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Naval Powder Magazine in
Southern Franoe Exploded.
The Aw(al Rapt..lee Carried Terrible
A...ite With It -Soldiers nod Citiares
lllld -The &entailer To.h Pleat al
1.30 ee Seeds, Merela. Prem ■
Cup Not Arewa�A City 1. Mears.
1•1; Cable thew..
..7 uul(gt, arab 6. -The naval powder
enagessine of La °emb werll, balms Le
Reeyue and Toulon, In the Department of
Veer, southern France, nzpl,.led at half
past 9 o'clock yertenay morning. All of
the soldier on duty at the magazine won
killed and a number of the inhabitants
of the surrounding districts, the buildings
in which were razed, also fell victims.
Forty circler bare idrtedy boon recover-
ecovered. The rouse of the expleabn V mW
The Ezploel.n W.. Awf.t
Fifty thousand kilogrammes of black
powder exploded. It looks as though a
voleanie eruption had oncurred, the coun-
try being swept almost bare within a
redline of two nmlion, bottom ddRroyol,
treat overturned and distorted, fields de -
Tweeted and covered with stones and
black dust Some of the "tithe are enor-
mous. One weighing 60 kilogramme' fell
to the suburb" of Toulon and in the city
aeric. Even at St. Joan de Var, five
melee distant, window" were ihattesed
and dean barters^ In.
Your Seetrl.. killed.
IstY reports show that of the seven
sentrlom, four were killed outright and
the others severely injured, the corporal
bother Ttteitally *rasped, and the scalp
overhanging his face like a veil. A large
number of eddiers err now employed in
clewing away the debris, but the work is
very dlflle•ult It le lmpus"lble toa.oertaiu
accurately, the number of killed, bet 1t h,
believed that no fewer than 100 were in-
jured. Although It wee a clear night, the
explosion was so terrific as to produce, a
slight rainfall.
Fortunately the neighboring magazines
seeped. it la now believed that the ex-
ploelou origtratnd in thechumla►l decom-
position in emokelese powder. There 1.
no suggeetlon of foul play.
Toe (Itr In Meuralag.
To -day the whole eery is In mourning,
nage are at half meet and the theatre
are draped and the (amines clotted- Both
the Government and municipal authorf-'
des are forwarding relief fund,.. M. Lo'k-
roy, Millner of Marine, hits tele'gnsphedl
10,000 tones toward the nalntlaner id
wnlMttetta rweesie eetetwi-se a pnMte
wbseript4.n has been opened- here.
Four of the Injured have suecuml"d tc
their injuries. It 1s b'lleeet that 13 are
still buried in the debrle.
Bodies Terribly 11.111ated.
All the bidets found or renoveuad are
terribly mutilated. Sixteen were found
on the necks near the shore, and It le
feared that others were prripltated into
the we A vehicle moving along 'a road
neral the sea was lifted bodily into the
water by the force of the explosion, two
of lie 000upanta being drowned. The
scene at the village of Lo (3oubran wait
impelling The cried of the wounded
Were agonizing, and the people were
g Inset frantic. Telegrams from Nice say
Ohs esplo.Ion was distinctly felt there.
\amoral r. Establlsb the System B.-
twe•e Greet British. and Irene..
London, March 6. -Gnat inteneet was
excited at the meeting of the Society of
Klectrkal Engineers on 4'beuyday night
by Signor Maroonl's wireless telegraphy
demonstration. He sent a message from
one end of the hall to the other by means
of • small apparatus. He said that opera-
tions had been In ptogresl daily for
months between the 'meth foreland and
the lightship at the East Goodwin&
showing that on no eingle cession had
communication been Interrupted, despite
all Norte of lad weather. Messages be-
tween the Queen at Osborne and the
Prince rat Wale. on the royal yacht had
been trane.nitted, In some Instances for .
distance of right miles over land. Intr.
vening hills, although 300 feet htgb.i
than the vertical wire at Osborne, Agree
no obstacle.
During his lecture Signor Marconi re -
calved a note conveying the permission
of the French Government to estnblIsh
hos system between Folkestone and Bou
logne. Signor M&reenl states that vertleal
wino, rising to a height of 114 feet, will
be auf elent 10 ensure communication be-
tween the two coasts.
Age.ellls Lest E lap
London, March 6. - Armenia, the
repewmenatfve of Agnlnaldo, who wry
among the paseengere on the wrecked
steamer Labrador, telegraphed tl.turYay
to the London agent of the Fillpinoe.
"Reached Oban at 8 a.m. Expert to ass
rive in '.ondon at midnight. Iiave lost
everything," The London agent believer
that Agoneilln's loss includes his
credentials and the original eorrwpond-
ems between Agulnaldo and Admiral
Dewey, in which the latter 1. alleged to
"have promised the Filipinos Independence.
British Realist Will Show a Deficit.
London, March 6. -The British budget,
for the flet time In many years, Is going
Ito show a deficit for the financial year,
Which end.' on Marrh 26. The receipts
are already half a million pounds mewling
below Cheneflor Hicks- Bench'it e,etl
mates, and it Is evident from the depart-
ment programs that he will have to rale.
three millions by increased taxation t:
meet the coming year's requlrentente
The ennntry has been se accustomed to
Pnrpluses that it is quite nonplussed.
Net a Cate for P•s..nn.le.
Berlin, Marek' 6.-Pret. Wassermann,
Prof. Kooh's principal pupil, speaking of
the die -every of new serum tor pnen
monis, Bald the matter had been rtdleu
burly exaggerated. Hie dlsnnvery had •
theoretical Intent only. Ndtheng pr'stl
cal had yet been reached or attempted,
either on animals or human beings. To
speak of It as a pnehmonla (Allo was
pure nonsense.
ThaCe•dltlee .f Ibr Pape.
Rome, March 6. -His Holiness, who
WOW ss half .set 10. returned to het at
1.90 pant. ile has rammed hie ordinary
diet, and his eondition, mentally and
play.'rally, is good. Ile engaged hie physl
clans In eonvsmsition, end, to thole
amazement, nested the entire last portion
of the e-ee-,..,,r- ...ee. of Oante'a "Pace'
dem," commenting upon virion. pass,etgss
as he proceeded. Pmt. Masson' afterward
remarked: "lie's, Indeed, a Marvellous
man." I)r, Lsppnnl hopee to be able to
dlsp'sea with the bulletins altogether in
the ems, of two or *WO day&
Mises Oee.rsmut Heelless to Griot
Camelia, ststee. w Summa Ray_
The flaipateb A.terned.
Pekin, March 6. -The Taring iA Yemen
(Obliges Ftrvdgn Of11.), her reentted b
ter Italian charge t'.fahrs, Marina
Savage Rapti. hieh e,nla'ning
las dl' Hamm7 on the memo
•a4dltaea tt it o.. Badu Whiabiirnuag
hboolld• K1.uoboa Bay, seesaws:Ise U
with a latter /ieolaring that H. gine.
Uuvernmueos la tunable to gran) the re-
ewe \.111 Persist.
Rome, March 6. -Little at enNun is
paid here Io the refunel of the Chins+
Government es grant the requested lassie
of Seamen pay to be used a a naval
base and coaling station. No doubt 1s
enseralned that the eoricer do n will be
made afar further negotiations. Rear -
Admiral Grenet embarked ye rte day on
the Italian cruller Stromboli 01 Naples
to take oumruand of the Italian squet&on
In Chine waters.
I trllr. Marinas Luded.
London, March 6.-Tbe Remo .awes -
.pendent of The daily Mall age: "The
Italian warships have landed marines at
Sanmun Bay, thus virtually taking p1ie-
sels.lon. Italy will' pry nearly 480,000
0400,000) for the amoessbn. Tho Teung
IA Tauten wisher to reduce the lease to
60 years.'"
Britain Supports Italy.
London, March 6. -The Pekin corre-
spondent of The Timer say.: "It la assert-
ed that since the Triung LI Yemen re-
turned Italy's despatch Sir Claude Mac-
ao-donald (British Minister to China) has
presented • nob supporting Italy's &e-
mend, and it Is probable that lab will
now lake pease sfon of Sanmaa Bay,
encountering pnartkally,nore iaano.."
Seater Winne. C Ivo, S.sseods
Meer Sensate as Premolar.
Madrid, March e. -The new Cabinet
took the oath of office on Saturday. The
Mtuietry le oompused as follows:
Senor Silents, Premier and Minister of
Foreign Affairs
Senor Hato, Minister of the Interior.
Merqula Villa Verde, Minister of
Senor Dunes, Minister of Justice.
Oen. Polavieja, Minister ut War.
Marqula Pedal. Minister of Public
Works for the Colonlee.
Admiral (liners, Minister of Marine.
It is expected {but G.R. Martins de
Compos will besaee p.srdent of the
Senate. The brother of MaIquie Pedal, It
le thought, will be chosen a3 president of
the Chamber of Ikeputles.
There was +erne excitement In the cafes
when the formation of the Sllvela Cable
net was announced. The "Marsellladw"
was sung and there were cheers for Lib-
erty. Those who are in the immediate:
surrounding of raptor S11vela say his
settled ides is to regenerate the country.
He holds that the Queen Regent can
ratify the treaty of pence with the United
nates without a miter of the Chambers
and that, therefore, their dissolution need
not defer the ratification.
Admiral. Camara baring declined the
`Iioit`igid'Ml.ifeei St tSla'rl1'n'it,'9eWeiy'!31Tie'
tendered it to Admiral Gomes Imaa, who
has accepted it
for the Damage Dear Thom by the V.*.
Pigbile. 1. tbs Ph111ppIona
London, March 6. -It ie learned that
during the past week a majority of the
British houses trading with the Philip-
pines have made represntatloas to the
Foreign Office respn•ting damage done to
their properties in the recent fighting at
and around Manila. On Taursdey several
representative tmadesnuen had interviews
with Mr. Broderick, the Parliamentary
Foreign Secretary, and &eked to be In-
demnified for their losses. Mr. Broderick
rreepp�lied }hat the Government would care-
fuUy eon.mer the matter and see whether
then had been any such damage se repre-
sented, and. If so, in what manner claims
for compensation oould be made upon the
United Sates.
Bosley Will SerrMder.
London, March 8. -The registrar of the
Bankruptcy Court has Issued the neces-
sary order to proee-trte Ernest T. Hooley,
the bankrupt .peculator and company
promoter, for frauds under tit, Debtors'
Act, on the ground of ' • r aiionalble prob-
ability that he will be convicted." The
public prosecutor was about to issue a
warrant for Hooley's arrest, when his
friends heard of the matter and entered
into negotiations with the authorities,
with the result that Hooley will volun-
tarily surrender himself to -day.
China Supper* Britain.
London, Manch 6. -According to the
Pekin oorrespondent of The Times, the
Tsung LI Tamen support. Groat Britain
against the protest of the Rueslan Gov-
ernment regarding the terms of the Nlu-
cbwang Railway extension loan, recently
subscribed In London, the ground of
Russian objection being that the clause
appointing a British subject chief en-
gineer of the line L in oonlnot with the
Russo -Chinese agreement.
Mord to B. Headed.
Bombay, March 6. -Wender and Ran-
ade, the murderers of the two brothers
Dr.vid, who were recently aaaswlnated
at Ponab to prevent their appearance in
Court as wltnesees against the murderers
of Plague Commimlonet Hand and Lieut.
Ayeret during the Jubilee festivals in
1897, were convicted of thst crime on
Saturday end sentenced to death. Bathe
Framin, en accomplice of the convicted
murderers, was sentenced to ton yews'
penal servitude. Wadey and R•nade
confessed their crime.
Kipling'. W.eka.C.sae Blgb.
London, March 6. -Sotheby, Wilkinson
& Hedge, literary auctioneers, have sold
a ("Icy of Klpling's "Echoes," In the
original wrapper, published to Lahore In
1884, for 490 shillings,, and • first edition
mf his "Departmental Ditties," In the
original wrapper, for 170 shillings
Belgian Queen Tery Lew.
Brussels, Manch 6. -Queen Marie Hen -
Matte, who has been sniffling from
broncho pneumonia, had • serious relapse
at noon yesterday. The 1sst sacrament
was administered last evening.
Warship 11e. Roam Offered.
Wps111ngon, March 4. -The American
G000rnmemt has proffered the use of a
United Rates warship to convey the re-
main. of the Into Bonen ifersrhnll to
England. The particular Tamil has not
yet hero enleete,l, Met It will be one of
the ships now at Havana, attae'het to tie,
North Atlantic equa.INM If the Brltieh
subway carve to accept the offer.
Iodise weer Dismiss.
fleadwood, Col., March R.-Hhoote-.I-
Hlm, an Indian from Rowbed Agency,
ha. commented divorce pronedinga in
the United States (emelt Court th this
city, from hie wife, Fanny Shooa-.t-
Illm. He allegro desertion end infidelity
MS the cans+. Thee (a the first lame on
mooed of an Indian applying for a
d Ie sawn
A Little Wel Milled.
Orangeville, March 4. -Thor yearold
denghter rd John Davis oang(ht ono a
reeling .letgh lowed with word. The
Lad epee .0d rembl.d over ea the 4girl.
She was grit out se gnirkly teas possible,
but life was artist
Delp nee Was gest
Hw11L:, N.ft.. Barth 4. -Tho. Nantas
#Hamer Aberdeen returned yestar'Alay
from Raine I.land Tie ewers crew of the
wreaked steamer Moravia were meved, ex-
r'ept the aromot nflknr, who died fneel6
snorers let eke tett AMP laa1L,. "s'
Services in St. John's Episcopal
Churoh in WashIngton.
The P..elde.• and MIs 0.N..t Were 5.
Att.adamoe, Aloe the Dlplemaile
Corp. mad Nur 1e.0.tere sad Aepn-
Mmtetl.es A.me.les of the uomass 4
Stereo Will Be C d to E.gl.•d
ea a Wer.blp-ruor.i on Mare\ 11.
Wjfh 114OLU ,.Yanlb.-6.-IfttnemZ a. -
Les Per Ib• rsmed»r tt thrinte Lard
Arise ii reshaH were haid iR 9t John's
Ifelsoopal Church at 6.16 o'clock on Sae-
urday afternoon. The services, which
were conducted by Ree. Dr. Macke
amltb, included the reading d the Epee
copal burial ritual, the singing of the
hymns, "Days and Montane^ Quickly-
Flying," and "Asleep In Jesus," by •
double quartette, and the rendition of
Chopin's Funeral Manch upon the organ.
The attendance at the services was one of
the Host notable that has ever gathered
in Washington on such • sad ooa•aton.
At a little after 6 o'clock President
McKinley, the Ministers of labs Cabinet,
Secretary Hay, Secretary age, ileorstary
A4er. Secretary Long, Smeary Hitch-
Secretatry Wilson and Po1Rm•stsr.
General Nrmr7 Smith, entered the church,
the audience rlalug They were shown to
seats in front of the church next to fico
ohanoel rail. In their 1 allele oar
were sated the monitory of the United
Stater Supreme Court, headed by Chief
Justine Fuller, and the members of the
joint high oommisalun, of which Lord
Herw•hedl was president Directly oppuslb
were sated the members of the diplo-
matic corps, headed by Sir1'Jullan Yeutter -
foto, lend to their right many omoers d
high rank in the army, the navy and
marine corps In full dress uniforms. The
body ut the church was occupied by Sou
storm and Representatives In C'oagrees and
dlstingulehed citizens of Washington.
The service was a very bupr'esdve one
and lasted nearly an hour. The church
was opened shortly before 8 o'clock fur
the reception of floral offerings, which
were as notable tor eleganoe as they were.
to number. Particularly beautiful was
the tribute of the Anglo Amerltm high
joint commission. It condoned of • wreath
of palms, which was nosed red and
white roses and calla llltetta Extending
upward from the beau of the wreath were
the Brttlsh and American Aag., entwined
with crepe and gracefully looped bows of
purple ribbon lay between them. The
offerings sent from the Executive
Mansion and the Britl.h embassy wero
oon.pieurowdy bnne(ul. Nmmee.us
mneaMr t bt'y a end Wages* violets were
among the tributes which lay upon and
about the ceaket
TO011..•Q.a.syod -Promo rho States te
A.alaad s. a Warship.
-Lsodon, March 6.-I1 1. annotnoed
that Lady Herschell, widow of the former
Lord High Chancellor and member of
the joint American Brittih-Canadlan
oommlselun, who died at Washington on
March 1, has .coapted the offer of the
Government of Great Britain of a war-
ship to convey the reralne of the depended
to England. The funeral has been fixed
to take plant at Clyfe, Dorchester, about
March 21. The remains well be taken to
Westminster Abbey the day blue the
interment and the fires part of the funeral
services will be celebrated there. The
widow, who Is greatly prostrated, is still
in the south of Franoe.
Tb. Talbot too remind Ship.
The British 'mond-clam er Mese Talbot
has been ordered from Bermuda to New
York to order to convey the remain. of
Lord Herschell from there to Portsmouth.
0. S. Thanked for Its Offer.
Waehfngton, March 6. -Sir Julian
Paunoefote, the British amb•seadr, call-
ed on Secretary of the Navy Long on
Saturday, and on behalf of lab Govern-
ment expressed thanks for the tender of
the Brooklyn to bear Lard Heischell's
remains back to England, but explained
that the British Government had ordered
• vessel, probably the cruiser Talbot,
from Its north Atlantic squadron et Ber-
muda, for this mission. Final plans for
taking the remains homeward will depend
on • definite official natlfeadoi to the
embassy of the despatch 01 the cruiser.
Party -Tire Psr...s es a Saewbee.d
Trsl• Nave Net\Lg t, Eat
Cheyenne, Wyo., March 6. -An urgent
message for relief was received yesterday
from the Cheyenne & Northern train In
the snow at Iron Mountain. The provi-
sions are reduces to • few beans and a
little nofee, with 42 pesos an bowed b
be fed. They have been snowed 1n for six
days and the oonditlnna are ellepesb, as
the adjacent ranches, when food has
heretofore been obtained, we about out of
poet.lons. A relMd train with a supply
of provision. and 100 shoveller* will be
sent out immediately, but It cannot reach
the imprisoned testa Wore to -day.
Swift Tiede • Coot
Lo. Angeles, Cal., Maroh 6. -Prof.
Lewis Swift, obs r at Mount Lows
Observatory, Echo Mountain, sent the
following on Saturday:
"I discovered last erasing • new bright
oomet in rhanus right asoendbn 5
hours 45 minutes, declination south, 99
"It 1. bright, has a short tail. It is
just visible to the naked eye, and is mov-
ing slowly."
Ashdew■ or Martin.
Winnipeg, March 6. -It seems settled
that J. H. Ashdown will be the nominee
of the Iominion Government for the
Winnipeg vacancy. He Is a shrewd. level-
headed businwe ran, but far from popu-
Ed. Martin, a brother of Joe, 1s the
other man. the repres'nattves of the rank
and file of the Liberal& He Is s mach
stronger man than Ashdown with the
Chmrlintel Hader Waller.
e'harleeton, W. Va., Mareh 6.-Tbe
Kanewsa Valley was visited yesterday by
one of the world flonde In local history.
Charleston 1s &]moat entirely ended+
water. four feet .nrrnnnd the Stan
Capitol. Lae night the watrworka bah
gas plants and elsetrlc light work. were
. hut down, and the city 1s in darkness
Hundreds of families are quartered In the
City Building, Capita, Coact Hoose and
Mbr bnildinga Moab distress prsvatla
A Combine lo reales.
New York, March e. -The Lading
coffin mekwa are abnnt enterinngg Into an
enormous nimblest Certain snake Inter -
Nee MOM lawn asked of as hemming eel -
ad, and It now look. •a 1f Ws would
prove true. One hundred Anne are in the
B■b.uIs ?mesa Aag1.g.
lends, March 6. -The Boonb y acres
. pendant of Til• Horning Poe say.:
The banner eagle le ragging be.. wltb
anpanne nerd . Aseniding 10 tics
�p� sews there were 071 dss'As lsa0
wesk, but thew 'ION ura1*Me w Met
UMW" ....w .e.e.r lwa eta.'
_ ' ere
1RLV. DF:',f 1111.1(tN¢•
Tk.lM.elpal .4 Maelt.ba Cslloto Died
1• Oki/Open ea ►udar-aiet.0
of ills Life.
Winnipeg, March 11.-1)r. King, prliee-
pal of Manitoba Dohs,•, ter head and
front of Presbyterianism is wewlrn Can-
ada, forearly tit Toronto, tiled 7e�M'�lj
afternoon a op illness d sa.etfl
weeks. Hs wap Slacked with pneumonia,
but the IndlammatIon subsided three weekr
ago, and the hope was expressed that m-
ousey was to sight He dM out gain in
however, and slowly wink away.
Yen of bb death was made from
every pulpit to the city.
Rev. John Mark King was born at
Yalu/line, Roxburgehire, May 95, 1899,
and was consequently In his 70th year.
Her was educated 11* his native phos. and
at the University of Edinburgh. He took
his deers of Maher of Aria, with honors
!n methematlos, in 1864. He studied
theology in Edinburgh, and was licensed
to preach in 1866. 1'hus he has been 44
years to the Presbyterian ministry. He
attended leoturge et the Unlearnt, of
Halle Comin4g to Canada as • missionary
in 1866, he was appointed to Columbus
and Brooklln, Ontario, in 1867, and was
ordained the same year. Hi. was called to
Heald Street Presbyterian Chinch nes
used as the Catholic Apostolic Obttroh,)
in Toronto, in 1866 and ministered at
Gould street and thence at the new St
James' Presbyterian Church. Gerrard
street, for 90 years. In 1888 he was ap-
pointed principal of Manitoba College.
On leaving for his new home be was pre-
sented by the congregation with a purse
of 91,000, • gulu wnt•h and a portrait of
himself, the latter being the oongnga-
ton's gift to Mrs. King. In 1888 Mr.
King was dented moderater of the gen-
eral assembly of the .Presbyterian Church
in l aped& Besidea ha duties as pini
pal, he was lecturer In mental and moral
nelenoos and. German, and professor of
theology. Greek and Hebrew exegesis in
the college. The degree of D. D. was con-
ferred on Mr. King by Knox College, To-
ronto, In 1889. Dr. King was strongly
upp..sed to the coercion of Manitoba on
the scheol question, in the dl.ous.bns of
1814 and 1596. On his various visits to
Toronto be was most cordially received
and wee an evr-welcume lecturer and
preacher. Dr. King married, In 1878,
Janet Macpherson, who was a daughter
of Mr. Hugh Macpherson, and who died
In 1886. His latest literary work was a
crltkal study of "In Memoriam."
1 Lep Reported Msav, Sad
Amosrle•o 1 as. O.. Slit,
Manila, March 6. -At daylight 012 Sat-
urday Geaw1 Wheaton's outposts dis-
covered a large body of Filipinos attempt-
ing to cross the river for the purpose of
reinforcing the enemy at Guadalupe, and
a gunboat advanced under a heavy firs
end poured shot into the jungle on both
sues of the river and shelled the insurg-
ent position se dusdelup', efectually
mattering them. The Filipino loss was
Private John T. Ole, Tbird Artillery,
was killed.
On board tics gunbo $ PHNOM William
Wheeler and Louis Be11lais, Gilltorua
regiment were wounded.
The United States elsererr /Wilmer*
arrived hen at 4 p.m. on Saturday from
Hongkong, treeing on board the civil
members of the United States Philippine
Oils Saw the (: esmol..lossr-a
Oen. Otte, accompanied by hi. aides,
(apt Murray and Lieut. Slide, y.sterday
morning paid a formal visit to the civil
members of the United Sates' Philippine
Commission. A house on the Ermlb
water front has been prepared for the
residence of the oommlsaion.
Col. Charles Denby, the only one of the
eannesslonere who has not arrtved yet, 1.
impacted by the next meaner from Hong-
The vessel which arrived here on Sat-
urday and was reported as the transport
Ohio, turns out te be the gunboat Man-
ila. The error was caused by dense tog.
The troops brought by the transport
steamer Senator are .t111 on board the
vessel. A permanent nbls has been stab -
limbed between Manila and Cavite.
SILL ■a NO DONKKT 21151112.
Quoit** 0.asrameat Will Ds.IIae to PEN
Mute Stefano.
Montreal, Meeh 8.-I11 is slated hero
that the Quebec Government will not
adopt a resolution, a la donkey engine,
endorsing Ser Wilfrid Laurier'. Senate
reform .Theme, and the friends' u[ the
Government fear that such • measure
would be thrown out by the Quebec
Legislative Council, and that this fact
would have • bad effect In England,
when the Ottawa Ministers come to take
tho matter before the Imperial *ethorl-
Crash .t bice W\Mposs.
Nlagers Falls, N.Y., March 6.-A
heavy gale yesterday afternoon caned
considerable damage in this vicinity. The
old elevator at the Buttery whirlpool
station was blown over. it crashed
through the pavilion at the foot of the
cliff, damaging the property in the
pavillon and causing a stampede among
the people in the neighborhood. No one
was hurt. The lode Is large.
K111.d by a Cysleae.
Athens, Tenn., March 6.-A terrific
tornado passed over a portion of Made
sonville and Monroe County last night,
with disa.tmns rennin Early In the
evening • .t.rvong wind struck ee pprtinn
of Madisonville, killing three perinea,
wounding 10 or 12 others and oompls'ddy
destroying 11 er 16 houses and several
The Flgeese iii ISN elves at eke "akin.
A.eMSe t l.■ • Merthing.
Yontreei, Swell I -,e 1* MTning
Asanclatkm meeting yesterday the miieral
production a Canada ter 1606 was given
one for the first thee. The vain of gold
from the Yukon district was 910,000,000,
and for all other dl.'triets in Canon 93,-
700.001, or a total of 23,700,000, and
there were proctored 68,464 tons of Iron
ore at a velum of 0162,610, and the total
velem of the Dominion metaflIo Thinned
production for 181)8 was 161,029,001.
In the greed tn'.nl an Inerense is shown
of over 09.000,00)or nearly 89 per tont..
as tempered with 1897. Compered with
1816, the fire your for wbloh statistics
were treat, the Memos 1n tee' Twine of
mineral product. to 11 years reached
remain 170 per mot., titer the per spits
vale of the miller./ production of tete
lerminlnn la• lnervsend from about 61.110
to 67.60.
08.t ere Rretb.r-1.-t..w.
Marshall,March 8 --Mies Lillie
Marvin, a prornIll., tnsnt yonng lady of tale
Mt shot and probably featly wounder
William A. Vaughn, her brother-in-law.
She had been •Mending mile t% In Tref
fele, N.T., and retnrnmA home unwelcome -
idly yeelnetay afternoon Abe went direr*
in the Office In her falhs''■ mill, where
she found Vaughn and fired twins tam.
b7seanders mild Interfere. Bad fitsilag
bad existed b.5wssn teem ter some Mtn.
iWM Marek is stow maw arrs.t, await-
wlar IitWNWMiesMag,
n, Last of English Dyna-
% NW Conspirators, Released.
11ostb 44J. M. Oren. Need .r the Great
ToaTbt Assess at L..doa - L.Bretes,
Brother of Ono nese LIIr," Got* Mee
Moores Bernier* la Dram. a.I A
U. S. ayadlute M•y Bay 01d Upper
C•s•d• Cnllea. 0,...4s 1.. Toronto.
Igt .Mork oLlwlldlrgI6 to oust 11'8%1
000, la
la a):sely in etgbt for the coming
•emmor In Winnipeg.
14 L reported that Lleuauant Got ereur
Forget of the Nurtbwest 'l'erritorlue is •
very sick man at Regina, and his friends
are apprehensive.
At Napanee on Sunday the photograph
gallery ut J. S. Hulett was destroyed by
fins. Joy & Perry'. grocery stock below
wee belly damaged ,y water.
Pour burglary in dress suits, fully
armed, and driving to the homes of their
victims in a carriage are the latest nov-
elty 10 Chicago criminal circle&
Daniel Scotts, tbs Detroit millionaire
tobacco manufacturer, L dead, aged 80.
His testate 1a estimated at 96,000,000.
Heart trouble was the cause of death.
The announcement is rade In the Lon-
don newspapers that the Senate of Glas-
gow University has resolved to confer
the degree of LLD. upon Sir Henry
The new Italian priest-oompuser, Pontes,
1s the hero of the hour at Paris. Penal
declares shat all bis talent shall be de-
yoted b snared nitric. Hs had refused
oder* for an opera
George Lavery, • farmer on suasion
1, Etobioobs, was suddenly seised Yeah
apoplexy end died before he oould be got
home from lalington on Saturday. De-
ceased was 71 yeas of ago
While C. Ames, son of G. W. Ames,
beaker at Niemen, One, was playing
with a revolver on Saturday the instru-
ment exploded, the ball passed through
his left band, narrowly escaping his chert
The mysterious diaappearanoe of A. R
Beach L still the sensational topic at
Duan, Ont An agitation le on foot to
petition the Attorney-Oenerel for a full
enquiry Into Beach's Wangs disappear -
J. 13. Cook, the head of the great tour -
1st agency, L dead at London, Eng. He
never recovered from the illness which
be contracted while conducting the recent
tour of Emperor William of Germany in
"1)r." Albs C. Lonsdale of Detroit le
damaged with . maaalaughee , sad sae
detectives have •eked lior a warrant for
her arrest Inglen/mem with the death of
Cors K. HsWbringwn, who died • short
time ego from a criminal oppratton.
Wolves tread John Burke of Matawa,
who LK bleat/y.2 Station for Otter Lake
on the Dunotne last weak, about 40
miles above Des Joachim& His friend,
Timothy Tomeny,tgsppsd him from his
per sous position, Il ng many of she
Advices to Denver from Tornichl Indi-
cate that • mowsllde on Granite Moun-
tain has killed Ma Alm /Mont anCL-a/r.
and Mn. William Swamis and one ut
Neer children, besides destroying 8900,000
worth of property of the Or rite Moun-
tain Mining Company.
It the present warm weather continues
there la every likelihood of the ice In To-
ronto Bay breaking up beton 1t did lass
esason. The bay was clear on the 16th of
March last year, and this ra.on so far
the whole eastern end from Yonge street
to the gap is fres of toe.
Henry A. Acheron, at one time cham-
pion runner of the United Satra, was
married by Mayor Diehl .t Buffalo on
8•tard*y to Miss Carolyn A. Italia d
Batavia. Both are deaf mutes. Acheson
was born in Cayuga, Oat, 8e par. ego,
and L a printer by trade.
A new occupation for women has been
found in Vienna. The tint professional
woman gravedigger in Europe le Fran
Albert Moeller, • sturdy widow. Frau
Mueller was appointed last week to se-
emed her husband, who, until his death,
was municipal gravedigger.
The brig Great Emperor, which was
seat from Liverpool to try to recover the
mall from the wrecked steamer Labra-
dor, has returned to Tobennory, having
been unable to salvage the ship, owing
to the heavy weather. It Is said that the
Labrador ha broken In two.
P. M. L.eireton, brother of Mra Lily
Langtry, the acetas, obtained a decree
nal in the Divorce Court, London, on
SMuiday, owing to lab wife's misconduct
With Lad Orantley, wbo was mulcted
in ewes. They were maresed In 1877.
L eHeelon and Lord Grantley wens slmno
like two brothel.
Burton, the last at the dynamite oon-
aplrgors, has been relayed from jail. He
was sentenced in 1886 for complicity in
the srploslon in the underground r&1: ad
a< Prad street, In 1883, whereby many
passengers were injured, and in the ex-
piodon at the Tower of London in 1886,
through which reveal visitors were
Canada's revenue for the eight months
ending Feb. 98 was 929,988.648, an In-
crease of 94,618,000 over the previous
year. The expenditure for the same period
was 613,697,000, an lacre.se of over 11,-
000.000. The net gain over the peevfoa
year Is 69,616,000. Capital amount in-
cresesR"7rnn 68,466,000 In 1897-8 to 96,-
684,000 this year.
Two men.namel Warren and Harrison
ars In jall at Chatham charged with raL-
ing a 11 bill to a 9100. Neil Watson of
Mull laid the information at Ridgetown
and Chief Grant of that town arrested the
men, who paned one of the raised bill.
on Mr. Watson'. buddies partner, Mr.
McCorvle. They had 916, a revolver and
oareridge. when &emoted.
Overtures have bent received by the
breed of treats of Toronto University
from an American syndicate with a view
of purchasing the old U.C.C. grounds.
They aoked for a price and were told
through a representative in Throno that
9660,000 would be arsptetl for the prop-
erty. The trioses requ red cash payment
of 160,010. A month of twn months have
been given the 'endear In which to con-
sider the matter.
Nlns'e nig et•eseetlea.
Monte Carlo, March 6. -Nice is &cquir-
lag a newt unsavory reputation In every
sense pi the word and having a ruinously
but Mikan. The great hotels are halt
empty, the English and Americana being
driven away by the abusive tone of the
Nicoll. pram together with the outbreak
of drain ewer.
The reroute Morse anew.
Toronto, if/web 4.-tnerlss for the fifth
Canadian Horse Show ease Wednaelay.
March 29, end .hnnld he addressed b
Henry Wade, senrntlry, Perll.meat Build-
ings, Tomntn. in ibe lased et classes no
h oose will lee allowed m compete in more
than one cleat or sectlou, except When
semoing kir awerpstakee prices. Thls
nalthetion dw a not apply Sootier 'lass'.►
ON Hew Ce.d A.r.te 1
*gel 1.-' A Washington apnea
laiva well net 4 J 4
1eti,a tee OWNS.
Oared& er •e0ha ka metia
Nam so 166. opertst.n of legs On-
■ e Mas Mede • LOOS Stride Towards
A.Nvsr, J....pblas Mas • as-
I.pse Eine 5)
New York, Manch 6. -According to the
reports of his physicians, Rudyard Klp-
11m5g 1s now tar ndv.noed on the way to
reuuvery. All through the hours a aes-
unlay night end scaly yesbnlay morning
the favorable oonndi * iucresaed. H`
slept peacefully when
Was clear that he .had "nada another
powerful stride Onward boatel.
It was ...aid that Mr. Kipling'. eisash
ter ,J-'a•I Mile L dangeruuely IU She Is
neer ted to have suffered • dight relapse
doeingiatol slog algid.
'Eberle was no change to fife-_ moan:ram
of Elsie, his younge.ft daughter. u h p 14
suffering from pneumonia at the Gael
550,000,000 CAPITAL. ,
First Step Tela Is. the Aeleial AsaIg•-
matlwo of the Woollen lod..trr
of tu. V. IL
New fork. \larch 6. -What is the Lint
step 1n rat e- emelgaulation of the entire
Woollen Pi..ustry of fila Country was
token on Satuniay whin the manufac-
turers elf worsteds agreed in combine *beer
interests and knifed the A "noncan
Woollen Company, with a spied stock
of 660,000,000. Other oombinetluns in the
various divisions of the Industry ere un-
der way, and will be oonsumluated In a
short time.
Odeifellsws' Balldl.g well Topples Over
sad Dees Numb D.mego.
Kingston, March 6.-A high wind
arose yesterday afternoon causing a wall
on the south side of the Oddtellows'
Building, moonily burned, to topple
over. It crushed in the three-storey build-
ing owned by Miss Oildereleere and occu-
pied by T. F. Harrison & Co., furniture
dealers. It was oompletely wrecked. caus-
ing a loss of 310,000. Charles Chown's
tinware establbibment was damaged to
the extent of 6300. The building, owned
by Mims Oljder.lseve,, is also badly dam-
aged. The building and stock were not
insured from accidence It 1s likely that
a alt will have to determine who 1s the
tesponslble parties, the city or the Odd -
Joseph Gould, caretaker of the Centlsl
School, was panting Harrlaon's, and was
buried In the debrlea IDs leg was broken,
his face badly damaged, and - body
bruised. Ile was removed to the hospital.
The firemen are watching the wrecked
buildings to prevent fins
# W�eatvr e�aa llASSee.
Peterbo March 1) -James Brough,
hostler for the Grand Central Hotel here,
started with Mr. John Craig, hotelkeeper
of Lakefleld, to drive a 'bus which the
letter bought at the sale of the Grand
Central elects, to Lakefield. When round-
ing • curve two m11es from the latter
place the horses took fright, mad4 a sud-
den leap, and the 'bus gave • lurch,
which threw both men of the eat. Mr.
Cialg fell on lirough'e neck. causing In-
stant death. The body of Mr. Brough
was brought bask to town. and • Coroner
Bell Was noon.^, - but decided that an
Inquest was uaneossmery. The remains
were removed le Mr. Comstock's undr-
taklag rooms. Deceased was • married
man, and leaves a widow end seven chll
siren to mourn labs sad end.
Wb.sI Dropped Again o. Sat■rd.y at
Belli Chloe.* ..d Liverpool -
Tho Latest Prises.
Liverpool. Merril el -Wheat futures on
Saturday declined a net cad per cental.
Chicago, March 6 -Wisest futures on
Saturday opened weak anal elenart about
ad below Feldry'a final figure.. -
Lead's, Wheat Markets.
Cath. llama May. July.
Chugs.. .. 8- 3- 9711437134
New York.. - M9( 97 TS%
Milwaukee .. 711
8t 14.1*...
Duluth. Na 1
Duluth, Na 1
14)4 - 76l4
MN 76g 'h14
k•rt1. 7134
MInnsapolis - '70K 7034
Toronto, red 68 - -
Tomato, No.
!bard (new) 89
Toronto et. Lowe's,* Market.
Toronto, March 6.-Rwrxlpa d farm
produce generally were light on Saturday
-R00 bushels of ural 96 loads of hay
and a few dreamed hogs, Ague are becom-
ing mon plentiful, with prime easier„
selling at 2(c to 22e per doss, the boli
going at 90c.
Wheat white, bu 60 733406
Wheat, red, bo 78
Wheat, Fife. spring, ba 71
Wheat, goose, be 60 -
Rye, bet 67 -
Osts, bu 84 8434
Buckwheat bo. 69 -
Harley, bo 47
Pees, be 68 64
Red clover, tin . 88 80
White clover, seed, bo 6 00
Alleles, choles to Panay. 8 80
Alstke, good, No. 2 .,, 8 50
Abele, good. No. 8 ... 5 00
Timothy, ba 1 90
Beans, white, be . 80
Hay, timothy, per ton 98 00
Hay, stover, per ton 6 00
Straw, sheat, per ton6 00
Straw, loose, per inn.. , 4 00
Butter, lb. rolls 90 18
Butter, large roll. 13
Eggs, new laid Is,
Chickens, per pair . .60 40
Turkeys, per ib 11
Spring docks, per pair00
Owes, per lb 7
0 93 70
8 00
8 60
0 40
6660 90
66110 80
PRINTS AND Teenerse.g..
Apples, per bot 02 69 a 33 76
Potatoes, _ bug' 75 80
Liverpool, March 6. -Closet on :Muir
day: Mrot when seedy; No. 1 Northern,
es ed; Nn. 1 ('al., e. 7d to e. 71td; rel
Winter, ee el. Future', reel winter, 6.
7 I -8d for Mamh, 6. 7tpd for Me; and 6s
7 1 -*d for Jnly. Mahe quiet; as eA for
Match, 8. 5 6-8d for May and CRs ailed for
July. Flour, 18s 4,1.
ASK FOR VUltt, 0ll. PRICE.
1e one -4 /w leas oElite--lender you.
There- may be thousands of days
10 1 • .ere but there may be only one
-that is the point. Are you
taking chances and carrying your
own risk ?
If so, are you wise? Would It
not be better to join your life wits
30,000 others in the
Canadian Oratr
ot'f oresters
and protect those you love and
those that love you from the suffer-
ing caused by the untimely or un-
expected death of their bread.
winner l •
Full particulars of the cheapest,
safestand best Insurance sent free
on application to
IL C. L, r.aersolL Mlgk eery, effet ,
ERNST BARTUNC, S. 0., eraatfonl
Reporter C.avl.eed the City Editor
Me Had Hese Ml. Net.
When "Lute' Nieman, editor o.( the
Milwaukee Journal, was • reporter co
The Sentinel in 1880 or 1881, be had tics
reputation, which was well earned and
well deserved, of being the malt arubmloes
and most persistent newsgatherer to the
city. This 1a Ulu/tested by an incident
acco.rring during his "cub" day& Nee
man was tent out at 11 o'clock at nigh/
to Interview a politician who was bard to
prcach and harder o "m -
under the most favots�bl. ooirrcpuquuuup'tee"ort♦
rapZeman to get an beteivl wwTtic the
titian, but then was one chance to •
thousand that he would alk, so the trial
was made. Nieman knocked all the paint
off the hunt door and aeouaed the weep
bore for a block in either direction, but
the politician and his family slumbered
co or pretended to elnmhr.
"I mads • lot of nobs M bis house,"
ezplilned the young man when be re.
turned to the Ake, "bus it WY Do um;
be wouldn't get up."
"Did you ring the belle'
"Did I ring the bell? I should say I
did I pulled the knob • hundred penes
and wouldn't have stopped wben I did Y
I'd had mon strength."
"Weill," said the city editor, "go track
to Blank's buss and pull that knob
again. Don't Dome hook hers without
proof that you ban mods • god effort le
arouse your m•a. We moat ham • talk
with old Bhaok er evidence thee we have
exhausted every known means set 'soft
h im "
Fifty minutes lair Nieman saunters'
into the city editor's mom with la std,
fahioned crockery boll knob sad Mill
on the desk.
Thera" la ....as•CSINSorell
dole my tsar:' 3roi5e►wEirli iS-r•'.
stain and out In the w eet "
Nieman bad brought everything hal
the bell Itself. When the wire wee
wrapped us, 1t was fouud to bo about Ile
test long
Clear Case et 1.1f Detests,.
"Didn't you steal that !mg?" sated the
rural justice
"Well, nth, Mister Jades, I ma' .dmi$
flat I outrun him?"
"And didn't you kill him?"
"Well, .uh, he did run 'galnsl 6. hat
IR M at es got his death?"
"And you .te him of coarser"
"Well, jedge, hit wus this rosy: De
weather wits mighty hot, ea ether be won
deed bit look ak • pity ter 11e kW
spiel, b 1 des melted him down • smoked
him, at de ere woe .o bot dab fo' 1 oonY
San roan' be wus cooked doge, se meta
him in dot iIx dor wns netts hr tar de
but ter eat him op! Blit mean dim b
self damns jedge-all In erif dldges,l"-
Hare to Please.
. ".A •mall boy of my acquaintanoan
MIe a writer In the Boston Tnn.crlpts
"Merl Ib Moon day taking a •on is
-- human nature -not lad Art ler
O M, bet a bitter one -with Wearing Hp
and deeply perplexed fan.. He azobimed
bavtng veterans to his dill smaller slew
Dolly cries became* I dost do •
thing, and when I do it thea the cries
because I do it 1'
"This was true and natarfl, but the
boy's remark was not so profound se wee
an anecdote which I onos sad In the
French. A wife, so this story related, was
awakened by her husband's weeping and
howling In the middle of 111e night. He
was evidently having a dream, and she
woke him and asked what was et/emitter
' Oh, my dear,' he said, rubbing his
eyes, 'I dreamed that yon were dead I'
" 'Hag .h. said bitterly, and turned
away from him. 'Grain griefs are mate- "
Yee. but They can Separate.
When a young non and a young we-
enie) have been engaged • long time, they
talk as neigh to oveeh other ► married
*alpha -Arcbison Globe
g er wlltrld Laurier Premises Ism.d1a44
ass aortas' Ceaolds►•tle..
Oases, Starch 4.-A large deputation
Dom the Mon of fnsl on for mannfarenr-
Ins psrpo•es waited on the Premier yea
Ioltwy and asked that on fey this purpsr
should in .hoed on the free list Elk
Wilfrid esthete, said that it would net
break kb heart to remove the defies, but
Me GOWNINIMODS would have In look Ino
N a • practical question and sae what
could be does. What he endsreenne them
b Wene was rommal of dot, by order.
104838911,04)4 taps wait mallT•tllwua•elt
men. AfIte nand say In respty was te>t11
No sasses waald at ones mesh, �.lie�
arid♦ ,awr�.g
Backache and Kidney troubie meted
a Halifax lady's lib mistral ie.
It world be wile Emery lady la Canada
tanderstood that pais is ter back pad
backache were nothing more nor less than
a cry of the & rrdefed kidney. for bele.
Hundreds Of ladies have Pound Doan
Kidney Pills a blessing, giving them relic
frau ail their suffering and airtime.
amonieSbemosse who prise theta bight*
Halidigt, Wal
tasu� with a /be ' Mew
the small abet back,wbi•Y tsselallog
at *)gees that dos amid
Hearing of DaR's
eRNsb lie
a bow, Std V 4baahfel M that 087
completely rss.oesd the kw her
bark a• snLed ova tent is bpr
Ws. added
that hs � dlhd I
RNaq !r• dmMepMKtifj► east bob
tTwi chewy oere
a k.g, �r t fess It sa