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le ruaraaas
Mr D. 10141MaaOvv±Dl.
Tia PROTZRCI•L 801f1l10N.
The Outset* Legislature palmed 28
public and 98 pelvate bill': during the
.emlm which closed on BmLurda7, the
latter Item being the heaviest tine°
• .... r ,urwriedaeat4w ..Aa &done ala, aag6
Important asbjecta yet undlapoeed of,
and uew questions demanding legis-
lalthve Polon are sure to arise, there
Is no probability of the Legislature
working Itsen out of a jobs nor would
the demand that le sometimes made
for biennial Instead of annual sea-
. ioas be received with favor. The tax
hill which was the subject of so much
dbieumiloa during the teeslon both in
and out of the Hour was referred to
in optimistic language la the proro-
gation speech. the Lieutenant Uover-
nor any1mg he was grad that provision
had been made for all neceliaary ex
penditures by• a moderate tax upon
the accumulation of capital and by a
reasonable lucrease In the duties
upon dlstlllers', brewer'' and liquor
themes, which taxes. It la gratifying
to believe, "will not be burdeaaour
to any of the claire' affected." That
rewalu, to be proved by the expert d
encs of a few years' operation. 11 in
the meantime the Legislature shall
properly recast the municipal aerie
orient act. the method of oolle•ting
Provincial revenue will be a matter
of comparative indifference.
Not mucli fault will be found wttb
the toting of money to exploit Nor-
theru Ontario by the coastruotion
of new railways. The programme to
Siris respect is extensive. The pro
jected r•atiways will reach three of
the boundaries of the Province,
toucbbtg Manitoba at the Lake of
the Woods on the wart, Quebec at
Lake Abitttbi m the east, and James
Bay op the north. The expectation.
to Nat some* to timber and agrt-
tarai lands, to senor and fehartas
will promote the pr'odurtlon of
wealth which will more than repay
the Prustnne for the expenditure,
stria aador Lbs annuity system of,a
borrowtng will bee.pread over a
long periost.
When one note. the amount of
bs*1nem done In a single session of
the Prot: rbai Leos/atom an t con
haters that the Legtertecte of the
other Parcheesi are kept equally
busy, the simian of forming a F ed
oral union, 1nstra(I Of a Legielative
unioo In 11467 mutt be admitted.
What a congestion there would be
if all this business Wal to be trans-
acted at Ottawa. Parliament sit-
ting all the year round court not
get through with It.
Sir Charles Hibbert Tupper's seven -
hours speech 1. quite too long to be
fully reported anywhere else than in
the Hansard. and too long to he vol-
untarily rend by anyone who has his
bread and butter to earn, and who
entertains a dee appreciation of the
sI•(wtnss of We and of the value of
time. Ills father's .on .seem to have
run amuck on the Yukon question.
/teeming Minsters and officials of all
aorta of crimes and sins. and demand-
ing from them proof of the negative.
Here Is a sample, from which the
general character of the tittle speech
may be Inferred:
Rlr Hibb rt Tupper -At any rate, he
will not be taken by surprise. He Is
now in Dawson ('ity. and unless the
Postmaster -General shows more ac-
tivity about the mall Mr. Wade will
not know what bas been said bere
before the end of the .eadon. for I
understand that three tons of mall
are detained at Lake Bennett. whether
by the intention of the Postmaster -
General or by accident I do not know.
Mr. Mulock-Neither by accident nor
otherwise has a pound of mall one
forward irregularly.
Rir Hibbert Tupper -Wizen did It get
loose ?-for I have some good ground
for bellesing that it was done.
The iemanatrter-General-Tbe hon.
gentleman ham no information what-
ever. Ever since the toe has enabled
the Mounted Police to traver*o the
lake the malls have gone forward I
do not believe there has been a posed
Of mall welting transportation at Ben-
nett kxnger than the meal time. The
mals here left regularly every two
Hibbert 7 err -1 quite accept
that. The metal time means months.
The Pcatmes er-General-f stated,
that the malls have left Bennett every
two weeks. and hare gone as far for-
ward as they could as the etate of the
Me enabled the pollee to do the work.
11141r Hibbert challenged any member
from Brlilsh Colnmbla to say that the
service was satisfactory.
Mr. Maxwell answered that he re-
ceived letters every month.
Bir Flihbert contended that the ser-
vice In Briteh Columbia was norm -
timely had, and that a passenger obold
go two or three days ahead of a /at -
ter from Nelson to Vancouver. 24r.
Mulock waa notoriously neslectlag and
the post service for the sake
ar vin. sating "i. William Mulock," In
waned to this "'eater empire than
hes fere." The penny portage was This
forte. and mare da of that, when it
same drown to the ordinary been -drum
t ef the servlee, lie did not
know mesh about It.
Mr. Mukek offered to bare a com-
mittee appointed. with every facility
to tallyho into the Tskon mall *swills.
The Postmaster -General's report
snows that the hasiness of the ilepart-
maent Is Increasing. The estimated
member of lettere sent through the
postofflee during the year ended last
June er'eews that of the previous
year by 11.146.000, the total nnmher
of 1898 being 184.973.000. Ten years
ago the number of letters sent through
the mals In Canada was 80:.x10.000.
la addition to letters handled last
year. there were 214,1UAW Bw-
1 . 1.884.800 reel/teed Brit&
1.871,000 free letters. 25.595,000
one mpapMe and perlodleal., 8,872,000
peeks.* of priests' nopy. photo-
graphs. ere.. 1.818.000 packets of
fiftbseleas matter. 110.000 paresis its
pared post. and 48,000 packet* for
ties reified ><teems and ether roun
tr4ww The beam revenge of ehe De -
8v rtaient wfr $6.11$104e.
R$d!!1UTION vs- P*OSPe8Hl7'T.
In an article on the decadent 31
the worship of protection even by
Canadian Tortes the Wlaulper Frew
Pram} directs attentkm to the fact
that the N. P. was dalgned so prevent
Imports and to Increase exports. or
as Sir Leonard Tilley umwl t0 '*7. to
establish an egallibr(uen between our
Imports and exports." and the pulley
was also to eetaWlah nit equilibrium
batmen 4roome and expenditure. The
Free Press says. The National Policy
failed la both these obtects. and we
would draw the asteatlon of thins
ie+trewa*0 see who beU.ea_-.that *It
e con of Imports takes out of the
country a large rum of money for
which there Is nu equivalent. to the
fact that the moment the National
Policy war abandoned. as It praotl-
colly was by the tariff redeem of
1894, the equilibrium was e. ab taped,
because for the first Nee la`Luurte*u
years the year 1895 saw exceee
of exports over Imports. a de.
flclt. however, continued. owl, , no
doubt, to extravagant admIstistration
and to the pluuderiug of the public
oho* for eleetlon f uads ; Mt the teen-
piete overthrow o1 the National Policy
by tlue tariff revision of 1897 real
ized the vision of Sir Leouard Tilley
in 1879, for we land the excess of
exports which began In 189 with
*2.500.000 Increase In 1897 to 418.-
781.000 and grow In 1898 40 $2:1.-
8:19.000. The happy results therefore
anticipated for the National Pol-
ley In the way of stimulatit>z
the detelopment of Canada and
the export of Ito natural wealth are
only being realised Wpuu a tariff de-
prived ef the 'protective rats stab-
limbrd by els Lsnaard Tilley, deprived
of td apeclfe duties. and shorn of
many of those epistles for the
special fostering of the Inlaid Indus-
tria Daring the regime of a high
protective tariff. *silos the year 1888
for example, we imported 126.000,000
more than we sola According to Con -
on -ratite authorities. this was a bal-
ance on the wrong side, and, 1f so, led
up to the commercial deprentou which
began about 1192 and went from had
to worse until the reduced taxation
gate the people of Canada more lib-
iderty to develop their resources and
bring the balance to what wM salted
These facts ought to Indere those
who voted for the National Policy In
goad faith, wlth the object of produc-
ing the state of affairs predicted at
the time by Its authors, to now Crane
for there belief to a low -tariff pol-
icy. In view of the fact that tie mo-
ment the Liberate revised the tariff
the excese of exports rose from two
per cent. to 15 per Dent. and last year
was .till further increased to 17 per
cent. The reason of tithe was not that
the people were too poor to purcIis e,
because at the acme time our imports
in 1898 were the largest in the ht• -
tory of oonfederatlou and showed an
increase of a little over 17 per cent..
the exports showing an Increase of 19
per cent. The stir of trade and the
Impulse to -prosperity were oolocbdent
with the return of the Liberals to of-
fice and with t1* abolition of a lame
number of restrlctlms on trade and
commerce and the adminetering of
the public departments with teas rod
tape and more common seam.
R. M. Jaffray, formerly publisher of
the Chicago Cycle Age ad now 1're-
addtnt of the Referee Publishing Com-
pany, of Lohdo n, England. which lames
the Cycle Referee, at the Queen's
He IN the originator of the scheme to
cohatlklate thea anadlan bicycle man-
ufacturing concerne, and he states
that the barns of amalgamation Ie
now nearly oompeted. All the larger
bicycle companies. he states, have
joined the combination, and In a week
or en application will be made to the
Dominion Government for lettere of
incorporation. The concern will be
known as the Canadian Bicycle Com-
pany, Llmlted. with a total ()spite.'
Mock of 48,000,000. In one hundred dol-
lar shares. Halt de the stack will be
preferred and half oommoo atock. The
plants and business of the companies
now doing bodnerna will be purchased,
with stock. and the working capital
will be supplied by the mate of the bal-
ance of the stock, all of which, Mr.
Jaffray mays, has been underwritten.
He states also that the object of the
combine s not to retire the pries of
wheels. but to manufacture a 11ne of
bicycles that can compete weaessefully
with the cheap grades now imported
troth the States. Ifbretofore lie *7e,
Cenadlan manufacterers have devoted
themselves almost entirely to IAgh
grade wrier and left the tharket for
cheap Innen to the Americana. He raye
that snore bicycles are Imported than
are manufactured in Canada, and the
Imported wheels ate all of the cheaper
grade. The Treater portion of the
tecycs works will be removed to Tor-
onto alter consolidation le obtained. -
we bare no D1eBarry 1n Caseda,
morels the pity! for it ought to be
srlmeb(dye duty. and pleaanre, to de-
port that man Jaffray with all con-
venient ...pd. What business ham a
Chrego or London man to 'originate"
each a dom.plracy against Canadian
towns and Canadlaa Merlins? Al -
threat Use emanate dirty on hlcycies
is high -g0 per neat. -there I,aa been.
en far, some competition In the bicycle
Menem. not only domestic but foreign,
and the price of wheels has been (om-
enit down. The attempt to put the
whole trade under tits oontrol of a lei -
gentle trait le adverse to the interest'
of the tbooaand a of young CanadMn
men and women who save up
their lard -earned dNlers to boy htey-
eMes, and who take their older pleasure
ti monmer riding nn their ddent Merida.
The Brantford. Rt. Catharbea and
other places In which Meyer feetrls
are located will not reileh the pros-
pect of having the whole heatnesseoe-
sdLj*4ed, and the water moved to To-
ronto. Canadians who prefer to ileg
cheap .Mere have a wee* right t►-
rkt er, aleft it le no part of the bmtiadsi
of the Government to pror eat torn.
rho matt* what Mr. Jaffray, of Mi-
meo end Lemke. may think about It.
Massy memo* affnr' to hey dear
w heels, and many ars so snow ted that
they iota get all tile earths Ural) re-
gntre net of a chap wheel. 11 Shia-
h1 .preened ewmhb*e usenet has get Into
costing order without j�Iw. ac. 'er-
otrs/Oratkon from the npnsedoa Gov-
'9Dmmeat, that 1. the firth pram to pot
up a. fight. Let 14w letters of loam-
psatlou be refuted. And 11 the me-
vfarbms solaenee carutot be blacked In
that way, let the Fioanoe Mistletoe toy
the effect of putting bicycles on Ile
feta list. Traits own and rule the
Ualted Stats, but 1t Is not advisable
to permit a .ladles *tate of anodes 1n
. TRH *ULM OP TRV8r,..
The New York Journal of Com-
merce records the organtsatlod of
WOO trusts sires- the .Legiun1agr, of
1898, with a nominal capital and
bond obligations amounting to 46,
118,500,000. lu 18110 the total
value of the manufacturing and
mechanical Industries of the United
States wtaa 46,52.5,000.000. The
Journal of Oummerce says :
The change 1s the most stupendous
revolution ever accomplished in the
history of the world's Industrial
growth. ltd suddenness L as re-
markable as Its magnitude. 14 has
Dome with tone of the careful de-
liberation that usually attends the
investment of great aggregations
of ospt.t•l. It has been guided by
no precedent experience. It 1s no
gradual result of a natural evolu-
tion. It 1s an abrupt outburst of
resistance to an unusually severe
pressure of the natural regulatory
force of competttton. It is a re-
versal of all that eoonottititr have
accepted as fundamental axiom of
trade. It la an undeltberated revolt
against the mast essential force 1.
the regulation ge production. dlstrt.
bullies est trainee -the natu-
ral law e e competition. It
amounts to a complete dis-
ruption of Ise relations between
the industrial forces and classes of
suclety. it 1s an extinguishment o1
the voluntary exchange between the
producing and merchanting Interests,
and tile creation of one exclusive pro-
ducing organisation for each industry.
to which all other material Interesta
must yield subjection. Industry at
large Is organised into • eyeless of
feudalized oorporntlous, each one of
which enjoys absolute power within
its credal branch 61 production, while.
taken In the mase, the system conetl
tats Mal the supermen totals panes
in the nation. These Innovations upon
tine fixed methods of industry, though
fundamentally affectluz the citizen's
free scone 4o the opportunities of
industrialism, take little account of
legalities, equally Ignoring the law as
It stands and aa It may possibly be
clanged to meet tics case. This head-
long precipitancy Inas pursued Its pur-
pose almost without forethought;
certainly with alight consideration
for trade moralities or for the weight-
iest of human liberties, and with little
regard for tine pares to public order
which the ontworkings of the system
are too Mable to evoke.
Among the gaestlms suggested by
the movement are the following:
With the trust* pledged to low prices
on the one hand and to dividends on
watered .tock on the other, what will
be the position of labor under the new
system 7 If the trend& restraints upon
prcelootlon create a redundancy of
labor, what will be the effect upon
wages? WUI the mins of monopoly,
in tho long run, fall apnea thus back
of the workingmen?
How will the m000polets protect
themselves against competition front
foreign factories where price@ are not
artificially regulated 7 Do they ex-
pect to have the tariff raised to suit
their convenience? If not. how can
they wraps the effects of external
competition 7 Moreover, If a reused -
went in public opinion should so shape
p 11L1e. as to bring about a reduction
is the tariff, would not the purpose
of tics monopolies be neutralised and
their Imagined advantages be dissi-
pated 7
L there any probabUlty that ulti-
mate neentmenta among the dl.tri-
butinng and raw material producing
cl•mes may induce tbsr to encour-
age arch a (thongs in 181 teslff
Leat ye•r..*owordlrg to Mr. Pater-
son, people went to the *tales, taking
no lea than 4812,468 worth of 110010.
hold effects In their possession. The
amount wee sightly less than that of
the first year of the LaerIBMart+
regime, whoa 4874,000 worth of house-
hold effects were tranderred; but it
was large enough. too large, Indeed,
for a period such as thle, when In
every country ander the min a digress
of pion is altered, It is a and
t heitttuatthat
the leakage, vastly reduced as it was
under Sir John Macdonald and Str
Churls Topper, luta not been stepped
*ttagether.-titan and Empire.
It wax "redeced," was it 7 Let e. Dee
what nays the record of the N. P. good
tinea The official report. Maid by
the Tory OovernmeatNt1 itke fig -
area thus :
1891 .. », ...:w e.$1,000.454
1892 ._ - ....... 1.257.998
1898 ... », »......... 1.857,048
What is the Mali and Empire whin-
ing about? And haw it ever occurred
Os It that the Inflow of *setters' ed -
frets is rapidly leereasaB, being host
year over 11,500,000, or eras a mil-
lion lien 1011tAoliaiiiiii M amii of the
value of smdiar epeeb going oat of
Canada 7 1► It Ilse say doubt that Orr
country to getting tnersaaed attention
let tt examine the records of settle-
rvent In the interir Department and
sat the C. P. R. and the land com-
panies . Tia exodus s a nmhject the
organ should eel*er,
'Think M that man Doty. %akl.g four
and • hall home of preektes them In
emu "mak ma the Address The wrest
llrE $) 4 the teeny erwwtare Is liebhe
to repeat the operation n doom nr a
Moore d tines during the reaskei, rh.
garden of tete feet that the members
ilea* Ills C1*erher to avn1A 1eGi Ing
to emelt a bora. The man at Pie o'
Bear wine mare the canting vote
R sh trnrw.ltwted Mr. 11avin'e malro-
Hi at the general elastics has a anent
M1 to armorer for. fleets Is a .eedxhd
milt 'wrerse-•i4;titan or'roppee.
131r Charism Hibbert Tepper might
with propriety have held his Yukon
tpeeoh fur All Fools' Day
blah bu,e81 re ors that last year
the *step deposits were 82 per
urea larger than la 1897. That 1a an
eu•onraging *lowing.
Vancouver le to have an aldose°
bile service. Each carriage -suited
for say four persons -will omit well
it the uelgtiberbood of 41.000.
Pr' gaau.L. s. AST "kERVI ld
&te the filen that the ilii
merle ally useful purpose if 44 were
made responsible to the people." And
yet some people thought we had re-
sponsible government, and that the
pmopie ruled.
The Rrtt40, pmernmeno ft about to
istrmdaoe $ Mil aimed at the Ietiows
who promote legielatim, costreets,
etc., for oomnrbsecios. tkleh a law rlg-
1 Qy en'orved to Canada would destroy
some people's occupation and would
por'maaently retire enapy milpicipal
monmclana •
Sir Charles Hllrbert Tapper ehaegee
that the Liberal Government under -
pees Its officials. What a terrible
thhrg 14 would be If the Oovernanent
officials should all resign or go out ori
strike, and nobody could be got to ac-
cept the offices. No wonder Bir Cbarlre
Hibbert Tapper .poke strongly.
Toronto landlords have formed a
combine to raise house rent& and It
Is said that 15 to 20 per Dent. In-
creases will be common. High rents
are not a benefit to a city. Toronto
tried one boom, and 1s only recover-
ing from the reaction. Has 1t not
the mem of a burned child ?
Within** years the Brltitb na-
tleaal debt has been reduced $885:
000.000. The nntlonnl debts of the
principal powers are now : France.
$5.4-10,000,000; Room, *3.218.000.-
000; (,teat'Britain, $3,172,000,000 ;
Italy, 42,7.81,0(0,000 , Spain, 41,818.-
044000 ; Austria, ;1.748.0510,000. and
Prussia, 41,5111.000,000.
The death of Mr. Patrick Hughes.
of Toronto, will be regretted by a
statim sande of Meads Rare • *4040
sale firm of Hughes Brothers do a
large business for many years. and
Mr. P. Higbee was a prominent and
influential Liberal. He was ne the
Platform at the meeting In the
Hamilton Opera House, which
addressed by Hon. G. W. Rol'
Ing the last Provincial election
Tho re.ervatlo,t of 50,000 aerie of
land 41 the rear of Addington and
Frontena0 counties for the protec-
tion of young timber and the promo-
tion of reforestation la a move In the
right direction. Ontario Isa plenty of
land, which is either unfit ce not re-
quired for settlement, and with m
taws to pay upon the land the Gov-
ernment can make big profit& by ras-
ing a crap Qf tree*, which will pro-
vWe Provincial revewwe during the lat-
ter years of the pa*$ e1etury.
The Ewan people s00i4.I4.4 Mont -
teal to find a market for their tobacco
were told by Mr W. C. McDonald that
he woad not nae a pound of their pro-
duct. He has built ap hie trade with
Virginia leaf ; he known what Ills cus-
tomers want, and he will not experi-
ment with any .ub,tltute. We do not
think It s any part of the business of
Government to take the management
of Mr. McDonald's factory out of his
hands. Another Montreal manufac-
turer *y. he hopes to market a pro-
duct of Canadian tobacco which will
take the plans of tics United Stats to -
boom now mogglyd into Canada, and
whish is mlld4'r than that made from
the Vhginla leaf.
ti a.
In Ootmmettes of the LmgWature the
other day, ler. Berber, the paper man;
factarer from Hayton, one of rho able
brogues men of the Abuse, pointed
out that msotetpttl bonuses were large-
ly responsible for the collapse of the
woollen In osetry some years ago, and
that It eamrk'Ipolltlem were permit-
ermitted to bons. pork -packing establish
went., SO 1t was ober there was
now a tendency to do, that whole Pork'
packers'lodiery of the Province
would be dere rralmed in a hew years.
It was +heady in a critical Gondl-
itott ; tohedisz would bring over-com-
petttloet aryl rein. T1de s a. matter
which vitally effects Hamilton, and
our representatives in the Leonia -
tore should take a Idem stand against
the whole bovine mydetn, the results of
which have lung ptosed the experi-
mental Maga
Mtge -{'States trade papers call at -
Martino' to the wonderful growth of
CanAda'a cheese expert, which has
increased nearly .lx -told in 21 years,
while the United States export has
filen off one-half. TM New York
Journal of Commerce pats the cane
title way
Twenty -the years ego Canada Id"
peeled between fourteen and fifteen
million pounds of butter, which In
crewed to nearly double that
amount In 18141, after which there
wars a rapid falling off till In each
of time years 1889 and 1890 the ei-
ports were tem than two muliloa
poends; the tido than tarried up-
ward and the export/ In each of the
years 1897 and 1898 were over
eleven million ponds. In marked
contrast' with theme fluctuations in
the butter ezparts, the cheese ex.
ports were nearly 34.000.000 pound.
in 1877 and Increased pretty con-
tantltill la 1898 they exceeded
pounds. The value in-
creased In twenty -owe years from
three nasi thrum -quarter millions to
seventeen and • halt million dollars.
The tatter est{lorte froom the Vnfad
Beeler In 1 ie77 were over 01,000,000
minute, end In IR98 four minion
pounds more. Int in the mega
While flus cheese export had felIee
Mf a tittle more tl.an one-habt-
tmm 107.844,655 posed. to 13,187,-
280 pounds. in 1077 we exporISd
three trews as much chert* as Cae-
id* did. sad In 11495 -the ('aaadlan
figures *rotor then Weedier nM mire
for the final year-Cenada export
ad snarly het timer as mmoll 55 we
Sir Charles H. Tupper's Seven
Hours' Speech,
Ottawa, Maruti 80. -For almost
roves hours 81r Hibbert Tupper ad-
dremed tad House to -day, the great-
er part of the time being devoted to
charges of malaelminietratlo* la Etre
Yokes. It was uaderet000duts� that the
Irmo bet reredd Masaikph iYYO''-
Wachtel upon the Yukon, and a art
milting was called for by the ov
reunient. 81r Hlbbert's speech is
almost without precedent in Its
length. bat he showed fatigue at
its close. Ha charged general mad
adminlstratlon and neglect of the
Yukon by the Government, immor-
alityniel druuu
kenew ou the part of
Mar Walsh, the exaction of bribes
by nearly all the officials In the
Yukon. favoritism in the lase of
liquor permits and In' other matters'
un the part of the Minister of tics
Interior. Mr. elfton In moving the
adjoursmenl (tattyd.n4..:
.- the
charges made agaust bits.
Mr. tipemker announced that holed
leaped 111. warrants to the Clerk of
the Crown In Chancery for elietiunr
la Brockv and Winnipeg.
Mr. I.. N�lumpagne. Wright. In-
troduced a bill relating to the Ot-
tawa & Gatineau Railway Oom-
Mr. Reeser, 86. Hyacinthe. Intro-
duced a bill respecting the Ottawa
Electric Railway Company.
Sir Charles Tupper. before the or-
ders of Nen day were called, inquired
when the report of the Auditor-Uen-
esal would be brougbt down.
81r Wilfrid Laurier replied that he
had been la eoualtatlun with the
Auditor -General, and be most Kay
that he was nightly Inaccurate In
his statement which he made the
other da He was informed by the
.Auditor -(1 that the Queen's
Printer has bad copy in his hands
since February23rd, ani that he
bas been supled Proal time to time
since, an.1 for some time past the
whole report has buea 1n his hands
He was further informed by the Au
ditor-General that on next Wednes-
day the whole of bis report will be
printed, and probably handed t0 the
Huune. with the exception of the
part relating to the Mounted Pollee
and trade ted commerce.
Mr Charles Tupper drew the at-
tention of the Minster of Marine
and Fisher's* to the fact that the
rEpOft)t 01" "5bltkrerred ter
Star informed blue that the Informa-
tion, the accuracy of whisk kis hon.
friend questioned yesterday. was
furnished by the Department of Ma-
rine an i Flsherie& and was pub -
netted verbatim.
Mr Richard Cartwright -My boa.
friend's remark was that he had had
no communication with the Star re-
porter. and objected that wool. had
been put Into his mouth which he had
not uttered.
Sir Charles Tupper -Mr. HWmden.
the reporter, Informs me that he un-
derstood the statement which was
published by bite had been submitted
to the Minister of Marine and Fish-
eries and approved by bin.
Sir Lour Davies --Mr. Hwmden must
have selseoderstood. I never saw hien.
directly or Indirectly. I was asking my
deputy whether the fact was as the
hon. gentleman stats, because Mr.
Hoimden made the same statement to
me. and ire Informs me that It was trot.
144 Hibbert Tapper opened his
speech on the address with an attack
ufxnt ISO Wilfrid Laurier for using
violent and ebonite language In hie
"'precis last week. The speech r'eminbd
him of SIr John Macebmald'a quotation
from "Haldibras" :
"Thr Pelrwte of Cande'a dally food
is asp and basilisk and toad, -
Which glees to him so bad a breath. -
It nightly stinks the Queen to death!'
He Quoted a number of payegee from
the speech. maybrg that they "bowed
that the Premier was to dire strait",
Rir Wilfrid had char's(' Rlr Charles
Tapper with equivocating to get out W
a hole, with disgracing Canada at
Washington. with beim reckless, ex-
travagant and unrellable. (Hear,
hear.) It was not for him, 8lr Hibbert
said. It was not necessary for anyone
to rests any of these chaeg e. sod tills
was not his purpler. in refetring to
thea.4bin, Sir Wltfrid was la a piti-
able pl'ght and he knew it He was
d'dlttrte absolutely of any defence for
the eztraord•nary condition to which
be heel brought things In this mantel!.
eThere had leen International nrgotia-
ti0nn, and he believed he world be able
to show later on some reaaons for tie
+remotion that Mr Wilfrid'• boast
bap had come to naught. His
of the old days were like pie-
ces*, end were made to he broken.
Tae Freaeh Plat.
COQttnetag, Mr. Tette relented Tis
explan utiou of the flag Inddent,
which he gave In the Hoare recently.
Be adorned having alerted the
French flag but denied that he bad
given It the preference over Eel. 1r1t1ah
• the the cot
tsars, he had oedd
the British flag In the piens of
aa A BrttsI. Wakstsr dooutd and de -
erred himself, amid L:bereil cheers,
ae b 1
1 51 a Br1tieli 04111 ms hie hot.
f rt from Leeds or say other man
oe alt this of the Bede. Bpm.
of the byalty of the Fencer
deem he oaks that the French Gag
1v in nearly every halve kt Quebec,
epd on more than one rfoscanon he
bass whtnemed the todebing tight in
the home of his French conntrytns
Of the pgrttilt of the Quest wrap-
ped in the Flesch flag- I bale ex -
premed elsewhere," said Mr.
'end I exgram Hare, the earns ds
etre of a, F)esohmon anti a Belot
citizen at the Male time that the
two flags of Brent Retain •ed of
Francs rang alwarys float to the
brume L ftleedMalp and amity."
(Ch sera)
Mr. Prier -No, alt ; no. sir.
Hon. Mr. Tarte-The hon. gentlemen
says no!
Mr. Prior -Yes,
Hon. Mr. Tarte--Well. now let me
remind my hon. friend of what Queen
Victoria said a few months age, and
It was repotted In the prem of the
whole civilized world. Her Majesty,
during an Interview with 'the ex -Em-
press Engenle, ex-Emprem of Franca,
(hiring thews painful days of the Faah-
04* Incident, said to the ex-Emprep :
11 war were to break mit between
France and England 1 sdoxnhl ask Ood
to let me die hrintre the beginning of
hc■.ligtlee" Mer Neither, the hon:
gg.emnInman for Victoria (Mr. Prior) has
Irene a Minister of the Crows In thin
oosntre - int me apple/ to hs better
senses, 1st me ear than What he hoe
jest meld lie should apologize for heat
noe". 111x, why ebsnld not the two
greaten civilised *+does 1s time world
walk In the ways of peace and hor-
mone ? Does the ton. gentleman Moire
war between Frans* awl F,nginnd
Why abseild It len is 1 -Hon. J. I. Tarte
On the Minton.
The trial Of °P gl g" Beaten. fee
the murder of Policeman Toomey. at
London, will coat the eormtry about
43,000, But 1 t is well worth the ert-
mean If It vetoes in empMwite the
certainty eke plrngrene d dent.
' , s
House Sat. Tit.7 O'Cbck
Friday Morning.
. meanie. ¥hash 80. -An Imotet:oe
easomnt os Mane= wise traus*cted at
tie throe +wither' of the House bald
to -day. In the id the remotes
jjbilis pained their � _cl�treu ate onsleortm -
mor - Yl! '�f9llth/' ,hoist.
moved by Whidney. Tim annul -
Meats ware defeated Yu meth mole on
a atrrteg ht party division. At the
�proY seseAuu a tory lutowe.ang the
haia arc• m the proposition to en-
able the lily of 'larwto to fie the
nate of amusement of tare sew- pal
doe hotel set $ seO 000- TIw qu
wens nut fought out on p.uty Mae
1o•. llh'. L.h u sed omarat (lov.rn-
Dent members (apron agpqpo the
opinions to those of th.4r cool/segue.
Bus. Mr. Rasa sod ono votltg io
favor of the proposed. *blob carried
by a tote of 45 to 88 and was in-
serted as a chases b kir. Crawfords
dim LID. Ilse ebaspae.t and pro ably
the moth internalise debate Mee the
oomancmmement of tate lw000nt Pnres.-
neat moth Ater an asneudment thro-
w ni by Mr. Whiner at the evening
n eedon, on the motion to go into Com -
✓ attee d Sapper. The resolution in et
teat pr1a�d pqa vote of upon
mem of the Government
for the alleged Offering of ma-
tertsl 1ensrtts to condltoe0olee
wilt •11 returned sal porters of the Ad-
mtnl tratlot. In his remotion support-
ing the amdfalment Mr. Whitney In-
cluded Het. MT. Rare with Hon. Mr.
Hardly to his charge of repreheodbie
conduct by the lbntste s.. The Pre-
mier mals a ringing reply, calling
forth weed after round of applause
from the Government Mathes. Hs re-
futed the argsmss to of the leader of
the l)Ppo,ttl(1n in the most vigorous
a�nge. The Miniettai s and effective
81.-After a stormy and
i*ofrom 11
eloc.k the brtmvakr for 1p cedar adjournment, until
o'ektck this mmorse ng, the business of
the LegimMturs was brought to a
clow, mad the weary 1egrrtators
wbrsasmn out Into the manl4gbt of a
brightbo*reire day to take their trains
A 1re amount of legislation was
crowded Into the boar* that later-
vened between mklnight and 7
o'clock. The municipal amendment
and easee.ment amendment acts,
embodying the provision' of bills re-
lating to municipal and assessment
416i4iarit .pjrhsh ,heel Ores .oneIe.ea,
went through In abort order
he Attorney -General's measure r
luting to tie ratan law. was eh
der renew for quite a while. but
finally replied Its third reading. In
committee a number of important
amendments were made to the mea -
Imre, tis most Interesting. probably.
being those amp venni the Govern-
ment to enter Into a binding agree-
ment wall the Rankine l:ompany
for the surrender of their monopoly
at Niagara Falls, and enabling tad
Park Commissioners to give other
companies aoektng to develop elec-
trical energy admlalon to the park.
The Opposition fought these amend -
mental om the ground that It was
putting too much power In tie bands
of Us Government, but the major-
ity of the House by their votes ex-
pressed their confidence that mak
power would be judiciously exercised
ky tics Executive.
Another amrodma.nt Made In the
statute law authorises the (lovers -
merit *0 refund to the Goldfields Ex -
ration Compaiq, sometimes re -
erred to as the Engledue syndicate,
their deport of 120,000. The cunt•
pony have spent between 10,000
and 450,000 In exploration and de-
velopment work without any very
reble results, and the refund le
ao0ord•nce with the terms of
the agreement entered into by them
with the Government In 1897.
Mr. Whitney caused the House to
be divided several times upon the
remiutions granting subsidies to rail-
ways. The principal item attacked
were the wbddle. of 82,000 a mile
each to the Ontario. Hudson Bay &
Western Railway and the James Bay
Railway, and the land grants to the
former Itis and also to the Sault St..
Merle & Hudson Bay Railway. Mr.
Whitney's jmatlflcathoo for thus seek -
Ing to retard the development of the
northern part of the Province was
that he could not me any reason
for making these grants, when the
Government were tm ng direct
taxation upon the e.
Daylight came and o•.d the Ngt..
sato. Affil at work. Ores of the had
thiegm done before adjnernmsnt woe
the withdrawal by Hon. Mr. Davis of
the bill having for inn object the H-
emming of outside corporations who
mil mining stocks In Ontario. The
last dying boors of the asision were
enlivened by s brisk tilt between the
Opposition Nader and the Attorney -
General and the Miniter of Estee+
tion. It arose out of some refleetloum
made upon Mr. Ross by Mr. Whitney.
In the latter's ellagein at finding that
having softly delayed his bill to
punka erection bribers the meanies
could not then receive oontideratlon.
Soon the last stroll of Moines was
done. and the members. who had been
for some time previously pelting each
other with blue books and copies of
bill.% rose and sang the National An-
them, following it by • renditlom of
Auld Lang gyne."
Prorogation. in the Attoreey.Oea-
seal announced. tales plane at 8
o'eloek to -morrow (Saturday).
'Tragedies et this Ilea.
The German steamer Pontos, with
1,000 deep and wheat, sunk In the
British cheats( by ooilWon with Star
M New Zealand. No liege Icmt
The London *od Southwestern Ball -
way Company's steamer Smithson -
ern, which wee mint to seareh for
bodies of victims of the wreck bt the
Intek, went ashore last night.
The Brlteh steamer Fthefliikle, hes
ben to eo1(Waa, Med Iyer fare
peak s full d water. A Feigned tilt -
lag smack. whlete was off Domer roe
terday evening was in odlekon with
an unknown vwael. poliebly the 6W11-
Wide. Rix el her Drew were droweed.
The Brttieh steam Weller Heath -
pool, from eanderi*M for St. erasers,
Frans*, was ran down and .ort yar
terday off Soaks IH.sd. Only one
or her stew wen saved. The survivor of
fleathpool, mink to collision off Beaches
Head, yesterday evening, has been
Laded at Doren He woe tier crew smr1ae1�e-
heed 15 men.' They let Sunderl*td
cot Thur'afay lead ooRMed with n* un-
known reed ysmtezday ovesfag. The
Heethpool emhme.esd to sank imme-
diately and her oaptaln milled out to
the other vrmel, a torgiw .hips to
Was down, het the lutes' heart
areevld AM ap'par dirt
✓ ervintr jumped into Water end
clung to a Ilfe ix+st metal picked op,
0er1. Nospeeeed h lr.thse.
The Rwtxnnd.r saw WaJ* Wei*
*Ole nteroeg In regard to the mat.
tier. 53. mkt he dM not sate to
say anything fnrehwr at Dement
than that 81 i lhMert Tupper le a
mallelon. Ilan, awl that thee Is net
a wvtrvl at truth In any of the Mate -
niece iso made aneeerning hl*...
BsMRvfs Bacotder.
it ItaeFr.nos *+stet..
Toronto, epr11 1,
Toronto, AprU 1. -Receipts of fain
troduoe here m n. ta
Batufday were 1,200 bushels of grain, 80 loads o1 ties
and 4 of straw, together with a Intgi
eu,,ply of butter, ease 504 poultry.
Wheat w ca4y ; ,W bushW4 sold tj
follows. White 71,E red 7� 1s. +cost g
tir ' eefEAI.i.«!e at 44e
Oats easier. 000 bushes ►t
84 cents
Hay Mead/ ; timothy *11:d at is w
410 and clover or mixed hay ut 1x6 to
}B per toe, -
Straw firmer, at 1e to Moo Iwo
Brased Ha*e_-DsItver1e fair at
$1.15 to 43.40 per ewt.
Butter plentiful, at 18 to 20o per Ib.
for general run, with chinos dairy to
special curtonrers at 21 to 22c per Ik
Eggs firmer , ou a0ooaut of the Eno
tar demand egg" sold at 13 to lee pK
dozen from farmers' baskets',
mouse few eatra cholas lute as high no
2t1c. the bulk going at 15c.
2'oultry-Chicken+ were more 1,1ep44,
fel. selling from GO to 83e per pair,
with some entre heavy birds as high
as 41 per parr.
Turkeys. 12 to 1.'o p:er Ib. --.
Farm Produce Wholesale ea Toros%
Ilay, baled, oar Iota,
per ton- ........ ... ... Ijl► 00 to rr 50
Straw, baled, ear bob,"
....... ... ...
Potatoes. oar lob, per
Rutter. choice, tabs... ...
Butter, mediae, tubs ...
Butter, dairy, 1b. roils...
Butter large roils .,.
putter, creamery, ib.
rolls ... ... ... ... ... ...
Butter, creamery. boss
Eggs, choice, new Mkt -
Honey, per IA ..
HHr� chewed, ons lot.
Cltiekea.. Per pair ... ...
Turkel+, per
Turkeys. odd storage. lb
0 75
0 18
0 16
0 14
0 20
5 10
0 50
0 7e
Wt Mflhe. Cattle Market.
-East But falo, Aprlt 1. -Cattle -eery
few on sale. with the feeling quiet.
under a modecste demaltb.
Sheep and Lambe - 85 load@ oil .a1&
Market .how and about 5o lower thus
yesterday. Choice to extra lambs
$4.10 to 46.20 ; good to choles, 45.75
-4.NAa vtmomss a sem. Bathe se
75. ebesp--Cbo'ce to extra, 15 to
15: good to choice. 44.85 to 13.
Bogs -The offerhig' were 24. loan
Trade Mimed "trona at 44.0.5 for
hoary. 14 to 44.03 for malluma. and
58.95 to 4l for Yorkers. Plge-48.75
to 38.80. ranee. 12.43 to 18.6.1:
"tags. 42.73 to VI; good weights and
mixed, 44 to 44.05. On this close *11
were sold and the feeling was Strong.
The wheat crop of India Is stle.
sited at 237,000.000 ba he's. The crop
Of 1896 was setlmaied at 206,110(,..
000 bushels, from wbich only 4.000.
000 bushel" were exported daring the
twelve months. April let. 1896, to
March 81st, 1897. The wheat con-
sumption In India is a very variable
quantity. depending largely upon the
result of rice and other crop.. which
constitute a large portion of the pec
pie's foal The largest year'. execute'
were In 1891.92, 56.400,000 bushels.
In the early part of the season the
Timm animated that titres of the
important wheat importing (ountree
e Belgium and HB::land) wand probably require
the same quantity of foreign wheat
during tide crop year 1898-99 ae they
did during 1897.98. The Corn Trade
News. March 1441, shows that the
shipments to three countries during
the 82 weeks up to Illaroh 11th have
been 70,170.000 bushels, as compered
With 68.280,000 hashes In the same
weeks of last year.
Stormy weather has hurt renal,
trade In Canada and checked Ohs
tributloa of *ring goods. but re
eslpte of oouatry produce are larger
Mosses of better mow roadie Tor
ooto reports the outlook for *crag
trade good. and that larger stocks
ars being carried in antielpatlos
thereof. Export trade is active to
all countries, •Itboagh the 'orchid
the of the export of .mw -lap ham re
duced the log rut, and smeller fu
tun exports of lumber are mold
for. Montreal reports city trade
hurt by the (norm, but that a fairly
good jobbing buelnees is doing. olio"
manufacturer' are busy. width soots
sod securities are lower In proe
Gemerel trade is backward s the
Maritime Provinces. hat Jebel nit
btu nes le good at Victoria, B
Bank clear t*p for Canada 'bow n
very slight ,4prmtm for last week.
aggregating 898,268,000, s tract om
d 1 per sett. tarps &las tko.e of
the prevlone week. but nearly 11
epos (*8t. 1 rgerseethe
nitthos.yls, of the
frasAlen failures number its for
Moret week. ail against 21 the prerl-
ous week, EIn flus oort�spot�iing
week a year Ngo, 40 to 1N►, 44 Ie
1896 and 49 s 11496.
Irate Penal. Ona • Taste of ger own
Perry. Ok.. March 81. --Mrs. W Rt
Cadman. a well Mown resident nl
Karma City, lad.. attempted to
tin erehip City Attorney John 4
OI1phnnt here this evening. Ile.
°adman accused Mr. Oliphant of
slandering her od she met him this
(montes In a selmlm and pulled a me
hide from muter bar dress and Karr
hLa wary .a1'et'$ blow*. Oliphant
took the whip from the toms n'5
hands died tmwwiay whipped her.
Ouch+*► M plominest s poRtl,•*I
sed ohmeb8 whets. and the wetter
ee►wd ,A;lust$ alawUon.
ll.t.. Prom, we CapltaL
Ottawa, Oat.; April 1. - (Bpndltq-
T ��Mo
Expanded MNMI Company d
dquarters In To -
root*, awl with a capital stock el
ime 1t ,000, M applying for iDcorpore
ypaaTher Panmet Matstaetortng Caw
000, a d b*4goarter. *8 Moo3fontlreal.
pito sisal
!q asking refs un rpor*tidS.
WI* Was. ranHnrrre la one of the le,
gieeetood that rhes taeverit
wear 111dt ender cones .'-. MMen tic
Wttbdra8PIttg of a greeter ppasrt of the
*scope from tate Vnknnthere air'
ljD1 ortio.rt .nd meg In the conte
��'w�mrN1�. A�bout 75 '.111 hist.► he Nit tt
Dam►wali'*04 8115 renlaln.ler pVm'a40(1
Is. a wiirrpread `'hen ret pad
Nc dIe mreRnn of t1so 1 ty of Rnc,l*J
newoprpers nen!, ••-- - •.g ie 1
odne, sate prow'Ar .metra art
viands Akm�' ,pagleg the
ra(lrenaurh . ' iis..t.kr
T` irallpb- T If1aR