HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-2-16, Page 44 1luvssoay, Feb. 16, 1899. E.B. dM. H. razz] XT O.ALL We bare parsed es • table • lot of slightly shop - were Music. worts from 10o. to 7bo , to sell g� while it lasts for Sc. Alm • low small ware. •meats lett wbirb will be meld Yoe, 'Map - NEXT WEEK we will talk to you •boat -"1911OLES .glee -1• (3FO3DF.R1(3H. NEPI(SENTING THE NONDNEIMEN PIANO A MUSIC CO., Of TORONTO. Mu Signal, IS ros,mwsD EVERY THURSDAY !L@BNiftiH $T R. 11011111.111011114011 GoDIREOIt.'THUASDAY. ilii lb fi ROLL UP THE MAJORITY. IP there ever was • political Conten in West Huron when the (:overnwe candidate should receive • solid m jority, now is the time. The nomi -ationa proved conclusively that as tween the two candidates there w no comparison, -7 - Of Mr. Masses si a citizen and his private capacity we have nothi to say, but as a candidate for powittaon of Tebbe levet, where •n meet ligent knowledge of the political iso of the day should be the criterion, is right that plain speaking should done. Of the pitiable exhibition which li made on the public platform Tue.ds last, it is not necessary for us to a anything to the large and iutelligen audience tbst heard him, but there s many electors who were not presen on the occasion, and to these w would ay that • more lamentabl presentation of political ignorance o the part' of a candidate than the made by Mr. McLiAN it would be herd to conceive. Even the strop supporters of TUPPIR and Tuppe were embalmed of the manner and ma ter presented by the candidate, an many of them have glees .es to their honest convictions Mote th meeting was held. great There wan • time when the Conaertive party sought men who coulddiacus. intelligently the question of the day -when POKTKR and Will MILLER and others gave intelligent remote why they should receive the support of the electors -but the Tup- parites of West Huron have evidently parted that station, and today they have as • candidate a man who would be more worthy of support if he kept o8 the platform sed made no attempt to display his absolute ignorance on the political issues that are before the people. On the other hand, the f.ibenl candidate is • man ot-marked ability, and the manner in which he placed his cage before the electors gained Wends at every sentence. A better addressomination address than that of Mr. House hes not often been delivered n Canada by a man who sought the uffragea of the people fore first time. He showed that be was a man of inde- pendent thought who had closely read he history of his country and had fol owed the political thread down to the ime at which he spoke. His language as good, his reasoning correct, and u style of delivery creditable in the xtreme. He kept back nothing that could be said in the time at his dis- posal, and spoke openly end fearlessly an honest man to honest men. The two men are now before the octets, and no one but a hidebound rtisan of the stiffest kind will for • oment oonaider that the best inter- ests of Huron will he as well served y the election of ROBERT McLRAy as y would be were ROBERT HOLT( acted. Vote for the hest man -vote for Houses. BENNETT WAS BESTED. WHEN the biter is bitten nobody squeals bet the chap that receives the Meth, sad when the sharp arossm of Dr.1.Altosse in penetrated the political cuticle of W. H. BEwissrr, M. P., at the Court house Tuesday last, the uni- versal vevdiot was, "Served him right" Kr. Batnrrrr u a Arent spanker - %RS in language, short Oa feta, and 9jlrrt perative to the hilt. At the om- lasfllsra he took the bit in hit teeth, so ti grak, and ran a headlong r'aoe, was winded. In the ammo t nt •- n- be - as in ug a es it be e 1 y t re t e e n t Re+t rispbe t- d d prowlers e v f O s t 1 t h e as el W m b the el THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO of his fllghe of imagination he leek ootami)0 to wake strong personal refer anises to the Postmaster -General, lion. CI.irrutw fibres, the Premier and others of the Cabinet, all of whieb did not teed to help him with his audience. Whew Bxsewrr resumed his seat LAMv5riIM fatted the audience and the music was sufficient to keep • deaf 'mute from sleeping. Every hit the before, largely through the *oweseul ef- goulsl dootor made --and be lade • tort* cal Sir W ILrtuu levees and baa ea - leagues. lot Wert Huruu chow its amine station of the turns sold the murmurer that have brought C•uale to tot uta -Time and again while the Coo- eer ative Goternment was in power Literals upon the aur of the House made formal . herges of Uoverumer,W c .rngntioD, elxl their charges were proved, until the Tory majority adopted the shamolesr *choose of refusing inquiry. _ No Cwnwugltye member --tie he ever si glib in making wild and in- detinlLe charger agaust the present Gov- ernment --- has dared to risk his most in following up his insiuuatiuus. The Op - volition prises old speakers may make as much empty noise as they parer, but they need out Mink the elector. will take stuck its chanes which the authors themselves dare not put to the teat. T men of W. -.+t Huron know a thing or two. -TM _monopohata and ooratpYor- I.da were buried an the a&iraf Jure, IIMN6. Keep them band. -The LAuaiaa Ooverumeyt re. . tuoel the taxer of the people. and si the ewe time brought atenit sub•testial sur. pluses w peer of the discouraging Fusterlau ,letieer. A geed beelines Uoveruuleut it eunhy cat Wust Huron's support. --Canada now occupies a tar larger Oros to the eyed ot this world then eve lot of them--B11a1Krrr squirmed and the crowd roared with laughter. Had the young wan from Siwuoe been On • spit the plessaut•t•ted old gentleman from Hanover mould not have roasted him wore thoroughly, and when the operation war completed everyone was of opinion that it was well done. All of which goer to prove that long lepguage and short facts are liable to becotne flat, stale and un- profitable at public weetiuoa. IS THE NOMINATIOPf VALID? THE Dominion Election Act pro- vides that a candidate in an election for • seat in the House of Commons is to be nominated by • nomination paper signed by twenty-five or more electors. The person or persons before wliesa-tie-acid •festers signed testify to the Mame by oath in the form pro vided in the Act. The act further provides that the fact of such oath having been taken shall be stated on the back of the ,e� ruination paper. *Air is clearly stead in subsection of section 23 of the Dominion Elec- tions Act. The subsection is as follows : '•Su. h oath uiwv be in the form 1: the tint schedule to this Act and the fact of its having Isom taken shall he stated on the 14491 the said uow.uatioti paper '. This is clear, but ROBIIIT McLCAK's nomiwtion paper does not contain on the back of su.;h nomination paper anything to indicate that the oath heed bean taken. ft is s tvmpl.tte blank. CAMPAIGN SNAP SHOTS. -Mr,eHotrss stands for principle, Mr. MiLwww for party. - -Vote for the n _whji viq eon - waist attention In ilite iasaeot.- - • -What has Ooderioh-to-gain by the election of koezaT MtCats -What-flid you say t Oh, yes ' A tool and hie monej ore easily parted. -There is no annual deficit of 5800,000 in the Poatothos Department these days. .A vote for HOLMsa is a vote for the progremeive Government of Sir W itron, LArassza -The way 1)r. LAWDSKKIK put .lees \'ri.r, "to sleep" tickled Ix.th Onto and Tones. -Every elector in Canada has had his jrwtage pate reduced ore-thir.l by the new petal regulations. - The days of Curran bridge and Tay canal scandals have *rod. Vote for Hotline and good government. - ltoesrr MOLLA• might paw for a candidate if he didn't attempt to tell what he doesn't know about the issues of the day. -No elector in West Huron need blush when Honour HOLM® rise. in his pace in Parliament to address the House. -Sir WILrmD LAuslss will appre nate ti Valentine such as the return of Rouse HOLDER, even though it should h.• a week law. -That's • nice "pictur" of ROHERT W:I.LA. in The Star, but it would Oaf show 1.. adveil Neon If the Gaud i.late', aldrese were "throw,.I --By the time RonsiT MCLIIAIS gets. through with this context, in West Huron he will he sorry that he grabbed the poker by the hot end. - Roemer Hotsis in a man of broad and progr'e..tve ideas and will he an honor to Weet Huron. Don't fail to sup• port hint by vote and wont. - RORRttT HOLUKM, the Liberal candidata. made one of the best nomination speeehee ever made in Huron. He is not travelling ot1 anew cut and vanity. - Mr. HOLiss is a sound thinker, a good talker, a sutxessful business nom, a man of unblemished reputation, and a man with the (outage of his convictions. What more do you want -The perpetuation of the Senate tekes not of the pocket* of the people a Targe amount of money which they (null] expend better themeelve*. Votes for Hottest and the abolition of the Monate. -W. H. Bsswsrr, of Simco., the glib, gabby, garrulous and gassy young mail from Feat Sin,00e, slippevd on a hanana peel when he rut up against that gay and festive youth of sixty summers, Ili. LteDI&KIN, ,E10esday sat. -if there is one man who knows les About pettier then the Tupper candidate in West Huron, or who .an explain himself on a platform alter w, pxxtr n fsehiewu, 1111man ought to he kept. home bt hia friend. metal he learn. something. - When Torres delivered his mew- nrahl.. aps.rh In Messy Hall, Toronto, le ,tune, 1896, • faostiom enquire eked of the. sadistme, "Who built Niagara Pals?" The besedW,e response, "Teresa " twrmgb dem the hams. THE MAN FOR WEST HURON. Stratford ((woes : Nomia•Muw take place to West Heron tomorrow. Mr. Holmes, editor of the Clintoo Now En, is the Liberal oaodidate. He is a ant-olass men whatever way you may take 01m, mad should exerlanos so difficulty in retaining the riding in the Liberal oolumn. Donde Benner . Robert Holmes, of Clinton, is making • vigorous osmpaiRa in West Huron, were the election is est for Feb. 21 Thi• u the riding that was rapes - seated by M, C. Cameron, who gave up the neat to accept the lieutenant governorship of the Northwest Territories, • positron wbion he was not permitted Ione to ooloy. There seems to be no reason to be sppr.bem aive in reward to Mr Holmes. Hes • man of flee ob•rwtr and one of whom hM fellow-oiuroea will have so reason to he &shamed when he gees to repeem .$ them in the Hoa.• of Com mie-J.ed husk be with ibeau• v Kincardine Reponse t tl'b ism.. 1. \Vsst Huron will be o7. t ■ 21it tad the light s beoomtwg ridtag. Robert Holmes is the Liberal candidate and Robert MoLees is the Ceneereat re stand- ard bearer. The former will assist 10. Loaner administration in uarry.og forward meeeures to develop and enrich tote °reentry, while the latter soaording to nos ow■ statement stride with both fort upon the Tepper plat prm, will follow Tupper add do all that 1. In hu power to ague plea Sir Cherie* Topper at the head of affairs In the Dommto■. The people have a oboios,--if they select the moa upon his merits, Robert Holmes will he elected member fee Weed Huron on the 21.t emotes!.. Wisgham Times . The byeideeteme b West Huron to 1111 the vseaooy la the House of Commons is now on in dead earnest. Nomiaatioo will take pace' ow Tuesday bets and election one week later Nr Holmes, the Liberal oandid.te, s boldus seeing" every night in .liffereot pets of the riding end 1. beteg well received The Libons have • god candidate and •11 our readers wbo reside in the riding should put forth every effort to make hie election .on. West Heron out be kept in the liberal limo if the Meade of the party re into the Reit in earnest, sod they should do tee when they 0.ve snob • good candidate in the Ifeld. Vote for Holmes and let him be the treat "Bob" of the sleigh on Feb. 21st. Hamilton Times • An ill-informed con- temporary exptutsee the belief that the Cowrveuves will win in West Huron else tine, sseerug .t Mr. Holmes an "&s iso known youth." True, Mr. Holmes is youag, 1 ut set too young : he is to the early forties. Hut ea to his being unknown why there is not • man more sene/all,/ er more favorably kuowo in West Huron, when he haa lived from hu boyhood. His townsmen have five timer honored hien with tb• highest othee io their ritt, and had no reaaoo to regret aging eo. He ie olmely in soon with the people of hie ndine, be k.ow. Ito politicos and the political history of the 1/,,mutton. it is not only as a sora medal editor. • mueiotpal worker, and • pnlitiotan that he is keowo ; there is .o•roely a Methodist Churoh in the ridies and adjacent territory in whish he hns..t expounded the gospel- and his nx-day preetioes are not opposed to his seventh - day precepts. He is not as oaoomprnmis. fog partisan as some men, bot that will not hurt h. roues ; we need mere of that ,-,rt of thing to our polities. He is a man to nt trusted. Of worse many will vote .sato, him, but not heave he is unkoowu or Dot Oa the square, "Unknown," blase yon ! Babe name is a household word io Harte. Seafarth Rroositrr : The Dominion rye - ideation in West Horon takes plrre o• Teadey. February 21.t. The Lib.rJ candidate is Mr. Robs. H .Imes, o1 Clinton. end the Co tire oaedid•te Mr. Robert mob... of (.oelerioh. The time ashore, and it behooves the Liberals of the riding ie tie op and doing. They have nothing to come and go on. If they desire •uocese they must work for it If they desire to avoid the humiliation of defeat, there must be no hinges" hook • every man must be at his post and do hie duty while there. They have • candidate in whom they nee have every otreddenoe, and who is is every remelt denary'sg of their most settee esd armee support I use who will be a erten be 'bean if elected, add who is amply able to ohampino their rause in soy cohere i■ which he may he sal led upon to dome. And he has not only the ability, hat he is • man in *hoe rbaraoter no flaw tan he found. There is no valid reason, therefore, why he should Dot be trinmpbaotly returned. We h.,. Dot nee word to my Menet 11r. Mo - heart, Mr. Holmes' oppo.ea4 He le, we orlisve, • most reputable muni and • weal and worthy Mime. But 1a these rennet. he has no dvant•ge over his oppo■..t. while in point of ability cad all that goes to make • useful and nattetal Parliamentary representative he Is, ortainlr Dot Ole vise. The *leiter* of West Hares, therefore, have everything Se with and Delfag to lose by shooing Mr. Holmes, and we bare the hest grounds for the belief that they will de ell, •ad that at the •ppreathing ,•sobs of tbe Dosntole. P•rliameet, West Herds *111 stead with the majority, and that Mr. Helmet will he Its r.prenseauy.. WHAT OTHERS SAY. *HEN A MAN'* DOWN, 1T1. T.v.ste Telaerssn : Barely, as The Mafl sed Empire would say, the eelleagn.s of Sir Makee.le Rowell meet M a lot of deem white they leave Mm solitary cad Jose to defend a sail for the 11,100 wreath whish was laid ns the Mr of Mir .lobe Tempos. • • • • CA4ADA WOIii.D 513,X551 TOl1TO1. W wma•See18suthel 5.vlew: Is head char 1'•lebel, the aired Remise s11ilesepher, may Wee, see DeekNbre be (meads Th. BtaM a the t ir.*k Rho nh erases M try Nm fee comity nopnrM.g as tames a ale Doukhobor faith 1 seal DP M lessee with tile pwww•terw, w hsps lid ■saw. A team et Its tthESlasses said ability pare�ats■� thoseassaseseeless Stinky... N►w... would he a snail btw aea Oa rood. b amber • great obey p. t t. look w Teletol as the Csee a gement este tow The meet.. el Kesel. suggests to chem Tolstoi Ware asy ear else. If M should take sp kle reNorth- vete,wees is ip. North - vete, snowy al nom. le Meme that a.unky Nroegh its dietlegaMked 01.11010 wku had sever heed si it bslorw Cased. as • Minds would N oosmdered quite • literary metre. We hoes already the areot- eet liaise ■raster of Femme prone Itvloe Is ear midst W the person of tteldwin Smith. le 'lbl lei we would hare the Resoles wle ham steed est Inc wrsy year. from all *then 1s Watery ae11i.vsMt. H• would seesaw even a tr•rsnsr weleom. Ikea the DoukNboru. OBITUARY. Bair- -,aa old redden► of Uedortok Mwy- •bip-Hobert Hell, of the tesrta ooeearies -pared away oa tis■day, the St► is.t 7'be demised bad not he.s in reboot health for .owls time, bet the fatal dime Ines only es the W.deseday beers his deur,. SI Bell was • patient)! lesplaad. O. eon.. ler to Uaaada be settled first at Whitby, bet bad lived in Uoderieh tewsehip for • period pp(( sweaty years et shore. Halesar • widl "ked Ove ebilddn■-thiss soar tea two d•ssbtsn, all limy at home. Tb.. femoral toot Vete ea Wednesday. Ne 0511 we. Re,. Ju. Haaniltos seeduotsd the pervious and taia pell•bo•r.rs were air eepbewe 01 the deemed -all seas o1 • .Meer, Mn. leas. Carter, o1 (listen. TM re mem wen interred to Rettlwd oemeloev 1'he deceased was s bis wily -swot' year. DUNLOP. TUESDAY. Feb. 14th. Robe, coxed or,. sled ester eojoyd • pleasant vet at Pert Albert for several days last week. 1711 GoosWcte TowN.Hir,-Tuesday night of lase week Jsmee r pang, jr , and his two sisters were as • dewing wari. mild at Hest tongYre 'riabboro• eejoydYa pl.a•es'•. l week's v1bslt oe. •mese rel• Owes and friends there last week with her ' congest deur liter. Olive. Jammers, the napalm Moot buyer. has Mee In oar elides lately bsyisg up stook to pleas of bu late oot.•rede, Wm. Wieder'', who did • few week. ago. He baa • D epose of the deemed, Robert Winter, with him. We understood they will ship * took from here os Tbur.d•y of the week. 1'he booted ot education diseased .oheol o ffers Monday of leet week. the vomited business was the lotus./ of the aimed cos. trot for the wood supply. For this Tsar Joseph Tbompsos was awerdd the oontr&s1, and for cutting sod *awing loss year'. wood R. Qued was the euooessful tenderer lo the Godrteh press of last week, we aetnoed • report of the pettily school tomb ere' meeting held there on the 4th inst. HA/erases sues made to oar t.woeer..M*.. Andrew*, who task a pert is the tesehtng of the subject "Anehmetto," She took the bellowing scholars free kers: Jw Clots*, E. Shaw and Mies Barter. A FLYISIO SuurttniL CarruazD.-It as • web known t.ot that these reels•s of owe time do plentiful is our 1ete1, are sew •l most •xtioct. The other day Robert and Albert Quaid oat down • large beach tree and saw a cost to the tree wheat 1t fell and with the help of Wm. Tobin massae to catch a lying squirrel. They pot it s • diener oast sad took it to Mr. Quaid's how, caber, a care was tet end all the bale folia and fair ODIIIIVIIVel elms to tee the n.af•re hi its quarNra. It is the ourioel►y of the My. LEEBURN. TcssD*Y, Feb. 14111. It wee 28a below zero ben on Sudsy morrang last. Win. l-ook wV a treatment visitor to Soo Porth on the 4th cwt. The (looe.rv.Nees bold • meetist in the Hall 1111. ereolog In the interests of their eaodidate. Wm ('h.holm was In l.oderwe township Tuesday of last week, .t the annual .obop- ping hoe of Henry 'Yoiteei *her. tb. boys out 45 Gorda of etoyewod• The ermine oloeed wish a dancing party, which all weasel bee-tily esjoyd. For Tits Rims Stx'Irot. -This year's sonata eolleotieo is this wtlbh a aide tat funis of the h. hie Society, was undertaken by H. a. Horton. who wstd the djtteest villages of Dunlop and Rob Roy ta 10le ivarie Thursday of let week. CHLW'H NtrI'll r. -The erdemaw of tits Sooremoat was dspeseed hero lace Seedy ts the Presbyterian oburob, by Rev. J. Ham dicta, masted by four of the elders. Then was a rood attendanm of the member, of the oburoh, Oe Sunday, Mr. Bremer, • student of Knox College, Toronto, will er.•oh es the home missions of she oburob. The miesioeary fund is the roily ode that is If there is weak lungs in take Scott's Em It nourishes ates. It enables you to resist the disease. Even if your lungs are already affected, and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation, there is still a strong probability of a cure. The oil in the Emulsion feeds; the hypophosphites give power to the nerves; and the glycerine soothes and bcals, a history of your family, ulsion. and invigor- ,Rt. •d «a., est 4rgti•K SCOTT • gowns, Cameo, Teepee J PLANING MILL. ESTIU.l$PED 1115, Buchailalis & Rbyllas SASH, DOOR and BLIND Dealer, 1a a0 kinds of LUMBER. LATH, SHINGLES Aad scud✓, material of every dswetpaeen j ALL KINDS OF School furniture a Specialty Lela.ism mstamp • esteemest of Nasal g■ - tM retries see* rrh 111 M -tel Mew* Mee New mote M paw twine. tbe bioa"poi, slimy,. Me sad w m aft.r-.g Pte. t liavl*s Okla: mll.�tCa brh aft.r••veel 1'M- e.1y g�o•rau•ea Catarrh sena see at all cis 1111 FOR BALE BY JAB. W11BUN. Sole Agee', Oederlolt. • prams Bruises, Sore Back, Burns, Scalds, Neuralgia. Headaches, Lumbago, Sort Throat, and every other ailment where outward application is wanted to give quick relief. s 111.1. MAGI WHITS, the well-known Miner of the Toronto Lacrosse flab and Osgood. Hall Football nob. writes: "1 caoeNer Griffith's Menthol Ldntmeat 05- .goalled-Se.�athletes or those f *laa■s.-. have reel tt witk the bent emcees, - can heartily rseommend 1t ter lame heck. .tubes., senaeES, sprains *.d all forms d imelllwg and tuanmaaatios." RIFFITI{S ENf a)Manrw TO nrmax, ArrlIMIX AT ALL DRUOOIST$-411 CANTS TOR SALK Bt ,LAS. WILSON. See Agent, Gdertoh. A Meet 1s les fisasd•1 reeves for the' year. E.v.lupee will N lefts the seats toe them wishing to r1v5 es amtoa.t towards tee feed. Yaws LAKtrrA.-Ms. Janet Heath, of Gardtwr, is e■iWasg our Lesedtoa wtoter , visiting Mr mole, Jetts Heater, ben, and ales relatives in Godorioh township Sbt, ham may geeseioes to answer .tout the Dakota olien.t• Daring the two past *0.ten tear• was Do suow le how aeettes while the t.enp.r%t.ra was oltoo 30a below Lara. Nor Bpn,AD Dv"Lor ANYWAY. -Two weeks aro memo oke tissne from Dunlop, wee me stating net that uteresrieg berg had the tint l.a.W of 11099, the date May the 29th of lest month. Now there era Lambe at Mr, John Cbrisholte'. sed Joseph Beeobl.r'e which Game ea the teeth nt the met moth Fiber Teeter messes the tiodriob butchers w111 drive through Des. lop without a stop to bar the L.ebers eo.'e is peels• es to Ilene at Dunlop. BLUEVAL5. Teener, Feb. 71h. The Mse*a MoCroe, of Cresbrook, sidled Mn. Gee. Freak Crossway, of Trento, is vlMily es parsnta in the village. Mr. Jacking and sea, a W010401• 81. vVl. d Robert Austin os 8esdy. Miss Prue. of Crasbeask, voted Mite Kit Fowler, a the Blame* road. Rev. W. J. West eatert•esed a of friends very plaee•ntly Ise Frute;11* tag. Fred. MoCnokee and daughter rake. d &rob, visited Mr. mad Yr.. Jobs omi- t., es Sunday. Geo. MoDesald rays ea address on '•I:ee. y Cards" at the sisestas of the dairymen at L.towel let week. TUESDAY. Fila. 14 Mr. and Mn. lase. MaD.seld ere stmt• 105 s Stratford. Mies Iib DJbn., of Cruorook, is von- iew Mae. Geo. Hees.. • The Mires Yoke, of (.r•ahroos, h.v• returned home after • week's visit with Mrs. Geroge Radom. "'MeKszie Masser loft thin w, tk ler Ter• owe, where he will tisk. • sitsatioe is • large drag store. Before leaves. Wtagk•.e why. N ►os re td.d tor th. posit. years, he we• bordered an orator supper by "limo boys " A pleasant Ha was agent, sedlog wrath the •olly old chore "He. • jelly good fellow." and • oriels Inc absod•ot sudor un the future A. libraries of the Presbyt.e- ion ohuros S.oday .o11ool of the p1... he will Its "reedy aimed. Goole look, Kea. Slaughtering Sale OF amps Greatest Bargains ever offered in Goderich. Come, and be your own judge. We are clearing ont our large stock of Lamps to make room for Spring goods. Thus this great sacri- fice. Good goods for little money. LEEISHEPHARD HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. NEW GOODS FOR SUITS OYERCOAPS READY -IAN CLOTHING CHEAP My esus inosite Ons and see thea t ..oM k/ yard r Made ae s w Lbw TE11�L/ OAAIL$- s.tsRiga�M llewrat tasa.A*h. COAL ALWAYS ON HAND Sorailtoll5 TRA 1HP CoaI vatLir: ':: paw e ti settekESr ekes oNtrlli-art w Lis all i.«» pleimp(g, .etsi*eed le. GODERICII BARGAIN CENTRE 8EN8ATZONAL Dress Goods Sale A BrtUiaut liegluwug for the new '99 Drove Goods Basset. New Black Fabrics. Now Colored Fabrics IT PAYS TO BUY AT ROBINSON'S CLEARINC THE WINTER STOCK 1 All Winter DRRIiii GOODS must bs cleared ,out.. ('ell and ere Gouda - Call and get Prim. IT WILL PAY YOU. (holies for moo creakaway_ deem oe rose, Lace Cur1Ains Inc owe -week sway down in prior - A few Winter Costa at half -prom to clear, Ask to see oar Factory Cotte at 4e. per pied NEW LACES ARRIVED TO -DAV JT JAS. ROBINSON'S A--IJttIe Better THAN THE BEST I The "Maple Leaf," "Racer," and "Premier" flaws are s little better than the beat. I have just received a new shipment of these celebrated Saws, and would invite your inspection before buying other Saws. AXES I have a fine hand -made Axe at $1.00. This Axe formerly sold for $125, and is very cheap at the price. AXE HANDLES Best valves in Goderich, from lOc. to 35e. each. An Original Position::': It is better even to be right than merely original, but easy position you may assume in these shoes of ours we are ready now to show yon helps us get back to original comfort. If you want solid, new -fashioned comfort WEAR "SLATER" SHOES. P.8. -The balance of our Winter Stock must be sold regardless of price. WM. SHARMAN, JR. '1)att Kit or MART PRESET ♦Nn $gpans. TO riuort0AL snow MAI., Awa sew sewer res Tow SLATES PMN, 0 O3:31014I08- 01 F. JORDAN has pleasure in announcing to his old friends, and as many new ones as possible, that he has re -opened businC (. at the old stand, with a complete and en- tirely new stock of DRUGS, CHEPIICA LS, PERFUI'IES, TOILET ARTICLES, HORSE and CAT1'LI3 rIEDICiNES and a Targe variety of ANOY GOODS. • • De Dispensing Department will always be under his own supervision, or that of thoroughly competent assistant. F. JORDAN. '� £DW/HTI�aIRs. Reties of slimes• sett be lett at tub Moe not lake time 8atueday neon. The Oepy meet he letik .ot � Mee - (ley sees Osssal Adti'lisssewle seeeptIli Is ales Wim_ d RICE'S PURE SALT Best Able lad � ,