HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-6, Page 8•
. ea
Our Taster millinery display was voted
a grand success by all the ladle:. Beautiful
novelties, chic and becoming styles, moder-
ate prices, have Made our millinery show the
bit Alf the heiMitak
Come and see the dispray
In Men's Farnishings.
Just think, a fine colored Shirt,
laundried, at 25e. Ont160 of them.
Come soon.
New Beady -to wear [Mirth.
Th. prwwt saW-
faetien gives by ear
Skirts. They oro wail
WN., whet bolted.
Ila•d with beet
retie Bruise. out to
meg wad 8t Moly.
We leve the .e.
Bored skirts of ..rm
and Isere trimmed
weak two rows noes
ribbon. Great valve.
Only $2.50.
A special 110., feat colon, at
Corsets and Underwear
Dress Bargains for Raster.
Wtteras. . new
lot, reenter 20o. and
26-o , doubts f..ld
Dress Goods
1. plaid sad stripes,
new oulocine., only
Cheep. rthan tints
for ohfldre•'s wear.
Erery worthy .er1,
every prom .tyle of
dress amens' ler
spree I. hero.
Bedford Cords i. e
the lewdest shades f t
sate at BIOo.
Covert Moths
fame, trr y4 & Ya.
Bread Oleths to bite
browns sed proses.
Ria hesvy bleak
' waved erop.u.
A special line fs.oy Drs Goods may Eli
Kara special aim
bleak seems .14rt.,
regale. 50c., for
Boy.' hook shirts
Extra *pee.1
eel's iso fake 1
Mas. Mkt.. Mu.
ler 51.00, far
Nuw short 1'or.•e, 75o
and 51.00.
New Fie• Mesita
Under wear.
Nlgbt Geese, 75o , 51
sad to 50.
Whiet8blrta, 60o,' 76o
..d lit 00.
Drawees, 260, 50o sad
2 760.
0..04 Coven. I8o,
96o. 36, and 50o
f..Les'.m.d (}ijldrea'.
emilarif sad PRIMO r841JD RIB-
BONS, very .=t..Yveiy Mal for
Waist sad Bkir Trimmings. .11 Lb*
new shades, 6a. 1Ge. s.d Iiia . yard
TIIRNB, easy 10e., equal to say 26o.
pleuras ie tet, t..tyle, and e.apmy
.f motional.
Good honest value for every dollar spent in our store, and more
of it than is likely to be had outside this store.
T.r.wAT, Mar. 30.
Valrem is a reset e1 IM result of ex-
Idnates.s MW ea Mara 23rd sad 9401.
erteadsd rt odor of merit : Froth part 1
he ph 2 -Der. Cantwell. Percy Gr.M..
WEI N BM& Oldys Mawkine. FMues part
9 te Maier fled re -LorGraham, Eder
1)..4Mrty.HN. Boerne, Eddie M•w,A..le
Yeasg. Tree' mit god be juror 3rd -
Addie blamed, Lavinia C..lw.U, Flamm
Berle, Aga. Hawkers, Rolm Lienee..
Fre. ander 3rd N mike 3rd-Asale Bar.
gem, Hawkers. Fro. senior 3rd to
View4th-Pearl Berme, Wesley Graben.
alew u 411g -Bet Gerdes, Nee. Barrows,
Daugherty, Harry Maw, Clarinet
SATv&DAY. April 1a.
Ili. Ssuss Wallis. d the Baybeld reed,
Calor.► township, was the gees of Mr.
ale Ma. T. A. H.r'gften .4 Orreed
Oettegs, Me.d•y e1 Ins weak.
Oar ember, Mir hadzewo, le spending
her bdldsy ter Easter M her he.. in
Oedeckh township, have* gaits • pleasant
Mea .Seg old triaeds •boa► there and
The people of Leekero, we believe, ars
g leet te lo.s eve et their (areal young
Mike, but what will be Leabara's lose will
be D.mI.5u gale The boys .ro..d here
are neklatimeh other the quieten', ' Wt.y
is i1 tae Freak is wowing web • please m t
(sills t"
Charlet M..NeU, who was ..float in '
removing earners .t bis bares, whim bat
.Lade N rake sad place on • stone feasd.-
Bea this esmlm Moser, get streak on bill
lea with • timber whish nearly crashed it
hat dM Det break it. Medical ad was cent
for, bet be will be kid op for some ems
with his lo j.ries.
Wham felling a tree the ether day. our
mediae yoga, ewasae., Albert Quid.
wish ere in had trying N M est, roe
.Asha • sapling with it and eat ►t* knee
very badly. By the orders of ear Mk
. euewktts he is new gs•roatiaed I. the
Meer. BeeWes ►k medical advisers hi.
lemelis'es is sheered by 'easy fair eo.lor.
Mee all of whew wish be we ht. gat.
was gaited in the beads el hely msk'.oy
to John H. Treble, • Middy e1Wttsd sad
prosperous yowl far.. of T.I•.. 0.15eo%
township. Precisely •t nr estate the
bridal party metered the peeler rd 11
mates of the wedding Morob played l.,
Me. Bemis MoWhisey, oleoir of the bride.
The acrnstoey wee performed by Rey. Mr
WII.., of Be.m,iler olro•it, wad witr
witu.esed by • lege member of levied.'
game. The bride was attired in • beantifu
t.m e.taate. with oream silk trl..l.gr.
shad was assisted by her ester Ade, who
also was domed u a beaatetal fawn, with
pale pees elk 1 4..t.ge. The groom was
misted by Isis brother Clarks. Atter the
wee m.7 was over tee emote eat d.wa N
the table, whin groaned with rend Mi.gt
Provided for the ooaastoe, after whin the
leveeing was pl•aoo.tly sad sociably sprit.
The bride was the redolent of ..ay be.atl-
rut and wetly presents. w&1.► testified t•
the high esteem in whin sea is Mid. We
joie the okay Wende of the mowly-wedded
mph ia wishing them 5appe..se pad
BARraDAT, April 1st.
Daring the pest week ear ewieme, the
fel laud, alined by eco of ear Mal hors
teen's., k brooklet le • two- -gild Pott.
Xma.ro.s fair ems aro pssi.,11 drably
whether he is going to eater at the *smog
row at the freselbi..1. Tereus
Anes, thew who enjoyed Ewen from
$ewe we : Mise Elena Hones who Melted
is Stratford, ear popular beet ot the Point
V. made his moue reit to bid sea T. C.
WHOM, of H•mtllns. se well as wear old
. Mamie oh other mime le Weems Outsrle,
tt54 MM Imes, blas of ear Moot, is
the holiday with her eat l•
hawse our visitor. for Eastertide were
R.Mrt, Aedr•we, of Drearier, sad nee
sass 1s.411er townsman Joseph M..1t1• vie,
. who stts.d.d the bestows eviler at the
:ad. City t►is past water. The 1* . nes
moo h raptures at swing ii. pIssessl 01,1.
.. via les ear aide again, Joseph will .et .f,.
.Mao with them se peeler hat perhaps on
;. Wel asters 10.5 subjoin,.
The .M haemo ea the M0, ease M h.
il.preees ball, has teen meal away n
feem b5Yhr et Geo. IreVarg.the writ k
bee lib heres power sed roliiee. 1 lee
pee h I. 1873 t'er aha emermill
Tbe 'MU we WM he 1876 sad the
wee p.nhaerd by the kits Jere
.r., wM far seem rem tired ie
Mime then ..'mall ethw.
but of late yams es ewe bas Um I
1.0.14 haat p. pygal >01► ^i
l &a.a .f Mr. •id M1 (1 e' w
M We.sadev s..a... Meth
BATt0DAY. April 1.
ADD.esn &'D Par>d.STATIOtt.-7'&. .yes.
fug of Friday, March 31e, witau.ed • vary
plae.et •Doul 104herin5 at the betas et
Rev. J. and Mre.Hasdltee. Oerderteb, when
they one meted the y..ett people of CMI(
.eamreptmi m Godson./ N..ehip. Guests
N the .amber of fifty or mea wen present,
sad •.ear thee the pike emete.•mo. of
Roe. J. A. Asides. t.r..4p • paler of
Uhm church, was toad with pilamirw
The evert of the washes warn am end
pr..stswou 10 Geo, Edgar 1)a e
has for some tree been • very el
worker Is th. oespeptlaa of Maksawr.5,
. et only ie ti o C. E. se.1My, bat as Bible
ekes teacher sed es elder. He leayly
our midst all going M Chigapo, where he
will eater von of Mr. M..4y a tr.lnla la.
stitrtloas sod help awry eel the weer .f the
Maser is that olty. H. will be greatly
mimed by yocmg and old in the eoog»gs.
Glee, ►k Mod end plowing .ellerMv1e,
wee ter him the esteem and love of all.
The following address w read by Olives
Edward, atter whir& Miss Iw4Ne Colwell
/ related Wm with • gsatle.as's tesyellht
-5eeiee, a resales pea, a student's Maw
d•rd disti.nary .ad as Merles/ Bible
Ma. DAVIDeotr.-Is h with ,.tatted ted.
iafe et arrow sad gladsome that ere address
yea Might : sorrow, Miss year dew
✓ ummest ns is se tees te aemem be an red.
your clips work of With .ad leiter et love
. ear behalf is ee .res N ease , aMdem,
bemuse we feel with yeomelf that you w
h elm led y • resr Ind to • larger sphere
for which yea have *bows Brew ad for
whtoh yet leek more. Wo oes.14 Dat rive
•1/rreMes to oar gratitude be yea bemuse of
all then yea ha.e eem►t te do for etc.
Whether we her. yM1Qad W set leer
wish.* Mor as or ore. we 86111mune gbet
reseg.hs the enmity e• thew ..d IMO,
aeksowielve your tektite s's ii • ' Washer
Is rpkye•l Cloys, sod, tb.ogb .r mike
.uhmekdw Me set hero ghee .5th yea
tele ebb an, we Weald hope that fits(.
Mega wiil.ea the trait of year tesebkp la li
Ilv.e eoessse4M N the writes of year herd
Mester. 4ee have sot .ly bored N
Mightier weridq" M1 led the way," .d
by Ord'* grass we will 1.U*w. We teal *are
MM. death sp•.•ted frost ns red with
year s41oallou greatly ahsstbsd by mils,
Melee, me w111 keep sip • OM be year
nss• for and aster.
411 Wei4''*. Grose for the sissy Vie
eh ktsr.et Is your prayer* ,y. mesa.
A Aearaftid tier k t1■Pse
trrl, rases deeeke r, slit YOE SALE SV JAS. WILAON.
sib the Womb of pow awl tali is the
Oaks. Ulm. um do sal bel obi t, W _.,
memory te Glp year reetembreihh yid
.s avoid lel the .v ..d hand help t5e
Marty • ..•l ...rate tea.& we hep .l
yea a arm* as • telae el beth ear dike
and ver wanted(. Wails! Wee the Lord
may preop1 yea le all year wan ad Enke
yew • workouts earthy of Hk a eeMet .10 "
e te.d.u.5, W• are
Yew Bible aim
Yr. Devido.e made an •pate halal ..ply.
thwarts; the Mem slaw far their ggiNlsN,, and
for their geed will as mimed by the wane 1
atter whisk Boy. J. A. Alamo. 1a payer
oo.r..ltt.d him a the goldsa1e sad k..plg
d bio Meter He left ea the aliens.a
Wats es Medsy, aha bed.
MOJD.T. April 3rd.
Woe Sabres sad W. W . $..4.y.4.t
R•N. Baan Sas moved ea M his tars that
he hesybt from W. N. BoweU • Year arc
Mw Jake Jemmies is. we are peened to
be able to say, 'creditably improvise la
Moe Dale has threw* op her seised
throwp5 UI health. That the may soca re-
gain her wean health is ear earses. ales.
Os maim ts tiara 1are Sabbath me
.f $. Rune.*'. hesems was wider with par-
aralysia The r.ter$amry was sa.mese, but
151 animal died . Tuesday la spite d the
adore to eve it. 14 was • we.454e animal
sad tia death brinks • matched team.
NORDAY, April 3rd.
Ju. Jeerers 4. engaged for the warner
weer Peter Scott.
Obas. Ree.e vetted to Ulleto. from S.t.
. rd.y to Mender
Mi. MoCao..11, of Pert Albert, le4
present the "vest of her .e, 14,. J
W. P. veal R. Liao, of Klak.g►, are
einem amen their monis sad may
Ideada to Mk .loose.
Joe. Beets dimmed of his drinim horse,
"Dix," last week. Joh. Stale, of Kine
bridge, beteg the baler.
Mn. Lease, of Themalea, Alrema, is
eluting her talker, J. Bedew, .4 9(1.1.4,
prior N bar leaving for Moatehe.
Death Maim visited ear midst . There -
day, 30 k alt , and reared oma of t5e
early pees.ern In the parser of Jae. Forge
eon Dowear ed bed been ailing for the pert
low years, a**0. h always able le le
.rowed, mea was in W weal health antes
bee days before his deems. He wash his
seveety.tlent year sad 1.res • info aid lye
ore l d s en to ...re hie le..
Twomey, April 4.
W ih. (Mk, et Wtathribp, wad .ver'ba s
bonnets trip tar the firm w estarddy.
Jetsetter Freaky, y we aro all .fel be ams.
is monad again atter hie .ran W.s..
A lea worm people aron tem passed
t&reag5 !sero Me.doy evesiy ee their way
. • bat a4 Elated. Two west sees r•
1melee T..dsy .•slag .t aloe 'Velma.
Sprig minim be started early im t&4.
arena.. Allen Whose has psr.M.d the
beautiful wooed' eiteated ea the .ed. et
Saltferd's hill from'J.. Stewart. el 0.4.-
r5. 11k le the .est preelly laid oat
property Isere. The malt hadt.g up to the
hem is used with *very vsrley K hew..
' ad "Mahe. AU tit reit of the hill m
esrowd with apple, pear sad plats arm.
The beast is batt 1. M. style of • rieaehera
cotters, vete ivy creeping over he veran-
dah' .ad esrroanded with lovely sheds
treed. Mr. Wilma is festinate Is preoarbg
%ooh • Lively Maw. Lnvl Honey .ed [a.•
tly hats, mored Late tel es the
Mire I grew,' tsWy r..s$sd by Mr.
-Woken - Yr. H.e.ey r 1gwNO by Mr-
r.H..loo It to est as 'whims sepemdateadeet
at Al..any Park. Mr. Fisher, of Gosh -
ern, he moved tate Leri Hamra(. he....
Tu.Day, April 4.
James Oher paid o .let be hie father a
Mitchel last week.
Mese J.aie McKenzie visited friends at
Kt.tsil last week.
Mies F.uy Uwe. d Shetppse4len, mead
I,•,ree 5111'44, el eke Pere, Ice to mead
hoer hatad.ys at their 5...e.
Willie. Dougherty Std daughter. Mier
I...uies, have been 4. Lettere for enc
.V11 at Mrs home of Mn. Mahn.., she
J .1. a liesa.44 mad W IU Rte*rd.ee hare
returns I, the fans, from tel " Yee," tel
lat • er ' . e. !eke Tem' -r'- .g. Bot& aero
.5.010,1 la I0.q.rl.o. •
Mt•. Lou Commiserate tee Sl .s Gravid
Bei.). Mi. 'rem bleCenaell, ealraa14 in
Demme. pdae sabot. sad Walter Haw -
lame of Ne. 17, Aebi.M, have refereed for
Moir Easter v .wiles.
Mise Mary avid Mead S4sy ..ei are
Mme from Inds, where they had hese
for sone time peat. A womb age thin one
lag then was • leg. ,.45er1ag at the hese
of their tither te weeks.. ahem bask.
germs.- The level stool! 1e Dom...
for Tam fAD1,At le aillbs oleo et J. B. NASD.
den flee..dwho
v ortbribe awl Sob
N'civ rtespta for
• cow. Melt Dammam on 1mt ud
id Mew mh .oath. All modem meth-
4de ot�.. an dedoor a 10.44'.Rlallerr
• Mp. Hose.. a ..s. te 1....
TDMDAY, April. 4th.
8rtu. Test 00. -Tae old pioneers of
tee Meese away rem only -Ada.
Borneo, of ar..15, E.n Itjawmesh, avid
James F.geem, .f Aa4.ld.
BIRTHDAY 8MIAL.-O. Tae.day ..10155,
Mara 98th. • birthday .seal was held at
the Methodist peneeate. It was • greed
e.t.a The protrude were about 860.
A Buse. - Wednesday moroeg Mrs.
Aug.aMse, jr.. premed her Ilem with as
bar... As 1511 is the Brat tie father e
tided • proal mre. W• .xtead o.gro4s-
laW.s be the pants.
Asove*D Aa*I.r.-We ars pleased to me
than Wtllh. 10411440 who was hotlin d
regm time age by • leg falling on his lee, le
G bh be be .at again- He a gradually re.
soveA1g arem kis injury.
Co5.Allaole0. -Mr.. Peter H•.lie sad
two e5Udrs., et Kieesrdise, while oe a
vise be Mn. Hamlin's meter, Mrs. Jobe
Wy, of this place, were troubled wittk
..,mars.. The attires took ft fhai'Get
the mother oeotruted It while alteedim t.
Wm. Mrs. 11amlin's .my fri s&
will lc pleased to Mlle that she sad her
.511drea w Doe reo .v•rieg dcely.
A RuwAwAT.--!lug► HMIs, et AsbM1d,
.ts with • .ktor t use last Saturday. Am
he was ea bia way from beiseteDummtemea
his horse was frightens(' by wwm.MlMee/
rue away. Mr. Shills held es M M.m�,�p�
for seine time bet Malty it got kat. Mew
the mots, ..d was .ftsspmds fat
51. vlII.. by Albsr4 14... Tw1 N1y.
there was not mom d•..Ae ent•Ias4 tee•
yod tel breaks of the .hafts of the
Tee 'e vn. Merles r Teo
pale is MI .m
We to Dwgemmes pellet
newel sit %hereds y. Thine tee pregame es
the eses.les F. % 10•11116 ( .Mar
sear elf 1st .abed heretj. 3' .rd.
Ms (Nev.) �g�, Ms. Ales. Rees,
Mr.. R. Treistbis all ids 14.4len. Tbe
ie.p.ner sed Olken were neon pla..d
with tel .1 tel eMwatfes beta s.4
with miler layggtebbed err the
Cedk lh
eheeefs gheeni ince .rea,le
tel 4.=111tEfrlSeli---
1'a• the ..a4. 54. Ma1Mvs fee .
We sold
Cao. W. Thomson &
- .. Mi cQREADYS".AND 1 eQRESOEf wI T St t
In 1898, and will continue to sell them in 1899.
It cwt our customers, on an average, tes. ,than 2 cents each for repairs on our Bicycles last year.
We challenge any other dealer honestly to show as good a record.
100,000 of these wheels were made and sold in '98, and Indications point to a sale of over 150,000
for '99.
We have the very latest improvements on our Bicycles ; the best material that can be obtained is
used in their construction, and all are fully guaranteed.
The prices are right, viz. :
$55.00; $45.00 AND $40.00
all high grade, but differently equipped.
We do not sell cheap -made Wheels, and we know them to be the most expensive,jp the end.
If you intend to buy call on us and we will be pleased to show you our different lines and explain
their construction.
If you cannot call, write us, and we will be pleased to supply you with catalogue, or caH on you if
you wish.
Do not forget that we sell also the celebrated "OODERICH ORGAN" and "WORMWITH PIANO,"
both so familiarly known as to need no further comment.
In Sewing 1`lachines we sell the "WHITE," "NEW WILLIAMS" and "QUEEN," from 325.00 up,
according to style and finish.
We carry a full line of small musical instruments -Guitars, Violin$, Accordeons, &c. --and a large
collection of the latest !'lusic Folios, vocal and instrumental, and sheet music.
"Empire" Typewriters, $55.00.
Give us a call and you will be pleased with our goods and prices.
Geo. W. Thomson & Son.
We beg to stat", that we have again opened a
Grocery business, at the corner of the Square and
Montreal street, the store formerly occupied by H.
J. Horton.
We have a complete stock of fresh Groceries,
and shall be able to supply our customers with first-
class goods at the lowest possible prices.
We hope to be able to serve all our old friends,
and many new ones.
ewe, se well phs..d. H. md.4.d 15.111jT!\(e/6 Uoc1e1j lint iftit
new desks be Maimed la the prtenpal's ream
..d telt • pia.. of the Qasw sad
satieeal Sage be pree.red for eta of tee
rme.w and sated .tear improv..ats.
He she referred to the s.se..*i.Mades
.1 Empire Dy ( May 2311) At the .les•
of the e:a.i-•w.s the .blase, make the
diro*Noa af Mrs McOes.e11, the mes1t•me
1.55.,, wag • ewes. mad the pror..dl.ge
eiopd web " God Save the gown'
DM AND Goran - W Aai.gt.. Marne.
fer.urly .f Da.aa.....ad sew of Leek -
sew, melted former aryasletmm here w
M.ed•y Os Friday last your ..r.r
peadaill had a D1.sm.t tam with Mr. Wil-
d.sN.t, of Climb's, malty .5 reensie.
.es.n o1 old times. We ware Mewed te
sea Ms venerable watio .. looking et wall.
Ralph Di.Mr W returned N Ridge-
way after it vat with his brother, Thee.
Diem, of A.hfhld. ...Jest.. Willson,
a .5e bet beam ole,k for .best two yeas wit&
Jana Haler. telt hero oil Moloy for Kim-
eardteti where he las .eared • sped pee -
Wm. The young &adieu d1 mfr bh awn -
Nei greatly.. Mar lessees 'nasty Y
viewer her brother Germ •t Belgr•.e.
Mir Metals Nevins. Odom daerbter
of Jan Nees.. 11, }tis, is inning bar
enad.otb., Mn. MM Herm Wit
Bewie., sou of Jere Bowers, len b.. es
Tbuesd.y, via Ornerier, le rip milatives
.t 8t. Tamar. Ides Meed Wbys,d
1Wst04 tomes .'hww•Ntpalls .b.4,
k .pending Eater holidays ender the
parsaW red. The Melbas ap seek ap-
ppears to agree were her Temple Clerk ,
seere.or to James Medd, taller, .IMM 54.
parents at Auburn as 8osd.y, reerelm en
Masdmy Bert Treleaven .ed wife left
es fl•Nrd.y to attend the f...rol et Mr.
1'roiea.en'. sae*, Adam Hoover. of End
Weimar/eh. Mr. Hoover was me of the
pies.,s of the disked. Before ret
hoses Mr. mad Mn. Ted mese paid • 514:1
whit to the Indy's resatl./. at 81...4...
Fronk Lane, of Meteld, as E.st.r S.dsy
was the guest of George Wed break, .f
W.o,ir* *T, April. bib.
Mei May Powell, of Tenharry, is .tela.
leg bar wet, Mrs. George MsD..oM
Edge Ceak.,of Ripley. and Wtll Reg..,
of Godertsb, are spending the holidays N
Mitres M•tpi. aid Jamb Dtmam• left
Tuesday morning fee T.e be, whirs they
w111 reside.
Ur aid Uro. Robert Mee, mad hark
dentin', at OodmmW, ere vtrilly M..
Meese a
R. W 1. Wee% et 1eerrit mid R...
last i, ef ~• wm., .ked pulpitspulpits8.ityrenerslsg
Ohs Mlle &ff, .t diens, mid Leek
Doff, el Ernst Wwe.sh, ore mpesdl.R the
&alldays ander ter &may reef.
Oil 111011ITON,
MONDAY feat., APRIL 10
wadi 1st ..epic s 86 tel
Twisty Artist, ruder the Cronies elf
MRM. CAW/14fflt E. 1(0001.1.
"The w..m'..tnh.wo par st.sttes...
•oath Teri fie..
M �aibilb
the M rdrierk Desk el.5.
la: 4-7 BUPHBYI11. HoLIIHHN'8
Friday, April 14
Special engagement u1
a000.pnord b}
(:.nplete new Scenery by W. L. Inevey,
of New York. The nod oe.'rk.1. N,.4,i.
cal oati�lteccver carried by • deeicpsed end�..d.
the Edison l�wtricS! Co. by
Po t4vely prod.dtla rye hI.rriug
ottptasl malas
" Thtillbsedisti aid Dui.'
" The i141s 114. Fara,"
"Tha esslrb gpograiNst
"Theo Mask%
'The ai.*4. $ ilea.
teenier with .i.atra 0111., Snakes mod
may either salad aid dri matte odeots.
UM S.. tilt of Sorry.
Ove Carload d Wonderful Scenic and
Dawwde Meta.
lootlrrsD if this a not
$1, 114 ewver� Awseles. of Bran
Beat sale apes Meeday, 10th.
der Yeeines. April• 1*5.
se 11
M f
•lei....».».,, t• ad'
ell 1
Star bem�. • es
N "M
i u tt11 44
[teem espshi/. tl fat11 to:
nes -
• brr_....., ...
111 inti11
For .:terre use oily is a poetise ogre far
Weak and U• S Sere
SSOWN.me SiNtioists,
kepba _ - kisdeed -
II hoe Abe boa band • era far throat
aitheilsai la beton.
1.r - iiditr-.nom .fwd ,.TKea ."
Marls ea le , Ova."
A.wpsd as witis ash beta:
select.., .rf�.riilMde+
Amid; imaparbi piar by power 3.
Inns le better thee •
We do
All Kinds of
and Repair
Machinery of
any description
at short notice,
and for little
J Cs.,
.145.111, se set awest
�af• at p!I{
whNs� sN..s51 ns
), roe
A the wars 4s,Owew wig=
nsgasnloa maelllrset _Seams. • marassa.
a... M arrest alt J U.4.
atsestanner et all knee or
Mink' 8ladk., Salt Yams, Mese Ise
Werke, etc., ole..
And Dealer be -
Regimes, M..hli-y Oneengc, Cr.
AA ons• et Plow mid Pipe NU*"
.sist, sasil Waller Gamma, Ulabi l L..
ieel.a Oteskd4 'vi Earl M Lewis
A Om of $t.s1 Water and Qq
it eta ter tree et Innen and ethers
a1.p.Mimm smstiolv.r -i.. M
A. s.
tally P. O. les W. Sed.rhi,
1� lat i111s�r
Wo,..1J's is the plies in fp'
all bride wads
bpi aftd.IBe 5..
Dairy a1ld Mask! Time.
Oar one mkt at
Asap Psila, Mann ani
Abe 1 vistroashisi aabd Oaks of 1.
pairing at
AN 0 COO[ cors
At any season of the yme there
is no ueeter eOmfOrt then a
reliable gook Stove in the
Id 15sii
It is with eoor stoves like wrflry-
taiing else : there are good, bid and
indidereot varieties.
We know you will be pleased
with our
rAMOUS and omits
8tovesandRan ges
Phanlikaithrui bath
W.t dee of seas.., me.I5Nrdr ser
Pit1, Oyster PBtlet,lalt, Sr6
lrabft, h.
rte wand.0 the Mai wade It -7
cap' Ie Quirk
Olrlm3s. lea& tin trade in
tinier ..el year sat.
Iekesleltt j y atered.
_7: D. OA