HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-30, Page 44 Tausso t, Marra > 1 THE SIGNAL : GIODERICH ONTARIO O r E.B. 4 M.H. YOU Or daughter may want �t • Wheel this par Oar LOW.' Wheelsile earned for them mina • reputation fur BEAUTY, DURABILITY AND EASY. RUNNING. - QUALITIB5. ,T lsa, $ea, ,r sive Let us talk to youlbeluro mak Ing a selection. Oet our hand room o•takegue. EMERSON'S & Music House 000 Bicycle Livery. igtxgn.X, . rVssimi EVERY THURSDAY MORNING 1111 lltl.aoaacuwr SODSRICH. THURSDAY. MAIWS M MMR HE'S A SPECIMEN BRICK. THERE are all grades and conditions of men on the door of parliament, but there is only oneGsolAOE TAYLOR. He hails from the town of Gananoque and represents the constituency of Leede in the Dominion House. That , be represents .Lepris in parliament dowel speak well for Leeds, for TAY- . WS is about as poor a specimen of a "'•' " Y®otd tarilithenterlin jr one` would wish to hear. Were he to keep his mouth closed he might pass mutter on • pinch, but it would be only on • pinch. From his toes to his tawny mutton chops he gives no evidence of being up to the order of intelligence of the most commonplace of men, and when he opens his mouth one wonders why on earth he was ever sent to par - 'lenient and what manner of men sent him thither. He is overbearing and arrogant, ss most ignorant men are, and when he wwnta to make • point in public against an opponent the truth is not considered • necessary element in his contention. He was up in Huron during the re- cent bye -election and those of our readers who heard him at the nomin- ation will admit that his manner and matter on the occasion were hardly up to the ordinary conception of par- liamentary methods. His facts were askew, his grammar was cut on the bus and be gave the impression that in • written examination he would spell "dog" with two "g's" and "nig- ger" with one. To hold himself te- ther o-ther he had to drag in his religions profession, and he didn't leb his lig�`ht shine to any great extent when he did it. He merely placed himself on exhibition as a specimen of the men who are foisted into parliament by lodge influence --when gall crowds Out gumption, and dross takes the place of pore gold. Our readers are tamiliar with the way he oame to Huron to shear and retarned to Leeds shore. They know how TAYLOR tried to work the politi- cal bunco racket on Manager SUM Daae of the organ factory, and bow he war banana peeled on the occasion and they also know how he tried to wriggle out of the hole without me mos. But this isn't the first tine that TAYLOR has been on reoord as a follower of the late Baron Moe- ciAUeaw. They tell • story that when he was in Hastings, at the last bye - election, be was addressing a number of the "trooly bio' at one of the meetings and undertook to ride the Protestant horse for all the animal was worth. To close with a Garrison finish he is reported to have said : " Now, boys, youse all know that I'm the chief whip in the House on thelory side. Well, my bovines@ is to find out how everyone votes on our side, and what the other fellows is doin' on the opposite side. I'm the nam that advises TUPPaa when he gets in a tight place. In the pursuit of my arduous labors I bad 000asion at one time to look aItsi the French Canadian member and I dia oovered that they was all going to favor Lamm, because he was a Freaeb O•aadian Catholic, es against Sir CRARLIN Turrsa, who was an English .peeking Protestant If I hada'd heard threw daemons' the "IMP Hadi tigwlf, gentlemen,, T wouldn't bare believed it, but fortunately I was in • position to hear every word tie Frs+e mums% said, for i RAD RY fun ,'o rug aatttots of the door of She MOM is which they Meld their 41Mefle. Ued.r these eircnmatanoas v. thea !&shy of es Protestants to . •• kw/ tdsgadler.bit!'rent 'fee my abil frilled *ho Moises torrid et cl.rd-latarer ort tl to party led by the grand o'd baronet lair Onu*Lae Tolima." (Loud cheers and cries of "We'll do it.") Now, we wouldn't believe that story evert if we heard GEORGE TAYLOu tell it uu himself, for his English is to imper- fect that) we fear for his knowledge of Preach, and besides it is quite possible that there never was such a mucus as that referred to But be that as it unay, how in Lade such a political feather head over got into the parliament of Canada is still a matter of perplexity to ole.' SNAP SHOTS. -Well,' the doer hooter is safe ohm ha lakes to water. -How does Morrtrra's .lesional allowaum pan out -by the day, or by the job. -I1 this butobary of the Filopenos oantivau there won't be any of them left to get lute the gaa.e. -It doesn't look as tt CLARKS Wat- t -WI had been lead out of the Tory party by Tvrra', say ex --As a retailer of political ghost stories GsoauiTatum, M.P. ,of Oazmnugae, Is • "howling sueeses." -It's really terrible when LAoalsa gots down to Term's 1sveL But Thuya'i level just suit. Turret'. -There's an eggstr•ordinary rash ext at the Legislature to try and clone op th o baaims.s before Feaster. -Up to the time of writing Nicol - 1 •i. u FLOOD DAvua believes that he is the I.w,hr of the Glomi -Co' party. -What's the matter with the bald- headed bard from filo-o'-Bomea, anyhow 1. he trying to fit o0 uld Tbrree'e alipprrs,! -It seems from the Tory papers that LAeaxxa could get bitter and vit iper- rute. but poor o:d Turrse oouldu't. les, me; oh. my! party, and were he powered of reputation he might make a leader ; and time is no other in right. -When Torras and TAYLOR were rehearsing their speeches in West Hurotr Neither the matter nor .the style was ap- proved of by the electors. - The imposition of a newspaper f'ostage of one-quarter of a oent per pound, 1y Hou. WuLuaM Uuu.ocs, has driven The Montreal Star filo the arms of Tgrrss. soap is nighty, and win prevail -NICHOLAS FLOOD Davie mast be drinking again. He got thingv terribly mixed up in his four hours' address at Otta- wa the other night. And four hours is • long time for Nick to go on cold water. - Oaoao■ nitwit, of Leeds, made a reputation as a lineal deenoodant of ARAxt*a and 8Arruia. when 1n was in West Hero., and he appears to be adding to hie record oolong that'ttne in parliament. -It now appears that when The Hamilton Spectator stated that the Hamil- ton Baum had not twoepted and would not accept the position of Tory organiser for Ontario The Hamilton Spectator was, as usual, in error. - Wben one reads in the Tory urwepapen that Sir Wtt.raID Ws bitter and vituperative in his speech in parliament and Mot Sir Chantal Tttrrss's address was a model of good language and good temper it is almost enough to make the reader a "Doubting Thomas." -When Gnome E. OAasY referred te Torras, FOSTER and WALLACI as the "mortar," the "sneerer" and the "snarler" tie might hare added TAYLOR to the alliter- ative combination as the "ecavengr." In the roll of jackal of the Tary !arty in the Home of Commoos a;rt)tiaa WAaeuroTox(!) TAYt.0a, d Canaloque, is a swore.. -Mr. W Uiiiay's proposed amend- ment to the Municipal Act is primarily in tended to remove the existing disqualifica- tion from Mr. CAMPBELL of this town. The better way would he to wipe the objection- able Act off the Statute Book. If it is a hardship to municipal r•ounotllors in 11199 it certainly will '•omtinue to he a herdsh ip Ivo them in 1900 and afterwards. Wips the blooming Act out altogether. We have too many laws that need the whitewash pail within easy reset). WHAT OTHERS SAY. Till WAY TO oYERTA=11 CRIME, Ottawa Citizen : A. Awrims •xobaage draws ►Heads to the theory that erlaw moms 1s rides. The obvious remedy le for polls to man o0 Marilee • • e IDS RAMS G f.Aeli.t. Mail and Empire : A thoroughbred t'•n- dos with a bred Qwdlaa pollsp is new needed to Els de the Oaasdlait ship of stags. Caladium will set b. sath1.d with say ether. • • • Pas 1.0110 TORO0.e AT °Tea W A. Ottawa Jamal : Sir Chute Teppr's spinets the ether day metalloid about 26,000 verde. Mr. Fmtwr's thr.ah..r offer► hold about 17,000, et about es m•.y s the gospel of bin Jobs, whim revelneteelsed the world. 1§ will be observed that sems of emir pelltieal leaden talk many Imam of times as mesh watts every year as there 1. not merely le Se. Jobs bet to leo whole New Teetameek yet des't rsyel.tlDotas gay. t Iter. e • • UR CMASLOW WAY. Dudes 13....r : It war from what Kir Charles Tapper hes bees wager Mee the Wiry .t Md Loaner Oe iiihar "really bans a. wrsi-lititeett eollay.e h M odd ,bat .ably eheetd ha.. "read this sat Mere. Th. AHMM ..w.lmpse an W t. bagasse el the fen M th4 dee aad 0111 rowan MMM. b•aliebad eod1Mne et ata mt,l they we able to hero of Bit Chemise Topper's dlwv vy. Hes in bort 1411 bra p:aw•l oereMyas ea the fan tb.s (M.ada'u paliey Me mase bar • great favorite Is W olldd alio west the Mad, old hare** tlfi`ti'iliega i il mai molly ss. tot Ranee p.�, WMI a *mem titian tb ei tku meli"*it'isyeeme. body te .he. it. that oar della are eta/ed with esw-dia, *ad that "tags .lit realty what Me/ w " 1e us p,*tblo that the They leader way be omuk•a t e • • wort. sargrr wrsat.rsa. Tireete Ulobe : Th. withdrawal of the bores ball intredaoed Ly Mr. Streets. he Me Omarte L.gtsleter• will be gratifyl.A to . 11 wheel.... &eye * rains sea warmly h. regarded as • diatom' alas of the oom- inaeity, as the ave vl the wheel le almost ualversat. If it ie paella" 5. temporise with the law-aakere ter another year, the Wy of tagging biorele weaves will as rldloul,us aa.tkodaggtag of pedaotrivaa. Law -making prspe.siteu are hard w y• aero., but the ukases of Homme aro btlgb* ul r tb. b:ayols la Outerto 0 e • r&O.AIILY, Hamiltus 8p•ot•toe : Bac k'irie, .t rho Wades Boamr, wakes the follow's( reck- less prophecy : Th. sleigbug Is tiffs rate gad unless • thaw seta 1u we are likely M here sped sleighing for Mom. time We wouldn't be surprised. We have u otiod that when then la .o thaw th. .mow seldom melte. And we thine with Wee Pews that •• leac..ib, now dowel melt it will r.mala. 'TCii-i other hand, 4f n thaw should set tet, trod rem•ta'et is lose °Gough, obs obamosa are Mat the snow would disappear, and the slsigbiog would prohably . ad with the diesppsraan of the UMW 8411, Mw.v.r, there is • great deal to be stud as both sides •1 Ms question. s s s YDS MOLLY "m•LArtt;m Or raaDa" London Advert/ear : The largo ktmra,• of (Mamduta imparts Milo year, aorempealed by • relatively /.all diverse." of *sports, is b.ug mood as • wastes tor alar.. Th. Formate Mail mea iambs the Oddities,* of its readers by sr,sia* that imports are • los to the cora ry. The Leads Free Prem potato •us that an .rams of imports has bin oar &sago ••.ditis. aid that then 1e no segvesU.s of tmpsding uomm•roal trouble le the prows§ wade tetanus. The Free Prom is nabs for mo., and the Mail wrests, as usual. The imports f tie Vatted States Ulla year are inoreasi•g mid the expert* decreasing, yet the Dotted Stator and Canada era majoy's% mated Rood times. TM Plasm ot trade is se index to • mummy's prosperity. • • • P000 roc 151471re11T. Christian Ouardtas : A little girl, se as - tunas' from Sunday school. asked ba mother U Mr tether ever lied. " W byiwiM • questts, my child." ate the maim e' 1101iy eiGials1y trot=Vij. se -eerie S i -why-be does cot of mares -roe have W be different, you know -he ay. thiol of Doses -yon u.dwresad." "Bet, mother," the child protested. "do you ever Ile •" "Why. .o, my oklld, ot oars I doe's - of mores, you have to my -you hate to make some impreesioa you dot t e1wU mean." "Well, m,Mes.' said the little girl saddes- t', "I do•'t want to go to heaves." "Why, trial M cues talk," said the mother, ' ler • 1111. 'art who has jean ossa from Sunday ecbool. Why ds's you wan% to go to heave. '" "Swann I den'. want to b• aloes with Oed..d Osman Watht.Rtoa." IN THE PHILIPPINES. axpmt•ncee et an *Id &. 5aYY Nr wish .b. e.1. Aresy. a Aux. McDonald, of tow,, hes received letter from • friend of hie .he has heoi ".eldttrine" Is Mie PSUlppinm-D. D. M Kw, a native of the neighborhood of Loeb .45 Mr. McRae is with the Thirteen' Mie..ete volunteer ialsatry, oompany His letter is dated from Maeda. January 15th. la dsertblas the soldiers' kip from Peat to Meade, Mays they were master into the service Friday "Mkt, May 7t and left Camp Ramsey in called u hen of Mlea...ta's war reverser, Meowed R•eaesy) Monday .t fear r... over Omaha to Sioux City and Northern Padfle to 'Pewee, le tier different seotioes. The 0ret night it was e•,peoied tW Spanish spies were •bat, and Mie Omaha wee patrolled from St, Peal to Sims Cat At every city, village and hamlet the people veto set husWtio. Pretty maidensuppli evey want. "Wheat w• necked ',rises Mr. Molts. write', "Metz patrtotIom very eyldot ; for we wee fairly a. • •vlaaob• of ddioaeies sled fruit that wee drive a dyspeptic to meads. Made the es g sautaaoe d Sotob people who more lbs brought me mimed oak. ..d sweats 'Friss 1. • beaauf.4 plum. The ■ retorts afford s• meek plower. M.M everything was free to the addiers. d dm transport 'City of 1'.r•' Sunday May 26. and steam•a me td the Golden Oat. the following afternoon. The strode wen Bard with people and it looked th•agb mrd Inhabitant was out. e threwug bowgaste, trait and oleare M us wets\ bespoke that '.be boys were very popular, spoeially with the lodge.. "July 5th, at daybreak, oast anoker se Hooel.lm. and native cornet bead which r cumpo••d of .boat ,fr tr ppo1nos and which made • bi M the WW rld'. Fair, played madam airs add thousand. of people cheered them *elves boars. The oity was literally deer and with Amirimm flags. The regimes mods mob a favorable impression that th people wished we mold stay and do gumma duty, but se the I.1.od. were nomas ted that proposition had to fall 1s. with the iw possible". The sound day they prepuwi as elaborate feast tor as, whisk wa did.' de a '►lea' 10. '7 ell it nolo h Oath, publish 1► not 1a the Moeda of &Melo* but sad it to say that Ike heavily load.. plats w o.pued 1. a ua.ar that seggstd oohs ate preparuMm it the 000asis. 1'M Sia fogad es m Dor way again and J0ly 30 M 3 P.Y. Posed as surrounded by Dewey's "dogs of war," Is the immediate viel.lty sf Fort Omits. Dewey made • clean j.b of Ike It's a sight worth .set.g. 'Tdk about faetla., Mee.1 Well, we hare M,kss Dr. Teaser's neord, b•vlag footed forty -ewe days, *we days mare Moe b. did-bMag that long m board the tams - Pon. TM feel we net wee wrotobed. Of memo. hardships go with war. Army IUs way he •11 right n Mme of pesos, but dada, war it's doplacable. It meld hardly be avddd. eonoldrhr the *art epees ei Mee the Oover.rnest is t. peepers. bray - thing was rushed be lie Minim* limit. Left W 'Pan' on emus las .hs, worm of Dewuy's prises. sod wen ease more pleated es torn erre, at Paraie.kit, • few miles rew Camp Dewey 1 belstd war Mild tests aad prepared for a wash .add rte, It ales slant Maet•nlly from April to hr, sod .est morn was rya/ h . 1 of wain. How amid you like to 11.. anima mad berdt.k, sed spaebgly of hest Weil. that h whet w• bad seal tar the aaplblaths of 06s ala. doe a the of lad(.g aypllea Of ..WeSWIM, y Amt 1W peony not. ta go Isle *sir ta, twoaly.tmr hence. Weakly! Ire lied ads ostler 18 the het am - hos It Mo's raiser -with ti1e sad may I.aaittes end noir wakes gee Tilts era Marred. Op.n mina, 'ben on *On pelf .wk esteediee breastworks at the IMO Soak. The mew, nem bothered es, d we rale reed ie .amp Me awn 0_8mil, he • dess*hd.e sats. The feliwhts Retards, k /.4411 le make as Mena m the atty. The water amiss.. • anerpopei slipping wise ea eeueeot el eke 4.f the lath Au,aet. TM T►Ietsa 55 Mls.amia lad the gaigral wheats, Mgt vW. M thith e .y l ori tsN► --asleaA he old MOMS. walled aNv 0• • Mi K. 8s. d 5, or er the r od as5 W• es theorise . • • t • • bb es .n • Ooze trap es d lusesvesdaaca es. W to Aa. w 1 of A '*Must SLIM bob la w1„raaoh,Mentaitheyda. Daly 1.. N very t klub, ter env dowel knew 51..4 15500*• as Is tubo to flat • hail*, stiletto or dagger plasm•! ssN him. One has I. be m s►. alert Several of the b•ya Wo bees Washed, bat eleasied every Nam to wake the .mid be muderr or varier ere lotto the dam. 'Ile moves ora ray treaoberot,v---take to etaaltag and weeew- tas as • dunk does to water. The ieetiat- •doe of Maeda le eatlmued •t 376.000, primo,pally astbes .ad pigtails, with • • prtnkltag of Brttlabore and (4.e nae. Tara aro thirty -maven atbolio obsre5s. flume vee over two ►•adr•d years etd. Than 1n so• u avt.e beat t. IMS. ono Ip tit. Cres ie bap entirely of trots exams the Boer, "Mu* f• ot marble. It ease 116.000102. "it is • wood.rtal plies of arobit.ot.n. Then are eostder•blo raise ds to earthquakes, whim an very cow mos_ The obarokes aro lerubl) furnished. The streets are .artew gad the aldowalhy mals. are of .loos, ars so uarrow two e mit walk abreast is army planes. They ma hardly be tidied sidewalks. The host Mary of *very buU]ue ti eatiseiy a masa of maao.ry. Mem of Ilis bssldbaas la nine are 000gtwd by Ottawa and tt.4res, snob as peanut sad trait voider. 'The waives ere very mop katitleus. Some are smut and tali* to moats Try gelidly. They are was i.dstrtous, bat bit. Irea head to .•nlh-than 1e, the o•m- mon ole. They deet biller' la bard Liar. Wbna tags saa't pleb their laving frac trees they almost starve btoaan they here as '.tap -add rs.' They ace sheet as owlets s the Spaniard•. Neither have say Malawi ability. Teo slow for the Awrluans. • • 'Oat Brieadi•r-Gmerel is Sooteb-MaArtb.r. Derma the cavil war he roes from pirate M olomd. He said to oar velomd. now a brieadt.r Swears'. '4,11 I os.. say about year men, l'oluasl. N they aretoo Wer.' • Before 1 elan I wast tell yea shoat the . alive drank, 5.... 1t M mad' from the jams el jam and tropical roots and s bat some •f W bowie/aim 15115 45 h• tooled at saw -blades, beseshe.-saile, ums�• Ins, rasor•bl.de•, eta Atter teldee the ant drink you magna, yes sea • terobUR►t prooesden Doming up the street gad the tktrd drink will .•b • was throw .tome• u W loothr. Noyes meted r onperiwigs tea ea 11, bat tamed to oaks • bock of 1► home. Bois V • very dsrros drlak ; hare moi big, able-bodied moi takes be toe hospital u the ermine and Mime more. lag die Irom ane e,ests. A preen that be. ware maw or 4dlruos from it sever re. arra Mr. MaKad aye 4... reported test they would lays for horse V March. W • notice that the Thtrt.oi/k Manna vs ..raged 1. the Igb$ .g dories the pose seek at Malebo.. ti'afrtk: Jeb. M. Moles, who had bees spa•rltogg Use wittybra, has Mgt lea Mira sty, Maaitebs, where he has boos Ise the posh six yeah. Lost flesh lately-? Does your brain tire? Losing control over your nerves ? Are your muscles becom- ing exhausted? You certainly know the remedy. It is nothing new; just the same remedy that has been curing these cases of thinness and paleness for twenty-five years. Scott's Emulsion. The cod-liver oil in it is the food that makes the flesh, and the hy- pophosphites give tone to the nerves. �....ed$r.e., dl4G.�a. gOD err a 0W 105. at..twa T reswa 1.. the aNme�. t.ed coeaseace to d.tkme W ages s►uMMMostly • moodyure the many remarkabi. weed W ems of ClarS.'s It ta a groat discovery. ad.r.ed medical .netesion ser7wb.s• Over •t� tMs•da. cir FOR SALM BY JAN. WILSON. Bol. Agog., ooderl.b. 4 GOD SO THROAT 1 Host .4reiF. Sadly has 1d• mob/stets for sora Sweat. 11's an ailment that some. In a twlnkltne- d.v.lope. dam- gerously In as Incredibly short tuna The speediest Pellet and the surest cure la wbat you look tor In the emergent!), el My daughter woe troubled with sora t►rwt aback was meek oodles. Your Menthol Ltulmrmt was applied at 014t. p.4 the a.:t morel., au su�."1ed toad .m. tarot's." J. Woo. &M. 451 thaw :bent, tomato. a CJR1FFITHSI. LMENT asoma. Tin norms? amPmo& - AT ALL DSUO ST$ -!S MOM FOR SALE BY JAS. WILSON. Seie Avast. theseke. Tuokerewtt► : Lewis Praetor has tact it BMmaruk, North Ilekote, when h. 0111 5. ..played with bl. brother. (lederlob township BANS Mandl, who has bum forsooth .e the fare, of A. M. reality, 1a l;oderiob township, ler some yawn past, has tetened to Colburn• mad will went big lather. W*•gbam : Mies Amain Simpson, late o, Breedon, Mas., bas eempted a pmitAs in Mao'..'. time steer. Mite Sinews M a graduate sl Laeiteba ('elle.. of PMrsssey, aad a also rage,. •, .1 is Oetaris. Her muter friends wi.l .. plowed to see her to this leaalit► algin. Tsk.reetitk : Jams Bro.dl.n, of Tusb- eraWith; Otte be'llrit lay diorama, karat)" 21.4. Tree ergot .s eat slimly a.oxpvot- .d, as Mr. Broad/eel had bege ill msrly all whiter. sled for send weeks had boon me- sad to bed. He tailored from • osmpMiea. tioa .f disease, a.d although •veytthhla.cgg that adios' skill sad laving hearts avid ll was dem for lass, all was le eau. Mr. Broodiest was sixty -far year, of age. He was • native of 'I'uekreentb, and was bermes the farm when be ooutt..•d to Ile• until kis death. H• was the eldest •ea el the Mate Alsxaadr Br•.dfset, .ad a brother of Jobs H. Breadf.t of n.afr4, dad Samuel Brsadle.t. of Taciter,mith A Great Snap U oar Gamier Yaap, at 5s. a pored, •l which w e soh • b trod • work. ThIM Ioi't our only rap. as w. carry •vety,b1R that ma be food in ea so- te-du• groaety sire, sd our prime are right. The farmers kesw that they ma always ret from as • wasp ter their predsoe. We draw tM lime at no 1..,M•tats trod. - sveythh.g gas : O1..ware or pnatees,staff firAitken table Chola.We 4.01,4. all of them. T. G. TIPLING A 00., Bedford Sleek, Osderisk. Mcgim's New Store, Reid'. Old Stand, Ooderich. Our Story is not of cheap good., but apply the term to velums and we are there all the time. We can sell et a close margin because we do not give credit, them saving a book -keeper's Salary. and make no bad accounts. Who pays the credit store's book-keeper ? Who has to makeup for those who can't pay or wont pay ? It's all charged up to you who do pay. DRESS GOODS. The test of an op -to -date store is the dress goods department -style, quality and prise being the chief points. Our dress materials are hrigbt, new, etyhab and M prices to your advantage. -Famey Black. 38 to 40 M. wide, sow sad .wt patter.. very .les fit skirt or hill dram, at per yard --Ruin! *may Moot., Me vary 5.u$ ot.oiges, bogey ad light weigh% M 32 60, Ill 2S, 75a. awl 504. --Special Berge 1. either /arm r eashemea f0.Mk, 46 l.wide, will eel met. at per yard 60e. --Sobel .ad Rosa! Cord, Nor y/ ap-so- date, vestal, at ear yard _Wm 50'1. -CdBHYIIBi.-Yob eie'tAgoAmy aside 1. lake Me plan of a geed Meek gosh - awe, sad Gee os'§ And as meal of Tia send fps. oar tans k. at pet yds `1.00. -New ides patters. ire. New Twit an set Doty Me MUT, bah the CHkAP. BST -the tease w. sell Mss. BARGAIN DAYS. We believe in giving bargains, and every week will give you special bargains. Every Friday morning yo* will find some lines marked down, but any not sold that day shall remaio at marked down price till saki. As next Friday is a holiday we will make our first bargain day Saturday. -25 Rays two ppita. Salts, sine 23, 24, 26 gad 26, ragaler Arles, 12-00 aid 112 25, Setardsy *ad till sold .... ..... 11 26 --0ORSBTB.-34 pain ladles' am •Ire Carats, Mew 10 1. 26, regular prim, 40.0 t 50e., Saturday sad 1111 sold, 29e. 141 BON. -90 yard. Roman strips, Ej fa. wide, geed osiers, regular prier, IID.., Saturday rad till add, jest half pries our yard 10e. -TOW 1166.-6 des. 'my Saipan Ilam te.ele, mull .Ise hue sale* Ilse geed new M lee. bnol.ell Mli eold, Art Mkt 15e. -APRON OINOHA11.-65 yards Pak mad white Ann, bony herder, 41 Ia. wide, good yobs at 10e. •air. Smarday and MS mid ge. -Abt,TS.-Tw. dia. mild Tetter halts, bdrses, sad soured bales, Meek gad edam Retard•y be roomy 10o. Tae311leca s e V a a1/SIamw hi Nsis more to whioh Kl. Davie 4Y1 ; ' l'sona) akieuUoi. NogiiiiiiiiChaves here unless We Jame. r ' NW fLN kis s the material and the abfi9ty N Wile it just tight .....s.....,..... _may--c.-r•-- Term,--ONE PRIDE. Cash or Produce. W. A. M°KIM. -i Re Ala Old Stand, Qoderlch, Cll 'EARCiAIN CENTRE UR BARGAINS. -NEW DIIFI3S GOODS, -NEW SILKS, -NEW SATINS, -NEW PRINTS, -NNW OINGHADLS. - NEW SID GLOVES, OUR BARGAINS. --.2iEW ART MUSLIN', -NEW k1HEETINOS, . ,-NEW CRETONNES, -NEW PILLOW COTTON', -NEW oRshrEpls, OUR BARGAINS. - NICs LACK OURTAIlP -NEW WOOL CARPETS, --NEW TAPI YOtTaT Jr$ -biEW UNION CARPET', -NEW LAM,-_ _- . __ _ _ _ -NEW CURTAIN POLE', OUR BARGAINS. -NEW UMBRELLAS, - NEW PARASOLS, -NEW £MB&*IDAUER, • -NEW GLOVES, -NEW UNDERWEAR, -NEW WATERPROOF OOATB, -NEW BELT', -.NEW LADES, - -NEW HOSIERY, --NEW CORSET'. Don't miss this opportunity, JAMES ROBINSON. BINDER TWINE. Owing to the heavy advance in the_ pool of Manilla fibre, Binder Twine will be very high ftriced this season. The ftrzces nozv ate : Gold Medal, • • 12c. ; Pure Manilla, Al 9c. 'oasnmer Pure Manilla, • IT WILL PAY YOU TA_ MINLIIIILILT. N. D. ROUGVIE, An Original Position.. It is better e'en to be right than merely original, but the easy position you may assume in these sh ors of ours we are ready now to show you he ops us get back -to original comfort. If you want solid, new -fashioned comfort WEAR "SLATER" SHOESr P.B. --The Wpm K Mater �ter moo* must be sold reg pubs, W M. SHA.RMAN, JR. MILK= 01 KART STROP APO pgeauu. t0 PRACTICAL soon Kerr, Atm geek AGENT Pea tog SLAT•. 5007. T OODmAIpis_ MEDICAL HALL. GODERIQH. • Stock nearly complete skein. New Ronda reeeived daily. A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges just to band. The newest and latest Perfumer, Patent Medicines, Horse and (little Spices. and Condition Powders. Rubber Goods, Syringe*, Atomisers, Hot Water and Ile Begs, etc., ete. F. JORDAN, • TO ,D'V DITIM*RA. /folios of dwarfs mast ha Ian as this t)Aow net labor than Sl ttnrday aeon. The Oopy for ohangw east be left not attar titaa Mer• day ta�M��1S. O..oal Ad vertismne +•••df mw • e noon a is rtmwiff met