HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-2-16, Page 1■ • 410..• 7 THE BEST 113 THE CHhAPEB1 Asp a ea THE SIGNAL, 18 THE BEST. ONE DOLLAR A YEA° IN ADVANCE r t FIFTY-SECOND YEAR, ---2713 Lout. Ti3I7 LI3.ArDINai• Ne,017111T11`hlo1R 0? ? 1T DOZTI•T'T" GODERIOH, ONTARIO, CANADA : FEBRUARY 16, 1899. fu SECURE THE BET RESULTS PLACE YOUR ADVERTISING IN THY OOLUMNB Or • D. M°GILLICUDDY, EDITOR. VOTE FOR HOLMES, LAURIER AND • Mlltuatlon. Vacant. 't, UIA N T E D- YOUNG MEN AND women. or older ones if still yeas, In aplrlt- of undoubted character. go,d tallir% ambitions sod ladaotrbos. can Std esmeer meet In • good caw. vrithill per Month and upwards,accerdteg to ability. REV. T. 8, LINSCO'T, Torero. WANTED -MEN AND WOMEN WHO eon work hard talking cad writing tee boon dolly for ds A•y1 • week and will be ooateat with tea down weekly. Address NNW 101.1(10.. Tarawa WANTED -TEACHERS AND OTHER bight mai for v.o•ties ar p•em•amt- b I solicit for Canada :.a Eaoyclop elle eff the aster," la five royal quarto volumes. NO deliver(oogg •�• essmisdeo paid weekly. THN LIN BCpri PUBLISHING 00. Tomato '*t'i&1Il1Y.-WE WANT 2000 POUNDS 11�� roll batter to prints and tw•• mend Mk. aims MO dos. saga turbos' ouch prtea We want dried .pgles et the FON nallrti� or TO Rest. Hach M ._- Stara W. J. MORROW. Lt ONOINI fa OUSESIMI-. MUNI JENNIE SHARMAN RA8 JU T retuned from Memo. wham she hes lensed the World'. Fair Premien' Teller Sys- tem of cuttlas. 0.. great adv•l1a•gge. Is that theme soars will net all gars'sla for ladles and c.tidren. saying the usual ezpeoo, of buying pimento. Perfect fit go•r.at.ed. Mise 8herm.e le prepared to give lemmas to mi. •j *.... aMd will be plowed w give full par- te to anyone selling at her redden**, Neat dr.et. 12-11 Moots. AIR. FREDERICK G. SIMPSON, OR Wim North -et. Methodist church. to••. of McUeeal Comer watery. New Yorewill se- emly* pupil.-+Nmeeary .sot eg•em -ft MMarrow, cad h•rdloaj. _Studio. "'141s itoses.' Mmtr,sl ea , Goderloh. MISS CLARA SHARMAN HAM STILL a bw.vaome's* for militia is pith* tied theory. epeeist att.adoa is given to tombola aosmdtag a Oaneerwatcry method.. MOW U1SSa3MMAANDREWS, TEACHER .11 1. or Plana OOrrme. theory. Sight Read - fag Aad bar baring. A specialty of the ►1rgil Preotave Clavier method. The Vligu Practises Clavier et O. W. Thomeon'e moria import." may be used by pupil. Mao KM - e rte ds. Method for Mouser Children. Sta- dee panne the Toronto 1'onservaary Cosies. Towne es application at the rod - deans. LIR HAaoala Ria... 1701 -sof Pabllo Netloe. - - UTAREIN O-TH1M 14 TO GIVE 4a11t i 0.W allow meitipMeet wigs w tos rmrwlalaedssow .part N err Wary. Aar one last trawaUI be pros Emilia MM1.wesmdl Park. •if Logril lsiotl.R. APPLICATION TO PARLIAMENT. be made M�carpth oration a i4 to 0.W ne of Oodorto4. t& the eosmt7 of Wires. to the Leg Munro of the Province of Ontario at lis next s.eslse. for an Aa a 00thorite the .aid nor MEIIMEEE M yiaq debeatnr, w the amee•t of 011,1011.01 ter the of paying od a float les :sdem or MAO. t.nrr avd to c .eeotlos light plant and other per moneei work• owne I by Om es, 1 oorpomt len. Cool te preyed. • Nether earn of ;IMO 00 to en Mom sod as epsodre el p kip the saes me. and. if nece.ry proposed obllptloe with (ho catalog debrature debt of the .0d horporotl 0IRROW k P8OUDrOOT. Senators for the .ptles.ea. Dated at 0sdorak this 11th Jas.sry. IAM. SIN Ilezclentoem' `aim. EXECUTORS' SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. 1. the Matter •"fir *state o/ IA, loft Andrew T. Ile ton 0(d. There will be sold by goblin au,^ion at Bon Mss Hetet fa the tow. of Uodeetch. la the .boy a Herm. a Saturday. the fourth clay of Morel. IMI. at twelve Webs*. mono. by J obe 41.ou.am loner. the follow i.g ramble �ep.rttM, •.me11 t 1.-- Doing composed of ot No. 11. to Os lith ememesea of the township of Hallett, ribs 0t o0ay of Horeb. moa tuning one 4,.a drM and tweet, naw. .0.A tab moven, there le s go d frame how lj ~tem alga la very goodepair. Thee asSI; : is ri• Eat -ems. boat bars sf1•• t• ; .nen 4.1 r. IMbouoe, and • good bog -pen end beeho , .. The prmpsny no well ten. .A and I. else well watered by a tea+o falling spring and two wells. There are also two sorest of good bear - 1.p orchard. The sell le • May loom Parrett- Bets composed of lot No. M. In the lira eoneeeslon of the said tewesblp of Hallett. metal ping M ogee. of .and. Voss tele Dronrty there 4 • frame hone* r tolrly wood remit, sad two nerve of good hardwood bus\ and stout an awe of good 1raad. This property 1e bloc' well watered itagziolll boesd, The soil le • May teem, 1- Beteg composed of Int No. sob. ie !� .s Berm y. in the village of M teamster. Thom properties will be sold separately or together. es the porcban« mer desire Tonna- Tee per amt. down at the tint h of sole and the Mimeo wllbio 10 day. Mere - MM. . whimpoeseseloi will be trivets. ssr!eaten/ will be sold suldoot a • re For tshrtther raNlenlarsimply to William A. 1110I1sed4, auburn I'.0.. or to the under - IlatM of UOderinh, 1 bfe 7l9QM16 d.y of January. 1tne. OAMNIt0N. HO4rs Hu11144, JOHN KNOX. Noncoms, lbhff the .termone Ametloa..7, 14.14 . UodarMkk Ow. Itosigramo- Olga - tee.. - 0.-r-- _ �t1R�faAGE SALE OF VALUABLE .111. r4RH PROPERTY IN TME TONN- AGE OP OOLBORNR. l , Vader and er vlrtme of th^ p,wer of sole contained to tbrrePortals ewr beerier date respeetivoy to IoM day Utatter. 1117. Me With day of Mar WM1, and the 1 tib d.; .t Jame. 1Mt, sled which mortgages will be pro deem et the arse of sale, there will be .ntd by pub4,s motion at b.4(0.. Hotel to the Town erlob, la the Cosy N Huron, on %ti- the I1dt day .f Morph. IAM. at 11 1emogw, by Jibs Knelt, Amnion sr. tb. ici.er ►$picote germ orept'rty. name v - .Ie A11 gelw rbat..r,.., parcel or tract« Med greeds.. sh.0tr, lying and beintr Ito aw.ebtp of Caiberee, 0 the cottony Of Mid Proviso. of (Mario, being =sp...d of the 804tiorl port of lot sem roetkMmk.kr+W• sa M1e a l .hint . sR ache raw S. . 4 amortised as folio v i, teat M In say, : Cawtlne.mag at the Month Wet =of to pard tit ..star twent►•olgbt Is ge Ae1Mrly direettee following to Mestherl1yy k..NM7.1 the saki wt skills. G., 011117 bateMdNgltty-gve4,.k.to.; .'f18 1eneecoly a toad.Mina 'nth to tt000.s.Mto Beed. Minnie te ea .ogle, and the Romth nide of privet. t M.see Wveterly alone the o• _ _oa thee pious road fifty .helve and rf�eAtt7 Bakeshe W tt dM d. eosleeesee S.oth.rly Woe. OW nenoeseloe d•Mateo to the Mout. woes wive 48 the lot and Me place d 41.Nne1.6 ; Mia w4Mg eeetaleleg te edmemerement M/bbaa.mse.04 lead. be the Mme mor. or shove is . drut Naas gees, as wbioh is • geed It story te , frame bh..esep� bask wed Mews d Sam :aril 41..r'f ...i.e1. tom M. a iy~�art ital_ avid busk. re le ewes et ;scum, �'�k. Q.I 44.1. aNt.0.10 t s •a property la. 0.4.51 Smote [t�p.s Y.d.rlel, rloete stars �t Med l .1110. lrem °ALI; uta Tas poi amt. et rho pmmnDM M+ dawn M the gem al seta, sad tM•MF twits1 y?Any d. 75+41peruoal .'p9 Meths Roe- ttt . . lain Jib day of VH.sry. OR SALE.- LOTS NO. 120, 121, 122, --HA, 1144. MIN. Wat'ehissee garter taw% at Ood.Mob. Apply to JAMIgION MED or JAMES RNID 1141 HOUSE AND�STABLE TO RENT.- tial school. B raF90 rooms. Go' . next the Ces- od commodious stable on the premiers. apple to M. 0. JOHN8TON, Banister. 10,1 HOUSE WANTED --THE OWNER OF a good ematortebie levee or sight roomed house will dad • leek pttrob&.w by .plying at Tex 84.NAL ethos. f -/t L'OR SALE -H01.186 AND TWO LOTS, L m earner Ime•b.th 204 G71.y ,170.11 or would et:obois. for other property. Geed w.11 on premises ; also • Mebl., There are "event/471i tram „ one of the lo. Apply to TH 'HUCI*4TNP, 13-110 rift BALE --PART OF LOT NUJ /A HER 914. es Andrew's -et. in the awn of erich,forlemeloccupied by the late CharPays.' 'rite perfect. Apply w OAM*KON. HOLT k HOLMM3, solblwn for executors of the lata Charles Payne. Jaw his rah.;1'tr.. .. lllldt --- WEST HURON NOMINATION, Veber' •.leer+, .f 1'11.1x. •Rig McLean, of Yederlck. There was . lame attendance -IF Met court hoes. Tuesday las; to witness the u*m4nenoas and to bear the discussion. After the nomtoatioos bad been duly made, a poll was demanded, and the regular legal Mon complied with by returning otitoer Sands. On motion of Mr. Proudfoot, Major Beth Egg called to tb..hair, .od the following speakers took part In tit. platform 0r0reill.: ComervaUv..--R. MaL.w. O.o. Tavbr, M. P., of G.Osaog0e, and W. H. Basan. M. P. for Mast Simco. ; Lib.nite-Robert Holmes, she Liberal oa.did.a, Hos. N.. Mmlook, Pestrseeur-Oeo.r.l, .ad Dr. Lead- erkterld. P. for Suustt4wy The me.ti.4 was decidedly in favor *Ube Liberal o..did.te.11 the way through and art . ulose i4,s swam appeared to have gone ooltlaaly out of the supporter. of the Topper candidate. The tires speaker was Robert UAL's'. the (loee«v.ttve candidate. He amteeted himself with a eft y brief • Idre°., his tint words being an &Ilusiw w the mw of the bye -010044s. • eulogy of the late Hoe C. Canova,. and •e expression of sorrow for the family of the late m.m8er. Cau- tioning. he appealed to the .lact.0.te to tend him to Ottawa as • waning te• Government wbwb has set kept to prom- ise•. Whom Mr. leerier and his sly. be seed, were askto.» be pat iota • oe they had promised te'glNins trade . .4 . new tariff. Rat as • easUs exporter, he(the speaker) was to u0y paying • duty of 274 ler 000a on wale •a4 herees sees to the Dotted States, whole under the (lees«vttye party h. Ind pot pard mon thea 20 per ,apse. Tom. he greed, was os of mas7 seem in watcb the 00,.res.51 had broke° rte pledges. H. ooas,dered also [bat the Laurier Governm.os ehoeild have ohtuned for 0w•dl.o We expeditors pref«whose is the Milibh markets over to United Sates exporters. 10 oocoluding, Mr. MoL.an asked to be mads the first lied only Moo from West Huron. whose iater.0es he pro- muted to engird and promote. koa[ur Houdin. Robert Holm«, the Liberal os.did.s, folio wed. _ .112 epics in swathe WAWA lima hi. oppsaft, latf'gpk1. too, with • 9oeooy .01 rigor whish Carred the 0od.mco with nim. He mods.t_sllssioo to Mr. McLean'. remarks.11.yeata •xpres/toa of surprise ts.4 the CouesrvoU.e cocdid•t.'s Daly plat: toren was a desire for preference for Cab- edte. rattle is the British markets. Mr Mo1.aa. the speaker seed, overlooked the foo' that that this matter was on. eatlrely m the bandy of the Imperial Perhameat, and meld net be remedied by the Dominion Gev.rnomet. 18 Dow also well to bear in mud that the Leerier Government had gloating to do vote the pari/ put epee 0ae•dan cattle by t4,* United Manes, ani ot was rather abwerd to qu-de the present lurk de 1y se • a,4 !teeer e. Wet Je.0 Ms loo .rneseet.- Ter -fits own part be cora teal ed the present (lo•ernment 4,.d pr. yea useH a 1:0..rnment nor the pe'plo .nal by he people. 1t had shown veal' to be th. friend of the fairer bid the ueoplo goner any by *.ounce the remnv.l et the quanta tine en wale. the removal of the duty e. eras.' for feeding purpose., the es.•idieb- meat of the °old atoroge .y item, and the •p. potetmeot of • precut..I farmer t•• the positron of Mtai+ter of Agncelture 01 one p^i 1 lir 1l.11mM .and ha did not agree with .on.e its 141. L beret p.rty mid rt. •t w.. In regard to the 8....e. H •.LB not behove a Senate. whether of L hart. or (;.uorya Lives, was of the *lightest toe to 141. o00htry Be did net believe • country Goold have re spoortble government in its truest sense on NI the members of P•rll•m.ot wore mad. directly responsible for all their mumps (Load •pol.ese.) He adigeastly dssied • story which, he said. was beteg persistently circulated, to the effect that at B,Itimore o Philadelphia, or some other alto, be het made .n attack oa R.om.o Cstholtos, This, be said, Imbed .ever don., and he ohallenge.t any man to prove that he had. Io 0000lad- fag be also expressed the hope that he would be mode the first Bob. M. DOR BALE. -IN THE MATTER OP r the eseefe of the late Rer. Jamse Peach .rd. Line %amber@ OM and Rs, on Yrolfeot. and C.mbr'la read In the town of Oodmioi. Good frame bses moat good ember& Apply td CAMERON, HOLT t HOLUB,..eitoltar. far execoar. Dated 7th Feb., IAD. 11-6t SOLID BRICK HOUSE FUR SALE - Tbat Incm solid brick hoose Climate ee loot 14. Ona C. Town of Ooderlcb, with dye « ten scree of land as parch.ssr might require. There to • Seat Maes osit•r under the how. This le • vary desirable property for germs. Ina and troll growing. Gotta orchard ea, Premises.- lite' oar ear mtt•ble ter tbi-iks-' amoundbrick. Terme to salt p Amply as premises 1.0.0. MOM.4op• etrto W., CamOa.aLt, I.w•rw v..t WbMal VOR BALE -LOTH 69 AND 70 4. Hatehle.os. Berm* in the Town of Boderleb. epos which is «eot0d . tato. dwell- ing house. Dated Ilh 8emtembcr, 19M Apply to CAMERON. H0LT & HOLmeis. Goderioh as tt ..t toll Creators. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In tar Matter of t/. Alar. of K.i1t1r Pas6. ...-41.peard, life offer Ter. of Goof.- „.. ,1.h. la the Counts or Heroes, 1Nr,,o e4. Netive is hereby rives tier, Doren at te Chap. 11P of the Revbsd 8rante. of °uteri. IOW. all minion. baring Menne mals' the aerate of Rather Pb.rbe Shepherd. law .I the town of Ood.rieh .fere.al4, who died oe or .bout the lack day of February. A.D. 1117. .re requested to send by pat prepaid or other - *tee to del ver to Masers. Marrow k Poiret. foot. of the town of •otterieh.Imhof iorefor tn. ednun.etratcr. Janes ta. ifb.pnatd,of thenad clematisd, mor before the 1•h A -y of M.'eh. l00. the r uses. add •••••• and Ae.nrtptlon of their °mime and of the ataroof thelr.scurlty. If any. bald by them ()ARROW t PROUfiroor, teoliol'er, for •dmisistretor. 'Dated at Oodericb, this Id d.0 of February, N OTICE TO CREDITORS 1. tic Alio/. of Awdrrw Thomas M.f4.. tlri, !)er eaard. Take notice that under chapter 120 of the Revised famous of Oatulo. Ilrl. all paean harbor 01.1ne as creditors or otherwlee 04.1.11 the estate of Me late Andrew Thomas McDee5ld, of the towndnp of Hallett. 1e the meaty o' flares. yeoman. who dlen on or about the 17th rosy of Jso1077. A.D. IMO. are required to Beed In each Manta dull proved. to the undersigned, .ollellcr. for Wm. A. Me- l/meld o-Iromeld .et John MoDonga1l, execrator. of the state of the meld dreamed. with full parttoe l.m thereof and • statement of securities, 1f 107. held by thea. on or beton the 8th day of Marva A.D. 11N. Th. said .xmalore .tar the mid sib dayof Meech next will proceed to distribute tproceeds of rte mid estate amongst the patties entitled thereto. havlcg regard eel to claims aims of which they .EMI thee have had melee. cad wilt sot be liable for.noh prooaedaor riay part thereof to 507 person of whops 'Whim they shall net them bars had notice. Dalai .t Oodirteh,thie 30th day of J.,..,1000. CAMERON HOLT k 44011018, 9olleitore for the Execute,,, 11.11 Ooderlob. Ont N OTICE TO UREDITORB. Ye lir Marler of 14. Estate or Ifkkar..4A H.wtwsssp Icer e/th wa.i ToaAlp ofA- p.fd, io 114r (Nasals of Heron, Walton, D.reasot. Mollie 1s hereby girth that pursuant "sumer 111 of the Dw Revised Statute* of Ontario. HIV. all p0reone having an7 claim modest the Beate of EUxaberh H noeese7, ase of the township of Aandeld. In the meat? M Harem widow, who dead es or about the tweet7. .nsvtath day ot December, 10M, ere recounted to seed by poet (iaprepaid, or MR AwI. to do- lly°. to Mems, rMw and P. o,dfoet, of the town of Underfelt. P0Itnitore for the alt.0ntnre of the mid denoted en or Iore the Ittb lay of Mr al, tt✓~, theihomer name. eddremes end d..orlptlan and full partlonlareof their ola ma and of the oaten of the .county. If ant, held by them. A'd farther take notice vat atter the said Itch der of Nandi. 1M), the Beet exeentore wdl premed to distribute the .mote at the raid deoeaeed among the parties entitled thereto. harms regard hely to the claims of leach they ehs1 tem ham. resolved .lutes. awl the mid eteostore shall not be liable ter the meets of the sell state or any part there of to any Person ev parsons M whom. 014110 they shall act are reeelved notice as 18it time ttf dlnMhetlen OARROW k PROUD7007. 8nllelton ter the imminent Dated at Oodertal, the 77M illy 0f Jaeua,7, A,D. ISIS. 11-4t NOTICE TO (-asuman. la far Merles 01 OAw life'' of the litres -mad Jaws Prit'Anret, Deerased, Take settee that pursuant as e1eptsr 111 0f the Revised Statutes of Oemrio, lar,all pep. cmc harks. balms so eredltots w .b.rwles aualo.t the sem'. 0f the late Reverend James Pritekard, of the rows efto the minty 0t Ribes.0.4, died on nr slam the 11th m.7 0' J anawl .., D. Int ere req.lnM tossed 1e moth slakes by'mist prepaid, or other wise te &Mlver te to nneerelg.o* .'Raton ter ftneb Rnthereto& the es venter of the 'abate Of M 4.r.asedwith toll perticnlam thereof aed a sya1emeet .f mourning Of stay) had by thou, on or before the 1tb ger et elan". A. D. 1184 The add 11.00e0r start). sold 13th day of I1.veh. will mowed ea Abtrlh 1. the mob 01 Mee�a^nfd r0 n0sy00r11gs 1414) porta.. tn the o0/5yth.1sd01 *Stela a eeaL 1100 bar eell.4 tett M. and .111 . he liable for mit*" or awl gersoneropw as .e•� .Mtn eg1�s11M Ttr pD/ ei 111ti/eary. (1001110 TA71.01, M. P. Mr. George Tay ler, M. P. for South Leeds, followed on behalf of Mr. McLean. Is the somas00e.sce0i of stoat was a vigorously delivered eddrses he explained hie planers at being in Opposition. Hu joy, be ex• plalsed, ern dee to the feet that she Liberal party was oow the one that preached and sated epos the idea of loyalty le the British flag and empire, whereas If they bad re maned to Opposition they would save sea Deeded le foredo. • *Moog sonex.Uobt party is the country. This explanastm was greeted w t4, laugh's sed some lroniwl cat. calls. Continuing, he turned his attention to Hew. Mr. Mulook. A tow years ago he sed, Mr. Molook had tnirodaeed • bill having for Ito object the prevention of mem. hen of P•rhsmeot being appointed to Gov• eremest situation. while holding their sesta, and now, he declared, Mr. Molsek was e member of • party which was carrying o0t • principle be had • short time ago eonAemned. Th. action of Mr. biotech met his antitheses is this nwrd, he said, 41.d nosed bye elaetlous, which had oast the people of the eeaotry thirty to forty thousand dotter. Mr. Taylor then turned hie munition to the treaty eemm+esioe, sod said tat env eft - title body of business men would have ors. eluded • treaty weeks ago or else left for home, metssd of spending their time in jo0• kitting sed feistier. In ties caoneolfoa Fs reed an extract from • New York paper, to the .e.0* teas ea Muedey. the 6th 'set , 9.r Wilfrid Loader sad the (;.endo.. commie Amore had held a long 000leroew at t e Waldorf Betel, .ed he asked how the people of Ontario 000ld support a party whose leerier dlegrsoed Canada by hie dis- respect of the Sabbath day. Th..9.08.7 referred be the appofntmest of Hon. Mtdsey Taber as Minister of Asrleelture, • scan be said, who hal never don.. day's work no • farm Is his life. Hs .Iso modemn.4 the Ooversme.t's method of skl07 • plebiscite m the prohibition qu.0bros. The very bal. lel, he d.0Lreel, was framed In .00h a way f. a mislead the people. and sltim.aly de- feat to hopes of the temp.7anco porly He sees fleeted from Pariah some 1.tlrlcol eesemeew no the motto of Cae.da'a new pantea stamp, whbh he obesooWix.d se heageadoae of the highest type, and ors• olnded his widows soh • dee.0olatloa of the (lnversmees'e eerie palfrey. now. *477445 1(7140x. Roe. Mt. M.1SO4 lfsllsw.d. E. ea. armed wilt I.kd chis.•, usd kis addrr PItY14001 Outtamoild Danang 4R7e1o11.0 I41 (4 eiot)potato r ►.phot 'MO tt�t t•ema (wiMb ye (l itMnm'. Maas. a Sal pat. A a Ic s 404'00t - Mrs , rx 11.dfool Res&. halerl*. 11. tot I•as carefully followel throughout- AIN • eulogistic nler.uue to the late M. C C,m*ron be turned his attention to gorse the statement. made by Mr. Taylor. As ea illoatratioa of Mr. Taylor's aouursay, he said, I will take hie stetement that the de- ■ uuotatlo0 of the Bacon (Sennett treaties Mimed • mat ket*rhph hart previously taken 190,000,000 bushels of grain from the *erne en of Canada. The wildness of his sate - meat can be understood when I all you that mere grain left C.uad. io 1898 than in any other year in its history, and the oral Dumber of bushels then soot to all ports of the world did out mimed much mon than thirty 10114,0•., and yet we are told t0•t this Government has lost • market for 190,• .b 000,000 bushels. (Lend sad coetloued, •p - plasm) I loll not, e omtineed attempt to follow Mf. Taylor to hie small folk. Inso Doe respt, however, he soy. Meet he ie em• ineptly ssde6.4 sub the prose•& uuuditlw v .t clae Ilea-4m7i tterstes *4..la stespP7 ointingwIcbjoy beo.uee be is in Oppostttoo, and he u likely 10 enjoy that soldttio0 for some um. to conte. (Uoren and laughter.) He told us something .bout a crime com- muted in Nair York, cod that is .s likely to be tree as his 190,000,000 bushels story. tit...me ewed on) 1 presume he quoted arsee from acone) moue ootroMmic c to soma Tory newspaper who's headquarters are at Tomato, (Applause ) CA•uouiog he said that Mr. Taylor bad made nterwoe to • bill .01704aesd by Nm (Mr. Unlock while the 'b L .ral party was is OPpo.utoo, and which bed for ne object the prevention of members d Farb•.a •.' kisg Ooveromeat situations whole boldtrg their mate. Mr. Taylor had n ot.upported him on tb•teouseios-ile b• ear and gyltio*U0o) ---&4,d tAa bill, -set most:: ug .;1, approval .0 the Hou:., did not become law, The view he held thea eras, t0 the spso8er'. opiniou, • sound one, but was 001 M present adopted as • prinople by the p.rw4 in Goada or in Britain. It was. tbeeetervrinoorrect to .ay that the propesf- abonnier ion bonnie binding on any political pert., lndlvidoal member,. W.F. surfly entitled to .some liberty of thought cad &atm°. At the In1 ber.l 0,00clo0, hell .t (Lulea in 1893, Mr. f,Inloek ooenou.d, the party pledged uself by A'0mher of rsolutioo. to • *4.8.- 181 po...ry, With one eso.ptloo .1i the pledges 14441. mode, .od on which the party had avoided to the 00u0try, bad been oar- ried net. 1'hn exception win the reforms, N.e of the Senate. The &tram p% to refor the Senate would net, how'see, be dropped, s bas bowegad teltal1e74ae tMe. Taylor would atnogiy ,appose it.. (Applause and laughter ) fie then referred to the tar ff. which, h. rid, had bees meddled io accord• a0oe with pledgee made Oat of 440 articles on th. metes. tariff 200 had been placed es the free let, sod on 107 the tariff had hese reduced, so mach so in tomes as e aims to .1 most wipe It out, Referee*, bad been made to toe duty .= cattle going into the United States. Aa.-. proof el the Ooverameot's wisdom is ffealmg with that question, h. r bimeelf, would nit beak them so. Is coo olwtoo Mr. R.. .: t said that there were of moa in the riding who were proem' for Do !good They were mm who moved around j Irom riding eo ridisse &ad whose Dote were dug-•osful to the Liberal party. He ad- vised that when toned out thee he pat sour, by violates, if necessary. lo Stmo,•e he bed g em Mr. Moloch himself in oonfereses with an expelled and diegraoed .potter from the G.T R Mr. Mulook-Ith &beolstify antrum Mr. Bennest-It le tree ; the mane mime is Hasse. Mr. M.look-I my &gala it is absolutely 00(00. I do not know and have Geyer met him, if iodised he .nate ; and 1n feat 1 know 0o one of tb.fn•me. (Tromeodou. •ppiaw aid oheertag. ) Mr. B.a.ect then sat down. 04*. LARDgaa1N. Thellat s$skst 0.Y Dr 1'. for Meet Grey, who was preen* as amp. porter of the (,overomeot n0rA.1. He did not moose at great length, osd hts re- marks ooatalned many satiotems and stories which kept the endorsee on good humor, sad fre..usetly aroused the greaten •p. please. He &avlsed Mr. 30.0.18 a eat rid of some o1 the vinegar Is his make-up and to Musk well before be pyo act.7.00.• 8" Wilfrid Laurer and the treaty osmmtesioa- ere, he said, would never give away as C•aadiao rights. He rather thought hip friend Mr Taylor desired • treaty, such r teat eogse«0d by Sir Charles Tupper, Mr; Fester said others- • three-minute treaty - (Laughter.) The Muted Stomps mea showed them In and thin showed them ma -(rose. - .4 laughter) ' ••.use they knew that the men referred to were not 01n0.re. Spr•ki00 of the •ttsok made „o Mr. Mulook, he seed then in 1895 the deficit In the Posath.0 I)e- pertmeot was 3800,000, and last year it had bass brought down to $7,QQQ , ( Load .p . please.) lir Mulook ueed.d no doh.. mho vend these dooms. He sated that the ,these 01 Mr. Shennoo'a theorem) settee from the Kingstou pestotfi.oe was due to physical causes, and regretted that Mr. Heenan'. re- marks had coined the 'melee/one. Speak 100 t0 regard to statement* toad*„ that under the loader Government truest was tailing off, he raid that lo 1889 (aa•da. trade amounted to 124,000,000, but in 1898 hal increased 10334,000000, while the trade with Great Britain alone has neorwed pro- portionately duri0g that period. The pros direoveroment was hair to anefent afters When they talk office there wasnot men - ole dollar to the exobeguer ; it bad all been "swiped"-( laughter )--.ad is addition a smell Irgooy la the shape of • debit of 3166,- 000,000 or thereabout* bad been lent What • heel there would be from the Conserve Hese whim the debt entered, as it would in • few YEWS, and it devolved spas the Lib era Government to west it, (Langater s applause.) And yet Use Coseety.tiv.0 bad plied of up. i0 his o.solsdt a ranark. the If you want to mark your ballot where it will do most good, fit -k it thu : - -.no" HOLMES, Robert Holmes, of the Town of Clin ton, Editor. McLEAN. i; drert Melwnul. id the 'i'ttwn (iole- rich. 8'ntt-l0 I)ON!'•r. Geld t b. t last Bohr Ma vales d c•tt1e seat le I do•tor attributed the detest of the Taken row o t e mermanTrao.- portatioo Co. He else ofitiotxed briefly Sir Charles Tupper's change of opinion on the tlmestioo, and wound up by expre.tng the opinion that West Heron would elect Mr. Holmes to Parliament. the St.tee outmoded 31,000,000. while 10 bill to one Live h f b A four Agibrir previously to had been hardly morn •, 360,000. Mr Molock made. brief mention of the mariner to which the Government had set- tled the Manitoba school question, soil then •poke of the manner in which the lover.• msua was mediae with the important ques- tions of Immigration and ;he development of Ceded.'* otos' system. Then, he geld, were bailer dealt with to a manner which was meeting with untvrs.l approval, as shown by the result ot bys.electtoos throughout the oon°try. A gentleman in the •n48.,oe asked Mr. Unlock whet the Government would do 1. regard to combines. The speaker pointed out that redress could be bed through a chart. made to the Government, who would submit It to the court to be doth with. Cnualuding, he said he did not mind Mr. Taylor'. references to the postage stamp motto. He ea. proud th.t he did halosg to a /reeler empire than had bees, awl to • country that formed no mean part of tat empire. (Lond appl.nes. ) ea. rmeerr7, 5, r. Mr. W. H. Bennet, et. e. for Fast Simose, thin spoke o0 behalf of Mr Moles,. He ootnmenoed by stating that when the Cos- e sr..tle. party bad mitered 0000111 them- selves th., had taken • mealy course. goes out of office and appealed to the people He, pointing to Mr. M01eok, defiers, hot he wont go out (Appl.u.• and laughter, fol• lowed by one. of "Mulook's e11 right." Mr. Beene' said that Mr, Unlock had oboe &isl•red the s,pbr*o,,.atoo nyawm of the ooentr7 to t.0 diegreoef,l, bot he now be longed to a Gorer.meet whish had tnorm.- ed soper•nno.tloe by $66 000. Mr. Mc- Lean, heomeleted, weld bot got • harbor grant for Ooderioh If eleoesd to Parliament, bus Mr. Helene emld, and the premien and weeds et (Jatene' Minnow. i• the rid tag were virtually •'ribe in that 'Breath's te the voters. 1eotinum/, he sated that seder the owlets of the ormolu Government the trade of O.nad. had lanes steadily and was .till falling. Then he sinned bis atten- tion to the I'olsmsoter.Heeeral's depart meet, sai .ng that the s,per ne4alm of Mr. Shannon, at Kieptee,en make way for me older man, wee ♦bgrefel. Ta mp.raa natio, of Col. White, the Deputy Piet- sester, was also, ei .•ted, a mak piece of liquefier. After kis sosersa.aUea, he said, the perry had 1... oemplled te roosts am deputy eix seethe In order s keep things Itralebt. Mr. NI Meek desired to septets. Ogg to the s.0Uog, hat Mr. Rennet* would set allow It Mr R.onart then dropped hie refeess se M •le. -S1tU M1 thpirimare W�p.�e of Nkat he toned an toned 'vet 'ass haroae Dreamer/ Midway sad Takes dose. h. Nt. woos May. MEW. thee t4,w bee me r w pea v. lad .lea *4. Psalmelse.Gameal ,,0 - MH McLEAN'S PLAN OF CAMPAIGN To the miter et Tea Stowsy DLa-Sia,-1 notice that ch. speakers for Mr. Moles, are telling the farmers what the Tory Government would do for them if they Rot in power, yes, strange to say, the story they tell on the other side is entirely oppos- ite, 1 had a Doll from Mr. McLean and his henchman, Mr. Taylor, Mee Coneervatl.s whip in the Commons, at my of oe on Wed modal, morning, and dories our convert - cion Mr. Taylor said : "What we woo', Mr. Saunders, is more protection to mann- tatlterere. The Government is doing alto- gether too mach for the farmer. 11 we (the Tory party) wen in power we would rales the duty o0 ogrloolteral imples.ay 30 46;( . nd the'. would be no free binder twine .r barb wire. It 1e the sc•00faclorer we want te help. What la the the of p.nderieg to the 0(rlo0ltotal vote! The protest Govern- ment is dolor too mach of that. "Well," f remarked. "that is • prover + tory to tall m., Mr. Taylor, but It would. not do to talk 18.t way to the farmers," The above shows the kind of see who are helping Mr. McLean ,a hie campaign. A. AAniti:mos. APOLOGY. WE regret that, owing to illness on ins part of employs.0, TR: Smm,AI, for seem weeks pmt has not gone to pros ea 1ism. W. nape to be on time hereatter WHAT OTHERS SAY. 010 Of TR■ a(Utb t4419.Talr. 81tafsrd 3.0.0.: There Is ems fedatre that hes pilfered by Mee .00aleenofthe Ubor- ed O.v.r.aant to power. Th. SHWA Amer• sits Bask Net. Co. oars seemly My • diel• dead of 10 per ems., whereas whoa it 001 ie the eejeva..' of the Deminnon Gimes- mimeo mos pt1°tlwp meta.* soder T.fy rob it paid M per Gent Una It really the bed that the omen who maw*" M .eai90wytttlllkM else b•�afi,-J��t, eresitiMso evens. tbe ee.sky to the ellen of 76 .6 acct., *stereo es Meir espied per wee MYMsfseNmass . weeder day Mr, pvm•Moaw PROSPERITY. 1 THE GOVERNMENT'S RSCORO. THOUGH this is only the third year under Wm SAthuIR Government, Can- adians already have abundant evidence of the wiedom of their action in oast- ing aside Tupperism and all that it im- plies and establishing in it0 place an honest and capable administration of public affairs. The great day's work of the 23rd of June, 1896, cannot be undone by the election of Mr. McLRA.N next Tu.adey, yet such a result of the present contestAroold afford comfort to the enemies of good gov_ernmept. ani the elector. o West Huron can- not afford to contribute even in the slightest degree to • return to the vicious misgovernment which for eight - eco years retarded the growth of th country. A glance at the record the LAttalgh Government should he the elector in deciding bow is cyst h ballot on 411x. 21st instant. Within • few months after their eeasiott to power the Liberals settl to of Ip is ac- ed tile. Maaltoba Agiwll- question, over which the Conservatives had huogled for five or six years, inflaming the re- ligious passions of the people and stir- ring qA a tilisogpc(lpg 90c40risu.atriJo. The action of the liberal Govern- wentallsyed the irritation. and Canada was never so happily united as now The tariff has been revised with a view to reducing the burdens of the people. Taxes upon many articlea-Of common use have been lowered and in some canes wiped out altogether. the.lrme time` Nees has been -as its' imus disttrbei4' M1iabed inrlts- tries, and manufacturing iu Canada is in a more healthy oondition than ever before• A preference has been given in ,.jp tariff to the Mother Country and theme of the colonies which receive our good. on favorable terms. The passions' preferential tariff created such • eeoti- ment In (hest Britain that theilerman and Bclg;.tn treaties, which were an obstacle to preferential trade between the Mother Country and her colonies, and which the Conservative Govern- ment had in vain endeavored to have denounced, were speedily terminated by the British Government. Our sympathy with a sister colony n distress has been :shown by the ex- otmion of the minimum tsrifd to Im 'orts from the West Judie., giving West IndirD sugar an advantage over the German beet sugar in the Cana titan market. The exodus has been stopped, 'new life has been infused in the Immigration Department, and the next census of Canada will undoubtedly show an en- couraging increase in our population. The building of • railway to open up he grtat mining lands of British Col- mbia has lain secured on terms more dvantageous to the public than ever betore accompanied the granting ot s railway charter in Canada. The Intercolenial Railway has been placed ons paving basis by ire exten- sion to Montreal, and it is confidently expected that the balance sheet of the Government railway system will this year show a surplus, instead of the usnsl annual deficit. The shipment of Canadian products in cold storage has been encouraged, and the deepening of the St- Lawrence canals and harbor improvements at Montreal, Halifax and St..loltn will, by facilitating the transportation of products, tend to introite the returns to rod I'hethe pYukonucers. di.trict has been organ - zed and the enforoememt of Canadian w in that new district has been an red by the vigorous action of the vernment. By means of a royalty the production of gold the people the whole Dominion, who own these do, obtain a reasonable return for e privilege of exploitation. The unjust Franchise Act of 1885 been repealed and the votary lists now prepared fairly and economic- u a la cu GO on Of Ian 141 has are ally, The old superannuation system has been abolished, resulting in s consider- able saving to the people. The finances of the country, which under Mr. FoeT11 fel' into a deplor- able, eployable condition, have been immensely improved. The deficit in 1894 wee 31,210,000; in 1896, 34,159,000; in 1896, $330,000. In 1897, the first year tinder the Liberal Government, MT. 1rf*ed11 ei iONI to pal urge blIgt incurred by the late Conservative Ad ministration, and there was a deficit of Sts 19,000. In 1898 there w.. a our - 1VsiuNo Bye-Ei8 1'3blic Meetings in the interests nt Imo.-ROBT. HOLMES, THE LIBERAL will be held Friday, Feb. 17th Saturday " I8th, Monday, " CANDIDATE as follows Goderich and j Dungannon. Smith's Hillo Grant's School Onset..- Amberley, Leeburn. VOTE for HOLMES GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. plus of 31,575,000; and for the year ending June 30, 1899, the surplus will, according to present indications, be eivesel teiRioe. larger. The credit of Canada never stood so high, as was evidenced by Mr. F14LDINn'N being able to place a loan at per cent., the lowest previous Yhte! tieing � . . per .. ' Ry doing away with the system of giving mail -carrying contracts to pol- iticalfriends and by effecting other economies, the Posto>$oe Department has been able prs.:tically to make ends meet. The postage rate in Canada and to the United States has been reduced from three_ty twotajaatd_See rate to Gnat BH1:Ti adds of the colonies from five to two cents. The Government is making a sincere attempt to secure freer trade with the United States, std it is hoped that a treaty which will do away -to some extent at least -with the United States tariff against Canada which r. McLase coneid,rs so abeam, - ons, will be the result of the..) present- negotiations. Already something bee - 'icon done in this direction, through the effort* of the Minister of Ahricul- tura, by the relaxing of the United States quarantine regulations kgamst Canadian cattle. Such a record should secure to the Government the enthusiastic support of the electors of Wert Huron. Theele:tion of Mr. Entices will aid i0 the carrying on of the work of re- form and program, both in sending to Parliament • man whose ability and good judgment will be of Resistance to the Government, and also in demon- strating to Sir WILFRID LAURIRR and his colleagues that West Huron ap- preciates their faithful work and is ready, when called upon, to do its part in sustaining an honest, wise and capable Administration. THE TUPPER MEETING A FIASCO. WHAT was to have been a great Tupper meeting at the Opera House proved to be s miserable fiasco as •. vote -getter for Mr. McLRAN. The audience was s grand one, and had the orators been equal to the oc- casion there might have been good results in the cause of the Tupper can- didate, but there was no man on the plsttorm who could draw out the en- thusiasm, and s more tiresome political gathering was never held in town. Sir CHARLRN TOPPRR, the one-time platform gladiator of the Conservative party, proved to be s sad surprise to those of us who knew him in his pris- tine day.. It was a case of SA1(s0p shorn of his looks ---there was little life or vigor left in the poor old man -the strength and power of youth had been succeeded by the peeviahoese and petulance of old age, Of 'tate._ manlike utterance there was none -of inane scolding a great deal. Of the three feather -weights who assisted - OsL1R, B1NNt17 and Cr.Recy--B0Nxrrr has the most life in him and OR10R the least. Why a man of (1LRR'e Zack of p'atform ability was ever brought up to en- lighten the electors is beyond compre- hension, except that the Tupperit.s wanted to trade on the fact that he is the brother of a clever man. Mr. Back, .s a chairman, whoa in- troducing the members, was quite • .notes., end took an much pride out of the thing se a "barker" at a cireas, The only really good ranarkaon the r'ostratn ware given bye $yam'•... and thefvt eau nothing °Head in '` them. The whole show travelled in as idea wagon. .. 4