HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-30, Page 8ussoet, Mer a 30, 1S*9. -THE SIG#A,: OODERICH ONTARIO A GRAND SUCCESS! " sb p.m.. ••• tdw M Ido ate` v .w.. Our Feaster millinery display was voted a grand success by all the ladies. Beautifiil novelties, chic and becoming styles, moder- ate prices, have made our millinery show the hit of the season. awn Coi;tle rad see the display ! Ii1 Yen's Furnishings. • ,fust think, a fine colored Shirt, laundried, at 25e. Only 50 of them. Come soon. New Ready-towear Skirts. The greatest sat* ladles gives by ear Skirls. Tbeyarewell -limed 11l1 beet retake !trims, wet to best and dt 01.117. W. have the sew (lend skirts of woe and Irmtro. trimmed with two rows main rtbboo. Ore* yds*. Only *2.50. THE NEW DRESS GOODS. Livery worthy sort, lorry properstyr dries sacra .• hee.r-- ttedford Cords is s l the leads. .bodes I• wisest... 1109. Covert tdsl a to fawns, ereya & manger Breed Cloths be bless. browse sed grooss. Rid heavy bb,1 ar- waved °repo... A egret* line Edney Drees Goods only 15 • MEN'S FURNISHINGS BARGAINS. Extra epi! ei.S bla.k ./ass sb rd, . regular. 50o. ler 39e. Bois' bii.o e. soh 33c, Extra .peoid ands fife oolt..1 doom shirts. seri • lar $1 00, for 50c. Dress Bargains for Raster. 20 patters.. • sew let, regal* 20o. and 25o , double fold Dress Goods o pled and stripes, new ooloriuge, only 11c. Cheaper the t'rlate for cauldron's wee NEW PRINTS A sped* line, fast *lora, as 94. Ckoxaeta-and-Underwear. --- New abort Corset, 76a and $1.00. New Fia. Stadia Coder wear. Night Oew.., 75.. $1 wad *1 50 Whir 8hirt., 50J, 76a sad $1.00. Drover., 26o, 60o .ad 75e. Corset Coven. 180, 26o, 3.6o sod 500. Ladies' and Cbildrea'. Vest. -NEW SPRING HATE, FEDORAS Dad 8T'IFFe. -Nk WkSPRINGS. PRRING SUITS and OVER. -NEW and PRETr'Y FRILLED Rid. ea«.. JlOAiBv,. or matin de+•w.d ate Waite Dad Skirl Trimmings, .11 the sew shades, 5e. • 10o. sad 15o. • yard. -LADIES' ..d GENTS' WATERPROOF CLOAKS. -NEW LACES, VkILINOS .ad BELTS. -I0o., BAZAR GLOVE FITTING FAT: TERNS, .sly Pk., equal to 'my hese. pattern lm ht, in style, and eooaomy of Material. Good honest value for every dollar spent in our store, and more of it than is likely to be had outside this store. CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. & CO. ASHFIELD. MnNDAY, MANCN 20. Steel Ranter lute been sugared 0t J. F. Aadrowu'. 1218 me., for tee season at • re- mt.arsYv. salary. Rev. Mr. Oliva* seat nue. poorly and ti sus ye able 1e r.e7l1..)Vv work. it • hope be may .eos be rert0eaa to health. BENM1LLER. - SATt 1DAT, M.r. >iN, A .easy order office le to be MNbWhed George is easseeties wick Be.mllI.e or. 8t.w•n► hes bees the iijr/asmer h. the .sate sad brembb w dalle w Dee • miler N the morass el the Peelaeeter - G•lleral. ,tad 818 .sans wars rsysedsd by w re.. D. • few day. 0p, .l . reply tress. Mr. Moles& st.tlot thee be had din.te.i the mst0hikibmost ot • a.aq order orlon 1 bas. There will seamanly be tome little eddy be aseeylr eel the aslter. A messy ardor brush hoe will be a greet oesvesi- e res le the people el We Willy. LEEBURN. MONDAY, Marsh 27.8. Mr. Lens. an inmate* .trent from Perth rusty, was Is our oldie Wt week. J. Aed.rees, of Coderbh, W Neared wIa James Chisholm for the omen, sum Seer sod with hts family will live 0t Mr. 4J ,10'. hoose 01 the lake farm. The Christi* Esdeavx Snotty, wild, far mode date pert had bees boldine their e day isee tog. 10 the 0ftereoo., h. . .hewed Min opals to Sunday alga*. Tata maims teat S.mday night had • good 6. e. A. H. Clint* had two valuable sheep Med by deep Friday of lwb week. Slue dM township lateen have removed the tax es der we wpm he will nob be able to opt to allegros« IK them from the hews- e1b) fasdr. CARLOW. SATURDAY, Mar. 26th. MM MoDoogail 1. .1.111.., fa the o.lah- Usrl*w was well represented at the Seetob mann es ti. 25th. W. N. Howell, the leadle, mereba.t of Carley, Is getting 1a hie spring stook. The NIM people (we believe) are gong to Is* eels el *air yowls 1nd1.., but what is disk baa1.oar gale . Saa..l Treble, who hos been prseresIng bearably after an snook of apposite:I., seek • rotaries wad b again Is w very lrc• coder tradition. The 1«s meting of the Literary Satin r wee bold Friday lees, whoa .11 presses so *rid Ise..sh. In • way that •hews the k.aa..y existing anions the members after sew debates d craters The sent. iys wildebatesan l be dboowtt red till the fiat Friday ✓ Ifwromb.r. Ikea new alone will hen dmsted ler emeMher teem. PORT ALBERT. WIDN1.DAY, Mani 22. Alf Pruett b ...aged to work during lftis etso.sr aSathe at Jas Very's. Mies EmaMm. Hayden retroed Yrld.y R'9sies a .nett% edit to friend. la Trott... ..Olga Ouserri81 returned on Armed, y se onesdd nob to (Arid. is Artier. rialto Poem* has base til for the pier of week., bet is .t pre** Imps, - Over WWNaney, of Nile. ie ow - Molt M Mt brother. James McWhir-a • 41 hes mot Leede aletwolled Mir •.4 bi Miklos Ito t• Order Mal ansa marl frowner Jobs mad W.. Posts- wRMv4spleN th/ Rosa. • DoroWello T,ld•y from the (slaber week isberw Marr bed bre darts* the whit., d 4.11.! w b..ii tW is ibis Ere P.New was 40901• 1 Baba- t. d. .. boom Mw welsh ea resit w w Mar 5h Iwo nos . Mw. Ge..r1,• .f tact M y. {i0r IMO *WI M" b tbdy seams, M t. 1lOR SALE int, west beet o0 Tuesday to their bonnefr Ki.oardine. Thou. Simpson had a large *wine-beeM Thursday •ler0000. In the es ;glut 1hs yams people of the neighborhood gathered it and spent • ••hop"pros thin 1111 15e boore belraa a ..b largo again. Wood -tees are all the rage wooed ,h1. Dart. Last week there were 16e felIowiss Thursday, at John Graham's ; Friday, It Nehru Ora60m'.: Saturday, at Frank Hay - des'.. This 1the elate for tbie week : Monday. Jai Crawford's ; Tardily, Jas Soot's ; Wednesday, Wm. Carer,. These are others, Port Albert is booming. The tows (.then an busy 1.lkiso top a railway from Lucks*, to tib burg. It see.. the 0.P.R. to anxious to get complete oentni of seam port coo !Ake Haran, and se an iodisation* to this oompany to extend 14. Ilse hers i Isere is row talk of the bsildla( et • moat/ pier. 1'Mm, when the harbor Is properly dredged. is sure to sake Port Albert • gross central trd0.blpmesl point at whie6 all the greet grain -carrying reseed of the lakes will oall. Let the ways of pr.perlty sweep nn. SATURDAY, Mu. 26. W. underseas* that tin publio loheol w111 Mu' oar Thursday, Mersa 30th, and reap.. Moed•y, Aprll 10th. Our ant'rprbing ■plan, 'Shee.aal. A Rob, pal dtseed • team of horses .t • mal. NOW Maui. ser lest week. Tuasd•y. 21.t, was a rusher stormy day, but not icorn,v sa.s*h to event • very Large turn. art of rosea to • party 0b James Von ,,,'e. Jad from report. • very pleasant run was .pest by all. The usual iAntra *mos was net held tris week, R.v, Mr. Arwtro.g 1.140. i. Led... 0., 'food Friday sante* will be 0/ad.eled In the E.gll.h °burin leers, A eall..ti.s inr the f°rtbriy M Ukrieti0nity amus the Jews will be takes 0p. , DUNGANNON, N4r Ice- Tb• loon strawy to I;)4".V= 10, Tea elan At rat the oto at J. ..Y, oat snow. to.. who w111 receive or- adeMr far n 'iptloo.. advertising and Job - week, sad le authorised to slue noel,* for amends paid for the moo (G A. NEWTON, DENTIST, 01 LUCII- esVrt• w,❑ vett Dansewwo- es. Lt sad Mil a.ehy of rank nark AB prim stab- cids .bp. Mum9 ata s MM! tr td0r TDstDAY, Mar. 28th. William Gourley, of A.heMd, who hae bees for sere time Dowell awed order end. cal treatmws, 1. gndnelly n.overmg. PASTAN/No rot SPRING Woaz.-Far..1. 0n new prevail* for sprite work by hay • iog their taplem..te repaired 1.d !.proved. Usysom. - The .tem of wade ..d lightning whiter took plea* Is this Hein. y, beim 10.o.p.01.4 with s bony 101 al meow, wee 0eag0l. CONTINOAN, or WINTRY WuTsea-At Untie* of wrltl,r. wbter **IN a..ttesmg -the gee** feeling dine thee it 1. about time le erring to arrive. .TATs Or Tn■ W ewm•a -'1he w.tbw wbrit dories led week was story wintry • sew be..,ing eosin and aprlag 11ks asmm4 It cendues se, the Inseam* sleigh. lar N bevy will «m disappear. araaaerlow or Qom*** a1r.TTPAY.-- boa drettled to OM sties oom f 0.rjbj st , Queen ?IONIA eighth.* hlrtbd.y, Q she Is tb.. • hoo4 visna kis kW prepared rsMdw, -sarra.LI( s ....d p•rsutiy, • hps www rel 10. shims of this vWaley le a.Ihipetwe to jest 1r 1b. e.WsMtes• ON A VemytN. Tons -0e Wda.pdey d nee week, Mn (Sar. Wines..a..apaedad by k. d•ettbrr, M1.. B. J. Clrawlerd, left * re vie God*loh as • 'listing seer te rel•1►ve. .t Lead*, lawmen ned ether picot., We .1.8 them • pl..eart 11191, sued e s to rot era. Com vAi.esasu.- The sserereue tribed. 0nd arga•latesen of Robert Mdd, ea - deputy reeve el W set W.w•aeer, .ad de wife, wbe here bees vary 111 -the lesea., bawls. bad .o et took of 1a rrippe, nod the bum it ppr.eoeela- well be pawed to hoar tail ill fiso►.ri s steel* 1...b their Weyer. ealerr or Cou.wi.- The aanleipal newel .f West W.wa0a.b. 8..000rd••es with •d'ura mat teat, it. .6e ew.sbip h11 ea lrtdsy, the 90th W • were pleased to ma the reeve (who bee been ter same Nm. Sowell) ads to be press* and oseda.4 the hussies es Innerly, awl that he and N. wile are ooay.leeolea .bviy. All the mem Lars p1./..1, Aiwa sir sag, Uourt of Runner 90th Ma Corm AND Ootsu.-WBBmm fitibbfrk .ad family are .o.i.e te reside is ear vii. ►•se, Ha bne llmaae4 1. w amptey of 80.0.1 Y001(, gM.fs1 QS.ar 0801111 Maps sod wile at 014.i1.8, ..d lamely al Wed Wr....sh, were ass day last wssb the go11t of our popular vteta•ller Dad wife, Joseph (Mona* and Mrs. O'Ju..ar, and report having had • pleasant time ... . Charles Carpenter and wife 8ve reeved into the village to reside Angus Mac- Dougall, of West Wawanosh., divine leased his bum tor • term of year., h, with his family, removed . short distant* earth of Luok.ow. V. wish him and family geed .noon, in their new lemtl.. William Mallough, sr., J. P , arrived home the latter part el lent weak from Toronto when be had ben M business la 0.0a4atiest with the valuation of olerry reserve land. i0 A.he.ld souse years ago Rev. T. L. Art.atrren w as at the Peens City lest week or °drab basis.. Duggannon Cinderella Club left here ler Oeden°6 yesterday to i•er• Hew the pMregrapher. DUNLOP. MONDAY, Mu. 27th. Among tr.sd nt visitors lest week were Mr. and Mea Jobs Gardner sad daughter Sadie, free Porter's Htll ; Mn. Thos. and Harry Vid..s sad res James, fro. Coin rioi Mies A.ob Allen retorted to Gado - Sob with the latter to spend several days with the.., their bone ea West Mint. here. 1). lain* invited her lelloww.rk- ere of the W.ona'. Forties Missies Auxil- iary Sandy of the Presbyterial' ekarok, !webers, to bold the u..01 moodily mastby at her nendeno. at Lorasebdse, os Wed*, day •lterse* of last week. There were besides • .amber of friesda .ad neighbor., who, with the iomety, after the devetro.l .*.roles.6.A tem lad by Mir Clark, weir • part in .akin two lar.. gall*. After 5 o'olook tee the *din dispersed le .Mir home., much pleased with the .1Meas..'. proceeding.. Mrs. Hamlltea, the prMdsat W the obvnt, Dad Mrs. Robert 01sem100, atOodortsh, wow pnwt. A LONDON CASE Freresg the v01ne es 11.dd, 110ae,t?Mes 11 aldo.y Noes* London, MOR. 20 -Mr. Owl* Dean, stableman at the City Hotel, Domes forward to add his quota *the .•.e of *donee ie favor of Dodd'. Kidney Pills Mr. Dean states tire he bud for tbrw years suffered from mere outdid puss is the snail of his took. At /1.11 they were so great Shot be bad to Ise down to get relief. Several remedies were weed vlthemb lems- 91. A doctor prescribed for him, saying bis kidsrl •ewers droned. but ae god 1.0014.4. Fin. hr be took 0 trieede adds, sad seed Dodo'. Riflaby PIl1e. The meal reed! fol. **nod . Idea hones cured him intend out. Cli.toa : After • lose Slams .1.8. St...,,, • Milton of town for some eleht years, permed awry 0t he redden*, Wed• reeday. Marsh Mad. Climes : A couple el .moll •oldest. Imp. pained reoassy .1 She ors•. f•otory. Berk Akzomder bad • bead est by-• rip saw, •.d K. Sb•pp•rd also eat lie hoed by o.04.r is oe0iwt with • greying saw. THE WEEKLY MAbtwd:T REPORT O.omor Mars 6' 4.1 to q 11010114 1SOto!• rton • 9tes 16401.1110 per 0wt 110 10 1 11 per baa....,le N Si M 113N ice.-...._.._.... «a f.BoM.... ...... 40 N 100 10 te M N N • too 76 to at. 10to 08to as to r•u r. 71=r. temtr• per owe sterol 11, owe 9 ter. Ors. More. ser n.......... a a fresh wored, 9 dent.., PMI !Amb-ekio. uDressed Bo. Baron Ham. par lb.........' ». • Lard. per ib. Dram* Beet ease tumor Dressed Bed_ hied • se 81 ee Bo .o ie u 11 0 • • 10 00 lb 11 es • Drug store hours . . Like the physician and all others who min- ister to human ills, the druggist holds himself ready to serve the public at all hours -night or dsy. At, least we do. It's business with us and we are in bnsinase to serve and aoeomodate our customers, but do not and never did open our drug store on Sunday for business excepting when we were requested to do so by physicians or patients who wanted to have a prescription or other medicines compounded. We have no Sunday hours, but if yon want to have a prescription filled on Sunday we can be found at any hoar. You'll remember oar carefulness when you want a pre- scription filled, as that dep tiasat is +strictly nndtlribs. s4peaVllitaa of a competent and nisposillie person all the time. Telephone 46. All night service. Terms cash. • J. WILSON, PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORK. BUPIIflU 1. x611111tfg LINIMENT. Yue external M Betty 1. • positive oars for sal Hip buss... ToiLmwatnry Lowe Beak, Lambimp, Sure Tarok and Bare Loop, Drums, spveesy 0111 Joints, Rapiers sod .0 kin- dredIt Ios air bort Used . tore for threat • n horses Nous 4 is withal* Iavhg the Trade Mark IS YMte sad rers s sad 'et A. elwwrob "-ivak. Ws,81, Art," Mal Bir I is. *na b* We sold "M°OREADYS" AND e1(;RESC ENT +lSp. Geo. W. Tbozon & Soo, MUSIC DEPOT. in 1898, and will continue to sell them in 1899. It cost our customers, on an average, less than 2 cents each for repairs on our Bicycles last year. We challenge any other dealer honestly to show as good a record. 100,000 of these wheels were made and sold In '98, and indications point to a sale of over 150,000 for '99. We have the very latest improvements on our Bicycles ; the best material that can be obtained is used in their construction, and all are fully guaranteed. The prices are right, viz. : $55.00, $45.00 AND $40.00 all high grade, but differently equipped We do not sell cheap -made Wheels, and we know them to be the most' expensive in the end. If you intend to buy call on us and we will be pleased to show you our different lines and explain their construction. If you cannot call, write us, and we will be pleased to supply you with catalogue, or call on you if you wish. Do not forget that we sell also the celebrated "GODERICH ORGAN" and "WORMWITH PIANO," both so familiarly known as to need no further comment. In Sewing Machines we sell the' "WHITE," "NEW WILLIAMS" and 6-4QUEEN," from 125.00 up, according to style and finish. We carry a full line of small musical instruments -Guitars, Violins, Accordeons, &c. -and a large collection of the latest Music Folios, vocal and instrumental, and sheet music. "Empire" Typewriters, 155.00. (live us a call and you will be pleased with our goods and prices. Geo. W. Thomson & Son. a. - All Kinds of rbuldhng and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. title► Tie Hem Bit gi.r limned) t3-01.)3131:1.10-13. HOSE 3.02710RIOH- NOSE 11,0111 1111 FAUILIES We web qe ruses. et • amber of b.lMa Nat blains, ler =salmi ends orewe*1... ire forst* miles e.e seppt, the f aarneper tbe 0. as «seat 10 0 to CD t the aerated be seer. es. IfMers.w. ....9rus fes. tt.wb.s h... awns.... GODERICH STEAM BO1T. R WORKS. A. 8. CHRYSTAL, a.......P to orp0104 • wart, etaaelastsr.4 d dads of BOILICRB. Smoke Stooks, salt Puss, Wm* Iris' Works, etc., eta., And Dealer la- Brgm.., Mandatory 0s.8. •, 4.. All .ices of4 Steam nod WarPim ... rat V. , - Cbook V01y.a, 'aspirators,ost...04 1.'sl OesetanLy eo Head at Lower Prl.... A .pada! line of 8teel WM., sed Reg Tresgba kr ase of fares s.4 .shwa R.p0lrteg prsmpay srwdmd N A. I!. O>tiTSTAL. stagy P. 0. Box If. Osderteh. VICTORIA OPERA HOUSE, MONDAY, APRIL 3RD. A Big Night •f Laughter Ratans of the favorites -the over welcome OLE OLSON A otraTtANTEEI) ATTRACTION. ALL TER LATEST UP•TO-DATEMURIC, RUNGS AND DANCES. ADMISSION 211 OINTS AND 96 MINTS. REa4RV*O SEAT&. 00 OMST&• SWIs sow en balm at Porter's besbaledra Poe awlrlldaaaaPat it is nibs Riga" Dairy e rime we commemorate. kr 9 e Tinware! Wot•.ell's is the place to Ret all kinds d strong, hand- made Dairy and Kitchen Tinware. Our own make of 4th Great Anniversary Sale Pam' , straillers tea. Vyp.L BEGIN TRIS WEEK. Silk -Cana. Also Eerestroaghing sod General Re- pairing at .. And continue till the 20th, when our Millinery Opening will be announced. • TLs prises daring the . are based upon • .ar=ia to WORSE LL' •••d imager than 10 dye It .ill be a gale d groat • mases alalia s hamar iA. oak, so real is its Ene°ney •li eas . a w .temp it beyosd doubt hbe gtaatertt flar`aia it. ever bald, TIHN TINSMITH, GODERiCH, - ONT. 1 ABA CUOK STOYE Al say esseon of the year there is no psalm comfort than a good reliabis'Qook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges ♦T OIAITTTLZ BROS. flmierthaliknalTasillis Wed tills of Igsw. sad sturdy Brea. CANTELON'S Path bier Nit 'fult8bt1 BMW Cum MIN Fi rilahli n,OOa, Brair Int lit In s0 pod o Ma best ratio in any cl1 M Chaeda. Gere..s ruede the train in WEDDING OA KES ifegliatldy ;1w41iin .used ore•e.set. Olve Skis ea erdse sod year .1• iiwiee .®1 km ..scrod. D. OANTELON, wraTAD r. 1. 2. a. 4. b. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1!. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, 241 25. 5 REASONS sees why you should do business with us : Case new Flannelette, 32 -in. wide, to be sold at.. .. 4a. yd 68 -in, Cream Drc..,td 'fable Linen, regular 66c., gale prioe..46c. yd 1 ease Factory Cotton. sale pries 3c. yd 1 came White Cotton, de prise k. yd 50c. Printed Blouses, sale price 26c. $1.00 Wrappers, sale price 60c. 7c. and 8c. Print, sale price 60. yd 1 case Linen Thread and bat quality 6 -cord Spool Cotton stopped in transit at London station and bought by us Sale priOe 4 spools for 10c. Ladies' Black hosiery bc. pr Black Sateen, sale price 10c. yd Best Quality Zip Binding 8c. yd Rustle Lining i. yd Linen Toweling, Bale price be. yd Fine Freneh Lawns, regular 26c., sale price •aSic Colored Sateen., regular 10c., sale price 6c yd Ladies' Spring Capes. sale price Halt Price 200 Straw and Felt Shapes, Ladies' and Children'., chains.. ie. es All -wool Sch. and Pink Flannel Roller Towelling Mere Collars (Cornet) Blaine Silks, sale pries 1 cage Ribbons, sale price • Half Prion Needles, regular is., sale price 2 for 6c Beet qualityTwilled Skirt Linings, regular 100., annitsrisry sale prse . !e. yd 500 Rematants and Dress Lengths in Drew Gooda-_Printf, American Chillies, fine imported Lawns, Organdies and Muslim, all at Half Pries for Ten is Many of the above lines are less than Dost of production. 710 yd Yd 50. box loo yd .• . R. B. SMITH, C. W. ANDREWS, Manager.