The Signal, 1899-2-23, Page 6v. toe 41,6\7', y,r t,r y� 1. Fore! ears I,OUBET \VAS ELECTED President of France by a Very Large Majority on Saturday. CHOICE OF FRANCE ASSAILED. a .seg la rads by tb• R■.sale• el Pre..k D.psbIlea.l•w - Two Dalt .a t'tcl.r. W,.rk ea tb. atr..0 .f the Gay Capital -Tromp* Paler •r •- 100 111.1.1. Arrested. Paris, Feb. 90.-M. Laub* president 'd the Sande IMO prartdtng -ouster,' •rrlved at Versailles In • carriage .t 10 o'clock a w. on S.turday. Friends sur- rounded bun when he entered the Gallery of Bata, and be mid: if you love me, 1 hope you won't vote for me." The National Assembly met at 1 o'clock. M. Locbat declared the sitting open amid the applause of the Leftists, during which M. Lathes prooteded ts -.drew for opera �� H• Th• voting began with Lb*ldMr M. Ilam•etid, moderate Republican, end the Bret Leliot Patriots 114.4. Troubl.. Wean M. Paul 1)eroulede. organizer of the Le.jue of Patriots, votod, be at- tempted to speak from the tribune, but M. Loubet babas blm to do so. Tele called forth moans from the Rightists and applause from the Leftists. M llvroeledo. bowever, persisted in • p,Lkiug and resisted tae ower. and others who rushed op to expel him from the tribune, which he finally left. While Jo the tribune, M. Devoulede *booted: "1 be President of the Republic ought 6o be elret.deby the people. 1 will co* vote hard." M. Demount, anti-S.mlte, also at- tempted to .peak and • great commotion followed. during which crls. of "Down with enareby!" were raised. 1h• 11.11dt (om,aa.d. In the meantime the voting oontlnued, and at '!.40 p.m. the ballot ages imus - pieced. While the chocking was In pro- gress the members of the ae.ernby loft the hall and avMmblol in the smile/tee and corridors, where they discussed the Mance. of ems election. M. 41ullee `ondly anmoone d that be bad voted fur M. Loabel. The Propionate Insetted on voting for M. Melina, although he bed withdrawn his o•ndidator. In favor of M. Loub1t,_ wbfo\ explains the vote cast for 4tm. .1'4wmatttiwl-ililta lthaohLr Llnten..ier M. , Moline were divided between M. Cayslg- n as, General embalm and others. M. Menne received ao ovation ween M voted. Tie of8ci.1 count *bowed that 8I9 void were rest and that M. L1ub.•1 re. calved 48:1, M. Mello. 274 and that 60 Weft sea dead. Congratulating... After the announcement of the result M. I.oubet received his friends to ■n .d - joining salon, and he we. tendered their congratulations. The Premier, M. Dupuy, then formally tranbterred the executive power to M. Loubet, sod con- gratulated hien upon bis elation. Tb. President, In thanking M. Dapay. •xpreew.d the hope of baying t4e support of the Cabinet, and he asked M. Dapav to retain the Pr.mlereblp and the pres- ent Cabinet. Atter tics Senators and Deputise bad shaken bands with the President. accom- panied by M. Dupuy, be left tea 1'alao. In • corriage, end by 5 o'clock Versatile. had regained 1a normal aspect. President Loabet arrived beck here from Versailles et 5.08 p.m., Sud was leoolved whb win- tery boson. Leabet'e Career.` Emile 1.oub.L who until bigell/otton to Mae Preadenoy was the president of the French Senate, was born at Ma-manne on the 81.4 of Ilsesmb.r, 1838, was educated for toe bar, and began hag pronto. at Mo,ullmer. He entered political lift In tea general elation of 1876, when he profiteered himself a Hernhllcan, and op- posed to general and complete monody. He was elected by a great majority, and at once a..00lated himself In the Amena- bly with the Republican left He was one of t4. Deputies wbo refused a tote of oonfidenre to the De Broglie Ministry fn 1477. After having been twice re-0ected b the Assembly, fie beam* • candidata for the senate. in hie old department and was elected In 1886. He became • member of the firm TIr•rd Ministry, wbfoh only survived for three 'soothe. holding the pteltlon of MInetles of I'ob- 410 Works When M. de Yreyotnet de- clined to und.rt.k• the preeldeney of the Council. 4. was Intra/Nd with the re eenetrnction of the Ministry, ■0d took 4he p..lrtnn of Mlnl,ter of "the Interior, ham which M. Conatant had retired In 4 81.4. against P440deal Leabse, similar to that wubb drove M. Citation -Parlor le re- 'Igs. Clearly Le Petrie Fronted. will Mae no sire entorned to *044.ve Ole oblast, ate tibial (resod of objection be- ige Tho& rim Patellas& was a Drsytaeard. sea ressai?.stylist' In •iau estsm�- ' ramie. lr•*meeo • o esies etee-A TriM►b. London, Feb, 40.-A diepawh to 1'be Observer from Bsr1111 says teat au •7.01 of epoch-making !mporsece In the wademloal world took plea ID Berlin on Retorday. The Pasoan Uoverament add the tissete of the Berlin University have at last given War to the Importuully of women students and on Saturday Freo- 111n Elea Neamaen was with due core - teeny Inoorponted as Malaise ArtlglO L lbersllum et Ilootor PbUseophl•e, The Oman ot the-am4verelq, ti awarding -the diploma, said that while the noel digni- fied pseltlon Of • WSmen was that of blah peteseaes of home, that pesltion did nut exclude her (tow asrelolpalo0 in the e olen11110 work of mew 1h. Fr -soled Neuman's diploma boars the flattering eadere•tnest "Cam Laude." She 1s 97 years of age and has studied at Gottingen sad Berlin, her pr1nolpal branch bolus natural soleness. IT IS SOT - .s SOOT. Oap.dltie• Thal Will O. le seared' 4. Joe Mu 000.010. Christiania, Feb. 20 -The reported ending of the bodies of Aodre and Its companions on the cost of Northern Siberia ..ein•, alter a11, to be a canard. The Finnish professor of the Cbrh loofa University hu received • t leerre . from • friend In hrasoujorek, who whys that after tboroaghy investigating the sourest of information be Is 000vinoed coat there I. no truth Whatever In the reports. The Polar expedition of Prot. Natherse, wbo will go In search of the Andres party early In June, meets with popular ap- proval. Sublet -lotions aro pouring in from all parts of Norway and 'w.dea, •od al- ready the amount coutrlbuted exceeds $1M1,1100. e .14.l'RCItY A GOLD DIOGER- TI.. Erosions'. rremler Haedl.d • Pore and 'hu.•l Lout Age, • Lon fon, Feb. '30.--L4ued t4allsbury'a celebration of his 69th birthday has re- called :turneries scoria of Me early smug- gler Most people hate heard of bis jlnrsaMAtle experiences, bat It 11 not generally known (bat he once handled e pick and shovel at Handle°. A hovel la pointed out as the rseidonce of the then .leerd "HOW; (.toll. M. the Mill. be we. • red glinted gold digger lie RIOTING Ili PARIS. Pre•Ideut Lnub.l'• Election Received Is 4'.rl• NOM Violent Denrne•tratloo•. As this despatch was sent on Saturday evening anti Loubet demonstrations were commencing In the streets, and orim of "Down with the I'enamalstiO" were prominent The agltaton was caoeed by MM. Dervalede end Drumont and *heir party The anthoritlel say meas - ora brew.- been taken to meintely order. The Nationallsta gathered about the statue of Jan of Are, and M. Drron- lade made a fiery address to them. NMI. M. Mlllesoye waved the Irl colored deg above 11 D.'roulede. the latter harrangawl the arowd. He mid: "Listen, now, to whet ( was prevented from saying at Gm Versailles election. The President be- longs aslonge to the people I rejoice at this manitestntton, hot to -day we °anent go the Ky.le and spit upon Alan whom we bays no whh to rerognl's as chief of state. We 10008 allow to rant In peace each as it le, the mac wbo le still lying then. and return home Hat .1u Thurs- day we shall not fall to attend the fun- eral mammy. Yon will find among the follower. of the ooffln the judges of the erlmld•l section d ad Court et Ca.sa- tIoh end' the bese Jlepettan Oka a11mM this Pral lent whom we donot.noognlze. You know your duty, down with this republin and long 44.. a repablie of the people." Tr..p• Cher Arms. The (;antral tirade, 6,000 strong, 1e on .pedal duty. and tie troop. are still ander moms 1n the barracks, but hands of tweeter. am, however, suffered to march through the elty .houttng "Down with Lonbet'" end doming I).ronlede's Chao 7801st songs and breaking window. Honlev.rd• Aro R•ttl.6.ld•. London. Feb. seal. -The Perls ecru 'ponders* of The Daly Hall 4e..rlbe1 Ma same at the Ver.e)II.s election a • "fanny Brack Fair, with a touch of *aged) therein, tragedy of • rawly 'bath ruler attempting M ignore his 0041 onpopnlse*ty end emlllagy retinal - lag thanks for mngraMbtlnn." "1 believe." rtes the nerrsepond.nt "that the ream* meow Ie Porta .re only a trretasen n wait le mimingleant sight the boulevards were tattls0dds, Slid nnwigere was • vela M glorify the sew President To -day the prase is un- easiness!, ratl•m'esa.'' 0.• >ewdred Arrested. Parte, ileal. 10.-Al4,gelher 100 arrests b•. • been bade Iry e10teeeti 44 wlah the die rtetetneed Theft N owe sign .t. • eampalgi t?TT0N WIIRK/.Rt WILL *Tli,lR1 Coles Their Memaad ter Mere Wager le l'oned.d. Manchester. Eng., Feb. 20. -The oat - ton operatives in South Lenoeshfn have unanimously resolved M glue a month's notice of their intention to go on spite u nless an advance of 741 Ib the petted In their compensation la conceded by the master. Eighty *bousand permits are \fleeted. ✓ 100? A? TALI6'4WAM. R..).a• sad Chlao. gad • Serloa• Coo- alet-Mongoll•s• Whipped. Pekin. Feb. 2.-A serious conflict has taken place between the Russians and Cbineee at T.tI,nw.n, 800 of the letter being tilled It is said to have originated In • question of taxa. Osad.I..p. "Abedo..d." Manilla, Feb. 90. -The ('a f !1 ornia Vol - dinner' ■bandoned Guadeloupe Chnre\ at 5 o'clock leRterdel mornin`-which has since been at on fire -cod retired so San Pedro Miami. The rebels x111 hold the oouut1y In the vicinity of Guade- loupe, Paslg and Paters, despite the efforts of the gunboats to dleledge tb.m from the jungle on botb sides of the river. The beat 7setsrd*y was Intense and Is Iocreaalog pero•ptlby. Under present conditions It 1• Impo•dble to provld• shade for the troops in aortal° parte of *be line, particularly McArthur'p Dirt• coo. King'. Brigade 1s also exposed from San Pedro Mardi to Collodi, ween It join. Owen.hlne's Brigade. ON TIIE POINT OF BREAKING UP. Flan Commissioners Firmly Upholding Dominion Rights. RIO ■LAZR AT ALMONTE. Warehouse Mr. • • • of J Furniture # D..•Id.o. Completely Destr•yd. Almonte, Ont., Feb. 10. -At 8.60 p.m. Saturday the fire alarm .oaod, for g fire which originated to s three storey frame building owned by Thomas White, and occupied by John Donaldson as • retail furniture w.reboose and oudertek- Ing establishment wbloh was 611, from floor to garret wl;h furniture, mattresses and coffins. Tie building snd.tock are e total loom. White'. lore on building 41,500, no loeurahoe; i)onaldwn'. lose on .tock 841,000, 'oared for 48,000 in the Perth Motoal. The plebe glass window. In 461 done serosa -/h• serest and nearly every window In the posts/Moe on the tweet side were destroyed by the Intense heat. THE ALASKAN BOUNDARIES Toe 0re44 ♦slat et lease Comedies altaa- eau-- a.r Ilea lsepr•geabl• - £modm ems 0♦- mluTo▪ h Wien Genal. Part• D•. • aiaa440 4.durehens teiny Ths• adlrow ArbltraU.• a• Ottaw.- 11.e Killed at 0.t•rloo. Waterloo, OoL, Yeh 20. -On Saturday at 110etber'. Lion Brewery 1hn. Kalb- flef.(b, William Hoffman and two °teen were at work shovelling malt on the sec- ond dor, when the floor suddenly gat• *way •t the moth end with a mighty urea, amt went throat* she Bret dee 40 the cellar, burying the ego men*4oned ender four or five feet of melt. Hoffman was lucky enough to wept with his life, but Kelhfal.nh wee unable to extrlteo btmaelf, lite being •xtInut when deist - ante arrived • few minuses@ War. He Mares a *draw and a family Oras M 701104 chalked. t.ROlaLawamii anaswaw eaY l ana•b plaw•I* I..glle/ere Petters te Make, a Chaste. Vle•orta, B C., Feb. 20. -The Minister of Jouiee at Ottawa f.gadterl the Brit- ish Columbia Government severed days ago en say whether they would modify repent letttaatlnn In the direction desired by the lmperiel Oovernment b reaped to the Japanese '1'h* British Colorable Government hoe prepared an answer (4 Use Minister, derllnn,g te Mt* any action. Mr. (otter. the 'inane Minister of the Bridals Columbia House, hanged down the returns of the .orr.spondenes between th. two Government. The e ti- m5te f 1, the ear ver also presented on Saturday. W•abingtoo, Feb. 80. -Atter die used - lag of the oummlatunen on Saturday the .tory 1• poral otrouletion sus that the oommlwlon was on the point of breaking up because of disagreement on IM boun- dary queslob. 111, not Improbable dial this result may take place, but It le felt that the position taken by the Comedian 0OmrniscionS7s la so fair and maenad* that 11 moot prevail, weather at this an- teroom, or In tete future. At all events, 1t le oerteln that they will not recede from I* T otlauPainon• for a oompro- ml.e Pin ed, the Goalies offer to arbitrate question of the boundary, but only on 000dl4lon that the creole quaff°. of the ownerablp of the shares add ports of the Lynn Caall be mbm1/- tsd to the arbitrators. Then le • dtfmwooe of opinion as to the oompeslllon of Ilse arbitration trlbe- o.l, tint the moan difficulty is the deity of toe American oowmlseianen to reserve oartmIn questions and to have vert.tn porta declared to be indisputably Amery• con and withheld from the saltation Tim Comedians w111 anoint a notated gam than the arbitration of the whole gp.et on. '1My feel the 04040.1 °D hdese• In the'lee:fatness of their puede:0, and therefore are not sallow •bout the tors a49.la may lake. 1h• reeling at gni aura. Ottawa, Feb. e0. -It is bellowed that the 111411 of Hon. Messrs Slfton ase Yielding to Washington, at tee invite - tan of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Indicates • crleis In the negaetatlooe The Candia* G ommt.riopere. be(ere pnesn110g an u ltimatum to the Americans, desire 43 confer with shell colleagues, not only l have the benefit ot Goer •4,los, but to ascert*ln more folly the opinion of the members of t4. Government at Otbws, to view of recent development• The Imperial Government has brought strong primary to bear to • 50•pe0- sion of the 0nrerence without an agree- ment upon a tasty, and it 1, net im- probable that a modl0oetlon of sena of Canada's demand. bas barn suggested, in the interest of lntarnstlooal enmity. Messrs. Flelding.and S11len will doubt- less represent the Insdvfseblhty of ague - lug to concessions, even at the request of the BOOM Government, the* maga, in- volve too great • sacrifice. and will post out that such ■ course might ban an in- jurious effect upon the bappy relations now wasting between Caoaia and the mother land. 1'M f.eltsg In Canada seems to be universal (bat if the Am*el- oans perel.t to their unreasonable do- mande Canada eon get along witbout s treaty, 40w*ver anxious she Is to promote friendship between Great Britain end the United States 'LASSO. ARP 1.0140INO. Pert Meatiest.., wle•a.d., 1n Preen.. of 0.8.1 Swept 87 Vise. Pert Waehingten, sub., TA 1011. -pins, *blob Marled .t 9 S0 o'elo.k lase sigh* In tee large plant vet the W1.eesan Obslr Company, *hrea4•es M destroy thee/boa town Help was .010mnned from WU- wank.. and CMbnygan At 11.S0the emir foamy was • tnml Inss. nu Mani alone was vetoed .4 490.000. std .m - plays 600 ►and■ A taro. lumber yard .alae' the plant and the lames are .pr.edieg with great rapidity A sseond engine started trove Milwaukee e1 11.90 .'.feat. DR. GUAT IS DIAD. te•wb•r far Levi. Has Pealed Away Alter a 1.01 1111.... 1 t Quelled, Feb. 90. -Dr. Guar. M.P. for Levis, riled lase elgbt at the Heal Dims, after a prolonged illness. Dr. Ilene Malcolm Gaye asee.teee came from Saint Ong•, Frame, sod were anon( the tint 5S4445n of Points Leda He was the em of Francois Xavier Gluey, by the late Made Aeolabe Cote; 0ss born at St. Remnant d'Elebemin, Marsh 96, 1848, educated at the Quebec Seminary and at Laval University, when be graduated A.H. to 1868 and 11.D. In 1879. On May 1*. left, be married Maris Louise Antoinette, daughter of T. E. Roy, former') Berg set as -same of the Quebec L.gt•taIve Council. Mme. Ooey did May 94, 1e99. Dr. Utley was a gov- e rnor of the Quebec College of Pbyefoteos and surgeons, sod served as s councillor and mayor of St. Homald d'Elehemlo. Ile was hest returned to Parliament In 1886 at • bye -election. and was rrelesbed In 1887, 1891 and 1896. In politics he wase • Liberal. A Prem cad Its p.•o.l. Galt, Ont , Feb 18.-A strange onto- eidenne occurred ben yesterday morning. Het H E. Knowles, pastor of Knox C'haroh, while narrating a dream 'wbloh he had t4• night before that he would have to go to Newborns, North Carolina, on account of the death of a relative, wa. handed a telegram coete7lf4 the men that a retains of bis had just died In that place. Ancompenl.d by his molder to Iew. Mn Elite, he left 10 the .f ter noon on ble dream mlseton, whleb turned out M be • sad reality. 1'.brld .'. ?ewe Clerk Dead. Uxbridge, Oet..'Feb. 18. -Tb. Tow* of IJzlirldgw 7estepday .afford the lea of one of Its Mat known and respected citizens In the person of Ita town clerk, A. 1). Williams. For the past 40 years be hag been most closely Identified with all It• munlnlpal and 'boa)nsea 'Waimea, Mtn. the first and only alert the ooe- por.slon has had. Deceased wag In ble usual health 1111 Monday j*at. when be was sols, wttb an attack ,ot apoplexy. OPPOSITION WIPED OUT. 74• N.w Hrrs•wteh Opperltle• was Preetterllr Wiped stat •y 1.••Yotlug on ea Mrdy. tit John, Yob 10.-S•tarday wooa regular Hull's Run for the Oppo.tloa, end task and file onus down In the ter- rible en Able onslaught. When the smoke of ees battle cleared sway and the roll was ail- ed theist went only three throughout the wbole province stile W show (Oat their con.tltueuclss bad faith In ahem. It was Om tworse swapid that:ever took elide 1n • New Bronewlok p10vInote) election. IIS S, John CRY, when toe Leader of She (,_Oppr e1Uull wan. owllde.t Op would be elected with 41. three aolliegI••, the m(prtsis was something wonderful wb.a tie return. .bowed all lad reselved a clear k000k-out The elections went off anion, .ad seek side did all they could to being the electors to tie pull. As the day programed, however, Il was quite apparent that tb• Oppea4W0 was del - heartened, wale lea Uevernmeul works. won an air of .obedo.ce, end kept ram• Mpg In the stragglleg wears who held off up to the minute the polls closed. The Oppooltien carried rho west side by a good me).rlly, but the seat aide and the north sod completely wiped It eat and added a majority. '1'4. following the the members returned: Heselgouebe essay - L•blllos e*d Mod, both Governesses'. ellos...t.r - Vendee, Bane, Polder, 0.v.nmeo t Northumberland -Tweedie, Flab, Bur- OWUI, O'Br/00, Cavern steal. Kest-Jobasea, Legere, Barnes, Env- arnmeot W.*meselsad-Robson, Wells, Oom.ta- aoent; Mel ss, Humphrey, OpposltloR. Albert - .,,en, Osman, Uoverw- woot Klog'i-:1111614, 8coylIl, Parole), O m- esagose. St. John County - Donn, McLeod, Bovero meat. St John City - Robertson. Purdy, McKeow.e, Reynold., Uovernmeat Cberlotes-Todd, 11111, O'BrIeo, Rus sell. Government. Queen's -Carpenter, Ferris, Oovera- meal . Sunbury - Harrieso, UoternlDs•1; Gisler, Oppceltion. York- I bomp.tu, Whitehead, Otb.on, Campbell, G0verDmaul. Carleton -Carvell, Smith, McCain, Ge ernment VMorIa-Lewcon. Porro, Government; Career. Opposition. Madawaska -L,. Forex, Gagnon, Io- depeara.l. NOM.COMBATANTS 7LITTINO. Affairs la the Pblllpple•e T'.O. 1. 0111 Eit•ed Its J.rledletiee. Mantle, 9.4. 1e. -Mr. 0. F. Williams, I16,4mtse U.R. consul here, 1. 10 receive of es spoliation from a member of the rebel Congress at Melilla for a peas le enable 41. family. °coasting of 19 per - S OUR. who are de/lroas of taking refuge In Manila, to enter the American Hoe. This le regarded as agnlflo.M. Moat of the In**111 .o1 rebels realize that their familia are only safe inside ►be eerrllory controlled by the Mariana. Rrcept for • few show fired •t • .m111 holy of rebels who were •t4mptfng M destroy the railroad bridge near Cadman, all wag quiet along the lune last night. 0111 Valenti J.rledletl5e. Weal's/ton, Feb. 17. -The Adminl.- tretlot h.a determined rapidly le extend the Jertedletlon of *1. Melted States over the whole of the PNllppine groan. Karl, Detnring Hog. Young perk 1s always beet, M well O. the most easily prodtseed. Units. the animal It wanted as • Mader It Is not Genet!y kept until a veer old. The Main that mature early will make more pori et lea sees at eie to eight menthe okl than .148 those the* keep on raising Ma 1r three years and attain very heavy weight.. not It 11 still byelaw to keep the /slime ear of tame of the °rant', large honed hags and then grow littera of pip from her when mated with Mme of the .mall heals that motors .arllesl. The bolt -tweeds will make mom pork Gra w111 the tl.emugb4iIm *taws? I?AI1?RQ 10 DRAT.. Pam torn Ikea& • Parry Bests, Feb. 110. -Before Judge McCsrry es )taturday was sated a elates of cruelty In an orphan boy who lived with • family tam, Stacey, near Sand- ridga Freddy Smoay, the boy, about 19 years of age. owed with \M noel*, Jobs Bearey, on • tum, mod was made b do work erswod the plop. The evidence revealed the fact that the boy was starved Mathes to tae point of moth. He beanie literally • living skeletal. Oaagrero bad set to on bls fingers and lees from the effeodi of whit► be w111 suffer for life, baying logo some of his toes at the first joist when Dr. Carmichael of Seodrtdge was fleshy eallsd In be found the bevy aneonawlou., asd Is • dradoklp-'. mel - *ad condition. No otter rosterstln than food we. edmlwlebered, and by goof treatment end a liberal diet during the last month the boy N fully restored, ex- cept from the egad. of the gangrenous sores, wblab .till affect bis bads and fest The lad stated that ho got noshitg elm to eat than este or two potatoes and • small morsel of do tread. At one time be fed on raw peep, one and coop stuff that be got from the barn, and sonar Norse raw turnips. Fse • time he man- aged to weal sure trout the fowl hood. He ran away ones. bat was brought bock. The case is eersa1017 one eble\ for atter bearUesesess H hard M parallel. Seaway was sentence% be de months' 1m- nrlg°omest and hle will was mad. Se enter m bond of 4200 to appear later ea for sadism, Presumably 10 be given when Mer husband L liberated. END NOT TOT IN 1100?. eatsrday Preyed t• Se Auth.r Very D411i-D.Il,1ag 1)17. Washington. D C., Feb. 90. - The Anglo -A marina sororities/en held several o rmiooe on Saturday, god.' ear a dart- • without final .alio. otsaboota w N a j soy of them. The full odmmlselon was In joint oesafoo during the forenoon, sed resrembled later In the dal and spent until after 5 o'clock to the afternoon arguing over several ,Joist of lanae. In the •been. of any read of a onolaelve nature • dein!** statement 1. withheld. Both the English end *be American eamml.alonan during the day held separ- ate anions. There aero no indications on Saturday of • definite break in the negotiation., end the reports that they were practically •s an end, based on the adamptlon that {aero is no egresm.n: In sight, are given paddy. dental. At the some time, It 1s said, each progress has not been made in the adjustment of the important prob- lems before. the oommlsefon e. would warrant a definl4 statement of the prob- sble outcome, and the termination of oho negotiations le 1404 yet to sight. STILL 74167010 1)0LAT. /La Americas Report Airman 14 -reel St. Lawr•.es Mm.lg.alea. Ogdensburg, N.Y.. Fob. 90. -Fourteen - foot avlgatlon through the St. Lew • system of canal. fur IM99 U now regarded as sn tmpow.fbIllq. The con- tractors, who are tenable to path t4. Oabap Rapid. Canal, More laid the eanea of delay b•folo the l'anadl.0 Gov- ernment, and are now graoad an exten- sion of time until tea spring of 1900, to camps** the work. The deep water steam Mat 110• between tipper rotes and sea- board most tr•nefSr to bargee at Ogden. burg, Kingston and Praaooat as formerly. T. Guard Rp.lwalt Vancouver, H. C., Feb. 90 -Seoul matt 1. b hays ■ gnard.hlp. The 'Mir/- elms Mrdelms battleship Tammany le mow beteg Mud oat at Devonport for her voyage to E rgalmrlt to which station eh• h.s been appotnbd as port gasrdlan The T.merelrs arra cl.ht guns. Her dl. pls0emmt Is 6,240 tons and she terries %hoot 400 amen. Commander Booth -Timber of the Sal- vation Army at New Yak le alarmlogly 111 from overwork. Tweet nelliese Marrler Opera Sister. New York, Feb. la -The World an - nemeses the wedding of Thomas A. Edison, Jr., one of the 1.7*mtnr, as! MIM Marie 1400405 Tenho', • momler at the Camino Opera Cemp.ay. At Crewe Peeresses. Brnwnw-Why didn't you el..n the w1,-rinwl thee week, Moryf Marr -01 ronldn't. mum. There was en much other worruk tei do. Mn. Bmwliw-W.11. 1l Ton can't do 1t, I will hale to gat some one Chas can Mary --01 wide yet would, mum, for there's too miw'h wreak bore fir not M tic *loss -Brooklyn Life. �yy ^ f riyF�'S' r�sGi:9i.4 44' ya 4 ,a r �-. '''' a•. r , 4. 1h'!1' Ma.4 .t:"'• .. 412.4 tRI'CE ALT TO OFIN As Soon as Mrs. Druce Presents a Formal Application. BERLIN BOY NEARLY SCALPED. 111.ilg•. a'etri. Crop Thought t• Be Twu-l'hlyd• arose• min,h..m Seals Safe Blows to A1.... -A ram - bore Man Sar• Dead Ms•'• l.lsed •w1 104.g 1. Lee- •,- 4.., .oho.l.. QUEBEC'S SOCIAL SCANDAL. Dear Nerelaa *..l10. Diner• and 4*.) .,,1. .04 1. the City 0.4•r • ('lead. Qnebe°, Feb. *0. (Toronto -Wee Corre.pond.n00.)-'l he authorities' here eau nu longer conceal the details 01 ibe grata! .opal .oanJal that Quebec bee e wer known, sinister runlet. respecting 041.4 brie been In olroulatiou for several day. past. Yrow a hlgb public function- ary last night I leernedth* following had wkleh will b* made 0ubllo le -re to -day 0' Tuesday lo an *finial manner: Elm Very Rev. Dr. Normae, Dean ut Ihe Cathedral of u bas re• rtQlytand MostarsV ' life Left 404- s,.d all his end i tnd>olii"fSol[e'daT 7'e11• the fastens demand of His Lordship There May be thousands of days iiltapup Dunn, end 4*. hurriedly ittl eta to Colic but there may beim'', one city under a cloud. He M supposed 40 -that is the point. AA you ban goo* 10 Tomo. demise any wrunpolDg. The uplift arb5S 001 of a raking chances and carrying your Assi.s*artWr lflYSTIM._ The Turonlo school cadet. salved hack from Tarps, Fla., on Saturday. A despaWb frau Ottawa my. Parlia- ment mal open April d, haying been torm•187 prurogusd until April 1. London, England, fries wait to open oorrespoudeooe ',rite exporters of C:aaa- dlau turkeys, wild rice aid o•vfan. North Carolina bee adopted the 000• seitutio0al amendment limiting thenegre vote by educative, pull tai and property qua11f1o•tlon. of Ill -repot, who was driving with awsatbewl murder mos, the victim of which, George Poole, died la tie Heed Dies Hospital 7eewrday. Pepin wee a youth et 911, employed 1n • tannery, lino was sbol l y (MO John Dixon lest Sunday afternoon 'bile the tailor was aiming ail • oomp•nia° d the murdered man named Teague,. 15040e7 had spoken to • girl Claret*. Sommers, the oldest tosser 1)Isoo, and bee" the ehc*SIng. Whesl °arra, In Philadelphia was ,rose, 10 Dixon and • oompeoloo of bb naR10d d th while going his rounds 1n dal any 0 14,40 wen •rrwted ower 49,000 was se dal In the 14011* last wake fused in their po•meatluo. Asked by the detective's when they got it, obey der Trod. Uuno, who was run over by a alar, Deaa Norman bad 41410 It *4 thorn as bush mow, and amoral , *4000' rose that love you frothe suffer- s.. ▪ more besides. The Dean was spoked.to ted that and admitted be had paid .N, by the untimely or tan - bon 16,600, bull dead any wro.11d01nep 1 expected death of their bread - ‘t hen tin molter was reported he ori` winner ? Hlebao M Manned b hear try .1plaatee t Goo of the non 8.7004 the admission std , Full particulars of the cheapest. the p•y1eat of the moan. and rho safest and best Insurance sent free rMlgoatloa was eromplly given •0d 14- on application to agreed. The 'aqua% on tics body of the murdered man god on to day, cad Judge H ELLIOTT, R. C 1 . Ingersoll. High a.r'y, lr.aq.rd O.P.R. wain as Toronto Junction on Friday, bad both arms amputated at the Toronto General Hospital on Saturday, Bir R. Lambert Playfalr. formal/ Bridals oonaul general ler the Mellow, of Algeria and the author of seven) books of travel, 4. demo. He was born In 1888 Jobn Jackson of Galt had 4 841117100 *agape from death on Friday, the 404511 of his 8901.4 wage° passing over hie sect. He was unconscious for hours, but may recover. Dead Mans Ialaod, in Burned NBA, aloes to Stanley Park. bas been sold to a Mr. Ludgate of PNerbor°, Ont The Wand L a part of the Imperial Govern - !ant gamma Firs brow out 1e the building occupied by 'redhead/sr & Mlseheil, aloe mono• factar•ra, Tarnow, and did damage t0 the .1410001 of 410,000, which Is tally soared by I0t0r•nos Swimming lemons are now a part tete ordinary Instruction given In many Lerodu41, Lag., •.bustle, and It has thug tar proved an admirable end useful, else for boy. and gine.. John Alexander Gilmour, who find from Parry Sound last month and was armed As thee f anadlan Soo, baa pleadet yt6Hty to forgery and has been 55btan0od te one year In the Central Priem. H. J. Powell's prelate bank In Bles- \ram was entered by burglars at M grisly boor Saturday monolog. The ante was blown to atom. The robbers serrimdd 12,000 sad •spekap of poses 'dad el about 11600. Oomwlwlon men and farmer. who hove beau investigating the potato Drop repots that More than two -third. of the entire steak 1° Mlrblgan to robed. Thotme ds el bushels burled In mounds al theuenal depth beat been KIpeM7rie. IIsi Ti-metiel iq pi oQort te Imola 9..Ia8am feet of steamd% ply on the C*0*64*e proms of lake Huron. Shoos the wroth of the Canaria .ad 11e withdrawal of the Cermo.a the Windsor Soo roots is veosnt own risk ? If so, are you wise? Would it not be better to join yonr life with 30,000 others in the aaaAfan �rder Toratcrs and protect those you love aid Chauveau w1U easeque.1ly cantinas the Investigation Into the olroomsimese coo• Dated with the e'ltl*trlog of the money from Dan Norman. The Dean Is 7d Years of age end unmarried. He wee formate Macre of cheat Choroh Catb►p' WAS HIS FRIEND, TOO. dral, Montrealtie was bon In England.' and !p a tallow at Ka for Copses. 0xteed. Touching lee1d•at 4. C..■ertime W•tki tie Qa•.a'• Gla el • ('.bio to the S1-MSTALL1att TRR Isar& "'eall.r'• R.•t." 14. ..r.1I. Chelrseee 4.1•.• Says That W111 R. t►• Q•estl•a. THOS. WHITE, ERNST GARTUNC, S. 0., Inoue+ •"-wasblogbo, Feb. *0.-8maler Janes R. 40001, chairman et the Democratic; al commltese. is nee 1a wooed With ]Ir. Crater of New York end Mr. Wail of W1coow*to0, regarding the pars- Maltt lawae la rho next P1e.ldentlal armoalgo. H. said oR-RIMI My "To day that tea -mail Demeere141 • elional ooav504100 wIll 1o.a0rm the pesaon takes by the contesetton d lige Is to .dart what *very candid man, area gllghtly familiar wsi existing fads. knows to be Vac It 1s ascertain ...any-, thing hums can be that the gambits of 1110 Ballism well be the leadtag lath* IS the eumpelgs next poi." A 1•nwell diaper was glum .s the Union League Club on Friday sighs la New York le Josmb H. Choose, lbs 00w1y appolnhed ambassador to togl.Od. He mad. • strong appeal te towbar Anglo-Anlerfcan (rlsnd•bte M. Osiris be. amassed his Mak of re^ ss•1 1 ori/ p the ohaleau of M la est° red - dims of the Empress Josephine, In Par Mite original shape and condition Hie purpose 4* doing this is to have It serve M • museum of Imperial souvenirs. The inmates .l the Mercer 41.tormt tory at Toronto will In fetor be divided loth three Moises, awoordlog Ic their different amass of d•pravlt7. TM (Iow- gnomons has decided to make the neoes- ery changes In the building at • oat of 48,000. J. W. Jorgenson. or "Jack the Hale 011pper," was .rrea.d In Chicago on Saturday while In t8• sot of cutting • kyle from the meed ot Sou Fran.ky. Jorgenson has smarmed that be had ens Mos hoer from the beads of 800 girls and women. On Saturday dm apart train from Calais for Brussels collided with • train et n .til • Fora w►lab was • .tad 1 t o Oast the latter place. 2'wenty-one passengers were killed. and over 110 were Injured. Then were no English or American among them. A .t•tement prepared at the U.B. ?mastery Dep•rtrn.nl 'bows that the quantity of American goods hauled by Canadian raflros to war about arm times greeter than Itis quantlt) of cano- n.. goods bailed by American reads during 1498. A4 the .1. Y. Amato & Bona' button works, Berlin, a boy named I'ollabwskl narrowly soaped Indeed doth. While asaondlag to the third flat la the elevator Ms bead came 1n conMet with • protrud- ing timber. He wail neery "seined b7 the e0111afon. "Esperanto" 1s the name given to a sew universal language by Its Inventor, Dr. Qamenbof, a Ho.dsn. Count Tolstoy le odd 80 have Inve.tlgated this latest form of speech and to ban declared that any person of average InN111genos 0141) learn It In two hoar. MeV. D. C. Hro.ack of Parkdele Pres- byterian Chonb, wbo went there from Orangeville six )ears ago, bas religned Ws chafe* en amount of III health. While reeling be will maks • tour of America and 484 Old World for the par. pose vet gaudy. Mr, Haamek N a graduate of Knox College. The famous Thum ease bids fair to be settled In the neer future. The wl8ltor of the imperial Home Office •nnoonoed on Betur•fay that the 8e,ntar7 of State ter Home Affairs will grant perml..fon for the opening of the Irate vault In Highgate Cemetery ea 'non am Mrs Drag preemie a formal application. Lord Charles Beresford wam on /rater - day night the goad of honor at • ban. quer given by the Commercial Cleb of Chicago. in the morning tore Charly paid e v1Yt M the Heard of Trade Bud - arm wee roepended on the flunr, and ha was .1e1 1.4 by President Lyon en the visitor.' gallery between two land of ebe.ring and venation brokers. 111. amoeba. In reopen.. dealt with Olt Alar eo have • 0om4ereial Onda.tanding for es open door 1n China between Oast Britain, Japes, Germann and the netted Stete.- is R. C, Oatmeal C•a.ere41.14.4, Vancouver, Feb. lit -Loral .a1 mea eanurry men ere Intensely interested to • big l hlogo deal, whereby model of magnitnde Is got together end the whole of the salmon trope on Poiret Hound an bought ant for a eon, moodier 41 s(0,• 000 11 Is the l'•e16n Amerltei Peeking 1;omp.ny of Chicago (of what' Mr. John Caddy. the greet pork molter of that elty, N v4se pmei.lent and looting dean - Mal hooker) that h1• enquired the /eh trap.. Thee dl.nl.Im all loos if tido he Ing • trust, deelering that the profits Is Peen Keene, Nbing hove Moor a*4s•ted Them, •11!'11,17 a 4614e t14 • 'i > n. ° t ai:'YaG4. d, ;-ase +kip; ,• 'r r Y r l.ly. , . hep. r,: ',. MARKET REPORTS. Wired Cesetheed Hoary ea •at.rd•r cad wove 7arth.r reactional Der --- •11.40 a4 Chicago ..d 1,1 1. .Liverpool. Feb. 90.-0 beat 104arge. WON weak on Saturday and closed doll N Led per mural below Friday's final $A10 Chicago, Feb 90. -The lower abide. e illing by foreigners and task of mop damage news ken this *beat market M the down grade 145484 on Saturday. There Was • p•rtl*1 reoomy, mann oho oboe from the low poles, but the final ninon were 4,e b 'tic per bu►he1 beneath chase • Friday t Leadlrlw wheat lark•M Cask Feb. 4.e.• 7.1r. OhkTalk. - - 4 , 4 7 a ti $ Newaw' 74 Milwaukee , . 79 - - - i1. Leen) ... 71 72 74'>; 69 792( 75 79 Detloft .. 78 - 76% 71 Id Duluth. No. 1 Nortbern... Duluth, Net 1 Minnormals Toronto, red 'Toronto, No. 1 bard (newt Sett 49% vex - w. 6e - 81 Tenets at. Ls 1111A1♦ Wheat, whll., ba Wheat, red. bo Wheat. Fife, spring, MI Wriest. goose, ba Hyo, o0 Oats, bti Baakwheat, be Barley, leo Peas, ble 71.6 70 K 7114 70% ea Market. 40 7844to40 734 71% 701 634 k W 47 64 •1004 Red clover, be es 40 Whiter -lover, sed, b4 6 00 Aimee, chola to fano,3 ho A1s1ke, good, No. 9 2 60 AGI(., good. No, 2 . 2 00 Timothy, bo 1 20 Beene, •bits, bo..,..,, so DAT AND STRAW. Hal, timothy, per ton 48 00 Hay, clover, per ton 6 Jo Straw, sheet, per ton. 6 Gel Straw, loose, per ton . 4 00 to t3 9 4 2 1 le 40 6 DAIRY' rmrtlt•ClO. Batt.,. lb. rolls ...40 16 to 40 Butter, forge rolls Ig Eggs, new said. 90 h tt't.TRT. Chickens, per pair 40 40 be 40 Turkeys, per 1h 11 Spring dock., per pair 60 Gees. per lb 7 7R('i11 AND VRO►TARI.1S. 74 79 64 u 49 66 90 00 90 60 40 11 90 00 50 (0 00� 11 16 25 40 1216 8/ 9 50 76 76 (8) 60 60 95 00 90 I6 96 90 Apples, per 444 42 60 to 13 Ply{Mw, per lag 66 Rut ■.fol. Cattle Market. Cattle, choice to extra 46 25 to 45 Cattle, gond to choice. 4 far/ 6 Calves 7 t4) 7 Help, choker to ever. 4 9g 4 Shap, good to choice. 4 00 4 Lamb.,..bole. to extra. 4 90 6 Lambe_ good en chola 4 76 4 Hoga,medfam sad heavy 4 10 4 Hogs, Yorkers. -..r,, 415) 4 Pigs 160 e Mets Weston, who is well known for her work among collars to England, has j.•1 had en 1nte1.1,0 with the Queen el Windsor, wbo 1. keenly 101.(•seed 1n by labor, Her Majesty remote, gave a "sable" to the "Sailors' Heat" at Devon- port, and Mise Wesson related to the Queen an i mtaos of a With sa1.00, who, after having been plastid In the cabin. oohed it the Nasse resit, sem Me' entre out of het private pooket When told It who fru,, the senor said: "I would not INn hoheyed Il aa1es. 1 had meso It SM lag torn my Qu..a laws?. Now ate Is Ep.Pp.ed M.. -het.. Liverpool, Feb. 90. -On Saturday the final agave were: Son wheat steady; No. 1 Northern, M; fatale, red 'tear, M 7.9d for March and M 71.6-14d for May. Maas steady: M 7 Md )tar old, fu4erso quiet; the 6 Led fee Raton rd le 6 1-44 for May. Thar, tee *4 Ona railway jmirmly Morley had for a Companion an old gentlemen who had bees trying to nuke himself more e.omhr4•ble with the aid of • somewhat deflated AO •0.41°0. Professor Mor107 was glowing l blow it np for 4im. but Ole fiction eras ar reared hay the ernl*matln0: "Rtnp, dr, ethyl That enation condo my Maimed wale'a breath l" -Lire et Retry Mo<1tp. .1.0,040 fee R ltea•.•e. lmnden. F.h. 14. -The C4aecellov N the Ornbegser, 81r Sleben Hleh.-lean\, a.se1sasd 1e the command yeele.Aq thee ten 13011116 Weald he eked A weft 4160,000 for Om. Lard tmamma, al ibereeea, wibe\ yse}tpeald paths* be ismoi d fes hie Mosel 7 bleed. Mos Wilton says the Quote wept o0 hearing this simple story. The (werpeet..l Rewr,►. No well-trained •dultmlodever thinks Of tea things that children will m7, and the 'anstpe)t," from Item Is always held ID dread expectancy. A fresh ex ample was afforded the other 41140151 1n • family on Adelaide .ttoet Then was company fur dinner and the platter to trout of tea boot contained • lee roast of beef. H• drew the there serving knife across the ringtngeaSl foe • few times jag because that L • way thaws have. drove tet fork dap foto tea steaming beef, described • scalping - knife flourish Is the air sod 4reeefa417 began operations. Two nice marb1ts.d sloes Moor across the rood resulted mid be was turning off the turd when the blade struck • skewer, made • 'Wing u pward motion and same 001 t the lop with • result cher the proposed tam bot ed 1149 • leant 048*08/ loaf muted by the tan. The man could not say lithium things In the presence et the guests, bat be from tit w1f• wits • look. made • grim job *boot the indigestibility of n omad hardwood, inquired wbeteer the botcher also raw • woodysrd, dug the 'Gower 004 .lefoisy and ordered Bale Willie, who had mode several •IMmpN to ten something. to keep still or lean the table. H1s evident tamper led W as embarrassing alone* and little Willie taw an Opening *bat be amid ins resist "Cook bas beret her mese oral," he an000noed. "Too bad," said the father, whoa good boomer was coming back. "How did she de 141" "Tryln' ter pall Mw skewers est th w1 her Meath." •,dose 515)18'• 1s11.•. Syds.y Smith was very happy le h1. eaa0tr7 life, .std his children caught Me spirit of delight over . 44140041 things. They loved animate sod spent long bouts In training them. On* little beast • baby donkey, b.e.m• ander their tuition perhaps the moot accomplished of 41. specie. Sud onconseloiely gave rise to • quatrain which now belongs to tea fam• of Sydney Smith. The donkey was a well educated chop. He would walk upstairs. follow the family In their rambles like • dog and when they entered lots meadow ran to 10.11 them wish mei down and tall erect, braying joyoo.y. One day, when Billy's bead was crowned with flowers and he was being trelned with • handkerchief for • bridle, Mr. Jeffrey Dn.zpatedly arrived. H• joined 1n the sport and to the eblydreo'e Innen' delight mount*' 411117. '1'hus he was proosading In triumph when Sydney Smith and his wife, with three Blade, returned from • wait and took to the festal tens. The grist man edyaoestd, w)tb extended baud.. and greeted his old trisect In so fmpromplu which has become familiar to the read 1nq world• Witty as Horatian Flacons, As .great • Jacohln a Urseehos, Short {hough nM as fat as Beeeksg. 4t.smd on s IIt5. *ekes"! Raw From Ear To Jaw. " i have been for years Moro or lose subject to eruptions on my skid. The lee aide (deny face from the top of m7 ear te half way down my jaw was ler a rep bed state -being almost raw, making shaving very painful. I was advised te try Burdock Alond Bitters. One bottle perfectly cared me, i tae honestly rr commend 0.8 B. to all who ager how any Akio disease." O. WHITR'Garba vela, B. 8.8, cured Salt Rheum, Leese. Totter, Shingles, Rolle, Pimples. Sores, Ulcers, and all forme of Skin Dime's end Eruptions, from the smallest pimple to the worst scrofulous r