The Signal, 1899-3-9, Page 88 Tioagoar,
March 9, 1899
This season promises to be very bountiful in rich effects of
Muslin., Linen, Piques. Oinghains for Spring and Summer wear. We
have a large collection of the4e goods in the latest designs. Come and
inspect our stock.
Lovely Satin Stripe and Checked Muslin, at.. 25c.
New Colored and Black Mullins, a regular 25c.
�sm.�. line, only.. 120.niNVU tl tine Golors,8tripee �plf
Featly Bleckl:eedele
the new weaves of
Priestley spacial KA
makes, only....
11.8peei., lot of Floe Linen Writ-
ing Pads, regular 100., *smug at ... 5c
Nice Box, •.ateini__ Paper and
Eavelopss, molar 10o , golog at. %c
Aped. rel&lBaok Books, ol.arlog UC
Hssvy widecet ,
Black Sorgei.
New Crewing 1,
in Blacks
A apleodtd U. .4
r" the latest Spring shade,
le Carded Effects. Covert Cloths, Broad
(Cloths, sad Sieges, for Suite.
New Stripe sad Crust Silks.
New Man COlere4 Silks.
New Man aid Floral Satin.
""72 1.. wide, R - iI Linens. ne.
Ruler $1.00, toe Ttio
60 i.. T.W. Lire., only 960
A epleodid maga;
ages pea N
= a
Always so hard to get .uihbb
Trimmings, you say. Don't ray
it any more. We have a large
and vaned selection this season of
the New Braids, Narrow Ribbon*,
Netts, Embroideries, frilled Rib-
bon*, Om
Hosiery and Gloves.
L6tces, Veilings and Ribbons.
New Check aad�
Stripe Giligkaall,Mies' and Gentlemen's
Waists. Waterproof Cloaks.
Nen Black Skirt
Waists, etc.
Wo have looked after the Intle man's
wants. 1he kind of Suits that stand th•
wear and tear. with • great big tear of the
old-tao4io.ed prune. Suets from *1.86 up.
Black and Colored Far Este Pe-
dants at
New, Stiff Hata, 11.00. 11.50 and
Now Shirts and Ties.
Every woman appreciates the satisfaction of making the first selection -4
in New Goods. Come now for your Spring Dress.
Tremont, Mar. 7th.
Rehr. Lane left last Tuesday for Dakota.
Mier Barbara Parrish 1. visiting bier sis-
ter Mn. Molwod, in Stretford.
Miss Atkins, of Foss meaty, Is tie
guest of hes Motor. Mn. F. Johnston, at
Mr. M. Ce.rtmey is preperiog to erect a
brash oott•ga la plass of toe boon he loot
by Are r.00atly.
Mr. dohs Spindler moved last week to
him farm as the 1416 ooacessfeo, recently
purchased by him.
Yr. John Hogan has porobeaed the farm
6ele.sting to K. Fraser, ooetaaleg 100
acres, the price paid being 12400, which
ought to be • bargWz.
Ikm coos to BW speed1l
luevto speed the almer
*rile his rraadtaeher. Job. Rob.rte.•.-- _
Mr. sad Mrs. Wm. Di.moad. Frei ewe
!Jeff Demoted and Freak Foster. of With.
I nam, attended Mr. end Yrs. Jobe Dhaet'.
J silver wedding ea the 27th of February.
Mr. and Mn John Dissent selebr•ted
jthe 25.6 .r.tverwery of their marries* res
Monday nosing. February 2716. A reoep-
: Now was given as 6 o'clock to Mr. sad Mn.
, Dla.e.t's friends sad at 9 o Weok the young
pont. ambled and enjoyed themselves
•t • dehghtfol dance. Mr. and Mrs. Di -
meet were presented with many handsome,
.costly and awful gifts of silverware. among
46sn tiring • very hsadeem• tea sell ted
'•ray. Music was rendered by Mins Awe
( Herbert, R. ono G. Warwlok, L.
tProc+. i and Mr. Ames, of Brussels. Mini
HerP.rt, Miss Semple, of Brussels, Mr
Thompson, of Brussels, W. Stewart and I.
Poynter supplied the vowel part of the pro -
.rem. At ea early hour os Tuesday mora-
ine the envies departed, cashing Mr. and
Mrs I I. moot keg years yet of .ti.erHod life
tad h.pp:o. m together.
Mn•. DAY, Mar. (46.
Yrs Capt. Yong is still very poorly.
Mise Julia Johann te 'offering fro..
.er,w prostntb, .
Mn. Wm. Treble ie at present
posed through dakaese.
'• Beautiful oaog warblers - may he onto
plime. nary, bot not very expromiv to •
When ere the prophets who said " We I1
haw' a thee singeing thl. year " . Sksv.l-
lag mow beaks
Oen. Bess, jr., leu returned home from •
three mestbsthin to hie native home torus
tele waters, where his parents are still
Sickness is the order int the day, hat, with
the edveet of March, we hope for • wrote
plass* state of affairs.
()whir to bad weather, the Carlow hta r•
mut 'ad debet'., society did not meet . •n
Friday last ; bat deme fe the Hill on FH-ney,
Masai 17th, when TOR event of the swam
will eke plans. A literary 000twt will 'e
aka "bill °eters" and, se this it, is all prob-
•bllity, the last meeting this winter, •11 the
available talent mi the respeotive sides te
preened into .arnne in order that it any ,a
• greed mooert to ell who may mime.
MrNreAN, Mar 6th.
Mrs. Thee. Coultas hu hesem no the reek
Maes Jeanie Dimon, of Tercet,., 4. ,•
seg at her home
A. MoEwan and .1. Barren attended the
.envmtten of the C. O. F. last week fn
Yr. and Mn. Jae. Roberton wen "•t
bons" to a .ember of their friend. last F.
day •
Mn. J. MoDoaald end rattle dangbtor
Ow'W, el (l.dsioh, are visiting the farmer'.
parents, Mr. and Yrs. J. Gardiner
Flomiee Robertson, of Beiseevaln, Man.,
- .r MI awlliafrtllg.
Positin .ad unlimited *deme* le tM
Male pleat as nature's gala lsmod7 fel
allhme bar boos abe.d0Niy mgtelaed I.
the many rwemrk.ble ewes obtained
thItro1s g6 the the of Clark.'s sat c�rm,paat0d.
medw'.l pprrere t es ...0ywhere. 0..1r�1•�o.s
..1y l4 cord V Meade. ■
Meld by all druggists rr
via 'ULI MY JAS. *11*A. -
Then have been many personae as the sink
Iter daring tM poet few weeks.
George Middleton• has best very ill of lo•
Sammatery rheumatism, but we ars glad 4.
learn M M now owvaieen.el
W• are sotry to sears that Bev. E. Uli.
vent, pastor of Ashfield olron, 1s not able
to be oat on account of rheumatism.
I)5ATH h4 Mas. u''rilrx.- An old and
biehly t@epented resident of Colborne passed
away on Feb. 26th to the parson of Jane
Cousin". relict of the late Duman McPhee,
In ear 77th year. Met vas bore i■ Lower
Coned• end moved into the Harm Train
fifty-seton .t werago, when she was married
in 1947. t)1 • large family bar foot sous,
John, Dennis, Thomas and 1)thlel,serelve.
She was a case exemplary woman •.d •
member of the Methodist thnreb.
We are sorry to announce the rather aa•
looked -for destb of .t illl•m Alla, o/ the
MoHlend oonosirloe, whish .eosrred o0
Ender, February 24th, in ale 86th year.
Demme,' • as born 4n 1)ewoashiro, E.41sad,
in 1813, was converted In early life end
joined the Wesleyan Methodists: becoming &odes In ('hrietW work, he
was early annotated • els loader and l000l
preeober. At twenty-three years of ego he
was married o Miss (hose Wade, of the
wets parish, and .mlgr.ted t• this oenaWy
with his wife and five nhllslren in 1833,
settling fret in the feverishly of Darlington,
Ontario ooanty, joining the Rp4.00pal
Mathodlata. Alter • few yeah he moved
to Whitby and joined the Bible ('hriatitas.
Here he het hi. wife. A little .sere than a
year after ha was theta married te Met.
Diens 4klning, 4.aehar of Yr. Me MM
Ashen, ne ('..lumbo., .ho uirvIvw him.
He then reeseysd 4. l;.lhor.s, .. ill.g M
the farm whose M II.e end hie ha4h.
Ho oes:.i..•d • heal presohea melt .M age
oemMiloi hem te niter. Several of bit
fleet family prtorded him to the honor lard,
hone te.s1.Sa* bong Here P. Adie, 1441 -
lord : Richard, t1 Y•aitner ; we111es. of
Inane ; Mn. Rteh Sr. Port
teNa re. J1111(jb a.• f *lett. $ i.aeoaa.
Ir. ?immense limb, ted them tam
Ld two delligisente. elm of w6oM•Rrmarried
and It•en la the vleteity Despite bad reed*
..d threes eine weather • large sash, alb
toadied the femoral.
MUNDAY, Marsh 61th.
Was Lily Cammlag tutted relatives M
Kagobridce last week.
Mies Lily Kostledge, of (Jodertob tows -
ship, visited r.lailves here Wt week.
J•ok groat kept the Drat 8osday of March
quietly, but sot s. Berme, wits hope up a
steady blew all say, making • oenstast
drive of now all day least. The drifts made
travel very ditboula Oaly ems ostler was
sono daring the day.
'rhea weeks ago we'Fiuoeded the .lace
that grip bad paid its thaw' osweleome
vine to our berg ted that tour of ear gentle
mistime were In Ise loader morale.. Stem
that tin they, with otbe, ,attests, have
baso restored to health b• our sea oommit•
tea ; but now another u.14vttd guest has
appeared among the little folks- nous stem
thus the measles. As we write oeveroI uHb
1 ones are dews with Sb. oemplalet.
Tortoni, Merck. 7.
Saturday hast the remains of Mr. Plater,
an old sod respected resident, were interred
to B.11'. cemetery.
8..d. mer.4eg the grocery stere ow.ed
by Mn. Baer, and te..oted by Mr. Deas,
was barged to one ground, the family blue-
ly soothing with their Ihves. There was no
itwurwo., and not *vee the 010161og of t6e
temente was sewed.
The many friends of Mn. C. M. Cassa-
day will be pleased to lona 16.t .M is mak •
lag tin exceptional recovery from the attack
of paralysis with which .6.e was reo.ntly
aflltoted, baying regained the power of
epoch and the ase of her limb., thanks to
skillful medical Ire�,��imi t and rood Dorsi/art
Her darhtsre, 44 '1.dd. of Lietawol, Miss
Mary, of Ottawa, Mn. Ma(illlsosddy,
.f God.rleb, wen la iiria`&Andean opo.
6.r d.rlmg the pet tea. weak..
TtCIDAy, Mooh 7th.
William C. Sfewart is amongst as Irons
Galesburg, Dakota, on • brief but impotent
Mies Goldthorpe sad Mies L. Brown,
of liodericb, were the guests of Clara Fol -
ford last week.
There was no eervloe at the church os
Sunday on account of the storm. Only
myth people tented oat, Deluding • little
647 of seven.
Alter. three mouth.' visit here l' Stewart
left forti•leeburg, Dakota, Tuesday of list
week. During hie eojoure he visited lite
parents, Mr. and Mn. J. O. Stewart, and
other relatives mad old (reads.
Narii•t.- The loo•I agony la Daagsnsae
to• Tis SmwAL le o'
11 the e ee of J. /i _ VAT!
J.P., oosveqlseer, to. who will receive or-
rden ter wbecrlptgone. advertising and Job -
wort, and Ie authorised to give receipts for
amounts mid tar the same
ki• nowwill 111141 Iningansen a 1a and
ted Friday of each mo.tb. All modern meth-
ods of sxneoting and filling. and mats arti.
&tel teeth. Otho*. nest door to Medd'. tailor
shop. Douro. ours. 5 •.m.4. 6 0.m.
TccsD•Y, M. 7th.
Kew n PATHOA.Trre. - Patti mastere
who do sot nurtures their dues should not
take office We would call the .ttentios of
pothmasten who have been .o remiss is
their duty as net to keep the highway is
mediates he travel by the royal moil frost
I.noknow to Goderieb to the matter. Some
para of the readers Ma very dangerous state
r traveL Fortuastely there are soma path•
menet* attentive to their duties.
'area tR LIRE A LION .-14 Feeneory took
ata sxtt lamb -like, M•reb arrived lies-1ik.
Monday, 546 inn., was the stormiest day
thinwieter, ar,s weatbee on that day feting
slot! to • not west Finessed. Churches were
Moly attended and. l.' ooneeyuenoe, the
armament of the Lord's Supper. which war
•rrang.d to 6a administered, was rosteoeed.
There was no service fn y4. Pail's search
here. However, on Monday. 6th, the steam
abated very mosorially.
Coition AND (10414,: -.Jeho Bailey, ST., of
t:adannh, and formerly • pioneer of West
W..aneeh,pvo your humbleoorreepundeot
plasma[ vW4 last week. Alttoogh an eo-
ogenari.e, the v.e.rable gentles,. looks
,alit and hearty and feels thirty or tory
ear. younger when ',*lathes remloleoe.o.s
t d.). end .vena in leia pithier life.
yvphen Mothers and family, of (.oderioh,
'.4 fsnnedy of Dnegtnnou, attended rte
4intinl of the late Mies Mann Mins. amid
.Iso visited Maltese ban.
4,,u Out Brsiarste.-nervy Holiday,
will bne carried an hesissns hors as hair-
dresser sad barber for same time put. sold
hie stock -in -trade to his assistant, Joh.
Samford. Harry. by his kind dispoa4loo,
suavity of d.portmeat, and strict attention
to bonne", mad. many and .seared
for himself • rood trade. He le a first elms
workman, He ietesde Ming to the North-
west and his numerous friends end acgasin-
teao. wish ben the lest of woos in his
sew loc•tioa. J. W. Medd, also. who has
carried os • mooing and talloriag establish -
moot ter nom41 yams la this village, havbee
decided to retire from badness, mold hie
stook le Mr. (lark, of Anharo. J. W. en-
deared himself by his obliging diepesition,
strict attention to bossiness sad re•see•ble
°barges, to quite a large number of the Citi
reeb CD MOS vtllae and violoity. Ws wish
him • gond atme whilst remains" hfa b.•ltb.
We presume that the 'a000nsoru of Halli-
day and Medd will, es they came highly n-
nommeod.d, mount, in their r.speetive eall-
ings, se large • patronage as their predeces-
1)MA7tt pi ova Miner. -I1 i1 with great
' adages t6.4 we obroaloli the decease of two
of the citizens in the vl(etty, the is the
hinom of life, the other is middle age. The
former, Jamee T. Campbell of West 44inns
nosh, who bad been troubled for • .ember
pt years with eetbsa sad latterly with
dropsy, .a000mb.d et Friday monitor of
lost week at the age .f over A ty-tw. years.
The remain were tatsrr.d in Dungeon's
*amatory last Sunday. Ow to eery le.
clement weather, 4b• fusel was not se .tte.d.d as it Nborwas.woold have
been. Rev. T 1, Arautsong eosdent•d the
solemn obloquies, The donned was a good
eltiten and highly .stoamod by hie sogwiet-
awns and nsighbers. H• leaves • bereaved
widow and family to man his doseer.
Re was the only see et J. Ommpbell, o1
b'iow.!, wbe, Irina Me wife, the mother of
the donned, still gargles him. Tb. be-
reaved widow, ohildreo sad permits have
the 'inners sympathy of those who knew
tom. The demand was • Innene husband,
Med father and an onllging neighbor. Ho
will be sorely missed le the family 7 he
f.ttew. Miss Manse F9ltott, eldest daughter
of John f?111eN, lewi.hip of Anfisid,an
elder in Realm chinch here. dimi os Fri-
day morning Tut. Har remains war. la -
warred V Dungannon eematary o. Seeds,
last, being tasted thither from her father's
resideso, by • number of sympathising
neighbors mad 'meowing relatives Sona of
tha latter wen from a Meg dales..-Ood.-
Hob town and township, Clfatos amid ether
points. Seine relatives •t a Innen start-
e d to nand the fos•1ml bet, owing to the
bed .eeditioe of the roads ranged by the
heavy now norm end inlatarsom wads,
failed be stet through sad were oYfgaf to
return hem.. Th. attendeees M the fuser.
d, had weenier permieted, weeld have boon
very largo. She was Melly esteemed by all
aim whom she was aey.a4Nd. AM de-
parted from this sablet.ary stage of moles
to the Mersin e4 life. at On Me e1 22 ?we
and 7 months TM dssesmd had beee h
peer heath for seem Meth At the 1aet di.
was Meabhid.suk eo some of 1a swipe• sad
Asara diesm., to whin she ameembed.
This paster, Rev. B Felrbafru, 11 A., een-
dsnadkdae eitimthles ea • eef.
1111111111111114 the' alha,ed rNotiverti know
.4.4 aha has made • happy change he bar
u.,artere, as was evinced by her IMtle.eo
net Christie. fartlrsde, She won tally r.
Migsd to 4o will of God and oapre.eed her
self Knee rotted again es bots fsljy
M deearl She was highly roe .teat
oily In the home ohne t by the
yen( penis with whom she .nsset•td.
They would do well N fellow her example
14 life and prepare tem, qe edema 'huge as
she did. Th. bereaved relatives have the
deep and damn sympathy of the attire
----1111114111C COMPANY.
alttttarry Videan hoe soured the above
Mane* lobous company for the Open House
fur the week of Marok 15th, and we ate
promised a drsa.atio treat such as we have
sever before tees in our town.
This organisation wee selected to New
\'ark ()ty, and three of Ito members were
MRe CH All. 116,.. W�l.f_
recruited from Augustin D.1 '.'theatr _, the
leading theatre, not only of that city, but
of the United States. The.e players aro
Mr. George Heath, Miss Marie Mt. Jobe amt
Miss Bells D'Arey.
The other prominent mem Mn of the oont-
patty. including Mr. Cb... B. Wells, Mr.
Charles Pmttereun and Mite Maud Carter,
are all well known on the stage in Now York
('It)t�', and the poison,, they hold to the field
of riretsatic art is a affic-Kant guarantee that
the playa to Ir pennestsl hose will 4s acted
with twoeummate .kt7L
Two .1 the ladies .4 the teenpa ny are
noted for beauty of fare as wenn for charm
of acting, mod in New 1'nrk ilo ihotoignsph
oollectltnl 1..00.41le4e without theirs.
The repertoire of plays two be presented
comprises • large aeleo-tin,,, :in the play is to
be changed each night. " Our Bachelors,"
Cast " A Morap of Paper,'' " Our Strut.
" Lynwood," etc., ghee em • store
of new attractions.
On Friday evening • e bit] ie to be
prepared in honor of NL �k's day.
The syringe woman will ecresm wt•
terror at the sight of an Innocent Il e
ihiowe, and then complacently sit down
mid suffer in silence with disease. that are
destroyins her youth, her
beauty, er very '411.
She will unconiplafe
iogly range herself to
the woes and salience of
female troubles, which
are to be dreaded a thou •
sand times more than a
tiny mouse. N is grail
lying to know that untold
numbers of women are
being restored to perfect
Alin and strength by Dr
Pierce 's Favorite Pre
arriptlm _ J.t ruses .11
-aterrae di.erden. The
exact name of the di.
ease doesn't amount to a
row of piss. If it is in
the womanly
organa, Fa-
vorite Pre-
scription" will
baht it out and
cote it. It can
M a drain, a
pain, an in-
flammation, an Irregularity or a weakness,
and this medicine will act directly upon it,
and restore the organs to perfectly healthy
action. It prepares the girl to become a
woman; the wife to become a mother, the
middlet-oged to pea the "turn of life " in
It is not a "ca -all " but a medi-
for women only, and is the prescrip-
tion of Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo, N. Y., the
world -famed specialist In the treatment of
disorder of women Any reader of this
paper may commit Dr. Pierce fret by mail.
write him if your local physicians do not
seem to understand your case.
Mrs. a' J. Reeder, of teal hale Perm, (lam
bergpaCumter). Ramberg. R., vents* During
rrptdl liag1 health m iaeeted d dl.
aue �g and .rithry dtOn.Ity. 4 n41y
,,*slat pertepttkly weaker each 4a ane suf-
lared _mase► situp fit. at 4400., I fen that
aa�at�fag most be done 1 sought your advice
.ed received • prompt reply i followed mar
Nraoltoas and Pooh twelte battles of or tierce's
Paymite PolesOliblios, mad also foaow.d r
ftrect os 1 an to improvelanned141ry;.
my bealte became eacelle.t• and t maid do sE
ay owe wart (we live on • good sited fares). 1
walked ..d rode all t roald. and enjoyed it. I
bed • short, easy oe.saeesest and have a Itesltby
Dr. Horse's Pellets cure biliousness.
0000.1.1, st.r. 6. We.
r.I,l 0 i to o in
Hoer, fam1,. per cwt.,1 4
0 4. If
!lour. pa6wt, arse. cwt 150 4. 150
Bean, H tan_ It o0 telt 00
Shorts, . ton ................. 13 M 4.13
O.Y.. bads ... Ill fa 4. 0 •
Pees, w hada..: S O 4. 0 i3
Baric.. per twit ow te 0x1
tl•1. i to.....,.•,.. sass» 0 M to 6 SO
Pct.ww. • ttmie.. :Z........: -- . 5 $ 5 e 60
*soar• 01111111 10 e 16
��.....,, irM tttayac4sd: w..s400 l6 es 0 16
mead...Do-eo. M 6
Hideo,.... ».............. _.
M 0076
Pelts •4 004.M4. 7000
er Medio
Live Nos, . 76 Y 1 .0
Drliaes..d HSta•................ 6e to s 00
10 a o 15
14i4 o 16
Lard, pup, e O to 0 11
=ear t........... to a o l l
Dr.a.l Ill
w Y s Ole
Orated s0i[ bind •• M tell 60
Hos. lie ih.'»..., - sass.
\. t1. 4smmon's Master-pi/4-c,
Widow Bro!n."
Mot .peso*...* west of Ralf a
ear of essone / W *este Wore
The 14,0411 gmoaasse to an) snowy net
eve, eland Ioannina.
This oompeay omens te 0ederle► direct, end
will give the mane pradactaa tato( as 1t is
urea la tin bums thsarans a the (tins. Tem
thousand p.spl* witnessed It la Tornio la
one west.
Thursay, March Oth,.
Rine. Pare 1le11 (actable or d•1r1.
Minaret to Isere that Jobs / Is
Ind up with • omen shook ef
Brussels Post : Mrs. Jen Downing has
thea aid op with lanubego, te.e is rattles
well over it.
W were pleased to hairs • sigh in Sat-
urday from .1. 0. Ward, of 110gaa.os.
Our *id irked has hen iadiepe .d for some
weeks, bat a now improving, and we trop
that en loam he wdl be aoioy14g • fair
mohaan of health
Miss Mary Knaokl., of the Salvation
Army. will farewell from (1.dertsb on Bee.
day shit end will proceed U. following
wen o this territorial training 455.14.4 se
'lereate. Mins Kmaskle is issihs .htdiw
Sergi•Msjor here and • 4.1164.1 worker
ler 4M mass.
You may tell . try
the old story
mf how, when you were a boy, you
ilked twenty cows and split a
cord of wood before breakfast so
that yeti boald walk seven miles to
s red school -house to get an educa-
tion, and go to sch(x)I. only three
months in the year. Perhaps your
education Iles been neglectrxl-
perhape it hasn't. Today that kind
of a etevy doesn't go. It did a few
years ,.go, but not now Instead
of taking that kind of exercise
people now nee Wilson's Iron Pills
and White Clover and Celery Tea
and ride a Ooderich bicycle to help
to keep up their strength while at-
tending to their studies. If they
require the eervieee of a doctor
they always ask the doctor to leave
the prescription at Onr drug More
to have it carefully and properly
filled by a competent and responsi-
ble person who is in attendance all
the time. No unneee.sary waiting
or risk. Telephone 45 -all night
metvice. Terms Aridly task ito
he time we commemorate. Onr
4th Great
die -'
And continue till the 20th, when our
Millinery Opening will be announced.
The prices during this sale are based upon a margin entirely too mall to
be continued longer thou 10 days. It will be a sale of great opportunities, a
momentous and memorable sale, so real in its money cooking chanes aa fu
stamp it beyond doubt the greatest bargain Bale ewer held in Ooderlch.
why you should do business with us :
1. Case new Flannelette, 32 -in. wide, to he sold at.. .. 4c. yd
2. 68 -in. -Cream Dressed Table Linen, regular 68e., male priee..45e. yd
3. 1 case Factory Cotton, tole price 3c. yd
4. 1 case White Cotton, sale price ... belt yd
5. 50c. Printed Blouses, sale price •',.25c.
6. $1.00 Wrappers, sale price 50c.
7. 7c. and 8c. Print, sale price 5c. yd
R. 1 case Linen Thread and best quality 6 • -cord Spool Cotton,
stopped in transit at London station and bought by ns,
Sale price 4 spool' for 10c.
9. Ladies' Black Hosiery i r 5c. pr
10 Black Sateen, sale price . 10e. yd
11. Best Quality Zip Binding '-' Se. yd
12. Rustle Lining 1;....... ec. yd
13. Linen Toweling, sale price - 5c. yd
14. -' Fits• Foenell Lawns,- regular 24c., .. • ewe: -4 $'ilea
15. Colored Sateons, regular 10e., sale pose 5c. yd
16. Ladies' Spring Capes. sale price.. _ Half Price
17. 200 Straw and Felt Shapes, Ladies' *fad Cbildren'r, choice5e. ea
18. All -wool Sch. and Pink Flannel 7}c. yd
19. Roller Towelling 3}c. yd
20. Men's Collars (Comet).. i. 5e. box
21. Blouse Silks, sale price 19e yd
22. 1 (ase Ribbons, utile price Half Price
83. Needles, regular 5c., sale price • - 2 for 5e
24. Beet quality Twilled Skirt Linings, regular 10c., anniversary
sale price 6c. yd
25. 500 Remnants and Dronni Lengths in Dress Goods -Prints,
American Challies, fine imported Lawns, Organdies and
Muslins, all at Half Price for Ten Days
Many of the above lines are leas than cost of
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
Having bought out the inter
est of my partner, Mr. Robinson,
T have decided to sell oil' the bal-
ance of stock of Stoves at great-
ly reduced rates.
Now is the time for BAsoAtlrs.
Tinware, Coal Oil, Lamps, oto.,
etc., at equally low rates.
1 do Plumbing, Heating and
Tinsmitlting at the lowest prices.
Call and get name. of some of
the purchasers of sly Stoves for
Cor. Square and West -rt.
At any season of the year there
is no greater comfort than a good
reliable Oobk Stove in the kitchen.
It is witn coot stoves like every-
thing else : there are good, bad and
indifferent varieties.
We know yon will be pleased
with our
steer. Yi wfi be • great seine. M Mal tit
Paltry, Oyster Patties,, Short
Bread and Cream Rolln,Jince
Pies and Lady Fingers, Lina,
iacaroons, lams,
Brandy Snaps, Bic.
are as good as the best made in any
city in Canada.
Cantelon leans the trade in
of foamy designing and ornano* t-
ing and almond icing.
Give him at ntvler and your oat -
infection will be seared.
alisooso.r le e7_.1.,
isamenetseer of an Mello et
Smoke 8taoln, halt roan, Shaw I
Werba,.9s., •1a..
Aad (leder Mss,
:aches, 11181164111 ate. Ila.
Al sins .l lip o seal Pips
smarisit Wow SumaiL walriS
alr*RjwR4� Whot
A Ilse of Reed *MN •illi151111
T1 . ler Mo el farmers rag e ,
ttq.abra p.m sly •Mann M
sass 4 4, rSP.T.ewew g...
fIMl7 P. O. let 11. Oadoldle
We are still at the same old stand, Nelson
Street, where we have been supplying oar
customers for • number of years. We know
the fuel that suits you.
Order. inft with our delivery riga or at
Won ell'. stove and tit shop and at our
office will receive prompt attention.
All octal weighed on market soaks, unions
otherwise ordered.
We ran several Dray, in connection.
JOHN 8. PLATT, Manager
Phew; Mt 2687.11
wo want Op meow a somber
a hmlllee M mo k.l*t tj•, .s .t boo,
wlef•�•r zirosstliimme W. rumba PS
gal far Wndwwk t1 ma ave. ors
ibitayssepM y pjIe
rtTs womb. - tins•
Write atthem Ram•faof•geases.
allose reams 11•6801* Ile.. - TIMuI-.
TIN Isis'
SCralltoll ilard Coal
1IR Tisa swum
res stir a
ell rte ma. rle velli„
W laraa�,.
alts.. p' •m/g1 silllitiiT M.