HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-27, Page 8f►►OI►M►MM4M►►M►MM
An Attempt to Unveil Eternity.
CHAPTER X. 1 rose around me and washed me
swiftly on
Here follows a translation into &g-
lint of the narrative written by Mo-
dena in the condemned Dell.
As the scaffold crashed under my
feet, as the knot crushed my throat,
and a great sharp agony blotted out
the bubbling life within lues 1 beard
a roaring cm of a tumultuuum ocean,
covering and submerslug are; the nw
Meat after, 1 awoke.
WY-46tic taesseat-
'-tbere been an interval of mantle=
year,? • That 1 cannot tell. For it
seemed that a!1 count of time had heen
obliterated -within me, and that 11L'ved
only lu some ever-ptetlent sense of
looellnees and doom.
And, swiftly 'us I went. 1 came mo
nearer -or seemed to come uo uear-
er-to the form, wblch still stood
beckoning; but suddeuly the firm of
the sky shone out upon It. and I Haw
the face of Catherine. my wife,
wbum 1 had slain.
Thlu and wasted and marble -pale.
an I tied seen It on Its bed of death.
1 saw the face, and. full of a great
fear, I shrank away, and my fear
deepened as 1 saw it approaching
ace ewiftl7 -wind fifes, esti' the.
form "came clone to me with out-
stretched hands, and I saw the eyes
fixed In death and the blood stream-
ing down from the gashed and naked
Anal I looked up Into her face, and
1 awoke. and 1 was etanditg elute ria shuddered away fromme, stanch -
on a great plain, red and dry like the Ing her Mending wounds s ith her two
()easr6 and f r abi;y.tb the w'al!<raar:d hau4r. and crylag as U lq jvaln ; whey
-a. black ll like ane man was sinkingae a ekator echo ps oaaa or, ttls her
p" and seas mountain and sky i'Y Past
throneh crlmsoe vapors; while east- y tbinpr
ward. over the windy and Illimitable him' to (AO 1 remain while all be
tract, a gigantic shadow of tho gal- swept pare 1°o - sand% eau t
heaven and the starry lights.
Iowa with a Dornan ewingtng pendent W4
only t
therefrom In arable mllhouette, rove .reete womanI had slain re,salntd.
upon the horizon. Thep I rmltvulertsi all her beaat)•
Then the sense of lunelluheas 1,a.red and all her sin, and would have sprung
suddenly away. and n sudden light- bone Mr, but mehe weight of my two
nes swept over me Ifke a billow of horror peke down ; so we two
the mea. 1 was bathed from head to do azed upon nes ad. sireher ; as we yet
foot In warm waves of light. which done in the world' she •t air yet
� terrible; I fall of bate, yet afraid
blinded all thought within me. and How long this lasted 1 know not,
lett me only conscious of life itself. 1 but all at once, with a shriek, she
was singing, 1 was crying, 1 was fled from me, arkl i punned ; and
'stretching out my arms and looking sweetly as the flying lights of heaven
this way and that way like a child. tithe ran across the glittering sands,
Face. came and went around ane- 1 fo!Jowing; and when I sought to
one a pale. young facie like my moth- dutch her. she ever eluded me, till at
er's, another the dark. tender face ot last pate fel;, face downwards, and lay
an old nurse. When 1 treed to speak, Uke atone and elJent, and I stood
my vote was inarticulate. MI I felt above her, as i had 'stood In life,
and knew was a wouderrful thrill of h Ming! a knife In my hand.
joy. of !ightness% of love. ('tear laughter I bent over herr. and turned her
raw around me. oft arms lifted me face upward. anti crowed her hands
tip and swung me to the sunlight ; upon her breast, murmurlug to myself,
and with that came a glimpse of the " It is wed! dhe in dead! She will
mango graves and mountains of my never win or stiffer more!" nut even
own lanai, of fruitage, acidvintage, run 1 /polio she arose with a laugh
and of the still, turaorbstscpbwm m
red sea. that emulated as a ',helot, and Hod
"Maurizio! auzio!" crlod happy an)" tram again ; and ere I and,
voices, It, I was again following, etriking at
Then all changed like a kaleidtr bee with the btoodstalned tolls.
scope. Darkness' and light alternated Aid ever again rte fell and lay as
dead, a°a
around me, and I changed with them. lyever twain she arose and
Now I WAS a little eland runningeluded me ; end 1 know not how often
along thq sea ands; then 1 was a this thing Itappeenei, but It seemed
ywtla�J�idfe...�R.-jj)p-Z„)gy,sja far u asppauce of wearyy veare `.��Qj
e hTri was a young man. standing ' 1111'n i'1 spa
`irMfa!'1sElll” chi'
and crying ova my mother's game, and I had killed her pointless
tongs people passel tames and still she lived, so that at
grave. Th of hunt 1 said. " I, cannot kill her": and
around me and looked at me. I saw stood loot at her ellei*ly under
faces that I remembered : Some bete._ the state
titan, some loathsome; kind faces and Tbett Catherine Bald, az/ at me
tearful; and ever as• L ht to gazing
tapeak the vision darkened within me, In wonder. as if we had only last met
and every form and fnoe ream gond. What brtug. you here, Maurizio?'
I was like a dlrownleyt man. Dow Her volae
fighting and choking for life, now and farg away, and the stain/herd her
she spoke seemed thea
doing up to the surface 01 the moa. bleeding breast with both hands.t
Twenty, thirty times, theeg- cmer could not answer, but e that moment
I beard a sound like the dletant clan
Ing I mw Catherine. flying like a gor of belirand, looking over my shout•
white bird above me.. der, saw again, in the far dace,
"Catherine! Catherine'," I cried. the akadow of the gallows, and my
And abe hovered above, wlttr tib dead Corpse swinging thereon.
wicked laugh I knew so well, and And Catherine followed tbe look of
pointed to ther throat, which was mine eyes, and said slowly, -
dripping blood. " Wbo Is that hanging yonder 7"
Suddenly I seemed to I've indeed-- And thls time 1 answered, -
the sane of might cleared; I saw the "It is I, whbam dead! They banged
blue sky, the clouds, and beath
neme by the (tech long years ago.'
them the world like a wrinkled map. Then Catherine turned her large
wild e
I lifted my nems wildly rep to es on mine. and looked Into
ven, and at that moment romething me and through me, with brtght team
struck me Ifke a store. 1 shrieked
streaming down her cold cheat, and
and tell before the blow; but as i moaned in a low voice, -
fell I felt fingers like Iron clutching Blood for blood, meth the Lord!"
1 laughed ab but iving,nb that we
me round the throat; strangling me. were not dead living, bat looking
cboking away my breath. up, I saw the eters.
Then I knew that I was dead, and
that the oorme I was was mine. and
that having died. I wenn atlll quick,
and Ilved.
A'struhgr+ settee of lightness filled
my living frame. which wremr+.t In-
deed InMliwtantlal and free as alr,
but my lower limbs were heavy aa
lead, and 'hold me darkly down. Ri-
lenoo and desolation dmrrounded me
on every akle, and the empty
heavers stretched in a rayleee
arch above me. i drew my life with
difficulty, as 11 the atmosphere were
too fine and rare, en that I panted
and struggled for breath. Bet I had
deed, and 1 lived, that was the one
thing r•ertaln.
The prier had not Ilea. My Ills was
not over, but beginning.
I ant down on the sand and cover-
ed my eyes, trying to think; and the
thoughts coursed wtthln me like rush-
ing blood, and all mysense was muf-
fled and confused. en I looked up
ag In the gun had set the heavens
nem e were sown thick with stars,
and the sande below seemed trans-
parent mirroring the stars like wat-
er, and shifting In shallow eddies' like
a tide, so that when I rose trembling,
I hesitated to move, lest the sands
should engulf me, or I should sink
through to some dark and desolate
surveyed the waste around me,
but there was no sign of any living
thing. no tree, no landmark, nothing
but the mysterious desert. The shadow
of thegalbwi,and the silhouette of my
node upon it, were swallowed up
in `becnrlty. Only the heavens seem
ed alive throbbing, pulsating, quiver•
with Innumerable lights, ns
strange and as far away as when i
I mw them from my home upon the
I felt no wonder, nor surprise ; only
a curiously eonfueed sense of awe and
I remembered my pest life, but with
a dull feeling as If it weresomething
that had never been real ; now and
then, all In a ghostly procession,
sweeping past across my sense -dark-
ly. confusedly -till I could feel and
underetaatd no more.
Soddenly, are 1 stood thus alone, I
became comminute of another figure
that seemed human.
On, the very edge of the luminous
Hands to the westward rose a shade
like a palm -tree, and beneath It sat
a form with Its face buried In Its
hands. Behind It, making It loom out
dtetinot from the horizon, the alty was
still bloodshot with the departed day.
1 looked eastward and westward
and heavenward again, and maw no
other form, no other likens' of a
living thing ; but suddenly, ns 1 gas -
ed towards the form. I heard n ery
from somewhere, calling in) mane?.
I started and Ilrtened, and nn*.
for the first time. a great fear fell
aeon me, and my heart at.ua(' still.
Maurizio Molena !"
I could not tell whence the try
came -from the heavens or from the
Hands, or what quarter of the wind
1.e. air ; indeed, I seemed rather to
feel than to hear It. and At the same
time a touch like that of a hand of
lee came upon my brow.
' Who calls?" i cried. and ax my
voice rang out upon the night. the
figure In the far dlstanee Arose and -
pointing towards me and beak.
gesieg. Tali and gamut and dread -
It seemed, In that myerttral red
Ith hands outetretelied and grop-
ing for 1 feared every moment to
Mit and ranish, i moved towards It,
Mid the Ilghte of (heaven moved with
drifting along like sparks blown
a firs. and the red send ran
fats like water, like the flowing
" We are dead, but there le no death.
The priest did not lie. Surely Oodntel-
somewbere. Let us go together and
look for Ulm."
And, like a man rejoicing in hem
strength, I strode on across the
Banda, dragging my limbs heavily af-
ter me, and Catherine and the other
followed me wearily but less swiftly,
and when I penmen 1 saw them lag-
ging a long way behind ; and aa I
stood and beckoned, Catherine rolled
over like stone, and lay as dead.
Then I ren back and knelt beside
her, and found her lying ea she had
lain on earth when 1 had slain bar
her eyes closed and her hands folded
upon her bleeding breast. The other
stood byme w and cried,-
Too ate, Modena Leave her where
Me It lying, and let um wander oc."
But metboagbt a strange pity pm
messed sae, such as I had felt when
fleet I saw her lying slain, because
she looked w still end white and
beautiful on her bed of deathand
when 1 touchedher softly and tried to
waken her, she did not stir, and the
other had rue on and stood looking
tack and beckoning aa I had beck-
oned. I turned to follow, but my
feet were as least my old Me rem
within me heavy and dreadful, and
I came back. kneeling down again
by Catherine, and, bending over her,
Maned her en the cold brow.
And with that kis a mtraage yearn-
ing came upon me to uplift bee and
boar her with me I knave not will,
thee ; for I thought. "I cannon leave
her on theme waste sands alone, since
presently she will awake and see the
empty heavers, acrd be afraid." So I
stooped and raised her in mp' arms,
trembling beneath her weight, and
holding twir forward the grew lighter.
ash stepped
my feet seemed Light vas► aaizand I ran
Moog swiftly aad passed the other,
ante left hies a long way behind.
And, flying this, I telt hill of a new
peace and lightness. and felt an if I
could wander on forever and never
weary • till suddenly I het her move
In mine arms, and breathe feebly,
and I knew that eho lived. Then I
met her down gently, and stood look-
ing at bar, and elm maned and pet
out her hent and touched me soft-
ly on tho hair; and at the touch
my peace fell from me, and I tell on
my knees weeping and moaning and
naming her name.
Then Catherine said. -
"He tarries a long way behind Go
book to him, Maurizio.'
I looked beck and Haw no sign or
trade of hem whom we had left ; so
I turned to Catherine and maid. -
„Let us wank on together."
Bet when I moved to depart, fay
feet were as lead and sty whole lite
felt like death within me, and I
could not Ale; and Catherine said
"Her er tarries a long way behind Go
hack to hint Msurtzlo,"
And ere 1 knew It 1 was running
back across the rands, and how long
i rata i knew not, tit It seemed for
years std years, and i knew that I
coati not pas., with i had found
him ; but at last 1 saw hem lying
'rider the ptlastree where I had
foetid him first, and bent over him,
and Haw that he wee dead. I
LoQrl"t htm, but he was odd and did
net suer, and far way Haw
winostAnding and looking trek and
beckoning; err i tent above him and
salted him In mine arms as i had
rained Catherine, and carried him
gently, and at every .harp i took the
1 felt lighter, till i ran with him Thomas R. Reed may give rep the
swiftly en thin wind runs over way- Speakership and hem seat In evergreen
1 wheat, and ever I grew more entire) and settle
JIg $ and..alirsitm -till .1..heought 'Miry- Tort.
Dom"" " rr't
t, ti be piece when Catherine watts 4
ani he awakened rselllng as I sat
„Ir-..wm, ,-- -
Sw we thea stood together lo oe-
• 1 erne aapakas,Ilh
oto s.hratssaa►
ap sod led like frost ave us, aad lar
away there grew a light like the toss
Met L lush of day.
Aad Catherine said -
ewes me dead, but tbete le too
dvitae Let um go on together, Maur_
We seeat on together, 1 lead lag and
thump to ,o followlug, for wear 7 yeses
and yen, re ; and ever the edf fe ref the
sandy gra iv brighter, but sloe Fly, slow-
ly ; and ever 1 grew soar ester and
lighter, till at last 1 pausal and saw
the ewo far awaybehind , sten
weary to follow urther. me,
Then soddenly there Washed up a
light like hnorulag rad before Inc. and
L bssu.) votes saying, "Come ; hag -
Canada's Croatest Seeifllouse1
ten 1 wad far away. where the sun-
set IN met en front the works, thew
was a ditto eel gNA. bet I looked
back, and Catbsrlae arid the other
,anent ed In a d.aksa�, �tnd I
pied above sec eft the kaveos rbif s-
lag .wUtly .
and bright), towards the
.�c' Arane?!
M' w
back upon me .Uke a wave ; and 7s
membered Catdtrine as 1 bad fern
seen We, pretty and young. and
1 beard a sound lene our marriage bells
and I thought. " there le no death,
and she l not dead. I will go back
and find her, and If she l too weary
to follow me, 1 will uplift her In my_
arse and bear- her coward."
Ere I taw 1t 1 teas funning back
from the light towards the darkness,
ares "Catherine ! Catherine!" And.
tboag It seemed au endless quest 1
knew I could not rent until 1 had
Lound her ; and 1 found her, indeed. at
Jast, lying white and dead. and the
,Thar by her Mde, white and dead
alien both with blood marks upon
beet% cold and asleep.
Tee's Haddenly, 1 remembered that I
had sesin them. and 1 stood hooking
down ulnen tires full of tbe nickname
of my old Ula, and my tears fell fast.
for I pitied them seeing they looked
so peaceful au.'d so sad I gazed around
me. and saw ne ly the still sande and
the mooing hese'oR bet not hing that
lived; and. far away, small ter
n plan' point, glimmered tb+ gate of
And I mid-
" feat did
God i,mewbere. 1.be pr
not Ile. But I am alone In 011 the
world. and no one hears me th''bogh
deh, at
repent. There ie no atI
would that 1 could dee."
And even as I snake thus, Midland
down upon them, the two awakened
and looked up at me. raying aoftly,-
1• it thou. Mactrizlo?"
And In a broken volas I answered -
It 1s 1 !"
Then they looked at one another
and murmured--
" Blood for blood. satin the Lord."
;Alt .1eJLaselt- at7.lwet)s brdtJ
• mm, praying and begging them to
arise and follow ; and Catherine reach-
ed out her hand and took mine• and
laid It you her wounded breast, no
that I felt the blood flowing warm.
and the other smiled, crying-
" What have you Dome hither f • e
Maurizio Modena ? "
And i aniwer•red,-
"I know not I have died. and I
lire. (;cid have mercy upon me!"
They rose together, and stood by
me, crying-
" God have mercy upon sue!"
And we three tell upon our knees kr,
gatber, knowing we were above in the
* ('Iles be Uoitloueed)
When children arepale. peevish, and
restless at night they require a dap
or two of Miller's Worm Powders
Girls and Their Gowns.
Sonne people claim that town -bred
girls care sees for dress than those
who eve In the country. The city
dame or damsel le satisfied with gowns
for the ocasson, whereas the coun-
try lady of good estate ` always
looking ahead for something that will
court in woeful. Silks to lay by. vel-
r•'r'a1�a,yr o ito a Ay* a icng time
oven len Ao store aeon, solacethe
hearts of the elite of the interior.
Tobe private collections of dry
terve to wile away monotonous hour.
which city girls fill agreeably by go-
ing from store to store.
active Man Wanted
To read this advertbetnent and
then giver Putnam'. Painless Corn Ex-
tractor a trial. It never falls to
cure, Aorta In twenty-four hours. and
causer *either pain nor discomfort.
Putnggt's' Corn - Extractor extracts
ocrns,. It 1a the beet.
In a hawing Roos
In an elegant mandon In Bellefonte
there Is a Targe and sptcloe sewing
room to which there are three plat-
forms, on each of which stands a
sewing machine. There are also pretty
Itvw Chairs, a white carpet covered
with pick rose bads, lace curtains and
a large wardrobe and chest of draw-
ers. The machines are for the tree of
the dressmaker and her assistant, the
one Inlakd with pearl being reserved
for the mistreat of the house, who
has no one but herself to sew for.
She works the most beautiful em.
hroldery on sink in on flannel petti-
coats to send to the Indiana
Millar's emrpoeod Icon I'l'l", only
25 seats for 50 dogma
Some' of the newest elegant petti-
coats are of a fine quality of white
taffeta, and are lavishly adorned
with appllcatbna of delicate black
lace. Theon black lace motifs are fre-
quently lined with colored silk. ..pink
being a leclally effective. White or
very light alike for petticoats are
more favored than thew of deep
color. Large ortolpee in light cetera
are newer than floral dredges or
small patterns. unless the latter are
woven and are of the tame oolor as
the rest of the goods, thus forming
merely a broken surface.
rivard's Li>tieset the Lein moo's Prised
Tiny Million stltebs In • Oarpet.
Queen Victoria is the owner of one
of the erased remarkable articles ever
made In prison. The superintendent
of Agra Jail, In India, two years ago
received an order to weave a carpet
of special design for Iter Majeety.
Twenty-eight of the dotted convicts
of the ee{abllehment ware duct to
work on it. The carpet roelanre n
77140 list. and it y intimated toeat-
ta in 50,000,000 atibhea
A close of Miller's Worm Premien,
neca lcoally will keep the children
-Mr. Harcourt, the Provincial Tree -
'surer, stater that the report that the
office of Andstant Quem', Printer
would lee abolished 1e wlthont founda-
Mtsard's Wilma R Heed In PhyieinL
--W R, Graham. of Belleville, has
been appointed poultry sapsrtMenen
sot at the Guelph Agrireltnrat Col-
Ratter rwmita fallow from the nue
of MIller'a compound iron i'tIM than
from any nthere.
Unrivalled MANGE I1S
Oar pi the P",.r .mei, .hla• products of the farm is a fine crop of Mangela. To grow the
be ivu•st crop*, the very finest selections of seed malt be own.
STEELE, BRIGGS' Prize Mammoth or Giant Long
the greatest weight_pruducer kuuen Requires deep well-
euriched soil, and will yield enormous crops of clean,
sound, well -formed roots of great weight Price by mail ,post -emit per Ib., ase.;
s It, lots or over, 19c lb., or 4c. per Ib. lea if purchaser pays CamMS.
SWAP ifan-- B * etas
Mangal A grand variety for shallow roils; grows hand-
wme, clean, sound, heavy roots. Pries by large,
Paid) der lb., ax. , 5-1b. Ion or over, enc. Ib„ or 4c. per Ib. {a1
11 purchaser pays carriage.
STEELE, BRIGGS' Giant Yellow
11LOI E dca. QP b .Yj;. clay grows absoilsove it la _-
emend, with a small top root; bulbs large. tine
Biota nape, sound and heavy. Price hy mail
fOGst-aid) per, Ib.. arc ; s Ib. lets or over, 19C.
per Ib., or It purchaser pays carriage, a 4c.
per Ib. Imo
If You Wish a . • . e
Good Crop, Use
Steele, Briggs'
Send your nese for
contains useful
and valu-
able in.
Are Chuprat to buy
The Sake to plant.
e e . Famous Garden,
Flower and Field Root
Seeds are sold by leading
merchants everywhere
Should you be unable to
obtain them from your merchant,
send y -oilier direct to "HEAD -
.0 .0 .0 .0 QUARTERS" and secure
A thorough germination test is made with all Garden. Flower and Field Root Seeds Wore
they are sent out, and a Field Trial is made upon our own grounds each season to prove their
�aawrraw.• gaalitjt.. Thor 111A10114 sans r give" Weise iareseat nI hews and plasters W- ter W 'W err. W 0 p
THEY PAY B EST. The increased
f r oce products&twilit ns needs many p� Seeds
the diaer.oce is Dost from using inferior, low-priced
OUR NAME 18 OUR TRADE MARK. See that it is upon all labels and
packages when buying your supplies. All enquiries promptly answered
The STftLE,'.BRIOOSSftD CO., Limited, Trow o,
Groner S. Ross lakes a Very
Startling Statement.
He Would Have time a crappie all His
Lire Had Dodds Kidney POW Nos
Oared Him -ran on Ins ley Walk
and Injured his Kidneys.
1hhm1tpsle April 17.-" 1 do oogfl-
d.ntly believe 1 would nave been a
cripple for life. If lined not tared lkxkd'e
Kidney fells."
finch was the 'tartltrg statement
made by Mr. B. R. 76 Merrick street, 1
to several friends and aoqualntatioes
a few days ago.
Mr. Items Is one of our shrewdest and
most progressive business men. H.• con-
ducts n flourishing grocery busint-s, zit
the adheres given.
"Why do you make such an assertion
as that?" asked onset hes hearers.
"Well, you all know of arty serer.
fall on are icy Y.dewalk, three years
ago. The duetting said my Kidneys
were Injured severely. I suffered teas' I
man agonizing paha In my hack and
loin The doctors couldn't help me.
Neither did any of the medicines I
took. till I Wigan ming lkdd'v Kidis'y
)'ills, the beet ihealtli restorers ever
sold. Three boxes of them ail mo art
my feet, trade me mound and well in
every respect. ilodd'e Kidney )'ills
are truly worth their weight In gold."
Mr. Roes expressed the same empha-
tic conviction held by. verjotne eta'
who has ever used d's Kidney
Pills. for any form of Kidney Trouble.
Dodd's Kidney 1'ille act so rapidly,
mo rvrnngly. and yet so gently, on the
Kidneys, motoring them to their nat-
ural health and strength In such a
short space of time, that those who
Ye them are surprised at the result.
And there In only one repult, no mat-
ter how Revere the disease may he, no
mntdter how keg it may have Tasted.
Dodd's Kidney Pills positively cure
all forces of Kidney i)Iseal", Including
Brigitte Dttg'aee, Diabetes, Goat, Rheu-
matism. Female Troubles, Deeper. Im-
part. Blind. Nervoutten, etc.
Rich Pearl Inside Discovered.
New pearl fields of great riehiusee
have been d!scover.d off the creast of
New ('aledonla, on the west mid., nc-
cording to United States (newel Wolf
at Noumea. ile says that one shell con-
tained the fabnIone number of 2"6
wake and one little boat of one and
Intl -half tots furnished Inst yenr 22
poen& of pearls. 1!p to this' time the
water has not been wounded to n
grater depth than six fort Arran
Inches, hat the fisheries arc' to be fur-
ther exploited by French and Austrinn
nyndleaten: Mr. Wolf mays that the
quality of the pearl shells Is remnrk-
ably Tine, and he arras that Amer -
teens profit try the discovery.
The boat mule fur Eczema le Miller's
Crentxnx,d Iron rills._ figagotga 25
She Sad Sad lllzperlese..
"Ah," he cried, kneeling at her
feet, "say you will starry me, ami i
will be your devoted slave for Ilfe. '
"Arles, Harry." she avow -Pont, " eft
will not do. That was what my first
husband gild, and before we had
got falrly out of the church he he
gen telling me how he wanted me t'
wear my hale."
Millers Grip Powderer Cur*.
Nothing V mora isimeatleg then
gstsklag_piety,-Ii, fk Htehmeg
'4aSl P1Roor sea 01 ?an anima-
now Isnblas Youths Win tb. Paver or
This Pair Sex,
In the current Harpers, Captain
Speedy, in hie "Glimpse at Lubin,"
tells of a curium Nubian test that
may be regarded as the Sudan sub-
stitute for Anierk'an t football: Says
The power of enduring pain ex •
hiblte, by the Nubians, 1s almost In.
credible. Mb to staalgly Instanced In
the competk:kon by the youth" of the
villages for the championships of their
cn spa.
it 1a a meta oorctawl humor to he
enlled n'Akbo Retort" (the brother of
the girls), and the youth who Ai -
• title dktln••tkwh Is entitle.i to
merry the hello.
Tb• eomp'tttien kte•1f Ia t. most ag•
mlring 'meta( le. ft eaarmencev by
the mn1.lere, On certain femttvabt
beating the .trumm Lo n quaint and pe-
culiar tune, which so excltes the spec
ib. of the young mesa that numbers
of them est once neda taut the arena
ench loudly excleiming, "I am the
brother of the girls! i am the bro-
ther of the girls!"
They are been paired on by eMI
iota, and, when 'tripped to the waist
a powerful, flexible whip of htppopot.
ninnw-hide, five feet in length, is
plated In the hand of each combat-
ant, and at a certain signal es flog.
ging match commences.
The etroke, are not given at ran-
dom or haste, tit with the at-
miwt deliberation, each youth deliv-
ering him blow io tarn, and keeping
time to tete inner. The long, leant
lash sienne nk, with keen precision,
rutting deep Into the 11oeh at ever
stroke, while the mrauhtonone
"hw1t," "hent," goes on nneeudngly,
and the red eRrenove tell the tale of
gnffering which the tongue, disdain
to yrorlata. At hurt the one who can
rss.dnre no ringer falls fainting to
rr,m. and lv borne away by hem
kiThe vteteew are eit'sequen$ly pit-
ted agatttet each other, bill the re
!mining Ye (enflame the elle mplon nod
hear.' the prom! title of "The Bre
titerof the Gtrle."
Tsai. I ax•tive Memo Quinine Tablet.. All
Draastars. ralrel the melee, it It tree. to Care.
A Dangerous Practice.
Wattle- i wonder if dyeing the hair
is really as dangerous as the done
tore way.
N. Peck -you het It is. An old uncle
of mine tried It once, and In Ion than
three months he was married to n
widow with- fiver_ mien_'ibVt e.
How's This
We offer One Hundred QWlans Re-
ward for any ones of Catarrh that can
not he cared hy Iiail'a (latarrh Cure.
F. J. Chetiney & Co.. Props., To -
lode, O.
We, the nndendgvled, hare known F.
.1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe him perfectly honorable In all
bsdnews trariaeettonis and flnanolalty
&h a tO ° e ootfety obligation, Meade
leyWest & Truax. whniti ale drugged"
Toledo O.; Welding Kennan ei Mer-
vin, wholesale drumlin*, 'Itrlorlo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Core M taker) Inter-
nally, wetting directly spsa the bleed
and s fourteen of "abe system.
Peke. 75e pet brittle. by all dreg -
/date. 75ss ,Ilafa fres.
ft torts out that Senor Cagtelar.
the ,`tpaul+a elate: man. was *Meted,
not ,k'teated, at at prat believed.
• Capital punishment 15 abolished In j
five States• -Colorado. Rhode bland,, ISSUE No 17 1899.
Malas, Michigan and Wisconsin. 1
D??g�g�l �ICti, seed tee mats for arty ,L,,v
IerassY winds Wender and Itejeyo,. ,,
S yr psrtteei.rs. Assets wanted. lees
Advice to
There are three great reme-
dies that every person with
weak 1ungs,orwith consump-
tion itself, should understand.
These remedies will cure
about every case in its first
stages ; and many of those
more advanoed. It is only
the most advanced that are
hopeless. Even these are
wonderfully relieved and life
itself greatly prolonged.
What are these remedies t
Fresh air. proper food and
of Cod -Liver Oil with Hype._
Mephitis. • Be afraid of+
draughts but not of fresh air.
Eat nutritious food and drink
plenty of milk. Do not forget
that Scott's Emulsion is the
oldest, the most thoroughly
tested and the highest en-
dorsed of all remedies for
we.tk throats, weak lungs and
consumption in all its stages.
of .,d I .n drvgtem.
SriTT & now
to sell Rakes Beata Drink
aur toad prepared like LhNtle
posed ••
aa� r alma
RogCO MTh. 00..
Ida (.seen str etc Canada
A powerful lion irritant and
healing preparation that 'spree.
Ing a boom CO farmers all over
Canada for coring akin din-
eareen of sheep and rattle, and
for destroying vermin. Has no
Irritating effect, and effects a
cure In two or three applications.
Mr. (1, A. Brodie. Bethesda. Ont..
ears : "1 used It with great anc-
eeAs In castrating lambs, the wash i
hefaling the wounR' rapidly and r
keeping the maggot* away. i mon
heartily recommend It." For male
at alt dealer*, or detect from the
manafactorera We invite cos-
rempondence. The Pletcherdt Ren.
Frew Co., Limited. Stnuffvllle, Ont.
cab tae'
W rawer air
Art Io• 4.11 art
h►le Ary
+•bt NS a
We sr 'root ae raw• sora carie
W rlar M w.•w W
a. sat w 1••w v Swim
k m SPECIALTY o". Dept H rodorro, as.
- We give this fine 4•Blede
Pearl Handle KNIFE for
selling r s of our bright
: Light Chemical LAMP
WICKS at S cents each
Simply send roes address and
we will reward wink, payed.
Wine sad, seed the 6o cant,
and we will send kniee, with
all charges paid. Address
Tomb. Ont.
Mt 4aaaWe1 �me.rMe..ri
aim W Ylr,w
in wowed we
r se. will 512r °
r..a.0wa nweat m
ei era ..r•aa wrl:
SOWN w!*Lv tee--
Dw". R. 'assns. Oaf
Dr. tars Oven& Nerve rho►
NSW. No acs ar "�ner,ossbe•'
� ala Arch Argot,
eel* Ybr f dr #!1R me Neu toss* sbbee Ile trial ss
mem nal . Dae
sees, wlLrsw'e �e.tns - syrup is• mew
Mier . R est Air reeves w eked
a meeeb vJ
ss.rp is the 1 a is idt .is •Iwo•'
b. eke s� -- wend
l Y iteiar Il w
es.M •
E L7 D Y' e
" EAGLE " Parlor latches coos.
do. do. do. loots.
.'VICTORIA" do. do. Ess.
1e LITTLE COMET " do. do.
The Flnest In the World, - No Brimstone.
' Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants,
«ntllksri01% ROW" ea I 1 _m a on Caislgnmeeta.
.:y;ffif+�^.eve: _. •a>S-:J�aL.•,h.R