HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-2-16, Page 8TIVIIIDAY, Feb. 16, 1111l9.
A Motley -Saving Time for You.
41111.'"11111111)111$11.11thlg tr"tathe stock snit -Dow, gad many knee, reelacr-thast
kis* iiii7we are ;riming at half prioe. New add stylists Jackets :trid Furs,
etc, that it weilkUpty yes te bey god keep till next fall at tile prisms they
are going at now. BASE 0•11.411111 hot Come and see the good.; no trouble
to show thew.
1108IERY and GLOV1111
speci•I lot of Cash
more Olovoir st
Paper back,
well printed,
made to sell at
25e. Hooke Ivy
I luehosa,
Doy le, ()slide,
Zola/end °(hem
all going at..50.
ive f oelIt116-*-4
A Last Giszt
Special loot of
Jacket'. in Blacks,
4:pension] Broom,
going at
42 Each
Felt Sailors and
Walking Hobs,
special 101 :It 260.
Trimmed fiats.
Dan Priec.
100. Pair
Chihds Kul . Lord
Weal Ilea% molt and
Ske;iStra, at
Fins Ribbed Cash•
nine Nor, °al)
You won't mind
the cokl nights if
you have a pair of
I Mir
.11111 111C 111-11, 111
0111Y 191.90
for regular nbo
Nice whit...Quilt',
onh 7b.: -
Laces, Ribbons, , Handkerchiefs.
"A Paw Saved IN a Peony Madir."
CLOTHING and , cogang tad
Not pennon, but (I
1.11S,011 011 1411 ()vet oat jilt
now. A few I. -ft.
's Fiselleavertheraiii
tAle 1/r 11V,It it 410.
Goiag it $4.75.
Gots' Collars,
Root Qualtty, Newest Illeares
Shrtterd bliyere Who Rave taken- the Mashie
retired Mir emeptimal valuta
Thu.. us. a4w.r
the latest
urll steekods
Only 75c.
We. art y a hill rau,41c
in the bent makes.
Full line of
Corset Covers,
NiOt fawn
MI wake comparisoos have
The Min Anlittherffeee.
Positive •nd unlimited rocedenee In the
K ola plant as neture'n sore remedy for
Asthma has been abundantly sustained in
:Kt many remarkable earn obtained
through the the of Clarkes Rola Compound.
It Is i great discovery Endorsed by the
medical profession everywhere. Over 500
eases absolutely eared in Canada. Cure
guaranteed. Sold by all druggists. 27
HELLO. EATTIILLT!-The telephone 110. 5.
Beyfleld bee been completed end on Tues-
day wee opined for linemen Mies Merle
1.the onseager of tbe notes' elfin at Bay.
FANAIRRA' 1I'1l'i•Tr MI Reeler:, The
Well Huns Farmers' Institute Ines ar-
ringed for meetings as follows : Wingheen,
Feb. 23rd Auburn, Feb. 241h Donglitt•
nee, Feb. 25th : Hawesville, Feh. 27i1..
The speakers will be A. W. Cempbeil. Tit
mato ; I). ('. Anderson, Penny ; T. 11.
Magon, Straffordville. and Andrew Currie,
Wingham. Meetings will be held both
afternoon end evening. All are oordially le-
Hoes know Tilt WAN..--l'at Lynn, Inte
of U. 8. 8. New York, returned home on
Toseday from New York City, where be
bei bees in the hospital toren, eleys with
his broken or Re bee es honorable &m-
ethane of the fleet raW from the envies et
the United StatAls, hut may re cellist If the
condition of hie arm will t t hitt If
not, he will prol.ally rotors to Chiang°,
where he was engaged before his departure
for Cuba.
LaGAI, The following nese was disposed
ef at Owned* Hall oe Monday Dalton v.
Toweithip of Ashfield. -.lodgment on spinal
by plaintiff from inlement of Morrison .1.,
themiseing the mottos', whinh was broneht by
Illishael Dalton. the owner of the east half
ref lot 5, in the Lske road nonoessith west,
in the townehin nI Aehlield to reposer dam
S IM from the municipality and for se in-
jenetien restraining defendants from main
Seining a onlyert on the highway and
(pertain ditches leading thereto, anti from
estegeg water to flow on plaintiff s land. and
ter darearres from initire to hie land by
lesieltee. The trial isles hole that the
plaintiff wee Goateed under I he Ditehes and
Weterneerese Ant to the remedy provided
hy 'so. 38, Appeal allowed with costs,
jedgment to be mitered for plaintiff for
$30 damages and aa isjenotion with poste,
eannersin. Helt & Helmet for plaintiff.
Deere,& Preedieet, for defendants.
Lennox D1we4mllit.2-The florlerieh hark -
wy boom wee • getable victory hot Tues-
day resale', when ahoy vthqnished the
erase louden teem Th. Moron (mewl of
Ws wawa perhaps the biggest orowil in
eh* history of the West -et rink thrust net
le Me expamature es memo, • splendid im-
bibed= tat Ms game, sad they wet.. net die.
oggssileted. The VAIN .s...4 the mrtlitieg
variety. 1. the fleet holt Ooderioh took •
Awed lest, bet London overt...we and peeped
Salm In the sensed half. and it reprised the
eery Ise• eval wee Se make it • viatery fey
hems team Oaderieh sewed the first
arse reale la 1, 24 sad Mentos ; broaden
Me tow& le 1 lateens: Gedsrsoh tins lute
le& Meth is 4 mod 1 etiolates, and lovedoe
egoe seessydi in 0 minutes. Thee followed
.4 ele sallmissud play wIthinst 51.. onering01.
OWL la the seesed half Lendne mend
berrook, serepaoa 4. £, 7.8 and htwiLs-
atm. and the last two goals were kes by
Goderiolo in 10 and 1 minotse This ended
the game. the 'Poore standing 7 to 6 in fever
of tbe home team. The players were Log -
dos -Goal, Smith ; point. Little ; cover.
Point, Stinson; forwards, Peel, Carruthers.
Fraser, Rohde. Goderioh-Goal. Williams;
point, Dube oover.point, Thompson; for-
wards, McCarthy, Meilen, Flredin.Shannen.
The referee was John Dobbs, of Termite
University.... Clinton and Seafortb Plaited
• match in tbe oounty league series on Fri-
day night at Clinton, resulting in • eta -3
5. 21.
Ors •He N4 Rifle CU' It. --Phb 1411,,b mateh
ha tbe competitioe for • rifle Hi the (lode.
rieh Off -Hand Rifle flub Wok peas lost Hei-
der. Tin worse wen :
10.3 'du 200 yds. Total.
0. Pennington... ?A 21 45
H. W. Bell ..... 26 21 47
W. Cattle 16 0 16
Jam. Andrews20 9 29
E. C. Pennington36 18 54
J. felt 34 25 59
F..1. T. Naito] ••• 44 30
C. Reld 26 15 41
Capt. Donnelly13 51
A Bei lensittle KFITIRTAINMENT. Meet -
ford Bentoe: "Mite Dugit, who has (*admit -
ed a denote, clew le tto oity fee some
mouth., nee interleiomont in oonneo-
eirra with her pupils, et Myna' hall last
e ight. There was r. good al tendence and
She program wee • very pleasing one. Part
1. negotiant of marches. monies' drill, ball
exercises sod Spanish exercises by the close,
which were very oreditahly performed,
showieg that Mies Degit's efforts hose been
effective. A skirt dein* by Mies !hell was
very good and Mid B. Souk • of Mt. Marge
pleased th. sodinnos with • Seotoh doen.
The second part of the proeram ooncisted of
the " Proonsaion of Seasons." This part
wee exormtioeslly well oarred out, the little
&nom being dressed to represent the .11f.
inset flowers. Miss Doge and her efficient
clan are to ha congratulated of their en-
tertainment " Mies legit will, we uoder•
stand. form • elms in Gerterioh, which will
meet on Monde', of each week.
Tor Itla:ItiRSTAL Anmilly. --The people
of Clinton are maltiog effort. te have the
Huroe battalion hetr,onarters leested In
that town. As win mentioned In Tits Sot
SAT 1.16 the rioyersomest perggege
erecting an armory in oech comsoiy for the
unt ef ths hsttalion The matter
having been brontht np in the Clinton tears
council, 15 wee agreed to provide • free site
for the purpose, provided the met @Imola
not 'mond $150. A rooster te the infer.
station furnished to tee Giese' nommil, the
building nontomplatal will he fireproof and
will be of a sirs sufficieet to nontain the
arms, olothing and other witreent for hoar
hundred ems. besides the earetaker's ryner•
tent It would be the hindquarters for the
battalion. ',he wool(' Aril1 there es the way
te the I romp of instrnotion. Lent.
Col. Verona has onisirmanioat.w1 with the
tierlevink embed is the matter, het definite
seem has wee yet heen taken.
Tut MUT.= - I he sild wave has pay-
ee& aad the readings of the thermometer
have reseed te he the thief isibiset of coo.
vsmatioa. "The °Mae Inholohint" hed to
waren dose le the ragman of hie memory
for a eters#61 te the oeld spell throe,'" whieb
vs. has. just pained Friday, Retro:ley
sae homey were the renblest Asys: se Mo. -
Jay the menery began to ANC and with It
rue the popular entreaties 01 the Merk ef
thir•voesthits.?. SLIM.
Theratemselge--like dieligi,-takeyere rod
people la gtherot Alleagree, eat I m ease
they trued me to seethe ue asy 0041 d•V
the ooloost Tea lowers einaperet horn
wee aeywhere frees 20 le 28 degrees below
!SKATING Races. The boys' ikons M *10
✓ iek lass :Saturday ettereocie malted se tel.
laws ; Twelve years lied melee- 1st. Bebe
Kiely, Walter McIntosh. the
ears Dan McDonald
R. Campbell. -
At men County Gaol- -at now inmate
was received at the Reel last week, • noose
named Zidder JAcklin, 4,0. 5. township
Grey, beteg einiunIteed ois the 9th Met for
vagrancy... For disobeying the gaol dis-
cipline, Thomas Stokes, one of the inmates,
was placed on bread and water diet for four
Pito. 5.OIPWi.-
11.. quo serrate° eiroasedii. • .essist mayor
Thompson and councillor Campbell hay*
bees ealnr44.1 uotil Saturday next, la view
of the objeotion takers to Mr. Holmes' sit-
ting in omitted on the ground of his being
& weer to • firm ounduoting as aotioo
against the town, tent gentleman on Friday
est mint in hal resignation. W. regret that
we Kayo not spays for • letter in Ireton Mr.
Holmes •xplaina reseal for tritium this
Ct• iu.i O..- Pride oceeseth before destine.
Urn ! The beeght) epirit ot tr. "oolte"
wee lowered last Friday al foramen ni •
game te whice sney mine mat wooed bete
T‘ww...pla.yers.and acne were
v :
1) C Straohao, F. M. Denham,
H. I.. Wat•on,
R. W. Logan,
A. Mali Aliso,
W. T. Welsh, stip, 14. D. Holmes, skip, 8.
The games played so far ,n the new
members' oompetition ewe resulted as fol.
lows! .1. 1). ()Cassell best Chas. Shepherd
11 to 10; W. Soule best Chas Humber 13
to 10; Dr. Hunter beet P L Welter' 9 to 6;
Freak Humber beat 5' M. Denham) 145.10.
• • nine rinks front seeforth met the
local curlers Wedeseday afternore ead eve -
sing. 'the visitors came off etc:terns* in
both matithes. We nave loran unable to ob-
tan Use sooree.
FANCy CARNIVAL. • The wooed corneal
of the ~es mime eff suonesfelly et the
rink on Friday evening. There was • fair
o thendarice, &nd a goodly number of masked
oostumers took pert is the various oompete
Urns. Messrs Tye, Rougvie, end Emerson
were the judges. sod the prizes were gives
as follows Rest oouple. fancy skating,
Geo. Dube and Miss Nellie McKenzie.
t;ent's ferny, Geo. Dube, "Old time Gal-
lant ; " 2ed, L. Parsons, "Negro Dude."
Mir D. Moody, 't047-04
▪ Bixigeeth Century ;" 204. Mies Nellie
McKenzie, "Reinbnw." Girl's fancy. Miss
Lillie Webetter,"lndian Princess; '
Carrie Fraser. "Sailor Girl." Hoy's fano,.
Robt CrAgie. "In the Days of Columbus
2nd, F. &module "itrowni. Dude." Group
of two, 4' Sallow, and Wm, Horton,
"Clowns." Best represeetettee of nurse,
lesTeartTretitea•W. gw regiesentegimil
of tramp, H. T. Morrie. Beet represeuth
Men et hid meid, Miss Jessie llolionald.
HIs flitressietatten of Canada, Miss Hattie
elarrisen. Amon, the other omit sown' oci
110 10 were: Walter McIntosh. "Umbrella
Meader :" Sievert Murray, "Brownie ;''
Rut Martin. "Father Chiniquy ;" John
Ni,.., "Negro." Reg. Harrison. " Spannh
Meese ;" Miss May Reohanan, "Stars and
Stripe •" Thee. Borrows, "Neer, 1104.Aise. Crelgie. "Qin., el Mare .".Mtes
Craig* "Tromp," Mis. Magtie Blair, "Rees
Qom. Mies Li/xis Molose. "Mewls
Ledy :" Rise Flo. Mobiles. "Mother Hob -
herd ;" Mies Mary Meg', "Sweet Brier
Mies Shay E. Meineeld, "Sewing tile'
W. Webster, "Mother and his Mies
Tretb:swey, "Certain COM ;" Miss
Grace Diek son, fasts, ; Mies Moue Witther-
eld, "Cubed. ;" W. Johnston, honey ; J.
Gritlie, "Primmer." A itentber of other tose•
Semen parsed in without airbag metilleation
as to the oloaraotere whisk they promoted.
Tlift LATE MRS. KAY. -This ass* „v•
hays seedier game to add to (10 14.1 of 'old
ated nepemeid residents who have bees re-
melted by dead% during the past few months.
.Elsewbere will be found mention a th•
death M one, Mrs. Wm. Kay, who, though
from her utuez life she was perhaps not as
widely koown as others. will be mush sod
Ione mimed by these who were privileged
to roust her as • friend. Mrs. Kay was
born at Denmark, in the State of New N'ork,
In the year 1824, lied were wo us/lentos&
lineally descended on the side of her mother,
named Davenport, from one of th• original
Mayflower colonists. When she was "rely •
few years ell her hither, lerealow Nokia
soil, moved with bie family to General' and
afterwards to Prescott. where he became
widely end favorably known as ae enter
Prising forwarder sod freight event Mrs
Kay was one of • Dementia family, but out-
lived them all, one of the lest and beet
knows being the late Moss K Dickinson.
Erti..who represented the county of Russell
for thine years le the Dominion Pert isment
le 1847 Miss Dickinson married William
Kay, M.A • thee prinoinal of Cornwall
Grammar School, end on his retinmeet from
tin tosohine profession they come to Gode
rich in 1858, so that she had fey forty years
been • reddest of nor town. Gristle and
retiring in dineeition, she shrank from pub-
licity of bey kind, bet by those who had
the privilege sad the pleas -ere of knowing
her intimately le privat• life she way elik•
esteemed &ad od tor her Christian worth,
her kindly, sympathetic) nature, and her
wbolly unselfish oonsideratiou for others.
Perhaps, indeed, one ot the hest 'widowers
of and tributes to her oharacher is the Not
that children. those unfailing judges of
humen nature, felt instinctively attracted to
her, and loved her. The death of two 'need
son. tise a daughtse, followed in 1892 by
that of her huebsed, though borne with
quiet Cbretten resignation. could oot help
bevies an effect on her, and for the last
year or twe her health had been visibly
haling. Within the Int few months she
had leen virtually tionfined to her roma,
gaminelly growing weaker, and on Thursday
lost, atter • short otrugele, her gentle and
unoomplaining spirit pawed quietly sway
frnm the wearied body to its eternal home.
She wee burls' oe Sabbath afereeen, the
newel beteg private and only a few lett-
mate friends berm present. She Invite big
hind one eon, John Kay, of the Bank of
Commerce, Simcoe, and three &snobbier,
hire. W. N. Anderson, of Toronto, Miss
Kay and Mrs. E. R. Chilias, who have the
warm "empathy of friends in whose Insets
kindly mammies of their mother will long
dwell Hee rather, the Rev. Mr. Anderson,
who oenduoted the femoral asTvior, 'node
reference at the sweets* serene in Knee
oheroh In • few well -choose words te bet
worth se • Wistilen and se • Christian.
CX)R11000 Abe
:e.es sae ter Sable eel NOY .
Mr. Creeks, of Mane. wee le tows cois
Mee. 7. 0. temposo has reeureed from •
Mint le Leedom
Mies &sale Hews, el (Jmos, as deleted
la taws sate week
legh,..11141ses sesame/ lemerlsei•- ark
Gateau Vamp. -
Hereto Newton telt ea Ileudey la mempalt
as oath,* at Leaden.
Mies Lembo thlberee has returned hems
after • stay of 1110T441111 weeks at Stroller&
Jobe Wyss west to Tenet* es Monday
te see Dr Reeves in Merest* to Ms injured
Mies 81.rie Wants, el Gods/soh township,
le visitise 51the .'04d....o1 Mrs. Yeager,
ittriteneia road
Thee. Harrows. 'mooed mg woresery the
1Goderith U. 0. 1, lodge, visited Chats.
lodge on Thursday everting
Mrs. Henry Relton. of W tads's, atteeded
the funeral of her brother le law, Robert
bell. of Goderich ToWnship
R. H. McKenzie left co Moakley foe Exeter
where be will be eagraged in R. H. Collins'
law °Mae, Mr. Collins being ill.
E.R. Watson is representing Maple Leaf
lodge, No, 27. at use reeetios o the A.0 U.
W. Good lodge at Toronto this week.
R. B. Cox, of Wimbledon, North Dakota.
sprat • few days is tows the past week
with his parents, Mr. mad Mrs. Samuel Cox
Mr. WadIand, et Hamiltoe, soperlateed
nit of tbe oosetruselee department of the
Bell Telephone Co ter Western I intern,
wee le town ea Tee;day.
Haetmee of the Gadarich riertieulteral
!twisty win be held in the office of Wm.
Leers. at the emirs been, on the datos below
miser 'eon. The meetiegs commence at
7:30 el'olisek, end seery body is esteems.
Feb. 23-0.. 1. 5.1.0* fruit for exhibi-
ting. A. Mel) Alias.
Morel+ 2 Rem AO the series, T. Neftol.
Marsh 9 -Peeltsy and the stardee, C
44.1044 16 -Cultivation ef celery sod to -
mates', (leo. Stewart.
4.0001. 23 -Ceasing and preserriag tree.
9 Morningstar.
- -
A protest has bens selere3 by she Cam-
servatives 00.10.5 5.. return el Donald Me.
Nish in West ItIgie
The Proviernal byeelentlee le Smith
Perth is to ash* plea* es Pelt IfAth. W. 0
ilnaorio, the or mornher, for besieges
ensease has deohnod to &teed wt., earl Mut
1,4bereu have nonsinatwei le their rawIlkiese
Valentino Meek. 14 Tavistooli
Rae Japer Wilma gemettee easivereary
saran= 10sa• 1111m104ist die* at Genie
Locsc.Nawa IN BRIEF
Rise's Pure salt fee table or dein.
Harry, eldest see of J. EI Wessell, is
dooms with typhoid fever.
Mrs. John Robertson. Pietas street, is
renewing from an .teak of th• grip and
inflammation of the lunge.
Titers i• • persistent rumour thee the
shawl le eternise beak, but we host nothing
of the borrowed embrellii returains.
Exeter Advocate - Mr. R H Collies is
stall weaned 1. 1.5. home, mid, while appet-
ite' ly better .5 14..., does not roam 541
Wee, very moth.
W. K. McCulloch, of Winnipeg. the
°hempen seater of the world, will rive in
silver°. io the Weet-et rink oo the eves.
ing ot Fridas , Mann 100
le the het of thoosestel parte et the
Torooto Compervasory of Mune, we notice
tin name et Moe Henrietta F. hefts', of
Ooderfeh, who obtained dret.chiss honors in
primary harmony. .
In view of the good times prevailing
throughout the States, whieh will no doubt
pet its people in a trsvelling humor, tbe
romot...114ris kes.pas se • Stew gertatise 51
icuo them tar essay yearn, .5 00 10 5.. prepared
foe the extra amment of hoarier which is
fully expected to be dose.
Tiverton Watchman : A gentlemen
drove on Sunday iast from Goderioti end
vet up et the Maosios Hones here. Short-
ly after hie arrival owe of hie horses took
sek, ler Evans was called in, but the
horse died fn a few seintites after the doc-
tor arrived A mertson was held,
wheo it was 4 the peer &aloud died
of Inert derma --
Uinta"' New Res: Alex. McKay, ef
tiny county, met death by s pttmp .5.11.-
1.0 Oitel ea the hese while he was releasing
it frost trader • fallen tree. The seine day
hie grandfether. Donald McKay, who heed
with the boy's mother. 41.41,aged 84 years.
Both were buried together. Tin latter
wee the first man who wore the kilts in
Goderioh. He ie a nrsodunele of Mrs.
Lack Kennedy, el tows.
Roe. J. W. Tee Eyck, of Leedoe. beg
been appointed to the remorate el the Tri -
vitt Memorial oboroh, Kisser
The Tneeday evening meetings of the
Catliolio Voting 1'4o1110's LiI4TaTT 84010tT
.111 ke disiontinued until after Earter.
The others' board of Vietoria.sik Meth..
dist cherub hove invited Rev. T. k. Hare,
son, of Grantee, to the easeersta of their
The senivereary rervioss and entertain-
ment of the Sooday school ref North -et
eletbodet olsuroh will be held on Meech
Stb aad 6th.
W. A. Bremner, of Korn College. Toronto,
will oresch in Knox church next Sabbath
evening, *ad preeset, the claims ef the Sill
dents' M lesioaary Society to Use metro -
Capt. Han000k, late ot the I•tersialdegal
l'roupe of Western Ontario, is Cape Bark-
er's successor in the commend of the local
Selestion Army corps. He wri•ed bens
last week.
Al the 'entice of e't. Csierge's *buret)
YeSOIR P•Ovhee Gelid, ea Taseday, a sew -
oar emptier WWI termed M op -operate with
the Woman's Auxiliary 4. 51.. preparations of
art toles of °loth* for the mirth welt.
At th• mooting of the Itpworth League of
North et. Metbedist °botch writ Tuesday
451/11100, there wit1 he read a hitter from
Mr. Stomp. the Vamooses? Island missionary
whom the Leagues ot Oederioh distrin are
lo Voter's et. Epworth League nett
Friday •thinIng there will be • snlesimeary
meeting The topic far th• evening will be
"A litiesionery Choroh" aed will be taken
by we chairmen of the nthmionery °Gni-
mitten, .1 H. Millen
Rev. W. Rigsby, of filytb, preeklest of
the tendon conference,. will preset) ineesiNg
sod @Tenth. elf Sunday next 15 the North
street Methodist tensile turd will take ..i.
1.01110. and sabooriptioes le behalf of 85,
James' ohnrob, Mesterei.
Th. Y. P 80.4. .1 14... oberoh had an
Interesting meeting On Tuesday *voting
Mies Hells Wilson wee the ester et the
service, wbich was largely et • musleal no
tare. bliss Bertha Rafe sed Walter Ra-
chman contributed solos.
L.51 Fridey evasive le Victoria et, hp-
werth Laura. the 100,0 .4.. take'. by Mrs.
W. Godrtria, of I hi. sh.rt000 *I he president,
er the top o refresheinste were served
hy the mem!) .rs of 1)4. 5004.3 oeminit tee and
that. protest spent, a s ery eneyeble even•
Mn.,'. to the regret of the wheel, R W.
itoKentie hes tees compelled, through
fading health, to resign his positive as
superlotendoet of Ninth •05. Methodist 8u, -
dry "thee!. Welter C. Prldboth hes toms
appointed in hie Oboe, and J. P. NOM
lias beam made eseimant sepailetereita.
Itlos'e Pure 1443 fee tabl• or Ashy.
BA iw 51 - A forte more NewIRWIe 4.WW•
and mosse-band Deal and weed stens at
W•lilgre- Better, 16° • 17. A tee ot
Feathers, Dried Apples and Raw Fars.
12.51 G. K. Kon., Whashani.
For 0..T.R. tickets mod suerses mosey
eiders aud telegrams se all per ef the
world, go to the F. F. Lewrestee World's
Miss Jessie Shaman km reearned frese
where the Maned the Werld's
Pair Premiere teller systems( . Hhe
is prepared to give entreotion le ors
tern, and feU parliseler• may Illeretta by
neyeee eallim at Me bas.... Rae. Mesas,
I Mrs. Tithe. el Leedee. Oat, gaol erse.
si &be leternetseeid Order el Knee thiegh-
line sad 3eas, will deliver ea Friday. Fee.
Slith. ea askiress le the keen ream et
Kern *honk es "The (Mink aims end
work et the order," fiettable memo will be
famished, Mies Aesebrook wateibutleg •
ado. M.. Tilley 14 • pleaeleg. °env scum
4114 toroth(' speaker sod those who booed
speak st the Stretfeed oeavenden Isla
kliii7Bottems st Cased&
CMAribilloas Id not bre Uma 5 ete. er111
be readved as she door fee the relief of the
Mier of the town. Members el 51.. ”W11 -
him Rearm" throes ead their Meads are
rolassbed 1.does dn. Tilley ab Ow sada
pima ea Friday at 3 r
Clinton • Dee of the eldest amid beet
knew. Musses ef this town waa auddeely
oet dews en Wednesday of lest week
Masy wore &oohed te hear et the death of
James Fele, the propii•hos of Fair's milts.
It seems that Mr. r air was prepense to go
to Waterloo to attend • meeting of roa Weer -
aims camp's, there, el which he was •
director. Mis. F was *swim" • button
o. 1001.1 fie big departure. whoa.
without thy sensing so far as is knows, he
suddenly 5.41 forward on the sofa, and le •
very short time be was dead. Peraltsie la
supposed to have bees the nese of death
For over thins years Mr. Fair bed 04.'
dueled the mills here whioh aro known by
hie Immo. 1,1 • wee aleo sourresively so -
gaged in fermeg. H• wee neturelly et a
quiet and retinae disposition, bet was •
man of great, intalligences, was shrewd la
busmen and posesseed the implion mad -
dame of ali who knew hint. He will he
greatly missed, sot &lone in °mantles with
tb• 'steamy.' bootee's whith he had so kens
mode •.e.d, bat as • oitizeN,,i He was •
Prestrytetion in r.bagioo ited d Liberal le
politics. He leaver • snits. sad • number
of 'Addeo'', ell of "born we grown up-
Desired/Beim* through allotting and con
ningly vred advertisements. constantly
endeavor to work upon the feelings of •liek
and ailing women he inviting them "lc/write
ri WOMAN 1'1 andggctire 0 ,artrtirtrt., sym
pithy." It ie vreWto seinetubri- that 11.r
Ues1 sympathy is to he had at home and not
from strangers, perhaps hundreds of mitre
distrait The object of the sick i• to get well,
and however precious sympathy may be; it
never yet cured a seriouely afflicted woman
While the sympathy of your milliner o•
dresemaker might be appreciated andbe
jttst as beneficial, if not more so, than eye.
pathy Isom a stranger. yet a can not effect
your cur, if 700 51' in ailing Whalen.
It is loudly pt. e • limed through the pre*.
that ''• W.WRIAlt can best understand a
woman'. ailments," na. on this around
Yeomen are invited•th -•write to • woman
and get the benefit of • woman.* adyrce
The tort of "understanding of her ailments.'
nsentstl hy ester women *.t,011141 .medi
cal understanding. If • woman ban this
trained meairel knowledge she onden.tande
woman's ailments woe es • fromart, but is a
physician. 11 .1.. is not &doctor she cannot
lin4eraton4 this ailments at all, and cannot
treat them successfully, because she lack.
the ernessery training
As far Ss Ma Linc.thefftio no regularly
qualified woman Ahmietan connected with
any proprietary medicine especially
sigeed for writnee--eo one, therefore quell
bed by learning and experience. to &dense
on questions of disease and its etre.
It la certain that there is so out, man or
woman, couseeted with any " put
medicine for-iiitge,--eiking only Dr
Pierce. Ppoorirr Prescript., who, like
Dr. Pierce, Is • regular graduated end quell-
teciihysician, and who has, like him. de-
mote than thirty rani to the special
study and treatment of diseases of women
For more than thirty years R V
Pierce, a regularly graduated doctor, kaa
been chief consulting pbysician or the
Invalids' Rotel and Surgical Isetiteste. of
Buffalo. N. Y. On his staff are nearly a
score of regularly graduated, experienced.
skilled physicians, rack of whom ma spec
ialist is his chosen class of &mato. Rs
ery letter addreseed to Dr Pierer as above,
bee prompt, couseleutieneis attention, is eh
'yarded as sacredly confidential and is dd.
ewered in a plain envelope so yoer private
Waifs ere hest tole frwm Prying ere.
Gerswasys. leo 111. tati
Fall Wheat ,....... gal se 0 60
'War. Sealle. ear mut_ .
• .... -.. t leta 3 io
nom, puma. par ems... ..... .... 7 54*. 1 50
Brea. el ten.. ...
niseete, etas ........... .......... 13 sn 11113 On
Oats.* WO ..... .................. 01 10 0 16
Pvao a bank a......•••.............. kt to 0 ID
Barley. par bush r tn 0 17
4457. • nim ••••••••111111, rie to 0 10
PO5111018. • Will. 16 kw 0 SO
ReamIt to • 15
VZI1116 Sallegbild.rall..= 16 to 0 17
...A........owe, •••el• • IMO 00 hp 1 78
1144m. ... .... ..... ... sO m 7 00
Pete 00 to 0 to
Lass ....- so to 0 Os
1.1.1. 1110 lo 3 40
Dressed Meas..... ...... .... ...... . so to 3 oo
10 ta 0 45
11 to 0 15
Lard. pee lb. ..• fie to 0 (19
Meow ear lb ----is 10 to o 1 I
OD to 5 Oil
00 to 6 SO
H MO& ........ . .
Baas, ear ie.. .• •• •• .• ea ••••••.....
Dreestid Hest fere gimes,
u Dad.
A Ildostabl.. IlLeused •
Indies try Oriesgathos. it has never
fade& sw particulars apply tot
'darn asmainue.
Box 132. myth, One
We want the services of • somber
of families to de kerning for es at home,
whole or span ilium de furnish all
=whim sae meets 1)..7&1'Toe d
pay far the week as sent 0.
tussages se hIndranne. 47 10 40 per
week mode eimordlag to thne tweeted
to the meet.
Write sissies. name meter's...ea.
gerigerauve henting Twee's.
ARIO' un•
MR TM Sleet Of 11111111111,
•I.11 TWR
"New Art Amherst"
red. sad(0.1554554(0.1554554 fee 5517551Kew, Move marmoset pirtest eir =
These Wirer St Olre. --IL M. RUBIN lise kesakeev
parebasset so a law ma ws She dollar a Melt
of genes' hinniehines, babstee of a Lem
bet stemprod in weenie ; ths Rideese meek J. H. WORSELL,
of gerieral drysectd• essesod 10 Ansa (halt
den wholesale desk. Rale maimeases 8ae-
4,40. away „prime* to 4.. sem atimuiso. IOW 5.50*MIR
INES 02:11.11 PIOT! KAM
45.S 4144.
Almost always busy, but whenever special things come
to the surface we make it a point to tell you. We're trying
each day to show what a thoroughly good store should be,
appealing to the intelligeuce of shoppers and making it
worth their while to come here for everything. That means.
busy activity upstairs anu down, with Mim
ith the interest (*i
around theme
Specials for This Week and Next:
doyen only Black and Colored Aid Gloyes, worth trom $1.00 to
EI.25, to be sold Saturday and Saturday night at half prioe.
10 denim pairs Ladies' and Mimes' Black Cashmere Hose, worth
from 20e. to 30c. • pair, choice Saturday and Saturday eight
at 13c. • pair.
1 cane fine imported Zephyr Wool. Navy, ()sedum', IA& mid
Royal Blue, regular prim 8e. or., our price 4 oz. for 10c.
Ladies' Pure Linen Collars, sizes 12, 1211, 13, 13, 14,regular 10e.
and 124c., for 5c. each.
White, Cream and Black 8i11. Laces, at hall regular prima.
Any Trimmed Hat or Shape tbe Millinery section, hall price.
1)ress Bindings, Black sad all leaning shades, lc. yard
All Printa. Uhallies and Wash Goods in the department at half
45 Ladies' Coata tube mold it 1111.96 each.
The ten thousand customers we have served during the part
three months roui the extreme seat of the county to the west
attest that we are the people to do 1..'.... with. Try R. di.
Smith for 1899, and prove we arc the Cheapest More in Rime.
n. B. SMITH.
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE
Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont.
NO 5.-
Feb. 15th, 1899.
Mr. J. WiLsoe, Prescription Drug
Store, Goderich.
DEAR SIR, -I have been suffer-
ing for the past three years with
growing pains, and last week I
called in my doctor. Ile proscribed
for me and told me t." .4o to your
Drug Store to have the prescrip-
tion properly filled. He also re-
commended a hot water bottle co be
applied to the pains, and referred
me to you, stating that y6a had a
complete assortment of these goodp!
to choome from. Will your water+
bottles stretch to keep even as tbe
pains grow' If so, send me one;
if not, kindly quote your beet price
for say, half a dozen. I always
keep your Guaranteed Remedies in
the house, and they give satisfac-
tion, and when I call in my Doctor
I always take the prescription t,o
your Drug Store, because I m never
delayed unnecessarily in having it
fi'led, and I know your Store al-
ways has a Responsible Person to
attend to Doctors' Prescriptions -
day or night.
Kindly answer by return mail,
ind oblige, Yours faithfully,
I. M. StfoRTY.
We do
AH Kinds of
nd Repair
Machinery of
at short notice,
and for little
Tie MIMI! Bicycle Co.,
t VC) T) RI Pt CI
IllPHINLi A. 1011111111
For externs/ Rae siiy, i. • primitive cure for
tipmal Dieesse, Hip Dimmer., Inillamswitory
Rheumatism, Issee Huck, Lumbago, Bore
Throat, Weak and ghee Lenge, Brute.,
Sprains, Stiff Jointe, Rupture and all kin
tired dietiama.
It has shoo been found • DIM, for throat
affeetioni. m horses.
None genuine without haring, the Trade
Mark on label., and wrappers, and "14. A.
MeLentian's liniment, Oerlerieh, Ont."
domped wita nal on each Iwittle.
31Weeattteno mug ter Mapheneen A. Me
Losims, SI10 pabss‘mi and gregekliumm Plow
(atria.. liodedoh. Oat. 1441
A. S. 0.1-IRYEAL,
Mesnehisturer 01511
Smoke Stooks, Salt ram. Sim* Iroe
Works, sta., sea,
*ad Dealer la-
Raidnea, Madeksery Onstiee, he.
All elms of Pipes mil loaL/1111Megi
85... mail Weser
Cheek Vaiyes, laseirt"sre,"alliesmes sad Ie.
Omehmtly as Hasid on Lewes
A We of Steel Weber 554 1415
fer ass et femme sarsehess.
Ritgetrion ereeeptlY smalls. se
A. L OZ31111T4*L.
sale P. 0. Dan IL dlodarlid.
At any season of tivo yaw STe
is no. greater comfort thaa a
reliable Cook Stove in the ki
It is wft.n soot stooyss like every-
thing else : there are good, had and
indifferent varieties.
We know you will be pleased
with oar
11.110118 and ABERDIEN
Stove Sand Ran ges
ell I I
woo seitssfriosiettislisellieselle Aar