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The Signal, 1899-4-6, Page 1
i'TUN MT 111 Ti[a M VRkAPK481' . A]D THE SIGNAL its Tax bE81% UNN WLLAR A YNAv I 1N A )VANUN _.. . .__.6-'W —-4=Y-3WJ0NQ YZA&-L-2720 Va s"t lT Nwiw w0000d. Addwy N, age 1►1 �7'i1a-RY APRIL Ifitb. 600 TV 4�awip__.Iaab b t4l6 aT}j$tt WANTUD—YOUNU MRN AN or older •sae it mull young 80414 SOAoaht.d character. Ita,d We Slid isda•s,b«. "a !•d •apipy maM •/gad oast, Sob, pt1 p•r_my_�tkiad ta _- c WANTED -YEN AMU WOURN o" wart bard talking and wr1Un� ttgurs daily ter dot tape • week "d .111 *an & watt, t•. A iase meekly. Address Niel !CRAY C0.. Toronto. �7TANTED-TIIACHSHS AND OTHER 1'� "Itt man lor vacates w permanent. ly to .elicit for 0soaae : An li"y*topondla .t the Coantry." la eve r0ym1 amens volumes. N• 4oUvert�i oommtmion d weekly. THE I.tNo1WR PUELUMIle O0. Towenla Unto* MEL PFRIIDeR1CK 0. SIYPSON. OR .�1 m*nM Nssikwt. WrhWyt •baro\ law at N Cowrvwwr. Now York. *fit re. eslve pair -Aim uwl aW advanomd-la ma*na and humanly. et•dto. 'Tit bt LweMw.l' Mery u cL. 9odss(eL M19tlaMYAANDR8W8, TEACHER d Pu&w Theater. Redd- ty and Eur T A •o•" of the Vtrt{a Ruda (:lariat Ilk,* t• PrEdles tu"w as tin. yW. TA•dimoa•. 121 ilio ws me Metthood ter d rsuay+W CkUdFW bL In*- den4b will Pamw the ?create Con rrratery Terve oa spNi•bu m " the r.d- �bib« s► EeY@.bi. Rea . trot -ti liar 000 -tar TO SIML • .� FO R BALi . =Z MION HOTKL, 606WVA. particulars• sop b K a4draa R. C. HA t!. Barrister. Oohs, k. usroh Use. Ilse. U la LLR IIAI.S -LOTS NO. Imo, 121, 122. l,` 4 ?, R11D ew JAMEs 11•at TO RX16T.-TWO NEW UNE AND aao4aW 4$ wy tray bar. Alleges". t.n eu mb*ad er vetwrur9e• ns Esm guw& raw t MRd CAItLETOK, tie" tows grime /tree«w. Jl� RUNT 10118E &SON. -PROPERTY ise kmcwn" Boas fsmedow, &boat IU aces As�mn�del �ptatar•.1tawA,rop ofoearos wit& w�a� ATrilllan dor to Z. JASATON 7 r Yrs 17-M QOl1D BRICK HOUSE FOR HALL - 1`3 T&" yr s trtY kinins bow dtmate se I.et IA, pw�If, Q �.•tt Goddaar lebbj Wilk gv or aim Tb"bwr av cowwy�r iimim •alar *a3•rt he lila &%& Osll aodbetdb MEM*•/ lar pregg- Oged etekmN co preelmm. En` sutable fer the gags• aluasw d lisle$. 'hrwm la pefgbcer. �a O�i�ip~�� �re4aawi a VOIL "LA-iA M 60 AND 70 IV f=tw0•g r tb T. -d 0f W. loSSas r m0sed ..w dwc14 mm m eM tra.esre WAINW. j�UUDM WANTHD. w� 4adbm red by 00 .ddb. _�$eAA fkk 1 as_Y� __Yr ttp taees .o &d rti lemma er any %mew set ememafi y rA"P= Imd�tlewblib w&Isd gad swotal/*@. Pter•r�odw•srldLLk H. J. AraMMot. Ililf�. I t". Owwo fi. OBL. Use. IR Ise. Wft EKOVAINM Nus.. —_ -- 1kA ORTGAGN BALE OVA HOUSS AND ill rfIFTH11 p/ AN ACRE ppr Orsini in TH■ ?OWN Or 000E U the sid-Ma "Kim d a p raw at asks ese- ush oeaa t►set t ham .p du,bf am a* At,mi.. tbbbo wilt he •pad ON .r W gooiest y Thew" oua- lief eeelomear, It • . k;'d, t ah* lawn d y 11. me tcant�ryn of ashen, on abs or - day, .AIM►. 7tt " Ing Ool/•Ik[ L. •f QcdewsekY Imart"illlate t 840tytsrofmom below nit me f �, fi h. t �.f .Wwt>� NA om smwlMbyof metaielag t Iles. anr ass awe a ISM Koro w Nus. Tbae is as •IM areaway • ynn taco• begin in go" msn� limn ritually painted and con wsfa$ N" bmd most. et. lag roes uwbW kitchen and w%rmv r kttdiw. and soft watw and all *thew mevow C beba* r_`pr.ewb •Soepidef >N will & ►www 11twWmlan .ads knows ea Aar d �meteor @w� by apNisstrc to er bin tb masttseeaw. 1. Y. RSeTBasoft, V Bader 0 tb�or, Dad fth Meeh, 1M. fiat. see" 1 see" 1 Q B E'11D1a l 8UED9t CLOVER AND •Q mala I y sed. SW dal a&rdus seeds ^w trick o Nmd'rd. Mr,a au*tnmtlatyn: w r�*�'!.J Oolo�Ptrmz Ib• nwYf/BaswS&netsy I/ b M it wow 1.18 IT O&1li"a better eIn Pjriiarm � e,woy es" Uu Tiff waak� irNN1 -bpd« mute H/collssbsu GL Proiw Maw w. J. MORROW. W A INhT 3 Dm.-r[V 111 OR Bali T0193 Apply oe M71d.11�'R'lY�ah >EuMM lark- WAXyTlhtsaS{{Dite—pr4id0mD GpiURALmotBIRirR- MRR ROwET,1. lesMeti•@abatk, A• ti t this. �jAUTED-$T TUE ST. LAWRENCE 0"0 MRK C. �amamMls Apply mt e Ia SS It bus, Nowem, %, N(7rIQt_1vr r mrstr .tQ GET ge beggar "W I tag eat my ee.•t -I moon w EASTER EXAMINATIONS. L tielatwe "agdlwx of itte stank• of tae m�,�, ricdertea #,waw bob"le. IF The following M the repots d the Seder eumiaaueae of sh* (3edert*h pubua "book. fey ralative etandtog of papula is shot «venal 41119909& Doodled reports have base given D be papi4 fog thew poresto be exmmlma, slg9" y bad return ft N* ro-opemlmg 91 ecb*ur, .at M-oday, April 10bb. 1%=" will pigs" Sea that the boa wadi �g be shelf a attldns ia ww•�1tN!!R i *anion Dtvmmr. 41L A=omwem wAw- O gin WASomitl 5��, too Given fa order of mere t A CLA m -Alar. Crgasle, Jag. Will. Risk John meLeod, Jets Malwor, Dos Me. Dm&IA, Congo Molver. Andrew sutherrtsd, Flanges MoDusald, Sma Me9g•r,R•rbort &"row@. Cbrwle Jeimpboll, Ere labor. B OL&bs.- Addslda Nun, Join Oram, MsMie Dower, (he. Wauseon. Math Norman M"Dotsald,,� wittie, W tilt we". lime bwborrmd, Arabia McLean, Willis Draw. U Ctrs, - Ella Rebimsow atba i" Lewis. Oars Givens, Clens 8~1 Rmgi-W R"t&IL Charles VUs*, Dom Nr►•Iw, Nin ""SAM, Arthur Moo&Uiomddy, Bolan Howrto, Neil Yaclvor. D (,LASS. -made Oal*baty, Jam" Dick. see, Cleveland Rlebmrdc, Ermea Boil, Mand Dubp. C►rooia Oearies. Hugh rmaGain, Edward MoLsan, NW410 Johnston. Whit Marwick. llafo• Brophy, Dan Y9dwod. &"to& DIyWON, R. DAVID'* WARD. -rine WMINS, TILACHM Given is a der of merit: .f omtom CLAS.-Srsect Handaw. Fred icy!•, Bea lj,ola. Gledys Rersarth,WUlie ! hate", Rend Oke, Harald Reblease, sus Vwkmos. W1Uia parley. Lamb Wrlgkb. Natio Pries. Vara Siston, Tom Olark. Joede Johansen, Boils lllacrow MIDDLm CLASS - Clareuee yeamg, Trsmem"w 1'kommct, Rob gee lidrie Tyo. Days Alike&, Grime Clerk, �llW Bmalbb I"& Horn, May Wilson, NeUis Umbels. Adelaide N 6 may �osp" War, ay, Pearl Clerk, Alex. UoOrg•. 8LNIon CIAse,-M"sie Bradley, Harry Morrow "a Freak Nominee. equal, Arabs* MOOJlivray,withe W&ts,Or.co Heagmrsh. Myra MO. ow, Baa Adrows. Dara Cay. 0*ram o�a Atka. 11141th Alria. Lasrier Dyke, Tom 8sabow, Harry ('1044• . Oliver .febsosgs. dente egNlOm Dlvta•ON, lir. rATaAat'e WARD. - Kan avolum. Ta"mult, Given In order of Merlb s JUNIOR 8aroND.- L brele, A. Kw. show. V. Pe iegbse, W. NaNgdge, A. Grab&=. 8 Mason, Y. RYTo o. A. R00 sm. O. Smite, A Remdw,.D. esdwy, F. Oelbarsg, A. Stocks. m1DDIJ SawND.-W. Beck, A. USmle, P. Rowea, A. McDonald, r. Rom, �. Walker, A. Dossing, J. if&rrmy, ca- Ten bull, R. Ryoa. SAN we SacollD -L Carrel, F. DsotrM. N Johnston, F. O.ff and C. ()app maw. A, Mmtbmw66 ifs Adgessm, S YOEimmse. N Ram. M McDonald and H. 8bspbse4 equal. V. Rowan. DODaL 0=00& -um prawAsir, TaAQ� Ygrko emabame. Gab. Gs&w L -Lillis M*Vww 50 Y,yytwo HowMl b18, Ess& BHefi 417,maltlssd DEms 497, Delpslme Make 45% leads 8mman 427, Herber* Dunlap 421. Owe Manu is 418. Ban Duff 400, Jobs WwmU 309, Arthur Whitely 301, LIN" Farr 380, hails Bsncr 366. Milieu MoLoyra 580, Nelly C.Ibwmo i 373. Maty MIVie w 369, (':ester McDonald W. Ysbel Mmfwcd jib, Ulalys Prwo 310, Grdye Wbitel' 308„ Geral hlreag 309, J"it Walsh W Whu" Read W awry UOLVO"b ate, 7ra4 NF�••w 110, mewlm Grabsm Sk Usab McDonald 206, U". Yak 178 GmADs (L -Willa I r.tsdfes- 607. Re" l Jordan 506, Rus Use 40, Nan Ufalo 486, Jests rams 464, J1 Tr"boway 461. losba Peoedtset 456, Harp Wubmgwa 132, Edith Iaso wd 430, BMW OrWnm 411(1, UW w 411 late McKay 404, Hwy moL. 100, LZ; w8ase ni, i.i., me FrUoss aw ,,,Saab Kurus M. H.mm&h I1elver 973, Yapgle Mowry 367, Jobs Galt ' 946. Fwagme Gmbas 938. 0%1" Herb" UL Croda Murray 500, OSI Wewed1 303, t bersks Dowdiw 203, Evans& Pints SM (iNrW span" Pow Holt Swish ill& atm ►aANta, TEACEIL OttADs L -Yanks ebamshoe. 600.—Oil bus Used AM, Mary Pelley 401k 211 m�par k 380, Joe Shaw M. amaPosl Two375. LAdb lob~ "M rkaMBarry&a 360 wdlle Aeesrems Mao & Wyse 342. Claims Wee SM Narvey B.Nole M. Loans Qpanl 321 Beatrbes HEw.iw 912, flamed Bus am, UZ lack bars 301, Mary milia 300, 8wls N" Bea. Jek& Marwick Zai Kuria HOOlukowl 280. Roy Beydw 28�, Jose" McVkw 9$0, Ia Sam (;GPs 270, EMcew Eva. 254, may Cornu 204, Ala Laws 177. of GEADN II. - Mare mbrimobk, 6a5•- d Gra** RemRawsb 479 Ybn Owd 466, (Ansa Bblhers 4W Bdk �1'yno,441, Robs Altkgm 436, Luo oto p�y 43L MS Wyase 423. Ivy New 417, Malcolm May 408, Ronbea Sa to n 397. Amor Declaim 301. (east Bwl 975. (Hive Kob wme 369, Cyfd OarNg 565. Mabel Pollack 304 Dseald e Kay 336, water BsvimAes 334, Jessie P Sala Norm" Yoieod list, Gowns G rEat 11 "Is McDcunld 31Q Awn w M.D.. 288. Hamid Spark UtW Pats 117x, Uwoc McGatto 1150. SSM RALE, MACRmm. Gross IV.- Marks abaimblo, 800.- M Ames yusma VA. Dan McDonald, 664 Mabel Tnthew•y 638. Fromm Wootton 1500, t May Nbeblsag. 463. Marg Uomk 449 ;more& Manner 420, Amor 8bedda 416 is A,*w Mclean 414Lour Robinette 401, 1 ������ Olivor 1 keMPes& 371,1, UE.i.x..«hew 399,ataetc *baivebks, 600 - O. Ntn Mumbal AM. gram Rb Ems Wit (f Jmephied molar," 40b, O"w c�iiitt- 313, Lows Morrow 367, (farbl. (lila u 966. Worprob Ydsoyrs S63, Y. P. lane 366, uwge McGNdsady M. Lafto McDonald 906, Roy %mob jli, tinge.. Alrle 914, Lydia Irak Bill Alex. aflebsse 476, May tear 268, Fred W atom 981. Presse ltsoaq 266, Ivey 8md 6 Sk Jashm Tke... 261. Gifts .esdy IM lo LV* =s, 4— Allow vi.w Da 000~ M Alien flit$, HE" b"m 407. Asa Bill- on 193. ago Voda, rucamR. id^ a eo"Um n cies, " GG"ll IV. - mark, bbdu&h1tt, smo1-� a t&tsaEoet . ,, es 04" "w :> :64 ON* Akwn' Pse t mk and pew it aS sob. }js•ab1ga,-� A. 45I. Robwtn W 686 i _.. 'T"-- Ja lessor N 1. Beg M flag DWAA IF I I • - ' 497. (seri. O 40. Home U 4611, Duff M 468. ------.-.. Tt. viol( -•s.w R 406. P4100 80 Pse e,mr er ' .w►taeb.-Rihou R U. Y A 'V= BALs. e1 4aa, (edwis t I. Gtir d I -.Y J Bab 111 - AM. It '.►herbe V 393. Gro"o tee. � ..w.....,. %, "814T fa Nle. _ . C00 - tie 06UNSNqAIM; )ID - wu0d r sR onb A I . ,a !toe $71 + 1Eogss P b'71, ; , Badawbw Y M Wald H SM. orWiliam 343, 8a in mond E f38, Slow N i3, Y laii.d r cwbjcsa-Mar Nivia 307, Aitken L 300, t Y 386, Y Iyer A 383, Onmbekrn W 279, Murroy Still. Todd L M. Twoily M 34'7. Reid an. Mtller J 534, VOLS" Y M. Bab iL 170. ■lin ==MAX UID am. aA[.la, TLC Om.DS V. -Macke obtalm"fo, tion. Above Ssper oseo. Sud pound Is all w ---(A" Hyslop 699, Reward Robrtw 67 Jack Lawrence 669• rkeds Natt l bl Robert OnAVO 600. Von WUWy 4X1, Y ate McKinmem 472 Slow 60 par eggs. fa1lml in w►jiKa- Thlna lwwlbb b2, Willis KEa, 4 Artbar Wade 489, Smith 489. Beraks Blaohets" 479, Roost • 479, Wallin Mitchell 476. Vida Brow 4 Maswdl Wilson 477, stars Wy.t4471 Glc Campbell 468, lass McDonald 468 Jobs YcK&y, 466, Fred Steady, 466. We McAuley 466, Gr -r T.ii 453. Poser (;on && Mlss Mmlr 447, LaK.rkbride 446 C*Pb& r19bor 443. Hark FoNy 438, Low- J•bsotem 438, Firestone Armarama 434 Winn Mair 427. With* Towerboy 436 Wilton, Ule►er 417, Darw Roberts 413, L Viers JIM. road Cralgtc 397. Harry G 386. Albert Algia 383, S.rtia Marton 3811, Yssgle hetsdlec 367_ Aagia BechAnng 347 Wtiwmina shmpeda9, may Bolt M.D=- aid 341. Norman Alyn 237. INS- YALIA AND RDD GNAW", TRAcmmis, Oradc VL - Marks obrwkio, 900 Above 50 mss wt, sd passed r all sob. )esu. - Uhriatebal Anderson 665. Gras Dyke 668, Held Taylor 606, Donald Me. Nevis 696, Grabs Robinson 601. A Talton 180, Maggie Murray 873, Graoi Dkshees bW Anatomy stokes 366 Boast Odnee mb•661. Ann" Andrews b�9 Wil but Gas" M. WUkar Assertion SM, Chaffin Based..n 617. Obas LA 478. Johs Rinse 464 Below 50 Paw w*. er tailed Is wbjeek—Rhby MglA&a 666. Learn, Sbar• w bNMilk, Garrfek Ms. Welter Molina. old Oman 634, T~ia Black. Sese.� 8tpherd 116. Clues* Rbybn 512, Sponges Gat 499, Albin Dy be 474, Marjorie Ben 462. MyrUs Tradesman 440. L mmA Call 448, Esus swish Kato Ye1)cveld 437. Philip mit•bbou Abd, 8ydbev Belebr 426. Wesley Y*Lw 407, Willis MaEwan 404. Obrrtw Nleholoo■ 396, Edens B4aiten Not, Chant &WLb 377• Bolls Barker 354. t So"$ Aitken 338, t Allam, Gergew M. t Rd.esd MaDusald 289, ♦ Jennie Wells 149 1 hoes serked wish t bask sof. a part of the •ass. S. P. HAtJJ. Ptinmpol, OLD HURONIANS. Na Wbs Gave Rvbd m 04 ooe tae rub - IM Ansemnr Arbmaeeacem. In the wbiw*Um es public Ssoenr be. bwow the De hdon, Ontario and Qeebw. tb sibiwlan, ckmiag as the PwmbMM& baWkge Hs'lawenbe, beard evidence in w [wit to bks divisions of the losing of the ••anion school fund, mad for shin pviWP NO. The Oleo mays, Sony repwsetauve and bopalabbe aiw" fres different se Um two exWA d and gave sago vale" t - wow iw bow board of Srbirratia" The «w.« bwmmw by am ,vicinage twin a win aonnw lj of • obbabetsr of it" i• WON ge tb wbatc t the paWcb ba/ r W deded r way mese an epibmw d the car. lot d as Slogan, And tbesti 6Sbn, we mosime N tomo who did a Ione she" of the brave Prow weak d this PreTwg, hev bus or nmpd M • worts of very brW tied booshbs wYch we published y The thew ♦ecmg ibm @batches boo the rirwicg of .= M a.: 2%oo w riNsw, d Bra•eer. sails, *f HSSma, sang base tis rwwAi p o Tan berry s 1M4. m w was lata' engaged i renewal mersksSpiss Its she Solve yw be took h I.md Is Mg edjolarg t* at w hes lived Is tbmt bs�b boW down to the premium ora. Mr. w Enteral tie D@MWus pmuh b " representative for Nash awe. r 167x, Slid osa"ea to rap sew" shot gmoenum" ler newly film= Sam Thomas, *Aachen, d bb scwmalp d � ` �t Sol Normal tacval y the h % seeP&et wash Sic bmom bank tap & lama "aim of Immo. Mr. Sweden, W MGR base p hmo In kip mo eyed gcSodWin �c of the sews - wt d ab Iewedalp d Raft waw9mmda, a maty so Hem. war &moa" be owl scams r abs Islfsahlp, and has t to = .t owing ..Ad I. w ants .swidPsi cOGbl -a shat 1$67. Sd deco tells hen es s"•nl opined * held as ata*s d ream& g.Jo�w d HD �of Harris, F -Svase iww wo' b Yr. Cana ban herem m MIM pr•mismo r manages `arkslsag to pals Idewssy and kms "wty aka m greats Internet k all coastline bfeeblsg the altsAbblctsal SffLin Of w be.echip. Winkle Maliaegb, of Lh mwmtmw, bows. dal of Abbasid, semabv of Hous, took IS 9d r Ia44, word gull •asspkta she les be brae scsbed gin Mr. Kai recwS w b.gr..hlP Rema 1860 t• 18110, end kbs ways base IdemMasg with maasuft bQscH&p Ibs wee mn d Ihe bwsSbly. Af wRU TowN. Too Holormu uresfa' -- a. -The w of the Elm %dew* Immoso ase held Mgt k vainly perk owes&". ". TM ww.vp oak The mmoo . U@m cow re"i' seO," as isgse M Mr. 0blf. Hr paper pe,d yewT, - 'be mad fnewsolim ElaysOor res Tows 0ovy0uA4w-Town clerk mild" be$ wild • mag*1SSI of tb add eliebm sw the of W r tkm bee purpose l by he d=fireM" d William Oompbou. T11 far tmaN. MccseMdsSR w♦nl he kold as the ban on y pU itis$, " 7: 30 r a•r sad POWER. it ewe Uwe ase gomLL at• b moelessod, sem r 0 plMs mo Ib• 0 b. A UUWAL IAstso. VT. Amdrawc, of the it B. 8itltbMa Obi , st •dwlck, Yss lar Pwsb••d Ib ebok i Ib old He/san &bona. ♦ low 000 gg. b sold Ns t* Mr Poo teat be mmoef -b bwe A baro he l>edwsb, And Shea he colorS�1� M r badmM@ bee pmebond C P• 9 tech se w Mtn passbooks, Mr. Asdraws r a It" bedew ash Will we bus pleased M onT* we hub anr, 8000"tle Tse U"A6 'ASWRIt-• Among sk• alta M wbleh I$1@ 1A*0600" -Oo"nwr "=" Msef@ 1b�Me d as Memo bMlMy kwr ff I Aa Mt we. mosocks Boost of�.t d: � p of =ember t ag ad to Mtbaho a s we ol Qedw%b be be awv M6.0801 ma oss boosting bh0 oswm N G•dttrrb w the WW" Mb"*W e: Tfm& (JrkRtami l Idea mi). oned ma ort rw'aaMM she Dews of 8So- wOrA Ouolr.--TM Ob 0rsts se ptoembed "abs Opwa Noun es Mes. w consists sea won asponwy tie y "racks$ be aa1Hg was oll arm goal, be bl•"hsee a bob wen Mt& ._- j!% ,�- a Qk1.. 76v& O'CI✓ r vasea,- -aob bar tris► enter I thavo...• . -j j `"Jti'µ-yfr k •AMt ie1 * I. .,s4,W a-. .- .. Ib'� . l ,�l 1 Q? lValplON COOVNTY. U d ►Nrmotioa 4, eaaalad N bo- a w ►app, t&oalty of always totaiw M at th a- art"I manages &ed doing the boo 'him, s '1164 "adienee win not •o lore* as gttp•ord D D blr0alNU COMORAT -The s.eklsp o@aw b •b tb Vanua Olson Romeo last 1rYs1 ml b w" Wray well s►asnded, and Nim tin wage Prone% a•-, tbaecdwn meas heartily. Tb program ol g=ar - gfw is pkydeml drill by A Hailey, hien. rap y iL W. tegaa and E. rSalekar. . 6 bbmksarice ick by W. Dab., a r• ""'m 1 b J. Neirm, mcl.m. by she mm&dolr Him e�It (Mass Y"Vewr, 8haenen mad Tilt), er mod Na00 ap&rrfN books by b.muar borer& ;• The Mort" Bid discoursed music suteld0 Rant• &be Orwin Bows. * MAalssam' WAaam.-A& a meekiE Of ub • excessive osaaott..e of the IAko (�:iw. . Association bald at ClevstlSsd I•gggtiy, It sea. de•id•d to ad "a" Ns woes of Ignore 1 $b per .euth for the «slag beseom. The gas ×** apples 901 0011 ss.ulor•, but to mal kinds at Inbar on . •enol, from sexi"w 0 to deekbbOd. Tb edv&msb t&koo eaves us all boats *wad by .•tabors of the Seems. e . Mom, which we &boos fifth$ of W vessels names ss dao lek� IS ls "id the ff00 edva"e will be general, bowovar, "the owners N boats aoi Ia the oas*aialiaa a forted be pay the mssodatlse nta d wa0a& AN INTWLMMN• OLD PAraL-Oar Wage - . ow e- at" Jamwe Wilklm«a le tb P.08"w o A copy of The Leiden ( Nog.) Ttmtss of Tose• day. Jaw Nus. 1816. aoNaylas Wako• boa's dbg"e► eamveviaR dao *loci s mews • of Like Saar of Waterloo. The peow ls of fear pvw. each S little tese Mem ball bb Ilea 4400 Of m PMO N TUB 81•mAL • are devoted amdr0ly « war ."Here, • •b1•a, to she maws train Waterloo and •dlterW eoameut Liters". The battle W" (Ought om tN lath at Jose, w ve doubt It a quick work, order oto con- ditisns Nam pnvdllag• to bn she cosies of Ne groat eco89ot published withb four days at Its oot-rroom and three days &flaw the wrlUag et the dispatch. lime, loan stirring Nines in the Old World, And m Parallel •tsrof ablevapordealing wibb 66, w- MMo dhtPa ccombasuitrilo•r 446y vary bbsiiitimg. Tom MASosy-HAblmm Sruso DtLtTNRT -The annual spring delivery of agriowmw l ttaplee to b7 the Maw".Hmrrr Ca. took Pie" Ito Isaomdmy. After tae farta- ore bad pt twin funded lip tiny vitro boded by 'he Cad. They proceeded up Cast•L and Nam &ruled the dames several bfi— The promessiom Wes me loan r•► Is reach" nearly reed bb 891►r0. As she R -Lor ka•days as thesebaoM "as off eW day, the =all bey wait sveh Is awl doom One we spoke shin►, I* mob "s4she mage afl tk ars age. years he would "raw have a.mgimad snob a cheap eeaid take plow In an oboe" time, for, .e M "W tie Square was all W" ukgw It sew rawly 3 •'eyak boterop the •tral" of bbe bond ganged 9d the Poommies broke SP. J. P. Brawn, till local mKmak is be be 09099" 6kw mm Use Mrs• PmetaOo be is evidently daag. i DLT9 OI Mt- 1(OamiTfU1a it limy ulsattes, brovay haemo, bus& asaall* agloomma as t 310% romy A.. wife of W, R. ;==. D ---it had bus in pow bdda for Seas years, and " knabb bb occoelasiom w" formal spa time obiskap sites US "old be mo bco bps et revp y T,%ayr obs luded rapidly, mod she aW memo saggar than wos *Il; A. Dismisslive ,tilasab &a wffwed into -W, *6 saw, beshe edwed , to all with rmsslato and smeefel pNttm,b. Y ins. Robertson wan the ,Will* d"mmbbar of . the InJeb. A. Smith. Asa wait bins at t Palermo. OErie, r 1839. bbs eras atmtrlmd E thirty ax yam Spot. Slid in 1870, with her t busbmmd and family. removed ss Omdertb, i above She had acoo0 readed. She Wes the I ssshw of dabs chUdre&- fie, sang Sod three dmuebta►-+11 of whose, with bar banhamd, .w with bar to her task amamia She vas m womse of • eeng chancier. of. though of a retiring dkspeeitiss. She took a deep Interest in current affairs and was m coca%&$ reasrr, bat •be was especially do. wow- to the Interests of ball family. by wbga her ••sed• will be sreStly takcod Me was a nrabw of she Maskdlas church I Slid bar (lrrtf"mlty v" Was" *ad arm* Meal. The fememal teak Paw tree the legally r•Ndawa , se Monday aftssm0ag be b maiuww ••ga•A I- IUMV"wwa w• dusted by Rev JSepr W Uwon sed Who r pall -bearers were few mem* of the domm". A @amber of hconMfal awl aSSIA44, is. 1 ending a wreath from Maple Loaf lodge, A.O U %., were kid apes ,be mask**, R. 1 H. Hod—. et Brow", w. E and Mr.. Whitehead, of Toronto. reletl,"do• 0--d, —a Mrs. J. U 81*,.mewm, Siof ons. • t , sew• Samoa Milianpr•so&t at W tamer• Porn Onlay 9VATteTw@ _Tb r"Pot of the Pvweaaslar General far the year sidingR t JOso 30. INS. bas jus froom romi,ed. Froas is w0 along the all*wra lab" I to(ortnatieo. The anserod ," shows the beettt•ws ala" at match of the ".....asiy " f om*ss In this satisfy sad she nowwaNag resolved by w pec..& % ydedyg their all—for h"L light Scoff ran& : 0 0.01 b Gram Utility of Olbw Roveow Ord're Pea Allow t man" ttwYr Hame. Ambo§ 491.00 790 S 176 41 80 I B&yaOM .... 6044 462 14579 Bdar&T• ... 86446 216 490 3b 75 s Blyth ...... 1.467 894 60D 215.24 Brueedold .. 46648 100 17b 3080 b Brussels.... ILM 44i 2 48146 JUatco .. 5.109.681' 1. - 1. 606 66 Dr&abvk .. = U 1 4a 92 tt _)P+disom .. 72696 45A 19 Denseness .71673 5M ==D 1146 38 s Mabel ...... 594 go46= 3482 IilitaI ..... 2 449 1,580 397 28 • rerdwksb. . 8111 F09 NO 134 61 ■ aederlab 6.x13 03 11.691 1. 479 W Dsrrim, ..... 1.05709 810 M 17813 ( mammmll ....9.316 81 19580 r Kipp s..... R 1 1 5346 [emdubom . 4"9141 164 a6 69 MoMewarth. =76 fol 42.24 N lmsforth.... 4.a$1 I i 1 i 61076 The failowing we bb wet Pali tar . w lag *A awls half the Pointe 8 e,eyd toe me fuel•• aw(M "dams amb ism•. 180 t A•bn Wysk and 819. A S mm-. $375 1 sayfioi� "a 80&/ards, ai15 Belarsv &64 YHrsosa. I • maway .tit-, $13 I To and Sao. Ibis•, M ; Saloon, w rMaw, pjlcr Blvevble gad raUwey "Sssa, &fab; 1myN L W railway 4W-. p7ala 1 Bestaater mad l•mfh►N4 R1/1 Brwwldd ssI faifws Nl 7 bit-. so 101 Boll ass (419. 16n-b.y{1601 I Bitiadii mil rMlway Owl". $180.91 &--b -4 Ba"wrat sh. $1761 Bessr � 1 WMGOW- MIN OasiNma med Ctduas, I l�.5/1 (Itmermle w U+�f �t Ube*" mad Ovation woes. 0146 N Q$% we mad 8wawbff� $'lot flwbwoW n. sera C IIow on 001 Deliberated to Piwkbbil, $934; DrysdIfickrr!r= 6. $lqf Ds►1q to rw• to crliw.jr wake. • I*, bd t tr&.,r awl", $1146.4it g React to or gno atNles, fsm M f .imam '1446 Kco i114� It d.00,IAI, '-,rfaUalw,& tmlrs, g -t tom,"I ,I'looiup raM �Mt l . � .I ousel ow I V, 10r7t7. - I Mon. 0144.60: Oorrie gad railway eta I M6. fab; Hay sad railway steel", $140.1 $ustps snJ eailwo lags[.., H gad railway Sb/ias, 06 17 ; $aseah I Luslb $300 06; Hola«vUM bad P Him. b; Hoem ilk Slid r•llway $50t hive Sad $75; KIPPER Sin India consists, Et L,utblek Said PiIvy. ; Luella. to w railway sa"ka $93 $0; Leakage, sad Ob. Hekas. $166 8•sfortb Had Harlech. llM 83; seat Abd railway "ztics, $18'7 80; Wiask*M railway stable&• $250 40t W itsghSa Sad P. R. asst.. SM66 t Wretaer sed roti was *%&Who. $71.86 ; ZSrieh mad Ree all Bcoohwe8 Slid SwA*rW $81.80. CLgynAND (hang Ortxilra AmD T RISIRM. - Svwye" is bed y mtoohades r acrd.11y invited to risks t Bbsobwd's cbowtosoms, the 8a*ere, Tuesday Sobrnos& •ad ova . April 11 se wiLmmu frrelon, sprocket, g other dellsat4, "go anis iarrsarg sale& tido ate. remiase►expuss be we ProR Sad la be preaso far the purpose of egg• dts.Mng a fan, lair mad Impartial lavmebl seat". MuiixxrAu-Wda«by So • horronew 'Essential d•pvilablss " o«ion o the tows of Gsd«rh waited upon Sphniet Downiest. Hd asked tone be would allow his same e, be brought forward as a emsdl- &&to be take the plum d William Campbell. remally feslsei After man, been`{ab dr vbod to bbe gsaod m me soddenly breogbe before him, Mr. Dowamr &seeded to the regegc d the dept&tlw Gad Is now In the hands of his trisnda 1ias be would am%* • first -ole ogaumh w 40se wiNout saying. A TREAT roe TrnArs a•Gonls. -"r-ant," she tat rmrective pry is America, will be presented as Vinery Gperm Hoe" ss Iridal, U 14th, ander bks wa&ag*mmob o ltloasrd i.HRbers Ter production, as peecam. y Pores White and hr oboe• easy, own" wish w Wba bredentyls, The residents of God=Ub abou{d proms chair aPPeeeyrra of moa&M Harp Vld- sea'$ offers is memories thin arses amemon by giving it- S largo."le�i�. TW am- Pon7 WAT(M UN&Wm VWAMwy rind lo*wgtw Electrical •ffeate. We Intend k r and• ad to the slaw, Perbw White,as b r known throughout the scssWT" "She groats" living MoDkfcba." OODntea RAN ♦ HUMANS 8000M. -We we, pwbsd be vete W smaabw ion d A H%M mw 8bdgt) In (fo�Srlsk, bad have lie daubs she me we win have plenty d op- personify p perrnif► for oarryblp mos Ib good work 4"01v1Vt apes ma is"asMes ad" mere. Tb* swo�E.a.11 w r.hdl.tlmo off 0msge@ was oubef4ds .sob hose d J. Jct& sag day nsmoHy, the 021 slmessd hsAtg : President, Kim Helm Hsetes; Tins -Prod• dust, Mw Tiny Y*Dusaidt ••ge•bap• Mie IAlibs McDonald; trebaaew. Mss Gladys !Alam The bellowing wbme we otsr�aac� r USA Imeba Preadfoes, Mrs Men KMd. Yin Yaryan Gelb, Mrs Rete Joedee. Willis Provisions, Hash Ross=, Los Eu" © of like bylaws will be afyus" • litre Two Rot rs Cotw.-Ymeordyy asitia&* P. M Bohm sea ■ fw trW she two mus, ra.Abse 1Rmeb� ,bfgw wish .twesamg to w Ilse ttsdf s► Sainted ag Ise with ash ...... I'orma HSyhdd bels. WOUy H*witim, )«role Biotin& and w Atwood, was be. 'ere t be mmprrab yuan y sbrtsbus as Ion aba•Em of •eeSNms wktam Ecom W wa- se of Jacobs Wads, 0t Gedarb bawmeb* ad Jae" op-kmam, of Boesky. while "T were •bsdlnR is a std willkylloW ►t dac requms*t of IM crown &bowery, W *idea kmmelmtt wait ad)bermad to hi ly ahwoeSo& Al weed and Brows were Maned auto us hall, sd Hewla w sae- ci►lad is puss a Ma aeamdme. The bqd a" moan from fowst be sights" yobs,. COMING AND 00imG. � Tu BsovRI1 rale: BE8'r x RESULTS PLAOU YOUR ADVERTISING Of '!JD OOLUMNS Or 'PRE SIGNAL or QVDR1410H. 0". ., r ales, Ons. Illinois. "seeWsWed her an fat sm ( Menges. Rd" AM d ; delegates to 4; Terenbe. *load. Meas, ills$ iSoff�ton. As, owing •m• -U (:lips. and Mrs. Win. MoL4an, of Datrois, te the Illinois of Mr. Heaton sad etker •d Mick., w *pemaina tko Satter weak with case", t►eAebOO61 reporb w« not ready for crow'* r•1&tives r Oodericb. Oomoidwtiss, Yr. Halt made a short ww.3 Mrs. Goa, Flbap f*la, of Yitekoll, ben wlamome, ywaokw theI during the past bus wWMse kir mother, Yn. J«. 8tor.l, yw ab m"&" debt of the church had Pip daring oke pan► l =*b bow rodeeed y $401. The meetiat than �; P. Lyme, who kine boom visiting ►ls edjowe0d till Monday, April 17th. Fannie ler several weeks, lelb as Thurs- The Prubytwy d Hums held sa ° ad jouread m«btwg In `Jeatorth on sed day nesse* for Chsomgo. the 28tb alt. The re•ig•auoa of I),. Mo. C Mir Saly* Dietrloh telt sewU on `list Donald of his penwrst oh&rgm ai. do ilia ._..._... . erday tar ToreeN, bang oall•d thither on Presbyterian church, 8e•forth, was taken %comes o the tuner of her sister. up. A resolution passed as a moo lsg at Sph Dow ler, of Brussels, who had been the oomgry4en was read. *,preying dy en Tam SIGNAL staff for the two months their regret at the necessity of this step be- a&e toot pose, lest for his 119016 Saturday. log taken by Dr. MoDesald, owing to the Lee Rey Joe Edge, passer of Wellimason at. state of bin mo oltb, tssNfy,mg to shelf Ernst ee Methodist church. Load", was in tows the este*aE ter him, sed offonsal to sive him, me Past week. His son. Prey sed his dso@h- r•itriss allowance• s quarter year's «lory, and bar, Dorothy. ase opens several days here. via, $360 The following oemmiuiosen Freak Addison. who bar boom for a sae- were heard an behalf of the oonar0puw : bee at yeah foremanoof the Monetary Tomes Moms, Roberti Govenloae k, W Wilsad also*. Tersaio• •pool E few days visiting Cil Bethu", and D. u Wilson on baba!f rol•tivem and friends la bows during the Pant of the oeedon, all testifying be the regret of . week. oho w9gretauea r Duties wwjjob Vs� pas. I Thwealter Dr. MaDem MMIM board, LOCAL fIEM/A IN HRI� reviewing his owaotka wit to Cause as its peow bw �-IIS }N!t He Ride'spea Salt far table it gale,. was followed y hr bw�dse . b %@ beler- ls here, and a light - we ht Overcoat try prbwg, all expromisg in appreciative w b tint the t1� tor fog. Prod.. can eorsn their haEh retard for Dr. MoDo"Id, suit you I. =,ulf dt sed prtoo, end rwretMmi the otabb for which the B&UOw•' MNUW ObUdrenlday Y*md•7, May Presbytory wt l snsesfn ro betas deprived of Im. We wb" r beeoes. =71"pt•*, i� twin babies Ida kshw, WIII take seoh sad We ...ad ..part. gad sew cottages, •vets bs kw0aakt la oar audio ea that day which oftru led to She selvty of onspicateg, �frtes •d mr,v, •�•_9er.�ab0 PMay will be questions wit" sow and them protests $ban. bay -n baby Of mrown, barrow lime. Ittft.,e tighten. you qtr before e*alemiastlo•1 «Orta, and wish - baby - -� baby mom be nadrelgbt•om month& lag him the presence and blowing of God S, Hmtom in yid lip with bamsiuus. where his lot may be oast The resignation Mrs. A. D. Mal ohm 19 ill with typhoid. well accepted, and Mr. Flobobr said the clerk wan &PPolst*•e to prepare a deliver. R. A. Lewis hos purchased spa kt9&&sll ssoe thoreon and to rapers as sett meclhg. pfoporty " Ease eKcot, the patios being Mr. 8Nwart was appoiard medwabr a( $67& session during the vacancy. and te dedAn We we pleased la festa Ikea MW Mabel she palDit vacant. A d*pub&Mom ram is ro averlsg from her utt"k at appea- of Morn. Mosorsv, Fletcher. D. D. W . MOW& son mad Fothertoghsm wan appoybod to We raging* to smavisit the aoogregsLion of Risk*, rm t►*t three of Mr and visit reopuati46 AAM. W, X, all" sbd&a an. in. We boolim orwdaebad as Drp.dSly 46- -. scope trope n bear of their speedy recovery. their earliest Convenience. The report ag Tb rSdeeose woman's Orchestra of BesL00 Sabbath •ohoole was read, adopted Sad or- dared b bltr—I&Ilad be the oonyenaw -&E orgsaL*tibo Of sweaty minimal "rtfets of Lbe 9ymod's committee. Dr. McDonald antler s skillful owdao«r-�t Vytory was *nominated for modenw of bese As. Open How moat Monday ey*Oieg 6 mbly. Lsmvs was .eked and abstained The may triode of ►b Mimm Alla and «ntwdaate is m can as Broomfield a On" Johnston will regret to hear that tb•y a prwpbred forit. The seat w,ee oeg they an ftfferiner from Inflammatory rheum. in to be held Ia CliaWm, at 10.30 A.a , AS a*=- We be" b bear of their speedy May 11th. rowvet v ANNOUNCEMENTl1 :I Tb ssp.-rmase of she F•dotw woman's animators of Bass" at Victoria Open Rice's Puro tWt for able or dairy Hesse "mt Monday evening will Ooostltate Just recolved--a seals of Scotch an. ago of dao $�te'seeStses maoloal events in the brick. F. BAKUM HOLate. 20 s history of (fcdSrioto. Hkk's Oompoubid Juniper Kidney Pills Gaff. Hofs. who has been Confined to the Will onto you at all your kid&oy ill& homes daring the pub couple of weeks with Central Drug 8tors. 260. & hex. M w' - an isjued knee, Is able to beaboat with the WANrRO.-Batter and eggs. Highest old at a pallor of wtobrs. May he be able WiOev, *ash Or trade. Admittedly the but (• be displease with sham soon. produce mart is Cau-da. G. R. KINo. . FOw* of dao Mbdeai 8001*by's enter. Win rham-18 tf, bai s 6 *sella at Visooria Open How ou Little ldun.thb (•mow child Elocutionist, Monday evening- the Fadettu woman's will .poser to Gederioto April 10th with the er.bceow• e[ Bsetsu, which commands the sill Prices for this concert bore are at tb prase •t handisp atise lower than in may etbr place In Canada. At he at bo The Yadaal Society announce that only The &semi geek bid by John T. Dlokw trees —POSE Pf No oosree tickets nem - r Tmskewmaida. as tb 2Beh ala, was larges berod *'4 will be accepted far admWon to 1i "tsmded mull tied prlase wens noised, bete Memdy ov,aing'm aatmrtalamusb No&withateaJyg the stormy day the crowd at dans is mile eilk* lergoes eyes soft At as "lin -day Immoral play of Few %"pro• 60666M ba% in tkii districts, says the $mm. "Eked by Porter J Whose sad Mise Olga ferbh Expositor. Vora• fe the moa of sage realiestiea."- A bmeb&U atub ban bus •rganlsed at the Ar*bbr►op Ireland. () lkpSte INNtete. As s rant meeting "No areaow "rams was •rein she following •Moen were elected : Hen. from dam pulpit Wase in gives in 1Lws ky . - prow. H. I. Strang ;large., S B.Tilt ; man- Porter J. WiLiW@ seapmtsy."-Rev. Dr. agar. B. D. Grose ; oapa. 8. Pritchard ; Hotgktt-, N Y. City. ". low'y.•trgbs., P. Turnbull • gem., Brawn. The greatest play of oh• ego, •' Fsaa," _ .I L 110, MOseus w BtsdL flog, above gab ls will be Presented as Vyoery opera How willing to Arizona a swim of Sams" wit It gay •m Friday. April 14tH, with Ito supenbued. taker baseball beam is town. lines of mmssificemb nuclear'. woodwftil el. Chosen New $ins Tb eettioal affects sad m R/ • ether Ay .kir an a Wags .eMPanyRim's Pate frit for tanto gad dairy. strolling In a bol Corridor at Ottawaa re- beaded y Porter W hlte. them great«t hying Ed. Moore opens Sunday is Blythlatae of snob papaw seine Karen' J. O. "llThis Splendid attr"Nus is1 N. Ramsay win vMong r Custom, Yol.yaa publisher *I the Vancouver as dor the moe&gemeat of Rtoh&rd Lacks. sa J. A. Balpy ban ~ toe Tems, 11 sem wait mon stocks dellghw to bort, who will be ban te Superintend as C. W. Andrew@ bels an Memday for 6S•- Moa • Cltabeaian, .ken he Spmb the early production pore*seny. myth. days d hr IHg. Mr. McLaaam started a Those who wish to Mo ea aprANe . Yrs Carr rfHo in CWlau beg NWO r (Artge -best the year 1860. moa meant win d* well be IiNaDs=pco Abe losses f• reek. Tid111ig ave «d all tb adjacent sewnsklps us is" abasic, to be Sus " McKann o'a b-rdware in fa ash as Exeter, &9d as far earth an Store--& Welland Vale Cb&Wloo. It rams David Bell paid • visit be (Come brook Windham. The twenty at ab" was was lip and down hill with ea« mad eemfors. rsek. bib •psva•l Settled. mad We roads, wage se Malinbe'm wheat maw•usesubmo will ape Goo. Grmkama, el Gedsrieb, was vrlMsg r mtseh Ioforler to the exodkat highways tons poor am% week. All the latest Improv,- tlysh. Reran •an vee been at. He wait a clow went an M be toiled wpsa hie five Ib• of Kim Miami* Ysra•* lots limb week ter P-%Gml trked of all she old residmar, snob wheals, •moplodwith the Sees importmat ri ,wmdes AS lob* ite Y. YdrSsgmwt, ,TaadmS and Them part, vis , she lowrs of low prince. He In- Fdr, W, Murray, Jac Wbi- I -d, T. Jack. Ties egg townspeople in to inspect. J. H. P*daer v&s " kla bcs* la Deem *cm cud May ,,6km Mr. Ye h" • Fiat little does the aaauml oae.td• Observer ver Re*eor. w&la-tok y r Vtmseavw, �I• ohl•t eppreoala ar •vus know of Ili• Moo«off IL 1A.a..y WWI. r .tarMss oe ata tygek•ksato belmostles. Y. Mounger, am sad o" dealt* which motor tat she asa- lets Cuy. o the late D, 0000x*. of BArparby tecsn of the Irlcyole. Ong who h" never Olin Y•7l HBO* ls n•oewf Harbor wish "A • brother of Mrs. Jew wt Wts, of ytels.A • t"tory sad memo for himosn the . _ rsasad* oe VortsS God•rleb township. w a. 1 OH&®•, for- mlaalaaer with which evry Wt is •ram• who Lately Brewin left two iba 8•twrda wetly • stationer tioner Is Clint", wfor a less food before being posed ASParibas would Ir D*taeie, Miah. i time is life employ, boas mow enjoys m pad- hardly or•dlb the detail which le observed Yrs. A. Inglis, iightnb,we•N., r writing time Yo tb oa*boMn nerd« la %list City. Is the manufastariog. W bile -fav bee, rived* r W teghem. return seLt6ono aayy wlsU Cu&bss before him %here are thousands who he,0 never bad she A. J. Bright, of Sestorsh. win r, laws for bPdoWl th . In order se explain sad *bow y d*oell the manufasfEre of • bicycle 16En twSwel dye the Paas w••k. CHURCH NOTM will be an bxblbll of soma, of the ter t,Wis. Was. 8dawwma *pm► ►r m K44M wasmi *t., as Used m the 00"tr"tion Cf s Cleve. 4111111 bin bfetkw Is Lam",� Hmmc•ek will speak from she sob• land as the showrooms of lee A Oh hard, Lhwlw Owner. ad Owes" Rau, Tons. i•a& J644musb" ton Dow " most Sunday she Squire. toe Tue"ay aftorbom sad even. sighs at lbs S. A. bwfr"" P All lntermaeed is "inn aro b, r bion for the holidays. keg, April 11. Is Vlsbwb-•a. U«. Bbwddatrt, d BessMord, le vidtlmp fse gest rt>sa. •E�'b Labe the sepia aardially Isy1w la &*goad. I the bows d his prust So bows. " t violation will b The Rely Tkn• flak• of Haw.dl wrlsro vid OnT w fAL Tits fsple -ill be Introduced ted Psray Toa, Of son L•O&M MZW Col. by Mw f tot . (lOaerleh on Friday and pl&yad two women Mo. Is DisbandingW bNYay@ Is lawn. wick (fedorieb carbon. staging both. Ths Ytma Ysp Ywrrem, d D,trots, 19 vias aeasI9R24 EM okwrok movefor AS wTaahtale-ver roe. were :-Afbt000u game, Hmamall, (b; rr eve (friars -1•, 40; b,anmR gam*, iionSall, 41 ; t/ a oho boo d bus massbar, r sows. aim$ will he " Ptesbytl•Iaaisro it Ire1Smd," (lodwleto, 39, Him MOIAlrs. of We OdbegUts Institute w will be lakes by Mir Lour- (ftbw. The third mad lash M. (Y. -9. r •p•edasa ton ,, I" -e damword. Y!► Uwe A*bSoag'* vises «leotiusc on band RIM elab9 *% sew Is she the bell - ' l.wber R*betonem, of J. L IJSyr ting E"!.e Soda Wer* mast*rPbecao of art. Offered b S. IL Wagon " t�ueusol.N.0 � awe, wissamm. wea k two ovw d- &y. At tm Plre@ytwMs Church im she awing pini« tobi pie" at the slab's riesab es Yew Jan Pivots, of Chub m, arse is t*w& Kim Aeboas Abuse Gnsakes "Sawa"" GoodFriday. INS follow$ tersemday. this wet o Yrs. Jsi m Oats• tm puska veio-.Md h the eISO lSol as Narth 'tat w Ne •vainest ; ., . t, Straw Yoshdlst cherub "! 100 vd•. No ,ds. Teta. 11 L ars. ero" all T& J« Day* of As Book d HHmaUrus, Sols so" N Millard, -sed 111 Will Rxtol W. C&tM• ...... a3 26 - 69 b«ky. Mesa Escrr =AM she prgeQ, That," trEM O«ah ••Eat," showed Man S. R Wallace 41 b4 - 80 ` se4 aim Alab—'. vaeSl P•g►gets @Gg sw.es .xPweS W. Rallies...... 39 40 - 79 I.es/ag. r gMsdtsp tb Vewf«Mma O. Pssa - 37 Mos aur, at R waw... 2a 15 &soar embsmm wish Ser sbdarr, Mra B The VI"sfl-N obsir will give, eedw J. ♦mArws.. .. 34 17 - bl with. daSlr w!M••. s Slat -am smwriameob Oast. Dcaln ... 31 18 ft I'rYy, th. 21" of Ibi setssh. sew G. LSahwaiba... 43 2lt _ p Me. sled Yrs. K Yo�v .p.ms Eastw Asst• K sey4er, hesmwose and dnwrM. O Vpm•htestam„ 13 2 --. Ib book shrdr daughter. Mrs. J. Arobibmld, to trawler sad iapvieounw, of Timate, has D. Melver.... .. 3 sa""L bus metaled for fib ee,bdag, mlwsin der N. D RowgvN.. - is1. Man M. L Issue r Is Target* this week opww�So �_ly irwnfo"&d by th* �1 W. air....... 44 1>Z _ - .,.lot56 , dao abed bSoShwtr PrwybbW Im whish @boo i � y w wariew bNrahb0 C. Road. ....... 46 4 - 30 Alves ombrearamwoto. db Titania of ib thrse tam*&Ab for bob , Yrs Mw* Hai@ "do bus UHmw wow Is It of IN M alaestissl•b of sloop so"I C"tle. 160 �-i1� us M As lcsUa of A. S. Dsswl12 asm d latest and • "a format I• to star• few the C. Possasntes, 147 J. WA&60. 156 a. 197 oba erose, IJ@gk N war bears. Se,erol illegible least Decry. 124 Rood Alk. Reba- bo tw - bans hoe Tombola mad enlist@ will a M o part W. Stile visa the bees by Isar pokes. ldii�f fdr wtwlaPoints, F Ma` ONLY F good 0011114ft r Tb* r@shr c OUR tIOXEa *IHim le•' `Md A4brmu, d go OR�a� Amok on hem ma Monday.irt Of Dtdd'e Kidney PSM Wave Needed to ; dMpr. WbiMy. r bees tw -/@b wlwwsaS Of W owe ben of N* wSuYSw chvs►• This a the Oan Y.. wtllta eating pbvteoo °`cot- W,aSteek. Oak. ♦Pe 3,-.114 a TM Prom Lfaft d Amok 8bow.lb lime le bulfbill 1' kms* read mail M-/paod, R•, S") W-11-6 k pmaptb W sever% *t The pee$ stealth, /sin osys • who owe dackr Iturfsd bee egg swse b d V60 M Ureas week M *0 e&o b Aft lad I ' RY w t+aab do re for that Ilvee, r D.da'o Esdump Pair i tllbl*b egg ag sb* satfatm,sar H• r* am Gent, d chow@, r • MrW sr brSS9Sosg "&Ndmaw a ►* vain• AM"M bon lwew be Mom Willie, 2tb tqk d wacba' bsabdey"!B/i11M W 04 i@@@ se do sbmtltb and erpensA Mamma « Polls, ,be ban tsutmUy Sia* hr wow. ><Ebys-ee. =youwab *0 -what of she Newly " from, «wwwl ,a &w'.czr !il�kral, b A/ 1m, boat WL= Af" M o onomgbad fr+m�hff 1 y_" Mme• . Mlitw bi trsbwr �y wefo OS&I W"A sAbs i6o . Ste. I tWEOk ft P. RSK twolowW; w` � w w f^M «Me 0f N• vaetw I IYma Oise �bBE�. w 940"dav •N'••blo e. Jsrdes T. sea my eft. who win r 11mGerad 6"lonm*., a LAG a. J. -Puts, iL Nowt• esog 4 DaN'a M GgM@ r J. fftlttk•H, is, lbor I 14 KMsm► Palls, w"amd eo r try Mwa I til* M g4sMd Ilgr fatsm0.law ibab@r w N. Misw> , mtWkwat W II been uM woA,"slot kwmw sees tags e,MP YMy • \ , '„ . a • ./ A `m , R/ • ether Ay .kir an a Wags .eMPanyRim's Pate frit for tanto gad dairy. strolling In a bol Corridor at Ottawaa re- beaded y Porter W hlte. them great«t hying Ed. Moore opens Sunday is Blythlatae of snob papaw seine Karen' J. O. "llThis Splendid attr"Nus is1 N. Ramsay win vMong r Custom, Yol.yaa publisher *I the Vancouver as dor the moe&gemeat of Rtoh&rd Lacks. sa J. A. Balpy ban ~ toe Tems, 11 sem wait mon stocks dellghw to bort, who will be ban te Superintend as C. W. Andrew@ bels an Memday for 6S•- Moa • Cltabeaian, .ken he Spmb the early production pore*seny. myth. days d hr IHg. Mr. McLaaam started a Those who wish to Mo ea aprANe . Yrs Carr rfHo in CWlau beg NWO r (Artge -best the year 1860. moa meant win d* well be IiNaDs=pco Abe losses f• reek. Tid111ig ave «d all tb adjacent sewnsklps us is" abasic, to be Sus " McKann o'a b-rdware in fa ash as Exeter, &9d as far earth an Store--& Welland Vale Cb&Wloo. It rams David Bell paid • visit be (Come brook Windham. The twenty at ab" was was lip and down hill with ea« mad eemfors. rsek. bib •psva•l Settled. mad We roads, wage se Malinbe'm wheat maw•usesubmo will ape Goo. Grmkama, el Gedsrieb, was vrlMsg r mtseh Ioforler to the exodkat highways tons poor am% week. All the latest Improv,- tlysh. Reran •an vee been at. He wait a clow went an M be toiled wpsa hie five Ib• of Kim Miami* Ysra•* lots limb week ter P-%Gml trked of all she old residmar, snob wheals, •moplodwith the Sees importmat ri ,wmdes AS lob* ite Y. YdrSsgmwt, ,TaadmS and Them part, vis , she lowrs of low prince. He In- Fdr, W, Murray, Jac Wbi- I -d, T. Jack. Ties egg townspeople in to inspect. J. H. P*daer v&s " kla bcs* la Deem *cm cud May ,,6km Mr. Ye h" • Fiat little does the aaauml oae.td• Observer ver Re*eor. w&la-tok y r Vtmseavw, �I• ohl•t eppreoala ar •vus know of Ili• Moo«off IL 1A.a..y WWI. r .tarMss oe ata tygek•ksato belmostles. Y. Mounger, am sad o" dealt* which motor tat she asa- lets Cuy. o the late D, 0000x*. of BArparby tecsn of the Irlcyole. Ong who h" never Olin Y•7l HBO* ls n•oewf Harbor wish "A • brother of Mrs. Jew wt Wts, of ytels.A • t"tory sad memo for himosn the . _ rsasad* oe VortsS God•rleb township. w a. 1 OH&®•, for- mlaalaaer with which evry Wt is •ram• who Lately Brewin left two iba 8•twrda wetly • stationer tioner Is Clint", wfor a less food before being posed ASParibas would Ir D*taeie, Miah. i time is life employ, boas mow enjoys m pad- hardly or•dlb the detail which le observed Yrs. A. Inglis, iightnb,we•N., r writing time Yo tb oa*boMn nerd« la %list City. Is the manufastariog. W bile -fav bee, rived* r W teghem. return seLt6ono aayy wlsU Cu&bss before him %here are thousands who he,0 never bad she A. J. Bright, of Sestorsh. win r, laws for bPdoWl th . In order se explain sad *bow y d*oell the manufasfEre of • bicycle 16En twSwel dye the Paas w••k. CHURCH NOTM will be an bxblbll of soma, of the ter t,Wis. Was. 8dawwma *pm► ►r m K44M wasmi *t., as Used m the 00"tr"tion Cf s Cleve. 4111111 bin bfetkw Is Lam",� Hmmc•ek will speak from she sob• land as the showrooms of lee A Oh hard, Lhwlw Owner. ad Owes" Rau, Tons. i•a& J644musb" ton Dow " most Sunday she Squire. toe Tue"ay aftorbom sad even. sighs at lbs S. A. bwfr"" P All lntermaeed is "inn aro b, r bion for the holidays. keg, April 11. Is Vlsbwb-•a. U«. Bbwddatrt, d BessMord, le vidtlmp fse gest rt>sa. •E�'b Labe the sepia aardially Isy1w la &*goad. I the bows d his prust So bows. " t violation will b The Rely Tkn• flak• of Haw.dl wrlsro vid OnT w fAL Tits fsple -ill be Introduced ted Psray Toa, Of son L•O&M MZW Col. by Mw f tot . (lOaerleh on Friday and pl&yad two women Mo. Is DisbandingW bNYay@ Is lawn. wick (fedorieb carbon. staging both. Ths Ytma Ysp Ywrrem, d D,trots, 19 vias aeasI9R24 EM okwrok movefor AS wTaahtale-ver roe. were :-Afbt000u game, Hmamall, (b; rr eve (friars -1•, 40; b,anmR gam*, iionSall, 41 ; t/ a oho boo d bus massbar, r sows. aim$ will he " Ptesbytl•Iaaisro it Ire1Smd," (lodwleto, 39, Him MOIAlrs. of We OdbegUts Institute w will be lakes by Mir Lour- (ftbw. The third mad lash M. (Y. -9. r •p•edasa ton ,, I" -e damword. Y!► Uwe A*bSoag'* vises «leotiusc on band RIM elab9 *% sew Is she the bell - ' l.wber R*betonem, of J. L IJSyr ting E"!.e Soda Wer* mast*rPbecao of art. Offered b S. IL Wagon " t�ueusol.N.0 � awe, wissamm. wea k two ovw d- &y. At tm Plre@ytwMs Church im she awing pini« tobi pie" at the slab's riesab es Yew Jan Pivots, of Chub m, arse is t*w& Kim Aeboas Abuse Gnsakes "Sawa"" GoodFriday. INS follow$ tersemday. this wet o Yrs. Jsi m Oats• tm puska veio-.Md h the eISO lSol as Narth 'tat w Ne •vainest ; ., . t, Straw Yoshdlst cherub "! 100 vd•. No ,ds. Teta. 11 L ars. ero" all T& J« Day* of As Book d HHmaUrus, Sols so" N Millard, -sed 111 Will Rxtol W. C&tM• ...... a3 26 - 69 b«ky. Mesa Escrr =AM she prgeQ, That," trEM O«ah ••Eat," showed Man S. R Wallace 41 b4 - 80 ` se4 aim Alab—'. vaeSl P•g►gets @Gg sw.es .xPweS W. Rallies...... 39 40 - 79 I.es/ag. r gMsdtsp tb Vewf«Mma O. Pssa - 37 Mos aur, at R waw... 2a 15 &soar embsmm wish Ser sbdarr, Mra B The VI"sfl-N obsir will give, eedw J. ♦mArws.. .. 34 17 - bl with. daSlr w!M••. s Slat -am smwriameob Oast. Dcaln ... 31 18 ft I'rYy, th. 21" of Ibi setssh. sew G. LSahwaiba... 43 2lt _ p Me. sled Yrs. K Yo�v .p.ms Eastw Asst• K sey4er, hesmwose and dnwrM. O Vpm•htestam„ 13 2 --. Ib book shrdr daughter. Mrs. J. Arobibmld, to trawler sad iapvieounw, of Timate, has D. Melver.... .. 3 sa""L bus metaled for fib ee,bdag, mlwsin der N. D RowgvN.. - is1. Man M. L Issue r Is Target* this week opww�So �_ly irwnfo"&d by th* �1 W. air....... 44 1>Z _ - .,.lot56 , dao abed bSoShwtr PrwybbW Im whish @boo i � y w wariew bNrahb0 C. Road. ....... 46 4 - 30 Alves ombrearamwoto. db Titania of ib thrse tam*&Ab for bob , Yrs Mw* Hai@ "do bus UHmw wow Is It of IN M alaestissl•b of sloop so"I C"tle. 160 �-i1� us M As lcsUa of A. S. Dsswl12 asm d latest and • "a format I• to star• few the C. Possasntes, 147 J. WA&60. 156 a. 197 oba erose, IJ@gk N war bears. Se,erol illegible least Decry. 124 Rood Alk. Reba- bo tw - bans hoe Tombola mad enlist@ will a M o part W. Stile visa the bees by Isar pokes. ldii�f fdr wtwlaPoints, F Ma` ONLY F good 0011114ft r Tb* r@shr c OUR tIOXEa *IHim le•' `Md A4brmu, d go OR�a� Amok on hem ma Monday.irt Of Dtdd'e Kidney PSM Wave Needed to ; dMpr. WbiMy. r bees tw -/@b wlwwsaS Of W owe ben of N* wSuYSw chvs►• This a the Oan Y.. wtllta eating pbvteoo °`cot- W,aSteek. Oak. ♦Pe 3,-.114 a TM Prom Lfaft d Amok 8bow.lb lime le bulfbill 1' kms* read mail M-/paod, R•, S") W-11-6 k pmaptb W sever% *t The pee$ stealth, /sin osys • who owe dackr Iturfsd bee egg swse b d V60 M Ureas week M *0 e&o b Aft lad I ' RY w t+aab do re for that Ilvee, r D.da'o Esdump Pair i tllbl*b egg ag sb* satfatm,sar H• r* am Gent, d chow@, r • MrW sr brSS9Sosg "&Ndmaw a ►* vain• AM"M bon lwew be Mom Willie, 2tb tqk d wacba' bsabdey"!B/i11M W 04 i@@@ se do sbmtltb and erpensA Mamma « Polls, ,be ban tsutmUy Sia* hr wow. ><Ebys-ee. =youwab *0 -what of she Newly " from, «wwwl ,a &w'.czr !il�kral, b A/ 1m, boat WL= Af" M o onomgbad fr+m�hff 1 y_" Mme• . Mlitw bi trsbwr �y wefo OS&I W"A sAbs i6o . Ste. I tWEOk ft P. RSK twolowW; w` � w w f^M «Me 0f N• vaetw I IYma Oise �bBE�. w 940"dav •N'••blo e. Jsrdes T. sea my eft. who win r 11mGerad 6"lonm*., a LAG a. J. -Puts, iL Nowt• esog 4 DaN'a M GgM@ r J. fftlttk•H, is, lbor I 14 KMsm► Palls, w"amd eo r try Mwa I til* M g4sMd Ilgr fatsm0.law ibab@r w N. Misw> , mtWkwat W II been uM woA,"slot kwmw sees tags e,MP YMy • \ , '„ . a • ./ A `m ,