HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-2-16, Page 5First Arrivals
Fifty pieces of high class English Tapestry and
Brussels Carpets opened this week.
Prints, Scotch (Jinghams, White Piques, Roman
Satins and Organdies.
-~ - Ten cases Joist recetv►.
(Butteriok'. March Patterson sad Delineator now in.)
W reredos* the fo8ewlar letter e/
vsesey M Oeieriole's online to 000.ider.•lon
ear the all-C•.•dl•s rests gsesMo.. The
fame adv.eed by our towmoman speak for
themselves :
To the 14111. e( neigh' sad Lapse :
Sin,- la the diI.ussies of the problem of
preyldhtg as all Chadian route from the
West toe the Atlantic w board. the whole
•Ms.Y.. of the people of Tweow seems
hitherto le have bees loosened wpm the
O.srttas hey. flat I shies at he msetteg
NOW i. Termite apes the s•ooed of thio
mash. Mr. Belabor la reported to have sant
ikon M had read • Mater from Mr. Terse,
beerlar a post apes Lake Huros.. It i.,
I lasgtas, pretty well known now that the
point referred to is (iodanoh
I am 'eery teal there wee ,to nes preset
hem Uoderiob to speak at the Terme
soesi.g t be, pewee. 1 arty be warm/Md
Merely N Nate some e1 the more *vides'
resseas whole deabtMee isfu•no•d the
MJister of Pablo Works when be wrote
that tett.,. The ewe 000•id.estion wbleb,
et eemree, asset determine the route for the
o blpm..t of preduote to the AUaatio sea-
board r the ems of transporIatios. We
bare heard a sprint deal et an ter has " to
Toronto tress people who draw Neu is.pir-
anoa frees the mop and blindly take it for
granted that ate soot of tran'porattos de•
psmds s.Urely upon dietaries fiat • great
deal of Ibbs has Maly boo throws spas
the sebja.t, and we bah learnt that oche(
am.'pra•wa deposal apes easy ether
hags, ash as oompeution. facility of
tramper% by water arid land, local tr.gbte,
rearm freegbts, intones'. coat oa eenalrae•
ttea, No. - t
The Lame ezpl•natM. 11 this ..moles
qy•1504'a ry be bond in the tl.diags ot tbm
l.bwntote Grammies. Commission in the sent
breag►t by the New 1 ork Produces K;.
Agree wash the railways 1 w Report of
(Jhambeit et Oomm.,ss of the State of New
York. 1897 911). Ben, the oom.iselo.we
*Marl, pseud est Nat dlataaee s the least
impoeto.l boor r the deet •( transporta-
tion, a.4 within, airtime halite acts fie be •
are. If l! Anally decides
that It Ui pn,sal l so J.rdsettsh at
our Wooers pted.es frim the Buffalo route
by building r maspesdeot Goveromeot
railway from any pars of Liss Maros to
Tomato, the fringes raw must be fined at
s Apure wee will 'mnemes the movement
M gram. assn It to set he shortest roam.
hal he rests whine van •Hord to off., the
leases rates to the ebipp•e, that will be
It is possible then the original emit e( oon-
.tr.mf.g the railway will be treater it the
lime le bai11 from Gederbb to Tomato, 4. -
shad e( free& Ce ltarwsed, Wean the die -
Wise le • hale Langer, altboarth 1 und.,-
esaad that the dtlhoalties of eagtneeru/
eroald be greater Mao the Uelltarwoed
route. But a4.inet this we may set the
very important oo••ldsr.Iio• has there will
be no oast of barber improve me•le epos
Lehi Harm chargeable to this route, for
Godwin% Ilse bees established as • harbour
of refuge ; the Uoveramest la oos.sq...tiy
bond to provide •ooenemed•Mq• here tor
the largest yeesels afloat en the lakes. led
they hare already mademihelseatel program
In the work of dredging the harbour On
the other band, wises tram Ilse from Gods
nob is otters completed. the host of ruining
per mile will be less than the air line pro-
posed, for, with the ezoeptio• of a small
nos •tSebrlagyllle, Isere u a down grade
the whole way trom Goderioh to Toronto.
The prebta, toe, will be greater. Local
mights will provide • larger menu Nam
epos eay other route pirepssed. Ler ab line
would pane through the very best part of
Ontario, and it is well knows that the Ilan
t iituniums, Veb. 16, '1899.
•II•(ali.dlse nate, t1 1s moss lmportsei
Net we should dovetail, If we ma, upon
Comedies moil, will the stream of ouwwerue
w►uh at present tied. .s outlet through
Ruffen at the American seaport*. It in
~tale that Is tbo near future snub of the
grain destined tor Amerman seaports will
pass through Oodertun elevators, which,
owing to Ne ssa000uatabie aegien of the
harbor la past years, has gone threat. to Bol•
Wo without boaobiog Cauedien soils If, at
this polot, with all the advaatagse we have
pointed oak eoblitaq can he done to divert
the etream to the St. Leeches sands, To -
roue had better know the worst at ouoe
and throw up her hoods.
Few people. l hesitate, realize that when
the harbour has been dredged Uodertub will
become • rival of Budde is the carriage of
grain to American port., especially toward
the end of the eeasou, whoa there ie • oo'-
restton at Buffalo, sod time is more import-
ant than • smell dtlferesoe in the rates.
There will testy be uas tron.-.bipment by
either route, lteig.tion .t Gcderiob uloess
later and opens earlier than .t Buffalo, ana,
se we have seen, the (Iodated' harbour o.0
(4. moot yews) be kept open through the
winter. winch at Buffalo is impossible. On
the other band, while eangstiud a open on
Laky Eris, Betlalo'. only advantage entre
Oedertob wilt consist In the difference be-
tween the tralret rates to Buffalo from God
*nob by lana and the additional freight by
water whiob will beloved by vessel, nntoed-
tmg as (iodertob. What this Masao"
amounts to 1 .m not at present prepared to
My But there will oertaWy he a oossider•
able loving is late freigbta oy the Gods.
Mob route. Vessels from Cbtwgo and Do
lutb oao make two trips to (Iodated) he
nearly the same tame that ase u made to
Buffalo, and I am •neared by lake o.ptaina
that time a more valuable le the larger
gram 0.ssele than return freight., for rates
are now so low epos the lakes that many
vessels return with water ballot from Buf•
f.lo, rater than spend the time that es
shame, foe reloedta4.
'There .re some town ooenolla and Boards
of Trade, I leu, who will sot be pleased
with the present•t:oe of thew fame. If
they wont oontirmMuon, lot us h.;• a nom.
mission of exports.
Ooderiob, Feb. 8.
To the Zdltor of The Basel.
For the past tea year systematic adorn'
hove been made to ia.es.e the overuse rs-
tarmI and to improve the quality of the
cereals and other Important farm orope
grown in (Jaseda by an annual dteathett=
from the up.nmestal farm at Ottawa of
samples of seed of the beet and most promise
Ing sorte. These varieties h.v• bees first
tested et the expenm,stal farms, and Daly
from Stratford to trederioh la the beet pay thea wbloh bee prove' to be the vary beet
ieg-t•Nitie wt the wm.i. Ufaal TttysAf ay. isave been Mane for Umdteritata..: Tb'
Sem Aran, the Goveraaos1 will have the semplee soot out he. oostaiued these
sdvontsge of lower lrsigbl and issuraso. pounds *soh, and every precaution has been
n ine apo• rho lakss, foo, wlag b the Iaparl- taken to hays the seed in eery instance
or advanteg.s of the open lake route from
wtborosgbIy clean and into tq name, and the
t promised
ckag.e bo(. gash wt tree, through the
mod. Those who have renewed such
sad d grown them with ohays
..ally had at the 'ad of the second year
enough .sed to sew • largo arca, cod to this
cacao'moanercacao'fanners all oily the I)omm-
tes baro bee bendogeny re raanS-
heer.ng S-
heer bed lees produotive ports whtoh they
have Mamines owies in the past with superiores
yahoo. poseetog greeter vigor.
By tanrt
truottoo of the How. Minter of
Agnulture, soother snob dutributioe u
beteg made thisur
ains, 000uu
sne of samples
of oats, barley. spring whet, field pease,
Iodine Dore and potato.. Those samples
will be penenbe seat only to theme who apply p•
pally. Lista of nam.. from societies or'
individuals copilot he ooesidered, and only
opo sample to all can be phot to each apph
oast. Appliuoee amend be addressed to
abet DMrootor et Experimental Farms. and
and may be seat any time before the 15th of
March, alter which the lists wall be Wooed,
mi .11 samples asked for may be sent
out m good time for sowing. Paras, writ.
t4tpgg►y,da lag will kindly meeuon the sort or variety
'Much ot our \Venela
ers gram
tamrlA to adorn, of boe'efrtayen% would prefer, and pkoalal the ulsb.e
flour end earned to Komp.. tale's► the
Ontario mi1b, ..d a the Oaten* farmers
telt" to mixed farming ..d give .p Ian crow -
ug of wheat to the prairies of Msaiteh.,
the amoof grain imported from Western
Cada tote Ostrom w111 increase. The
local milli•' trade. therefore, tea very im-
portant item to say' elevator oompaoy.
Here Oedorish bee as advantage oyer say
rival port, tor, .000rdt.g to the laths
freight tenet published by the l.rand,T mk
reglway, sfolds the controlling raw t
eighty per oast. of au the miller. ie Ontario.
Fort W tut.mtk• Ole retch" row
to the lioderteb Elevator Company when the
harbor dredetsg is completed are nae -eighth
o f aceat per bs.bel lees than to any of the
pert on the Georgian boy, and in the
mastbe of October and November the
i1srsao• rates are higher 1e tko
Gerrie Boy. Cos.ega.•tly, tegb se
mash more oh be hated for Mrssr-
dam of graio upon this lite, withoutaBsh.
1./.th. shippers .tad we mea not fergsf
that navigation at the Godertob bachelor
specs earlier end closes • week later than
1 say port on the Georgian boy, end
het, es u Unease. Milwonkee, druid
Seew, Muskogee Lediegtoo and ether
pori as lake 111.544•.. the Ge eerie her -
beer ooeld generally be kept epos .l1
rough tate other, which is impassable en
be (:argue bay-. point which has se 4..
portant hearten me the possible serene" of
railway. t
Transhipment is an imp.rtast teeter to be
oouidered le toe Dost of •r•nepertatloe, and
levetor charges .re •ffected by the
Your Guard!
Rome ot the Georgian bay port have laid
ekes upon their slating mtlwsy futilities.
la this respeet, toe, Goameb will soca out-
strip them all. , At the present time then
an two lime 14'1'erwto, ens via Stratford
and the other vu Paris and Hamilton, n, beth
es the Grand Truk system. Within three
years tete will be . third roots oosneoting
with toe mals 4.e of the C. P. R. at
Guelph. A hater for this line has been
head by the C. Y. R. for a somber of year.
In 1896 tee Matter lapsed, and • mamma
was gloated by the Government, open the
express sodssatnad4og that the line should
be eempled and la operation before the ez•
piny at that period. It will be remembered
th.tSir Wiiltam Van Hones promised the
people of Guelph that it they would build
the branch from Guelph to (Jampbellville he
would continue the line to (;oderioh. The
Guelph people have earned oat their part
d the a ntiraet, sad we knew that Sir Will •
Lam keeps his word.
Ther ie yet another feature in the God. -
nob route, whioh, is the opinion of some,
emeries more weight than any point we have
manhood. if 'rein oaa be shipped to
Europe through Toronto and the St. Lowe -
hoe canals as oheeply. or nearly s. cheap-
ly, es through Baf aio, when the e.rriage
of grain is fought for by half-• dosen rail-
ways and twice as noisy oeean etesmehfp
campmates, the Toronto route M feasible, sot
otberwim. Buffalo will always he e strong
oomoetitor of any gram mets that can he
established through Cauda. Coaimer.,at-
hoots eemmeroe. If. the., we are 10 at-
tract ae.t-bsamd tree from Baffle Into ea
Clearing Sale
_After StockTaking...'
In order to considerably reduce several lines, I have decided
to offer the following inducements :
325 Cloth Bound Books,
20c• Vol., of 3 Vols. for 5lc.
The looks are by the following popular Authors :
Scott, Dickens, Tharkery, Cooper, Marryat, Kingston, Doyle,
Kingsley, E. P. Roe, Charlotte Bmnte and others. A lino of
paper Novels at less than Amerloan PubHihees wholesale
price, 5 cents each. At. the above prices these Books should
all be sold in a few days.
Talaphona No, 100.
.took, of too wort be exhausted some other
good variety will he sent in t.. plea*.
Wm. SAtnusia. Director.
Central Bzpenmestal Farm, Otttw•, Feb•
ruery 9th, 1899,
Winesam . Rey. 1)r. Pa.00e and wife
are both as present very 141. The former
woe unable to attend to hu pulpit duties.
S.forth : Loftus Stark has purob••sd
the stock aid business of the late firm of
Stark Smothers, and will cooties* 11 se
Ethel • 100 sores of bush hes been par.
chased by our hustling row mill.,, S. S.
Cole. The property is on the 14th eon. of
Grey and s knows a. the White farm.
Brussels : Tho.., Kelly, ex•rsav• of
Morris, and lethal, treasurer of Brussels,
died at kis home is Brussels m Mona•y of
last week and was bated 'n Bruwl• creme.
tarry on Wednesday.
B•y6eld : Rev. E. A. Shaw baptized 1.
K Walls'• baby, Doi. 1, Goderioh towe-
ship, st the p•r.os•g. on Monday evsalag
of Oat week with waster trom the river Jor-
deo. Roy. Mr. Graham baptized Rev. Mr.
Shaw', baby with water from the same
Exeter : 0• Teeeday .Lehr of last weak
while Dr. Browning, of Eteter, was return
Ing from 'ionise • patient north of Heasell,
he met with • serious .widest. Wham
n ariog Case's siderued two dogs sprang at
his horse. The animal jumped off the road,
which is rough at this point with high snow
banks, throw m the dootor frothe ng and
bre.kisg hoof his arms.
Clinton : Word was resolved reomtly by
his father, T. L Layla, of tows, that hie
e on, William Charles, bed met with • serious
sad ponied aeoident the latter part of De-
cember In Chicago, at s wringer menufse•
tory there. Hie right arm was crushed so
badly that amputation was nsos.••ry as the
e lbow. His meaty friend• in town will be
v.,; sorry to hear of his mi•lortens. • -
MoKillep : Peter McEwan, formerly
of MaKlllop, bat now et Tyner, North Dak-
e.. still keeps to the treat. A Bathos.
paper of reseal date says : "Mr. MoEwan,
of Tyner, was u town the ether day with
the meanie of Me elk, nee of which had a
magnificent pair of Wallen, and a small red
deer Be moored this es the first mount-
ain, North of Vane.'
Btamela: William MoCie.,y and sea,
Jeannie, of ?rehouse, Man., are visiting lis..
MoKelvey, of Brussels, Was. MoKel..y. o1
Ory, sed Reber, McKelvey, of Ethel. The
fees., le • peewees farmer, hsvieg 390
are of Iaad, ami bee been to the West tar
Me page twisty years, mwiing threes from
Ireland. Mr. M.(ko.,y M a wash te the
MaReNey kwrhers, sad will spend . tow
web. bore won r.,srii.r to Trebenta.
9a•ferth : Alfred R. Stark. .e.br
member M Ms arm of Stark Ikea..
died is the bmpltd la Termite. Mr. Saari
had beets warmest for nosey yew free a
rapture. 701 the pees year it had bass
son koebls.onte thea weal and •beet
these weeks ago M determined to go to Te.
(mate to undergo as eperatlea there. Tie
epoe&Mm moss eery eaeee.fal, and he some
d to Mistime along well anti! he was at.
Tanked by typhoid-pnemminnla..
Wlagham : The North Raton meaty
(hangsmee held their anneal meeting i.
Wlagh.et ea Tuesday of let week. There
wee • god emotes. and meek heeler
K.esaetel. The follower olToer■ wee
sleeted for the year : 1' M , Joke Wilford,
Blyth ; D. M., W J. Ger. Gore : oboe .
R.W. Lew.re
, Weems ; li.t1., The..
Neat, (unto ; T.s., W. R. Mee..y, Bre-
oak ; trews. Ws. Breese, Belera.e ; D.
of c., Joseph Hells,, Wlinhs. ; leeterere.
Mew McMoo Myr . gbeei
Ira ha14e.
wee d•n4ded Mel tea sway d seme-
SIr.aisns •e Wl.e[ram w Jul; mem
19 m
Oo r: Mouse
Learing Sale__-
To make room for importations, prices
are cut down to clear out goods quickly.
Cross -Cut Saws dowu..t0
Hanging Lamps
Carpet Sweepers
Table Cutlery
Tie Chains
.. •1.00
M`1.00 per doz.
!)5 prl r
..+.r .. •1b
Slogh-:seligo0:: s . $1;Qhsr_ - aaa._w
Axes .. ... a: 85
All other goods in proportion.
mmmmritmmmtttmmmmtir nmmm
A LargStook,
A Large Store and
Large Values
The Farmers' Headquarters,
• -u-
In various styles ECt0.
and excellent values,
W. C. GOODS. _Chemist,L
Don't attempt to cure a Cold
with a few Candies !
-0.1 001-
roe right to the spot and Dares speedily.
860.-6 for $1.00
Oar Cherubs' Honey Coach Care
Ethel : • North Cob., was kinked by •
bias online be te/or brittle.
Brussels George Watt, son of Kobt.
Wart, of Brueele, has been promoted to the
oration of seffnei draugb b
Polar::- 'lbrpAitk : .+
Fergu we, of yhe• old, was ssarrlad to 'Mag.
gin, wooed daaaster of P. Porler4eld,taw.•
ship clerk e( Kest Wsw•so•b,
Chutes : George Bunch, of the Clares
dos hotel, h.. • badly bruised head,
being streak oy • horse heloague bit
Cook, of lotleriob townabto.
Wiaghw: J. J. Elliott, V.h, of
lea, well known la W4ag4am, talo home
Dr Perdue, V.S., of East Wsw.nseb, is
taking obarge of hi' Koonce in the mao•
Grey Luther Ball left me Friday of
last week for Portage-la-Pr.ln., Manitoba,
to resume his old poeitime at isoreaeedsalary,
Mr. Bell had ao enjoyable von with rola-
three and friend' as Ontario.
S Wawasosh: Sorrow and bereavement
have vomited the hems of Mr. and Mei. Jao.
T. Carne, of East Wawancah. ()a Tuesday
of Imo week, their eldest daughter, Maggie
M., peed away after an Maas of thirteen
Exeter : A wa1tta4N, homed lelobging te
Emanuel Bissett. while roe: ; a fox south
on the G.T. R. track, was ran over by the
freight aura on 1uesday of last weak and
iortantly killed Mr. Biwa has read bad
look with hie dogs, having had three killed
m the ams manger.
Wrogkam : our townspeople slncerely
regretted to hear of the demise of William
Dixon of Minato street, which took plane
on Sabbath morning of last week. The
Dare* of his death wee Prtm►nly • eeyero
cold, rssslsing in po.omoui•.
Sssforth : Robert Dennison, bawler sold
hie ferns in Debora* has p.roba.ed the int-
erest of Mr. W ileo: in the grocery and
meat Lasta.MI of Wilson h MoNsnthton,and
intends Doming to town to live, end wilt
joie Mr. MoNaeghton io the business.
Grey : Go Wednesday afternoon, Feb. _
let, Robert M. Dourlaa, a well-known tenon
farmer of the 16th coo., sad Mss Nettle
('rtoli formerly teacher in Tareboll s school
at J. H. PEDDER'S.
• • • • • •
We are now comfortably settled in our new quar-
ters, and feel sure that with a bright store and a
bright stack we can supply your wants in •
Dry Goods,..,Ready-Made Olothjing,
House Furnishings, -.-t
Carpets-,---off-Oloths, etc.,
at prices to please you.
Factory Cotton, 38 inched wide, at 4c. a yard ' '
Regular 7c. Cotton, in 30 -yard ends, at•Lac "
" 8c. Glass Toweling at .. 5c.
" 8c. Hand " at .
A heavy Shirting, worth 12ic., at 10c.
" 10c. Print, wide, at 5c.
Regular $5 Men's Suits for $8.00
Regular $7 Men's Overcoats $4.50
Business Ott` -an -e t ... . , ..
OfflOIlld SOifOrYO '38
- 8I . 8B -
moms of proprietor, cause of asiling.
Having bought out the inter -
east of my partner, Mr. Robinson,
( have decided to ell off the W-
ane.. of stock of Stoves at great.
ly reduced rates.
Now is the time for Bstu;sipl.
Tinware, Coal Oil, Lamps,
etc., at equally low rates.
i do Plumbing, Heating and
Tinamithing at the lowest prices.
Call and get names of some of
the purchasers of my Stoves for
house, were united in marts/hat`
the home _
of Herber) Cr1oh, the bride's 4.t her, In
Tackersmitb. CANTEI.ONS
Brussel.: Arts, sen of Dr. G. L. Hill, of
Toronto, formerly ot i1rewle, had one of
his eyes considerably damaged while playlet,
(:orseq.'s and We1Fst.
bookey by being "'truck In the optio by the
puck, It war feared at Ane thea the eight
was tsjurod, but we are pleased to hear that
wee not the hos,
McKillop : Miss Helen Nakao'', daughter
of Mrs. John Dioksoo. of Roxboro, MoKiI-
lop, hie recently graduated as • norm .t
Hvrper's hospital, Detroit, wining a told
medal and her diploma Miss Dickson
spans the holidays at her home here, bat re-
turned to Detroit last week to resume her
professional duties there.
Wingham After an Maas extaedine
over several menthe, Clare, beloved wife of
Simon Mitchell, Gaoled away to the majority
on Sunday morumr, Febrnory bib. A fam-
ily of five ohtldres mourn the loss of mother,
and a bereaved husband will feel keenly the
loss of • faithful partner. Eller age we 45
year, 2 mouths and 20 days.
Seefsrth : At 11 o'clock Friday night
fire broke out to the seen story of Dick's
Centrsl hotel, The building being frame It
very rapidly succumbed te the flames, and
toretb., w1th mutest" was almost totally
destroyed. The present proprietor, Mr.
Klug, p.roha.eo the property ani had bees
In possession only two eneethei Iaseranee
$3,000, in Waterloo Mutual.
Exeter : South Huron I.. 0. L, comity
meeting was bold here on Tuesday of last
week. The weather being fins there was a
good reprssmtstlon from all parte of the
dietrlot After the Iona' preliminaries sed
general business the following ellen
were elected for the eosoing wear, vie.: Jobs
Searlet, W.M. ; A. Nevin, b. 1111,; iv. Orlin,
,bap; P. Osatelea. rse-•se'y: W. And., -
sea, 5.•'oe'y; F. Davis, i). of C. ; J. Ballard,
lent.; J. lteeoom, tree. '1'b' set sasaal
m .tog will rasa plans in Meer the erne
noseday la Febrn..ryty. 1900. By • gouda -
sus rete ft was deeded so Gement* Jtdy 1ls
Not a1 Sister.
Gored el Lumbago by Dodd'. Kidney Pills.
Berlin, Feb. 13 - Kv.rye.. In Rodin
keen Andrew Hoose. He le a repeated
•ed preoperative tea4deal, who number Me
Mende by the hundreds.
Fer ser • year pat, Mr. Hose, was
termmitd b; meets pains in isle heels,
whine increased Is severity M spite of dee.
' bre and their methane*.
He wee &deised te try Dodd's Kfdesy
Pills. He •o Theo night he telt lees
pale. Dally the pias slated, e.1 la lees
Mss two weeks, Dodds Kelsey PIIM bad
Mired him thsrou$Iy.
Thar. lee ona oregwegmitilsiga., «.
P41M. ItxyoAra.00 Me greyed tits lkee-
for beak ah 'That eon, le • Kidney
mei el Masa.
Pastry, Oyster Patties, Tarts, Short
Bread and Cream Rolls,jlnce
Pies and Lady Fingers, Kisses,
Macaroons, Maranon, .•-
Brandy Snaps, Etc.
are as good an the beet matte in any
city in Canada.
(lantelon loads the trade in
in fancy deeming and ornament-
ing and slaon,d icing.
Give him an order and your sat.
isfsctiot, will be moored.
Pacific Ry.
the Ncrthwest,
Klondike and Yukon
Gold Fields.
AP, 1M 4.," 0'.,. A .. p
wu ww uw uw uw uu u►
WTa $L77111 TI3EM•
T epaedy et.ot of oar Grippe Compound has been •n agrM-
•1b ea ,from r to those who have tried It.
Be{If,fromt►roviowum. you wont
Quinine Capsules or Pills
we have all size.. fresh and reliable. lerr., ?gr.. neer.. bgr., oto., and moll them.
la any g Wrtltr /wired: 1
Jam is, and, fresh supplies of -
Bromo-Qulnlne Tablets, Phenyo-Cafreln P111.,
and the Mot makes of
Headaohe Powders and Wafers.
a Dr. Coopers Wei Easlsiee " for your cough, tic. a Bottle.
Cgltral Drug Stora S. E. HICK, Dimas* Um itt
We are hill it the same old stand, Nelson
Street, where we have been supply_ing our
customers for a number of years. We know
the fuel that olio you.
Orders left with lour delivery rigs or at
WoreelFs etrive and tin shop and at our
office will receive prompt attention.
All coal yreighed on market scales, unless
We run sever.' Drar in connection.
JOHN S. PLATT, Managele
Phone 62. 2687•tf
Dintingruiehed everywhere
for Delicacy of Flavour, Supe-
rior Quality, and Nutritive
Properties Specially grate -
fill and comforting to the
nervoua and dyspeptic. Sold
only in 1-4 lb. tins, labelled
Homceopathio Chemists, Lon-
don, fOngland.
A Marvellous
Success •
The general expression has been, " How
can you sell such an excellent Axe so
cheap -ouch
An Excellent Oe
for only Fifty Pe, nts ? I
The answer we invariably give is, " They
were bought right.," Out of six boxes
only a few are left. Get one before they
are all gone.
A few Pairs of Skates to be run off
at Close Prices.