HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-16, Page 6e $D'. ' 'I,E I ENT sewers ,w._ TO r.TIIE SIGNAL," GODDRI , +rr WE CAN'T SAY ENOUGH.._ About the guodls we sell, but if you sue what we other, with the extremely luw prices, you will be perfectly satisfied to trade with us, and know you are making your money gu ae far as possible. No matter what you want in our line we lava it, and believe we cau suit you. - Some Specials. This wring we will make u larger display than ever in Cliiitii vare 97 -piece Dinner Sets for Printed Toilet Sets. Six dozen Fancy Berry Sets... A lot of colored Cups and Saucers In Lamp Ooods we lead. It will be Money in your Pocket . .V3.00 . 1.95 .50c. Each .75c. a Doz. • to buy your Tea and Coffee from u.,. We import largely Lvery year aid our stuck is complete. We sell a epccial Coffee at 20c. a Ib. that is giving groat satisfaction. • A ire Things is what every person is looking -for when buying a churn. You take no chances. If you buy from us you can be sure of ' the best in the market Don't buv till you call at our store and see the latest improved churn. A c t wue'I<it _ Farm Produce. For a number of years we have handled largely the farm produce of this part of the county and will continue to do so. If you have anything good to sell you can always get spot cash for it at our store. Your trade is appreciated at G ELL ITT'S, THE HAMILTON—ST. GROCER. Arc you one of the ntauy who have already gut into the way oT'supp ging their Drug wants at the new Goderich Drug Chore ? Its name is The "Central Drug Store, S. E. HICK, - Proprietor. 99 This already popular Drug Store, opened only two or three months ago, is located on the north side of Court House Square, text door to the Central Telephone Office. To those living out of town who may not yet have called in, I would say, -The first time you are in Goderich, come and get acquainted and see my stock," and if you have a doctor's proscription or family recipe which you want carefully put up you will serve your ewe interests well by bringing or sending it to Hick's Central Drug Store, Goderich. With a long and continuous experience at the dispensing counter, together with a well -stocked Dispensing Department, conveniently arranged, I am well equipped to put un accurately, ,quickly and neatly everything in the prescription line,rand at very moderate prices. Patent Medicines: In this branch I aim at carrying all the best known and most reliable remedies in demand, as well as a good many others not always obtainable. I also have ready for sale quite a number of my own prepar- ations, all of which have stool the test in hundreds of instances and can be depended upon. Here arc a few of the principal ones, viz. : Burdock ani' Mandrake Bitters, 50c. per pkt., makes 4 pints. An excellent Spring Medicine, cheap to use. Beef, Iron and Wine, in pint bottles for 75 cents. Also in bulk. Iron Tonic Pills (gelatine coated), 50 in box for 25c. Juniper Kidney Pills, 25c. per box. Equal to the 50c. snakes. Cooper's Liverettes, the nicest acting little pill for the liver, 40 pills in box for 20 cents. Cooper's Cough Emulsion, quick in effect, only 15c." per bottle. Rose Glycerine Lotion, an elegant healing lotion for chapped hands, dries on quickly, 25c. per bottle. My own Condition Powder for horses and cattle, 1 lb. pkt., 25c. My own Cough and Heave Powders for horses, 25c. per pkt. Improved Corn Cure, the best made, in 10c. and 20c. bottles Magic Clothes Cleanser, removes quickly grease and oil stains from clothing, 15c. per bottle, with sponge. Drugs and Chemicals and general Drug Sundries are here in great variety, all carefully Ixmght ; also Sponges, Perfumery, Tooth, Nail, Hair,- •loth and Shaving Brushes, Combs of all kinds, Toilet and Medicated Soaps, Face Powders and Lotions, Swedish Razors, Razor Straps, Hand Mirrors, etc. Remember the place. The "CENTRAL DRUG S TORE," (Next door to Central Telephone Office.) Prescription -Druggist, (Tai me No. 90.) OODERICH, ()NT. evieweravio eon as famed Y ib IAw Iargest.frooery stores u+ .i!►e town. From the Ant Mr. Elliott has mrd. • specialty of term produce and has uu- t,.tuw1 a well-earned reputation for al- ways vine the freshest and bat goods lhi. liue. He always pays cath good farm produce farmer* depend on getting honest. prions, as Mr. Elliott is reliable and keeps in wueh with outenie markets. Of interest to the farmer is the new st..uk of churns just received. There have all the latest iwprovemeuts and the prtoes for the difier.,ut styles will suit anyone. Other dairy uteesiis are also handled. We notice Rice's pure butter salt displayed iu his window alongside of his churns, which it very suggestive. Au.,..,er lien to which special attention it paid is chinaware anti lamp goods. By buying a large qusutity of these goals at once he is as a pwiiiou to offer everyibirig iu this class of goods at lowest poteible prices. Mr. Elliott's tic trade it ser Lately worthy of mention. He im- ports a barge quantity every year direct from Japan and the quality of it it uusurpasetl, at prices to butt. all. 1 M r, a hustler, he •aced* to his busutnrr hiwselt and also keeps a coed st•tl of obliging clerks, so that all who fs.ur him with their custom may ex- pect courteous treatment. McLean's Palace Store... MAZEMENT sat on every face at the announoement of our Spring goods and price;,. An in,puetivu of the magnificent stock by hundreds of people has created a whirlwind of surprise The Nobby Spring Suits and Mats, - The Handsome Top -coats... = "` All marvels of Tailor's Art—furnish a genuine feast for the crowd, who declared, as you will declare. that such euperb values at such ineowprehenisibly low prices it a phenomenal state of things puesiWu only here. The rlpriug volume of trade has again started here and is bound to become general._..__. - _ �- - tit FAEI!N1 BEEP STEP ! BE IN STYLE! Our Spring Suiting* are extra fhte iu N'ur.tr l ,tu,l Twe - I and very tasty. anal wurltttsaeship and guarantees. . Ah The e, Pop ? McLean's Hats are at the top fur style, quality and variety. Wear McLean's Bats, largest and best stuck iu Uod rich. diyoct•frotu the manufacturer. You can nave money by trsding.witb teL Conte to u, for bargains in Clothing. Finest, largest and beet stoWin Western Ontario. We can please you. • UEttltGE F. EMERSON. Thu above it • very good likeuewi of George F. Ewersou, the genial manager of Emerson's Bicycle and Matic House. Mr. Eurerion, as can welly. be afar, int ".lilts -.beak," he having been counecfed_with the bicycle business ,;ince the days of the good old ordinary, and having during that time kept in close touch with both the manufacturer and the rider, and it is due to his infuen,:e •ud ability, not only to please customers, but to keep them pleased, that the busi nets on West-st. has had such a stroog healthy growth. "Go to Emerson's it you wsnt a good wheel," is a phrase oft« a overheard oa oar *treats. - This hem are firm believers in the efficacy of printer's ink a•- • trade bringer. as their ad. in this fes ue will attest THE CENTRAL DRUG STORE. Otte of the handiest -located and best -stocked, although one of the newest, stores in Goderich is the Central Drug Shim, immediately ad- joining Porter's central telephone office. Although the store is new, the proprietor, S. E. Hick, is. • reliable druggist of long experience. He learned his business in Goderich many years ago, remaining here for a long time after graduating. For the past twelve years he has conducted a successful drug business in another town, recently moving back to Gode- rich and opening a new store as above stated. Mr. Hick's store is tastily and conveniently fitted throughout, the diapenang department being roomier than usual and well stocked with all finds of pure drugs and re- liable pharmaceutical products. Every thing is arranged for the prompt and careful dispensary of doctors' pre- scriptions. A j omfortable office separate from the dispensing, will he • oonvenientplace-for those who wish to meet and oonsult with their doctor. The stock will be found replete with all kinds of drug sundries and toilet goods, bulk and bottled perfumery, sponges, chamois skins, etc., neatly arranged. A large number of reliable preparations of his own make, put up ready for sale, also forms a leading feature of the stock in the Central Drug Store. 'Telephone No. 90 if you can't call or send for what you want, and it will h, delivered promptly. A. I'. McLEAN, OODERiCH, reports that the past season's business has shown a marked iacresse over former years. The prospects for spring trade are exceptionally bright. He has been showing for the past month one of the finest ranges of spring hats, furnishings and flutings ever shown in (ioderioh. He aloe dont" a very large trade in ready-to-wear clothing, which is strictly up-todate, in newest and nieeet patterns. By dealing with A. P. Mclean you can always rely upon getting the t,t„rt goods at closest prices. N. D, ROUGVIB. One of the leading representatives of the hardware trade in dederirb is N. i). Rougvie, who, altboes,h ones parstiv1ly a recent arrival in towe,hea succeeded intesteniding what was for- merly $ good business oath now his name it a household ward where barbed wire and .mnmercdal hardware are areal in disceasfnn 11w has had a useful experience in thte trade in Canada and the United Mutes, and silos : oming to (iotterich barn demon. Waled that a assn with energy and capita tan always develop and im prove • huaineaa, although [bat bolsi nemmay have been at the heal of the heap, apparently when he took holt. Gents' Fiirnishings }��� Our stock Ls nearly complete. Sae our novelties in Cellars, Ties, (doves, Umbrellas, Cufl Buttons, Collar Buttons, &c. An extra tine night shirt in cotton or 11 innelette.for 50c. unly, and better onus at 60e, 75c. and 11 00. .GODERICH AND STRATFORD, Art Tailre, Natty Hatter and Gents' Furnisher. Cashis King a a I am offering very great induce- 1 ments to Cash buyers. Just show you what Cash will do my store, I give two examples : Barb Wire, 2c. per pound. to a in a 3 3 3 3 3 4 -prong Manure Forks, 33c. Did In eer Ell hatore ? r a a a 21 a a 3 N. D. ROUGVIE,J GODERICH. � 3 • WIIIUIUIWl11U1111U1U1U1111U1U1U111111U111NWW11UlU1tiC 1 , • •