The Signal, 1899-2-16, Page 2The Signal
Yoram et Sab.erlptle• 1
wth,In advance 6 Y
year 1 l
a1 Atvest&Ang Ij • fie.
slit for GM I.g(I� per tlne
Dr each au u
be .eat' by •
moansBusbie .'viae
Busbies' cards of six Ilan. and .sew, N per
Advertisements of Lost. Found, Strayed. 81st
mottoes Vacant Sltaellona Wanted. and Boat-
men Chances %Vet ted. not exceeding t hoes
nonpareil, to per mouth.
Rouses ou Bale and Farms on Sale, out to fa-
med *lines, h1 fur drat tumuli, a
o, ., per sub's.
event month Larger ad r to In proportion.
Any special outdo, the ebla t of whick le to
propose the per uulary bennilt of any laditidua1
br oomtrnr to be considered an advertisement
sod charmed secordinii y.
Laval emir.* In nonpareil type one Gent per
erVzo nonce leas than 610.
notices In ordl.ury reading type owe
te per word. No node for less than Ica
Moos f tt_ churches and other +.Ilial• Jed•.
a1. i-._ less b.rastew.nrsoo _^/slip
Subscribers who fall to reeelwe 1!m I
ssg.larly by mull, will confer a boor y w
pointing no of the fart at Y early • este as
When a change of adders Is desired, bath Ib
ed and the new address Mould be gives.
Publisher's Netlee.
J. C. Le Touse', d tioderleh, has ben an
pointed Loral Travelling Agent for the Town -
Mips of GoderIeb, Colborne, Asbaeld and W e-
Local postmasters over the district are also
mapuwered to receive wtrcri snow to Tam
W oe.
All communications must be addressed
U $.G11.1.It'l'DDY.
Tea 1n,a AL.
teldopbseo Ca11 L Guderich, Out
leded ee.• 11.0o a.m
nd Eiprer h.« .. 1.., pill
l and Riptide 10.60 p.m
PIand Express 1 L am
1 and Ezprene 1 n> pm.
ied 0.n p.m.
METAL. •Dausesl
Rooms.6J,..11. the Post
Gold Filling; Drowns and Bridge Wok •
yearsiisalisssa .... -
• surgeon -Latest and approved methods
for all dental operations. Pr'servatlon of the
.aural teeth a specialty. Odic. Cur. Wan at
ssddligaar. (upstairs,. Entruee on West u
Suntan (Lately aseoceted with Dr.
Dixon. of Montreal). O ild'aod porcelain arti-
Sal eteeth mounted nn gold or aluminum bases,
special attention given to the preservation of the
natural tooth. Omce LLMelnao s new bl,ak.
d,dL 015ce: Brune avert, the residence
o.rapled by Dr. McLean. Night calls
residence. Telegtoto
aA oar. Notary Public. Canadian Batik of
0s -.a Chambers, the Square, Goderick.
a.A• for, Notary,le. 11111.54.1140! Medical Hall,
lucre. t�rieh
• tor, Commissioner, He. Roney n, loan.
Mom : Cor. Haneitoe a..481 Aadrew'.treets,
eederlcb, Ont. loo
C. 1$RT MARR18THR. flatICI1v)R,
kc. Office: North •t., Best door SWLAL
Mee. Private Funds to lead at lowest rates d
interest. pas.
Attorneys,, Se., Ooderlch J. T.
Darrow Q, C., W. Proudfuot.
ten, Solh•Itere In t'lur.•ery, he., Onh
M. C. Cameron, Q. C., 1' Holt, D'��dl •
Dudley Hoboes.
t� • eommleioner for taking and receiving
moognlrancee of ball, affidavit* or affirmations,
depositions or solemn de. laraHens In or coo -
eying an actionsuit 'r proceeding In We
ve�I.'b Court of Justice, the Court of Appeal for
o, Or in any County or Dlrlai'n. Court.
All transactions carefully and promptly exit
ousted Residence and P. O. address --Dungan.
ere, Outs 0.611
Money to lo.., private funds; also arm
cies farms to rent or cell. Houses and lots le
er tar mal•. E. N I.E W I8, Barrister, (Md-
summit Mice, opp,at• M n'. hotel,
*I ``w cent. Notes di•coanted. C. !MA-
SER 0mew: Opealte Martin's Hotel. God*
n teh.
• bent Insurance Agent;at lowest rates.
Mee: Cor. North -sl and Square, Oad.rlch. 14
d Private Fulda for investment at lowest
gptis .a angelus Mortgages. Apply to OAR.
• Real Estate and Money Loaning Ageel
Only tiro -class represented. Money
to lend on straight loeoa, at the lowest rate of
Interest going t'n any way indult the borrower.
(Mee Elwood door from Square, West street,
Uoder[cb. 5*8-ff
Repair Work dnn.' at Resamuble l'rleea
Parmb,g Implements ftir sale. Machinery. new
e d .weond-hand, bought and Aoki. Engines
and Boilers for sale Ste Bates, old waggon
shop,o veer Victoria and street".
is Insurance Agent, Godderleh. Ont. Agent
Loudon and l,anosshire Fire Ina Oo., the Gore
Dlmriet Mutual ins. Co. Sales seeded to In
my part of the county. s01y
and Land Valuator, Ooderlch, Ont. Hav-
tag had considerable experience In the anetlnn-
sgrtng1t trade. MIs In a potation to Mecham*
with thorough satisfaction all , mesbnlon. ,r
wasted to him. Orders left at Roston's
or sent by mall folds addream, 0 derle'h P. 0..
sifully weeded to. JOHN KM02. t.nnuty I10741
60.F �'� tOlfye,R1AL ARTIST. Ret
0044. on remises Rea-fnaming,
.very •th.r rey,lremsnt rare.
tqq and n tee but c ,ml+otent hands
Mrl.ean's new block. nest door to
fly'• LAS.., OOod'sR rieh.Ont.MARRIAGE17[
1t. pias sea.
"rim td an invitnrlon to • party.
Vast do these letters R. R. V. P.' In the
11e660111 reser meenr"
"They send ilar $ Fnw.+0 seniess a that
IIIsdSRs '0 5 Y Ott ahay..'t get lb.
Mr. Charles Dian on Ootid'•
Kidney Pills.
no wee *.bed td Dedd'• old.., rum
Cared gum .f RId.., Domes*, end
Doelend They Did After MIs
D..I.r arid Other M.dl-
elne• Had wiled.
LONDON, Fab. 6, -Th. p ,bination . few
day, ago, In the pros. ,.r this and other
oleos, of the etst.tneut t at Mr. Charles
Dean, of the City Hotel, had been cured
by Dudd's Kidney Pills, of a dl -sew that
every other remedy he had used failed to
seen relieve. created wide -spread comment
and diecussiou
The majority of the citizens agreed that
the oye wi. not • remarkable one for
Dudd's Remy Pills; which, they said.
sur. every Dass of Kidney Mamas fur
which flowers used.
Som• few persons, however, doubted the
accuracy of the report
To settle the question ono. for an we
lntee t,wei Mr. Dena, end asked Ol0000t
Yss pros reports wen true.'
"Certainly they .re true," said ha "The
only fault they have L that they are not
farms .satgh.
"I need to suffer so much that I had to
Us down M get relief. My doctor said my
Kidneys were effected. lie gave me midi -
dna, but It didn't heip me.
"One day 1 net Mr. M. L. Duffy, archi-
tect, who was cured of Kidney Disease by
Dodd's Kidney Pills lie advised me to
try them, and I d d so. When I had taken
four doses I was relieved. One box mad.
me • new nam. I bars' taken three born
and am completely cured. Dodd'. Kidney
Phih eared me. They are worth their
wetale to gold-" --
This eerteditly artiVa tbegneaia r -
thing farther nen b. said. DODD'S KID-
Those who require Doddd's Kidney Pills
can get them at all d'-tig stores for fifty
Dents a box, six boxes for F2.50, or by send
Eng the prto.• to The Dodds Medicine Co .
Limited, Toronto.
The Chlldrea of's Hied
The third of W. L. Taylor's cheruuo.g
drawings illustrating "The People "f
Longfellow" contributed Ito beauty ural
charas to the Ladies' Home Jeurnal. Ir
portrays "Grave Alice and Laughing Al_
legra, and Edith With holden I1ale" Die
the poet saw them in the lamplight from
W study, descending the broad hall stair-
tairway. The illustration gives a splendid
Idea of the cheery, sunny picture which
must have been before his eves when he,itlr.,.'e • Hour's- to -snob
sweet versa. Mr. Taylor's drawin,(. of
Longfellow's people are concudel:y the
best illustrative work of the year.
The Most Popnlnr Pill. -The pill is the
moot popsies of all forms of mnlici,.e.
and of pills the moor popular are Patna -
lees Vegetable P,11-.l,rcauae the)' do w tea:
it le amerced they cnn do, and std not pat
forward on may fictitious claim4 to eiae4
-baoos- They are compact anal tewc.1ebei,
they are easily tekei, they du not unu,i.ate
nor gripe, au they give relief ill the u'oto
stttbboRn nage.
0I.*. • Nese. Liquor.
If any saloon keeper would dare to'rive
• bons liquor and make the animal reel
and unlit him for labor, Ruch a saloon
keeper would suffer at the hands of e'.•r
person to whom such ronducr
known; but what does the public do when
he perpetrates such • misohief to a,
also known u • ci izen' '
How's This 1
W otter One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any as. of Catarrh that eaneut be ,Cured by
Hall'. Catarrh Cur..
F. J. CHENE Y & CO., Props., Toledo, 0.
We, rho ■Jders.gnal, have know.* F. J.
Cheney for the last es an4 behove (Ilia
perfectly homoral4 In at bu%?ll6s tremoros
and auanclally able W carry out any obligati.+n
made by their firm.
tt .Div a Tarax. W ho'esa'e Drugglsls T-Iedo,O.
WAt.ut Room& M•111/111, K'tabled• Drug
d ims. Toledo 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cur h' Mien Internally, •ct-
lag d rertly upon the blood and arena* ..+-
fat• r the system. Price 75.•. per bottle. Sold
by Dregilete,, TesUm aisle free,
Cheering Her Up.
He -What nuke's you so sensitive?
Shot -1',e Just been if you
will love me when I'm old.
He -Oh, what's the use borrowing trou-
ble? You've always had weak 1 .ngs and
you may never got old, you know.
Mend's Liniment Relieru Neuralgia.
010..t 11.11 Sing.,.
Matthew Larkin, the oldea bell ringer
In England. has retired to Grimsby, atter
ringing the bells of Taney church for 84
years without a bre k. H. Is 97 years old.
I was Lewey of lame back after suffering U
Two River., 10.8. Rower Ross
I was amen of Diphtheria after doctors failed
Andgonlsb. loo A. Four.
[ wait enmity of eontraotloe of wooded by
Dalhousie. ERs. RAe1•M . SAL'NDEaa
ream. -.
Col. Phil lr/mup-The horse, soh, is the
moi Intelligent of beasts.
Major Tom Anjerry-Yes, soh. Doesn't
the proverb ray you can lead a horse to
watah, but you cannot make him drink!"
Miller's Worm Powders are • wonder-
ful medicine for the ailments of children.
Finely ,w"ru,ng 15:1..,n•new.
Mrs. Baron -Your husband uses terrible
language to that parrot.
Mn. Crimson bent -That's nothing; you
ought to boor him addressing his alarm
lint. Liniment Cures Buns, etc.
Japanese 11 eddtog e'ostae.
A Japanese bride gives her wedding pre
moot to her parents ne some slight recom-
pense for the trouble Of rearing hoe.
on Me..
Old sass have their pleas ed pewee.
Moses was eighty years te ago wises baled
the .►titres of tarsal out of Egypt end
founded the most Influential natio. Ia
Wstoey. Franklin Ines eighyow whoa
)te whin the. eonventlon that framed the
United Stains coned tueon and cpue ributed
W It fie most Important compromise, that
of equal rep,, semtetlon in the Semite tad
pm op,ruouel representation In the House.
01.dttone stood erect at eighty-four with
the Botha, Empire on his back. Old men
have given the world some of Ito biggest
lifts .ad most powerful puabee, and we
must give than a chanty and nuc try to
*Rowel toss one.
Toll the Riot -Mr. J. 1. Kellook
Drugghe Perth, writes: "A owwwer of
mine bayingbeen re
n cod of deafness by the
use of Dr. 1omao' 1,k ler:tric Oil, wrote to
lrelaud tel0,, bio frieud. there .t the
ours. to c qurl..r 1 received au order
to send Leif a dozen by express to \Wex-
ford,'reinud. this stook."
Tho present system of British telegraphs
all the world over cadencies 1,111,956 canes
of wire.
use /b. nett 7to.n•'at Hoed.
Having no Jail at Jorume, A.T., the
police handcuff the arum of the prl"oners
around telegraph posts. Tho bow -breaker
can stand, sit, or Ile down, but can't
agape hugging the pole.
The Fool-Yetb, I always try Pith what
I think.
The Fairy -Why, I thought you liked to
1t L calculated that the men .f Gnat
Britain spend 11111,000,0011 every peer en
silk hexa
Miss Chief -My I but you're quiet, Mr.
Rush! I don't suppose you have ever been
In ladles' company very much?
Mr. Mush -lust the opposite I was
tal.ed by n'7 grandmother and two aunts.
A Cr..d (fue.el,.,,,
"Ism very, 0, so vera (one
of music,"
meld Ireneas the leaned betel' after an
hour's raid on the ke. n.
"All" replied 1)0117. ' th. a why do you
never play any?"
A new back for 50 cents. Miller's
Kidney Pins and Plaster.
Th. Mao for He•.
shr-I will never floury a man whose
fortune has not at leant five ciphers in le.
He (triumphantly) -O6, darling! Hlm,
1s all ciphers'
.tr.e.g lr....ree.
"Yon got that drunken tramp away
hom your kitchen by Inviting him ons 6e
pt• drink of whisky. did your"
Yea, 1 spirited hon away."
TheAfte#tffects More Danger-
oto Than the Disease.
A Wo11 K,e n Quebec /ares., suffered
0■0.141 Misery fee Three Tars •.foto
Y. Foust. R.II.L
The epidemic of la grippe which has
swept over Canada like a scourge this
winter has loft thousands of weak and 4.-
apering sufferer in all ports of the land.
Grippe is a ttorcherous Olpease. You think
you are cured, yet th.•.11ghtest cold brings
on • relapse. Its victims are left In •
weakened condition and fall an easy prey
to Ire manifold compiles -dons. The blood
le left Impure and impoverished ; the
n ervas shattered; and heart trouble and
nervous prostration are too often the re-
The followfn;r statement made by Mr.
Daniel Cleaeey, a well known farmer llv-
lag near West Brome, Que., Indicates the
ravages made by t be niter effects of this
scourge. Mr. Chime says: -"Some five
Maago I had an attack of la grippe.
Toa earlior symptoms pasted away, yet I
a0adnued to fall in health tad suffered m-
assae pain In my bead?, 1 was to
attacks of dizziness-, and unless I would
grasp something would tall. 1 gr.tnally
grew so weak as to 0.e unable to do any
work. My lege and fret were as cold as
1n even In the summer months. If I oh
tempted the least exertion my heart would
beat violently. For three years I was In
this helpless eondltlon, and although dur-
ing that emit I was attended by three dif-
ferent donors, their treatment ptlodnoed
not the slightest benefit. At this time I
read the statement of one who had suffered
from similar tmublu, who was oared by
the nes of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I
decided to try them. The result was sim-
ply marvellous A dozen bozos did what
three yeses of expensive medical treat-
ment failed to a000mpli.h-r..torsd me to
full health and vigor, and I am again able
to do my work about the farm I h..neetly
believe Dr. Williams' Pink PILL saved my
life and I am glad to make this statement
for the benefit 1t may bring to others"
Atter an attack a la grippe Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink P111. la the only medicine that
can promptly restore you to health. Tb.y
drive every trans of the poisonous soma
from the Rystem, build up and enrich the
blood and strengthen the nerves Sold by
all dealers or sent prat paid at 50 cents a
box or six boxes for t fA by addressing
the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brook-
ville, Ont. Always refuse imitations or
Th. Allesoet.
"What appears to be the matter with
your father?" inquired the doctor, as he
hastily put his clothes on.
"He's got the plumbago," replied the
boy. "I think that's what maw stye It is."
"Pain In the small of the back, I pre-
sume," said the doctor.
"No, sir, he hnln't got no small of the
back. My paw Weighs ltk pounds"
I was pale and weakly for years. MII-
ler'• Compound iron Pills brought about
• ebange.
flying 11 1,.w Dow.,.
"Johnny doesn't teem to be hitting the
apple barrel M much as he did."
"Nn. I found n clipping In some poster
that maid apple* were good medicine and
IoW It where he could) see It."
VI& firtit
A:0 4t -e4510
,e1 '
_ ea T-.
A Successful Financial
The annual meeting of this Outman,
was held in the Company's bulltl'eg
Toronto Da '1Lurrdsy, 0*rbruary 2, 1M*l,
v beau Mr. John L. Mathis, wan appdut-
el ('tairntan, and lir. William McCabe
Se•c I tt s rye
'Cite l)itretors' It'.p.r't presenttJ at the
m.aLng showed tsn.tinutd acid marked
moots et the groat proforma ono wild
yy,14114410 of the Ilompany In every
blench of Ka bttait.ess.
Si tummy of ton financial eon:ement
and balance sheet for tbo year ended
Ilea. 31, 18005:
clash lotvme 1795,190.51
pad' tore (Including dee tb
ela11100. mature.? lut'ratan-lit
9010144., pru&la and all other
payments to Polleyisgetignm 442.019.01
Assets .. . ... .. e.137.7I211g1
its -serve Pond .. ........ 2,Sw6047.0(
Net surplus fee Polh.y'boldera-. 474.200.01
*SOW &tad nest carnes v----
Wil. McOABN.
Managing Director.
Some of the leading features of the
ear's business, •s mentioned by the
Pe -indent. were the following:
41) Looking at the Company from
every standpoint, the report submklei
show-. Baa1.i•1 strength, productive as -
sits, mood growth, And large relative
surplus, winch is the supreme point to
policy -holden, and it is from the source
alum that ..taafadtnry niurna can be
made to them.
- {2) Th. new business ter- the year re-
cs..led that of any iervious year.
11)- A.120dielL..mark &- fe t••e_s .,this
(,atp' is the es:toil-el! large amount
of it* net surplus to Iia1liper, woe"
contrasted with diet of its leading com-
inlitora The President shooed that
this ratio was one of the beet trots by
which to Judge of the relative merits of
the d:tfcreot Companies.
(40 The toll&wing narked Inu eases
were made during the year:
Per cent.
in Premium income..........11.58
In Intewewt income 4L•
In Inerrant', in force ... 1:0.15
1 n A *ret. ... ... 10.111
In \et Surplus . ... 10.73
les lisuiance Reserve ... 15.16
The President stood that gentlemen
representing the 1 .at.d Stout Immo
once ltepartmeut had been In M. dry
during part of legit mouth, and had
made a thorough •ted t..001 .eartait.g in-
vest:pation into the off. s of the Com-
pany, with a view to its admission m
ob hnainese w their r ewellve Stwtes,and
that thaw experts ware aztrwln.1g . wail
e ttisfied with the soundness of the Clem -
puny, and expressed there elves gratifi-
ed with every aspect of affairs.
'The Hon. lir. Allen, in seconding the
ad,.pt nn of the +Trott, mind .petal
attention to the e•toollent etaraoter of
the lnvemtments of the Oompeny; o1
these over 37 per cent. are 1n fins mort-
gage securities, nearly 20 per cent. to
titb.tltnres• Dearly 14 per nut. 1, stoics
mud bonds, loam oa pralines about 6 1-2
per cent., the balance coediting at cane
in tanks, interest accred. etc.
lie also called special atien1oa 00 the
fact that although the ...eta had �r it--
eTest.ed very largely. the mtatandtng
and accrued IM.vrwt had been very
motet -lolly dee eosd, wbleb is a proof
of the excellent el..' peter of the tveat-
*0.1.L of the Qompnny, and the prompt -
nem with which the interest theme
has been ppaaid.
James 1bor0rn. MLD.. \Iedinl 04 -
rector. pn'seated • foil and Interetini
retort of the mortality experience of
the Cr.mpnay fr•.,n it• nrpytnix-orlon.
which showed 11.11 great care had been
exercised in the e' of the Com
pini s business,
The Ooneuiting Actuary reported that
h.' Fend made an 11151114.1511104 .13110.41t1 -
tion of the affairs' of the lbaupeny as at
I i(ntmb-r :ilat, 15:•!1. hoeing con -mod
the tartlet aceearmtp, and balance Meet.
elan • detailed copy Of 16e annual report
to the ittsanon Ite'.ertment, and wt,rt-
e0 that he wan very trios+ gratified
with the result of such examingliou.
ciao with the thororutb system of the
work of every department throughout
the office. He commended the Company
for closing 1te books promptly at the
.:.d of the year, an had been it* enstnro
from organisation, rind stated ?htt, not-
withsaan.ling the large amount paid to
pwoltry-beide+ d061i0r -'the+' year. ..n01luer
sn+mustial gain trod term made in the
net surplus, now anominee to 1;174.-
029.Of1, o if made sup no the same hotels
as thee generally loud, vis, by adding
the diffesrenre between the cart and mar-
ket value of debentures], to., owned by
the Company, munit surpltiu would be
,22.0044.03. He referred bo the grist
difficulty whish has been expe'riendxd orf
late year* 1n .esenrir.g aatiefa.'tory in-
vretments. and painted out the great de-
cline in the rete of interest which stilt-
ed", aernritiee yielded. In view of tide
be statod that the ornament of the
Ccvnpao 's investment Porkies 'Mould
be highly satisfactory to the holden
thereof, as they sampan favorably with
those of the leading end Met managed
ermpanles on the confrms*.
A special este of tMnks was womb
money tendered to the Company's Pro-
vincial Managers. Inereehor.lend Agency
fits' for their m gendirl work of the
past year, during which the largest
loudness ever dose by the (bmp.ny
bad been eso'nrad, excelling tont
M sny other borne company at the same
Dire k. hiwtory.
A}'lar tow uncal rod• of throbs had
been perme& the elerrkn ter n11'rotr,r5
•, ok pier. wtheewntrm the newly -elected
Board met, and lir. John 1.. B0ikie
w.. re -elated Preside.,:
and tow Iior,rahln O. W. Allan and 41.'
Frank Rmith t im-I"reefdwata
Why Ito west.
Husband -I declare, there ha.n't been
anything dexo' on the stage for I don't
know how long.
Wife -I suppose that's why you've been
so often.
euro et itlenhantlNla,
The Venezuelan Herald announces that
the natives of Cocotte, on the fr ntler of
Venezuela and Colombia, hove discovered
a cure for elephanttaefs in an herb called
tnwtu., or frallejon. This dreadful41•mas
bee hlthcrto been regarded as incurable,
and If there is any truth In the report
from Cocotte. whfeh is vouched for by a
priest, the Information may prove of great
enine 6o the mediae world.
...gore's Liniment for sale erel'ikers.
11.e nr15,,., of nage.
The view now generally takam by nat.
la L
crenate that tee„ dog le neither -a species,
In a zoological sense, nor even thn dem•
o•ndant of any one spontes modified by
domestication, bat that dogs of different
parts of the world have • correspondingly
various ancestry, from different wild
spent of the genus enrols, as wolves, foxes
and Jackals.
FIVE TO 10 POUNDS per month le the
o-. n1 Ineres.e of weight when taking
Weddl.g Wog Cads.
.This welding ring Is worn .,n the third
finger of the left hind because 1t wag b.
'level by the Ngyptiene to ho directly eon -
nomad by a steeds, nerve tet the boort 10
self, And theft menet worshipers of Ulf
halt this eager mewl M Apollo and to
sun, and therefore gold wan Se meal
liras Ow qa ring _
Why isn't Gamont fruit a pu0-up Job
Why KM'S delirium tremens a tight Bt
Why I+t't It more bloomed to give than
to be given away ?
Why isn't • man who works at a black
smith's forge • forger/
Why Isn't It genuine sarcasm to call
melte a rvante "help?"
Why Isn't the employer who reduces
Intorno • revenue cutter 1
Why la the roan who wants the north
addled l< he gets the "dust 1"
Why isn't the own who has no bills
against him one of the no-bil Icy ?
Why doesn't the enumeration of 011.51*.
pools bring thew to their census 0
Why dotes the loafer *pond eu much of
his time in beating other people . ut of
Why don't contractors put sticking
plater on the walls of he: mos ?
Why isn't it proper to retdr to•cigarette
flond as • pack anlutal?
Why Isn't a woman good to herself whet.
sho perntltsa matt to love her ?
Why tweet man wish for a good app.
the and then try to get rid of it ?
'!'Mir e- r i iraa, mud- osier 5111 be, a
onlversal pdnacea, in one remedy, for .11
1 Is to which Bash is heir -the very nature
of mauy curatives being such that were
tb• germs of other aud differently seated
Cesium rooted iu the system of the
patient -what would relieve one 111 to
turn would aggravate the other. We
bee., however, in Qniulne Wine, wbeu
obtainable to a sound unadulterated
state, a remedy for many and gtevlous ilia
By its gradual and Judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into con val ceoce
mod strength, by the Influence which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature's own restorative&
it relieves the drooping eplrlts of those
with whom • chronic crate of morbid der
ppegndency and lack of intere.t in life Is •
theme, and, by trauqullizlog the nerves,
disposseepo mound Meares glirte ttle�actton a4
',loch, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, strengthetuug the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
maktog activity a necessary result,
strengthening the franc, and giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased ■ubstauce-result, Iw-
Qroved &ppettte. Northrop 10 I.ytnan of
Ttrm.ata {alrvw-gtveh-w the public -their
superior Quinine W too at the usual nee,
aid, gauged by the opluton of acientlsta
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
.07 In the market All druggists scans.
"I would like to tell you a tunny 1for7
about my little boy. "
"Oh, well, go ahc,ud."
"But I haeel.argtaten lt"
"Say! Don't you wont • good clgarf"--
Indianapolis Journal.
Signals of Danger. -Hare you lost your
sopa-tits ? Have you a coated tongue 1
Have tee an sepia sse4 ebats.-la...tba
mouth ? Does your head ache'tntt-hwv/r
you dizziness? If w, your stomach Is eat
of order and you need medicine. Hatt you
du not like medicine. He that prefers
sickness to medicine must suffer, but un-
der the cireulmstances the wise man
would procure a box of Parmelee'■ Vege-
teble Pills and speedily get himself in
hearth, and strive to keep so.
t'e illinstr.tlas NM Westhaegg.
"That terhma lien! and It- 1 mkt Illts
11 she would semi to meetly I den's
grew Ptah." • -
"Did you, give it to her?"
"Yee, and she told me I had • geld
wuwkness for throwing away atony." -
Stray Stortea
Health toe the
Worm Powder.
children- 01l11er's
Miller's Worm Powders oure el ail-
ments of children 111. media
There are taxa of consumption so tar
*draftee.' that Dickler Anti -Consumptive
Syrup mill not curs, bat none so bad that
it will not give relief. For coughs, cold►
and all affections of the throst, lungs, and
cnest, it is a specific which has never beet
known to fail. it promotes a free and
eisy expectoration, thereby removing the
phlegm, and gives the dimmed parts a
chance to heaL
we give
ibis ma•
with chain and curs, fr sell-
+a w►u. /bee Wide
er ern . enw each.. rarer
i.rennL Wore, and weal
mad the Wicks, postpaid .
our We Premium Lim postpaid,
yes Irm sold the Wicks, ra-
tans the noisy, end we will at
once bend yea mace free ef
MI dour. Haideds have
ed In. .acts moon(
oary tet ye.1 f*
wih"y, minima 0A0 paper.
1 . MAN.
sew, Meat
Kate --I don't consider him a great an-
thor. He dotty not under.tand character
drawing. When you have mime to know
one of his men, you know them all.
Nell -What of that? Haven't I heard
you my that men are all alike-Bostonnnscript.
Geed Ramon.
Hlcka-It L funny thnt so many nnpre-
p I.eoseng men are fortunate to courting
the blind goddra*.
Wicks -Portably It is berana she cannot
see them that Fortune ylelds to their
blandlahment..-Boston Transcript.
la Court.
Friend -Your lawyer is always taking
execptlone. i wonder what It all metras?
(' dunno. Maybe he's goln to
charge me extra for them --Nuggets
"Er -s% man ham to be pretty old. swats
to be n detective, doesn't he?"
" He duos to gas the job "- Olatd*a.4I
HEK1s, iT 18.
Now you know by' this sign
St. Jacobs 011
Rheumatism, Neuralgia.
Lumbago, Sprains.
Br -nines,
illeroleeg, Stiffness.
Forget the
When you're ready to buy tits!
new illoycle. Write for Catalogue.
Gendron Mfg. Co.,
Pelee .empleto. lne Ming Rlag.a and latish. do leered at any station In Ontario.
Leng:b--$ ft. se ft K . K 7 h. to 11. to ft aft.
f 62.10 os
11th.-...- ..-, lie f� ~*.770 tele lam sero We sate
l N h 5.60 alt t.00 *.7t Dir/ 515 t 7t Dir
terAn a mb.+len . O. D. on approval to be pend (or It entirely aatl.factory, otherwise to be r.
Frost Fence, Frost Steel Gates, and Frost Coiled Spring Wire.
The OflIy `Sams Way to Speculate
BUY THE SCRIP AND PAY -FOR IT. 150 and upwards sent to
- - erean be doublets wtitgia oats year; we -haws dans n - a thousand
times, we con do It again if our advice is acted upon. How we do
it : We bey low priced Railroad Lues Inst we have WermWo, aappees.a
We know of thousands who dabble in "Bucket Shope" and Mine
ing Stocks, both are the worst kind of lotteries ; we know of
thousands more who ars ever ready to invent in paper town lots
where the chances are Te remote for increase in valve, and
nasally the money invested is never recovered, and even when
the property does increase in value it is difficult to secure • cash
purchaser. 1f it 1s railroad stock you can sell it for spot cash at
any time. We have been twelve yeah in business in this cos-
-servative old Vermont City of Burlington• and we can furnish
references from National Banka and leading citizens throughout
the State, and we do not expect any person to deal with us nate.
we prove our responsibility and reliability.
NEW TORR:. R.•k.r. and Hrob.e.,
FON SMS W Arent in peer gall Rod seer are sad edam.
oAY'i MORN vests le meati .grw rW freer.
1►e1.►6►) LEVER SUTTON CO., TORONTO. ONT. Nlt,ie!
40444444444444444444 544444 444(44(444tl44
ME to sMierWAS?,a nenaaaar..rend arm
d beefed 1..w Ot.w fi isse 11a l=
owe w . W>.
e aed /lead tar •shag r d a lee Neeer s•P.rot
Y. no so MA Wee m w mod Re +tome path
pug min our bR Nwate. It mw W 6,.y� r►
am= sod we eta e1' fres o/ MI Jap+ b►
sail � la..l.e•...... r wo�t.r.l
Hy • ltreh.lor.
Either • girl 1s in love or ens • man
looks funny when he proposes.
In the game of life, when Love deals,
hearty is, trump; wheo 1)eathdeals, It L
By the time • man las heard all one wo-
man knows about another woman M 1.
generally sure be likes the other best.
No woman can ever pot down •.arpee
when there is another woman there, b►
tease she hos to hold the tacks In her
Every man would pet married if he
thought he had money enough, tad every
wo • an would get ,tarried 1f MIMS lar
thought she had brains enough.
Adva.n.g• .t l.aehlag.
Returning from school with • pespkie
wed In her band, • little girl Informed
her mother that her tea her bad taught
her the. the wad woe white but site
pumpkin was yellow The mother ..ked:
"What Is the color of the vino?" The
leysar-old bid that her teacher had no,
toned her tent "Hut," mid her mother,
"you know, for you have soon the Tined
In dao garden." "Of worse I Iave, bit
we are not exposited b know swat's,
ba111 we have been taught."
etrang• n/.ry.
"What makes you try Matal's hnahaod
Is weak-minded?"
"Well, ..tey've boon married two years
and he would rather May at holm with
her In the evening then do anytbtng alae
on earth."
Ward's Liaised Cares Dudr'sfL
Clerk MM. of Hre.4.
Milan ham • onrioa!ty in a clock which
L made entirely of lone. The maker 1s •
native of India and has devoted three
years of his time 1e the construction of
this curiosity. '1 he clock Ise respectable
size and goes well.
New life for a quarter. Minor's Com-
pound iron Pills.
T.xtll. Mabel, From Pineapple akin.
There will shortly arrive to England
from Amam a trial shipment of a new
fiber for textile purposes. The rough
mita Dover ng of t he pineapple is the raw
material from whleh the new fiber Is mads.
Arnk Tnk•n. of Yrleedehlp.
The Arabs ihow their friendliness when
meeting by slinking hands six or eight
times. Arabs of distlnetlon go beyond
this -they em bra a each other several
Miller's Compound iron Pills restore
the Dolor to pale cheek and bloodless Hpm.
Peeing, Iy.
"I want to know," imperiously said the
caller, "what you mean by trying a book
Mars restful atyeo.pheret"
T mean," adrwrrvd the ewttlo wlthont
a moment's hesitation, 'that then woe
nothing windy alxrat 1e."--Indtnrapolla
Miller's Worse Powders rare eta la
A Paris working baker named 0elb
has taken the Hebrew prised the lassie
du Louvre with an essay e• the Desk d
Did You Ever ExamInc
Ne Mem should be without one.
giving entire satisfaction.
Pyre onty required met b two weekg,
For.4eclar write
The Useless Crematory Clad Cr.,
New and M..nd-Reed.
Large eata'o,rue tree
THE REID BMA, x17 Kin( West, Toreele.
TM 1•a••Ur Ww•aa' f•er•••1 Mao
tom' l5- It
M M+rm PLAZ'� 3e
Me a Tis r m i.,e.tawrem tY war".
The tilati thiole'
T. K. U.
(Mr remedy Is pleasant toile f .
sad the mare Is pommel*.
Particulars fres. ,, 1 -
fa War- •
yiN..b. eQ1e