The Signal, 1899-3-9, Page 2The Signal • rirei.W III WI RT TRUE: DAY MORNING IT D. Mot:11.1JCUDDT. Teems of sub erlpeles m trine ila •d »sees 1 as iM Ad veaMs' ag INN I L 1 and other casual advertisements, lee.gps. tie for Pint ins. tion, and 3 emits per Ilse ger each eutaquent l,uartlet.. Matured by • deeper+!! wale. �•as lmw cards of steamer and under, M per Adrattleemente of !most. Found, Strayed Sib talion Vacant Situations Wanted and Moal- Oda Chimes Wanted. not exceeding t lines slpmrell, 31 per mouth EEeaens on Sale and Farina on Male, not to •x• seed a Ilnea ei for Gest month, fuc per subs*.ss 'at mo.l6. Larger stets in peopo rtlou. Aay special was, the object of which is o o.• the pwes(,etere Want of an tudhldlt•1 Sr r to b000,shicrd •o any aecongngly notices In nonterelt type one cent per no maloti r.s than 163 l.cdkl notices In ordloary reading type twit Eb per word. Ne no, Ise for lees than tdo. ines for churches and other religiose and •rn1•ut l uetltutioas. hell nu subscribers who full to 'receive Ti.. SWILL ✓ egularly by mall, el!! confer • favor byso. ald guntlug m the fat at et early • dese pass!,ie When a change of o Ir, as is desired, both the o ld .tad the new addreer should be given. Pmbll.hor'• Nott.. J C. Ise Tooted, of a"stench, hoe been rotated 1oeal Travrll:,.g Agent for the Town. Ips of Goderlcb, Colborne, Ashfield and W• - water Local postmasters over the district are also 'empowered to recdlr,• .uterripttoos to Ten ■air A11 room unleetions Tenet he 'treadddrea D. McOLLL 'tread Taa eYuret, +!+phos+ Call w. Oodertek, Oat A VERBAL CONTEST. Widish 3sam.ked StraatE/r of I. Me - ogee. of fermis \ Dasllem. Going up on • Cedar avenue car the other night, the passengers were math *materialised 4y a verbal spat- between • email citizen of German parentage and it tall native. The trouble all originated front the teat that the car was very much crowded, ear orowdtd that the two disput- ants were brought fame to faoe In such olive proximity that they couldn't melte • ge$unt Push up • little, can't you?" inquired the tall titan In an Irritable tone. Several people wore pushing hitt, and his irrita- bility was quite tauttrable. "Veil, no, 1 oan't," replied the iiial. trap, "std, vat L more, 1 don't het W." "You're nut much of • gentleman,' Bald the tall luau Oh, 1 tont know," said the little man airily. "Ven I vent an opinion 911 ahem - Houten I go to some fellow vat ,has got • tootle knowledge of der •ubjeo, you idiot." "Do yntu call me an idiot?" garptd the tall titan. As lung aa I tont know your Hance," Bald the little titan, "I couldn't make der Identification any more gomplete." "You're a Dutch monkey," old the tall man, with a horrible grimace. "You mute outejt' the car," said the little man, with a shocking scowl, "und I'll .how you some monkey tricks you don't mebhy like." "I'd do It for 2 matt," snarled the tall Wan. "3'11 pay bole farce, " aald the'llttle man "Come on -I mean come off !" "I don't believe you've got 10 cents bout you," eiecred the tall man 'Veil, anyway," said the little man, "you keep your hands oudt of my pockets." You let'Ro of my watok obain r' Dried the tall man. It-Tooltodiiie Roar fora emend or two, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 1Se% but they were act closely wedged together that neither one could raise a hand. ---- - And just then the ear stopped et Will son avenue, a half dozen passengers pushed and struggled out, and when TRAVELING GUIDE. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. or: ant ,til tool Farrow *tared Mui sad E4pnM Dal'LlT. Jyll .redd Esteems CIA a a M■te• e.a Irak tp.m. Ilan a a - .Lia Pm. 3.40 p.m luso pm aft sal Express _ ApFTTsTET. NICHtHd0N, L D. li • na3TAL µtaalw. H:wow epposite the lFIEI ,..Crown and iTsari Exportehea: things finally settled down the tall man and the short one were separated by • half gotten sesta Perhaps they were glad of it. -Cleves land PLOD Dealer. Willie Was Gams. Willie's father looked at his only sea Mid heir. "No, my boy," he said, "I think you no quite wrong about the relative posl- don of the Philippine&. They are consid- erably more to the mouth than you claim.' ' • Father,'_Iaid Willie, with much firm- ness, "if 1 wsOshetting youth, I'd go you • few plunks that I am right. I'd show he„ W MABEt D.D.S.. LOS. -DENTAL N Surgeoo-L. est and' approved methods r .11'd•ntal operative s. Preservation of tM lural teeth a spcetak_ . Mice : Cyr. West u d Square (up .tetnl. Entrance on West et M. ITRNBCLL, D D 8, L.D S. -DENTAL • Surgeon (14tei. associated with la. son. ellIontrsab. G I,1 and porcelain. arta- W teeth mounted on :',Id or aluminum bases, I,eial attention given :o the preservation of the lural teeth. Omc. In McLean's new btu MEDICAL. R. HUNTER -PH i sICIAN SURGEON, Am. Oec. �M Bruce street, the residence ty occupiedpDr McLear. Night calls Tek ■ residence. / nue 7a. • LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. R ary pub 1c. U� than Bank of ten. otsry Po •Met Chambers, Inc Sgyere, God.- rich. 16W-ly �LJCI- • Ctaor, No ar' Ac (1S1A.He over Medi al full, oars. Godrtch. 0. JOHNSTON-BARRISTER, RoLiCI- • tor, Onne14.1ontr, Sc. Money w lou u. et • i or. BeiaMen rid St Andrew' streets, srtnh.4ale 604 HATS-114RRISTER, SOLICITOR, bees: Nor bet., next door Sam•4 rate Fonds :o lend at lowest rates d It 3160 ARROW & PROUL,FOOT, BARRISTER& 1 eye Solan ,., tic., Guderlth. J. T. rrew QV., W. Prone foot. AMtRON. ROLT a HOLIIEli, BARRIS ten, flolkitors In ( haneery, ac., Goderlck G Cameron, Q. C., P Hutt, Dudley Robed. G. WARD, CONVEYANCER, kc., AND • commissioner for taking and rerelvlug gi�ptmaces of bald aaldavlta or aglrma8ort, eposiuons or solemn deeleratlous In or coo- ln an arson cult err' puoreed Ing in the IA Cour in Josttre, Ih, Gert e: Appssl fa Vile or to any Cu',dy or DivWo, Court, Y tramectlonm caref.,lly and promptly el. tad. Residence and P. O. a/drsee-Dunppn- a, Oat 0133.1 LOAN' AND INSUTANCZ. • offal. TO IRe, me el MVO AN -FIV' PER CENT Isfonds; also Or s ngesL t er se Houser and lots to for derL N Lilt IS, Banister, God- • itl▪ ranee .Sax. upMMte Martial, host. ills? TO LEND ON MORTOAOZ AT Ijyg eent. Note. discounted. C. SEA - mar Opposite Martin's Hotel, God. 1. T. NAFTEL-/IRE, LIT' AND ACCI- • loot Iwurence Agent; et lowest rates. lee : Cor. Northe& and Square, Ood•rich. is �OKET TO LEND -A LARGE AMOUNT M Private Fonds for Investment at lowed Ileg ea grit elan Mortgages. Aypl7 to OAL 11 k PROUD/OOT. RADCLI //E -O ENERA▪ t , INSURA NCR, • Real Estate and Mosley Leaning Agent 7 gni-elms commutes represented. Money end en straight Inns, at the lowest rate of +rest golog n any way tomtit the borrower. ice - dMn.d doer from Square, West street, !sees\. Mot tt NNW MACHINA SHOPS. Ise MAORINNSHOPS-ALL KINDS OP Repair Work done at Reasonable h'rim.1. int Implements for sale. Machinery. new e` .and•hand bought and .old. Engines n Bollefor pie. Stand: Balem, old wagges vnrn•r VI tes, ta and Trafelg Street, J. l''I'tR RUIICIIIAN. 31.01 AOCTiON BERING. IOMAR GUNDRT, AUCTIONEER AND Insurance Agent, go elerioh. Ont. Agent doe and Lancashire TVA Ira. p., the ore rlct Mutual Ins. Cc. Miss kneaded to Is part of the county...._.._ P l RN KNOX GENERAL ADOTIONtER and land Valuator,Godes eh Ont Ray. had eonelderable .aperlenre In the anettnn- ag trade, he Y In podRlom to dire hares n thorough sathfactlon all e"nmfatlonr,mn- t a,d him. Orden left et Buxton's hotel, ent by mall joke athletes,R cderloh P. 0., 1.11 attended to. JOH0101, County lttn..,r 1311-t1 ?IMRSOSrAL ARTIST. '3.r, TONSORIAL A A.&-fo . Not tit oe f�o•3ismt a... Sea -foaming, ng and every other r.galrem•nt rwre- attended tea. and n tiebate„hitt stent lands dyed. McLean's -,ren dock, neat door M IL Ila dap hotel $AARiAO a Uc3NNSNI. MEW Of MANSIAOt Li- • amiss'MEW, OodeAek. 001 M4aly Railroad C..krat. filmier (tn dining ren, fast ezpsegs}- alter, thism eggs are tan soft alter-frprlssd to beth d•1, ash Trawle-they wese taken out d the wider too aeon RCta• ---Het art, t'tl ps +emiliale� 'sup boll soother oath Oda , His face brightened. - "Here, dad," he cried, "let me take your blue pencll I I'll traoe out the whole thing for you on grandpa's bald hell" But they stopped him In time. -Cleve - lend Plain Dealer An Vafortaamts D•sapltation. They have some queer stonecutters down In Maine. Deacon Hackett lost his second wife lately, a scrawny and threwlah wo- man, whose kens was an unmixed morrow. Still,' the deacon dutifully decided to give her •momumeat. tieing rather "near" be haggled with the village stonecutter as to the size of the flab and Anally chose • very narrow ons at a bargain. The Inscription was as fullers: SARAH HACSJCTT. • "Iniad. the wak theists' But the stone who so narrow that then was no room f. ,r the last letter, an the Knnecuttor left 11 out, with this result: SARAH HACKETT, "Lord, she wan thin!" 1st Err Mllurd's Hsi Aske no other. - Neal .f Liberality. Deacon Dodds --I'm efeard 'het Boggs alter gro"ryman 1s a Iced* bit stingy. Farmer Scroggii-Not abit tie it, Many the ttme I've seed him put In • baro or two trier they scales hid tipped. UINARD'S LINIMENT L the only Liniment asked for at my store and the only one we keep for sale. A11 the people use It. Pleasant Bay, C.B. HASLIR FUi.roe. A Casa of seredlty. "His aim In life seems to be a poor one." "Yes: he inherits that from his mother. I ono. saw her throw a stone at • dog In the street and hit her hothead who was la the back -yard." 81x Oils, -Tim most commingle* teatl- moey, repeatedly laid heifers the public to the columns of the dal Iy prem, provesthet Dr. Thomas' Ectsettle 031 -an absolutely pan combination of six of the finest remedial oils in existence -remedies rheumatic pain eradicates affections of the throe; and lung*, and cures plies, wounds, sol lameness, tumors, burns, and Injuries of horsee and cattle. Aren.le Not Allowed. In Sweden yarn 1s not allowed to be sold K ft contains .0000 per cent. of amnia A carpet has been condemned by the in- spector. because 1t contained 1 000t part of • grain of arsenic In 1(1 quare Inches. A sew back for 50 teats. MRlir'g Kidney Pi11s and Plater. 3 n m..'• ('hie( I'r.d tet . Practically the whole business of Samoa Is Mss' to slay upon tbo rocoenut, and the export of repro, the drl"l meat of the e0ooanat, repreeena nearly all the exports of the island. Parente buy Mother (:raves' Worm Ex- terminator because they know 1t Is • safe seedicinb for their children aad an WINO teal expeller of worms. sere to he Dieepsetmeod. "It's • boy.•" "My wife will be disppointsd, doctor." "I mean 11's •rl." th"Well, e 11 he disappointed just the sem*, she always wants the other thing." Chines catnap In N. shape of • knife W bees Owed back as far as 1940 A.O. 140 PLASTER 3nnd a mots for D, Mason's Common 11, Trestles no tamer with T•3tiela e from thaw win 4.r• bee■ card. >At.J�.T.�!�•�olll 140 KNIFE NO PAIN STOTT it is the easiest thing in the world to haus Lumbago or Lame Back And it h jar as easy to get rid of k. No remedy has made surer and quicker cures than ST. JACOBS OIL IT RELAXES THE $TIFFINED MUSCLES.' DOMSSMMMSOYIM Various Uses for Eggs. An s rg added to the morning cup of ooff, e makes a good tonic. A mustard plaster made with the white of •n egg will not ' Ister. The white skin tl lines the shell of an egg lea useful application for • bol. A raw egg with the yolk unbroken taken In • glass of wins le beneficial for eon- valescen t s. White of egg beaten with loaf sugar and lemon relieves boareenara-le tea- spoonful taken once every hour. 1t is said that • raw egg swallowed at once when a fish buns 1s 0.ught in the throat beyond the reach of the Angers will dlelodge the bone and carry it down. The white of a raw egg turned over • burn or scald is newt .uLithing and mot ►ng. 1t can be applied quickly, and will prevent lnfammatiou, besides. relieving the stinging pain. The white of • raw egg la the mostsatis- factory of pastes, and le better than any prepared mucilage or paste one can buy. Paper. intended W be put over tumblers of jelly and jam will h Id very securely and be air -tight if dipped in the white of an egg. One of the best remedies* case of bowel troubles is a partly beaten raw egg taken at one swallow. It is healing to the in- flamed stomach and intestines, and will relieve the feeling of distress. Four eggs taken in this manner In 54 hours will form the best kind of nourish'' enc as well .as medicine for the pat lent. A raw egg is one of the mo t nutritious of 3opd ,. 4__.p.ha- taken veryeazfiy if the yolk is not broken. A little nutmeg grated upon the egg, a few drops of lemon juice added, some chopr ed parsley tiprink- 1ed over It, or some salt -and a dash of cayenne pepper, vary the flavor and tend te make It more palatable when not taken as a medicine In early. 1r ::.Jt[ed'1koWte Mffiel teitY1l 121 4Dltltf[t1'' was saying. "Dear mei" disgustedly breathed the man who had just rushed In "And 1 thought I was gol'ng t, be late!" Health for the children. Miller's Worm Powders. Laip Baud's Llnimeat li Me WS. Ellelting the lases. "How long have you been married, Mrs. Ashleigh?" "Eleven yr•ts. You _wouldn't believe it, would you?" "Not atter seeing your husband." '• "Ile le young. '1 he fact Is that we ran away from pcbool wt.:ether and were wed- ded " "Oh! Then he omit have been one of those toys we read a: snit wb , are always falling In love with 1 h, it teachers," If the children re.lunre physic none acts so mice as Miller's Worm Powders; very pleasant to take The guinea pig grows more qo lckly than any other q•msdruiesl. It Is fally grown when slz weeks okl,aud begins to bear young at two mouth The custom of keeping birthdays U many thousand yearn old. Pharaoh's birthday festivities are mentioned in the Pentateuch. '11y Alta 1a hcting the beat of health now. *31 tiler'sComlound Iron Pills did 14 The depth of water affects the speed rel steamers considerably, the vessels moving more slowly in shallow than In deep water The Lord knows alt the nooks and eornnn of your heart. You can not keep one thing from H1m. If you are not obedient, do not blame anyone else after- wards If you do not g.1 • blessing; you have to blame yourself God bas spoken to tboamnds and tbontande at people before this, but they have not found any blaming, because they did the obey. A Successful Medicine. - Everyone wishes to be successful In any under- taking in which he may engage. It IL tbere(ore, extremely gratifying to the 'aro- prietors of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills to know that their efforts to compouud a medicine which would prove a blessing to mankind have been successful beyond their expectation.. The endorsatlun of these Pills by the public 1s • guarantee that • p111 has been produced which will fulfil everything claimed for it. Iwwet Oed.rtakers. Persons who are fond of walks In the country may have wondered why no trace 1s ever found of the var ops small animals, such as field, max, whish die by dozens. 1'h. reseal 1S that the sexton beetle bas taken oars of the tiny dead bodl s. Whom a small animal dim the beetles hurry to 1t. They do not do good deeds solely throngb philanthropy, for they get their reward In food for themselves besides Lying up pro- vender for their families. Thews beetles are an inch long Ind some have bright orange bands on the wing coven. After estisfyfng their hunger the beetles proceed Ina very laborious manner to bury the remains. After dragging the body to a spot of soft earth the beetles, using their heads as spades, dig • tunnel around the body. Inside this they dig another furrow and keep on 1111 the body finks into the hole. Then they throw In the earth they have excavated'', A rWrd's Liniment LDmberau's Pried. ►- An AennIqr. W. -Thal i'as a q utter !dead of 'Livia+ i --merrying s womah twice boa age. I wonder how it eame whoutf She --Naturally enough. He was with- out money and she was without Prins. tum. of Iot t. Dur$n t 1858 the number of Immigrants arriving at Philadelphia was 6,688, a dee create of nearly 1,000 as compared with the previous year. A joyous shout from Owen Murphy, • New York painter, welcomed the an- nounoernmt that his uncle had left him 06,000. An hour later the man was lav- lably distributing bits of paper among ptdeatrians. raying they wore greenback& Exc,adve joy had made hitt crazy. The Are lou of the Unites! States ant Canada fur the mouth of January, loll% shows a total" of 510,718,00D. This L a heavy Increa-e over the sum chargeable against January of last year, which was 160,472,600, although the January, 1827, er. hisses reached the serious aggregate of 512.049,700. RIIEUMATIS 1 CURED. Mr. F. H. Cole, Well Known In Windsor, Rejoices Resew 1e Geed Dodd'. Ride.? rills sal Was There.gbly and Perot ny Cared .f aMwmeu•s D.dd'• Kidney rut• Alwar• Car* m b.ams1l.sa. WIODO0a, Feb. 27. -Who hasn't felt the torturing twinges of Rheumatism? It la saye to say that there are not one hundred families In Canada in which Itkeumatlat* has not been an unwelcome visitor. This being the cage, the following state. meet given for publication most have a deep and abiding interest for the geese majority of Canadians. Every person who suffers from Rheu- matism will rejoice to find a medicine that w111 positively cure it; thoroughly and per- manently root it out of the system entire. ly, as it has been shown thousands of illufr.Dudd'a gistuojt Rills 4o. Mr. F. H. Cole, whose permanent reed dance is in Detroit, Mich , but who 1e equally well known In Windsor, Ont.. had been a great sufferer from Rheumatism and Kidney Disease. He gave fair and patient trial to • num- ber of so called " Rheumatism Cures," elm., but not one of them gave him more than even temporary relief. Then a friend urged him to give Dodd's Kidney Pllle • trial. Half reluctantly he did so, and he has been thankful ever since that he did so. Hs used cnly four boxes, but that quan- tity was sufficient to clean the taint out oI his blood thoroughly. To day he is sound and well In every bone, utu.ele, sinew, n, roe and organ in the body -thanks to Dodd'• Kidney Pills. Ijodd's Kidney Pill& the only known unfailing euro for Kidney! Complaints, are sold by all druggiata at fifty cents a beim six boxes 0.60; or sent, on receipt of prim, by The Dodds Medicine co., Limited. Tee RUM. SOLEMN JERUSALEM. Trade cad Cesameros Are C.uan.ed w LIfo'e Noyeesl flew Jarwalise,(0a c16 of surprises. It M, apart trout Ili aft asaoolatlogs, an in' tensely In$itheting spot, even 1u travel w who are already saturated with the hitherto untaamlllar and surprising charms of Cairo, Athens and Con.antl- naple. 1te etas can beet be *strewed by the statement that oho journey round the outside of its walls may be Stade by an ordinarily rapid walker to the spoon of an hour. Its houses areamall, irregular lu share IQUALW,AL1R 0341313. Ite +tree!+, 1t streets Shay oqn bs called, aro not Dented or n umbered; they are Dever olwoad, and In many instances are steep crooked, narrow, roughly pay ed; and they are vaulted over by the buildings on each side of them. Never a pair of whes,ts traverse thew, and rarely is • bone or donkey seen within the walls. The halt, the maimed and the blind. the leprous and the wretchedly poor. form the greet bulk of the population tit Jerusalem, end, with the single 'sloop don of the Hebrews. they ear pond -stout and clamorous beggars. Trade and commerce seem to he con fined t, the bare neoesrltles 14 life and W dealers In beads and cruelties. 'There 1s but one howl and one Turkish Deer chant, who displays In his little wluduw lee., doorless shop • small assortment of silver charms, trinketa and brie -a brae W the gage of the passer-by, and le almost the only shopkeeper who sells anything like luxuries In the plane. His custom - en, of oourse, are the pilgrims who tome to see, and not to worship. Jet astern is unique es a flay. Everything is serious and wleme and severe. 11 has no clubs, no public houses, no beer gardens, no concert halls, no thea len', no lecture rooms, nu places of amusement of any kind, no .tweet [ands, no wandering muslelens, no wealthy or upper clamed, no 1ewspapers, no print- ing presses, no book shops, except one outside the walls Sur the Deer' of BMX', no cheerfulness, no life. No one sings, no one spurts, Do one laughs In Jeruss- �tm; even the children do not play. Peter Dore of Ancestor mel with .• serious aocident on Friday afternoon. He was attending • Seem chopper and his right arta was caught In theeutting bog. Before he could remove It the knives had almost chopped off his arm below the e lbow. Jastlaa\lee First Rotor-Ilawfat plays to the gal- lery. utlery. Seoand Actor -Why shouldn't he? I'm told that on his ffr e,.nt trip there were often as Inaey as TO persons 1n the gallery and not soul in the rest of the house. - Brooklyn Life PAINS IN THE BACK. Are U..ally th. Resit it of Isperf•et Work - logs of lh. Zldw.va -Thew Caw Only Be Restored to Their Normal C.wdltloe by a FM, Use of Dr. to !Nisar' Ptak 31113 Mr. Albert Mintle, of Woodstock, Ont., sow engaged in the Insurance business, 1. well known In that city and surround- ing country. Some three years ago Mr. Mintle was living .t South River, Parry Sound District, and while there was at- tacked Ftacked with severe pains In the back. At drat he paid but little attention to them, thinking that the trouble would pass away, but as it did 1101 he consulted • local physician, and was told that his kid- neys were affected. Medicine was pre- scribed, re.scribed, but beyond • trifling alleviation et the pain It had no effect. In addition to the pain In the back Mr- Mlntie was troubled with headaches and a feeling of lassitude. He was forced to quit work, and wb11e in this condition, weak and de- spondent, he decided to try 1)r. Williams' Pink Pills. He purchased a half dozen Dozes and was not disappointed with the result. Before they were air used Mr. Mintle was feeling aIms' es well as +Ter he had done. The pain In his back had limpet dieappeared, the headaches were gone, and he felt greatly improved in strength. Two more bores completed the cure, and he returned to work hale and hearty as ever. Mr. Moths asserts that his return to health is due entirely to Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills, and ke still 000a clonally uses • box If he feels in any way "out of sorts." Th. kidneys, like other organs of the body, are dependent upon rich, red blood and strong nerve. for healthy action, and It 1s because Dr. Williams' Plnk Pills sap ply these conditions that they care kidney trouble as well as other ills which have their origin In watery blood or • shattered nervous system. Sold b7 all dealers m sent postpaid &trite. • box or six boxes fol 0kp addressing the Dr. WUM'•tns' Medio Co , Brockville, Ont- If you vales your health do not take. substitute Ralresaetle., "Btnglere hea the big head terribly hs - came of his small feet." "Well, even that beats having a email head and big feet," --Chicago Newa A Suggestion. 31 Mr. Agulnaldo must take something, wnnldn't it be a good Idea to coax him to tide enuntry and let him take the lecture platform? -Atlanta Constitution. res fts, "r,4 elt„ ight, /Nov e.Y.es, se o�juZ k a F.,.,az 4/974,4r i/ 447 0/44.- 16;:z '1'. no Boas !eters\aa/. Cholly !lofty bad been back from the n orth just one day and half • or t. He had gone up there the week previous well equipped for c'muoth'a shoot. 1D a armm had been the twat, M. camp Niel. meat ■way in advance of those 01 reuthe of less money, and his "grub" the nicest tanned stuff then' money could buy. He got out his deer shooting kteLse in good forum and on the way home that nigttt 1n the car he *Millet its vague verbiage ttnorougLoly, '1'o it. were affixed a certain number of togs upon each of which were printed the in etruetione that one was t0 be tastrnec to each Geer shot. 'Me equipped. Ch"Ily left for the nstekk dog., gutta - blankets and all. And he came bark day before yr,.ter dry. Of course 'the boys had heard of his departure, and. naturally they ex p(1 ted be would be •way at lea.t cwt cite ekj,. so It sae With aurprMe that the) Mw him etre' Into the lobby of the Rt.�f ell I1nu.e lout evenmg. "Hello. Cbutly," Med one, of diem Hark't" 1 wits,"' was the reply. "Have any luck?" -"Raw • let of deer, 0(dt7't yeoT' "Vests, more n • thousand y'know." "Couldn't hit 'em, hub '1" "l)'kus.w: l;dn't try," ' "lhdut try to shoot 'em. Why coir' "Couldn't get caw' enough to any of 'em t' tie n• the leruee tags. 7'knaw." Deafness Cannot be Cured h• local application., as they rano t reach th die -sant Porti n of the ear. ' There 1e witty ewe way to cure Deafness an 1 *tut is by constltu- tlonal remedies. D'afne s is , Bused by au 10- named r,udltIon of the mucous lining of the Eustachian a ube- When this tube get. In. to ed you have a ' umblinz sound ,e imperfect hearing, sod when It Is entirely closed Doane.. le the resent, and uone. the mllamnut L,a ran be taken ,oat anal thetuberest'•.d to its normal ro•,ditiun, hearing .111 be destroyed forever; n ine cases out of ten are raised by e,tarrh which is nothing but an Inflamed a adltiou of the . u,oua .urfacea We will give One Hundred Dollars for a y • se of Deafness (emoted by rat rrhl that esti not be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure Seud for circular, 1r.e. 3. J. CHENEY k CO . Toledo, 0. • Mold by Druggists, 77e. M 1111..■ o1 Men 0md.r Arise.. A 1(Yeach stalk -inn states that the trial number of men permenantly un- der arms is 4,250,1100. If uuivered war hroke out tkere would be 41:LW000 men reedy to take up arms at once. Placed In env line the moldier. of the world could cover the equator right round the earth. To pase shag the whole line one would need to ride 1n an express trete at (8* milee en hour for 70 days, If the soldiers received ortic'w to ex- ternde.te the refit of the population they would orgy have to kill 33 persons 39,ece: Oh, my' how your complexion has Im- proved. Yea, Miller's Compound Iron Pills did 1t. A Flmam.ler. "Brlggln* makes mosey by establlehing creameries In a 110177 towes, dee. het Ithought it was a nntnrlota fact that little creameries don't pay." 'ellha1'. 4t. Ills agent works rep a aeemery retiree** to some smell town, acid Beige -Los gone then 18e Lest year. fines up the machinery ter a eons and e els It to some village where they have never bad • re- aniry."-- bie•go Tri- bune. Nllird's Liniment Is used by Physicians. Wein Ordered Menthe Ahead, The (Thin.+ Emperor ie probably mere hedged in by rule than any other monarch in tttis world. 'Ilse mania Inc his daily mettle are preeeribed for him by hie phrereter menthe ahead. He is eertninly the ferlNgiR Ober =bang potter tater, real dr trom1nal. Hs gels up to tmne.et business+ of Stat. st 'Lire o'clerk In The morning. Hb unity rival, the Ar*trien I0mperar, does net begin, till fonr. New life for a quarter. Miller's Com- pound Iron Pills. R Lwow ,k and N1. *log. When B1.marek templein.d to the old emperor about the woeful falling off In his physical powers, his majesty broke In: Teti Look at me. I am muck older than you ars, Bismarck, and yet I anthill able tc ride." "Ah, yes," rejoined the iron ebaaesilor, "bat then. your majesty must temsetbse Shit a rider always lasts Hager that his bares „ A doss et Minor's Woes Powders seri' atonally will keep the ehllbea has sly, The Pliers -Aad bow NM y13a ilia that she had synth a b1 hpa i The Pod --To ayes* Are think• ing of buy- ing a new wheel h? If trot be sure and see the BUDION before youurchase. Write for a Cataloguer either English or French. Gendron Mfg. Co., TORONTO, Ont. NATIONA TIO FARMER AIME COMPANYCOMPA NATIONA FARMER COM PAN NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NATIONAL OMPANG iNY NATIONAL EARNERS COMPANY NATION FARME COM PAN NATION FARME COMPANY NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY NAT TINA FAR ARFANjr �FARMERtS L �MM .1! CORNERS FFARNIR NATIONAL 68 TW NATIANY NA CONATI FAR ERS FARM COMMPAN NATIONAL FARMERS teal• %oM ONAL FAR OMENS MPANY AF IMERS MRPANY 'OMPA NATIONA` FARMERS COMPANY NAONAI FARMERS COMPAiNY NATIONAL F AMENS MPANY 4A IONAI FARMER$ COMPANY NATIONAL COMPANY NATIONA FARMER$ COMPANY F. II growth : over TO 1b.. breaking strain. Full length: re feet to the pound. Tull weight :Su its. to each We. Nu et grim 1a the bluder-compaotly wound ; made snare! of pure RAMS Hemp 'Mout adulterant ,{any kl..o, absolutely the beet ever "Mired the Canadian fanner. 501 M. NATIONAL BIN DER T W IN • FOB 1311 CASH with any one of the folbwdng valuable and useful PREMIUM 14 -Karat GOLD-PLATED WATCH, stem wind- ing and stem -setting, guar&nteed reliable time keep- er-ladyra or gentleman's sire -maker's guarantee with each watch. SOLID GOLD RING set with genuine Garnet and Opal gems -stamped and warranted -with maker's Trade Mark and guarantee. MUSICAL CLOOK. glass, sidle, in Nickel Silver and Gilt -a handsome ornament and accurate timepiece. A never ending pleasure in the home. NOW IT IS DONE' h` xal.aal Farman Go. Del. divest to tial tray Gds Farmers 1 •mptoye ne mt d e menr aunts, does busters only for moth, makes no leas -Every dollar doe•s its full duty. We have a lot of NATIONAL SIN DER TWIN on head --so much [MOM. bank rate of Interest tint.' after leanest, on the money locked op, will amount to many (bo.a.nd dotter" ' We want to tate that Interest and give It to the farmer la return f ,r rash. That Is where the Keno um cm aces In. dirk* f. , . 434/1411e4Hkik****#iii**tt4it4**tki'ik*t}fir* This rout parry reenrves t be right to refund year money If the pries of Hemp advent,. by reason of the Philippine war or other easeoes. Manila Ilenmp comers from the Philippine Island.. ORDER AT ()NCR mad mak, certain of your •,aeon'• supply before Hemp advance.. Remit mono to as only by Postal Note, Post Oates Order, Repro.. Order or Regl.tere l Letter. Write your name plainly. pylae your peat or.* ad. drew end also the railway dation to whl.13 we are to ably the. Twine. Toa pay freight on oho Twine from iORON TO. w. .sod yea the prosaism prepaid by mall or express from Toronto. Observe above direction. ease. fully so we +stand maks any mistake 1n forwardingone goods. Nay whether ou want a Gentleman's or a lady's Weida, a Mueiea ('lock or a Ring -If the latter, seed a piece of airing er paper .ta. required. tsAddnas all Jottersand maks all rmlttaaese peyablo to FARMERS NATIONAL FARMERS COMPANY, COMPANY TORONTO. F TRMERSIONAL COMPANY re -Enquirers are referred loamy Mereantlle Aimee, and to the Editor of this paper as te.er responsibility. NATIONA FARME COMPAN NATIONA FARME NAIR/NAL NATIONAL NAT NAT pg p COMPAAN NATI FARMERS OMPA Y COMPANYCONPANY COEARME MPANY COMPANTCCOMIPAN> COMPANY COMPANY COMPAIIY nr..d lag for Writ. 11..1. The majority of pout: ry eaten like the whoa meat better then the dark, and the fowl th.t best suite the majority of pnr- shaaers hese, large amount of breast meat. The beet market fowls carry this white meat not only on the brain proper, but well tack between the leg-. A great deal of the market poultry falls to be thick - worsted between the legs, which is • vial defect. Fowls should be selected for breed- ers whoee legs sand well apart, with the body between them of good width and with a ter:dency to put on flesh then. -Farming. The rest demand for a pleaawt, sob and reliable antidote for all affections of the throat and lungs is fully met with In Bickle's Anti Consunmptive Syrup. It is •purl Vegetable Compound wed •eta promptly and magically in •uLdulog all coughs, colds, bronchitis, Inflammation of the lungs, eta it 1e no palatable that a ethild will not refuse It, and it is put at • pries that will not exclude the poor from Its beneath Mew and Their Weepers It is really surprising how nuallabiaRai • lot of hens do if they w on ail two with the one who ttk-. (ails d them. They have • way of sizing their keeper up that is setonishing. If they like him they are profitable; If they do not then lemma thing wrong with the keeper. It la a pretty good thing to get on 'peaking arms what the hens. They have a language that Is may to learn, and are great talkers If Pe► perl7 eaoouraged. A Carefully Prepared Pill. -Much LIMO and attention were expended In ez- perimentlo with the Ingredients Stat enter into the compsltlon 03 Parmelee's Vegetable PILIs before they were brought to the state In which they were ant of- fered to the public. Whatever other pills may be, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are the result of muck experimenting and study, and all persons suffering from dye pepsin or disordered liver and kidneys may confidently accept them se being what they are represented to be. lot Beaton Manager -Haw different these fellows are when they Dome to town! Usher -Are you smoking of that long haired man in the front row? Yes; he's laughed at everything that has been said on the .tag. tnnlght.' "Well, don't he laugh at home?" "No; I nnderetand hell the town crier." -Yonkers Statesman. We glee Ode dim WATC1 *aka* s.d Ise od- es nes wets seri • Shaw rryYdw Weeiss.,esgod Ise suet Meeldtl Der M1 Pada Leri. ea yen haw ••Y the Wlaka r. ars do mow, sad w WM el �r id y N droll watch how gsae.d ren wises wki35 1a as, Irby mat y..? n wr4serV, sio•den Mer paten. Ii1ITILIEIT 11RM M., T..OSTO, SAN, Jones -And is ha so very popular? Johnson -Poplar? Why, that man has heon the preferred endltor in Eos failures. The pimples have dteapp•sred, Meg Compound Iron Pills dM !t. • Rollie- Was tt a quiet spat where yam Mooed Mot1N? Clout• -No, tt was on the month. PM6rmtnd--Whet infanthood the Aber- �.a ate plans that Maw had eels INS P Alt ip is . atS AIRM �• ..oxrat ..r., ya.oz-Tb answer - W hY en/lel ...He wand a dlvrn ye," said, he lawyer, "because he may. his wife refuses to Book for him." "He's not entltied to 1t," replied the dyspeptic partner. •'No man is entlilalte a divorce unless his wife Insists vow cooking when .he can't." If your child 1s pal., peevish, nal dais not thrive, a dose of Miller's Worm Pow- ders occasionally e Ill cure. Uar .«mat Dl.tleetl•aw "Why do you hold that Miss Perkenham is not your 'meal equal? Her father L one of the wealthiest men In this part et the country, Isn't he?' "Yes; but my parents were married by • minister. Hen were joined by a justice of the pesos." Tete Noah ♦.rima,. Although 1t bon the name of Deimos& se, 1t was an unprstentlon. restaurant 1a the seberbs of St. Louis. A stranger ear emit ow asked: "WVe have you got today?" 'M<aa and alp, s.13 " •',Lnything else?" "Yes. rah, you kin hab de alp widget de ham, or de ham wldout de alga" FREE AGENTS WANTS. is every tows wal Omens to San ere d Imst eau n fable gsealemsoods), for Der veal a euro eg See (vasal or Metro regular price 10e. and 408. e.00ppyy)�Patent Lover C 1.[Nww Sear? Pie e. •I tar Imola Thimbles. Modle ao4 Lam p W leas end other goer. /or sellteg two doses at the tam goods et tech yesoar cholla of • W.te& sad Oa terse Air CrreekRoring er Hockey Skates, Viel1s Dow, or OgitaroAoe.adeoss, yonly (}*vary Fwnehtng Bag, teotell, sada! T�arge •.11.47 ag other goods te shoo» hem. We seed yen -.LI premium Its1 a* your Gat erd}r. No .wet regelrsd. We wad you the goose to Boll, yaS rrtun ss the money sad we seed yogi year pre^ mime. GO te work at one& Whim you write state wbieh Use you minim teMm /alem Mirth Novelty Co., egg Mir SL T w REIDS' PIANOS In TOUCH, TONI and FINISH they haw no equal. Cornwall- ath wanted tr every town Is act as spats REID BROS., 157 art N Wes. tr weeds be. trews Inesaes+ 'tee Tal, f o, ase ••rlsMy w 38.4, rOrr3rep..11• peeps, 101 boas .ens serf& LIr w'al, ate, 1g..g1aw ' 6 maa�r•�•mll s c Elft. iw r�mw p�.51/3 Mrmrwe. sir k116.ln%-tt lC.lkial ISM Saw~ ,