HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-6, Page 4TsussMae, April 3, 1899. .'HL" SIGNAL : QODRRIOH ONTARIO E.B. t>1 M.H. Sundries a•d Repairs. W. •.v. ue, received • fun Ices of Mamie suadrtes Bells, Toe Clips, Cork drips, AcetyleneOas Lamps ..Saddles, Pedals, Tires, and everything aeoesear7 ter tee full auuipm..t of • btk., at prim to suit the Mmes. Call •ad vee our goods a•d woes GET OUR CATALOGUE. EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music Houde AND Bicycle Livery. )1Fzgnxl, m rearmm® EVERY THURSDAY MORNING sY n. M.YLWOhMtr 4141111810EL h MIR THE LUST OF EMPIRE. L$T s dog taste human blood, and it becomes a wolf. Let a rape idic seize upon an outlying island -the nearest or most distant acro -mod it is at once phanged into an empire, with a lust foe land and • greed for commerce. We on the side of the Atlantic fpr years have been looking to see Europe drenched in blood. The soils of Cuba and the Philippines instead have ' di anit;in the red rain. We Ma li tsiiped our eyes to heaven in prayer for God in hia mercy to stay the hand of the Turk in the awful slaughter of the Armenians, and yet et Omdurman, where waved the Union Jack, and around Manila, where the Stan and Stupes mere flying, helpless, innocent women and children have been shot nod bayonetted, u the orders were to spare neve. We cannot lob a poiaon- oss patriotism so dull our thinking as to applaud butchery when done by men in British or American uniform when we would denounoe it if done by an Ottoman soldier in a fez. Murder is murder, whether the victim be • woman or child in Iloilo or one in New York or Liverpool. Rachel over in the Philippines who today weeps for bar children and will not be com- forted deserves our pity and our tears jest as much es did she who 1900 years ago wailed in Palestine, from Bethlehem to the omit ; and God, who bas 'Bede the name of He•on to be odious, will not let glory, and glory only, be the portion of the de- stroyers of the little ones in the isles of the Pacific and in the land of the PaALAOHs. The last of empire has taken pos- session of the people of the United Stites. They are now as bad es the nations of Europe. Where it all end 1 The honest watch -dog no lamer wishes to stay at home. He hat the rabies -not hydrophobia, but the blood frenzy - and it drives him abroad. Will he raven on his enemies alone, or will he snap at his friends 1 The blood -frenzy is the most infec- tious of national diseases. What is the care An Awerioaa poet has written the prescription, and it is that of a wise physician. LoNa- wiLLow, after a visit to the arsenal et Springfield, penned words that Dome SA tbe warning and pleadings of • proph et of God. The closing lines have the melody of a benediction, and the rhythm of the fluttering of the wings of the angel of peace : " Weep half the power that fills the world with terror, Were half the wealth beutowe,l on camps and courts, Given to redeem the human mind from error, There were no need for anemia nor fora. • The warrior's name would be a name alp boned Amid eery nation that should lift again E• MI band y.imt its bcother, on the fore - Weald weer for evermore .the canes of Cain. D• own the dark future, through long getter .ties., easing sounds grow fainter end then plass WM a bell, with solemn sweet vibrs- ' 1 Mar item e.we the volae nl Christ ..y and no longer iron its bre. of War's great organ reads the as songs of the immortals melodies of love arise." SWOTS inenelik• Nugget mutt have at Ottawa are of smut. Legislature h.a ad- majrity has grown i1 is a clear sero ef "as the ad own mews so the young live," se lay the fames Jewish writer. Israel Zurwrll. The Very res. J. D. O'11mira. fit.. -Dern et Regiseslediesid, t.ntrthetei •e sastarable taper ea the Il heist ry el Art," mad the Rev. Dr. ot)tr, ens ea tis frames mlrlemey M Was, •' Width Joh.." ' What Charles Dishes' U d ter lhitJ►eod," y James L Rusher, throw, sew haat ra the spirit of that Gnat aerobe' Timely caries •e•. .. The Rooter Apple," by Allele Trumbull 81..eos tad •' Selo' Ruth," by !AMA Fermata Mak. Toe popular soieaai smiel. Nes ' Vessel A r.' Sritiie's Naval Leadership of the World, and Ritualism: Kampet are Nmol, Meatn.ed. Several poems give unite an --Between seattion. would be • Seem berm to this amber. Tomato : �kty good tints for the Ontario Gotr�. µHayleas . tggi Mi ligisuiLdiegAsoto yaw : meat to t' mead fences." . 11 00 for ds menthe - Why is it that the Dominion COUNTY CURREN7Y. (ipvernment cornea every bye-.:eo'iou end tie Ont rio Government doesn't t Morrie : Jobs MoOalehesa, sr., was buried is Monday. - We haven't beard a solitary Tory newspaper ouedomn yomug Truss's .Lok• gu•rdtam on the floor of parlumenL -Since IN caning . resident of the Pacific Slope Climates Trrrfat the LIMO has adopted the Chines* mode of warfare, which oou.i.a iu the throwing of stiskpot r. -The civet eat Stena of the Ot- tawa Opposition ere enough to mate derma folk hold their nose. -If we were Speaker EvallruaaL we wowed either clear our skirt. or get out of the political gem. --Now would bo . good thine for " Key hole'•Tarla,s to tell US what Ito tier heard about the Yukou. POL„vOAt- fl #tTkles. or If the leaders are not loyal W the rauk and file, it cannot be expected that the rank and file will be loyal to the leaders. M Stand by the party ae lung as the party Muds by principle. aI The man behind the gun doesn't weer he epaulettes, but he does the ehuotiug .11 t be wag. Mir There is • vast ditfeibnou in the statesmanship of the Hon. " itayddg• TarLos and that of the Hon. " Opmwaor IMFhe gilt-edged flummery .t tbe pro - ✓ Kation ot the Ontario House weld. be :lone away with without the dignity of the 1'rorinoe suffering in the least. We should ot- to see the Lieut.-Govruur go through , b. psoas in a pair of plain brecbee, .1 hock oust and a plug hat of any age --and ., would the Governor. WHAT OTHERS SAY. „guts COSI SI N ee The (;IoM paMi5Ma the following oene- n u ,iaalies from W. 0 Smite, of 0ederle►.• '•1 .odes jos are doing good work expos- mailiedelseetimet Ry Mt 0.1 Company. Nee I *hoots flet,'t of oar sole lumber t..bue Tore hes born • joint peutioe amt to Ottawa signed bt all the .le feather Wooers outside of the am Wee is O.tarie, wad .leo by all the lead - tag shoe lactortea is Ostereo and Q.sb o, pr.yiag to have the duty removes from Sp mud sole leather. This so-aelld teethes r,00fatira bus bees dereism the (Severn- a,: t from Ottawa 1. Quebeo, sad from ►Leis to Waktegt.s, fee leer they would isclede leather in • r.eiprweity treaty with the Canted State.. Now, we oats produes leai:,^r bre MI cheap . any plana La the wntld ; of warns, we would have to employ sk old labor, and tura out • little hetes rt}}ole tame c1.• oombaa o•o de with ea- skilled a- .8 11 d labor .t fity or sixty omits • day. We w sow oompetiog is foreign market* at • profit, and eau continue to do se, as we have all the raw material we regales 1 our owa country. I seed sot all you coat this leather trust moot hurt ghee factories end censers without hurting ell people wbe wear shoes to this Deanery, became dear leather mast laureate the pram of shoes. There is 0o reason why' W. ahe.14 not ship to freige oeunlries twit. the eM..at of Maher we de et present." . BOOKS ANO FEMOOICALS. HARr_a'S Ma azxxa -.Of special artiolse Harper'. Mspztne tor April pre.ote an en- oeedugly rib variety. Arthur Myopia oontribew "A.peot. of Rome," an article wbioh deeoribes with ren sympathy and i.lret modem phases of life la the Eternal City. It is slab:rawly illustrated by F, V. 1)a Mord. "Thirt es Day. in U.zplored MnnMatgre" le the title el an •rttole by M y YoClellas Deserve, whisk give. an .1- 1,a give aa.et of a -earesy through that let(r.tfeg t.antry• T. K. Hama, jr., hes ala. Coated it appropriately after the ambers pho egr•ph.. . Ape .1 Gaeta" le • popular presentation of the I.1.1 'mho - lexical molestation ot the pbesw-.s sleep, by Andrew Wilma. eOr.mw.11 Gad hi. Ceert" u written by Amalie Barr. and marmite may ieoideate cad am.ed.tes gathered nem Oremwetliee sewepapen sad • raot.. Re melt Surges sesames bis arti- cles es •robi,.eter., "the IUgdpmeet el the Modern City Ham." beteg Ohs w►j.et die - 041 geed is this i0slelmeat. Aran. LADId Hort JooaxAt.-"Eesw is the Church," picturing seas elierebes m ,et artistic.117 d...rat.d far ieswr, ap• raprlately (pemm the Apel Indies' Elora 1o•tsel. Mew More he • 0.lered Cee• rest" and goitre M.•dayy'e "Emu Rolling le eta Po:widest's Big Yard," are ale. tistely .ed interesting A ..Mbte motel feature :memos the era Airs, ted dazzling eer.r of "The Magniboe.%'M•dam' Rash." .mil am• other portray. '•rb. Life .t a Japanese (11,1." Thr. artWss of peoullar ieterest are esthded "Hr. v to b. Peaty Though Pians,' "Aeon' ,lee," mad '•What it Mesus to b. • Hueneme .." Edward Bek editorial. ly writes te tbe Ertl wbo..ek. "hlghr.du• mites" sod o.mnot so W ooliL and epee the emanate'. et ark. The Betten .f the combse secludes tb* opining stammer. of Mn. Charles T.r.y Collins' sew aerial, "A C•elleg. Coattail: p." the oonol doe of ••Tit. Jammer is t)." Ooantry," .ad a .bort *my by Miles 1) *miss elv Disked. "The dal on the Beaten Express." Jobs Readmit B•aga Cwtrlb.t • s a .ketob, "The Secede, of Asn Hill." l":e illaetratiess are a mr- oe..ed lmtreetin``, The Ownts PebIMkimg Coepeey, Pbll.lelphla. Om dollar per year ; Ms .sete per eepy. Air KA_rsa Nluau* -ht .gmideest ill..• teatime mak. the Easter somber of the Canadian Marcs . very .Straitivc. The emir Is sower .M, and the ..bred ill. - Magee fr Tbcodore Rehm* perm are . eetklag new far • C.mvdbN periodical. Eke Maim .re oyserib.sd by JIMMY B. Weed, W. A. Freese Bl..drM Ohsm, Chaise Kees, H .1. O'Higgins; mr iggiss ed 1Earpret O'Grady. 8ir I..1. H. Davies write fool• tegly of the late Lard Hereehell la an arti- ele wble1 show. the aaW.Ml eberaet.r of tltie --idea J dee Knottily/or eyes iea.y atreetlyr feats .beat Mier Rogan es.m.sdr of the famos0.501.' Raman of rrveletleasry times. Tb.n �0II also a fell pats permit of this man, *be Was after- wards go..r.or .t MIehlllm•oklnw and was tt�.eert.arM•1 M Montreal in 1768 Wnsage writes of the NI me - ages sena. sad WM. Thorp ea the peesi bf 1. Hassel elms mania between the WM I. - di. cid (Meda. There is a two•p•ee arlf- el• ee 'Themes Shaughnessy. the fumes railroad M ; a short arllele se Raba and OM •teraetiye features. M.rmon.er Id&oA)I,. nut Review me. Aran. -le this .umbar are.ls tamed ora ol.a The first le sia paper that will swam meth • the F1a elmvez- r_el ,--Rsec Reyes el ,he Wartburg," ky 1pef tneehleig e ef illlaiarrr of Ilan " A (}4.jtg' ^ by h te .d M., .+__east ate memesies a she Ma ..err ed af /M ftitMle. ' The Mel D'Arwy , M • seseeletips" mattenesiala Cavelila w A Jeer Jarmine e. lt_esMr" en in/hags: Goa Raamoll tee sold ►i homes M Mrs. Ward, ei Sclera,.. Exeter . Wee. Smell skipped a imrloed of hue oetae to Tomato oat We ius.ay of last week. Nerds : Ales. Smith, 8 a tine, has per - Missed the 100 -.ore farm from Mr. Herber, of Blyth. Hayfield : Mies Aaaie Elliott, who Me beet is Bootee 1m •beets year, Mussed Meloy .f i..a week. 1104111 ooh tew..1. p : The truster el 8. S. No. 9 have e.gagd Mies Blair of Kiseard. hoe to tomb u their wheel. Morris : Oa Tuesday 21.1, W. J. Smirk, el tau township, wedded Mt. Mary Arm - Mom. of West Wawawh. Zurich : Oe Tuesday of lest week the Soar-year-otd child of John Bream was bur- ied le the Leiden -as cemetery. Chas. Wakes hes puroba..d the balob.rieg lousiness of Ford d Hamby, sad look possession last week. Myth : LW met,J. G. Eolith end his himatifel driver or Richard Welke. el War. Mom. The prise paid wee N. CluttnitAIL S. Mi.Sr..d a Wile_ will sited the mnhry salmi a1 Leedom nest term, whim bogies April le. Wrevilr : Thoma. Gibes, ir., is mov- ie/ tote the homes formerl, owued by his late mole, A. L. Gibson, of ()edictal* B'yth ; John MoCalleob, one .f the .e.tieet.-ttler 1e Kest Wawan.b, died ea Iu.eday of last week at the the of 86 yam Krider : W. Pumas, of Os.Vsba, hes perdased the produce testes. from W. fl Lovett, and tetesds reovirg •M town shortly. KtlmoadvWe : Neil Brown, who lately sold lis tarn in Tuokeremith, intends tam - mg fou the yillege, sod will 000epy Mies 8pto•t'e *Wage. Clinton : Horace la:Meeo, see of Jebs JO,Na.o, trite has frees • rariea. d Glomar. Med ter some tune, hes takes a situation In Num York city. Wroxeter : N. B. Gerry, of Mussels. who lately purchased the hardware stook el Seibert Gibees, is else putting is • timers and stove depsrr..et. Exeter : Hoary Howe, Leaden Raid, lost amothr valuable horse oe dsy hest week. It was kicked by ore of th• other hors sad had to he killed. Seafortb : Allocate Shea, of this tows, fids it necessary to seek • warmer olim•te em s000aat o1 hes health, and lett this week for Los Aagelea. California. Clinton : A. O. Pastime basked Mies K. Y. Slurries sad Mrs. Stargeos fee Reesman*, Dakota, •mil Jae U.Ksasie and Pew McNeil for Aberdeen. Dakota. Crou:arty : Mn. Robert Brodfoo", sod d.eehtr,of Kansas, are host. ea • vi •.1 to %lea. Brosdfoot. mother. The old lady bag I.es *he sight of both eyes. .oe6eld : Many of the bleeds of Perry 0., bolt, is this Tidally, will regret t. I „ of !.. death. which took place as Wee - 1 es M rah 22ed. et typhoid fe,r. Ltadr,boro' ; Or Wedassday et lam wee. Mn. 8.mael Weedem departed Me life. She had boss A "nab saffKee ter several years. bet M wee bares very p*eiestly Hem I Kr. lin tyles, a trapper lad Mister he trade, deed ou Friday afternoon, ltaroh 17th. Thr old gsetleme had hese stliemeely a (..lays with pe.mraia or la cr Pi. •. {'•:ate.: If L.B. Hart. hes dipesed et Ifs hisser, la. el, 000.pi.d by Mi. Hutt, de ,need. es kisses -et., to ►i brother Ed- ward. who will mote fate it It the early part .1 Alto'. S.,phcn: Mu. J. W. Morrison, Me tang' t .early leer years it sobool motion No. 6, 8 maga, mime chi. week for (;rer- un, Awa, when she km •eop,d a Wheel at a good ealtry. Birth : A very happy event took Mir at the brides brother's, John Seeder.o, ea Maros the lbth, whim Wm. Mope.' w.. netted la marriage M Mrs. Mary Metria Ormsby. of Hallett. • Brussels : Oresables F. 8. Swett and A. Rebuts/dim oma received • new pair of "derbies' ire week sad as sew bemire law breakers with the Ietest improved sickle -plated souses. Wlagbsm t Os Friday eftent.n of lest week • her. Lelnegiog to Char. Robb. of 8t. Augustine, dropped dead es Josephine street Is front ef dee. Kith's etre. He bad base drives 1. single. Chutes : There died is Clinic.. on bleeds!, Ketch 90th, Paulen Pere. an old resident of Clinton, at the se. of 75 years and 6 mouths, after as ailment lee some tines of gemma! debility. Wroleter: McMichael Biros., wph.we of Arch. McMichael, of this loo•Ilty, shipped two era of bores* free' this 'tattoo oe Tow. day of lot week to their extensive farm le th• Qi Apelle district. Aromas : Mask Mohree left for rho West ea Tuesday of last week to try his Zook, mad we with him sumer. Mr, 15. - bit.. has bees Is the dry goods beslases, se partner of A. R. Smith, tor 9 years. Rayfield : 1)s Tuesday morning, as Jobs Fraser was retuning from his farm, hie berm meet the cutter et the bottom e1 the hill. The shalt entered the burse'. left shoulder. omasng a very .srleme isj_ry. Exeter : Alex. Ilex. a preepsrose y]et.e farmer of Stephen, and Min Geer. lotto Petersen. *limb daughter el 1f.1 - see hearses, math femme es the V.T.R. hero, w.re malted Im marriage by the Roe. Sage in London, Ise% week. Seafrth Mn. Jas. Yves, diel at bee resldem ea .'ohs ,tees*, la this 1..,.. os Friday lset, in the 64th year of her arra Deo.•s.d, wait 'sly moved to Mme frees (ALton a share Mme the with her besbesd. had lace in MOW health it setts Shea Cli.te.: W. Jaeksss, 0 P. ti soak tfekMMd the 1111111,1001 Wilma t --W. M. Donald, et Pia Rall, M Olnsdaw, N. Dakota ; W. Slemissse of BwbW, to Mae. Jaw, It W.T.; W W1s M sad* Ste Marie ; J4La Wtsstaeta M Wisp./. Myth : A few weeks see a r esss ealla ss (tees A. Mebaw, of this. and ecce him Ino let D. Mo0ay's mirk M F1w-ssa, .d • .dHtaw.l delker to pay the scat .1 Mesmaselem. The mag sae requests that his Mem he net d S.slwlh : The 8.afertb hoses bill hes eery hese amoreheelly eased by tis maim Lseea sn. lim- a 1 a a1)I , and to Ill delis and *S.esd'.d IM 11.1.4 timdhig 111 Yetr4p. I�ir NfiO!/ i( net parfeOw ds. est Memo law, hemmer, .rill N yttu bile to take Ibsen. itelleilrmese, 1M meat e1 the Llwtrs these flee our winds* for $18 and $80 mita for 816 ne Fridayand Satarda ewer, wtMgb le gems the glees. et w ss !• Ilse.' agra-•sy11le: Aesthete of amt's hemlui plemer. W tees milled hem& 11wMdr M.O.s, el Nrtedv4Ee, mead away ea Tuesday Meglest., Melee the g .4 toe .t ds yaws wee ajwwbMum by lank. and sans te dlemei Me MINIlea le the vlafufh of pale, need'. .8.e ha staseir'ed-hie fel" shoe h. MIN te Sanaa, Islam y the form oa the bat ..a.mies et 1'..•kenaKb, Mese he eosUsaed te mime mitt et*** yesemee. totem he retired from the melee dwtl.. of Ids and We M. reels M lervMds, cIN.1. emoted fee himself • mad gimlet" - able helm. His wife died ahem Map yam vee. lad M sever married ramie. He hail a family of two seas, bet' .sly ase serv.y es him. lkemels 1 MM, W. Vss.ts., a tenser reerreled mildest el Brawls, did at hr Wm hems is Galt, sa Sate.day et I.et week. Sits was eery MMI, bay1eg paned ter 80th. birthday. Leatheeda1e, eadrtakr, of this elms., was cant Ir to eoadeot the bowed services at lien. (lelrlek r� Mai did ..CT . s..v i iso 8.8.54 writ died w the 1 Deo.mbr, passing away ea Saturday. a1e.1 weak. She tad Mom hl of I. etippc, had almost reoever.d when a mimes tame .ad er ease peeled deems,. bre, ifeaa.m wee la her 71e5 year. "▪ aesforth : De. Matey drove (a from Mr. Hoegrth's, is 511brs, a disteam .f Neves m. lee. a few day. ago, with Ur. Scott's poo i- in a comer Is blip -ire mtaatea, mad be bad 1. hold the little fellows heed all the way and then was set a hair turned ea them wine they gee to tear sable bars. Zuriole : Rev. E. Sekeelkte has revolved word anso..isg the death of R... N. Min - L upo. of Wellesly, is the 79th year .f his mew The remains were interred i. the PW *Merit amatory se W.daed•y the Mae elm The dammed wee well Meson here, es Ith was meter el the Letberat eborae • ss.er of years neo. Sealant' . J. W. Seem, of Leo port. N. Y., was the cont el W slew, Mn. D. Me - 'style, the w..t.-l.tmt week Mn. D. Me- l.yn weal. to 8t. Mary's to aimed the fsaral .f hew sister, MM Boots, sad this weak -Mr. Mol.tyre wee salted to the same plan. sea shallowly •srreNal entad, to at- tend htend the fusers! .l his last s.rvivi.g bro- ther, Magus M.latyr., m saes pre.M.a1 besieged mss ot the Kees sows. 8eaforth : The death w Mien Charlotte Fr..msa, oldest das•atr of the km Thee. Fre.man, of Seafeeth, ,whish occurred en th.80th, waspmtioalsrly sad. The deceased rouse l.dv, who was • op.oal favorite ta the family and with her fnl.ode, bad base an extreme .afferr for •boos a year, fiat w i h late trouble mad finally with a malts - mat ta.ar. She wms‘t►irty•oigbl years of 5IN- 8.aforth : The dlreou s of the Timken - smith Breach Agrloaltar.l Society have ap. w aled to the tows ceased for a grant et 1300 to mstat them ia the cosaruotira of their sew hall, to take the palm.s of the me destroyed by fire. They ask this past ee thm medals. that the township of Team( smith mail MsK11I.p, who are Istetrested is the mnie'T,.great m similar amosat, sad that the hall u bs bails w111 nest at Lest 11,000. If tis rid *eked is not fortbde slag, FOR SALE YY JAS. WILSON. Sae Agent, Oedrml. ASTHMA CURED. GODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE OUR BARGAINS. -NSW DRESS GOODS, --NSW PRINTS, --NEW SILKS, -NEW GINORAMS. NEW SATINS, NEW KID GLOVES, OUR BARGAINS. ervetie.tw ,-1444v COTTON% _ _„fj*W ART1(USLINS, t}v4Y-='R*tW SREETUJO8, NEW CRETONNES, I --NEW PILLOWGOT1ONS, -- NSW SATEENS, OUR BARGAINS. -NEW LACE CURTAINS, --NEW WOOL CARPETS, -NSW TAPESTRYCURTAINS --NOW UNION CARPETS, -NEW LACES, -NEW CURTAIN POLES, oURe BARGAINS. Doctors now agree that consumption is curable. --- Three things, if taken to- gether, will cure nearly every case in the first stages; the majority of cases more ad- vanced; and s few of those far advanced. The first is, fresh air; the se- cond, proper food; the third, Scott's Emulsion of cod-liver oil with hypophosphites. To be cured, you must not lose in weight, and, if thin, you must gain. Nothing equals Scott's Emulsion to k ep ."J.s :n andAesh. lx. and $u..* drytm. s0OTT • soma, IS.mlr elksatlle► bis Seita'*: iliagyrtriari:rt. skssilo4 w of Mr t wroa trouble. Q•am felt `ee t- rhe's t b the rale po.ltivel7 eeae•st.et/ cure ter thea. an saes. bees sod 1n the Home for IaewMesat astnto sad Iamk,ex.. B.to bare aryO. Tares *sae MA�8 the OM by agem`Ileeddruggists at 42 p.c Wyeteed ter three Gr. */ S bottles /i &aa.he:osei Osth me eels Oass- dlsa I lsl a rob street. T+re.- to, or uteosvr, 1R Q HAY nullAll ..rr'aa'` Iron Si ?tea the 'society will mot W able to rebuild, and ue mutt owes to ti ifst. WI.elase : 05 Tu.eday of lest week Jabs Dividers bnugbt m the lergss1 lead of wood for Ibis s.amcc. It oo.aired syr .is arils of terms rte,. wood. 1t was draws richt eat of the woods toe. Nest' W ineham Fred. mad IME Di/mead lift tows th1e week. Fred west to besl.ria te learn the el.,rio.l bagasse .ad Jeff. to Sweet Sprit.., Mew tri. when he will wok is the Sear r I owned by 1.v sale, Y r. Jams Clinton : F R Hedges., tem ..ter:% 0- T. R , booked James Howe t. Vitria, B. (,, Sona C.George11.34.• 1',M8M$1 $ Dekote : George Messy. Amgen, W mssp.g ; Mie N. Medd, el WselesM M Pea., N. W,7' E1yth • A few days age gees Mese' seal amemis meld west he rampaged 1e be as empty b.z to a Morris farmer, and wain the latter r.•ehed beam he fwd that the bag .alnteed ■'x ,tits of .hest The loather goods were promptly warmed se the nereh•mt. A.6reat Snap. T. is ear Omen Soap. at ba a pea•d, el w1.Meh we esti a barrel • week. This ism'* mar rely asap. as we carry svaythmg that sat be fegad m am sF to -date eremy st.es, and ear prism are right. The farmers keew that they oma always get free es • asap ter 1td, prod... We dmw the has at e lea,laate trade - eveythhte l;l.eewa►e or petite.,, Gerdes .1.1.. Mother' able Chum. We deal le all of them. G. TIPLING & 00., Bedford Sleek, O,d.rish. MoKim's New Store, Reid's Old Stand, Goderich. DON'T BOGGLE" or hesitate to find out or prove if our statesman are tree. If they ars Style it will not cosh you anything M find it est ; if They are trio it w01 he tillMq in your pocket. Flannelette, 36io. wide, the very latest Keghth patters, mere Irk. a I. eseeei,.proial for shirts ••, par yd., 124. 37... Flano.l.tte, sew stripe paitrae, rood coolers, .troegmad, even thread, premed beads 10. 33 n Flannelette, dark Men, la .tripe sad plaid, geed Ir mele..Nrm. rood vase ow 84. M 9.t, tier pries per yard Foully, dares Bay. Some of last week's bargains are not an sold out, but are dill at the bar- gain day paces. 1Aptos Gingham, for e. 0e Leather Belts 10. 90. Ames stripe Rlntee 10e 7e fie' two-pie.8e45. ler 11.26 ed we will add te It fee Friday 2 deg .es'.•ksiteed Top Baht, regular prim 46a, te elate Friday. beepers ay ,... ...., 96. A ab of Balla Wssl, p t.ep Mn b.wheu �f 32,.. Flm.sel./M, • geed reage of pee. Mon, terms, fait on, at, pet yard.... 6e FIa.Isbt., .snow, thin MOM* ped .Ion, as 34e end 3e 311a. tweed .lees Shaker, Me mem 1m the Seam( IMaIs any. MM sad as gram setztsres. spatial •e, pee yard 10ems Orgy Bisel, pleb tied twill, light sad . dark, h Why WM se smooth Mabel ob. Mss yard... 26e., 90i., 120., 10.. sed Ne MMalloryF5..1. 27M. wide, same spay 36e yea pfoe, oar prise .. 26. Navy 1lamet, very special foe molts' r .karts ea. pyard 26e (Alae Castes F•.1 .e ... ........ 6e. be 124. wrath 10e, , Mote a1. sad MuI .sM 6e F. mbl!eMwr, • let .f Oa lade, .maples ani 1155•.15 ep se 44 yds. Wag roes.,, bargain ay. as blg re/se- ises per end. 100 oda Iles s cart ed pMte�sehehess., wise, lest Real vase .1 i0.., hatable day , 74e A let of Iodise' tie esehaeme and pieta ..balm. Hess, full fasblemed, eek alar 36s. sad 46a, Friday sett all saes 96e If you don't get per's Friday the prices will be the Name when you do Dome, if any of the goods remain. �wmrer nR=1�TC+<0 The fundamental priaoiple of this department is high quality and low prices. Men's High Grade Sootob melts made np with best Italian Cloth Body Lining, cat in **fashion you want, some a yea pay e18 to $20 for, our polos {lb. A Minn St and eatista•tton in • detail guaranteed. We leve W. A. M°KIM. Q.49.g - OId Stand,: Ooderi ch, -NEW UMBRELLAS, -NEW PAMASOLC, -NEW EMBROIDERIES, -NEW GLOVES, NEW UNDERWEAR, -NEW WATERPROOF COATS, -NEW BELTS, -NEW LACES, W HOSIERY, -NEW GOBBETS. Don't miss this opportunity. JAMES ROBINSON. WE have just received a new " stock of the celebrated SHERWIN - WILLIAMS Ermfrmrprmrtntrm E S.W.P. AND E FAMILY PAINTS a a These goods are, without exception, the best Ready -Mixed Paints in the world. -They cover most, last longest, look best and are the 11104 elWMt*S.*l I)au&ts. male. T A.C+NI TE" the Fireproof Paint, has also arrived, and this is both good and cheap. I have a full stock of pure White Lead, Dry Colors and Li flseed Oil. N_ D_ ROTTG-NTIL. An Original Position... It is better even to be right than merely original, bat the easy position you may assume in these shoes os ours we are ready now to show you help us get back to original comfort. If you want solid, new -fashioned comfort WEAR " SLATER" SHOES P.3.-The balance of our Winter Stook must be sold regardless of price. WM. SHARMAN, JR. OOaxa or Serf trout'' axe SQVAaa. TIII PYoy!OAL IWO. WAX, Awn NOLO anr$? res TIM SLAM moos, O ODmRICH- MEDICAL HALL, 0ODERIOH. Stook nearly complete again. New gobde received daily. - A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges jolt to hand. The newest and latest Perfumes. Patent Kedicinee, Horse and Cattle Spiess, sisf Oooditioa Powder.. Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomism, Hot Waith and Ioe Bags, etc„ etc F. JORDAN. - Cornet Oolbodse-'it, and Square TO anwsuE'P1i1M. - �`-r Kar reR w�» r�w RIcrs' day then. Menai thos" P'UR[1 SALT d_na1 AdvertisementsNOZ '�a�A aseigawilvasis nockWaAigmAss • • •