HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-30, Page 1Tali BENT I8 THE CHbAPINT • e ionat, THIS LE *..DrNQ NISW®PAPISR O? HU'ROPT 0o r'rY. NITY-SECON lT YEW-4719 . 9fl9 • ` JS.1a .,J 1'v SECURE ram BEST RESULTS PLACE YOUR ADVERTISING IN THS OOLUMN8 U1 THE SIGNAL. GODSRIOH. ONT. 1 GODERICH, ONTARIO, CANADA : MARCH 30, 1899. tBlswriofn VaNtaS. ale!Is WAN CND. -• aSIIKRA, tense wasted. Anthem a Ire wwANiID-BYOMODKDD Gook Apple M ♦TK ILL, fodgewood Park. WANTICD -YOUNu MIN AND wenn or tem thee It en youth is Nutt, ef ando.bt.d ob tools , Nordtalkers.a.Me• ta and rndwton lga.�ea lad eerier ihnolit Mt to ehillt .esrT�8. a WANTED -MEN AND WOHEN WHO see wart herd talkies ad satin tee hoer. daily 3 W • • Welk 11114 will be e5t�e 4.11.. seal,. Address 741 I DK A N OaA. Ter..... WA T1D-TEa1CHERa AHD OTHER brisht .w ves.tles If pes.•a.t- 1, to solicit fee . As iq, �l1t�the �Cuiueenrtyrpyg.. �la nl.I q.s,tt/e vd TO Lervi TT p[)81Strl 6 O0. Ventre MR !RODERICK 0. SIMPSON. OR TI rearm Mirth -et. MN1adletehar late d fifes= 0eseerwt•q, New Tors, will we- lfare-et. Wad 1pledased-ta a. Im n5ae.." ltetr-.l.L y9.MrirY~ "The MalEMesM..ArANDREW8. TEACHER norPvg�ioe (1TMv1~ir �ksesf, 71. v4u Plantes 01Wvfsi N A.tapir. s m d. q}/ used re Alet a- rratMr for Few 4Udrs.. RN- wfll worms the Tensaw CD.servaterr Terme se .pellostls at tm. reel- 1If Biar.als Ra . tTos tf Per SOWS ar TO KINK. aT O�apR� SSAL1L-THE UkION pR1O�TSL, 3fenk iaM. 7s it rM(3od Ih. IS lin • •ICr• �VCR miak lip1110. 1�t 1:I. 1111.R & J. liEllf Ill RENT FOR e1EMEAL -PRUP$RTY 1 thaws es Blf Mea.w, silent tin sores mg pear se ewes with .4I*ins ATTRD.L er wage te lspseess tiedar- - ��. ��ATT wee17-It QOUD BRICK 50U81 1OR BALE. - to The large solid brisk hoses situate es Lit a LIA wC. Tows d G.d4ah with are er ma smog {lest tis Nhemare..eser m1 mare. Then le m Wier cam wader the Ire MN • eergeyy draw property ere gar :me - lar sed OM goon serene esdina p.iisell . la M e It.hthe als ithe are el Oak. N ssJt pero.mer. �_ea to GmaA/nt tYegliert• RALE -Will 1Y AND 70 aMirsesb Dans, >• es lists d hlegess� ewes twe.ek le armed • atm dwelt �i CAMSROl1 BOLT k HOLIlM& almestea tI tr lzs i$Orr' IM:w. EIECUTORY SALO 01 REAL Mt - TAIL fs err mdlrrp neneof the Deese55i Mau N. C. The seewatese win stn the k+l.wlsa peep - sae ter We bhole 5 hies e Miele sheen pa wes est 1w Aprf . the. 5s ler seas. Atha =ere, • tont s=resesbs 174. t- 1 !M, on Ries- BN1 5115 'l-" Wahl• • ne sonnet the 1. Os stmt. . bar es Weak dM d B.I.es' Ames heildisig ad pmessit es it nimble simmer le Need set to w G.T. A euanm. Lt .mbs N7 ru.mtg su.br.. Oodu eM gw�h4de MreOldr•p1r?sma5arsydwoilmr /MltlN'Zhr M•NesP W Mee seed lisi es ntheam ell. A0. i7� fall al said 'ed�" e • i mYmg .ems Yed.rls 5 le mused a er.ma dw.Ilbg7 thleNeesn Ise erpet slyest M1 la w ..ahiorfi1 11. The 1 Zane Hotel," s(t to se Ism M Ant 17 ease of Al$mv01e, L Abeat Ire Stela is the vide. of BVada. Moly• prepe1L will be e5.rd as e•+ Stege psrtraahaa and .erwtnles tut M aaeMass rB4wtMd*,deleorswhes► lrRw. ° SROM. BtYLY ItMayLT. lfaples, vrtid.ei' aslletee.. oat LeudeeliktlK ender/ Waatgd. TUMORS WANTED. �SeIvM b 14 .derseehasese tethers will sp to mad b. 3.5 shin .beeps, {AA April &h. IgM, for the •ret- . nil The l.w..s orst as ally leader met meets moe.mled. ass p -i il er wtam. to In at te Or Pieter. gr.Il.a. ft*{„ Mar. fib 1^' iid� • li iertilllf ff MIs 11 ORTOA0118ALH OFA HOMO AND nt IM 1711 ?sW14 01 Tat v rgsalbby Yates sat ees- 4 d,•7� w 1 e sineirri of este p14.. 1 s14 at the ti iary, -r- t14wa he foT sale by f a, - b7 flouters Nes. /yy si4 e5tiiii 1 Brei, .t4 aur the les 0•" •':.' • i S. d gra e : Seim �s1l�pter e gra " * a pe1.1Of *f •n4 11 i� t fp.�s.e.atg rr►►55e d Sour r 1ee.SRy •l Ira a mea' Ling .-'aNag'dl'ree- A=of- '. _ :% tiuss. 1. ! r .r �• hems 1. gen : ti :. Ali p.r►mth ge. •Ne-a-•Y•N•• 91u tit% tete- Ito ' tete i lag pcomer 1(3MM. and ml , r ' W ether seeva- Ansieese/te not be • neem Pear e• Rattly ba ND Art Deed Se X r AROUND 'TOWN. Roues Neal - lie fart e1 dew 1. D.v,d.a, let a. e.onnitea 1, Omen** MVss14tp, has hese sold to J«. Sabath for NO Tae tarno is two stiles and • hell pal llsd..IN ad o1N.he 133 •arm lass dnterdy (Marge Moliw.fe pureho.d Seel Jokas/es's far. 04 118 owes, let 21. rtr.l oneessies Uodsrteb .e•e1p, :3,776 the the pries path. New BOOS. AT Txl IusrtTDTa- Ante. We Mese : Berta/ Uaal4WDe.INa I IN 14...,'. Per Ibb.sw ; W ham5.'s Am - erase 8ke1ele s ranl..11'e ef mha•bel S Iaw.11. My Study wied.we ; Wieder Danko ; Dairy is held i Qmeoay; Shirley; Vestal: W57 's Fresds Clad&; Maisel.'s '1 M Deer OM 1.r. ; W hero Three . Mose. Only h . year to rad 4,000 vels.sa Resew N ad, al Motes. nee and ao.pl.aleue. Oxon 'lutes AT Tall KNITTING Fricri 5Y. -We are Nosed to Mara .(w very ea1r- 1.4r7 .endnotes of the Gideon Keehn' Cabketal.... Led y.tfrti•. • .....seta! sus. mad 'h. protheses eN w that 1899 will be evow-essry• •As she othiputy bade'. • dose orders a ked, while at present the have three mar' work ahead. Wad • foal are is that these lad erre all laden grads Road.- This M the Railer C. son's "greying ar" ; may it aovor "pt its gr.w I" Ter Cratere lawn* -114. or- rery el a. Cense* s4. otre beard h.. rind • espy el reds H.d...r r.. pert .f his ter ogle le the I.stitute. H. s.raes.r1Ies the d{islpl1s m eviell45$, ate srr..R..i.t .f dates .5d proses ler the different s►j..a as ert•Mer,• .ad la ea• ears wee the r.relclle. ; gnat aha tree Na. 1 a every emitted that he .meed *imp* reedited. orb is 1-2. .4. 0...10410 with w stas4wmt . ••I take meat siemens is reporting .f thio k.4*n Goa that It la is .zeoH... sr Aar la all caper " O$TA.W'e Melfasaiere Helie ty*twee* wLmft*''►►yy 1414. ° Beard el Health eh.4..ths in 0.154e deo tea •.be mesa .f T.hrwy rata se $668. or 1217 per not per ser.. The is tee hares deal h tato yet rhea in Use era, beag {dress t. 30,800 • year fres ell ease. 1'M dors fro. o.ms.ptsa amber 215. as raped with 184 1r Jaw easy rad 141 is D.nmt,., of fa.t year. The deaths irem ether wages dews were •-NeerMtlmr 35 diphtheria 36, mar I. 2, tear a r7 erre14 3 red typhoid 16. There were alm seven bre frim emdlpee dsrlaw the rale. Errils DAT. -Th. Edmoa*Ms Der* meat ef Orr has Mead • drwlar he easel hewer• are.ihmt the Provisos, metifyw the. that May 23rd of ale yen W bre ase wart es "inept Dry" r w modelle wheels, rad eegfat.4 the meshed in w►Fee the day uee'd be apse. It is sea - gar thee the morose be deved seedy N • fa4111isr talk ea Cat.d.'s n4ae to the E.u.., rd noodle. free (Maeda. sed British wither.: sad the penes recitations, seep ad .pesehes ....py the sfurnsea. The table are le be armed se the .zer.i.m. A desalts program fee the ekbruiee of the &y es w freer lies •eherb will be a.dmed saes ie ap.,Ilw► WILL TNT DISOCAL,yi1.O~'r-m5 Removes' --Mr. Whitey M Isepodede fa aro Iwge4eare • bill is •meetltilat M the Mealdpal AM .►&h tease less bear. lag epee the err of ash. a oe ode& The bill rental tow thee 1.argil ails .vMedd Iter *14. rad wing ..1 • Ismer me ter ~red expenditure than e ioN7 peg 15oa ef the err eared a the preeediegyear. The a.easw► peeper b7 Mr Whitney provides w. the 8agWiMariee shall ..e!/r y te pear e� .totted fee 1899 d the W of 117 red shell W dege4B7 ries from Weir soy dee gager that et mareepel new oiler, of Prem NKr they odes after the .xp44oar et the tensest year. Re Has Sr Mary Murata. -TN fol- lowing ng akar d M, serer et W. F. roomiest Oaredes r..t.JN awls re may yeoman weethe Meath ire iserssn ..11 eery. Isgiltse by The Glebe : W. 1. Lure. the get G.. Wieder 1 enema arm el we row wt nem. 110 8► Ped 0lohe, is. aid Omahas eswappN rtes He is Beta awe lfy.Isrr lean oho. Bes. r Dans- rake, be Nes* S Cowl* wee es 4srne, ase wee brewer spa 86. ho.o*. Aft 55M error ag • patella easel terMse he se.per*td wee H.. U. W. Rase he ft.arg The arra AN. ...$. I , •••eed1•R to Morris, he S.afrtk Emperor. •fedo wards fear The Daily Home Jeri M Uedsleh. la 1871 he sol te Marla *d thea le 5 Wear of as aside Pars. L 1872 be radiated The M.rp.ha FIN Pr*. M Wrdpe., *s4 laaWrea a soleal el N to lately �e yr la 80e, be Tin Daily Nee- Wry Werra. lied roak.1 hem to raasrerele kt boar. Mf. Lure ed me S Lardner RNkwNd in tar Mare* A.as=y, 18'4.78, e.a feeSeth WhslpaR.1M6 �8 Re rarer MargeMr for the ).seas a Orr a 1878. but retired. with the sear el W Mende. to anew 1114 1.4. M*.awld to he .Meed by saw. re. Ora Sallas erase el and* Avery, �►beos.Seyw� h eld • vary eaie.ahl saki of pees 14414 Meek. A amber ..f the ..1..h deed w5•. direr et le punned a tide heed. Oren h ea, of the Beard nol, Odder. tee.thlp, pesthmwd w *ere -bleed ►aw-yea4•.14 Nt5 ' Agate Rooth II. " •d Bark anthem of the B* Odd read. ab. pare-Wed4.41 "B.....r." Jere pishelm, LOOK Left .-1 PAIR OF OO :al.V514W$tt .:tbeirool rite.' ins a sere t" dare ire fea at w prase. re Wantr.4► WA N T f D.- A ORAD 0E1XERAL 1� gorse. Ark M holler. L t OANCIIY. !L WANT !Otte DS i, pug*. elgr:tew-aNy�{t4rE4mrr�a�,�iT :hop tea tutee Slsda yI.-J.l(sru.thast 8 WAETED -Bopp AND ROO IN wire USW Ter three : She egettew owns le t*t*I3II e se.111016 t 5p*1ms4it S.. og. wisf0 ( oeV.estrfM adroit. deghter MARRIED - Non. D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. d !wrist., Mese. • eneedid per. -bred Clydes4Wlo tear., abed by „Sled -book Chid," Gem as imparted mars Yr. Ctus- h o1es, le le said, hon thee prooared the of the at at•ree a the Donal T. At she same time " Aper Booth " -- No. 23077- wee 1.14 N James Batty, of lion Slay, Masi - testa Intend, who purchased avers! ether BeeM►4, Ireld/ng • fall enter .f " Agee To Norm ease -We Mve reodv.d sons..mpletat. from sebeartbere of delay to she remit. of thin paper. U.U1 lest groat there wee eamele., rooms tee ahs de- lay. as Two 8301141., from wartime crease, was ter a .amber of weeks • day or mere 14.►lad tit. In pubtw.$i... However, w• are re publish/Mae on sObda& time, •ed bar shear114.,s eheeld mot their papers as- .ardrgly. If .ubssriber, do amt after this resolve sir papere et ted proper time w will we report to els Oho. sad the male Owe *aid raw ee asteat en Tau Hultn0Ouro.ttrs' Wttskt., 111111T - Iso. -There was d in.. • ReMd.., Wolln- er •mar 0f ledge, s$ the Herwo.lr.rel 84.157'. ..511.7 as Ta.1.4.7 ere. The *ablest •m OrPreserves et N." and w in dealt with Ina Iat.r.su.g .ease 8. Merar, who rave nerd w &r.m.r g 5.r as se sr beet way W whisk b pat se the warless feats. Yr. ewer star bas lead • red dad 5l 11pee&nee aloes them h.a and has made • wady et as .as. w, se that he was ale to flue the revolts of his .we *perinea* At the .vw4r'e mars * abw.iea apes "Cheesed 1ert11- Iserr' M melIMd, t8. purge to he read by Mr. Galt. hums eras Bane. -There wee • rad' 1arseet of 8.t..t Setlemd sod .there as the Open Hme Saturday wear lrse sews era.. mad his wsmey et Sear natter." appeared. G • serdian, Frame is a is.se., .rad alio • story ea Jew a.s4h et • far reset be make the rag wry. Mees remade Halyead ear* verear* he "Caller Herrin aiedI n 04,y reared sladorers tlsrla 'The Dew Auld Haw' sad the "Boer Bak. .f Lea i..ed," and Walter Orey's read.rlsr et "The M.0r ger'. tearer" was p•rdmlarl7 geed ed reamed the 131101111 provost to it alma $W4. `4"616N 11e414, the violent, is • 1 seem* artist le hes lar rid win v.dhrwly appealed. The dsadag by M...s. Meeker .ad Maher Imo meek appreciated. rod the tetter flied Clg. lawmen wdea joy fiery 1[.. he Pio the bellows ander he .mom 8r4ar4.y sons 534513.414s for Scotland. A 05ier liciticAL Redly. -The map se rule{ err Masai 8.isty well he held se Aprn lOi8 sea w111 teems the Vedettes " 4.4..' wars of Brea. This ore•als*54es •easels of Sweaty es ladles of reed raid patina la Boer sole worship es w three et muse sad burs .s - 1541d mesh • degree el e>omll-•s that they ..d..bedy surpass overrates et the bled es this sentiment Beaaler them here is • very rear* .,settee for • ton et the sins .f .en sod all who leve geed mesie arid w ad the velas le persaisd as it deserves. Wilk the tete N.spMm at Gd- frey's bad. we Wire this to be the wast err entortossment ever 415.td bars .e4 sa.drsss5 tat highly erred the sed* Hi.hir Arta te ssluvate high .radial Ire in ear dense. Opp.rret. Mar ester as this well mho .esar aloe and r w the men get oto the hell meld fail to be awe. The et5.ti.. as Orad was t. .hares 7be. ler the hest •eat•, bet this hes bee redwood te 60e., with ethers .t 600 .ad 36.. At these rates M will eke • fail brae t. dear renew PALS Sv1DAT *r ST. PITTS'. O.trscl.- L view d the geser.1 .nett.n hetes paid by the per e the We red works et the late Father Crow Rev. Father Wed, deer hie d4tsoura• ea Pal. Molder sirm has as St P.eer's inure►, road an excret frees the N.. York Free.,.. Journal. gar a different side ef that gester.'s ✓ heeaste, fee. that white has appeared he the dolly p re. The rev. whore-- said r enders "eke erre ef the ad wash I have jaw rod, left me by Abraham Lem ea. r W owe 1esi ester, are ler hem he i nada werare to �gey. Wens we read really y aewdve; .Whom W .5* his Wags, do ssl.ts y fie .Ia4. rete se he mid he aid or w8a eery was ere ? He hers In Dare aft darnel Meese d meryrmarw sad fried, era oftener sere1uJ b r the weeny wines varies.Presbytla hieeries weer anpeer. d r w PrN Ie is Waled to Munk {sot geed pipe et the Prearterfas sena weal her der themeres te be b.pa.d epee by • e... .he they knew, or raid have knows, ter spear 1r.. the Wary of ear Minna ler mewed 11." Ter Pasr7tasy, ISIMA.DIi■ AND Gots- 5td1 RAe tate-'LfkS Rlrsardte. Reporter ret week pebliskea the'fll..ar is refer. same be Me Hv.-O.asrW .Istria midway ranee : At M. brad of weds raft r Walkertes kr reel{ 14. Mermen. hien ont det w bed .l psrWu.N 4fr.s . .send ft* a rearm phis of {.rleg n hew deesu the i►.wusea roe W read. It l lee by a prides o err as 585.4.554.s el erre • Ilse wall he • pulls hart ad I8. 4uer.l tread ef spier is Chet as stens tbwi he Mt ea treed to ease this Arai& gad. Brlady teed, the.1pierese is 34. Mast Brag, el New Yerk, the Mesalal War eases te th..wdndw that the read .win act be 1e:11 tee She ..Ikimt*d marl em, aid wnN tk111 rues w hamar pewees were (.Nand they dear te hen emyteleg more be ie with It T8...Nkid 1► se tar es they .rr.ss.N.ed, ns then le and the rare hoee ef n. railway ...Mute.° gamine salt • nq..e. Mr. the d. deed that the detesters kelt te e..hady KM al •s Saar. .repay woe seen - 54 " ' with, but weber suesa TM IM. -Parr w..W me other& peg .ym ghee. t is ha.. This w. &idea N de air he 75ve temerity thee the red amid be NUN, as we dM nes lark IS raw Malar. Mkr te pal sea • warble herr ate eta bade .t ev.e s Naryet mom ewho wield NM N awaken rely wn werpses. The Au to man. 1m wed a hwore s., fad tete. rhes e7 resew wad ..est If the le. err win te reser with she rusk. All a asked ra the shope et see1*y wee • d. - el 9Sfi„000 far the 4 p.st.m a.W of the rad t prier el seer te Its withdraws se the week pr.ar.Md, sv ab- lest bjest herr i he eam menseart et the work at .ser 5Pf les ..Pees as 11 seely • eate es preadatat. Mr. Pew kms, ft hie, red ed to leper the ....a fleriltria precast lodestars we he thee will idbe able be & .r Toe reales le fee {kis i The darter is "hala.d said is .pee t* e7 resp. 'els peer ee arm who wdl ghn the n oses medeetar ee te etvlreet W 1e41p . 1, are se • whole se le e.. three. ► screed epee. A V4ppi •raw Cow -Oren B.Ara- ar, of 1.- '- Oar, wee to seta he • tow deli ` melt retie blithe* . s o.."k........11., "t, • taken 111, the ohmage la the oleo's berg the eases. However, he w*. well on the way M ►e athiesomed beam whoa he MN 0.derieh. A Leer 111011 OLS War. -A bore • party Rood 8weedl.h m.., A lee my 7.b. A sone be O.d.rtob Monday, ApeU Std. It you want • yrdoer ! I ak the yob. Ou Gums. A MTrratovs 711501,-4. some oro playlra'eke easo! 11 re, the. who is Sn..1. M trine shoat him, yet *.body seems se knew Wm. Then .re many Brows. ma is Ude tows, but why *is p.rNsl•r Brows should scot. to Lowe .ad take Seib meeslrr motbod• to soafy its of Me arrival M r mystery. Who is he ! W14144.14,. arm? Out Oieot.-Ole Glen .ad in merry rapastone will appear at the Opera Nor Maria, April 3rd. The era*d play .n lee well aria to mead ..Ma Maria, r one of w beet dine isms .f tat ware, .w4 the bees will ne deem be wooded. A umber et well-krws vaudeville store will appear with the *emeasy. Bea are sew . sale .t Perth's bookstore. De c1ArsID Fre 0Aot.-14.tber 'a- lta, • yore Wena fro. the township o/ Grey, who bd Ira is the poi here ter e re weeks as • v$r.at, was Wore Jades Maser ea Taosdey for .z..a•tles is be her scatty. Atter the Marie .f *Wean the yearg wear was dis1.rvd .d win ahem her by her father ad rage, who de farmers In dry township. 'Tee To LApa1.-Thai very feyy "Ole Oleos" will be eriven et the ern Her Monday. April 3rd. The ...pry ✓ r .Iooptieselly good one, ease ap- peared is di Sha ergo elites a the Celled States. Tae is the ninth Sears d the play. Its mosses W bees phenomena a eraser wits she play all the lane •••7• ed damns will he rives, Ole these prem- iss* be he the beet aItrmotlon est Ian this era. Bsow1'c Flt lows. -Wee is Brea Man iambs e n hem! Was le 'ane baser! Whet is ho deme bon t Thee are oily • few a the questions asked by nearly every pence Dee meets. Brows is dimmeed Is the hotel., au tbarestcoreer, is the stereo, oa the alarms. Is feet everywhere, and yet arty krws hir. No14dy noese to have wen hr. Will Mr. Brews, who k la Iowa, kindly call sad make himself bra Tee W. 0. T. U. Memnon -There was • pea' at* 14... at the regular W.C.T. U. rag oe Moray arra Mr.. Waimea enthused the .pear eerier .zereM.r Waw saffirese was the .4-14eaa .bj.et This proved • east Irtereayeg error W the for. et • wore searr eatable., prepared qualms sad .tm.w bdm7 Or whir eedseively proved that were raid have )sisal at rights with e, w Ihey .we pr•perty, mF times, ooatr44.5 to the material ef Use ooaNry, amd therefore haus a right to cess voles is .Flat hew their property .hall be pretested sad hew their tuxes dell be mast far- ther, mune ease are emblems to laws amd w sleety interested .ith their brothers and hushes& is She wolfs et their 5.417. soy .4.4m ..e right a ea hew the. oouaery shall be eineraed. I pwitsm M heap annotated tor sionauree is the twee 15 .aid as are5r4 .* the Dr. - Man and will is der dr be p. oassd se the 0rv.r..met praying that this right shell be amterded to the Meese et O•ete rite mess legal ..Ming .ill be hold en Apnl 1014. waw • rsspt4ea wU1 be tea - deed to the saw 4..41141,., • anode for the sane berg .*4. daring the intone- r! doYs- lN1Tt10 Twit PUtLatIo.. - !lir, lad Mrs. D. keeper lass task had a Inter fr.m their ewe Withers. el the Vend State 11s.s 1. the Philippi... Mr. ger. (tams rheas . a rear in Cask 8.41'. army .t the time et the explosion of the Y•4.., .*d herr to the 14th amsimine ef t•f.Miy. EM leder, pirtba et *bleb we 4.blfr. win writer from Maria end is dated handy 10th, but Yr. Ferrer. o., G•. • rehear to the postmark, are the dr is • mire one arid be the 10th et February : "1 hers oat)) time t.r • few linea rasher ns4w dieg.lties. se do mat lssk ger • ems Inner the Mr. We are heeler gatto ea 5541wmet with she m4l..., whir I sop per yr ban leered themegh the press, sea are *peeress seen ..rvite a real edema -am glad M may se far rear end have peeved eared.e real to the .♦ sodas. Saturday are/ we est or et the ray ate te arms, what se Noel proal . false dorm, The Philippe" are about 40.000 erg. armed with the Sates. se- pnvd arms. with a7 ...N el we - area, and her netted • very ewer - tag attitude t•sy. Aber .11Neht Br- e eds, they Makes/or •s14th a diet hl Thou the battle n(a•erdak•)' et whale,the 5&, every sewas • t the halide w erase w ad Iia • ' plat k ' sons heard. • tw1R tea. • Mem 111, ter dirt throws b M. hes, et ✓ hea • m..r.d. fell. Ill N merpr14I. r hew seers. tied everything • person mot anly err did, het dee whoa he d4 at de, will rah are* hie and. Thee will .d c=Fermis d my a 7 ep4y mere Sheet est N • WON MoMambmva tea le me, but s her have ere out ea tap. Will try N cod yell • Far I hers aeraWy bad sr very area senates, *hick tidy preyed Mat ay ties had Setet ease.daredsimply pa.myself he OM's bth *fere the battle. tallith and redly Ware by He will -thee .fled {m, Peas ao heed to sr - .df, het erg row of all the Peeples* rate rases of my r14 I ger reed M.pU.ma fee marines bravery. Oa time they had • keg b se my 5x45555. We were bard • her !r mad I mMthaa yeragle m ; the beer were curd them mind Mired eat le earned �j •rtil.e 'C..s se, MTI The bleat devils w rang be ha► Sep is.sd. 85. ar bit rata bat ah, d .odd Wee That 41 ale is wwe as mem heel* she tear bs., ted the .xelteurt sed mediae seem te sores sola Mb* The writ says that they were deet to mere ear be the err el the Ise" gad N weal tem he I.p.d- kas to get mall •tgy. The Potwar Cover. -On Saturday • rasa ef near etOOs48�r . terra wee bare the pefee aria Moe • reeris whisk had . re raft r 8.lator&. The paras ere to en gree - meet rag tbaa.mlv5 sad Bard m ed. der, ed M. wgkw.N dMdnea Ike N em with U. Oa Eery a ad {tweed rare MaNmry was Marred w4N seeding with a trriadfa a .seer M Viso rfa Opera How who wag e.eyrf Ns far error • dWurhwm at the Mer ea Natstdey debt .bin aha Testis sewer{ wag pies es. Ia new ef WMsrv's pram seed reined the .reMhar W bite MI OS sairded iron, itTwit . inner m parties w o troops soh. sage N was S M NT w bone a5ntted were .harmed y walk. (. ria • *Idea• let to ren ►es ' 4efr the the scasther. sem_-� te peel feels week. nay Rhe thole ea.e were peeing up • Ned 7•m• bot wen r as Thomas Lomb moll Jae Murphy. Saes la It They poked ay whoa It wee too 1• ma/ here Lseh had pair rialto • .m et weer by borer read Nee. • game Mg hash sod to draw .r.p•1►y. Tata Mao01Luv.AT Mltuarr BAxD MP Se5rA111srT.-The ....sl entertakesent et w M•a011lt.-..y weer 8.641 leak pine a K.ez 04.,,...8 Wt Frl&y mves4., The *1..4*nee the Man *ad the rearm toed. The dm item w.r a ere•n sole by era Less. *ft w41 8 Rev. Jr Aare - de sorer the spaerg unseen. He son reward 1W Mem Brea. sed Mr. Bekker, who were be Iv takes pert i. w were 5sffeti5R from grid. and 'would mot b.Nr to be prat. Th•n fol- lowed the Wean el the n54354, • crane matted '•Th. Cwg.•ri.f Orem," is which over • hundred .t.bers of the Misch Bad 1..k part A amber •t arra. droved to reprobate dlfferme e•aatr{se, ear teemed and made reds ter help ter the .se41tm w1h soy represented. The presides spirit, M1. Vida Brown, asked by what means aid Smith be sol sed K•ewWN,"MhrPbt Mitt."Wealth," Mise Alma D*...y, "War," Mies Ler Mar- shall cad "Power,* Mies Aosta Adeew*, offered Mr aid, hat {este all jested by iM r�lf, 1t 1144. jt W. Sodden .p. Not seared w sod gar • yLova Sweet Dere,"" •fir w144ee "Ian," Mrs Pearl Oen&, oar - tying • err appeared and sated bee .Y, war was r.espte& A .nape et area by the nbildr.., "0 1 Compee ag Or..," and "0 I Cann at Levin," Greene ww- tw be • dater. A Name Gad baPwev'li• tend Ualh Campbell followed. 1WYUUlt aeon aded W. Madders Ihw meg • de Mad ted Where the Rlpolar StroamW Flews." A very approprr rgeildm by *4. eared Tye, ed "Tho Mrdeam•4a7 te Dream." ear seer. At l.*5,.ae eed.1.R the reset•oese, Ms A•.berke ears seise. remprld en the engem b Mn. Loess F. Siete, c rzamese .f North -et terho dee Muria. den *11 *pa digetiee tar ea ea perN►lwsly ermd tart he as .Stilled . reappear. A rmama.. by Mr Wiles. se • earl/rand .object taken frees Judaea 1: 12.13. was sires. A. a erre •h. Ir... "Tho Elder's 8......" A very pretty a .• by sweaty boy.,erlli 5 Loath." Wier. Fint of all tea IIiti. b• rspr..eatl.3 " !ala, " '1- 8•r•. ,. J.y " Pale. " rap n Pity," "Ceara'," Umbers" mad "Cheer," emit bearing • taper, Faith's bele the only ane ltgb..4. Ease a tarn resolved URN from the se asst. The tin mere hey. appeared N the c.ats.ee ef hosier sera sash as Iea, Ober, J*ms, Tease. Abba, oar, with unlighted amass phoebes for mere light to be see. When seek of Nese bed moored 31,141, tb• pretty peered • premy sign nob with he lighted appe.r The last ember was • weal solo by Mien Awbrook. Aker • for were from as ee.emm., Mr. Anders'{, the onlgeaaesont deed wise the doxology. The .meesww. were F. Slmpes. Mts. Lame rd Ma glee Tye. EASTER AT ST. GEORGE'S Bran OD.mrr1O1. Rr 'ter 179 soil387. 11 A. -K., "1 me *1D 101.7 001,*II0101, Opines H,m.. 183. "Jane Christ is Riese Eater Anthems VW r Proper Peal. It Healey GI " 4,11 Fester 10 •' a Treat T• Der Woodward is B flat B.sedlotns Bans by Asthth Moth "Christ bee rises fieet the dead410th se were ; der hath me more dare ever HI.." Kra Bear Brews in U Gloria TIN Hymn 177, "Pep Happy Mere Come." Croft Sera{en by the Reeder. Bytes 186. "l1. Day et R...rretlos," Saris smart Bas Brent (....so. Hyma 388, "Bread el Heayw," Werner Gra e Faedds Brown 7 r 1L. ev atom, Were Hy.., 181. "lens Christ ise Re To -day," Werra Pre.. , arranged by Bra Posse Ted. azul Nettleton " " aefv..... ,,,.Aaeias 8rItW tete " .:v1HOrOte Y3. .1Mas rem ilk h Nese Dear Anthem larby Awake to . eery, awake 11. emit harp I .Feat 54 .wake right early. The is the &y whieh the Lord bath .ad., we will mire ad he led le tr. 7hr saw I C er* seas freta the dead awl hosts the bare et {heap *eh .1.54, Chad M rens item the dean. Thanks be to Or, week Ora as M. vkieery, thrush ear Lord Jame Meek All peer be hies, V rime lord. Foe Nash l adieus Wei ,otter, All res to ON the Farr h., Aed Hely Oust *formally. A..." Hyena 180, "The Binh M Ger,"..tete Vinery 8..re by the Redd. Hymn 214, Sad". Ater he by Dear ► Ellen tieveefeld Am. Sather 4, o, NOTES OF SPORT. Whoa'. the mate., wltk herb • Mame team 1s 0ided& yds yew A ember of yam men are faking * thorn r "s wady an el self -del nes" tither the tattles a J. A. Hmlpay. 8.1orth Iereed stub eyed for the e we iso wash. Tian Wil WIG Nth ..tet ad bterwda. *.inter 1. the C L. A. AS* mars ef the MHO., 4* T ele- ertag, the reident, D. Kamm - y, was Werra be revert the .Itis .1 the ase .•rare of the Orden Warman A.ssed" M he hold he Te- nse* a Geed Feeley. The Off -heed RIM Oka M hoer a merle of tares mare lee • INl4y.-kelt ..td by E. R. Www, the wire wi1.1 e _se • lSadas&a rete. OS kr ten la dr The Rud sir takes roe tou.enew 11.4,511. Seder I ntb*U dub bee sleeted the fat. Mee elbows : Ham. War1 pear H. 8. e��ftsei. B.A ; vise preside" S. U. S_.e, 8:A t �ttila 1e dare; same rpare er, !, 0. es0.15; 114*airmen ef essimegro emetrellee. R. 0. 1 deli H4.10sib 6, pet a eras 1era; r the deed fie Me peeper d' ,, 1M 1.548 The Morel Ittordot apt the gese play a dr eaa the Saill 4M hww.a Les - reel sed Sear t "Ar raises pas Via payed hese lest seat eta Creed" ted • red' game se lite ekes herby M gra Air 7e MMO W bfttw Of alter 1541845554en ply bar era y w bays thea as shows lee .41st- •. 14.111 ► w ad mord • number of Roel* W eroowtoa, the game *midair 17 le 91a favor of the home Mem. The attead*aee was fair. The s was is Nod madams and both Nam. wet is tants! shape, the teams- Godarto14 Allan, foal. Williams, town', Thomp.00 cover, ldeoCarthy, Stamm. Pritchard Breda, forwards. LFetow.l-Brows, meal R. Haarr. point, Meyers, aerie, Kidd Lenses, Bart mad brash innerly, for war a 1 • The gess b.som the Lae.now and 044.41014 hooray mann last Thursday nigh walled la on emir rioter,/ t5, the ►ems balm. The 0.dorioh h4y had no daAienity is piling up a big sees., sad ooseq.wgy w ear win met el the setae variety. 0odert.b made drtw eels tad Labrw tens. Tho pla7ars were : Iwekeew- 0sal, W.. Ursapoet, A. Matheson Nver-ore. A. MoOw ervis ; forward., R. ilie.tWeir Cream,0. MeOervie, Johe Own - boil Ooa . Kerry. .rfee-lOi ; pore. J. With...: 5ye4•pt4nt. D. Thompw ; forward., W. McCarthy, Ind. Bredle, Trod. brume. titu*rs Prttobard. id, Leeson*, ad IA.kn.., sot.d as retiree. 714 hooka? {{alta Y tie Malta Money 117*vealhet sown lee Demo for the spans - hers, The way skysn. kewever, were W dead arr. and metered foto abs game at aro elan with sash rasa that before lone they developed • bed seek of"that tired feeling." week W .sagely oarprl.ln, of - Mots If the anise be os skates. Tie.e m..bere of the Wye aant who witnessed the rale pK ase saw wrinkles la the Rause, p•s54••l•vly law way of reeb..,amd is oo.SMeaa• ea pica geoer.tly. Th. teams Used ■p as follows, er thereabouts : Mar red... --Oehl, 1. Notal : past. R W farm ; *ever palm, J Halliday ; teethed.. W. W. MaoVi.r, !reek Humber, 0 ()rot ea., O. Held. dingle moo- Deal, B B Tut ; prier, 1i. 0, Peenttns :.ver, -spate ..r O4lvs Hints ; forward., N D. Reeve., A T. C -tile, B D. Greet, liord.° Hader es. Dr. Welty war the pew mak,., referee, •pd T H Noire and R. W 5.11 .boimpartial umpires Th• offing! soar. was 4 . 4. bet the married aims 01.151 they maid have soared .taw If the single mon hadn't prated rho.. The tie may be played .Q meet year, noI.. 1m the meas Woe some M w Orhelen bonne wells' hie. LOCAL NEWe IN BRIEF Rite'. ren Salt tor teeds or dslry. J. W. Broderick has parab*.ed the stook of Casey h Oe., S&*beth. sed M reaping it off then. Yr.. Mary Ye5.y, ef Oederioh (eighty - Ur se yew el .ge),h.e coos admitted to the arty Mae el Refuge. Tip sheath a the eight of meeting of Harm lodge, Ne. 6S, I () O.F., from Thw day . Yoodey will task* What sort Mme. day. O. F. Em.oaa, of town, has bees asked by the Mar merge oemmitte a Claba to ' apply the peso for ahe Faders wane'. .40heet a 5wera4ae.► la that tows a the 110dApril. R. B Reath bas reed Yr.. John R.4'i how w Preen arms and wail shortly so - copy It, w.ti h e fall] Mr.. Raid. we e aderran4, will so to Lusksew to reside with her 5MNr-le-Mw, Mts. Ade. Dry - sew '11e fallo.ae le suggested by as ex - rare : " Tarn are people la Iowa .he umiak • rule shat he made sad inforwd that set sten the three emeseben of the MIN family be penalised N wit the p.t- *Noe M the mine time when the Marmot mull Is herr &mrinatsd" S. R Hlok's obese of mdvirtissmont am. to bead leo 1*1s for the. lens. It te1ls of the fellowaa sow goods j5. to had at the Cw41a1 dreg stere : Yea m's Whalers, new perfumes for Easter •o1 P.bet's Malt Keret, It also states that Mr. Blab 1r. the Garish steam for "Native Herbs." look ler kis •aaonaooms.t NZ$ week. At the 4wK4g of the season of the tows of LMbewel law week the feUowtag rtem reepe54. w C. P.R. ersensies was merle 5mal..mdy : Tie this e55aol of the towed IAeawr view with tars the ef- fora welsh w beam made by the tows of Greer mad slit of Guelph be have the Oe•d4.. Pecan Railway ezbeedd Ge. Guelph to 0oderieb. Ferias o-ddest that the ripener el s trade el s Mans of Nstosd. Bras•ie.d Blyth will be a rate Atha* 4aueo.es te the C. P. R. N melee tee rate a the ..stress of the rood; sad b11454ng thew reto.patd 1m preee.mes d the 0.4.rloe herbs .ill ma- terially aid Is prseset er the sod, the mayor and sleek ars hereby enaerl..a e sign the petaled w141eb le sow helm etre laud tor that obj.ot, sad that • espy of tkM retention be forwarded with Said Peti- te. N Brans Hear, Eon , serene, el the 1Nzens' esesesitte of the tees ef God* nob. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. Walter Muir, eta pastor .f Bosse - Mid Presbyteries .blab, has Ids with Ns family for Ao.elad. The ..Gly fellowship naming of North -et. 1.Nedle skisreb .U1 M 14.14 on Sealey .Malty newt In the board, begrime •t 10 .'544.k. A str.ass for Faster will he ararMN 4. 1•rlk-M. Methodist Aare see Sed*y, d sp..4 1 Easter moa& will he 4eadaaed by she .ge 15.v. D. Rogers, Blasi., We her ap- pointed o4slr.*u a the WI/aghast delete{ el the Methodist *arch, 4n suomesion to the late Rev, A. 7aadKbam. in Yteterl••w. Epwsreh i.eague {Wiretap he the mostly roll eal1 *ad ores.N.ae e nvies axe !tidy evens. All sibs sea.. peen,. of at 45444 are tsrdWly leveled to be pree.e st ale Sgrvi e, The W...n's MMslsmy Soddy of North B anes Methdle shank .111 bold a eator arwt r the &dere ree on the even( .f Seer Meloy, s.ise.d.ing *t 8jo'oleek program aril be reedited. Salvor aseselles The mesal beard of W Ieg4s Methodist there bin Molded to tern. R.• L. W Nona, S.A.. 8 D., of Amh..thu.', to tits Cli�of the *rarer 1n ..sansei.. be Dr. Pres, rte .111 reliably be es . eneated at to *ppr5*dr/ se. rear Rev. Dr. Mabal a, d a..54, dellver ed ewe *le serer r lir Mara loss , fr. Mr. Admwsn Wee in Iles - kith adders,, Dr. M.D...U'.peen Ike. lm the err Nies g.754w, ift. Uwv ase Yr. Uey, d 7*.e'. Bwtt&k 1.5.15 s sap. waited r the misdeal Webs Illed is kUa the ftepeept4 .S Pte At 4.. ausetairliai arra ere le ad the SI*arse e7.peke et lite *are of a boldLeaden Mos frees Re. R. 1. Antis, .f %ygali. k. superesseatlea w emd4M. 11e .�pp1s1l11 ..Sas was ow the mammal of teat mold.{ to Dr. B4*re, ef Sesame. fed semala•- tie, sad • grass eel 10 eap.reaaa•Iks made for three noses, easing eepS,I. DOMING ANO OOINOe E. H. M.Ken e, of Zeeeep, the et {tome ea Sunday. R. b. Reberteoe, of Stratford, epees 8aa- d.y la tow.. J. & Sharman, of Wopaebsek, M viltlrr Ms heat. hire. D.vld AMsaa/a has eared ;e tows from St. Augusta* George Os"et, at (:Bite., Y Aendlag holidays al his boos bore, The Mires Pries •re hecto from 1'oreato, to speed the Easter seasoe. M. W. Howell w111 spied the Raster holi- days at he home at Order. Loos Bee : Mise Maggie Ward M tell• tag Ie 8t. Mary. and Gederi.4. Ms Emily B5chaa, tether, of Bien - rine, L speeding holidays as herr Mn. Wales lett 1..1 Poet ea • vel► N Grand Rapid., Mat. She w111 be away .0 e.meer. Mise Skelton *sd Ml. Jessie Robertson are borne from w Normal (Mlle's, Rama' Ms, for Sorter ,..*tion. Mrs. Rev. J. Wilson ed Master Haab mit ee M..4•y ter N •Mreabnm, for • two weeks' vote emeseet tried*. Mrs. R. td. O..ed. Gad little daughter, of StratherJ, are theta( Ms. C4 s1.' pa- rm., Mr. and Mn. C. A. Heather. Mies nine. of 0.derleh, Ids Guelph Met week for the Northwest after .ponding soma ilea visage friends is time day. Willis Ralph, wee .f Jets Ralph, ef town. U .perdue a short time some the seems of his boyhood Har new • prow prone hard wars m•rohat of ♦•n,.,.w• r, tl0 Mr. Co,nC.me'+h.reo,,,y,A*he •• ..1 Alae 8*.. O,rui.., .t N C...•.,tete • rook, ea the repr..ea,alowe e1 oh. (k..1 r e. o4rsie. Al.ok &enders retinae 1..t sf}.fl.MAgn • bus.... reit •o 'r.5011." .adpoo:.• Re broaaht b • .k n.4.r. for a le,,. ....tent of work for the one feet.. y. .110 .y ,M 0tatpay saw has 1.4574 artier• *head N keep the fa.ery neeteg soil Jelly J. J. Wr&ht, a she Per 1.r., loft Ws moraine for Hamelme, where he gem *b the suggestion of the Nasal el the H., G. & B. Electric Railway to o * 11 the information peeslblo with regard to 0enstreatl., equipoise, .1s571.1st and *oat of electric reeds, sad whet lsduoeme.e atop ond.r4klnns offer to same. the f*vot- able notion of the 4v.ster. AUCTION SAI -ES. Alt 1481. p willgottahires sale tree none 14�W tin list no to the timed sake. 1!uDAT. Marin 31.. -Sale a Edward Str5'h*r9 dairy saws, cm lot 2, 00004.1441. 2, Colborne, one ells trim Settlerd, *t on o'clock r w. Mr. Sarre le giving ap tie dairy Weir. Jolla Knox, one - anew. 8.4700014?, ANS 1st. /.seem sole el baba'. shop exttine, furniture and ■tosells at 1 o'olook r.u., a1 Oundr7'. them rooms, Hamilton et Ale • gesetlty d household furniture and s5so.. Hi .5 p Cesea, proprietor. Alco as ore tinter nine place • ember of home sad v.hle4N d DOWN hare. Teas. (UPD.T, pregr'eter. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Rb.'• Pure 8.t for table or 4hiry Hlek'e Oepeuhd Jadper Klasey Pile Will ours y . sl all your ray Ula. Catrin Drug Stara 2."-. • bor. w For O.T.R. Hoke rad ether must' order* cni bleats s M all pmts of the we,4. se be the T. 1. Lawrie* World's Army, W.s-M, WArrea-Biter .d spm, Rehr tree, ossa sr Irma.. Admittedly the 1455 were man r Carlo 0. E. Into, Wetter. -1841. ler the Eases Malden the 0.T.R..in hens return blok.te at single fan hares all sans W (Maeda, Need 45mr 4454 30a to April 3rd, 4olndvs. *55 reamer rt later the April 4.14. 8.14.4 eeiawbe • id bears, es mrrv54e of llOrliessitil be tangle fare amd .eoWrd fres sperid at w to Are 1st. rdmlv., UMW. rod for rotors Iry- lee dssaat4e a.t later than April 1014, For O: T. R. tlekete gad a1p.•55 ray .edges .54 tlgr..m to all prle et the arid, R• te F. F. Largos, Weft etre5. 8ALTFORD. TONSDAT, Marek 28. Rsbt, by.ads, jr., Fete last week be take • pram in Brentford. Mimes Clark ad Kennedy were {sadist rioters here ea Sunday. Our river bas�kat* • tsfaly Ye. km. Th. 1. attu1�•1 ..'.py M hese fed Wb. The man who emblem himself the smartest W the v1leRe was herr by • Gdertoh led the dherday for Ms volubility. TM people hors were heed te • radar Corbett -Puede... Sinton the mere scale last friday. Th. torero was kepi dining by 1wtesp.ple .g4rly hew the 'mill" w. prerreseing The parties mese A even bet an earning sierra r the shape of bleak .yes. Alfred Dodd has hese kp. en the ea all water, *Mahn • o.ls for tete W.dbtr nese, bat latterly he him decided se pat it at • sweeter job, SW of Trawler M..y all . 1.115,. His apiary la la •zos8.l ems. Math sod If the days is sprier. eemmer tad fall are, m the pose say. "palmy days" he will emu rosy All y. sed Piernew. Alt., le • wife. P4et antis 1. a. •elebberbeed. In the midst of 11fe w. are It death. Am- ebae .t ear old readmits bin err.5ed to thee Marne fr.t'• whit8 so traveller were, r %be pew et A&uad. Doe•4... Uo se • awn tine bolero bo 44.x1 he woe ea mm hie rat Week. bat patellae .dad el ed ea Thursday lase hie spirit mead away. Yr. Deader was prase) the *Nes red. dee. of Colborn..w.Np, He inme be w s•Pa.hlo he 1852, mho mrd year It moa epee. ed for settlement. sad W dee lived hese e154sa.s5ly, reseal. the •e* d r.?.sty. tee yeae lad tree nate* He wee a **1I'* taws.w, arr. E. raw. live ; Jr (f Brussels; Jai ,A a M. bee of Miles City. Mara) awl seedark. re (Yn. Laker..tami Y`s herJa, at h.rare to rare N. Wm i • r �ldesaer was •d • reas , rieriest ..sseeff dar war be landit= p4.4 te ea eawarde het ag�4. the (-5.aore.ler Swear eh * M Mw.eMhRy1 ..stens Id - lewd the hareNr4.Oha pgear k5. body retat is lie i.s1