HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-16, Page 11'
SEPI 1'( iii`
*11 *
L4000011111 In Gutting. _
Monad tram OWosoo, whom M. ba
Jemmied the World.. .h4 Po.mo= Taller Sys
m t.
toof oath. Oa treat Micas. Is that
tM ap quare will oat all gars, 1 for ladhis
sad ablllrer, oaring the ,earl mod. of
petters. t M usual am, Ms o
sad .111 bye plteaasd tote 1,11 purl• M a.... es at hoe =men
also.,. wines11 u
Yftnatfon. Vaelant.
poet who car, ion. Apply to MR0.
ATTIOLL Rldgv.eod Park. 1711
Wham basuea ED. MUNRO.
Ifaafto.-.L It
WtklatIon. VIIMBant.
wwsp. Or elder sass 11 still yosas e
eptrtt, st sadoabbd ob•r•otor. gond Salim,
wintleas sad i.dsstrious. can Ind 'snow
am astt in • geed oars. with al Ma soak and
Ll TT.rto N &batty. AMP. T. B.
cos work bord talking and writing cos
boar" dally for sit d•y n • weak &s4 will be
avant with ton dollsrs o..kty. Atkins"
NSW MILS 00.. Totowa
henna ma dr .0.4*.s or minam ..t-
hy to solicit for sada : As I..,014*.
of m* O.oalty," la ego royal q•.rte alumna
No d0Uvv.5rrttsigs o aapp mmisrlen wkl
pad wsy.
w•eY Ntrt ..t. Msthodut Brash. teas
oNet(o.•1Oe.ervaeory• New Tore, will re
014,. pg11 s4s s.mry •ad dr••o•d-is
al lawte.M" ste•.l.*..amts. tad hammy. Q 6tadlp, "Tho
1t1►1rya• iso v,esaeles for lmppuapppivvsasth Moo .,d
.aoordlsg *5 nat
Orwstrrvvtl methods. 1 1 11lo
of Stela
1. Bar
Trs •ssrst01yVirP method Vita'Um
Prattles Clavier at O. W. T•a.ss•'. en ell
5mgsrtaw mar be cued by pupil& Al.. Ca-
drtmiw Method for lease Ohlldnp. ecu
deals wftl perm.. the Tweets C.emrvarory
Tw(tts .i aged.. IS Rmen la•tI.t
F01} MALE.- LOTS NO. 120, 111, 1Sd,
Ill, IN, 114 101. Hstoblsees'S A
tows of .Hench. A r to ILIUM/10w
REID se SAMEB 1111». H -u
hums •t BIg Mssdow, about 1a •ares
s0.4 pastors.- Also s1 sores with batld1. .
k Maas* prseety. Aaar te Mrs.
ATTAILL or *5 I. BILLION. Oednre0.
17 -*t
tertabie been eenw.l.g ten row.
.. Eenyn e*., erfta two-ghho of as para alma
la award. Hard sad ah warn ea prowN..
Terms r•sssssble For particulars a.p17 to
cer Mhos" P. J. ORICR±ON• Tador. (fa4•-
That sotid brisk boor situate se
Lot 11. Oso. 0. Taw. a 0odoli 0 with 0.. t(
ton ries of IoM ss purchaser might regttlrw
Thos is a star imp oder stir the boom
The e• very iserstdo prtapaetr for iar;..-
o rls.w asa I of i*0i. s O toe . for
sloggers a Wok.
M malt p,AYM.r.
Aesdr on prose.. is Q. McMAttoo. or to
Wo. OAaxrsoA, *0m -a
.. Agmst. Wsst
POR HAL-1A)lb bIt AND 70
C Hanbl.Ssen Anel a the Town of
Ood*Ae►, open wash is *rooted . slot dwell
loo loose.
Ses*ppttr.mebbor. *1.
O54.8M r rs
Mot•lgwet. IMO
Us4ge 7 virtuosi a oda o-
tatt'.d *wart.. Merl sg dna the
las pre.
o• f 10.. w1fl ho Weed
e bv Thaws Ona
'i l 5lThaws. la the tows
Of Har H. en emir -
curof u Ona e'er.*
.la sr tert.mi,t•l
1. the moo if __
Hans. ong 5 lots
n sub
tie • f1at1Or1er8y ir •a tie maid
mom -ddIvldm a
I.t *ss Is sssssmten " A " enatataug throe.
If l K be ibis et load store sr tar
enma111 • mid !ammo • lora frame
bssliti er hod roma
r.wt y5 r • m. p sod
0*sts+•Nsrsdg/*Sapg hod roams, tat hog ever. parlor.
x0504 / Moslem l
•s[ wear sled W meta kcommis-
71• ham Is at previa +•*aped by Mr. 1171
Arrltogs, *5505*. TO..pvra will be oaM
N ab/Mt' mar isms •f j844M.08.r Tare will
rsrtheo cruses mode Mews.. day of
*51. or may be *rrrtalaed by •pplleatbo to
the • s r t5 the •.gleno..
TEOfla01 . J. M. REer,
*seiner.V55dor. Bal tor.
Dated kb Msreb, 1fi1. 1742
Doke. sod p5na•.t to tb gaWier of sae
1.4M514 1• a serial•ar Mm1ag ilea
the 1114 day a Nensbsr 11 ,gy.04 rade te
a tat
•y of s Mire wwhich l M 001d pada.
rear C• at Benton. Matto tat bows a Oeide-
. 15 the Nasty of Nares. es fiatard•t.
Of March, 1S1. rt 1 •',cl4o.eokk aeon, W Joke
anstlea..r. 1!r 1Mlawtar enemy•
ienb r Mr sad 11f is O.msr.s'. Dor-
ma Ib sews0en..
w. Of .d t..ruht Naw
aO. sary
M _- progeny
home boas with Mahalambed Moat.aandd •
. utile 1x1*. There is also • small tabard.
Tams a 'Mar Ten par omit an tom day of
GM sod Mt t.M.s. wltbe SS dm them
h irrt lare appy s0 sts
Anstbrow.Dated Mb day a f b/.&ry. l . IrmillomPs alitaft
7ws ren. •,o., n rotor OWO Oh5Tbth, w
0t thaw my brotaor ovtr wont
am. cosdderario.. Of roarer It a •try
kitty bo may not ran. near us again
hie you ars bre. Bet .heald be d0
She paired, and poor Edith, who Mt
" I1 moms invl.thlit not was clo•Ing
itttad Der, urged timidly:
I snppfi5• oa5 ringlit to lite Rio moa
thy w&tTy very mush 7"
Tom .hoed et rtmegy not dfell!e Aim!
155 w1111' Bp /of EWER* 5 tuna.? 3)o yes
fb iii doer with a .adder. al.
wild RUM Ell Ilow to
y" arcked Sikh. 11mdd17.
"Tory trail Moreover. It lees tag fel.
tot booted* i Welt my broiler
Nam! fellow 1a Ihti woad M Nr
A anon .totals -Tho Ibwstn... .r5st.t N
fere tM Omsrt.
Moses, M•rub 13.
Th. apart was opined at 2.30 rot by
pro.Mam.ti.., His Lordship Com! Jaowoo
Armour preeidlag.
Faloweg were the
00.110 JUnr.
Jabs Middleton, forest.., Wm. Acheson,
Wshsel Cumming, Jobs Emu►, W. D.
Fdr, Jamas Sheppard, Door e Harris, Jens
Hautes, Hoary Keys, Wm. MoC.11, Geer..
Maris were no orlminal naris for the
mood tory to take op, ..d His Lordship ia-
straotad them as to tbe ,+Moe 4555
Bedford • Combats-Tbb was 05 addles
tor 111.5•i distress and an mama. HL
Lorde0lp dummied with the jury. Judo.
wont resavd. G. F. Blau, Brower, for
p1I. ; G.rrow, Q.C., toe daft.
Hays v. Town et Uoderke.-Asstoe for
dstsagas to load in the tows of Uodort.0.
Owl&g to the ilium of • at.trmi whams,
trial of this maws was psstpoaed aural the
May otui.g& of Lois poen Ir Ma sway .f
Huron Hal* tor p14. ; (Jarrow, V. C., tor
Marey v. Milan- notion to reoo•r •
Ies•my. P1ading the off. of • settlement,
tgl•1 pestpss5d .11 the May satino of this
'rare tor abs sweaty of Hares. Hell for
pit • Gan., Q C., for deft.
OWN, T. Hanka. -Acis., t. damages
for id.ds, pl•intif to pwh.ee defed.at'c
boet•ses, is the county of Norfolk. D•noey
for 08; ()arrow, Q C , for deft The tory
brought f. • v.dtot ter pl•l..ti1 i5 8200 and
Small v. Bradford.-Aotion for t•jers.
,red plaintiff by s.glirmta. O. •pplios-
:1es of plaintiff, trial postpmed, sorra of
Jay to be paid by pl.tetrff. (borrow. Q.(. ,
for p11 Deno.y tor deft.
Ratledg. v. Fisher -Action oo mortgage.
Grrow, Q.C„ I. pit ; Campion for doh.
Hie Lordship throated that jail/memo be
wor set. at 4ifm mom alar Nem days'
for the pl•1.ui to rases. poo.eesl°. of tete
lasts meattesed Ie the proosd*go.
7ellowlet ie the
05.110 Josr'e r50.NTMCOT:
GOD1uCH, Maroh 14th, 1899.
Ti 8e Lordship Chia Juntas Armour.
The eras. jury as for Sprung Amass,
1899, for the oouty of Ho(en, beg to pre-
sent OM they Mn visited the oommoo
gaol of 18s manly and found •verythtot
sat sad clean and ie rood order, sod t0•
g•clor owertea.. and •!native. AU the
doe ptte.s.ri werf-l*tvdy omega is tan
wood yard. TM only complaint made by
the prteosars was that for Me past too days
the bred supplied was pot good. We az.
NO110E.-WE WANE 2)00 POWs DS
all batter in prints ed two -peed
oils. also WO des R4Oar cash prise
Pail Ws wont d1W amiss a the Hammon
w Prd... /w. W. J MORROW.
For Sol.,
1sMs or en baggy for sale what 1 wet
dlape•e et In trade ft* cordwood. 0. ff.
Simi ft. by 3 ft. Oita be e.es at W.
N. Ho •MI's stars, Carlow. Apply is V. W.
ateDONAOH, Meek. Cabers. township.
1 3t.
Auettlon Bal..
Pursuant *5 teetraetlsas from tM vendor",
I will offer far cru at my motion room, at
the tows of tiodarak. on Taod&f th. Ma'
dar of lt.rch..t tr soon, the valuable
payrtl..: -
Parosl No. 1. Lot number 11 on Mast street.
k sown as tb Joba Runnel rest lend This
lot is wail situated. Thos b • brick hors a
the et sad a amber a valuable fruit trots.
and Haas.
Puma No. 3. Leta U13 and 1161 1. Wdl.
f oray. Mown as tM •norge Bldddpa ren .
moos Os the la thsr e • trams haw sad
• numbs" of haft tress.
Panel No. 3. Lot
of lot
Broca Mast. TM ba11diapso5.Me 1throe
e aga
Parsed No. t. Los 3 and t and part as beak
'0" a the vfldse of Salthrd. The P aar*r
is known as M.•tls'n Held. at prime saes -
pad by M. J Farr. Tb. 0w11dWts masa a
• twoonory0.4x0 0.114. frame barns sad 040roatboadamt.
rs14 No. 6 i.ot 1, L4tbthoem Most.
The e a gra lot and 4. . very desirable lot ea
w ub te build • residence.
Ns. 0. Ise 11• Ilgbtheaas 0o54.
10*. is • v.c•at lot •djd•lag IM two new
ballt by W. Waller d is • dtulrobe
P.PrroN Nen 7. 1404 147. This lot 1n w1l sits.
and. Toe bundle.. motet of • two010,7
dialing booms with Mahon attached.
Terms of sale w111 a mods known on tM
day as n
For farther particulars emirto the o d-
mlgd. 'HONOR r
HARROW t PRoUDFUt'T. Aae.toaeer.
Vendors' Solicitors.
Diced of Oodmrlok the 6th day a Mara. A.
D. 101. 16-111
IMPPLS a0. 11TC.
Mr, Twaw Baoww has re algd ls.frantfcsa
from Mr. 3M.. T. DtcOtmM to sell y p01440
sa•:tion •e Omveramoot M, la 1. m.. 2.1f.
RR..S..towoohlp of T.wkcremlth,twn .,111. 1,551
8.0Mrt0. o.e mils woes of li m*ad,111a,
.. Taeadrr. Mann feta, 1110, the fa
lewlat valuable Shorthorn n•ttie. vis:
Vas/7th y Dobie Imp•, with Mal oaf at
Van f+lb by Primo Miartr lap
Vaasa a0 b7 Rm. Sons.Imp.. with
MlVfasaym11 y Oollyas Primo. with bull
self at f5M.
Vasa 1110 by Palatka Kellett.
Indy Jssm 7th to Primo Albert 1Nwsrd.
Ludy J as Pk by Eatight of Berea.
Lad Jima OM by OMs Priam, with bell
Lady Jim. Nu, by Oellyss Pewee.
Lord Mrs me. stied I Jan . IDs : dam.
• Joao Js 1111h.
Loa Mishearroam, NEW lief Mowry.
Ielg : deii y Joy TU.
'ATM fatten. set. mast 1 D•..m0r. IM/;
dsaw, V.s.t 1tii. rel. MAMA nth Moak,
/ 115,
1 o. Az.e..0 balm 055 podiums,.
=• rfetbsidastm
rogria'd) . 1yam ell - we *
; bred maws is foal le
t Opts• itee- N,M
ss mA.mone : 1
• Madoo : 1 mower • 1
1Wrobe ;1amber
pair ob top d!b•Ysrvs.i t
s tie
Will ea
Mrs 7 *a. 11M
I0. t eat. 4.
de• sk P.t Qom
JIM. T. Dinar.
•.,loud what was o0 hand and found 1t
sour W• adores the •Orlon o1 theoonnty
motion la t•kma step" to r0000stroot the
gaoler's residence, believing * 51 it will lm.
prove the sssltry 000d4Yesu, mon
sep.ololly the v..tlletion. All of whiob b
respectfully submitted.
Jura idtuut.giox. Foreman.
TM court re.. Wedaeed.y morning alter
dleoharg.ag the jury.
8, F. W•oblartoo, et 11•mllte• was here
as (Crom proe.outor, but thm were no
erimsaal saew betas las mart.
To Be Deal MID To *tour. -The yrastioa
Of orating an Oddl1lows' ball le to be voted
O pen 51 the meeti.5 of Huron lodge. No.
62, this .•mise. Tb plops for rho buildlad
w oa view at Porter's bookstore.
GOOD SALAs.-W, sad J. Jsmts•oa, of
A•htbld. Moe told this following you.g
shorthorn balls : "Laurier." to Also. M.o.
Leona, Holyrood, for 1100 ; " Prins• (M
oar," to Andrew ()rigid), Kinaordio., for
1190 ; " Kltobse," to S. H. Farrell, Kin
osrime, for 1100 ; " Earl Rob's," b John
SUM, * 1.1.11. fee $160 ; .rel " }Awedy." te
Peter Edward, KutMl, for 850. lt.elr
armsS ye a 151115•. months. -
P50rAre IT WAS MUSD'S --Ta. Look -
n ow and Welham papers of last weak •Il
mike mention of • great and m for mom
pledged poise that was hard in these plan..
en Mnad•y altsra..s. Oa p•psr..y. win-
dow and doors rattled, and soother that
there were two *books, as though two Inge
anotias hod bean discharged. It la aid the
n oise was beard •1.. at Bros..l•. Oso paper
suggsea 1bas It may have b..5 • boiler ex
plata, but the mount theory is List it
was as eartbgwks. It is prou.bly ono of
those Mugs 1h.b will remain uwrpl•iaed
to the .od of 1*me.
Fsorr Humors IN Vittoria. - W
Warnock, oar well.k.own horticulturist,
has anticipated the balmy sir of spring by
ousting • number of •booto from toot tress
to hie orchard and Mooing t11am la w.tar Is
ths houas, whore tiny have nlo..omod pro-
fusely He has produoed plum, pear and
apple blossoms in this way On opo of t0.
. hoot* whioh he has had la the house for
.owe weak• now wood ba footed te the
loath of oilgnt i.ob.., cud • number of
pears have sot .0d ors sow h.11 •o iooh is
dumotor Thom peen, Mr. Wor.sok
Moulrly says, will be the only ono grows
here this y.•r. Ho is slnid the rodent 1z•
trema cold swap killed the fruit hods os poor
trees. and that soma reader varlet*. of
apples has bean slated in the Mme way
Tri Esau Arsslc.As Lars -Iemaim
oolume we pablbh . summary of the &spool
report of taw North American Lif• A..or-
sa.. Company. This company has woo 1t.
way to • front pl•.. .most the Iib ampu-
tee of this essti.ent, .n1 Tar by year
shows that it not only bolds it• own but
oasdawss be g..a strength The men oars -
hal mrotioy dem not show ..11 week point
la Its anagommt . policy, and *kr
mens04 u whioh its apron 000*10ns to roll
up basinsss for it proves 0000lasiv.ly that it
us founded on the truest and best pr*sotolee
of life &nano**. Th. loyal atom a Goo.
r oh is F. J. 1'. h•ft.l, well ..d favorably
knows to the poopl• of Oodertoh .ad
•iulelty,-414 b ha been suocewfal la Na
past ya•r is kosplsr up lbs Motors end el
the osbpsay is the dtatrin in which 0r let
is east.
W. C. T. U. MI.TINn. --The .,ambers o1
the W O T U. were pleasantly surprised at
Choir reealer neatly held oa Monday to
and *bat, tbrmrb the kindness of D. Man
roe, that room was kathomtoe 1 &trash, and
it also het csa quit* the air of hark[ had •
. pries boaee-oleuiog. As the Union grews
is strength and lstereet, it hopes to add
et,ll forther to the appearance seri comfort
d its pl•ot of meettag. Tb. Bible rad
tag was oodaeted by Mies Coate. and Mn
B•vdg.. read • very ',stomata( paper we
W C T. U. •vangellstio work, ant' plena
SSA mde wher.hy prswdeal work .bag
this line might be do.. La oar town It was
iodated UM • Donors. medal mutat
•boald be hold early in May. Mies W yea
ha kindly o...roted to sups•fateud the
musical port of the program. sad 1he pros.
mote are that the coming mama will be
ova of the best entertalnmman along that
Iltho over yst offered Is Godsend'.
New Boons AT TH■ MacaAsttw' INtrt•
rola - K1plw : Light ttw Feted. Hal
IdaCM two Jowls Books, Se... 8om.
WBihe Wmkie, Captains Coangenoe, A
Day's Work. I1 BSA .ad White ; Saves-
...: Wreokor, .ad Kidnapped ; Parker:
Beetle Strom the Rtro; Brant : Ledon. and
Faith and Freedom ; Wyokef : TM Work-
ol fibs West) ; Crockett : Gray Mao :
Ranson • Romano. et • Midshipman : Doe•
•w : Ayrlwi. ; Dann' Bahama ; Joltiness :
lasted O•n.bv : Aliso : What • Yana
Girl OseO* bo Haw • MoDwe•Id : Sir Gib.
Me ; Smooth lid : TM Opera ; Appletalk :
System of N., viral History ; N Sywe&e : Cas-
ale Ian ; Cranford : Oorleona ; Joka1
Petr the Prima ; Bolan : 1... Closers ;
(pada : Four Dadaism ; Oburab : Lords
ef the World ; Bowls.: Flotsam and Jet
sem; Hasty Wheel Louden Burned ;
Jebe.es : Diet in Mame ; Boldrewod :
My R.. Hare : Page : Red Renk ; and
fifty *than Only 11 • year. 3600 aolws..
to scow from
18 iT Tem BAam t-Weedr 1t this yang
man of whom TM Galt Relarmar tabu toe
s.. who was la (loderieb some wake .go
lhtrisg the prompt weak • yoo5g m...
nther prepossessing la appearances, has
05075.554 Galt, selling caws plaster. H•
was • drf mato, so M• plaster avenge
said, the .It. -wrote of typhoid foyer, sod
the cord that ha pnsentwa to 1ym.5thlare
wiled to *mhos,. his sfOletlma
" I5 this world of e.., ad sorrow.
With Ha eb•dow and its (rows ;
la the aide* of tho great army
i tun trewdliog with the tbroal.
Yowl, nod rendered bolster
Ry eefortuae's mmol sway ;
Thom law ward* I tender *5 yen
As • deaf met's pMa*Ivs lay."
Very p.th**Ie, Iw't it, but don't waste year
pity no this yam" mom. He I..'t dial, e.
s he mate He pt drunk Thursday sod
wells latetleated forget the roe M war
oeylag awl weed be aloe. A gwdmrs5
had paid be way from 0045 in Gilt aid
from Mm the polies lesesad of Ma Wpm
ten. Te deaf mats Das made • booty
*sit wittiest na .dies.
lanai Rale Mrr.1.o-Matto 8ear.1
airtime lewd r.•tly ...M4. *b• fele.•
tag :- Oas5d. s*aer.* service medal -1 -
Hr Majesty f0. Qm*on bas been Itr&oeady
plowed M approve of • mad•1 below
*5 .11 dors, •on-_.._-slw_i1 .d..a .ad
mon a the rri.M, aid Waist I•ress, wise
were a yttpellhatto fume r.M.
w to tr..14 is 1886 bet 1870,
or *be *era +posed w the Red giver oke
pedltlso M 1070. 2 -TM medal will be ie !
mot be eV ..wavese war• darn* eel 0110r
•this uped*ad la warn* 1, performed
wafer odds. from aetherify
(1) Astive movie* w tba lali I or (II) awyed
as owls &$ any port whim ...10a.0 tr.m.
*Ma troy wan nNabd t ( 14 wbwrebtdl-
"aes sold 1$'"..d "Rod tutor irk.
reeprierwho lett ill. WM ohm be Wesel foe Mom
ieMM.d le lig MAW SMN pap&
verbs 1 end 2. 4-Appl,setioes for toe
medal sad ol•mps should be toads en the
prescribed form, copies of whioh may be oh
t•Isad .p.s en •ppllo•:ion1'nm M•
war O*0N. Whenwritt, completed, tb. for
.boald be forw•rdai to mit Coder Score
1 ► a State. W. (ice, Loadoa, S W
t, /.r•aemlmtoe to the Cssadian gonna
.. r. TO. 80.1 p•r.gragb applies to of6
oars. N 0.'s and moo of .0. Impala raga
lar fonts only. The cop en of the form r. -
forted to la paragraph 4 o•o be had on •p
pU..tim to tin thief staff akar, had
quarters, Wawa.
Ter TIAO.gMl' CONv5NT1oN. -TM m.•
imam of Wes Huron publio whool !wh-
en was hold at Easter on Thursday soil
Friday of bast weak. l'bm were eighty•
for Maas la •itmdenoe, laeIu I4ng fig
tromp Ooderiob- O. P. Hale and M1..
Sharman, Ball, Wigging and Molar. Mr.
HMIs informs 5. that the meting was •
mMt suootssfal sae. A detailed report M
1t,blLbed t5 this Wu.,
PoULTRT AND THE (1411015. --The Hord-
owlt.ral So54.*y had an interesting toasting
loth Tbsr.d•y .'ening The seam for the
*twig was 'Poultry end the Garda,"
CW. Walls giving the Iasdtsg address sad
• gonial dtaoosstoo following, Tia °000eo-
sus of optima was that poultry r•i.tog and
rardontes coal t he o.rried oo toga0., 04.0
suoma sad with mutual benefit. 'rhe sus
Ilei for this evening ,. "The cultivation of
wlsry and tomatoes."
Tia C.Aarlo0 St arsa'e EYHI11TID1.-
J R. McCollooh, the re.owoed sat. from
Wla.ipag, gore on ezbibitlen at toe risk
last Friday evening, 11. is • 0 .0.5ly M11t
young mu and mins to be as much at boom
on skates y the majority of us are is 0111
touts. Aa tastcooe of this was his feat or
jumping oval five barrels pl•o.d "ids to side
on the foe. Hs r•r.uhibitfou.lso of fig -
ore Mang. skating on stilts and speed
skating, bath backward and forward. In
this bitter, with hu long. easy strides and
m•rw.11oorP tura, ha u1,1 sus a
•aslber of 400.d/1 .katen who woe photos
him. 111111 °r•ha.°n J1l p;(Iif6AaMwa oe
'0. los.
MAsome.-The regular me*ti.g of Matt•
poet l.dge, No. 33, A F AAM ou Taee
4.. egmlv4 was more then welly iotlrrmt.
tag. R sht Wor.blpful Brother Moouy, of
7'dto.to, 1%1).0.11., was provost OD hi.
animal ate 1r and brethren trom Toronto,
Blyth, Se0L.rth, Clinton ad other outside
lodges we' e protest Tim iaelatory work
Was azomi I' ed and the D D G.M. •'prep.
.4 the ply ,,are which bit visit afforded btm
. oil Mmpt :ranted the .,.oboe of Haitian,.
10151moo lee flourishing oodtliw. of M•
10a1y f0 Goairioh. Th. Halting officer sad
brahreo wom afterwards entertained •t .
nomad by Iclo merhwof M•1tl.d lodge
to the lodierr wriest hall.
Tax Logi ANDRtw D0T0DAtx.-Great
.relit is felt among !boss who had tin
Pomo. et ;ioowtne blur •1 toe ualookod•
for death of•Adr.w nryedels, of the Hareo
r tad. Godereh t.w5.hip, whioh on:urred o•
Solwrd•y, the 4th last., •iter • short Blom
Tho d•oa.gd was teed g(ty two years, and
had lived •M ut toasty yew is this loealiq.
Tb funeral, whiob took plata to Mut
loots osmetar• on Tuesday ottoman, w.•
I.rody studded. Rev Jas. A Anders°,
oN the officiating oler5ym&s, and the ear
rioa of the order of "oo. of Sootl•sd, of
allots doodad was • mem,,-t• was coo
tatted by Wm MoCre.w, L....i of In.a
asp .Cemi,, t`i• members of wbioh attended
u . body. The deceased leaves • wilco
n0 eight .boletios te mourn the 1o.. o1 •
rad hu.b•d sad father.
G C. 1, Ntnsn.-Ae t0e mooting of the
Collegiate Institut* Literary :toasty to.
morrow evening, the .abject of debet• will
be : '• Ks.ol.ed, that 1'..., downstate die
mon for Rome ted ser domialoos this'
Julius Cesar." no affirmative will b
• ken by W, Hiles and C Down and the
...lodes by W Rooms and W. Hackett.
• • • Th.. year the ancients of tat 4. C I.
,fwd to naive the annual "At t1,.,'
.htoh has b.o dropped for the pat year o.
two. Tb• affair will probably came
off photo n after Easter. . 1n.
•pmtor 1. FL Hodgson was at CM what
no Thursday sad Friday, and loft town Fri
day 0l'srnooe. Hs ezpreseed himself m sz•
,eedoyly well satisfied with .bat be saw.
The 'school had a half -holiday Friday otter.
sem . ' ' Tho Militia Department has
sath.ozed tat formation of • ambit carps in
coatroom with Um I..HtoW, sad tM fol,
lowing ofiaers haat bees gazetted Cap
tato, H. Snell ; Iteetts&st, W. L. Hocken;
..toad lirat roost, W. T. T. McLean Thr
adios *loofa 10 r.o•l.a Hetr acme in • few
lays, sod they aro now dismissing the prob
abilities of being &be to proctors uniforms.
DEATH Of RoBERT shANNON. -Koblthan -
amt. brother or Dr. G.C. Shannon of town,,
lied at Brantford on Friday last .iter an
illness of some month On account of his
broth.'. death, Dr. Shannon has spent the
hast week •t Branford. Th. Brantford
Rzptaltor save of the deos*ed : The tate
Robert Shannon was bon sear Norwich.
ed aura to Brentford over forty roan •en
Re aoadnotod • groeary 05540... Is Col-
borne street for • number of year., with
marked anomie, and •forwards awed Om
troth bmloom. I1 th* letter aonnaotlnn h•
two:am* widely boom throughout. Brant
and enrroasdmg aoaot.ie., buying largo
quantitate of wheat in Ws1rford, Vanessa
sod other pointe. in his boast. rotations.
Mr. Shannon wait kimono as • an of pilo•
olpl. and temerity. 1).••ee1 wee •
memhor of tbo Hr&attnrd monoll for •
° aple of trema, years sen, but beyond this
took no part is p.Tlio molten, ted In
rasa yarn had 11vd • very retired life.
Hs was a s0asob m.mhr of Zion chetah.
The family oovaea of hrs. 8h and
nus daughter, Mn. R. S. Box. of St
Marys. It was whip vi54tlat Mrs Brix
that deos•aed was ••tasked hy tM 111.tlos
saheb outminsted fatally.
Opera House ie aoeepied this week by the
(learn Heath Dsm.tte Company, and •
ray Soo opports. ty has bow &forded the
ply -goers of Oedrtoh of .,else . aumh.r
e* mpit&I plays promoted Is • ern-el•ss
w eer. Mod•v ovoids/ " Oar Strata
ea*" was green, •.d to ..y that tell
leads. was do.. la Ne eres&.t•Nw is not
saying ten math. Mr. Hoath Is • stress
sow a oeasldorwble shinty and versa-
tility. wh/In Miss Rt. Jobe makes • a..
p5rsoa&Ilt, oe the .tags„ Is fen, lora,
maws, ad •Nal& There are ceras. other
error atonle 1. the sompesy. and, taken as
o wbol.. it b tar shoat of the •vr5e5.
"Oars." a merry reedy, was pew es
TSrdav wrests,, s.d " Leawood," • power
fel rema.tis pky,wa. p.a...tad Wednesday.
()Wog Ms wish Woos he there was •
sstsbr of oe,sbr •Nrs.14•as. M► *be
Hwy* Bomb (;smpaey Ante been ..ears.
td t• pa"d.t a fair b0M.ma, wailrh 'Itwoid
wpm.* as Amir .5 4*. basset knows. Tim
Mau ars wwlesMma apotpie
M vert. wits * wan,. pontos goad, ann,
wterbal.l.e ltadors hams fir poblts, and
deserve t• be pairesasd.
R. lt. HrtaO's send mtfbary spoke
illyevazillogrvistsw.eia Wok.
team .111 aam.mbsr the One owl
mitre are ttrwd M gen *b Swat ample, if
Delbii, weedliffe M IgM iglu pee *etre.
Rine Parc Solt for teb*e or d0rr.
Beautiful uprise will nom be hero, 0*4 to
hoop up with th. peooaseba you will ma to
0.11 aria F. J. Pr di ham, the people's olothlar.
and got cm of kit Spahr suite, of best aka
sod bast material.
7'bare w mar • hotoirrap0lo sawn In Cos-
s'•, tut Godes ,bould feel proud of the
toot that 1s the torso. n( R. K. /allows ohs
has one of the best. 1. the past roar no
phoro.npb.ri 0•s •pp.. rod more la evldsnoe
la The B•tudy Globe than Mr. 9silowe.
Studio-Mmtr.l et. and Square.
W A Horrwa is laid up with on attack
of brosobltis.
Eureka ooe.oil, No. 103, R.T of T., will
meet on Monday. Mash 27th.
N. W. Nott bas been oat again the past
wail' &fter an illness of four or fire wools
from grip end br000hitl..
U. Haat is bovine bre house on Brinson
road enlarged by the addition of so upper
.tory so tom book porton.
Ws w very sorry to learn that Mrs. Me
Unat•a has not recovered from her ..vers
attack of Blown .ad is very low .t prs-
Mies O'Nal, H.milten•et., had the Ma.
fortune one day last weak to fall it Mr
hums and Amok h., arm Hr deter has
am* from Paris to &trend bar.
1110... has .gain overt•ksa Harry Vida..,
•ho was just reining strength after ao at-
tack of typhoid bear. Appsodioitu to the
cause et trouble now, and the patlest is
suffering oossider.ble pais
Among the militia nrd•rs published last
ns.k is nos •ppoiotiog B. D. Groot, of this
fowernd."wood, hitherto "wood Iteursaent, t. the
'tenlen.oey of No. 5 (Brussel.) oompsey of
the 33rd battalion, vtoe J. W. Shaw, treas.
TM Rlo0ard•so firm which o.,otrol. the
big mill elevator here bad 4 000 bushels of
sea sad pews in • groin warehouse .1 Goo
•novas whioh 'to onmpletely des•rored by
Ore last Tbar...y. Tho gotta was folly t.•
•Ord, bowevr.
• Ws wre D4..rd to swan. N..myok ew.,,
the other day after • long oong0ament m
soo..aat of his broken rm. TM festooned
bon has knittad all right, bat the orvo0.
shook cawed by the f.11 is• ..rloas mate
to 5 man of oar eighty years of oar.
aloe'. Pure salt for table and dairy.
Ld. Munro* spent Rosily la Clinton.
Edward Attrlll left on Mosd•y for
Jas. 8oett, of Chilton, was N two WO
H Humber, of S.torth, "pent Sunday .t
In old home.
F, H. MoKensie was op from Exeter for
• low days this week... ------
Miss Mary Salk.ld has returned from •
tat to her stat., Mrs. Sowrby, a Boy
City, Mob.
H. I. Strang, B.A , •tteoded • moan'
•1 toe sonata of the Prowum•I University •t
formate last week
Chas. Cleworth left on Worloeedsy tor
W.Ikerton to take charge of tho organ is
Pr.sbysrino olurob then
Mt.. Rebases bas refereed home &her a'
.reit of several weeks with her slate, Mrs.
Holl er.ko, at Washington, Oat.
Austin Chisholm bas returned te town
.itr an atom* of about soya months, ..r•
oral of whiob be spool to eh. Northwest.
Mi.. Carrie Bright, of New York, arrived
i0 tow. Iasi Monday for • week's visit.
She is "Myth" with Mies Jaen Simmds,
Cam brio road.
alas Evans left his weak we • reit is
Mn. Clendiaatng .1 Forgo, N. Dakota
W udentsad that she will .leo exam her
trip to dm seat.
Mn. J. C. Ls't'ooz.l left on W.daodey
.1 last west f. • trip to Bermuda to extend
luring the eammsr month.. On Mr arrival
•• New York oho was to stay with her sou
Horn', and at Borstals she will reside with
Mr sou, Doom. Robert, and 0. brother,
Arnold 1'aokwood, M.D., who visited (lode.
Hob • few yearn NO She 00.8 Dem 1017
from her native home for twenty-sighty sots.
Tbs Dominion Parliomcot mate to -day.
TM writ for the by. shied., u Leets to
all the vam5ey i. tits Coomous roused by
• e death of Ur. Gay has Mon issued.
Nominations, Maroh 22 ; polling, Mroh 29.
Su Wilfrid L .urir bas ommpn,o•ted to
•M seoretry of the Domino& Allimas th.
d octane of the Government in rmrard to th.
prohibiting plehlaolt. The letter 000elude,
'u the f.,llowlos words • "10 .or judgment
tat expression of pahlio opinion r.eorded at
the polls in foto, of prohibition did not re
Dr. scot .nob • proportion of the electorate
as world juitif, tin introduction by the
Government of • prohibitory measure."
The appeal im the cal* of the North
Woterloo Provincial hvrdeotlon was die
missed on Tuesday morn[./ with mots, by
the Court of Appeal at Torooto. TM ape
pest was on behalf of Dr. L.oknor, the Co.-
sarvetl•e memMr.e)eot at th• elation of
Mroh 1,'98,who was unseated by the Norte.
U was 000teoded o5 be behalf that the
charges of treatise by agate proved •t th.
triol were tinder tho easing clam of toe
E:Datlen Aot, and that the two ars of
direct bribery proves wore not .00imt to
0p*n the beat. TM wort held that while
the treating of mato proved to have Do
oared was not mficient to oonstitata s
bre.ob of the Manion Ant, yet the two
charges of belh.y by agents end other ai-
rtime" .l the trial were ss*Boiont to show
that the .1.014on had not boon 000do01. I on
sassily honest prinrlpLb, sad wore s51
!anon* to jmtify tbo verdant of the °ogre on
seating Lothar.
A .pedal smelts will he condneted 15
Ines choral' nest Lord's day ovals, for
gallon rid 1ab.men•
TM soma scanty Sabbath ..heel sad
(lr.etloe gsdeaver ta0vwtie0 w111 be hold
1n Ern. ea JIM* 20th sod 21st.
La Vietria et Epworth Lagos oe Friday
swing, the tools will he '•,S.lf Mastery,"
sod will be 1tr.dtewd by We. Rutledge
Last 8.545, m.5et at 3l George's
chetah, Row. M. Turnbull delivered • very
feralal germ« as the mbjmt ef nobeiesry
ewe. D. R. MoKmesio, B. A., maraud
m.rlasary from Jaime. w111 swopy the pul-
pit of Zion eb...O, (Sdorleb towssble, at
3 r.. eon A55day.
leannsetd -.18M.le0Ms surd... an Mils
Nodal. at Zion .eerie, Oed.reb tewa•
Nip. by 1e parlor, asd.tmd by brethren
hen 1,8015115 Wrestle.
A. T. l.•pss will Slaw se Mdrme e
rho U5i.. Prmsbyarias skink, (Warta4*
Mwrlmb4, on the .wing ef the 745 last,
ea Obelig. E.daaw wart,
.mwit ridbt 450 4Yj Mltn
sei .poe
gat i-tgs on s.t.doy MIN lla.day, Mesal
UM ma 11111, M1it Yeaaai Away
kanrgbU, 1%. al•Ommel la fro bees se
Sacra for over fittmtt years both to 1
Old ..oustsy ..d this, and at stay expect
profi•&ble time durlog bta stay is (iod.nc
Iter. Andrew Cu.515anam, pastor of 1.
hI Anoo•I .,..ciao -North Aesrle&a L'f*
he I Aransas a 5
Methodist onoroh at Krso•rdius, used t
Frtd•y morning, att. •..rew dioses. Itte
ug amoral months. He b.d bees satire
engaged to the ministry ler thirty-five year
►ad was Atty four yew of age.
10 Viotoru-et. M.tboJat ohuroh, Rey. 1).
R. MuKmste, • ed mismoo.,v, will
pr.ob mIDalo•.ry sermons sort Sunday.
both mouton wad .vimg. Oa the Moody
ovals/ followla5, Mr. MoKms a will give
• very tolerating address toed present •
• umber of •taws. All ore cordially 15.1104
to be omen. as tete proemial* and very
I01.r011.5 enlart•1•ment. 1
The Sabboob.eboot of North -o. Moth
odba church held • very euooe.tul •ant
weary c.I.br.Uo• this weak. The pulpy
was occupied o0 Sudsy by lbs pastor, Ke.
Jasper Wilms, who ddlver.d toteresttr
sermon., to tM morning addres.log lomat
p.rtioalrly to the oblldrso and to the ono
mg to t he parent.. Tn. mnu01 earn
both morning end ey.otug was giros 'saga
by 10. children Oa Moody corning._ th
school's eot.rt.iomest was given in th
ohuroh before • large and well pleased .ad
once To. Program gra an 51callent one sod
was well o•rned out from gioo,no to sod
A oumber of youthful •Ioou' ..i1 a -V..,
Howell, Celia Robinson. Roo. Aitken, Nal
Its Jamie's. sad Gracie oie Maio -gave root
la•too., and . solo by Mergsry Attk.show
ed what • worry inti. girl tae du '10. •udt
euoe Iook.d .ad henna dslrrhb..11y as foe
lolls tote, reprssaotmg throe kittens an
the old oat, mot through their patriot mottos,
Pearl Koos, Ors Bet.. sad Irene Pridha
tang tM kte
itn• &ad Hattie Bolan. mak
toe • saper•tively wio-loociug and ..bar
mother puss. A •folia solo by Gldy.
Wanly was surprisingly well et.out.d for
so youor • performer. Her teacher, Miss
Hattie Lough, played • piano .o.omp•ni
moot for the young aghast,aghast,A motion
tong by • smokier of Itttle Ley and girls
Jaw }W gIRtM.a.
rd . „'eoaeee...
.►t' -0 -
yds alone was an .m0.i05 feature of t0.
entert.toment. A company of rod oo•ad
boys. under onmm•od of Thomas Hooka....,
went through • .word drill with boyish
rigor Rai.•t,00s were ably gtysn by W..
Elizabeth Wilson sad Ali.. Irene Acheson,
and Wes ..
Eva Aubrook fared the sadl•
soo. wiry • •oo.i solo The .0 1 d'.,..r.
of the evonieg was • wend and ribbon drill
in which eiatea0 pretty girls, attired la
w hoa, em
*et.d • long serge of oompltwt.d
4401111 41404 with admirable precision. The
sonwas bewilderingly pretty', and th.-
gtd. sad their tostruotor, Mum" I. Sharman,
dowry" great oredtt for the pains they must
bays taken in p.rfooting the drill. Miss
Clare Clore Shm•n, Mies Geos W Boa and F.
d , Straws. a. w000lp.awa, 0104111 1 in 10.
On readertag of e program.
o For Salo or to Rest --It. J. Orissa..... 1
a- ; Now (loud" -Smith Bros. A Do 8
ly Mortrsge ' as
•Ie -J. M. Bt 1
s, Rana* Cash is King -N. 1) 4
Your Time Has Como -J. H. Pedder 5
New Goode --R E. Hick. 6
Dairy '15owsrs-J. H. Worsen 8
AnsounoemmN-R. B. Smith 1
To Heat fur Season -Mn. Attrlll - 1
Cook Wanted -Mn. Attrlll1
Boy Watei-EJ. Munro 1
If You Feel -J. Wilw* 8
Beery for Mole- -G N. L•.1. 1
Sootobmeo'. Big N1gbN.-Vtoterh Opera
House . . ,f.. ..... 8
Aauous..mwt- -Lao A ♦ rd .... . 1
We Can't Say Moonlit -4a. M. Ellen . Sup-
The Control Drug Store -S. E. Hlek .Sop-
plemee I.
Caen n Ktng-N. T. Ronnie .. Sup-
MoLoon's Palm . Store -A. P. Mc Leas .Ssp-
plem.n t
Bicycle ..d Mute Hno.en
e -O. F
ersoo . ... Supplem0BomaUodertoh Br. Centra -Jas. Kobio-
son . ... . .. ..Supplement
Spring it oomtnr lv your when) is
good order'
R. E. Jackson, of S.atorth, 1. • o•oofdidth.t.
for the lIreudmoy of the OaCanadianfootagefootageAraooi•ttoo. The Stator:
.,..rise e
Aasooieuoo is to I.s bold at Toronto o0
Good Friday
Brussel• baseball team has r.orrao ze1
tor 1899 To. following are toe ofEeere
Hoa. pee . Dr. Kalbfieboh ; Hon vice -
pros., W. H. Kerr ; president, J. T. Roes :
n.. pre.., (1. F Blair ; neo., Jas. Irwin ;
trees , J.o Ballantyne Arraegemeuee are
being mad* to pat • straw nine in the field.
Angus McLeod, th. ok•mploo ('.nodi.n
bioycli•t, is matched to mot J. 8. Joho.o.
to • mile raw, the bat two out of thaw
Mats. IdoL.od goes to Memphis, Tono.e-
1*e, in April to Mala, d Om root is ex -
peeled to take plait game t.me is Joao The
rows will be peered Davao eighth. of • ale
by • triplet. McLeod.zp..ts to have a• bis
booing team Alf. Hoke, of Toro°to. Ales
Idcl•or, of Iiod•rloh, sod Fred, Dunbar, of
Rtr&i ford. Tits prig is 8600.
There is coda a 'troth of airbag in the
Humble family. Mr. Humber and his throe
eons living in tows mho a rink that is not
easy to heat. and we notice that Henry, of
Ssaforth, elm le winalsg honors is tb. fame.
Wilt week M tied with mother player for
first plow in • oat". open to .l1 the earl
Sr. of S..forth. The tame was played on
hs point system, the prise I. the highest
eoor.r Ming • braze medal, We nada
stood as ,►tempt wits mad • to play off tin
tit, but again the two Dam. oat even, .ad
each oat Drernted with • medal.
The tenth and fat motel, to th• comp..
soon whioh has bean tonging La attains
of the measlier, of tM Godrloh Off hand
R fit Club was held last Friday. E. R.
Wotan is *0. wain*, of the trophy -a
r,fi.. Below we glum tin aggregate scar..:
R R. Watson 686
O P.00io,te. 576
J Galt
.... 668
P. Neftel 5389
C. Pennington 538
H. W. Ball 460
J. Andrew. 425
Coss. Hold 399
Capt. Dooley b84
O. iwewn.373....
W. atticltw•369
•x. n. Remb../ete 314
•'J. 'V, NsRstwassm 143
'i).. 86..x.. 55
'Jaw Fritsey 62
'Thom did set Meet Wm fell tee megohm.
On Monday svrtlsg Ssaforth .ad God..
rich bwt'y teas played of the odd match
for tin rump lams ob.mptoa.hip In
Wast -.t. rlok, and, 000tldening the coaster
ottr•otiois la town that evening, • I.rg.
na5Mr •ttonded. Th. gam., however,
proved not early so Intoreetine as the last
5054. between the rival, 0odorlob had •
t{dbb, sad the eoateea was sot keen t.oagh
to also any remarkable deer.. of aneba.-
e.m. Senferth departed from their former
Rood play, ..d ..seed heat. en hlttinr Om,
oppwats oftener than the punk ; but if
eltber teem harbored any 'fool" dolma
yalnet the opposite player., they ware wr.
Maly balked by Mr. Robbie, who rued m8
iadlserlwfa•tely tat reset peyote Mt both
aides. Ho is • very e1astiag roti., and
5.ldontl7 is bettor fitted for the position
than any star poses who has appeared os
Godereb len the winter. The mon Gloom
the eb•mplauahip mass* sed lava Ovath
re► teem In adlspobod pos..setoe of first
plait 1. Harm rainy league The Moo
was 7-3. T0. wast wen this vat played
Mole camas, oda only awl defeat sad me
/s-•taraalaly • Orad sunned.
R1..'s Pure Nat far *5W or dairy
W Awrap-Rear, 16n. •17e. A ton a
Festben, Dried Apply •d Raw Nor..
12-N 0. R. RtrO, Wiyh•m.
For G.T.R. dolma and *tpruam moon
sedan sod t.bsras . to .l1 ports of th.
wr141, go a N' 1'. F. iswron.. World's
Agway, Wast-st.
R. R. Smith's
y rSewtrwtt.t Nae
eipOlde.-0M•wfr. R..y ;" .3p'
seri4-Mb4r oarsmen sod aria. N.,
d.sgar a ewsrrewdlmg. Comm oa r h.
Ma sod hilawlsg weak.
The ray bask Wow .sf-tbe bieyels
ball baring Daisy °kern- We haws than.
Sot our stook of dairy gaware and famish.
Ings, Coal col, wholesale and srul. Las A
SHzru se
IL B. Smith■ greed m,llia.ry +patios
will t.0. pl.o• R•turd•y, 2511 March, sod
following wast. 7'b.ir trieads sad patrons
Sill kindly remember lbs date sod apo..
prepared to sen 10. Most display of import-
ed milltog, y the f►rm has over shown.
8t►IAfdlttfa 11.551 3bAis,.51Ato Gera al tb.
Sootobmoo's big sight at lbs Victoria Open
House, Godsrloh, waif. will be sego the
great..t orssoization of Scotch talent 5
the world today. Mr. Frame, the only
So,tohm•n who has had the honor as .
Rootoh oomolira of &pp.riog b.for. Qu..e
Victoria and most of the orowod beads of
germs, will passively appear Imre with
Iia Isrge oompsay of anuses, da•oere.
pipers. 010(4(.., eco. No :iootcbman
should miss the grsod roartslomeot es It
was just by • mere oh&sos that we happened
to 9.1 Mr Fromm to some bon, .. be to
only playing in the large units. On hu r-
rOval from Glasgow to I1oember he gays his
fir.t eotertsulieot in New York in Corneal*
Hall which was attended by twelve thoa-
and Scotch moo. They are mating with
the greateste0000es wherever they to The
price of admission b within the reach of .I1
-26,36 and 50o., onsbllow Sootohmes to t.k•
their whole (.milia Programs and (token
ow be ..lured .t i'ort.ra bookstore, Mon-
day, March 20th
All p•rtlo, getting their sus b111. prima 5t
this oleos will b.vo • hes notice named
In the list U0 to tM tlmo of melee.
Faibar, Mrob 17th -Salsof farm stook,
Implaw-eta and wsll.bred you.g bore.. at
A M. Polley's farm, tote 3 and 4, third ooa.
Usti/etch township, at 1 o'clock on .boas
dots Mr. Polley has dealded se dispose of
all rho 'tock on la fume. [loom. (lumbar,
TUMIDAT, Mroh 21.t. -.Sale of sew•mtll,
m•ohl.ry (maladies Miler and *atone).
horst., .1e1,M, wagons. etc , St lot 12. oma
oeaston 7, R. i) , inwnsbupPof Colborn, nom•
meooiot at 2 o'olook oa •levo date. CHAN.
HAMILTON, .0010.eer. HOwsos & 0.-
NAI.Da.T0N, props .tory.
THcMRDAY, Maroh 23rd Auction '.I..t
farm stook and implosion. .. lot 44. sou•
oeestop 14, township of Hulett, at 12 o'olook
soon, also the following farm lands :-Iot
44, omoeeslo, 14, township of Holiest, see-
tootng 120 sorsa, and part of let 45, ose.
ofaloo 14, °osmium' 96 ■oras. W'tweet
Mt-Donet.n Md WIW.IAr A. M.'Dnonot.L,
executors of the emote of the late ANouw
T. McDoti I.b. JoiN Kali, Auctioneer.
1'Hu iuo.or, M•rob 23rd.-Aaodon solo
of tams, farm stook sod Iuplo54enbe at let
20. oonoeosfon 2, Ood.riob towaoblp, at 1
o'olook r M Parcel 1 •-ib. 80 sore farm
00 whioh Jas. MoRr1so 1n now nano.
Parcel 2 : - South 0.11 of lot 21, copoa..ioe
2, 0oderloh township- just saran -M. ad..
to.d from perm! 1st- oo1101nint 40 cores.
Jas. M' Hates, proprbtor. THo.i. OUNDRT,
Tuaobte, March 2810. - Auction .le of
valuable shorthorn 0.ttls and bor.., also of
farm implements at ('satr•mont farm, lot. 15.
coo. 2, H.R. S., toweahip of Tuokeremith,
.t 1 o'olook. .Ino. T. ihc*v.N, proprietor,
THOS. BROWN, anotiwe..r,
Tag Rut. W,Dow RIOWN.-The •x
medially foody camedy The Real Widow
Brows," wee pr..snted at the VIotona
Opera Rouse last 7 hared•y evening by A.
Q. S0.mmon and his oompsay, and was •
M, woos.., both in •ttesduce ..d is toe
exotica. of the perfnrmsnoe. G Is with -
.o bounds to say that oo mor• 1•u,bt4.0 was
e ver heard 15 an °per• hoame to chi• town,
the play being •imply one buret of fun from
+tart to gush. Eddie Clark le 0 olive,
?nuns 'wort and whoa dle,aieed as the
•1.Idew Brsao, who is to he a caverns,. of
toe two girl., is • whole olrous i• himself
,to ma bottoms, imprasn&tl.. inter
nevoid with toe play se. • number of op-
o -date ap.ol•Itia by d,frreot memh•r, cf
)h. oompany. A send strike w•. male hy
Chas R•rionston in his lmitetione, which
thawed from an imtt•tlna of • onre.. sole
and • phonograph recitation to • dn/ 000.
Vise K•• 1Ventwott ., soprani. soloist, has
• splend.d voles. The pianist u • ohne,
trimaran and go.. some /o•rklinc armlet.
which were •ga511y well rece.v0d with
rotations from the town hard, whn were
proton' 1a fall amain. Ae • .0 1. the
1. is •boo. lin average a
ge and mnager
Videos is to L• '°nava,ol•*at on hie'eeo.ee
in oe*ateg • a.mpany of the quality of
" Tim Real Widow Rrowe "
Clanton : 11 is with regret we ..,oases
• 0. loath of the sods of 7 hos Mama, of
town, whioh eoesrred we Tuesday Ottawas
f last weak M tb* arty oars of forty leer
Morris : 1). S. Errbrtoa and W. Jewett
sawed, split and piled 6! ..rets of wood to
fin boars and twat• minahta, from stamp
sop, limbo and all, It was hardwood
B•rp.rhey : As Mrs K...,ht.i. ret He•
portio►, woe returners from Atwell, .M
.ttpps4.4 NM, receiving .soh •njnr4. ..
boat em$sed het to Mr raldeew moor
RIl. e, Mwevsr, reeevsring.
M001LL7TIIIIT 1* ftellerlsh. 0n Md..
Marotta =oink R.v, Arohlvl M.01111.
•ray. •tad II year.
oee'', .,eeae .,:.
•N4". ylr« ,e.,lef: CL.gYa.rw •
at Nis
R.•. t