HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-2-16, Page 6-_- 7. tan'
• h.
Will. PACK 11ff.COURT
-1-1111 FI dnCh Chamber Deals •
Deadly Blow at Revision.
'-'L SuhJeet That all' Clamp/ Knelt el
1\e A1t.etlon of I•arllanze.t Title
6..•lu., - Troubles V. tth F
Likely to De Settled Are.cably
-IVwd Tr..tg 1. apele-
Cable Nay..
Loodoo, Feb 13. -The adoption of the
trial rennin) bill by the French Cbam•
ter of Deputies Is the greatest blow the
mvlslon of the lheyfue trial he. yet re
solved. the revisionist organs declare It
1s • •Iohinoa of all republican principles.
The Chamber by the vote practically con-
tented so pack the hitter oourl ratter
than to have It pass an unpopular yes
dist. Its orlon attacks the very found..•
Gun of justlDe 1n France. 1b. •0ti•
revisionist, aro naturally Jubilant.
A Prepo.ltlea to 711 tkejPenoaael at
110.000 0...
London, Feb, 18 -Among the quem-
tlnn. beton Parliament, the Mums. of
the naval force will occupy the greater
part of the swlon. A proposition will be
made t0 fix the personnel of the flet of
110,000 men. 'Ib, Admiralty is reported
In nu.l circles as making ready to pro
pose an Immense Increase to the novel
reserver, which are now limited .to 27,-
000 mem. The number will be doubled.
The Outlook In dealing with this eab-
Jeot. says: "Tbe Admiralty will be com-
pelled to offer additional Inducements in
order to get mem to serve. The suooes of
the U. S. naval osrsonuel bill now In the
Swats, will give the British naval en•
;timers the courage to Insist on an In, -
proved rotas of their pay."
It the affairs of the Government mo-
tions to their present state of quiescence,
Lord Salisbury wilt go to :he Riviera la
Brills ..d Fra.,. Said to 0.•e Come
to Tama Regarding th• Nile
P.rle, Feb. 13. -This morning's papers
assert that the negotiations which have
been In progress between the French and
British Government regarding the Bahr -
el -Ghazal Basin, west of the White Nile,
are on the eye of satisfactory setltem..i.
-.ODM( HeN.fa has Iidmltued the laggWr
of the *meth claim to • commercial oat•
lot on the Nile, ■nd bsgotlatioss an now
proceeding for the delimitation of
Th• (j..ee.. 11 111 a e...
Madrid, Feb. 13 -Premier Sageness
attar leaving the Palace yesterday, ds -
eland that the Queen Regent would alga
the passe treaty before the oo01ening of
the Cortes, this being the prerog•tly• of
the Crown. s000tding to the conat)tntlon.
lienor Saga.4 will oonsult the leaders of
the minority groups on the subject and
hot debatesore expected when the Cham-
bers Mast
Chapek.r, Sot •f the Mord.,., •f LN...
Aj•rel, .rro.t•d.
Bombay, Feb. 18.-Chapekar, son of
7)amadh•r Cbapecnr, who wee hanged
for participation In the murder of Lleul:
Ayer.t and Plague Commissioner Hand
at I'oonoh daring the Jubilee fere In
1897, hoe been arrested. His arrest baa
cleated a greet sensation. particularly In
view of the circumstances attending It.
Cbageker entered the room where the
pollee euthorftles were preparing evidence
b be owl In the trial of other natives
Implfoatwd In the murders, and, without
warning, drew a revolver, and fired at
the .uperloWndent of police. Fortunate-
ly, be mimed his mark, and was laird
before he oould fire a seoond shot Hs
has oonfe-sed that be was the ringleader
In the ar•mulnatlon of the two native
brother. who were shot Wednesday even
Ing in order to pre.eut them appearing
as witness In the trial of the remain -
Ing Jubilee Murderersthe murder of
Ne two native. !outcries* a widespread
native plot against the Go•ernment.
London Graveyards Aro Full.
Lnodcn, Feb. 18. -:fir Arthur Arnold
M ttying to wake up London to a ne-loue
star of effete", which le that In the near
future the pre.ent mean. of dl'po.al of
the deed will be exhausted. '1berc 1e' an
overnice of 130 000 doatne In London
•nng•Ily, and omit 21)41 scree of burial
land remain within a rasenable distano.-
of the metropolis. Alrc4tdy the poor peo-
ple aro bandied, to the nurnt..r of 20, In
one prase. An effort le now being made
by the County Council to push it rumours
through Parliament for the e.tabllsb-
ment of erematufle all mond the 001 -
skirts of London.
1 h• Noble Orton Grinder.
London, Feb, 13. -Led! Hinton, the
wife of the vMeonnt nrgen grinder, hoe
grated In en interview that many of her
bunbanti • aognnlntan.rg, who would not
lend hlrn a ohllItng before the dawn of
Karl I'oulett, are now offering money
and open nbeques
Vlaeount Hinton dor not anticipate
any opposition to hie taking poewee..lon
of the property of the late Karl Pouter,
and he will go to Minton tit. George In
• few days to take charge of the property.
mores Mates a Choate.
London, Feb. IA -Hon. Cecil Rhodes
bag re.nlred not be take hie Cape -th-
eatre Hallway through German territory,
but through the Congo Free Slate, under
a mesons' arrangement In the first in-
stants, with the King of the Belgians.
HA 'einem right of way through the
Congo Free State, mod Wirth diplolnany
will convert 11 into a freehold of the
British Government
Italy W.wt• • *Ileo.
Home Feb. 13 -Several of the lading
new,p*pe, eel that Italy haw taken steps
b lean the newt of the London, Perla
end St Petersburg Governments upon
the waiter of Italian oeeup.ton of •
Chinese port, end that ell three are favor•
able to the Idea
R loan Is a ..
London, Feb l8. -The diose • of Sir
)Iinry Campbell R.nnermen's first week
of lmaderrhlp of the Liberals hoe lett hl.'
party In the Hones of Common• Shand•
antly ..(tiled with their cholas. Not
alone hie public appear:nm In the Hones,
Lot oleo him tee* and his gnlet energy 11
t he private oonnella have given nnn•In.
Ing proof. that be is the twit man they
scald hove selected --
Deere That the Prle..rl0, .f th•Naloherg-
Ata.rl.ow 11... t. a R root Inc
/raw Harbor of H•fng•.
P00ea dad God*, Aimee Leland., Feb.
Ia.---Tb. Bri$1eb tont reamer Weeh•w
ken, 'Qstpt' Comer Mum 1'btindefat tit,
iea. 117, ler 61d11, hag arrived herd 'With
*6 pease tigers from the Hambruw-111111114
eon Liner Bulgaria, Cott. Schmidt, IMO
New York. Jan Se, tor Hamburg. Tr
Weehawken reports the Bulgaria drlMMIMI
btlplosaly n0 wiles from the Astra&
hot►IDg le known bore as to the tar ei
the other paa.ng.r. '1'h. Bulgaria hell
47 p.sesnprs aboard. Her crow number-
ed 76, under oumuland o1 Capt. Schmidt
8De had on board 17 horn and 6,000
roe to (night, most of 11 being grain.
Largo Barracks to B• C..streoted at
('a.dbo, Brltl.8. •t.nzp• Cad,
0r111,h J. 1'.'e bourn so
London. Feb. 18.-A Control News
deepatch from Visions says despatouem
have hew reoelved then Meru Albans
spying that large military b•rnoka for
the aoeommodallon of British troops
hove been ordered oonatrooted at Candle',
Crab. Tbe Mme •dvloes m7 that British
Manila am to he used in the Cretan
postal service, and British Justices of obs
poses are to he installed In *Moe.
Prima George, high oommlrloner of
Crete, regards these Innovation' as en
crosebw.nb upon his authority, and
there is oons.luently inuob dleaotldae-
bon, bath In Crete and Athens.
Another Preach Pin Prlek.
London, Feb. 111. -There Is no thought
at the Forelgs Of5es the) any merlons
trouble will be caused by the French deal
with the sultan of Chuan al Mowat. 1Lu
echo( extent of the .rr.ogement is not
quite clear. It le not • new pin -prick,
however, but one decided upon long ago,
when it sooner that Knglrad rather
like( to b. pricked. A French coaling
station In that perticuler part of the
world will not be tolerated by this coun-
try/ The Foreign Oftloe believes that the
Sultan must bays been Dewily bribed,
and ft will be neoeseary to call blur
sharply to amount.
Navelen .r Kereft 1w Italy.
London, Feb. 18. -Tera is • news
paper revolt In Italy against the press
bill fntroduoed by the Government. One
provision of the extraordinary measure le
that any newspaper printing ID,wrreet
• tatetu.n:s, although of a harmless char•
moor, Is liable to be prosecuted. Any
paper thrios oon0lok.d of this offence may
be sowmorlly suppressed.
Peru Pars Us.
Lima, Peru, no Galveston, Feb: 18. -
Saturday afternoon the Uovsrem.nt ad-
dressed • communication to Mr. Irving
B. Dudley, the United :States minister es
Lima, Inviting him to present ►Imslf 00
Feb 24 at the Bonk of Peru and Londou
to maidy-g,tite ill&tiell swwad dl eta Vargo
H. Hie ofd for damages sustained by
Iw.aoa of imprisonment during one of
the r.volutlon.rl-eatbrwee in Peru.
Bane Miser and Kara Importaet Mat-
ter. eta let•reet.
The 0onnteatlon• for the Bete Bruns-
wick provincial eleotlooi Mak plane on
Saturday. _
Iwo XIII. will enter upon thesloetl.th
year of hie age on March 2. end the 22nd
of Ws supreme ponlldca&e Feb. 20.
William J. Moiler*. a Were 1a the
London, ono , posto5De, is ander arrest,
charged with *tooling money letters.
The steamer Moran, aught In the leo
1■ Lake Michigan• Is believed to have
been wrecked. The crew, 1t 1s bored,
wen taken off by the steamer NaomL
Tbe veer! was valued at $33,0)0.
Mra. Daniel O'H.arn of London, 0.1,
wee es,erely burned In her home on
Saturday. Her clothes caught from the
final stove. Her condition I. critical from
She (sot (bat she is past 70 yeses or age
Sagistorma mOgfJdoeas specimen. of wild
.o.a.d8n trout hers been added o the
new York Aquarfnm. They are the gift
Of H. J. Boomer of tit. John's, and were
sought several week' ago In Lake Ed-
dord, 100 miles north of Quebec).
Andres's brother close not believe the
bones found in Siberia were those of
Prof. Andres and his companions. H.
says the locality I. c•ultiv.ted and that
under noels elrcum.taoces it Is Incredible
that they should have lata there • year
and a half wltbout dinoovery.
At Albany, N Y , 8atard*y night •
$70,000 fire oreurred, at which one life
was probably for and a solid bloc;( of
building. gutted The Hudson River
Garment Company, employing 150 girl.,
and Anthony & (Ile.1h111, mannfaoturere
of mattresses, lose $40,000. E. B. Mack
slept to sue of the bulldtngs and is be-
lieved to here perished in the flame.
Mr. Hugh /Wan, the well-known con-
tractor, died at his residence In Toronto
Monday morning at 1 o'clock Though *1r.
Ryon had been 111 for some time hie
domino wo. unexpected. Mr.. Ryan and
bet daughter were the only members of
the family preneot when the end rams.
Mr. M. J. Haney, who was associated
'Moth Deceased in many houtraots, was
present also.
Accosting to Mr. Connie., M.P.P., an
effort will be made to Induce 1,6000f the
Rasalnn Dookhohnrs who sr. coming
over In the epring to petals In the tally
pf the Kmmtnlnttquia and White Fish
Rivers. The Ontario Government I. tith-
ing to build abetter huts and roads tor
the Immigrants and the country Is well
timbered There will be a ohane for
those without money 1O earn some by
working on the Ontario & Rainy Inver
Ib. Deportment of Agrlenitare has
published a bulletin on fruit pulp. A
careful investigation hs' been mete by
the department during the poet year sod
the fruit men a-. exported to benefit by
It and to whip to Britain large quantities
at the fruit pulp from which jam da
made. The bulletin onneloden that then
might be a good opening for block our -
nor, green pages, apricots and straw-
berry pulp. Ho.ben'y pulp brought a.
high se £50 to £90 rev on Mot year.
Pirated by • *hew o1 9...5.,
Halifax, N.S., Feb. 18 -in Gloucester
County. N.H., the eandldato nominated
were: Velnot, Polder and Borns (Gov-
ernment); Hackney and Young (Oppod-
11nn1, hat ovine to no poll being d•-
lnnnded. Velnot, Poirier and Borne were,
by show of hands, declared sleeted.
Dead kitting In Her Chair.
Guelph, Feb. 18. -Mr.. Thnmptrnn,
relict of the late Archibald Thompson,
end mother of Daniel Thompson of this
atty. was yesterday morning found dead
sitting In her chair beside fhe wove Het
eon hod remained with her 1111 11.110 on
the night previousand when he left the
hoose she was In good splrita.
0111.d by • Faille, Tree.
Dustmen, Ont , Feb. lit -About two
miles from here on 8etnrday morning.
Mr Nathan itsvl.. of Nie village while
engaged in nhnpping wool woe Instantly
killed hy • falling fres. '1 he dooeased
leaves . wife and three sblldren.
al.el wlr C•n.ht at 'askant.
Vennnpoer, B.C.. Feb. 11.-J. H.
Sinclair h.. hen arrested e1 Spokane for
Ming Impllnnt.d In eh. Bo -minter Ex
prom rnhh.ry et Troll it L stpanbd ex
tgeSItion papers rW. n he, .rlNt Out
for Ids return te ileo
IM Said to Have Been Gist 01
111004001110' it Cable to AQulnatdo.
as apt • of l'aaedloe,S•d Valt,d smuts
Trade tt.Iartoaa and Picea d for
oto pl• Jart-•.
Cb'eego, Feb. 18. -kir. John Cbarloo,
of the canadlan Parliament, and one of
Amy Anew fl75meb•ry e.. the Part of
lees Ofi sad the Anzerlea.• I. the
iPiblUp$ .Oe -T8.. 1 Oo.•cal
Seidl to Mare Bees Almay• for
two - Ag.eew.'e
Washington, Feb. 18.-A despatch from
General Otis, rsoslv.d •1 the War Doper -
mint from Mealla, lard yesterday say.:
AdJL-0ewral, Washington:
Reported that 'neutron& reproesntatives
at Washington telegraphed Aguluaido to
drive oat Americans before arrival of
rol:foroom),* The de■patob was resolved
at Hosg.ong and walled to Matelots,
which decided on on attack to be made
•bout the 7th MMMa•1. Kagrne of N.
bn.urgo•t troops to 1og•ge precipitated '•
tattle. Very quiet to -day on line from
Caloocan oa the north to Panay, on the
south. Yubrday • small reoonnolbrlog
p5rt7 12 miles south of tits city was fired
on and two mem wore slightly wound.!.
Two Irsurgenss with onus were cap-
tured The offalr of the 10th, by MacAr-
thur division, was eel successful. Kam
my'. loss oopsider•hle; have tailwind 70
deal Boetl. More not yet discovered.
In1org.ntaJ.portel b be getberIDg In
fore. 12 miles north on rallwal, bus *Ti-
dont/7 p.rple.ed.
Th. other old• •f th• story et the Fight
D.two•. th• Amorleawo a.d the
711151... at Manilla.
London. Feb. 13.-1'he Ouropean Fili-
pino Junta has received • long sneers=
front Agooelllo, tbe agent of Agnlnaldo,
doted from M..Neol, and declaring that
be left Washington In 000aequence of a
telegr.m watch he received on Feb. 4
from Agulnaldo, urging bins to cable the
M&1olos Oovernm.ut the moult of the
you of the U.S. blesses on the peace
treaty. Agalaoldo, 1t •polars, added:
"It L o1 the most urgent Importance
that we should at once be acquainted
with tae deetslon ea we ore negotiating
with Goo. Otte, and the vote will 'Hallo
affect the negotiations." Ag000lllo also
stye be wag persuaded the weary would
pee be eatt0•d, •sad notated est that "'Me
three vow by whit& It was peeled were
only ebtaln.d •t the last moment, as the
result of the outbreak of hostilities "
Tee telegram oonetOdes: "Tbe Filipinos
were anxious to maintain M.ndablp with
the Amertoana, and bad formally decided
nays to be the .ggr...ore. "
Several despatches More also boon re
ceieed hen from Filipino aoorc.., ddod
from Manila, ,la Hotlgkong, and giving
the rebel version of the outbreak of hos-
tilities. One of the Myr
"On Sunday • force of Americana at-
tacked elmulten.oaely Caloocan and
Santa Me. Two ',American warships
were off Malatoe and Malate, and ■
smaller gunboat was In the Peals River
to protect the American dank.
"For never -el days previously the
Amor-Mane had beep endeavoring to pro-
voke hostilities, and pesos was main-
tained ouly by the rlgorone order of
Agulnaldo, who was oegotlatlDg with
(.n. Otis for an honorable underetand-
Ing. The Amrloan •tusk wo. unex-
paold. The ships destroyed all the vill-
ages between the shore and the Pa.dg
River, within an arm between Malate,
Paranaque, San Pedro and Mooab.
"Crossing the river the Am.rlcane ad-
yano.d so Son Joan del Monte, captor -
Ins the waterworks &for • seven fight.
'then they proceeded to Singalon, and
established themselves on the river dam.
They tore up a mile of the nils of the
Cal000an-Malotoe line, and oat the tele-
grepb In order to .op communication
with Agolssldo.
"The Filipino forces engaged only
numbered 7,000, including 1,000 Year -
ore. Acting upon Instructions from
Ad/doles, the Filipinos remained .(dotty
on the defensive and finally retired l0
good order, without any lose of arms,
artillery or ammunition Two old Krupp;
of •n obeolete pattern, mounted on the
fortress. of San Antonio, were captured.
The fighting was vary stubborn and
lasted oontlnnously from Saturday to
General indignation h&s boon occa-
sioned by the treachery of the American
surprise. the Filipinos believe that the
Yankee Administntton 1. only favored
by a minority of Americana, and only
• basin from taking the offend.; In
order to show their gratitude to the
American nation for helping them to get
red of Sp&t.lab role. Hence, they will
only fight when attacked, and their
future million depends upon the ddcislon
of the United States.
"Agoldaldo declare that the real one
ales of peace an the American *Moen
1D the Phlllppine t.fam'ls.
"The Filipino Inse to data le 1,060
killed and wounded. Including 600
Ygorotes, who were har9ron.ly mowed
down, even when the American. emir
they were only •rrned with bows and
arrows. 'they fonght with herolo mar-
e go.
oanage. Tbe Amerinnn dead Inch:Mom one
colonel. 46 other oMeera and 196 rank
and file, over 600 wounded, lino 300 prl
g oners. Gen. Ott propose.( •n exchange
of prisoners, and to this the Filipinos
agreed, paroling the prlton•rs.
"The Filipino force south of Mantle
are.no.ntrating et Han Mateo, Antlope
and Calor, wkenne they will besiege
Mantle. The Am;rlenna are now fixing
the limit.; of their sores of oeeepetlen
It will extend all along the coast, from
Peronismo to Malibu), on lir Wore, end
tram Caloocan to Malnbnnga and Matsu.
"Inform the American floret. and
Congree of *bre event., and All them
the Filipinos sr* Mena° of the Ameri-
can., bot will fight against rbilltary
Agnnollla, the Filipino delegate, will
gsk for European intervention 1n the In-
nteresta of poses. In the meantime the
Fillolans will eget.
"Agnlnaldo Is on h1, way here. He
will recapture the IoM positions, argen-
tite • guerilla warfare and ormmenes •
general attack
"The Oovernm.nt and Congre of
11‘&1oloo an seting w usual, end have
pease( • vote of eenOd.Dce in Agate -
side." - -
vet.. Iran 1h• Phlllppin.e.
By the drnpping of nhells from the
.r .nIV•r Mon. (nock end the orate...
Charleston Into the rebel camp between
Coleman and Malabon nn Saturday 6O
Filipino" warn killed. The Americana
bad one k111e1 and ten wounded
The host on Saturday knocked out
more Americana at Melabon then the
Flllpdrtn Madera.
John ' Brno Harper's Weekly'. artist,
wag shot In the are during the fighting
near Manila
The Filipino Junta at Hnngknt.g has
1e.ned • statement whl.h MIs that the
American vendee of the 0.66 la utterly
halve, ■red that the hotllltiee were com-
meneed through the Wennhr, of Gen.
Oslo They fortes/Yew thee 4,000 Orme.-
kw women end nhildren were tilled by
grid„ 707Wa' en1 gC,..sh• . dsf.ne,lrag
Iamb 011T. M, Hasta Ana •.d
- igsto-A marellr �"ath old aft; wr
the guest of konor aI lbs atunel bongos{
of the Merchants' Oleb of Chlo•oo,
which was held it *Its Grand 1'•o&Oe
Hotel on Saturday Dight. About 60 of
the leading merchants nod Mosinee. men
el the ally were present, and Mr. Chatl-
Iou's talk was greeted with amok
warmth. He spoke about "United Stars
and Canadian Wade relations." He sen•
*laded his speech with thew woad.,
which show oke. gin of the palnb be
amplified In his address.
It Is surely lwporlsnl that the two
Aoglo-8azon 51515e own this continent
should develop and grow stde by side
under pundllious of absolute friendship
and good feeling, and It Is needle be
elelm that the greater of the two con
afford to Owl not only Justly, but veer -
manly, with abs smaller oommonwealth
at the north. 1 do Dot venture to sugar*
trade concessions, except to en extent,
tar within the limits of what Canard'
might r.sson.bly ask, se a reoareitlQB
of our tree, or lightly -burdened. admis-
sion of a gnat solum. of Orneriest' pro -
door, but I assert that the free edml.-
don of forest products' and a reasonably
Important list of agricultural producing,
would be • simple his of justice to Cao -
oda, would promote good relaltona b
thorn the two oountrles, and would not
b1 1Dlurlous to any interest In the United
Stales, and would, on the oontrerr,
sffeotually promote the lnt.esls of berth
in Jibe erne manner that trade between
the venous stases of the American
Union. unhampered by restrictions. ban
bean found, In the exprlenoe of mon
*els a century, to be In the highest ,de -
tree advantageous to the ln8rww of all
sections and *lassie.
Ma. 011"TON Teats POWER.
Tb• 01.1.1., of the Interior Will Oran(
Copper X I.I.g Leeatioq,
Ottawa, F.► $.The Minister of the
Interior hu takes power to grant Dopper
mining locations In the Yukon Distrlo$,
K•ub 'motion w111 be 160 acres, am' •
fee of 130 will b•.• to be paid to the
gold eOMMIMIon.r or recorder for mak-
ing entry of the MUM In r.gatd to the
regulations to search for gold In sub-
merged rivers, It la now provided that
the loses shall have 08 lea.( one dredge
la °potation spots the five miles of river
keen to him within one 50050n from
dote of ha lease, or the Mrol.ter ran
.•Apel the gen». iD the can. 01 . BM -
pony who have mor. ihan one tease there
mast be • Madge for .very 18 melee. A
reseal of 111 par annum for sash mile
will be charged.
B ritish Crelear Intrepid Desp.tebed 1■
Bea ■este From J.m.le.
Klagettos, Jaealm, lab. 18. -In re.
spun b a very alarming appeal from
Blued Ids, Nicaragua, by cable, via
Colo , Colombia. the Governor of Jam-
al on Saturday dspatobed the British
..good class timber Intrepid at fall
spMd to Bloefielda, with instroetlons to
protest British lnter..te there. The re-
port received here eey. that General
Bayes, the Governor of that part of
Nle•regua, has started • revolution along
the wbol. department of the Atiantlo,
which involves pr.ctfeaUy all the foreign
merchants end resident. The situation
Is sold to have developed alarming com-
plications, needing the pnsesoe of war-
ships to protect foreigners end their
A■et►er t d'';1�.g4etlg .:;M ,.tfsv. !'w
ours ter the Yowl.
St Jobe'., Nfld., Feb, 18.-A fright-
ful northwest gale raged over the whole
Island on Saturday night Timmer mall
steamer Virginia Lake Tran able to
round Cape Retie In the iimii of the
wlud, end had to enter the harbor to
avoid foundering. Tbs storm will gerl-
ooely endanger the new Canadian liner
Ua.paW, which, when last beard from,
w•. far In an lee Om In the Gulf of St
L.wr.ntm. The gale wilt probably break
no the lee, and it would be &lmott im-
possible tor the vessel to escape.
01.t.rN Ceara ad Jowl ry.
Montreal, Feb. 13. -An Interesting
Newts of the banquet to Mr. Tarte was
the presentation So that gentleman and
to Hon. Dr. Borden of cane made from
the wood of the soothes British gunboat
Royal 8avege, which went down In dD.
Rfoh0l.0 .luring the war of the revol-•
A One Jewel CPAs had also been made
of the same historic anterial, ■0d Hon.
Mr. Tarte sold be would give ibis beau-
tiful souvenir to Lady Minto.
A1tGUMtNr Uf AGelrf.TLLO.
me R......• 1n Favor of Agalw.ldo Ito-
c,uuo C..loml•.lonere Arrived.
Montreal, Feb. 13 -Hering tntenldw.d
on latnrday In reference to the San
Fnnrlsco despatch announcing the arri-
val at that olty on Friday of Gen. T.
Ringo de Dice and Senor H. Htrelr•,
Agulnnldo'. oommi.nlnn.ra to W*shlne-
ton, Agonclllo said (hitt their preaen0. on
*him aide of the wht+•r OM another proof
that the Filipinos .I..Ired honorable deal-
ings with the IJnletd States In the pres-
ent Bride. It Wes neother Indication that
Agulnaldo never intended to honeo or
embarrass the American army at Manila
or provoke • oonfllnt with the Amerman
forme. It was another proof that the
trouble of the pant week bee not Men
precipitated by Agnlnal Io, who all along
has &mired b Meet with the Americana
on • f.lr and afsorable Deals.
10,000 1,l11p1« Pet t. Flight 1. th•
Capture .f Cal
London, Feb. 18 -A de.p*trh to the
Reuter Tel -gem Co en Saturday,
describing the captor. of Caloocdn..sycv
"The rebelp, setlmeted to have nomber*1
10,000 men, were demoralized hy the
shall.. The Amerleane advene.d In open
order. At 500 yard. then wits . halt and
then a charge, and the reboil' stampeded
from their t,nohes, which were admir-
ably e0netrootel The Americane re-
tro -Med from warble 'ammunition. hot
nutted on wlthoot firing, and need their
bayonets and the hosts of Ther rine.
There erns heavy slaughter
"The Vulpine ag+ret. My the Ameri-
cana plied vessels along the short.* of the
bay and unn,menn,d hostilities unexpect-
edly .t midnight nn Saturday. slmlltan•
.Doily homhardlnt th• defennele.s owns
of Fonao, Malate and Malabar
tt antra tt.re 0111•d.
"The .gents of the rebels oleo .ay:
'The 'langhter of women and oblldr.a
wits frightful, the Amer' Naas horning
and devastating ell before thorn, enndent
Ing a nor of extermination .011 shooting
every Filipino.' Penally, the agents of
the Filipino(' (rehire their Intention of
'appealing to Christendom,' end that,
IndIgnatioa sgettset .4164 ,AIle erlea*,, JO
111111Blilv"w •••
Wall at a Montreal Fire RAM
With Fatal Results,
.. "°'le'emrblsle`T_ = -rim:;=
Ow of the Fittest u1 Itr.ab.11l.'0 I'r..by
Cerise Cber.bu 7.11• a Prey to th•
/lame* ea (leader 17 LI•.e Lest
Thrones th• Duralag of u
3.0Ne Aorllta-Otker
IP Ire.
Montreal, deb. 18. -Edward Smith L
dead and Joe Moon.; body injured as the
result of a 1130,000 Ole, whtet took plans
yesterday In Mr. H. Lamb's building,
O•orner of Cbabolika streetand Cbabollba
S quare. A fire broke out 1n the lower
pert et the building, which was *coupled
by • grocery stun In the lower floor and
the Baoque VIII. Marie In the .eoond,
and while Smith and Mooney were on •
0aµ wall tell out, killing
y, and inluring hie some
damage to ibo building will
Ate •bout $66,0011, and the hospital
e uthorlsles say Mooney wilt receiver.
Smith had only been on the taros •boat
• year.
Dr. M.Nlree • owe. T.
COMM bar. Ont., Neb. 13. -Dr. 8iftou'e
residence nes entirely oonaumed by flre
.bortly heture 11 o'clock yesterday. The
fin started between the inner walls. mid
had Its origin from one of the heater
pipes of the furnace. The fin mads great
hendw.y, and ooly pan of the furniture
was saved. The building was valued at
$1,1100; Insurance, $800. There le an Ir
serene* of 8600 on the furniture 1)r
Hftton disposed of his practice and reel
dense to 1)r. Mo\i,en of Alvinaton •
couple of weeks ago, and the grannie, ban
been made, so that Dt. MoNiven will he
the loser, Dr. McNI•.n was so have
taken purgation of the Muse Monday or
Presbyteries Church Burned.
Broukrflle, Ont., Feb. Il..--AMot 6
.'cloec yesterday morning fire was die
revered In 8& John's Presbyterian
Church on King acres& The firemen re-
sponded so the esti promptly, and though
&bey worked hard to save the building
their adores were fruitless. Nothing re-
mains but She atone walla and one of
Btwilk ftt•ra deer. bulldtng. L now •
t otal wreck. Cause et are unknown.
Mitigate SaIGei"5 aNlrn
Chicago, Feb. 13. -The fiv►eory brisk
building at the northwest ower of W. -
bash avenue and Madison sweet, sots
pled by the book end stationery Orin of
A. C. MoClorg & Co., was. wits Its 000
some. totally deserved by fire yesterday,
entailing • loss of nearly $66J,000, of
which $600,000 was on the stook.
Fire at Owe. be■.d.
Owen Sound, Feb. 13 -The hardware
more of T. T. Tbomp,on was discovered
to be on firs •boas 9 p n1. yesterday.
After an boar's hand work ►h• fin was
gotten under metro', but Dot before belt
the stook was badly damewet. The le
w ill he In the nelgbborh000 Of $6,000;
Firenze■ P,.•t Hltte.
Sault Ste. Marie, Oat. Feb. 13. -Al
6.40 Saturday morning Ore woe dl•ro,er
ed In neon's lumber tn111 here. The mill
1e • total loss; dry kiln and lumber In
yard saved Lo.. .boot $4,090; small in-
*arenow :levers! of the Unman bad airs
and noseslea.e, the temperature being
40 below zero.
Salons BI... et Albany.
Alhany, N Y., Feb. 18 -Ona and
hundred feel of the bushier portion of
So06h Pearl street was destroyed by fire
yeet.rday. Klein firms doing • prosper
o w business had their rock Iolall7 ds.
strayed. The lose will reset 0260,000.
Ht. Catharines Visited.
8t. Catharines. Ont., Feb. 13. -The
Fitzgerald 11004 on St. Paul stress wee
discovered to ha on fire on Saturday
morning. The flames badly d•mag,d the
o ffices and clubrootu. In the building.
17 In•... People Hared.
Omethe, Feb. l3. -The Star Amllam
for the insane et Yankton. H.D., was
destroyed by fire yesterday morning.
Seventeen of the loma'ea are reported to
have perished.
Tbe Cortege 0u a 9.lopt.a.• Ow• an(
the Crania War. Urea6
Havana, 7.e. 13. -The funeraf'et Mks
late General Calleto Garcia took plass o0
Saturday, the entire population of the
city turning out to do honey to the dead
eornmander. For the firs; time 5111,,. the
American occupation of Havana, armed
Cuban troops were permitted to enter the
city In a hods. She pertlmpatlon In the
funeral by the American mllltery and
navel authorities added Importnnre rend
dignity to the oacmnion, making • deep
oppression upon the Papulens. in 'Ch1
pr•oo.slon was the band of the Seventh
Calvary Regiment. mounted, plating
dirges. It eat followed by four troops of
the Seventh (elvery and .1x batteries of
the Second Arfllery.
/ ahem 8.
Is Are Robed.
Hnvena, Feb. 13. -The Cu hen generals
and soldiers who were to take port In the
funeral pro*eslon of Gen. Garcia with-
drew on (Saturday beaus they were not
allowed to match between Governor-
General Brooke and bl..t•ff. The Mei
dent hes caused intrnae feeling among
the Cubans, who, It 1a mid. will probab-
ly appeal to the P►asidant
H.t,'• ramify In 01.1..x.
Windsor. Feb 1 R. - N Icholsn liolt of
Welker,llle eat seesawed b7 Magistrate
Bartlett b lit months In the Central
Proton last September for embezzling
abort $900 from Walker Br Hon. Since
him incarceration. It Is ral.1, Me tomtit
hr. been In that'llM otre0metanoet. Pm
this swoon a petition •eking for hie re
lease le Ming clroul,od In Walkervflle.
It has been signed hy the Walker* lend
many other prominent citizens.
tier 0og1136es Liteehed.
Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 13 -A teb.phon.
71.0••Age .t midnight from Lorries. 11e,
ears 3 mob took els ne,rro.r from th•
1•.I there late Saturday nicht and lynebed
N -m.
*pa..le% Csm.eder'• Report.
%ta'lrld, Feb. 9.-C•hling from Manl
it. lien Rine Hui Np.nith commander,
repents that AMeMImn. "napalmed the
Flllptnns *Met l$ 100!0' lighting "
They 30111 11.k. • Trade.
smith, Writ . Fah 0 -A roper' from
Washing/tee that the rah nnmeeltte of
the Am.rlan manilla, of the Jo*a1 high
nommi.altm wnnid soloed. • port M
Lynn 1 anal Ala.k*. en Canoga, 1e es
torn for Mining memeglons 1D the .0.t
aa..... :;Ile leleam1 lgBddesabt• co -
eon 'coon 1.
1♦8.s Looe se a,Lldlag ..14 Contests 0111
0e Over 5700,000 -Tb• Lows
.f Many boats
Winnipeg. Fro. 9 -'1'►e fire In the
Manitoba Hotel early Wednesday morn -
was t1wh110 yagred�lwou$j''*rst14 ly Chlet Clark
»m sib *6*
room mar, Mr. Joseph Carton, IDN he
thought he 'welled smoke. 1t was fou•d
Ihel the Ore had started frorb an oyer -fed
grate le the dining loom lo • short Oar
the whole Inside of the bultdles was •
mass Of Raines. AL a critical Juncture
tb) twee of one of the engines burst, end
Miler the roof ■ud the eastern pert of the
nor/b well had Callen the fin for time
boo 16M swing.
11 Was •D awful sight, and one
eo be forgotten. The thermometer ranged
bstwwu 36 and 40 degrw below aero
sod the wind blew a cutting, blighting
breath from the northwest. Forsunatel7
every guest end employe In the building
escaped. By 4 o'olook only the blackened
waits remained of the magnificent Mei
of tee "veiling before.
Ih.,. War N. Lara....
Mr. Spred*, the manager of the hotel,
was 'sen early yset.roey morning and
elated that there was no laeoranos upon
/other tbe building or furniture Tote
rallwhy sempaly carries its own lnsur
■ma upon ell Ha buildings. The bowl
laralture and effete will, tbar.fon, be
• total lees le the 00mpan7. Asked M to
the probable loss to the company, Mr.
Spred* replied that be was unable off-
handed W give oven an Idea of the total
Toes, hot It would be very *my It baa
been estimated by many that IM loss
will not be less than 8300,000.
Same of the Lowe.
Ancona the individual loser/ L P. W.
Kills Co., Toronto. who had $40,000 la
diamonds and 820,000 in Jewelry to
✓ oom 418.
D. Flavell., the Lindsay curler, and
015 rink 000upl.d rooms In the hotel, hot
e scaped with 11{11• lose. Moir( of tM
American curlers here .t*odlug the
booeplel lore personal effects.
W. 1'. McPherson of ' the PDetoMes
lnepeoeor'a Dep�ara.tym�ent here. lost effects'Jeffects'amounting to, jog. Many 0rvmlDeDt
spleens who resided al the hotel deAhg
the winter le all their personal offeror,
the *bled of the sufferers ming James
Te. William McKenzie and D. Z.
Later developments of the M•Dlto8a
Hotel On show that the earl less will
be in the neighborhood of *700,000.
Toronto, leek V. -tat. M. C. Silk of
tee Ori. d P. W. 1811L $ Cs. was mon
by • roporrr yesterday "We had two
MaysBere at the Winnipeg Meal," said
Mr. RIs., "Mr. George It Kill. and Mr.
Free. Weser... The termer had g easedy
Mein 840.000 to 850,000 worth of did.
monde, end the were all moved You
ase, he always owned these diamonds on
his person, and even rept with them at
n ight. so M long se be was mf. the dia-
dbmonde were eels Mr. Warren, however,
carried samples of werl as and Jewelry,
and the were in sample seem 08 We
hotel. His loss wtll be from $6,000 r
17.000 fully covered be tnanr.sea"
Theirs Was 0em•what of • Kelly to WOODS
at C\Nag. e■ ?two of as layman -
meat at Llv.rpoel.
Liverpool, Feb. 18. -Wheat futures on
Saturday nerd 3'ld per cental higher
than Friday.
Chicago, Feb. 13. -Wheat fulsome ral
Ifed nearly • 0111111 a' bushel on li.surd.y
and closed about the top prise. Then
wee MOTS talk of damage to the .rope by
the present cold ware.
1,50411.0', Waema Jearkets.
Cars. Feb. May. July
Chlcafla......$!-'ww--•i•-gall(--$ 72k
New York-, tr � - 77 t. 76 k
Milwaukee,,, ?Ilia- -
St. Loots.,, 74)4 74% 76% 77',
Toledo 78lf - 76 75',
Detroit .. 7$3 - 76 78'5
Duluth, Ns 1
Northers !s - 71 SZ; _IL_
Duluth, Ne 1 '
T. '
Minneapolis, - 7I' 71)$
Toronto, red. 65 - -
7oronto, No.
l hard (new) eV -
Tereat. et. Law
Wheat, wblte, barb 80 71)4(0$
Wheat, red, bash . 79
Wheat, Fife, spring, bosh 71lifK
W beat. 500se, bush 681f
Hy, bush 544
(hits, bug!, S64
Buchwh.L hash - 62
Barley, boob 49
Pees, boob 64
7; K
Bed clover both 83 60 to I$ M
Whim clover, red. bask 600 _ Il N
•1.1k., *bolos to fancy 3 IN ' 4 41
Aldke, good, No 2 , , 8 60 $ 71
A1e1ke, good, No 3 8 00 8 40
Timothy, bush1 20 1 86
Deana, white, bush..... 60 90
RAY A3114T111W.
Hay, timothy, per ton 1N 00
Hey, closer. per ton . 6 JO
Straw, sheaf, per ton.. O 15)
Straw, loose, per Mn . 4 00
(0110 00
7 00
• (lel
nA1f:Y r101nm•r-r.
Batter, 1h. mile $0 16 ee $0 81
Butter, large rens 18 16
Egg., new laid, , 20 28
Chickens, per pato $0 40 to $0 80
Turkey*. per Ib 11
Spring dooka, per pair60 88
Geese, per Ib 7 9
IR1'17P AND vPA.TART.P..w.
Apples, per bbl /1 00 to W 60
Potstn.e, per bag. . 66 76
Mut 0.11fa1• Cattle Market,
Cattle, choir to 0x37• . $7 50
Cattle, good b choir. 7 00
Cal yes
Sharp, eholnn to extra 4 9$
Sheep, good to chola. 4 ((0
Lambe. choir to extra. 6 10
Lambegood to chop. 5 00
tomb., common to fair 4 76
Ilog., medium and
heavy - 4 16
Hogs, Yorker 4 16
Pig. 860
to $7 76
7 60
4 60
4 16
6 20
6 10
4 110
4 6.1
Liverpool 0.rk.te.
Liverpool, Fah. 11 -The market o)os.d
on (atbrday as follows': Bps wheat,
steady; red winter, 6a; No. 1 Northern.
es 10)44: Nn. 1 Cal., is 7d; futures, red
winter, fa 7tyd for Merck and 6e' 7 6-8d
fer May. Mets., steady, Re 7d for mew,
and Ile R-) for old; tattoos quiet, Ss 1 8.8d
for Marsh end May Flom, lee
Ringeton, Ont, Feb. 11. -Thursday
night Joa.pb Halley. aged fie years, a
patient at Ronkwnnd Hcealta1, foil sews
the dumb wailer, • diatnn. of 40 feet,
and wee se badly injured that he died
yesterday. The theory 1s that the old
man w0' at emptln. to '.ape. Deeoo.ed
ammo from Marmon', when he leaves •
'Odom and a faintly of nit Ilk disease
M•. of • nervone netnre. He wee •
quiet, harmless. sort to • team.
Prises Napoleon Charles (berrettas
J•egnes PAIIIIppe Honopeete. third sem
of Prime Lunen HonapOI'*m, Nines el
oestawara'6 .wfw Ar woo gliote At*M11 gr
Mid am.epVte tonsils. le deed as Boma
VM. -
The home is sad, the flags are at
half-mast. A good man has gone
to his long home. Was he wise
as well.its good? That question
is answered by the amount of his
insurance. If he had a policy in
Canadian Order
of 4,/'oreaters U�
for $500, $ 1000, $1500 or _$m
his widow and children or relation.
are sure of that amount, debt -free
and absolute. And the price of
protection is so cheap in this best
of Canadian Societies that one
never misses the little money that
makes the loved ones safe.
For further particulars, enquire
of any of the Officers or Members
of the Order, or address
0. C. 8 , Ingersoll. nigh aee'y, linurf..a
FUST OAHTUW S. 0., Ir.ouo.
JS IT •388000?
Siberia■. 71.4 . Met 0.d• Apparently
Fran Sallee. Wreckage..
Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, Feb. 11.-L gold
mine owner here named Mowatyruo►I.o
Dae received . letter saying that • Nil,
of Tuogaeos Inhabiting the Timor Pea-
le/mils, Nona 81beria. roceauy Informed
the Hosslae polies obi•f d she district
(hal oe Jen. 7 last beewee. Nemo ked
Piet, In the Proclaim of Ywlshtk, they
found • cable soastructed of Wolk and
oordlg-Yp8NeMb7 belonging to • bat
loth. Close by were the bodies of three
room, tg .lips badly rushed.
Areigla Sim 'mess teasstbse d bstre
m.ne, the ems of white were cos ander-
mood by the ?unguent. The pales thief
has seared for the spoil be l.oeetlgate, as
tt M believed the! the bathes are these of
Asda• and his isompaeleas, B{rtadbtrg
and Fresskel. Prof. A.dre•'s y.•st wee
made from Troilism Island M the north-
ern •zremlly of Norway, M July 11,
1697, of 2.60 p.m., le the Melds{ et •
strong wlsd. After the marrow escape
from being driven against the reek Is
Sweerinborg Soloed the balloon was en
moving Dortbw.rd easily, es Andres
wished, over the fiat peninsula of Hai
00•3D TRVNK 1. 0000130.
/tree 1a.ldend on Pint Prefer•we eh ores
I. Te. Tsars Deflated.
London, Feb. 11. -Yesterday the Gruel
Trunk Hallway Company directors r-
ammed a dividend of fru per cent o5
gaareneeel sock and of three par neat
on Ono preference Maros In addition
We gratifying •nnoamrment M Made
that the company 1..hle b :nary for.
ward 84,'•N1, and en loons'. of 510,000
is traffic retnrns is reported. A11 this
gave Grand grant securities • buoy.nay
1n the abet markets, and the mot robe
from 6-8 to 151 The teporbd desire ef
Canadian and American railed man-
agers to maintain rams wee another
feeder Etat tended to strengthen.
This Is the fires dl,►d.ad declared on
the first preference .haw for about Ian
years. The -dlvldend haw sot emelt to s
great surprise to the finanol*l weld, as.
of merge, aonMbing of the sort was ex-
pected by reason of the vastly Improved
banner of the year.
Mr. Charies M. Hays, the gasr•1
manager of the road. mea pgasnt et the
SO Mere. Wombed ete.rbeard.
London, led 11. -The British steamer
P'.dgmors, C•pl•I. Wet, from Heston.
Jan. 24, for this port, ha. arrived se
Gravesend and reports lom of a boat and
88 boron' washed overboard, hod cattle
fittings dalsyed and suffered other In
.. -_ Gold 1. Bed River.
OSBaWu, Feb. 11. -Hr. J. B Rogers
of Winnipeg is In the easy to seek a
shorter for company to search for the
mom of tee said found on tee ban 1h
the Red River, south of Winnipeg.
Miner. see washing out the sand as
Nese hare, and there la mid ea he •boot
810 • day In gold
The United Stales Government bas re•
Delved Information °Metall? from Bemo•,
and It le said the partition 804.0 by Chief
Jneeloe_ Chambers at A0y war ewers
ami will he basket up. It 1e said the
Germans will recall Agent Rafted and
t'ouxul Rose, who released • Orma0
who had been eonitbee against tbu law.
Th• Dreyfus *5.lr.
Paris Feb. 11. -Then we • *Mwm1
debuts le the 7,.neb Chamber 7rbrday
over the revision MR There was disorder
In the streets here and muffles between
the mob and pollee, bat nothing serious
happened. Premier Deputy beller. the
Dreyfus affair will be 0..11y settled be-
fore A pr1t
what dietrtlM ate aweigh come to the
mother when her little one wake •p r
night with • ..sty croupy cough. Wise
mothers always keep on hand • bottle 01
Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup.
It's ao pleasant to the lute the youngMere
lake it without any fuss, sod at dreier
time its promptness and effectiveness
•re each that the coegh le coached
before anything serious develops.
From one end of the Dominion to the
ether people an praising Or. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup •• the hest remedy for
Cough., Cottle, Croup, Whooping CAns%
Bronchitis and all Long Affection.
Dr. wool's
Norway P11ba
eta at all drogfgista.