HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-16, Page 108 Tirovairir Move 16, 1621r- More New Goods Are Here ---w and wore Ooruitantly coniing to hand. Every woman appreciates the satisfaction of making a first choice in neer goods. -New Spring Millinery. -New Mask Moeda -New Spring Jactels. -New Com. -New Dress Gods. .-New Gents' hirniskiags. New Ready -to wear Skirte. Tie greatest retie faction given by our Sktrts. Theyarewell mule, velvet bound. lin•d with beet rustle keine,, out to haw( sod ilt nemoy. W• hears the aew flared skirts of serge sed lustre, trimmed with two rows setto ribboe. Great value, Only $2.50. THR NEW DRESS GOODS. Every worthy sort, proper style of dress material for spring is bore. Bedford Gorda in all tAs Wadies* shades for wits at. ROO. Covert Cloths in fawns, ifirsyth blues. (41lW Bread Clot* in blues. browns and grosses. Rieb heavy black waved worms. A speohil line fancy Drees Goods only 25o. KEN'S FURNISHINGS BARGAINS. Extra special nice Mask Dation shine, regular. 50o.. for 39n. Bees' black shirts sale 33c. Extra special men's in. oolored bosom shirts, regu lar 11 00, for 50c. NEW MILLINERY. We are making great pre- parations for the Spring Millinery. A new and sty lish stock of khilors,. Chil dren's Millinery, etc. Our Opening will be in a few weeks. Get prepared for Easter. NEW PRINTS. A external line, fast orators, at 50. Corsets and Underwear. New short Coreete. 76o and 11.00. New Fine Muslin Underwear. Night Gowne, 76o , 11 and 11 50 White Shute, bOo. 75c and 11 GO. Drawers, 26o, 50ci and 75o. Corset Coven. 18o, 25e, 35o and 50o. Ladies' and Children's Vests. - NEW SPRING HATS, FEDORAS and STIFrd. - NEW MPRJM., SUITS end OVER COATS. -NEW and PRETTY FRILLED RIB- BONS, very extensively used for Melt and Skirt Trimmings, all the sew shades, 5o.. 1C,o. and 15o. • yard. W CLOAKS. -NEW LACES, VItILINGS and BELTS. - 10a. BAZAR GLOVE FITTING PAT- TERNS, cooly 10o., equal to any 25o. pattern', in lit, in style, &ad easseety of material. Good honest 'mine for every dollar spent in wer_atose, and more of it than ia likely to be had outside this store. CASH AND ONE PRICE. - SMITH BROS. & BLUEVALL. Ternomge, IMr. 14th. L. B. Duff smut fienday as Isis Items Miss Kama MoCeselimi Is YUMA; in Brigs - n ein Miss Bud MoCrookon bas emerald from Llsognow. John Robertson is suffering from • very e we lode Rey. W. T. Hall and Mein Gordon, of Reinvest. Hefted Rev. W. J. Wens last Fri• day, A faros will be presented by acme of our young people in the Foresters' hall on Fri- day, March 241h. A slumber of our young people enjoyed theaoselese at • dance at P. Thorns' last Friday 'Yentas. BENMILLER. Mosost, Mar. 1310. The wind storm of last week blew dowo a porticos of Thee Ashtoe's tern on the earned cemosesion, causing oonsiderable dame's by unroofing the baildiag and demolishing the f @ bibles A beadsome new cutter was re. dead bo kladling wood by • beam failiog ow Joe Edwards, the man frees Meadow- h.d., is battling a lot of logs to Malt. I leedville to be eawn into lumber ot Goldthorps's mill, reparatory to maki, g autopsies alterationa to him barn end bead- . ings. Oar Joe is none of your stiok-in-ties- u sed termer. from Wayhaelt. No, eiv.. he's a go-ahead fellow. he 111, Ill anybody one seal from the great change that haa taken place in the abort time that he has been in pewee- . erne of the old Liters estate We under , stand he le going to drain the Novo? mead- I ow. for winob this farm is noted, aad amolt• bah troat-breeding 'Deeds at the heed of tho ergs& that passed threugh hos property. Ti. Bas Joist SCALM.- During 10. peat week lir. Smith, • qualified inspector from the Department of the Minister of Agricti.• tura of the province, bee visited the Beemil. separately, ming macanying gleams tor the, parpcms, se the scale is so small Si not tio be disoorsod with the naked eye. Altos • rigid examination whioh (coupled the greater part of the week the teepector was eatuded that the smile had aot made its appearanoe h ers, and reported arnordinely to the De- re/tweet. In ooevenation wreli this gentle- mais he told us that the stook wee in excel- lent ocinditioa and partioulerly ties from the eggs of maoy. of the pests he has found dur- ing but Wipeouts of other nurseries, auob so th• tent catorpillsr. •phis and coddling moth. LEEBIJRN. Idathisr, March 1310. Miss Edith Horton toss returned from • pleesent three ireelui' visit to relativist mar the Classic City. Cupid haa taken from our mldst one of mu meet popular yoone ladled in the perms of Minnie, eldest daughter of our moat re e ructed townsman R Fulford, who wee married at her father's residence, Do Wed- e seday, the 8t1 inst., to Wm. C. Stewart, of Galesburg. Dakota, second son of J. 0. Stewart, of this places The ceremony wee Performed by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, peeler of Me Presbyterian oburoh here, an the provisos of relatives of the tiontraoting parties. Clara Fulford, sistee of the bride, was bridesmaid, sad Geo. Clark, remain of the brieogroom, disobarged the duties of best man. Mr. Stewart has been several years is Dakota where he has taken up land, tint he was bound to bey', • Canadian lady in preference to any of Cools Sisat'e mindere. Ile has taken from us one who will be noseed at every turn in her home carols and ly many friends, and our Christ- ian Endestor Somety lose one of ite aceive somber' toar humble scribe joins in the general wit that every *aeons may be in store for to and her husband 10 10. joureey of life they .irill undertaking together. Mr. •nd Mrs. s °wart will depart this week for their home to Dakota, hut before leaving will for • few day. visit among relatives and (Honda tbout hors to say good-bye. ler nurseries to an. if any triune of Iloilo maoh-dreaded pest, the San Jose scale, bad SALTFORO. resehed this Motion. rhe marnitude of tbe work may be interred from the feet that sone* 100,000 or more tress in all Mafia of mow* bad to be insmoten and handled Suareeteed Satyr!' Sure. terrartkiiii-and If yam ars not ('w'. -ng elm bogie- ... tillita-allptifY esseely ao IIIM Mier itragghe . he will errant. me 0055 money beet There's 1001 every bey that o will rem 15.. eem, ek net I BAIA NV JAS. W I LEIGN ii=0601. dle111•111111440- . J.rok4m14014/p Woo Mable Tbswiew has Meta as tin mak TRTADAY, March 14. Robert Sy.monds, se old resident, Is coos mere in our midst renewing old acquaint - 6n4". hire. IgeK,nnon and daughter, Sarah, of (;odenob, were visiting friende in the seigh• hothead. Mr. sad Lynn Latta, of Arkansas, are here %%biting the latter'. tinting...Mr.. A en edy. Mr iiot Itt.. Ifsr,i, Plant weregusetaat he csddisgi.i Mr Air es end Mies Sower hy As far as apnesronces Intimate there will be one mister home. What attract', n is over here when go onery yours./ men stroll over .leerl.y after. ono 1 eel ism aura it 4 mot with a mligi,.to. iespiratinn the‘ 'come, I hiak it la whor so eloolinti 0611. Ws an about to lose another nf our old- en resident* in the parson of Mrs, Thce. Wiotb, who to movie, -Soo see is lori,ig f its must reopen - at ,aaae, bar 1•1111t, 401 be onr lee" will big Goderiolii par. Ben God., halt movet bi• brnalionie to the Ceder. •I1NPV11 tbe rittorlie is another of our poultry (eerier@ who in mak Mg a theories of sham ra•oing of fowl. Caforniestely last year 1141 I..a "off year, se he sueoreeled in ✓