HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-30, Page 2CLOUDS WILL QUICKLY PABA. still In her mad and sullen mood March frowns upon the spring. Quite Jealous of the sunshine That bud* and flowers bring. But soca these low'ry days must pass, Then welcome April showers, And we'll forget the frowns of March 'Nath sweetly bemoaning bowers. JEALOUSY AND MYSTERY. As Attempt to Unveil Eternity. eietetesateoteehtlid,414110141441444111144410.G444444sidet CHAPTER T. when he bad- hist determined to +Aa the scaffold crashed under my fight for 111e la that dismal place. Seek es the knot crushed my throat, what hla sR%arq.ae n, and ounce he bad dyad the mweoor; ate - a1M a great •harp agony blotted the sax y to start, elm et that mlaereble babbling life wlthlu me, I heard a business, no me seemed to know, and roaring as a tumultuous ocean nor. still fewer to care. He appeared mad - ming and submerging me ; the mom -Minty. lite a spider In the middleof 1s eat alter." web, and waited, aa it were, for prey. HTet' the tis psopls who ventured Waving read thus tar, Redbrook need, somewhat pale ; and, shout tato the shop, whether De hbore,•t- Va traded by curiosity, or belated cue - tenuously, the bells of the neighbor- tomere of amphibious breed. found lag church rang out in JubUatloD- him a gentle and in,ffensive man, for it was Christmas morning. He who spoke very little Foolish. bat looked up Il.teaing. 'Perm on merit,. weeesee. with • centum foreign food wUl to ma 1' rang out the bells «�myr b aka himself un - If km heard them at all, It was only =manner. His age waa midway be- ns U In a dream ; hie tlnoOghts were (wean thirty and forty, though some- erldently tar away. times he looked much older. Ile had The Richt crept lagh the twin - a high. narrow, not intellectual fore - alio dew of the room, and shone full upon ig Ale evens) haelairee, with their eyeballs somewhat sunken In caver- nouskMa. A hard, weather-bat- eo fa yet with flying gleams of hu- mor .d the edges of the lips. asad.oms, too, and .1111 young ; WIongh the hair and brined shows° ab rrggling gleams of grey. W an Impatient gesture, be passed hie Mand over his eyes, and these bending over the manuscript read os. 1t was a rough scrawl, eo wildly written aa to be exceedingly dffbult to rad , but, clearly, It poe- semmol moue unusual interest. As he read, he Mimed to be held In 1asciva- tics. He read cm to the end ; and thea earning back to the beginning, read on to the end again. Pace on earth, goodwill to men,,. rang the bells. Mi r•oand were sislra covered with beetles and pleat" used in a country doctor's dispensary. Tits room. Indeed. Wbalt to It you WWI Care to dole "O►. meow thee. sate." .rbd the Miler. striking. the eater with his alsmlyd fgt. •oo' We know all .boat elf Wb.t dyer Wks use fort home bosh err, db ? Didn't you Mal. lily Boursee wb.0 he wan last In ports and take nettlDg for it bet Billy% I O [) 7' "end he ddidrepay nee" reter'sed weer er Modena. shrugging hie e. " 11•'►coming back ems. to laud!" s " Washed overboard." said the sailor " I did lose my worry 1 Casae into am parlor, and I will talk to yon." B o saying, he led the way into the behead- t..aline.. by a swingingeklpOe laiup °mite/nine. besiGen a truckle bed. (totem and Memel of the sat. Oa the mauteLplees e owere several looking let with Latin labels, and a wuaober of gabber, worm -melee book.TM mailer followed hlal, and, cl- ing the door. placed ha bask against 1t. and .food aareveng the apart- ment. Tigre 'ran a curios look on kis tae.. am . his yes -tarnsd hltber and thither. in march, no doubt, of the ayeterloua box which sea popular supposed to corneas the Itellaais treasure. "Tee want money Y" said Modena. "ken vat fee do you wail% away' Ah yes. I know-te spend! on de grog.ehop, oo de ladles! I know, I know -it would go like the rest, and He shrugged his shoulders, and took from the eblmney.pteoe an old metal tobaccobox, wklcb be opened show - Log a glimpse of several gold planes =Lied up with sliver. The sailor's yes glittered. How much you want?" asked Mo- dena, looking at him witb his keen half shadowed by Ila heavy brows. " Two Quid," returned Barton. "geld'? Ah, yeti Two pounds. There will be Inters.{, I know, aid the sailor, with a drunken laugh. " Too ain't the first land -shark rye mat." Modena restored the box to its place, fished out from some dark cor- n er of the room an ink -bottle, a pas and a halt sheet of dirty paper, and wrote oat a form in a not anciently hand. Put your name there." He indicat- ed the spot with a long waxen fore- finger. The ..liar, handltngthe pin ea U It had equalled a he In atm and weight, crawle.l a clumsy klsragllIpbte, and towed the back. 13e might have signed a pact dr Ilveing htm body and .out to the other's mercy, for all he knew of the purport of the document. Modena took the two gold pieces from the box and gave them to him. He stook them In him flat with a drunken mo- bad, wore a black mustache and tion of triumph bwirdto htf.emL add'kitd "'Cams oat' ss.* wet 'Tow shift*: Win. delicate,g'ibwax wax -like hands. found • man," he said, whom he again Before M had boon man? month• found himself In the outer shop " Eh' to He did not wait for au answer, nor In the vicinity, It was well known hL neighbors that he added to his tied the Italians excnnsht step .brag. taelgl bat saddonlr stumbled a step or two shrewdness In bargalnlng, and fatty forward. and, with s hands to his devotion to the petty details of hhi is mouth. gave a call which made the trade, a overlain empirical skill in pre- rafters ring. paring drugv, which mon and women " Kitty! Ahoy ! of the nautical clam found oyster- A female figure, which hast n sec - toasty effective. As this branch of his and before, flitted post the *bop buelnene was IUegel, ane oonnlcted door, returned and stood Jor a nun - with tis lnterssts of authorised drug ate at the tbreshoid. The light re - with. practitioner; It was 0011- to the shop fell on her ince tied acted with sores secrecy, but was. figure, and lit them up In strong re- reverttslese. a source of no little Ilei against the darkness of the profit, and a great deal of reputation. squalid street. She, was tall and fully - The result was that he the coarse built, black-eyed and black-browed. d a ooupfe of 7ea+Ma Moderns had and aa abs peered into the shop, she acquired a ren oondderable sem of stood poised in an attitude of 'stolid money. What he did with Its whether and nnaoomions grace, such -as wO- be made It the bags of other invest wee ',hd, perm their Ilea In free eureka of the limbs In the opo° air can naturally &same. Rhe obviously belonged to the same clam .. her drunken acquaintance; her draw was poor, bar face tanned with stn and wind, bot she was undeniably hand- some, and something like a native refinement, of which she showed no trace, was visible In her aspect. Whither away ?" cried Barton. " Lie to a Mt. I've got the Tarso. Come out and have a gill with me, Kitty," he cnnttnoed, turning to the 1 tali• n. The latter, with his syn oo time girl, shook his head. "There's 110 lock In dry bargains. and if you won't go to the liquor, by God, the liquor shalt Dome to 700. Here, Kitty. go to the Pig and Whistle. and get us sole. Tis right staff." Why ehosId 1 ran your errands?' seined the girl. Why ''• s (toed Berton. "Why ?" For a moment be seemed on the verge of brutalityIn word or act but went on wita sodden change of manner. " Because you're the right sort and . came It's me Ante you. dere y He throat the coin Into tis girl's haled, and after a scarcely pereep- blbte hesitation. .he went. "What d'ye think o' that for • • dopa 7" Barton asked Modena. and be- g an to maunder a verve• rd a sailor's song ln, pollen of a namesake of aim glr1'a "Now, then, old lantern -Jaws." be reamed, as the girl re-entered with a flat of rum. "where's your man- ners? I find tis liquor, you find some- thing to sit ea." Haestaabed to the eccentricities of his ciientm. Modena greatly led the way to the back ruom, ataodlug aside with rwlYwrn courtesy to show his groom precedence of entry. Barton ev.ggered in with kis lips to the bot- tle, and usetowed btmssif on the bed. Kitty, invited tbereio by a wave of Yoskrsa's hand. tool the 0017 chair. Modena remained etandlug. 'Bryn, my em." said bartoa. baad- tag the bottle to the giri. eh, shook her head with s little move of repul- sion. and handed it to Modena. "blurs o' your tricks." maid Baron ; "you d thins as she'd never heard the ams of ram, wouldn't you 7 and she can tab bar whack along of anybody. Wall tic'fatal this old Purgers -head, sb, my la(i)r i Item ain't good enough for yes." He laughed wltar drunken mar. cam. than. rebid In sudden anger. snatched thee butt* from the !Lookout and presented It anew to cls girl. Drink, ye baggage. wbiw 1 tell ion." His manner was so tbratenlag Yat Modena. stepping between tbem. laid a hand upon his shoulder. The toaoh wall not a heavy one. but It oversllsNmed him, and las fell back span the bed Hee Meuswlsd rep, purple In the face. bat with .ti brief a r quits forgotten, and began a wan asg Msninatum of Modena. whose be elared to be his only friend tihrty mune& before IAM challenged him 10 light This offer being stlsatly referred, he drank metartnn to all cowardly land-Iabbere. and then, becoming atmoro e, mulled to Kitty to ooese and et upon hie knee, That Invltaten in ting with no ha e11tt11k11y betook himselftp lbs bot ter, and, atter an Interval d' btartle.lete meastu smog varied W asternale oaths and laughter, fell in- to el sodden sleep. "Sleep do Mtn good," said Modems to the girl. He fail a earinos lsnging to Mar her vides alpoter Yoe Ita0* !dm f Pete& of 7+m. "Bs le m weak" said Kitts. "lie goes away heel weak." "Kau Uve hewer' laid Modena. No, I Ilse at Marton, three miles out raider." "Merton. yea, I know. 1' ere wwtk- ed I►t ever? very Vert pfmaid the gilt, with ei shrew "I'd re.tber live hers in iRs elev► lbs papsr� ieBW IMs meq. the to W1. Theme's emset1115* to keep .n. and his eonplex1* aad are- neer meet 0h/e!'ir tlritt+6a the eil>Mtsr free &H have, with the ►nuns, aad ea•shismd with • desert._ &Mao�OW "them- g Use eche s*°11ha MOW& is17f'the Pantile hl° automaton In his laws leash away team, baaiht them_ honk sl 'Cilie le a flttmwdew pietas." she wed him to ha of Jewish or- is the oeredp, M seta. w he had drifted thither. e Perdu\, but Ids n 0� �t� ties foxes 'gave rri mod r&eanntd� : . :7a$ , > SHORT BUT PITHY, i caI Nuteht "Navies. repeated the girl. "Where'll that T is Framer "No. in Italy. You, sign orina, 7W hare we the air -how you sal 111 -look not like English. No. Italian." "Are the 1t&ian girls pretty r' She asked the martian wltb a little eo- yuettisk .mils, reveall•g a Budde& g limpse of sparkJlsg teeth. ' Altro 1" sad Yea., with a smile as midden and ) right as her own. which eo ehaaged bis sombre face as b leave 11 soarosly rSOUgi.l L&bte. • "Then' I seppate'soul, bu'goiaa hook- there soon,' with the mulie lei Ito- geeing demurely &bout her month. NO," he answered " Not go t*ok. • Stay Mere,- Italy." he said. Mewl, picking his way through %bis Molter- s.ntenos. , " not the *sly country when !!re the pretty wee menta or suffered it to acoamslate wax half dispensary -or surgery -and hr' amore bank as or'd lathr internist, halt moldy was a mystery. like everything dy ; for In one corner was • else small. welt -filled bookcase. A bright naming him ; but the popular Idea Are barniad moths grate. Outside, the was that lbs matey was ddd.a &� Mow waa thickly falling. mcros.rr;.ars to a sm7aterlo11m back Radbrook at at him bureau. facing whine the Italian ata his the window. From that portion lie regal& meals. and slept. Still, though cooed me the gloomy walls of Ford desperate charnotere as avewarer d on mouth Priem. Seeing darkly thrall!'" to r Modemoho attempt of his hidden tress. the failing flakes nn, q kdrd cam souiething In d man - thew almost impatiently. be teen. Utmhis Che manescrlpt. down. roes, and equa. ty, wall hicIts h eongahdem eeevenand began pacing op and down the chasm- desperadoes that to ley /latent hands bar. ! an him possessions would be a baleful "It is a strsbge business." be re- boollem . fleeted. "What Is most strange of a11, ' These was another source of profit 1. the man's transformation ! his tab. In addition to these which 1 have Iter` mots as 1t Ia, one may easily refer to cloned, and ems which was also. to diem& cerebratlmn, caused by the a certain extent. l.legsl. From time kerrlbls aback of that frightful ex- to tone. went the occasion offered. parlance; 1t Is not IV may to under- Modena advanced small sums of money stand the sodden cessation of the der- an portable property of approved Ilisih Irhrtlnct within him." ' mcurlty. Many a wild mariner, hav- He raised the mannrrtpt again, and tag spent all Irle merinos in the grog seed: (shop, and parted with everythingbe potsemed, reverted to the little shop "The moment after". . "Peace oo earth. good -will to molt!" ; to 11M as advance on cls pepers he rang u.•e .goad for hie eat voyage. Not out the bells. Glancing s toward( the window, tus saw 11.,,",,,„,.."`"--1, lit. a few of each loathe turned out badly. dark figure mot Ing silently sato who incur ed them ranWtlut the mow In the direction of the prison. a' io 49505 and Darer retaming . but and recognised the Rev. Charles Shad- otum, Tled•d In the long Mom an sesorn wells the Prison chaplain, s pale, goan. y�us wrens.. A p.rth:.our Iran.• clean -Maven man. more resembling a memo of thly kind lies now to be priest of the Roman Church char( • rewedsdI' wvhschIt dls direc the ttily motto thee, CbrWan clergyman.Qaletteswlftly, the book to narrate, and the coo&►. wttb had erect. Shadwell moved throve the wbitenem of time storm. eye. (owned °f ohne wens, trove slam "Confound the allow 1" muttered ^es p000. l t .law thq gee "wag; Seabrook. "lie haaate the plate like at deew.y. its hfglseae degree eztra a giros(. with as keen a scent for ha- lam ova evening Maurizio Modena man mreery ea a raltere has for car- , sat mediae belled the ooaot•r by rim- 1 (wonder what he has to ay to the light of the llamlug )et of p b nlgtatmare7" which flickered and bland In Matbee As be yoke the chaplain approached wind ew b fns the prison gates and vanished within I door. T �tbs aa mo1•y wwItli the votes of men and women com- ing and going, and from time to thus these was the sound of a man's fierce io aft Woo ry rMndil, wad no ll a oath and a woman's snook. Unlit" - little sunshine aired fresh oxygen will tallied by soon& long familiar, the si alleles In order. .1 feel as or Italian ped over his book --an old sapepers Itloue as an old woman." volume in msdlaeval Laths, dialing So saying, he looked the manuscript with the qualities mad uses of arm. in his bureau. and. walking mit Into .mon Isrba Bo intent was be In per - the tubby, pat on his great.00at, hat. meal that be dial not notice Lbs en - and gloves, and opened the street trance of a customer, until, raising door. As be dhl so Is found himself him eyes quietly, he •aw a weeth,'- face to face with nae of tis waers blsa face looking down at bim mws- trme the pris, ho lut " hrdim Ia n the face of a young man clad hs sU- mtlttary fashion, and said or's jersey, loose borsch', and loots " Ton are waneetl at once, doctor. mesh ltag to the hese Fomethlrlg wrong again M Oho. 000dersosd melt.' CHAPTER 11. la the mouth of September, 110--, five years before Dr. iledbrook pens- the Mv. courser los took in at ad the curious manuscript quoted from in me opening chapter, a small reie glazes every detail of him ap- S hop was opened In one ea( the ear- pet ran(*-% s young aad handsome row MAIM* running at right angles face dl.ngtteei aoms•whet by days from true "bowie. pert d Fordmonth. and nights of Motipation, the light T1s oughb07.1 ud esu ate 0f 111- beard and mocsteche tangled and repels, tee street itself the dingiest I embrod red, the rough flowing hair &ad dreariest in all the ill-smel'Ifg without nig hat for hesrin the and amphibiosu quarter, and the w0C7 month bruised end swollen by fir*, tree Of Mae/ etf0assd tR derated a Meat Mow, marks ea the bass In the min of marlins stores and reek and heard as of • woman's sailors' clothing Black and yellow fln1Prol&fW, and In addition to all %%eyellles, dingy sults of all sizes.' these physical Itgn. • general Note uou'wstsre, Jackboots. were hong !salines 01 demeanor ire Or Is the Darrow doorway ; attlolw of-intoxleatlotJ and a -dlsponitiae ate same kind, varied with sample - to b•gdnnhe LM esmvsa ele. _td emote', were flotsam and soma,wt tramblinrygf rit cobs ngers, t Warm of all dvmcrtptkore, were heaped handle of the siker'• knife threat Mei4. tis window, and !TWA', behind thrAtb his leathern belt. "tram of every kind, from yak -halve Modem Nae and waited, sorrsyln`` and egom isms up to a dilapidated fe-this sailor "home Meg. half•000rd male bust, w high looked like a broken- isala Mewl Mathes idol, bot had ase " Wen. irta," sold the radia mea, part re the figure -head of a fore with a servoms growl. "It ain't no ase bryaidin . heathy ab0ot the Mash. 1 want some Over the step doer were SOON do bbout east amd its got to haves Its that's rouse Isethe the wo ltro - aii i ain't sail for a week, ]LAft/trsto MO1M6TfA, acrd 1 am Amaral oaf„ old man."' The Italian sashed. ?Wipe Movie and General Dealer. IAh. roe aro OC the ma. Slue 1 And bsbnai tine eooster. when the Ton h•v 1( dim t" deopened. there appeared the ng• 0 mate' WAS the *� are re Manrttio Modena himself, tett Matamnra's down t past with jwehaek hair awl hard. aM mew 811 baelt S� /ell red it"'amd atmilmills./.26311a aplsclo01"."3- Brash.. WI nsrsshetsbc1 tem, t _ `eel pollee. She bseawMard and tem•r41aj M atnkan.tt, he was as , /last "7118. eat and Mem. "This will never do`." cried the doe - We. looking •t his watch. "I meat • evening. mate." odd the satyr, nodding. Good stoning, signor." replied Modena, quietly dosing his book. While waresly eamdng to look s.4 1% wan said with that native and subtle grace whlob the purist -bred Italian shares with Iris countrymen of all grades. and which makes him show so well beside the vulgar of otber nation.. And. then. Modeua was not vulgar even tor a poor Italian, The girl began to tbtok him a very handsome and agreeable man. And ao," he said, " you Iles at Merton 7" ' Yes ; our cottage la Just beyond the ohuroh. There's the .lbs of an old boat sttcking up 1n the nand. close by." She gave thin Information In the most simple and natural fashion In the world. "I must is going. It's getting late. What about him?" she asked, glanc- Into where Phil Barton lay slum• bering. " Sleep good for him. Wake by and by, and go." "(toed -Meet." she said extending her hand, after a purposed halite* floc. Modena took it, and. bending quickly, leased It. She snatched it away with a little laugh, and ran oat of the shop. He followed to the door• and stood looklug down the dark and nQlsonne street, long atter her tall, lithe figure had disappear- ed from sleet. erb to Continued ) The Great Piro at the le ladssr. le. T" Was an awful calamity. but cannot be readied. Now. Catarrhosone oast remedy and L a positive cure for oaten* and Modred dreaded dis- eases. This statement 1. backed up by bushels o1 testlmontal,, which we hare and can produce. Snuffs, ointments, washes. etc., have been ,proved melees la sirANg% relief or curing catarrh, bronchitis. Irritable throat, nasal and ear passages. bat Catarrhesooe, the otonated air core. does not only give immediate relief, but affects a permanent care. Why delay t Send at once for sem- e bottle and Inhaler, 10 cents. Out- lt. 11.00. ' N. C. Poison • Co.,'Kingtton. Ont. The Oomtag Sleek Sheep Rev. Dr. Merelllb, a well-known Brooklyn clergyman. tries to cultivate friendly relations with the younger members of his flock. In a recent talk to lila Sunday school he urged the chil- dren to speak to hint whenever they met. The next day a dirty -faced urchin, having n geserally disreputable ap- pearance, accosted him In the street with : " How do, Doc r The clergyman stopped. and cor- dially Inquired : " And who are you, sir r " I'm one of your little Iambs," replied the boy, affably. "Flue day." And, tilting his bat on the back of Ills head. be swaggered off, laving the worthy divine epeeohiees with amazement. 1[inard'. Limdmeat Rehires Nennigia. Is Rise Linsey's Rndorsatlon of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Tbe7 red her of Female Weeklies' sad H asbe, When Other itedlel"e.I C ere Without Affect-Nisi gran W b.n a star g Dodds Kilo's Quehee. P. Q., Mare& 20.-A very shoe& sere - e surd Shay ed;WC. meat ts glare for tion bY Has, Limier LIn.ey. of the city. TUM Mate meat mad• andegged In the preen/cc of wltneeser, c..n1e a mtawge uJ hope. and encouragement to the vtet majority of women. for nine of every feu women are *titterers from one or other of the long train of ills known popularly as Female Troubles. To theme, to them all, without ez- oepUca. Mies Limey's statomat proves the% there is, la Dodd'. Kleany PUIs, a poeitive and permanent cure for the dreams that rob life of all Ie pleasure. and joys. Wee Unary writes : "I have Mee a great sufferer front imam. Weaker:e a and Headache. I muttered all the tor- tures attendant upon therm tUreas.a. acrd odra),t get no relied, Omagh I tried :may different kihds of remedies. Hume time ago I began using Jkdcl's Kidney PUIa, and my complete cure began at the same time f am tow strong sari well In evert will% thanks to Dob1's Kidney Pins." Weak. pale, nervous womeo, whole lives are a ocuUaoal round of suffer- ing• seed took no further for a cure. U they wUl use Dodd's Kidney Pills. tbey are were of complete restore - tion to vigorous health. Dodd's Kidney PUL stt'engtben the HWa ys. and the Urinary Organ and bring health, strength and vitality to weak, defective organa No Kidney Disease oan exist when Dodd'. Kidney Pills are used. -Dixtl's Kidney PUle are sold by all druggists, at fifty Dents a box, six boxes 12,80. or seat, on receipt of idToronto. by The M O! Dodds Medisbb I ' h W bare the Ocean a Deepest. A little more then third miles from • mem em ur Japan We Pacific ocean haw been fossd to be more than 4, 64 t fathoms deep (27.838 feet) Some officers who were arvey1laugg for • telegrapts cable Mood tear wire broke at this depth wttbont reaching the bottom. Mb le maid to be the deep- est eepest eoasdtslg ever nada, and is so that the two Malawi mountains !m placed one over the otimer In this abysm wooki lave the sum mit of the upper one two-thirds of a mile below the/arises of the water. Ladles! If yon would be strong and healthy and ha'. good complexions. take Miller's Compound loin 1111. Sew Osterteb path.,, are Treated' Ostrich feathers In their natural state are white or grey, but ere pass - Ing Into the hands of the milliner for use as ornaments they are often dyed in yarions colors, and sometimes, If the curl la not as decided an It should be, the shape is imprroved by mechan- ical treatment. An ostrich will fur- nish. It is Mild, 540 to 550 worth of feathers every year of different qual- ities. The prices vary from ff7 to *200 per pound. digatd's Liaison Onto Dttadia! Llebteat of Liquids. Additional experiments by Prof. Dewar have shown that liquid Itydro- gan 1. by tar the lightest of all known IWutds Iia daarty 1s one -fourteenth that of water, and, corlou.ly enough, MO happens to be the same ratio of density that hydrogen In the gaseous ,state bean to air. Heretofore the tightest liquid known has been Ilgae. fled marsh gas. which pos"oese" about two-fifths the density of water. Miller's Worm Powders for sallow Orin: old or yowler. ONLY RESTING. Pretty maids with rapturous smile. No longer try men to beguile: ; From hubbies whirl they rest awhW-- Sweet winter girls. But when lbs days of Lent ander, They'll more owe more with gowns And make es captives as of yore- Bweet seamen girls. littler". Orly' J'aawlgrra ehre. Olergpmaa a lest Beeper. "Which .ort Of man 1e meet helpful 10 you?" asked one elsrgyman of an- othwr. "I mean to yes. perennally end Individually." Mas friend looked psxtied, and the qts stlonrr went on: "U it the man who agave with all your news anal no hips you with his sympathy and enmpprreensnuene, or the independent thlaker who arrive with yon and sttmeatew you to write 'rnonrinclirg, etlrrtnie sermons ?- If you really want to know," sass the older man, with eymptohrll of SW* at the M chert of his month. Wet either of these men who helps ewe most. it's the man who may or nnay not agree with my views, but who rare* enough about my sermons to anew in church on wioney RnrMaya, when 'nowt people neer at horse. He"e ler halt Miler !"-Ie roes the New Tort Mail ams SIMM Mabel -111 Mtn,' Witsfag 81JgaM a bot pap* Atli* _fa, in long as Nee Demo% Ms Insole oo Mimeo t ►- bsi-Na ahs turps s ytrtg, "Womb 1 I alit to hoar the Mai.° 1 Bredatre.t'a ea Trade. Canadian trade advices are *etteiae:- tory. Toronto repartee a large volume of wring trade betag done by the big d otrlbating houses. the weather far- oruog, and baroese In nearly alt Tines more active than uncial at this series of the year. In genera/ pekes of staple goods are very Ilya, with ea advance tert�hgg teodency twtbeable In wook•o and osKee!' reodR. batdw*va' won "Imlrtads.- dome fear is reported to be felt for the keeping quality of Manitoba wheat dammed by wet weather at harvest time. American refined sugars conttnwe to mil In the Canadian mar- kets At Montreal no narked change M noted Jobbers In dry goods and wbokale millinery report ord rs ac- tive and prime well-maintained, and hardware lime exhibit more stir Paint trade swim are goad. groceries are steady with s firmer tendency. and, in view of the outlook for epring b.alnww, the iwoapects all around are regarded as faTOM bble. Collections have been hdrderd menewhet by lack of snow. From toe Msarttlms Provisoes oome reports that beeriness Is only fair, though the outlook for the lumber brad' Is ptomlwrrg and considerable activity 1(a manifested lu oeel-mining circles. British Columbia advices are to the effect that Alasiun demand wri- the= to improve. Failure* for last week cambered only 21. aa compered with 87 the prevtou• week, 88 la the esrreeporrgng week of last year, 86 In 1997, 40 in 1886 and 40 in 1895. Rare Orem. 8l1oon V gentliiiiIr 'fin of as Ws element eV' sand. and little thoagbt of Its vales In grain grow - Ing enters Into our natal alcaia• tion, yet In ros)anctia with the potash. the acid of silica (or silicic mid) forma an Important part of the grain. and through It we get the hardening. When we consider that the amount of silica required to harden grain and give straw "lamina Is oearty equal to the total aggregation of nitrogen.phos- phoric acid and potash (over 90 per cent.), and actually 17 1 2 per rent. of the total mineral matter of the crop. It amerce" some importance - In cls Tight of our softening grains and softer straw. The fact that there ls lots of It In the soli doe. not Meet the case, aa like the oilier asesntlal inorganic e lements, It Is anally locked up so hard that our plants cannot neaim- 11tt. It; oossequently, the valuable Thomas-Pbophate Powder. wttb t ts available silica, comes to our aid, anti along with It phosphate of time, phosphate of magneela and pb sphate of Iron. This: mad the fact that grains. particularly wheat, take their phosphate" largely as phosphate of magnesia, partly ac- omets for the hardness and quality as well as the great yields of wheat (77 bushels per acre) obtained from the me of Thomas -Phosphate. as well as the stiff straw of cls crops. Why the Dtda't 0511 Out. A young lady from the country was suring her ex -sweetheart for breach of "romise, and the levelers were, es usual, making all aorta of ingnleltive Inqulrlae. You my." remarked erne, "that the defendant et very close to yes r' "Tea. sir," was the reply, with a hectic flush. "How closer "Close enough se's one chair was all tice eaten' room we needed." "And you say he put hie arm .room os. r' "No; 'didn't." W . did you may, then?" T.uJ be obit t"bot army rnnnd rue." "Re hugged ate." "Very hard?" "Tr', he did ; so hard that I come potty near holleris' att." Why didn't you holler t" „ase_., "That's no reason. fie explicit, please. Bebabt why r' Canes 1 was Mowed he'd Onto" The coed tell at the beech, and had to be oarrisd and pat under the pomp for the peepoee of re.neettn- latlon.--(loldea Penny. Miller's Worm Powders for restless- ness and i eevishnees. Rs Mad Hua Doubt, " I feel that I can tenet my desgl• ter with rum." mkt the old lady. Yon can, madam ; you can," he replied. Th. only question Is whether f me treat myself with your daughter." For he wM a young man rt great Wealth. wail".ii.L... tal6is,• aft. NO sae ieR nets M petit that lee 0164 afford t0 him Ae1K ki bis pork ?aue'n:I1iJIIRR MRWorAnRPl 138U11144. 13 taen . Tbe7 Yaks Lees the Velums et moat mese Ade+rttatn" Doae. It Ileo Jnmt begun W chop os onus of the neweprpere In the heft- ed States that the wholesale mina- olk treats meaty the eilmbase thaa of a large part of the former% advertising basher. Oempstitlom in articles of amoral use asters'', leads to their liberal edvertt.emant and the keener the cow tition the more it rad' the adverildcg Every publlailioo whioh has reaped UM prefile of advertising various breads of baking powder, olprrttea osr- hallt wbilks7. ttirlbf'ifoodu Muster••• silverware, and abase 4111 sear - stand that lbs combination of the pp empeUtore In tlh.m respective hoes of trade Into separate trusts means the absolute withdrawal of all ad vertigo( to every Ilse of goods which • trust monopolises. It will not be oeoimary b advertles for trade If Um cruet oentroU the product. for the parehaser cannot buy from n competitor. It Is estimated that the loss in adrertlaing to u.wepapere and magazines by the organisation of troika darts( the past two years L over 52Q ,000 per year, and U the tendency to combine kidmstrtat Interests in the trust form coatinoek newspaper' and magastns will have little more Chap their local adeer- tbing patronage to draw upon for Weir sestenauce. for the Income from circulation 1r' thew days V often dem than nothing. Whoa Weft facts begin to be eppreolated and to be felt by the newspapers. we say expect such an outcry •galsst the truster as has sever bssa heard before. It Is strange that this peculiar oendlbioo of affairs was net foresees long ago by far- sighted journallsta It was Horses Oassiey, we believe. who 000e re marked that U oar lorawlgbt was as food as our h�t we would be batter off by t► bleak sight. -Les Ile'. Weekly. TO CURB A COLD INSONE DAY. &mike "stood mesal- tf M ttrdY M Osco A Remarkable Regard tt% yarn ago there was not a single torpedo-boat destroyer 1. the British fleet ; now there are about 120, or three times as many as la an the other - melee of Mee world ; asd last July tt was decided to bond 12 more. The boats of 1894 attained a speed of '.7 knots and were heralded as marvels. Gradually the pace In succeeding beaterwanlac n l. wad Anta now has 48 boat destroyer that cam travel at 30 knots an hour or more, despite their arum. inept of one 12 -pounder and from three to fire 3 pounder quick (Oleg guns. besides two tubes from which 1$ -Inch Whitehead to nee car be tired. The turbine -driven de- stroyers now being bulla are expect- ed to do 401-_ miles an boar. You,bts EasilyTired? miasma manes be Oared Wttb LOCAL APPL!CtP10NA, as they cannot raeb the .eat of- the disease. Catarrb le a blood or eo•atltetlo•al dheass, and In order to curs It you must tab internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Care le taken Internally. and acts directly on the Mach and memos Arfaaes. H•U's Cktarrb Care 1s not a Maack medicine. it was prescribed by nae of the Meat phlslnians In this Doan - try for years. and L • regularpre aa'1pbl sn. 18 I. composed of beet tonics known. combined wttk tae beet Wood purifiers. acting directly on the marous Anrfaoes. The perfect ambles, Von of the two ingredients M what ps�d such wonderful resoles la enr- 1 Gianni Mead for testlmonlsls. , fare, r. F. I. CBRRET & CO.. props. 0. Sold by d prior 75c Hall. Family Pills are the best - rue People We Weeid Oesvert. In Burnish a man has just been fined 25 rupees and amt to jail for a month for cruelty to animals. his offense being the mutilation of her- oin eroes • to aeeate " ospreys" for the adornment of women's hats. In that half -pagan country they have a riotous prejudice against "owlet shut the eyes and pouring merited wax Into the are of live bids used as decoys, and also against leering fledgling berme to starve to death. for fashion's seise. No weeder that women hen who affect such adorn- ments make baste to give money for the sending of miseioneries to Burmah l -New York Tribune. 1 eared a berm of the mange with 11INARD'S LINIMENT. Chrlsbepber Saunders. Dalhousie. I eared a lean badly torn by a pitch fork, with leTNARD'R L11Q1 WENT. 9t. Peters, C. a ward i.la{Isis 1 oared a herrn of a had swelling with MINARD'B LDfiMENT. TMs. W. Payne. Bathurst, N. D, Divided Up. Sweet Girl (with many admirers/ - I re been taken out sleigh riding twee• ty-{liras times this winter. Practial Father (meditativply )- Twrenythree times? Two hundred and thirty dollars. If a cent. My dear, do you rally think roil are worth all that expenditure ? Sweet O1r1-Oh, 11 wasn't much for each one, you kpew. There were twenty-three of Shim. To Meow ✓ mlh►tiom. Xl7borR'x �1' `A appetite iy es- Iron Pill. Owing ell them NUM Osmse Wendy. First Bargtar (1a a whisper) -1 dont ktrow w I'd better take this mutative jacket or not. Seened Burglar Tithe It along. Bljl, You'll need It to tis next world.. MUler� Oompband iron Palls, only 11 ernes for 50 dost t� .y -Yea can't Jtlsslrtt the elm rpm f Ti. .+s is rsawr t► setting b1 Maggio* year Mock. i'rehei ems. a as Jost remember that all your strength pen some our Ito l Did you ever of bit: 7 71►t'h kiln" y 6hr,:mismuhm need more strength. or your nerves; or pe+:.Ml15 your stomach 1s weak and e•naot d&geet what you mt. Il yo•t need more strsmith then tale SCOTT'S EMULSION of Clod -Liver OU with Hypo- phospphTtes. The ell Is the most eemlil! obliged of .11 foods tato strewth ; a''a the bypophoe- phlte. are the beat Woos for the nerves. s.ioTP'h 11Tr17L. SIX.* is the easiest an.l quickest more for we :'c throats. tor 00•r .e ofevery kind„ set ..0 all Dass. of de. , weak neve., and low oe Basal. pa see t• '�:.aaroma scarf 1 so, - . f e.a.M0, asses. MdeHtbte on Matey. "Job 1s In pretty hard lack:' 111.1 Eliplesi. "Property all roes nofrleae worth mmtloedng. and Ills body all covered with bola what Is he try- ing to do Dow 7 "NoShnbtts. "He's ew.bb.. Ores 1tat.J'sInterim&is►sats. i..,bwc Olever Mahe.. it was at the Easter be -Patio., sable. and 1ittla Mabel asked -- Where'. Jobuny r' -Hey dyeing Kgs... mon*htxly r•- M�opened her eyes in wuatler ''Do dying eggs e, Noe from ,4a,t g ma •" Si`-Werere,, 'aeries:• 1. 1riJiy`tlilir" r.�» tette," gasped 'Label's father:- -ord Moll nae a bit of steak." Miler's Worm Ponders nabs the eblldeen health,. - FREE M.�r lee w •.Yr w w'�'icM � .•,rsrh Mars WNW ea. deme. E. TL .4 ase. PERSIATIC SHEEP_D1 .'. and ANIMAL1 WASH. Tb. only remedy that wi11 poeitlrely cure cab it destroy„ Use patches of Ilvlag bacteria. re heves the pain and irritation. bale the sores ami make" the seta whole and enema. Perigee. Sheep Dip 1. Invaluable for re having the animal of all rerm',�, -flaw. Bee, ticks. 'meets. etc and for the cure of all strin die enema Do not be put off with en Inferior article -get the hest 1'•'r static Sheep Dip and Anima Wath never falls. At your deal en or from the man.factanrs. The Plckhardt Reairew Co., Lim 1ted, BtoaffvflM, Oat. r• niw.ys buy EDDY'S MATE8 Auld get The MOST of -the REST LEAST MONEY ProporUloaately. FITS 1.-mrplavil tisrit-.1-4,cto "7 ~ tastes Meese ale etl� s , _ eam�ymerksame .shwa. sas i r wO e 4 - elect of a Cough a -Oen rw-`if - FRES:! -. No Money uired. �.,•n eel imenel • ,w