HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-3-2, Page 44 TSUNODA", March 2, 1899
E.B. 1 M.H.
- ett�-
Your (h• W d.ngsealtar h.gat
tali ?w .
1Y. Wheele
have termed for them
bolero • reputation for
SA (31, SA 15/
Let ua talk to yuu before math,
mg • selection. Gel our hand-
some eatelognt•.
Bicycle &Music House
Bicycle Livery.
Sht Ague,
is no
mai S. 10esOi*OW T
9oe1111oa. luuRBDAY, MARINI ft MS
-Uoderich want. the C.P.K. and
wants it badly.
- As • political factor iu Weet
Miran R. Hours& has come t8ete
-We have hada great plenty of
. political elections iu West Huron. It is
time for • change.
-When a Tory does the two-faced
act nobody should Jay anytbiug about it
It isn't polite, you know.
-It is all right for a Tory speaker
to toll different stories to different people,
bet at is wrong to tell ou
-The showing up of that attempt
of Gsowa TAyLos, M.P., to mislead the
farmers has made the Tories madder than
• nest of hornet..
-Imagine the Mail and Empire,
that sink of persistent misrepreeent•tiou
nod calumny-, presuming to give lesions in
manners to anyone.
-The man who honestly believed
that Roam Hamm was not the strongest
candidate tis Liberals could put up in
West Harm died Let week.
- Mr. CLwroRD'S bill to imdemni-
ly persons who are maimed in the service of
employers is specially designed to make
provision for Opposition candidates who
have run up against the Grit threshing
-The Star bee no word of condem-
n.tioo for the Coseenstave whip's lack of
•'oonsideratios for the social and business
amenities of fellow -citizens" shown in hip.
going to the fernier' with one tale and to a
manufacturer with another.
-The Star has an ingeniou.- theory.
"The sacredness of private conversations"
should not be violated when a Tory stumpsr.,
is fogad tat telling one Flory for, tile
farmers and another for the manufecturen.
JANOi, The Star and Osuaua TAYLOR, M.
P., make a great trio.
-The fuss that is being made over
Mr. !imitating' revelation of Opposition
campaign methods is just • new illustration
of an old Tory doctrine. It isn't right to
tell the truth about them. They hive
abused Mr. TARTS ever since he disclosed
the stealing" under Tory Government.
-The Toronto Mail and Empire says
Dan 110111J.Ic7por ls responsible for the
suthonhip ef • campaign flysheet • about
Beale elevator men. The Mail and Em-
pire is guilty of a deliberate falsehood when
It makes the statement. Mr. McOILu-
CUDDr had nothing to do with getting ap
any flysheet during the campaign.
Btratfard Beams : Judge • men by his
tests. Rest, Mr. Blair is roundly abused by
W polities' enemies, who bed him • hard
Inas 1. beat, bet the people have names to
aap1sd him. He is the only Weimer e1
Missy, Goads has yet had that has stood
tap far Oke people against the ergot railway
beterests. At the m..timg of the railway
e.InInittee of the Privy (;oaooil the other
day be rive it pretty plainly to be aider.
stood the1 be would not permit, omission be.
*woes the railway. And the M&nd&rd Oil
Ce. tnesmpoly to ooatiooe, And the eolloilors
ter obese companies at ono. wilted. Am
team a Mr. Blair ,tad' for the people be
seed set ogre shout the Abase of his sneer -
• • •
rati1,Qrt0NN THAT TatLet..
Terabits Star : The remarks whbb Coe-
,urvativea wed Cosearvtive aspen made a
seas& of pairs SU When the Oat•rjn Oov
etiamasI mode the harmers with the Moeda
deo psepe weeld look paouU. now. The
Nustry was bane robbed. was being hand-
ed ever to the despoiler, they ..Id. Bet
oompaay has bees at wore • couple et
years, hoe sopaaded 11146.000. and has r•-
. wind
--grdevd seteing is return. The tact le oar -
ha sly very mash to be deplored. for It
in peeve that oarwa portiere of ear
y are sot as rlah in minerals as we se -
Ret 11 also proves that the O.t-
Geyernoat ea usual got the 1eag and
Ma bargain sod, as has bees he essom
Oa leas owe ley year a matters of tab
Sid Me vary best theme torah. easels
• • •
tewrt$R'i Oo11TSADiOTIOwR.
Adpmelar t Ria Charas Tepper
O.. alnii 0.11seW a Thursday Slelb ref.-
tlwselld Wade M sib ealv.tta of Meals
Med No eeMela Sir Charles bee sloe ham
lbgekltiag f.r tweets 'hare ted the Wyo.
doRa 4. I. el X.ehe•l Pokey. Kew
=00e.• sWeeereariet ie".
Wads, if 11 were ewer
•tt.a.blo, weak' mees the swaths et
ever7 art1040 is ai•Plale:ns:• 9 isepr- Ab -
white free tree within the simper* was Ike
modiawn on whoa Mr (b•mberlate Isl-
sated before tee outsold uta dally dismiss the
goatees of • preter.•ee toe steroidal pro•
ducts 1s the Biotic► market. Would Sir
Char toe -'upon .free to tau ...dlhN! If
so, he discards the Suisse! relay body
and boson. It would he •dinotewlradOekee
el every pnw/uDe of the Con •erv.tive
parLy anon 1878 Baur* •tteeking Sir
WUfrid I•.un r to ws.mbr•obg Laporte'
free trade, Kir Charles .build be hose's
eauugh to theatre bis owe Attitude towards
$ e •
Teruoio Globe : 1. ars sure thtth.Ahe
Caaadlea people, irreep*otiv• of party, will
gad eauefwtiou in the attitude of their
repreeeut&ttv., lust lee they will regio that
all *ores have not been heeled and all dit-
fereeoes outmoded. We .kali no:. rub off
Leto any valeta, bluest aesertioo of Cao•-
4la• rights. nor late •py peahen al aveo-
tive against the hatted S.star. We keow
that Canada is not merely seeking food fur
that small pride and petty wmplaotaoy
wbtoh come from driving • hazier bargain
than fair d..bsg warrants, and we wall not
believe that the United States bee soy de
liberate design to berme and bomlltate this
to0stry. Our oommwionan at tva.kingtoo
neem at hey* ease all honorable lengths in
ee"kao for • fair buts for the adlustmeet
a e boundary dispute, 0e whtok the m
•o ion h•' Dome to halt, and wo cannot
bet think that re the end • like spirit will
determine the .olio of the Wasbiogtoo
• •
ton. Mt'.0 LGIIYL1T1u6.
1orosto Star : There le too muob Luisl.-
tioo, too many changes, aid too email
tinkering with st11.1es sod the wroteo law.
A member amen down to P.rlr.meot with
the idea that the first thing that he mast
do is to put through somas legislation. and
est sours new tag on some old law. •'
It seems to me that it w more wmmend•
able to Ie • bill tiller than to
be a bill maker. There is *cough evil
and immature feel dation oomag sip year
after year to keep the mostdtl gent member
on the alert, watobtng Ir. Why does sot'.
member go book to hie wactrtueatt loOd
toy . "1 autroduobd no new le.ul.biou,
for there is no used of new legislation, and
laws should may be ohauged whea {heir
soli la u p eaWvely evil But 1 did kill •
large number of tali -baked propositions
whtoh, if they had ttwom• law, would have
borne harshly on you." Lesada
tion cannot cure all social defects, and to be
•uooa..ful it should,' like all remedies, be
used sparingly. The exo.efve use of it
threatens to brag phial., government into
disrepute. Some of the most valuable
members ut the Qatario Legnlctare have Au-.
troduoed but little Iseid•tica.
• e e
Guelph Meroury : Sir Charles Tupper,
in his ep.eoh at Toronto on Wednesday. de
clued in his most emphatic manner that
'•rstali.tion" should heooetorth be the
motive of Canada in her dealings with the
Vetted Stat.., Nothing Mould show better
than such • remark bow utterly unfit Sir
Clarice is to control the destioy of the Do-
minion. A war of retaliarioo Is the very
last thing Cooed& should uudertake, sed it
was mon untimely than at a at the
present juncture. In spite of the meagre
outcome of the Lie negotiations .od the ie•
grtaed sod ioso..te obstinacy of some
American public men, there is good reason
to believe that those two co0utnon o0s set
•loog without coega•v and irrttati&g each
other. Is takes two to nista • quarrel, .od
if we go on doing our owe work to oar owe
way no harm can come to ms. 11 we go out
of oar way to bully our nirbeer. we •ha11
do ourselves no good The proper •tt aide
fer Gouda sow to assume s the damnified
roe of minding our own bedew, form0l•s-
tsm ear owe policy, developing our own re-
eurows sad peopling our own territory. la
all nutter. iu regard to lblob ■e mus:IMive
commuoioatlw with our ue.ghbm, let we
set them an example of courtesy end mag-
nanimity that will .scum for us the eym-
patby of the Mother Coaetry aed of foro.gn
'ninon.. if ocr neighbors think they Man
afford to be petty, that or no names why we
should follow that. example.
Wingh.m Advenos . Mr. Holmes ie •
worthy member of the fourth estate. and
will doubtlees make • goad represat.tive.
Kincardine Reporter : Harr.' for
Holme.! On Tuesday Retort Holmes, the
Liberal candidata i. Wert Huron. defeated
Robert McLa., Oeeeervtite. by • mai ir-
Ity o/ 118. It was • great vtotory end we
soegretul•t• the waxer.
Brunel. 1'u.t : The Poet extends omens-
"el.tlons to Bro. Holmes, of the /:liotoe
Now Fa, on big election u M. 1'. in West
Baron. Hie viotory is as mooh • oompli-
mest to his own manhood' and integrity es
to the gamest mtufsotion gees by Sir Wil-
frid LturOir and his Government.
Mutobell Recorder : T ne bye.leolion to
8d the seat formerly held by M. C.
C.meson took plus In West Heron on
Toads,. The result was • •pludii vio-
oty ler 11 ibt. Holmes, he Liberal condi-
date, with a majority ovnr hill Tory oppose
set, le • Tory ounetttasaoy, of 118. Mr.
Holmes, the amber elect, is • newspaper
men. and he has our h..rtteet eosgr•tuls•
tone en his signal victory In West Huron.
Parry Sound North Star : Mr. Robert
M Holmes, of the Chides New Era, ex -
president of the Canadian Preis Aeeooiatio.,
beg Ines Glutei member of the How of
Commons to rspn.at Wont Hera In plows
of the late M. C. Cameros by • majority of
120 Toe *booties was one of the hardest
e ver foaeht le the riding, end we Dogra/a•
ate our frlaud Mr. Holmee on his earner.
It wee a battle of the Robs ad our Bob
mem out &head. Mr. Holm.. will be •
member of whom West Hertaseri nee
ashamed. f
Myth fitend.rd : The Staod.i holeyt
great pleasure le .zIeedtne hearty ooegrat-
&hitless to it -o. Helm's, of the (Motes
New Era, upon bordeotion to the C.e.dian
How of Commode es the repr•salative of
West Heron W file 1a* game of poll :toe
is permitted to he played In Coned. this
✓ r..t family jnarunl wig sever hays soy ob.
Potions M seine good. hnn.nble, lode
pendent men of Bob elm..' stamp, w
they 1. Grit or Tery, eluted to • seabit7:454
Parliament Hen's a tiger to yon,
and may your parliamentary oarwer Its
happy aad prosperous we.
"Medea Banner • Rolin Holme,ii
Liberal madldete who hes lust been .rpresas West Heron. will make •
rate member. Heb • Ilse type of Gasedaa
and Is sell Informed on pohle ywtoes,
'wiles/ proprietor of the Clinton New Ira.
At, prserst he b mayor of Clletea The
m•jorlty was not oonened ee are ens
loo.11ty but was spread s 1 1 ayes the m osty
10 II.* townships sed owe tows, deepoIlea
the ioaeliteesey he seared a e eissity (s all
1.t use 1 lwnsblp. This dose sway with
say greed that `kb oppoote may kiwi to
sheat bribery. Bel It does not rostrals tae
Mail sod Reptr tram. *hotting It.
Meat Free Pea : I. the bi..eilotMs
metre for Um Roses N Oemmess Its NOM
Hees re Teesday Mtwea' Me "sate of
Bob" -Rebate Moilssok el Iliste., .err
Robert Meows. ol God•rlek-..g ilob.f
Wm Chimes New Br., Isle.t thetheadlos Pomo Asseel•tiee, wee a to
be the frost Bob. The Pr.. Pisa orsgre-
balaba Mr. Holmes .paw .Iae4s mid
W Mates .4 Waft Retie spas *Mwieg ..
• pgr.smbHva mgr. M es
• ••s of
le este worthy . nine 01141 sterlisg .hsrsataz
h e possess_, Fee tee pears la eav�nvio e
Mr. Holmes hes teas mayor el ►u tows
W. vodka that he will make kw meek. le
the Hew el Cemtaow,
Woedeteek Seut4•I-Keview : West
Huron Littorals .re to be u*sgr.wl.ted es
the Weenies .4 Mr. Holm" as tear rare-
oeataltve at Ottawa. His enemies, Yr.
Yol.s••, Was as ezaspdeslly .iris.n o•sdi-
date, beige • ocariwt w111e dealer .rd
well acgeu.Md .od pepd u with the farm -
ere el the along To add la this, tN 1)..-
•urvatav leader wee Drought to t►+ Mina
.0d • spousal Bort made by the party t•
stay the ewes of defeats that It ►.s bow
n eeettio ever si... the ..neral .4.01400 of
1096 lies u le evidsut'bet the elwbr. of
Me atw{b s soy "per.w►
tae r d sM party .s fey as
Creates hoped they would R• asked them
to vote for his candidate out - ase" of ay
pokey whioe tf it were a bus power be
would Garry out 10 the furan, but beosiu
the t:oneesvauves had dose.. moxa bar re
country to the pest. The result of 1Nu
'ladies le amply another lsdb•tioe that U
the party whole for so sissy years held rho
runs of power at Ottawa n ever aunt o
regain chez • new start will he •bwluesiy
neoesary. 1a Mr. Holmes. the now mem-
ber for the riding, toe How of Commons
obtains • decided .agsWtiw to mus ability
He Is • louro$ltet in (listen, a former proem
di a% of the C.s•dla. hem Aesowaiioo, and
highly ..rosined by Ina oofrerse throughout
the owstrv. He i. • capital speaker .red
his long .xperienos 10 newspaper work W
gives him • toorougb grasp of public again.
He will peeve bim.elf • vete Gimlet repre-
Sealsrth Expositor ; The Dominion bre.
elution in Nest Hares, wblob aloud os
Tuesday reveals; teat, resulted te the eleo
Lion of Rebut Holmes. the Liberal osadi
date, by • majority of 118 Mr. Helloes
and the Liberals of the riding, .s well as
those of the satire proviso•, ere to be oos•
gr•tulated on the reeelt. The dories
*hated more than local interest. The
candidates are both looked apps as strong
me* ; the oen•tatuenov wed" osrteidend road
Betting ground. with a slight Conservative
tinge if enyt8ing. It was thoagnt, there-
fore, that the election would .Hord • rood
criterion as to the seaters standing of tie
perfuse 10 tau proviso*. Seth phrase seem
to have axometer' it as mach, and both put
forth their best sfforus t• win. The pblto
questIo.. wen freely duou ..d by the lead
tog and but mea o1 both lartlee..ad the
electorate were thus made fully convergnt
with the waw of the campaign. The result
is as we Lave already stead, thou showing
that the Liberal party •1114 posse••.., a •a
eminent degree, the oouSdenoe of the
people of Ontario, as well ea of the ether
provisoes, .ad that the Ory of the Coeur-
•.ttve journals •bout the go -called "new
I. borehole is • figment of their m•gi•-
•no01. To Mr Holme., the .uomedul
n.tdodete, we entad oar most he.rty one-
gr.taletione. tie has res•op to feel prom 1
Of the .pleedid hgtt% hulas made. Wiles
he sneered the 000[ast prospwY were, to
Gey tb• least. not too eooaar.gisg, bet he
has bravely overoome all obetaela, sag be
oas now settle down to the e.j •yaws.able
well-earned boson. W• wish ler his a
long, u eful and • ssooeeelei psbho cane.
*Metal 1/..1•ra/Nn sr maturates .meet
Gads-metalb or the Teat.
Oo Friday afternoon, .t the court house,
re•-urslnr officer 'tends made the otboud de•
ol.ratiea to the Wont Hares h�eei.gfilj4,-
Mr. Holme' nisi coy u 140. B,kb sem4a•
dotes were primal at the deol.r•tia. sad
R C. Hays ad A. M. Todd also were a at -
tendon*, with Mr. Mclean. The differ -
woe of two from the mal tray se given last
wa, k-135 is made up by • doormen o1
Yr. 'toLun'a majority is No. 3, Ooderich
t.•wn•bip, from 35 to 32, and as meioses it
4. Aeh5etd, from 20 to 21 for the ..me
a ted.d•te. Following is the vote .
p .t 1. rig Sabdi vi•lse.
1-Dongsaso. -
2-Finley's --.
4 -fort Albert
6 Lnob.lsb. .
7 - Amberley .
Mao for Holmes, 11.
Towle or GooenlcH.
1-Ktrkbicride'e,.,.g4 77 25
2- Videos's i 6k. 11
3 -Town Hall 72 40 32
4 -It aneimaa's. 66 47 18
5 -Welts', 43 49 1
6--Broehey'e 67 6e 9
7 -Hays' 54 33 21
412 - 370
Maj. fee Holed.., 42.
1-Mo(,owen'e 80 42
2-8. House Na 13 84 70
3-S. Hewn No. 9 . 72 38
4-Whitaoburob66 31
301 - 161
Maj. tor Holmes, 170.
1--Itusgsasoo 87 70 -. 13
2--Aabars64 66
3 -Town Hall 36 (04
4 St- Helene 83 50 33
5 -Patron Hall 64 33 31
294 282
Maj. for Holmes. 12.
Coulon, g.
1- Beomilbr. 106 52
9-B•Itford 37 49
3-C.rlow 77 87
4-I...b,ro 68 30
287 218
Mai. for Holmes. 69.
1 -Orap 0.11 36 100
-.Km Retiree's 32 67
W 8tltli05'50 82
4-Ww, !�r�, •25 69
Tebbe�l•i .. - 64 70
HelM..vill. 36 32
233 420
Maj Her Mele.s, 187.
1 -Dowse Store - 39 36
2 -Tows Hall . 41 24 17
3-J ohs Stewart's-. 52 34 18
4-Hary Sean's61 37 14
b-YeMur.by'e 40 28 12
b -T. R.ebell'e37 24 t3
7-1). Disko use'22 28
e-SMebesees'e 40 32 8
a1 H. Mol_
81 ...
47 29
29 48
30 t 45
316 291
Mai. for Holm.., 73.
Total majority for Holmes. 140.
fisheeld .
E. Wew.■..h
W. Wwanosh
00derie4. township
Y 64
The Wel vote Out oe.siilg meoted hal-
1a4a1 wee 4.408. In the g.a.r•1 • entbe of
11106 4,060 vette wan e.si-l,1137 for (wee -
arse, 103 for Kitty and 1,440 ler M.1wa,
is the rosiest *lathes beth *.mdsd•me poll.
.d • larger vorte Is .very SOMlsip lbiy i. Ohs
144thaa ay. 44.the resider. Io•es*
r..8Meiel.mes molds*
i MeiYM b spas Aohe.l1 sad M,t..
Iwai ass, bet
1theAddeo fee Provis.Lsem
pares.is se
e.,,, ally Imzpse thee as seemMteteAle. the
D. art... (baperty the vete to the dl -
yahoos which teeo semmen to rho 1)omeales
•ed PrrvweW tiara's, itis sue that la these
&Ivories, the reseal eleortoe brought est fl6
mere voters thaw did tea eleo11•sr w Deo -
ember alb, the figures being 1)oosmbyr,
4,015 ; Febrsazy, 4,114 -
BY milmlif we MIAMI the verse" of •
wee white WOO 0005 wadi spirit and Rood
effect by Jeweekan W. Martin during the
retest *tootles campaign
When the lfeansiN sad the •1•.ylon, and
wrecker Tupper, too,
al es] trim, ►.a N art Huron It erg the
The!, w•bbled endthey notelet, id and
-knew not what to do.
And they hollered for •elet•uoe to Or.
M oo t•gue.
ljh '
Or. Msot.gu. • • 4l•do, • Y•) and
festive asap
. le wee. 1s Taoea's 119verum•ut that mod
with • at wimp ;
The ubmed wag tilled op with • l..ther-
w.Igbted crew,
Arid they overturned Ibetr basket when
they took to Montagu.
For be was • tamalc kioker end tried to
pull all wtree
Till he met the fete that folio ma au the wake
of caroms hale,
Aod the "eves 4.110 0" umbiae neve him
more than be Mould obese,
And the Government was marlin epikod,
end so wee Montague
nod be had • wrap trite W alleoe end he
wrote unhappily
To the Governor • letter that wag cytsed
wenymosely ;
He tried le knife Itis colleague, bed Clarke
Well... g•1 • slis,
And the Mina Irma Wont Y oak branded
poor Ito. Meatag a
Now Tapper'. in W..1 Huron, and 11 otter
effort tett.
He'll pow before the people si the (..haw
of Long Tales.
Hs has tried to got in worker., but his
scaem« have fella. taetugb,
rood the ono that threw 4e down the mat
was bulky Montagne.
West Huron o. the Twenty first will give
• glede0_e sound ;
It will shout, fa Holmes .ad Curler -'be
people's heart wall b...d ;
And the Tappers sad t8. Taylors end the
Baily Benuntte, too,
Will ba swallowed ta the eart8qu•k• tact
wee made by bleats no.
Thereare three cond itions:
When .ttbc blood it poor;
When more flesh u needed;
When there is weakness
of the throat or lungs.
There is one cure: that is
Scott's Emuls- n.
It contains the best cod-
liver oil emulsified, or di-
-ind combined with
the hypophosphites and
glycerine,. t It promises more
prompt relief and more last-
ing benefit in these cases than
can be obtained from the
use of any other remedy. '
sm..d ♦.oD, am 4'.....
SCOTT A SOWS., tysiim T redo
Me Margie be Oise aleerea M....
!ROMs $ tll1 _ et slaty
What is Catarrh?
1. .w.Hwh our e steal ee
�• Mwhaa1aellsaboseeaeeit
�lreermlpee�aaMSsa eb:e
ofltlo10,1tlmM• 4.
�lalmr ""o
t 4...
bwe to the mutterer • kerl.os,elegol ttwhew
ease 101 dltress, rays
id leave taste• -i4 rtdlt
healitg le tha sunlight of geed ee'src�t. -In
• we world. full of slew hope.• ben- mined
A. Marr. (biiuweuk. 8 0-, writes t�e1�,47�
history of the doing of Jopseem Clatvrb
Arm. ser h0absed was $ en* stater*
tar also yews from Ae I.S .lie ssa so tried
WA Mads et •lvestYM deotoe"'
treetwests. bet la *Very ease the *shard'
came haat. (lass year ago he eems*aeed
treating with Japanese Oatarrh Oise, Mad
lo-dy he 4. • well man. Mn. Parr ye
also- My nephew had catarrh se15417.
Ids breath tom o, tool it was tt( sea 0
go Near him." Ile. too, was mind by tied
Brent catarrh remedy. The oety guaranteed
eatarvb cure. An •teels'e gunr00te0 In
every packagge* 50�mods. All 0u druggists.
Griffith' & Neoplasms (b.. Tomenta 191
Sob Again, Oederiea.
Samu• 1 Grow, • premlawt reddest et
(:orris ler the pat 46 years, died es See.
day, Feb. 19, after as Weer of eaves yen.
Mr, Gr.er was ose of the and settlors u
the tew•.hip of Hearted, end Was widely
k sown throughout the ec•nty of Harm ler
hes may sterling qualities He leaves •
wile •W sake °iddie .
Morrie : H. Yeeoey purchased • flee
teem of young mare, at • good figure,
which h. hitherto Wino with him to Wey-
mouth. N. W.T., when he gee" west le the
Moon of • men18 er es. Ole beast was
bought from Mr. Oakley. sssr Wallas, sad
the other tree Mt. ORM. el limy. They
are well maa*H Sr. Meaey will
Ube 1ww tames w111 alta
Slaughtering Sale
Greatest Bargains aver
offered in Goderich.
Come, and be your own
- judge.
We are clearing out our
large stock of Lamps to
make room for Spring
Thus this great sacri-
Good goods for little
Store .
Reid's Old Stand, Goderich,
will be open in a few days with an up to -date stock of
-Dry Goods, Tailoring,
Men's Furnishings, and
Ready -to -Wear Clothing,
At Prices You Like to Pay.
Of this important department we speak with no uncertain
sound. It will be under the management df Mr. F.. H. Dever,
who knows how to make clothes. We carry the best
and newest material, employ only skilled labor. You run �q
chances. Our guarantee, " Your money back it not ant*
Isfactory In every detail," is behind every garment.,
We decided to locate in Goderich because we were so do -
lighted with its beautiful appearance and the hearty recep-
tion and kind treatment we had froth the citizens whom we
have had the pleasure of meeting, and because we believe
we can do a good business, whil!h wo will endeavor to secure
and retain by conducting it on modern business methods.
Our business creed may be covered by three words, ";Intelli-
gence, Integrity and Industry."
Open in a Few Data. Reid's Oli Stand, Jordan's Block, Ooderiok
A CaII Respectfully Solicited
..: Arriving every week •
It Pays to buy your Dry Goods
Next Bargain Days, March 2nd and 3rd.
tock -Taking Sale
• • • •
We have Just finished taking stock, and find the following
' sad lots of Hardware, which we will sacrifice for cash.
200 pair Loose Joint Butts, assorted 2ix2i, 3z3, 8ix3i and 4z4, bc. pr
20 Railroad lanterns at too
2000 large Trout Hooky at
30 Bullet Moulds at
15c. per 100
be. each
4 only Hall Umbrella Stands at 25c
5 " Kitchen Clothes Racks at 85c
1 " -Carpet Sweeper . b0c
5 " Steak Pounders at Sc
500 " Tinned Meat Hooks at
6 " Heavy Socket Chisels at
6 bottles Instant Crockery Mender at
100 lbs. Mica Crystal, for chickens, at
Lbe for the
1 doz. Bokel!b Buscher'Knives;T-in ^" """r`'' '" 25c
500 Bone Mustard Spoons 3 for be
25 packages Putz Paste Silver Polish at 5c
The above are all good goods and worth fully
double the money.
It is better
even to be right than merely original, Dull the
easy position you may assume in these sh osis
of ours we are ready now to show yon kelps
us get back to original comfort. If you !tat
solid, new -fashioned comfort
1 -
P.8. -The balance of our Winter as*
must be sold regardless of price.
rso•lea or RAST rr%Rmr
AID 100.4.
TSB radeSDAi.0000 was. asp Mg
man Prom US stoma eels,
has pleasure iH announcing to his old friends, aad
as w ones as possible, that he baa:ze-opeaed
the old stand, with a emaciate and en -
stock of
DR rt . - EMICALS,
and a large variety of
T` Dispensing Department
will alwayh be under his own supervision, or that of
a thoroughly competent assistant.
Reties e: ehR•See must be tan at Ma
Oise mos j 4sr than bale day
• Ise4 b The
MA latter thee fer sheave
dal owe. aril..1 Ad
are k.6/ W
seek weal.
e • tt
. ..,