HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-30, Page 3- - -_ --r- --- 1
�iHB LBaISLA�'�BIB mid, be w welcome the people of lrlttwed riot Itl98 $9,42l.Ms_wa cisco w M W44 based was that NA11 g Jou BU • _- -
au tltlae.. n j IJ ""
toss! (lI j",16.19. eferslut+. ilt'Lbte, than lomat yR-
ldsr, Whitney sold It was Wa*Mlly' "Tie provision In sectbn 8 of the portauoe, being Matas of tranrWpuwut. It is the ea■lest thing in tke world to havY '
-- •donated that the principle of tied (tet Is futen"led W'tpeourage explura- Aoowd �gf' 'Cts Klugetad pgasYas�� m� �ryT11
bill was right. That bel&g ecS the fiomi lA parte u[ the YrorlpoY far db waw wltat.Fidrpwn as a private bill, r►xd DBS�BIP�D 1 011 S A R F �i1 y
yyp �etalla wire euvtbptlblo of en■ry, wF tads tr(xa rargye suJ weNnmeut. the llso4slpat Committee mad. pro.l- LUMBI 60 0lti LAN i/t1GKif `
lips lartor opposes the Now tlrmept, The L4 :&cure won d be The hilisin of unexplored leads In Lite .lost for `randog nocuses to eleratorL
ptultifylng Itself by rejecting the Prw'isee Is probably out loss than IS was expected that that committee •
Taxation, bill. - 100,000 square miler, and it fo very would also hate give,, surae power to 1 Tl F 1 iii Aad it is just a0eamy to get rid of u.
Mr. Auk! stated that the whole sieeinb4a tha0 opportunity should be exempt from tszatbu. but they omit �0 Cessation Ol tln� il!
__ qustlm was ooveed In W. Cowau's give° kr ezamJnatOn of 1t upon the ted to do no. Therefore the prettaL
No rcstcd W wade sorer o
bill Dossed at Oitswa two tnerrlxir aav', easiest terms And under conditions to bill was necessary In urger to ratifyy ! ry _
BONO3IB8 1R jLk�l'�Q�
It, would be a mistake Uo haws u men- prove what It may be worth as a an arra[ went which tlw cit of"lithe Tijp�p jn� `�
&tale of clots kited lu view u! tlw mtaeral•besrltrli;. ttpuutr y ,Philipuiaoau p +ad Bakker tures Ihaa ST. JR60.5% OIL
Y• Kingston had entered into with car- a''•'
repatriation. movement (sow lit pro- GOLD BOLLTON PRODUCED. tabu tepitalhmts for the erection of a _ _
- -- group. Many farmer Oapabau farm- "The productb,n of gold bullion In grain elevator with a capacity of half IT t/flt.Axq 1N9 aT,irgrrtD MWOLE& ' t
� gor b sta"13% were SCOWC back the Province during the year 1898 a million bumbels. R (� pjj (� j�p •
Debate on the Taxation K cit] Uhow bon��h n to tettio In him own was 18,()75 canons,, worth $271,. Noporbdjnotilue wale raleed by Mr. WWP 9. S. TRNPS IT 111RIQ UD Comm . " , V
-.... Oscula _.._' .•as'denlared IfoB° t arsrmB reacJng 9lNl lmctrrkkrh tae retureaLLLa tea l IIM: - - r - 7"7- _=-s7ViF 6 ; . m._. - �. -� :�.��•a aIP3r.. - y •
.48 a p uey, tho WL wall! InTrodsead and
- - _ -
_ _ came mine r Tallatx' _ _ _
- A dkiion amt t ben. •er1 1 -
OLD 0111 111 BILL DI80088101
Turuuto. March G4. -The motion fo
the second reading of Mr. Tucker'
tell probibitlng the active engaging
of officials in elections under penal(
(if a fine of $200 and forfeiture of W
rbtion for four years provoked
lively discussion In the House this at.
ter000u. Hon. Mr. Hardy pointed tout
that by a resolution adopted In 1897
the House bad put itself on reoor
against acts partisanship by all!•
clalr. With other Government speaker
he contended that the employs" of
the Government as a whole had neva
been guilty of aetlons, either at elec•
tour or bye-electonn, charged against
them In a general way y the Op-
position. Mr. Whitney and other mem-
bers of the Opposition claimed that
the conditlon of affairs In Ontario
with regard to Interference lit else -
tions by Government officials was
moustrous Many otticlahn, tbsy said,
disregard the principle of the reso-
lutloa by the Hous two years
ago. The moUou for the °eeoad read-
ing of the bill was bet ora division,
the vote standing 88 to 26. A session
of the Howe will W held to -morrow
morning (Saturday).
Hen. Mr. Hardy Introduced u bill
to amend the controverted elections
act. One of the most important pro•
visions deals with the question of pro-
test• Tits complaint leu the past has
been &bat protests have been made
try . k persons who --cold
not t oo�_t to teat for prefer-
ring baseless chargee. The proposition
in this bill to that protests must he
•dgued by four persons. or by the lie -
tested candidate.
It to the supplow".
tary Lisp ooatala a raa-
.nanabie am Lo enable Ontario to be
1LreP' Drs alt
w u i r..tDl
tiros granting aid b w number of
-� tail a 'lZrtrt/. It ws piroDproD
b' =bN faaa a o-
ther subsl.hy to tie Ootarte t Relay
Wirer Railway will its voted.
The Ebmme went iota oceestttee on
Ute bill couttrmtag the by-Isw wader
which the Cgtnty d York abandons
telae malasenaaae of the brhige over
the Rouge River W Lite Tbwn.btp of
Hun. Dryden tnlvvsal b add an
, mm -1> ti should
tog that the coun-
ty the County
4 ORtarb $2,000 m to od OI 1,
:.00 towards the ss&lntenance d the
bridge. Be ()&cased out that the
t'mwnty d lora bad molastismod toll
masts for 84 years, and as the tolls
tio;lected weer ocaslderabny In ex
I•'•tes of the ezjtendlture for malsten-
anw•e It was a very profitable to
IeslUs-%- The County d Ontario
pall less share d to.im, bat derived
rm, rears Of tits IWOUts.
,Lt. $11 appoaeu Lite asendmeos,
and urged the Souse to stand by the
be Woo of the Private BIW Commit-
Me. Hoyle saki that the county of
Ossium() wasp a red to accept the
.atm d $3,000 ton abatsmaut of all
future chillers of raeponsitbllity la re•
gasp to the road.
lir. uUmoa maid the Corny of York
hotore the oosmtttes heti first, Of -
forted $1,000 4r ao dufft and then for
the sake d $I,f.00 an
aided tlaai the bill wvai� be with-
4r&WX If that atstn. were not ac°ept-
Mr. Craxwe sold (tat if the deal
" arrived at tlp7y &hu Private Bill@
t'omraI0" was dittrrbed there weald
he no settionmet.
The amendment was voted down, and
time but waw reported
Mr. Stratton withdrew the cycle
I,nth bill w�tb a brief explanation as
u, his roaoras for doing sm no could
"14, he
itle bill to be sent
to committee atid. aft fthe or tpr m"& lass per -
re) 1f title -maim. Trow the large am-
•,unt of aorrvygpgdenoe Ir bad rivelved
minmF the Introdfactlost d the bill the
'"Aft- was (me whish mwt with the
„pPrvvat oil a great majority of ted
I"I)OWqaes d th o Pmwlnoe. The cyclist
'J elrifariu Appreciated the legislation
I, hich this Hoare had already granted
them, under which municipalities were
given Power to tet aaAds A certain por-
tion of the highway an cyclo Paths,
*and they were pie s" tel" the way
in which the Attonsey-General Itad
.•tuw to their assistance twv) years
:Igo• in the bops that Lite Prowler
IvrntW give his favorable ooss(deratbn
to the umamure wien It came up spin
Im'xt wiptnn he begignd to withdrnw
the bill.
Mr. Wardell moved the second n•Ad-
ng of a hill preventing the employ-
ment of alleos on works co n,irgructed
ander the proviso$& of special acts d
the Province. He Alluded to tine prao-
tit- d Importing Itaiiate to work an
railways and anter workk• Tito" were
men who Ilved on macaroni aria
cheese, and &peat nothing In the souo-
try, but took wverythltt they poinwd
''elsewhere. The Granas Trunk had
mhown the Lad example by groinss to
tits T'nitest States. for IM present man-
afirr, and he it A brought with him
many employees from the ol,hcr milds,
thus dlmplar,lrng mmt�ttyy bled and trusted
t'nnndlwrm He vvvtsltl exclude from em-
ployment in the Province any malt
who dal not Intend to take up his reM-
,Mriee and did non. pn.y tulle&
Mr. Oenmee staid that the mover
h no doubt, the best InUmMose
:n Writing forward the measure. it
was not, however•, a matter for the
peavtnetal Roam, bat sou a gseo-
tinn with which Lha Domtnton Gov-
"rnment most 4ML Canadian°
were not narvisa, call Wlabout the
"'her 'Pokwn of ft his hem. frtearl
the railways and Catania of she Pro -
'In'* could nos be .balls, gi might.
I*th*Po- tie a fund move to paw a
hell provid( that haremme pmplpr-
nd In �ve rallies" in t e
7 be OLaadialis. Oar*, flow -
ever, sou !sanded in denlitg with
sash matters. they daatred so epi
&area* Imm tlm. am Isaliaue
Ind other /ptre, as i fou, trade
good citlgsnp, and wool, a srtr1ago"
�,eeggolatlon vmukt drive them away
Iefer, ifie hod an opportaalty an -
'far f'a[issd n lawn for itwtr)mIn Otl-
ler LleT"MM 84141 that In his (rpffI
tort tin shufAtng out o ern fn
I'- ('"a>� W"M W- � - cloehgt
rrt alftoal all works
of vVIore"W rlg,.trin : a=hem
)t tincvvlam il* to 4; .n to
the rwmarkil r'*uM T. R.
Wag net of Vbe eo . I vasia•
uer. T'ltay std , a., ,yo
If they 80 Awatser
hop 'p+ihw the
think s 1'set
that A m « env
the that
the mw , y
Mr. PattyJio V, .,I.
The Eby Of 0
Mr. Smith's bit for the elemtlt„t d
Te n re( ved. (001 re( 1 w W
1891 Is by weight 4,8m ounce•,
Q- D.(
Oon, Otis telt Of 111nOO LOW
of y4il►Ilhli ago. F.seta died lu Papatls4t
Casstlolllws wirarassllr was with-
and by rain)e $81,662.4tl more than
wnUuu hL
� s{►uwols. Mr. !tarter
I [ noel Lha same faAn over.
[ pove
drawn. at the Pmmmr'a reQasst.
In that year. Extensive deveiopmeut
crltlelsed the management of the poul-
steins Dutb.
Wok ler, Cfaab4 ,
Hots. Mr. Dryden moved tl>e •round
work was curried on in vrlour parts
try branch of the lar= at the Agri-
of bla bill peorkling for the
dfbls t uu mi chase taught,
of the Province last year, and with
the mills now In course erection
cultural C lie then. entered into
a review of the Ibtarwer of the fro-
Sandusky, Ohio. March "8• -Five
&mid err ezohantged, Ont for cite moor-
It Is hoped that a tarp Increase In
vLiwe. He olAlmed that Lire value of
flahermen of this city -H. C. Palaon I
and hlv three sums, Jarnes, John and
poratluu of clwmse and butter e:-
production will Ira shown this year.
Lia dhra debonturea foul trren re
Charles, and Louis Roberts -have
lir• M' -$ay hoped it war out fie
desoetl In the foot tell years by t2N.-
81111. In the rsme porkxl tbo Govern-
- -
reached their homer here after a
Ill of the mover of tiro bill to
"There wan produced at mines and
works t[[ tine Sudbury district hist
ment had made a dralu on the trust
ArULlary ortsaty fyIpethe Invaders
must thrilling experlenec on Lake
frets& 16 at the ltrasaRt mission. IL
wwsd tr* hardly res t is &o with t
year over 40.000,000 pounds of matte.
fusale to the amount of $1,517,(166,
while the btterert no bhvestusintr had
A Tit" tot Ruin Behind the Retreat
They went out fn s e,Wall sailboat
Ili h 1 1
out vbhg due mtloa to (base etI ° ed Ile metal coutents of which are cool- faller off to tine eztixut of $28,(W5. -U. R. LAmmmoa Oonalderable-10 Killed to .1. e r uets and were caugU1, is d 1p g g putetl at 8,878,580 pounds of fine a terrific stores, which carritll aw•ny A $250,000 fire at Amesbury, MAN.
In t trade. The value W the timber still uw6ed
The l7ow* wars taco committee of cop r atµ! 5.b87.AW aoaada,taf One by the GoveeumwRt hW boas erita+ated in One Olurge stay W • Ln°g the egiar of iho boat and drove the g a in Ptlkl. ,yf
e 1y nickel. At the Leel ug price of matte wear. Ice down upon tile= ou that for "°
ut $188,025,000. lu view of that nearly twenty floors the were
at the works the value of c )err ! y
the item of $204,217 for the war $268.080, and of nickel $514,- tact It was ur[to metro n ratio Laza- \Vnr1141CLou, March .'8-T11e fol Irlltlug helplessly about Ina heavy The Belleville srw1hw sickness was nga
I panes of agriculture, Hon. Mr. Dry- tax[ in order to meet an anticipated ea amort crushing and Ind! hue olhoiera.
220, losing In all $78:',800. The Indus• bwlttg tkep{onseh hue ()ret Leen re• g g Its seg
den male an b[teres statement scan i deficit of $207,(e The out (Iles, and In oomeu. danger of nisinsu (xr the part of Cretan Ysr
Ling try employed 809 men. whom earn- g
ootlsxrttlag the Polley of ble depart- Ingo for labor were $815,501. Durin founding Icy aid as a the Government March from (len. Otis : lfuulla, gblain to the bottom. p&Ina,s re{rxLod
meat. A large part of the vote, he the moven ears, 189 - g for rnUwny old detmntaeesagdannul- March 3tl.-!lac.\Libor had revere
said, woa given annually W agricul- au. y 9ti, the aggre- t , amounted to$5,288,492. In To- PROBABLY A PARA. The Plat d Abtuham have been
g proJactlon of the Sudbury mines figlitiug yesterday afternoon be- \'&tocsin, $ tot, 211 - euvveyad Into baflding lots.
Lural societies. These societies had half been 34.570,580 pounds, and of ten to Woue the Government had Liken pu March I tumen-
Slewmpllabed a great deal of work, nloltel 30,705,190 pounds. The value from the city or at least deprived yound Marllao, brilliant charge by gees who have arrired Here on beurd (len. Sherman waa at, tart a000vi
but their usefulness was riot generally of copper computed at the selling tho city of revenue to t,he amount of South Dakotri, led by Frost, against Spanish steamier Motrtevldeo, Cap. In A very critical oenatIm.
recugnlsed, $4r .COO annuallyb Lite Act which talo Moret, from Havana, on March Heavysnowfall in Lonbxi. Eng., and
price of matte at the w ,rk,i has been y Spala's troops of Agulastlfo brought ,2tts, whish reached Ca'fls Testetlfay, 90 dsgrew of frost 1n Lsbsterehlre
Mr. Mathsou urged the abi*tlonof $1,802,805, and d nickel $g,. allowed Lite piaut (if telephucle. tele-
thin Western Dairy School, while Mr. :,'94,060, beln for both tiletnls le the (graph and other mmpda:es W be as- front Mslolos. Repulsed enemy, aspect that At the moa►waa of their it a learned on good arrthorlty that
W&rdell attacked the expenditure, weaned only as merap. When the with slauglAor. Adjuteat Lien and departure from Havana a num- Ll , I Cha[ V I
pend (tea tor• seven yeah 598,885 The amount ng m Again upon the point
fruit-oprsying. Of wAgaw paid for labor In the seven eltles had complained of this the Gov LtIbuteRatAdr `Adams and Morrison her of Amerloau s=oldiers killed a no- d returulgFso power.
The agriculture esUmhtrmt were !ears has beau $1,9; 9,P94." ertun,ws had prmmptly tut a to: ora gro chili who stole a loaf of bread,
and tour enlisted men of that regi• a:d that the lace thereupon Mr. L. J. Deme(', Liberal. war
()used and fire committee rose sad In. l,b rano rfm,Lrks, Mr. Gib- (hero oompsrds, a,d protected them i list at- mcc
cls~ to the Comms by alama-
rep*Aed la ---------- aataasd *flet i&e work of the Mb- font& coatrauting their lust share to meat killed; Lieut. McQeilagd and tpcked thg pofd4[Ks who. the ppuren- {a .,,..d the late Dr. Gamy.
At 12.155 Ole adi trUO& tsar Bureau Wnsigi Batty inorewphtg. The arm 1pal burdens by enacting that 22 enlisted men wounded; lose yes- germadd. bad to be reinforced.
Tiononto, ![arch E5. -Tb• Hoaas sat � r=ent d new minhog enter• kt that respect they should stated the terday mostly coeflned W this regi• New York, March 28,-:�o such oc- �hml, the ma darer opt tae Ea•
from 11 o'clock until 1 m. to -da Prtw w )nom and there all over the Pro- sameason February let last. A more input. Partial de•tructlun of roll- aarrenco as ties u:o reported In the �� t \acalin' has bey Lim down
P !. roads, which Is het rapidly i' mWL the ptanln d po:ltarl �Drlsoa
when considerable progress was matte 'b1ee I'asl nooemstratsd further work Inlgulto*s Act eta.! never tneen poi on sag W ! re• despatch from aleucta. Iwdr heart un- meat.
With Government measures. Chief ant impnn'-d forvear reowponodbaUry the statute books of the country. Iu paned, ltapedem MacArUiur'a pro- tlounoed in the dc"tcher received Two e: o(currsd
among these erre the re+enn• bill end wpm not only the offk" but the concluding he ave Ute following auto- groes• bupply milway tralus liars here .from Havana. D�tam yesterday
Nae resolutions flood d the dW"-Un nt. While that of {� now -� at the F'tarsch Govmrsmspt smOSR1•
granting ukI a char- ming ap umsta cs to Lir TsacUetl llarlla4 and MacAr tion tactorke, at and Mar-
cosl Iran Industries. Botii measures soup Ute arae, however, the Increased measure: (1) Clrcumrtauoer dhl runt thur bs pashlWa; oil. Our small gun- fort Townwixt Wash., ]larch 1,7.-- HDn�°
autivlWyr which prevailed all warrant K; (2) once put on the taxes boats are In Bulacan 'River, where lsparwse adv4)er state that the Ja aeLlis.
WhOn committee. thee. Hon. Mr. Gibson over a PMvtao• D
when movl the re*blutbn relntin might be colder- would Probably not tit- trtker, off, AL great execution wear ektna yesterday. anon Gorerntireut W uerluurly tan- The Queen -Rem -ns d Spalsi leas dis-
g al a •owes d iniaL'On. Ti' solved the Cortes• has ordered a naw
to b:n.st furnaces, also explained tib least not by tie prasent Government; hey will relieve pressure on Mae. Wm{dating the untiotalitatluu of rall-
Mr. Mathaeer ted tial the )east tgki� Arthur's• trent materlally. Troops ways. A commission recently epeotlon and will sign the peace treaty
most Important changes which aro to (3) the proposals were ern 7 app(alnt
principle untlerlrlalt the resolutlotu moneys from lodividtals and rna In excellent (ond:tlout and spirits. d to, Investgato the sub}ct met at to -day'
its sas&eie In tho mins act. with u view whl•h had bow subtaItted t0 tb�
to wtlmolating txOloratl8n work and Souse wan a gormi mete. Fie doaIa " etwitles. He moved the pix -months' Proclamation •toed Luna. General- Yokohama March 8th. G"tia's fish hill sepealu►g the cies- ..
the (levelopmopt of mining locations. wleflnm, however, of giving a boats hosrt to the license Nil. In -Chief insurgent fore". directs A bill has bee -n lutrodusiael lit the Jalr ed season law pissed two years ago.
Mears. 1i'hlt4te and Mathe#suu. In for the use of that all towns abandoned be burn. °neat Haase of Repreentatives grant- went through the Michigan House
y any very btrgo gnan- ][r. Morrison strongly ls+'o&ested
t mWY-put observations, expressed ape tet of foreign oras, against the Imposition of fresb Oil. In. consequence thereof, mach Wit aq)ecial RAVICaUoa huboldlees for a yesterday.proval of tile r
e Iron solntione• 111. Whltusy strongly approved of taxes upon the people.'" After Lhe Country north In flames. period of yearn. to steamship lines Witrd or Counsll wants to dlamise Its
The MII amending the guar act the tvtsto:utbDtm The Wiley ebnodled Government lead been declaring that(Signed) Otis. plying between Japan, Europe, Seat- Medical Health Officer. and Is motion
,amsefred its sound ass sarin 1•n tLan raaw- a neaeam at )aai4.40M pray mast . . . `. - 411tL sadti9awFznaamem••Q9rs••Emopaaa oo Ah mtn iota-bompi cP H&atth tw• -
dsTi'if the
twh ince W ifP:f/Ctlli(lA KI FS$1QilE'
{Isbvlits of Interest V that which p*amjuaW wbleh the Government moat the needs of the Province. they Washutgton, March 2EL-Ad„ataut Itm In. to receive aiwually 2,878,tl 18 aalird tet a tie.
permit() the shooting n! deer In the waw 1°urTNlsd In extending to this in• were sols yens; Seattle Ileo 88.3,8(1(1 yetis; Sao John Floks, Wlnnl aged 100
ng lag neon &ources of revenue General turbin etas resolved tlw follow- Peg. t
water. Then was a brief discussion dsrtry. He was orry Mr. Pattalb which rightfully belonged to the Francisco line 1.018,880 YOU& The peers, died Wednesday.He was la a
d the WII, which served to show that wan Rot vessels , bemuse he would munici lities. Foldwmigfrfrom ill: Al lquiefl 28.- opid.tloasof the hubsldlesurn: Twelve P
'tire to have benrwl what teat tie- Pa Fbuowuig from Iloilo : All valet hero. patently the bort of health up to the
members are sot unanimous as to the gen Smith's uddltfumt t eteaumers of more than 8,0:10 tops, fifty- moment of his death.
wisdom of tine change. Mr. McLau h- man had to my in regard to the Gov. THE DIVISION. roops received at u a maximum
g erameni'� y of protection. Eriruau with great show of gladaess. ()rased of over 14 k[wtw, Jomatt Kingsley, sm of the
Ila, of Stormont, for one, avowed lits The House then divided, when the for the European Ilttes; three steam -
The uri�ss wines reported, and "Vitt \'ntsah." Tile sidd:tiunss troopy Brook!! a Drb18e c(iutraetor, who
strong h0ptiltt to allow) doer to be amendment was defeated on the ern of more than 8.000 tons Bross, max- mho4 h1moeLf to San 8 I lvador, will be
7 ng the toil! armeLcgo4 Lite mtaos AM was Second Battallou, California, sent W
shot In the water. read a $intend wt's, following cllvldonr : Yeas• .7 ; coicn er Smith to imam yoseM d )a knots, for tie Sart burled In San F inactlenrie
protect Negroes House went into cum ittee on The Hbr/e adjourned taayr, 37. � cgrces � F�aiiclsoo Ileo ;thio steamers d mon Rev. Alexander Connell, of London.
nI ]oasxed at 1 o'clock. from raid of WII robtter \ than 8.000 tons gross for Seattle line,
tile revenue (till for the purpose of --- The WII was thea taken up in aleloplrtg Igternal government under England. has been called to till til*
making a number of verbal changes, Ttaronto, March =T -At Unix after- Committee. On the clause regard- Smlth'o supervision; reports very en- speed of 15 knots. The steamers for Pulpit, made vacant by the death of
Mr. Matheson thought that tits noon's pension of sed, � brewers' IICOOAss Mr. Krill ex• F,uroPe must rail 6 times a year;
Legislature the courag'tng. Dr. John Hall, New York.
Mutual Reserve Association. of Now Hos. lir. Haney, In site nbeance ut opinion that this should 1'ruoe Lowenstein, with Wheatou's 18 time". lm Francisco 14 times, and Seattle It Inas been decided to make •gen•
York, should tram put on the same brief& Mr. llarcourC wio wear Indwposed• be (governed by the output. -�. morn twenty-sixth took crux edvaen ci marine lnsurspM
AA friendly societies, the Foresters, for musvd tfr Hoare into rommittee on Mr. Whitnay coucurred Ia Utb o A tea Inspection Cottee has beet
example. on Its vig IlDe to s fa utf Second Ongon r rats on Lite St. Lawrence as soon as
PI tie Ifgntx license bill. In arneu,lmeut intggestloR on flrk: Ifne, was a• todan- stablasthed In Yokohama for the par
Roto. Mr. Hardy pointed out that the Mr. Matter moved tine mix mouth.' lion• Mr. Hardy replied that It g ts� of thorotmttly Inspecting ah teas the season of navigation opens.
P ge_r, but nsuaroed with lino when It pose
bet she
two socttKlar were not similar. Tfls hurt, an.1 In support of his motion must not be isapamed that that had ng {)Ped out of the Robert Ironaldes, of Forest. a haohe
ctarg d u,byrenem ,and a ams nes He
F'(+rwster•a' society was n friendly or- made &three -boor a,peecl��. He dealt not ixett tally oorieldeted. The Prtvy was killed by enemy, and a friend with conortry. for, aged 46 yearn, went to bed as
gnalorstion, while the other concern exhaastively with the ilnnuclal tits Connell had decided that the Gov. him wounded ; lila remains delivered to By royal decree the Empress Dow the Hotel Arlington, In Sarnia, blew
meetioned was one which went into Wry of the Proyhnce durin the rc- ernment had power to Impose the ager of China has restored to Jung out the gas and wap suffocated.
grtende In. Manila (Signed), Ot1a
speculative business for proffit. gime of Ute present Admt tratloq, fee on the capital of last year, but Lu. Omand Secretary, all flim honors. Tlhe cl[ar manufacturers of the
Mr. Mathmon-Tho whole principle and ehpslfW the Government with It had not; decided that they had �1�'THING LIKE A FIGHT. Chops& formerly Prpaldent of the United Kingdom hsra lust combined
of this bill L not to tax on thwablltgy recklessly Increasing the exLmWt- the . New York, March 28.-A despatch to lie of Ceremonies, who was de- it
power to Pla(x the foe on the deeps, under the title of she Ctilted Kingdom
to Day,
file Herald from Manila on Tneeday graded three steps, ham been given Clgar Manufacturers' Federation.
troy along Irhps d least re Wren. Mr. Martyr ala, tonsenddl that output of breweries or distilleries, mays: .-The gunlx,at Laguna Ile Bay lila former rank.
potentate. (Hear, heart the Government must have eastern- In fact, the Privy Council lad Mr. N. B. Fe d Toronto, has
The bill was reportfnl with amend- plated dartoic the last review of the ruled rather the other ws attaa ked Lila lttsurgentr at BnItrCAo. Bung It aaag. Controller of the rlgnty
menta Hoare the present Proposals for the Mr. German wanted toyktuow if T4ree Amer"no; were wowndd. Household, flab been restored to 7n.• been appointed Cit Engines d Vle-
]tacArtiur's dlvleltu has crowed vor and all his honors and title& �Ita on.' of a lbo orkw•aty-fire aappppn-
Hdn. Mr. Dm6vls Introduced u Witte laersaim of the revenue. and he con. the amount Inv~ included the the Marilee Riyer and IN advancing handled bark to him, nod Wal Tell, batt° tram all parte of ted Dominion. the -Act regulating mlulngeor- •idered cleat they bad not acted land on which the establishment
postforr. -fairly to the people or their repre- stood. Thls, he thought, would Im• °ortilward. ,The lnwrgents attacked the Cenvoe, le now permitted to wear IIi• P. W. Bt fleios* 8urvq•
THE REGISTRATION ACT. xenLaL>jes In withholding nn an- pose a Croat hardship on those hay- the Americans iast evening at Marl. him Peacock feather. The restorations its d MexTrmei, has b olds•
noancement at that time. He tit(] not lam but were repulsed with revere were unexpected. and are causing gaea•e of Gari tioah lntorfmomm by
Hca. Mr, Olbsoq's bill toatgendtte Irtg estal.lialamon" in largo cities, aldermen to tie, work o? hos
criticise the - bill himself, and him ion.. Our lutes was (lye allied and n- mach comment in ('hine(e political detpar►
Regidry Act was given a ()&aced rend_ wtrre larel war eery valuable, while m*pt.
nmeedment was defeated oh dlvtslon, warndeti. I.•tor Uarcla, n native gen- chclea
hag, The most important provision is those in ontlyinlg districts or In ern!, came down from Da u au ,by Htreunoas efforts are bean put In Berlbt alone this month there
me whfok declares that no harfrttment the you standing 37 to 27. A number rural districts wlduld have a decid- 6 D g
of clauses ,)f ibe bill were passed, fur• irnlrt with one thousand riflemen forth dor the suppression of piracywere oyer 200 dsatlr from lnfltsensa.
&ball be registrable unless It eon&nlnt a Uher consideration being laid over ed ad%� ntage. and four thousand Bolomen and took mu the Canton West Rivers, whch oThe schools have been elosrd In Easel
&w. liption. of the lends weveycl, with at 'the request d the Attorney (leu- Hon. Mr. Haply #stated that Lire pwltlonw at llarllao. A river wait be. late haw t por. Prussia Uds week owing to tine spread
wjlmlitecbaw*m, tetters coq bill was careful to deal In tints re- grown to immense ton
sad ern!, who misted that several date- (ween the American and else Itrsur• tiorra d the dlserus'.
ofadmi°Ltration powers of attor- gations desired to wait upon the gard only with Ute lands actually gent forces The South Dakota vol. The Viceroy ]ion sent meveral old
ney. whish stay be registered in the Uoientment to -morrow In regard to b °&e' unseen and the Third Artillery, act. German 16 -knot torpedo boats to Afithe m. the agent of Agultstaff -- ,
gnu TW registry office• some of Ute provisions. Substantial Mr, Powell tixatght the [otnt wax tug as Infants were thrown for• protection of Ship- and ttiar liember» d the former •fait
D well taken. !se nine U int !• West River for the P• of the Filipinos I at histo confer have
CHARCOAL IRON SMLtLTING. progress was made In o number of bub that the ward. The South Dakotas charged Ding, and has Lhreatenwi the cap- gone to Paris In order to confer with
Other Government measures and ri- Iwgtiau°rr, it It had the power, brilliantly across an o space on tains of f Ftll
Hoa. Mr. Glheoa mood the House In- P abou.d coo wader the ad tt4b111. d Wer- ! Pea guardltoats with d oda- plow hurts alters.
to eommlttee on ted resolutions vat' bills, and ft now seems certain y the ens& of the railway to thn edge ikm on aceotint of their lack of ytgil-
grant- tog hrewenw anti d3MIerz )n Quebap The Oreat Northern Rallwa
old to Hlees fnranos which use that the boslaeslf of the mention will woo of some wood& They lost ton killed once. y has
tog folpOSL largely into Lliis Pro made another out In transoocthrea%mil
ehareoal made In Ontario as fool for be flnlitleA by Thursday next. rine. In htn nap and eleven wounded, including three A strike o>< Cooilom employed in cowl"
Fin.part of the country lieutenants. The Third Artillery an Ing resets at Moll. Japan, on the 7th tans• but dither the Lartsdlaa Pa-
ernmeng moos• lie agar to the Gov- Hoa. Ms poi rarity that
Uta( flora In the ionfbusiness hoed to meet the right of the rallroeul charged and fnwt. Is causing much Inconvenience to cillo nor the Grand Tank have an.
etutneut'p pollux in t'sfRag'd to eaooarsag- there was a poslbiuty that Lhe heavy cosrpetttlap from Inege ewiafr
Ing bo,ineas of the Legislature might be itshounn'tss ill, ucbec. last nine men wounded, two mortal• shipping, and a large number of steam- �us� their programme. .
tis c, a d al trop •mehe r gums Q Over 2 000
lenth,arda{soapoksofthe tearraagr brought to a close on Thursday even. Mr. Foy wa2i (tat the question d ly. On the lett the Insurgents in n en are now Anchored In that port pot>o0sot stmokslwr pow.
went which the btu amending the miners Ing. iaail °alt's applied p•rtt nlarly to trench east of the river offered a awaiting the end (A the strike so they der expdo3ed a6 the Dupont Powdsr .
act would effect to the pries and rent- Mr. Matter, on the motion to go hese cines. In Toson,o, for itatiance, stubborn resistance. Lieut. Critch• can take (u coal. The strike was the Wo;1FRi ai Carney Point, 14. J imiama►
into eommlttee, said that for man the lags d ast-Alsshmeato in the low, with two Cans of the Utah Bat• result of an attempt to reduce wages. 1y I three wwrkmoo aou� Injuring
■ds d =lvlYlg lands. Mr. Glhsxe In years titey had been henrin from the heart. of the otty was more valuable tory. and Lieut. Hauls, with a navy D g a another d others mUghtly.
fallibly°old that the Government's •it NOTYD FORGER DEAD. neigeess d the Jones and
PrOPOWflows were most Fm Government of the aPiendi financial LnNu that en the mu4itrrts. colt gun, forced thirty Insurgent In The •
()octant, &tett, standing of the Province. Therefore, Mr, Blwr (Ad Dot agree With the at- n I trench un the opPomite side of Butt', Idor►t., March L7. -Geo. Did.be had Length 4n Wool
well, the elder of the Bidwell trofherp,
very Iktle doubt, would elm- Tti Stiftl Present Mlle for A.kling to LLie would t he w-2ed by. Mr. F'ay. IL Ute r v'r W surrender at the close Mt is F'Itt•burg, Pa., have bean gott-
oldw=and f th elves so membersrem linded
de both would pct, be w,,lf W bb• who, with several twntatierna" l tot fid that their
aids d the House. He reminded the reyeenues 1f Nae Prov intx were n great dlwtkiRu.sli ganrterw of one hundred Twrdw. The ga wegwt waste be ead-
surprlse. He considerssl that in view twwn toe rlty brewers am the rest of the tneulgent-r got out with fnme by defrAndinq the Bank rrt Eng- •&used to per oxaL, April 16th.
Homos of the encouragement which -try brewers ba the matter of raven las. Ninety des fgs[rgegts aad out of $5.000 Opo tlerough forged
of the comparative ()mann or the y Report recurved at the a S. War
!tad already toss° granted to blast laxd. were counted. securities, dltKl tltlr morning after two
aecessityf shortage chemo waw no Department, isprying from the m•dtnal he
of -
furnaces, and claimed that the iteslwt- Mr. (lsrrgah msald It wimA a yup.tlop of C weeks of illness from pna(umonia. Tile finers
necessity for the Goven,ment to (Ake d Chicago, llaroh 28,-(i. P. Farrell, wrving s►tLtt te�ooprI IR the
&Isle r'eselereed was just sufficient to up the time of the House in discussing taxi* on the amount buw/nenw done CaPtat.e urs Assistant etslsgw m of the 'Math of hie brother Aqstin here three Phtl'ppmas, &I still, Lha& Egutaaldah
otstaln to Ontario the establishment uh a Wca,twort ooenpfeci weeks ago wan a `rent blow to film, army u brass bulhTs,
d that therm revenne hells. To him it did not Epp, Mr. Aatvf First California Volunteers, In. In Iso astWjf trppsd
lmpne,tait industry. Hethen apern Possible that so astute a Gov- Toem_ s war yr Po&r d out tlsat In Chicago. Har regiment was the first and [in took to h bed a few lays gas Clifford SUiat Lisp reclaved a
proleeed&d to give statistics show[ng Y b--ow^ery was tax. to each Manllt land June, He =nye: after the t•cxlhhifer brother tiled. Both mail• from the Bah Commiss1an41t
the devwiopment which blast in ng ernmevtt should come to the Howse• if ed rams& nyou we 1W.O.en3mtp or bodies ore at nn un(1eHnklq room. krg
site facts were as reported to be, son oat, but a the whole twnoer r • rbtore will be oevws& pitched hat_ g aV1ug that the peo*psot d
had already made to tie ptovlrxw. upon awnitfn burial, and It Is probable dlm$Wted F7nL,Oders cwt Q
anticlpated shortage of only $:'07 to load nn. Well As everytitlng else, ties, and thea Agnlnaldo's army will nada,
1 be dispersed. but the American arm they will les' Interred by the county. should they decide b,
.THF. HAMILTON INDUSTRY, and ask /or the 'pawagvt of hilt" It, wets the ■tints wtLh a bes'oe&a tax. y etMgrMe, e
"The Wast taramir* at Hsmliton," which amounted to direct tazatlou. Theme wet no posdbis ground upon In the P Rippince wi.l have to moo- BOLD ROBBERS BAGGED, hownl•
said Mr. Olb°oo, "was started In 18()6, One of the ressorre given for the In W111:h a trlwtbic}loo coalid be wide, tend with guerilla warfare for pay- Scranton, Pa., Maroh 117. -Five Tire Central Ver•rstltnt Railroad wax
and In the three years, 1898-97-98, It crease of taxation was tltnt the cot the land belnti a most valattble part oral years to come. The natives will Installed (Rea, shortly atter midnight, solid antler fOrwlwur• Prooeodthpaad •
bum produced 100,366 not tons at PIC of public In•thasions waw growing. e'( the brewery. not submit Oren If the main body of entered the C&rbordnlo Traction the entAre properil wY parcllsatsQ by
But what were the facts? In 1892 site Tile romarttiee repwtei the arm in demolished sed scattered. Company's oar burn In an Isolated Ear& R. Be or, of Bawarws, Chalrtmua of
metal, valued at $1,179.696 It em- f>r• etre Y
ploy, about 180 men, and the amount Cow At these Institutions was $818,- Hon, �• Harrow's pall par me. For ft attni3 I mss 'lgtrlt,aldo two or •rot at MarMti W, and sao(1b+�ed F-0_ the Besnbo.ders• UO=Utiaes. for $7. -
of wages paid for labor In the three 485. Last year the ec diture was tiuoib for the c►.sk1g of cllridert txse throw tions a day, He Impresse(f me [loser Patrick Dempsey, Fireman �'�'
recover Mus boon $148,475. Last year It $615.744. or less by $-�01 titan in teries &of reseo.tng tine , this In- as A very shrewd leader. He waw cz- ragik Caggivs and WetohmAn Wm. An observatory fes been erteted in
1892. It was Im mrwible, therefore, terrei tatttolt wax t;k® ap at mid- OwAi 1 w oue of the Anuerlc 0 Rrokenshlre, render the Prereh Metritlme AI
()foam a 4"80, soled pig metal, i dglnt. An sen •nAaest to the till M ng T [�pin1 lag them ltieetyfbie. Ira on ]Ih of
ter Lhe Ulcarnmemt t(+ base the in- and fartut the lfoanler, 2,818 =etnee b�I[, north of
vtrfo d at 11690788 and it paid for p convert
whereby wouQ4pAlfUes rirn Cteatsi difhcaltT in They then ravasacked the oftloe, ear- Nkx, It le oonnecfYd iep
'I crenwr In taxation upon tine coot of 7 getting any Information out of him. trying away the box with (fie Mow b7 to hone with
labor will
5. The following st•tIw bile Institutions. 'nip Government Ports rL tlhese cemaaerlra Into pRblrc At every Interval he lead rape of him rens entlmntod at a the village Beruil, and V to be °rad
atmrr 0111 glue •nsnw Idea d the ezLant cl (),stow rr Ute tt w%mwfon In 0()Vn nfttse ipL �PHrol" of Chiefly forr meteorological at tilts operations carried on: ciwimc(t tient Lha dltferent Ire oil too severa,I member's adyie:f pro ceding nati�t,�dfkwra with flim." $],000. ogloai tturpeesta
e� two. Ise& tirovghs nnrter taxation ware only too conwally I�aa m/rtteir d this wdpd toe, . --- Litter they nttncked Wlllbsm Lack, Albel'tine Bradbant. wife of Ed- ,'
Ono amelt-d, net lora,,. 51.1 rT.M 7144 willing V) pay; that their coffers were tear of otfeswNnl[ {.ub* sentiment. The Birmhrye;ham, Ata., March •28.-Negtvt s hotelkeeper, near Carbondale. Lock ward Klentan. of Montreal. will ap-
Qntarie we, rat tows. 1511711 2,770 " M overflowing, and they were Iliad to btu � repps[te(I. AWI Wttl be rpprift. miners mad" All attack ori the Camp OPWwA fire upon the sun, killing one, Ply to Parliament for a bill of dl '
Pier metal prodw-4. net w enr to the (invernsrant's viollef. ed With ameft meet t, d the with= at Dodmite, about 19 of them and wrnuadhhg two others. The rare• from her husband, Edward Kier
Value of 146 metal . �hle ()94;011 $sti.Tle Everybody knew, howev %r, that since At od*. rtht the $buss &dy)nrW. miles from mors, whlrtly after mid- warded men were made prssonmV, non. also of Montreal. om the grounds
w,ipee Dsa for labor a.e1 ee.onn 61,411 (din revenue hill had Iwv,a Imtmflucexl ------ night. Thr. white men returned cite and later removed to OaritotslalA Hos of crealty, adultery and dean on.
Namser of man em detm,tathtop bad been waiting upon Y01Rs f111f[IIGaL11sA tire. and several M the M were pltsl. The trierttlty d the (tosp*ra- A chilld d Mr. John Drew, lbrattap, -
vbrcd..... _. Ia1 rx 138 the Government at all hours of the _ alightly Wo[[nd,d• and 16 ' this ring- dumas b unknown. This, Otolen money haus Is d� from the dtoeas of *& daeo of
'1'11111 fool N aced" i may wnr, -At day and night, and waking for relief. Two gicyptalns ►eons Toronto 0iaaght IeAderw are In the hands of the dtloem. not hears recovered. rougnW
h-oriThe Ale girl, only a
theme worts" Thr oniy portion ■attmfded were the at the Vans. Rvieforoamentw have been soot to the - - year ofd, went bb !lir. TranblWsk
electric Ilglng companies, the tale deputy wherlffa, who are tryintigg to SULLBOD VZOIIt PRISON next dope, and Cub hold of a bottle
CHARCOAL IRON. Phoria companies, the street rftilwvey Nfagarn Falls, Ont., March 28.--A. rva order, and Sheriff O'Bllen coals, i lac the poTrm, and ate noon•.
"A blast furrtaoe flee bean (ompie" Companlss and other concerns who Nus,+ And M. Attain, two Egyptian las htYt I'ft with another wtmng I son Who af11M��� g Woman Gets The action of Pastion against the Die -
at Userixuto the year for the prodw•- were Plaaswl tee'Lumr the Government rn'tchatnts, of Toronto, wpm arrested Pn tin• Negro soldlen rir"Vy mos minion Bank has boat pnirRpowed at
tion of eba:vo•1 Irl°o and alt the alias vFtp traktag taee(�s ifomt ahem then L�y
Mal fled do its d�isd 4 made in thn Pro- sltoalA rightfuli! pay to the mudlel iumRo 6ate(WIaT ter slaaggUa Her Ltd out sloe bichti/hg Lbw bison. A MoRtsemtl, BArch 2T. -Dors Hheehnn, pwtlttff•a rogumt until the ertaidned
vision. which given employra'nt b a lltim ne expressed the MA)rsLys Custom() Oftloor, O. M filaranyonmor•don of dwpvtiew In pwtroiiina oho ass convicted ht passing the charges ora finally disposed of. Tba ' _
ib P opfnlon gow► cite camps I death of A Crown's mtttisxt /or a ohas�e of vanes
lame number d men. A second char- that the Increwwwt revenue ander LIt np(hrehetteteof the mob°• Tliey had young woman named Leel In she c onion. mays w1(7 be range
esoaa twrnArw V to he erecidel this. Year blit& wnnld not 1C1 lank 11 Ohre ped- hire`! w rig on the Anaemia& •hkh of the A RANI4AS LYiiCHINt). iron ago, end wenteacM µ,
iwvseard two
rt.er to drlve t Topeka. KJOR, Marsh 28. --Nord has to three years. was rel �i•y
at the town of iwhish will 1■g Pte. hot w1nW ho „gnantterid fs iA peim d. wad U*dri"W Th im lies l,le'R rww•lvrd here that a mob took t Incept de Paul Penitentiary (f L day. The Westminster Gastetss bas J9';$
gin wall s capacity.It,Wof 80 tots Dig crn.�w t. PztrnvAgAna+s. He ha° been r
total nor• day. iL will cranio not lees At 5•lt0 Mr. Master tutwd tb&O arrtlsed. Lstet �a sou die- Henry Bandsnatn from Lica lAii at HM- 1'n (>os►a1 by order of Lhe vsiha An appeal to Great Brlt•ln a11a
then 900 leen. Payment out of tine o'cdoek Me mllsed, an jib did not N het the team and aalTisp, V-1 last -*lit and llneheei Ihlm. Nan- Gisyernor-Gone ral. Am-tL'A for farther tands for List re.
bon mining fond will be =Ade to these fn ennelnrb Iwfnrr the dinner ho• befo^a LO 1, C. LOvmi, the r*ner• d+smort soap cede ymu farmar Wh1 txi RiIFMsan's offence was commlttRi nn lief of We Armenians• whoa* ttatdf- lilh`r
ration, van Jan. 7th. 1697, when he, after an tion the winter Is described me
Two atintitoo ahs iss+yldrd In the rill. Tnr' FVFVTI;U AESBTON. Neuse and ADttaln hwi two valhs•sfull like a- w theart And shot girl'saltertatton with the girl. Pushw(l ler pitiable. About wlghty thousand r-
7he Hamtitos tw�aw has osrtaA from �, Mr. Olhsr+n ashrdi that Ilse rmlem Af jeweiry, bsakle a lot d &w &tent dnwltstwlre k11111x her atmeet Immo sons Ars m1A b Aso enttraky t
Aboutake fund darlMl�'t1N pax( LrteA yFara of � Hou& iso wnsPeud d in order to erwaed At Lha carr r� dlwtrl Aft" w ire trial Ne Jnr! °p>nn ebsrlty. Mpss
(ill" $I8,B10. ri wax ()psowld ter 1698 (ago. d h drew to AN iLL PATFD GitAlip, found! him tit g i gttelry in ted Brttieth
f5,000e &fed f4* 16D7 $1,60965, h the Introduction d a brit tats cede Park SiM lawn. aid had Plaoetl flan Frnnelvene March 28.-A letter aroma t of his y sse1N•IpY on In •ower b a
�gi/ iMlrlltg an ACy""eIT'S -1 r A Into by thegioads tw a room when Ortleer Ginn- from Gnwfnmwln ata n Pewytnw y. Hon. Wm. at.
H etlalps�Q' 118Y8 1JI� .btu bad seajar job,, Bls t.►•da R
__ Yf Otaslt�taFetaly beast ra, ntioe, of Kill pion for the goo Searle the arlest, and aatsnd abs Ts : Mr. Csptn, w APPIMntlon waw marls to Ottawa for J1hn 6nd■rink moldProposalsfor a
t ifs tr fanri rat D'0" w aaa on" ,Prod . _.
�` pt�g�, . .._...- vat= tt city.
y. Hol(la la n.8 s1 - �06t� The valuawion Is abort $S11U. Dprdoq. evbinnca tring adrtnowd tw iaoswsr* vlvwssd In Nr RLrleat[ TesrtQ
tails In that city" He aiPlalrind that rE ks W~t the Peen hares mm�gglM ' L M (�°ir r, ws 'rf ovwF the Cliff ()flow Lir' mon hod w1t Int«mdm so aro aswLLnr had hwsn s°ade b LIN
11fl11i118 l.7 A4'IOitffi, xoune Llrre aha the eor{w+railon of h at different tltncs before. A few days sdnCw ne,sr the port of Aea- eommlt murder, And on 8ut•gday A fhnited Illation government, and
Deaft total► the aabiNt of >YLptoe = the P&MI&ge at n MII 7 a had 1•ttete Clown iWom4tevet Te. I JwVa. and was slashed to p(sesn "w tpl'gram t►As rReMved from tine Milt wwm sow • y
A g the rocks below. Nobody b11 era that Iw4r /f .Tustlee ca msd•r oovsiMv°tkra"
Bot Mr, GI tksg 1lomsraed or s1a dNmrfnwettoo rlrtte pmopb tmsLlfying ars ton ttielr to., act was atbMnl, though he Ae- Titsg hs AaA tress( (lovlrnmeni, Mr. Br,dsrick ocntiltwa id,
ebos1�, glgp of eitva101d Y wail Y ex"' apt! grxxl onar/te klg, an i le CHUM fn take fond for a of --_ tree no n'w* d w snntslttn.
eta lag Lim Clown dfapsrloi */ to f+gf tFr AM piwrwf I g parthxnM.
e- a total {O 1 Ill tt - 11" rto til CobR. ri Policwnl Agan trrore �r prior b the rx)o°srxics. it stn ---` - laAogs nt" wition, i ws Wrt-
vfag magMat geek • Terwe oswy lee.. tlean Ivrea d I.rxtdrra,
ro warts (toil 9/D �Metd 114' Prtra/e itllfi CemlMtsAn, Police gletnM f mgaU. were 1m that Cash wade w SaffAM. N. Y.. t soh 88.- Immo nv't acts s
'Iron. II d l >M sets, but wlrapwr[tl>r art(1 MfeFa TM fo'a- dro�pad, snsi &pow tl•Tlog • fine awd I 10 4h Iry _
rsRmtcr De Be tide moral �y rofit. Whesi
L-A" rerg j��y selgt sOtw Lbs Nole1M, At wan saw potae the oleo wale showed To tlofarts � amt In trader, varhwwiv i ntlm. tial 1 >! qR lrlau]'s b the rwataar lr tw1�Au the
,_ wesrw kttd, sap edij he w`� r4. who
vistaed&- 844* -T )os and brinks his •nlloor-boron
`w1 The rivatl[lrt = sr'a` powhtM b frfuts •Nvaw" iTr �lf� WMI aT Oneoil hnnAr R. t 8,11" L1 1nw trr,lt hank to Gansds J
' 't Alt,g7, frac Mdno 1i M gt7ktMd agdaF Lha general held 14• Level W pettaldtRni wAy lrllilew Aotlaea Ra pf)nF«t hwA"w's w lad is years ltd. whq sou ar
11�� 1{ bow j s1lte and participated In tha etpwr[w1 taystFld In the TkIr th t ..chid ter Tho, eavWssed Liam" was stm,amd
ladMer T ta' ffMl�Oow iM anagtsmt I M h tai4waiilttd fat Tbie 1'ewtnsie ut. t sloop oR 'wit,rb xlno.Aes1. r.sFbst *Penn". ilrF•Gsari"frrissio Is fn 9ltrwb ar r±•�!xesrte-s, i:: -
•t. _ lswt be called flet CaUlorahu a pie aro, Or ..__ 1t�'�
Cron i I it. D YTep