HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-13, Page 2_-.
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1pm4•ots �i.w at Nr *molt* a•arlloa � skla d�i><.� �► pietaan WITORIAL NOTE •
The Signa! I �.*�.h&-� , 0,I� O� b Ottawa to ark Paf��lrat � >�...I. - - N have
f IE101M6 OM FIRMS. FOR A WAR . ff JOIFFS. MRt'ket Repot
V o sysus&BD I thio ommlrf wonll =a.1 -r= b Def a duty etre i.tp0sptl tl@Ig►b.r nomla&1ed a flretd•ma asmdidate 10 -4P--
P+l slat prhama aI els t•rUI ggwtkxa
MllIlf htNUMDAY MOWING � an br4W Settled I t $bat II.Wortoo-A
egaal b She DbeMq *AV an bumisr, lm- take the plea* of tki Into Hou. J. Tr
in n. msonjosiei mr. M7� lrrmoaw of,.. %r a t tlarl of into the U,la.a im.a.a "The Wood In the soma. of Commons. Mr. Canada Has a Vaster Surplus Lumbermen Present Their The Week,
emus min IVOOMO a• 7tirc.l
rloa TI �• April K
6o ba �i.ToI ���ruts9U two ki b #6.70.
Wbsat-4)ataii% red anti wMll
67 to GOO aualib tlsd Meat , god
45 b 660. faaetb ail- Weft; Nu.
M&Uitob• hard• NO at 'lbrouto, er
Me. �I� N�oetbam at 7Te. Prices
all the elhlra undo b7 kir critic, and sg a1thKlWh a wup oa,>wedrop, has $&ban lag bl 11�a, ts monummemy anti i win . amwtA to-alghs OsM•whits weir
' Is abandoned. The Lbaor7 that freerUnitedm weer • rg� a*trbsr of io, mom.
lu quoted at 10et
neglect trade would class the factories, rend a w then=p is trade W the r, "Pen
drnamea and
thgneleg• the &oval *knee fab L sal u( inile (Ir'rt tileL d Joy &I Mrft Oa*arb area, lu 30 Ry*- wast.
•141 not even mane the Inslaatkxrlast
IstatAxs Ir•ntlrt se b better than ever, queen's teams cad the ^neon's au• atlacke upon the Liberal AdmleJstra• elms htsltg&tlga Choy two Ottawa k7e' �s�ad as
anti Inirefadoas, He made It plain that the workmen adrift and destroy the cad that the output has not Doan do- Vola was that wd erre uu in a
tpu elaoasty. He and other olflcl&M had! golrmi lamksrweS were prsssak Yr. Dennis 0&rlay-4*sful at 41 to 4bc welt
filo Hibbert bad spKkrr In Game cases home market of ter farmers has been crucified to any noticeable sxteaL The policy of mookless Airs• use. Dar Moryhy and Mr. IL Hardman. Deokwbo•t-Firm : t8c north as
Imports of forest .Wgraeed SMAW*lver and bad els h •
without *now In other Doane on by actual e= riment rea edf /fora Lite :ug t e ver oleo* uaeln& Sir WUi.4!
very *&st.
bilge proy,d false pm graced
Caa*dL" Events tblrblot Mr L&uNrr's .ldmltmisirr►tloa tllr Chnrle �. Waldte. az•a< Y. our IiaHam, Brno--Olty tnLb mall bran
Insufficient Information. and some- 7'M Torlss cannot t back to Office 554 In $Lobos Increased from Mwit.il- g who has taken e Interview. In CharlesTupperarranging Site Gtr wail 114.80 and shores AS $16.60, In to
Simon with poaltive malloo Ir had by pr'omldrg more protection. there- exports of forest proodets from Can- given an opportunity of producing lots ere were ple'"Oug lice country into a as In ggeettting tie repewnistitw of lots. I. o. Ill. slhenwfo.
manufactured stories de*lewed W tile- tore they will adopt same other meats ado to all countries decreased from Pdby of re"Ines extravagance. and rho itdMtry to a i>ri to submitting Oars-Can•di". :lo west, so
proofs, and iL wgge•ts that the Dov said we would be obi W open 1 in credit tete (iuverrimenk $soh was to wen popular favor as coon as *trey i61,2:,8,T29 in i7B97 W i86,811.b89 in obliged ' lbs girstloM to he Government 'lo Aos.rlehtfa it Lo 4Ee oil tract hen
ter eta that Ys Walsh, a can heal their internal 18kok The gnat decteare has been in arnmeut Sam" afford to rdmw on She first year of Liberal Government the shape that they did. was the prlu• P m --FL- at 63 W 66c north se
charge ag' our dbwsomisno and the main W articles Of export to the Invesi,igatlsa. Events Its:lf professed $40,110(1,000. Now, from their point ch 1
decent. of view, the have some ro D• Msu+re i Hb argonaut g&ri wan la wO& 1s, bar iris
repntabie moo, who did not or -title eltrt►n to trtunlntt2a United HLaLea eblefly plawl4 abed i '1°d for favor of reciprocity t r,l
at. One toms b *now of official crook- 1pruo y a tarU Q1ih O•ts@•1-Car bits of rolled ..to.
learn life respectability at home when - - board^ the figures repremann� the this*; they � We expenditure the U,fted that•, In respect-to!Umbar. bap, On track In Toronto. 8n,tl0; 1
be went b file Yukon. but wtmm Top- Ir,Dt7Clr !7i �Oli-�=• tame -cc tbr• Ilam• being Ina] X, edeew. Perhaps if Events or. IBr d tete OWL14;�4 10 forty m11- U the Baited Photo* pgo 6awa4a OarimW *L711
described v a drunkard rent a The Montreal Wlifa@s V bleed for 1M7 and $8.706MR? for 111111!1. Al- flibbert will repeat outride rte HUUW Ilons, and fatly' Md drawn up estim• fns lumber, then Canada ought So --
pe'e Ifni there wall an Increase Is tete ate on even a sum than i40.- give free lumber to the United Staten, tell Lowleo ase Wekets.
oarortee with larlots A amore Int- In a tit where tete etlottafa maaatno- ti1O�h the allegations male unolex Paella- ��
7 *rad.• So Oreo Brltalu of over a full- 000,000, and re theas sato that but, as the Unload 9Sater refused to T4s supply d aced hay y
rheheetery frrfctleee they may he cam our expenditure world be 640.•
famous slander was meter uttered.In tarlrmg' tuter*sf lot strong, nrvertlw non dollars In the Lwu y+saesa the oat. Dead do tole. *dors Cataria uugbt W plane eleoma was veer liOs,tipl Wdn1 u
or out of Parliament, and )tow the lentil that journal advises s reduction put to the handy of C&DOM&n mIII- p.ellett to famish proofs or take bard* 000,000 is We first year. I rather She same customs duty on In--- pslI ore gmw&lly uA nwwj •
Port' party expects to profit, by that d the casStoa ninths The Irrsnseat on*-ow&ers, it Is stated by thee. has beat the slamlerg think bred they Tee a to *&Talo.% &ed bo- c�ltt�t Into Canada. from S)m Wool
disposed of In %hill country at better R _ _ ___ year in passed. &n't Cuftad Status am eke United �� >tiadwas w1GN•aM as I+aasal
kind of warfare we leave others to tame rates aro 85 per cent on oo{oavd forlorn, than they formerly received In what, b we find? We wound op the bop imposed on Canadian lam• baled, Our bark par kin, $7 I
There b r mr %r. , In ae rumor �&w �I" p
entptal"• goods, whether dyed, woven or printed the United HtaLea UpproslLfo• to Lbw � year with an expenditure wet of bet•, AL present there was iE • $7. T tots,
claims of tics tmmbermen has dove* you
ma luno to the effect At tall $40.000,000, tout at $38,849.700 -
Mr. Nlfton was able W show that and YS per cent, Koh white and grey reeve llloa%lac amt the editor of t4iewDortl os, lumber. 80 ants on chit Low, i4 to tiLbO; V. but 1, oar WI
uftrd ort 1fanllouM, wire ter Imports Wtat h n long way from 7µ0,11W,• glue Sud ::5 coal@ on lath. Mr- Waidl* bs& 75c to 7 buster, clear
great care had been uxerotsel In the Voldq hvhbjoct to the differential la from the 1`nILeA States e % Increased from the Five gMkas Courier aN going �; and sO the people of (knada mkl What It owl as much W operate ills. 1b W lflu' better. medini
favor d British and colonial -i of M U J*y as b advise President meet credit us with the difference be
selection or Kf(lclah (or enrolee 1s, the i'c'ed 1122,502 In 1897 to 7{204,689 le 189(1 raw mills and carry us, the industry 1•br, loo to Ile; butter. dotty, I
McKWem auto the proper course tweak three two tam& Well. they Yukon territory, sad that tnho pxwenu- oarymhter, making the prefenut4al and It h probable that tee proposal to to tnrsae k lbs Philo ►nM
But 1f w Braid generally In (arwdn as In the halted rmlit4 1'S> to lbs ; tertt*r. hasp
e rhtcAs 261-4 on calmed and Impoma tics above duties will be aQ � tJrro wplp soyofoame peculiar hOcis�ne tltat*s. and tberefore they ought to 14p RD 16w: hNstar. GeeaesTy. 1
tion had been ted which human BOOM they abq•ld do ec they will mbutwalttow folls, 941c so
f t eotikt t %o secure Lice 18 8-4 ar white and grey goods AboutposedManitoba... several reprPGenLtive• from nu mora sprue *baa ,lin thy Y•akeeet qtr Pfrs� second yearcameand ihejtOi• sngsfir.t inWood In a. the Aupluess .craw k�M Y(b sition as7iEo brR �elMm29
oreigb suggest flow at Ottawa in regard Witthe Ya- twnq, a eWs
five per eeut on British goods and •6 has cloecd And wtoat, du we find? the border. lie are figures W show Ft
MOW /O' h
malntortanmoe d taw and order and to We do not notice the rwmer of any text cOuwtry.-Lon.lon "lewd g d, oar Witt. Wo to 7{H.L6; a rim
arsihtt In the proper development ,N two per Dent. ext American goods sway Again we ars able to show ter Upper that when lumber mane on the trove pGr LW b
be• added to the above protection ea- consumes of {umber in the list Of Aml yet thiam Nugget felbws,wbose stolon that their pr's llo us of wiA ILA In 189'7 there war exppooeeted from bOe k the. �� 1,.r
the gold flelds. If mistake had been delegates. When did Canada fan apo grant elm he to dia-re,ilt Canadian and neklms expeihd,tere, lave been the Ottawa aftrlct V.8L6.i1:1. When teal
Joyrd by the cotton manufactu.P. entire) enjuntitkd, for the second the Dh le bill was t Iw force In 160; tetheyit cop Gia, Ib., 7c
made, the Government would willingim lav► that she had to teak the Unitexl adminivtratlon of the Yukon cad re- Y p y Par 100 gs•w, per W, Gtr Tc.
correct them, but arch eirubm a ais Sir the freight lcodsm the tr to about the of year, with new obligations ave arliflug.thew LS98 the exportCanadians
dropped o 11,897,
She gvKdr amoaatlwe to about tkavhe elates Congress to arrnng•• a tariff Ifrve Yankee gold Atecers of any new eommdltfoie, we have met three 000. If Canu►dfaas could not get a
Hibbert Tapper Presented to his speech for this country t There h no srgu- ,bare to the cost of gurernfig the various obligations• and at the closed fair deal from the United States It ' arttkohu simen,
prtceertcgws. These are very high pro Liverpool. April a,-(IYAO.)- %.,
would not cartvlct a jail bin1 w1Lh a men* far copying the Yankee lumber ruuntry (they would rp}ifoe lei sae the year. exi Lite Hl>tl, a( Jwhe lobo*, mar would Dec better to keep our lumber
teethe duties, and the cotton nom- it declared United `states territor lad spent then tout flkSO,()00,(J(X) but for a time In We forest. Canada couto Isar. spring who&*. he 1d; Nu 1 (a
blvd record. tariff teat would not apply just nr 71. as 4d 10 6s Cd; tad winter, mit u 1-2
phanMnt by agreements an to prions, and it9b•t'1.32,000. t *blain therefore, art ,*Sand it es tang as the United BtsLes.
Before entering upon the Yukon well to the rest of the tariff. The Are welDOG" with open area by that .obit we ata claim that it lone were expected COM slew, 30'd; 04 Il@ 91-4d:
even combinaWons. are enabled to tate 1 1 6 and ported *bare would be pee
gh;eptlein, Mr. Hilton tout the ofipor• Manitoba farmers want cheap lumber the Tories. and their malicious tales we have been nhcxt.et auto economical. nn Improvement to lumber. In t a 8 =oft
book, flay mo: prime µat
tall advantage or term- About the •e* >i 481 bd; Aaeebaa refuw
*unify to ret himself right with re- to build their houses and barns. no -already proved W be untrae-an Then, bestUW oafs, this said we would p to licAgua, which was the pr eel
middle of last mantic, for In- tout be ter now So are were Dae against the imposition of We >� w: Tal{orr• ausLroMfai. �■
Cant to a speech tie delivered at matter when It etsom from. Put oil „vdmd ep0" as norma°Itfae where i spend' poi b Raft to bd; ,loWlm,'lor c
Perth some time the purport of ��' the companies adv notfle s their tet` ol h&va a midserh v dsfd6fic cad lacy, that It would Interfere an with p i
ergo, parPo s cos%oms duty. and nett thing mar, with b •SYet the ih,rertlpat and �", said �, wuaid have a daflcN elf the farmer@ of 7nnttoM and the filo td: I.Whq 1Blrta a. I191
IV of au advance lit the Y 3rrW►
which lead been mlercpre*eatett. It will owed about n lumber trust., to blacken LM repgLticrn of the rifle- yet lomat than three mllllaha awd Luer YorWnwahrk whp were depending np.ha >� old: chess. w1110 sihd n
pxsmew of white and grey orAtor tills who Canadian interests on t read" it two atllllons• In tee thin i'nitad States for their lumber 00rd, 25m ft
bout been alleged, and n local Itn(orni rehtce Lhe output cad raise the price- ifofect they
to take planes after the fleet of April. fleet. year. Well, the flet war r►re +end 1*r. Mr. R'nldle sato that i.lvee'prxH--l•jues-•4�Ipo% w"11eat. „u
paper was cited as the authority, ergo rding to tlietr own statement, the against the arventurerr• The Novae% y wf
R'iten raw ouLtoo mane low 1n knew there would have W Ihr w ofeflcft toner pruvltrees ought not now W oral; futnn'a M a%sr, quest ,tc
that Mr. Hifton had deeeilbhed the Canadian lumbermen are well. fellows are nervy ; their Tory *04afa- 3T -ed for ►lay, and is 5844 for Jr
• p¢1cb ,u: a� doing bvt by eclow40 and otown- o- sanaae ltd Int the many of the
:.R, are ehosirsisso••._--.,_.a..m...•..
•4 ii1� ijuP«tun as a doalo"Iwue, en, adingly redutce ere price or Parliament vfool;Ybe�ln aatkii 16riilism :rititaligrg -- -- trteeft NwiMpi It 6rwn'tts.*ba• had
.4aMeviy a torn well read*. !AspA;4.,future s
mom of $519,0(111 Carlo ttW alrewsy iron well im 6141 for cod firLgres
h other words, that the Liberal but went on high dill. If It were to Dingley tile+ Canadian ax EIIA L tlUdPLI tdxel for the development of the 4 9-44 for May. Goa be 4 �-Sd for J
Palmi Washington. March 24. -TM Ilse- 'AE'.1.
(lovernmeot had decole•,i to adopt ,fendv on waterers ,bort, and now farmers for tee Purpose or making A rotary of Lite Treasury has MNSW Niorthwewt Manitoba and the North- Floor, ITS Pd
the To lir of protection. That few rich lamttefrmen richer. Tame mme tie aemm4iq year ; null wp.t eoulA be supplied from the Odor- Lmndun-1•Mst►-WAaat waltl,
Wry policy { that raw cotton is going top, Lilo an order rot the free admWaba Of thus t Did we have a t6fblt Of three w
statement was natural) most un es of ennifarteored are -T_ binding twine to tine United states Clan Bay dlstrlct I1 was Informed ekda !St► (Nt ooatl( buyers and mi -iii
7 pro goods JlalUbmst No, air. At the clam of that the Canadian Pacitlr Railway apart. ba pawnw. gamy for %►Into• a
from Canada. Title Is bee&sso' ,Or 7 would (to all that It coaid to redwce quies for rrd Walla. arrived i
acceptable to tonin trade LIbPPni -nQralnneil In rifle donator proport4.a. ?S■ 1►11LD 1♦)MILT• that ear, which was really tens first
the fact Slat the new CAS"Ia• your the Liberals Iadmaleontrof Of
throughout the I)ominion, and to Tile Witnew says a panne olgreat 'Me death d ttf*mss& J. Feld, ex- tariff pats btidhug twine an the trout the rates W permit Lbb tot ti does. L eam buyers. Na 1 bard Mance
Done more do than to the Liberals 1--pertty lm bellied the cotton com- list when Into tbat eon&• tYs nit. but we did Dot have Mr, t�notR Sim
tfoa that ole defy April. r-0 If) It, 98a g•16 a FG, Stns
Jnshttx d Uae Cnibed Station tlupvepr (hOsrt'ed & deffelt, but mar end m surplus ad wo:m7d not glow Lde Itoba wt:d April. 2-s 701-2d'i',ealM df coast, I
of Manitoba and tion Nort.hwwst. who panles and a period a( prKuperlty h try, slid Use United States tariff
(bier*, at, the aeE of 8" yemte, to law only l s dot os, the $1,THY,()00-flat to W my 1f you \orohwv7i market W Ir OntsrlO thing doing. Un roll
bear the full bunlea of protective alhead or tite•m. The forelga market 7 mposes y Lake the two years tbeer. we bed
p exllm at•cation to a rwtatrkable tem- %wine when imported from roue- Le>;s a dutratert• and that ole n &A ort of sorer. Mixed a A Gall gra
duties. Mr. Hifton pointed out last are P.%ideaty not t,00 well supplied 0y, all d whore members were man trim whin& make the article dutl• as+earvbh the
tq the goad of Would a clay would rivers mean aw "ian abeam. May. las bd nInvest.
witJh cotWwv, M, that there Is not not Now ter thud much -I about
t.ftxNQ, on the farmers of the Canadian afnam, JaM, lnm IJ e.I d 1'la
night that, wbpn the Liberal tariff of exceptional Ability. Rev. David able. not Ukw to Ixerdlet too much abort Lhe )�wgpt, wihHr, May and June. 16o Rd MI
t-hnger d slaogh-
was pmroented to tion House by HOG. likely to be any ,� aeRer� y In view d the iladley }'lead was bora to fJontteet- Tlhat manna free trade h binder fhrrtoss-_bat I think that we will tow Mr. Waldo tbusht It could be done, tlian,blan mato, form Ad : Americo
tett 1
Mr. Fielding. Hon. Mr. Foster had eat to 1781 saddled In 1887. 13 grad- twine asd 1• •a suff:eNSs answer. able b sem that we love • vaster Ire . Hcott quoted figures W show 16s 'd $ Y. Dov, 271& Anlwrsri•
denounced It and llc•ted that the iw nncingott prs°ea abroad, vrftich our surplus than hat been. (LKmdoheera) that it eoald rent, wiener. 161-41
Pro, oven otrtLoa mnnihinttnrensi an oto acted at Tele 1n 180: and wrote life were any uo0ewarm. to all the Not One was It said that we would
work) men of the country would vlously Latfog advantage d to ad- ,joor'ir• of Berldhire County, lflldfe- ceostj and whine of tic itl- 7 Mr. wasWalh then dnov►od v%I eht- Leaal ■g *Ibeas>M*lmeta
Dg ge tog mag Po► q»nd thew nmo ley IavLhly, but we were Lerfo mans now phs•mdAg tot' la t
be forced into kileneer by it. That vane pricer is Canada with ur onn7 max County, Pittrtel l an•1 Lhe Brain- clang of the sed parlor clam over ahadutely ru(aing the public credit. Following are the closing prices
Ictlon had nut toren fulfilled. On tear whatever of excitbog erd }'amply. Hks am, Iltavtl Dudley. the nseioral of the duty from Can- Ca MR d the ou&1 dltt7� He wed
peed Wton. As & mutter of fact, our cot- WNI. we bad not to to the mosey the gn'efion of floater kms to ter dfy at Impartsth% oClimb. :
lnov a 18015, was a 1 New YoreMay
markets In any gnat harry. but when Unit,d Mates, read a Tt was the Caed
the ooMrary, there had Itewa t ton manufacturers declare *lent Lbey eaoihii adtan twlSe The situation wow 4' +>[� 1T i— 0071
genu Dan mtsafactatrts cotton M cheaply lawyer for more ,Mian 4,0 years. )3e we ware obliged it what nY thrdT aurora to the Industry in a DIPS- under the Liberal tariff. that binder twine mater ID Ga- Canada tend bona nest 1n man7 thl�. He pointed oat that wlme the [N Now ub�• ' ' ••• ---- 0 T6'
As t1 at he etitionctann ekbe f4ac, IdseettAsd hisrli to the eaalsee d law � Nt. biar[1s._...... ... t.. 075'
which has won the approval of nil sic, treat competition cannot be fear- sofa have Nue whole of ('.nada nerd CaDadn had mage tier meet b7 tis ley a/Ii came Into k,reow tea* Am••rlcarr
refers and *red a code of Pro. Wind" --,--. - _- 07!1-2 071
ed thea prep p lite United HSates for market cad tip nw the t sly al d the em- the U their sawmills free Catrtda So _
clnrser by Its results. 1[r. HUtoa tom � Detroit.,. .-. ... 072 078
A curious tel about the protect- cadmic wihleh was adopbtel In, New pin First n nearly &II thea�ph thnL the United flta%es cad ftoatwd tow
said that the To OovernmenL ked p peO can romrnpete on •gal nems. Them aye Duluth. NO 1 le rn--. 0001-6 0 70
Wry sake for colonial g lAmb,m, toot %r. term He t hl plf a log Into Duluth. Ifo,l bard.. 0721-L —
Ive duties on cotton h tots that Yak, Ohio, lKeatah ty, ]Iflwoert, Mm- 1 aaef
undertaken W reduce duties In 1894, they are not so arranged as to of nr.00ta and other 6"taw ft WI his syf are as well sltsaLed competltlrPlm, lf�ice first of iltiarroe n I.ormdnw by
Mar the Untied States hlrusolt, Mr. M(ntmeap .. -- .•. _ 069
bot LLrr Manufacturers' Association ford all manufacturers of nano. ten sefer4:lly affet•ted Wne leg%sln. as If there wall a 50 gr 100 Per i loan ext ter market bearing a llhepberd who was in the same 6"- OM1=! -
Ihad Imposed a veld. The Liberals goods a share of lice protection. Cut- Dent. duty as each rid* ol the IfOe : rated 21< per neat. Of cxrarma are did *benne In the deorglan Bay e4lsLrick wima
ten h fres: Llr duties
eottoo tiotn d (i'ea4 Brstaln. He aLn tool not gout par for it, but the boo. gum- refused to do am They wer", 04 -���' -� baillt
tied done what the Tory Ministers cO the farmers are vastly benpf1ted. it Women who sit to In Parlia- miniA to "�"�••• -' ... ••' "' 060
.ra.we have seen. are 5 and a ieadbg pmrt in the reform and nod- opposite hasp the raastRactorlttg cil
had wanted to do, but could not, and h an Instalment of free trade to mount were good ennough to ackeow- the lumber in Canada, ' ..: .
85 per cent. a American. a and 18 8.4 IlfratAon d 1Je low or aLloos, and aradewe" o enTesda
what Mr. 817ton said at Perth was a 28 1-4 on Brlthk, and the flat- want which orae lawmakers' fame bilge• r the facts well show, that K ole billfold Laarler- Tor ars pat
� laboe•e<I to ttttbct4%sts arbltratto" for was the most successful khan tbAt rbtic. Canadhtn yrrirW trade end roll
that the tariff as an issue between las on collars, cuffs, shirts and are turned. t
blouses and all manufacturer of cot mast In the settievmt d laLetmtlo*al Fred liown maces fi the history d Ca"- Mr. W&Idie maid term wen. He bDs have been reetarld by att(nr
here two political parties had arriv 2 ,ly Me bior,her, en Joh*- - _ . ads. (Appiarss).-Hon- W. S. Field- no&eloded by handling a etatsm*w% ship weaMber. Montmal nyortw tI
Lao cloths are 3 and 85 per 61.4 �h
red at such a stege that it could not on American and 188.4 and 2814 mors }k11, who died Yesterday, wee Ings Speech at 1lwvinto Toe"g IAbeKI to Llama Premier of how the wools aar`at4ext will Kp•ri lata and tl
be longer considered. and never an British, or exactly the same an born In 1416, woes a California Judge WT�IOg from Portia" Me., Mr. D. Banquet. matter aimed. iloe°aalretaU trade In odevoeamy
woaM la all probabilitybe conefdrred. the duties on the cloths which are in 1857, and s W M practically admtm that Jelin Bertram went into the ques- b7 the Glow aftsm. At wit,
the raw material for the iiblrt and 1ia� d the U. h 0tq whatever prohibition may have been
TSO ATTAOM Oil WAL X tion very fully, reviewing the Comm- sola, however, asks • w
&ri Issue fa Ute same sethse which It remw Coinr•L IN 1868 no Wew1b FIGfd, —
Itad been an Imus vlowl a and he Dollar, the blouse and shirt manta- in that state In the It h now a be of tondo b3e maid that while area advancing,
nue bap Pry
Prw 7 lecturers, just as the raw eottoo Ir bon 1819, beoano a New York mer- Cast OaGappert�l by ir.ste �b d be did not ss y for
to r nide tloa. a are had olads At 'bseWfa wieatl
said What t>ceausp Conmervatives know tie raw material of tee cotton chant, summand s t fortune, laid version
pronounced failure. i Mr. Morison'■ lvhe ac was necessary for the trade to 1r and had tab have s abimi fr♦rltng
i•r• •ermioa of Lbw core h Y follows: And consider Lbw action of Sir Placed m ter setas footing as their mord and
bmsirwrO r ajsa/ Of h
that the Liberal tariff h a tariff d Dicers manutactseers. Hitherto We flvlrt ALInsltSu enable and •stab Charlie Hibbert Tupper bon enjoyed on the other side• lane. and In •any "low* Ile that
Leech vo mail@ to meth out For tile last rix . the Chief DW In fJle Hfrasa nw�
reelwfe.ri upon tow Imes In,ficaLed: Da tie •c !%died the New Ya@•k elevated roads. Y d Commons a few eta • n when James Hoeft cad Chane Beck, or 1897. Price* gsptT&Ily, ase ndv's
plhntectlaa to nnrsaufactarors have Maelstr&tes. Dost Mr. Baxter and Y i° I ('embole mills arm 111811111100 Ow ave.
raw mat,•riale would tow made more divided ap ter protection amo•g Lhe Benny 16cfty° }ieid• the fourth bre- afterwards Mr. Randall. have allowed lie mak whrL 1 regard sr a tans* lees 9eertlaa Bay district; D. C. Ing
tree, the ronsum^r would tee consel- different classes of Manufacturers. Wier, 1rorlo 1822 wow a ckrcmM+e, the prohibitory law to lnb n dead let- "Ming speech, a speech so oat- Camofoa. Rat Portage' Thor. Car- and few r adv&nes lfa v
ere,l. but that the reductions would It b clnargbd *bat the Interests eN s& aeittar, and editor d tbp Evangtr tour io the city, and *ben has been a +ie00s to every same a (iecency, so now, Thordd : nasal J D. tiOrdoa, n. probably date hem e- . I
all the cotton manufacturers, bath llrt free and open Dole of Km during that outrageous to We beat order and Prblood
�OtIsg the British Columbia fir1adlro wn "Parnell .
be ma,le in n careful way and a goal (loverwuent awl W the Parlla• tAmner AmOrdation. all. In red P* into d cand
cbth and garment makers, were en time. These nee were elected by the spoke, sale in New Yat. Ta ba•In
meal d Cawed.. (Year, bear.) R ba! favor of the ImposlLloe of the eb.
taoeferAtn AAS, so As not to destroy trn•Seol to ter psanlaent cloth - '- - - Bspabik•nn political machine. of which ti' oondFtlottn In els DrsittlMu «ring I
Inihhatr Teat.. said Mr. $lienee, makers, and that they gobbled nil Now, after months d hypocritical the bon bene h a Mr. Rounds, who coult' any tlovwrarnent do when called Sir Wilfrid Leader said that the
&n7 7• °for. to deal with this problem of a whole matter would be calwally nrml quarter of tics >f*slptlo hallic.nl
'• to the policy which the people have the protection that was going for whine about a Niagara Falls power has made his boast is open court t ountry thousrndm, of miles sway W cr yiW40 ed by the C&Mrwk and An �y the small I maim ww redrs
themselves. and left the poor start- that be bays votes. These Mach- HAW" of byOMpttttt {pp�nsfinen
approved of, and trey eiared not go msstoPoly. the Mall and Empire V trstes were apparently bound to ivhlcl+ *herr wen hc. nreaev of e)om opportunity would M given for tic*
Ing .rod manufacturers Ralsinwithout DP 1 lboret,,,
flefore the people and attack a on shod of protection against pied into the depth of esehslelr b7 obey the machlnp tial pet them ID maatexWun-what could Any MlutrLer other sada to a tach befeee w els�I� �jeparltt, W}th
the" Legislature I the power, and as the machine wanted do other -hall mPleat gori,l, capable etsion was reached. 1
Lh&t enontad And therefore they ID- the "old winds. Such IDha- l�ai eetgowPr cg Po turn, honest iu chs, ter and of ,d b1lbtYs d 1K. a elf
tend to come here, and they Intend to sanity Of ppoewc•ttonfets to Government to compel the company to whiskey It was allowed to have un- ill g•x
bnisfs hall cans,xf, It riot Interrupted mle. It looked we If the repute and •wool them there b lie IRORMAMMD Iit1POAT6 98 per omni to summer &" 22 1
go before the people of this country1Drod � go on with ter wart of development falthfui anti effi cont officers of the oent• In HabilltlGu from a a+
w machine was supreme. end It became Do 1Mee wilt! m Oaesdisa (,
aping• yet gnwslting of teeth andGovwrnmentt Tax@ the came of the oomar•od watt IM tiles fal a
to dhow -what: Why, that they ,Ild Ito* angry. it Is •old that the cotton of vel@` ittsoleat and scandalous to n decree odec�i of Maim Walxh. Major Wainh F%Oborma ItAbIliMs fnrol gf)p abnut h
not, know what the were talkingaanutnetorpra when called to so• What at length roused the better claw
y of eiLlsews to Action. A short tmw Is a asnn who h respected and hnn Bbt bat. WeSreD Oppurlto tail 9% ~MTM"' sera M /a/g &da a
about, when they denounced ns, rend rotlst by a Government harassed by Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper said lila ' Dred throughout Canada, In wimp darn days tee United 89&6M I eortsI
soy 9 few 'ele•D' men called on Judge t avtfl than triol on In the
She garment manufacturers, promlood little piece, miteved his mind d a load Parton% of the Htates, and even In Asa Is wvident, down b so minima
that mai actually have not changed In, • divvy up" with the garment asked on. m the municipal Drone*. Anti E i that u p It the erne to� of
Lie tariff at all." d blltertaPie against the Liberals tom setkd him to cop out a. p and, and when It waw announced wewllyde It aL rho a Dant elsars fsrL
If thou ,Intim were wllm►erf to Demo the 1•- I ogle
a end slandering officers on a candidate for Mayor. • filet Major Walsh was to `o W the p,o M;.7A1 f10Mns d 9 I
Did I mean. Mr. Speaker, chat this temaln ohs they are, a singular andig- btasrhg red . 0 y Yukon, Grit and Tor alike roc try. *mann anti arSieur d the ears- eat, tram time pmvkmw mask, but
-, Government load abandoned the tK- Allied arra The greatest enthusbaAm. y ui
arrangement for t► Government (ssatwey, and then harried away from nlsecd In it a torSnpaSs event. do �' and that for every adelltloeaal dol- g*la 17 r
dltbnal policy of tee Liberal party, to be, a part to. Thls, however, thO prvevalled In the election. and he rs p' ear's WWO d h°portr we bring into �t. >rT �1 over W% Teri
7 y wa tont low might escape the ccs- Iwr+w now low haw ehtele some elF
Slat we did not Intend, as the hon. have not cone. at lest not to any delved the lart'cnt number d Totem ever tat thrin Canada is manse o urea work t&bon I!Ia =g, • -
Llgatlort tont r In eLotP for him He's canto for A Mayor rat Portland. Th we, gh t it not dol t0 he•
- member for pest Toronto (Mr. R. B. t4�grw spprtrintM try the gnomons Y Though IIwvP It trap anti lis Rea fn,rn (sricdkarl vroa'kmee. Well. air, I Ott/tiled wsaShsr (rear !"turfere1i
Older) well sold, to attack tine citadel makers. s brave knight truly. Mayor Rablmixon lm boend by no p � loon bare pnlatsd b am to reemood fore4p amt deal slow time firs% d the moo
!n taking the civic chair, lie awfw his had a fair triol. Think d Her G71•r{ee k� d
Of protection f Not at all. 1 meant Now the Government hes n change - °g Iflbtiert Tupper nrwdinnec a siwfeMG*t 1 cartrmd en•s wkb the efil•Nopsmlpt of the ghrl
that we Intend to carry out the policy to do A first-rate bit of nil round Han. Peter White, of Pembroke. M etwcttap In latpppr neesitM to the active in Parlinmeynt rpflwctlI os, that She, figures for the Iaceeama to Hada
which we have laid before the people, burinevol. The cotton cloth manufac• going Lei tae against Mr. W. H. Com /e�riporrt oaf prn,hlltitloniAti% and to the gentleman rend w Mlnlmteer d We t or the *bonen trade of AecoTdtwg b oil Q Dan i Co.. IP
amt which we have carried oat rare Lurwrs are ted rich Loci fast vii aaL tJeaL beta s man d integrity thpy Crown. of which he had no knew• C�;• but I can ask p0a Veatlo- Sm
getting •Rork In Brockville, for the deet in believe that he will onforee the law she to to look -OWd tbem. ads fanmtes le Wiw Dominion th oh Clf
fully, iorrslrSeeSly and As thoroughly bleb protective fiction. the cotton n the •pew of 11 lerise 1 I am euro* going to say atMi� tae 1M whet ceding Lbs 6Sh If
as It was possible to do, and that from garment manufacturers, Are Aiming kept Pard►emerrt male vacant by the ,loath rhepud g qunn wards against Kir Charlem HlbbrS to I&to She inctation AM t1e 101&IW 007 17. ag&h,* 2A Slip P
time to time the wefi-understood too poor for want of a margein Of o{ Hon. J. F. Wood. At the gooey ___ _ I�PDer ; Leen Iw mach fn tow �s d " DoominlaR to go Tips& %Tia fault s,2 the correspond'
WWtn d the people of Canada, as 110011 -tion between Hem y&l@s orf rinty wonder. the Tex Tnwnshi or ll It - - =An i Neo. l say torr hfm nwh=Deli* � ----- %n ON& -Of 14W� -
y P WIMP tow .fad l vow- Wool Y about the ftlw* thing
ttney are nnderaLooef Ay the Ian. nen• payable on cotton rmenSa and tlhoee Tory pap[ues gsnulally an,l for the gaud name of the Perlis• t:e
ga Iw www aided to the Brockville, mn y egret that be hat. he N@k Tionote Is *A dem
ShpmsM sitting thaw eu well a Ay payable on twtton oM+thr : and tAe ran. 7 rapttirtttw to attack our woltnod w s mount of Canada I r taro to s7 >ll1 they R11f 11wd t { a
the hon. geutletnwn sitting here, it suasera• mpeclaliy Mrs great num d 41tooncy to mails It solid for the yell, Md cent ,ifaDtMit its porwoai Shut "Kone and weft on v� a � b� Um isons s in ilia (Mt' �fafa 11 Z: - balk
*lest the tariff of Caaa,in should be She farmers, matin are the hack Tory party, bat Canadian opinion has work, time fat. Catlhnhtae S� reading paper artier papwr, and when fowe�en trade of MV eo.Atry. concur- "to 'N 1D Is @111 %lien+
dmLlt with upon linen more favorable Li eralhm, who are far from sa undergone roue change wlnrp 1HH:, rd like par. challpngwt acto,ss the floor of the rent with It tress ban r1W vast An in- i.Me '2oJ Cicada watt]
b the mnwmer. more favorable to whit the ms•wmrw of tarHf rwinawking at intervals th'st Honors with the queAtton : "DO �ora Dreads ort the domestic *ronin d tau- i In pl& t7ulbd But
already pec sad bine Honorable Peter will not present acres, know Anything about It yoursomit f" y. yoR say M HGMW Of last mason's, elfin to
We ezLeirlou of trade, &reel In the 7 received, want chew r adlrla aro 11'Jhlplh Hclhoods Acs+ "a *trio. bili sir, so f
direction of Uhs removing of all anjust elot•how All that the Gowerwesu% bas have a walk over in the neighborhood cad a future we enhtrPPrevl "No, bat I have it from Oct fire larsgtir fAd brander
enema," It M some of t and buyers are 2 to 4 op,
rootrictions from trade. That Is the to (hi in order to aeeomplldt eb MM where Major Walsh lirpa. whet nursing to rtvte that wlrw ,air �Aeb-Ir,y wb~ name I cannot tell," land• aM you will flan the faOSortwa
aolmey which Nils Oren, rAtaent lana Inld that h e0 e1cllrAbie K s dsty — _-_ _ 7'ahry elf. a it Sir Chnrlon Hlbhwrt Ta r knew which these smam m jsdy Is a hatter demand taw r
nuown by the voice of Its regwnmfble people is to twine& the t eprhr ries aro not Book. d the rave wron s In the 1•nknn wogld be dcowl wlli tow advent d 1M as a rwauIt of @@err
A pretty little me of .olltlrnl rnt K pnrtunn capital Uiey at- why (1111 he not ccrmhnanlcatn them In 1' ills to row", am as tion elf Reef &nA efts prig
Finance Mlshertwr. duties on cotton olotlN tl re RA [ fi ter tpaivh {ii
Tbra t pointed out alma. Acrd i take twenty per r -Prot. all Toned There throat h going ,m in the 1'nit l mooft Invariably brwr tewtlmrnny Wtat the propwr way. And not math necu. neirPr work" before. the L4k4d far It This has ncrease,d I
the liberty d patuuihe 1% ons agalm, will be no objection anc*gr_b&ud pro- state, jibs, now. MrKhttpy and hh the ohleow see dMng Pxdeiloont work •ail•, % ,"*@Odom am ted"Uatietts, nm*bot � � . wwwompom of - sifodkbd moats n
test there was another fpr4am o babiy So another 26 per oest. allem df friends este not for wimp timp been -orld wttety that lm tke end to be which ate dlsorsdttwbh to one In him Inc both T t" seder to pgrit, and uelffesid pwkr
which the tariff mlgtt% M negam M She prefehen lel tariff In favor ol Dupe ,roMlal toward Rrxi•evek. Thpy snored b1 Uhe • 1110 "alsim as as ox•Mlefro r of keAp up the rwgalmiftnts of Sheooer►- • ff1*01WA
(learnt Btibin t erwn a aline ail the 1•tem 111• (Wt Rw qr Oraifi t Or ftsirieG Hibbert Tnp- try. Ti r"Irrw I b not n l to p pot the rb1M r'
alt• being pr vI 'some. We f preference
a wholeta riff. withal* we am so man bare row
augglid We time of Pari mono prosperity in the �1
clause pxvivldlrg /,x pnfwreri"P to good Asan what the AmAltlotu and IIDe't'nr ham titer to my: oat Lest we have
(treat blrftsJn. That clause loss been Fwd St Oo*•rwvagve newspafxir hes fox. scrnpwtMns wire pwilpr bar bred Tine report d Inspeetnr Hdigrwnt or soTtfa boon, speaking d nu"nls 0O1retry; it M rrib*ruiiaat efi puma ties w
afflacbwl Ina t man ways. In ti Ottawa Journal advonstwe on wipe romforvw,P to the Ghdt toll tw and scandals h w vat neral way. hand. (CArwr&).-Har,, William PAtwT1 IMiMhyeaR y f
ppa T 7 In his mini's pyo minep he made his a�•fe m ge y' TIMI
tas.0oa or
party at this ing and
general Daiaelpt i w ed Sera no- its+titiitw aware rrbrvrhgtttee the 1Jgh but rifting bit wmali out. there h ot• Oa Das 4Alllam
1sI12sre or Inslneere lu attaoting and oa9ta :I IS Is objected that & tMeatricaol pinngP--oven M+fure fL, In otillnioe entertebral far that Whool net as opowule oba reflecting na -- Wal) shfwet *kat
40amv elsm time preferential clang" N red d Ili or 20 per cent. faet over Pura he madp a odd for the by cuserep T1hP Ir.gWtm voidd Mr. MLae (x an A74111llar Mhtiwtpr aero � NUVWter at unlmybf%a w6T* oA
issir tont t it lm as as matter ion on Amerte&n cotton cloths would le, New York searooly bee norma p ronomred in tike of, the Crows. Now, poet Mot supplied *dole lkio vw no yytt M�
s7 salt In wa addltkm to what la t•e getter vrooe by crying for oe�tlieent he leas R vutMltTs of s•ipfarrw
MOM tont. If they vrom In power %o war n'Itii BrltAln ,xi the Yewwsusla i ditnens r olehyrii erne Cd(wgtata again to flgumar- IMiO outfit a t d & �Ma�
mai Tool Hofa' 11. Flwld. " ,* proeMto the most rAM n p 1M 1
t4lRtllt would tAwm hat I the per- {•+wally &e the 7 airlift as vary Ing at T Ln lla6gwm%. & tekSlre b We 1pf,rvYm enald Ite1l sn ted. 1
2i1*sMfa iwnY nPstOa. Now Roosevelt Is knlfln A s f&et mnln°AtcQlm •tae to tom of i" (1b 1"s, hard• thLt went /Ci ole MRiI •
!chorus? That Is a simple o►er icon I1.1Wy (Mm the q g p owe had his aloolello. -
g6sMltla;; I�IllmillmonOappeal to the aintlmp°t d iTnited Rtta�ttm�, ssomombit 6aMao js! M"kinlpy Slid laying Opm to haat p orY'N b7 Une llowrd ♦ Mfeibhw stew. L Zr,t rntod on the ttrl't_h- of
him Out Of the 110oputooliento
oo it
Sartori wAO0 And ..
etreV07 M" ap S 0,41mawn aSbas titWife Women lt Wei. tite�uo. the Oou S a � 1W . t wito ter lie mTTOM R41"I'l AnryaminAnIng b�f� r._t a _ 1 tView, tion. Theo Ir*And tttooa h1dit gClDiii *, theVoll 1F �i thea+* tsunrrlvs •;: - W
q y iI
� t Obesfour to ae�hrthM �Dit m Of A@ lii�frb;gItd the iglhLnlwould r(w Prea4Mntt is pnhwdprr hwsy. l-tryrifjetile Nw i. 1p� gas In �sll M by W mtstw 0@rtiVt IsMj ties - filla ' beent4 We t s, Oalloei inure "oat BUM -T" evelattia, *IM e
ikh t k n 1f10(1, nil well tm r for the to tpt+F
11<falMnt 11YGj► nest need they orwild (i r%A nn cyte * 'slOtlla five and i ML Ir not. It will nnit hart > IMurtri, we NNO% T►°Taw' s1m c�eies� R'cipr. 1B wt� a,thRIM,
pg �i � � � � Mat slanne. TMs dwld nM *oM 1e g°ci ' soy **}@hedge** 0r IleDae weds Af ylr Ilan w,e ram Stow olibM+ ars Ss be tre&t Pcr% M
olets d mono fda ted In Ing 9nite aha s$ YI►u e•en & llttlw. ami It m►y strlkP In 1P(11 " arvlerr, fbf tetwnd f TIM la of M* hand And the gree b
' its rkMrwn to be 1n 1& oAwu of a rednetlrhn. fl RooaPrwMt (sViw to q.t the nnmhm d the bwiktling In the 9W un fo iniald was wA1rh wepwt&to I" S1ro 1'herc N tbo{t� tbas orris IoM tRSa �by In
t#&t Na*Irs. Time&. Let ma by &JI Tneniwrms Ve cert- lbwItwillnotIw I.ev n,hwp he (pars patdoro (jtA rod �' 1�yyy&te1@rc but wtlMn mal tp jam_ �•Tr�.��. s1v111t)r r pri►ag{hp c�nfN /' MMg tNp� If vrc have an torr, and o 1 dart {store&! aDtmy (IsT%Metl - p; &*i In O*arbtrlS. of -mars" Seip op, The Mo Z b M knw w1L�1 kha-and Of 'aMta
.1 cad Mf sa6wr-.fy Orsi haTw "j•sMee tAe •=y to saortrMp hid rrlerhry- Hw is In it t1 come b tic : 4 (ppherM s few to if" iof aH or ~U hes we tsar of being jif/e6.
4-1 1110—w
tr$rnl thalb k1M falls, for Ttiddy. to � !brei t�rrood�ee� ����pmaft
,•Ir441-. ,vq 4 ...•s �,.%A4. , „s. 'ww.X.,.,- c. . .e., . r•..r. avevtdit alta ibfale111m Wa>I�}� oto `' to India, sbw•v.r. gaol . befa1M4T y
L' . A. , 4A
tic@ •omm to mat riga% la view
DIuS1e7 *Self! r 08 per tla*efa W On W H• OartGsk is unive.ruy pope
Than Has Been,
Case to the Cabinet•
• " ![ Daj. Al1IIL u, 1gYp
i�,a,. � �� � abinglas ,� y3 ,mr ,, t(h, A,1,�• ,ad tfr o�a..W.a_
Dent■ ail'�tba and the lsberrtNS elves wilt nod wm a kSrd mea W Wall.
ProPr UAssyao d eraswns +�l►
claim *bat to prevent the Canadian en" tkfullilt Sim e°ostltwaoy-en+ pr-
girltolr Old TOlOM AND te♦1t1"
Hon. J. W. $Ittan's reply tD Sit Alb-
tetrla" L oOr rank.
Looked at h that light. Mr. 8iftoy
WArtlart bebW swamped by American ry*s•ndned b Oak* It a sate Oreo for
1*mb*r when prom. are low 1" the a Tory.
lit dealing �c particularly with
The Itufajturmlfa's delegst4ut waited oil
' Iter* Tttlrper's yreaeh on Lite Yukon
was quite ewroeoi la describing ter
United $fates tits sap tariff should _ _
tq own dapsmriuesuiw largey, tlrri
slid rnsembsTe d the GOrnrumeut to
qum"kuu occupied nearly six hours by ,tariff
%ar gm,stbu as "titled" Dulles
be enforced at lbs Catasdlsu border. In Otic & tvmtn w s the numtkm&i
tR 1
aro certain *hirers Is whWh %Inn Lib
tits Premier's allies gbh fot*w°o•
les delivery, and a *illi relax* ill It
rcdfued am tile rmeemiltles of the
pp�Lpt with Simon telrreWout&ttalir part d Sir Charles Hibbert Topper's
arai party is being' needled day by
Thera wale prmftt r1r Wight. IHan.
wouitl fill mayoral Irwmer Or the Tluhew-
"venue permit. The theory that the
flu lumberman paearfat rams yur7 1rh- rpeeah mass that In which he averred
da but ha
m. perhaps Dotblug which k
ler, ger )Rloh&Ird OSAlirrfebS, Hou•
-- sPhe lOnisaer aI She iw%ar►udAle a% +tP
ooemtry cyte be made saute row
lr1.1nor' i.• Lois psop 0 Z&ritl sell
M�rtrp arralSi aid ds•IaOt+•lion* fiWt,v qer tai-�q(}pa
- e a
*awn oummuat Sallied about tion ►IN�gqt{�ppleid•
"Ili a4mm i urilIomm
Ihmom >slib(r. Rritru
emus min IVOOMO a• 7tirc.l
rloa TI �• April K
6o ba �i.ToI ���ruts9U two ki b #6.70.
Wbsat-4)ataii% red anti wMll
67 to GOO aualib tlsd Meat , god
45 b 660. faaetb ail- Weft; Nu.
M&Uitob• hard• NO at 'lbrouto, er
Me. �I� N�oetbam at 7Te. Prices
all the elhlra undo b7 kir critic, and sg a1thKlWh a wup oa,>wedrop, has $&ban lag bl 11�a, ts monummemy anti i win . amwtA to-alghs OsM•whits weir
' Is abandoned. The Lbaor7 that freerUnitedm weer • rg� a*trbsr of io, mom.
lu quoted at 10et
neglect trade would class the factories, rend a w then=p is trade W the r, "Pen
drnamea and
thgneleg• the &oval *knee fab L sal u( inile (Ir'rt tileL d Joy &I Mrft Oa*arb area, lu 30 Ry*- wast.
•141 not even mane the Inslaatkxrlast
IstatAxs Ir•ntlrt se b better than ever, queen's teams cad the ^neon's au• atlacke upon the Liberal AdmleJstra• elms htsltg&tlga Choy two Ottawa k7e' �s�ad as
anti Inirefadoas, He made It plain that the workmen adrift and destroy the cad that the output has not Doan do- Vola was that wd erre uu in a
tpu elaoasty. He and other olflcl&M had! golrmi lamksrweS were prsssak Yr. Dennis 0&rlay-4*sful at 41 to 4bc welt
filo Hibbert bad spKkrr In Game cases home market of ter farmers has been crucified to any noticeable sxteaL The policy of mookless Airs• use. Dar Moryhy and Mr. IL Hardman. Deokwbo•t-Firm : t8c north as
Imports of forest .Wgraeed SMAW*lver and bad els h •
without *now In other Doane on by actual e= riment rea edf /fora Lite :ug t e ver oleo* uaeln& Sir WUi.4!
very *&st.
bilge proy,d false pm graced
Caa*dL" Events tblrblot Mr L&uNrr's .ldmltmisirr►tloa tllr Chnrle �. Waldte. az•a< Y. our IiaHam, Brno--Olty tnLb mall bran
Insufficient Information. and some- 7'M Torlss cannot t back to Office 554 In $Lobos Increased from Mwit.il- g who has taken e Interview. In CharlesTupperarranging Site Gtr wail 114.80 and shores AS $16.60, In to
Simon with poaltive malloo Ir had by pr'omldrg more protection. there- exports of forest proodets from Can- given an opportunity of producing lots ere were ple'"Oug lice country into a as In ggeettting tie repewnistitw of lots. I. o. Ill. slhenwfo.
manufactured stories de*lewed W tile- tore they will adopt same other meats ado to all countries decreased from Pdby of re"Ines extravagance. and rho itdMtry to a i>ri to submitting Oars-Can•di". :lo west, so
proofs, and iL wgge•ts that the Dov said we would be obi W open 1 in credit tete (iuverrimenk $soh was to wen popular favor as coon as *trey i61,2:,8,T29 in i7B97 W i86,811.b89 in obliged ' lbs girstloM to he Government 'lo Aos.rlehtfa it Lo 4Ee oil tract hen
ter eta that Ys Walsh, a can heal their internal 18kok The gnat decteare has been in arnmeut Sam" afford to rdmw on She first year of Liberal Government the shape that they did. was the prlu• P m --FL- at 63 W 66c north se
charge ag' our dbwsomisno and the main W articles Of export to the Invesi,igatlsa. Events Its:lf professed $40,110(1,000. Now, from their point ch 1
decent. of view, the have some ro D• Msu+re i Hb argonaut g&ri wan la wO& 1s, bar iris
repntabie moo, who did not or -title eltrt►n to trtunlntt2a United HLaLea eblefly plawl4 abed i '1°d for favor of reciprocity t r,l
at. One toms b *now of official crook- 1pruo y a tarU Q1ih O•ts@•1-Car bits of rolled ..to.
learn life respectability at home when - - board^ the figures repremann� the this*; they � We expenditure the U,fted that•, In respect-to!Umbar. bap, On track In Toronto. 8n,tl0; 1
be went b file Yukon. but wtmm Top- Ir,Dt7Clr !7i �Oli-�=• tame -cc tbr• Ilam• being Ina] X, edeew. Perhaps if Events or. IBr d tete OWL14;�4 10 forty m11- U the Baited Photo* pgo 6awa4a OarimW *L711
described v a drunkard rent a The Montreal Wlifa@s V bleed for 1M7 and $8.706MR? for 111111!1. Al- flibbert will repeat outride rte HUUW Ilons, and fatly' Md drawn up estim• fns lumber, then Canada ought So --
pe'e Ifni there wall an Increase Is tete ate on even a sum than i40.- give free lumber to the United Staten, tell Lowleo ase Wekets.
oarortee with larlots A amore Int- In a tit where tete etlottafa maaatno- ti1O�h the allegations male unolex Paella- ��
7 *rad.• So Oreo Brltalu of over a full- 000,000, and re theas sato that but, as the Unload 9Sater refused to T4s supply d aced hay y
rheheetery frrfctleee they may he cam our expenditure world be 640.•
famous slander was meter uttered.In tarlrmg' tuter*sf lot strong, nrvertlw non dollars In the Lwu y+saesa the oat. Dead do tole. *dors Cataria uugbt W plane eleoma was veer liOs,tipl Wdn1 u
or out of Parliament, and )tow the lentil that journal advises s reduction put to the handy of C&DOM&n mIII- p.ellett to famish proofs or take bard* 000,000 is We first year. I rather She same customs duty on In--- pslI ore gmw&lly uA nwwj •
Port' party expects to profit, by that d the casStoa ninths The Irrsnseat on*-ow&ers, it Is stated by thee. has beat the slamlerg think bred they Tee a to *&Talo.% &ed bo- c�ltt�t Into Canada. from S)m Wool
disposed of In %hill country at better R _ _ ___ year in passed. &n't Cuftad Status am eke United �� >tiadwas w1GN•aM as I+aasal
kind of warfare we leave others to tame rates aro 85 per cent on oo{oavd forlorn, than they formerly received In what, b we find? We wound op the bop imposed on Canadian lam• baled, Our bark par kin, $7 I
There b r mr %r. , In ae rumor �&w �I" p
entptal"• goods, whether dyed, woven or printed the United HtaLea UpproslLfo• to Lbw � year with an expenditure wet of bet•, AL present there was iE • $7. T tots,
claims of tics tmmbermen has dove* you
ma luno to the effect At tall $40.000,000, tout at $38,849.700 -
Mr. Nlfton was able W show that and YS per cent, Koh white and grey reeve llloa%lac amt the editor of t4iewDortl os, lumber. 80 ants on chit Low, i4 to tiLbO; V. but 1, oar WI
uftrd ort 1fanllouM, wire ter Imports Wtat h n long way from 7µ0,11W,• glue Sud ::5 coal@ on lath. Mr- Waidl* bs& 75c to 7 buster, clear
great care had been uxerotsel In the Voldq hvhbjoct to the differential la from the 1`nILeA States e % Increased from the Five gMkas Courier aN going �; and sO the people of (knada mkl What It owl as much W operate ills. 1b W lflu' better. medini
favor d British and colonial -i of M U J*y as b advise President meet credit us with the difference be
selection or Kf(lclah (or enrolee 1s, the i'c'ed 1122,502 In 1897 to 7{204,689 le 189(1 raw mills and carry us, the industry 1•br, loo to Ile; butter. dotty, I
McKWem auto the proper course tweak three two tam& Well. they Yukon territory, sad that tnho pxwenu- oarymhter, making the prefenut4al and It h probable that tee proposal to to tnrsae k lbs Philo ►nM
But 1f w Braid generally In (arwdn as In the halted rmlit4 1'S> to lbs ; tertt*r. hasp
e rhtcAs 261-4 on calmed and Impoma tics above duties will be aQ � tJrro wplp soyofoame peculiar hOcis�ne tltat*s. and tberefore they ought to 14p RD 16w: hNstar. GeeaesTy. 1
tion had been ted which human BOOM they abq•ld do ec they will mbutwalttow folls, 941c so
f t eotikt t %o secure Lice 18 8-4 ar white and grey goods AboutposedManitoba... several reprPGenLtive• from nu mora sprue *baa ,lin thy Y•akeeet qtr Pfrs� second yearcameand ihejtOi• sngsfir.t inWood In a. the Aupluess .craw k�M Y(b sition as7iEo brR �elMm29
oreigb suggest flow at Ottawa in regard Witthe Ya- twnq, a eWs
five per eeut on British goods and •6 has cloecd And wtoat, du we find? the border. lie are figures W show Ft
MOW /O' h
malntortanmoe d taw and order and to We do not notice the rwmer of any text cOuwtry.-Lon.lon "lewd g d, oar Witt. Wo to 7{H.L6; a rim
arsihtt In the proper development ,N two per Dent. ext American goods sway Again we ars able to show ter Upper that when lumber mane on the trove pGr LW b
be• added to the above protection ea- consumes of {umber in the list Of Aml yet thiam Nugget felbws,wbose stolon that their pr's llo us of wiA ILA In 189'7 there war exppooeeted from bOe k the. �� 1,.r
the gold flelds. If mistake had been delegates. When did Canada fan apo grant elm he to dia-re,ilt Canadian and neklms expeihd,tere, lave been the Ottawa aftrlct V.8L6.i1:1. When teal
Joyrd by the cotton manufactu.P. entire) enjuntitkd, for the second the Dh le bill was t Iw force In 160; tetheyit cop Gia, Ib., 7c
made, the Government would willingim lav► that she had to teak the Unitexl adminivtratlon of the Yukon cad re- Y p y Par 100 gs•w, per W, Gtr Tc.
correct them, but arch eirubm a ais Sir the freight lcodsm the tr to about the of year, with new obligations ave arliflug.thew LS98 the exportCanadians
dropped o 11,897,
She gvKdr amoaatlwe to about tkavhe elates Congress to arrnng•• a tariff Ifrve Yankee gold Atecers of any new eommdltfoie, we have met three 000. If Canu►dfaas could not get a
Hibbert Tapper Presented to his speech for this country t There h no srgu- ,bare to the cost of gurernfig the various obligations• and at the closed fair deal from the United States It ' arttkohu simen,
prtceertcgws. These are very high pro Liverpool. April a,-(IYAO.)- %.,
would not cartvlct a jail bin1 w1Lh a men* far copying the Yankee lumber ruuntry (they would rp}ifoe lei sae the year. exi Lite Hl>tl, a( Jwhe lobo*, mar would Dec better to keep our lumber
teethe duties, and the cotton nom- it declared United `states territor lad spent then tout flkSO,()00,(J(X) but for a time In We forest. Canada couto Isar. spring who&*. he 1d; Nu 1 (a
blvd record. tariff teat would not apply just nr 71. as 4d 10 6s Cd; tad winter, mit u 1-2
phanMnt by agreements an to prions, and it9b•t'1.32,000. t *blain therefore, art ,*Sand it es tang as the United BtsLes.
Before entering upon the Yukon well to the rest of the tariff. The Are welDOG" with open area by that .obit we ata claim that it lone were expected COM slew, 30'd; 04 Il@ 91-4d:
even combinaWons. are enabled to tate 1 1 6 and ported *bare would be pee
gh;eptlein, Mr. Hilton tout the ofipor• Manitoba farmers want cheap lumber the Tories. and their malicious tales we have been nhcxt.et auto economical. nn Improvement to lumber. In t a 8 =oft
book, flay mo: prime µat
tall advantage or term- About the •e* >i 481 bd; Aaeebaa refuw
*unify to ret himself right with re- to build their houses and barns. no -already proved W be untrae-an Then, bestUW oafs, this said we would p to licAgua, which was the pr eel
middle of last mantic, for In- tout be ter now So are were Dae against the imposition of We >� w: Tal{orr• ausLroMfai. �■
Cant to a speech tie delivered at matter when It etsom from. Put oil „vdmd ep0" as norma°Itfae where i spend' poi b Raft to bd; ,loWlm,'lor c
Perth some time the purport of ��' the companies adv notfle s their tet` ol h&va a midserh v dsfd6fic cad lacy, that It would Interfere an with p i
ergo, parPo s cos%oms duty. and nett thing mar, with b •SYet the ih,rertlpat and �", said �, wuaid have a daflcN elf the farmer@ of 7nnttoM and the filo td: I.Whq 1Blrta a. I191
IV of au advance lit the Y 3rrW►
which lead been mlercpre*eatett. It will owed about n lumber trust., to blacken LM repgLticrn of the rifle- yet lomat than three mllllaha awd Luer YorWnwahrk whp were depending np.ha >� old: chess. w1110 sihd n
pxsmew of white and grey orAtor tills who Canadian interests on t read" it two atllllons• In tee thin i'nitad States for their lumber 00rd, 25m ft
bout been alleged, and n local Itn(orni rehtce Lhe output cad raise the price- ifofect they
to take planes after the fleet of April. fleet. year. Well, the flet war r►re +end 1*r. Mr. R'nldle sato that i.lvee'prxH--l•jues-•4�Ipo% w"11eat. „u
paper was cited as the authority, ergo rding to tlietr own statement, the against the arventurerr• The Novae% y wf
R'iten raw ouLtoo mane low 1n knew there would have W Ihr w ofeflcft toner pruvltrees ought not now W oral; futnn'a M a%sr, quest ,tc
that Mr. Hifton had deeeilbhed the Canadian lumbermen are well. fellows are nervy ; their Tory *04afa- 3T -ed for ►lay, and is 5844 for Jr
• p¢1cb ,u: a� doing bvt by eclow40 and otown- o- sanaae ltd Int the many of the
:.R, are ehosirsisso••._--.,_.a..m...•..
•4 ii1� ijuP«tun as a doalo"Iwue, en, adingly redutce ere price or Parliament vfool;Ybe�ln aatkii 16riilism :rititaligrg -- -- trteeft NwiMpi It 6rwn'tts.*ba• had
.4aMeviy a torn well read*. !AspA;4.,future s
mom of $519,0(111 Carlo ttW alrewsy iron well im 6141 for cod firLgres
h other words, that the Liberal but went on high dill. If It were to Dingley tile+ Canadian ax EIIA L tlUdPLI tdxel for the development of the 4 9-44 for May. Goa be 4 �-Sd for J
Palmi Washington. March 24. -TM Ilse- 'AE'.1.
(lovernmeot had decole•,i to adopt ,fendv on waterers ,bort, and now farmers for tee Purpose or making A rotary of Lite Treasury has MNSW Niorthwewt Manitoba and the North- Floor, ITS Pd
the To lir of protection. That few rich lamttefrmen richer. Tame mme tie aemm4iq year ; null wp.t eoulA be supplied from the Odor- Lmndun-1•Mst►-WAaat waltl,
Wry policy { that raw cotton is going top, Lilo an order rot the free admWaba Of thus t Did we have a t6fblt Of three w
statement was natural) most un es of ennifarteored are -T_ binding twine to tine United states Clan Bay dlstrlct I1 was Informed ekda !St► (Nt ooatl( buyers and mi -iii
7 pro goods JlalUbmst No, air. At the clam of that the Canadian Pacitlr Railway apart. ba pawnw. gamy for %►Into• a
from Canada. Title Is bee&sso' ,Or 7 would (to all that It coaid to redwce quies for rrd Walla. arrived i
acceptable to tonin trade LIbPPni -nQralnneil In rifle donator proport4.a. ?S■ 1►11LD 1♦)MILT• that ear, which was really tens first
the fact Slat the new CAS"Ia• your the Liberals Iadmaleontrof Of
throughout the I)ominion, and to Tile Witnew says a panne olgreat 'Me death d ttf*mss& J. Feld, ex- tariff pats btidhug twine an the trout the rates W permit Lbb tot ti does. L eam buyers. Na 1 bard Mance
Done more do than to the Liberals 1--pertty lm bellied the cotton com- list when Into tbat eon&• tYs nit. but we did Dot have Mr, t�notR Sim
tfoa that ole defy April. r-0 If) It, 98a g•16 a FG, Stns
Jnshttx d Uae Cnibed Station tlupvepr (hOsrt'ed & deffelt, but mar end m surplus ad wo:m7d not glow Lde Itoba wt:d April. 2-s 701-2d'i',ealM df coast, I
of Manitoba and tion Nort.hwwst. who panles and a period a( prKuperlty h try, slid Use United States tariff
(bier*, at, the aeE of 8" yemte, to law only l s dot os, the $1,THY,()00-flat to W my 1f you \orohwv7i market W Ir OntsrlO thing doing. Un roll
bear the full bunlea of protective alhead or tite•m. The forelga market 7 mposes y Lake the two years tbeer. we bed
p exllm at•cation to a rwtatrkable tem- %wine when imported from roue- Le>;s a dutratert• and that ole n &A ort of sorer. Mixed a A Gall gra
duties. Mr. Hifton pointed out last are P.%ideaty not t,00 well supplied 0y, all d whore members were man trim whin& make the article dutl• as+earvbh the
tq the goad of Would a clay would rivers mean aw "ian abeam. May. las bd nInvest.
witJh cotWwv, M, that there Is not not Now ter thud much -I about
t.ftxNQ, on the farmers of the Canadian afnam, JaM, lnm IJ e.I d 1'la
night that, wbpn the Liberal tariff of exceptional Ability. Rev. David able. not Ukw to Ixerdlet too much abort Lhe )�wgpt, wihHr, May and June. 16o Rd MI
t-hnger d slaogh-
was pmroented to tion House by HOG. likely to be any ,� aeRer� y In view d the iladley }'lead was bora to fJontteet- Tlhat manna free trade h binder fhrrtoss-_bat I think that we will tow Mr. Waldo tbusht It could be done, tlian,blan mato, form Ad : Americo
tett 1
Mr. Fielding. Hon. Mr. Foster had eat to 1781 saddled In 1887. 13 grad- twine asd 1• •a suff:eNSs answer. able b sem that we love • vaster Ire . Hcott quoted figures W show 16s 'd $ Y. Dov, 271& Anlwrsri•
denounced It and llc•ted that the iw nncingott prs°ea abroad, vrftich our surplus than hat been. (LKmdoheera) that it eoald rent, wiener. 161-41
Pro, oven otrtLoa mnnihinttnrensi an oto acted at Tele 1n 180: and wrote life were any uo0ewarm. to all the Not One was It said that we would
work) men of the country would vlously Latfog advantage d to ad- ,joor'ir• of Berldhire County, lflldfe- ceostj and whine of tic itl- 7 Mr. wasWalh then dnov►od v%I eht- Leaal ■g *Ibeas>M*lmeta
Dg ge tog mag Po► q»nd thew nmo ley IavLhly, but we were Lerfo mans now phs•mdAg tot' la t
be forced into kileneer by it. That vane pricer is Canada with ur onn7 max County, Pittrtel l an•1 Lhe Brain- clang of the sed parlor clam over ahadutely ru(aing the public credit. Following are the closing prices
Ictlon had nut toren fulfilled. On tear whatever of excitbog erd }'amply. Hks am, Iltavtl Dudley. the nseioral of the duty from Can- Ca MR d the ou&1 dltt7� He wed
peed Wton. As & mutter of fact, our cot- WNI. we bad not to to the mosey the gn'efion of floater kms to ter dfy at Impartsth% oClimb. :
lnov a 18015, was a 1 New YoreMay
markets In any gnat harry. but when Unit,d Mates, read a Tt was the Caed
the ooMrary, there had Itewa t ton manufacturers declare *lent Lbey eaoihii adtan twlSe The situation wow 4' +>[� 1T i— 0071
genu Dan mtsafactatrts cotton M cheaply lawyer for more ,Mian 4,0 years. )3e we ware obliged it what nY thrdT aurora to the Industry in a DIPS- under the Liberal tariff. that binder twine mater ID Ga- Canada tend bona nest 1n man7 thl�. He pointed oat that wlme the [N Now ub�• ' ' ••• ---- 0 T6'
As t1 at he etitionctann ekbe f4ac, IdseettAsd hisrli to the eaalsee d law � Nt. biar[1s._...... ... t.. 075'
which has won the approval of nil sic, treat competition cannot be fear- sofa have Nue whole of ('.nada nerd CaDadn had mage tier meet b7 tis ley a/Ii came Into k,reow tea* Am••rlcarr
refers and *red a code of Pro. Wind" --,--. - _- 07!1-2 071
ed thea prep p lite United HSates for market cad tip nw the t sly al d the em- the U their sawmills free Catrtda So _
clnrser by Its results. 1[r. HUtoa tom � Detroit.,. .-. ... 072 078
A curious tel about the protect- cadmic wihleh was adopbtel In, New pin First n nearly &II thea�ph thnL the United flta%es cad ftoatwd tow
said that the To OovernmenL ked p peO can romrnpete on •gal nems. Them aye Duluth. NO 1 le rn--. 0001-6 0 70
Wry sake for colonial g lAmb,m, toot %r. term He t hl plf a log Into Duluth. Ifo,l bard.. 0721-L —
Ive duties on cotton h tots that Yak, Ohio, lKeatah ty, ]Iflwoert, Mm- 1 aaef
undertaken W reduce duties In 1894, they are not so arranged as to of nr.00ta and other 6"taw ft WI his syf are as well sltsaLed competltlrPlm, lf�ice first of iltiarroe n I.ormdnw by
Mar the Untied States hlrusolt, Mr. M(ntmeap .. -- .•. _ 069
bot LLrr Manufacturers' Association ford all manufacturers of nano. ten sefer4:lly affet•ted Wne leg%sln. as If there wall a 50 gr 100 Per i loan ext ter market bearing a llhepberd who was in the same 6"- OM1=! -
Ihad Imposed a veld. The Liberals goods a share of lice protection. Cut- Dent. duty as each rid* ol the IfOe : rated 21< per neat. Of cxrarma are did *benne In the deorglan Bay e4lsLrick wima
ten h fres: Llr duties
eottoo tiotn d (i'ea4 Brstaln. He aLn tool not gout par for it, but the boo. gum- refused to do am They wer", 04 -���' -� baillt
tied done what the Tory Ministers cO the farmers are vastly benpf1ted. it Women who sit to In Parlia- miniA to "�"�••• -' ... ••' "' 060
.ra.we have seen. are 5 and a ieadbg pmrt in the reform and nod- opposite hasp the raastRactorlttg cil
had wanted to do, but could not, and h an Instalment of free trade to mount were good ennough to ackeow- the lumber in Canada, ' ..: .
85 per cent. a American. a and 18 8.4 IlfratAon d 1Je low or aLloos, and aradewe" o enTesda
what Mr. 817ton said at Perth was a 28 1-4 on Brlthk, and the flat- want which orae lawmakers' fame bilge• r the facts well show, that K ole billfold Laarler- Tor ars pat
� laboe•e<I to ttttbct4%sts arbltratto" for was the most successful khan tbAt rbtic. Canadhtn yrrirW trade end roll
that the tariff as an issue between las on collars, cuffs, shirts and are turned. t
blouses and all manufacturer of cot mast In the settievmt d laLetmtlo*al Fred liown maces fi the history d Ca"- Mr. W&Idie maid term wen. He bDs have been reetarld by att(nr
here two political parties had arriv 2 ,ly Me bior,her, en Joh*- - _ . ads. (Appiarss).-Hon- W. S. Field- no&eloded by handling a etatsm*w% ship weaMber. Montmal nyortw tI
Lao cloths are 3 and 85 per 61.4 �h
red at such a stege that it could not on American and 188.4 and 2814 mors }k11, who died Yesterday, wee Ings Speech at 1lwvinto Toe"g IAbeKI to Llama Premier of how the wools aar`at4ext will Kp•ri lata and tl
be longer considered. and never an British, or exactly the same an born In 1416, woes a California Judge WT�IOg from Portia" Me., Mr. D. Banquet. matter aimed. iloe°aalretaU trade In odevoeamy
woaM la all probabilitybe conefdrred. the duties on the cloths which are in 1857, and s W M practically admtm that Jelin Bertram went into the ques- b7 the Glow aftsm. At wit,
the raw material for the iiblrt and 1ia� d the U. h 0tq whatever prohibition may have been
TSO ATTAOM Oil WAL X tion very fully, reviewing the Comm- sola, however, asks • w
&ri Issue fa Ute same sethse which It remw Coinr•L IN 1868 no Wew1b FIGfd, —
Itad been an Imus vlowl a and he Dollar, the blouse and shirt manta- in that state In the It h now a be of tondo b3e maid that while area advancing,
nue bap Pry
Prw 7 lecturers, just as the raw eottoo Ir bon 1819, beoano a New York mer- Cast OaGappert�l by ir.ste �b d be did not ss y for
to r nide tloa. a are had olads At 'bseWfa wieatl
said What t>ceausp Conmervatives know tie raw material of tee cotton chant, summand s t fortune, laid version
pronounced failure. i Mr. Morison'■ lvhe ac was necessary for the trade to 1r and had tab have s abimi fr♦rltng
i•r• •ermioa of Lbw core h Y follows: And consider Lbw action of Sir Placed m ter setas footing as their mord and
bmsirwrO r ajsa/ Of h
that the Liberal tariff h a tariff d Dicers manutactseers. Hitherto We flvlrt ALInsltSu enable and •stab Charlie Hibbert Tupper bon enjoyed on the other side• lane. and In •any "low* Ile that
Leech vo mail@ to meth out For tile last rix . the Chief DW In fJle Hfrasa nw�
reelwfe.ri upon tow Imes In,ficaLed: Da tie •c !%died the New Ya@•k elevated roads. Y d Commons a few eta • n when James Hoeft cad Chane Beck, or 1897. Price* gsptT&Ily, ase ndv's
plhntectlaa to nnrsaufactarors have Maelstr&tes. Dost Mr. Baxter and Y i° I ('embole mills arm 111811111100 Ow ave.
raw mat,•riale would tow made more divided ap ter protection amo•g Lhe Benny 16cfty° }ieid• the fourth bre- afterwards Mr. Randall. have allowed lie mak whrL 1 regard sr a tans* lees 9eertlaa Bay district; D. C. Ing
tree, the ronsum^r would tee consel- different classes of Manufacturers. Wier, 1rorlo 1822 wow a ckrcmM+e, the prohibitory law to lnb n dead let- "Ming speech, a speech so oat- Camofoa. Rat Portage' Thor. Car- and few r adv&nes lfa v
ere,l. but that the reductions would It b clnargbd *bat the Interests eN s& aeittar, and editor d tbp Evangtr tour io the city, and *ben has been a +ie00s to every same a (iecency, so now, Thordd : nasal J D. tiOrdoa, n. probably date hem e- . I
all the cotton manufacturers, bath llrt free and open Dole of Km during that outrageous to We beat order and Prblood
�OtIsg the British Columbia fir1adlro wn "Parnell .
be ma,le in n careful way and a goal (loverwuent awl W the Parlla• tAmner AmOrdation. all. In red P* into d cand
cbth and garment makers, were en time. These nee were elected by the spoke, sale in New Yat. Ta ba•In
meal d Cawed.. (Year, bear.) R ba! favor of the ImposlLloe of the eb.
taoeferAtn AAS, so As not to destroy trn•Seol to ter psanlaent cloth - '- - - Bspabik•nn political machine. of which ti' oondFtlottn In els DrsittlMu «ring I
Inihhatr Teat.. said Mr. $lienee, makers, and that they gobbled nil Now, after months d hypocritical the bon bene h a Mr. Rounds, who coult' any tlovwrarnent do when called Sir Wilfrid Leader said that the
&n7 7• °for. to deal with this problem of a whole matter would be calwally nrml quarter of tics >f*slptlo hallic.nl
'• to the policy which the people have the protection that was going for whine about a Niagara Falls power has made his boast is open court t ountry thousrndm, of miles sway W cr yiW40 ed by the C&Mrwk and An �y the small I maim ww redrs
themselves. and left the poor start- that be bays votes. These Mach- HAW" of byOMpttttt {pp�nsfinen
approved of, and trey eiared not go msstoPoly. the Mall and Empire V trstes were apparently bound to ivhlcl+ *herr wen hc. nreaev of e)om opportunity would M given for tic*
Ing .rod manufacturers Ralsinwithout DP 1 lboret,,,
flefore the people and attack a on shod of protection against pied into the depth of esehslelr b7 obey the machlnp tial pet them ID maatexWun-what could Any MlutrLer other sada to a tach befeee w els�I� �jeparltt, W}th
the" Legislature I the power, and as the machine wanted do other -hall mPleat gori,l, capable etsion was reached. 1
Lh&t enontad And therefore they ID- the "old winds. Such IDha- l�ai eetgowPr cg Po turn, honest iu chs, ter and of ,d b1lbtYs d 1K. a elf
tend to come here, and they Intend to sanity Of ppoewc•ttonfets to Government to compel the company to whiskey It was allowed to have un- ill g•x
bnisfs hall cans,xf, It riot Interrupted mle. It looked we If the repute and •wool them there b lie IRORMAMMD Iit1POAT6 98 per omni to summer &" 22 1
go before the people of this country1Drod � go on with ter wart of development falthfui anti effi cont officers of the oent• In HabilltlGu from a a+
w machine was supreme. end It became Do 1Mee wilt! m Oaesdisa (,
aping• yet gnwslting of teeth andGovwrnmentt Tax@ the came of the oomar•od watt IM tiles fal a
to dhow -what: Why, that they ,Ild Ito* angry. it Is •old that the cotton of vel@` ittsoleat and scandalous to n decree odec�i of Maim Walxh. Major Wainh F%Oborma ItAbIliMs fnrol gf)p abnut h
not, know what the were talkingaanutnetorpra when called to so• What at length roused the better claw
y of eiLlsews to Action. A short tmw Is a asnn who h respected and hnn Bbt bat. WeSreD Oppurlto tail 9% ~MTM"' sera M /a/g &da a
about, when they denounced ns, rend rotlst by a Government harassed by Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper said lila ' Dred throughout Canada, In wimp darn days tee United 89&6M I eortsI
soy 9 few 'ele•D' men called on Judge t avtfl than triol on In the
She garment manufacturers, promlood little piece, miteved his mind d a load Parton% of the Htates, and even In Asa Is wvident, down b so minima
that mai actually have not changed In, • divvy up" with the garment asked on. m the municipal Drone*. Anti E i that u p It the erne to� of
Lie tariff at all." d blltertaPie against the Liberals tom setkd him to cop out a. p and, and when It waw announced wewllyde It aL rho a Dant elsars fsrL
If thou ,Intim were wllm►erf to Demo the 1•- I ogle
a end slandering officers on a candidate for Mayor. • filet Major Walsh was to `o W the p,o M;.7A1 f10Mns d 9 I
Did I mean. Mr. Speaker, chat this temaln ohs they are, a singular andig- btasrhg red . 0 y Yukon, Grit and Tor alike roc try. *mann anti arSieur d the ears- eat, tram time pmvkmw mask, but
-, Government load abandoned the tK- Allied arra The greatest enthusbaAm. y ui
arrangement for t► Government (ssatwey, and then harried away from nlsecd In it a torSnpaSs event. do �' and that for every adelltloeaal dol- g*la 17 r
dltbnal policy of tee Liberal party, to be, a part to. Thls, however, thO prvevalled In the election. and he rs p' ear's WWO d h°portr we bring into �t. >rT �1 over W% Teri
7 y wa tont low might escape the ccs- Iwr+w now low haw ehtele some elF
Slat we did not Intend, as the hon. have not cone. at lest not to any delved the lart'cnt number d Totem ever tat thrin Canada is manse o urea work t&bon I!Ia =g, • -
Llgatlort tont r In eLotP for him He's canto for A Mayor rat Portland. Th we, gh t it not dol t0 he•
- member for pest Toronto (Mr. R. B. t4�grw spprtrintM try the gnomons Y Though IIwvP It trap anti lis Rea fn,rn (sricdkarl vroa'kmee. Well. air, I Ott/tiled wsaShsr (rear !"turfere1i
Older) well sold, to attack tine citadel makers. s brave knight truly. Mayor Rablmixon lm boend by no p � loon bare pnlatsd b am to reemood fore4p amt deal slow time firs% d the moo
!n taking the civic chair, lie awfw his had a fair triol. Think d Her G71•r{ee k� d
Of protection f Not at all. 1 meant Now the Government hes n change - °g Iflbtiert Tupper nrwdinnec a siwfeMG*t 1 cartrmd en•s wkb the efil•Nopsmlpt of the ghrl
that we Intend to carry out the policy to do A first-rate bit of nil round Han. Peter White, of Pembroke. M etwcttap In latpppr neesitM to the active in Parlinmeynt rpflwctlI os, that She, figures for the Iaceeama to Hada
which we have laid before the people, burinevol. The cotton cloth manufac• going Lei tae against Mr. W. H. Com /e�riporrt oaf prn,hlltitloniAti% and to the gentleman rend w Mlnlmteer d We t or the *bonen trade of AecoTdtwg b oil Q Dan i Co.. IP
amt which we have carried oat rare Lurwrs are ted rich Loci fast vii aaL tJeaL beta s man d integrity thpy Crown. of which he had no knew• C�;• but I can ask p0a Veatlo- Sm
getting •Rork In Brockville, for the deet in believe that he will onforee the law she to to look -OWd tbem. ads fanmtes le Wiw Dominion th oh Clf
fully, iorrslrSeeSly and As thoroughly bleb protective fiction. the cotton n the •pew of 11 lerise 1 I am euro* going to say atMi� tae 1M whet ceding Lbs 6Sh If
as It was possible to do, and that from garment manufacturers, Are Aiming kept Pard►emerrt male vacant by the ,loath rhepud g qunn wards against Kir Charlem HlbbrS to I&to She inctation AM t1e 101&IW 007 17. ag&h,* 2A Slip P
time to time the wefi-understood too poor for want of a margein Of o{ Hon. J. F. Wood. At the gooey ___ _ I�PDer ; Leen Iw mach fn tow �s d " DoominlaR to go Tips& %Tia fault s,2 the correspond'
WWtn d the people of Canada, as 110011 -tion between Hem y&l@s orf rinty wonder. the Tex Tnwnshi or ll It - - =An i Neo. l say torr hfm nwh=Deli* � ----- %n ON& -Of 14W� -
y P WIMP tow .fad l vow- Wool Y about the ftlw* thing
ttney are nnderaLooef Ay the Ian. nen• payable on cotton rmenSa and tlhoee Tory pap[ues gsnulally an,l for the gaud name of the Perlis• t:e
ga Iw www aided to the Brockville, mn y egret that be hat. he N@k Tionote Is *A dem
ShpmsM sitting thaw eu well a Ay payable on twtton oM+thr : and tAe ran. 7 rapttirtttw to attack our woltnod w s mount of Canada I r taro to s7 >ll1 they R11f 11wd t { a
the hon. geutletnwn sitting here, it suasera• mpeclaliy Mrs great num d 41tooncy to mails It solid for the yell, Md cent ,ifaDtMit its porwoai Shut "Kone and weft on v� a � b� Um isons s in ilia (Mt' �fafa 11 Z: - balk
*lest the tariff of Caaa,in should be She farmers, matin are the hack Tory party, bat Canadian opinion has work, time fat. Catlhnhtae S� reading paper artier papwr, and when fowe�en trade of MV eo.Atry. concur- "to 'N 1D Is @111 %lien+
dmLlt with upon linen more favorable Li eralhm, who are far from sa undergone roue change wlnrp 1HH:, rd like par. challpngwt acto,ss the floor of the rent with It tress ban r1W vast An in- i.Me '2oJ Cicada watt]
b the mnwmer. more favorable to whit the ms•wmrw of tarHf rwinawking at intervals th'st Honors with the queAtton : "DO �ora Dreads ort the domestic *ronin d tau- i In pl& t7ulbd But
already pec sad bine Honorable Peter will not present acres, know Anything about It yoursomit f" y. yoR say M HGMW Of last mason's, elfin to
We ezLeirlou of trade, &reel In the 7 received, want chew r adlrla aro 11'Jhlplh Hclhoods Acs+ "a *trio. bili sir, so f
direction of Uhs removing of all anjust elot•how All that the Gowerwesu% bas have a walk over in the neighborhood cad a future we enhtrPPrevl "No, bat I have it from Oct fire larsgtir fAd brander
enema," It M some of t and buyers are 2 to 4 op,
rootrictions from trade. That Is the to (hi in order to aeeomplldt eb MM where Major Walsh lirpa. whet nursing to rtvte that wlrw ,air �Aeb-Ir,y wb~ name I cannot tell," land• aM you will flan the faOSortwa
aolmey which Nils Oren, rAtaent lana Inld that h e0 e1cllrAbie K s dsty — _-_ _ 7'ahry elf. a it Sir Chnrlon Hlbhwrt Ta r knew which these smam m jsdy Is a hatter demand taw r
nuown by the voice of Its regwnmfble people is to twine& the t eprhr ries aro not Book. d the rave wron s In the 1•nknn wogld be dcowl wlli tow advent d 1M as a rwauIt of @@err
A pretty little me of .olltlrnl rnt K pnrtunn capital Uiey at- why (1111 he not ccrmhnanlcatn them In 1' ills to row", am as tion elf Reef &nA efts prig
Finance Mlshertwr. duties on cotton olotlN tl re RA [ fi ter tpaivh {ii
Tbra t pointed out alma. Acrd i take twenty per r -Prot. all Toned There throat h going ,m in the 1'nit l mooft Invariably brwr tewtlmrnny Wtat the propwr way. And not math necu. neirPr work" before. the L4k4d far It This has ncrease,d I
the liberty d patuuihe 1% ons agalm, will be no objection anc*gr_b&ud pro- state, jibs, now. MrKhttpy and hh the ohleow see dMng Pxdeiloont work •ail•, % ,"*@Odom am ted"Uatietts, nm*bot � � . wwwompom of - sifodkbd moats n
test there was another fpr4am o babiy So another 26 per oest. allem df friends este not for wimp timp been -orld wttety that lm tke end to be which ate dlsorsdttwbh to one In him Inc both T t" seder to pgrit, and uelffesid pwkr
which the tariff mlgtt% M negam M She prefehen lel tariff In favor ol Dupe ,roMlal toward Rrxi•evek. Thpy snored b1 Uhe • 1110 "alsim as as ox•Mlefro r of keAp up the rwgalmiftnts of Sheooer►- • ff1*01WA
(learnt Btibin t erwn a aline ail the 1•tem 111• (Wt Rw qr Oraifi t Or ftsirieG Hibbert Tnp- try. Ti r"Irrw I b not n l to p pot the rb1M r'
alt• being pr vI 'some. We f preference
a wholeta riff. withal* we am so man bare row
augglid We time of Pari mono prosperity in the �1
clause pxvivldlrg /,x pnfwreri"P to good Asan what the AmAltlotu and IIDe't'nr ham titer to my: oat Lest we have
(treat blrftsJn. That clause loss been Fwd St Oo*•rwvagve newspafxir hes fox. scrnpwtMns wire pwilpr bar bred Tine report d Inspeetnr Hdigrwnt or soTtfa boon, speaking d nu"nls 0O1retry; it M rrib*ruiiaat efi puma ties w
afflacbwl Ina t man ways. In ti Ottawa Journal advonstwe on wipe romforvw,P to the Ghdt toll tw and scandals h w vat neral way. hand. (CArwr&).-Har,, William PAtwT1 IMiMhyeaR y f
ppa T 7 In his mini's pyo minep he made his a�•fe m ge y' TIMI
tas.0oa or
party at this ing and
general Daiaelpt i w ed Sera no- its+titiitw aware rrbrvrhgtttee the 1Jgh but rifting bit wmali out. there h ot• Oa Das 4Alllam
1sI12sre or Inslneere lu attaoting and oa9ta :I IS Is objected that & tMeatricaol pinngP--oven M+fure fL, In otillnioe entertebral far that Whool net as opowule oba reflecting na -- Wal) shfwet *kat
40amv elsm time preferential clang" N red d Ili or 20 per cent. faet over Pura he madp a odd for the by cuserep T1hP Ir.gWtm voidd Mr. MLae (x an A74111llar Mhtiwtpr aero � NUVWter at unlmybf%a w6T* oA
issir tont t it lm as as matter ion on Amerte&n cotton cloths would le, New York searooly bee norma p ronomred in tike of, the Crows. Now, poet Mot supplied *dole lkio vw no yytt M�
s7 salt In wa addltkm to what la t•e getter vrooe by crying for oe�tlieent he leas R vutMltTs of s•ipfarrw
MOM tont. If they vrom In power %o war n'Itii BrltAln ,xi the Yewwsusla i ditnens r olehyrii erne Cd(wgtata again to flgumar- IMiO outfit a t d & �Ma�
mai Tool Hofa' 11. Flwld. " ,* proeMto the most rAM n p 1M 1
t4lRtllt would tAwm hat I the per- {•+wally &e the 7 airlift as vary Ing at T Ln lla6gwm%. & tekSlre b We 1pf,rvYm enald Ite1l sn ted. 1
2i1*sMfa iwnY nPstOa. Now Roosevelt Is knlfln A s f&et mnln°AtcQlm •tae to tom of i" (1b 1"s, hard• thLt went /Ci ole MRiI •
!chorus? That Is a simple o►er icon I1.1Wy (Mm the q g p owe had his aloolello. -
g6sMltla;; I�IllmillmonOappeal to the aintlmp°t d iTnited Rtta�ttm�, ssomombit 6aMao js! M"kinlpy Slid laying Opm to haat p orY'N b7 Une llowrd ♦ Mfeibhw stew. L Zr,t rntod on the ttrl't_h- of
him Out Of the 110oputooliento
oo it
Sartori wAO0 And ..
etreV07 M" ap S 0,41mawn aSbas titWife Women lt Wei. tite�uo. the Oou S a � 1W . t wito ter lie mTTOM R41"I'l AnryaminAnIng b�f� r._t a _ 1 tView, tion. Theo Ir*And tttooa h1dit gClDiii *, theVoll 1F �i thea+* tsunrrlvs •;: - W
q y iI
� t Obesfour to ae�hrthM �Dit m Of A@ lii�frb;gItd the iglhLnlwould r(w Prea4Mntt is pnhwdprr hwsy. l-tryrifjetile Nw i. 1p� gas In �sll M by W mtstw 0@rtiVt IsMj ties - filla ' beent4 We t s, Oalloei inure "oat BUM -T" evelattia, *IM e
ikh t k n 1f10(1, nil well tm r for the to tpt+F
11<falMnt 11YGj► nest need they orwild (i r%A nn cyte * 'slOtlla five and i ML Ir not. It will nnit hart > IMurtri, we NNO% T►°Taw' s1m c�eies� R'cipr. 1B wt� a,thRIM,
pg �i � � � � Mat slanne. TMs dwld nM *oM 1e g°ci ' soy **}@hedge** 0r IleDae weds Af ylr Ilan w,e ram Stow olibM+ ars Ss be tre&t Pcr% M
olets d mono fda ted In Ing 9nite aha s$ YI►u e•en & llttlw. ami It m►y strlkP In 1P(11 " arvlerr, fbf tetwnd f TIM la of M* hand And the gree b
' its rkMrwn to be 1n 1& oAwu of a rednetlrhn. fl RooaPrwMt (sViw to q.t the nnmhm d the bwiktling In the 9W un fo iniald was wA1rh wepwt&to I" S1ro 1'herc N tbo{t� tbas orris IoM tRSa �by In
t#&t Na*Irs. Time&. Let ma by &JI Tneniwrms Ve cert- lbwItwillnotIw I.ev n,hwp he (pars patdoro (jtA rod �' 1�yyy&te1@rc but wtlMn mal tp jam_ �•Tr�.��. s1v111t)r r pri►ag{hp c�nfN /' MMg tNp� If vrc have an torr, and o 1 dart {store&! aDtmy (IsT%Metl - p; &*i In O*arbtrlS. of -mars" Seip op, The Mo Z b M knw w1L�1 kha-and Of 'aMta
.1 cad Mf sa6wr-.fy Orsi haTw "j•sMee tAe •=y to saortrMp hid rrlerhry- Hw is In it t1 come b tic : 4 (ppherM s few to if" iof aH or ~U hes we tsar of being jif/e6.
4-1 1110—w
tr$rnl thalb k1M falls, for Ttiddy. to � !brei t�rrood�ee� ����pmaft
,•Ir441-. ,vq 4 ...•s �,.%A4. , „s. 'ww.X.,.,- c. . .e., . r•..r. avevtdit alta ibfale111m Wa>I�}� oto `' to India, sbw•v.r. gaol . befa1M4T y
L' . A. , 4A