HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-6, Page 7Ix , rv. , . .v . •
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8PL>ua ROX iLlH. T$ ���Q� ,a_ THE �#EE �flE� SEEKERS. TflE Y�JKON IN� s �d d Srtlltlar. Is le too ouanmcr mnaay�owsea ar( • similar ears»
ate-..... " - .._ Jp tatitwtwllty newt - -"a far Yw. SEM -
-•�� Awa fllhmn the wr'erumeotil okdtri n' 0 � W 1�* rn
hatters of i0vat pro® ill Oyer CUYYISSIUN VV for pa 7fair to Also.
s u t, It t 10 bbu��,j�� .,� an InrYt1A►
puWk� atfaln- Alru. M Int. 11 has .pl),b moo» me Ylto a1
no reproomtaticm t° the 1lttaw& . 16- haat wpplhad 9
to World. Modesto Refrain From De- I3eusd. In Ht. dtrsatirf.etorn and
Modestly Nernst. of �h yoe pars heard,
The new r-emolm hark MAreehal manding Deed of Yukon. - DEVELOPS A SENSATIONupoon the jaly (winmamladurlyih =;47;r=
t A 'E'I a him "�haS he
IApf�, b given up as lrat. Lard Salifty lecepta Plan 1
'�tlstm w ties Nile Is W q Q + } _ question Introduced, poi Leos luras not Cone erre- knew fes "leased b tell. He
�' t C . 4� annuugood 01 DBdt elQenrt ASK NEARLY EVERYTHING ELSE. - ive"rioberThe words (�o-rarel commies In refusing and sea.
Sive " std " Lthetrol " ars sorely committed W prlrarr /or eonMmpi.
Imeani b etre TbrRtRry. Two or three .Says' reflection
taw iMld Prdbte d $7s UCLawa, Ommd., Al,rli l.-(Sperlsl.)- A Witness Confesses He wa.s H i red It caused sumsth ua a aeasYiWun, three l«,rea her tongue. When he eame
t p=W the new Iridr County The Government luw about ouesptetr4 t1mrefu». In tits It°yal ('uomLrtu° before me M ivy nothing mq'e than
take piece on T,turaday. lel OpCB830BB1a LETTER arrmumgr•mentr for. these Won °f ti,e court on the third day -t sittingwhat was reported
Me, I)<teluud Chamberlain, brother of vuMrr )lots is Winnipeg, ao ar W per Ottawa Tories. when the e•tlemcr ut Dennis Pull -
Me, that of Me faintest chamracter. to Leet,
Jord a mm man fn,w Ottawa bad had ku(pwuaomw
Mr, Josryh Chasallr,aln, ls�delld• 11 „r _ ve tt(D i�1rltM at of Political t� what M -and 1"td IaLA".tamtaatl
..-_='llironew �inoiF-w1�•a'[,.'�te te�sll• + � . v... .,-� , !o lila' ..Lar flea w{llpen _-. ,., . .. �. m.._,.........,._-�... ...__._. - -_.._ _ i y .pe
Sites- pbtlantbroplAl. M ortt3pAlly in. 111 6-i FtllgiA �Om, Ina Pa.r meat• to till the vaoasey eirsed Q .eter48 leioi -44 "= � =t tico result that than* was
try the teeth of Mr. Jamieas► It will preferred, noibhti orlmlmel In it, although there
qyo Montetm.l aoet$owl r.se Children Stene to Destb. °°L k" Pts.lble to hold an election until A HIRED TOOL. was twomrtimlmg tbat lofts Improper.
00 w• •�t�t+ b •piebctee• sheaf Lica latter part ut June. An there W KY NUGGET FELLOWS ARE HERE. The evidence bearing upon the THE NUOGICT CHAPS,
low tr talk of ata ilentrle Tallway &re little Prospect, tit prorcMattun be
Me between WOodstrrit Arid haps- tore auras time Irl July, Winnitim will potut bora follows: You will. I pppos0. ere now, have
ntlt iHB )YALBS YILLBD QB 11t1PlDl1.BD b° s°t d dila w+arbn. The (tor- - -- - ---- --- - -- -- A. -About threw munthr W. In the heard of Slee wltluirawal of the Nug-
The rei•orts of the appratakttWns mar- ewunWAL M anxious to du all that It month of Novembers I entered the get sad other parties from the laves- s
Asea of tow FAciperor of Auatrla are -- can to aeoaa liah L employ of The Ntuggdt oleins W Selo
P Imla sad b W Their Proved to be Brsolw and They Refused t° go Before Judge tigatltn d Sha charger for the nave
wml• hem throelgh the revision with -all lutormn is r offpLiice.
the (3oW lt>rw cwt They to oat pr, but W have
Ts Once Psedored NAI,Wx Inas. Aaedbor dwpatch that the law wail permit If. - The Tory Agent Refuses to Answer and la Locked lip Till Nle moa. -Wash office. wldhdrawa altateer, in buil want a
The greater portion of the Yuko- Q. -Was that stlptmlatad-you were becoader
tlwid tome will be withdrawn in a Lkts to Awwdr[er-"eo1We11.sts Y 't v►dre °Ut Publble W have the roil- Telugu is Loosened -Mr. Ogilvie's Letter -He will go on With the empdoyed for that purpose? A.-1 to Investigate "'ny fir' and
stow completed her as W allow the new W Inverttpte aaything Sep b time
Heart tla►e. L d wheat line Independent for Itayor-A slea W tic =saber to take Ida seat this session, Isegslry, Even If Sir Charles M, Tspper's Fabw-Slanderers Drop the was to get $250 Per month while I
A sampha �h >R Oal11nrda - OlAlats the ls►dtaY than a revla!Cn would not be nee"- worked for Tire N t ; and 1 t year. bt s 2,000.eaMrs
bass went tries sees- Columbia b CiaeEN--No Limit Placed 4m thin Inquiry, but the Slauderers Have so wuura ►ntormatloa. Nugget;
I sent out About at=teen o vera Iald
Ata a Adoord• entry. because the province will have altcgether, of whioit two could not
V vombook. � -lad .is. l tasmmea Vmt- u Wasn't (live Them Under Oats. o! t tt4 eo iet-D to. u ono s les lnveeti�atad ander fb w - m'st
- W4l8Aa- Milsbi lew saes- up- Washington, D. C., AWT 4• -Lord Oeste M. Allan and D. W. Semple. Mr. q�llvlw-Lb you know un7thlr>s !:at n. The parties to them
led babdmastar d Lbs Tth Fodl- accepted the Ian °f the Klondike Nugget, arrived here Dawson, Feb. 8. - (l;tutrm clerpadehl warded to Ottawa on Avg. YSth of about any Intemots being Improperly refused W cxm with Ubs la a-
pola Sainbury Isar ac t° ven0g
P Obtained by any clerk to the Id cow,
lets at LtlfOea y-s/erday. They here been earryl linst seer by the It(Jaetr' (?ommlt- dorm. Isar golthg on myself Iradspeed-
proposed by Oermany for the settle. -I expect that by the &line you re- led Cod for the investigation of inanlouer's office? You s have to
W. H. Faittss's sots adwrist the I)o aR .a war age bks OoverfMemt u - answer that- A. -Well, I can't nn- ormtiy ut thmeon, seed wYl take up Lhode
meet of the Samusn trouble by the fQils In the Yukon• and of rourde eelvs thio the dexxu,n will ere well which the Ituynl ('ommtem,u was olmeages myself. I menton there facts
mhdon Batik was
dismissed yesterday appointment of a tripartite comms- ower.
at the C� AsaMea Ston. The a report her' what they have baso under way and that politics will appoMisq; the eerogcf b1 the Nugget e W note as they are public hero and
cumnlymaoe b of the dtating to their paper. Messrs Sem- have become mumewhat Interesting. oewttpaper rr eta prrPrietcxs Q• -welts i A.-Brontmme I for�eL iR I they mal serve W etill`htea yw.ovae
The Cat►- itAs lensed b the Brltlrlh broad principle only and the details pie and Ailsa are Aserlcsa;." being sY•shrit tomos I•hwcett, ex-Ould have Ment the information W Ottawa.
prior a Ishsr of ?banks for the -Doer- of Lhe Arrentgrmsnt are yet to d reporters on the Seattle and port- I koow scarcely anythleg of what b _____ ----
that ryas :o his rasnripL agreed upon. M the Ualted States land The f6r r char were dullest Q,-DId you acquire
It yourself? NA.
Prow betore.going to D.wwn. iWng u, for I sekk,am see a Cana ! h _Yea you acquire ft ACROSS SEA IM TWO DABS
The Danish Government willsurd a has afready accepted the general The are therefore u posed forth to ere co n.
y p generally dlan newspaper, and it may hr that The chaises prelerrwt lees the Nug- Q. -Well, 1i u ac
cruiser to China 1n connection with Proposition, there. is no lots W Canadian ways of dulttR th4ep. qulrel It, you
her oosmelelai peojeete tike-& doubt am W the o the QPPmmeiibon ole not enters- W tet new. paper were as follows: could surely ve some Idea of the '
organization of he They only represent tnemselves here, 1. That wbomns Fallen dot wtl" 7
The chief agent of Dan Sautes has ""-pubo- having no mission for the people df raise a "bowl" " In which the word lull late lib real nature of It, couldn't you? A. -i can -
once mots aausrtad 11" all le ready INDEPENDENT WIN`.!. Dawson. What they principally ole sonadal wtsald be the predominating y �` trot remember anything now.
Toledo. Ohio. A 7 t lug , fu tore mutts d riot
for a revofntlruarT arvememL April 4. -Samuel M. Jett W Is the alternate claim protea. sound You w111 -u .owns be pdtam- fug and up3alag of lk,mlimion Creat CUT-THROAT TACTI(s.
The writ for the lfOOk.tIM byweleo- JoAea, ►ad.peZmdeat eaptYdate for ey want Shia abolawhed. They also bench cislum to the d Q.-Y'ou cannot rrsember an ti,in• Airshipto Have a Speed of 120
L4wm has been leaned Yr. Mayor, was yedte-day ro-elected moiestl want the royalty abolished ed to learn duet up u, the present, tt�nt 7 d t
Speaker b7 1 7 7 the m!•ere and else benettt d the now f lb you mean W May you refuse
F�►r. ANN 90 le pttk�ig dory. 6.000 majority over both the Rapub- or reduced to k or a per cent. They altbuullb Hee Royal Uummiwbn W dibble Aad their Mends• W tell f L that the construction you Mlles an Hour.
Ilccau and Demrerat.ttchatd. further ole�t b appeals coming to Inquire Into No charges of oorrup 2. That at the time pnvdlrg the wish me W Place on your answer? It
The ataartes.CltT 09 Seattle. from KLLLlaeNE BEFORE. Ottawa.i°e7. however, want an k>r°apce d to t you know saythleg and were willing
�kegvay. AIYka, brings news of a appeal themselves from the commix- tis made asalnrt the Yukon oftl- lite own�acttbe tit July lltk
{50,000 Lire ai Dawson, March 9tb. Ponca C1ty I. T:. Apru 4,--CI7de elms hue been open two weeks, 7 to glue It to the Nuggdt, I do not ere
jlattox klllerj Lincoln Sween, moose's decisions. Tory also ark for aria ai 10 p s, he did er d I& wiry you are unwilling W give It here.
i.oed tSWltetrary and M. ttl=De have 7. as a removal of every offense In eke Yu- loth has been roves The No dsvtste t:dm lila seas notice and l` ENGLAND INTERESTED IN IT,
agreed so take ap for aettMme°t bks �h�n here• eve° 1Ot P [ Yost have W answer the vstfoa• A.
►Ladagtlwoa � to(r excret Mr. Iiegtler, the new Gold me a pet'rilt to Mvs• =mew Koch. � L,ondoo, April 2. -Dr. Felix Bar-
w a boon to the Whin Doren b ignominiously twaLsn and has N_Atugget,
the same time 1 worked for the
r and French dare Quer Club esloou In a Commissioner. These are their prig• get' 't°Om S. That Yr. Fawcett sea su[a►r and �
tlor►rvel to erhlclm Nugget i recelied Im�iruetloM to wort
tions Bwlatney was Sues rt�sot In 1891, copal demands. 'obey any that Lhe ad- WITHDRAWN THE CHAROES unjtst to flan miters through ISL office, agulnst the Nugset. I am bound by t'on's alrehlp, the trial of which was
Jaggeas, Richard Harding Davis' when a ores boy.-Hattoz Inled , ministration of the Ould Cum tuition made. The same with the alleged io that when through Ignorance on the atit not to ezPlalu It to described to a cable despatch of
er'r office under Fawcett was the part of the weld mlusm or thro h in- Tat and f
nrewsagwr, has arrived In L°udan negro in
(lkinhoem Cry and was Miners' Aisociatfon. The Nugget W refuse W give any answers y . you. last Hnada has ail lm
and been preodnted with a alltar rnteODe1I to di sih. Itis mother, al• most corrupt under Heaven. Four site competence on tors part of Sire Gold Q. -Explain how you came W take 7. greatly Frew bo
medal. ter vainly spesdtug w fort►taN, Soda hundred men would be lined up wait- bot abed hail and In yesterday's Issue UtsumwAo&Wx o fftoe,two applWationa y Lhe British Government experts tubo
ort tilaL oath. You nay you sere bound by
Unr the wen's stn out tits behalS, appeased to Pottiest Cleve t W get a claim marked oft. it thew W square itself by aayingthat week) entertalned4ox the main gruand nth not to reveal these matters. Who wltneaMed 11
's. Q y land, wba ecmmatMd Mattoz's Men• would 'eke about a west W t thu and bath pa.rtirs the entrance tee To a cureea t Dr. Barton
Iachta were
sauced of the toyof tomos b done. The do not char F It was "an investigation iga which b imposed that oath on you t A. -i can't els°
iLitp't1w�e11t. A screed T to awcett of i1S, the tae the heisted std un- said
yae,mi seers sobbed by toms peeiNe of list with dldhoneet The s not allowed b investigate." 1 am mention that either.
t'lllelramhe. Dmmtt to Prs�{gept y• 7 peak well of Netting you a Nugget and you can His ""s"ful APpllonut was refused to be Q. -You can't? f We would like W get I have been requested by the
tNasslted 1a a Imadow last Crown Timber Agent Willison. The �f for ourself. You will under- retur--d to him. It It It le authorities W prepare sketches and
An American syndicate has been' yegt may that OgUvlo should not be ar y Dktstrs.Charler K. Zorn and Andrew possible to It. I don't ay be ship
stand The Nugget better when 1 want to employ any rough menaures
formed tine spend talltlOsd In p�yovldlng NA.Y UILV.0R."TRIAL• lowed W conduct the Investigation, elle Nelson were both allowed to record the D' 7 °$ maileed of
hundred yards w the
tell ou that the paper had secured I s:m -shah yew e I
-..... nuajrlfA.. lei lr.. rAJJlraJp. 1tu. . - ase hr3.Jx assn clslam. Ia 1>t,saf.tr w• Ali l'IT fin i 1 ygu 1uu9Jr•.
pp •G�[ tp� pa t ,y Lary Ball cin Tori: d en f[tit•
,iapeavlaffe. ellert at
" : .: it'll is --'Slee ti'tlCI for - ��- Mea' of arra . s fi elicrlaslba eatltel�' aoid Tile Odd Coetmfvlorer retttawd Tu are tick ezone-tiC" eros answer.
Tics total dead of the Windsor Ho- of llr' Nancy Guilford (ler murder was through He strusatlonailam. They y Ing any question. 4. -That Is all I Woolwich, and �wuud�hatvmen wiled
The Dominion Customs collections W return the none W Ne'ao-, al -
tel fire now usmbars 41. Of them "''a �O to the further (Idealhors panda -ed to the American ole• know, rte.
rte for Lha nine mo rid M the each- thutth the claim creat W Zonr. miler Iliad I not t It down.
examination of tmardwrltimg ezperM• r bent hems. who lora sensationalism.not Q. -Yet YOU Any you were em ,Iu c "The finished alr brought
carry a
a0 are tnWeatitled bodies and per- etwptaped b7 the t3Latis, 6:
esdablish year ttP W tete end o! March reach" but them seats Americana do acts ;. 'That Mr. Fawcett did Cee lits of- ir, work by the Nugget 1 7 d p
tions at morgue. ed a total of $18.810.064, as oom Ilelal powers for the-bonefit of r•ronal Sege people, and also
Pe crew of eight mea, have n lifting
tete prlerrtlett e. telegrams.
with Lhe pared with $18451,810 for the same & t to be aback and a would be friends anti to the reudice of free employed t workathat? them. 1V hat
The Ministry has ansoafwM vartors Lettere. tslsgrama eta, sled Iwai a terrible sethaek for The N t if P am I to Inter from that" What in Site t1Owet d 4,000 pounds. meads" 160
e t.kam year, an Increase of $ mh 'I a. In the caw of She Ibminloq feet by 29 and have a capacity of
that for a omatrerelal arm w-hkh had beep offered as evidence b7 It had to tell the truth any Py ,t Le outer ? was eAssocl d 00.000 cubic feet of h
r wttb theII� BLatnm ate tete folate. !'8.818. March colleotlona Which ('feet claim of gra inner, when he yd °. The
smooere[hi were exceptionally high last that thele cheeses wen been
baseddjam. compelled bar to by the ioarrg ConservativeeopidIn Aas°clnr fO °
a a eeoclnslorm- OeOf 7 'o year, boss b! pay Alexander Mo -vertical sena will be 1721- pvaro
FA'11EiF.It OF 117. by reason o[ tits a that all Sleets a had bees bnsnl norm oil Ottawa-eroPlcod IrrrLrnetlontw
Approaching tariff Ronald the sum of two thousand dol- feel. The d 1 D w111 be
The Aalffed i a la Aloxan- on rumor sal semen end ins?-ua- from Lhe aseoolatlon to find ort who ship's eMt
Antlemsoa, Ind., April 4- = R"07 shop. elungea, totalled $2,43,488. Thtf y' late before alk,w-r� her to record a 97 1 2 feet• and h 10 feet• net-
t ebar;td with the mer tions newts and started b -+Cue was at the boot of It. That IM the ttepht
and booaams a tacker for Lhe 27th (n spite d ebe fact that them y pe olein etre lead staked
der of Espseor Willis ve been par- who haat nits bad failed W work adtmation I am laced In. ting L test, beam 1-1 feet. The
tiebe dart eight and now lays claim 10 one dal sN In the mouth by of ;. That while the public was being D diameter of the wheels will be 5
tfally tissead by the ooerts IBdlana mouniL All of the children Oood'Frida con in, the collet- their "Craft." so Tire Nugget comas F.MYB.OYEIItl DIBAPL'OINTED.
y coming dpnled aooeeo W the records or any
feet. and of the fan ler 9
No teed tttsv7rl fl<rt C. P. R. to out with Use lame excuse lost the ee propeller are sites and are a hardy kit. The tions reach i2.8t8,.r01., w decrease Wormatfu rt rdlrrg unrecorded I,aier on Mr. Oalpbs, of the Mlgers' feet.
,lay brwati i A%B mM and lsontpeal, powers of the commiwMwnere are
���d� fwd There b somewhat a puzzle In nammxa oC about $$0,000• aroma, se to
cepa et did prepare insect Afolt examined the stns wit There are a conn! tower, an
they all kid !n iso ergbMded, eke limited, that it V a whitewash. cx conning
1atuq b10hCmtl by Below' at Dgchaa} There ars. In Instance, three Johns ------ and cause W ere prepared mon+ or Ips °rK ora follows: a e"room. steering The oldest le stilet John, alis reooad curse. LI,eW opposlttun papers will complete list@ of vacant ground wtilch Q. -Ton mid you had told Mr. Arm- °g1° t tear. and e
I le John. HE SHOT FOUR 'PEOPLE reprint ander sensational headilues: Youknew of someth bomb tube, y pull
jm and Hes thl-d, sow a Lae dart Meted W hie f[lend& stern that
A Toronto Oa 'taller ha said W have mtau. ha Joimmle. " Lhe statsasnts made In The Nag- S. That An entrance fee was chn wrox that you knew one clerk M theme When you wish r rise you II
mteDst'd. eke fatless a rgrd L 7 up Lhc db or inclined I
ixrrelumd a block of tan thousand y ' get." and collected 1P his office. office who Iliad twenty -orae Interests, Dhrebb�• plane.
le more than do seas ofd In the fo»
shares ilabi stool in tics Republic8 mine, EVIDENCE INVITED. Dated at Dawson, Y. T., this 8th da and then pert d the ship,wee start
trealrlsgtos, Yesterday, at $S.bO per STARVING FILIPINOS. J Tat told Lime Commisdoner the propeller, and you asdad. B
si,are. Seattle. wath., April 4.-A Wash- A Williamsburg Tailor's Fit of Notices announcing the sitting of of February. 1899. that you tied no definite information lowering Lire diaphragm you de
It le that the Hellmdth baits volunteer at Madly writwti D the c000latba and inviting charges E. C. Allen, for The Nugget, tea•
were rioted lean -Shot yes got It on rumor. IS that so T
llding at London rine t�@r date of Feb. 15th : "The no- P ter the hundred and des- Compla L A. -Yea. air. MT recent taste were only with
Ladles' bu J Jealous Rage, Lrle.ted rn w tgrwt til .rill be a y
rite women and children la one g ry here• Thus were fol- The cora otoft are of Q. -You said you were employed by a model, worked by clockwork. but
boon euht Ma cbwm gti ecsrpamy, who lowed by Other &.tieee statlag that the gravest nature, and are etearly the Young Ctxtservative Association of
will ooeveri1t Into a tall for con- neighborhood and beyond, ad well as my finished machine will be driven
b0/pi the old men and sick, are absolute) anything skid by a witness would not and emphatically stated. Ottawa 7 A. -Well, i wasn't exactly
shA list p y be amid %au" klas, °oa eves U It FURTHkR CHARGES CALLED FOR employed. but I got instructions from I an electric motor, at a speed o
starring W death. 'Iltelr heaban6s FOR WHICH HE MAY HANG 13'rD Melee an Imour, are would
A Ilse prepared to the dfioe of Life and father@ have been killed, wound- -bowed iia to have bean as corrupt boring the two weeks that Inter- them to keep My eyes and ears open to t°
Adjutsat-General e$ WAs6'egtas sed, oaptrmrwl or drlr-n back W Mal- New York, Aprtl 1. -Joke J. flc lmitt: ale the otAeialt .wee, cleaned to he • betweee fhe preliminary dtStng this °O°°try. �.- L� days. n Ln New Yoe! Is lass than
shows the casaaltin Id Mantfa ulnar Okla, their houses burned W the n Wtlitamaburg tailor. 83 ears old. Thea -Dans the Ne� which Of Apo, tbd opening of the court am fe Q•�ad you esti aN objects of then
7 leteamd P • Them b no »seem Why the per
IMG 4th to be 167 killed and Sint ground wltir ah their earth) r eadvie bel°? to D oscar(si the opportunity war lien for filing an sews tenon . A. -I 6wm t think them L.
seceded si 7 Pis living at 1,5 Ewda xtreet, while in eo6etetioa of Slee otfkAAJ4, almost fn- y t t r any need of totrtg Int° detail& Athateriol atrehtp ale°utd not cross the
Mlonw, sad they are left with u means teethes chargee : Cal. more. by ver - aryl Atlnntic.
a fit of jealous rage to -night. shot his vtte4 perjury by reason of the strew ons and
Preventive Ofiepa $'Leeds, of She of subsistence. They attempt to come Ii repented file
ea the prrge Q•-1 like to trees. A. -You " Full accommodation for supplied
Inland Reveres mother-in-law, hit wife, lien sister -in• 16 in d Coca Slee point Loaf mo matter h arP an Englishman T DD
Ilepariment made ae into Slee American Ileev bT . *e c n- what a witness ml h were requested a ills any charge ^tt for time crow would be
law and lits brother-in-law, and end- t t ray IL would provided In
important rivae d setsO�bd to- hot have W be turned back. We can- they desired W make• while et ?hal WAS TL'PPER IN TII1Nf the car of the vessel, which, b a
bunco o a Private boss 1= 13eortvtlle not feed them " In b7 Ilrlog a ballet as his 1•year ole anotLa be used againstmos him. The paper eorhuL was Inld °par the tact that y
this _ Infant clamored and alttost preyed for eve- in do doing they would be protected Qthe N 988 rt'T 50 were month
to get reveal.
which I do not think I well
�r Schmitt had been separated from dense, bei nue baa come so tar, and from molt-lnerlmlnatlon, by bn N et nt f2 of a month eget reel t o always kept on an even
As V kids cW& M on Maanday Thune his wife for some time• and to nitbt so they try to intense themselves by There was no possible lack of et'�nO° against tete offbrrs. Have y.,n keel through the bottom of the car.
may. Emperor h,m.echa Joespb yeMMr• AMENITIES OF TEXAS LIFE Y N g knowledge or misnderstanding con- ttOPicd a s1° cent- from it? A.- "There are two bomb to ban.
aebad went W the hoose of her teethes. tw saying It 1s not an Investigation. and N0. which could be used for dropping dy-
y w the feet d twelve Delo• r Anna WILL, at 160 Oraham avenue• they want an extension of power. earning the conditions of Lhla court T
gecuris n the Hofberg Hall of and tried W effect a reconciliation They do not may that tits greabset -They were dlaappolntect In your nnmlte shells on ort enemy.
�CPrrree of Inquiry. sloes theme notices were y proposed to du? "My skip le M be Constructed on
with his wife, who had qe back etmovnL of nbaw hurled at the offl- s posted on all the creeks and la all pub- proft•,sdnar�what r
vials was hurled the Nv ♦"-1 think -they were. der time sepery of tine military
lfiests11hee from British Columbia to Ilve fuse her mot et Ser b>7 tget, and Ile officer But when Slee crommldslon Mr. Tabor -Yo- went thin laforma- mathorklen, and I confident that
indicate alts po..lbluffy d. ow slow of !esus Mampela Shot by Walter husband rand a. return to her that prior to Aega.e 5th. opened no further charged had been tion to the Young Conservative An- k will tufftl the tlesditiora I have
t.hn 8loese trNmg O/eaad down, owing husband. and Kra. Wild Cttamplated JUIN;E DUOAA' OFFER. matte. The court, therefore, Proceeded xoclatlon of Ottawas A.-Yes,,slr.
to the edoreemenL of the provincial Dunham. her cause. Schmitt drew, two revol• with the first count In the char P'reote"...
Pi hL But these IW eat (mportatd omLrion tee Mr. Tabor -That has political asso. -
K boar law. vers and fired point Wank at the two made by the \ t is Lhe fact theft formulated by the Miners' Commit- P° -
t+Bgw t elation f association
CNUflCN fl0� IN E�6UMD.
Alex. Brown, a fames, was rob. women: Me& Wild was lortattty J as o n ties oda that the tee, via., the "paw" system and Ir
$p5 as Pelssabs °des De[ v'er7 7 Mr. Tabor -Kos aro a member of
hal of WL ttltimk AN ULD FEUD THE CAMSE. killed; Mrs. Schmitt was shot is the N charges were withdrawn regularities conn^ete•d with tdmtwton test wwoclwtiont A. -Yes, I am. In
Thr• pocbt•troufk, whit part of the arm and thigh; Nicholas Wild. a bre- Ap l d that Into the records office daring the
alone has base peps--tAat dthomgh the , recording one sear
rNOtmeed, and Etc. Ex Paso. Texas, April 8.-A six- tber•ie-law of received
he umQdry •was properly eomrised W the rush IsK rammer. Mr. Tabor -For poilticalpurposes
PNt F owes ha nadoi'aetea4. abooWr t toot head;Ifiterfa-sad redlvwd a bullet M doeprior to Aug.5th. yet noRSOLUTELY UNSUPPORTKD,
snit thin, i suppose "~
ty�a f this
in the "Ten head: s egress -in-law. 1?sallne Wild. chargeshe any Of the number of witnesses exam- N, tip' tic DPowt A.-
blpg-s d ITS !*orf whoodfaas' deNat° district o{ "t'' e'p• be- was shot In the ata, &ad Nchbltt bo himself "°r' prepared LO ''� � Anti -Ritualists Attack a Ports-
th. greeter asajortty d vines call twNs an American and Mexican, a,ebt of maltessaaoe the Nugget heed none tentlfH+d to anything Im. Mr. Tabor -Aro you In the teen fired a elect at him 1. Par -old In- T at T Day of
from the TWO's fusses dhetrtvk haft feeak W the death Of Jere Main• y °Jshi wish W makq against any W- tlrrg either Mr. Fawcett or his that association? A. -i rersr W mouth Procession.
b,g fent All d Sibs womeded peopk wen Ll
Montreal for Mastiaka Al of a, the Mexican. 8 co . tt matter slice Site offenod was s. Deyard the tact that the answer that.
Father �' Noshed W the• Catherine capitol. per- ,ops Vllleneuve nand,
�� d w'4fl1pg Walter Dunham. the man who ctld Nicholas Wild b said to bio in a ptt� committed. The N�gvt knave bT ARRE6TF.D FOR CONTEMPT.
The DotmK WieAale i lloo lfa the shooting, rookies at Pecos. Texas, earinns nonditbn. and 1t la ltelleved feotly well that the Jails would accepted Llys'
tksm place where he owns a reach. He Is the have full ewer to The r too either answered Lou
t compel a wlLnew Or day, while ihhs count
Me tltealoed b wase he wan die Idea, reoloovvtt aim] MI• hale t too melte The Impressionthat
time std City oil reels of Beth Be". bks cowbsoy. wbtr Prtelttte Wild will -soover• Schmitt to answer. that M oottid rmd a weer was still s Invwstlg-tion, flew given to those 1faLealnt was hnL he
(ell es 1 Boa fyot• Windsor I(i11ed teras Josses policemen a year sews arlwuted. W Jul1 fcr oogteoq►t of eouzL If abfgt was ralwd whether Mr. Ogtl- Port tquflm, Ap:ll B. -Thi blit r to 1
to 0esgiien Bay pories Wad the goo, ago aaad wc>,maded several otherodillr- ate dol not avower, but they carefully v16, as Royal Commissioner, could wax In DAwwm for the purpose of
Usorp IL Aur a running f{ght, anti was mmt• Wt0 •RO=11 IIAITN4 conceal these fact% for they do not take cogutann -P of any not+ of coal- getting hold of anything that might Ing mgalryt ritualistic Practicew in Lhe
T � ort the ttg want the mltre» to know that thele fewasrnrce occurrin atter the dots bo of Advantage" W the opponents of Eng1Wm Church was trtnnlfeetecl horn
Kingston 1Mllsstija deed ee f slMn try a citizen who juhydrls -- 66 the
,la d �� seater the pursuit. The man killed alohm. bngar•o Pr to Rdemdd w the 74-lsa of o were gromAlsaW Zoe will e t which the a ease ret forth Im present OovPrntttewL. and wsus cwt yesterday, when a ritualistic
7 tyYhew fever, after An Iliums De '1°r�s altogether careful es to the Warmer DreCN-
extending tier two wseka Twelve ad b be the slajer of 4&0 ase *War Rswbway. we y the report of the mvestig_s- t o Royal Commission were (steno In shies he served Ala employ""- ILe s'ea LO St. Agadhw's Church (Atigll-
yPwn asd boasted that he lied killed ewe tion that a mart named Pulford has iftted•can) was attacked let w ntob.
oto M was appointed b lits Perls April 1. -The F ro Iles Commlwloner dPcolPd that. sec- wines placed under gFrrvt for cu- Time mob stNlrpwtt t he mteeM from the
Present DOiMos cm the w was anxioes W most iia pub- been sent w jet for refusing W an- (ro he m the termv el the at Fie -
staff. teatMatiary t�uncle. limited the Official record of the ewer a Question. You will Also neo- B tempt of court. He ew"PPd answering aeolyMs and emptied bags of moot over
the gaestkon as W who Imposed the .iahmrnnoo mI sew In cows♦, Denhadl heard of limp tooast and Mllltat•y Court which tried larder- flee whgt part politics are Playing "b^n• he cold not legally consoler any d7Owd Limp whlM roheht of the rlertiymPn•
r lrelos at D[ba�en *at Moperp char poo oath, with se ti wl her similar quer- The C@ charged the mob and
lyDl• his eye on the Mnxiran when lmaq b AatuMt, 1B98. It appears to affairs Isere. YttUord rose that he tug based u acts committed
from tt that rhasy was ancon• vee esmptoyed by Lire Young Conerva- after Avsust 214, 1899. T plea entered drove rt pact end flaall ander
F'rancb Joseph d A 111 ewer they met He NMi that liampe d later by hla attorney that the ebargPs y
either Pyl R Lhi and nveral compsakme followed ed of seodirfn tgreet@°Ittg 1st Sive Association d Ottawa. WANTED TO WITHDRAW. W which his erilance referred or. ugfOOt Sneed ;,.*And
V) 5r+ar-old term to President Frwre. ts'ne"ded;
lest d AJtomra oft SPalf, leis, seed sees ha awted them w1mY Upon MarOrg this statement, lar. P. cursed after the 25th of August.
1 the ro+taasla, Meter of Prince" was wanted they said it was °one AL the sloes of Slee. @vNence rite 'f`81 TORT �Ol•YT. McDougall and George Armstrong, -
da sires of - o! Ilia business. and Mampela reaob- President of the court pat three Is• acting for the miners' committee Cf AM- OOILTZ" LM7'17A. MWWN LD IN A POOL OF WATER
woss to Ills col1ea� es, as follows: Rvldeatiy He laNod O&it a Liar but • _
hit be ind ou ad for his gun. Before he ecoid rotas Past last summer. expressed their desire --
:'tth in . Mr�y draw It the Tema fired four Mbots. Flint, shoes Fete y be retired W withdraw their obar Thd-prC- why the Ifesadt Ywth!<dds ltavd Oomd TrArtld Death of Woll ZmOvrn Reddest
Inx w sine a eomwwstoo Tits Mottew° fell Aad only lived a for habitual misbehavior? Second, Monday night, Feb 'St. -Pulford was Firletore of the Naga eggs rrew@papsr to Ottawa. of 1teAadllsea.
waft c0 Ambaw&- was he flty of n areve offend liberated to -da ppoa pOLlLlon, both par'ttea Mr, W. A. Slherwood, of Toronto. has Brantford, Ont., April 2, -Joseph
I r I'w few tltt sub. Dunham r ase locked 7• He n red In mads sfmllar
aPPr'oprta/s aa� att�tt�s for ee".6 ap Leet subsequently "leased on a CnIlta9fthort 1Mclplitte t Third. was ly lag a and swore that he know nosh- giving w their reawam blurt tee adeps received tiro following letter from Parmmter, tar many len»
csresoAy ow the Queen's guilty of • grays offend against Bag ngalraat any dflcial. In tact, he d the oho ha-
ahmnlvert& Second of $2,tJ(10. rarueeleass Royal
ton lmissio. Commissioner ( Ivlw of the Yuturt Slow oa
'?• honor? The reset voted on the Proved himself to be rx.t only ti Ilan Mr. rllesler. ars w roan who has
Rrantt riO T OtiTli$. aA Royal GrmmMsdorrr, TerrlWvy. The atter in dated Dnw built more sidawapm In Brantford
ofd c to 1u►te v Isolation A TRAGJIDY tet INION LrpR. flftt lased In the affirmative t to 2. but A fool. I have stated that the and Mr. YVAPSOW as eldei defendant, ,sem City. March 2nd: than anybody aids. Mose with a sad
irspltal for Domta�;rt1� awasee at The second LOW was tnantbrmaly mmini cion an ft to belt .eondo~ each msflp �, e protest against I thank
lust The belldl T foo be bR� Vila °� you for your kinin allusion death Friday night.
tr. the ell cig Vttottented isbowOmrNdrDxmrelsdd uvertheDeath rejected• seed the third wine negativ would be more correctly Lertned an this eosaska prowmeators were to the administration of affairs here, Mr. Parumtsr, atter
nrSmDer, went
widow of 7 Mew. John lisrrta M Prinee t.oewdnstNn. ed by a voted 4 W 1. Ode. Zer• MgnWHen or a per'seeetloe of tine Wppar+sutly wager b adze thin loopholes and own assure �oxn that m7 ons de- ort for a wail In 1tL neural health crate
one of the late frandests d linden's letter tramemitting the Officials. In title s4!►tement I am of escape, and were finally permitted alre Is to sel things aright. Kos Can sdrlte. It appeal" be is mabjert to
LM A. $attfa Co. (saw lfiasq-Hassle London. April 2.-Fadklonable cis- ffsdlrtgd of the aetut almimf"a the borne ort by Mt. Cie t. tlhe legal b"ttre trom00% act Of tbs arse& Mr. understand that In connection, with severe lite the result d a satyLrote
CO.) eke are ugeh ezeretred over the vetdlct, dmf ws sorrow tad- adviser. Mr. L says that flip Og11vle sheeted however. that time wane trrathches of the adminfatration rnrttw yea» sgr� seed was attacked
A reenmg%ftinUcift has berm death d Pat Lvdwlg LnaweatAeln• tdy eia� and gluon to Mr. Og1ftb nailer the cdelay rprov- with Men Of them just After leaving
"tat" Lcgt�lhtse at Wetthefn at Manila. It was t>tse oil �g a light al fAmmbii1cm wme tltoN of w tbat,amm $° al Ommmssdoner, he would Ing them. Tills &risen fromthevast haws, and tell over In a pool of water
*%4brr�� ►"r a cammitMe b wire f�this tthamretrageddet, sudden, swift amdcom- The Pubo •� bas judge In thio High Court; that his sontlnue the invest
&fig of rallptaa, b ,,,,� IT Imflaeaoe Diets, Lhwt beeak flee dn►�i monrriCn y (desacs Len• sear tgaticra M all amount of work that has scevaslaied at the roadside, He was found lying
impeoriustieft �' "' 7 Caused w onaftttea. and dare is dot wa+ to hair the e• ges concerning Mete prior to Aug. In time past. tae, dowmw a.. If
mlicP IPiWMgn a b ie M of awl"-. also ailow. twat the tragte much - Iattoo as to host .fiha ]TL derst relati W the ��ppue
gqppopo� mt and a" iiitk._'sads,•laAwg a prewewus% he 1 nONa. the e1{�iwff 'TNI tlW , fzedieeoi
every o
said dotes wg&fl* of 'ins tatlefflt aftltm Y Jost " eco• to obtained it. it will be rarrim- repel•t Y,o ottQMit Tt ad need sous take rip the counts of each referring to Mtrt FSlmaw's�eka�, I gam*
I war tl4 YO&M of
('Sty oN NM. �. mQs sow M fit oMes.tia@s. that Rite isene of the r'eDO1N Lsrsa powers only he Would blateelreed elaat'ge In olvtwr, s:arnlne any vier simply want to este Sleet ta»�wern wig► and alt �. ale' '°h`� a
The Change Prlrtoe" Lotweleatelw•We thetm was was limited. A was s°pplled the cvwamiwdon am anon no tGaoha aOsswm and rah y
motion for eba of rmtue In eLtllblall setitled d toss dNeth of °0 uDc'° tate defetwfant matters Ot report os the tirOei. It
the Fontan CAws Oa4e T 0 to each rumber o tits Court of were withdrawn. The Ifs, fA bore are In the ohs toes to LtRD IN Tag
tW before Me- hat husband th h Lhe cried rise to rPd! W Lite wllegw- We Gold
meml"tort,or's omanffice to re- _
Jnwtlr•e Gwsatiss. wed eanb of the MlAle- wow' Mkt of stwrs� of the crooked- tidies >TTAL
Re>tetiaOa as OaBrgM Rall of bimMe on ettltesday-al t ooplp were b W trCas of Officials. t they want b Ttrt ettmmkskxt of fa ieeepb Ntmtdm pep Dore ws Isar
4a ca rvtw tees, and no otiyr
7 ttitiersOom, mat argnmeof Iti ha year- sic at noisy aawmed (xenl w claim. He cannot ok. no. Yer-
w"1e not hdaaN seeoast et ilio Air bmf'. The Orvirvatast has ordered that the admialthiasttom )tees now he thin form on the third man nl of its ha he le dlealwted ether costly, nbAtt With [sAta1
sen., 1me Pftnre. W1. broad4amidemL and tp as Toronto.
of Mr. '1'lae argwMentulp glsgd at Slee slier stili as Ipalry M Isere tubo bas tsedrt vera w cheeses t41 rule to territory. opening. w/um the etaLesrwi that It, can't tee ltdrmltw
will IsP Wank St►tsMay-VWty d A breach rf faith tem not saying $list i do not think gross sway then ewewring. April t• --Joseph Nlxcm a
d that (hers was sn ns camp lar roa atKt, CHARf1FA FALL THROUGH. done. He
wish" BLorrtrvwI , A&MMU R BAD WUNOL but the matter his Soft carried nbe• rt'N against itlzteen-ymerold hey. Iii
f(tmetoen had to fstttM Loarfvough. Tits aha alawt Mr. rawoett HF, i[U9T itVRA1R. � at No. 22R
sad A bad fire ---- yomd all houieft 4 16 ,Y elites out Oetallo street, was workl In the
yeMefkMy aftienroas, i/7lRs. bkshad. In v(1 J eases taken up and are seal ander and LvefLs all sorts of Llteorhae to peruke ehwmswret Na 1 we111th
for dtt�k a0 I of is 1 War1N► A gest* Natemilna IIwN the Rdauts at Whets too trhtr that 110 -.owl of all kupdrr. Than far lei the wllshMsl aremodut for tits fact that he was
QW -1111d::2-101 h rte atkaobm to his ( Law mtrwM ,set. on Mtsrday morning.
y a and Orin of a tmelw 1('rM eter� PY ; labor ttavMA Tp.esNMs. LSM stenting ikat has mess ?Tory woo ug� rep+rtwt Ow. He rofarod record. Whom aekwd to pat when he Ali and full down the
r` O1rA.V file ItljmtOm he ra a ?Tan i1•afohese, March $1. -Neva a inset- W Injure Nro Uberad (lovera• has �a able b »bet the adverse thane things in wNLinr amrs s hL etegier aha
o� d of I'Agthrtbn >Ytart' � �Ta�..�i beth reoelved bore tie low of a11Pnt, evlAwn" at every scent. while many trans, then le Serle erabla hhaadta• tkarddlwg_ ,16 r wbtCh Ire had been
1 1n wMlbl taffstf, �oF Ale dPaM Qki T p$llfitttia, ill ail 11664 a*- fi0s. I notice, 1n a food mains He N
ferhtrv/ `silo 1dlt� y��p�i� tborftA wIM seem Ot6a TNn o►f'I�1s.e was Line T@sH to � 41r oiL&Gsg Of flnm►nion t`t wt. awNt. FCr In ttgered 1n an anPrx►aPiolw Lxtm
teles ttbwna
R'rriAh. d the bat--- M orf i figMttng Nip Q RY. pirevsi M B4trbee labreaL to ars San days
w Man Cam@ .11Unn sato 4.M1 o'clock on 9atutday
err• 7 and Mads some offs
dea►1R 1111 tM'hr Off ort y this Stat Lan I �a iihe Okarse ws -Mr. Fhweett wilt stet glttkoa this Nrkmnr chs � *tsnrtn. when he s:pies.
s Oral two Lice tAeLa vewltgw r coast Ott y r�c" wOm@ of the
s,>rhtsa,,ta, st+eosA Ad m ofd �� fa 1M wntsal Marline sea Named, ngalrl cwt neral v►Ith lits offMlwls. A Mr rw-sf°117Oseetsss' atetk. isOs-
liarW Nlmihabkwatte. '11Ae little vslRlwl seise- - „ Att4tal Mwet and eaMWleh- b hM recital, i Int toae oras resumes, litalas 1. f HAMA Fss- Proof t tt wins this to writi tri' '�' _"at falMrhm M sea" tine toll trfall by Jtraf- A. A. Aallo►t, send C� ed Hat with Lhe t smut. Ahs muses to It o[ doeo�tr�ue g`- t�e +Psever trAl, ala esker 1MthN win. , ewe ypw"o.ile was sews w d/ tics eater of ee a�pc� rMlaiwhsrvl ender PzoPedtnglT dtftlenit sed If tM wets I liMaisa "Aural Work% me
tnnr4, ------ _ .---- -fdwl All 04 beard entre weed, bull the � std tic lav to the uMdltlsl,a mg Lo meta n �llMeeassitsto Mims d A We- y"As drry .feelaratl°s to it. so Matt, le 00460 ee far twosend�► Of• (JMaelnwd The Lett lire awmtt tOA►Hal N'hbh vwlawblu► eoifaeibtk tit apectoatit $atm d __t tre*eahsaout lyY of o+ntsAinnized heity*t , M tJw' T t+�r��rr the Hrttwr; tMt vacs i rweslvs111AL rad Me man 'jsltbt tw
e"^Ass appeared 111 the Atgtu(L IflW1, @rat b+T Ste DsriT vase lock os :Fib. 22nrt, alt tier teas A gOARDAL 11tAtttl MaisaLnnt 'I soYlO karaeitpte theFM, wothatsNM The lEwvi +��at W&rwkrt tion. A, & 11aMt will shortly go b let Dsa►s . At the ,atm• aaataer, atttd 11 WWM 'W" anYthlw
s►9 Aftung Olt !'tIb 0th aisle ch Ottawa Tories Res M w lion[ b beep aD w t�I have+ t1� g aid s
,, ,
a Irate 1 ser n Aa•nifc city f psi irrbbht+' er0`6 I� Mwsflrrlrr ... fl -r brt+U trM nor b,
Ileo T t .Wok oompear. Z -sea A fp"" Tea Yampa teiTfibf: r tw smikietdm Ir taeas 1~ RiMo a eolMi�f
f TYfa y of
.. ; - , �...� ; •� •,r. ...•:::.:s. „_»mow`.. Il - ,
ale r' fat all `hm
only its
t i' ( .'^ 5 �.'iai}- tion �s" . dye .it* -t. , m r J�yi• i
mr.asmamavi , ,. �.2;- �.� ,