HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-2-23, Page 8.Tivsazar, Feb. 23, lliy9.
i /oney=Saving Time for You.
We aro preparing to take stock ,lust now, and many lines, rather than
keep over, we are offering at half price. New and stylish Jacket.. and Furs,
etc, that it would pay sou to buy and keep till next fall at the prices they
are going at now. Read over our list. Come and see the goods ; no trouble
to show them.
10a Pale
*ell printed,
made W sell at
25e. Hooke by
Durham, (:urian
1)£13 1e ,-Mahle.
Aida and °there,
all going at. .130.
Winter 'wal-
ing fur hkik
nl0ilel • Y -
A Last Circe
Special lot of
J. heti§ in Blacks,
;mess 4111 Rrowli, •
going 41
$2 Each
Felt Sailors
Walking Hat..
.pedal lit at 1360•
Trimmed Hsu.,
Half l'rce..
t1 t ad Herts, salt and
tine, extra, at
Fn. Ribbed Cosh
mere Hose, nth
Laces, Ribbons,
" A Penny Saved Is a Penny
l ou ewt't moot
the cool night& if
you have a pair eJ
.411 tic pxI.x.• Is
Only $1.00
for regular 82.50
Nim whit, Qu11tS
huh 75c.
Not pennies, but dolor,,
sevtd in an Orel coat just
now. 1 few kit.
's F•ff$e beaver Overcoat
'''MM► -`swear It
fleets' Collars,
shape, well steeled,
Only 75c.
BestQualjty, Newest Shap_
Oily WO
up ni the largest wee
in the best makes.
Full line of
Corset Covers,
Night ins.
Shrewd buyers who have taken the irOfabie 10 make comparisons have
p.*V.d Osr exceptional values.
A 0■HruEEbsd Sawa OEBL.
Japanese Catarrh Cure -see Mx boom..
bay them at we time -apply giant, air
cording to the directions -and If on ) an not
eared see your druggist: be will arrange
trent., you your mono bock. There's a
a_g Jt
apanvme stiarCatacrrh Curewill ntee tcuurret No ebox turo.
yen get our money bark. Guarantee In
every sae 60 cents .t all druggist/. 2116
MONDAY, Feb. 20th.
Few deaths have occurred in the vill•pe
of Looknow that have camped more profound
morrow than that tihloh visited the home of
W. J. little on the 8th inst., when hi. mon,
Robbie, aged 9 yearn, 4i months, passed
away, after five days of intense sulfating:
The little fellow was a bright, intelligent
boy and a general favorite sod in their
great bereavement the parents have trim
earnest eympatby of the whole oommooity.
TIInsnAY, Feb. 21.
Robt. tzolmee 1■ the ma for West Horns.
Mrs. J. Du ruin spent IW week visiting
.t Riverdale.
The mild weather we now ahoy is quite .
Violater Ib• hard map.
Rod Mol)oog.11, of Cincinnati, Ohio, ie
the guest of Alex. Mclean at present.
J. L. hod D. McIntyre. the former of
Mount orest, Ont., .od the latter of
Dakota, were the guests of 1'. Scott on
Thursday last.
Oa Wednesday morning lest Mr. Courtney
had the m4feetuoe to lose his boom by tire
together with most of the contents. W'o
oaderstand sympathy is to be expressed in
a pr.otioal manner.
All parties getting their min bill. printed at
this °MBoe will have a free potties inserted
1n this list no to the time of sales.
FRIDAY, Marsh 3rd. -Sale of that splen•
did fifty acre farm, lot 22, oonoee.ios 3
West Wawenosh, also farm stork ad Imo
pimento, at the premien of the proprietor,
John H. Mallough, lot 7, oonoemioo 5. Ash
WsnxsenAY, Marsh 15th. vale of • first•
oleos fifty -sore larm--•oath hall ot lot 44.
1otemesten 1, Tookeremith - and alio of
pure-bred stook - shorthorns, Clydesdales,
rood heroes. ate., at lot 28. ooneeselon 1,
township of Stanley, at 2 Y.M. Jolts
Acaur, proprietor. TIfoMA. Ot.NDRY,
m.. mrw .••• a mrr regia aloe=
■I■ ■I■ on
i E1■ ■1■ col■
oil WHIP iii
J.Rsinvnra e.9
A (a,LustiogtC DEBATE ---At the coHe-
gl•ta Iastitete Literary Society meetteg to-
morrow (Friday) evening there will be • d•
bate oo the sab•ect, "Rewired. that the
negro has been more nrttelly treated thee
ter Indian." The deb tiers w.!1 to Mir
Germs Colborne, Mw titaue Gregory, Jr.
6Y/.s/smdilesst IVO.
Oou, UP Herr.,- J. R Towel/ay, et
Bark's lest, Parry Sound district, In re -
n ewts( his stbuerlptioo for THE SIGNAL,
writes that the temperature there has aver-
aged 20 below zero moos the let of Jasary.
However, Mr. Teweley'e letter iidto•tes
that Tog SIGNAL., when it arrives then,
gets • warm reoeptioo, in spite of the Klon-
dike temperature.
t'DTnRu4 Orrick Horst. -A grand at-
traotion oomtnr Iu frit oppa.rpoos west
of Toronto. A 11 Soammoo'. masterpieoe,
" The Real Widow Brown," with hell • oar
of mosnery and eoe°[c effects. The largest
guarantee of coy company that ever platted
hen give.. Ten thousand people witnessed
It in Toronto in one week. They Dome to
Uodertob direct end will give the mime pro•
deotion intact Aa it 4. assn in the large
theatres in the cities. March 9th is the
News or THY. r47(711. -The I;oderiob
hockey team goes to London next week to
play the return matoh web the Forest City
play,ru. The exact data is not yet fixed.
lo the Huron and Brace League ria Fri.
day night Luok.ow heat Wmgham at Look.
no, by 6 to 5 This 004 Wonahem out of
the 6h.Ii. sod the championship now lies
between Ktn*rdiue and Ripley. The Witte.
ham mese are not satisfied with their defeat,
. nd have challenged Llsoknow to • game for
$100 • si ie. The match may poesibly take
place io the (idenoh rtok The Sea -
forth town went 11 London last Pride),
night an 1 were defeated by the London
Nam by . soon of 10 to 4.
Cry Orr 1N Rio Voaxc MAvnoOp..rTbel
untimely destb of Amiantus W. Cornell.
one of the youngest business sten of the
town, *carred oo .Saturday. last, at the
early age of thirty-one years. The young
mw, previous to retuning to Od.rloh
shoat eighteen months mo, had spent
years in British Columbia and Cali -
fordo. While in the *est his health 1e
Dime impaired and • few weeks soo he ono-
teseted a oold which settled n0 his longs,
with • fatal result. The dsceasd was the
eldoet moo o1 A 14 Cornell. He hod been
only ten months married, and his young
wife, with his parent. anti other relatives,
h.e the sympathy of many friends. The
funeral took place on Monday afternoon,
the e.rvio. being onndooted by Rev. W
Godwin. The pallbearers ware Donnelly
Ieheaten, M. J Prnnelfoot, lay. Rand, T
H Na re, f1. Tilt and Chas Swanson
IMn.a..d'..lster, Mn. ,laser. of Washing-
ton, Dot., end his brother{ In-law, ('M., H.
Edward, of Torosto,nttended the obNunies
RAN ConF TO (InDret Kit ---Dresden Times:
" Ww Me wiled semi mane weeh+e Herm*,
le for de,yrtare from oar Albiet el Mr.
end Mr*. W. A McKim, two of one mret
popular sit ren., won h.t•e for m.ny yowls
filled nn am .11 oleo. in tism r.li,imee, eee1.1
and nuttiest life of Dre.deh. Forex years
Mr. M •King kw gone in ad out wmoeget
tie, s smolder, olear-hewdod business moo, a
Olt ten progressive and broad in hie view.
palate question.: • member takies a
perm nest earths the M..onicsnd 0 Mello.,
nags ; a weediest adherent of his (March,
liberal, of his means and of his me wed in
e ll ways 0 d1ervedly popular member of
eoefety Universally liked, he 1 many
friends whn will regret that he Asa doomed
It best in the Inte'rt et his business,
t rein ea from here The ehnrrh of cough
Mr. McKim was a faithful meaner, will
mi m her intelligent ester/retie std ; the
vision• elmritsble n000ato r. will Ines In
Metria -w6 their moot entlreideettn yappers -
era, 'sissy a.eolel getlmrinv *III Iealirw tot
• roomers of ono Ishii has hitherto been eno
of moiety's bri,ktset n.neoent. The noses
idss with the homeroom friends of both In
whiffler, them fn their new hnm• a tae/ Irl.
•ef werdem'artn happiness and prperty. -•
n. TUter, formerly oof GOderfok. Is ea-
CvT HN Fara Orar.-Whale plaque 1
hockey at the risk last Solway ofteramta,
Mester Farrow, sea of A. Farrow. wee hit
la the (Goa by • heck.y-stick. The New
amt hie upper hp open to badly that the
Jester had to pet to several stet ohm to Diose
the wound.
C. Kuaasab DeesA.s A Keener, of the
island Revenue Departaaat here, received
• telegram on Weds.eday of last week mutt -
Oro him of the death et his brother, Chea.
Kgeser, at l(amiltoo. Mt Keeper attended
Me obsequies at Hamilton 'The deposed
was the ddes. goo of the lata Frederiek
Hisser, who wee en Honorary Colossi of
cavalry Is the Brinell army.
FRUIT Pt Lr 1N Win Ha1TleH MAasrT.-
The Ontario D.pertmoot ul Agrioulture bag
trued a bulletin te releroom to the expert,
of fruit pile to (l 1 Rrtiila. lafermsliss
is elven is regard to the prim -otiose o1 this
article, and the 000dium' . British trade.
Fr*ttrrow.rs who may be Interested may
obtain • 000y of the bulletin oo applloaIoo
to the 1).partm..t of A ylouItsr , Torrence.
A Nsw HAND 1torrtat'MSNT.-A splendid
• ddittoo has been made to the Uoderioh f
Marisa Band's outfit la the shape of •
hand•"me euphonium (" E eat' Mel The
is a $75 lostrument, of high Mom end very
handsome appearance. It 4 ib. policy of
the Musical Society to add to mid Improve
the band's oetht w thestat. of their t000-
oes will warrant, sod the •ruunoe of the
ottix.n, should be eztended In the efforts
which are baog toads to build up • tint -
&.r monoal ortaitauoo to Gd.rlob.
Mss Ttt.L,Y's AunRzaa--T . Oederioh
elide of King'. Daughters desire to remt0d
their friends that Mn. 'Tilley will deliver
an address ea Friday afternoon at 3 e'olook,
sad is the evening at 8 o'clock, in the
lecture room of Knox church. Costribu
wens of not ler than 5 Dents will Its Meeks
. d at the doer for the bees6t of the poet.
(load m*no will be provided and deeors-
tions of parole and white bander, with
flowers, will aid is snakier: the .oeaeios
unique, bright and helpful All are °or-
dially invited to vivo the tenoned epe•ker a
good reception.
Bi. o..e -Al the m*Hag of the Kumar
din. Hoard of Trade, bald last Fel tar night
• oommittee oouasting of A G. Moiety re,
H. T. Hordes and William Morrey was in•
etruoted to act i■ oonieoctioD with (iris -
nob sod other lake porta to an effort to have
• first -otitis fleet of 'steamers ply on this
coast of Lake Huron Signe tee
wreok of the Cambria and the w its
draws' of the Carmona the Wmd.or-
Soe route be •acaat. The board is
M opinion that the routs oan b. made a
vary pro8tshls Doe for two or three good
steamboats. The (ward also appmated •
nodes to negotaat• for the building of a
large summer hotel and lakeside ootta0...
more aocomodatton losing urgently needed
for the increasing number at tourists who
come to Kiooardtoe to speed the y rimer.
Orr HAND RIPL. SHOOT-FoH.wine t•
the some of the Goderiob Off -Hud Rids
Cluh'e shoot last Friday.
'100 yds. 200 yds. Total
0. P.saiogtoo . 44 Di 62
H. W. Ball 28 12 40
W. Getle 12 . 22 34
James Andrews30 37 67
E. C. Penaiegten28 7 36
F. J. T. Naltel- 31 34 65
C. Itdd 30 24 54
Capt. Donnelly, . 21 7 2s
JobeNewoeitbl, 36 -13 49
14. Laithwaitey 21 30 51
N I) Routvie.. 23 32 55
A number who bad missed former coolest*
in the oowtp.tution shot off darling the week
with the tollowine result
J. Newcombe38 - 12
U. L•ithwade . 36 12
N. D Rewrote . 24 26
E R Watson35 25
Capt. Donnelly ' 26 15
N. 1) Rouget.., 20 2.3
K k Watson45 94
Cha., Reid . , 24 17
or E.TsiTAt,. irpo --The 1x.0011.1 com-
mittee of the mwicel society gave us au-
thority a few day mo to annonnoe that the
long premised Harvard quartette would at
last positively appear on the evening of
Moodey cert, but at :be last moment a
°Amite bad to be made, sickness detaioisg
them is Boston. Ceder the cuoumetano.sthe
committee promptly did the best that could
be doss by Deicing m chance to bring in •
mon varied and higher priori entertain-
ment, wits no extra charge for admission -
the Ozford Mintiest Club, whloh provides
. iogiag, with muds on t h. guitar, mando-
lin, bssjo and other instruments as re.
quested. Admission to eon -Bakst holders,
50 and 36 (tesu.
I:ohoarg, Ont., Feb. 4.b -The Ozlords
were berg last night. They are first class
In Elver) particular. T. T. 1)4,.1.5
There was a very good ettendanoe at the
opera house last night at the eourtainmeot
given by the Ozford Mo.io.l Club in the
Star oourae. The program was as enter-
taining mixup of vooal cod instrumental
solo. and duette, along with twos or three
descriptive Moose. Oa the whole it was a
great e0ooaes.--Unties Express, Woodstock.
Fiv ANYte OF TM, WENT Hi'ans Pt,swiR.
Yr'rc UNION. -Following is •detailed stats.
meat of the 0.0.491. and expenditure, of the
West Heron Plebi.oit. Upton in commo-
tion with the plebiscite campaign last fall :
(col, at. Doarsnnoo ocavenlesn, $ 3 80
From Aehb,ld township ?4 86
o Colborne township 23 56
Odericb township 31 75
E, Wawanosh township. 31 60
W. Wawanceb township 23 96
o Clinton 36 09
Oderloh town 16 00
$190 69
D11aiat1M INTS.
Paid for literature ..... $ 38 28
" See.•Treas.. salary
" for telephoning and t•Ipbg
" for asatioeery •0d postage
" Meorotary for org•niltng
" to Central food.
" for looide tale
Balsam en hand .... .
25 00.
18 76
b 00
26 00
6 56
0 81
5190 59
THE Of atilt JneiTtON RAILWAY. -Aha
l.r1.ly 'trended me•t.ing of the Guelph
}Nerd of Trade en Taeodoy Maio the fol•
lowing resnlutioo in regard to the *steneins
of the C P. R watt passed : Moved by Mr.
Wei '. 'seconded by .7. H Powell, that. in
of, o-.•sem of thf. Mord of Trade the time
hu nems when energetic satin° .hoold bs
raken M the eittz•n1101 t;netnh, f° order to
induce the ('anadisn P•ciflo RA•Iw.y M 1x
Nod the line tram ehi, oily to the town of
• 4bndwrta h, irr'venr#lnrw *Met he oft-rattent-
n.1+te'swetteeo!n that rfl•ot he/ ander which
,h• Gn.lph 'lunettes Railway w•. noeetreot•
..110('emph.lh11ln,atthe sxiwose of the
tee.peten rf f:1),,ph That the railway
*committee of this t..,.rd are heresy trgnast•
..1 to oo.oper•t• truth the board of diree.nrs
of ohs t.hoy• resit a• .n.gt.ted in the pre -
seeding. el r heir enema meeting, and that
linty at nnr, nese r•nmmenle•tinn. with the
town •I (i.deneh and other mnnietpolitm
interested in the .x1.0.ion referred to.
Pin.'. Pure stet for table or dairy
BAw1PImS'-A few more barpins he now
and .anenn had owl and wed stoves s$
W nhwttla: •
WANTED Hotta,, 161 17, A ton le
Feather*, 11rl.1 Moles and Raw refs.
lll•tf N. K. Kion, Wfhghe.r7,_
For (i T R. Oakes. and coprer maw,
orders and fel.i.atta to etl parte of the
world, got to Me F. F. 1A*ra0e World'
Army:W est -e t
Rev G. F. Settee, of Hamlltea, Mid a
brief vide to Morn this weak. Re prmehed
- '
il3loi•5+.,�•..�- -� sM.1 'Eh Mr. MOKIm. -en Migjsy 1M•8trsulwd,
1 t1ew.... ......w- ...
1116h It. shit for to W at aatr?.-
Mim Ethel W tui.... 1a eat mw dila
week atter .a attack of the amp
We are pleased be see Harry Vidor est
s/a4n alter ets bat hod serious alums.
We are pleased to know that Mn. Hal•
lead to recoveries from her recent severe
Mies l.a Maeosa 4 down with tyi.bold
fever, but u doles as well as uuuld b• el•
Chas. Cbwueth has remtved the •ppolat-
meae of 0000041 01 the Frisby tortes obaroh
at Walkerton
J. D. tlwanton, barrister, formerly of
I:oderioh, has hems elected sty *under of
Mie. Waiver his .M.iitteberee et ter
room In St. Patriot% ward rbool, after
two weeks' show, M •000ust ot Ulama.
S. K. Iliok is wrestling with an attack of
Paetupeata. and M. me are glad to hear. Iia
proving. lies. 1. Rubinson ie temporarily
in °huge of her drag store,
filoee Pure Balt for table sad dairy.
Arthur Batas paid • visit to Stratford
tot. woos.
W. J. Mot el Tommie, was 40 bees
oa Tuesday -
Rev. Joseph Edge, of London, 4 is
town to -day.
Harold Turner oame up from Stratford
for polling day.
Alex. D. Millwood, of Toronto, in spending
• few days m town.
Chas. Garrew was home from Toronto
toe • brief vomit this week.
Gen. A, J. Frame, of Osgood. Hall, Tor -
ado, was in tows slats weak,
Mir Harland, of Chutes, is the guar of
Miss Tadd, Llgbthow street.
Mho Shares. of Ammeter, is the guest o1
the Misses Hams, Tratd,ar-st.
Mrs J. M. Bast and daughter, of Smo
forth. are visiting relstivas la 1000.
Jobe B. MoKay M home from Toronto to
ouper•aog attar • were attack of the grip,
Mrs. Marling, ot Meotre.l, .00amp•ned
by her little daughter, (410nys, 4 venins
her sister, Mw MeeDo••Id, Wast-st.
N.b.00 Monteith is main the (oaserva•
five oa.didate to South Perth.
Jo.. H.yoos4, ex -M. F. P., 1. in South
Perth sneakier for Mr, Stock. the Liberal
candidate in the bye•elecuoo then. At esti
of tise meetings he was accused by • Goa -
n arrative present of baying deserted the P.
iron.. Mr. Hayocok's reply was "It
4 the duty of • rood mu4•i to scion
tads IA tha wishes of t onsaiw.y oLbul 1,
lows when they decide at the tfkllb!:''Ilia%
o•rt.m throb/. ere rirbr. Now the oouotry
deotded lost Marsh that then was tis weed
of three parties in Ontario. I do not know
where the other Patron. ore at, but 1 do
ko.iw whole 1 are 0t As on Iodepesdent
man 1 I.ok,d carefully •t the pol a se and
rotorde of both parties and 1 have no balta-
t ton in esy,ug that tit., Liner•le approach
most clo.ely to my Idea of go.erume.t hod
their platform ie the most in harm*y with
the pe'tneep'as of Patrolman. I am aa woos
• Patron se I ever was, bot so Tong ars 111
people deoide there must be only two poet-
ise to Osten* I shall hot• for tlet party
that in my jedtmeot 4 seeking beet to pro
mote the coasters lettersets "
0011Ntr rt1 AT THE Iauos gr.
Guelph Mereary . The West Hone 1)e•
uncials *ladies is in program today. Watch
hew Sir Charles Topper's prophecy is veri-
• • •
rlt•aal sacs are. T01000.
'London Adv-.rtleer Rev. Mr. Sht14.s.
is Toronto the other day, spoke of bee desire
that some millionaire ktAileef
n ewspaper, for the ad
forme. Mr. Sheldon bas the disadvast•ge
of sp.a iog from the standpott of laez-
porteoce. The pobl-shere ot the New Tack
Valor, with the dvaatgre of .xp.riesee,
ree.otey made • complete revolution to their
pabhoatioo, and that aloes lines ond for
recons that deal a bard blow at Mr
Sheldon • theories. Tb. Voice was • vary
able dvooste of various moral reforms,
particularly ot prohibition. Bat the pub-
lisher. wok• up to the feat that the oiroul-
• tlon of the Vole. w•. Meos,tog speoiali d.
The (moult, who were drinking in its szbm•
tattoos were moiety %boos who did sot sed
them. It was simply floggrog op the al.
ready favid It was preaching to the al-
ready converted. So the publishers have
made their paper 4a0 a gosenl literary,
family, illustrated weekly, only in which
way can they reach sad is60.sosi the
g eneral entitle they are after. io other
wordy, .vea • epeeist moral reform Gan be
bettor promoted by oloopyisg one tenth of
a aewspaner'..p.oe tbs. by s0eopyis4 ton
• • •
retorts IN 01.411 OoCNs a0001.DN'T Pillow
The Guelph Mercury, referring to Sir
Charles 1'apper'e charge that Canada was
being "humiliated" by the negotiations at
Washington, Metre : He could not have for-
g otten that hie owe party et different times
t ent representatives to Washington to
negotiate trinities, and that he on moretbao
awe enemies took .art is them proosedieg,.
• 1.$1111KMNf0I166.
hJH & Rhus
8t6$ DOOR and BLIND
Dakin 1s W Made or
And b.UOWI ses1alV of ever/ d.m.rteuee
8r, flAi PRraltgre Sllnia!ly
AS Oral
where ren
to llit Coal
IN 1•at MARi[S$'
welli.d es the *.gest Mmes.gel 111) Ilia fora ten.
Orders W t 0t rani al +fir$
1MtMllakflg pr ltion on any of thoepe.lel•
len% save the teat core. *h.0 be was f tes4
t• heat • sheet teseihtaluue WHORL.
There is 00 newt sow to go lata the history
of bre attitude of that then W. all
r.ui.abor how be was • parity to tae
pion Ottlotl drew a veil Over the pubes
outwit In this cowtry ; bow It was repro•
treated to the Cansoiea people that the
Goverment were arrest to seek reciprocity,
while all the ams Ihere was a secret under`
embodies between the Uovenment sod the
prommed laterite that the N. P. would be
matetuned in its ..Ureses, vy ba be went
10 Wa.Atiitaa the reception with wbtott M
met could Dos bay* been more humiliating.
Mr, Blaine 0.foeed 10 have anything to de
w tib blm, and sir Charles ores moo ashamed
of *hal trauepired at the laterview that he
attarwards anraprasaded._ arcade u is
enwimunie•tiole. This oousty, hoe sever
had coy t.aeom tee tear that the present
Caeadi•u liavaroment, wyuld moieties each
duplicity .r briar disarm* apes 'thy their
naso' laao.e.
A perfect woman ---perfect in form and
in feature is a great rarity. Every wom-
an realizes this ea she ,ands before some
beautiful piece of Greek scullpturr. So -
dal custom., tight lacing, improper food,
inadequate clothing, and
a stvrr of outer things
have stolen the shape and
suppleness of is onion e
form and roblmed her
heeks of their rows and
their roundu,eo. Por
these things Nature
avenges herself
drains establish
tear ing down the
tisanes and destroy -
in` the graceful lines
and curves of tate figure
Pains and aches help
the wrinkles to come
early. Displacements
• n d bearing - down
uen_tio0s weaken the entire system
Nervousness makes life almost unendur
able. Mothers suffering in this manner
impart their weaknesses to their chil-
dren, and thus is kept up the callers
chain et imperfect reproduction. A new
order of things is being established, how-
ever. Dr. Pierre's Favorite Prescription,
the great non-alcoholic cute for women's
diseases and weaknesses, is making hun-
dreds of girls and women healthy. And
,it is also making the rising .ratite
stronger and more perfect yrcally.
Like pr,aces lite A hal y mother
has healthy i lren. " Psvonte Pro-
scription " makes healthy mothers.
Mrs. 1. A. ]trader. of 0r.... Coshocton Co.,
Ohio wring: 1 sever courted aew.p•per cote.
Genes, pt r sal ,ae'afatl is speak • weed word
for your ' Pevewite Preorripee' awl Piee.eet
Pellets' 1 angered terribly with prolamin and
weakest.- After wing one bottle 01 • latrans
Prescription • and owe of 'Pellets' I Vale • well
woman I have taken a medicine since sad
Mee had we .ymptome of my former towhee."
A Orest Doctor Beek Free. -Send t' unit.
cent stamps to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo.
N Y., to cover coat of 00.tome and mailing
salt and he will send you 'a free ropy of
his song - page Common Seine Medical
Adviser Cloth cover m stamps
GwnslwCM. F.b n. Ism.
PO Wheat 0 el to ON
ntoer, taintio. per smt......... 2 10 to 2 10
Stour.tt, ow Mr AO 10 2 50
Biwa. 0ten
ea.. ems, 11 00 1011 p
Oate. a blab ahem, 5 toe S••r•••_.. 11 00 10 M
Peas. • bash ....� . • 0J to Ol
Oar:ear. per hush •~ 0 IP to 37
Hay. i toll • 1.11. s 01 to :-0
Potatoes. `bomb......„....k. .`.. 9 eo 10 kg
Patter, 14 to 16
Wood Ova► -.p. fl Ilia.. 0.... 14 b 15
Illdes .. ..., 101.700
('.Its .i. .. 001.0 le
Lamb -Skims rv-.... _ to 0 05
Live Hors ......m 751.100
per M.A---'-... 14 to 016
."�ltltrr t,'iwp": .:',: 10 to 0 It
Dressed Beef, fore wearer .. 00 to s 00
Reef. B. hied M to 660
Hamm -
My owe make. Oen and sec them.
Goods sold by yard at made up t th • lues
Next Mask of Montreal 0oderbL
A Teaeta•1. tessedv
Ladles, try Gu.mathos it hag ower
failed. For particulars apply,to
leFITT 05.441*,
Box 552 Birth, Oat.
We want the services ot a "timber
of families to de knitting lor as at home,
whole or spare time. We runtish $)4
maehlne and omp17 theam no el
pay for the work assent
Distance se hldranna 17 to 110 per
week made aeoordIng to time asvoted
to the work.
Wnte at moo emu* gert•r..re..
C.-epe►Msva EaMtlei ee,.. T te.
/8/2„ � um(
611E TME 41411 01 $61441•
Aw0 00■
"New Art Amherst'
COAL 1711E M TIE a6MET. breaka_
every Move waerOBM.d 4irfeet orreteade. sad reara.sasd Mr one rear s
Timow onyx MAR
erica Ans.? Mn
Almost always busy, but whenever special things come
to the surface we make it a point to tell you. We're trying
each day to show what a thoroughly good store should be,
appealing to the intelligence of shoppers and making it
worth their while to cows hero for everything. That means
busy activity upstairs and down, with the interest centred
around these
Specials for This Week and Next :
dozen only Black and Colored kid Gloom, worth tram $1.00 to
$1.25, to be sold Saturday and Saturday night at half price.
10 dozen pain Ladies' and Misses' Black Cashmere Hose, worth
from 20c. to 30c. • pair, chotoe Saturday and Saturday night
at 15c. • pair.
1 cane tine imported Zephyr Wool, Navy, Cardinal, Light and
Royal Blue, regular price Sc. os., our prise 4 oz. for 10c.
Lashes' Pure Innen Collars, sizes 12, 12i, 13, 131, 14,regular IOc.
and 12/1c., for •r'c. each.
White, Cream and Black Silk Laser, at half regular prices.
Any Trimmed Het or Shape in the Millinery esotios, half price.
Dress Bindings, Mack and all leading shedey 1a Yuri
All Printf Challis* and Wath Goods in the department at half
45 Ladies' Coats to be told at 51.95 each.
The ten thousand csatomers we have served during.. the past. a
three months Iran bhs extreme, east of the county to the meet a
attest that we ars tier people to do buaines@ with. Try R. B.
Sunth for 11j99,-aad rove we are the Cheapest Store in Huron. a
• -.,,,-_:.visa {
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont
Open No 6.
Au Buts,
Feb. Sand, 1899.
Hr. J. WILSON. Perscription Drug
Store, Goderich.
DEAR Sta,-In the past people
generally eonsidered this a hard,
cruel world, but they are beginning
to realize it also has • soft side.
Some may have a m; it in parlia-
ment, sorne a seat in the county
council, some a seat in the town
council and some a country seat,
but if they have never used the
Air Cushions sold by you they have
been standing all their life.
We have sold st•cks of your Air
Cushions and you may double the
size of our last order for Culhions,
Wilson's Iron Pills, Headache Pow-
ders, and White Clover end Celery
Tea. The sale of your Guaranteed
Remediee here ix enormous. We
hear a great deal about how Doc-
tor's Prescriptions are d ispensed and
checked by a Qualified Person in
your store before they are given to
the customer, and we can eaaily
understarul why you have the con-
fidence of the people in that re-
spect Kindly ship goods at Once
and oblige,
Yours truty,
We do
All Kinds
and Reiiiir
Machinery of
any description
at short notice,
and for little
Bicycle Co.
1=11E1 1, IcL111111118
For external me only, in a pommy, cure for
teatime, Lame Back, Lumbago, Sere
Throat, Weak and Sore Lungs, Beteem,
Sprains, StilfJointa, Rupture sod all kin
deed dismiss.
It Ma also been found a cure far throat
&Sections in horses.
NOM Genuine without having tbs Trade
Mark on labels and wrappers, and " Es A.
HcLenuan's Unmeant, Underich Ont. -
stamped on wax seal on each bottle.
gatent. moderish. Om. 111411
Illaantretufter of eiLl kinds et
Setae Stacks, Balt Pans, Sbeet Iror
And Disler la-
gs/dose, Illsebtafery Crams% Ise.
All dues et Pipes sad Plve
&earn sad Water Owes, Glebe Valves.
Osnabenlity am Led se Lew..
A Use el Steel Weise esd
for use of hewn sad ethos.
ReseIrtna vremady emended se
111141 P. 0. Dm M. asiedes.
At any season of the year there
im no greater comfort than a good
reliable Cook Stove in the kitchf:n.
It is Ivitn coot stoves like every -
Urn* else : there are good, bad and
irtinfferent varieties.
We know you will be phiaxed
With our
West side Ilesmak este learlr area