HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-27, Page 4MINSTRELB- r 1- ante - t i 4 T11011110,11t, April 27, HMS. THE BIG AL : GODERICII ONTARIO' m tG Maodeiea Liver lt•p.ira . M:11 r.e. 1 The Pace Grows Hotter IcBllRNEYBEATTff BICYCLE plaoee u• els far thead of all competitors that we have no fear of the result. To see thorn is to admire them. To ride them is to sing their praises. SCIENTIFIC DEMONSTRATIONS (NO FAKE) six days a week from 8 a.m. to 10 p. o. Experts and Mechan- ics invited to test their easy -running qualities, which are so plain that even • child can see them. One price to everybody, $50 AND $56. USED WH`EIL FROM $10.00 UP. Bicycle & Music house • and Cycle Livery. 4 She Oignz!, le ?D.t.m.m EVERY THURSDAY MORNING ■T N. M.SWiOtNi SOOB3ICH. THURSDAY. APRiL H. RIR INDEPENDENCE 11 CROWING. THERE never was • time when there was so much independent feeling in matters political aa there is today. In- side of Parliament men have the °enr- age to stand up in their place and take exception to the words and ac- tions of leaden on either side ; and outside of the House • large number fay wen.with arse are today doing their own thinking. The time was when a man voted Grit or Tory because hie father had voted Grit or Tory before Linn, but that day shoe passed never to return. Tbe time was when the leading news- paper of • party laid down a certain line of "principles," and the provincial newspapers published the declaration and sub•cribed to the "principles." That day in gone to a great extent, al- though there still remain a few news- paper "echoes" on either side of the political fence. There was a time when the political orator was s power in the land, and when the opinions of a political stump er were accepted as current coin, but that station has been passed, and the orator who today can inspire confid- ence and infuse the fire of t.atitle into an audience is • ran avis. There are reasons for this change in the public, the chief being that the schoolmaster has been abroad, and the opportunities for general political en- lightenment are greater than they ever were before. Tn addition to that, the people have their eye on their leaders and today every action is submitted to a stronger light of criticism than was the case in peat years. Every word and act of a Government is now subjected to a testing process that was not known in former years, and every elector is conscious of the fact that he is a better judge of how an act or an appointment suite his particular loca- tion than the leaden of the Govern- ment who are hundreds of miles away and are unaware of the local ramifies - tions governing such act or appoint- ment. The day when the elector said " Me, too," to every opinion or act of his representative in parliament will never return, and no longer doss the elector look upon every word or act of his representative as being always right, The free and independent man with • Tote now considers that the member is his servant and not his master, and sometimes goes out of his way to let that faoction•ry know that all men are mortal, and particularly parlia- mentary representatives. Amongst the members themselves rise find the feeling of independence very strong, and in the Dominion ?erliament now sitting,as well as der - fag the Provincial Legislature recently closed, the candid friend has been in eeldein ie on more than one occasion when the party leader was taking into mach upon himself. This is as it should be. What we want is men, and if the leaden do not lead it is the dual ei the rank and file to aogaaint the leaders of their dereliction. The ykore honest, independent thought that exhibited both inside and ont of liament, the better will it be for a ooaetry SNAP SHOTS. -The Libet-iiiirity in 4ossh mute • Oimerelk lids. Breok- -Tay say that Garet TAYLOa'$ did the trick in Hrorkville. T17pNa's proverbial philosophy of didn't week wall in oekvilje. t)t'.t Huron's member, Rearm' HOLISM. He knew the true inwardness .1 the " Ksr- ■.it.s" TATLOt crowd. - The Hon. Fein WHITS'S chances In Brockville have petered out, and Wells is now blue. --There i. no evidence of • Liberal reaction so far as the Dominion Government is concerned. - Tbe scriptural injunction, " To him that hath shall be given," hods good is high politics. - As • joarnalieho 'nide to the treasury benches at Ottawa, The Montreal Star is not an unqualified success. - By the way the bye -elections have been goiter, this wouldn't be • bed time to hold • Dominion general election. --When the Ooosarvative press go after a Grit politician they gewnlly make him • maa et eeeisttilauld r'nevi and Sermon. for in.tanoe. - There is one hood tiing to be said about We.t Huron's member -he knows when to keep his mouth .hut ; and when b. Wks, he talks sense. WHAT OTHERS SAY. e)MANDIIfa Yes mycelium. Miaeespolle Tian : Now that the *han- kie hale•1a . wheel le • Qeeae., the noxi lmpreve- moat will bo • vendors oaths, enthusiast. + • • 11. Oman 50.0. Peterborough Examiner : The opt of prll.m.tery Wk 1. about $b per minute. II h .umaeed that the oes► of pullas.at pee day is 13,000. At is. Lean per day. Ih. average time devoted te alk, the cot M 1300 per neer, 15 per Maas, or about e ight and a third cants per e.oeed. 1. parliamentary matters. rel.« to indeed god.. • • • WHAT £DvaTtu5• DOM. Philadelphia Reword : Threw • .teas Ls - be • stream and the dietorb•ses et the water will not owes until the oeea.trlo elroles which roil en from the point of tb. stow'. ImmeMea be stepped by the farthest shore. Advrusise save tb. Ude of Orden, . r.- .etlesely as the stew moves the endow of the waar. lt►a if It mile the p.rtiooler object of Its .1., like a poorlydirected es ..elle thrown late • engem, the dvertiser's thought will r.. out through the great oar - rat sf publicity with resole a aerate as the mentos mooed by • pebble tamed into • break. • • • APTale Tea "rQFY. 8eeallerd Esposito : Fnsoec. M Winter Pinner made a pretty efeetive exposers et She Mode hcbg pursued 1. the Yakoo mat- ter. when he read an sewed made In the Klondike Nugget fee feeds for the purposes/ oeadarlag • lobby •t (sexes. Boob ex. pergolas ea the fellowlag are made w of : 11 will gest mean t• lobbbyy. ..d the more enemy es had the mere •Seethe the lathy wUl bo." 1 lies will yes whether r net wo shall be d.bly Nn.gtb.d by ample nasiones of war." Th. adhere of the hawse are the mwe who have bees oapalytag smmaalSos to the Os..r..My leads, sed their obreetr le Motes well shows 1n the oolamss of their owe paper. .•• °ultra'. nopnun (41.057. Uo.lph Msrea,y : Wham the Gedrl.h d.petaM.. te Ottawa rotas. Guelph ea Monday evening there wltl be quite • del- g•Mee N esd Gedrlob people N the elation toggles nem their geed wisher ler the eery Me el IbMr mlerine. It w111 egmprls. H, Lockwood. G. B. Morrie, M.F. Cray, bank Hate, I. 1[. Spook, Harry Belts, Ge.. Rohm. E. Cray. Jab. $slurs., Jobs Dose, llh."W Merrh. 3.,... 11.111,•., Mr. Adam, Mr. MCI t. at 8.11', I Mr. Edwards, Mr. and pesMWy en et two Obese. will s11 be there, toe. The thiamisb eelay la Guelph 1. mads up o1 abet fifty la all ad you may ha sore they are M IM.,essed 1s the wheats for the deep. odes .f 3•derleh harbor. with • view le 1\a0.1. R. oeeem•M.. between Gnaph ..d Goderleb. • e • KIM Or 0001, 111111111 AND r'.HAtAoraa! 01Lten New Bra : The Dahlia may he vee Wrested le kaewbg ee..Mlag of Ib. habits of a Mw of the O•blnee Miamian. Mr. Leerier. Mr. Thrt, Mr. Oartwrlvbt, Mr. Devise. Mr. Fielding. Mr. Fisher, Mr. Mets.k, Me. Jelly and Dr. soraee do see Miltie, Mr. Palermo, M,. 81ftos, Mr. Igel Mr. Jay. Mr. 141.1. and Mr. Bair w tela' G\etal.er.. Theo of the Ministry w ho bake any wise et linear u .11 do se wily at hapses ase seats like gstharlase, This le • pre*y geed sbewlag, seaMd.rl.g as tengitalens they sre snbjest he. What peter Imperaa.e 1s the fan that the bs+s11 cf eserbl ...alai bas saver e.salled the daessabst of soy member of the Ad.u- letrs>tce. Is fhb reason (neer U.es ere Ir• repasbabl..ed far.marked nelson te net if sale• eM Their predeceases. r • • .R OIA•r.M naawrlaee1. Ntealferd Renee : Hare h the way 81r Merles Rapper "eeawf.bod" wit .f Ib Wein eheopis w►. I.Iry gated at • meet leg Is Brockville Mr Gash rape -1 weer made • Maier Wets 1M Lalral eatery te fi edivilh was Me 'l V•a saslel.eyam MM.•peer- f sever yam • elliko tore wfe-aihattibetad a,::o'F't!,sa,.oa:-- nem-,.,..:raysv...»u.,r•re.cnusea7enate.a.mg.ssmw.+slenetw• .heel,.again Maio Weigh, .ad 1 wUl over make • ...fact sow man rut 1 am troth of the ohesge. 1 .ear • or Wa►J esti! Friday bus .04 what 1 said t.e will fled 1s S.a..rd. Mr. Maelstee-How did the charges wine to be made? Akaaha Innen esW I hare anewered yea ` IOM's .f " Pat him eat !" .ad spear ) Sir Charles west se te my that Melee Walsh had w boar friend cs the eon of the H...e thea the speaker, and w awned WI ge.tlsma. to M ta.00wt until be was prev.. gouty. Mr. Molares-Yea made Wargo* without ✓ evleg Tkl. devetd "friend" Made the tallest a.pereloaa en Major Walsh 1a the flow, where his sesames were prlyUsg.d, sok would set be hedeoed to repro them on the platform, w►lob woad read. . ice liable to prweoettw.. t .tor*.. Topper ! What • d.4hu.l thing 1t ie to he • frlead et a Tupper ! COUNTY CURRENCY. Holmn,Ule Geo. Tebbe% 1., • vola• able here. recently. W larb.m : Rtobard Tassel and was have gene a reside 1. Maatetlque, Was. W t.th•m : J. HGIUday lett es Wedges. day N lael week.loc Iarse Nano Dakota. Cli•len : Het * Oigrar'les a Imiiiikalte hso w►leh laid a dam imp 1. Intl., ► dart. M.KUIte : Mho Grieve. denditer of Jeb. G. Grieve, le eertesely IU wish ssarlel fever. Otiose : Freak Up.k&11 left but week fee Brandon with • carload of settlers' 111.ote. B.trtb : The Broadtail A Bea Fare.• sere Co. shipped a oar of furniture to Liver- pool reesstly. W I.gb•m . Miss Sarah Patioae has left tar Woodstock, when she bas .cured • sit- u ates •1 the tailoring. 8eaWorth : A. P. Joy■I dispatched a oar• load of wood Gabes to Ramlord, R. 1 , . Wediseedey of lest week. Myth : John it•rrtok hes left for Hop worth. when he has a position with the Hepwerlh Manutaotarlag Co. McKUlep : Robert Maen, who married Mies Keir Hulley a short thine Vo, has started baoksnlitiar s1 B..obwood. Blyth : J. H. Meow left taw week for Modest MGs, when be h. seoured • laxative posiho. in • hardware etre. Morris : Jobe Cookrltse, of Morris, Is .mined te his hams with etom.oh tremble. He has sow been laid up for eight weeks. Wlwb.a : Joh. Ear. of 5... was u nited is the bods of matrimony, . Tues- day 18th, te Mn. A. Walter, also of Wing - haat Ethel. O. Wed.pday, of hest week, M. WVildfans. of Listowel, and Min Agnes *Whop, of thl.leeelity, we ..armed M 8taw sea.. Bayfield . A highly respected man of 1hie sloe, u the preen et Sansei Wan. 66 the ere of 64 ywu paned any se Tassdsij, the 18th leek Exeter : E. L Ward, lobe wet te Rldgotewa tram acetr, as manager of the Meto= beak, bee bees transferred to tat Pert Artbar brand. Beafortb : MM M.111. Wright, daugb• ter of James Wrlaht, of John -.e., has bow appointed librarian et this pubho library at • e.hry el $180 per year. 8.atrth : Atoreador Loeb, of this tow., was aalrta.4 eaoog► to have the tops takes ea two ot his Gapers while work- bag is Am.i s eswmlII 1a Brume. Ethel : Tkemm w b114.ld, an ed and well ke.wn resident of the 12th o.. of Grey, has purohewed the Jury property la oar village and will take up his residence 6 Kimmel') : Leat week ttober% Baron had Um bons in was et hit big toes removed. The We was frogen same wean see and the hese wo diseased and was giving him tr.►le. &..ale : Chr1.M.a Brinkr .ad Chs. M.Phmaen, formerly of C.escavllle, sear Drteelt, have seemed eat • "oats' farMeb1ng stook u •.secede with Mr. Briakee's Wier shop Grey : 1t. H. Close has ben oaring for • badly damaged right band for some weeks. He ger is mybt hetween • tree and • stamp 1• the bah w ohopptsg, and had t1 very . criea.ly Injured. Seatereb : J. G. Crleh ao.1 Al... Mc- Key left fes Allis lobe Dania, H.C..wh.re they tamed le ',Well they like the am- ity. David Crawford •000mpanted them se Ear as Nene. B.O. Whether' : Last week Mn S. Ur.osy res5ved the sad sews of the d.,ih of her fano, J. Bole, et Myth. Nth. age of 82 Mr. Bah wee nes of Blyth'. meet repented residents. His death oeourred . Weddell - day. Wiyh•m : A very pretty wedding Iwok place at Mr. Magill'., Mildmay, formerly .f Beimore, ea April 12th, when his eldest d••gbtr, waned , Millie, was ed In 1he holy kneel. of aWm.y to Mr. Myles, of Nalb - Winans] : J. R. Boland, who has boa asides Lore ter .ems time, started last weak for Rehm, B.C., ..mp.nted by his wean, Risible Johnson. Mer Sarah Jaunt's tweet as tar . Deler•Ine. Man., with them. Realer : Os Wedwday, April bIh,Jeho Oerllen. et' West Lore, was united le marriage with Mn. io.nny, of Wets M.• Giltivny. We endeared that They have reeled Mr. Weslewsy's hew In Sieber aorta, and will become residers of Rueter. Hallett : Word was received here last week of the .adden death of Mn. Robert Livtogotew, .1 Superior, Iowa, which took plate -in Serimeate, O.1, where she bad Was speeding the winter. Root Uvag- .teo* is a e. ot Thee. Livingstone. of Hallett Kleine : Word bas been removed from Meas Mead Hicks, who reesstly left hen foe a vWt in California. 8m reports • plasmas jenny and wry Riverside le • veritable flower garde. ea whish the sus shines daily. and whish requires 1. bo Ossa to he appreciated. Norley : W.. Think, the Miners. Ward anl .15.n tan. Stanley, who left • few weeks ego for the Edmeeten dimwiol, Substance -Shadow ✓ fee • basewere le fief « 1.,.'Me s �Po '.g M Air say lie NMI MI Wert 11 to TIM o -n o -s i, Alberta. arrived r1 their d -Yeast. rt 'r, with 15.4. _III.. '.E..i., Ts.y bar - Isma.isesLsms jeey.oy, Wax al.. N abs .ad eight dere se the read. Chaise : A Kra Johann. et Zerioh, who Is sow. ear* at the Waverly Hoax. \►pat\t hoe fpmn ehUd ti iJr Uua lest week le have It treated fore harelip o1 Dm .aa ww.4lied kfr"3-Th. Tin epee the little ewe •.d 11 le . 1t will sees Frew oat of what would have ben a cad deferent y. H. wee wooed by Dr. lire, hem. Byfield : A very Iaterestleg and alias - km event took plan. ea Wednesday .realm of ase week at the home of Alfred Soolob• ewe, whee his daughter Eleanor was malted le tb bode of matrimony to Wax Heard. of barbell. Tb gram was support- ed by Jam. Porter, et Uod.uuh, .ud the Mire by her sister, Mi. Marparer. Suotoh- men. ENGINEER IGRAHAM, M ..atre.t, ('..red et Mabere. ler Mare name nu. Meetreal, Apr. 24. -Proof positive and esensoag has bene already sawn In M. (real, that Dodd'. Kidesy Pill. .re the ally inn ear* lot that dread dun.. d,abeles. And day after day fresh evidenoe uomee to light, te make 15. proof more emphatic . sal oveviesleg Sagineer ;ems /heha..'- 60 V ettaria. Serra says: -'°1 offered with dieheM ter nit fore. Coe of oar beet door or. told me I would sot he oared. " 1 read of Dedd'. Kidney fills and de- eded to 1,y ib.., Three bone made me welt sag 1 aye not ealfer*J from diabetes sines" Snob owes.. this prow the iftioetoy of Uedd's Kid.y PdM. The medals for the matinee. of 1866 70, w allas were inpeeted to be ready for dle- trlbottos ea May 24th, s..• not yet arrived Keep -its -mind that Scott's F =ISsttM ttiffilaLintlittitypo- phoaphites. These alone make it of great ale --for xif *Hist Bute of the nervous system. It also contains glycerine,, a most valuable, soothing and healing agent. Then there is the cod-liver oil, ac- knowledged by all physicians as the best remedy for poor blood and loss in weight. These three great remedial agents blended into a creamy Emulsion, make a remark- able tissue builder. sm. ail I,..., all drueglsta *COTT • IOWN8, Camara., Teresa. at Gnaws. Talle will oaan • deity, end The possibilities are it will he Dear ,he ohms, of Jame balers they are ready 1'h. hnt lot want= 10,000 metals, and thew will first h ay. 1. be ...graved with t5. Dame. of those to whom they aro to be giro. The r..poo- Mbtlity for to delay rests upon th..uihor- ess of the wit is Harland. CIIot"u New. ttword : Mr.. Joh. Spimuer returned let week tram Wiwoip.g, Man., .ad has Mea ties guest of her stator, Mn. J, B. Ramball, This awl' ibe i. .Mill." her brother ha G,drich. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MACLEODiS SYSTEM RENOVATOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. RIDE Stearns BICYCLE • - _..a.o_ .I.TD 121_1aO1QTEINTT_`-.. -- The Stearns is an AristocratT -among Wheels. - You expect artistic excel- lence. The STBAIltrss is beautiful in its lines and finely finished in every detail. In the STE.►Ras every part • not enameledl is full nickeled over copper_ _1 The -.STs t&Ns•.is- as good as it is- beatti-> fill. Though fascinating to look at, no stronger Wheel *as ever -made. • CHAIN, $45. CHAINLESS, $65. N. D. ROUGVI E. MoKim's New Store, Reid's Old Stand. Goderich. HATS I Our Hat Sale goes merrily on ret these prier : Mee's Hard and Soft 5*It Hata, bleak and colon, at $2.00, $2.25 sod 12.50, •11 at .. prise 11 50 These are all best 5.0(11.5 Fur Felt Hata, Chrutv's mak., silk band., silk Wading and soft leather sweat band, stylish and op -to date, good vales at $2 00 and $2.50, .11 re pries 11.50 Spode] in Clap. a1 25o Men'. Fedora Hat., Christy's EoglIsh mak., new shapes, silk trimmings.. worth $1 25 and 11 50, for ill 00 Men's EamUeh Fedora Hats, silk Mode sed findings, leather sweat bands, regular 11.00, for 750 Men'. Fedora Het., reenter pr "5a. and 75o., all at )Oo A lot of mea's and boys' Hard and Soft Hats to ol.r at 25o M�KIM'S BARGAINS Just a small list of our many Bargains which make easy Kelliuy; : 1 pieces Skirting Lin.., 8., even thread, 37 ie. wld., per yard 10e. 1 poo. Skirting Linen, fanny wears, heavy, good atlas at 25o.,oar price ea yard 20o. 1 sad Table Lie., hall bleach, 8a Irish make, 71 lo. wide. speolsl value at 360., to clear at per yard . 280. 1 tet .mall-frineed colored herder Batter Towels. reels 2e 2.sds Brown Tweed, strong for bey.' war, per yard 2bo. 1 .d all•weol H.111.. Tweed, special, per yarrl 2Fre 1 end Navy Serge' for hoes' wear and men's oheap'gooier., to dear at per yard. 25o. 1 piece Fawn Cashmere, 42 in. wide, rose lair pries 25e., so ilea, at 124o. 1 pie. Black Figured Drees Coed., .penial. to elan, at per yard 250. Let Capes-- 33 lith.' Oapse, salmi plat., seine headed, were 12 50 to 58 00 each, all et tee polies - All ap to $4 00, for .oh .... ..... $1 00 All .t $4 00 and over, for each . 1,50 These are sot the .weer gnosis, but they are eralsly cheap at 11 00 and $1.50 .oh. Vete-Ladies' Vests, all pries., 4o., 60 , 10o., 124e., sad 20e. R.. - Wim.', C.tt., Cashmere and Lisle Row at 5e., 10i , 124a , 20e., 250 150 40e. �5a. sad 60.. Lot Flowers at Factory Cotton friers or Half Millinery Prloes; Reece, Wreathe, Violeta, oto. 1 pleat Conlon Flannel at 44o. a 1 pane .. Twill Bbirtieg, ie. wide. pr yard 124o. 1 pleas 40 in. Pillow Cotton at '10. Mea'. Knitted nhlrt. with Collar, each 11 00, 75o , 501, end 250. Flanoefeta Barth, Neale and Rey?, o.11ar attached, each . 190. to 500. White Shirts, three .pawl. at 60a, 75o. sad 11.00. Colored and Black Shirts all prises. (char. -Moo'. " IJ? ase "Collate. 'tend ap, lure down, and tura points, each ....10o. Sock. -Min's Mocks, 5,., loo , 15o. aid 26.. Lot Silk Ties, four.l.•hend, took. and bow., were 26a. each, mw 2 fur 25e. Let Hcy.Two•oieoo Sega .111 25. Hofs' Kelek.n at.. ...25o., 50c sad 75o. Let Roman Stripe Bibb.•, the 'start 1r 1ad11' woll*n, ties .ad belts, per yard, half price 10. Roby Biter, • big lot at Jost half pries, were 10, , eer•.h era Rid.rdewn for house jeekes..d baby wear worth 20e., for 12io. 1)...k --1 end Navy Salty leach for boy' and ladies' hloa..,, .ad shirt waist., areal .t . 10e. Donk - 1 eed /Use sad White, special, per yard Itis, These are all good reliable wantable goods at close cut prices. W. A. M°KIM. Reld's Old Stand, Oodericb. iAHERIEHM#NCENPRE - Barjahi Days . .iE�PR�ZI 27t4 28th. BARGAIN$ IN DRESS GOODS. BARGAINS IN LACE CURTAINS. BARGAINS IN CARPETS. BARGAINS IN ART MUSLIN$. Barga!us Alt r the 'Siore. J.A.S. ROBIN -SOW,. MEDICAL HALL, - 0ODERICH. Skeklgearly complete agtuo. Nets goods receival daily: &lei of ting Rath and Careiap Sponges just to band. Tile newest and latest Perfumes Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, ant Condition:Powdori. Rubber (toddy, Syringe+, Atoinixers, Hot Water and -Ice Hag", etc., et-• .1 F. JORDAN, Corner Colborne -ht. and Stluarc Marine Baud's Big . . VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, Thursass ay d • 1 ��, � �prll Z7th and Friday ... 28th. 60 - PEOPLE IN THE CAST -60 S. A. VOORHEES, Stage Director. 8:15 p.m 9:15 9:25 10:00 10:10 II Grand Minstrel (First Part). Goderich Police Force. Marine Band Concert. Imperial Quartette. The Funny Afterpiece, eRs. rc�xsor SOIREE," UR THE Reception to the Premier of Oanadta. Grand Street Parade Thursday at noon. Reserved Seat sale commences Monday at one o'clock, at Porter's Book Store. Seats, 25, 35 and 50 Cents, ICYCLES ! .lust look et these prices : " White," high grade wheel, was $70, now $55. " McCready," Goderich, from $35 up. "Jupiter," grand wheels, from $30 up. (Dome and Goa them at WORSEI..L'S '1Po ADV$RTIMMRS. Notion of °hangers mast be loft s1 Mkt t Iflj ,. not lamt than tlatsrday noon. The Oopy for •• ebeagno mast Ian Isis sat near 4hast day noon. Oawal Ally aaatpiwi sat -4 uoote.)46mo tityl-at