HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-13, Page 6(
L. toe
An Attempt to Unveil Eternity.
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OHAP'rEE V. him from wounding it. He shred at
It with cheeks as pallid as Its owe•
.leaioney. like all great . and, teethe beside the body, began to
,w�.�� -- d, -sew- - aIP wMib .A-slol.oae aiP9lbi. im tw-
to w1111'and tie 1°14Mrye Able as hie amer had DMO'
8sddeely he rs sad 10. ahead
not have detected iiti H. raised the mutilated body in be
manner daring the next few that arms. bore 1t to the b�iSd., hid with
unwonted tborighte coca 11s tae ruse, • thus the borrlhl• traoss df
•R7 bis crime amt oroeemd the dead bands
Mod. lie want about bks dell] bud- over the bosom. Re bad scaeosly nom'
sem se usual, and els manlier to Oath- plotted this task when the street door
at underwent no change. P Year- y1•ld•d with a loud rendlag sound.
and the nol•e of feet came up the
eon mems a great deal to the shop,' stale.
=pa�lc�g throe mut of the waking Th. step. stopped at the door of
not monopolised b7 the ahllo C
boas ,Modems magi! It>a w
geotlaesen .akd Modena,ln
drank with him. and one night, under his ordlnar voice You see. It is
protest a riming wimple pe qui over, and if you want me, I am at
hla do go alone with Catherine lbs Y••r ear ea • -
theatre. Hie manger. saturnineand CHAPTER VL
reserved with other+, was irl and Brought up beton the Magistrates.
even affectionate with Mi. d Modena prssrvd the same calm.,elf-
1110 wag the mea to wham owed demeanor which he had
ley y be would never have Pos••s••d
known -Catherine but for him. ether shown when taken red-handed by 1,1s
the fabs wife nor leer paramour ems- wile's body. Papular Imam ran
petted snything beneath this parade 11th s.ppinet 110, mad. had as op-
ot irtendly ding. 1t was so by portunitty uoesrte4 be would oer-
acted. and T !. even In llodeoa I1sei• falai have been carried oft by $b.
In. loutish po os and lynched. He pleaded
rreeganirdtng he hu.bande bli go ty• and was committed for trial
Before a week had passed, rant. at the em.attg 101.11lcma
was doubly we in the Italian mind. While he lay in Fordmouth Prison
A casual vi11 to old Mrs k tee awaiting his trial for wilful murder.
suited hi the knowledge that f the the memo remained calm aad Impene-
lest farOd1bt ale had sat bar trate* as before. HL bsskth. kow-
da hter. thhoouog�h three ori r limo ever, sctfaeed. Sitting alone In his
a week Catherbe had stoked ob- cell, be would talk to himself for
ta>z,ed leave to visit the old Oman. hours 1n his own tangos, and when
Modena knew that lata was spoken to by the prison offlolal• would
Pablo property ; le telt it liter= answer ilk. a man whose mind was
look that greete° him len thewandering. He took little or no
la the whisperhng an. lBasr wbbb food At last be became so feeble
ice . and
his rmtmtepa Bu h• M no that It was deemed advisable that be
e1�a, anthe volcanic cora with •hoold les seen by the mediae{ officer,
which hie 1. et was bursting aped and Dr. Redbr'ook accordingly made
Ile time. He even took a me piss- bis appaaranoe.
seg in we•derin 111e own qa Retibrook at neat aop.ted him In
sed m we.dering bow long It would English. bat, receiving immense -
tory or amblguoa. answers. addressed
Ole ib plana by the dozen forbring- him prewntly In Itallaa. TTe mo-
ung his wife and Phil together and mint Its did ao the man's pale face
iturpristrig IleasIbilltthem. bat their lack d lighted a and his lethargy ted.
7• or cess aeddmt. delayed RD• argy d•P•r ,e
thetr easeutkerr LLl st last chance pat "What is the matter with you .
a. weapon in 111u hands. The captain asked the doctor. "They tell me that
d a ooadbog lereml, who hadleft a yon refuse to take your food."
chronometer In pledge with him for Yee. signor. Why should I eat,
eke- sternamadattownesenesollf wrote se leer tee 4 base es aeon ea die t0
to him ham a seaport 11117 You have not been tried let,
melee away taking f be wouldreturn my malt."
it In consideration of a lob of him The primmer lo0ged et him sharply
hes bald bought. and that sad eagerly.
1e bigbt come over t lbs "Do you think. Mgaor, Api they
.meelsmdms beton ooncJ the will hew mee.
bargain. Modena onnialisd wife. "That is not the quorum. An -
8" seed ltd 10 go. It w only ewer mine. Ara you trying to starve
�m for a t•
A day I" mold Modena. " otter- •• No, signor seld the man• wtth
line, i my that theme b no s belPsile .sen. erlmeea The
os oe -anted menw� sewer >}MNled
that I have read
inner ales ing 7 Du
ooatl Mil •hh�are if II bane �ai►coal be �i��e�s what
diet Catberim. could Uve again t?"�
"The sem b raving" said tete gp
moor. who stood looking on. "You
bad better leave 1110. a Mall me
AAs the day of al;ewltkn drew sear
the prisoner became calmer and
mho". Rettig quite made up hie
salad that (these was so lupe of re-
prieve, be relao.5d tato lethargy. al-
most into I dif10Seoe. lie made so
objection, however. to the mishtra-
Oweis de heeeheiiaim,a,re4� teal
bias '•t trammel leterva el -
lined him 11111.. u•ua1 ooneolatioee of
religion He seemed. Indeed. rather
amused than annoyed by the per-
fervid nal of the young oi.rgyty►a,
but again and again, whin Ned
to memo his belief and repentanea.
be .:paean'] his utter oratempt for
the Weenhmr/ of Christianity, and
avowed his total atheism.
It wag au anxious time lore the
Rev. Churl.. 8hdwell. Nerer la his
brief experience had he encountered
a primmer so quietly Indifferent to
everything be himself ogtddorod
siefee1 Be prayed with the prisoner,
remsoeed with Lam, argued with
Isla -all in vain. 11 was ell "foolish -
nein," Modena said; death wan t
end al all, and. that Deane quite cer-
tain, he was quite prepared to die.
Nor could he be persuaded to express
the elithteet p.bltnoe for the deed
he summated' he remained firm
in smarting that he had acted with-
in his rights, and that. under the
sum oiseamsianees, be woeid do
the game again. The threat of evec-
lasting punlehm.et, and the promise
of heavenly forrg name, were alike
unheeded by him. The chaplain re-
mained helpless to assist him. and
was fell of horror and despair.
Ono, or twice 1t became neoemary
for Modena, wbose .tate of physical
health retnatrled very feeble, to nee
Dr. Redbraok. 1M sed, of theme oo-
onrors he reverted to hie
former pretensions d absolute and de-
fiant contempt for religiom and ap-
peared is ver virtue his office.
ancy that be had in thle
Dh7lrleiut4 by 7
a secret sympathizer. And. U the
truth mart be told. Itedbrook had
Mooing materialistic laminae. Never-
theless. the whole character and tem-
per of Modena revolted and ilrgarted
him. "Religion or no religion." be
thought. "the fellow is a wild bee*
and only tit for strangling."
The day fixed for the execution came
-a chill morning In early winter. The
evening previous. Modena was informed
that that was to be lila last night on
.earth.. Am received the inforiiiailgir
with a shrug of the shoulder.. tee
beartll and. throwing h1m..11 down.
upon his bed. dept heavily but sodnd-
ly, watched by two warders Awaken-
ing abmit midnight. be found the chap-
lain seated by his side. and greeted him
with a savage nod.
"Yon have come early." he said
"What h the hoar'"'
Twelve o'clock," retarned the :hap -
Win. "and In a few boars moe.,-
"I stall deep all sound that rho 11% -
lug man shall me awaken. Altro: Bat
your own nlgkt's resit will be die
gin *bib d•fed I hkmesU volley
W 1 hie syr and iconic( rolled hM►
Meta W i acedshriek a pitiful crr.y
from toe ehepiale. With the m1d of
his anldgeg. the .z.outlou.r raised
the prisoner hedlly sad dragged him
up again, Ila the meaffold. where he
stood la the red light d the monde..
strusgllag is We pinions, and walling
In terror.
"It Is hetamew. r. oriel the chap-
lain. 'Mike Ws. Man back to hie Mil.
This MAIM go on."
But, sen while be was speaking,
the hearties bad aMwted u brain
planed It ros■d the v Iotas U 5101
r 111141 gl9tq' diens ilio' Mp.-!llrfi`
Edge& wee more given. ameneole
the top tails body of the _n -
ed tsanlelt forward. apt',tM1s
• rope, instead ttf 1Mtp-
Plug. y strand by strand. 'loth
the mane fest slipped tot groand
and then. ball supported sad half
euspeasied, the MO, with been/leave
seldons. span dew rouad ea4>(galld
For the mooted time the
had failed to emery oat the
of the law, and Maurizio Modena still
11 vet.
• (To be Ooetdnmed.)
arra'day yeomen to death
sitz, who begat" • carious 'mile, "I have no wish to
played relanotanoe, With°" aver'' site. Bat I ole cot expect to receive
sick•[ It •ted at last oossen to N• }Inks here in England, and, as you
13e indeed thee Catberine saes
hiss df at the etatlor, and •
feeder also about their first Iepars
dos. which left her nom hoo4-
winked. Hs travelled far enough to
malt hie purpose. and took • return
train which brought him back to
Fordmouth rut before dao Hs
mads his way through theempty
Mtras$a towards his dwelling. It
war a fine night the moon war at-
Jilwe fall, sad as be turned th corner
•trust rev which he 11 .d, be
saw • an cautiously emergefrom
his hoose, cautiously clone the door.
and walk at • brisk bat stealthy
pace towards him. Mode had
stepped back Into the shado of the
boom, and after the man had oov-
seed O e tieent fifty yards. and SAW
the street empty before him, he be-
gan to whistle. Modena crouched.
and as P111 Barton Damm level with
1110, sprang at him Iib a wild -cat.
and •treck him with all h force
Barton 'creamed with a fear
sed pain. bat the clutch h took of
the amass* told Modena bat his
first stroke had failed of 1 deadly
Intent. The supple, muscular young
fellow Moot him off for • moomd.
sad, as he came at him • to with
his long blade gleaming ed drip -
pi In the moonlight countered
with a heavy left -hands which
would have sent say man Isms des-
perately resolved to the nd, but
checked Modem's onslaught scarcely
at all.
The knife flashed. and IMI ea•
otber cry, midway bat a sob
and a Mena Barton fell.
At the fleet cry window' been
raised, and a more of r bead'
were clamoring at them. The up-
roar grew as Mocha stood bon isle
victim. looking down at hint and
watching, with a a • ltation.
the length•aing track of bloodon the
dry, white pavement.
Steps hurriedly approaching the
' pot, cries and shrieks from all aides.
warned hint that his thee wee
• bort, and Daly hall his to of veil -
completed. He ranlike a
here to lis own door. It
swiftly and softly, c , locked,
barred and bolted It w rapid
caution. and mounted the Mahe bad -
log to hie bedroom. The light la
m the floor, baring the In slm�
darkmeta 11. lit a candle a tan bete
bead and saw his wile. white as this
pillow 1n wideh her head w melted.
lying with clawed eyes as U asleep.
"Ont up!" he said qui an a
voids hardly above his She
mads no agmwar, but la l7 asleep
"Get tip I" ks repeat in a snaree-
ly better key.
The eyes opened slowly d looked
{t 1Um with an awful In them.
8101 Bartow'' blood had on his
Lea. which elm was g1 whits,
and Ms ravenous eye' wore meaning
which the guilty wife mould bare rod
seen without that dreadfulstain.
He rood gazing at her ale eons
'lowly. looking la her deadly pallor
Moe a corps called beak to Itis by the
mobantment of the eye' w leh welt
on her. fibs would have have
Protested ler inente•nee, bat ben
Lor�M clove to ler palate, her brain
n'i d The elamor In the was
loader. It approached the howls. and
a bona vy 'wmmcca tell uponuse door.
81e toast ler at that. and as
warted with a pleading m.
"Ory 1" said Modena. again!
Call for 110 1 He 1s not goer. H.
Mand se far. He will to help
yoh. Q7 ln, my Mild."
Thin had nssmd for a sere
Meat bet it Clttb•rlae's ream It
�� The roes of
titether desperate fear nerved 11e
_ wooziest to an t for
ilia dao•t•d from than tied mad•
for the Maim but Modena, with • bor-
rilb of exultation, sad her
UMW b fel
ide�mley. bar■ i=
woad kegs powerless 'tit hie.
*i • Condi MA Mid mai pinkie. of thehis bride
hall~�tsllM� t�1M llama'
sait Oil wrap.
s1M ossa n M erwls
rtq�geN wMak tea , reel
dills It, shred a at the
M�y�a ale MM1 ma very
e k e i1•$
see I am prepared.
As word* wore Imld though. but tented. I w 11 beg you now to go
the speaker's manner was peculiar sway. -
Modena eat on the side of his pallet "t doll not leave 700
now until
,Jrftb face halt averted, his e es fix year Sine (t(tnhee, returned Shadwell,
the walla of his cell, hie 1'Ips einetrembling violently.
murky as 11 he were talking to lei • "You are very good. You are very
self. $L poise was feverishly quickaazfoes about p7 poor moat. Well, be
t8 P11 feeble. fore Mb time tomorrow my .oh1 will
esa"There sena +sem to be mock th be like a breath of foul air. Hate
wttn yua aid Itadbruok gone
"Tithe my adrkae and eat ant den I not told you. one hundred time.. that
properly U you ora." 700 do waste your time? Why will
Aod he tnrnd to leave the cell. you not softer me to die to peace?"
One moment, dome" cried Modes It is In order tbat you may die In
soddenly. "Have they buried her 7" peace that I am here. Miserable man 1
"Your wIl.7 O1 course." I beseech you to repent In time. 11 yon
"She did not speak again" She will do so, If you will cast yourself on
wall quite dead 7 Ah, yes, I remembew ties mercy of Him who is all -merciful,
Signor I killed her l It war the ?a may yet save your .cul silve."
wayYou shoaid have heard how ahs the chaplain. In a voice
.hrwhoa the &idle meat into her Mit re. with a face
heart t It war music to me. If 1t w
pale• ees full of infinite faith
all tdo scan,
I would do 1115
-like talc'
and pain as infinite. when Modena,
with. a furious tenure. Interrupted
With fishing eye, he waved his
right arm In $• air. as If he were him.
Nominated for Positions in the
h! I have heard all that
'tabblmg his vlcslm. At that moment " lr,noag
be looked more Ills • wild basal the • before; I heard 1t when I wag a
a man ; but while the doctor booted it child ; I heard it there in Italy ; I
Mx in wonder, he became quite calm have hoard It here in England ; I
and, laughing nervously, began agate have heard is all over the world. But
muttering to himself. I tell you again. It is all 1alse. and
When the day of trial cams, atI believe It not. i laugh at it ; I
Modena appeared in court, len ' shall laugh at It eves with the rope
to lave ``ro*, wears older. around my neck. Away with your
to the suite of i'he dock, he Godrrlth all our gods! I am a
mendwlffffbbbb a dared, wondering are mat. I came from duet. to dust 1
Mali the moment hie name ali return."
wen called he drew himself together
bided hie arum on his breast an. 8o saying, he threw himself again
Palled calmly. Arraigned for ',Ufa upon his bed. turned hie back upon
Murder, he at coos pleaded guilty. the chaplain, and seemed to sleep.
Asked whether he had any reaaoo to White u deatb, the young clergyman
remained watching him. Presently
he threw himself on bis knees, and
prayed aloud.
A prayer out of the depths of his
gentle, suffering heart. phrased In
words so beautiful that even the
warden were almost moved to tears.
A. be prayed Is Deemed as If his face
was transfigured. At last he
ceased to utter his prayer aloud.
and, covering his eyes with hie
hands, continued 1n silence.
What are you doing r" soddenly
•eked the prisoner, not looking round.
" I am praying."
" Have you not prayed euough 7
Yon waste your time. f do not
heed you. Ood does not hear you.
Let tee sleep."
"Sleep, then, and 1 will pray."
aid the chaplain.
From that time forward for .eV -
mal hours Modena made no sign. To
all Intents and purposes he eras
Weep. At 5 o'clock he stirred, at
up. and cow the chaplain •1111 upon
Ms Dees, but almost Immediately
Mr. Shadwell rose, and said :
"I am glad you have stint Well."
A warder now nates the prisoner
If he wen el have his twrenkfiurt.. but he
deotilsd to eat, and asked fora pipe
of tobageo, wh/ep, ag the obhim H. e
=lil=lit oeDi wa/ given to him Xie
t the helot., galetly smoking,
with his grew fixed on vaoangy.
Pr•seat0' the chaplain made another
ineffectual attempt to wring` from him
alae sign of faith or penitence'. At
bet the Freon officiate appeared -
Among them Dr. Redbrook. When the
prisoner appeared pleased to tem. 'Even
when the executioner entered the cell
sod shook hand+ with hilm. Models
still preserved hie self-aonenand.
" I do riot knowj" •mrs
wed Red- gone � .hidsan fm. a a s pi toned.
brook. " All you have to do now Y Wpm the py"""/Mas to toil. Ar the
to leak. your macs with Clod!" proem• ace moved from the cult, the
T'he'n le TO Mope -nine 7" chaplain. trembling like a leaf, rend
" Nesse
The primoer gave t
a low, h Oat 'ervicm este ftM ties snit,dead 4111117 morning.
p 11.1ed sett eek ale M make m of the r�i*rlelyteextem mpporieeeedup teaftdd,
pates with Ood 1 That te to speak the name moved with a firm tread.
rale 110.1 I Imre a stilt You are while the okapieht, with upllfted volae,
learned sea. hues. and you m . followed by hhtSsa moo The faint, dim
Ode with tee at soh eupetetit • dawn was bag ing to break, as be
Do you think, if NNMI Was es an7 Mood is kW oieD, with the Meek cap
God, I Oboe* have haled Catherhm drawn over As tam, welting.
No; 1 etho M haw. hit her for r .. " Pray to God I" murmareri the May-
1 1m pwr11M► I hirer bitter. leis In hie ear. " Pray t]o' Ood 1
ewlea�Alrte�tryes-� fr snail 1taRlnm my hes I law*
governor of the on,your
agn�rM Heat Tasman. And 700 -you bait dome
t~ ion sed the seamy
ant talk to teed Clod!" war °f pr t1.r seat down"
"Tall as this." add Reebirook •• I wando, and, Nutmeg like
int almultareomafy,
offer aaetaln.t the pronouncement o
the sentence of death, he began a
wild rambling statement. s record
of his wife's Infidelities and hlm ow
wrongs. which was Interrupted by
hie own counsel sugared for him by
the Italian Consul, who put in the
plea of Insanity. The prison dote
for war called. Asked If he had ex-
amined tits prisoner and If he 11
discovered any Indication of aberra-
tion of Intellect. Redbrook anew
In the negative. In his opinion, Mo-
dena war sane enough to be responsi-
ble for hie estates.
Thank you. signor," crled.Mod•na,
wlt11 • smile.
The only ertendating circumstance
In the case war the eagradeo char-
acter of the dead woman. It was
oiear, however, that Modena h
acted with cold blooded deliberation,
had laid a trap tato .11L'b his vita
tlms had fallen. and had carefully
planned the murder.
HD was thereupon sentenced to
Even then, he preserved his este
With erns folded on hie beast,
be faced his judge and listened to
the sentence. Bot, as he tented to
leave the dock. he railed. caught at
the air, and fell to the ground In e
dead ■woos.
CHAPTlait vu.
Still 1>rmdbl.. Modems war (tarried
b hie cele When be rr��0000vv��red eat.
e rioenwel, le found ReQMook bead-
ing over him.
1 was right, thea," he mama
In Italiag, looking feebly np Into
doctor's face. " This will bang
Screw t flow soon -tell m•,
Clear and Convincing that Dodd't
•, Sidney Pills Curt Diabstss.
Th,. Toronto Mull ani Empire says
the rumors of an impeadiog 1'eeen-
etruction of the Ontario Qa4lkatr
*bath were rite in pentiea'
during the hatter days of Ile iemat
melon, have not IU bailed steed Ili
cloy-. Even the Premier was "Oaten
by the knowing one+ as one of those
likely to retire, and 111. derlaratbn In
the house that nese session be would
be found 1n 'ids place Tawe as a sue
prise tq *say.
It l be probable, however,
that ted member. ..f the pre
sent Cabinet eel retire be-
fore- the sext seeilon of the
Legislature. These are Mr. Harcourt.
tho Provincial Treasurer, and Mr.
Harty, the Commleeioner of Public
Works The resignation of the latter
may be expected at any time accord-
ing to the statement. current In the
corridors of the Parliament build.
leg'. The Premier s differences with
fH1am Mr. Ba nourt over the LCeaae
hill have set been straightened out.
and ML Hardy is &aid W regard his
Treasurer as a man altogether too
much inclined to lean on others. and
ods one lacking personal Initlative and
energy. Therefore. It seems probable,
and is openly stated. that to a few
months' time the Treasurer will be
.-tial vel.
The btrldosr d filling the vacancies
that may take place b d oo erne a
serious ores for the Government. It
seems probe that the new Mlas-
ters w$1 p. aigeen from among the
ettting'>tlssoisw d the Hoagie. The
(,bvernment ee sot at all aaxtoue to
open oo•rallesechs for new glen
in the unsettled condition of
political affable In this province. Dur-
ing the pleat seasthn there were
three mentberr or the House who
took a .reasraneatly active part In
the and figured more ex -
ter hely int debates then the Jun-
ior Mtn of the Crown. Theme
we Mame Conmee, Stratton, and
1?allo. lire Stratton was constant-
ly pert up to speak 1n a metal -official
Ibmpleity for the Cbvernmeot, and
Mr. Coomee prepared epeechem 071
every wrtant question he era the
House. �pa��t,
13i, It iv e a to be theorems-
mor of Box *, - Bee y • oa repressa-
tallve of the Ir1di Catholic. elector-
ate, and also of New °uterin inter-
ests, whetp have lately been clamor.
fug for recognition by the ('loverament.
If Mr. Comore entero the Cabinet lie
will probably be required to take
over, en oonnecLdn with his dotes
ahs C,amwoerbner of Psblio Wolk., a
ppoorrttiioonn ort the wort now done by the
I ommtvmloner d Cdrow. Lands, Hon.
J. M. C'Ilbson. The work d the latter
la monsoon. and it Y aald that Mr.
Glbron's health cannot et.nd the
r►ra1M. Father the Mine l�eptr'm"nt
or sore other d the namero■s
btuzvliem of the Craven Lenin ie-
parteant coral* be Owed under Mr.
Conmee's •upas•1tnion.
Tlie most probable sat -censor r of Mr.
Hamra rt memo to b. Mr. Stratton,
of West Pe but tide trans-
fer tt Dort likely take place ern
coon an the one rut mentioned.
At pre est the Prewar is plannlcg
a sl'ort snee rn for parp5. of re-
oaperatfon, and Hie. lir. Rats b
also contemplating a holiday.
what tattle base yea been reared ? n the raps o Ut tkoaq
tih'j rather was • A �7 01 wow went n (veru
i'ev.bst�lnt, mouth of the w� tot
fifPnm71pen Toe *11 ise wallet by the `adseA��ewl'dn ales to faopen UM ttoflood lat, as In
a�ptaau o/ the when" no no the gamin ler ins ii
foraMaden will
a nti.Wded lifgeha. ar I 1 rad." L ss• Tom ozeeneki er
ligase. In ale firm winks*
hat yon
mesa asp tram kbfainesu tttp• atlas .1.
" 1 methee 11 Will teens fila f1em
Case Wee
'Mos 1 t1�awy a art
M •
Wham uule 0.1.4 lt.
Montreal. P. Q., AprU ri. - Tltlsa
sad Iasi come the most oft,
-. of tae renally marvellous
of Kidney Diseases. la this Sty. by
Atblat t. -4144 ".J1ktt1!
gems em which we ' re-
ports of several cures -at home.
right here in beetroot, at our own
In the face of this vast mane of
peed. we must believe what such
an eooruoue number of our fellow -
citizens write on the subject. via.:
That there is no other medicine
known to edema that mu at all
equal Dodd'. Kidney Pills, as a ca
for Kidney D1aeasee of all types.
Many hundreds of Montreal people
have been cured of Diabetes by
Dndd's KUM; YUIa. but there ere in
the City, rttlt. ttandreds of other est -
who do not know that by
tib femme remedy they can
ba : eared, positively oared. for all
ties and at simost no expense.
That such is the case, let the ex -
Wiese+ of Eng neer James Graliam,
at No. 50 Victoria Square, prove.
Mr. Graham had Diabetes for sit
Moears. One of the most eminent of
ntr'eal's physdolane examined him,
and informed Itim that his case was
beyond all ail -incurable.
No wonder the sufferer grew do
spore ieut. But, one day he read of
a wonderful cure of Diabetes, ef-
fected,by Dodd's Kidney Pills. He
fi once bought a box and began to
Me them. y ceased marked im-
provement, and lie used two boxes
mare. Now he b as healthy as he
ever was. robust and hearty.
Isn't this proof enough that 1)odd's
Kidney Pine w111 cure Diabetes t
It ought to be. surely'.
The Weighed and the Tappers.
Tee Recorder isn't surprised, became
its a careful reader d Canadian theory
It believes there 1' nothing a Tapper
would not do to sglrve a Tupper.
But what of the charge. Not a
man, woman or child In Brockville
believes a word of It Where Melo
Walsh is known he commando the
respect of everybody.
Scratch a Tupper and you find n
eoward. Scratch a Walsh and you
rind a man, who, In hehnlf of Ilia
rnnntry, faced, almost mingle handed
and alone, the red men who In the
early days inhabited our Grenadian
plains, a man who. knowing nothing
of fear, undertook the task from
which others recnlled, and out of chaos
brought barmoppy. His name i. inter-
woven In Ca?nda's history, and is
asoclated telt!' all that Is manly and
(wave, and no breath of the `utter
flltered.throngh a discredited Tupper
will In the slightest degree affect the
esteem In which he le held.
From nut of a ten acre lot full of
the beat Tapper* that ever were pro-
duced n blind man could seleet "Rob
Wahab." because he's a man. -Brook•
rifle Recorder.
loop ¥laud'. Liniment la the Rosea
Per Her stele',
Tom -Why were yon so determined
to kiwi that homely ccpp��kiin of your.?
15ek-I wanted to smtablb11 n prece-
dent. Rho haa two very pretty -ne
terve, jren khdw,-Judge.
Duetted, and Druggist" pronouuee
kflllerr's Coompmmd Iron Pills the best
on the market; 50 dm. 25 emir,
A cold DID..
fihe--Yea May 7e43 matt your friend
accidentally' He -YM; I fell In with
him while skatln ,-Yomken, sautes.
No Wore Medicine aces ser
ame rillwy. Worm Powders; no
TOTIsi to "Iva Ansa
d. iiia metamerent.
yah--lbwws leu haven't elven
111;i erh this Woolen faire.
TO ups
A• NI¢! FonMALrrT
He Mese Mr l *11. neither drew
bask tar turned red,
And els did not eisllver a slap on
Ma ear
He kissed bur I He word by tM
hid; was saki -
OM had seamed to thrUM.i-
vb: Mira- toll* 1 feat.
Learning to seduce--
The soldier boy wrote home from the
far IihiUpplue.:
"Father -My left kg has been shot
off by a cnnnoo batt. I want to buy
lee a good, flrst-cla, cork kg Please
send me 11100 in year next letter."
The father answered, from Ills home
hr the Oconee.pine.:
'Son -I k shake hands with you on
yea lose I lost my wondoa keg en-
durin' of the blizzard. A nigger
stole It
fin • it Ii BP ter ma"1I OW
you gid that Dort leg. t
how It works, aa' whar you get the
money to get It with"
Howe Thiel
We fifer One Hteodred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hell'. Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Chimney & Co., Profs., To-
ledo, 0.
We. the urderwlsoed. leave knows F.
.1. Cheney for the last 15 years, and
believe 111in perfectly honorable in all
beduns transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation mads
by their firm.
West & Truax, wholesale draggn t..
Toledo, O.; Waldint Klnnan & Mar-
vin, .11oimale druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken inter-
naaly, acting directly upon the blood
and miens .urfaoes of the system.
Price, 75c per bottle. Sold by all drug-
P.L. Testimonials tree.
ex see thole M Pat mot -ase,* Wot1
sat Beleem llat rtes•
>�tee Is good advice io this people
cots wast was w fat. mays Pea---"-
e�ilr tralateg, Nt b tail d a
a� po�sa a pr m.
In t phye ale -Ian. Rls
as fol owe:
"If you are tela sad weal to put
limb neon your Rosset sal beIure
beg to bed for Um *1.14. Pbystolo e
:ppsas�sep� am w
limn', 1111 h beta=
saram'e wt there ~lag •way
Mw ►e Lr eein-
��py���b' continuous aourWr-
a�1 Int. /God � Owe• at dinner or In the
tar.. el- 41,pt�.oefetke ' bs is 7n. v
e0t[l IaNg hilt we stye asleep.
the time.are not nourished,
ars putted down by the west
proa0o. and as e. result e.e Ie.s
Maas. Qts a fall a eblinch. how-
ever, or filth some food to mune*
the geteb, there I. s baikling up of
the ttmse
Man 1. the only creature I know
411 -wipe
* ' E'ER.'"! to
ln•ahacthvely arise to be ted
showing that food le ne-
cessary t that tl S, as ill as
long �11mows mak.
It k. tilt eglers ^i - arrestby Ort.
winch tt dlS�Mlit no need kwd ram In the
provided the coma-
e of eaten b rot above nor-
mal �_� th�e�� twenty -tour Louts.
loss between meat vtare
t the rad redemption of
work of 11ta ave orgies tends
eats.bla working of the orgasm
twenty-four hours tv
Snob Isere beieflclal. I would ad -
rite thane saffertng from lemonmta to
dekep alwansAa tint glass before
of milk `nd
bread, or any dtgeatlble food will do,"
Take Issative Brew Quinn, Tablets. I at
Densis• rented tee wear a over.
A •cotohm n Wag wanton'.
At Omdurman Col. Hector A. Mac-
Doruakl-in the words of another offl-
oer-"sherd the day." Bidden to retire
when hard preased by the Dervishes.
the gallant brhgadier took it upon hint-
ed, to refuse. "I'll be' 4. It," be obi0
"I'11 see them d -d first. We moan juin
14111." And he fought and won. -Loo -
don Mau.
C. C. Elobahte k Co.
Dear She, -Von .plot years I have
(had only partial ter of my arm,
ca,ete0-by a sodden strain. I have used
every t dy "detain effect, until I
woe a .'mp[e bottle of MINARD'd
The benefit I received
teem 1t canted me to oontlpne iia use,
aand now I I fam happy to ,117 my arm
R. W. Harr Won.
Mama, Ont.
Dome Tennessee Angllah.
(hurley Unmet i•ked a friend of
hie from the country the other day
if elm had been out to the fair, and
.he replied as follows: "I didn't
went. I didn't want to went, and If
I haat wanted to went I eaaldn't have
gotten to gwke."-clariRv11N Loaf
If your child Is pale peevish, and
doer not thrive, a dose of Miller's
Worm Powder. oroaroonally will core.
Two Mose.
"TA ma'am," meld the wash -lady,
"me bill far th' wase thio week Is big-
go- nor IaMit." "But the wash was
mailer." "It was, and 1t wasn't,
ma'am. Some av the ;demo get tore In
the waahln', an' (8 had teh Iron thim
New Hie for s.qu�r�er Miller's
Copocwd Iron Pit
Caller -Excuse me San I speak to
your typewriter for a moment? City
Man -Yon can't ; she's engaged Call-
er -That's all right -1'm the fellow
w•Rfantrated Bits.
L the childrenintyill0 POOP
hr all falls as s �orWap
Pow -
dere; very pieninolt to tale.
"What Is love like?" yap ask. I
Love wean a chic, beribboned dram
Of sonata 1481.10 blas--
The very kind t� .111. Ion.
Love Vera That mirrors every maiden grace.a Taw' r -
Gray byes that rend sty dearest
Hair from the gold* sonsIdna caught.
And alarms too ass.r0M to tell.
Save that their maim se leve her well.
In fact. you know -of aging Ton do -
That love le yon !
Niaard'e l dant the Lsobamaa'. Fend
On /Meth Greed Armee, games Chia
is a clotkl,g stere, and In the whitlow
Were* b a sign taut meltot niftyniftynot
man ewhat it
`00e -Rath Boli ease,-
soWary maa b r ales. Beau airing a Aar l•
rr•w"wsse• . s
ores* Thought..
A great emtptre and little salads
go CI tugether.-ltm'be.
Three may a secret K twoot
them are Med.-trunk lta.
The way to get out of se11•love 1.
to love God.-Pht11y11s Brooks.
To persevere ib one's duty and be
silent a the best answer to cal
mmny.- Wash tngtoo.
Mean ler no stronger now than 1t
was 1,000 years ago. but 1t b pmt
to better sae. -El mmwolt.
The ear people who can deny
othere everythtag are famous for
refusing themselves nothing. -Leigh
I'ndnr 111. heading the Leamington
Courter, dla•ussing the question. con-
cludes that the enormous Increase
Mown In the feeding question of I.ine-
plated erops demand• attention :
" Dr. eomervtlle told um that a
dreaming of Thomas pholpbate has
such a marvellous effect In Improving
the character of a pasture that the
bedevils wa+ 'better tltnn gold min -
Ing.' In a recent article the professor
Imo been giving a more detailed ac-
count. and says that while the phos-
phate increased the quantity of the
hay 50 per cant., It Increased the
quality 187 per cent., as shown by
the Increase -1 weight ofmntton. Prob-
ably If we could pursue this !wintry
fnrther. we should (Ind the quality
of mutton also Increased. There 1s aro
doubt hat that slmllnr advantages
would follow If a herd of pile were
kept on phosphate clover, and we
strongly advise reasonable trial."
Plague's Awful Work.
According to a letter from 11ev.
John Jolly, a Presbyterian mission
ary at eaagll, winch was received In
Toronto y • y, the plague is still
and In Bombay alone
the oreer darty. On
Shadily. 5t11, the highest .heath
rate, 591. was reached and during
the week the tate reached 2.247. The
{ague is Interfering greatly with the
work of the missionaries, as the na-
tive+ fear that the disease Is misread
by them. Threata are being made
against Europeans.
A neon for Catarrh Victims.
We offer our readers a new remedy
for entirrh, bronchitis. Irritable
throat, colds in the head, droppings
In the throat and kindred affections
in Catnrrhosone. There is no mystery
about It. tut the effect fe magtcal.
Olotmrntm, washes Anil snuffs cannot
reach the diseased parte, and have
been proved worse than useless, lint
Caterrhozone le carried dlrrotlf by eIr
to the dimmed parte, send Is ►Ike a-
beam from the pine wools. Outfit.
*1.00. Send 10 cent+ for sample bottle
and in lin ler.
N. C. Polson & Co., Kingston. Ont
One TMaa w.n.
Conundrum by the Cheerful Idiot :
Q. -What Is worse ' than raining
eats and doge t A. -Hailing cabs and
Ask i.r ¥faald's sad take ■e ether
The is worth $815. gold oda hi ezisteacs
$815. It is the ingot at
"loot" of Annam, and Its value is
written on the coin 1n India ink.
ISSUE No 15 1899.
Tested and
sapid you Owl perfectly
oda to put all flan mousy
In a new bank 7 One you
have just sheardgof?
"1of'i]w�RRnhas fts
business for Over a quarter
of a oentury 4 One t has
kept Its 9
Ono Hutt never ed ;never
misted you is any pay 9
You could trust slosh a bank.
Optildn.% you?
-law Jost
Woo ti0ah • beak. It has hover
dleappointed you. never will,
It has never deosived you,
never w111.
Look out that •Omeons
does notUT to make you
Invest yo'hr* 1n n new
tone*, some new medieine
you lmtowto thket of.
pc .era 1i...; .It a1etrrma
SCOTT a WWII*, Oserst Twat►
Horseflesh as Pood.
Over 100.000 horses are klll•l
every year for food la Parity aid
then are mores d resWeant, where
horseflesh is served 05 ata article
food. Th. es of Oils meat has n•
cantly extended to SSW ether Otte
of Europe.
Where Odd Peva PSI., only
cents for 50 arks•. .•
The fere`+ dprestb for the diel.
matte reshbnoas may bo meat to pg..
11n Does more.
seed petal ler grth'ehn, or tear 'bet. M
Sty -meat .- 'pea. R•1■veaator, are•ts,0sI,
OLD STAMi'8.-Look op your o41
lettere (dated hetwam 11151 and I I NIC t
You may have stamps on them worm,
front *1 to $100. Drtug or sent time
to me on the eneskrpes. uud ;t' 1 cad
for them. Fifty Foreign titarula ad
an album. only lOe.-fit' b. NI briON.
No. 30 King *rest east. Handle'
Gores the worst eases of 01 Ain
diseases in sheep and cattle. ileitis
wdun4e and bruises, cures ring-
worm. gang eau, scree .hear
cut, arab; destroys nee
nese. Ilre, flashworess. Wallets and
vermin. Absolutely non-poIlsn".es
and has no drastic or irritating
etlla ter. Curse the wares ('asst At
your dealers, or fro. Oka' mane.
facterare. CorreepelldeIM'r le
vital. The Piekhardt Renfrew
Co., Limited. Ntooftvllt., Ont
FITS 1:_irm-rqIi
llarreeaLJ �gl•rtns.
els vrtsebw'+ Manes spur 11 . ••re
ha" but inis .1,111Zeilaireele=ig
rtbire�,.: �,,rte
dislifl grates K
VS elide •
" EAGLE " Parlor /latches 2001.
do. do. do. loos.
"VICTORIA" do. do. bis.
"• LITTLE COMET " do. de.
The Finest 1n the World. - No Brimstone.
Fruit and Produce Commission Merchants,
Correspondence Sollclted,
Advances Made on Consignments.
FF. -}47,F
No Money Required,
Ammo .e. • .. 1.,. std i LM h h