HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-13, Page 8THE RTGNAi i 9ODBIB.IaW OkrAlua. 1000 yards' Dress. Goods • In Plaids, Stripes and Checks, suitable for Cbildrent& - Wears Wrapped, Waists . In.I Hoose Dresses. Double Fold, Only 1 lc. OHST A PB1 TS.* X PRINTt°J. LOVELYMINA LD HATS Our Show Rooms are oompIso with all the 8eseoe's Novelties. NSW KNOX SAILORS. ' CaLIADBENH !>d l ll ip > ! '4- - New nosey Straw Ballani. ... . HOSIERY AND GLOVES Your needs in thew lime aro well looked attar bare. Our prices are shaved down to the rook. Heavy Bl•ok Ribbed Hoes for Iodise and Boys, 2 pairs for 26c. Fu.Ioe_ported Black Hose, fast black, re talar mac. for 19c. Fancy Striped std Plaid Hosiery, 2fic., 460., The beet Kid Glove in the market at 11.00. Nice Blank Silk Finished Gloves, 17c. Childrss's Gloves and Hosiery • specialty. BOYS' CLOTHING. We are fully alive to the inlpocMnce of your boy's Spring Suit and have •sply pro- vided for it. Our rouge in tory complete. Boys' Two-piece Suit. Boys' Three-piece Suits. Boys' Separate Pants. The wearable, durable kind. BLACK DRESS GOODS. omdeo rabgesied it today. ittd. is til', k Mr. mad Mn, Jas. Meese H•uedilddsMM thio menu. Thursday sod Friday. Alla. Bowles reMwed •tya.latmoeee here tier week H. leek. sole •ad bg•rty. Mina Nand Yasuo bog moor litigious ra Cothrrao for the pass *mode of weeks. Gram Crawford .pest less week with ►.r .user, Mrs. Robert l)ors7o, u1 1>.agaaaw. Mies IfaaM Stevenson lett last week per Detroit, where she aessads rew.atamg ter some time Mr. Sohoenhab, sr., .t Mllverteo, orbs has boos .letting leu .ea, leaves today for Ms bmess. W. Barrows has taken ahem 01 the .•aw a"i 8b:oplfdie.. i11�Ulk` na pan►rad some time ago frees Jack Simpeos. Lusk week w.. • weak of ohoag.s Jelin Stevenson and featly met. into Wm. M.Brtd.'. hues, A. V. Cassel tato the ase wasted by M. Stormont, bel Allred Swale late thee frost white Mr. Gaoled reesevN. The M mestere seem to have beeoee ea armoured of oyster suppose. lad Thus - day *venom they held their ..osad for this year. At this mu. bow.v.r, only the .is bora ►.d their wives-- or, is oase. et Nose wcthest the latter, their .w.eteartm-won a attewda..v. With opium. Rases aid d.wlsg the earrtiefpanta bad a very eajey- abbet66ste- ensajwg.Mar o fest. Nat Us- a.s.ttse did sot break up till about Ma o'clock. Tim society workers however taro.d the 'upper to geed s000ust, tsores.- log their amnion. we andmitand, by flye sew members Always popalrt, always rich rod dressy. Thus ease= they stand first for Stylish Skirts. Heavy_ Warred Vieth c upooa, sono. $..26, Priestley's Taney Black Fabrioe, 50e,, %c., uoo. Heavy Black Suiting Merges. 50c., 7&:.. 81.00. Uosne and sae our line. Now Prints and Ginghams. A Como ete New nitock thio worn of all the desirable Print.. For waists, Wrappers, Dresses. A nice lin., fast eulors, at lie. rim wide Imported Giughame et 1fic. New Organdie Muslin. New Plain Colored and Black Muslin*. New Check Muslin [few White Cottons and Mfieettngs. - New Apron Gingham*. Waterproof Clothing Tee's Mackintoshes in Black. and Fawns in best makes. (..dies' stylise with'king Capes in Blacks end Fancy Tweeds, Navy Serge elle, a, etc. Lidice Cloth Capes. Ladies' Jackete. Evry Eflbrl Pul Fut'lh to PIese You. GENTS' FURNISHINGS. j WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. New Fancy Felt Hat.. only 75. i Juot the kinds which add NO materially Nice Range all colon Tiedorae, 81.00, *1.60, 1 to the beauty of the Spring l:ewn. You Bee our Cambric Shirt, 25c. ii .t fail to be suited an this stock. Full Range White and Colored Shirts. • TM. now Milk tock with Puff Tie akl.chsd, -'!\s Meet eater inaha sarheewt fAe.-^ - Poet otelts,imam. - ..+•-_^-r--!..,t- ,'.- Men's Balbriggan Underwear, alt sixes. 1 be New Butte�rdy Bow. _ _ Meu'. Leather Belts} and Bracer. 1 he New 11.11 own. In fact, • complete Genre' Furnishing Stare. Nine Plaid Children's Tres, only 18c. And we could add a hundred more items to this list that would interest you and at interestingly Low Prices. Come and see our Spring Display. CASH AND ONE PRIDE. SMITH -EROS.- & CO. Rev. C. C. Ceni..., of Aston. was 15. gust el Kr. •ltd Mn W. A. Hankies while is teae tkb weak. THE WEEKLY MAsttitr REPORT Y2�w[ti April 13, Ya11 O le to 0 IP Mawr,lea%ta.sdt O0rt0Mprwc..... »10 to 110 ► lov ee.i, tit skit J.....»t» be f 10 6656 M !awes. ....»..,.,m , -.. bell a sa ores. flee MVO .....4.......- 1 to t 00 oro. per bash +..a...».,.. • el tee • to Harkwheat. par beds 0 69 to 0 30 Ow,ebomb ..... ..,....-......,, •ftwoe B arley. wen boa 01s to 0 51 Ote. 1MM•60 le es II le Memo. oar t►.... litotterr •••-.. 0 SD ne • 11 ries, a.ebm.g.dwia; • SOC:. • 1 tto o $ 1t wwe«oda y Pelts •«• 0 M st lie 0 a 5.1m. l.Hors Immo am. 8 7a N 1 s0 DreaeedIdes. ,.-4.....« 6 O• l • 00 Palma.«..enmorm 0 10 to • 16 Siam. par lb.. ...»:......Im ... • 1161. 0 la Lard, por lb.... ,,, « • 00 1. 0 11 Deemed Beet O rusts 000 to 5 Dreamed Best Wl 6 00 te 6 te ABHFIELD. et a dewmoenU ducting party at R. Sser'. Moixoay, April TON. 'on Eutaw M..d•I night. The floor meow The dant week has been favorable for mak. r ren wore Wm. Jo.ee, W. E. Taylor •.d suede ple mowAle:. GIM, jr. 514. Bower, 12th oosoamelen, has nam- Meader of 1•d week Wm. Tobin and mossed M make eblagles. David 0.. batt won •t the Kim" boll. Amens the deacon Noy taw oar former lhe b.rbia.srs of *print aro oosseedwg townsman, Marin Fobbed, wwerog the M arrive. Th. Skog oroh.tr• is quiet 7". obeery uses of the mu,io with the ardor Tbe sidelines 5.vmi been badly drifted dor• of youth. The lads were deeply improved iy the last storm and are almost moms- with an old -ria Smoke. reel •her the able dance aloud. Martin entertalood the Inde We are merry to learn that Thomas Holm at his batoh.lor's yeart.re on Rase avenue, is meri000ly eek. Wo bops to hoar of his showtbsm • Sal mirror, the eta al speedy mousey. which, he said, was rather unknown to the lair ones of Ashfield. Later in the day Jae. Caroming and Robert Ok• vt.tt.d him and deeply admired thew mirror. tl.fore ratans. lag home the latter two segued for the summer months with the farmers timer D. Corbett also la enraged with Joseph ('owse for this year. LIEBURN. Berl/mar, April 8th. Aroble Horton and Rfohard Foley enjoyed • pleaetat duos Is the village of Rob Roy oaday eight of last week. Wham in H• alltee at Easter our genial tewooman, J. J. Wriebt of the Point Farm, met our dormer soww•m•., J. O. Clattow 5h • obarob. Str•.gs to say, be always route John thene when vlettisg the MS. This tlm. J. G. wee there first. Of eosins this' bad • big °hat over old those in Leghorn bolero devouesal .sense oommeseed. (Beth are always early fee the kirk. ) CARi,OW MoxDAv, April 10th. 1l Alva. ogee not always strike 1t good, it 4.004 5*. 10.18. Mies M. Robertson lett last Saturday to mass her duties 1. Wfaghem public eebeol. i{ette a aamblrof people have tepp.dthetr sepia tress, bat se tar a very peer res has been the result. Mn. Gee. ManSaU bas boarbt sus the stIltegr Autism et Aum feemil ile g1aa by Mrs. Hoodoo. Mr. Petersen, the veteran wall -driller, le *Rale "lb us. He it .t Colonel Verse', sod tI there is water to be had be will got It Mae A. Glee, wbe had been spending • 1s* days 1t the base of R. Jewell, wormed bias W.dmeedsv well plowed with her 'lid'. LANES. .411.117. v�ESGeo. W.-'1'homsoo &-Sou, MUSIC DEfOJ. We sold "MCCREADYS" AND "CRESCENTS" in 180,41a -will continue to sell them in 1899. - - It cost our customers, on an average, less than 2 cents each for repairs on our Bicycles last year. We challenge any other dealer honestly to show as good a record. 100,000 of these wheels were made and sold in '98, and indications point to a sale of over 150,000 for '99. We have the very latest improvements on our Bicycles ; the best material that can be obtained is used in their construction, and all are fully guaranteed. The prices are right, viz.: Tie SR* bit tie Seim ! Friday, April 14 MONDAY, Apr. 10th. Mn. Parkins and ouldns, from DeMelt, are rigida/ here, the gemw ot John Bald. wig. Mrs. T. Reese was amp from ignell setendleg the festal a hB her breaker, lets Curtis: Reese* Farrah reearwed lase week hes Red Jacks, Mioh . when he bah lase workbag isle bit summer. Mn. Frames Seem, gr., was called a 10geraetl es Weds.sd.y last to eased the drapes J of bar brotbar•o-lew, T. Rodeos. she died use soddenly. After three yeses' abeeece in Oolerr de god Montes. Jae Courtesy arrived home leek week leek4g 65.1. and hearty. W. egiSa chat he lam.4@ r.saialag at hon is. One by etre the early pioneers of this v:o- Why IS, calla away te thus piano from Whale* as travellers rotors. This week we "has le eh1onWe the death d Peter O.rrl.. "lob yens et obs selde.se et hi. LAhgr•Is-hen, D. Idt11e'., en Friday sere - , fag, 7th taut. Dese•s.d was over meta' y ed gp, sad ler a .unsbed of gars bad v d �g.e, sill abort twa watts let re lig Maiges. The tsars' takes piss Wet. Meads. a Bibbed smeary. DU NLOR. Mosso. April 10th. 'Ass wags swim has a Jeb. Okere r n Wednesday ettersees. dein Clerk, wit* reit. W sakibrIs y is Ss baFlthe reef a bare altl•*S ihw week. Mages Os. Osten, M W www wog en 1Mgr visitor bete, rimire ISMS Oessade t. James Tess and W *Ow. Wis. weir 1. Geds.L5 toseelild Widnes*" .1 late taw .i'a ..gen Brig purify .t A1.e. The tees in lest ellialki. MN'FloKAI. t. w. see t the preens* el Isobars's ledy sae .f he MM resides' wen ant seeped by as. ser ya. ks.ds4 o te .sr bans fee publics. MiS. Ill MIN fres .mese sow ass ♦ t..,,. « fie ]tai Iley Oaths w.re nes tsi.ei [Note its mentioned by oar oorreapoad ee•, as item appeared in the Disrobe news los week of which oar Dunlop oorrupood• . nt was not the author. We regret the oc- currence and hope oar oorrospoadeat will have io farther trouble la the matter. -Ed. nro r at.1 ONE NIGHT ONLY VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE Specie) engagsmeut at AIR. PORTER J. 11111416 •000spsnied by M188 OLGA VtRNE in PORT ALBERT• MoXDAY. April 10th. Willie Hayden spent Sudsy of beast. Min Los Cunningham leaves se -day for t , ao4 Ben'. Jas. Troon, of Beemlller, spent him vmen- ttoa at home, Mies Yaks le disposing of • gawk of willowy in oar berg. Mies Tberl icer, .d fedmIsb Sowsehip, If you want a good Wheel, call at Lk HUBEI pCSON'S where you Can " " get the t Columbia, dendron, Rambler al the Ideal, all high grade wheels, at prices away down. o,.....3-,.-. .. rte-.v!•f^. Hv rN A good second-hand Wheel for $12. $55.00; $45.00 AND - 840.00: ,.. all highrade, but differently equipped. We do not sell cheap -made Wheels, and we know them to be the most expensive In the end. If you intend to buy call on us and we will be pleased to show you our different lines and explain their construction. If you cannot call, write us, and we will be pleased to supply you with catalogue, or call on you if you wish. Do not forget that we sell also the celebrated "QODERICH ORGAN" and "WORMWITH PIANO," both so familiarly known as to need no further comment AUST In Sewing Piachines we sell the "WHIM" "NEW WLL,UAM !.SO4`.'QUEEN," fros$25.00upi decotding to style and finish. _ :_ -_ We carry a full line of small musical instruments-Quitars, Violins,Aeaoideons. &c.-4 -*iarge collection of the latest I'lusic Folios, vocal and instrumental, and sheet music. "Empire" Typewriters, $55.00. Give us a call and you will be pleased with our goods and prices. Geo. W. Thomson & Son. &NE# GOOK STOVE C,.mpkte Clew Scenery by W. L. Seamy,. "f New York. The moat complete 6lectei- u.l outfit tour carried by • travelling ooes sOetodeilidesigned and c astrooted by t the Pdiruu Electrical Co: Positively producin the following original ..seta t " The Rain of Fin; " The 6lectricei Sword Duel." The Electric Fin Flies," The Electric Stan,' " The Electric Mower Bed," " The Electric Morning Glories," " The Electric Necklace" ''The Electdo Circle of Fire,'" "The Electric Skull," together with electric Owl., Sn.k.s and 'many other weird and dram•ttc effects. 17,621 feet of Electric Wire. 11.144 Sq. fed of Scenery. ' One Carload of Wonderful Bootie and Dramatic Effects. FORFEITED if thin is not the fittest production of Pans ever in America. $1,000 Seat sale opens Monday, 10th. HONE WORK FOR FAMILIES Ws want the merlins of • number of families to do SWUUM& for m at home, whole or spars thaw a furnish • br maohlae and simply the yarn re. d pay for the work se sent 1tt.taaee ea hladreane, •7 to 111 par week made a000 dlag to Use aerated to the work. Write et coos. same 4aferesee.. Co-operative `.5triag see.. • 1.re.te. GODSRJOH STEAK BOILER WORKS. The Money you spend Is stilt to your Credit. When a man buys SHOREY'S Ready Tailored Clothing, the mon he pays for it is really on deposit as it would be in a bank. It the clothes do not prove to be satisfactory in every respect, fit, finish and workmanship he can go back to the dealer and get his money back. What more can you ask ? This guarantee is a part of every salt; of Shorey's Clothing. A card to that effect is found in the pocket of each garment. You do not find such cards it1 the pockets of ordinary clothes. Now do you? A. S. GHRYSTAL, swag__'to oarparel • Irle&. ranafaot■rr or all Mode et BOILERS, Brooke Stooks, Salt 1'.om, Sheet Irep Works, etc., sit., And Dealer o- itness, st abay Commas, a.. All Mess el Pipes and Pipe TltHnge, Mum .ad Water Oasis,Glebe vela, Cheek Vase. 66� tleecwe ..d ls• ea land at lease AT THE OLD BUSINESS Tot.pee . 1""ai real Vi.M5 ad Mh/ er (er d seed Issas sethers. taseetries pv.es•Ift intended to A. S. Cll<TIT.L. 1/►1y P. 0. Ma 1f. ONIg * MI A NEW STAND. �• We beg to state that we have again opened -a - Grocery business, at the corner of the Square and Montreal street, the store formerly occupied by H. J. Horton. We have a complete stock of fresh Gt ocersss, and shall be able to supply our customers with firs class goods at the lowest possible prices. We hope to be able to serve all our old friends, and many new ones. STURDY & CO. ICYCLES ! Just look .t theme prices : " White," high grade wheel, was $70, now $55. "t McCready," Ooderich, from $40 up. " Jupiter," grand wheels, from $30 up. Crime and see Ulm at WORSELL'S •• For the Cream of the News, read " The Signal:' Wedo AlMinds of rioulding and Repair Macildsry of • any description at short notice, and for little money. ?ie thane Bicycle Ca., Suellen" t.8 DmAIOH. Basis•.. r *5s d Oases r • gowld .1 arty days, as byes•ee Aetbs* treated by 0or5wg oswedthe marvtlNersa p- tb.e.Ogmres es gatbeids rem' bopeed ts) muds- a • beets.: three bottles for tea field by all 4r.Rg1A• or not Goliath. • msesses 00.. 121 bbersb street, Tone - * FOB BALM BY JAB. WILSON. 1 At any season of the year there is for greater eombe/ than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kkaen. It is with 000s stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We knew you will be phased with our FAMOUS and StovesaniRanges ♦T � carrrs BROIL sat%O: Wes side S Sgws, seat ateeti lose CANTELON'S ramoor Pattel,tart Ind ai ilia' Ismatibrall Biagi hut 44. are ea goat es the hest web lo any Sty in Canada. C.mnteina Pods IAw task* WEDDING CAKES intanoy d.drdWand ore55'int• mg almond ►d.8. „SATs him an order and your est' - SIsmAon will be seared. D. CDANTELONV wti1T-07. ouRa_ eiG I WELLAND VALE BICYCLES _ SEASON 1BFg. .. t .r . CHAIN /ODELS :... DOMINION, - $35. GARDEN CITY, $45. PERFECT, - - $66, - PERFEOT .T7- , C H A I N LESS, $76.00. - A feature of the WELLAND VALE Wheels is the undisputed fact that they cost loss for repairs than any other make, and are bedsides the easiest manias on the market. We cater to the requirements of all emeses of riders and our different sty .rani.`. Waara# epioneerss in -la. Ital�ileture and use 01 one-piece cranks, which are undoibiLed1ytf►e bellA p error employed, so much so that tin majority of leedil4 Bicycle -makers are copying the idea as nearly as tilsy Shite. - R. W. MoKENZIE, Local Agent for Qoderich s - IPI ty