HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-16, Page 5- Ka Y 4.+ �1 SUPPLEMENT TO 2.215.11_ &IMMO i_ EM€PISONS BICTCL AND �� I1 Irl SIC um: W EST -STREET. R s E T I C3- GODERI GH. UR B I CYCLE LIV- ERY needs no intro- dkt tion4 6 It has won ,for itself a reputation all over the County for good ser- vice, good, easy -running Wheels , and generous treatment. We will this year add a number of new •• McBurney & Beattie" Wheels in order to keep pace with our largely in- creasing trade in this line. The McBurney & Beattie Co.'s BICYCLES WIUCH In ACKNOWLEDGED Th BE The Si'velii-Of �ycledom: C AST year McBurney & Beattie Bicycles were a' suc- IC cess. This year they have even nude, improve - ____J menta. If you know how good they were last year, you can imagine how good they are this year. They are made in two models. If the first is too high-priced, the se- cond is sure to meet your views. In both 1899 models you get proved successes in bicycle construction 'and equipment. List Price Model C, Ladies' or dents' . $75.00 Our Cash Price '• " 6• 55.00 List Price Model F, Ladies' or dents'.......:..... 55.00 Our Cash Price " " _. 50.00 the latest In addition to the above we are agents for the " YALE," an excellent wheel at $35.00. A full choice of Tires, dears and Saddles—and our large stock gives intend- ing purchasers a good opportunity of getting a perfect choice ; and remember that some bicycles are good bicycles. Others just look good. There is more to a bicycle than enamel. Better go behind the enamel when you're buying a bicycle. We're no't afraid to have you go behind the " McBurney & Beattle " enamel. Everything, whether you see it or not, is strong, staunch and true. We have in stock 12 " Clevelands," Ladies' and (lents', fitted up as good as new, for $25.00, $30.00 and. $38.00. If you want to get a wheel it will pay you to see us, or drop a card and our salesman will call on you. A handsome Catalogue for the asking. We are district representatives of the "NORDHE/MER" PIANO, THE ARTISTIC PIANO OF CANADA. If you think of purchasing a Piano, let us talk to you, or drop a card for our new catalogue. - - ENERSON'S iii)CfeCLE AND MU$IC HOUSE —AN u— BIC:TY'OI E Weer. ear. - r' t' . MOH $UMUO IN aawi**QN. Summer will soon bs here, and God. rich kW have its doors wile opess, as in the pant, for the whore trwvplaese where the warm esteem fI ease asp i- I htfd as it Lahore. The town possesses peculiar ed - vantages as a summer resort, •mai, o1 which we shod mention bristly, Situated es the short of Lake Huroo, 188 tem 'Mire the Ievel.dlke water, it is tree from those dieseim• which infest low.ljutg plates, and the temperaWniscwderated byte browse from the broad impasse of water. We sometimes have hot days in Gode rids, hut•the nights are almost iuvari- p�l ] ea heal *Irak theaituntiee of the town is very pleasing to ike eye, and the roenery ou lake and river a•ud in the country aurrouudiyg i{ beautiful One mover tires sitting tp the harbor park or upon one of the terraces overlooking the lake or river and (eaatiug upon the beauties of the view which stretcher out below kis eyes. No wordy of ours can do jerkin to the uiagnilesutae of the worsts over Lake Huron. It is worth a try to Godbrich to see them atone. Although Menne has4one so much in walltag .Cubicle& 'Mia healthiest and pseame.triece in. Cheade," she has no loft. unaided. A spews ofmabaworke supplies roodids eking meher.tMtsegheut the town. The town is well lighted with elec- tric lights. lMreraie Aim i- sewerage system. The streets ere wide and ore lined with beautiful shade trees. There are. two parks -one overlook- ing the *harbor and lake, and one in the mitre of the town,: At the har- bor park conveniences have been placed by the town authorities for die lessee d ie...and,pi.nra4ms. ties, in the shape Jf a kitchen and the necessary furnishings. There is also a pavilion which can be used as a dining -hall. To the resident of or the sojourner in Goderich the summer season brings • whole host of opportunities for diversion. Upon the beautiful green at the rink business and professional men, in their shirtsleeves, disport themselves at lawn bawls, while the tennis court adj,iening -fords recreatioe to the younger people. For soma' years base -ball kis been res sport of Goderich, and the town clah holds no . mean position among the amateur clubs bf this suction et the Province. Riders of •' the silent steed "—and„ those who are not such are rapidly be- coming tower and still more,few—have, very epeeist advanteges here. The splendid sods of the town lead to equally good country roads, wide and well kept, upon which oyeista may spend their leisure hours delightfully in this wholesome, invigbrntittg exor- cise. In the country surrounding the. town are pretty spots which may serve as the objective points of the cyclist's rambles. The road from Goderich IQ Bayfield—twelve smiles—is one of the very best in Canada ; and all around the town, within a radius of fifty miles, the roads are emceptiooally fine. This is, indeed, "the wheelman's paradise." The soil is of gravelly formation mid quickly absorbs water, so that the eager rider loses hardly any time waiki4 Tor the roads to dry. Oesale reader, you who do not live in this favored locality, if you have a wheel end a week to .pure" this summer, come to Goderich and have the best time in your life. Those who do not ride the bicycle may take advantage .04 the excellence d the roads and suit their individual tastes by horse -riding or driving. Then we have boating, Wideg and fishing, and a river and- a whole lake for indulgence in these pastimes. And the Marine Band—a musioel Organization of whidh the town is justly proud—we have always -with us. Goderich, March 14th, 1899. BUSINESS BIOGRAPHIES. WS 000nsend to the attention of oar readen the following notion d some of Uoderich'o business men : GODBRIOH BARGAIN CENTE's. We wesid recommend our nsdws, alma is Gederieh, le pay a Alit to the eters et James •itehimen. Tee will had a genial weibome sad a brB- iteet array ef• geed. If you dbn'e want to bey, all right ; you have, jest the same, learned when le perishes, honest goods at honest prime. He keeps home.ckeesMriand heirt.obeer- ing goods. When he sells art article, it givqs satisfaction. Tort what you woof, when you want it and as you want it—that is, the rld6t sort, and emeonable, and ata fair puce.–what more can you ark 1 You will And that it y mon to .visit the Goderldh Bagman Omke. Goderlch Bargatn Ceitre! BEMEl Bilk IT PAYS TO BUY AT ROBINSON'S Do lou pritroilljjjiglils? Sonte people want Quality, others Pr:t;es. Sensible people try to get iiotll.,an4 do so when they buy at ROBINSON'S. For your money buys more here -than efeeW1iere, whether you spend -muds ot"little. An honest, careful comparison of qualities and prices leaves no room for doubt. • WE- _1RE SIHOWING EXTRA VALUE IN New Spring Dress Goods, do. Taree $uitings, do. Cashmeres, do. Granite Cloth, do. Plain Lustre, do. Blistered Creponnes, New Covert filuV4ngs, 0, o. do. Figured Lustre, gamo, o. acq tart:'- You will find that it pays to buy at ROBIN §ON :5. NEW PR=NTS (CI' Lxnl 3) - Light and Dark l'rints, Indigo and White, Turkey -Red and Black, Heavy, Dril}ett Print, Heavy English 'Print, Heavy German Print. It will pay you to calk -and see our Prints and get prices. EvEesnove -is leg good times this spring, and all over Canada business is reported' better than it has been for years. The enthusiasm of this fact pis 4_1esleitilae1siasesi-etntore work, afore wages, more trade, and more money. We hope to join in the general prosperity. The record of daily sales is one of -constant improvement, and the more •peeple,alake com- parisons the more they tore satisfied to spend money here. . We are giving special. offerings that cannot be equalled--QuALrry CONSIDERED. ovn Km 0-1•10.74MS Perrier's make. Every pair warranted. In /31ack and ('olored, at $1.00 an4 $1.25. Other lines as low as 40 -cents in. great value. Also groat value in Ladies' Capes is Cloth and Velvet. La�ieS' ° r txe S1cirta - in plain and brocade. Also White Pique Skirts and Linen Skirts, extra value. =moS ,aims, 232.cr ZSO silica, wSr ati.3'Zs The place to buy Silk is this Store. --quality urges it, Style and Variety urge it, and Last, bat, not least, comes Economy. Ladies' and Children's nderl'wim and, $osiery The wanted sorts in ample variety. Careful selection has brought here the thoroughly good and dependable :rinds. Como and see. Come and compare quality. Come and com- pare prices. G. li. Ewan, Ibe popsiar HastGrow,os.et. Gro, een- Nisneti� hewiner. Y tiodeeiob in 1698, dives year, age. His besinsse 1rr- creased so that in 1891, on amount et increasing patxonspte, he removed M Um lit u o the Col- borne Betel, where he h.s sae et the We know of no other store in this district that carries such a stock of Lace Curtains. Also Tapestry Curtains, Curtain Poles, Wool Carpets, Matting. - - - If you have never been a customer, come ani (easel the results of the welfare, satisfac- tion and good feeling of our regular patrons. XI= hf vs beat dealing elsglrl1'ew, give our store a call, jest to be enabled to contrast 400ds, style of dealing, and prices. We say with confidence that:you will not regret the ex ieriment. Our prices tell the results, and hence the verdict, that it pays to trade. at Robinson's, because quality, style and athjltj cost, all . considered, is the satisfaction of getting au article that is good, uew and reasons e, Table Liana and Table Napkins This is the great supplyi , opportunity of the year for hotel -keepers and house -keepers. Superior adiantages offered b t1i as regards assosttnent and value in Bleached Table Damask, Unbleached Damask urkey and White Tabling. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting Pillow Cotton, Towels and Towelling. -Extra value in Bath Towels. Two-thirds of the pleasure of a bath is the jolly after-rult'with.a good bath towel. sRemember that oar House is the $ great Dress Hoods, Trimmings and Linen Boase Ivrea. We are also showing a large range of Men's White Shirts and Men's Colored Shirts at a very low price. Alio ask to see the KING SHIRT --the beat up-to-date shirt made. You ask why/ lst—Because it will not break nor push up ; 2nd -The suspenders, passing under the front, will not drag nor break it ; 3rd --Perspiration cannot touch front ; 4t' The collar button at the back of the collar band being covered, prevents the irritation and chafing of the neck, so frequently the case with theold style of Shirt ; nth --An attachment at the back to keep the tie in . place ; 6th—Solid comfort in wearing it ; 7th --Saves laundry bills ; 8th—Perfect fitting ; 9th—Unexcelled for full dress ; 10th—Once worn, always worn ; llth—The fat man's necessary ; 12th—The thin man's luxury. You will appreciate this .Shirt._ Lost opportunities ustuill), mike one feet as if he ought -'to have 'had courage enough to take hold of Ba ins tote had at RO13INSON'S. If you have missed befbre, we can only say, don't let this be the case now. Our Next To kgaii 291h and 301h. JAMES ROBINSON. .. ...*•,,.- ^•v* • , . , .. a -.era': sur .c ,. �irsaes I ,,.�r++ r• a .. ••��:r. ;a ata r xaa r, ae+ jesnw,lssaw, ae� Yi h aW .Nese Tier with e es Nkaced ep is these R. Ira UPS TV— `� "195111 louse Square,%sworkll• 1 • tM farad ilk lb. main was sans this nk.t. „eget„ m. ma man sew. �• TM2 PIACI TO HUT HARDWAI . CHIMP- I' IIi. - Y. _..ir_ 3..Aa dti'sey:...