The Signal, 1899-4-6, Page 6JEALOUSY AND MYSTERY.
An Attempt to Unveil Eternity.
446(6444444444red 4444444444444444d4444444444olo%
CRAFTER 111. later the cesogyaman and the hark
It was some two month. Tater. la apDear•d f""m `r'e eeetr7' In ten
the fall heart d summer, when Mau- eai Haartel0 oedema aha Cath-
m18e'lde elle eeeeest e•rl eeffemorns erica MerrlOk tiara limen tai mm.
IMO o *be meet. aatter rare-1''IRwbr 1P�'+ lds�RiltiHfA b ¶1
f•UU Iaeklais g tdoor or his slathered witted, a dhows manse ae17 b7
Imp the subdued d the elder wee
wo aad ay. /a was key. walked man. which Modem heard with mane
krtskly &waxy. U was 1duaOa7. Rad •
esrtala atmo°plwe of tyabbath balm Pitying shrugs Rad appeal! gleam
at his bride. who seemed appealing
t o no -
had falba on tie town. floe le At !a.1. wben Mrs. Merrick
Children. unwashed, unkempt, but was settled to lar armchair by the
cottage kapP7. sprawled eta the pavane" aa„window. and Catherine had
Mr the eyes d their mothersretired Catherineb change her wedding-drese
set tdtitntg mending teen preparing the Italian triad to console bar.
tegM&biw (or the family dinner. or " Ma Madre, It is but for two s
engaged la other h<useltuW tasks at weaway. Tisa we coats back o
tbelr thresholds. while the max and Cat ertne sbwU v
lounged against the door -Muds at
you as often all HI
you wU1." . &sleet
their idea placidly smoking, or talk -
had become more fluent. though he
ed la kande In the roadway. Most of still spoke with a strong meet
them had a nod tan r s1%poor word for the 1 oAndyou thea not be atom. 1 baht
wo..marils dr. .d 1lig0 a use. pea- ht..beBe spoke to threnme ali the dirt OWL
}oltet gnrnVAsd with melt buttonsiletie girt. alhe come
wean for you. 1 pad Aar."
a pair of spoliate dock trousers. a due Bless you," said the old lade. who
checked flannel shirka flaring cera- seamed naturally a cheerful laxly
rat of vivid market, and an ►oocegru- eeoegl. "It ain't that I'm cuing for.
nue tall hat, carefully brushed I know as me gal'• got s good k.
Fordesooth wse not In&lled to be band, though ye. baa Itaeignee
ftnicktngly critical oo minor points We a lovely weddbhg gown as yerl
of sartorial art, and thought well given her, and you've .sot a deck for
of the general effect of Modena's ap donee and gtes me this new goers•
ea•emmcnt as did the simple fellow and bonnet. and pioneer going fogey
himself. Hs bad not hftberto been the ktUs ga! to hook alter me. I
known as a dreamy man, and thecae. know all that, but, Lord blew you
be had suddenly displayed In his ap- f always did cry at weddin'a sad le's
parsons had given ries to otmdeera- onir natural to cry when your daugh-
W diss.adob in the quarter. Its • married"
general mem was obvious enough. In Italy aWe daaos, we Mag
Met .
t what Modem's neighbors want;. We are what
you hail merry,"
ed to know. and were not tome la " 1 tkohght IL was a beatheilsh
dkeaovering. win. the Identity at the kind of pave." .old MA. Merrick. "Gut
y shoes oharms had oonverled you're a gomate d mand 1 believe
the shabbily dressed foreign recluse you'll take eared her. Sar mete
Ito • kind of Lord Brummel.
it, poor thing. Shea got no talker .
It was noticeable that tics and mer I i '•'t mach comp 47 for a
lmpeorvmsent I Modema's appear-
Young gal. She was always wishing
aces was almost perety one � eogho eked live In the Lawn.
d drama If ods fao0 had cleansed at didn't like her thaw sic
all. It was even more sombre than ottem, but that be all rib aewdbar
tt had been two menthe earlier. We ow n way too uch.t lel her have her
own too much. lte always hand
lore the radiant vision of Catharine for yours married women. eepedalil
Merrick had wtd4erhl7 dawned pa the I� 11.
twill" at the poor "Mt I some t 4e as prep, dsh tq
wbach he dwelt Hie meat biaek eyes and shsa a kelt t.» being
had an added wbtfalnes. his cheeks loo" etas ked g and talked itoModena,
were point and �rs*JJ11d as at old. the le �." r ver' generosity r the
m enemtary Gaeta With which be ami gime-tam bock. !tier lover's { y wblq
revered the altatJorta of hie nelga war obviooe 6t the dram by whlq�
aware sesseed t Mitty"inellenlar eft 1. Aerh0d sei91assd.10. wmd0ki gotrb.
He waited with a oerte n feverish wand IA the earalp and Reek Me
oknsm of sten am If In haste to "ore'
aioderta a eyea their`Utter
get oat of the town, and away" from softened by a walla. co.sntenttent,. Iotowea
Um carton glances which he felt nee every mutant.
mound him. even wben he did not sae
thew. CHAITk1R 1
He toots art N tee was going to Yet another fou moothe had passed.
bury the girl iretead of to owart r,' sad Modeeu►u marriage with t,atber•
e*searked one eld salt, clad la a atm -
Ina after yb1dug a Mille days topic of
ioBehar of then scales
" Behar for extmmene to the eirco to whish he.
said his wife telae I! he sue, Wraps.' had bro.gbt he bride, had beatme an
" Tint's a t tier word, mise^" sae old story there. To the girt herself slap
Um oat num. what• the matter it had mouse an old mury. yielding
with the gal " Hhe,e comely ee000000s�b Tithe of even what poor measure or
sad strong •.00gh and hatthy 't'manoe or empire aIle bad even ex -
e nough." pecLed to find Im it. There le a quizzical
" Ah 1 There's more %hinge than old proverb to the effect that In all
mitre g;th rod omtalbees," relearned affair* of the heart there le one who
the wasmen. who was better dowered lover and olio who b cooisot to be
with the former quality than with loved. and bowever true that may be
the latter. " 8he's over -Mack with of couples in general. IL was true bent.
that drinking. lazy, neer-do-weli ea (a1(r1ue was ler husband's Idol. his
went to Brasil the either day. and one thought and preoccupation. re-
move of bb sort, for my fancy. if I placing uvea hs books la which, be -
wee a man and wanted a wife." fore meeting bei, be had found hie
1 Met t know as there'• much harm only maps from tee m0motennes and
in Phil Barton. so Mb a bit too toad sordld life to which his poverty had
d the Yquorf, maybe. And heti her bomb him. The paadm which had
amen. miYsmit�s aprturs to life full -born at the first
" eh!" mod the woman again, and tomb of his hand grew, rather than
for the mamwot mtid no moor. diminished. with the mange of tale.
He's fur emu ``h away by OM and If to be bred weal. as move than
Mew" said the 1' &M. "and getting one poet will have us believe. the mus -
further every minute." mit of leminlse felicity. Catharine
The further the better. But hell Well, the would hare been the hnppiset womanDams back someit dayh yea b sate married In 1 aistand. Her word was law, her
by that time said the old man. who shown wish a command which her
ma ai a hopetal and optlmiitle tarn husband haver dreamed of disobeying.
of mint ria, was not Now to barn the extent
"Let's hope It'll mend her ways," of ber power over him, which she had
aid the woman. In none too hopeful Inched known fairly well before the
a done. "It's better to trip going up marriage day. and accepted his pas-
time church -stepseothan coming (mown Mth onate love moas she might lava
'oe• I've beard ppie say." taken the affection of an unfortunate
This brie( conveteetl0a may be tale
en as gl Lng the slit of a dozen others i dog with a temper ell his own.
ofq� �like import h _ J between Mamma's though. and capable, under o.rtain
t bur°ua tit" And sen" prottons 000dlttom of showing his teeth even
y monies" as he k -1d pew d to his mistress. Catherine learned
along the °traggltog Wren leading early In her married life what might
out of the little eateort. A man leis be tbe mmemoenm of trespassing too
reserved could oar have felled to far his vicarious tndatgeooe,
learn mem than he knew of the pub upOfl A
Ib opinion on ole promised bride. and Within • stone's throw of their dose
of the opiaioma of Ma neighbors ro there was an e.tablbhment. half
p;ding hit chanes of happiness I tavern. halt music ball. to whish
bL weld d life. Whether so h know• the working clam of Fortino:Ma owed
ledge would have stirred him one such edeae of epic and histrionic art
tear's breadth from the path in as they posse ed• Modena had never
which he had elected to walk, eatset foot within 1t b0fore his marriage ;
to take each veageanoe as be might him national sobriety made the prin-
apm the slanderers of the woman he Mal raison d'etre of the plans of no
loved, is more than doubtful. The no attraction to hint. am aa a navve-
pld pace at which he left the town. porn Italian. he had too Me an ap-
his obvious desire to avoid all em.
mI t1)11” tempted b7 the tent
anb•tio5 with his neighbors, had rate imitation of metropolitan lions
no each meaner as they read In them. oomigltes whose strident voylces dead"
he known ihtlr have
Iy ere. rated the clink d tames and roar d
fherlae. As would have fisrcely rs- e
mated them ; but hs neither knew now Polyglot profitable with wbleb the
cared to know what any living crea- cheaply gaudy barrack was ttlgAliy
tare thoughh
of her. BeHe wan by nee oiled. But to e uMangbt and_ 11
tare nodi mosstrative, and years of literate girl the place was an attrao-
solltude had made him awkward I ton. She had been there more
11 denlings with his fellow -men but than once with Phil Barton. and per -
"IN h resulted 1111 lags and hap. with othaa d ear sdmhrn.
pees. He Amok from the free chaff. modem a acorennaidedher there during
whi0b M .r liberally bartered In their first weak of married 1110. Among
Tordmoetb as elsewber., upon the the addled. tawdry female repose, -
man who gore a-ouerung , his love ere of the place she bolted lite a queen
was a thing too mere& too aper{ In her fresh beauty, lad her deem
from as other itt', ace that had waved -whish Modena world have thaaght
t0° hw any
h Mrd Ilio, to be gamong vulgar an any other woman blot
over with nee gnu women be ba` which. simply became she wore it,
whom be ese Wt with whom be bad
Iittis ena'sLh in nominee In most re- was perfect In his eyes -helped the
scowlle effect she produced. Sits enjoyed the
He penned the docks where the coarse Mame offered 1p the glances
dept and barges lay kit rocking old a and whispers of her neighbors. Pre-
falat "WWI. black ago the Cite gently, a young fellow. the mate de
tering water, and came upon a t•ei waiting vessel. swaggered Into the
• empty !ami, beyond which the Keen. and, thane a resent plats ret
nitre of a cburvb sa00000ed. the table at which Modena and his
to thane Oho knew the local ism- wile were seit0d, took It, Red. with
marks. the Maley of the village of the gallantry of his kind last nn
Merton. lie shpt to the shore -line, then I entring Into eonver.aticn
making something of a detour le with hill pretty neighbor. How mach
avoid the rfilage, and, having posed of TMs rashness wan the result of ma-
lt. Dame I sight of the ribs of the ore Impi4en.e, and how mach d m-
old wreck. which had been his land- conragement from Catherine -he wag
mark whereiry to leen (htthsrbte'e one" by no meane a bad -looking fellow -
taw on his first visit there, nearly to doubtful ; trot within a quarter of
two wrrtthe before. The pottage an how of his first aebesttng her. ha
stood a 11tH. beyond. •stone's thraw had made such proems I his set -
Troia the church. which stood slightly vaooes that be nariOwly emeapsd
ea the hither side of the cluster of .trangul*tlon by Modems. The g1r)
Moaner farming the village. And kilt had never seen her hmlbhm4 et
bgoad the 11(m of sand. Modena le- by Jealousy. He had known leo
timed the ehareh. and within the rival dards his courtablp-another
mosso same epon Catherine. °tending falter than myths he bed bad emo-
tive Wda the heavy ansate mttia. on and this soden and mardsrone Man
which eat an elderly woman, her of pabou tytgbtened her. She tried
mother, with n cruteh between her to rake a bleb tone *bout It when
kaath they got limo tng.thsr• if he was
Cklyrine was (+tided In while. i„r to try to murder every man wbo
*ad,smog m tow .yes d . man nos fe at Int, a nice !tis the Nxtbld
ler. Mull h..", would 11.,„1,1.0n have
i ----
lha.tthl An tarssreeAr/6L "11 b as. with. It• 1* �gg�, i_ is
ct admireakia mine ham Mona•'. _Mr!. 1lnhbedi' 1.14 Modena. "dam that K
and W lyes
agleaned with a eaawa
Irtm. The g ri Clashed • In- 6a lot agaiai
ndmilow can I help
the at the eimplielIy d bet pismire. 11 ha �I t again bop the man
and old da a to his with
r.- �p�af�"-Tv y
pYAtg Ida &tterwse'n wNk • Thelia fasrr�•. 7ul f 1mn't the owl
its of welsher ane a beekware Rher w 0arms &home
of bar eyes tew&rdm Me thumb- ear eat, bat he r.pelusd
kim&d the el4 wawa tee. with her
stns ammeter, • Tea haw •••••11.84
twat her • 1"1 •nae Did T not M ? 1 am
tithe the 1)411,4,'
011ia A Rine heeds est Tato ddalrt :belt '
dlehm*d bar by a ewaaAlag blow apes
Me table.
"90 ye. ea ted Leave mm Mutt t
away la7lll
tooled loin
sad eyes�41
Bat an boar laMt
Is at her feet air
treating her lo.glnara It was Mb,
a fool. a lore. as am & math • hof.
like himself. whet amid ham sated se;
only welt an •eget as she eat& email
Pardon moil aa outrage. 11ke lwlpw
Wm. It le wonderful what Riese wines
nam lomo1ee. Sha was req ndsefal, for
a U141e time. not to eiaourage the ad-
mlraikm of other mesa too openly la
her huabandu presseen.
...Vieth UbtrKB for. and
not grieve for. for. asd
*rine wee M &treat a flirt M eget
walked. Modem knew aotklag. for •
Uses. and. 101ed by his wife's adpe rent
affection. naapected meting. Apart
from the Jealously which MO the
mere presence of a man 1s his wife's
0001.17 a torment to Mw. be mss the
Mesas m !gent of limasbaulet Ha did as
mare honehold Mar attar hie mar-
riage as before it, toe Catharine. la
her own phrase, had rot married to be
°tads a clave of. sad dil m little ea
.he meld help doing of nay daamsetic
1raLe8 bad faculty, t quint. and b
(Avffeer with lar ha+b•.ads oar
Moasre, ey tarsi worse b ,
flan they had done at lett,
kw was a true Italian La hes lovrnG
the sonny die of a barrels. Her
of the business ramped with
h er baib•nd'a wishes. for it the him
more Use for kis. The beams= throve
as a bushman le boated to when a
pretty woman with a cool head stands
at the receipt of (c.etoms, and Mo-
nen* Nought Mussel( a dory mea.
With a desire to hem his wife. he
lead had his dingy premises furbished
up and yr -lintel. A bettor claw of ewe
tamer* thin tbove with whom he kid
kltlerto dealt began to patroalee AM
went on la a truly halcyon
for a *ms, and Modesa's
1 fp . slumbered, Woes kis Mad
°mg OW his wrlh• se I hal'b *reel
�y// r y sed together. There are
oke r`t which seem not to know the
of that sadden* of all words,
Andel to which every additional
bier great la the society of the loved
obleei every fresh carom. is a new
l4*, ala wen a nature was 'e.
It -would blue seemed) to third
per.on. capsblo of aod.rsteer ole
nature and his wife's, a acreage in-
fatuation which bound Iiim to her.
Ex"rpt for • certain hard and uterine
net of beauty, the woman had scarce-
ly a quality which would have seme-
n likely to captivate a man like
Modena. She was as vain as u pea -
nock, and as 111s *5 a eat. But for
the dors of bargaining. which, bac
ld.e resulting In profit, ``ave 0r op-
portunities fur endlem chatter with
her customers. the was of no nam-
able •errl^e to her husband. She
could tat perform the evident house-
hold task even the cooking of teacup
of seat, or the sewing -on of a button,
wee beyond her. She had never will
logy opened a book In her Ute. and,
W ee many a child of six could read
better, and better understand what
Me read. than Catherine. Yet she bad
eoneehrew had the power to charam
the whole Moe of his life and alter
n why. mleeruscompete-
recluse into a o mp
mit l bued. who would have given
all the money la theold lea -caws(,
which arced him as a strongbox. for'
nae Mille from bee wife. He was none
the tele hippy because he took hie
1Ls quietly. and to the world at
lams seemed very mach tie frame rrt
be bad shows been.
It happened one day that lee was
down at the doeke, ear leering for some
odds end emir with the captal of a
ship then In the port. The bargain
had been amicably settled. and in i
true wateruide 1aildon ties parties
were in proems of ratifying It with
• f r iendlY gland
And how'. Pled'" ached the cap-
tain. Ht asked the gelsMim with a
pso*llar emIle. wkloh Miens pawed
mandated to hb•mireseretham7 wonder
at the quearidti.' - - --'---
PAIL." be relpeateg.wwhat Phil ?
I know no Petit.
Don't know your -were own owe
Oa man alive i" arled the empsaion.
Ah, yes! Phil Barta°. I bad for-
gotten Wm. It is long Mao. 1 eau him.
Fire. six months. 'Hs want to Brasil
on board the Matamora."
Bat she's batt: mid the captain.
" Back'" 1 Jed not know It."
Ills o wpa.doe, wstk one tee closed.
scratched a b rIntty cheek.
Ye*." he said " The Matamora's
baok. Got kilo pad on Saturday -
three days I doted ha' thought
.s Phil have looked 1110 condo
he balers now. Top were always
pretty thick. yon know," he added,
with a repetttlon of the mile with
whisk Its had spoken Niles name.
" 11 he comes, said the Modena.
" be b welcome." 11. noticed his
companion's expression. bet It meant
nothing to him. lie was the only
man Pa the port wbo had no inking
of his wife's pre asarltal relations
with Phil Barton.
"Oh, you'll .se trim sale auonggh."
said the captain Phil won't Nave
port without seeing hie cousin."
It ttrri� already dusk when Modes&
turned7osewards. The lamps were
111 In the streets. and the gas flared
I the windows of the other
bat his was dark, Rad Cat=
was not at the window. A mond of
voices was audible from the bath
room, low and hurried. and a0* lied
the d laugh was heard. Though be
could not catcb a &Ingle word 4 t0.
oonversatlon. Modena reoogalsed bis
wife's voice. The otbr was the
deep baritone voice of a man. The
quick jealousy which always smoul-
dered perilously near Modem's oaks
swrlae., biased out, aha before the
couple had beard his footstep. be
was In the room. The lamp had
not been Itt. tare little window at
the back shed so faint a ISM that
all he could make set wee tie. tigers
of rte wife standing close beside the
dim ootllne,,of , • man. They 1.11
apart at hIi entraaoe. sad jot a see -
end or two tk0 only mead that beet
the stillness was the Keary breath-
ing of ModiMa. as be Mood
with ete*ebed limen on the tkreekold.
" How yea lit? P ManriMo.
imed me 1" maid
Jest come barn sea,"
Catherine- "flit?
A big, tralMtkleis breath essayed
front the Italball Ups. Be Massed
his band across his f as It
bombing away Mese Mee Irb{mh dim-
med hes sight beforethe
hand the sailor Ottery
Flow goes It. shtpmethe asked
Phl 1.
I am well. And 'out Yom are
"Jost pied off. 1 came le here
blt of 'paper bask, and yon
ppto11g�y see fou &beet settles that
fei-tMr t wham *1tyso n wittbna
shire v Matta ti. wades. 10 a
netts; aro sad rhpenem.• ha Pthilethie so sial alta
m with the
axhdise � a
who hal falba late • drunken a1eM
ea that ttammmn llama* ago
1t was 471lsuli te holism they welts
one and the mew.
Mede•• * number et °4gdaar
sYwimd eft patpMwr I his potshotMk,
hot a,
head Pall had gives
Mei barbs modved timi
handed tisn IF to eke peeingtlalbt
trete Ht bin sir with 14. Ca"1111 as
a that ememel, Phil
that they should drink to-
les rarleatlon of the doable
went of their aserrla a and his ve-
lum fobs kedge parts. kiodeoa pr'o
dosed a beth, of ruin from 8..
tYs : .. Oe
Vill rust �11Mt.
} Httie ntO` the talk. but. warli•
*pps�tly ander the I■nasaea •1
the blab, kit:drew more oommmlba►
tire. and is 'sea and laughed at ram -
dose, wlt0 a flashed face, and ex-
alted manner. Is was late *ora
P1111 lett, bet Morena declined to
accompany Catherine to bed Be
maid read Ilse as bear or a0, he eal0.
and settled Mamie at the lathe
with • book. 111l bis wife's footstep/
were Mont
al. Theo be roes,
bewUlm He le in pest, tday& Um room a Neu
to ma and mime Just wale loom.'
BM was with him, alone. In the
(dark. Ilam Mistier.
kis arm .mama
her waist. Ube meld not look me in
Um fare. Death of (loot ! If It shamed
` e-t0at 1 IMei make auie. There
mast be ne nMlakw"
Be thought bag aatd the gray
daw* was gtlsxtaevhyi at the win-
dow below. b want ep•S..lra to
Mai Catherine lying gracefully
miser. ('fb be Usnnneed.)
so la, and nerve been hartag it talk
over old Owe
By tile thee Wane bad lit tM
lamp lee looked at U $$setas. Mho
was fl*rlbs& tied one.hsgvf MU of
Mb had frees the 01)04. a
Webb thie-hail emu ts. Me lotthee ag 10
wt7 simmered *aha, feet !tar
the long bot ree belt epee her for a fres
tion of B weed.
I MONS go shad Light the gas a
the damp." sae that "1 bigot all
anent It. sawing P131 intespeeted. '
lihe west motto st. two
Aosta IV. 4441 -101 -
kiwis The ktillg. his
sae. aha 211rertlM lat matt
Ole eye tine clear his
H ow Adella& Pasts Preserves Ons or
der Loveliest Features.
Fate, the diviaw was meetly cin -
scribed by a newspaper se atilt
touthful, with ewes that are atm-
utel young." Floe, be it roa►em-
that the btrth certifies's of
Patti, unearthed in Madrid recently.
shown that the prima donna waa
born la 1846. leo at 55 .los 4. .1111
the admitted of ell the reed, "with
gee that are absolutely young." Pat-
U'e eyes are the sort laid akin. They
are almost deeding tier lashes aro
abundant, s fact which she attributes
to ber habit of nightly anolntng
themwith$ dream. he secret of her
nail: maslookhems to
Is something
w women. It was
diecloeed by Patti of the measles of
bar last Mitt to this country. "1 sever
read as night." said she If I cap
bslp 1t It dose not bare the eyes to
wry. U PM them afterward. I bathe
litY.-017110oiliott Med cold wa
feels ia4'1goat many
I em Veld mew to do Mt% 1 also oke -
serve earth*, Man I never read at
twlllgghkt or whom hungry. I sleep fully
nine hours. mere U I need 1t. I eat
lightly many times a day. I keep
m7 wee fres by not making them
tied. That 4. all."
Camp Iliiaird'a labium la the Soma
Two Meerut Mints.
T.. lean gold pater,. frames, beat
twc white of an egg : old to it one
pint of cold water . moisten your
fiance with this mature. using a
sponge. Tien. with a soft flannel
carefully wipe. Take a meoe0C
cloth, perfectly dry. and glee Lha
frames a light rubbles. If the:
frames aro not clean and bright af-
ter this treatment you had batter
take them to a gilder and bafetbem
'Po clean marble. talte two parte
of cnmmoe •oda, one part dpmba
.tone and one pert of finely powder•
ed chalk ; Olt It throatb • fined,»
and mix it with water; thea rub
well all over the marble and Rh.
, tame w111 be removed. Then wadi
the marble off with heap and water.
and It will be as clean es it was at
f Iret.
Miller's Worm 'Norden cure fever in
Things Never Meese
"An homes pewee.'
A woman le 16ve who wasn't jealous.
A man who etdn't want what its
couldn't p4.
An arty baby or a lag 10 the meatiest.meatiest.1t child no
A woman or a polit>'aa who would
ow -n to being In the wrO�.
A unanimous opinIOfl Trom emetics,
doctors or ezpert0
A nam who drank t0 einem because
Mr liked getting drunk.
A mother -In-law who didn't think
that her child could and should hare
done hetter.
A man *ho pO11114Ohily backed
home, and who ever re trod an a
Oompete ney therefrom.
Ladles and pnthenen who take M11-
ter's Comp mi,4 Iron i'tIis /away' grow
pmee or In appearance and nglrlis
Mved b1 His 8ers..
Colonel -Ah. my boy, that faithful
0kk11 hose flare was the means of av-
Really'. colonel?
0o*ewel-Ys; he Melted me in 110
Wath so that I ooeida't fight. and
Bei either °haps got shot whUe T was
la *fm bomital.-Tit-Bels.
Sand's Wined is end br ?byname
Deese Cooking awes
Nothing fries cr1nnp that 1s wet.
Miring and breadmeshed he done
fifteen wdnuts*. and Ocarlat Immedi-
ately. before frying.
A frying bidet limed not be al-
lowed to touch the bottom of a kettle.
A bot, clear fire is Indispensable to
Ancona la brollies.
A gridiron or wire broiler should he
cieanrd tiufrooehly every time It is
A brotier should he heated hot snit
Mobbed with Met. or other fat, before
10. meat le pet onits
soon as. a be served n •
The same hurler melt not be naiad
for meats and fhb. •
To make 11g 8 flaky plecreet all the
is meet be very cold as well
an r eompoonded.
Rub top ei cake wall a Little dry
Done end tate bine Atwill adhere moor
_Deasnseet s agadh e.
Sfasrd's Laden ht the Lanbsrslaa's Prised
At sweet dram the *down fair,
with AWAY Mere bop.
Will aft her mise np to him air,
Aad rile *110 omits a kamghty air
sub le he? Olt t who to be?"
A, twenty -foe she'. more subtitled --
With 5*Mt4w,1e not mo they ;
N0 ahz trate somatatrif 4.0 to ebb ir
What is he?
aOhh!*hat is M'"
hope ef
No *orbs cm quite. Hlbrent plan
Add a!r-sots la(&ring of a man -
"Where la ke? Oh 1 *0*. Is 1.' ?"
At Hamburg the ethane; $sigarte.
width was la distrese at the Ames;
well be weloo�es�
sd by order of the Kai-
ser, by ,
. M0M.. Saud
"Oobion." Amid W fleet Nan. "1e
lot eM Ishan,." "Tr a lbly." rid
part► ; "est K le a prett
t iabr.., ..h
itadured by Vletimi of Stone in
the Bladder.
` ¢y tlstog
Montreal. P. Q.. Mash L'7. - Do
agony that tails to the tot of safer -
lag humanity it, gl�es&tr. more ter-
rible. harder to -bear than la that
tette tole tel hatian f; •.•U daze
In the -
The oomplalat le so esamop. need es
frequently sakes of that the terrible
e'gutflMaos Of kb* MIN itself 1. lost.
if we were to speak or a "blow In the
bran." or "a stone in the heart." the
terrible natant of the dlee*.e would
be apparent at once. because we are
mot used to the expression. stud Its
meaalsg forcer 110011 upoe us In-
�'•a stone in the brain" would
trot be more out of plays than "a stone
In tier bladder." Nor would It catty
near so much suffehtng e. the nerve
(entree would becomes paralyzed and
feeling would des•
But atone 15 the bladder is alers-
ingly common. 'Thousands suffer the
neat horrible tortures from It. Thou -
mania die from it
And yet It is very easily owed. Thera
is a remedy-Dodd's kldsay (Mill -that
cures it qutckiy, easily and painterly.
In proof of that statement. It is
unoeaary only to (Mote the following
letter written by Madame Champague,
of No. 167 He Urbane street
" I have suffered with scone in the
bladder, and, though I underwent dif-
ferent treatment^ and used various
remedies, I. got no relief till I took
Dodd's Kidney Pella Five boxer re-
moved the stone. built up my health.
strengttt and flesh. and made a new
woman of mo."
Dotk1'. Kidney fills are a positive
care for stone in the bladder. sad
every other form of Kidney Dires.e.
Stormy weather has Burt retail
trade In Canada and checked We-
tribnt:ou of spring good*. but re-
eelptr of reentry produce are larger
because of better snow roads. Tor-
onto reports the outlook for spring
trate good, and that larger .Lucks
ere beteg carried i antlelpatlou
thereof. Export tra% le active .to
all countries. although eke prohibl-
tion of the export of maw -logs Me re
ducal the log cut, and smaller -fu-
ture exports of lumber are looked
tare ^ himeemat: reperes 01W -User
hurt by the norm, bet that a fairly
good jobbtag 10.1..s' is doing. Shoe
manufacturers are busy, while stocks
and securities are lower 1a price.
General trade is backward la the
Maritime .Proving*. but
Imams b good at Victoria. $. .
Bank clearest, for Canada elbow a
req Night increase, for let week.
k 8.366,000, a fraction
w per ommt. larger than those of
the previous week. but nearly 11
per centlarger than these of the
porresmonding week a year
iiasnm taItj res number 83 o
hunt week, as 21 the prerl-
cus week. 29 I the oorreryo
*54* a year age, 40 In 1891. 4111115
1.9e and 49 I 1896.
•••• i*01.0 80081 AIA OL,1113,8
,fflhlaaRsal r ittt meant rRas lrta
8ommit ateea Ma man will mare 0 vague
annul saionlatioa *s to the .on of
the oodles@ rod Jewelry wore by a
smart aiNbty woman* et his atholdes-
ttoe. Ae to the dllmese. or other
gems displayed be say be *bb to
form a tolerably *soerati estimate.
lots thaw One even make a shrewd
gone at the goat of as evening gown.
and these pride themselves on Ming
Able to MB within a few dollars Just
how heath Shefair ouch o.t111ANIfi
tiiat tial si MWi4
max Is as partl.uler about what dare
Mit appear to his .ye as deb regard-
ing exterior effete. For instance.
there le the big gold hoot meetly hi
Onside. ed ' ordtaary every day
Meek-hirtl.0 fastens la to an oratory
.Tawt'dsp aya whisk le mond to
the to support the skirt& This
100 b' plate good slit east elE In
Sim $1101Men of Marlborougha truss -
IMO to every pair of corsets ma
boomed nae of these gold hooks. if
the as. net 1a jewel^ owill met Or finerald4 they will oast
Y mach ea � one of
And the corset olaspe !
far the toed, :overed with
white kid, have in each of the little
gold buttons, over width a gold loop
sites*. a dlmoq{I *tech w111 Dost
dao as the lowest oabalatba. If they
men direct from a $bwees they w.
coat more And the clamps for slide
elastica, also gold. with a diamond
de two .et 1n me or two places where
they w111 be least In the way, will
cost 465; sad them art only two or
three small Items parobaast4 and a
good sum of many expended.
Lame amid Psrulity.
'The Menai amount of lime taken by
erns In very small. but that little is
sennatial. Wheat, for Tetuan, taker
N0 pkspbate as phosphate of limo
and phosphate of magnesia. pat the
amount of the latter found fn tits
grata ash is foto or nee time. as
mach are of the former. Frank IVaI-
l+• ed Linwis, Eng who Is a Melt
authority, says: R
"Reference to YUIW.
table will .how what a small quan-
tity the crop really rowdies. The
large quantities of lime used in the
.;miss hare had a tar greeter lathe
once in that unfortunate prones of
1111ty denotation than In directly
fecde s the crop. If. however, the
Thomas -Phosphate form of pha.pliale
1. need, 11, w111 amply prorhie lime fee
all eros requirements. and foe Ool4.
dr(trieat In 1 me Thoma.-Pbbewh• e L
ualvetalfy reonmeended as seamed -
catty meeting a deal requirement."
A death Oaree leery.
The London Tele tells tile: tile: "
woman hatred he salla while a
prince whom alb knew was wlnulns
In a &Weeping style that seemed des-
tined to break the bent. ' i nm ao
glad to .d0 yon here. Prince. and In
each Inek, too!' she exciaened. ' Do
tell mea lucky number ; le ke sure to
win. for you are now In the vein.'
The prime generously placed a p11e of
gold bale before the vlvscbw lady,
whose beauty had sbcceeefully defied
the affects of thirty -sex winter., and
said: ' Put- It all on the number of
your years and reap* golden heron,'
The lady reflected. hesitated. and
then placed the pile on twentynevea.
An Instant later the croupier rang
out: 'Thirty -air red wine!' The -1•4y
mntt•'ned • ' Ah. mon Dieu ; thirty -Mx
to exactly my age,' nod fainted on the
Dear *ire. -'nota 1. to certify %has
I have been troubled with n lame
hack for fifteen years.
i have uwi three bottles of your
MiN%RD'S LINIMENT anti am com-
pletely eared
1t give. me greet Wearier* to re-
commend It and yon are at liberty
to use this In any way to farther
the ase of your valuable medicine.
Two Rivers. Robert Rant.
Lens el bards.
A natorall•t of replete quoted by the
at. Louis Globe -Delmore, state* that
the number of years forming a Mb's
life are as follows: Marketed, 12;
Illackaap 15; canary. 24 ; crane or
crow, 100; eagle. 100 ; fowl (somaon 1.
10; goldfinch. 16, "Maw. flb ; heron.
611; lark, 14 ; Nage.., 28 : night !era 1s,
18 ; parrot e0 ; partridge, 15; pea-
cock. gee palm. 50 ; pleasure 16 ;
pigeon. 20; raven, 100; robin, 12:
skylark. so, sparrowhawk. 40 ; swan,
100; thrush, 10 ; wren, 3. '
New IUs for a quarter. W111.r'.
Orenpn(and iron P114..
That the Canadian
we not to drawntido any rae war
and that 1the preheatlton treble
the MbarMee Mlle 4i week 11. ees will it
made on tea I*Mhorlty of Mr. lefo-
oY. or or c. r. R., who pee re-
trles*hd ie lrrntrsl meet a eau N.
A'I� the ehwnwgvcm.nt of the mat
Northern Rallway
4se. rolls ^ 1'ror.
AplAggrip". amib - Aompuretle i1I&
Take I aarMve Il t meAG
Dragelem *steal Ib. mein; 0 0 10110 ream
en >lzeMieet Odd Orem.
Pure white wax 1-4 nude., s°ppeereaq-
eeti 2 1 2 ounces. oil of iweeteelsonde
21 2 ousose, ra.swater 11.2 ounces.
Put the three olio I a percents ket-
tle and melt over the fire, remove
when hot and add the metwater
very quickly, stirring briskly with a
surer spoon until cold. Have worths
mall glee, or china Jars warm when
the cream Is put in. A tley 'pinch
of borax In tete ro*.water will
whiten and add to Its goodness, die
U you like add oil or rim or mance
of riooleta
Rowe Thist
We offer One Hundred Didier* Re-
ward for sal duce af Oatarrh that can
lea be OeMe by alai's use a a Proh..l'ule
We. the anilenfgeed hare known F.
J. Cheney for the last 16 year.. and
believe Mtn perfectly batsman* knell
bushes, transactions and flosnclally
able to carry ant any obertha , meede
by their firm
West ♦ Truax, wholesale
Toledo, O.; Waldteg. Ktmasa £ >-
vin, whodssl druggists, Wino. 0.
Halla Catarrh Care 1. taken tmter-
mlly. soling dlreetty upon the blood
&nd Omese surfaces of the system.
Price, 73c frer bottle. Sold by alt drng-
gisis. Testimonial. free.
Mb Tim was LAMM .
Winks --W hat did your ,wife nay W
you when you got home at 4 o'clock
this morning?
Blinks (wearily) -flay, old nen. I're
got scene work to db today.
An Instar treeettag.
For clam who have tbotgbt . that
catarrh is Inttrrabie and to whom the
corntant use of snuffs and olatmeste
wan n)mout unbearable, (atarratoenne
CORMS as a sun and del gbh ul cure. No
need for feted, brukee voice and
drooping In the throat. fiend for ('at-
arrihoewe and be oont iod. Outfit,
SIAM. Sampl bottle and inhaler. 10
N. l'. Poison • Co.. Ktegstn., out.
Martins Peed Mores.
MLN. Newlywed - We are going to
name cur new baby after you, rude
Rich Uncle ---That's a good idea; he'll
have to start out In life without it
cent, les' the mans as I did !
Many hang ladies who were rAp-
powd to be gods kilo destine have
bbeeeen reseered so lutalth and vjgor by
the use of M111ees Compound Iron
Tier' Lady-Yo.'U have to take hack
that parrot Ile stream.
The Mabee -Be only swears In tier -
The Indy-But I don't welerataad
.t dose of Miller's Wong Powders
oocasto tafby w111, keep the 'Andrea
hoe itby.
Mord melt.
Sympetheti. Curate; -11y poor man:
YieLlialledillideed have gone through
mese trials.
Tagabond--Right ye are, Nr : An'
was 5tt11-I always got convicted.
ISSUE No t8` 1809.
What Shall
Be Done
You have tried Iron and
other WOW But she keeps
pale end thin. Her sallow
ettaigiaticka worries you. Ptr-
haps- she libieVittie
aou�h also. Her head aches;
sod she cannot study. Give her
seers mom
The oil will fired nee IMAM'
body; the glyosrine w! weds
her murk, tad the hypopies.
r plata will give new power and
vier to her oervu and hada.
take cod-liver .B" ~
have triol Scree
You will be obliged toetsoie
y ka et once. Mildew
become very *aim
Vat and infants do not Piggy
when it b added to their
res. and *use , dl amiss.
torr a wwhm, ChM" Telma.
A W..ea Till.
ing Author -What do you Una
or may latest novel?
Publisher -ribs Litt. is not tet tie-
=wlth tot. Tar call it
he plL10." and then yam mike flu'
herein. a woman of the prime t
Zak be rihsrd'e ma take as Abet
Oh H ring, sweet Spring. rush neat-
ly in -
le fact, become a "aprltet"
We've had au awful, awful Uwe
1w11and waked winter. FIT(T srss a?
('untome boldly
la. and of m earth. V\ tenet. o
Attack Dam and confusese lila lam
Don't let hem Unger In your lap
Or we may never lose Mtn.
Mllier's Worm Powders are ter beet
iasntite needHn a for children : nee slow nae. M/eYsw•s .sibs *11*
as steer.
Miller's (trip Prison;. pare,
The French Chamber
plating as increase o1 111,
leratore' salaries hoes 9.
000 francs.
w awl
to 13.
- c
is ..
Mims or ~Ira,
w rn� 1� hi, Neu
seen *0,017 tae.
0.s' 8. Tormlo. •.
.t powerful nos•lrrltaat anal
Laeling prepar•tioa that berm
lag a boon to farmers all over
Canada for cartes dila
eased of sheep renal; tattle. lies n•
and and
for de1roylag
irritating effect% and effects :t
care In two or three application,
Mr. 0. A. Brodie, sesames, Oa1..
.aye : "1 used It with treat mi.
ens le castrating Iambs. the warn
healing the woeada rapidly. and
keeping O. maggots •era, 1 mom
nee rtil f recommend 11." Ter lair
n t all dealers. or Brant from the
rwnufactnrers. We Melee tor
respondence. The Plekbardt Ren
f rew Co.. Umi1ed. 8tos/f*111.. Ont.
% 74v4-
11► 4
Always buy
yrs I1T!
And get
of the ReAT
ter tot
yeast varestenilo
-. -
graves pp a arum ender
('lilaesrs ie fur which the thief fly
be Neely kilted oil the upset by ally
one finding him owl,
It mel
~ 4
J. J. V1POND & CO.,
Fruit and Produce! Oommission Merchants,
Correspondence Solicited,
Advances Made on Consignments.
No Money Required.
w.•+�•he► *Pa-. - ee NM .tw•..w t
�i� tIR..Ij
•,,'"4113t - 7,
we eerie