HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-13, Page 4•
4 T.onsaat, April 13, 1899.
az M. Er_
W a Viet'Othe P thee, .era Bt.tte,\es eoae. Curry
�1na Le.rgtsk Mock .t.A k‘tkrOh.
We have faith in the wheels we handle, and our guarantee of
your motley back if wheel is unsatisfactory is behind every sale
of •
Yale Bicycle . e .
We believe there is no better wheel on the market than the
McBurney -Beattie, and the price ie right.
See our Used Wheels, $12.N to $35.N.
Bicycle & Music Nouse
and Cycle Livery.
Ott Aiul,
ST D. rs.rimAMT
OR . patty that plumes itself upon
-That Tory protest against the
Dominion seat in West Huron mems to have
fallen by the wayside.
V.P. d. liollgaa the 11'e till the smvaest time
this thrashes bees ter sss. )ears /tat
•it setes.etl.lret bet ereihrlieyou.cslfic'.
• willmy ere.tden{ le eey acs mai w
*triaged Ohre w made la drew N. wet
tardier sad le arrive et mems serfs emilkm
airier whish ate sateaelea might be hails
mad operated 1
Alan teem Omelet's ostitis a the mat-
ter. wU. 1sdelstt.ly ssdeeeued, we hem
a.tbieg Mssbakia essdielsse, The sale
way to rat el seeNehiar .peal& le M Mew
the maws op .ntsmamm8y.
The Hide Ilwdsrd "aye ; •'D. Ube'W-
a.ms el R pth went the prepared breach of
the 0. P. a. hem O.elpb te Oederlab to
e ase through err matt ildie lawn 1 Shedd
she sees .ethos be take& to the tastier et
-Thar bridge hems not yet been
built over the mighty chasm that ezista be-
tween Sir MAczmltris BowwLL and the
ue.t of traitors.
• - The Lest el amptre."
itis loyalty to Canada and Canadian Tom'," " brigs
res "HI"r.1.
a :-t your
institutions the Conservative party truly (lristtwas a dltmeial plM.aN to dawyfib A IYnm
in the House has proved that, it uat "U'• •ad I hems to (; a1 your prayer any
a.aw.red ty ti. .toppeca d
all tines eager and anxious to cast in rho brutal bear S.ry a tie• Pbiltpmlmes.
ON let with the most objectionable of Yodu sn t r. sot acs easy sear wbo bauhedb7 boll.
•la,er desolatloc m..md the
Yankee adventurers whenever and ' I Wt of .moote" wthe d the saagbt.r of tie le
wherever the opportunity is afforded. ''teem. Uod will bless you for your out -
.i ken remarks scaliest hums. neperae.
Last year after the bill for oon
codsriok, Atha t '-Irl.
.trnoling fie Yukon railway had
passed the Hoare of Commons an
American newspaper reporter named
LtrWASH, who was the paid agent
of an American transportation mono-
poly, hypnotised the Senate and made
that aged and infirm astiWtion play
marionette to his mush:; which was
specially designed in the interest olt
his American paymasters. The Old
Flag was hauled down, and the in-
terest& of Canada were ignored by an
irresponsible majority in the Senate,
at the word of Ltvgstr.sti, end today
Canada can count by millions the lose
that was entailed upon the business
interests of this oountry by the suicid-
al policy thin adopted.
Some two weeks ago another at-
tempt was made by Sir Hlmucri Tor-
1!tR to do injury to the credit of Can-
ada, at the Inatome of Yankee dicta-
tion. In • speech of several hours'
duration • 1 itter, mendacious and
malignant attack was made on the
administration of the Yukon, and an
effort was made to saddle upon the
Mini.Nr of the Interior reapondbility
tor .11 grievances, real or imaginary,
that had been represented to young
Tyres by the Yankee editors of a
Klondike newspaper who are now in
Ottawa endeavoring to repeat the
I.ty W AIH act.
At this stage of the game we have
no desire to ay anything that would
burke investigation, but we believe
that, if there has been any wrong-
doing in the Yukon on the part of
ofi8cials, there is • regular way of
bringing such misconduct to the
knowledge of the Government without
having advantage taken of parliamen-
tary privilege to make reckless state-
ment* and vile innuendo which oan
not fail to bring discredit upon the
country. It is contended that the
member making reckless Charges on
Obs Moor of parliament takes hie polit-
ical life in his hands when be makes
such statements The contention is
all bosh. We have many • time and
oft known a nom! in p.rliament to
avail himself of the privilege .Horded
Qs utterances to make statements
that be would not dare to make on
the public platform or in the press,
mod who either got off met -tree or re-
ceived a mild admonition from Mr.
OM thing is well known -that .
stable government has been given to
tie Yukon district by the Laurier
Administration. Under the old re-
glem "Rad Mike" and "Soapy Smith"
redid the roost In Dawes* Oity, but
talky lite and property aro u safe
there as in Ottawa. That every Ant
erisNl oar oar adventurer has not
beta retie to do jest as he would like
ke do ha Mal new 000ntry speaks well
Whit Government, instead of being
ailed be 1U discredit
For fhb reason we take ezooptiert
iNggisr Torre; or any other
nkett bias*, to h• end:. •
ipso . wliliagl�
or enkeowningiy
IMF ___ be sharp wham reek -
ISM been forestalled by the
and hosed sedges et
ie the Yukon.
Pared*, Colorado.
Melded has Haft ler
NIM : Mrs. Jobs Trills is vary low, hev-
lag angered •.otter .treks et paralysis
Seam* : Mime Ds. lasgstnth M at-
testing the bulimia senses at OMiba..
Morris : Hoary Ogress and bride left a.
Tuesday, 4th tot., for their bowie 1* Moose -
law, Rm.
Stater : Charles Peamb, sl Usbese, hew
mend to tows amd ltm/giss Os hew el
Mn. Jens Rieger.
B :usests : Walter tl 11 7f itewart,-N.
J. M es
es the Mak list with ss.Ntag .f a
drepdsal ts.desoy.
(,Malas : Thee. Yeltsin left for Hart -
lord, Cass., sad will be oesmme d whet the
Columba bloyole work. there.
Blyth ; Jobs Yeteelf, who has been la
the greaery 1_ea as here for several yearn,
has retired trees Mit beafsam.
Urey . Job. Mllabsll asd wife hem re-
moved to Lenges, having sold their farm es
the twelfth es..emslos to Mr. MWar.
Kmiec : Miss line Seethes* was
t atted m marriage to Air:. U. Washes ei
the residents el tin. horrid/1k Londa..
Seefortb 'Thomas YoKeszs, of Weed -
stook, mod maty, sad Yrs. Dosaa., N
Sanlortb, aged eizty-I1,s, were married
temail y.
Sn.l«tie : James L Iiroadloot 1s
weak et present, haring injured his Iamb
while morias some heavy herss M lbs 1 a
B. fes ray.
Clutea : 11 Foam loft es Aged Ise lop
Oshawa, when be ea. '«fief M he.
kin. Young •wd sen left es the dib lar the
.ams pesos
hesloreb : John Lowery, tubs hes has
✓ ectos ma as tea has he lbs uses year.
a.'. op hie sitw►i .and"wA far Bao.,
Membra, lee* week.
t 1'.per Mead by a. J. A. Boyd at alio Mew
casualties' Ossiveistnew as TeeNao.
A. the mastics of the O.tario Kdae•lies-
. 1 Association .t Tomato loci week. a paper
react by 8 J. A. Boyd, IDM of Ballast, s1•
treated mach at1osMen. The paper was e-
ttlad "The laflaenos ad Professional 8pM-
t el L ablte School Taoh r.."
Then was, be said, • deplorable
lay a sturdy hdivideslity airman petite
asltsol 4aabes. They bowed sad sssmpd
to the trustess, sed were afraid W my right
eras tight and wive/ was wroth. 1May
were afraid to vote for problbltlos, a ae-
eordae with their oo.vbaoae, bemuse
they feared the reasatmeot of the .kinky.
Whoa &reales The trustees took the .n-
Muda= sad spirit out of the smobra •mol
left ►e. Whose in his work.-- They
sowed ►fes.
The salaries, too, which %m.ehen wen'
pail sen beggarly, sod they Gould net be ex -
meted M de good work ea mob .lam albw•
asses He was spatting pier m*Wy ler the
es•lrl' Sheol *sobers, many 0t Moir
oo.l I sob afford to pay *dr expanse M w
Mad for emvattoo. He would my le Mos '
hostess : " Feed your horse 1f you wt
him to work, end teed your teacher if you
watt blot to work."
The muse of cheap sande* was said to be
the result of competition end that there was
.till good pay for the ablest ; It was still •
m,e of the survival of the fittest Yr. Boyd
beloved (batt It was undoubtedly • ease of
the survival of the ohe.pss. Smell salaried
Meehan were wasted, ad they were them-
selves responsible for the redee fes m miss -
len, se they aderbld rook ether for pee-
Sway tauhere wore too young M wader -
mks their duties. The Mw would net anger
• toy to gut.e the respoalbilf01ss of mem-
hood .Nl lee was twee{ •ate yaw d ye,
asage eda
d If • sautloa1rt wee.ked If •
your* ma of twesty-es a ye rneboald marry
he wale .o.ff at the Idea. And yet young
-pts of eighteen years were pt a shares
o f dames. In bis opiates s ma or imam
tco yeemg to merry was toe yam M Mab
Bet the most deplorable el will was the
r.m that the Isaebar., as • whole, looked
n 11vi1aalt' y and forge Tem ease ewes •
t tar to the 'forest() sourssMss, reed their
p pace, made their mutual prowl. p..md a
for week bocrd reseisMess, paid waw fees
.ed west home e0Sgre101.#.1 tb•.aei,es.
They 8.4 oomr, had gess, but bol mel em
,.red, sed why eb std es 1blllgssl ked ,
seek as the Meatier, .sswel.Ma, 8.e. de-
test 1 They mug 'wok* ibdr foros is
the rural districts •d p eeemb • bald treat
te make tbemsrl w reeegabmed by the yob.
lie , reoeg.ised ad &deleted to the nab
of the ether profanities; allowed 10 take
pert Is {be dmi.lsWntien mid ee.Nol of the
dmmNoeel gates, sol glees she authority
M tett looks
Tbgro was mo dise.slen spat Mr. Boyd's
paper, 1.1 Its .zodlewos w admitted and
hie west trenchant remarks pasted with
Glisten : MR Gilroy sad son left es
T.M4.y 4th lug , for R.rtaa, N. W. T.,
whim lir. Gilroy ie oadaoting a dry geode
hedge mil dampener.
>twwwblpc Rand timberless.
s, who rees.tly bought rile '1'aww-
farm em the Bayfield hue, has taker
Plellamios el the same.
QIP&..: J. C. D.tlw, et North Bay, •
farmer beeiaess men of Ciliates, shook bends
with same of W old Clinton 1rt•.de at the
. *arise M SMerday, let lest.
Chafes : W. Jackson, of rho CPR,
beet*/ It Mak sad and L Lawlor M Bras -
don, .d Mtn. 011rey ad family to Rogt .,
N. W.T., es Tuesday, 4w les.
Morris ; Miss Carrie Mead has rammed
trees Termite, where .he had been spo./i.g
tbe ped six swaths. Her many friends are
Werra to iso her meet lesprevd a Width.
Grey : There is joy a the hemp .f
Snood Sall, North Betadary After be-
t./ blamed with loss tstereetl.s daughter.
• •an .sol Mir hes arrived to help bill Mr.
Swell'e lies farm. 0
Rre'•.le : D. Hyden dem mol tesprevm
in h« 1. ti Hem .ow tom weeks Ill. Mr.
H yds° TO past msven$y/are years .1 wee, se
possesses se Wager the reeep.ntrve power
of hie more youthful days.
Rioter t Mr,. Oarresbere •.d titre* Mil -
drat, of Niphei.g, Alrses•, ars vlelldg
tweeds bore. 8be will be hits k...e as
lith R Bided, formerly .f Exeter, .he
melded, hen mine .eveste s years age.
eaytb : Mn John Y.Ilroy, who W
bees ill to: same three wthe with valvu-
lar disarm of the Mart, died at kw Mme,
fp, MSS lied of Morris, ea Smd.y •ftrmoe.,
A s.ril Zed. ' 1 ' he age .f olzty.oven yarn.
Norr.s W .rd was ressived Met Joke
ll. titer, who retentiy went to Manitoba,
11. ' M. mi•toreas M low threw o1 the
k rasa he took sen with him. Out slid es
the Gee sod ' w after they were alsaded.
F. %Yew,comh: A prsNy eaad was.os-
s..m•ted t the realism of the bride's
steer. Minds 0.m4g, wires hie dw►-
ter, dim Mem w monis/ at paw.
Stewart, o_ she bol 1.1. by the Ray. J. A.
Cholas : Clam Ray.N/.mad wile, .f
Lemke, hvw boos .pemd4. • few days
with t1• forme'' paresis bac. I1 w
their wedding tear, the Orad* Mag • Mrs -
Ing you.g 1&d, from the .eybberhesd d
Allea (sols.
Walbe : Previous lo the departure et
MUNI Jar•., Ramsay for Thomism, Algoma.
Iwo Sabbath sohmd mass of RMM orb wee
her at her home eta atteresom sad
d her with • beestlf.l 1ble drape .d •
set of vases.
Brussel. : (lee. H•iWay hes heft ter W
tow situation at Bromides, Yea. Yrs Hal-
liday and .es will go M Homan for • mit
.d they will mol mere be Manitoba mid
Yr. H. snakes the -maerary arres5. set.
for • home is Breeds•.
Brussels : Jaime Yeses formerly of bbie
bolity, has an Istria' .pp latesost as
adios' attendee{ miler the 0.vors.oss
mem the Main a As Bet Portage
meaty. Yr. Neer will .wsspMle his .ed -
b•1 mum with msseb.r term.
Kzsls : Bishop It Ren hers limed the
Routh store is tee old Plik•td Meek sod
will at see• epos • 'tock of *...Tal
*hairdos. A Yr. Hamm, of Leallite, will
epos • hardware store a tie Midler te ts
emoted be I1. It. Pbt.rd Cls
Rrtaeis : O. Tharday the lard of
Maria. Jas. Orehrlds., ef (barba.. •mol
Yles M.,, mead d ogNss of Jobs Pu1-
i.s:, of Smoak, Voce tinted a Marla s
.1 She Msbedist parmesans a Owe day by
Rev. E. N. Baker, M.A., B.D.
tfruode : A quiet bat .s►ratri.m
'Indy midi., tusk Moe at Ms rodd.sp
al A. Hater, DIods. Osert dirk, Alexia -
der .t red, Bru.msls,es W e/so4y engin,
Apr11618, M 6:30 .'.desk, whoa Mies flee -
sass Isabel, .c.sd derider ofntl�Mg�b1.01 •.d
w ..kited smame ~ewes. Mame, • wilt - et
Alms : W5}rld Fowler, sou ol Jeb.
Fowler, kY je. rrdeatd Mem 11.0.I.rle
V t7dis Toroth. He ..de .
tasss11 k"111 mused, mob se h rarely mired
by soy MNdsst. He task bendsse bemire
a ate felbrades oldest't Disarm .d
weediest, s.Me.a m 44.6 sbueslslrl, p.N-
d.gyt phydelegy ad em•tamy. He was
awarded ihe dlvs medal a a. Mmy .d
1mi g.ld bleed fix the beet mama ees.a.
Lroudemt.aem' t JOINS Mae ag, sew .f
the .Nast .ddeete of the plass rem se
sad west set la Me dabs end with •
et Mlle .*d • arvtee knife made a
Ami la 81. Ilse T1. wimdpLa
acs Cw
os d astreddely, sed wksn trap try
W daughter, Mrs Yews,. tie ism ..g al -
mese dead. He 1.g Ninos did. The soma
paean of the so..esl.y M attended to hie
tact He Ino .me .•m 1. Ilsk.4e. d..
ter, Mn. Mardosk, is Wealh.os
ad Mn. Yisy a this ptese
toekeew : At moos ea Watemdsy,
April Iltk, Miss Aside O. Stewart, d
d wpltmm s hem hulreglar ci the
the mildews
,j 0rr�'m.YWee .netted
slalom he s .1. fJh.Y(ii; of Parietroig-
gimees Isle L., .
The Ose1ph II ornery has been Mirrlag se
Os people ef tb. Beyal City he the .1111.
N the 0.P.R. •:tasks to Oderiob. Is
The pimple of O.dpb ds .se s..m to
realise Nab (Iodine& and the theory at
the west el us aro is ..ram* is the cashew
of Wier the C. P.R. szlmded friss 1►M
oily ea • aequnss le .sprig • premiss
from Me sever....t le deeps Oodgrieh
barber. We ars a r.esipt of • Litter today
hem Oderbh 1. whirls the 1•Wwfos gars
dem are asked
• De Guelph people propose be sad •
dgm,keels• with us to Ottawa 1 1M yes
mbi k It world be woe to go dines M Sr
Wildcat Vis Hsr.. from Ottawa? Ti
mall ism 01.e • 4 dela•,,. Ws are M.
snag ea kmvssg for Ottawa atm week."
The II ww� L�et sears, meet Melds
Nese petals They aro minds for desislen
by she )magi., or by the day seamsil sad
timed et Tiede •eller a their Mean. We
Mirk time WIN aloud at ease eat them -
mints h e.m.1uslw01es with the Ulthear'
fl.wimlete.ef sederiai. of wkhb Mr. Hemet
Hedge • eemdry, mad se -operate with
them V set whtmer same w
W. is of OoMeiei
h.Aer will Migh es • Seseue tefa1 the 0. T.
11. le Welles F1 a emeMMt• the eriestrea
them .f the nes hem Oweip8. IAslMare.tbe
people .f this .My hen ..pd•t Weise is
dales thea wrak take* Is heed by the
O. tbs ddeliseess ad sero el Ow O.n-
raameiefe mime will Mpwi the Swift
rte whether bs d pwrwe tiaw@ jeremiad
Them Owe* N 44. *Maw NM craw se
Sat. 112m Wed Ms Mid theGd.rleh pie-
edSIs sheerlaws M • meds" sseep.ot of 4h
T1. .Asi.tiep edgrgvw were lay. Mr.
mad R.., Mr. Card. The t.tiara
r, who crit 11111147 ramsdird, wear do
restpamls d ss tieaw.fll lege ss.1b.r of
wooly MOW MOIa Apar spss4Mg • few
dye .M the Clams OIiy they wdl take sp
bbd, residease at 141111kMw.
0011.... *wo.blp a ewft mal is the
bewaeblp hall es April bii. All the moat.
ben ware presaa, The Mad« o1 t1. pre
.fess m.Nmg were read end nosed The
feflowfa. •oaesote were gamed : O.rrow &
Proedfos*, legal edvles, $7.00 ; • Si', prat
big. 113 76 a A. MoD. Allo., Dick end
.hovels for oma le,Nt.fil« ,
R Graham. wpek(ag "Overt. 766 1 flail-
aid Rowes, read mob, 64.00 James
b INw.rd MYyssesd.i �t Jewell.
from cattail maim Ne. 9 to asbeal
N.. 6. Carried. 'Tien 1'oseu_cm
eppllsatlen to tie easmsif ler d.m•ga
bons sad power seamed by obsuals ar -iia
road, alms ea .so•.ub for road tie, k. R sib
mrd Jawd) moved. ae.e.ded by Jsesee Tay-
lor, that liar rests. 10 to o ver Lot} .lowed.
Carried. 81.41:4 Jewell moved, mended
by Jamas Taylor. that the beads el the od.
lector asd treasurer be accepted as .•weirs
tory. Carried. The rosaar namber of path-
atitaels. timmigisses .ad pedkayssa
ware appointed sad will be duly tatiMd.
Th. *Doom! thee •dnsraed to met ss Bat
srdey, Mey 97th, 6110 O'olook A. , es •
°oars of revisits mil few other barnees.
F. W. McDun.om, !lark.
faa1sMv. eeadleet 7.he'- j�+ R L %AIN
card eweaYN d ihe ..e lesGONE
emodin amabr me sad falces. a Ohs
e•4 MOON paha sfai ashes with a
digestible wild say ether romodr.
Wauns.--The lell.wag we ake from
”The (Aristla.Ou•sda." : James Wilms
departed Ws Wes pseefelly al.opirg a
Jelled o. Jausry 19M,n1 bit r.01dssos,
A_bsr., Oat., beim aid sod fall of yearn.
H. w hes to Termite in Jell, Mt 1.
the year 1848 he moved to West Waimea
smiled w • lam. I. 1830 he monad
Mise Barky, al Tamar. wire. nems fesrteem
years ago, encoded ►Im M hoarse Hr
lees see•.rted to Ord, tad some thin
yeaago jetted the Methodist eheb He
h re
was "dill4eat Ie Lewes., format Ie spirit.
seers( the Lewd." H. loved the hew d
lied, sad wee • very •tiesNve bareref the
-Word. la eis s.s.Nwg rad MvefraM he
taro his tesrmesy LMS Jesus Ctr1t sand
him to the .tlermest. Fw some four or
n,• years awl«. W i decrease his passe n t h
s•aotuary we recent 1a oesrrgismos of la-
0f.•eteg age said fe.bl.•ess, though he was
alert ad viger0me taw slmwl the my of
his d.partsre. 1{. w•.. greet lover ad
maims ahem* el the temperance mese,
ad for years Indere W trassi 110., Mt«•
sated himself a .11 temperance reform. His
When the children are
hungry, what do you give
them ? Food.
When thirsty? Water.
Now use the same good
common sense, and what
would you give them when
they are too thin? The best
fat -forming food, of course.
Somehow you think of
Scott's Emulsion at once.
For a quarter of a century
it has been making thin
children, plump; weak child-
ren, strong; sick children.
p.. ed gree., rdiwit
I�TYe llwOwllg, O.bellbet.ml.-
ars, orgazie617
Catarrh Starts
WN Me Magda NM ie the Meal- M
glow as ems Ohs Sew .r acs Mssategs
Solar d Math she aeggiesse a.e
g swi..rseeeN tie. hs1 moms as a
e e••(tr Ap♦tdssw. odds eatismen
tsps o Fer iw ytatat -hid levitate
�t�yy I east er "Wile a .sac th1
y has the a estsY .. ..i 11t s S5 0 the
iess.•d, •wtaiMism. of I4.
Te. taker Mom 1. toeing It.
r i• rt 4We•rtea•d .•luster Wfav‘d
W ps 1ye trialnal thlohos►-It 1l1ttile es.dl1amtsbses.
ml.. ls;; :R'Y erif
to a ti•• who week. 'peed 8ts
for roller. 7y_an. Ost=li
..«. M • gasradoed ware. It
.other. allys tdlammatlo. driest the
tool boost► ad the 6trwdaa
Dna rr• 'omet. "Rm. esd .=6.110
•tvsrr miresMems • to ogre
°•a• y beak. tl.oleo giseell!
801. Amor, uai.rhh.
asd time at length .ore soddenly, sad
is great swoop be pawed Prem bis In mo-
lears lol.,w to •the seen that rrmaln.:h.'
haves aces ad two d.usblwe survive him,
May they fellow Wm ad at last eat be-
yond the river.
ashes. ave. Oat rr'•.pOI, by Dew%
&Warr Pella.
Qsbro, April 1lh►- Minim h spa. bee M
mind "lie ulhreltar.f Americo," sod toll
doer,,.o the ea, 11 M by we mesa i.
pregnable .plan 11. ..sults .t 1 idaey 4M -
ewe F.rtaat.l . ahe10he..
b .1. y.
ally i. Uodd'. Ktdthe
l',114 that seemed' is
drivag the messy sow, ever, Nan 1t galas
ea may.
Some 11.o •ate Mt. Jab_ Ball, of Ne, 67
Utile Cb.eplsta 8., was attookd by
lube.. He suffered for t we y.•n with-
out setti. relief from any d the edldow
he used Then be tried 1.6,411'. KWaey P.IIa
ad the list baa Le nerd helped hie. He
seed *sly three herss, cud is sew well ani
straws fa eery try.
W. aaderstasd the b.aaball club wilt
held • ambers moan s.ortly.
Sows COUNTY . Rani. u000 -The
aimey at Seis.wwaf she imam easntlas
la the Previews, with • popular** el abase
60,000, pre ws% • very s.dluble retard In
regard le erl.isal stations& Aesedimg ta
the amid report el 11. asemor d
primes, she e..eey mads mead ea the lit
is the Promises is the bowing .mmhor
p01..sss itmmisad to sear far the years
1886, '97 a0d 18, the asbw d prfss.er.
beteg 81, 75 end 44 nnpeetydy.
A Great Saap�
Is ear dieter S'.p, ebbe •
mend. d whisk we aid • bend • Werk.
mins ha'1 ser .rely ebep. as N arty
everything that ma be Isms' Is as sp-
te-dn. armory sten, *ad err prbss
are right. 116 Mraaere Mow Chet dA
wen d.ayn a,.1 frmi se • map for thdr
prod.se. We draw the Ilse M s.
Iwamoto trade - •verytb45 gess :
G r.•r. sr- portieres', garde, e1.1 or
.Mi•sst tab!. ,(lea•. We dal is all
et them.
T: A. TIPLING & 00.,
Bedford Sleek. 0Amish
MoKim's New. Store,
Reid's Old Stand. Clederich.
=.62= sdigt6i4= We have two good reasons
to call your attention to our
EXTRAORDINARY. big hat sale. We have too
many, and we want to introduce to you our excellent stock
of Hard and Soft Hats. Style, quality and little price tickets
will accomplish our aim. Friday, April 14th, and following
days we will sell :
Men's Hard mid Solt Vele HAWN desk
..d adore. at 5200, 5.m and PLEA,
an M ens prise e1 50
These are all best E.. M8 far Feb
Hees„ Olsnetee maks, silk beads. doh
Medias red oaf* hither swats bed,
leet Ihh end yM.dMM, pd.1.. M
00 ad I19.60, all ems pros 51.60
limed a Cep at 96e
Mon. Fedor. Hits, ay'. K.gIMb
make, a. shapes. otCnrilk 1rlm.15 .,
wrath $1 95 sed $1 60. ler.. ......51 00
Yen's E.gihh !Mon Hats, silk Mode
ad tidily, imam goat hasdr,
ranter e1 00. for 76.
01... Fedra. Hate, nosier prise obs
•sol 75o., all M 500
A l01 of ma's (Lod boy.' Hard and Soft
Hato to e'er at 960
We think yon will not let this opportunity pass when you oan save from
26c. to $1.00 on an up -to -the -boar het, and just at the time of the year you
want one.
Deal yet 4blmk you west • sew suit
Dos'* you Mak you resold leek •re..d
sad sag where yen .a de best t We den's
sasses h prim slam, bat h Os•Ilty, 0745
and 8e. Oar werkpeople k1.w hew be
make wile, end nothing, so mane: bow
small, ram go out of our stet. 0111 1n is lace
right --right from Della. M ked, 0158* Mom
sbo.Mra to mf►.
lien's Tweed Suits
at 510,512,515,518,520
and 522, to order
Lei's Black Suits
at $15. 518, $20, 522 and
Bear is mad IbM WM M ad • semi -
elm ager. N • sake at pd delfts sof:
w Sadla ms7_ dal stere. led
Met gray. ' M p
ma ma
WasNm aalmrMale9 0.11411 war Mbalsam te your /h
Friday, $.tgaie Day.
Use dams heavy ►will ahe.r.m. disable
MEM. Pithy eel 1111 meld 124o
Oma d••• whim bluest Mow (JmtW,
well worth Me., 101sy. k1Mpa
day, asd 4411 sold 0.
Two dams bayy grey mixture Dress
Geed.. nguier prise 64.., frilly sad
N11 odd Ire
Om pima Novelty Ma Dans Olds,
lovely robed .atilt., molar pries
60.., Friday tied IQ add a7;e
nam gimes notated dress sed. desble
ield, ameba peke 40e., Friday, bar.
gas day. gad til add .... 90e
Two edam Eidsrds.s. park Ned
white ad bias .s4 white, 67 la.
wide, medal for hem Mamie sed
d11d's dem err seat, ,gdr prim
90.., fetid tel IW ash 19is
Friday Yv�elee. eeyar NM* 111 96
MewsTee S8wb s .. s 9b
•• lfi.5r 1 b=sees 9966
Neer 1dse Psd4res • e See !test.
. A. M°KIM.
Reid't Old Stated, Qoderlr+a,
7 -
-NSW 1< sees - NEW ' �l.1. , '. >� _.
- NSW OLOVBei---
Don't miss this opportunity.
WE have just received a new
stock of the celebrated . .
g S.W.P. AND
These goods are, without exception, the belt Ready -Mixed
Paints in the world. They cover most, last longest, look best
And are the most economical rints made. Our stock of
"2.4C -4601-11-1"=„"
i �t A" A I w7
i�i�i 7
the Fireproof Paint, has also arrived, and this is both -good
and cheap. I have a full stock of pure
White Lead,
Dry Colors and
Linseed Oil.
N_ D_ ROD- -W-=E_
It is better
even to be right than merely t t the
easy position you nay assume in then shoes -
of ours we are ready now to show yea 'maps
us get back to original comfort. If yea want
solid, new -fashioned comfort
P.$. -The balance of our Winter Stock
must be sold regardless of price.
0*411 M Or mass WWI TO r$AOf0/L re. our, A10 soul
sere pcAsa MINT tea TWO SWIM poor.
O OD1178202E..
Stock nearly complet»'gain. New goods received daily.
A lot al fine Bath end Carriage Sponges just to hand.
The newest and latest Perfumes
Patent Medicines, Hose and °stile gybes, and Osedilioa Powders. .
Robber Goods, Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Wales sod Ica Nags, ab., etc
Qornar Ciolboloe-d sad &jsaro
1'Oasvniarnaans. '
Mods' et red In ktN 0 lade
Gelee *01 them 'limerd.y
anew. The Ospy ter eMutgee
rept be lett not later them Mer
day sees. Nisei Advertisements
ceded ea M nese Wedeln ? eft
ream witeSt