HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-16, Page 447 TI[OhkflwT, Maroh 16, 1899. E. a. d M. N.' rout th driver. ..ay claw"! Wile• wi..l Chic car. f/ ifs Our Late.' Whys a hew serried for them - eel vera reputattuu for BEAUTY, DURABILITY AND EASY RUNNING QUALITIES. IA�*�eg - ALT, - IA Mr $ I :if $w• LOUtttalk to you before mak ing • selection. Get out lend some catalogue. EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music House ASD Bicycle Livery. Ike Aral, hi FOD ERY THURSDIMID AY A MORNING Rya. aa.niifMa.T .ODIRICH, THURSDAY. MARCH M, l!•a THF HARBOR MILLS. IT would not greatly surprise us if the Harbor Mills would beset to work pt full time in the near future. The new city charter just panted by the Legislature gives the city of Mon- treal power to impose a tax of one end a quarter per cent. on the value of machinery, and this hoe enraged Obs esanufactertog iadaa4try. W. W. Ogilvie, the millionaire flour miller, declare. most emphatically that if the city attempta to collect such e tax from him he will move his mills away from the city. He says that all his mills in the West are making more money than those located there and •Ahat any other city, in fact any loca- tion along- the .line of railway* or canals, is just OA suitable for carrying on his baiinees as is Montreal, and he state* that rf any attempt is msrie to enforce the power given the city be will at once remove his plsnt to ,Western Ontario and Manitoba. As the three Montreal mills of the Ogilvie firm employ some 300 men, it will be seen that Goderich stands to olein in the event of Mr. OGILVla carrying out his intention of closing up the Eastern mills and depending upon the Western mills for hos flour manufacturing in the future. SNAP SHOTS. - There are the piping times of peace -Timms still believes that he h,1 the job of snaking Canada. - What will Foemsa say to the House about the New Brunswick verdict ? - This .e.sioo would be a good time to throw down the gauntlet to the Senate. - The hours of sunshine are gradu- ally lengthening, but the coal bin is still suffering. -Mr. Hoi.Mis stands on 8ir Wa- ren) Laymen's platform -Prosperity to Canada -with both feet. -Woali]n't LAoaIsa and his col- leagues have caught it had they brought bok a treaty with them. -Now that the House is in session West Huron will not need to blush for the representative that she elected on Feb. 21st, -The next event of importance will be the annual meeting of the C. W. A. on Good Friday. It is to be hoped that there will be no wheels within wheels. -The report that the Hon. CLARK WAlaresand the Hon. WALTra Hmrrtmtxa 111owTAn1711 had asked to he desk -mates due. ing the present .e..ion is absolutely wlthoat foandetiiao. -The House at Ottawa will meet to -day. Roe. Hotera ought to "hake Sir..Caaat.s TUPPER warmly by the hand, sad congratuete the old baronet on the re- sult of hi. able effort. in West Huron. -It is announced that 8Allrrit Attach, of Hamilton, h.s accepted the poet of Tory organizer for Ontario vice RoSawr BaMIwnHAM deposed. The RARaua'.bark may be mote than BERMI!tonAM'e bite. -The question as to who shall pay for tie wreath at Sir .lona T)loMP.ne', funeral, ordered by the Try Ministers in still before the court.. It's n mighty goal .Mag that when Terms died politically there were no flowers ordered by Boweu.. WHAT OTHERS SAV. wa'al NOT •PRAin Or *Hai. Braalferd Centrist The Hamiltoe Ops alien the warning, thee then re tree 1s beak bill.. Well, 111. great y journal for one w wlllf.g to sake all T■5 wort. (`i. �, D.s.isies Pnsbybrr.: is the quiet 1ente le album, and is the et111 qui.tarr.ral drYiw the Ida et the preacher lies splen- did .dweneadse. Be has Na r think where lib rear et toe dry meet cel O• hes .pp.rt elh r take a pert, mid • era- ..11111140.11", ra ...�,c Bart„ fa tm5ai. ' wine M. Loirei llim 5 Iruseld he reamed is the mere p.pslwfed 1 _._THE SIGNAL : GODERICH_._.QNTARIO .dl-e•rvis t :•err. It le psible tar ribs elbow rearm be vaeetate, 1111 his !noel• boreal life Is dwarfed, sad ail bet destroy• ed,bet, U he bat embers the urea matte It to pee mike ler Mat te doeeep, W1..aot w►wardly, perhaps, hal nelty, he lraresae es his life epos the life of Me whole deet meshy is which he dwells. Asd If he he indeed • true spostl. 01 righteousness, few ou ..timate the value of his aptr•rrely solitary Ido. e e s Ma OWrrg° 1111 "RM.' WNO Mei. Chatham Prost . 411 young lady requests the Menet not to "Wks" her. 811 N saes - Iced, she says. whets It le aseerars ler her some a apeser Is prime, ego by her °bro't- ee and senores. Seeable girl ! An the same tune it 1e seossaary as • rale to ass the terms "Mies,. end •sere." todi einguish between ladies and esatroos But no ,.miler diocesoties a made by the use et the trm ••Mr." and ll a petty early time it was dropped wherever possible, • • • Till P&ONlJIT10N Question Torooeo Star : Old. Spear says be be- lieves the prohibitionists will not eooept the ioversment'• retinal to introduce • pro• hibltory taw. It 1. ditlioult, then, to eta what they will du about it. easeet, pother, t• brine the rioter up le Parliament and be overwhelmingly defeated The probibiuoo• pre cannot join with the oppettion to do. feat the (;overnment, for the Opposition is itself oppo5.d to prohibition, and the only ✓ ecourse is to establish s third parts. The history ot third parties is this ooaatry has sot been enoouregtng to the idea of staring soother one. w the wise thing tor the pro kibtterline seems 10 he to aorvpe the situa tes and resume w dusatiooa1 rampalgl 0 0 0 MAT IT hi Si) Chicago Oa.adien Ominous . We join is the hope that whoa the oommieaioe re- assembles next August then will be found amongst Amalgam • recital recognition of the good disposition and self respecting atti- tude of Canada, sod a thorough understand - Jog of the trot that Canada seeks oo favors, n o ooddltng, no ooneidenuos bead on Ar- ity, or •ven oo sentiment, but that It is con- cerned for international good neighborhood, and that it does seek • fair. straightforward business settlement of ell q oestioes that may mase friction or misunderstanding between the United States and Canada or between the republic sad ..-eat Britain UAIL AT HOME. Laoao San Ooe day last week the Loos poet °Mar, penumably like every other pest ethos in the proviso•, was glutted with an •valaaohe of reedy ostalovues from s big departmental Stork Toresto. We save one of these catelogues before as, and as far as we ou ase. there is no material aJvutage to anybody is Lucian. in purchasing from this Ii.t. Artioles, of what quality there ie no guarantee, ars quoted at just the same prior as roods of gaaraoted gosllty are sold for 1n oar local stores every day 1a the week, and to this must be added postage and ropers charms. in our opinion the big da permeated stores in the cities make bigger profite than do the country atom Honors, e they sell for quite as much, and have the advantage of bur abbe a butly•ra people- iron ec from whom they meeker, tom giving them .loser wholesale prioe, because they aro de pertmeatal stores, and oats take large quads titres. There u a well -marked revulsion of heeling on the part of the people throughout the prattler &galoet toe big city stores, as most of those from outside pointe who have dealt with them, find no very great dean - tags. It is therefore safe to predict Diet this avalanche of literature will meet with very little enooersgemeat Iron the right thinking portion of the oommosity. 4. Illowerege the toady of ear NoNormaMa 5. Neaal seer ahead be nay by the purls..aS pude/AG eideree.e metaereed. - s 6. ke.ly et Imamy-end I-•.'ewby ' Ms*sivy7 w &lee1.se atse tinge. medusa7. Esosar..e the medusa In the bene, of p•pses toil book. *bet are sensual bad elevations A well eelested easel library mould be rtabbeh•d la every .51501 eye. Woe. teachersb. Tee teachers .bceld seee reir latame t o aro ie • public) .5.tirrorl Is fewer el o lonesome, (the Iteeleb), ts oar soheefs tree the AtLsI10 to 16e Perot. 9. le every wheel boas' there Me aid he • -Mosel deg. 10. A ratan of oar Quer dole be hang 1. every sm bool-roo; also ;cloture* of leadty Cordes or Beulah seer t... Daoa.ie ts of Mr. Toe's adders was postponed ler tt.. aftenor. s Mese Rewire repressor.,. the Godrab Lori Masks Arca Ih took ap " awteg t. all 'trades." MoManor arru delivdeliveredved • very pointed and practical dlren oo,.rtag the ground of the dlf rest okras very fully. A pleas - mg testae of the add... was Una 11 was delivered teethe/wltboa t manuscript thus teethe/ more interest to the subject. Mus Shar- man spsk. etrosgbed rer ly of the bed and ooattrvottoo of massy y of the figuresla m norm • proem of drawing book. The gars. fartherre was farther diapered by rum' rarer.. H I. Berg was uoobe Co be proses% much to the regret of Me asoorbio.. Mr. Strang • letter of regret of his ideas &b.enos was reed by the seor.ter y. The •ssoolaleo ad learned until 2 P.M. ArTE&000N 1551100. as The aooi•tion met at 2 D.111.r . p parsers. kr. Andorra In Me ohs J. J. Tilley was •Ise peanut The menumorningd of the morning session were themre, an c5 mottos of P. Gowans, seorded by W n Bseshsw wedoped. The postponed diserae& on Mr. Tom ddress r Patriotism wos then take 11. toiletries waren Weiler &kier os seM Tom's paper, -Mars. Holman, Hal Anderson and Mise d 8.11, rel emphsaia the importance of the .ebjeot. The peerless, 13. N. Oedemas, 'the careful a oefal sod pre/Noel address Primrose in Edsw11enwas ,•whloh wwell rived by 11. te.oher.. Mu of the wen pointe in our publiosobool winots k were p d oat, auoh as too much history and goo [early for entree, and too mach meteor tearer in general. As to the teer house it was pointed out that the tral.iag tar was too short, and the olt8cate should valid durtag good behavior, Lewitio readmits. to a short period was the eat of the look el remarries In the reehi profession and of .moll salries. The tent ing pretension was the doting :mood to alprofaner.profe. es The ssbjeot of the sddrswas furies discussed by pawn TUleyy.la•ossto. Tow li V. Holman, and S. E. Beckett A abort iaermiesioa was then taken aft* whioh ,1 J. Tilley proceeded to disease "History" and dealt with the eub)eot node the followina heads ;e 1.'Hisry tends to form moral end.. o. 2. It trains to form •last estlm•te o cheerer. 3 It broadens the ideas. betas4. It betas for political life. Mr. Tiley dealt with obs method .e Smoking the subject under the followis Wean, viz pq...eiotnppley of Isadta[ t7M m... 2. Tie dItisgut.htog work of ..o nationality in the building ap of the nation to glen the pupils an intelligent grsap of t1 tread of pregres of the 0attoo. 3. Review M the preosedi.g work. The subplot was further duouseed by lo npeotor Teal, and many of the tsautere, al agreeing that Mr. Tutor bad enooseded t. laaptriog i be teaohers present to renewed energies le this regard. • Toe topica for reseral disouseieo were hen taken up by the several teachers to Idiom topica h.d been &summed. 11 wee resolved that the age limit for sorrier the ps/uglen should be raised to 1 yeah. _. Uo mottos 01 G. W. Holman. wooded • W. H. Johnetoa, that the aseslauoo two delegates a Cha 0 S.A. Adjourned to 9 a.m. Friday. EVRNINO. IS Me evening • very 5ooeerfnl entertain - ▪ sot was held in tn. Open House, the cam- odiou. buUdiog being well tilled with hen and residents of the viUyagee of Ex ter and surrounding oonetry. The fasten f the serum was the leotatc de• leered by J J. Tiley. Rag , Model hoot Ia.pstor, oo "Home preparation of he obild fr school and life." The ddreee as • splendid effort, brim f e11 of practical • d pointed hints to parents oe ohild tnin- ud 110 Importaoo. in Me formation of har•oer. All those who beard Mr. Tilleeyy'• dram could not but appreaue the klodly, yinp•Mesio mariner is which be marshalled brilliant array of armrests sts fr jodtdous, rm, but loving parietal tmialn• of the h11d as the bre means of fitting rid equip ping the ohild for the dukes of after Ilia The Lauder Orohstra, Mise tarty Hicks, Mir Martie, Joseph Senior and J ad so Davidson rendered • splendid musical rogram. H. N. Andreas, president of the A■sooiaUr, presided. Al the oosolaaon napeotor Tom made • few oomplimentry marks on Mr. Tiller's admirable address. 'God Save the Uoeen" brought the proceed ng. to • elope. FRIDAY MOfliilr.. AFIECTS TORONTO. A Sill Tact /repair to Rosset meow sad request iSMlre a Pavements. Toronto Star : Hoo. 1 T. (Jarrow has ukoduoed in the legwlatore the following bill to amend the Municipal A, 1 And soy ratepayer whose property ad- joins, and who hr been •seeard for the said works or imrrovemenr, may, en giving one month's notice to the laid municipality that the mid works or im- provements are not to such good and sufficient state of repair, apply by • eum- mry prooeedins to • jade of Ma High Court of Juices, or to • County Judge having jridiotioo in such manenpaliey, for an order respecting the keeping of the said works or improvement. m .00h • state of repair as may be reasonable and proper sod ea is hereinbefore moored This bill is of much 'street to Toronto, Where the tendency is to 0e5leo1 to repel( walks and rodways as frequently as Is wise. If the bill beoomr 1•w vigilant and progressive rat.ep•yersa,will be able to 00M• pal Me pity to observe the pet/wiggle that • .titob In time ler eine. • W. HURON TEACHERS MEET. • memessry of the Werk MOM' Tate Tru.areed. Exeter, Maroh 9th, 1899. The West Heron Teachers' Aseocletioo met in the public school hare, today, the preeldeet, 11. N. Anderson. lo the chair. t svotlrsl exercises were oodeol.d by Mr. Tom, The president then thanked the tseobers for the borne they had conferred upon him 1. elating him to the honorable position ot prwldeet. 8. P. Hat's, M. A , asked for an expir- ation from i he president and secretary, re gardt.g the matter of not memort&lizier the county oouncll with • view to .searing Thursdays for sonnies. purporr. The . eorsrry replied that 11 was ea 0000.51 of • mrandentateding as to the time of meet- ing' et the anoty sencil. The minutre of last rear .t Uoderioh, were reed and on motion of E ,1. Egli*, worded by W J. Scott, were doped. Mr. Tom then .poke of the eremite el dividing the arreiatioa late janlor sad rase rakes, also of referring he metier of the new rhea bill t 0 the resolatiob ore .111... The Mellowing comm/ttseo were then ap- pointed by the pwidest, 01, Reselulloos,-Mwn Neekett, Howard, Hagan Malley, Johnston sad Mimosa Hall. and Gill. Auditors, Meme. 1'. Gowan' and J. R. /farewell. W. H. Johnetee then introduced the rebs Pet of '•T.aohing Composition in all grades." This paper oe.Wtd of the ..bstenee of the dl.oemlrs held by the Rear Local Theriot Association end retained math matter.1 interest to oleo teachers. One of tke alfa.lpal features of this paper was the aselea•atlen of those of toe,wreet Instead .1 *sweet hems of 'probes tsaehlar ('oma p.Mtien. rad Me reoommendsNse to nen we.vs hotldl.g very largely. The dl.cros- sloe w.. farther owaelsaed by Moors. Rol- M1m ToJesn, (Iowans, Reokett, Andiron and L The east thine oe the program was an ad. dram se "What can be dose by teachers e oar • enllenal spirit „ The alders was well received • ed .hew- ed that the i.sp.oer kid breeer.d rush thesght ee 111. sabjet 11 wee tall of sug- gestions t the Meehan sad delivered le a eery sunset .wrier, The priadpsl rotate i. the address may he rsmwb.d es fel- low t- 1. 'The Masher neve be os ietelllsent, patriotic) sinew himself. 2 The tearer sho.lA ye peplle s lo leili.sst knowledge el their e...ry ad Ite tonne et gevrsrrt. '115 sloe, ..come. nor mere. sad earength .f the Dessisl - sd British 18aitrs ehosld he British_ and • ti : • r z • lid kw -likable .ran et car .toys. 2 b sed m taw • 0 1 Ing d a 0 p d • ht m h w 9 the d M A •T t fa r hes ei th oar ap Ir do 1tr ted air read Ha roai la w The Aation met at 9 A M , the prosi- est in Me ohalr. Mr. therge Bard oondooted devotional zoreie.. Th. minutes of the previous afternoon and treeing sessions were read, and on moues 1 R. J. Hagen, seoondd by Geo. Howard, ere adopted. r roma n regalia attendance,'attendance,'was be next Polska taken up by Geo. Baird, pleasanthioh he did in • very pleasant and able senor. Mr. Baird'• lose expert.nee le tearing, rm. thirty -abet years la este sad e only school. oonsutates him an authority o all subjectsprtaisls, to Mhr e teacher's 's cork sad his moors. His reremarksre baster* airy. to • point, •sd highly ap ✓ eol•ted. Mr. Baird dealt with the @objeol ender • followtag beds ; 1. The school law re this 'shirt. 2. Tie whoaroom and the pl•ygrond.,troller3. The troller sod the ospll •e earl 4. The tearerud his-'teenbleg." i The tearer end the parent or gar- tao. 6 The parent or gosrdiu. This 'ride) was farther dismissed by erre. Halle, Volae, Hagen, Gowans, ea adere,.Tehwoa. G. W. Holme. was Mpalled 1palled on te Mk* o the sohjeet .4 "LH . 10 erotare11 graes. be method of erokla( this 'shire was u r of rise diameter es literature held in be Varna local dIvbies. Mr. Helms prs- ad hie paper with remarks oelower- seeelower- seeof liberators as • Gobbet whloh was t saleaeted corder en rd.to ksowledge,degoism.plies and egom. 7'hie paps. was Merrghly diseaosed by • president, Mr. Tilley, Mr. Rated .sd hen. Mr. Tiley Men prosect ed te direr ping Roadies. A slams e1 'mall boy' sad girls was tent frees the Rester grabble seheol, whish t th t 010.1 •delirium& Intense e era. e. This preyed • very loiterers* end 1n• native part of the p►egnm. Mr. Tilley tweed the etre ie Ile , s apeal able etas- , tad gave a edld }rattiest Imes 1a las and emphada A hearty dinusei a Miaowed r whir ebWI.fa- e5r Tem sad steers I. This felloseleg s.v0d M 8 P, in, sessesied by J. E. Cm, pus sear rely deed, wk Time 410 taBmb•,a et 104sTisskm.' lase'. LVAMdru set Rene tap tete pesticidal d. Mee••• Styr . verlose 5.14.510 el sober k by Mr. liltey. I.,p.ot.r of Model Beheol. We oleo dere le tettera our sin - owe Moho to Illy. Tiley far ►e eatable redone es " More preparasios for tiekeel sad IAlo • •aid w *sly Mt 11x1 all the paresis •sl teeshre of Me lareetera•e bed been preseal te hear the polsle es horse resial.a which wen se weU lakes ea w• rage ..WOed thee no see raid hear that torn.s without bream greatly 110.11 rd. The assimatar disarmed to 1 30. aITBam00N. Toe asgolaii.a net at 1.30 r.e., the president la 11. char. The eeoretary thea reed the Cadtrr's npori .ad Bo•nolal 5te,1m moat to the g .isat, teak el weigh M modes were adored, The .leotis of eaters was thea taken op sad remelted as follow:-Piaidest, Mr. Moloolm McDenald ; V% . Pres • Mee M. A. 0111; Sr Treas.. Mr. Geo. W. Heiser, the 111ooat1Y5, oos01.t4.5 el the .batmen of the several local divisions. Oo motion of 8. P. Rale, M. A, seoo•d.d by G. W. Hol- mes. 1* was agreed 10 elect one d.l.g•r be the 0 R A or two years and o05 for 055 e tar, .t ..,, H. N. Oedemas wrgMly elected fen two years .ad 8. J. yd, who wen remain/stirs lass yo•r, was elected fen ee5 year. Makatea McDonald, the newly sleeted President, was tam called r and proombd t., doom. •' System•i ie seaohtng of Gee- grep\y is all erase," womb be did le s wry eloquent and able manor, much te the pleasure end iwuuoUon of shoes present Mr MoLooald went thoroughly through the weok coarse of 5.ogr.phy sad left 0othtog voodoo' to wrrwo hie payr being twined a model one is .voty respect. The paper was farther disuses' by In- spector Tom, Morten. Jolt otos, Andersen sod others .1. C. Martin was *ben called apes to dicer P. 8 L. grammar, sad to dreg so drieed thorough olartfo•uoo of the parts of speech, ..d • groat deal of panting. CLrifla•tlau .l piracies Mould also be mod. as to the form and er. Past sternutation M e road he ed Isrrely. T.5 doer..s that followed was taken part is by Messrs. Tiley, Baird and other esaohen. The next thing en the program was 0enti- tat/r of school how which was taken ap by lepeotr Tor, who dealt with Use sub. jecl very tally. The dmoorlen was erwrd. Mr. H.R. Huston for mosey years ottairmaa of the Exeter P. S. Board, who was present, took part and expressed the opinion that the proper ventilates of school rooms should be mode oompulactet by the Uev.roment 11 was rived by W. H. Johnston, .ssesdd by C. L Fisher, that the meaty reach be &eked to have Mr. Tom's roe( lest paper pshlie/sod for distrtbattr among truster. The trainees was carred. The Resolution Jommitte.'s report as esw.de d was whep4•4 A eatiftaw. 1. Resolved thrall reeolaNss. pereatd Why is it that nearly all aged persons are thin ? And yet, when you think of it, what could you expect? Three score years of wear and tear are enough to make the digestion weak. Yet the body must be fed. In Scott's Emulsion, the work is all done; that is, the Gil in it is digested, all ready to be taken into the blood. The body rests, while the oil feeds and nour- ishes, and the hypophos- phites makes the nerves steady and strong. tea- W f1Y.m, .a drys*R.. SCOTT • SOWwe, C0..0s., Toronto. Staaentnne rte A.1WR.. Mr. Meek ultra, 10. weiFkaswe ROM to OR ,Mss ass ra SraZ iad lsAmeaa. YOB BALE BY JAB. WILBON. Sole Arse, OoderIeb. ASTHMA GORED -lad worrisomely. TM, Dark Naar Mesas yte1 tress Ill Puffins tis Wonderful 0.15 Pio•. xaers'. =•s•dF• Medical wince has by the llseovsey et Mils wonderful barbel prodorl pat a per- nanny care wlthMla the res b at all e- nanity for this meet kat sad here- totore Incurable atlietlo., sad y It 1. het universally tested the world oar and ro - the welcome balm. o'. Iola ase vee Cha formula sad - h written every of 10. eons a.s.mpllehla t. case t wen �oog� resole.. II. 11 Pitt of Sam- gosst T *attend for SSears lm *1. t ser of Kf 0. could rat from the root aklllal r yalelaw was teat be 4cos14&l be only tem relieved, be woad always be t led . H. toot oust bottle et Clrke's Kola Cempeasd and got great renal. Tires bottles eared Wm, and. to use kis own words, " baring ,mored as I have tor were, t ean appreciate what a Manly Me gnat r, med7 must prove t0 waterers from aatbma." Alt druggists sell N. Two 4.1 - lar. per bottle. three bottles, wit\ care 'resumed. for eve dollam minus. • Maep*.rss& Co.. tele Canadian Agents, 12* Chard St, Toronto, or Vancouver, B.C. e. HAY FEVER tact�\....t.L•so.1.5topempml �nDW mil0. �a E FOR SA LK Bt ,IAB. WILSON. Sots Agri. Odrbh. ee this Or:sciatica be carried by a rejorlty of the ambers present. 2 That teachers who have taught 30 years, tad who have orrtbutd to this Sepses/situated Teachers' F sad be allowed to superannuate. 3 Thu al teacher. ,hoard rooms one years professional ,Holy before entering the referee. tad that those who are e50 - earful 1. granted permeated orttseotes. 4 That the Britleh Iliuory ler enlr&see chew be limited to t0. periods. 5. That Gam's system o1 virtual witting be tether •z.d. 6 That, .bite •,•uuthly reports may be sod to adva.tag, is gradsA they ounot W need with the some de sage is u ngraded wheels. 7 rt.. t4r1•oeenty -wad aI -i 0R. coustet of four moils, made up of the 1.':' g room of the essay, and of say city r the county, nod leash.re •0150lly segsrel is te•ohinc. who bars bad set •ltrs thea three years' .ID.rteaoe to publti soheel 1Aeoht.g sad who held et least • ward - ase certificate. Vote of Cheeks were pared to the peblio shoal board of Exeter for the use of the school bedding for aroodatios paupers, to these sate took pert to Tb.eday ter• log. eater minaret. and to the ter .des end others war assisted is terrine up the use On mottos duly made sod Martin was appointed oharmads of leril division No. 5, eomprteio[ Rest ad Worse Woweerh, see Allaa Bowie .wretery of the same diner. 1t was also decided Mit these terra who world be..areelonoe1 thereby he al- lowed to aired the meetings of any drowses err than that la whir they may be B- ated. The aweiselen the. ddsarad 10 meet at the all M Ihe .¢..live. Opo. W. HOLMAN, 10..•Tr.as.. Bayeld. tigers. us Ssadey events', Marsh 5, Richard McGill, a former well knows resi- dent M U.bored, died as the residence of 11s daughter. Mm (Dr.) Balker, of Lon den. The dreamed was Is his eighty -Brit year, led eskyed geed heel,h steel the re amt severe weather, sire which time he fall.4, slowly dying of trsrseu... MoKim's Kash Store, Reid's OId Stand, Ooderich. it 6yoUR MONEY'S WORTH" is the basis on which we solicit busi- ness We wart the stamp of satisfaction on every trans- action. In our advertisements or store talks we will not exaggerate, -no occasion to. The seal of our good faith is your money back if not es represented. Boots and Shoes. ;Other Goods We are Going out of the Shoe To olesr to make room for 8prin ls Goa ' - Business to make more room for our other new goods which are coming to hand. The way we propose to get out of Shoes, and the only way, is 'little prioed tiokets"- .omething like the fol- lowing : -ladles' Dongola Lao' ad Button Sher, were 111 26, for 50o. tee pair Suss 24 104. g sue as ercoats, -ladles' Walking 8hor,.izea24 to 4, were $1.00 to 11.25. for 75e, --Lair Tee Mllppn, 24 te 4, fee lied. The $1.00 kind for 66e. ; the $1.25 kid for 75e. --Dims.' ims.' Heavy (,rain Ler sad Batton Shoe., were $1.40 and 31.50, for $1 00. ---Child'. 50e. Shoes for 36e. Child's 365. Shoe for 25e. Child'. 40o. Mermen* for 25o. -Girls' Lane or N.t. wheel Sher, 11 to 2, were $1.00 sad 11.26, for 75e. - Roy's tang Boor, 4 sad 6, 31.25. -Men's Loss Boor, treat 765 to $2.26, for the o11 grain, worth $3.60. --Mon'. 1 buckle heavy rubbr., were $1.26, for 60e., sad the two bookie, wets $1.75, ter 75. --M.'s 6s hear. Iwo and Galtr Meow, Bola boo. med. tee and halide( tee, were $2.26 and $2 50, ter $1.50. -Mr's Rex Oaf, Willey sews, wre$3 00, far $2 00. -Mee'. Ten, este bee, toe sad sailer, we $3 00 lied $3.50, ter 32 26. All our Shoe. at the mime cut prices while they last. The sooner you come the better your 'kenos to get what you want. A Reefers, Suits and Trousers. One line only we will mention - Mr's serer Tweed Trois/tore, 25 pairs to olbr at 79e , valued a1 11 00 to $1.86 - Men's all wool Folloloh or Rtol.Troa.ers at 31.00. worth $1 25 to $1 50, and at 111.86 worth 81.50 to $1.75. New Goods. Our New Spring Goods are now coming to hand and will be in stock in a few day.. - NSW DRESS GOODS ad LININGS. - NEW PRINTS •.d M UBLINM, -NR W COTTONS ad EMBROIL/EMIRS. -NEW LAOS CURTAINS and OHRN. ILLR COVERS. -NEW LINENS. -NEW HANDKERCHIEFS, k5. Of which we will tell your more anon. Tailoring. Our MR. DEVER is an artist in making clothes. He learned the art in the best schools and blit 'hope in Ameris. He employs only skilled labor and uses dependable goal.. No pasta canvas or glued on buttons, no cotton hair cloth or anion silks. Our snits are es good inside aa outside and at prices decidedly your way. --Geed Teter Buie, with keen ladsgs, tram 812.00 ap. Made fo the larrt Myles eta iso se yen wase them. -Treason te skier al saw, at $6 (10 sed any prise between "9atiataotion guaranteed or you do not have to take them. GODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE rtmItmtmlwri �nnnnmm�mr� 71rnmmflnnnnfi � SPRING GOODS 3 . Arriving every week It Pays to bpy your Dry Goods ♦T a. JAS. ROBINSON'S" Next Bargain Days, March 29th and 38th. 9 CASH IS KING. I am offering very Kreat inducements to Cash Buyers. just to show you what Cash will do in my store, I give two examples : Barb Wire, = 2c. per pound. 4=prougManure Forks!at 33c. DID YOU EVER DO A8 WELL BEFORE ? N. D. ROEIQttIE, GODER.IOH. n Original osition... It is better even to be right than merely original, our, the easy position you may assume in these shoes of ours we are ready now to show you helps us get back to original comfort. If yon want solid, new -fashioned comfort WEAR "SLATER" SHOES. P.8. -The balance of our Winter Stock must be sold regardless of price. WM. SHARMAN, JR• mitaaa or BART MUST Tia PLAOTICAL 'nor MAN, AND sr.0 050 ttte•AY. sower fast Til RLARA momm, ODHIRIOIEE- IttIMMIttlt F. JORDAN has pleasure in announcing to his old friends, and RS many new ones as possible, that he has re -opened business at the old stand, with a complete and en- tirely new stock of DRUGS, CHEI°1ICALS, PERFUMES, TOILET ARTICLES. HORSE and CATTLE IIBDICINES and a Targe variety of FANCY GOODS S -+ • The Dispensing Department will always be under his own supervision, or that of a thoroughly competent assistant. F. JORDAN. TO ADVM1i*TIIIIMa. MAIN of Antigen 5511.$ bonWI at tide Waim The'a'� tfor o 8asmps V. Aa M KI .es! be lo, ..e• _ leo M s oda .day f Call Respectfully 8olidt.d. ;ti Reld'• OId Stand 'eh, gash ue I I jI4 ae �� MiaaiA >iOIE tl