HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-30, Page 6TNE09YINIDN P-ABLIAIENT
Mr. Davis Vigorously Replies
to Mr. Davin.
Ottawa, March 23. -The debate on
the entree, In reply wan dragged
use daring the whole of the after -
noon lDd greats. sessioae of the
Beam today, tad had it not been
for one or two stirring lucid/iota
wllllli 'beep WSW dull sad- unefetot--
Mr. Menem, Iticemond and Wolfe.
this afternoon resumed the debate
ea the address in repay. He Un-
formed the Home that be wooed
have allowed older members to con-
duct the debate, but when he raw
an attempt be made to do mem-
ento to We bon. member for Gaspe
(Mr. Lemieux) he cou.d not alt meta
The most regrettable Incident which
bad occurred was when the hon.
member for Jsoques Cartier (Mr.
Moak) accused his boa. friend from
Gaspe (Mr. Lemieux) of having need
language whlcb oeahl poi be laky .
attrtbusable to him. He (Mr. Sum-
t ison) was present at the aoraloation
In Begot. heard every word uttered
by that hen. gent.eman. and under-
stood the 1 reach language just as
web as the hon. member for Jacques
Dr. Lsaderklo - Much better.
Mr. ethnical emphattoaly denied that
Mr. i esoasuz had appealed to race
and rsalgiote preju .loan on that occa-
sion. Tbe hon. member for Jacque'
Cartier bad been criticizes In a man-
ner altogether out of place the con-
duct of the lath Commissioners at
Waand.g-p;and accused them of winhig and inning at the expense of the
Qanad.in peoeie lostea+l of attending
1O the basineen which called tbem
.hese. It was in repay to these re-
marks that the lion- member for
Garpe said la antsstenoe wast the bon.
member kr Jacques Cartier, an
1nnnen Mooted by Freaob-Cana inn
votes. would not dare to speak before
an English auditions In Montreal in
the manner which lie had spoken that
day of the International Commledon,
upon which were Lord Herschel.
and the Premier of Canada. because
the ada
would lir people a pear
ingly of tbe dietingolined gent.emen,
although the hon. Preexist of the Do-
minion was a F'ransh-C.nadlnn and
a Catholic. Prooeedhng. Mr. Stemma
gave the Minister or Agriculture credit
Mr '14114giellidt"tB8'beltFetee-i
age eervioe, hos was Interrupted by
Mr. Davin with the remark : " Nei too(
we did that." Mr. 8teneon declined
to acoept the correction, and retorted:
'The Csnadktn Government had been
talking °f It for years, but, es with
many other matters. die nothing, and
It was lett for this Oorernmeat to In-
wegurate the service."
Continuing. Mr. Menem pointed out
%bat the Liberal party had refused
to mere* Manitoba on the school ques-
tion avid 1t woad .1 not now attempt to
coerce Quebec upon the prohibition
Mr. Cangtaln reiterated the charge
Haat onevery platform In Quebec the
Lanaervatives had been met by the
a�rrggnnmamts that their leader waa
klag.lali and a Protestant, while the
Liberal leader was a 1 rssrch-Cana-
dlaa and a Ca1oLke Dtesmdag 11e
issolgrataom of the Doukhobor', Mr.
In expreimeil the opinion that
1f ase men woad trot, as repwtsd,
perform the duties of citizenship In
theta own land we • have no rase for
tineas In Caaadm. Mr. Caairraln charg-
ed the Government with breaking
their pledges to decrease expemdltare
and to atop the lac -ream of the pub -
110 debt. He concluded with an at-
tack oa Mr. Tarte.
Mr. TaJbt, in the owutvae of a very
ters, to Mr. on halm had relection efer-
red. stated as an evidence of the in -
creaming prosperity of the country
that during his coarse of his oou-
i essay in 1896, there were 275
vaoaat bosom, the occupants of
wttcb had been forced W leave their
Mame W secure a living, but that
now all of theme, swept about 40
were ft led bythe fumbles who had
reeernsd to Canada.
ler. T. D. lkslg opened his speech
with an eulogy upon Sir Charles Tup-
per. R.'ening to the statement of
Rae Presler, that no pledge had been
made to las prohlbittionlstm by lbs
Liberal piety, Mr. Craig thought
teat the promtee must, hive bees
made to the prohibIticmW to within
the party ; b. who quite sore that
the p enee to take the plebteofte wan
not to the liquor wren. The ob-
ject of the rote was to obtain the
unbiased( opinion of the peop'e, but
he did not think that object was
lattilned, breathe In some casae poi•
Moat o nelidenatboa were al law.4 to
in. 't'be Mini+ter of Public
Wok Mai the Costco ler of In'and
Revenue seedcel premiere o�ppoo•a
tee people of to prevent t10
giving an unnamed °plena
As no aremtier on the Oovernmeut
side of the Home exhibited nay inclln-
aMoa to continue the debate. Mr.
Boder took the floor and spoke until
6 o'clock. when he sat down, and
some of the memler. called "6 o'clock."
TIM Speaker Inqulrerl whether the
boo. gentleman had concluded his re-
1 want my dinner," was the rept
and the Speaker left the .chair. nmld
to laughter of the Houle.
When the House rerumed after din-
ner Mr. Broder heed that when people
remained away from the plebtzc te, as
from any other voting. they were
bound h the verdict of those who
voted. fte criticised Mr. Fisher for
dot beteg present to discuss the pleb.
belt* apiestlos. saying that K was not
eMossary for film to lee at home cul-
tivating lila farm at thea time of the
Mr. E. 11. Odder commenced his
apeeeh with nn expression of the
strong feeling of dlwetIufactlon which
be entertained ret the tremendous
ascent of time waded In the House
d personal sela.n, rind ills remarks
were greeted w all cheers f roes the
Government benches The leaden on
both *des of the House, he said. took
up hall of their speeches In eluting
eact other like pickpockets. One Ode
M es bad es the other, and if half
what tidy say about each other la
tree sane of those members who have
Men 1n the Home for fifteen years
dneerre to alt In 1t. He ind hoped
that- the Premier, with kis enemy
ways and childlike smile, would have
M Mee way or other remedied the
eU. lest In his .peach the otter
51(111, Instead of replying to the
�ssoh d lir Charles Tupper, as
SA had ever been delivered by
elle bow gentleman. he had start -
• ad out he a tired. of abase.
=:••worthy of a 81111rg•-
and bed :t rot been
i tato ted �a pee6f
• . tic f.arl ij ehr Wotir.
Weald Wee board Ia, nags worthy
a .idler. parrot. He reinsured the
for baying fallen bank
see on 1M question of Ren-
epoa the Government of
umiak be declared. was
aad to tl.rely for patron -
tearful mon
t the Viers would
appeintsoNt before btu. Tbe
lis w kzwe Olden*
psAs e9aare Astelg posh.
w• tis#- uitwirwnd•tw•
aq dntre a those who poi.
ass$ p frit Nu the setarbrot a.
Of a alt Number to Oatarb 'd•."'
team d Weir property rlihte.
Mr. Britton (Martha) wee rather
Inclined to favor She geggeolible (hat
a fixed tier be set for tbe togit0(
of Parliament He deprecated the
Practice of the Oppoeialoa In mak*/
general °barggesee of a moat reclai
character, whlck th.y were atter•
wards torsed to withdraw whoa
Hlveu We ooppQp�Oorrttaaalt? topsp�M thea. 1
e cwtgraMmLted tic. liertoramsst
upou the abounding pragent7 toed
the program whloel was evelleat on
every head, toedthe
rapid Inosea0 h t of
the NorthwtoM, ��pl�ytng• • cote
Maine of 81r Charfee Topple that tis
proposed radlibuton - RIR IR le
gal. he pointed oat that 1f the srong0 -
Ce well taken. the 9tt'ry while
11 was proposed by that bid 110 Wild I
out, must also be ufr' M'ttMasaL
Mr. Moore, of tieemineat Lada hie
cloelug speech of aa'ewalag• He ea,
Pounced We Quebec members of the
Government ou the ground that they
had worked and used their Witham
In that Province against prohibition.
Tb. conduct of the plebiaclte in Que.
boo dtmnaabbie.'he'ihe temperance and
more people
would not ret under the hashing they
had •...trod,
Mr. Davin moved the adjourumeut
or tate dellos e. Walt the Meths rose at
11.30 Winn*
Ottawa. March 24. -After routine
bte.00s Mr. Beausoleil submitted the
report of the committee recoeusaed•rg
the appointment of Mr. Oeo. 8fapeon
to the position on the Haa Bard stat(
mads vaeaat by the death of Dr. Brad-
rad_Jey. Mr. Walter Bayer was recom-
mended for the pomtfoo of editor of
Hansard. The report was unanimous-
ly adopted.
The Speaker Wormed the Hone
that official Intormatlod had beat re -
creed of tete election of Mr. Loafs G.
Deems log the eketoral district of
Mr. Darin renamed the debate on the
address. After a,gu.re' at some length
that the Liberal tariff afforded no re-
lief to the farmers of the country lie
appealed to the Speaker, as a man of
powerful imagination. well acquainted
with tbe Liberal party, to Imagines,
what the Olathe of Hon. Gem gv
Brown and Roo. Mex. �ladteasle
would may were they to revisit the
Hous• of Comapwu at the present duty.
The fluent westerner gave a graphic
picture of the vision as It appeared to
him, and of the dlaltgte between tbe
two great statesmen as they re
Med elr Wtlfrki Laurier and rho
members of hie Cabinet. Mr. Davin at-
tacked Mr. Bltton, ridiculing the
speeches be has made and the proph-
inenoe ghee to him by Liberal news-
papers. Then Mr. Davin accused the
vowressst of -haring deanaae$vtl:
Patrons by their pledges to bring In a
Purely revenue tariff. The retention of
wet Sir Richard Cartwr'glit called
"the vMalay of the protective ayntrm"
In their tariff by the Government af-
ter their pledges. he said was one of
the mast Immoral speetecies that has
ever been witneseed In say ootntry.
The fernery et the :tortbwest had
been shamefully betrayed by the Gov-
ernment. which promttred that it they
were returned they would gave them a
tariff from which every ve■st1g. M pro-
tection we./ removed
Mr. Davin, ooatlnuing, saki that he
PAW the Minister of Publo Works was
behind the Prime Minister giving him
Pointers. 110 was a great admirer of
the Premier, but be would say Whim
that be must not always rely upon the
advice given him by the Minister of
Public Works, aa there wan never
aro man 6. public life In any country
so discredited as the present Minister
of Public Warta waa. The whole lion -
est Liberalism of Quebec wee In re-
volt against hint. and the Liberal. of
western Canada, too, are to revolt,
but tbroegh some extraordinary pow-
er he continues to occupy his place
01 la0eeaee with the Prime Minister.
Some French Liberals are asking
tbe•mmelves the question : "Where 1s It
g'Ang td mod f la 1t going to land the
ship upon the roaring sea of corrup-
tion, rolling on without measure?"
Mr. Davin then proceeded todiecoso
matters relating to the Yukon. Mr.
Ogilvie was, be admitted, a good en-
gineer. bat he was. be declared. ea
unfit as his (Mr. Devine) friend Meer
Walsh proved to be for the portion of
Commisloner. The Information he
had received was that Mr.OgtivIe 1n
order to ratio money put a tax upon
women who were plying an improper
Mr. Iloesvtlle, who had recently re-
turned from the Yukon, at once gave
the statement it dedsl, but Mr. Davin
repeated It. and added that 911,000
was rated in thle manner in one
Mr. Damville again gave the state -
meat a most emphatic dental. but Mr.
Darin refired to accept 1t on the
ground that the Minister of the Inter-
ior was the proper authority to give
the denial. if one were required. and
000tpMJned that when so important
a question waa ander dieenadon the
M)neter wase not 1e. )tis peace.
Sir Wllfrld Laurier stated that the
Minster of the Interior was detained
from hie official duties by a rather
serious Illness. and Mr. Davin apolo-
gised and withdrew he ceneare. Con-
tinuing, Mr. Davin made a number of
charges against Mr. Ogilvie's admin.
*traitor* of affairs la the Yukon. Mr.
Ogilvie. he added had mot the exter-
ior for the pusitnn. sad bad not the
weight nor the appearance for the
pouiton, and It would M found that
he had made great mistaken. He was
M with Mr. Fawcett. so he was told:
aro he was closely related. a cousin.
of the Minlater of the Interior, which
he dad not think quite proper.
At 6 o'clock Mr. Davin laid not con-
tended Ihis remarks.
At tide evening's session of the House
Mr. Davin spoke for another hoar and
a halt, making the total length of his
. peeclh four boars and a hall. He spoke
to an almost empty Home, and then
were very few In the gallery. Re
continued his attack upon the Inter.
for Department. alleging that there
was rosoething that needed explana-
tion about the payment of 97 per
head for the transportation of the
Doukhobor* to Canada. He said thee
money had been paid to Count Tolatol
or the Doikhobor., and was more
than wax required for the leasing of
tine ship to bring them from Hatonm.
He charts/1 Sir Rickard Cartwright
with nepotism. saying that members
of his family were In the public ear -
vice. Mr. Davin charged ler. Tarte
with having seven dredlg sg contracts
to Mr. Mc011lleuddy for Gederlel, har-
bor, and to Mr. Gauthier for MMtreal
hatter'Itboet pn
mehlte Wells% a state -
et that was ndlIggne denied by
the Minster of PuWk Works. Mr.
Davin closed with a g meal dlennncia-
tlon of the Government.;
Or. Rafts Peps, (7o1110ton, follow.
ed. He asserted that the Govern-
ment had by the oarrmptloo prac-
tised In the by &kenos. lowered the
standard of pollthytl morality is
this wintery, when oadNr 1
his M�
depth* tw3.6t
1!$* reached.
They had Instituted a relate of ter-
ror, dhmtenth oftlrlale atter mock
in malign tithe, eOme with rause.
doubtless. fret for every see of thin
rime there were tweet, ditsohsole
without neem- That was the the. t
fault he toned with the ffeveree
mint, the next being that they had
femme a eowitiaatMa if the Lome
0evwraMests foe parte' Perp•M
last tho Interest" et
TM 11•10e forr bad re~itYrr .
ten of the Tann reseed with the
Geglieldelate toad One" maneha.
t rtbtiektea 11a order tilt$ 1111e
peaIsPisag bow what Iliad K Are
TheminMoonthey are tee
williesb •±epler bed. bee a�l� ONO.
Indesteles with Oa pip
Slates if to soak get tree bay ar(1
barley, whh1� els believed would flu
p.pula* LOs aprlcalteral sea-
manity. to the nib*
ode, he - tine the entre
tiie5afat114 Mid
q�a�aa to
that r Lu ire tots.
Snarl Joy and the o� 1 sIaIllant tra
Late 1e.* Province 10 axons =Oe
peadgennia At. and to s* a111abeth
of the mi•taatsmt nab •
uegative ana)orlt of 94.000 bad beat
gives at the polls in that Provisos.
He abet criticised the Government for
not having secured the boli and feat-
abirfor the coldWWrage sorties
Of a lot of ole coal boxes."
a censured It for pot having ghee
proper encouragea.nt to the pulp te-
lastry. 11. dangled Hon, Mr. Doi1NL
for k1e advooacy of a Uw for steam-
ship ba111 sake a% both ends. and
whiche it they las tented armed In
a gale of wind, wood ant know which
way they were gotltg
At 116 minutes attar 11 Mr. Davis.
.laakatcbewen. Omand the adjaere-
ment of the debate.
liar Wilfrid Laurier hes glveu notice
of motion that when the Hour ad-
journs next Thursday It will stand
adjourned until the following Tuesday.
Mr. tallies her given notice of a
resolution to reduce the duties on to-
10 Mani for than as their policy
alit-hieleg11gwe4 the 8t etlar.A ,(� Com-
ma7 neaps, to gat eta adobes
epos Capra, to taen. the railways
by the with ead thy up all the
walla la the country.
Mr.-Tggiter. Use Lambeth. de-
nied { t $the Steadat'd Ootupeny
had ail the wells.
. 111r. Roche accuse.' the
l of insMaa1 of keiNirg back impure,
ant measures main late lu the see
slog la eider tire.% they may be
rushed without proper tun-
eideratter, Such dlaeseldnctlon es
now enitbd Ito the Liberal ranks
after1 > rots of office had not
been 1n the (bruu•rcntlre ranks
after teen eases of power.
A1<" ev#tprg�s ...aeon
Rooth epablupai h5n epese' h, a flaw
minutes. daa.t_alsg the general ad-
mla of its country
Dr. Grey) fol!owel
lmla At tine woes. leg of the
top etch teen tate throne, which, be
mai 1, coolid.ed no prate sea of new
WMIntern oxalis recketrlbutloa
The thus w6f�sbg mentamelthe wfl
ttajhrythe Re mbed how far thistee wM
Ane to the abates of the kite °ovine.
mint, and poke at sone length on
the Nasions? y and tie bis*dla5
of the Qaaadlae Peen*. Railway. i
Ottawa. March 27.-Amove the tete
Mons which were pnsent.d this alter -
noon was one from fire county of Mld-
dkwe. adder that the pay of nt111Ua-
men daring the period of annual
traMdag be Increased by 25 cents par
day. Tbe Rperaker ruled the petit**
oat of order, as It Involved an expendi-
ture of public money.
Mr. Louts Joseph Demers. the newly -
elected member for Lev". w -aa intro-
ntroduccd by Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Han.
Charles Fitzpatrlek, and took fits seat
amid hearty applanre from the Gov-
ernment beaches
Mr. John Charlton thin alteration la-
trodwwd fib bill to amend the miles -
Mai cod, of 1894. The 1s the bill wliicb
the hon. member for North Norfolk
has Introduced for several sessions
Before Prooeeduig with the orders of
the day Mr. Davao called attention to
a reiereoos la the Haasatd report 01
the debate for March 84101. In which
the reporter attributes to the hoe.
Minister of 1'ubllc Works. Mr. Tarte,
theyvwords, "and a ekellywag 3. & thal-
'iSi er/S►'�h Wnvl a salA skew'
words were not, as far as he knew,
prouuncrord by the hon. Minister. If
they were made as an interruption' to
hie speech tr,e fon was palp-
able, and ern w hare dealt with
them them. He had been told that the
Mlululer of 1 ublic Works had gone to
the Hansard reporter and got haat to
Insert these wombs. Ile inquired of that
hon. gentleman whether he had us el
Huse wordu, ass If be Cad he wou.d
certainly ask that they be withdrawn
If applied to bitumelt.
Hon. Mr. Tarts in reply said that Ire
used the wont referred to, but he did
not suppose the !.on. xentlemau had
applied diem to himself. He hoped and
trusted, and wished. as a matter of
fact, that there was iso skallywag in
the Home. Ile bad expressed. as be
had a right to do, just as the bon.
gentleman nppne to hod the right W
express, a general sentiment. .1s to
going to the reporter. that also was
tree. Knowles something of the news-
paper work and about reporting. lie
may have made n mistake. but he
askwl the reporter Ise passing by
whether he had put down h1a wonki,
and told him he wanted them re.
corded. If the had committed by too
doing an offence he was very sorry
for It, and as this was a week, of
penaace lis would submit to any pen-
ance Mr. Speaker might Impoue.
Mr. Speaker -In view of the explan-
ation of the hon. Minister of Public
Works that he had not applied the
words to the hon. member for Western
Amonloota at all. although the woods
were Irrelevant, he thought 1bey
might be allowed to pass.
Mr. T. 0. Davis, Saskatchewan. re-
sumed the debate upon the address
Replying to some remarks by Mr.
Davin respecting himself, be disputed
that hon. member's claim to represent
the Northwest Territories. and(
ferred to the very small majority
which he had at the last general elec•
tee He protested against the self-
eoncelt.d bombasaryl which character-
ized the hon. gentleman's clalm. Mr.
Davis' remarks were apparently ex-
ceedlsgiy Irritating to the hon.
member for Western Aseireboln, who
meds frequent interruption, which
were met with toed cries of ceder, and
the Speaker was several times com-
pelled toc ll Ides to order. Mr. Deme
eharged that the hon. member had
gone through the Northwest Terri-
tories endeavoring to imtrod..s fed-
eral po stns in the local elections there,
rand taunted him with his lack of sum
ors, and with having travelled around
In that contest pea as a mssoot,
but ,n reality proving a Jonah, He
(Mr. Davis) challenged Mr. Davin to
repeat upon the floor of the Hoose the
statements which Ida made at the
meeting at the Town Hall of Primo•
Albert, abusing the Premier for ac-
cepting knighthood; that the Mlula-
tar of the Int,rkw Was a thief. that he
had came to Ottawa to a starving c°n-
dltMn, and that be waw now worth
millions, and that the Minster of Pub-
lic Works wan a thief. He desired to
know wbetber the hon. member wonted
substantiate those e1atem este or
whether he was genet to take to the
tall timber, as he usually did
Tekkig wp the final gmsetlon, he
showed that the taitff ret the present
(lovernmemt is a farsesw' tariff, in
that K had reduced the (Indy on a
number of artdeies wheel the farmers
use On shovels tie duty had been re-
duced firma 50 per tint. to 26 $4 per
cont.. aed tsar paper had been ennead
trona 11$1-9 to 191-4 per Beat.
R+s tntaaeated • somber of tools
and iota used by the farmers
In the dna spam whleh material re-
dnrtnse had been made by the pr's
fewentlal tante
After having soar fan with Mr.
Davin about a lecture whkh he
failed to deliver, because Ice mach -
ed the °throb toe late. but wbleh,
pa►erthol he other sate.1 In full l Davis
spas of the �a�ers. 1[r• D
declared from his experience ender
prohibitory laws In the northwest
%bat tie Goverment db well to
the pante, a prohibiter? law atter
the plebts0141 rut* as mob it law
could not be eaSoreed mime at
least talo-th ens et the people were
la favor at it. Al to the others
et mala4sl0Mbatlmn 1s the Ttien.
lie decanted that Mr.
p�Inn them•,
la other f be al prase. made
aseertdeute w fief
Mr. %mho. Marquette. saki that
lits war too .hest ler 1181 be correct
tee Risme of Inae$eilkalp wtk•h
characterised ebn Of the biz
Member for 5j
disputed stn . Dade
that the r•ntseIIS Ilia tf by
the einelme.psrstnt°a 41f 'referential
.Mee aatartat tareeAteet rHe ar .-
Mbsoi p�'$"p�"telil�'M>t'`. « d.a `lees
111. "r eande tnhc.'."'"? .,..► ••.*wvw},.
att9k'keil the Postamsu-r (letters! for
at he ail 1, 04 lomw►1ng h own nand
about the hese of- steams. The Gov-
brv� ha4l ire a'01 lel, the fereaere
reao•tfm f dotke, and barb -
wire eche Oe mneh its before tbe
rekluot(un. Any interference with the
Senate w.*iW lead to unknown coin
p t at:ow, and wood l 1.. a tweaks.
Me. Mcl'ktre declared that neither
parte an to Elbow haul pursued a
.atfrhuoury cantss upon the pro
Mbttn. questkn, whl. h la, he was
ittteered, the Magnet an 1 meet impor-
tant question in stela in C inadlan
to{ley. While he did not
Tear il those who at. eft at home
were appmed to prohibition. In lita
minket must of them were absolute-
ly kustferent cm the avbject. The
C eseervattve piety had done their ut-
most to oenitace the people that the
p rens*. was a atam ape wool 1 lead
to The Liberate Govlormaemt
bad they had p'�dapth He snore wished
fo 054 more. The yr:ha-W.1mila• are
fare to fine with a serious protean.
Bots pettiest pertice have abso'nte-
b ra►sd to go further with problb-
Itlga. liaey could loops for nothing
from the Cbmseevattve party, and he
did sot there or elsewhere to
stake ca for the O merrative
party, wltt-h had always beim opposed
to prohibit -kat until he was; convinced
that he in doling he would advance
the cases of prehtbatiom.
Mr- Chemins, of T,rrebtmne follow-
ed, speaking b I•'ren-h.
Mr. Mar otte ((1..n10), who
mote in Free h, fo bwea, and held
the floor emit 12.15, vljsea tbe de-
bSRe was adjourned.
II 111
Pleasure Sloop Wrecked Off
Vancouver Island.
Vancouver, 11. C.. Merck 26. -•taut a
month ago to -day n party consisting
of nine people left Alert Bay for
Hornby lslant which la ea the east
coast of Vancouver Band. on the
sloop Thistle, commanded by Its own-
er, William Ford, and up N date have
not been ren. Wreckage has inen
picked up month of Alert Say. which
Ms been recognized as a portion of
the watt on which the party .wiled
for their homes on Hereby Lined end
Joseph Fletcher, a farmer of Quail.
Who is AsebeMy Ill at Washington.
cum, arrived here today bringing In-
telligence of the disaster. witch itaa
cost the lives of William ford, his
aged mother noel two Meters. *god
18 Sad 111 respectively, end ours.
Harry 'Pham.., her daughter of 19
years, and three other Milliken An
other woman. thought to he the
daughter of a Lbmox farmer. shoo
smb•rbed on the craft.
The party left Qeellctm, B. ('., two
moiago, thea deto return
The oto iSt, n rnm from Alert Bay
to Mand .keno, tuner fa.
torn* sostancre. MistyWS three
our four days. A severe wine 1 ensile•
stbrla tor. end i ti-ef
ted t ws ter to leavto, but bele( entente* to r
hone they neartsd rm t oS their
_Wahl* 55 freed a y Sea et qt
Oe?I161�Mga � a wealthy fshteitt Of
Lams s her old Mlel -'1 aa4
s Fletcher. t u* Wets *
Weft iageary tr �isesssa Hr
htebdnd and fader d Thelon pee
mined wicld* a *net thee Inge, SIM
MIM acetdhent eerpletxlr wipes set
idle Weft .
Burford Merchant's Mysteri-
ous Taking Off,
Burford. Marcie 26.-" DWI ,Thomas
Malatee die from the aooldental U1-
halatlon of chloroform or from strych-
'.mae or other poem administered by
h int air lg..-.Rotifer 1" Thi. ie the
questloe, which it le hoped the oor-
otter's inquest, wide( resumes Its eu
glury Oil Wilda]. '.111 determine.
Mr. Melntee was found dead la his
bed on the morning of Feb. tat, and
Me wife lay In rime e-
uses by the olds W qtr henba*du bodi
Moines* was a etorakeeper ; his wile
kept the books toad. es aseleted
film. They' resided t1 her father,
Mr. Ketch's. on 16e kt a tarot. one
mile west of the Oa the Mon-
day preceding h4 destq Mn. delete. -
sent the hired girl to Barbottle's drug
store fur au ounce of chloroform W be
used as an outward application for
tache n•aralgia. Heat day she seat
the girl to the same store for fifteen
grain of strychnine for nae in killing
rats. The moruhtg following Mr. Me'
into* was found dead.
For two weeks the deceased had su1
lered from In erlppe. but wee lie ex-
cellent merits la the More the last
night of h4 life. He left the store at
fe o'clock, and on reanhtng home sat
up until eleven reading " Nicbofae
Nlohlebyy ' aloud to his wife.
Mesa Mclntee retired. and lier hus-
band was preparing to do so when he
remembered that the dog was not put
act. Ile went downstairs to do thes
and remained some elms- Hie wife
eugnired the came, and was told be
had taken a good drink of whiskey
for the rep.
Next morning as neither war
downetalre at 8.30 the hlrod girl
went to wake them. but falling to
aroma either matted to the slllagr
for medical aid. Dr. Jolrwon, the
family pbytclan. came. and pro-
uouncsd Mclatee dead. and that he -
hat expired iive hours before. Mrs
McIntee was arouaed. and lyl*g lis
the bed between them. but near ber
husband's head. was Lound the chlor-
hloroform Dobie empty.
During the night Mrs Mclntee said
she was awaiaeed la pain and ap-
pplied some of the anaesthetic to her
lace. els reset atiered seising afore.
but presumed that she had been
overpowered by the vapor and be
Dame unconscious before she hat!
time to replpoe the cork.
Dr. Johnson, who is also a coroner.
gave a certificate of death from
heart failure, deeming an inquest
unnecessary. Notices were leered
that the funeral would take place
on Saturlay at 3 p. m.. but the in-
terment took place on the Friday at
2 o'clock. only the immediate rela
tires being advised of the change.
This ctrcumetance and the knowl
edge that strychnine bad been pur
chased started the village geszlps,
and culminated je the necomary of
fidavit that foul play was inspect
• o being made by John Rusk. a re-
tired farmer and local preacher. In
addition Mr. Vanekkle, an under
taker, presented a petition, signed
by fire residents, to the Crown At-
Ltorney asking for an investigation.
Monday, March 20, the body was ex-
humed. and the enquiry opened by
Coroner Sinclair, of Paris The post-
mortem was conducted by Dr. Pent-
land. of Burford. toad Dr. Denton. of
Paris, the stomach end Timers being
forwarded to Prof. Ellis for analysis
The post-mortem revealed no caner
of death. The brain was healthy. but
• email quantity of said blood was
foend at the base of the skull. The
heart, alightly understand, was com-
pletely empty indicative of death dor-
ailg at convnion. every organ was as
a healthy rendition, but a quantity of
fluid blood In the vessels of the tbor
•etc cavity had d1Boobr.d the lungs
The Nps were parched and white as
they bad been =aided. The
was empty, from which the
entolrfoe Is reached that death re-
sealed tsoandlatny on retiring.These
000d%tion., ern* agreeing the
main with death from the anaesthetic,
are such as would be looked for In a
ase of strychakoe poisoning. The pres-
ence or abeam* of tbe irritant, how-
ever, mart, of warm, be determined by
the analyst.
McIntes'a fnaaclal affairs were
somewhat Involved. but he waa a mai.
of bright dspCatlon, and the theory
that he took taodynam °r other pmate
'.113 the w1ih e1e entertal0ed by
bot few.
Melrttee's w111 was not found at his
residence nor at the store. and it, 4
said no oue bat himself had knowledge
of Ice content.,. It was probated as
$8.000, et which 53,0011 was In Wear -
awe. Ile left 92.000 of this insur-
ance to his wife, together with M00
out of the estate. The Waster goes
to his brothers after llgnldating the
!i 8.1111as These wee to is averred. ab-
ssorb all. Two wedge prior to fib
death be was examined for further
increase, the risk bang ateepted, bat
the policy had nth beim reeelved.
Mr. and Mea Mel stet had been inse-
rted about fourteen year•. had no obit
dren, and are reported a. living a bare
py IUs.
Dr. Johnson said to your oorrespood-
ewe that be wands/take his all on his
dlslgnosis that deatb Ilesalted from
cblgrofors.. Other asal"-I men assert
that with �ly erle40ge* of the drug
to work with it wend be Iseppn,ss.eltbee tab
keep a penes ender aha Intl venae ce for
five hours. an that It wee Impossible
for Mrs M°Intee to be affected by it
when the holy wase diseovsrsd, tt Mo -
them had been dead that lesasth d
The package of atryohnlme, Dr. John-
son saye,is la 1W poenawion.snd that
it has never been open! Thu far the
Crown has not taboo poseselden of this
o1iitee 1. suffering from nar-
row prostration, and le not swan
tate as eagapy le la progras. Her
tesilaltosy will kava to be taken et
it le seforesaate that the lunge were
rot net t0 the analyst. as title le the
Wet required to establish chloroform
The tamely name of the gpnpieed I.
lfotntym, bet on cooing to ltnrford ire
charmed it first to Medinty and later
to intse.
AMee.r to Dying.
1eMalab Yareh 25. -The Vfeama
atoaiMptlidiat of the Deify Atree4
eth eenfirmleg the 'Of the
311•hMaN8 of the Amorer oft A/ghamy
tau, says that his mantic 1. seri-
ous. tba a be has declared blm moa
Habib Qutlab &bin 6M sssmesem. and
willed him torte sd. of bra tone
atZdfra eat 11 snail* of
allalleir abed
Leteding Wealth able. as'
lbllowtng ate MY ogatltg prices
to -lay at 1a�os 5M metres:
Teruel* /,amen?, Mardi 25.
Ch • ...$ .... $0703-4
New 'tart ... ,.... 076 8.4
Milwaukee ...... . 072
St. Louie ... « ... 0741.8 0757.8
Toledo .., .,. ... ... 078 1.4 073 5.8
Detroite. 0 78 1.2 0 74.1-8
Minh,, N. '1 1M:"Qtle 5-8 0 TO 1.8
Duluth, No. 1, .11.‘"1770 5.8
Minneapolis ..- ... 049 1.2.
Toronto. red --. .. 0 69 1.2
Toronto. No. 1
hard. new -.- ... 080
Grata sad Pradaee at :Tercets.
F Ioar-Outarto peen's, In begs.
98.60 to 10.10; nitrated rollers.
*8.10 to 98.20: Hungarian patents
$8.90 to $4 ; Manitoba bakers'.
93.60 to $8.70.
Wheat -Ontario. red and white.
67c to 680 north and west
65'x to 6$c, north and west ; No. 1
Manitoba bard. BOc p�t4t Toronto. and
No. 1 'efortleern ed.. 71c. Pekes are
Oat• --White sate quoted at 29e to
80o west.
Rye -Quoted at 54c.
Barley -Quoted at 460 went.
Buckwheat -Firm ; 480 north end
50c east.
Bran -City m1114 mil beau at
514.50 and shorts at 916.50. In ear
lots, f. u. b.. Toronto.
Cu *-Canadine, 80c meet. and Am-
erbas 41c to 41:c on track here.
Peas -Firm toe 65o to Mc north and
west, to oar bee.
Oatmeal -Car Iota of rolled oats, In
bags, c$t seek ter 'Ibeoat°. $8.60 ; in
barrels,at Lawrence Maeksos.
Recelpt. 01 (rate, hay. straw and
bogs were light, Mt those °if butter,
segs and pw try ware fair delavertss.
Wheat steady , cue load of white
sold at 70n per bosttd, and the of
some at 650 to 46e.
Bailey firmer; 800 Wilma sold at
15o to See.
Oita steady . 300 bushels sold at
48o to 35c.
Rye easter : a mall load mold at 50c
per bushel.
Bay firm. 20 loans sold et -$9 to
$10 per tan for timothy, sod $6 to
$8 for cover or sexed hay.
SLetaew-71wo loads sold at $6 to $7
per ton.
Potatoer-There were a few loads
and at 90e to 95c per bbaegg,� and a few
'degde begs of very droloe brought
tylf. ,
App les-�ar0e at $2.50 to 54 per
barrel for the rammed run.
1lPdrultry-Turkeys aokl at lee to
per lb., and cbkckeos at 50e to
51 per pair.
Batter plentiful, wiling at lac to
28c per 1b., according to q.mllty. The
balk went at 18c to 2.0c, while a few
-holm ibis of dairy to Mpeetal cos-
toeeerw buugt,i 22e to 23c.
karma plentiful, selling from 14e to
16c, the bulk going at about 14c.
pars Praise" Wbetesale at Teswte
Hay, baled car lob.
per zoo ......... .....{7 (1) to 97 50
•straw, baled, car kits,
per ton ..
l'.rtators, car lots, per 41M1 50
bag ... .. .. ... ... ... 1175
Butter. choke. tubs ... 013
Butter. medium, tube .-. 0 10
Better, dairy, lb, rolls 016
Butter, large roll. _. 014
Batter. creamery. le.
roll. ...... ... ...... ...
Butter, ereamery,hoxe. 020
Eggs, choke, new laid 0121-2
Honey. per Ib.... .. 008
Hoge. dreed, car lot. 510
Chickens. per pair .., 040
Deeks. per pair .....-050
(aper, per Ib. - .- -.dee
Turkeys. per Ib.ase_ -... 012
Turkey., eo)d Abrade
lar Ib..........
•roti Markets
• Liverpool, March 25. -(14.90.) -No. 1
Nor., wring wheat, 6.: No. 1 Cal.. no
stock ; red winter. 6. 1-2d; corn. new,
Rs 61-3d : old. 3., 7 8-44 ; peas. 3. 9d
pork, 4Ze; lard 27o 6d ; tallow. 28s 6d:
barnn, long cut, heaves"27m; light, 27e;
a c., Ilght, 27s 64: cheese. both white
and oolhred, 52e.
Llrerpool-Clo.n-ttpot wheett firm at
6M for No. 1 Nor. Future., red whiter
steady at as 4 3-4d for March, 5s
t '-Pd for May and 5m 4 1-44 for July.
Maize 4 at 8. 61-3d for new and
qct: futures, 3
6 1-2d for March, 8s 4 8-44 for May
and 8. 413-44 for July. ?lour, 17s M.
Liverpool--Opera-Wheat off coast.
nothing doing ; on passage, quieter and
hardly any demand. Maine offamed
and o,. patssage, quiet and steady. Bess-
emblan, loading. 18s 11-2d. Bpot
Dan. maize. 17.. 8d.: American. His.
94.: N. M. flour, :8f ; Antwerp red win-
ter, 16 7-8s.
Pari. -Cross -Wheat, 20f. 90c. for
Marek. and 21f. be. for May and
inmate.. Flour, 481. 26o. for March and
431. 70c. for May and AMMO -
Meet Pintail* Ooaate M.rket.
East Buffalo, March Z5. -Cattle --The
feeling ato exceedingly weak. Calvse
were in liberal supply, light disaemitd.
weak and lower. Choice to extra,
!/x1.50 to 96.75: good to choice. $6 to
Sheep and Lambs --Fifty-two loads
on male. Trade was slow, with sales
of lambs generally at $5.75 to 1/5.80:
eltoiee to extra lamb., 55.75 to $6.86
good to choice. $5.65 to 95.75: koala
mon to good( $5.25 to $�,�$
ch0'e. to extra, $4.76 too41100
clh0ire, 54,51 to $4.57: w
good. $8.50 to $4.25.
Hops -The market opened steady ret
yenterdey's close : 30 loads on sale.
No Yorkers sold over $4 ; the general
pries. for medium. wee $4 to 54.02_1-2.
with a few sales toe $4.05. Pegs,
55.85: roughs, 96.25 to $8.50 ; nage,
52.60 to $2.75.
The lathe.. t1$$e of that Angara -
Ilan wheat la /$.000,000 hands.
against .409 INkelisis In 1ig99.
and 27,000 beMfi air In 1897.
The statistical department of the
Ministry of Agriculture of Argentina
es1hmsatsa the wheat drop of that
adsmtry at 2.240.000 torn or
006 115dmil)Il - . 101310r 11040
000laod at (
benne* The Ur
was that d 190 te.1 at 19�.•
000,000 barbels.as foe tee
intender year 189 nmosnM* ta Ake
000.000 boNnen.
The elat91Urs bow oat on their
Ito soften very good
Millies to
bo do not now .t
aver let year. Piece
sea Lhasa bas beet s
iratlielle=int la tko volume at
a.ort err
6 mitt the ibe wry. dew.
floutTiwac sheen tsalleide eoetito
0 17
5 Id
a se 1s
anal onward t o the mee-
t.eat. Balsa at iblaeteal wen hen
bra large amd pews bent washed
101 fee ate a WMtt� Maim. Most hold-
en eif geteler hi Montreal have sold
net Intber Mate orders 1:1
%Grin {ids eeibl Set Iftive.,hoe
ed. Tim !lewd welder* whits is S
sk at 101-10 b 1lpe� C
In rho Ilp M tri efeli5ia Imam
try of 6111.1141.44.1. as
wLte Meth ed of last the1
k thy.e,r,
ter 6Made /0705442 the . ur.
a'ie�ta`l4011.411,9Q1 tor 11i7 -Y6.
7iereeMtllp of wheat Is IA provers
1n the topper and Mistral provlpoe.
Fs7pi, mid eztsudlag It. inereilens
In a I5dlan dideadesght
Yield for 1898 Represents a
Million and a Halt.
ler. Archibald Blo., of lie Bureau
of Moe& has practically completed
Ma tables of returns la eoaneetivn
with Ontario's mineral production
for 1898. Rieke' 1z still her most ex
teadval? deyalop.d Industry- The cup.
per Sad ental class of the Bndbwy
country gave emplo Hunt to an at
maga of 610 mea ~mg 1898, ,.lit
the wages paid tq *ote.l
,256 le
18897, and $1140. IMTia 1S9S. Ali the
ore produced was seeped, reduced to
salts, and thea ezps5Md to the I'n.
led Slates to be refund=OS mil-
lion titres hundred anatsd e•three
thousand the hundred 185 sixty
pounds of refined Mere pru.
dined. valued at tied the
produce o1 tins nickel INP 8.567.690
pounds, valued at $614.280. Theis
valuations are bulled on the selling
price of the matte. which Is figured
to be one-third of the market pekoe
of We reflood metal. Tile total value
of both meta* produced in 18934
was $782,300, and In 1397 was bat
$559.710. In 1896 1t ..food at
The gold Mello ° produced during
1898 was 16.075 moth vetoed at
$271,906. but this does not include
the product of one alae on the Meeh.
River. In 1807 the bellloe product
was 11,412 moose ; to 1996. 7,134 -
ounces ; and In 1896 It wan but 3,-
088 ounces. It as expected that the
present year will allow a much
hoarier increase, both relatively end
positively than the past tone year's: -
The iron prodoot diene( 1998 e .
as follows : Pig iron. Wad atwrt
u..e; ♦'stns i1 ted- elMing- price at -
$530,789. Tbe Indtatr7 arployed 130
men. and the total wages pail we..
$61,476. Daring the prement year
the product will be lnereased by the
repeat establishment of the Dater
o51e smelter, de returns from which
are Iselsd.d In the above figures.
�O'lH1f� 1DIatI,1 POi gtIh)1A&
aoliet ortgiO�t neeneDringbtInNew
Math Wallis
l'n.woatbr, B. C.. Marcie 25. -.tin
tralia Is prostrated by. another heat
ware. H. C. Russell. the (teepee
latent us. rams mer. says that there
will he re. rule until the rag of
Marcl, fir .Alred. If this peovee true
immense pasture. and Anal )ands
will wither up. catd.g ernsimreuel
rain. One rorre.poadeat la the liyd
nay M*U aye that a .641330* sheep
wad hundreds of ' '.5* dor of bones
and cattle are deed from th.•
>ebankruptcy.1 The correspondera are out the ent-
Already the gram has vaalehe I
Orad the tanks, creeks. and riceo
oats dry. I have netnousd Bowe
heartbreaking scenes Ip the straw
• (le of hareen to save their moan
saw mot who had been worklsg for
2Dyaie to get their home* ha peo
lag shape left without a "beep or
blade of gran and their bosom d,
etroyed eventually by bulb fire„
The Week visitation H a satinet
calaesly, and the drought hs.
bntgl.1 all the horrors of a puggsn.•
with It. Thousands are livens with-
out meat and la a half-starved state.
cattle and sheep beteg an gebs or
redeem.' to skis aid both °a*. Mem
berg of Parliament ars tt5sellli g
through the atf,ieted 101. en.l
each colony will cancel the Act ler
public hiaft •
to a naaleal ens."sae or ted■dw u
atter anlb of New boe Wale.,
trip three nntshe affected
districts. says that 60 per that. eel
the stock has miceembed to daellgbt
Mr. Remelt admit* that the epooffoww
M in a dreadful ebusten, but s.ey.
that the *99583eg Moa of sheep is
doe to overet eking es moth no to
the terrible drOeght.
now To *MT err001$e.
Nature themed be *Misted to Threw Off
the Palmas ant aawmulate v abs
arertemr Daring toe Winter Mester.
Thou,aude of Isopia not r'allr
require a teak at tikes season. l'I,••-
confinement In badly ventilated linos.'
shops and school-rooma, dtelne U,,
winter months makes people feel dir-
er/mere languid and "out of surto.
Nature must be asgkAed In throw
Sated 1 t Myst
13, pa u a that hesine
em during %hese
o disease. A toil a people lM056e6, and e easy fir
William.' Pink Pills tPale 115001e
worrld.d . tongreaten e rte In the.
blood ; tit ` a„ tami
sake Ode Imore wedeln nml
childrep heel kroeaeyL'ywrtjrme
Mr.John 9 .
ears: "I Can spent most f• .Ir
the virtue r.f Dr. Williams' Pfl� I11II..
They prone invaluable in einehgtheei
leg and toeing up the sr*, wh.n
debilitated. Hayne sued Men far
some Wm. ppagaet 1 can speak mote f n ,
orabl at Near hene1Mhl results. d.
Le asleD gh of the n to be'.•;,
I/eL=s44n' atrtlgaLll�p�r clslhe graarcob bre...
Wl)I3*g ' Pot >0t rb pew. P ,pi,
Meta. One Offer and ahyone.
n m
theare Plea r,l°rsdt
n I se
in boxes.
Satt "tier 1"
1r*Agpaa' iwhich
bears the 11111 ��1St%�e� "Dr. William•
leek feed ler'!1►8. PatbpM." If your
deader niele uDttarseed to ti''
Dt . 11Rlllatmx' M043sso las CO.. Brock
vrrrio Opph. and they wilt be walled
tit 50e e l.,ez nr six Mee
Sher Settlers in Distress.
liLegaton. Owe., March $4. -TI
settee, In the termini's of Kenn'
bac tad Aidsn, la A dingeon. are1,,
snob destitute etral$. to ,,
seethe ase se e }tee 79 - "Met
tar 1e. 1,0 6A tend 'emirs
engem of the Online° torerttmri,t
laste. the %bat en will bee bah moot
Smelt et Pawls. Oates *Mere
a g Iw (( . Oat, Manic 24. --It
flat several splay ireei'
N Of mnarriage nine will he
at 1115 Aliens M The
Moe firs d the the,
er fere pro
v" lw -1.
eta $ t ` .. Mte1.