The Signal, 1899-4-13, Page 7• .: , �.�..-.�r.+.r - ....1111 . �-..e - -__-..t._--..._. -..- spins I= I= TU !LMS HONBY�OONB83 � at .S �a ed In t6 �.:: XAM of c.>1.ct. t, .IND OUT.�'�..,>*,•� Ice TRld. wui0. /t, C1teaRe ricrac Cal``ary will vole on a 990,000 by • t:eriams a" • flNnsdoles law (or waterwaldla !11'0 ()felt es OUSOdING AT T= YAD'1'B. Tit, last treedaJtl ham disappeared Y�nderbilt a, Aprll 10.-tl1"ea an btervtew, from l�lflim l prkma p � p hi William V. d. haana- The Legislature the Northwest olid His Brldee ler =h Alfa$ as$ �'r'�`" ndd TerriterW Q¢w�as a�1ed .at lletlna. AnEiaawlor Looelles, and cabled the The Dubsength all average $950.000 as WastotillaO hareipenda a cbOttter to W Logue. is b andis: ILL DOW QUINT IT P1B/t � w hood �ortRr kiln% tions ti Lord Iltrusba mo ban giveu $100 aoWhsg bell's r, In tea'' to the W Lan 1p� lndwtrlal Exhlw- ulmieu than it rented is �M-6m,R-40- Hajp"llu�tt,L � f $lees. ' tae 1pe by ....W,;iNt'f .av, ,a,r.s3t+rra ra+S srrr6slf Ater ielAtl�i�d� �. ppi7 i miles of horse railway remaining In and iulllere throe ponsayy pAnti asack h-omlr (Mill VOILA Gonzalo Ilam been ap• clop v auclt as poamibb. peintc1l ma Spantmb Amb•s•Aor to Ing torDBaton �on Office off 1. k. Buelowsald to tile a tort Hrwab. E!►!B YILIli1 1(Ow IN OOBlAOL, Yr. Francis Marion Crawford is sold �or� beat here of the Associated r , have cameasaned to write Lhe bleu =a `^'-`by: " We have Dot received till Of Pope Lao XIII. t dFalke,ll from the Neveousaer d Cru woe Yttcder, at nes Louis -kiln the Fulkr. and du not believe tbeatory The KBO d (lerasay and his Worse on Trial for the sell $tar- kola about the strained relatlamn be- taaJly will para • ltWby holiday tweea the oomatagder of ilea Garman Jr England as4� der-Postpoo"mens a lianas (incl- warship and Admiral Kautt• Wewotl] Rev. Rotor$ Jobnaoo, d London,(eds1'r'iu-Jury rtteoltabsdseamaw have hal d It officially If It had Ono. g1uAs d>� [ram one L ILL I been true. Montratl We have not received and advloss t#uvels sayw�s -W -receive As v -fig* APO l tlsi"legdlr Ibfr Dtvllaaaifne of. C10- treaty sis the exuhaligs o lt1tt10atbas of the saf°r' 12 arep loss their i°r ut, e$$ oar r_a_te, the.argu- t Baty d pose OM April 20th. ilk's, is reported from the wry meat of the Amerman pros that MAJ11 M. BaWle Ilse baa Appolat. Mcdjtmla mining camp lobateed In Use trouHes Rose to ng.resmisduc for the ores ad Chi*[ of poll" of the KlailoWn State CMJ'a4la, Mm ico, tint tulles tionbIt to wrong. sa much • prAdmira- Pelloe Forty, i i asoos@don b ie( r tion rwhic atter Admiral Harney. �I Of Prsetlko, Texas. An ezpho- !'bolsi actloo, which b here conal-1- Horsey. Aldermen Of Toronto d0q d foul gas Mourred in yte Veda We'll to be a violation of the Samoan a Rion Silver Mill and before all the act. If Admiral ]Kautz atated In Itis large major'lii refund to vote for mmerr Id to the @orlabe the proclamation that all the three con - the abolition of the annual salary �' m fire, tits tleroc spinal had the expressed willingness to .A $800. provisional goverumeut, Thomas Hardie, feeder In odera- fission blocking the ell Admiral Kautz stated nn untruth. and thswl and M•soale olfQiev in the FLOOD T1AKEB TWELVE. Herr Rove could not be blamed for sorthwel died today, steed eq at lmuing a counter proclamation." Glwdlve, lfont., Istlraime. Is. April 10.-�ltiruive New fork, P. S. Bensidlct, former harbor master PDnw s ass acv► known W have been April 11.�W. K. Vasder- .J saw York, edieA air a hotel #rt tlloax vieltmb of the overflow cursed by the Lilt's miry hoose, Idle Hoar, at eft Ian, leiR t ttf 1 tit Min 1109 in LAID YeellowWWas river, below Odtdsle, L. t was totally destroyed r- n b 19enera y, bare Frill uigDs. Tend rte bodies by fire about 8 and to -day. No ag, d 85 yeafw have beep recovered, and smaroaus 0x- Ilves were lout, and no one was in - The dttoWn of the preveatlite branch pool, to tbud the other two to•dsy. trrel W. K. Vaedccry;lt, jun and baa of the Coeloms Department anticipate Aaoog Lite cd;awaed, whess bodies bride, formerly ML -r Virginia Fou, a heavy season's wort on the Gulf of liars been recovered, ars Jam= Hml• occupying tJle house eA the tomb. St. Iswreoca &an. hes wife sad life dx oaildrea The fire M believed w have origin - The doors and windows of thelr Foul- aced In the cellar, acclleotally. It Parkhurst's sociell will not take deuce were found a and tea Of broke out at &45 A.a, and In an hoar part In the Inwu*%utim d Yew the family dead Incr. rooms. fie a=.Tnlfdosnt structure with all York Po!loe Department, It not hay. Its vakrtble nttkgp was totally dee- tog sought it. MINFJM' NTRIKE ON. traryeni. Bestdee yang Idv'. and Yes. The Mamas P ss dt• I.olb Ida, April 10. -Top mea in Vanderbilt Were were 12 or 15 ser• forouallr o cod by Y minus la flue southern llllDolr coal vsstw In kite house. All got -rely Rome y 771t#f lingo OW dot have announced that they of Mr. Vain derDOt and hto wufe came delegates prmiRlt - _ will strike as the result of their em- to New York on as early train. Lam Since trot- 1st las/ Sim blas do d Plo7eW refusal to grant a rise of 23 $'�•� to $E00,000. Oysters (tare bonaM tans Iles oeIIe11 a ectal over tM scale adopted In MUItJHI+]tlD $IS WIFE. York W Europa IlQjlidsatbm of st& Marek About 8,000 men will be Jit. Laths, April 11.-Ystardul at• export went to t�aljibna ihrorrn out of.work. tsssoutt when the department stare Jut'Dh Mtoehan. lottngeet trtotber of RIOTING AND MURDER. of R'ki & 11EIImui was crowded W" . Mtneba11,'d dR !@ilri!"m POI. 111E &Wil Mllrr� Jt Afdt oas21* ke+msl<. .dila Church. Toronto, was killed by A train m Lucrst street this forenoon between a sad ktll- �T paw •�I°at 1� hills wtfe, who w employed there at Orangeville on T'haralay dnpatler. ngroce and whlta macro as a saleswomnn. we .mots were Winn) en At 11 Will tom shoo wale still Winnipeg ratepayers v►11i vests on $•lug dived at the wom+a, mite Dnllete en - Thursday on a b7-Isw to raise 9'20.• 90ID9 on. Om white miner was killed tering her head and breast, Callaway 000 for the estabtlabmsnt of a and several other persons Injund. gave himself up ReoentJy Mrs Aria ekw%&Is ftirklag plant. The trouble nems to have been Callaway filed a sot far divorce. starird Ip a drunken colored miner. The bill far lbs with- wlto ran wild) through - MM. GEORGE14 TRIAL. drawal Of from the 7 rough the stree3te. school shooting In all ellrectksta ('anion, April 11. -When She Dear lands fund pond Ilia Udrd roadie Lai -b the riot two white men. Dm d MM George was resumed to - In the Montt*& Lcgolatune day. Jolat A. 8hanafelt, who yosser- I spree at�ro men and one woman Tl,e Owmans aro meld b here were kUled and e�ht Persr�serbasly del testified some W seeing beIli Mia within a ngmed to floauve the portion of the wournd-d Two or three of the wound- fear the seen° of tie come within a ('ape-MCaIFe Rallw0i wit" rues rd will die. Thor Is still in few led fore d lis aooarnaee, was through German East Afros. Draggy• recalled for ad.titJpaal cfosswzamina- ( Tile Ostrom nickel and cobalt mine. A DISGRACED "ISYMIAH." tau. Jenne Taylor• a street air em Ira ('aleteet Izlattd, b the Ottawa 8bez Falun, M. L► April 10. -Albert loloyoe, naw Mia Georte get wt a car Iticer, Item been acquired by an Erg- C . Hopkins, of Canton. was on 8atur- about ten minutes before six on the Itsher. Iwo n acqning red by Le. day nn4eneed by Judge Caroand In tight of the murder. the Federal Court to snore a year and !NANCY GUILFORUM CASE. Welachua�tis expands a trifle more a da,y tit the penitrotiary for sending il than $.1.000.000 on Ls gaup ra That obmorne matter through the mails. tria Dr. Nancy Al 0od11 looks small alongside of New York's Hopkin claimed to be thin Messiah f present d, $=_,()00.000 for Me mine object. ford. cm a charge slkgWtg mustier ID previous w and daring the Sioux trot- rho ,seocauef degree, Inas been ahoaa- Thr Clotem faN1y. at Manua, bas ohs bks at Pias Rkbo to 1889, and tamed pasmodm& valued at a mll*m mtarted the ghost dances out d which d`tted• nod the Jury In the caw dor And a half dollast, which wero seized all trouble grew. The grand Jury Inas urged on account of the Illness of Juror Gregory. Dr. Backs, the Phv- from the ��11� os this Aaeted to brarght to T Indctmcet against ulnen under whose charge the sick Eremoaa negOtitb"s aro utwtsld b Mayor H. A. Tabbeti of Alcester, N. D., jo� hos been ices he woo taken Ill• have advanced o tar that the throe on the same chatp. this morning told Judge Wheeler Goreramenes ass the ppeert THE TREATY RECEIVED. that Gregory woulit to► -be able to re - sonnet of as, Joint HJgb oaesmsiaa. Washington. Api11 10. -Tile ex• some his duties for at Meat four week•. The 1'rddsnt hen selected Bartlett Tanga copy of ihs 8panlvh-American aced It was then decided to -stop the, Tr!!,p, of Sloth Dakol former Yin- peace treaty reached Washington W tried. sell to Atjtrla. As Sims U. 8. ropes day. It W pow In the hands of the Nancy Guilford pleads guilty of mrnLttivs oh the Samosa Joist Coe- French Ambassador, M. CamboiLwbo manslaughter. nua.lon• will at care armage with the State QUIET AT I -ANA. The dlmtirsli Ilostmild Vim t-111 r Department for the final exchange Pana, Ill., April 11. -Business, inter- Aaro•JaMos i•s passed • strong sou d ratifications rupted by yestervday'e rioting, was solution tl!pira11 ettwon and ours ALONZO IN STR.AI7S raeetzecl In Pana to -day and the city fare# at f�sg sold to be rife m Liaia, Peru, April 10.-Advkets M le under martial Law, and the city osil l here In to the revoia- quiet nils 1't>� oMe_rII. For tlhe first time In weeks Joseph nexars, a Groat Northern tion In Bolivia arra that the sites- negroes appear boldly In the principal "Wool iiiWkg at (hoed Pbrta has it= at (hero itm Proukfest Alam- streets, taking advantage of the pres- fallerl t �LISaa spat" VO" •t so leas es4tbtibed kb base d aper i$20,0000' 1M bath d ai asst at atioos, is dompera� It In the kept b the semisoldiers.The sgrouoldlera are the F•sdoml kept busy oils sal tnnbu groutsand JoDu s� Macaar�. Q G. local poetiheg thetr operations, and that no rit eaiataa�le �v� let met with Hinnies y wSserl. toga this mora- tDe heats d Sasso the capital d All a( lite I Bolivia, have rWfu tto ( any deputies taus been db - Ing. He wuoabmat Mtytwo� Tmarm of roads to President Alonzo's Govern. armed try the militia, and the soldiers age. Mlmm A. If. Mach•r. "IM flu." o trent. control the city. The town people are o Ills ulster. CROKER i8 READY. still In great terror of the factions The Hontzt"l Cdty >{iletmltsl r is New York, April 10.- The second which caused yesterday'@ bloodshed, er d sad lageo clay @ semrlou d the Mart Inveutlgn- nnol worsen and children are kept for to that all the pa tl= oommlttes ooaasssieod today +lovely wlWtln door bunts be tdwm amt of it beforo Lha A largo crowd was on flood eLrly, Mrwt Th tl4rY but "1e room esu small for any CONFESSES BEFORE SUICIDE a In - ed to eo�tcr but tteamn connected with the In- a ratlway froom id b dnI arils• e via Kamae>r,, O as b ftp the Aby i- Surprise was created when Mr. e dulan trades Mon rams and maid that certain dial a Ftimopd J. MCCOM is arse. zn lees reputable Individuals were going Another Anti -Dreyfus Con- te was b about extorting looney upon the Great Brliatq, •aid Ind Dos that they 7>ad been engaged to spirator Dead. he contfaead Jp tr "ad to p serve sobposime. Dr. O Sullivan. tile AVbam• ba:M, attar announcing that Frank Croke+ According to a lean rcomivcd at was to court and had act been "err- TRARIEUX'S REMARKABLE STORY Shanghai Eras I ed with • subpoena, created it fit - real parposs o to compel tYk tm- to sl by adding: "Mr. Richard Poria, April 11. Thp Eclair this Government so at the (leraan c ker braises m^ to asy Chat he morabig pabliahes the deposition of t firms gra will be at the disposal of this In- rlrmxt. 'logo Mg commercial eonees. vemtlgatleg oemmittee at any tame our Trarleax. made before the K. H. F up to the 18th of April. whom he Court of Caasltion b ills Droyfs re- 1biroDLo to a who left im to pll for Europa•' ]ir. Mon vision pxooneshaga, In the coarse or City Visiting, , eft promptly accepted the ohall"W which It' rl?aroaz maid that Coulat �,g�sg a r Victoria. 8. C., has and requested that Richard C 06 Torril il-BrMt4A D1 vesrpau. the ltai- Maad fax KNmbee ut • ea les present b turtlfl next Friday. vmwuwioaw �n Amar 110111 VW�dut UU a fee standing.Philadelphia„ Pa., April 10.-Tbo d the bordoraan thaL it wa a fl sh- Aril this, news broit�ht by the trial of eawflaNed States Senattoe light reprooMWcn, that the docs Bmprvss nets detail a a m/mmwm of Quay and iiia son. Richard B. Quay, ram'W adwN sad ted bass given b tire pr'asants M Russians In Tb em charm of ernaDl In i n mil Oermaoea119Na by • p"eaba other act Tatienwan, as ropoil w ubp�e ire of fun& {i ills 'a JUM d than Dr rh% nal that the haudel t vulag. war destroyed by title ID Na- thlm -T t m0ra�� ie Irhg at WYa Dmmtimtu/r w:a teat of the a $arm) ,,-(Oct.. tore J ilia of Qnar- of[kver A M ells/ ileo dod"meaft t o the Alhert fldaanl Ilttnt. •former real- ier iregsn attach. fMrtrt. M @•i4 wrontd W. drat of Tereaft and well allowz ea with the Y of the panel] d easy, am this atisebe possessed volum- dnaus eharot+tlrlsltics of that Officer. vN wf Yorb,u t111e titles, lila died JOB FOR CONNAUGHT. fount Tornleili further told him that . brief Uloo last Friday, w /t v►oet he a Gotta. April 10, -In the Diet Co-dt►T, ori attache of flus Italian Eabenaey nt bookkeeper. ho wan tads nadkisrriT iU a O+clarattexn from the Duke of Con- Msvwed .him (the Amhasbedor) a 1ef. with pw ter from the German attache stat A exsd tfa sought, brother o/ the Doke of Saxer trig to rad Oot7La. ad in which this anA aarrtlrlg that be did nn11 iis -!' rr..� � 4 w• .,.. a1ii � I� � Y free �tiat*l, Raa N�lp(n Lie Mr. Maxwell). aalli "!'� ,� 11f A l�ar'�tS rr�r te ktraa 'P...•sil,l. w4r ltv:, atiP IA.I. hese N► that .ler ezrt d n 'nand•. u ties alsiweaL 1u ilia Ia1MMt a AoYt tine a0i - record of tie part swo year. were gomwwr sad the O&SWrlc$urw- In taken tlfe wrath d no mac would tall $hq minter d cotton Soodo aloes ilea Could Write 8 Letter SUCK Members Still Harping on the r� We Government for beteg mined, workmen of the otntmtrl had haus d. 1n ngard to the expenditure of public 11wivcd of Use wyee for asking 1)1., Yukon." tncxwr• He danuanced the propoell n► QW.000 of mane istured ioodrt He u TWeyroributlaa bill. Tb Mlnbtter of Jur blamed the Uoverameat tcoir havlaig tae, he learped from the Britoil Co- case d the farmers of Ontario a Ions lamb's pApure" was assdllri circulars of 9500.000 by pareulr� s fdrhtf annoy �dLSH D FIDB TUPPBB THE END IS NOT Yf T IN -SIGHT. b Liberal clubs for Information about which Increased the price of blpder the constituenlcltla but all the Iaformi twine from 7 1-2c to 15o per pound Ottawa, AprU 9. -The debate upon "M about boandarWe amid population Ta1rLrl� t p LM gttestion of 8ortate so- - the address dragged its weary length saes OmUbed In the very 0zoeltenL taro, 1 I.= the foreowkt d tic throtg4 the altetvtxtsi and evening atlas prepared at the expense of the builders of ConfederaSion in rovidrt �+]� �] of `i1e OhWoo .entry, and the Minister was seek- a annual Chamber. On behalf of On- sesal9, with -W&L ativeiy Ing hho Information tram a wrong 'tarso lie protested against the pro- ,.a� Thr speaks" nitda- source. He criticized the OoventmenL's pee I basil�gct,� om of the deetr�, .: .-Agoll QUID. . �..... al•9a-ass .ppesti �,dl�Ih tifils�it(e 1.1k1tlKSlf aifl'] bol UIl'IterilTltJni- .;'" -'-JantJtr, u CLarlet wAen In Won had wept tears sa mall ways to protecting the Interest m ropy to a ga"Will by the big es les over the expenditure, of Ontario as well as of the smaller P euptesmed the oplsiioa that but were stow extseeding IR lie main- ProvIncem. Had Ontario enjoyed the H18 38Ult1U1 ►! 81�8UI city. tie dmll!ilte wgl risk be annelafeu tht% bind that the prosperity of Canada bonents of a second Chamber rine Ottawa. April 4. -Following is the sanW. k Hughes introUseed two vats had been delayed more $lion anyune ConfederatLoa the Province would full text of Major Wulelt's letter to trills rebpectlpg Use Pontiac JPact. could tell by the fear that the Llb have been Infinitely richer and better Hon. Clifford 81fton in m(ei encs so stn J%M ttIm Hallway and revel rivals would get into power and dllstroT Off, and many reekler pboas a[ leis Lite charges mask by .Sir C. H. Tupper twltc 1dtlaAsion a Shire Lalms i1a�� � protection which the Indtetries cu- latiou wou:d cos have User$ bps6ed qrLyl joypi T miles was a general feeling through the LegMaturw, aitd site Gov - hl couneotfon with the adminiatr'ation Mt. Bettlion (Kioghston) Introduhed a d relief amort the people Of Canada ernmeot would not have loadN up the of the Yukon. lir. Sifton read the hili to suzzlesid the cTimlm i bode. when the MInieterr came back from Province w"b a dsHs of 96,000,000. letter duringh6 s lb• McInnes introduced Its bill to WashtrWson without having and been driven to the terrible naoew pe.rh In the House amend the otnral mtwa act, and lir. tilluld a treat that would macro d d to•niglit : Rlcharduon totiodwoW bis bill respect l tx putting tluoyU tax bills to Ottawa. April 8, 1899. tog tiros a�ttsehrsat a miarme of ppsoeii kite Intereete of ('anal•. tax the widows and orphans and the Dear Jill haw read till Hlbbert loo agllmnm start empio,sms of the liar• Mr' Qnmpbell, Kant, made the tiara wrxtlstgmen of the Province la or6r lag @pleaIt of this asrnitrg. ..8s t -0" Us Jausreml upon the money 'ruPperd'tipsaolC,'1n whidh he makes aro IMI maintained that what the people of they borrowed charges Again" he adminlstratkiu of Before the orders of the day were called Dr,-claroule called! the attm- ofCanadaexp wast b that every dollar Yr. [laaoag, atter collect ee wasaffairsG In the Yukon i s lone while 1 3u of ez to incurred shalt les severely saga Government commissioner. tic tar tion d lits vernnlsnt to ihs tiniest• ytsDdl ro 7 npele what he called the t/aotory couditlon of the members made when it in required, anti that Premier's skyrocket style of Ora - character the personal administration aplrst my good value shall be received for It. character and •tlminlstratloU are eon. reading room In regard to ventilation $ clan sand LL was about people time for • cernsd, I defy hir Hibbert Tupper W tlgbVial The Premier Dr°mlmd vet, mkrigte work that the Present change, and the people of the furnish a mingle particle of reliable t'o bring the matter to the antes- Governmwt had undertaken was In country were demanding it. and evidence In support of any of theta tion -- r. Tarte, wlso was not ,pre- Lite inil t of Canada, and every wanted Ube Premier to deal with I fustier defy him to produce any seat cent of money had been wisely the various queeWous affecting the Mr. Ferrier• called the attention of spent, and spent In a way that tnterests d the country on a prsctl Person who ever saw no under the the Contra:ler of Cuadoae W a clap- would return fourfold to Lhe people cal basis and on the lines upon which Influence of liquor, either In the Yukon g3c In the newspapats Indicating of this country. The people de- he appealed to totem in 1890. and or anywhere else. While In Lhe Yukon that se done iroubie had arsen near maDded that the Government should upon wfilch he gained power, instead I abstained from the time of spirits, alialway between the LAaa.t>tn po be abreast of the times. The pol- of shirkLcW the responsibility. Hon. and also tobacco, and my other Ile AW the American custom offs- Iry of the Government had swelled gentlemen on the Government habits conformed i„ every way to oars In regard to oonveyWg liquor Into and Increased the trel of the benches had hoodwinked the tau this alrtemin a course. .. tea Yukon. Ms.- Faltswou repfen that par During my stay in flawecal I lived he had m twormithon In the mutter country a nothing had ever done ante people to put them Into power to a tent aurruundel by part of the but would lagetlre about ft. before. Mr. Campbell spoke of this. and than told them, " We were ettnff and a lar number cA ca �rea t benefit the reduction of the mimply fooling you." The plebiscite If^ campers. ,. THE DEBATE CONTINUED. !Otic" on Iron and steel had been to was simply a subterfugeused In or - My time was entirely taken up with Me Pry resumed Lhe debate on public baal either In w office or every manufactureraAfa In the cis Com- let. to catch Lls temperance heo- D� r the address. He flirt dolt with, the f•ntaitcittg the 1[amsoylinrrta ('exn' pie. Tie Liberals had not by their in my tent. At 9 o'clock in the morn- trade policy of the Goveruntent. sal- pony, who had the ocher day raped tariff changes lowered the price of iug 1 walked to my office, At noon I Canada re road to my tent, at 1.80 p. m. Wag notinany way, due Lo L11e pill- 1O �� d tick 1.600 employree any of the artiolM need by the fish again went to the Ottk,e, and at 5 d the Gwvernnteutt, and the per Bent. At the same time the ermm ' P.M. returned b the tent. This was Il United Stases en consumers had been benefited. The Mr. Powell, Westmorolaod. who toyed r t a re- duty on cotton goods now gave a followed, oommeneed Ills speech with my dally rontJam, w that I passed viva) of prosperity miler Llgtt pro, very material preference to British as attack upon the Postmaster• through the streets of Dawmon four tectlon an Canada under her hires tithes every day. Su�y exrxpterd. tariff, goods, and the same thing applied General, who had, he declared, vio- Every day but Sunda I could be seen to all other articles. Mr. L*MPWll Iated the aminitls by publishing a Mr. Prior Qeruied mane time to Ne by any Person who had business with dispassion d the f an Mr. Taste's Care as instance from Ills own burl- betteut d private auto confidential nue, exesp that, of ooarre. People had lags mien of the effect of the Premier's wrrenpoodanne, which he found In to take their turn fn met:urii later' Ml T to had that ran official visit to England and the prwferen- tike archives of his department >g Ids. Tarte !sad a rlgflt 10 carry snT tial tariff In causing Canada to b e when he assucal office. He had riewa Durltig my stay In Dawnpp I IJag In the place d honer except the known sad appreciated to England. also blundered In connection with oply kit my camp atter 8 p.m three Y1ttf � n&l He was called W order Prior to that the firm to whom he the ries, g pre. tlmea Miiea.ker tog not acoepting a shy Patel chs Discussing Wht#e.I was In-ftyiul 1t was al- shipped had ltrsbted on leaving the ferentlal trade a0 Assured s11 trisrt eGwtinalbgb "atelt Jig dill. ,nisi �h .ls roti" at.:BMW tlttLt"cll F'tb"dllit .-tri 16sh1IL111dfe11"iLbi�e' � 1 9 d&Yl +t "at gentismaa's ahseooc, and when at but the e• no such th n tent woe ander fall view of everyate Mr. RoDrassa corrected. Mr. Prior !Auguste was In existence In Canada today as Everybody could ase what was ruing gulfs o warm corrected, atone or flashed across the ocema, "mark pprmeferentlal trade, as.•' that the On. My evembp were generally tweet Mr. Fasseie and the gpeetAurr, your goods made In Canada, and Itirria, Cbioeme aocl thm Japanew ea taken up v►itb people calling to ob- who flstditltaa at repudiated Mr. Fns- 110 bad been] of similar orders to Joyed greater advantages than the tain wor"atlon. I ciefl arryols to who tnslaat ti spat ht was all- other manufacturers. Yr. Camp- merchant d the mother land In the truthfully np shat nay improper dols ptoteeLltrg Mr. Tarte. bell thoagbt they should leave the Cstiaediap marketer It eevef took tjace I pmy erson b 1 Chal- Amt)ier tactful charge made DT rsdiatributlon, bill alone until It was Mr. Powell Concluded at 10.80, and and def an prove lir. 1'rkir was that he sass informed Introduced. fie wine sure It would Mr. McAlister. Restigouche. moved mo guilty d nay Improper rot, In that a man named Henn had bribed be a fair and lust one, and that was the adjoarnmsstL d the debate. either say public or private life, dur- a ewtoms officer the only kited of Dill he wished b Yr. Powell concluded at 10.80, and named Thorn with ttg my period d aervloe In the YukoD, js sad a drink of whlrkq, and had seg. He characterized the Yukon the Hoon, would not agree to this. or d dewing in or having any Inter- boort allowed to tetllte In goods da Men who are ►rove as a couple of and, despite crime of "adjourn" " est in any mlrms d Government pro- which the duty .well $350 (ft pays "ekedaddlere," who are here to cup• from the Opposition, Mr. McAlister party of any kind. I engaged with Wre' meat of $150• -_ ply ammunition for the Council wan compelled to proceed with his lovennmont, sa you know, to go to Mr. L G Mc(srth7 (North tilmooe) Lives- mpeeeh. He spoke until 12.10. when the Yukon for orinbi Year orgy, ae rim delivered his maiden speech. He said Mr. Henderson mused the ad;ourz- the debate was adjourned, on mo- m? exowmlerlon did not so state Touts that he was a, wpporter of the meat of the debate, ant the House tion of Hoo. Was. Paterson. was my underrtaad - with you. Dor- Platform of his atule, Mr. D'Alton adjourned at IE o'clock. hfg that time I hoped t stied all that sucMcCarthy. s That platform called for Ottawa' April 7.ay Tilecont neeedebate u the FILIPINOS NYE RETIRED, I expected and hoped to be able to ateh revision of the tariff as world address was today confined exclusive - 'm I labored earnestly and Om- relieve the consumers, especiallyly to the members of tae! mcimtlasly to the best d my abilft eb the four of whom occupied the attention l Agricultural clam, from the burden d the Howe. the l� of the ual b do m7 duty b the OovernmenR, N ht. h protection Irrpored, prevent the 9 A bringing perform Hlbbert prove cies obedlent !Rest. of Lwo a ltoberiwire, 'The menta ]tL-A idrA mal tri. wortttT woushlp however, trOon re Caere i tffe Dome were IYylugttoptsar ttrrn Tito ane. b traded, atethob @pstrm jrand vrillnh oR v should ite the talar AsWcl&%m grave efie8, Perl Apm-$ofo..h',es Mean thda I W, roernfr* vewi*.w mol Is of IsNrt I I 1"eig!t $t r vdewe with omeM btsyI all. who, I 1M� mehoiara ler ai � , li io tM tsAiourt of Gets. bmtesrw tile ll0g of Cassa• I Iowa: v111e; $lou. V tiv0 ]TreyfM prvxvseAlap ' De he bathsintimmidat Ti$60 naysloqft �s scommilow aro ridleu• Bertram" ill" , t iia: to t� 4th*0 he (Rat"•• f Ill*0 nfateltb hap) went to tie rteamoeevre@ at a�per Macy, as wen vena t at she Cli e tss. ase i3hsnl$1s te.a" of resoon. I bit, it was enbl be, he AMcMrw@ ester 1 I. pvebe 4,110 L solion pally MrosdecM i , �Trrb'enrer, and !$,,R' Dl. W SDI . r „a.. the Izl11eee sunt to Proeddmrl fasra, f returned at the end of the time. operaLbn tette being forced to speak, much nothing except the coned- of trusts and give a pre- turence wherever practicable to the agalpas bis will, owing to the refusal , Lawton's Easy Capture of "DON" Of having done my best to mother land, and to mach countries of the Government to consent to an a difficult and a trying duty. enpec:ially the United States, as were adjournment at 10.80. Those who Santa Cruz I clave by r'^P^aW»< that I duty Mir willing to give fair relations to us. in spoke were Messrs. Henderson (Hal- Topper or anybody elle to that 1893 the Conservatives voted against tool)' G. W. Gang (Charlotte, N' B.), H. A. Powell (Westmoreland), wale I woe In the Yukon territory I was ever aa0ee the Influ- those Principles and the Liberals sup Ported them. The Lnmrals were now and J. McAlister (Re"oucill The adioun• the MACARTHUR'S LINE ATTACKED. __ . " *t. Of loon or wan ever guilty of a Iii act of immorality. uPPorLing these Princ]ples and the Conservatives accused them of steal. moat of debate war motraA Dy Hon. Wm. a debate Hon. Mr. F Id• 1! Wst1r- 1I AprM 11.m -n follow. Z Tuve the honor to be, air, your tng their platform. ion that they ing• Juvt before the House adjourned. Ing dagnfth has leen received front servant, J. M. Walsh. must all be stand lag on common ground. Wherever theme principles led laid On the table a section of the An. dltor-Genernl'a report, the non -al- Gen. Idea cam, U&. AZrf1 11.- Oma. Ws &lrte•Wo - I gyri aA{Laoasd THE EDUCATIONIST -S, him Lhom he would ba found. He was opposed to any interference with the pearance of which has formed the all d several Inquiries by the (1DDos1 tion. MaeAruawr'it Ione Orf way cam - mmok+ktlon le1R It, in 000,lids - toms school law of Manitoba, az.i a great able : repulsed by Wlteatan with 8eiertsoa ,►hooks Much bat deal of praise was due to Bir Wilfrid Mr. Somerville (North Wentworth heavy Hoer. Wltet'tti n's caau8,ltUs mugsebft Lil les Laurier and hill party tar nutoving that from anti rant) this afternoon presented th' ecal report of tto Debates Com- three killed, twenty wounded. (fllgned) Otis. the Hugh school section question tie arena of poll- mittee the Ontario k Aavocia- Toro ito Line, wean It caused so mach friction and moved Its adoption. Mr. Beaatoleil (Berthler) raised the LATER PARTICULARK yesterday yesterday la Toronto listened to l Wag a.IW wtveete attack b7 1'tof, apo strike. Mr. D'Altexi McCarth s T platform called for a redistribution on DL that the report could not now � edopteed, us notice had Dot been Wez111 °atony Apra additional n l uice=. Log ed1espatdl gives ad_Itboal Infaem- of Victoria linlrersiiy, on the Iiae d count and town bounder• glen. aurin concur ht Education Departmenri Fetich.' It the course of the paper theme state- s; the Minister d Justico said that the Government's bill would be along Sir Richard Cartwright said it �WIf Crus: ifetalls, April Brad. W&AhI neMoo; Ile were mode: The blindly le following blindly that Ilse, and therefore he would sd Does that Hs a appealed to I r. appeared to him that a very great an•i unnecessary delay had occurred Lavrtows a were" as "ata gills more cociplete, than ung some which salicin it has nnwisel ezatied to T d him constituents. stand her with the togethe olid hon peoplof together peopled Colitng Ili the publication of the revised edl- tion of HansnM. The rale, De ander• �FesNw- char. ld any lett 98 dead field sad a member @nrio..ty universal principle --some Idea which be a good aervaa; hemi a bad mar wood all working together for the common In mcootd, o that 1f honorable gentlemen their do net choose to send ►n their 1►oead- ed e�f. Lawton rapbwed alt without emwtcawtian of II Implies that then are Doter good connection with the trsamportatloo of grain from the revision within 24 hours the printer property. H� ion ten wpavided, dIe tt, ezoei two, ddlr-�- evils resulting from the miavlsh of the fetich. Let me may. trust. Them was trade enough for all $Ile sells should proceed with the publication, and the rale should W carried out. minis dead. Lispk B only officer tided; mflgllt in the that the Minister d Kpaea. on the Geor�tan Ba He flatly contradkLed I>r. BproDle'r Mr•. SomenOle rnumatezt that the band. On - est retired eaaLwani ; Lawton in ls not as biaet ss he is painted, statemens thatthemoney spent b Bina lee had considered that mat- prreali this worming. std Oct me deny Ilse OfLfe{tealed Collingwood Harbor had Iron wasted, toe sad agreed to make the dirmcsiom - -- karya that he lion bribed the tracb- to silence by the departments ez- na ying shat the contract did not call for a completion of the work bs- to the adnor upon Leis subject Im- t' � .. �� ILstbte ad the >riMlt?TlltIalrm a� I.II>t>�le mtnation fund In the Hide whoote were three classes Of students, fore the els of this year. . Mr. Jdrn Ron Robertson made the -onllt publisfor hing " The delay Dn lag the revised edition arises A.n amorneue l/asd -- Tei felt s60 Chasuble msbomso Insc preparing for the aDlrersity and pro/eadeza. $Dose who would let wh shortcut mpeech that has et been ale- uverwl om rev 'tor of members t° KI>d to Rev. Dr. Warden. Treasurer aboo mphool tesohers, those who an she addrema ole said that he would not have spoken had It not The I bills -crus Istrodweed and given t reeding' of tike Prmbyitrlan Church, has ancounrod far a tophi plungeasst�►��f , t education. heeybod1 . t lson that he telt It his duty to express bis ap lotion of the great service An auot to pros@1a for the dsD1a� of rdlway paauea to armbmrs of lute Ben.g^' that with the exception of a deflalt d $1 A15 In the s 1 and Infirm mID- Item. fund plunged a SirH Ibbers Tupper had rendered to ate and Houma d Oasmons--Mr• Bo• all funds of the church curriculum hada little alt fnobodor hroe CLa•!s and too much for an 7 lel he attack on official the wrong-countrdoing wrong -doing 1n the Yukon. Mn Blfton stock /tn sot to ala'-rnl Rile criminal code, the are out of A month s Dr. Warden r � reported It was overloaded and gave rise had utterly failed to vindicate his own 1892. with ragsoi b oomblaatbn In that $92,000 was required to be re• or"remmre• Such a uniformity Of system, lie coal wisdom or the honesty of the officials restraint d ft*-K'r- f�je An act to further oelred daMng the month of March In ° for to and the free wall Alien b Argfo-8taxon chosen by him. He could not believe that mite illi>Istcr could be Ignorant of etastomrat of Lhe Mrade $suet and doollp ac% -Mr. Ber• year from debt in the several @chooses, To many It It was too Wo tl� French of rdwAtloo. tort unlike that the corruption in the Yukon, and he teat". t?l!r bimdew 'IlyVimr seemed utterly hopeless that such a sem old English school system ernhld not believe that theles could be so much smoke without some tin. He torn !u called attest• to a elatedwrl, whIrIl sliputsrsd should he got Ir( one month. No lem than $108,985 was actually n fostered Irtdtvdsalltl sad tented me". waw ChcxottgAll b gymppssshy with from a asfaber d emanatl0g WamhJtlgton, to tDe eftact that ceivetl In March for the schemer of the gree$ Prof. Dale. formerly Of Toronto I'n4 mdty, thought that Rtab some pleasM of too^ (loi erameiit's Yy�,,n policy; he believed In the prin- a Proposal for la tneltn v"AndJ on the Alamk:tn boremrirT kid been mnbmlt church, and. In addition, upwards of $4.000 Interest on Invested monde adntroi end with Lice primary schools; trlepectkm and control d ciplo of the royalty, and oleo In the ted theory that the Yukon should pay, for b the Untied Stats; that the n and Br11itrb aurtilorlslen had 1°aefthg a ictal of 910Ht100 d actual r•r^Ipts for tine month. - Every Prebend- ry schools should be In the power d (f Yukon. Fax that reason he had one attempt to hemi a Targe tba qie Proposal under eoaM6"vitknn, "d t pn]hb the rvradpt d n reel ^ne of tine following fonds cloe►w thin Tour free from lnd"I soiverelties. n prsatke which da portion portion of It over to Mackenzie a It will >to�L be krio�v►�na. wlyy6 notion wl�l ace" Home mlydone, aogmeatatlon. In England It vvaa ultimately rsplved that title Man& be Aftrr teroenn Mr. Maxwell said that art Wien. This its.. to further stat- that an >mpwrsrigon yestalle that . ftxolgn minloro, if renpll evnagdima- tkm, tvolnte-snz•Trsmbhm Knox Gol- b of She opinion that tine speech of the member of hast Ti Cfanaih way ins concent, lege. SAWMMiy, -plies.' And ce pthaeu'. culls rrsnit /toot the znJtotolty slab was fall of tall and wormwood, f.a Mmol- I l ba � Wilfrid a[ • tee mymtem of education full It, was moved les 6 Of bitterns and audaactnra amour- telt Harr or done dare troo Fonts ' we a " nese 'prude, ,God. oneonded ; I::Iublse .. . . t .. tense end evidently hrmplred by an In- versional Ao a for the Mln{salsas pro oo �m1t be. __ . _-. _. toile 81r, i coo atysttse to e tti-..- a-' erezoe Of tee Nationalist mem- f c"Ma A was rr know Drryfrs, and ^ttribatng to department. N would be better to hr declare_, sex men- who an %not Der@ Or Parl the forms Announced that 110 wam en Art Ismsnt„ a yno $vita • vfav► Chant F°tartusT the act for which dlcoatlD°^ the, paulit"lon of tbb n- CAnadiarr at WL hat American oltl. [ "Plug tlibsms a twntrbs a 'the {n�p�+tit In .foes d the Math recent- th„ court-martial hold wrovely found MISS Of the ntal examine. gels, to, come to the ea 1 was Iy of Urine" Alpert of Nazetnhurt - Altai of Sils 40111 Dablla aglte•itlitM Tim and (lvrttia, son and hair of the rMgn- i>r flm gntltye flu$ es of the Dooulnl►u for the purpome of dlctntlpg '--parneillies iHimaAA AIr 1S1(' A[Tir'ilyE Ur Vho- t wHIlt tAil� 'tllRil7a was fav b at� 14 bet Irn� i/uke, to eissame the f(ovwrnraerit fug rs were usent- Orefinced to d, o. of the nal shmuld a mnWrrpnol ParkL April 11.-M. Lnrilfkr, who Moody e1>ec•teM : t, A. T. Ile- d° euspso{y1g Lite gov"Jimrot of the The eoatmlMt"aD�oJaced 110 arrive. wag private secretary to the 18,110 Lary. AMC. A.. TOA*4"; VfeAlplMdent, withYssiftand Tje ab used the Oppose t tM ,, F1JtIA tett a IftroOt@s>r to STEAMER IN DT9VRFAfi. Lheei4�oi. Henry, who committed sal- JOhn .Sandeman. M A., K Canal- ootr �t1y ~� pumping sal so ek ' Rev n. J• at 14ow gt, Manila, April 10. -The steamerBru. �+ at Itewit• Valerlwrl fotttrr lam$ loft; Sueretsry. F. F. 1111"ley, M. A.. •ml Oat d them Inn order A"d'"`v a C'homb. t tom, believed M belong to the Man- August, artor confessing to having Tosbnso. What tilag t OM 1at'on1D, angaln*vo. that t I nra„hyek of the Nov. 1511 ♦s�aa, Iia Maritleoe Qompmal, annA to huh 4,1 A a biter largely Ievinki men tat le MATHFtitA'1tICAL BIICP]ON. �' 1!u ante b Injure the @t rapatafl0h sf tdO Doattnkm. For him- rcnw RletctI of %&" been erroeenaelT reportled as belrg e=laying tine Tlteytiw revisfoti, third aW -M (Wnu Mil bbm � � 9bs Usltnd dlatn spoils. swan er kI=If lams evenitrK. Tlhe jolMwtng o/tiara saccus eitatwd : hs' wOCa otban b bNleve the _ _ Hoe. i'r0slifent. A. H. McDougall. word of s Onn•dila In prderence 11a e1nfr'1lnttgn cma W* woven ee. ba. arrived Ilk balabik 90 illsaas Walters !♦stain B. A. • PremldenQ J. 8 McLeary, M. A.; anlr.,Ammrlean S%Wft stop as them" Ilcoti. W:"" f, y tp Ag1lla�m eoath of 1Mtlawae, with her - ♦ ns, R. A. Olay, B. A. ; ruga• It sem • Hada thigg 1i A t1 U. v >Attift linter Agdominee has bow Whdtalr Oat,, Apk41 9. -'liar sum- Sma rer. R• &M ft?. iw of t/Ia eats$" Of the late y'' rosy. 8. A.: lbs eofo le"1!" b fat>lrove I10 A Pltllippl "; b yah neat M her. kicky Onatalflorvu, T. fltaeeny, d. A.. H. 14. ire eat l sift Of t an tiaaft Ir cu 1I4itltt. tYW tluo PFtrbaM Oceri, J every still _ frpa - iMTtRaAZY DENIiM a toisl eat RAillimoa, B. A., S. Mottle. B. A., aftidavtte iso at•IItMa $(Imre Moan AelAre - ,-Anes John Lr CdrlisRk. other at Nnt,A% I]e 81rse stewmw nn Tamar. 1w► M .t:. ,►ry,hav0 In meant ' ng�wlot rk,716 ill L, �-111 itim,vuswteifl Hoa. IW 32#iPw eye 1F.a141e Ares C tri r asd C Perl Apm-$ofo..h',es Mean thda I W, roernfr* vewi*.w mol Is of IsNrt I I 1"eig!t $t r vdewe with omeM btsyI all. who, I 1M� mehoiara ler ai � , li io tM tsAiourt of Gets. bmtesrw tile ll0g of Cassa• I Iowa: v111e; $lou. V tiv0 ]TreyfM prvxvseAlap ' De he bathsintimmidat Ti$60 naysloqft �s scommilow aro ridleu• Bertram" ill" , t iia: to t� 4th*0 he (Rat"•• f Ill*0 nfateltb hap) went to tie rteamoeevre@ at a�per Macy, as wen vena t at she Cli e tss. ase i3hsnl$1s te.a" of resoon. I bit, it was enbl be, he AMcMrw@ ester 1 I. pvebe 4,110 L solion pally MrosdecM i , �Trrb'enrer, and !$,,R' Dl. W SDI . r „a.. the Izl11eee sunt to Proeddmrl fasra, f Hoa. IW 32#iPw eye 1F.a141e Ares C tri r asd C url 8. A Al C..)&lay. - " s ri:f1d. a .. R, . 7,iamp- tt' Ta A., lice. D. A. for so lbs Jnetaed O!1 f0 �k $.lee had the a� ramtAl wkAtevmr )vt., �( : �.a y � G4 t7ou*ittny Nf of otfkon We if r/seeM ltesfteA as tut -us them" t be. Har. YJ*. s1A MEIi01 b Wn0 Mllrner-Wr WsHtetrflfe. {1t stets 1)rrtrctt Ofnssrto, Iowa: v111e; PrwldeaR li W. Brows. Dunn• ♦]oa-Pradam Ii. Y. (Nowa. Saccate �ee, J. A. Letltk. -' reviewed ihs thin. ills of ISO. MIJimMt!, nazi is asA $ _ • �� to � the PIMI Meer wdsdete4 (t ret: �i itis in Canae�m b"d 0 to Wwb" &M that this wmm A. Pi Bandl. fico. Wan pat Mo. >1 f111Mi'y a i )fenthe ce r '7 /IfameIL wan I i,lid �� t" a" the vosms e� ► - d+MCt w urtMro an Ma bo(O" !tift'Ad lbntltg IAeette t Mt •1 I1!iM ; JL tf. Bpi A. fnigmrl Lallsr+s aelmutl h wWeh tslnal am Wo , �Trrb'enrer, and !$,,R' Dl. W SDI . r „a.. Ot Wig�� b{�s N *i Mails. bel �t1es0tl a a Tire Lynn Call sat Lake llou" iLL Cort/Mi arnar%V twb hate boon wade 114th r0lil to the handling pia• trafte M csargynb�uun f�t�t llrttrreu tl...,�beirve been to loam mwk j~ a a, IN Tire" at prnpoltlon to ti" @(file*. sic far ani h_ava been no �tffMLTHE DPSBAITm REPTYUKD. M W. Hr7�onn (1�itbn)v*hmev!1tom Biu the Kin rallied Mr. aUton (. y ai►Ig ii►: tbf tariff Is a d-4 biu% and acid that all Of the plAnktl In pia Liberal platform were drwl Immune. Fns trade was now a bad -frwq with then", prettrfvtntial tr^& was a dead hsas. owing to thin Aetton d the ],rim* lithe later ; reel atAR.}'Fy Tit ral tit�i tats carne hack II and Id'Clarvs11 Hint thefan ref U'lited BMttma Woe" 1104XM It its red imcrtion ofV-olIm ofMinIsle wan a es•elt " be howl'saltrtM pity of01111111 we had a M r num si�an hM be", the dev l Yuma, � b � a Of pM fromiaars of ills/ "a IWW at thea �m f Wan, "W e. - e, Thkf h!�nb A!tlth very amb , mmpw�kaon ri 14 nay ether. Q,r. ,rte creum ane a8,vilgatinn " tarns, -file[, are w6aft am reach at lull allow Mint IN wo tad *,art years Tt�i• tle'wtftWIrAh!lval kesd the rimn l- wwthwuuAnw am C Ipitt+adm of two oonawy- an hxwwl am of ofttt 25 par omen, is two shoat Tenon abmm tis troi that i MVSI edpowWitrito ttie (MUMrv&IL1ss we" IsIIaslm brvtsi I.r4hwo ) .per ' it dove not look to �6 thke is 'to The direction at a hreae (Cb"-) 'Pie Le --i pnttw piefteit tiWEO Qvts to rebuke the bwHsrm Itis people and to Shoe ismer t to the V100VU of Qua ft, and people who Irsilt amildMe thi UMM ice et be foige tannic ei?�t saffw 000 Incr%suiVie two ,ears will, -dhmd- that at any rat^ the Qewrumm * have no" elm& awsi np tfrleme te*Am�, but_ than they have R$fnqwW N A fredf course toast ft had h^Mte.-limn. W. PILtIIMrwt's apmo*. Omest11@d, no ahet0lded KlsgltihMt. Apl 7. -,Yehm Museum, altom ildos 1 a uJight=•U �i farm ameAM I� woe" F bill 001*%fi e Y hil * ,Oli, ar Fin ?int nhA do wgmwtlli bftt . ',et e