HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-27, Page 7CARPETS AND CURTAINS ARIL- BARGAINS- THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Tams" April 27, I$9. piuvis English Tapestry Carpet, : i inches wide, in mew colorings and now designs suitable tot any room. Kest►tar value )Uv., at 40e, per yard. 2 pieces Tapestry Brunel•, extra heavy carpet in magnificent designs and suitable for 'drawing -room or dining room, regularly sold at 70e. stud 7Lc. April prioe, special, 660. f pieces Sli holt wide all Pure Wool Carpets in new designs sad shades of brown and wood. Regular value 70c., et 55c. per yard. ;:, pieces Bruss.lo Carpet iu new colorings stud beautiful colorings of Browns, illus.,, Fawns, Olives, Greens and Meds at 85c,, 95c. and $1.00. tt p. et,. Axminster •ter Cadets', S7 inches wide, ►II this season's colorings and patt.•ruo. Itegulsr value $1.00, at 90o. per yard. 4 piwre 36 fie It :t ply Ail -wool Reversible Carpet in latest Brussels patterns and colors, at $1.00 per yard. i,argtiu carpet Stock iu Western Ontario. INbPECTION IN V ITER. W. ACHESON & SON. THE CANADIAN HORSE IN ENGLAND I he tvtluwing letter written hem 1.1r.r ,.....I, Eve., to ire sporting editor of Th .,lei I,lobe may be of int ami'Yalu u..r.y reader, of Tun Sl..oAL t fir, 1 neve been retinamtei by Mr. Jury, ho. I•ana.l tan rspreeentettve •t liverpuol,to *rite* letter upon the co dtlto0 of the coram tracks in Iite'•ud .Md the future ,respects of the 1' wJl.0 'herr in lbw ,oustry. I'•. areal tolling otf in the ehip- h,00t@ so noticeable to this onoir, in the ,..t yeses dtetiootly tr•oeshte to the very .,,or oivahty of the tors now Isms bred to .nil•. Tee (anodise harmer bei for ,sore adopted Me peony wen and the pound policy of slog the oheape.t clues, end, in ooneegwoee, bee bred • borim et Musingly Dour quality, and abets the leWess pro planed upon she market they are this' end in bad condition, and in ootseeguesss *Pinot Ire 'sold upon the markets of this flurry •t anything like • p.yt.g pries. luring the toast year 1 have .old 17,000 i,ttviMieit.to d.l.Aits4 ro human 2:hallaind. note hone Domes twos the marks. ts1 end • tame while tee ,;asadisn M h to. "1'b. Amerman hoe." dos• not as • rale rear so wells Lite . .s&di.o. y.t. he missile un,sod the farmer not only loes the dd. ereu.a, bat oleo low osis upon the mar - rt. It is tion that tn. I;uvgnme.L.bsld Ike ho!d of the hur.. broodier .ia.ties, if .nada a to bold her p1.,. There is hewer ,typed into 1;arnada at the presort time the or, worthless lot of .Mor .Milton. that opos. :c I,. I.,aebr to this e,..trr. It se redid «.Io tot the 1 'atimimb Isrmer to suppose .• he eon Dente hero and parotids er.. .rs fit Ler e•rvtw at Irvin 130 to LSO I,•, to $2.' )i, wed it, Ie psrt.ntly criminal .. w,.overom.me .s nrt denot op In •ad !ka L some onus to prevent such worthier •u•.0 being ascot to propagate 1 heir speo;ss. the farmer t• eco inert sighted ss to use nth •ntmals, .or.ly 11 a the duly of the 0oernm..t, to .tip horn. Stall o. are upped to 1'ooed& with ouch hereditary .sea.. "'roaring and aide bons, the very onus 1 tat t.povwuh the hers interests aity osatry. 'Tiers u oo market la the old tint •,pr.miatre • ga,.l bore Ilk. WI•nd, aid I know of no country bettor opted for horse breeding this Coasts. o.• rowdies in F.nglud, 1 hove used all O &Who % by putbian and forwarding the !rets tier., and 1 view with orseiderable Ism the lalling off on the quality of the rete, and 1 am mare that every well-wisher 1 utoJ• who h.. made • study of the i•,.ct mil do the mime Good draught rem 5.11 readily upon this a•rbot at from M 30 inlses., and Tumors, or mole roes we are seed to express wsrou., .41I1 In SS to 50 eofoese. Tremrnere sed (he load that used to be need ort ',greet re to T.donio, bring from 26 to Kuhr good barnoes heron, with e •ndgoaiiI , with nosed gond olore, sell ...Fiore from 110 to 1:500 or 11,00 1e d , tt to the hone that the Rogliehman n ee "how him • heroem hers with ;tes, a dor, sire, quality sad feir pito•, 1 he will buy horn at any reasonable urs In foot, he ham no limit. 1.nsda 1 ra•enn to be proua of one tearoom rep Mmtstive which 1 sold for 235 guises for he Duos of torrenlo, • boy moo about 3 hoods high, trotting bred. She ee• red three first prizes and • oh•mplonahip the l.eltut show Lid three nr fnar first ✓ e@ Lid a oh•ntpiorehip at Indian, and resod 1.we Roth, the champion hors of I' ngtmed. She 1. the kind oat horeefleek it Use ('.sadists fernier ehna'd ■.rive to ted Thera is mosey and pleat of it to I men who use oentssen eases judgment him eobririen i017U1.1M H. 11 RAN b. I,werpool, Maroh lith. H• did not forget his emblem ea • erne one of Britain wte oh .l1 E.gliehmes terve nee to wear on the day of their patrea wast • Forty year" ago this day was en evstiel • see to Mr. Wright. Ales. M.N•►b wUl sejsrw'iltoar midis this summer. haying udurtakew the ford, mashie of Jae. Lies1•Nr'e tare. linos less week wmmeaoed the sone work of the sew Sleek bons of Jacob Neeiar, wbioh he will bend them song summer. LEEBURN. Moot.,, Apt it 24th Hilary F. Horton rave )Broomfield s trua- nt visit last week. - e fir - l1'm. Graham, neer here, 1.4 s bee e1 oho teams drawing Lsled hey to (lode - I, on Saturday Int. (lin Finis Fotherlugham, from near un.fl.ld, ie rimeioa her mister. hire. A. H. niton, at Sunni tilde. Igor poplar. townemso, 3..1• Wright, n! I'.unt 1•,r,, •ttendrd senior. le St, orgy) s choroh, (redortoh, on Sudsy 1st. Hoare y ooagrotuLelose are sztoaded by our residents Io Nr. and Mrs. Pars, Stew- art os the advert! .f twin deathien to Muir home on Wsdsososy, the 1910 lost. As we wnt, tee 1tt11• enaslso with 1001, mother I' are preR•ening favorably and have boss sou by many mason, all of whom wash (them every moan 1s Ihe life be- , tors them le our oessee1o. with Tea Si.nAI. for eighteen Tease pool NI. le the first record of .wins abase hon which hoe o•... Orden ea On Wednesday aftrsone of net week. 1hs Fred Metes 10.11.4 her fsll.w.werk. en .f tee Women'. tsrsys Missies AacU- iary Solt, of the Presbyterian Sart* here be bold 11a meathly mbar/ at her tee - dense There was • fair &ttead.so et m•mb.n, and several triesde of the.101oty, who made two inutile. Mn. Hasine•., of llod•rtob, was present, and read two lettere reo• ved from minion Hanes. Om woe from Joruee111113 and the •Ih., .roe .. Io- dise reserve in Ma§it les. The M1Nr cocked est real noisy for • sale .t elotbtog net out last year. The oosloty bare will likely sad . dennete no the seen tag semen of fellow members .f enter seemet.on to be bald at Weed/moos this ewer. Ati , t0. the merles dispersed. PORT ALBERT. it m. Matheson left linewars for wafor 1Br•ed.., M.M. MUM Farts Quaid Sneed Klee ADN Carey Saturday sad Studer. William limy le placing • Geoid, Simply and Mau wW-s.U1 a has farm. Mn. Omer. Reid. •1 Dtltlpa.os, paid • visit t• Wm. Grey's es Thursday. Nos the rend n has beef fer%hie y. Ml0. Jells JokasIion bee bee for the inns few days • guest •e the born. of Jamie Quaid. A number of eh. yeast ladles spent • pleasant &itor.oe. (este week at • rag bee at the home of 111 re. Gordon. tier enterprising millers, Sobo..bale L Reis, are plaoing a sew chopper in the mill. (1.b ossaot be oh.pp.d for • deen of weeks, bus then -look oa►- Nineties leads of premed My left We pert ler Ooderioh, Frisk Wilde •upplybg 12 loads and Win. Carey seven. A •ambo o f the neighbors •..heed bob in tee draw- ing. Adam Orree hoe bees ill for ever • week. He i. improving .111hesy .ad we hope to (tsar nes et the old geaelm•.'s reaevey. His son, Edw&d, has been hens for come days 0. •assume of hie father's Wenn. O. M'mday there wee • damns* A. V. Grrele'. O. Teeeday Freak Willie had • "bee" dr•wbr premed hey es tiederkb and b the 'vanish entertained • large subs el the pewee people o1 N. a0ghberb•d. O• too sine seems (Tam) there woe • wort »jeysbl• party ae She rentdo.o. of Jeri Campbell People from here, seer sad seglifebillir old uses, young m0. •std bays. OM 1... robber* Port Albert stillnentiellnlidellignik. Some have had geed l.sm, sues tango geol. So.e get away wittiest asdaest, rem• gee denting, sad see were err .erbuely hurt. Am0.g the Ian., we Wiliam Ts - lames. basher is the 41e essesenea •.beL He was unfortunate .meson le have his k0ee put one of joint. DUNLOP. MONDAY. April 9Sth. Mr. and Mm Hall Rendre. of Godwin. township, vldtad here on Sesd•y leet. Quite a &umber here started their hoere sissies let week. The essay wive' is I mbar. are afraid of Jess hen r.lsru1og WAW AMERICAN'.... WALL PAPERS THE VERY NEWEST EFFECTS. EMPIRE GREENS, A REDS and BLUES. Nothing gander can be imagined than the tone one of ese papers gives to the interior of a room. -441fitrfirifr the tot, It is Amore trigs In comparison with heFfurnishiags of a room. !'rices range for the cheaper papers from 5 to 10 cents 'e single roll, and from 10 to 50 cents in the higher grades. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE free ilolnM Wast a! Mild Wand), 4444edisseessr=-, 1^I^phone is No..100. Court House Square, Ooderich. HARD1ARE. HAROVAREI PRTcE IGrrr Paints, Oils, Varnishes, vessel sad Builders' Supplies. I am now offering the following articles at greatly re- duced prices : DAMASCUS and BEAVER RAZORS HALL LAMPS DAISY and RUSSELL AXES PATENT ADJUSTABLE WRENCHES PLOW LINES. - Our 50c. Pant -Stretchers are the latest and best kind. Poultry Netting, Wire Screening, all widths. Fishing Lines, Hooks, Poles, etc., etc., of all kinds. Now is the time to order your Binder Twits. Tbe_.p y mouth Gold Medal is the best. Only a lial`1i n i y left. Sulphate of Iron, The best fertilizer known. Only 2 cents' a pound. ALEX. McD. ALLAN. HEN we have Winter in Spring -tits, as in this year,'99, it pub an extra strain on the health. Some of the strongest may stand it easily, but many cannot do so after the rigors of 11.1111111141 winter. They beioume weak and are troubled with coughing - Sop are in danger and something must be done. To such Callen our Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites is • boon. The bypophoophites Wilde up the brain, nerves, etc.; the oil is tonic and fattening, restoring Inc lunge to vigor art nothing else can do. In the form of • Liao emulsion, art pleasant an cream --which ours i. -it ie e••ily digested. Use it now. We have cut down the prion Lir 36o.; 3 for 21.00. W. C. OOODE. ('he.tat. Call on us for Household Ammons, Furniture Polish, r,ar'det Seeds aid other Springtteoe.rrtee. sad woe's sieve • .toys sr at up their Inoue till the.Jpd1. N MU..-,.....,<- ... lima infer: Tebbe and Mise Sarah Corbett enjoyed • pleases vial% to Oodierlob town- ship Lan week. A wood bee was hers •e J. H. B•rkee's es 7 neday &feer.o0. of Ina% week. Wen. Fogarty and Fred. Q.aid were the Mum - pies pair wng with the losaw. Jona ., firmer .m bweRobert.e, RobOke sed meg, were dews from Rbg.- brldn ea • Warier visit poet 8a►urday sad Sandy. hots like Abbasid fin% rate. With deep lateens our ratdeste hero reed the realms loiters in the local preen •f 1ldoriob by J. J Wright, of the Pelet Farm, Lebine, on the propeleowi, railway. Dealt be "peeks •f� itmotlo of routs' toward@ Oodrlob. From there • ear mold .ft.0 oma for • esrlesd .f oa11, as for years past Dunlop hoe bees the eel - !save pet.% for settle •waitingshipm'me es beta .r tsrets e m&tots W.. Campbell, ese of the popola &Slab of the brush in the cereals town, ha. baso here few the peat several weeks doing lode*, •ad outdoor paining to ranches, Lid in the adjso0.e vinare .f Rob Roy. Another ia.11is his, too, is smee,ns ss le the pr son .f Jesepb Hecht lilioo,wleo hoe been do- Ios eons earpenterlog during thereat week Joseph M likely to be • renldost et Rimini this ounin.r !meed of going to the Yskoa dietriot The Winghes' Delwin, Park Amwelaelo■ hoe deefd.d M held too use horse rase es Wednesday and Thursday, J.ly 19.b and 20th. Robert W. Ri.e, of Pauly, who woe are rooted there 1st U.o.mb.r, obarg•d with wee • enembr of • celebrated game of Goodie§ .reek@ who soured large sumo of messy boas banks in mho (Jolted St•1es by amass of tented drafts, and who fesght .0 •roditles pre.eedlogo tbnsgh all the Can adiu ooarn, pleaded guilty and termed Sun's •videsse .t Reek Rapids, Iowa, wham the trial teak plow 1st week, Coate - Yee, of WI§gk•m, the leader of the gang, whe woo amend a1 Pen Heron • simple of t.0.1ta ego, wee found galley, measly en the .vias."s gives by Klug. Bole .f Wien were ttem•aded fr .Suisse, TIN WEAPON OP sorsal. Tb. man wtlfl''t spear and shield may seem a terrible fellow to onr who meets him empt v handed or with Daly the Isle •ort of equipment with which to hrle but where don either of them stand before • modern rifle? Any lisps. may be deadly enough when yam- have no adequate maser et band to confront it. Plenty of peo- ple die every day of curable ditsaa.r., amply because the stereotyped, routine, senseless methods and remedies tonally emptoyedl are not half -way equal to the °caution. But whoa a truly acieetihe remedylike Dr. Pierce'a t 'Golden MedicaDi•- acoovveerr�7 ' is rougbt to Amer apos the compLtnte which it be ' d to cure, it penetrable the tough bide -bound armor et obstinate disease with the write un- erring accuracy and power with which a modern rile penetrates a savage shield. [ Jar been dsrW1rIf* a•/ .sing latest mean cb. gar sheet • year • of a ball ring nnabie to !worst meal est the sarese R. -done - Tk. seta I teed heart A1.,.. sad Well - yolks with tetwkl ng rod oppressed reel 1. the cher :peened to be raw my feeling dear dewv tem stomach. ( my app.tlte wee estieny poor •d-1 woe a wet! Lida ."nous u ikoagk t 6.a pees star..a eel for .0.410. Yy WWirtl .$ tkre►Wsig coatis- "'lig?) .11.- ..11 b t }u •Leri j )71 y I wrot. t. Dr. 1. `. �ytu. )flat. N y., rotor std hale mental I Lem ILYd.t .go•ossod wee eavkner.t 4104.ad:blnda tie. of Gen . Medical Discovery Lid beg.. Its nee Alter .sing three joules I b.ga.o o Improve dowly.ed .4. west b work; eo t lues bee. working •..r sloes..• Por obstinate constipation Dr. Pierce'. Pleasant Pellets are the moat perfect medicine ever devised. They give prompt, eomfortable, permanent relief. THE • 1 R. B. SMITH DRY GOODS CO. Ooderich, Ont. Seaforth, Ont. Special values for 10 Days, Commencing To -day. Whits Usk, worth 25o , for 15. yard. Nary Sega. worth 301, ter 90.. yard. Amrises Prim (fast) Ir 5s'. yea. Apressama,42 1s., werte 124e. for Io. lion Nisi, worth 190, fie 80. yard. Amsslr Cbarss bee. yard. Has ltnn& (Lai Glover, surfs 81.25. for 950. pair. 15e. quality Mak Seises ler 10e. yard. We ra>•s.se Md•y the sale ef50 pious Dries goods end Skirt l.mogtam, w'ma Mesa 36.. to 661 yard, ail a1 e.e prim, viz., 20o. yard. Whits Selig liseerel. l hi Plaid Drr..0..O mirth rte., Werth ar Re yard yard. Striped Bane. (book uiy) for 120. Stare Braids. all eaten aid blast, lo. yard. ease ry Lentos bee. yard. 10e. Skirt Liaise fee 7s. 'reed. MILLINERY B. sero se visit Inas berm deportment fhb weak sed ..x$. NI8S DGI4AGH le preened te 811 •11 orders just when they esu pr robed at very spinal pried.. We take First -gist. Ratter sad E. R_ B- SMITH_ 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. Millinery Novelties for '99. The latest and best in shapes and shades. The ttft' leading shades are Mulberry and Cyrano. Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in:voga• this season. We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest and best in millinery at all seasons of the M. .gm'w...w.'- Pleased Customer_...... seems easy to have, and the deal doesn't close there, either. The nextjtime you want anything in the Dry (foods line you will Dome again. That's the kind of cus- tomers we have -the satisfied, call -again kind. • Have you seen our Special Table Linen At 20, 26, 35 and 45 Oents pet Yard ? They are efenuine Bargains. COTTONADE$-•124c,, 16c., 2O and 25c. SNIRTINOS. -Bc., 10c,, plc., 124c. Colors and Quality the best TICKINOS--10c., 121c., 15c., 16c., 1Sc. and 20c., for the heaviest ,goods made. __the nicest patteruaia Carpets stun Rureitt-ther MEWING STEP . . . We keep regular step with the advance of fashion, and each changing style is rapidly duplicated in our stock. Handsome, Carefully -bade, Perfect.Fitting,Well.Trimmed s LTITS in all the papular materials and colors, suite that • tailor wouldn't put under $18.00, and we sell them FOR $/O.00. Other Qualities at $3, $4, $5, $7, $8 and $9. Our Spring Overcoats ares-Oorrect in Style. Hats, OW' Ties, Shfrta, Cuffs, • �' Collars, varties. .,-caw... ...,. v--^-^--•--.�-.r.. %T. H. Z6 E a a E Colborne's Old Stand. ZPSiW GOODS (BARGAINS �� .o. llITSd OYERCOAT Stoves REA01-BADE CLOTHING CHEAP My ow. take. Call and see them, 5.04. sold by yard or made up In IDe IMs e TERMS t7.&B33_ H. DUNLOP,' Nen Bast of Mo.troal (e.aorfoh- EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFUL Distinguished everywhere for Delicacy of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grate- ful gpd comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1-4 lb. tine labelled JAMBS EPPS & c30., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, Hngland. BREAKFAST Ansa EPPS'S COCOA PAINT PAINT PAINT • We have the L::' fir Weather and Water -Proof Beady -hued Paints t t , The customers want it because their neighbore have had it and speak so highly of It. We also have a full line of White Lead,6ilLYar iaiea,Braahea. Have you seen our Bicycles t From oar lame sales we are satisfied that we have the best value in the market. Let tie figure on your Plumbing, Heating sad'I'roaghing. 0.11 and examine our Wire Fence for farm and lawn. Our large sales of same amore as than it is cheap and Al value. Bicycles ()issued and repaired. LEE SHEPHARD ST. LEON, THE' OONOUtROR, Osmmases a tamps 111nrs ghee .yr et the 1741 f1. S. aprlys: the only water 1. Amsls& p•yI. the Diveity Amy el P hO a OaP- Wad, la putty W strewn et Bt.. (seen apse and fey ad Irby e wtas. Iib. ItslciamdscisroS1 yes arivallet Having bought out the inter- est of my partner, Mr. Robinson, •I have decided to sell off the bal- ance of stock of Stoves at great- ly reduced rates. Now is the time for BARGAIN!. Tinware, Coal Oil, Lamps, etc., etc., at equally low rates. I do Plumbiog, Heating and Tinsmithing at the lowest prices. Call and get names of some of the purchasers of my Stoves for reference. H. C. FILSIHCER, Cor. Square and West-st. PLANING KILL. [STAIILISMEO NW Bnchaiiaiis & Rhiyiis warirr BABH, DOOR and BLIND Dales 1e W ktad. at LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES sad balldeee m•ter1.1 of avers descriptio. School Furniture a S000ialtt COAL Ain2 WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDUNG We are still -at t esame old stand, Nelson Street, where we have been supplying our customers for a number of years. We know the fuel that suite you. Orders left with our delivery rigs or at Woruell's anis% End tin strop and at our office will receive prompt attention. All coal weighed din market scales, unless otherwise•ordered. We run several Drag in connection. CARTAGE 4 FUEL CO., JOHN 8. PLATT, Manager Phone 62. 2a87-tf HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Till BLIT ScraIItoil Hord Coal IN THE MARKICr All Coal welshed as the Market Scales, when YOU ger m00 Ibo. for • too. WM. LEE. Orders lett at LIE is Ston promptlyattended 1.. IStill Lead THE HARDWARE TRADE in Prices and Value. Experience and paying Dash for my good. enable me to outdo all Competitors. i will not be undersold. Can not name low prices on one or two articles. Everything in my line down to rock -bottom value. I handle the Gold Medal Broder Twine' allowed to be superior to any other in this market, end no higher prion than inferior quality elsewhere. files my AMERON, --. 10. A. NAI R�rN Apprentices wanted. Hamilton Street.' those sasift I shy--- L tram .,gree. peace, equal to, if not better than, the Page fence, hat meting mnoh lams. �. McKENZIE, OF TNB CHEAP HARDWARE SPORE.