HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-6, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICHtONTARIO. TIEWMICAT, April 6, 18W. W. MESON SON. Easter News. We received tide week several paresis of new Kid Gloves-Trofousse's, perdu's. and J.wwet's make. D..iiity novelties for Exeter and in most exquisite cool illations of colon ar.sl handsome enamel and pearl clasps. 1'he styles are entirely different from any gloves shown by any other store in Uodericb. We gusr•ntee all gloves we sell over 500.. pair. New Kid Gloves at 75o., $1.00, $I 26 sod $1.50. Carpet Talk. Our large carpet room lite been extremely busy this week, doubtless owing to our strong invitation to the general public) to visit it. Brightly lighted sad everjt arrangement for showing carpets easily. A visit brings forth sxpres.ioue of pleasure from customers. Easily we can show 20 pieces on the door at our time. Axminster Carpets, Brussels Carpets, Tapestry Carpets. 2 ply & 3 ply Wool Carpets, Union Carpets, Art Squares. A seleotiou equal to any in tate Pfoviooe. W. ACHESON & SON.. TAKE UP THE BURDENS. Anrtn Etna.., by J. J. W. Take sp she il4 taw's bonen Asti ease kr N her lend. Aso me be work la a.eso•t Te boat yaw animas read. Teks ftp the lases.,,' hada A.d ..e bee jaded tram By .satibt eta a maria Far weaker tam by agora. Take sp the mo.ba.1's harden AN hap stets teal be Good. By dubs to W w.tsmese Brigade Us by dootrlo road.. Take .p the prate • burden By ,s.... all bre news, And stop kir casaese daises lay p•yi•a up yaw dues. WC. T. U. OOLUMN. A lamas nems Iles moi- - .. • cV sap. estaluirrrs z. wtrwIts, rossuyo, •' 1To w.m.a who says. '1 km all she rights 1 west,' is abhor WSW er Ipsereat, ar beth ; for saber women ease .oda 8.,. 4... It Is ow hada-.. to Bh." QCl.mox. tehell Ns mom sad wanes wise are to obey the laws, here a eight t. make Nem Aeswss.-As ; eats mese shall have tjeb rek1. Q -Bet the laws Yoe spatially .-.o..a wwmsa, wits shall .Ns those sow ! A. -Oily she mesa. Q. -May .N mimed ogees help make she eau .h5 wake their legal relation to Har Andres! the mea .ball rave the sole debt. Q '-May sty marred somas help stake she laws that doure ekes Were of the prop- e rty eagstrrd by husband ..d wife darks marrasg• shall b.M.R te to wife! A.-Tb.y shall ea. Q. -Hew stun a the property s.gated dols, their married life help.,a to the wile! • A Also lit, seises is t, epai•liy eine e e b. Q-Wesetas• Oa law A. -Th. maw Q. -De woman pay tweet Q -Wb. deans 8.w the Mies dull M spat! e.. -The mesa. Q -Are women'. intense .head oy the kwssnab esstas's! A. -Yes ; b many mese, mars Q -I. wet ass s t A. -The Iignn tads sffoses her interests Substance -chador NM's tib 1191111.111111 Uffl TU. I.ad tbe interest. el We lame .ad loved • Q. -Rae ala as one 1a She MUGS .1 the laws sseserslaq th• llgser Waffle f 1. -Sons whatever. Q. -Hove She altos -keepers sad distillers yews ! A.-C.rtalalr ; they have vested lat.r- ..ss. Q. - W has vested laureate 2 A. -Mosey eyseted-..d the right to rob the eosstry et wealth sad bey. ter • lead is to the Revee'smos. t► a b.Bya.re eaters so rested Iaters.N i. A. -New that are reatested by low. Q. -De the laws upheld she law of potty .. egsally binder/ ape. mesa and wemsa 2 A -We ; ear "age el .s.s..s" awe pee is girls °sly esin they are dztewu Thee mailer le easy for • nese to seepettate the greatest wawa anises wemn sad society. Q - W las are ser &sore• Isere t A. -We stave so diverge own b Ga.da; wap,.IM.se.. ha to be mal. to Perll- ass, .ad SadW law Is teII...4. 4-,kbu whstww wrryr ...`.. di hest I A -Adultery. Q -May • wam•a wean a diverse he the game nave. t A. --N. ; she meat preys, In acidities. .realty .ad awns. Q. -Wb. me4e the angel 1... ? A. -The an. Q. -Wold the 1•w Ian bonny Mater 5 ..m.a had ..ds tem t A -N.1 tarry meld likely have ell f•ver- dNswenn. as they de..wthe ass. Q. -Hsu. wean suffered nun frau w kjaelhe of Yen laws 2 A. -Is same owes • were deal ; ia oN.r mese the New bare Mas se mud better thea the law that the wenn hove sot /eh it. Q -R la ens tiers the wawa the rials be sae! A. -T8. mai Q. -Well they de It ' A. -We baton they will, Inas they ass be slaws the kjsWes •f deprir's/ eremas of the bale% •.d the argot saw be werkl g out mesal .dorm that wield fellow the e.. tr•ewhle.me.t of women. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. •eart,tia*".•�.. Couaoil met Mane 18th. IbmMs all pretest. Miasma .t Met Winn had ..d approved. O8.w me gwere (ed for the fol. newly .mwte : Millie Towhee, ditch is S. R. 3 it 4, balsaae, 13.00 ; James Cana Wag, tor eattift as Crested, M 00 ; W.. Keller, ehovisa gravel, 11.60 ; Peter 8bidde, retinae advert, 60. ; Joseph M.B.rsey, ns•irt given, 76e ; Jeek.ea Brrthra, f.r ,ravel, $3.75. Bylaw N.. 6 wag duly pared, appeasing Whoa -Kers. tsac.-piew.n and pa..dkaapere ter the year ae fellow : A.' Ktrkpuerek, Jobe Beene, Wm. Jebsaas. Herry Ryes, D. Johntou, Jae, Stmpsa, Jag. Tigert, Jos. Giro, Wee. Slopes, I. Fester, T8.... Johannes, Jab. Be...ts, D. McK.sd., D. Jardbo, J... Mal.,, W. Ste, R. Finesse, Thea. D.uah..ty, V. Carrell. Oea. Threw, Jabs Kang, 8. Wane, Jae. Pisses, Pre. L1•ra. Thea Culbert, Wm. i•a.s•s, P. Read, R. Msary, R. Blahs, O. Hen W. Meg Irwin. 1). H. a, C, Res, W. H. reed, Jag. Limo, D. galas, Jobe Campbell, A. Harks. .1. H. Gardner, R. Neat, W. G. .i.rdsr, A. Mats, p. C. Andr- as, Jag. Bard, L Cowan, Jas Helot, Jeha tori. J. B MoKes. sig, K. McKenzie, A. 8.itk P. Dope, I. Rods., K. 0..ares, J. K. M.D..•ld, R Rego, Wen. B.,I.es, D Ralkrtrd, H- (`sa.hw., D. McKessv, R HamQtea, Neil Cap.lI, P. Molutyre, J.h. (omen. M. Y.lwod, A. McIntyre, R J. McCa11, Joe. W. Marey, U. Wweey, Tilos M. Kettle, Job. Parrish, Thos. 8.ylie, The. Dixes. Pis McN•.•r•, R Howard, R M•Isma, Joseph Basket, Wis. Powell, R Stoutish, J. Y. Bewly, JoaoStyles, Jobs McDonald, D. Farrah. ML'aoe, Wilma. D. 00.1 8.., Alex M.D..mlti, 111. Drew, A. Yong, W. BAN;, N. J fs 0. O'O.s.sr, J.. M.Kat,►t, W. lSe.rm. Jae. Apr, A. R. Aider.., Theo. W(ggise, 8. SMtkrn, J.•. h. 'Sabha', Jas. Doentlly, R /Itemer•td, R tarried, H. MkOes rr, R. Dresses, Alai. Menest, D. Boyd. Jso. T. Drills, Geo. Tanta, Y. A. Ris8rdr., Oen. Dowses. Them.. Caner•.. Ake. Boyd, A.: Manse, Tames Riai.rdesn, J. H. Cal Prices in it Paper. a Tei . Everybody knowe Wall Paper has been sold the last two or three years, in most eases, at lees than actual cost of manufac- turing it' The Ammer now are that prices will be raised. on and after this season, owing to the great Wall Paper Trust which has beet, formed, and dealers who had not their orders placed in time will find it up -hill work telling paper this season. We are, as u.nal, in leek ; our orders were placed in the nick of time, consequently our cuvtomert will reap the benefit Priest of new papers range from Sc. to 60e. per roll, and nowhere in the Province (bar none).ctln yon find a more select range of samples to choose from. Stock and samples idioms Oa ground floor this year. and bear to mind we it a pleasure to show them; at the same tine we will give you the benefit of our experience in selecting, PORTER'S BOOKSTORE, (T West of Old Stand) � 'D(i ('i `S Court House 8quars, Ci6dlch er. l L P S Fruit Growers Now is the time to apply Sulph. of Iron on orchard and garden. The price used to be 10c. per 1L , but I have secured the proper quality at 2c. per lb. and will deliver to suit at that price. -BINDER-TWINES:- R -TWINES:- __ Prices from 10jc. to 12c. per lb. Order at once, as prices are rapidly advancing. zemznemzemescenet PAINTS, CLASS, ROPE in full packages at wholesale prices. !`fixed Paints are lower than ever if ordered quickly. ALEX. McD. ALLAN. ire Ion Looking for Snaps ? Thu week we oder • Pure Olive Oil Soap, Each cake wrapped in • sanitary wash .loth, POR Go. A OAKL, WORTH 100. Only • gross -call while they last. Castor Oil Cream, The most palatable hairw,w devised. Childreni s Ii. Oir Cm's icy Corsi Care, Yee creep and resale la .8(Mrea. Their best friend, lbc. Sieegsse's Rill lased Pah Dams the blcod, b•tp you GMM said .ed ob.o.. bt. wan,. 25. • b)x ; 5 for 51.00. Prescription work personally attended to any bour-day or night. W. 0. GOODE, The Dispensary, BEDFORD BLOCK. ry ery Noveltiesior- `49. The latest and best in shapes and shades. The two leading shades are Mulberry and Cyrano. Extra values in feathers, and feathers will be in vogue this seaon. We do not hold a millinery opening, but are prepared to furnish the latest and best in millinery at all seasons of the year. • M. E. CAMERON, Apprentices washed. Hamilton Street. re'rzir every rnwrrn ra..sr NEW C�i00d8�''`�, d.s..t I .,' arloea Hick's Central Drug Store. Amass twist arrivals seer be msatiseed :- OA fever 011 asaitea (us bslit4_ McKenna Seep (i.6•. sakes.) dawns' Menthol labeler. h.ler. Btkeee D..dreff Shampoo Soap Frei B.rohesSd Drops. - (tho sew asap fee akin au 1 Chunk Skis. (leveret era.) +-- scalp Masses Ia large weft TM8 B ashes (rreath. Japanese 26 Oast.) and Redd. L'eMg'r Extras Beef (3 SIMS.) "• Parra. Owego " Plot Fwd.** Acme " Mae Jujubes (6.. bowel 0* (1 -Pored hoz for 115s)> AcmeUerlab•d Sala Its balk.) S. _ HICg Next T.kphoseCsus.l, 0.dole8. Dmrateatreo (J�a1er, (Abseil, ,lob. Kilpatrick, P. Shields, P. THE Wella., F Seat. James Tb•newee, W. Kilpathek, W. Sharkskin, W. Ryes, J. Keuedy, W. H. Maims, Jae. Webster, Jas Sullivan, John Timbers, Thea Debar, M. Deme, 1.Had.JaeHad. Jia. O'Neil, H. Rik., T..�O'Os.ier, J... Quaid, W. B. Hawking. Fsaas-yt.w•rs.- Jaw Webster, Jelin M.Dan.gr Joseph H..kett, R. Plain, Y. McLe...., Jolts Bisok, H. C1eff, A. Denny, K. A. Garish, Thee. lone, Was. PewN1, 3..n• lone, W. J. YaM•Il.., Jobs E. Salina, Duma. Ya Keasia. P.uadke.p.e. -Jobs MoD,..gn, PMI Reed, Jas. D..s, Detail M.Cormbk, James McDesdtl, J.he Nowa', 3.8. Stanton. haat ewers t mas_'sa 5.t.d y, May 117116 Os..si kw Meanies N the sase..,mt Mill be nemmse" 5 B rasa P.M. as Net fat.. W. /Hearse, tri. 0.41,1* t Os the evening of Tsesd•y. to Kin share was 6yl.g wand NW Mahe poem at Walter Hick • whit• meth (tbie beautiful weed ■ympb) wber they still hey alive. The sees day there wee • oMerpill.r r••pin sorens she door es het as if N were l• berry to got ws of debt. COAL �� W000 CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We me .1111 at the same old .teed, Nelson Street, wire. we have been supplying oar c.stem..ler a.smbsr of years. We know the feel lint sake you. Otan hit with oar delivery rips or at W.r.Y's Apes and tin .hop and .t oar olio will t..dve pr pt ett.otion. AL wall w.irheti onmrk t eceles, unless oilmen@.ttd.red. We nut several Drays in commotion. CARTAGE i FUEL CO., J01111 8. PLATT, Mauna Plow 62. 4687.1t EPPS'S COCOA 011ATEFOL fJ TJI:Q ed off Fwonr,everywhere 1104 te- the labelleda Lcra- =MAST WPM ' IIPA VERY LATEST THING OUT. -�.- The Bicycle Ball -Bearing DAISY CHURN. Yea oars got those .s Lee & Shephard's. lis• oar Mock of DAIRY 4IAWIBB AND FQBAI8HIN98, Coal OU-WNlnalc aid 6ed LEE & SHEPHARD HELLOI 1 THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 'sap liner Icralllrd Coal IIs TOB MAIMS? . wakir�as even Ys.r. a -k% le•. « ter • tea, WL aside tflasalig= tiitaitiTir� Looking Towards Spring- -. 717717. __.. be wise in buying RY - Goops when there are many things to buy, you will Llnens and Muslins and other household supplies now. The prides are low -too low en- tirely to suit u. --but you will like the goods. Look at our Line of r yilfr ihpoi.=- t..1.42::3 /,4,, 1 .. . , • Carpets an Rugs • Compare them with any in this vicinity ; you will find them matchless in merit, .rws.F.H«--.1.77,"77. Cta.=taeirLes Pretty, Durable Rags, all the way from The most beautiful in pattern and shading and the lowest in price at PEDDER'S. They Look Nice ; They Are Nice. J. H. Not a Claw in them. Made carefully, accurately and faultlessly. Linings the beet and trimmings to snatch. Get your SPRING OVERCOAT now. More satisfaction than you ever had for the same amount of money. Not many left at PEDDIE3R's COLBORNE'S OLD STAND. 9 NEW TOR 1 ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR llITS OYEIICOASIMELEO 0'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR READY-MADE CLOTH I CHEAP Y7 ew• maks 0.11 and gets tt.m. •0 .14 b7 Yard r mw • rep 1• rh. Loam' Nada TERMS 0A.1313.. H. DUNLOP ]reit Bask of Montreal 0Jreb. PLAITING KILL. ISTl DIMES -. llochallalls Bras BASH. DOOR and BLIND Dsat.. b al Idris e LUMBER. LATH. SHINGLES AsatsahtA anent et every de•u dile Bohol Paraitare a 8peoialty BARGAINS IN $toves Having bought out the inter- est of m partsw, Mr. Robinson, I have dieid.d to .ell off the hal- sacs of .took of Sieves at great- ly reatly red.eed rates. Now in the time for BARGAIN.. Thom*, Orval 01L !a aka., ate., an squally low mist I de Plumbing, $a.Bgg and Tionmitking N the lowest prix... Oall sal gm sautes at some of the p.reha.er. ae aty Nem Mosses. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MecLMOD, Goderich, Ont. I Still Lead THE HARDWARE TRADE in Prices and Value. Experience and paying outdo all bomp titon. I will not be under.oid. or two article. Everything value. f handle the Clash for my goods enable me to Can not name low prices on one in my line down to rook -bottom Gold Medal Binder Twine, allowed to be superior P'i^o to any other in this markt, and no higher price than inferior quality elsewhere. Rea my American Meld equal tee if am better thee, the Page tsps., but oosti.tg math less. ILILFILSINCERIR Oer. Square and west.t OF THE OHSAp HAfDw,►Es e'1'OfitE. W. MegENZIE,