trade - .verythiu, dose : GI .erw.re or potatorr, garden staff or ohoioert table Chin.. We deal in all of them. T. G. TIPLINO & 00., Bedford Block, Onderlek i 11011E WORK FOR FAMILIES We want the servirce of a =amber of tamalea to do knitting format home, whole or spare liens. We furnish 523 machine and envoi, this yarn res d pay for the work .a sent In. IHetanee no hytdranne. 57 to 510 per week made according to time devoted to the work. W at once. Came Beteresee.. C ve B.l.ttag Ce., . Teased. We a .dam All Kinds of Moulding and Repair Machinery ;of any description at short notice, and for little money. moi'' ?fie Mena Bicycle Ci • (LfmItedl C3OD1®RIC]3. Oft ads% O. latent LBtaiset Oftteth.' Wt.etb.1 Untamed Is the glee . est curative dl.coyery of the age, rose truss muscle, membrane and tl..o. telly Wry bone, banishes pains and aches Wilk • power Impossible with any other tmg6r6ry{s . mos it for rheumatism, .•grai eche asd all sonless, .welling e ' asatation. All druggists. gam ata FOR BALL HY JAB. WILSON, 4 01No• 1t1 nfsli- • ______ i ►.., At any season of the year three is go greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove iu the kitchen. It is with cook stoves like every- thing else: thus are good, bad and indifferent - We know •- 11 be pleased with our FAMOUS and AREHD?ISN StovesandRanges CALL ♦T CATTLE 8808. PlultrarSteai1tten West side of eq saris aerl am* Boa -..._ CANTELON'S pagry, Oyster Patti:3E14bl Brad and Cres Holl:, Pies and Lady Fillers, Mk Brbil3ia are .s good ae the bet Made in any city in Canada. Cantelon leads the trade in WEDDING OAKES in fancy designing .ad ornament- ing and almond hong. Give him as, order and your sat infection will be .Mated, D. OANTELON. WEST -ST. OUR BIG WELLAND VALE BICYCLES OUR ero -4- �. SEASON 1699_ CHAIN MODELS: DOMINION, GARDEN CITY, $45. PERFECT, - - $55. k TA" 4 k A PERFECT CHAINLE88, $75.00. A feature of the WELLAND VALE Wheels is the undisputed fact that they cost loss for repairs than any other make, and are besides the easiest running on the market. We cater to the null our dllferenE styles and ----. g requirements of all rlasses�op' riders y pr res Wth suit the moat exacting tastes. We are the pioneers i,n the manufacture and use of one-piece cranks, which are undoubtedly the hest attachment ever employed, so much so that the majority of leading Bicycle -makers are copying the idea as nearly as they dare. A Pine Line of Bicycle Sundries to select from. - W_ MoKENZIE, Local Agent tor Ooderich and Vicinity.