HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-16, Page 2The Signal MILT THUPtrDAY Mo>titnin Wi D. M.GILLICODDT. Tref. •f labeeripeies e Week la &deem $ 16 sea 7• I 0 r *deedless Roams foal Yd other "'sato nad'l cents pr, Re. �sr Qse for ant lose1Uon, and 1 cents par �a1sMa Or mob sulsequeot Weariless. Measured by • amperell soma $.doer oatds of ds Uses and ander. M Par Advertisements of Lag. Found, Strayed. &6 mews Vacant Slt.sUons Wanted. Duel- ers Buet- S(lanW (lances Wooed. not exceeding 1 Imes am/•rel1, 81 per month R0.1 or Sale end Farms on Rale, not W ac• ped t Lines 11 for arst "notch, Sue. per suttee moeltn. Larger adrta 1n proportion. Any smote &mire, the uhSet of which la bis gramme the pet.glary i,en.At of any ladlvid ISaarg 4, a. bs cu,uidrrad Y ►dve'tlasmsat asldooheshrse'euq a.aarnonee. o res lu nue p.rell type am .sat per war/ eo notice less then eta Lpe•1 notices In ordhury reading type tae r�sa par wad. No melee for ler than too. grostoos for churches and other roltg ,ss sad i .cent Institutions, batf rate. aebecrib-n wb tan to receive Tees Itellis rgularly by mall, will confer • favor y fee renting es of the fart at se early •dale as bowie& Whim a change of address is desired, both the e I end the new addrer should be given. Publisher's Neese. J. C. Ise To.sel, of t;oderkk, has bees ale minced lm,ocea.1 Trsvelllsg Agent for the Towle Maps of Godertcb, Colborne, Asheeld and We waaosh. Loral p.etenasters over the district are the Mepowered te receive subecrlpnon to Tam gLL. AU oommusleauoos meet be t.d4rresed D MeelLI.ICUDDT, Tea SWg AL, Tastiness Cali p. Oodertck, Oat Tart ITU0OSON rISY14u ISDUs1OT. Remise Cavlsre M./, Largos, diem the --. Rao ,N`ortemdtss Weir so- .- IL 1r p tto=inircUu'w ruumb.1800 news- paper editors, who are supposed to be more than usually well informed, have yet to learn of the rrx.oure s of their own country. Quite woutly the editor a a Winnipeg paper went into exstasles over the marketing of a consignment of Cana- dian caviare in London. The shipment had gone from the kite of the Wo.rda district, but the editor did not seem to be aware of the fact that the caviare in- dustry had beep • flourishing oue in the vtclnley of Winnipeg for mwuy years. The trade and navlgettou returns do not give, under s separate h.wliug, the exports. .tl caviare, but .000rdlug to reports in poi - merlon of the Department of Flaberles, several hundred kegs have been sent from Rat Portage during the past two or three years. Posterior Promos, Comineioner of Fisheries, takes great Interest in the sturgeon fishing industry, and he says that Canadian sturgeon, from the rue of which caviare L made, take fire place in the market on aconnt of their rich edible qualities. A few years ago it was the curtain' in the northwest, and especi- ally in Britlah Colu'tibia, to look upon the sturgeon es of little value as s food fish, but a dlfferemt'opinlen prevalbe now. As long ago ea 1861 Prof.aea)r (liven, an eminent authority, publicly drew alien• tion to the value of the sturgeon which abound In COinedein rivers, and at the time of the great exhibition in luudon he brought the natter to the attention of the comnttw.loner from Camila. The sturgeon are found ell over the Dominion; In St. John River, N.B., lin the St. Lawromn, In Hudson's Bay. and in all the great likes of Ontario, Mani- toba and in certain waters of the north- west The Pacific sturgeon, especially those of the Fraser River, are of immense edit, but those mutt valuable for caviare ere the sturgeon of the Lake of the Woods and western Ontario. The Canadian meters le hardly tuferior to the oelebrated Russian product, and is greatly superior to much that is produced In the United States and other countries. The detnand is so great, and the supply comparatively limited. hence, wherever sturgeon ooeur there hes been a tendency, during the hart eight or ten years, to carry on ex- tensive flahrng. The Columbia Mew abounded in sturgeon ten years ago. At that time e regular sturgeon fishery be- gan, and nearly 1,000,000 pounds of dreamed fresh and ptekled sturgeon were shipped away, laving a venue of $16;000. In 1899 nearly 8.000,000 pounds were obtained, valued et $41,000. Afters few seasons the supply failed, as it has done In the Sacramento and other Western THOYIIDAT, MARCH 18, 81918. ?1 ave 110 *VIPS. ORANO?ROnR RAILWAY. Y UR Lzatod 1116 am ed t 1 and Express. *. pea Express.sad Lspre10 poi 1_M pea BgeAaT. E1 and Express 10 a0. R1sNseul ExpressLl p.a. PUIITI$TRT. M. IrICHOLSON, L D. Y, tlrsww� the Po a tipadt WT rq?m ileaea. 1 M. NABS! D.D.a„ L.D11-DRRTAI. lI. 8ergeor-l&lest arid nd approved methods e.r .11 deetai eperatioe.. pr asters! asters! teh a e ty Ogee : Ver, vrai - mal Simms (up Males). Entract e ea West 0 leM. TURNBULL. D D.8, L.D.&-00 7TeL aurg.ee (Weir associated with Dison. a Yontred). Gold and poreeldo. arti- ficial t.oth mounted on gold or aluminum beam, special Mention given to the preservation of the .atursl tell Oros In McLean's' new bloc r lb L',�oelf W HEATON-BARRISTER, SOLICI- *er, Notary Pies le. Canadian Bank of Omateree Clambers, the Squary Goderlch. ,liar.., and,AbaZ.UlNit+ilt Flltae.- ��p, gaged In the Industry m to olIow the acme oouree in Britbth Columbia, but the Canadian fishery laws prreveented it, last year the Freers River eturgeon ex- ceeded *80,000 In value. Caviare Is one of the most valuable er ash products, being oonaldered by epi- cures Y a great delhscy. Canada sup- plies, and has done for many years, a greeter quantity than any other country, and much of the valuable Russian oav- alre is really the product of the Domin- ion. For about 20 years United Stats yere Lave sought the raw material, which is the nearly rips eggs of the stur- geon, but within the leaf eight or ten years many Canadian Ilah firms have handled the raw material and converted It, by proems' of cleaning, salting and presorting, Into dark, plesido substance rather like brambleberr7 jam to appear- ance, called caviare. The story of the Canadian sturgeon flehnrlees 1. the same In every province. At first indifference as to the valve of the Ash, and then an In- ordinate desire to capture everything In the shape of sturgeon, when Its market value was realized. was followed by the decline, and In some same total asemelon, of the industry. Manitols and western Olitarto (Lake of the Woods) have for many yew been the great headquarters for the caviare and smoked surgeon • in- dustry; but so far back es IRK/ United States buyers began to urge the St. John River (N.B.) fishermen to obtain all the sturgeon they could. These New York buyers, It Is said, had encouraged in the rivers of Florlds the pursuit of the stur- geon fleherilo meth en extent that they were rapidly ChaiDyl out The St. John River sturgeon fishery did not lee more than six der's. At its bright as many Y 800 surgeon were often taken in et single haul, and the heaping of a large firth was • common sight no for up the river es Fredericton. Then for n period of eight or ten years the teed- prohibition of the fishery was carried out. The demand for Omen has ,.mtinis et to increase, and with the decay of great flatteries like the sturgeon Ash.erim of the Delaware River and bey, and the .mealier fisheries on the Potomac, Nucleon. Kennebec, etc., Uni- ted States merchant.' have had to rely on supplies trent Canada. Canadian Aaber- men rapidly learned the high value of e fish which hitherto they hod trvabed with contempt. On all the great lakes, but especially In Lake Huron and the St. Clair waters, surgeon fishing has been actively pursued; but the best caviare, and, In some re.pswts, the best sturgeon, have been shipped for many yea, from the waters of Manitoba 'end from the Lake of the Woods. On Lake of the Woods alone there were last year between 900 and 800 large pound nets set In the lim- ited area which Iles within United Staten territory. In the Canadian pert the num- ber ran from 110 to 60. Nearly 1,000,000 pounds weight of eturgeOn was shipped from these nets in 1816, all of which passed through Rat Portae en route to the United States. Several firms at Rat Portage have employed experts' to manu- facture caviare, end this has forams years been done at Selkirk, Manitoba, the flesh of the sturgeon being frozen, pickled, smoked, and In some inetanca Canned like salmon. Cannel smoked sturgw>n is =peeler to salmon. In one -pound cans It tolls whobemle for $9.60 per doom, whereto Pacifle salmon realise only $1.811 No $1.60 per dozen. It is on the Pacific onset that the star - eon emend all others for Rise and mint- ier.mint- ier. 7. Whereas sturgeon 40, 60, up to 100 pounds are noneidcreed large in Inland and Atlantic water., theme are .peelmens taken In the Fraser River *1 time. welgh- Ing (min 810 to 1,000 pounds. In the British Columbia limed of Trade report, 1816, the opinion of the Dominion Com- missioner of Flshertew Is recorded as fol. lows: "The sturgeon which ate n plenti- ful in Brt(1Rh Columbia afford • fishery which le capable of development on • large wale. I'mfaewer Prince Rioted that the sturgeon found here are fine' than three in Ruetfan waters, and he saw no moon why this previnre ehoeld not mm - pet. with Ruses In the sveol produces of such an inclustry " �, CAMPION, QQR -RARieuni , 1101.101- M -A. ase Notary, be. Jive over Medlral Hall, S quares dodrlck. .-J - keO, JOHNSTON- BARRISTER, SOLICI• tor, Oommtmioner; •c. Money to loan. Mee: Cor. Ramilton end St Andrew's streets, Godards, Oat 604 RQ HATS --BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, • he. Ogee: North .t. nextSssat des. Primes luade w laud et low rata .1 Marmt. foto (1AR000' t lR Aftemesm,floNetters. be., weeertelt. J. T. Oarrow Q.0., W. Proudh.ot CAIt1RON, BOLT H.H.MES, BARBIS• tors, Selieltors in t baneery ar., Ooderlrh. 0. C. Cameron, Q. C., P. H„it, dudley Holme. J O. WARD, CONVEYANCER, Ac., AND . commissioner fur taking and receiving reeognlzeneea of bail, affidavits or ellirmatIons, depositions or solemn Jeclefali,W In"r eon• venting anartlon suit or proceeding In the RIgb Court of Justice. the Court . f Appeal for Ontario, or In any C"oerty or Division Court. AH tran s.:ti..es carefully and enmities, ex. *ted. Residence and P. 0. addrw--Dungan• sea, Out IRMtf iiLOAN, AND INSURANCE. s M0NOTO TO LOAN-FIVPER CENT Mone m loan, private funds; also Aret d oss faros 10 rent or s.•1I. Houser and lots m Mat or for Ws. E. N LSW IS, Barrister, God- srlek C• *EAGER, .CONVETANCII(O AND 1N - V• serums .00.. opposite Martin's tato, Ooi MN= TO 1..0x13 ON MORTGAGE A? Mpor mint. N"tea discounted. U. REA. Oils. Omce: Opposite Martin's Hotel, Gods - i J. T. NAFTEL-FIRE, LIFO AND MEI- az• dent Insurance Agent; at lowest noes. Mils: Cees. Northel and Square, Goderfeh ee MONET TO LEND -A LARGE AMOUNT aeaaaa d Private Fends for Inratment al lowest WIN w Area alar Mortgagee. Apply to GAR. NOW 0 PROUDFOOT. R• RADCLIFTT-GENERAL IN8URANCL R 1 Estate and Money Ln.ning Agent Osiy Ana -class comlanies represent. Money pe lend on straight hone, at the lowest rate of Ieterest g sing .n any way to null the_ borrower. O0cr Seemed door from Square, West street. Oederleh. .mad s._ NNW 0*0080R /ROP&. NF EW MACHIN! SHOPS -ALL KINDS O Repair Work deme at Bseaonable Priem Fmoice implements for We. Machinery naw GOO aecnnd-hand bought and sold, Dillow and Hollers for sale. Stand: Bate&, old merges seep,corner Victoria an/ W Trafalgar .eft J. BATER RUNCIMAN. o1 *001801. MERINO. yAl OUNDRT, AUOTIONOER AND i lesunese Agent, Onndderlch. Oma Agent 1,g0dum ad Lancashire lire Ira. 00., the Gore BRtrtet Meted Ise Co Saws 0Ysded to In say part of the (aunty. b Iy TORN ENOL GENERAL ADC IONEER and (and Valuator, Ondy1ch Ont Hay. bag had considerable ezperlemv in the anction- Wiing wade, he Is in position to discharge with thorough *edam on •11 enmmisloos are treated to him. Ordem loft at Rnsem's hotel, orient by mail tobls Merest, O.derinh P. O.. emedully attended to. .1011111EN00. Coler County Aestlon_ - tl ■ARRIAO"6 LI0117't'gEs. W, .ow ' • t MUS1e O0.1. RRI A1141nie 1LI- rr` - Vier Pet.. "Are yon very fond of peter •eked the `e!w'e'iewew. ' Wel," replied the sensatlemal •oerees, eI like Skye terrier. .end •111000re and peseta, marm.wete and tiger cuts, hat I musk say 1 have b • "me rather tired of besbands. " They NOP Wer(<. Cost Stomey. Give Path. S and Bruises It Costa Ilttl• to mare them rigid awe, with ST. JACOBS OIL It Yvm time. money. misery. n''1031panlsh. ilyddrINIg_Brlosg 1w'_ ._._ Ili* Where there L weeks there is no harm. Gad works she oars, the doctor takes the fee. The wolf loess his teeth, but not his In- clinations. n- ollnations. 1f 1 have lost the ring, Yet the finger• are still hen. Bachelor, • peacock; betrothed, a lion; married, an asst If you want to know whet • ducat is worth try to borrow one. By the street By -and - by one arrives et the house of Never. When thou meet thine house la flames approach and warm thyself. He who takes the wrung road must wake his journey twice over. Do not rejoism at my grief, for wheu mine los old yours will be new. That which the fool does In the end the wise man does et the beginning, Abstract from a Stanton! all his seed qualities and there remains • Porruguem- lf you haws a friend who Is • doctor make your bow and mud klw to the house .c your enemy. 111,11.4160111 N N'Nr*rN1•**40W7'W1eN1N W W Tho ■.m. 0. 0. V. ■wore.. Hoa 0. H. Y. Hu17es, who has been recently appointed Commissioner of Agri- culture and Treasurer of the Executive Council of the Northwest Territories, 1s Rmpte. "And thi.," mid the intimate deter. vette was being shown all over the house ale your road Mn " ,. "No," answered young Mr. Rentn.de gggrettelly, "chat's a has hear."-WYb *due Seer A Lo... •f ream. "As per Monte I'royad far a Weald toll ale Min V les asp at 1b' wake t lib prayers was assumed. "-+Brooklyn IAfh. 00N. 0. L V. IULTEA. • Un business mars; In close touch with the tanuenpt his own district of Qu'Ap- pellet The ithove Is • food portrait of the gentleman. . Wood Ash.. for C.w.. Is the early settlemen* et the country, wb.n cows bad somas to newly cleared land with IM burned and .barrastomps . they need often to go to where stumps bad bees burned and lick op the char noel. Macy farmers believe that sows thus allowed free range Weill Ise liable e. abortion Chas times kept to close stables The mhos probably satlsfl.d some want In the animal mammy. 11 may Mee been the pboapeste *bey contain which la required by the bones of the growths teethe. it '.west ego tea ninth t!. potash In the neem sorreots the medley of their stomachs, which often ✓ eeaita wiser* stook is highly fed le stabled where it has little szereise. DISEASE OF THE SPINE. It Dlsarpolated Hies. Blbbe---1 tee that you /tee advtoe tree. doctor, to I've auto to you for some Ikxtur -My dear young friend, that will be only waste of time m your part, for, es you will learn Liars on, we never value what we don't pay for. Now, U you ,,111. to me fur souse medicine, why, I'll talk to you and throw the advice in. A Malady That sok.. Life Almost Ca- te,arebl.-A leove testis. Lady 1.11. Mese to Care It. Mrs. Frank Minard, of Milton. N.B., is e lady who possewat the confidence of a large stoole of friends Mrs. Mltard has been a sufferer from, spinal disease and attendant complications, and to a reporter she recently gave the particulars of her cure. She said: "Aga result of the trou- ble I suffered terribly. At times the pain would be confined to my back,and at ether times It seemed to affect every nerve in my body, from the top of my head to my Fee. Aga result I was reduced greatly to strength and was unable to stand upon my feet long enough to ►trend to my household work. When doing any kind of work don I had which provide myeelf with • high chair Y s means of support. The medi- cine which the doctor prism -Hied for me did not seem to afford me more than tans- porary role f from the pain, and I was gradually growing weaker and weaker. Finally the doctor suggested that I should use Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and acting on his advice I began to take them. I bmf only used • few boxes when the agony I had suffered for months began to abide, and I began to regain my strength. I con- tinued using the pille for a short time longer, and was again in full posecstslon of my health and strength and able to do my houeeehoid work. I have never enjoyed better health than ! am doinget present " Dr. Wllllams' Pink Pills cure bemuse they supply the blood with its life giving properties and strengthen weak nerves. All diseases due to either of these causes are speedily cured by the um of this medi- cine. Sold by all dealers or mint by mall, pmt paid. at 60e. a box or six luxe, for eM.;*J, by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. MR. COLE ENDORSES The Report of His Cure of Rheumatism By De44'• Elde•y Pall• who Seer, Other Tried R.hody Bed yalied- His Case Wail Eseeptl..ally Severe, ■.t Qalekly Ti.ided to Dedd'• 151da•y Pill•. WINDSol, March e, -Mr. F. H. Col, whose case was reported in the Canadian newspapers last week, was met by a tread on the street a'conpterof evening. age. 'Hello! Ls this true that 1 have been reading about you being cured of Rheu- matism by D dd's Kliney Pilla?" asked his friend. "Why certainly tans true Otherwise I should never have permitted it 10 be pub- lished," answered Mr. Cole. "And did Dodd's Kidney Pills really ears you, or was it your doctor 1 medl- eine?" "I was taking no doctor's medicine I wasn't using anything except Dodd's Kid- ney PBL. Therefore it oould be nothing else but Dodd's Kidney Pills that cured 'lure are so many cough medicines in the market, that it is sometimes difficult to tell which to buy ; bat If we had • cough, • cold or any affliction of the throat or lungs, We would tryBickle's Anti. m Consuptive Syrup. hose who have used it think 1t 1s far ahead of all other preparations recommended for such com- plaints. The little folks like it se L L se pleasant sa syrup. Vas. of Root. One thonaand tone of snot se4.tle month- ly within the 118 square miles of i.ondon. -121 Loony F•reelosght. "New, I wonder what 11 wan I meant to ask you "bent " re wed the profeeeenr es there name a slight pause In the conversa- tion " W he ane. i had followed up that line o1 thought yrm spoke of • week or two afte," .ugge.ted Mine P.dnnnle, "shone the peed cAuse of the leek orf an-onilna- Oen aometlmeil nheervmd In the 'soon 01 the two hemispheree of the twain" - "No, *hat wan not it," laid We profess erre, who had fereively conwlled lila men, orp edam book. "What 1 en ask pair Pari thelito* -Wks Ibis, DUI you marry Thio Ne Clique Is St agonise OmeK "Clique•" in magazine official do me exist, no matter what Is said, or who says it, to the contrary. The only ellipse which exists in • magazine is • .loges of editors banded together to ferret out the man or woman of orlrinality, and It makes no difference to those editor where he or she Lives or what his or her name 111.-ldw.rd Bok in the Ladies tIome Journal T'h. Market Doll. De Broker-Wby le It that the stock market is so fearfully d1181 He ( urbb-Um-I believe most of the bank officials, city tr.anueere and confi- dential clerks who have been speonlating In .wcka are looked np.-New York Weekly "Was 1t • mild cams of Rheumatism?" "Not by any mem It was, on the oon- teary. an exceptionany severe one. I suf- fered more than I can describe. I tried emend of tn. remedies that were recom- mended e. being 'sure to etre' me. But though one or two of them gave me • little Mmporary relief, none went any- where near curing me. "When • friend urged me to try Dodd's Sidney Pills 1 demurred. I believed they wore no better than the other remedies hod used. However, I bought a box and began to use them. I coon began to feel easier tifa came back, the terrible mins and fear boxes of Dodd'. K1dssy Pills mada Ep care complete and thegeogh enema gpeak toe Mob odd I Shari eeoomtEsd eiery of sufferer ItheYsatiem-to nes them, knowing tete will positively cure." Risky. "I am afraid," said the Berlin eitlzen "that the emperor w111 be very angry." "Whet has happened?" "One of my neighbors had the temerity Ito have a birthday anniveresey On the same day as his. "- Weehingtsl m The Madera Method. "I* is an awful thing not toknow where one's next meal 1n coming frim." "Yea, bed a gond many of in married men are experiencing it sine the grocery stores got to advertising b•rpin sales. Indlanapolll Journal. Whets children are pale, peevish sad restless at night they require a dose ar two of Miller's Worm Powder*. They are pleasant.! take; no physic re- ' q aired. - galred. - 010 05•rl.ge .t Ita•t•rtld•. It has only been a little while ago since It was thought that a pretty card or a tiny bench of flowers wits the proper offering to one's friend on Easter Day. The ides of seeding & trifling gift has grown,and now, instead of the posy or growing plant hi full flower and tied with bright ribbons, there goes some dainty trifle, with the best wishes of the giver for a happy Eastertide -Ladies' Home Journal. Ick For Ilinard's and take no other. Very NI.. led.ed. "Oh, Mfr Brown, I was to sorry I didn't .me you when you called the other day. I had such a dreadful headache that I told my maid I was not at home to any of my fide .ds. wutof course I should have assn Tat" There never we,, ealloarver will be, a univerenl gttnecee, In sue remedy, for ail dila, to which fleet is helr-the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and dlffenutly seated disea.es rooted in the 'idiom of the patient -what would relieve one til iu turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Qululn• Wine when obtainable In e sound unadulterated state, • remedy for many and grevlous By Its gradual and Judicious use, the frailest systems are led Into convalesoeoce and strength, by the influence which 1.1111- 11 We exert oo Nature's own reswrativea It relieves the drooping eptrtt of those with whom ■ chronic state of morbid der .pendency and lack of Interest in life L a diwaae, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, de -pones to sound and refreshing sleep - ins parte vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through- out 11.. v.tus, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby staking activity a necessary result, strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand Increased substaoes-result, Im- peeved appetite. Northrop & Lyme& of Toronto, bays given to the publi t 1r superior Quintoe Wine at the usual ns., and, gauged by the opinion of scientists chis wine approaches nearest perfection of any In the market All druggists sell le MAI /tea, -I have leen • great suffer- er from rheumatism, and lately have been ermined to my bed. Seeing your MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT advertt,ed, I tried It and got Immediate relief. I .scribe Ely restoration to health to the wondering power of your medicine. Lewis a BOn il. .. Borth. NM. OENIION before yen pnrchaae. Write for a Catalogue, either English or French. Gendron Mfg. Co., TORONTO, Ont. NATION NATIONA ARMS FARME' MPAN COMP.. RINE ITP Y" OMIPAN`IY S.rm.s• from 05.ke.. Let there be union among ns. Ride on over all obstacles slid win the race. Energy and determination have done wonders many • time Philosophers se aonly a en in armor after .11I •-• _" .- There L a providence In everything; everything works for the beet. In journeys, as In life, it is • gest deal smiler to go down hill than up. You must expect to go out some day like the snuff of • candle; s man can die but ono.. Among men who have sound and steel - In r qualities, there L nothing so contagi- ous as pure openness of heart. A Cure for Costiveneaa-Ceetivenees comes Irmo the refusal of tee .xcrr:tory organa to perform their duties regularly from contrtbutisg muses usually disor ordered digestion. Parmelee's Vegetable Pilin, prepared on scieutitle prime are w compounded that certain ingredients In them paw tbrougb the stomach and act upon the bowels so an to remove their torpor and arouse them to proper action. Many thonmedsare prepared to bear tes- timony ertiutony w their power in this respect Pale people should take Miller's Cel& pound Iron P111& There are about 6,000,000 pair of gloves imported into this country each year. top i aird's Liniment In tan Mu. "Henry. hew the nook 1• gid. dsseer 'm -the drat looks my peed as you, my dear „ IInud's Liniment Is used by Physicians. As R.peree• easels.. g The Emperor of Germany is such • love of old customs that, when an admirer res cantly presented him with the snug box of his famous predeee.,or of Pentode Frederick the Great, William at once had the box filled with the heat snuff, and has been "taking" it ever Sint". Every person suffering from mend debility should take Miller's Compound Iron Pills. A Bunke. Bridge TIM famous "sunken bridge" in Matte- ws eking, Mo is being repaired. It is built over • bog Which is said to he bot- tomless. However this may be, it is a feat that bride .for bridge has boon built over it, each cue of which after a time has sunk out of sight. 41e, 464t& A:0 eto g/Ve acv a-rka, 012cv �jvl oi. 0 a'ea. ..r. e• Cur A party of visitor to the oonntry were very much inteuos ed last summer by the remarks of some New York children, want out by the fresh air fund for week or two In the country. There wars iiulte • n ,m- bar of them playing about a pretty farm- house one day, when some passersby stopped and began to t.1k to them. Did you ever sea any chickens before?" asked ons lady, •s • flock of fowl' came strut- ting down the lawn. "Oh, yes," said one of the eldest, wisely, with a knowing shake of his head, "we've always seen 'em -lots -only generally It was after they was peeled." Iinud'l Liniment Lumberman's Fiend. In Nature's Dior' ',I1.e 'Phare are Curr -Medical experiments save ahowu con- clusively that there are medicinal virtues In even orllnary plants growing up around us which give them • value that cannot be estimated. It is held by some that Nature provides a eon for every ,it -.- ease which neglect and tguoranee have visited upon mac. However, this may be, It 1. well &flown that Parmelee'. Vegetable Pills, di.tilled from roots and herbs, are a sovereign remedy to curing all disorders of the digestion. A. gl..trle Lighthouse. The French government 1. Nettling at Cape Grimes an electric lighthouse which w111 be visible at a distance of 48 miles. It will equal the light of 8.000,000 ordinary Dandles. A sew back for 50 cents. Miller's Kidney Pills and Plaster. Rept Al.r• In Pere -la -Chaim, Paris, there &a tomb- stone bearing at the top the inscription: "Adele Ronald, IICe6. I await you." Under- neath nderneath 1s "Louis Ronald,1e81. nevem L" Some youngster tee scribbled at the bot- tom the pithy criticism "He took hie time" Deafness Cannot be Cured by Weal application., a. they eanm.t reaeh tk- dimmed poral- n of the e.r. Thera is only one way to core Deaf,.ess end that Is b conatitu. done remedies. Deaf.* s Is aurid by e,, in- flamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian s mho. When fila tube gets In geoid you have • atn811ng sound .,r Imperfect hearing, and when Itis entirely closed Doafnes Is the molt and sepses the inl•mm.ttot can M taken mat and the tutee rest.). ed to its norm.; eensdltWeti hearing .111 be destroyed f'Teres. ■Ina cues out of ten are caused by a ,arrh, whieh is nothing but an teemed e ndlunn of the mamas surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for e y wee of Deafness (Paused by cat -rrh) that can sot be eured by Hall'. Catarrh Care. Band to circular, Fres it J. CHENET h 00., Toledo, O deed by Drugglata, 7Sc. 4.11 th• gars le Nor. "In one respect every woman is ambf- deltroue" "How do yon make that out?" "9he eon throw Just as well with her left hand as wl' h her right" No worm molirine este so nicely se 011. ler'. Woven 1"lrwdce.; nn phyete regnired. L PILES PILES1 orm off on afar the knife It andmei Itlea NNW ed It is Mod* and sat. Y w sufferers. geed address and get deem A. ails, 112 Shia $PIute Tolls. MPANY TIONAE RMERS MPANY TIONA ARMER MPANY TIONA CFpARME NAM OMA COMPAN NATION FARME COM PAN NATIO COMP E NATIONA FUMECOM PAN A) COMNAT IPANY COMP NA COMA ONAt NATION NY GUM AN COMPAN COM PAN ILAT NAT I FOM AN NA110ER }NATIONAL FAR i� TIONA F MPANY TNqIMNERS ATIPANR3Y DBR TWIN F. 11 Wes.gtA o 75 the breaking strain. lull length ate hoe to theMver they've* „y wipe": So Ws.. to gash kale. Nu ci gglne la tie Mader-compael7 mond; made nerdy of per* lime* offered lthout adulterant dY kbt•,,,*Ds y h Canadian farmer s0Ides 18* following D 0701141 FOR all VAIN wall say one nd meal PREMIUMS I 141-Karsl GOLD-PLATED WATCH, stem-wind- ing and stem -setting, guaranteed reliable time -keep- er -lady's or gentleman's rise -maker's guarantee with each watch. SOLID OOLD RING set with genuine Garnet and Opal gem, -stamped and warranted -with maker's Trade Mark and guarantee. (MUSICAL CLOCK, glass sides, in Nickel Silver and 0111--a handsome ornament and accurate time-plece. A never endo pleasure in the home. IOw IT IS DONE '�'' ticaNational Farmers Co sells direct b pres- ' l ions. Ade Verniers; employs so middle men - r agents, dor beiness only for saith makes 80 Wier-[veryI dollar dies Its tall duty. We bare • out of NATIONAL SIND= ?WIN le os hand -es eueh that the tank rate of Interest until after betted, on the money locked .p, will amount to men7 thawed /colas. sea want to garotte/ Interest and give It to the farmer Is return fx rah Time is where the prem am r mem 1s. antwlrararree.******* *'Afi'***** ***************A A ***Ntf T bis Company reserves the right to rented year money if the priesof Hemp advance* by reason of the. Pilitppine war or cher ware. Mesita Hemp °whoa from the Philippine "elands. ORDER AT ONCO end maks *erode of your season's supply e before Hemp advance's. Remit* hooey tomsmlyby Portal Nom. Pool Oma. Order. !themes Order es Registered letter. Writes your same pitifully. give your poet *Mos arose and olio the railway stogies to orbleb we are es ship the Twine. Teta l rraigha on the, Tam frees 10HONTO. we good yea the premium �sY , mall or express Mer Toronto, Observe, abed, direoloas eerie - (*817.. we wanes make any mistake la forwarding goer goods. hey whether you want • O.nttsae s or a lady's Remit. o Nradgraa1 Cloak se • RIsWA ."l l:gwrre and plum a1string neo itiennoer m paper rase tolre.. `-00040044-10 414- tat►*•/ -F WAN) NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, 111.4 NFAI MT uuu OANMPA MATO COMPA11ACOAFATRTI�MN BM WMaM TORONTO. FARIIIE end � he FAIR r of a refereed to any l.resedie Ago; ey COM PAN p �� ? paper as to eareerea.Ihlllt NAT N) NA i tOltal NAT ONAE NATIONNO COMP CLMMP yCOOML lEAT IP NY COMP0 'FCOMPANT COMIPANI wMIPAN COMP NA I • Teo oire eweg�e~id Os.sm eats. tortniass and WAIVE. Met= soil yr+e ye,w•o•r � wsee es emele tes PM, ssri 444114444& .q 444 mm tat R N. ossa Intitier rue MS Me"meet r tea nb sore.. W the 0*1 es Ju ars tames/•. sed ass urger Mime Mrs Mrs st asytMas Ube NM Ow IIese rat will owls eel r.td P per b nests ani paper THE 0ENI P10 CO.. TORONTO, CAN. A CeapIle.•.t Yipped. Aarareres for Poddor. M. Llende, the dl.tingnfehed Ytr000- 1 Asparegue 1s e, plentiful es the 1NOsMa mer, dined one day at the home of Iters- steppes that the eattle tat 18 like great niter, the banker. Iie wee seated between 'rho mmeds are some'tlmea dried and used as the celebrated beauty. Mme. Hammier, 1 a substitute for coffee. d 6!me. de Steeel, equally noted for her an wit. Wishing to pay nlnethlllQ agreeable to both ladles, he exclaimed: "now happy I am to be thus pieced between wit and Maty." ••Yee, M. Ialesule," sarcastically replied Mme. de Steel, "end without possessing e ither." By their action on the Stomata, liv- er sod Bowels, Miller's Worm Powders careot •11 such troubles as lack of Ago petite. Btltoueaesn, Drowsiness, Sallow Complexioo. etc.; nice to take Ail Wee.. Map . !tree*,. Tb MOB LUMP- Mem Jeursel will eentain the drat We& of • Plats." Mt s. M Wu Prat* ?best& a ehae, who bee *MBA eh her.Almme.M Mkt* OM N to wgwRaasy posrblltd for Os ,,k1Bar waenm to be peed, sold she IMAM M stet es wsw.rlh, •,.Mims. Geed 40.1 wash term the bars of SO - t Ifs .-selamidl t. Gas. eMrm-w and th. Dom.?. The late Dr. Blies was for many years Oen. Shernan's physician. Once when the soldier complained: "Your 'tuff LA► Ing me no good," he replied: "Take Shake. spear's advloe, then, and throw it 10 •W dogs." "There are too many valuable dogs in our neighborhood," replied Sher- man. New life for a quarter. tiller's Coat- pound ompound Iron Pills. *1 hat 6b44 Taught. The lady principal of • school in her ad- vertisement mentioned her lady sedates, and the reputation for teaching whit& Bb4 beer. But the printer lett out the wend "which." so that the dv.rtlneene sus¢, "reputation for teaching *a boars." Orth a..orpINtermee.-. - --._ Proud Mother -0h, John, the baby els want Cruel Tetb.r-000d. HA talars walk the door with btmtlelf vet night, then. Than for the claire*. Malar. Worm Powders. Sleet Oirie sed M•trlseesy. Is L mold that short young ladles have a bB11Br .bases of marriage than their taller ilisesigi,ase •es maim gloss 1s fist @bort *MIS make the Leet wives. >mltr's Oen10oRA Ire. P1i). Imo seek �--�� Into Hard Coal ta��M��IN ?Nt! Namur 0aa1 es aka 1ae8st Be11M. lata test hr a Rte. vireos that user M• should try tem. Mee Can Recommend It. -Mr. Enos Bora- berry, Tuscarora, writes& "1 am pleased to lay that Dr. Thomas' ',electric 011 is ell that you claim it to be, se we have been using It for years, both internally and externally) and Imre &)way's received 840.11 from Iia ase It 1. our family at anal0s and I Mks great pleasure is spsaa.ndtog It -tee PERSIATIC SHEEP DIP and ANIMAL WASH. teed DID isomeenteeled la amsrkst Pie O s ••4st•f -`� � �estl�- Cf.1m�. Mks, Sod Llels, ■app.'s, O �sOOb....7ww.., alresdons on ore* sass. oef� prnd.e.s • 4s.__ ▪ SS l) I Take ao ¢0. Invlie sonespnndenes. The P4ddurdt- Renfrew Co., Limited, 1•z A STOUPPVILLC, ONT. ahs R Co Trod. Meek `�+afttt.,0 eJr COAL ALWAYS ON HAND TWO Mgr CNCRfJ:Pm : T.N. %Mit i 1NFq, $sv i4llt Mt L .AM