HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-5-4, Page 5Maly o
. M
liaTalletA4tLit 1AN.
19 piens English Tapestry Carpet, i7 inches wide, in new colorings and
uqw designs suitable for auy room. Regular value
'Edo.; it 400. par yard.
lj picas, Tapestry Brgsels, extra heavy carpet in magnificent designs and
suitable for drawing -room or dining -room, regularly sold et
70o. and 75c. April per. special, 550.
3 pieoes 36 -inch wide all Pure Wool Carpet in new designs and shades of
brown and wood. Regular value 70o., at
660. per yard.
25piaatl Brussels Carpet in new colorings and beautiful colorings of Browns,
Blue., Fawns, Olives, Greens and Rads at
86a,T950. and fa:00. 1"'" -
Axwinster Cat, 27 inches wide, all this masse&'. colorings and
patterns. R.egular value 01.00, at-HQgj, per ,artiM1
s _ . __
i pien36•jnch 3 ply All-wt�o1 Reversible ir17t7 t lsraswla patterts
and colors, at 01.00 per yetd,
' Largest Carpet Stock in W►iaterti.Oai lieu•-,:-
The Bess:: bar has always bow and
will always M the .surue of anxiety, mud-
dled minds a•d wasted esergts,-..d it au
. zKom.ly ood..Ireble for the remediate arid
Industries of th. Iw.Lty a►eut Kiss awl
Uer.11a ,treeLi, Torwto, would sot •yety
oommuntty be the better. 11 the lioesed
for were prohibited ! Our legirleteth have
1t in their power to protect over, tlmMna.
Icy from the bimetal .loom of ti1SM.eL
Toronto Howe: Owing to the feel IBM
King street west of the.ubw•y u beested g
as important footory worms, Ihl.or esllers
have L.:es.d it .: rye upuo 11.4 • locality
aha. • proh••hle business may W done be
(heir line, and • d.0J wt a b.1sg made to
e.l•t..l•h a hetet on 1h• o.)ruer of Kith sed
hu6.rte street&
A ..coon wasted at Gam point would be
kb. di roiled gut. betwow 54111,1 tL. boost
earideerr•l esWose et Mars •esti -Cad ahs0 r
b...,mloe the of the "meet importu.t sola...
It I•l o.uus li would draw im'rad• dura
icg ti,.. daytime from loss employed ea the
n •'. '." ag f•otertee, *ad to the •,.slog
would •the reudt,ruus for 5100• r.sidlrg
ia the 0etg66vbood for whom the *Woo.
Moue of the 1.ar ere too eareng to 1.eirt. 11
w ool l ales booth* as 'attrastlou W many
yooag m1a la Scutt Parktl.Ie that would
sot be o.sdssi.e te thief morel or meatal
d vuo."meat.
The meet *important consideration, how
•.w, m seeking to eesabl.eh • thanes at this
point a the large &saber of men who Bed
•wploysseet at good wages a the dllueat
Iwwr.. w111ls • few minutes' walk of this
p.ruoal•t.orow. 1t is sot as .01.4, 05051
meet of the ease to my that rhe mw who
are eadeaverteg to aspen • limns* for •
hoses •I this merger are after the *ewes el
the Esse employed is the.. factories 1,
world be • stet wiest p.le1 for • tarp
analog of them to .pead a merttw of their
sees hoar. •ed "might bseeme. popeler re -
.wt at the ..mdse*.th a the day'. labor.
Moo who sew step es 1►e street oath a1 the
°eraw 04jao.et to the lathery where They
wank, and exp oft as the .erten .lose to
Meir ewe boss.., would he tempted to speed
an boar or two, awl • dollar er two, d the
bar before eiar:lea for harm
Bat 1511 a mows teretes mother would be
the dri.kieg done at sem.. The employers
-who .re to a man opposed se . 11..... be.
rag located st this point -sere= the Isar
that a serious assideet might result Wm.
the uses imbibing Ise mash.ligser egrino
- the dither hear.
Ceder pronet oo.dltioo• the M Heels
the alteration' with tee tired tiger he .moss
lune* o1 the net thin he,...meth HIS
woo hoer. 1f they .o..( w partes of their
Coe drtekleg beer they would resew. theft
work with their minds muddled sad other.
sates coat te reader the ..rru.. (het le el.
rooted of thea. le the interest. of the
working's" employes in the vicinity, as
wsil as :the rawest of !toads Parkdale,
the etmmjmlo.mre eight to refuse gm
MKUODtrr MoowL1.R ARD Rgvtrw roll
MAY. -fog ts. piwatlo Qi.e.'s Birthday
somber, with • Ilse portrku of her Majesty
and en article on the Qoase's private life,
with illustrative& of the interior of Otters
Hao.., .Ian Ae.'iu'e Iles poem ns the
Vue.e. No tower thaw three articles are
by contributors in the Illeriume Provtoose,
--0.t.Jy of "la Waves km.' by the Rey.
Dr. Inrh.,n : an appreo.eu+. situate on
"Christi.. Iib is Osrteary,' Jew b,n' ire
lose missies, deaos's. work. and the like,
M the Re.. C H. H.stEs, M A l sed s
study of Ranier,. the Limon' Fte.t.h
Dant, by Oskar Or.elasd, • many* of Flo -
land. As bonsai. of Andrew Hofer -the
Tyrolese p,troit, of Sir Job. Frenklin, by
Miss K S..denog, and of the (jaws of the
Adriatic', by the editor, ars bssdaomsly 11
lastrated. With* P.. florist the S*.. of
Parte, the Mad Palmier Wlerta and his work,
two clever .Aortae, portrait. sod sketobs of
th. Rev. William Arthur end the late Dr.
Crmistoe, and other arNsles w111 be red
with interest. Torwb : William Brigs,.
Montreal: C. W. Coates H.lifa:: 8. F.
Herta 82.00 s year ; 111 00 ler sis
MAr CARADUR MAOALts s. -It 1. sates.
tithing how The Cea.dlan Y•r.rbe keeps
op the value of 11. 00•(50(1 and the "tog
Iwo. of It. appearance. Amoog the mai
tnheton to the M.y sunny .r. Jobs
Charlton, M. P., Robert Bur, John A.
1 Beam, Hoary J. Morg.u, Joaaaa S. Wood,
Bookies Willson sod W. A. Fraser. One of
the brightest plows la the Issue le Robert
Barr's 50oouoter with three btoyoliet■ who
were e:oeedl-gly plover tellers of fairy
Sales. Barr is • g50aise bu.or1l of the
(wrier type. His jokes hit like
N adu-•bammere and ars sever routb. The
ill' bbd whole on the Prism of Wales
w • 1 .• rood with interest, *spirally as h1.
I.i.•.. C.n.dtea trip 1. fully described.
The article oo the d.lry I•dastry of Cooed",
with i(1 ou01eroue pictures of obese and
better fooleries from the Atlmuo to the
P.oi6o, ie ole whioh •bould interest every
•.rive Casadian mind. The whole number
M beautitully printed.
Mowoav, 12.y let.
The 1.11 wheel. is bet/toothy to pretest •
he.otifu: appear..es.
Mr. O'Neil is prep-rtee- to buts lithe IgG
kis kiln on the (Wool road.
We Mute inial rammer weather. The
growth u •um•tbtng remarkable
Tho woods 1e as far •dva.eed I. leaf as
sow. years It would be se the 15th of May.
Mr McKay, West W..anmh, le making
prep•ratiow 50 put . stone foundation under
his biro.
TC0DAY, May 2u*.
There are rumors o1 • wedding I. the
n eighborhood soon.
John McQoarry has sompted the resettles
of gardener at Rid,.wood Farm,
Mr. C. Symonds tram at last proo.r.d his
liesues This makes two hotels for our
small burg not eo..ties the brewery.
Joseph Book for Ne last two weeks bar
hoes trying tie band •t horse training. So
tar he liar hors esoowful, but oohs are like
people, very tr.aoheros..
M. Farr, wee has for the let 8.e menthe
resided samara es, is about te leave for
Myth, when he has purohad • hotel. Mr.
Riley, of Loadsehoroegle, will move Into
Farr's hotel.
8snday .Jure*... Farr's pump swam to
MtMewtn of -Nrsettw for the young
Amos, who rend around It ser.eyt.g Its
wSdsrfuI work.. iI tet• be hoped some
phlbssbropiet w111 kindly ethos • temporary
esmmerhouse over It so that their pretty
`sas w111 not bosoms roiled by the ran.
By the appearaooe of things this .pang
so the riga, we believe that primitive ciao
torn" are abo91 be become fasblenabl., ea
there has base se moth s.oetes shard
alike by "bre... and squaws." The sort
Ming, we p1110tw, wigwam. will appear
along the river banks during the holiday
1. Th. Star two weeks ago there appear-
ed an Ilea proposing to the people of the
tows sad village to Croat elope no the bank
above the bridge. Thar it • vary time sug-
gestion, .a the walking la very disagreeable
at soy time around the road. Now if the
town will only build hall of them, I don't
see why our willag• shoal.' not b.11d the
root, •s the greater Montag* would be for
-.. We bops sine* The Star started the
suggestion el won • plan that they will
keep the "Ralf' reflux.
MONDAY. May let.
Seeding will b. over 'kis week.
Apple trees ars showing fairly wall fcr
fruit this year.
Capt. Ales. Job..tose goes to Wi.gbam
via A•b.rs this weak to wpm:. and we to
the M inmost of his wispily, 'kith gear
to toadies amp the end of May.
(lords. Yeses mad* • theles kip te
Rueter ter the perinea of panther/lag Mrs.
Wm. Youth's frame cottage situated near
j� REDS and
Nothing 4rander can he imagined than the tone one of
thele papers gives W the interior of a room.
Regarding the Bost, it is a mere -trifle in comparison with
other furnishings of a room.
Prices range for the cheaper papers from 5 to 10 cents
per single roll, and from 10 to 50 cents in the higher grades.
(Two Doors West of Old Stand),
Tele (Two
is No. 100. Court Mous. Square, God.rich.
Paints, 011e, Varnishes, vessel and Builders' Supplies.
I am now offering the following articles at greatly re-
duced prices:
0111•10e-Slz'etek _ _ e 1 Tun
Poultry Netting, Wire Screening, all widths.
'r ex-.. 0eks- 'PalegreterreGer of 011-kindz •-- -T
Now is the time to order your Binder Twine. The Ply-
• mouth (gold Medal_ T the b __ Qui_y_a 1.0kited quitntkty
Sulphateof Iron, The best fertiliser known. Only 2 cents
a pound.
1 .
et What You Want IAL Or HICK'TUB NWT
at the Time You Want it.
Now le the time to protect your tura from
the ravages of tooth* by the we of outer
`o Camphor, Meta-Caaprpr Bilis, Calsr-CaapYer, Oil if War,
..00rr rewoos., Ste.
SPRING. .A.ND SVMMinR ('arbotlo Aold, Copperas,
DIBINFHIQTAN re (t.lorlde of Irmo,
Bromo-Cblorwlem, ate, We have plenty of them all --stood and Cheap.
S. ii - III V IC
Telephone No. 90 Ceiling Drug Store, (loderloh
his owe home. 11 he is .eoossig is wow -
the It we bops to see him ten•.' it.
The manager. of Carlow Presbyterial"
abgr.A Imre 444.4 a. soak* artsetivw la• ,
provemoot■ to the church Services will
be 000deot..l in the township hall 10 the
meantime Ker. Alex McMillan, of Tor-
onto, the been ..00red for reopening srvi•
Tits people of Carlow were surprised last
Wednesday by so unprecedented •vest
*blob 000arred in their midst. The action
would warrant Don In believing that the
day. of chivalry were put, bot not .o the
gossequenoes of the action. The splrlt of
Don Quixote (1 for from extinct, as evidseo-
ed by the u.ieer.al espousal of the wrongs
doss le *se of oar most popular young
Idles. Te•oh your children to respect the
Iadl.,te be Nor ready to do them • service,
to obey those in euthortty over them, and
yon win leave • manly boy, • noble m.o,sot
• coward and poltr.00.
Irromi anotherOorrspondeot.l
The fsU a heat in this ..orlon dos not
look verwell. A good deal has bee. will-
We are pleased to snow that Miss Dole,
teacher of S.S. No. 1, is .gain able to mks
gores of her sehool after an solorood ab-
ysses through 1110...
The Presbyterian ohoroh is belay reoo-
vated. The interior is befog repo!need and
wroth alterations ars being made. Until the
repairs w eomple1d the e.rvloss will he
held la the township hall. The
of the obsrob will be selebratd by •
eatertalnme-t ea the 24th of May. Pse
partlwlars will be gives later ea
Simmer. May 1s .
G11.,.11aPlsse, of the Rob Roy :atom has
, lmEseamd the 01..on again with his .tore
0o wheel.
Spring work oostegeo*•i last weak, mai
this week everybody is w the oonsl.Dt move
with • team, plowleg, barrewln, and drill-
ing In their reed for 1899. Our arohltbl
pub In the Bret potatoes.
Wm. F. Young and Geo. Clark,of the •d•
jaomot village of Rob Roy, took nate • lone
tinge round the other day by Blyth and
Klapbridge wing the ferEslag waatry.
They saw away good fall wheat fields ss..
tbo routs. The termer purobased k
two year-old soli, and the latter • new
Qili:s ablator of our residents took
the miestrel show flys by the local tallith
of Godes sob sad report • good time. they
have w thane/ a bno of ptomain' stool
the lanmluI d:sass .t the looal obartotsrs.
Several w c eke ago the Saline Village
scribe of Tug SIG ti evoke of heels, steps
for the oese(:t of 'widest& ou the bill back
from the b1 t 1Re up to Goderlob, which
to many is • short out to the railway eta -
'tion and for t'1os working near the station.
Now, we men, the .-wearying Oodenoh wr-
respoodent 01 rhe L91ntoo Newe•Reoord has
taken the mutter up and says the steps are
rtquird and would be a creat help to the
good people of Goderich and Settler.' In
keeptn, op oommuniostioo. between ,h•
two towns for social and business purposes
The letter proposes that the towwblp of
Colborne should bear the exposes ---not the
treuery of the oorporstloo of Goderloh, se
some of the r•.wy1N are 'kicking the
town will be "broke" by'the moat trip of
the delegation to Ot1ate• to see the Mtnls.
ten (not of the eoeleeiastlosJ kind, it is
needless to eat) for tb• advancement of the
town's interests, and we see then Is obis•
tion taken by .0011 to paying the detute•
tioh's esponse. Hewe.er, we Welsh the
town, and not the township of Colbrrse,
should pay for the oonetr0ouou , t the steps.
Many people from the township go to the
tows sad .:..1 with the aerebanb thew,':
who for the benefit of those who won't Mk•
the looal papers have • number of sign
boards oh the hf11ge. te Isdieats when
mode esu be got to the bet advantage.
Could not the steps be built without much
io.prow, with perhaps • beasts hen and
then for pedeetriaw to ret upon on the
way ep end view the 'adul aries of the 4 -
fete io the valley and above the
pesmlol farms of the township! Ther,,
a summer visitor in the tows.
might like to take • walk that way and
watch the teams and buggies woes the Moo
bridge of the M.Itl••d and listen to the our -
rent of theriver sometimes galok aed sharp,
sometimes doll and slow, like, we fear, the
oitizoos who are 111.klsg of • legal lo•
junction to °hook thew who wish to posh
the town .head, and make dram bear person-
ally the or wows of the jokey to Ottawa
Ooderich, Ont. Seaforth, Ont.
Special Values for 10 Days, Commencing To -day,
White 1).ek, worth 25o , for 15o yard.
Navy Serge, walla 30a, for 90o. yard.
Ast.fb.. butts (fast) for 5e. vara.
Mersa Olaghms. 4 1., worth I24o., for 80.
Beet SO* b PAat, worth l24a, for Bo. yard.
Amsdiwa Maass, ha yard.
Beet ifnsa Rid Gloves, worth $1.25, for 96o. pair,
iboquakily Mak Sates. for 10o. yard.
We eommesee be -day the sale o1 50 pleas Ursa floods and Skirt Lengths,
worth tram 360. to 66o. yard, all at the trim, via., 20o. yard.
Whitt Baby Tlsaaol. to wool, worth 30a, tor 20o. yaps.
Plaid Draw Goods, worth 120., for Bo. yard.
Striped Sates. (bleak oily) foe 120.
Skirt Braids, all agora and blest, lo. yard.
Vaolcry Lomas 34a yard.
10. Skirt LW.g for 7s. yard.
Be .aro to viol% this busy department this week and sera MISS
DONAOH is prepared he ell •Ii orders just when they ars orwlsed at
vary pascal prise.
We take First claw Batter sed Eggs.
0. W..xX1Hw., Mawr.
Millinery Novelties for '99.
The latest and best in shapes and shades. The two
leading shades aro Mulberry and Cyrano.
Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in:vogue
this season.
We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to
furnish the latest and best in millinery at all seasons of the
Apprenticer wanted.
ilarailtott Street..
seems easy to have, and the deal doesn't
close there, either. The nestitime you want anything in the
I)ry Goods line you will Dome again. That's the kind of cus-
tomers we have --the satisfied, call -again kind.
Have you seen our .
Special Table Linen
At 20, 25, 35 and 45 Cents per•Yard?
IN They are 0:3-enullne_ Bergain:e'
SHIRTINOS--8c., 10c., 11c., 124c. Colors and Quality the best.
T5t, 1 ; T8'c. Ruud.,1"or-the-heavleif goo iiiiade"Is`7"
The nicest patterns in Carpets and'Rugs at the lowest prices. _
larinira 8
W. keep regular step with the advanoe of fashion, and each
ohanging style is rapidly duplicated in our stock.
handsome, Carefully -lade, Perfect-Fittinj,Well-Trimmed
in all the papular material: and colon, sails that a tailor wouldn't pat ander
$18.00, •&d we sell them
FOR $ 7O.00.
Other Qualities at $3, $4, $5, $7, $8 and $9.
Ou r Spring Overcoats are Correct in Style.
_ - -= ,--- Ties, par
Shirts, • . Miffs, Collars,
iii • e n Varieties.
7. H_ - Rgi
Colborne's Old Stand.
My owe make. Oen andwethem.
Goods sold by yard or made up In the Latest
Next H..k of Montreal Gelsrteb.
Distin ed everywhere
tar of Flavour, Supe-
rior Quali , and Nutritive
Properties. Spe&ally grate-
ful and oomlbrting to the
nervous and dyspeptio. Sold
only in 1-4 lb. tins labelled
JAMES EPPS & tins, labelled
Homo9opathio Chemists, Lon-
don, England.
. . We have the
Leader Weather and
Water -Proof Beady -filed
Paints 1 r t
The customers want it because their
neighbors have 'had it and .peak so
highly of it. We also have a full line of
White Lead, BilLYaniahea,Brushea.
Have you seen our Bicycles 1 From
our large sales we are satisfied that we
have the beet value in the market.
Let us figure on your Plumbing,
Heating and Troughing.
Call and examine our Wire Fence
for farm and lawn. Our large sales of
name .sore us that it is oheap and
Al value.
Bicycle. cleaned and repaired.
0sam as4. a baler filmo thea may
elfttillalf 2 U. 8. whir; eta duty
WOW 1s A.sr111 payleg rt.
Denglsy duty of 5760 a Dar -
load. e. purify the swear .f Ilia,
WWI vigor sed ie, asd roast
tweet life.
Miriam rigs SI. Imo stival al.
0. A NAiRN
sanlwa ss.rle&t sblpmssat from speer"
Having bought out the inter-
est of my partner, Mr. Robinson,
I have decided to sell off the bal-
ance of stock of Stoves at great-
ly reduced rates.
Now is the time for BARGAINS.
Tinware, Coal Oil, Lamps, etc.,
etc., et equally low rates.
i do Plumbing, Heating and
Tinamithing at the lowest prices.
Call and get names of some of
the purchasers of niy Stoves for
We aro still at the same old stand, Nelson
Street, where we have been supplying our
customers for • number oryears. We know
the fuel that suite you.
Orden left with our delivery rigs or at
Worsen'. *tore and tin shop and at our
odice will receive prompt attention.
All ooal weighed on market 'ogee, unlet■
otherwise ordered.
We run several Drayr in connection.
JOHN 8. PLATT, Manager
Phone 62. 41187-tf
Oor. Square and West -et.
Bucliaiiaiis & Rhlyllas
Dealers I. all kind. el
Lad bonder, aa0O. 11 Sheer eser.dpttm
School Furniture a 0oecialtl
ScPaiNTIl ilard
All Coal the Market Sages,
where you got Ilse.tar • ten-
Orders left •b in • 08jPELLIVe
Ston promptly attended I.
I Still Lead
in Prices and Value.
TA.... <WC., • 4/ ,:,....-........-sees.
Experience and paying
outdo all Competitors.
i will not be undersold.
or two article.. Everything
I handle the
Dash for my goods enable me to
Can not name low prices on one
in my line clown to rock -bottom
Gold Medal Binder Twine,
allowed to be superior to any other in this market, and no
higher priori than inferior quality elsewhere.
See my
American Field._ Fence,
equal to, if not better than, the Paige fens, but oosting
mach lass.