HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-4-6, Page 3v,v-,s,, . 1... ._ r . , - .,r -_.
y' , , .
Zt)t Q"aa lhesrr from til. Uorsru
wt°t b°n°liea
sh lastOr. tiM' eliM 1pto power.
1Yte Liberals Wae sniff,
if � 8�0W� TO fLgp/t
fi ly eevWrdRal'that -%,ie raw
�y iwaebsd
Rdi Mt R -- as e a WAtd
masses 4olisea7 lead pomvlebed himself
havlag tailed to ter 16166 with the
that would I1M drtrlrOontal W the
�5f Of Postage Stamps Of
a$ p
People. wtto bought rho 16rger, ezp"d:t-
yt t ug
g I1eY Would be
u �°�� 01 Canada. They were
� to stand loyally to Canada,
Ldrge Denominations,
able to exchange
thea fur await- deuvminatlutu It
67 -W ot a 9114111111-
a. 1a! an the, peeelay lwald, r.rq
at the hick of tits present Uovera.
Found Guilt of the Murdei
it a gw�alrtl�t8,1
�p �t�t world. in any milk
of Tophey.
had made halt a million by his act of
r`1111t A et wtmt al,uut the man who
lou; a met d vtam u t
Tcwohtag the fiscal polley of the
UOrrruaenh he denounced all an In
The Boilers of a River Steam-
boat Explode.
. .
,mow - _ - ----
Me sitteth, With
hi and
Watching St. Jacobs Oil
To Cure Your
p I las uu Pros- justice to Canadian farmers a tariff VESSEL SANK IMMEDIATELY, •
ottaws, March lid. -The feature of Pent orf rrlltu ; them F The lion. get under which sOUO,[1W bushels of cont DAY OF DOOM WILL BE MAY 1� R h e u m at s m e
Nrmatl lie •0tawnled, land lasso ubls
the debate On the aetirctar 6W*W was to be I:ud 1)reu ippocted In one Yrar, ill aha Lcapdop rt, C'ut11o, all., llartla 21O. -Thu river
h dict ]lfbiass" tag bosh elder of two which
N re grain,_ R o[ (`uuudlan groan coarse �yy vlawu vriu Yes wero repot
the tworhe►ae(rf ,IM9 b7 meet together lay. ttf:ts whteh were grape- Sat to las steamboat 1tArwena Lee fe fou to
,d l'ublkn Worts fhb eve nts& in Which hardly Creditable to bun. Bir Louis Darier -Dues tae wan. elf r�11Nd 10 the trial of Marion Brawn have hem wrecked fit. Tyler, Mo.,
It,, dealt Ai brgthWillis. Ste gttaoliv After ret Heat. Mr. Tarte reswu tq g warn lbs ooart adjourned this event- about 100 gstJs Abq%e tfe. The
talo de !'man swank that was hVisortwi for Itis;- All dlty the rc - tio�t twnusasd
- ugrsrL uta t�rl�r t��� �fl" to sea In-<kierads P #as°••- - - % 1#b` M mfte tu!! haat iLe FT
- tin ozpaflesed I.&Cixl u 8 r bares Y!. Hag hes-Wlll the hos• ' taw 18di6iiiot ved at lab _--•-
iuwgrss (A ate cry Cos- Tapper t0 r41t Quebec t1ut1 the Kontteman tum per , who was tike last main passengers and crew perbshed.
n1 J11 w wiut It war imported fort west wttb Toohey. The must rtartilag No p=ri=mes have beep received. THB uAA&AO108 OF THm NILS.
rervutives of Frertoh after mss• red, assured him that he Sar Lou6l Davies -Tu I* expOrtrd Ina IQ)as d the flay hsglpu4wd Jnr6 i►as The Bowens Lee bslgrjed to two
they had been kept tit Pills for ,cold 1ki received there with all again, u dot ,at It Nierebv lta•rexfrted torn lbs Goon urutauile just u Lew 'rune, an4! tan bei ellosia beat! and -
tits cunrlderation due to hie a � Construction Threatened the Bxi►t
tw.nty year+ by the • � of the to Ills man age, Our currying trade. young man W the aucbeaoe war taken Af" Wlk% 'I1tm•
,W, taco of tluebeo. anal • y Y >ean lu public Ilfc nod Mr. Hughes contended that Bir Lout wittt ane le fit. at, Loub, March 29.-A special to
sal of the lyraalds.
W tae lm 1attempting to mislead the House, pp1�w� the l�btic from New
cfi•frtklsd the ea(egQlt4re d Uov- IIs Important position he erten- oust Half a does- wtttuager WW d reel H0•t The tsarrapfeD of the Nile court)
crauleat at VULMI .: v►V.tbf, which were public life, and even French and quoted from the returns showing •q•ougte to says: LO boilers ut the sRaaaer Raw•
luteuelel to foster Cauadlan trade and Ings may las displayed (n war lienor that durin tete seven months a"tl Y pursuit of a peg- ens w11,11 abort! 2U possum n be- tuts' the ascot lmptiCag Irrlgatiot
R ay; tramp. who resembled tato rsh rlor. a�kte Igor orrw, exploited oppuslte 'lir• trwn to J sffyp . and -ay ptuve W lu
cluverL It from Ualbgld litaW ektapllgis. upless he feels for the tri -color ilio Just. 31st surra W leu: ►alar ui tyllydl,• Norge, Wilkinson. of the Hlletpli Field
(Iia motion of Sir Wilfrid Laurier the wme et and dhllko that th4 (N)p had lduu imgxrrtcd. Buttery, swore that we war ext two
Sale( Nye ler, 1W►., about 4 o'clock this alter• quo u1 Use a»art important. At Lite
n'epJrt of the awamlttoo appdnicd W p of his party expressed Hon. Mr. PaWrron ryW[ported that ON -le when the doctor turnad over AD sad she except
t.tCap rank with inn d the century ha l -a
select the standing CoraWito glr was with so much vehemence u few Col. Hughes road taw explanateuy 'lose till' as m and o e of ti Capt. tlif an- dtae Ikwnaan. (aid that Carvell and one d tae crew. It is elk• who row everything,
adopted• days ago• un the first pago of the trade atui Totshey's revolver wits ati{I elate Y • and who from
la &BMW to Sit Chairbe Ta oils Mr. Geo Unrated the% wttl' and her Ilio Ort talo bilmigRhone must have un
Pier• George Taylor -Tae Iwo. gen- nnvtertlott rrturvot which glhovawd that lu Ills Itarld Atwthcr wttnte>,s swore caw she h aopaM a�'an. lo, ticstexl ro f the about Ir(lam
tl'llfrld l�arbr sold that tics t+DOrt Ol tlemau mfeetates the fact It he ee>♦ 'eaterwl for rurwumptloa" noretY Nmt the revolver was I in on taw aft p
Ike Aral a'r,R_aot yet 4041- that I showed meant %flat the articles had eutrre,t Y `` AL !this anthdorea ewe Rowena Lee tbn, spoke of alto aedwtlapa o[ t4tm
aRY hotLUl g t7r.dlsrl laths the tf uu rl and not ill fisc po110eta - - backed lite OideRream fprrm icer to ming the IHtD'at the apex d lice
p►Mr. 3figa - t to tate tha color slag. Wbst 11(asr o talk t/t ink ow Island. rovers! on ]ler jOurnety. "Mie r
Mr. ]Coast (I.apralrb and N6pMI� I stated was that the bon. gentle Reverting to thr Waaplptlar p pDelta,ly
ru as n rend the whole rep
draflabl" } Iletecitve tifckk toll cif fit t a the rete jobs mile s the mldtop d the ply tint town ore branch and taco
'tile) resumed sin debate ext the all• man wad rafenl the (lag e(1 Her Maj. tlaLiae, lir. H that rho body d tits pofloeernJiu, and ai e► I rivers when Nle suddenly stopped and
,hers speaking in Frouch. In dbetlrs- esrty'r boat. Canadian eossla� had yielded nag down the other, anti than double tilt
Lne Berate reform he said that Ile Hon, Nr, Tarte-1 am very glad every pullet la until there wrests had ben rs'd ttmt several wttchee un, tf a tong e b been struck. dist Irrigating power.
)vise In faros d •flit abolition to tits 1 arrest had leen made, and he lead The next mssmri% the boat parted In
Iadeed tart the hon. gentleman eats was only ale question 10116 journeys the mkldle volume ut stream and ala 1888 Ateheual,t .\I1, iii„lug It
ZtaQs several atop lk to van rotlr A
`erose, and hs.doallbd lf lie would bumble plc, so won,. (Cheers.) Pro- ark) tltela Clwy adj eaed lasesOft the debris arose, and tib detonation of oxcueellttgly difficult to clear the
Pe011K seas had xusweeet! tile (1e
,.rte• far reform tlalsmt he tho"Gilt It OmOdWg, he Mid the hon. leader of CwtAd States COINkOh planers would nos M explosion thondereA over the refit summer eaaafe to u sultlCieat depth
Oortoodo that �y1y dire Man wanted.
Pr to receive the low-water supply, • was only 6 step tosa►rda total atlol4 the Opposition believes the Province point Witneatssa from Caradoc and Strath- or. Site broke In two -fids sank tm PP Y• Ile.
tion. of Qoetbc is not well Informed. He Mr. Ma Oriel (Hochelaga) fol less Mr. ru 1 $Iegg� p gine"Sely• gun closing Use so -culled Rosetta
3 raid they rex n x tram Most of tie crew Mve d In M
Mr. C1gap7 tButhwolU fOlk►w'oed. 13b took ions with him uu that very Hughes with u h u[ half IIs Ikur'Y at fife vicinity ut their huutes wt Nle empettls- brunch with a huge stone dam, we
n.q)eJaLed tics arssrtioos d msu7 d point. The Province of Quebec h duration In rind hxt of tato Uorpn• d'hY after taw murdrr. Tito nemeses of Isar pnmmmgers cannot alk W send nil the watrr down the
LW ewe that the pt'asOsrl d be leeutaecl. Damietta branch, tn)a1 which tha
lsaiw o6hos � one ut taw t►ep% informed Yrovincew to menti tnule policy. tic spoke In ,iuluie%oa (<rwan, a 11'arwick town-
tlie country was due asst b astloes the Dominion• and, he added• it to be. Francis- ship farther, povdMiely klentitkd the ---- chief canals wero W be fed. Linant,
.,( tike prenrnt UmOvveat but so cause site Is eo well Informed that lir. Gets. V. McInerney (Kent, N. B.) prisoner w the mail he raw gcaang BALPOUR ON PMACN. a Frenchman, afterward Lluaot
the effect of the Natoaa! Fbfby 10 she has taken the political position compared the prefeadops"of the Llb through lib field on Jane 25th. He had - ]?labs, persuaded NL*bemeb -Ali - -to
nd,t that tete Ootgrgtl/et Itad )tot which amLealshcgl w mach the lion. oral Patty out d.f uffooe With the std a large revolver, which he pat In Itis Whilater's amply to a *Ma A7aads am that. mad proposed the built -king
attep[pted W rotsovs lbs eisNnt of leader a)( the OwosiNon. !le pointed mtidirtratlon of take Liberal Govern- cont pocket, atter examining It Depatattra, d two dlnsaD. ot3R.oa ,sch branch,
Protection from sbe tartlt M. obaeted ant that there L leo other Province [went• and characterlrcd the ppoolie d Lopdop, 4nL. ]Iafclt :,'B --AL _the Ltndou, Marc" I�.l-i ibpittatfOp amt eight mils below the blfarca-
that of Use 4N wb ish wan sa6- e0 well supplied with newspapers or the Pact as c•humekvrnlike! CIT u to Viddiewx Assess Court than morning, representing the laternstionah tion. 138 Intended to turn them on
aerated in ib sip 1rAtKf Only 1N where the newspapers are so well Pial) of Un, paatfort c,t tie Liberal In the Toohey warder caw, J. Qamp peace rho dry laud, then tarn the Nlis
had! been 614 aid OY only at6 read as In Quebec. We bare byes convention of 1893 taw Government bell• a farmer living near Alvinstan, crursade, Including the Bishops of through them, and rtup up the old
.,( thew items bed tba dally been low- scarcely two years lit the House. bad -1y attempted W carry out two- and her wife, told of the tramp lav London and Itucheeter. Mr. WDllum bedw with earthen (lama. Tile plan
enod, the led- !" I b1M Aft90,000 and e1 these the pleblrelte sad the repeal d the rW T. Stead, ewe a number d members was approved, and Mehemet All even
and out 61 fips duty was.rabe4, y gentlemen Ito not wont peed at ilaelr dome for some- allow us to proceed with oar Ira him set til W eat on take night of June of Pnrllament, w•altedl upon Mr. A. Ordered the Pyramids to be trans-
as reveal aeon work. in my opinion, the electors At 11 o'cimk Mr. GaUlet, d Wort 27th, and d the call of the three J. 13alfosr, the First Lord of the Ported to fate snout. But wine- the
them of 679 004 'flus Ooveeytmoa��ttt, t10 put rympatltise wltln that kfad of Northamberlaed enov'ed tin, adjourn- detectives. Shaw, Fuller and Gilliam. Treasury and Acting Minister of For- methods of demolition and transport
tuuf �ioaderfa! 4eepuaeRy opposition. tnk•nt of the, debate. atM tau• Hoose Ad- while eign Affairs, during the absence of came to be considered. Linan% Pasha
tjre tramp was In the worse.
hr ftllr affairs d tete lir. Tarte com•ludc,l Auublet tr•cweu }.Svn,eed. - They Identifier! Lite prisoner ae the her uncle, the Marquis of sedbeamty, dl/n4ded Mehemet All from thin
redwtry. 'lilt ttanaauanticser- dors appinuse. - - -- - - pug -leg te6mp who find asked for at order to urge thgt Her Majesty's Idea by-plalaing to him that an
Sias had beam _�sls (hale; the Yr. Bennett (East riiwv..r) rio„-•,l the the food. The throe detective@ do- Government instruct 1W representa• the Pyramids were built from the
ivveraals sli need to ewTyout debase for the event THE �ILITI� OEPQBT OUT tives of the Czar's peace conference bottom to the) top It would be neo:ew
ng. He shard lar. tsa!lral their edgM dT the tramp and to effectively lvely rapport all practical nary to begin to demolish than from
tide goo! ,sat wftleh lied Tarte as n man w'ho had rta111kr1 awn , sow he masa�et! W prcaq►t from 111"usale In ore direction or dlaarma• the top• and that title proceeding
ra•n maAa M' l� late UavetatosOt• Ceerar who first Rave him her Ik,ri them. They aLo to
the prl• nient and arbitration. would be more costly than quart
:uul At6&Mlf 111111 Garry net a 90bdM �k lu public life. He contended that -- - Boner. The Crown lots finished Its quarry
events trate proved, was Im- be Government by their policy In care• and the lawyers for the de- In reply ]ilk. heartily
pzppathy 1e fresh stone. The vld t had been
i,racticabfq As the Opposition Loud she Administration of the [later• fence have aaglounceal that they himself as most, benrtlly in sympathy well began, the foundations were
,Item it wbakl be. Another ov'lde[we cofouLl RsDway were riuting twat Some Remarks by the Major- will Call no witnesses with the wishes d the �pd�pellegation.• being excavated• material had been
uL.�,j��al"r 1alf,w
he. .R1�wfi1A. liariw Jaw as ad. i1 -"a Wfte,e-aavltse n �Inwdv[tQatirl to +IhttreTtltti !{�f ", he a '` 111 •.a rlAt, .Wltwllrated..aad,wortskoDabalte. vlisG
taw 13tanOild Oil UoalpariF t been or the Senate to till !fie Yukon W11• Generali ;ommandi .^ hp murder case His Lordship Ju g° ne v e pro b ty of dl soy stttddenly chbe" hitt
f v -: Y P 4e minut{on of war, and, he continued. mind,
:ell„wpd 10 got upon he coal WI ill- It was still more a crime at the Part llarMahorl i his address to the rto'PDed the work, dug the
'I.wtry; d the members of Nap Housw or Com - jury shortly after the court OPenrd at there were few things he regretted summer oslale deeper by the old d
more tMtt the fact that the scheme the ODrveeand nothing more was
lxnlskt with the yuc,sticxid penny Inoue who voted against it, and he CHANGES THAT HE SUGGESTS. tt•A `'clock this morning. Tile charge for general arbitration between Itoarcl o the bn nothing
for seven
.wtaigr, be ebargW tbat tato redue- asked hour the Liberals who vote -d wan a�e°aInst the prlsoaer, and outs Great genBriteral
and the United tweStatea
tits, w cwt ilaeG U ibe laterad a teslas the being
Government on that yuIl The t d the Mdshter of Militia cO114-1 fd•d at 11..". when the jury am- bad fallen through• although he was y n
report E In 184. MOugel Boy came to
ter• nLws bat tat tis bepetlt of the t feted a Go called with
Fie and Defenses, was dict.
retired to consider the ver well convinced tbat, with two such Egypt and recooameuded Nie estab-
up•rcbtanse. and asserted List taw charged the Government with break- leReantlbd by Dr. liar- dict, communities, I1ev1 110 much ht tom•
n Iiaieeale boase is the City of Toronto lug their pledges to the prohibition- siert tills afternoon. Tile Deputy Minb- AL 1.4:. the alk returned with a lhehmerlt of the datum on ilio present
1 Y mon, the scheme, though deferred• system, together with a soles of
,d.nldt darts pore Adis from It less. and said that the plebiscite in ter, 11 his report, dated 9th March, cerefct of guilty against Marion w•AY not defeated• and that general fortifications tltJ►t could defend
tJcu. Ne tarmsra an a wtaeis county. 1101t'ad1 the expenditure ut nearly Brown. arbitration would ate eventuaal}
ri.r. fYs1a1 t would, metas- i2h0,000, with no other result than atate" that 30,000 carts of the Oliver Claire. Thou Idem of furtlflcationg
TFAI'LOrdahlp Justice Niacliabon sen- adopted between them. even It It pleased Mehemet All wio Wok the
..1d•tkd d the reduction. be usable she (lirtrlWrtlak of patronage and egul�knt, autluxl:ed to be manufaer tvrtoed prisoner to be finngrd On the was nOt.generall3 adopted through' idem d mak
f,w many years to make ends moot. money among the Government's bitp- tared, am now bei received into ITUI d WAY'. I8o0. out the wort � tbo .,,ite of to be -r-
'11.1 tike Governdant was not porters, The Opposition had agreed) mtoxes, 4d .over S,OrUO aro inspected -- Q rages the military capital of gypt..
jtwufi d In easlavtug the tax- to the Crow's Nest Agreement only and ANARCHISTS; AND. PACE. The works were immedkatel
• alk mics )asdy for use where aujhortsedd. AN SOCNNTRIC BAJLONNT. y begun.
1,a crr or ,the eoaatry in •film oz representations. Mr. Bwunett Nearly a million d bull oartrd�.t -- The Hague;:11[arch 2'9, -The Dutch but Mehemet All died in 1848, and
umanker. Tata t had Dteeseol lib entire confidence that 808 & hon been ntonateetur- Llvod m a Carrot With a Rapt Boll of Anarchists have decided to hold an an 1858• alter tem years, the works
taken what to isla swasowardly the Conservatives would be returned peg year, and to its swell EBk000aYear. international assembly. coincident Ot"tpto barrages were not sufficient-
ill SAncelaw suntr/ess that to power at the next election. ad dor two with the peace conference. To this 1 advanced to
factory about 10,000 proleeWass have lAxidon report says : Of tilt. utility y lvrg le oR Pasha,
len.) i"+vt ISeM1 (a• yolld for carrying Mr. Bohrasaa moved the Adjoaorut. 3' all of she foreign Anerchlrt chiefs, no• pesslmgp su.a Leg loa8aoyp im(t Os
the us ]Ya wt bk.aft samla. in onlay mens u( the debate and the Ilonee nd also leen manufactured for the o, 12 thousands who dally crow; and re- tably Sielxi+Rlan Figure, will be In- and a new man orderer] to (In W. the
V, cut drown fico a coarse and a: pounder Znsa• now is possession cross Waterloo bridge, eery few vited They say their aim is to pars work on her plat. The works
jtyuraed as 11.80 O'e{odk. of the batteries d artillery.It L oz- doubtless were aware that the two n resolution approving dlearmament were finally tatisbed In 1881, the
up,st which woWd ez• Ottawa. March :9 -Foar speeches pg open and the abolition of standing osmics. totalcos,
lAreen 1► a- gain Oocttpled the sitting of tae House Lo- p that In the !tear future an lm- d:sIDal-looking, lion alxittl •being estimated at over
th malas am* duty have ossa dy am Lie debate an the sd(ltrss fs arta at addition" will be matte to tete the Surrey made of the river, and in The Free Socialists, ands Dowels, $M.000.00().
4, o -at dotty Ogletree kr nut pearl at an end shelf y je thin raapplsctetre of steel cl" contiguity to the old shot Nleowenhn{s, and Dr. Bokler• will
own eftow. a the Pos4 y shell projectiles. Waver, were tetrxnLed by an old and meet concurrently with the Agar- a object Ot tills work r, a form
triaAer-Utas; *#h having Obtain- Obtain• Before the orders orf sato flay arm Tie Major-General cumm:tndi a give
for low water, and to
w►fed Sir Louis barky Che M ntreal r wealthy, but yet arentrlc, baronet chests, having the same c►bjPct In vo n sufficient Mind of anter to
,-I,t poen ywl� b7 t o loosed as las -kaon to a artlda In the Montreal him re a -amber d reoomme fol*o ws to It was In ilio Barret of one o Yjevv. increase the flow throoget %bs Irrh
i,tr pgta�. TO per caps. OL �r d lasts to las him report, nttwn6 fJtcm the tol'owlnt: asst housem-No. Watepaeo-*f►oc1-_ .. --` -..-` µe esfiop CnpsD Ip tae Nfib
whtrh sofa worible m and with nfebt. Purporting That as essential to the etfleleucy Of that the late - ills Henry Delves ': TAATB THE CSAR•" 1 MU: The
haaLig ri/�ilOd tbglm aiterwsrdL n„rcxktradtetion M him d au article the troops Amster hie command, tine B atoll died tarda at tae barrages require Immense repalring
uhinIY cnf im/m m1gLt m as aarlaattles ht the Fdsar O( Sterols lith. clinlZingi whole d the active ntllltia be embod- ro� Y' �r He would Prefer Newspaper every year, and it Is said that about
(Or the boa,. gentos , who liar ob- law "It neglect d Itis duties an A edVaaceed age of 1 years. Besides
fed for training during the present be one of the oldest, lie was work. 'thin purpose.
are spent every year for
W1nnl the l�t�� d bsm� the ltlrrlsfer. der Lash said nett hue laud Utfe 41
it. fate d st03 /a�tta Nearly 70 per m+a1' no such rts4emsnt to the earn- year, by concentration at eeriest Oen- probably one ur taw most eccentric I have only one wont more Up may. Pompom'' It 1885 the repair
,'emt. cid tbgl 7dh lose were d ruck epw►dept d the Star or W aayopo tai camps ruadet his with members of she baronetcy. For Mr. Tarte concluded, lr I may be work, ru ►eriptottdell by Etlglanh wn-
�ienom]pn,Lpple Ybat :iN people inn• Nice, ares of t there war a ver? ureal properly constituted ff. Rifle years. it im said, ire never crossed permitted, and that word Is fir re- gineero, caused fill expense of 82..
tort lk themactice with special Morris tube the threshold of the house In which Terence to myself. The Tor prss 000,000, It [tray still be added that
todt4y. Beate enumerated mlDtake glomevrrbsre. One paragraph lu ammunitions a min�itare and Y the maximum flood discharges of the
tl..• elhaaLtles d $5, 64. 03, 6 61 the statem4at was to the effect that ti -- targets be elected to live the life of a re- and some d my friends lu the Zr= MAW Nae BlnoUnt to 87.162,000,000
:1414( .0 nett drays which were aa- tato chartlgaf teas Bt. Lavrrence a all miniature rangue L also recommend' class, He Passed Ills time almost are filed cnoogh to say that I rale tMnbie feet ditty.
thortsed fur tour, and asked the Post, that ye requa ed, bat that tae IOU trainin an ezterrfaa of the period of exclusively In tine room in which tills Government. When I read the per (Rand those of the
PI training to slxtedus day" for the year 118 was eventually found dead. The utterances of our public press about two bevrnohes (Rosetta and Unml-
narvtec•0enesal what Lo was ttihw+h[ to not eolksalt the charts sufficiently. 1 ls reootnmonded. That A etta) to 81.700.000.000 ruble feet Ot
,a• with thaw' whether they were gar Charles Tapper amid that lie hes - cause Of film death was senile decay. me i feel hike being a proud man
ntrt allookttely and atsetly Wor'sa{w, Ment conallmting of two battalions of There was no one with him when sometime*. Not only du I rule the per may'
whother he bold Bet yuan that Gtech sled to hear Bir Coale may this as It mounted rules be raised In Manitoba -
i�M statement was true It would he a l . tiled. right loon. Prime M1nfeter, but I
messy Out tr tiN �OaitG d the pee- ssrtoaa blow dined at a measure under and the :Northwest Provinces• with in- From the window of his garret rule my Colleagues, I drive them A DBPREMING 11BASON.
Pe, end by hall a/ -M= 1a- te[slmg b struetlat slid headquarters at Win- the n -
excli t the eore:deratlou d the Government, than ext meek was able it tom- rule
m� own will, and not alone rule
realize up= lbram . - - 71W Speaker Wormed the Howe ' wand rr extensive view o1 the river tole this Government. bort I Why.
It 1dJeue Now People /sal d Most the
� y/s sic CHANGES iN Ufre r Meson of Lon
1•aigrtlt N1em that !rw had rvowired formal notice of � and surrounding locality. but one of tae Government d Qnebxr. Wlsy, I s Months of Indoor Con-
;, too. a- gra rho damearOrtfhss the death of Hon. J. F. Wood. Into The foClowtog ch Out are requited the things which seemed to afford rate also the Government o[ On- --sweat'
evNe 4l� •b Oraisr bo carr Out certain
cupid tw• oDSMM t t to member for 'Brockville. and weaki at 4#ttaiod: y Drip- him especial delight was Lo paper tetb, Ito thefts gentle�pn say. Upon Winter fe the toast trod
nsel In tartar bs�wr� deerrad to once give orders for thr lsrae Of a war effies she walls over atsd over -gain taw life of me. I ask myself at is glParrxi of
net the Itoa "T M poar11m d the g�rwcet Wil• with the year so far as Itealtll Is concerns d.
yglbs/Ret-tlsmeral what rant for the obetlop. Cor b ml.itary ,Xl 3 d to be amend- aced is cat from the various times, whoa snail i begin to rule
the ZWO ata b do *Ub U. rMamps Sir Charke Tapper asked the a, illustrated Papers. A (]refining. the British Empire. I am becoming Confinement Induors and overheated
of tae �mad� he had men- Speaker It a warrant had been issued Y. The trea;14 n of the exw 1-1:1• gown was film chief article of attire. ambitious. (Lood sad long laugh. ark) Impure air, makes even usually
taunt? for an election at Wlnalprg. The #s force into an Army complete In He lived frugally. Has meals were ter,) Well, w role alar been a very strong people (eel dull• languid and
Hills. Mr. Mutant -That, can Was them Speaker replied Hutt he lied not issued staff in admirNeMative departaimtei served and placed outside Ills room simple one since I took office. I
for puditage• a warrant heeaum he did riot consider Loci In all the important elements at stated Intervals. No servant. It have devoted all my time and little gwaterally run down.
Mr. c'lanry-wLat, 64 Stam z; 7 that like attention lied been formally which oehbftt�'te a eeotlste army. b said. entered use room for years. energy I posmome to the duties of A "Ile V lidded tO assist nature in
stamh,os. Maltiok-YeSt k atkl fit drawn W the death of Lire late tees!- 8, Th- a yr0vltioo d military stores He hall n rtrrnlg avanbn to meod)cal ut7 deD4rtment. Perhaps 1 may lrysWng last energy. April is the
t US bus. �plt.---- Awltw her. He would accept Sir Charles' In- tic's ba 4 far %sten• avis Ody. The men, and any business had to be be permitted to add that I have month W skill months when a tonic Is of
oAm 4D W%, Mff - t quiry an a notioe and Would hook• hill lattnner In whttb lbw chicase are to transacted with the baronet on given some attention W politics. I the most service. Dr. Williams' l talk
stun wait shoal' bas � - d tana0 warrant t"rdsy. be effected to set cot in doted) one ride and life interrogator on the hate meddled in some elections. and Pills for Pale 1 le is the only tru
las that flaw asM 14 "a base GENERAL CONCLUSION& other sloe of the partly openea! door. of course i am a very unpvpu r mcdlclhe. Ism psi
"ll -lied alter DEBATING TM ADDRESS. y da not
Nr. c � r Pe � ~ The conclusions drawn by the ]tie)- 'I'iie rent roll d 1611 eccentric bar• man, especially In my native Pro• and than further wasken the &art �
wan, they ea or pOstsgot What Mr. Bowwma (LabNle) rwsormeci ate or-OsnemW ars briefly to follows: Ofwt Amounted to 980,000 a year, Vince or Quebec. Everybody Is enleebled Constitution. These pllle
b7 tsasd /ort deksie apps ate address. The Oov- It wackeW be nspesOary for tae troops anti Ile has left personalty W the against ar1w, tine olubr and everybody. tante rich, rod, erotgy-gyvlug blor'd
lion. Mr. uttbek-There ata easiness ermmeat's policy bar been proved to oodprijag as army than creaLglA tO .meant of About [160,000. .\card- Btlll, Mr. Speaker, win hare not lost and transform limitations, tired and worn -
•t mail natter that require pemkw Ya stable, and out In the Interestp be trained amnmaGy and for flied per- i"K to Debel'itt there are two ram. one bye -election hs Quebec. i have Oat. Awn and women Into smiling
stamps up So llatwblisr d one slaw Of the C�gmunity, but bdoi Y they are to poemes Any real Ily mento, Doddington Park. Mans- taken some part In elections In On. healthy. happy. work-lovlrng DeoPle. •
front the TtraebaA•-and in tit@ Interests of ths'v/bolw pw�pI �l�Y vahm It lou[I be d lntam wleh, nrnl Broughton Hall. Stafford- tario, And we have been fortunate T,• Stour Of the Bslvatlun Army,
musA In efmoe 61 rtwl thM Err Free trade mm��ttht be A spletdttdf PW[ry to nnRe t11at the Caraditu �le, slklro. nndl t1w haronot rens the pot- enough not to bee them either. My Kinget ri. wrltem. "At the t(tDe 1
ftampw have for the �- for tette conntrl-(OpposltlOn sheers) who have a frontier d 8,•16( m•ls rads of flet, livlrap. Icon. friend from Montmorency. Mr. ordered Dome of your Dr. Wllllam I
,' far, o -la some years so corrw-IGovern- coaft Bt to a foyrt�a State, pay egrs !'Itlk Pllfe 1 way Dhyeloaaly tan dawn.
rdflery to nos►- --- Cs In, ham beset Courteous to me.
I adelys In pay{Q . �tbe setts cheers) -and he had no doubt Kiat per ranged d I'ts population to- HAT rink AND KNOTS. He imp complimented me on m I Ault a lack o[ etsa and always
chaeAa h mqp I ti vrootrtd be the, dull d taw (laverp• wnttls the elafglooe d Ib own eotlthus - act. Well, there Is not nuc hada tired 16x16
that stamps d lids tMtrad went to aafoQt it thin for tete benefit may trsber country b the world. It Wired sows Aeons the LeAsse Things tour required DID for n Umt� Ina aging ter �R�
nm n cd deDceafntrin of hon. gentlemen rip, awn been eslRlt►ted that, exclusive of oh9 ted Lo atAY where I P
public aped is" be 17e lied no iea►tathrn In may* alLp"Al etpemlltl3 n for Hats and RgladArses am. i have colleagues 1 d d." ►
"OfWalerind " T le r$ gs stores, a thou arouad
RltlmAte askes int, and he vraw'tlol% nswamed ter M7 err aaexgealftGro I,A e7t )fat ppalls are tnOre elaborate 666666 mp, who. I may may. without undue_ lftahsand4 - 1N)fae t>< them your
\fr. ('lanry . It is, tbat fire policy for trial country 88 cants per head d e population, over this s tars. Enamelled and jaw- Prole• have Confidence In me. I am nP�bore-havo been mad) .well by
a drt %M y noir be a policy of moderate protee- would b@ sarfl•im for tits retalrs- obeli birds, beetles, buil) , butterflies nurrounded by members of Parlaa- Dr. Wililaayr d'ink Pills, bort you must
rxdnt.Iq�il/eG of yon, The Govsrpmetlt prn-and tar- meetD d the (ones 1p p� went who are kind Pnoagh to have We the nulra. which are sold one
the OplhrMticxa 'also be aez% an- sad turtles Am mounted ora spiral cxmfNence In roe. My personal inthOxes, the ours r aroapd which
lief t oiggMA Yf reform alRl Lava a4veeh It, tn0t per• �rapht d!a (2) dwftg tin wares• ed that with ever motlots of Dpe
that there was no gstt for haps to the extent wldds It wtif he clan year, i7lbe will be an Igoresse d c, -
ilk' Iarptet lMtiaMt atatbtgdrea the wearer they give 04% I ate", and i nay It upon m word. bertrr !tie full fume, "Ili. Williams'
Sold s'
err liven le the rotors, but It further 180,000 upon the sDLYmatglO d 1897• Bi mPtesnl°n wank) alma out C( thfe chfimb►wr. I'tnt Pills for Psis People." 170k1 ylyyy
m what of matter rho m1Yn refordm b eeghtrsu! la time to tame A 1 d #ts m! Isar ex- d being alba. i would r tier he a newspaper man. all dealers or direct from the Dr. Wll-
�r' eased am how the onOrlsNled the 00v@ miles t will be equal to the OspwsaM wt%it ills of Other se�gov Tam matt striking IsAt pin seen re- I have said that repeatedly. and ft Ibina Me�inO Co., Brockville, Ooh, at ,
e �mtt" Cala to fhtd their waybrark to Resat. eraitlg cokmbo d the wall omtly fe a bouquet d enamelled now.
7 reR W. hagl to ileo Ooc• a)♦!s It appaI•opt that fe true ; but my Icon- friend• Air WII• ' 0 seats a trcrz, s nix bo for 62.60,
ataskDMOvoDnal'r tk(aart � ssgidtsd pparsp its apktlaa elft, the stem e( each boltfg s spiral frid Laurier, asked me to i
'Wilt' crestas that tiger 4�Aop�soki pigs t in oatlaa7 d 6f?,000.000 upon her do. ware, These fidwers ars portent is jun film- -`--'-
fro'), Mr. Mistook spin tete! flit floor theb ofkplse to vstsbNab an all -Can- females will be the lowrst Olvenduu" also, shape and coloring, and when He may have made a misdate. He A YHAX WITUOUT A NTOYAOB.
-god produce a most le free to repair that mistake whon-
jn -rola natim, and own#oned as td- nl>1iga routs to tits Yultars, alit h, b7 folio
slyest d Ute Donlllldan m the sect properly arra ever he likes. If he should t This Woman b a 11"I to the Gatsleal
KaM'c wheee %lie poetalm6ler a% Ot- tale (OuudYlt of Cranadian towns, fvlene. a ----- beautiful effect. Three aalmated bon- to � to -morrow that sOsugge wOr1t•
tarn had called h1gl warts benefee thin country male gavots lie afro Intended to be used y
Aobsaum se tic !bas would the of a no -be. Geese teal lilletropiy. else In our ranks would do better That she Ietumaoh Is not an organ
hot that a As tees )lad baa etc c cog es a portion of the hagddiss for
b1Cti('d to a paracel lot the d WANOM Tike Goversment am of l.aslnew da the decays'') fruit of evofat>< wear, with a argrettes of wprk %faun I can do, not only sitoalA e1o•eh%cal to Ilfe to the liana- spee-
Patage epos which was roM Cara- broke In another bill On the dines Of pMyeenph,, white. I gal Out act dbsatlefled, but I would tee Is substantiated by the float re.
tlnnine lin In tt1 leak Year's Thbon bf11. Wllil@ ane Every man N mores or len (r( a Another very pretty and effective from onielde she Government give port to ilia sage of removal or the
milkamrst °� )OO" t tar 1lsnato did and film the same ONOIRI and anthusit stomach perf ��qt
Of wo-
tic kir : as sts�q kt�; hon t0 himself kno tTlkvurm aaeeflatrrow rrfibboGaaftd tic support that I give hen sow.- man by Carl iflubiwatirr. 1Pry okxeat
n sOnvrnler„y,. lie polittdamt Nms In Was w Ny.� tab Yld" bill, it@ Hon. J. i. Tart@ on she Addrglao. Of flaw University of Zurich.
d LO " assn fsvt to d� SZ for Thou led way to (tows n ratpet fe the ware ls attaeied s0 one -
►►raaell d 1 rets- this ar"I theCo O4lJ�igCnhd to hay fi gOckl one. odte only, Dr. Sehlatter•s
whist rdtl or ran through the eOrd in the report on tilt, camas, j
Qs y Rakuway bill. Tho veru• Puginstleally aking thou tongue is printwd le this wookb issue of the
so in J y a silts smelt in aooth�R hill, � 1Fkar1 fastened Ill et w• Y,i>•>D 'tHf !R>•AO1ZDi
.Poftrxl d m{thtter than t Bove. the wires holding the loers i looped
Now Tort Me"I Record. stater
arta upon 6 alts wlpl tllr, teatvetra that trtM (tr► Every time the Washer bu a task! wlaulped Students nave Roy that thn
and aim Is Jsetboable to tit* Senatt+ ramovsd Is fates a drop ofgmawtenry for 1► if0as. irhw bows ars very tfleiRow•� w otep eft patient was a woman. 66 ,
bgaeA to Many ,"aa ars Wes lose. years old. suffer from A
� Of shat �a gaaptl- told N the Senafo tile
to Some women may not Parn thp{r than in theatre t1rK Wlrso careltm a of the oonnt rs stoma diffusehe t
ogle, ttpc t w bit pt they ypr� ItepeTt IwYa : A frost T
Alto rule always bass smi t tg�sslo_ amoory. Med' he ale• saM but Mt. Lnt'a wisp crrtslnfy dM. A very pithy aid all v* bonnet u»tlxnOsd sm osgai of hall tag Woo w'As Performed on AP t,
b00k", in trier, abs.,�jw�t1� daft OJT thwi hgl wNff prsipared t0 gltOtad ft's hard to oOArinre soma people wtaiek Date not roo0 b be removed Derpetrated by the song ft O of total extirpation of the
W& AI a sptiap t� Ya attpglA m 1/all on atoll a mwasnrn, in ens" that hotwaity is the hart politlrm ��thhiis Play, 1O a flit, oMong�eov- Wmriey (VAIM. Thavl�lwaO' pA. �Cb bin
eing fogad nooersary. About
walitpcutt p file Senate taJ<oe acslxk In reJ4dNag A mala may be worth a lot of we From whish feta el to take, Hamllsm Wiris. vi~ eL a" Jaro 1s left the following year, thou
bIK peul.i Ia Tanja ata a psaperly worded bill on Nre sawn mppoy anti still is A rwry poor rrvrt � � L Oovgltod Vith eek or Church, of Sols city, Mr: W'lele, who a f P ly rte---- - ,'M�
irtilnatlos alk@ Imes of 1tM Mil 0f sus yeas• Oi moo. 1666664 t Theme too bows ars b a 10yph d liddb Llae vt �aomet rplatl�ae• Bks spa t
js alts rem Irvlt-
hadit alaltway, it was }� .»<blie-Yet• Is say way entrdafmrblme ,. iMip r/hmGdld7-and-larrsma4te od K -Nle . 1808, of cancer tibw 1
saw brew the 'NR we ed fleverlMOwet caro kir It's a teat kid wet so hats rat k aha halts 4tr dadrDe! 4vsoBb wnDoa bo had ! a
1,evo a A tbp jOtiseiie� �" P elivvi; et tAfi
ftwrft 'jr Mainamtors, its clattow that the I,ib t boar ra1Bj kip wvrfi to Ilrbteh tlaoa ora the '
Postage � frllet to brfpg M proper tltbe. rltGtMsttl soul Rad the wntire year di t
°n>nnnt n( alto ] to alta feta] f]Mar had - lttooGis nt in M rve- laMlotfa tfbrOatls eppphesa I
The �ppp1 O( The motsiplrr ownahlety fila IxH a 'Yflsls same t o was �' &ad latlon d food• both liquid
Arr plerd hal g � astaftoms fit' >y of Parllaalrat to ItbM dream until she demoraiizer comM ls eOrtled out In to{bboar�shbditr *jrYtil ifs war 1i and solid. was perforated wail i
tarnAl to t "moetted and tra along said waQtte him ap Ds worn On y the sea- -- __
Nut flit iliGviledt IM a srralemeat, avoll u Jtrc erAl till hist)! Igo ainlip ctrl tame In a wast TWO silos Of 100
AM ls thA • r hY �sht , fou "air toes b offices In cue 11aW sal orrtO! ' wild astl-isnot hO6s with a LtrGeh est wbaMva calci, tMown up sworal S� M IYe�1�MM and Otaas(1y i bindinganimals are
M. )Ata wbinr 111 hs OovOrOraas, wall aide prttofl��M�r ,W k1� Iib a 1pN Isety be OMse tat- its att6tsdee sf10e d lira, Wigle Mt two ttMfarts tuba Oztltrd
A batrra 1t Ars abs aipaet bflr Ifs. Hoglase. bat U fkb proof
IONs1r boli a1f6Mrar views. DromMrdo Or rbtt/Lne ospodmbw Wilma had ly M
�adxan tl, 'rte I►! 611616 fits. tgleOsM also W rrid that the Ltksr Botro- ysotlMG��ri_M m4ob plsamgre - assembly. )Lf tsoN�i�b tia�oral alb- The �Ntolt.t►inior 4 9ooNavigm.
ate lM1iaM� wt-Mttm that rbc brad on Dasa etoarb -9. la wklaa�Dt IM�>�Kt taidortea@I ale People fawn at tri, but ygia artharwbe mat last, w rj�ark,
elf 11600 csstMrlsd libel ooares of � *time tt t,t their gesod ��• a elltarre - .Pas illi !i lalgltiy At rte► IMDb. b
eaa Eby cod ea the do
H00'f} 1,.A►i Tktir 4C
- nude OppedffiW attic hat of she �,Ikt�a, j�.�111rG/O IIs11a area �aflcrfosQ if4y sat as � \ to w►n► �tr6bta
I +«-.4. - - Oslog'vn say ilei to aid aha leo. I
k' 'I
, � .
3S' ,
Its , 7
• ,
49����Pil 1 ,,, , ,, .10'b,&"L-C;AA11a46fiA9.!fihtisi;m A-1 " d► ;'
.lies '
The Signal
10 1•utt.UMKD
Twru•e at auberrlpsaea.
On, IuotrtA. In advaooe . . . ..........t W
1 Aree months, Ii
Six mouth-, •' .M
One year. •• gas
Adrert►rlaal fswtes.
LlatlwlaedaWarossaal AIrartbentusta, AL.. -
psr Iva , ff �r erR M.-rtio ,. e -k t !qq++aoss crit Uae-..
for eaeb ■ub.coua,t Ia.ertl•k1. Nea1111Z b
A ,.oaparoll -• ale.
B•uioem- card" of sl, lie" and under, td per
IF is if
Adrorti,ementm of loam. Fouad, stryed,
sit net lots- Vac tit. 81tesim- Wills"std
Swtuu. (Tanto+ WAoad, not ox,eadut r
Ila -e noupar.,ll, fel per inouth.
Houme" u„ )tale said /Arms on dale, flat to
ex,,oad s tlnaut, all for drill mouth, roc per sub.
it quest month. Larg,•r Advo", In
.it it .gone W notke, the ob)wr of wt h Is to
promote the peeuplAry beueit of any k.dlvid-
uat or c ny, t , be euna der,d An ad, erttae
mcut aid eAarytM sax• ,rdins Iy.
Lo cal:02 lr 1,10"a l'
type out rent per
word, ale rrlfon los. than VAc.
Areal M uxdunary reading type two
8 LI Har for lean than 3W.
N, a teres elk►elk religious Alit!
bonrrolaat R rate,
alfa wevarim- o 0611 to req vel' At
mesolarlY by mail will ooA or a[ favor Is, so-
gwlntftag u- of the fact at as earl) a Mie as
Wh• n • rbAuae of address is dealred. both
the uld sand the new addrer should be glve.t.
ratellaher•a Netlev.
J. C. Le Toaxtl, of Ooderaeh, ham been ap
point• d Local Trwe Aling Asan: for the Town-
ship.. of Ooderich. Co,burne, A.hdeld and
1, s• it I LnaAv'c> over the district an also
empowered to rec•t,ove .ubacrlpt'lme to Tars
All contalnnl, at'or„ must be addree.od
I►. MAl
Telephones Call Ja Ooderioh. Ong. -
- OR AND Tltitll[ lAI *Ar Y.
Mixed.. 13.0 ora
N -11 and ftlarer..... ....... 1.10 pun.
Nixed .... .:...........: 7.60 P.M.
Nail a,ad Bxpram..,,........ ..141.50 lxm
Nall ai.d Ez��rwweglaa 1.16 a.m.
NAZI and Eipreas-. +gp P.M.
Mlawl ............. 3.33 P.M.
�r�b DrxTIL OCYn60x•
R000. "''puss tM Prat ttmee.
Gold Fllllrug, Crown and Bttdn LYerk a
51'eaa.' F::perlerlee.f
Ii- - --.a. 4
lie Surteon-I.Atest arta approved methods
for all doutal operntfons. Premervallon of the
Sul. rel teeth a speolalty. Coos: Cor eat
d. od square top stalr.L Entrance me West
via M TL,RNBUL6 p,D.8i LOA -DEN- •
e�eon tl�t• b aoaorlated wl•i
Dr. Dixon, of Ai ant.na1 1 Gold and poroo4la.
CVlett tactk mounted on hold or alnt•toam
e -.W attention given to the ptea�r-
Aafon ire aatam] 'aegis Olsre Is' lfc.
Lcan'- new block. "Litt
AJ cltor, Notaryry I•abtk. t aimed as ItAltk 4N
t)orU*ww Ultasabcr, the fteare.OoderloA.
. !sw•ly
. eltor. Notary, the Omce Over Medical
mail, trgarArr, Gtdericb.
e eltur, lofew.0 lone . ko. Money to
IoM. (Offices: Cor. AWIIOD and SL Andrew
•rest-. Ooderieh, Ont. 3111
at.e ( OtDn, N,rthst..nextdoorStoxu.
oalsor. Prlrato Fond- to 1 Ad At lowest raise,
of Interest. IOOe
Jr A, sorts. ye, Solicitors, ac.. Gods.deb. J.
r.Harrow, Q,('., W. PtoedtooL
'1,1MEitON. HOLT a HOLMES. B�A�ttttlm
t(!-,SWicitoninf'h oc,•rr. tc..Uodwfeh.
. C. ►moron, Q-C.,'P, Holl Dadley Holmes,
J a G La
romml--donor for uktng Slid receirlflg
re,:oynlsance- of bnil. aaldavl.a or &Arma-
II no, depositlunsor solemn d.clarkillon- in or
•om+rrnlnr any action, salt or proreerdlnR is,Che H4tb ('curt Of Juericw, that Court of Aptdal
for Ontario, or ht any C'oatoty or DlvtatnA
Conn Alit ansacelone carefully and preinptly
cated, Residence d P. O. address -Dan•
(Anton. Ont.. 211th
11 Nnnel to loan. prlraW fund• ; w1 -o ant
•fast. ferule to rent or till, finesse And Int►! to
,vat or for male. F, N. LEWIS. flarrlater.
eefi „^atlas Mhos, OPPON tt Martin's Betel,
11 rd per cant. NNotesylj-gleWed. C. bZA.
IEH. OAI,•e : OHpeatle s Wed.
PatJ. T. NA1 TE1r r1 tX, L1FZ AND AC.
eldrnt 1Maranea Adams. at low or� sittsA, •
Mlcc: Corr. North al and Square. Oodorfoh. 7i
Of Private trends for Ihva•tn,ent M. low.
et rata• ,in avdtw lraa surges Apply to
Re arlee.,ltrel m•.talA anal l.eswl
1t{«rat. Only first-cla.e on't
Worry to Ie1W on s1 r- light loatsnt as S Abu
Ste of leterw•t Roan`` fn an rrA to salt tis '
korrower, Oalee • /twcom nor �ree1 ��erw.
�Vref. Atmel. (Jorterich w41/
\ ICW NAVIN JEOP 1-ALLJttNilifet(w .
rnrmltnwr�Impy�p�eeMlaMnefor wM.at oMmallibiistary,
pow and dyr•ondt►a , bought •od sold. lCW
Inca and Rollwn for ,title. Stand � Pates, n14
•Agtgln shopp cc�1�}}ww Victoria atollTrwtasRar
l iflaarw@ew A 41, Asan
,endoet and Lar AI a Flnotn. J.. l, -h=
►I rkl Natal K 1 u 11alreatbsdw to M
**my Part of lidx�oed,. wl'
OsaNd .AWWI {►ESN A � �:
Hue a 4s
)Irddrn •
aritroeAM «
I.nl. tis fllef, alk b IOsR M• c
C Dans ♦uwtlreter, b. mit
u MABmiAOU UClls IN&
sire LANfignw Ugld. CLJg1fARRl+ptl'-
The liftwellitiolia Nut
nig bm Tr =a61