HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-2-9, Page 6SEPERE FlCNiINC IN INE PHILIPPINES Uncle Sam Has Another War on His Hands. FILIPINOS ATTACKED MANILA. Del... ■.ok by the A.♦.trle.a Tr%p a.d Warship Newel Com• Llk• a 5►.ek to tic• Aulharltlo• at WaA- l.at.. Doo. 014. Rap•rte the l.•nr- g oate De lva Beek With Coald•roble 1..•• Amorlr,■ l'a•asItl.. Estlm.t.d at 175. Few Fatal. Washington, Fob. f1. -The following message was evolved yesterday morning b7 the Secretary of the Navy from Ad- miral Dewey, dated Manila. Sunday morning "Insurgents bore lnangurntsd general e ngagement Saturday night, which was aontlnued today. '1h. American army and usvy Is generally .uocsyaful. Inoue gents bare been driven beck and our lines advanoed. No cusu•IN.5 to navy." Sew. cum• I. • cheek. The news cams Idle • Upset, for the Admlol,tratIon, trough apprfeed that •n u gly situation prevailed In the Philip pinee, bad clung steadily to a hope that by tact -and patience actual fighting might he averted. and even those public men wbu felt that acidities would fol low ah sold the treaty be retitled and the Potted States ■!tempt to oocupy the Moods, believed Mit Agulnaldy would pot forte the fighting when the treaty of peace wait t0 its meet critical stege. Some Senatorial opponent' of ratidc.Non of the treaty adhere to their positron, Out the gement opinion in Washloglon las{ night was that the news from Manta Meares the ratlnatlon of the treaty this afternoon. anAnom.IMr. Witasllo.w The situation I. regarded hero as rather anan.olou■ from a diplomatic •tsudpolnt. legally the Filipinos are still Spanish subjects. 'therefore if battle. operations continue outelde of the IIuoIW of Manila, as laid down In the protocol It will amount to a reenmotion of the War with Spain, at least technically. Officials noted one little tlaw• Is Dewe,'* despatch. In that be spoke of the Amerlan army and any as "gener- ally s.eeeedut," eeeswtsr just the ham Intimation that at some point the result§ were not as satisfactory as .t others. . stolid...• las lie.. Otl.. Every oonfidenoe, however. 1s telt -that General Otls a master of the Atuatlon.' 7 be forma under Die oommend, an shown by the records of the Adjutanl-Generel's Office, Dec. 10, the data of the last re- port, esport, were 21.649 troops Approximately 01,000 men are on their way to jeln lien o ral Otis to four separate expedition., though pope in exacted to reach Manila for throe weeks or a month. It, s crus that only 5,000 of Uenersl. Ota' soldier. =�anf�lr 60idler. ve , .n ond.rt-•rough discipline and - training for montb., some as much a e ight months, and (many p.r$lr-Ioted In the engage.wnts attending the capture of Maalla, anal are practically as good as repliers. Streeeth of the Enemy Not Knows. No one here know" the real strength of the Insurgents opposed to General Otis. Ssill the beet belief of 6he authori- ties at the War Department 1s that they number about 30.000 men, but they are not comparable to the A m.rlan forces In personnel, discipline or quality of areae It M taeowe {bat they have none Mattears, some Remington. .nd • variety of other firearms, and ft is ena- meled that they have been quite ole0ti- fully supplied with ammaoltloa from °Melds. Diplomats Are 1st• d. e Diplomats took a lively interest 11 the news, realizing tb.t the Government of the United states will call upon :hem very early to .se to It that no old of any sort 1. rendered to the F:hpina., •nd that no filibustering expedition .hall leave their soil with monitions of war or supplies for the Insurgents. Special precaution. will be asked to be taken at Singapore and Hongkong, principal polate of the ea•wrn trade, to prevent the despatch of ,enrols carrying morel .argues in .Id of the insurgents. t D ERAILS Or THE FIGHTING. 1 he Aggreselre ritlplo.' Fought Hravdy, He. Were 66.6.., Hack. Manila, Feb. 6. -The long -expected clash between the Americana and Fili- pinos Me oome at Iasi. It came at 8.45 nn Saturday eventng, when three daring Flllpinoe darted past the Netreega Heglment'e pickets at Santa Mere, bat satire.: when challenged. They repeated the experiment without drawing the s"o.trles' fire. Dot the third time Cor- poral Greedy challenged tha Filipinos an I then tiled. killing one of them and wounding another. .5a Ineffectual ►n.11.de. Almost immediately afterward" the Filipinos' line from Cahoon to Santa Men oommtuned a (unlade, whleh was ineffectual. The Nebraska, Montana mud North Dakutn outpost" replied v6goroasly, and held their ground until reinforcements' arrived. '1 he Filipinos in the meantime Orman- tramd at three polar". Calvoren, Gagel- an n and Santa Mesa. At about 1 •'Nook on Sunday morning the Filipinos muted a bot fire from all three places "h. sitaneopsiy. 1'h1e wart anpported by the fire of two siege gone at Batik Hallk, and by advancing their ■kirnil.her. at Pain end I'anda,un. The Americans re- minded with a terrible fru. hat owing to the darkness they were unable to determine ISa effect The iltah Light Artillery dwell, succeeded In silencing the native batten. The Third Artillery . I.o did gond work on the extreme left The engagement bated over .n boar. lianl,,,ot. 1"5 a Hand. The U.S. cruiser Charle"tnr, and the g unboat Concord, .tenoned off Malabon, opened Gas f/tt1R Pelt .cooed batteries on the Flllpinon' postilion at Calvooan and kept it op vlgornosiy. At 2.45 there wee another funned. along the entire line, and the U.S. neakning doable-tcr robed monitor Monadnock opened fire on the enemy from off Malate. With daybreak nn Sunday the Amen eats. advltnond. 7 he California and W t-hlegton regiment. made n splendid sheep en I drove the rilipinne from the v111.ge of Peen and Santa Mesa Th. Nehmen. Regiment alert dl.tingul,hed 1'.rlf, capturing enteral prisoners and one bdvritrtr, and a very earring position •t the reservoir whlnh le nnnnented with the waterviorka. The Kansa* and Dakota reg,menta nnmpelled the enemy's nest Rank to retire to Catenate. There was Intermittent firing et vaHod& perinea all day long. $0 Amer4tane Mined. -- The Inns of the Filipinos cannot las entli $ted at present, but they are knees M bu ennelderabls. The Amerloon !omam an detineated at 90 teas killed add 155 wounded Tbe Ygewa{sa, armed with ►ears .nd meows, made • ver, deter 5 e, a nand la the fa0. of IM tow 4116 8Afl r►/iY. alt and tell nman)the dead ares t ire rt``►1 E` Geld. Several attempts were orad* In ALM city (ID, bmIsMdaj 60 an'daslnate Aslerseen Waco.. I 11 LATC1T MULLSTINI. Action Co.ba wo All $sudsy -The Troop 5.9.,.d H•reieolly. Wasbleatoa, Feb. 6.-(15.55 a.1111./ - The following supplemental da.p5M8 from (lea. O11s has just been made pub! Is: "To Adjutani-Geedra) : Manila, Feb- k " Feb. 6.-la.•rgenb la large furoe opal.- ed paafed intact on our outer Ilut. at 6.46 last evening; renewed attack serosal Guise dor- leg eight: at 4 o'clock this looming souse Ilse ragaatd; •11 attaok' rrpuioad; at day- break ennead agorae ineurguuta. and bar. drlveo them beyond lines they fur firmly oretried, eapturl•g several villages and their define* worle. Lrurgeat lows 1. dead ■ ld wounded largo, Our own casual - thee tbce tar ratlmarr4 .1 175; very few 111.1. Troop* enmumeartle ■•d seting fear - id 'let -titled' ice Irony.dank. .4 enemy, pity held 1a check sad absolute quiet prefabs; I.5urgrota have se- cured geed meaty Menerr rube. a few arid pleoee and quit! Orlus gum, wftb au.eual- tlua, during last month. "(Signed) Ott.." taADlfib EICI7'!D. (lea. Rios nepert. That Ao.rioan ex- torter t.6... W.re l'rptured. Madrid, Feb. 6, -Intense ezelt•ment was caused here by the receipt haat even• ing of the following official despatch from Gen. Rios, the Spanish commander in the Phillpplo.5. "The insurgents have violently moaned and captured ninon the whole of the ex- terior American line. The Americana at- tired • vigorous defence •I the exterior barriers.. using their ■rtlllery as well as the squadron. "The warships destroyed and burned ('al I0orau. 1'a and several towns In the aelebborh Both sides suffered ma- terially. Very sharp drleo eontlnue.. The 91Ndsk troops have been eonneed W (1u■►- ters. but a sergeset ha* been wounded by a serer ballet. I3650.d) Rios." The popular sympathy here 10 on the side of Agulnaldo, but thinking people are anxious regarding the cooeeluenoaa of the fighting especially on account of the Spanish prisoner* atilt In the hands of the insurgent. %pat■ 55 111 Itesp•et Treaty. The Spanl.b Oovernment has N0 Dews of the conflict at Manila, and 15 fa added that the Government of Spain will ".ot in the most correct manner and scrupul- ously respect the treaty of Fvfe" M• Wool. Too Mash. Otmeral Rios, oomm.ndlug the Span- ish troops In rho Philippines, (labial that Agulnaldo offers to release the Spanish prisoner' on the payment of 5600.000 and the handing over to him of the annon, rides and-ey.000,000 cartridges beloeging Io the Spaniard& The licaeriktumuot tiara, replied tb.1 46 ewold not .00ept this transaction as It would be equivalent to Indirect protection of the Insurgents, which woola be a breach of the Spaniels agreement with the United States. Ago- Inaldo, It appears, still retains the civil prisoners' and the monks. Thousands of Vlllpinw Killed. London, Feb. 6.-A Manila d.5paWb to The Morning Poet toy,: " Last Light's (Saturday) .na to -day's (MuDd.yl en- gagemente have proved a veritable slaughter for the Filipinos, their 9111.4 being reported se asnoa.tlag ee thous- and.. The Amoebae foreeecould scarcely Dave been better deposed. It Is now known that the astaok was fully expect- ed, and that every precaution had been made to meet the enemy. "Firing slackened at noon (Sanday1, the enemy being apparently demoralized. The Amarioan troops, however, are fully equipped to meet a possible attack to- night. "Agulnaldo's pries". wereary has been ar eeted ■■ a spy at Manila. Perfect quiet now reigns f0 the city. Mors than • hundred wounded Filipinos Mhos from the trendies are Deng oared for en *be American boepitata." w tear LONDON 'APRILS SAT, Amereue May Mayo a Series ad Tell - seem Campalges. j.oedon, Feb. 8. -The Daily Cbrenlole mays: The Filipinos have helped 60 &More the ratification of the prom treaty. The Standard sale: The paucity of news and the boldness of tits rebels In DIM, attack upon Manila are ominous, and It 1s not unlikely that the Areertoane W11 bans a series of toilsome campaign■ over the soottered Islands. The Daily News says: The fact that American blood has been abed will serum, we imagine the immediate rail - Meilen of the peace treaty. The Filipino have shown tbelr unfitness for self government at the very outset by • rash and untimely manifestation, Agnnelllo T.kes rre.eh Leah Washington, Feb. 6.-Agonefile, the representative of Arulnaido here, left Washington at midnight H• was an- doubtedly advlaed of the skirmish, and the euppo.ltion Is that be went away le get out of trouble. 'ills secretary says be ham gone to Ilaltlmore.- Azonrllln Heading for Caa.da. New York, Feb. 8.-A deltoids Se The New York Herald from Albany mays that Agoneillo, representative of the Fili- pino Junta In Ihle errantry, peened through that oft, but night en roue for Canada. Anoording to Information m- ethod M the oorrespontent of The Her- ald, the United States Government has no Inte.tlon of making an •rreet of Agonolllo, and w111 allow him to proceed scram the Cauedlan line. tgasws le a right. London, Feb. 6. -Mary Lynn', the Oneida woman, ohargel with assaulting Esther Dortater, another .naaw, has been sent to jail for 90 days In default of a fine. 111.•1 Shore en B• No More. Duffels, N.Y.. Feb. 8,-A New York deepateh to The Evening News says: When Second Viee President and Gen- eral lieneger Jame. D. Layng of the West Shore Hatband retiree April 1. them. w'11 he po more West Shore Hail - road. The entire absorption of the read has boon decided upon b7 the New York Central, and the "West Shore Railroad' an a name w111 dteeppear from the ears. tickets and advertising matter, and the name of the Central w111 to sabatltnwd. rngland Laughing at John Italy. N.W York, Feb. 6.-A London despatob to The 'lime. 14 as follows: All England la laughing at John 11.17, the released Jynamlter, now Mayor of Llmerlrt. who -at the tint meeting of she Menials/el Connell, end that If dleorder did not cease be ehonld be obliged to call In "the enemies. of the people." That la, the pollee N►, King le d•ttor. Winnipeg. Feb. n, -Rev. Dr. King, who h.. Leen eerinnlely 611 with prom. monla, Is "lightly ImprovediS le hoped now that the oriole hes hem p•em& and that Ik. King la on the road to speedy r.ees.ry. 8. The Gloomy Reports From Congo Free State Confirmed. Tae K 1 the Selgla.s ■as la- mmed the Nativw a.d Dlmtaa„►aa t►• Preetlgo et W Altos-A.{w•rp Met, shoats Lew M1111... .oto eaglets. rro•eh ..d ours$... Will u.d..bted- ly Sutler Rhode. Agola to th. Pore. London, Feb. 6.-"rlvle advice' from the Congo oon5rm the gloomy reports Mat bar• found 18.1r way Into print, and even more. The administration of the Pree State bas ool)apeed over tea greater part of IM vast territories, 504 the remaining force', when tem last mall left, were being eo0aentraled at the bead of the railway. Morse of ,Mtloae were abaodor.•d, and the slather denroy•d the remainder. Antwerp oommerolal bourse w111 loos millions and trade will be para- lysed far 7•.r.. -nears ablalea1a.��Wps rtul trouble frleed by nears anal miselonariee-at�'ilen7(Brbtid se plaited to the dhyredlt of the B•lgit• °Moers, olnll and mllleary, whore one thought bee been to maks • personal profit by explolalag Ihe enmeshed noes, regardless of what followed. The gravest feature of the situation Is Gm loss of white prestige throughout Oentr.l Atries Freaeh, (Hyman .ul Musllsb people will Mee ;ebly 'sutler Cecil Rhodes •Intel Leopold on Satur- day, and It l■ 11)t impossible that we soon may hear that h• bas arrange: to tato the Congo off the hands of the Bel glen mouarob. A Central News despatch from Brussels says that .demo have been received there from the Clog° Free Sete that Major Lotbalre, commanding • force of Congo troops. has defeated, with beevy loss, the tribe of Mong.la anolbale who re'ently killed and ate four Belgians. F*ENCIt 0054.0 PttOI'Oa t Lt. Lord Sall•b.ey Sold a• Hav• 1'ledg.d Nrltale Not t. Ia•rfere. Brussel', Feb. 6 --King Leopold boo postponed decision on the French pro - poral* to puroha•o the Congo Flea State 013111 the time expire", In 1000, whoa the Belgian Chambers have the right 60 determine *hetner Belgium shall annex Congo. 11 6. reported that Lord 3all,bury la aldtng the growing Angle Frenoh entente b7 pledging 1915 England will not oppoaa Franco asS. 4hru ge4el*ga of pre-ernpiton In Congo. King Leopold'' finances are nearly ex- hausted, and 111 h1 immersible for biro b pp$le the'a•Oaq/ xemie6N6s le !'aemogatF the upper reglono of the Congo, now held by the Batmen tribes. Further spread of the revolt may fora. him to appeal 10 the Belgian Chambers for Immediate help, or to ask the French Government to midst him. In any event. England. under present condition., 1. 0eeotia100g with Fraise not to Interfere In Ne affair. WH¢ME IS PRINCK LUDWTIG? Lawyers .,n Advertt.Ieg I. Knalteed b -- ib771aeiaa Pria... 6.'-b own'' teen dwa.d to the dleappearann• of PrIDea .-..Ludwig Carl of Lowenstein-, Wertbatta. He we' last seen In England. In October, with the Prloo• pf Wales, be was a guest of the Duke of Portland at Welbook Abbey. Now a•London law firm 1s advertising a revert for the Prince to forward hie address, saying that important business awaits his attention. The Prince's wife, who 1s a daughter of the Earl of Wax borough, repudiates the mien of the lawyers. She declares that else knows Mr busbssd a oafs la . distant oleos, Dat refuel" ie q edema The Princess ad- mits that sumo dlerepotable people have rvoently tried to blackmail her regarding her husband, but gives no names. The lawyers who advertised for him believe that he a still in England. *0 OSLONIrs TO LOOK A PTEA. Apaei•h C.blset H.• Dee1d5 to Abolish t•• C.Lalal Portfolio. Madrid, Feb. 6. -The Cabinet at IM 'meeting on Saturday decided W cabalist, the Ministry of the Colonlea, and • de- ems ordering the taking of the step w111 las immediately pr.oenDeo to the Queen Degeot for her signature. Premier Saga.a h.. been authorised to revoke the suspension of the oanmtHo- tlonal guarantee whenever he thinks proper. it Is stated that Senor Sagan will roma to an ande»tanding on the "object with the Minister of the Interior, rbe0r' Capdepon, who says that .the men - sure Will be pat lab force with 1lttle - SHIPSUILDSB* WOshgl7Yra' Meagre. I1•N8 Solo. Ottawa, kelt. 5. -Daring Ih. mn.th of Jennary 96 death' took pixie* In Ottawa, of ',Minch 16 were the mull of nnntaglnne diseases. is the tame month law year R4� deaths tank plea from all Massa floc Tromso. T7.• aril Clyde Oeetr•ihnl Meavlly Pressed With Work. . London, Feb. 6. -The shipyards on the Thames, Pyne and Clyde are bonding more 'hips for the British navy than ever before. A11 the royal dockyards are working overtime As .n 1 stbnoe of the energy dl.played, It may tei stated that 1n Mareh, 18118, the battleship Goliath, 12,950 tone, was launched at Chatham, and within three weeks the Irreal.t,ble a keel plate was laid. The Irresistible, 16,000 tone, was launched In December, and lad month she battleship Venerable, 15,000 tons, was laid down. Thum three battleships have 000upled one slip within ten months, • world • record. SALISBURT WAS CURT. The British Premier Repllod t.. the Nultae'a Ambee•.der Coolly. Constantinople, Feb. 6. -The Sultan, becoming •!armed at the nonelOelon of the Anglo Egyptian Soudan convention, recently In•trnoted the Turkish ambassa- dor In i.nndon to we Lord Salisbury, and anent. for the safeguarding of Turkey's right' ID Egypt. Lord Salisbury replied that the present tint* for snob an •1'' r•angsment was inopportune. Italy i• Tokio( • H..d. - London, Feb. 6,-A Central New' despalob from Rome says: "The Agenea filberts Bates {bat Admiral Broebetti, on Newel the Fler.mose., 1. proeedldg to join the other three Italian warship" In Cbineee waters, when he will sedum' eommand of the squadron- The ooneen- tnsion .0 these motels a moat important, as It onnesrna the aeenp•tton of Italy of • part of the Oolf of Perblll. ,nate,.)•, Merdtr and awl.04.. Lima, Oblo Feb. 6.- Frank Bien shot end hletanlly killed Edward Brossard soil Mary Anderson at Weatmlh.ttr, seven m11es asst of here. Saturday and )ihmedtstely afterwsri• ennmitted .eat• nide Jonlnn.y Was the .etas., Bleb and Mimi Anderson having been engage! pre •lots to Browsed a appearance on the an.ne. A Rig Orale wo,•.w.nt (1060*•. Pak 6, --General Manager Chamberlain of J H HnoSh'. railroad and eteemehlp Ilnee mays he expecte b move 16,000.000 halitosis of grain from Dnletb and (hinagn to the w via the Parry 1l.snd and Caned. At.anllc Rall w• 'emeasee` . BRITAIN'S LOVED QUEEN M.. Simko. tae Rewr4 t. Loo/t8 or M•tg. red 56,6. Pair la Mak. 44411 r. a•a.r.5s l'r,.••ar. 1.00.100, Feb. 6. -The likelihood of Her Maje.y becemlug • greet greet greed mother Is uau.ing ea 11{11. ..'IMtIOo 896 has alre.de 32 areal-gnndablldren, but If all goo. wall she will In May put •notber record to her wonderful career, when the ountloement of Primmer Hope rob Reuse le azp.otel. For a sovereign to have great-grsaFgraudoblldren is wltboul parallel lu history. CLAIMS AN " Alleged to de • Dlwlw.re by t8. 01d toe 156.8 Roel of B itHnburgb, Feb. 6.-A new heir has turned up for the UW and estates 0t the Earl of Buchan, one of the indust fami- lies in 8outlaad. 1t is alleged that • man now employed is surveying • rellwey tine In Chili le the rightful heir, Ineaead of lord Caldron', and lawyme have takeu up lila claim. The old ivy married Min' Smith of Stirliag, and Lord eardrum, born iD 1650, le their eon. She died and the Furl married_ la Ln 1570, Mies JasaglC'2t is o1*1 , r, on behalf of the man In Chili, that be is the son by a secret marriage, *blob preceded both of these marriages, and wblob was constituted legal by decimation In Soot land. The old Carl bad quarrelled with Lora C'ardross over the •entementef the .5 .51.5, and 11 le mid threatened *bred forward • real herr. The ones Is 1St* 60 b•oomo • came sel.9,.. GET TM5I1 HONKY BACK. Cortes Family of Manila to Det '1,000. 000 C•aawatod by $pyla. Manila, Feb. 0.-Oener.l Otla bas ordered to be restored to the rich Cortese family aB the property wblob the Span- ish eoefeoatml. TM value of the property M eatlmated a1 51,000.000. Waabington, F.L- 6. -Ramon Cortes and Maximo Gorton and wife are In Washington awaiting aolfoo by the War Department upon t5elr petition to have returned to them simile properties In the Pbllpploee- They are pleased .t the re - $alta HI1.9..ck Likes t►• ('ser, Loudon, Felt. n. -Mr. Ethan Allen HIIch'sock, the retiring American .m- bussafor to Russia, who was recently appointed United States Secretory of the Interior, arrived in London on Saturday on ills way to WaSbington. In an Inter- view be meld that he had a profound admiration for the young potentate, and expressed himself strongly 54 to the User's frankness. sincerity and •nter- pras- He soon a. she idea that the C>s.r's peace prop,gande le Looplred by tiny bat the highest motives. Probably a Ca..rd. Paha, Feb. 6.-A rumor 1. current hoe that the Mabdlate bane stormed the Scop of Rehr. In the Soudan. A CYCLIST SUICIDES. Walter M.1o, Slows Out Ills Igraine is Els Motel .t Slekm•ad Hill 5 .I on SSSwrd•v. l_Yblf(IrN 501. Pe4 0. -TM usual Alltelinton4 9t1F1.m.l�wd errade swstgntaga5 Satur- day morning when the sad Intelligence of the salclde of Mr. Walter Holm, the youthful proprietor of the Palmer House, was ooaveyed from neighbor to neighbor. The occurrence had happened between 10 In the morning, when the dammed env last sen, and 11.46, *ben the body was discovered cold and Melee In the front cellar of the hotel. Beside the body was an Enfield ride, that had been used to a000mplieb the rash aut. The left hand was badly blaekened, and appearances wuold ledleae that the muzzle of the ride had bees held to the mouth by 1t, *bile the trigger was palled by the rlgbt The bullet bad entered the roof of the mouth and pawed out at the back of the head, Musing instent deckle. The Mils, Is situated immediately be- low its dining room, and what seemed • /eyeery to everyone, was the fast that no one heard tics Mecharge of the rifle. Dammed had taken charge of the Notal in May, 1897, and It was generally con- ceded that he was doing a paying bud n ems. Hs was a strict Ml*otallee. and paid counsel attention to bl. business. Hie father, Mr. Harry Hulse, formerly kept hotel on York street. and now runs two bowls In Bradford, and Is widely Engem through the country. i)r, Netles, eseener m the 41.irlot, viewed the body 0. Saturday afternoon, and decided that an Inquest was unnecessary. Two little bey. and • young wife, *te Ie .Ii.tnrted with grief, are tett to mourn the mad stent TM deceased was only 27 lean old and was a Iplgodld athlete; some few years ago be was well known among the bl•yoting fraternity, having won many prlaea ■t various 00nte.t.. 15'. Nle. le Ile an-_-.._- 1%slre•1. Feb. 2 rlbe Freerh-(anon• Alam of Montreal motet be s reading peegkt when one of their pipers le able to 957 toe editor the .nlnry of the chief Joe. the of the (hurt M ADpenl.. le 17,•.se teswep•per ba Jn.t entered Into a eontr.l^t WW1 0. A. Daneerreu, by which the et- poetmaster becomes editor of Ln Ire.te at • salary of $600 • year, *1h n Dill up fife 1n.arapk police of 540.045) thrown Into a rhe Yemaw pan ■ grR1t e* the he deal A •1,500,150 0.,i 1n N.,• Stott,. Hallfar, Feb. 8, -The dee! between R. M. Whitney. et Bosom Meese.. President of the Dominion Coal Cliamenv, and the Nova geode Iron and Meet compile, hr • large portico of she Iran .rows owned by the latter 1n Newfmuonaad Is $hoot to he c.anr.let,,1 The sum Involved te *1.nen.000. Mr. Whitney's Intention le to pen ileh Iron works in (bps Breton an ■n extensive •ale, Sydbey and Louisburg win he 'se- lected. I-e*gkri. Waste • Job. North Ray, Feb. 6.-15 penned olrele. at Nip1.51ng 16 le minted that Mr. John loughrtn, M.P.P.. w111 be appointed dig, tried registrar, In anomesion to the 1.M William Doran. A largely signed potlties ham been clrnalated In his behalf, and It la understood that Mr. I.ongbrin •Igni5d h a willingness to swept the (Moe. Vim le Vancouver, B.O., Feb. 6. -Fire yowler. day destroyed Moore's tobsmo .twee at the corner of Oordooa and Hleb.re streets. Damage, ahem 911,000; Inter - anal unknown. Med From Ills Injuries. 8t. Thomas, Fob. 6. -John W. Carr of Union, who was Iajnred la Me woods • few dare ago. la dead. D•.th of Mrs, eerier. Brantford, Feb. 4. -tare, Mary J. Ver- ity, widow of Me late W. H. Verity, pa.eed swat early yeeterday morning, atter • lengthy Illne•. The *enemas' lady was widely know• and highly redeemed. Elbe was In her 66th year. She leaves • large family, among whom are: Mee. Owego Mnotbe0., 1'ueonte; Robert H. Verity, general 'manager of the Verity Plow Work.; Mee, George Nanton, Brant- ford; Mee T. B. Cartier, Exeter: Mrs. (IM..) D. W. H.meay. Ottawa; Mee R. Petard, Exeter; Willl.m .1 Verity, via•-preeidant Veen, Plow Werke; Mrs. (Prof.) Braun, Oblrtg0, end Mee. Fred, Burnett of tele (Sty. The late Mia Ver. tty was • leading ebereh works,, and her death le regretted by all. PfNlffNIIaNY FOR LIFE. Mrs. Or'della Botktn, the Cali- fornia Prisoner, Sentenced ("ems arlt.la Hr.. Grant Big Radu... neon o. J... Now 14.41011441.'. rape, 1.11.• 1. 5... 51,011, asd Mer Ase...- abl• 7.0... Aro $:0,670,000-1eaato. Cea natal to Meld Majority ..f Canada -• Life etre t slosh. A case of smallpox 1s reported in Corn- wall, Ont Coslm. Wagner, Ire widow of Hlobard Wagner, the grant 0mpo.er, Is danger- ously Ill of pueuwonle, at Vietnam The Hay Bros.' ehelr factory Is likely 10 be rebuilt, as It Is e.6d the town will either loan or Mums them eo the extent of 526,V.W. Ausording to the •awosor•' reports she population of Hamilton a 51,011. 1 h '167 bas asso•sabl. •Aloe. amounting to .5 6 6 VUO FELL ANOTHER CENT. 5o Euuoareetag *ow, M aaheSM•1e ea >.tu,drr, Vua.eh There Nre 11.111.40 lr All r)aert.re Y►lee•. Saturday KlrnI.g. F h 4. L1lrrvajM wheat futures were heave enrols today. ''•'+•try{ lad per cepu1 lower thou )55 ertlay, Perna wheat wan unete •ed to -day. tylia dour *teed), to 6 reutlmes off. ('hleago futures o.•utluur on 410.11 gill 40 Oa,. IMO the market recorded • remotion of still •uuthar twin, menus In all . .t:vp of user 6t• per Mabel for 115, week rude! "today. New tort end o,. least. loth sold arid there w.• 66tH, or int eue.urasb.a .4111 !hailing around. - L.ao.aa Wheat NarWt.. Ares fork ... NIS 0 T4' Milwaukee ... V flit . •• St. Lutla .... O 4 0-T4 iq illL4 p, 1Wdo .. V 711y .... . �„ Dclnib. No. 1 N. r. hero .... V 0+')k o 55% 0 T H 0 Tl';4 Duluth, No. 1 MnuLespldie , 0 66% it .. i '1\rt•olq vas.. 0 W .... • • • • fort ere, too. 1 herd Mewl.. 0 91 .... Toronto 5t. Leverenee Markel. Torre wYd,dalr snorkel today las fares . 1 1,rtalu. r. 5114+o'' ..'a,:,ting cheaper and �t.lass- to ,15e. ()heirs The Yrs County Ooonelf has aM!!�P Gelewe .o►-Je• ably oonelderell the air Hue propel* fpm le Ill" "1"' I,u 1"" K1evve I., ...,r. d uud arty bushels' of grays Toronto to Ueorgan Bal. 1t did •o hew ally In a resolution. -- - Mrs Spool of Montreal gave birth to • child on the C.P.H train arrlviug It Otlrwa Saturuay night Bothe are doles well at the Ottawa Maternity Hoap 1.l. Fitly -0v Toronto publlo sellout boys left fur Tampa as "troop." on Saturday to amend the mammal nel•bratloa WON as representative' of our army. Thee aided firma. 1)r. Lewis Johnston*, one of tic• best- knowu physicians In Nova Scotia, is dead at Sell■rto0, N S. H. was Grano Mown et the limonite Grand Lodge of Nova Moils In 1887 8. The number of emigrant. from British perm to Canada during January was: Eng•Pt.b 831, trials 14, Sands 14 and for- eign 406. To Australia there went 717, •nd to Ib• Cape 1,469. The Deportment of Finance at Ottawa on Saturday rewired $29.38 sonemence money frum "Britisher," Kingston, be lug 1125 deo, with four years' oompound In lare58 A mac named Trel•,eau jumped from • Grenadine Pantie train Sean ewlft Cur- rent on Ss$acday and was found yeswr- day germs distance front the track with h is threat omit It le clearly • case of sui- cide. Forty-Ibrwe tbou.sd dollars has al ready teen paid oo the John hewn fire maims las '1'orooto o7 lusuranoe .00u.pan- les doing Mistimes In Ontario. Twenty- three tbommed MAT M MW bens Iron torted, _ - It Is now said Mal Senator Coe holds tke majority of the Canada Life Co paid-up stock, and that 1b• appeal meet log on the 1468 hitt. w111 .0190,6*. r• moral of bead offices from Hamlitou w Toronto, Prince Alfred of Sams-Coboarg-Goth., grandson of the Queen, w111 leave the sanitarium at Memo, Austria, La Yin. recovered from els nervous breakdown. He w111 be taken to l(cjp) by his parent. 11411/ • long way. Mrs. Coidella Deakin was..ol.need to 6�alisa tee life at Sae P".gione ter - ttliHtta� in' tic murder at n75. Jolla' 1'. Denning of Dover, D•1., whom she killed by means Of poisoned candy mot through tie mails. Viscount Hinton, the organ -grinder, who olan,n• to be tin' heir of Karl Poo lots, has sold bis own effigy and the organ sends be ground so long In err streets of London, to Mme I'nese ud• war works and golf the mendicant buil noes. He wept as he carted with the organ. A able .575 Orem Prison's boatmen boom keeps pace with that of the Unite: States, that not le 10 years bee there been Ruth general prosperity In Maims. and stocks, that the Increase in the l'n. ted Stams exports arbores lees attention than it would in ordinary times, a the manutaeturer. have all the order* they Oen 011. The magistrate of the District of the Cathedral at Havana has Indicted Senor Ca.taeeda and foot members of the board of dlr.e$oi. of the H Tramway Co for fraud. The Indictment 1" based upon the Shards that the directors mold M. tramway to Castaneds, who was the Pm est bidder, under the influence of • bribe The deolslon of the judge hos created ■ tremendous sensation lo the fifty. Va.saa rine a . Gold Prod..yr. Weabington, Feb 6. -According to Consul Brush at (Tifton. Caned*, the output of gold front the Klondlk• ao,l British Columbia has rained Canada to the fifth place In the list of gold-protoc• ing countries. While the United State. shows an inor.a•d output for 1898, It i. "t111 ..onnd to the Transvaal. Aceordint to the lancet throne, the five lading gold prolaefng nountelei for 1898 are e. follow.: 'Transvaal 174,47,600; Uattid Stat, 564,3431,000); Mistretta, 181,484, - 768; Kumla, 1:6,136,994; Cooed*, e1., 190,000. Levet Themh and Finger., Wlarton, Ont., Feb. e.-fel r. Vogl. millowner, Adam•vllle, had both ban.'• badly l•oereted by the shingle saw in b+ null on Sator0.y. the thumb one take off AN right band, and two fingers e0 81s Left C.•e• of Grip. Aslte,ilH, Onl, Feb. 6.-Pi'enty Mee of la grippe have developed at the Ineti• tailors for the Deaf and Dumb- None o then. are "alone. 111 Fire st Barrio. Berrie, Feb 4--Yeetsr.ay Ore broke eon in Voir R. Co.'s drygood. *tore, and spread on one vide to Mrs. MoNeill'. 11, - Ing apsrtmente, • store recently vacated IN Frawley Jt Devlin, J. F. Jeekeoa7 photograph gallery and W,,., , Pas's dry - goods Orme, and on the other aide to H. ,w. Stephens' clothing store, flames Valr', grocery and R. H. Williams' storm and tl,Ing roo.n.. The block of six storm was owned by W. A. Pee, Thomas Jobn,nn, George I'Iaxton, H O. Orobam, J. S Johnson anal Robert King, .r., whom loose ars about 5500, 91.500, 53,700, 95,000 and 1500 r•epen}heiy. The mer- chants who lost are: W A. Pae, 91,008; J. F..taekson, 5400; Valr d; Co., 51.,• 000; R. A. Stephen., 93,000; Jame VaIr, 54,000; it P. William., 91,94)0; Mr. MnNe111, 9300. With tbe eteeptlos e rho last named, the loom are prttolly covered by Insurance. *het•• la IM wlad Nowt Ottawa, Feb. 4. -Ron. Moen. Mills, Blair, Fielding end Hltton have left hen for New York, where 11 1. understood they w161 meet the Premier, 1lr Richard Cartwright and Sir hint. Davies. The eonfere.se w111, 1t Iv thought, he in eon section with the deliberation' of the high somm151100. Rah, 05.0531• • Potted - Mishawaka, ind., Feb, 4. -Then was born M the wife d Noble /tenth, In this city, the smallest Infant ever reported In Northern Indiana. Tee ehlld 1. •boot the aim of an ineendeenent eleetrle light globe and weigher one pound. Tbe physi- elan, toe old preens Inner, says It *111 Hie mei as to loom, What, weedy. wbite, 10u blt.hel. at 71yµ•: rt.i, 13o bushels at 7144•; emcee. 5110 bush.da at *8'. oats dem. 4W nuelble at 34c to 33.'. !brim are, 0*1 buab,.b at 41k• to 51'. Pros •teadr�. h..a.', �buabes •, IIS'. Hesr� Hest. are: light, *5.247. to Hay, 26 loads, timothy at 58 to 4f1.30, and c4uwrr at 116 to $7.50 ..•, Straw. 4 Lade at 84 to $7. Mut Hsa.le cattle Markel. Kest Buffalo, Feb. 4. IIow.'lpte of dales cud (Imelda cattle, •beeb and toga during the 24 hour* eroded at uuon to-d*y were: Cattle 121 ears. sheep dud tarot,$ I8 caro. bug. 5C8 cars. Sblpment• of rattle 97 care • hero and Lambs 14 cart, hog. Ill cars. l'.tlle-There were 14 loads on sale, all Canadian stutters. Four load. erre add ■ t abate tenets to ship through. There was no Iltye to the calve trade. etude. to erne, 67.50 to 57.75: good l6 choice. $7 L' 17.50. She and 1.0Are, 3e mads on sale The Market was g.wprall, steady oil the Ions of LS to $5.05. Lamb* Good 10 ruche. 84.901 to LIG: volumes to (fond. 64.15 to 14.1)0. Sheep-4'hok-V to rater, $4.23 to 14.40: good to cboMe, 54 to $4.26: common to seed, $2.76 to K1.73. Hoge -The marine o.pene'd steady. with '5 load. on sale. Medium end heavy 14 to Slid; Yorkers. Klan In t1; ply* 5.11. to 11.70; roughs, $1.23 to 51.46: ateg.L 52.75 to $3. Clodng sales west full, live 4e5(1, lower than the opening: good w.'110" York tri n'•Alh obtalnebl.• at 51.96; medium end brave, $4, and nig.. 51.05_ Britton Markets. 1lv*ped- Feb. 4.-02 110.1 - Nn- 1 Nor sodas wheat. 5.: No. 1 nal . Its 11.1 In M 1,1 red winter. 1L nal: fors, new, 1. 'M: o I I 1. 914d• one. .Sal iter pork. 514: lard. Vi. Ifd: {•pew, Ida; bt.en. 310111 eat. hem.. 27. 6.1: 11[9.. 27s: tor, light. 25.: chard, 1.6111 wh1tt •nd ,vdored 4118. L 411110ol- Chloe Apo( wheat doll: awl minter. es 2d; No. 1 Northern. ea- No. 1 Val -.G. Sal: Stterakjeg d . led winter. le Rild for Merril and 6a T 4 f.r alae. Wale ►lead,; 5. Itttd for new mud 3. 9tel for old. futures quiet: new. M 7(4.4 for March and 3s Fed for May. Flour, 195 A 611ALLPOI 61E0E. a.ead-Cp of the (loostf'd the •...dome Hotel at Omaha, Neb. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 6. -Teres eases of smallpox were discovered at the Vendome Hotel, 1n the centre of the alt,. on .sat today morning. The beetle department was notified .nd the place was at once an.rastined, -* sqlsitet pWie Mere hurried to the hotel. and when 7M ge.5ta stetted to come out as ostial they discovered that they were prisoners 'there were many prote.M. Tiem•W. -men Mewed 60 be permitted to go *Way, promising to leave the city Dy the first train, or os toot. 1f necessary, bat none were allowed to come oat of the hetet. l'evmal daring fellows, who preferred ant sort of adventure to wire abut top for ern days, 611pr.J eat through the skynght. teal•'! the edjaeent roofs and, making [bele way through the snow and Ice over IDs boom top, mac• aged to reach the ground atter many narrow escaper. Home of them were Ota oersted and get sway only afire a foot ilia with the ofbe.re. N*ITIIM COL,f , i• Pe, LITRES. rive smarted M tatme , 2<.5*wleal 3510.4 of Fear► `---- - _.. Victoria, B.C.„--Feb. &-At W open- ing of the sitting al the Lowteatore on Saturday the certificates of Meter Turner, Hall and McPhillips, Ler Vie Soria City, were read, and the members were formally Introduced and toot tbefr . eat.. Hon. Mr. Martin, In moving the me- ond reading of the 9111 60 .0.nd the Commutation& Act,. and It wan Intended to maks the portfolio of mines 5e lode• pendent department, beside* conferring a deOnite statue upon the portfolio cf solo cation, and the President of the Council He Intimated that It Is the Intention to have five salaried Ministers Instead of four. A ('"ally Ol.,. .f Llq.or. Venom:Der. B.C., Feb. 6 - Heinle effort nos being mete to proem' the Oh of whiskey to Indians. A fine of 5250 wax Impo40.1 on a man who mill one g lass of liquor without a lioanas it 1. aarered that • big fond le taring rained in YMMle to defeat the Lens' Columbia Government and knoek oat the alien labor law 1.6.at.•l'ol F floe was married on slat u ralay. t: H, HA.' Itl I./,r 5TA4 KILLED. •e me. Yelhtr of New Fork Tr.Ih'• --- r.r.at Illustrator. Ingersoll Feb 2. -Mr. George H.m• bides of the Ingersoll Port Parting Cowpony met with an mecldeni at the re►Id.nee of Mr. William McGrath on Monday night whleh has rescued fatally. Mr. Ilambidee'■ wife and family are In Toronto .ielsing relative*, and daring their •beenr• he Was hoarding at Mr. Mo(lretb'e 11e went to the house for tea • bye usual hoar, and atter supper went op.tafrs. When going from ens of the other hoarders' rooms to bl. owd Ls had to am the stair.. and It Is suppose stepped over the lending. He fell to t31- bottom, alighting nn his heed. Ile wae carried upstairs to his room and a physl elan was sent for Wh,n the dortnr arrived it was Need that he was resit- badly shaken tp, hot hie Interim. were not thnught serinus. '1 be people In thn bnuse, chinking that be we. '.ot eerioud' hart, retired at their asnel time. Inthe' morning one of the Inmates of the hones *ebt to Mr. HamMdgsroom and he was eneonslna.. The domes was Immedletly sent for, hat nothing roald h e done He never regained embalm), n es, and passel away Meant 11 n'elook Coseuq.ior, of the brain 1. given as the Moss of Ala death. Ih easel had been a rockiest of this town for a number of years, and has been a valued employs of tic• Ingersoll Pankfnc (lompany for ,ever 18 years. H• was 56 year* old, and one of 96. sons la Jay, the groat simnel).* illustrator l0 New York. reetlgea Sema» W 111 Mia p.wu. Sneered, Feb. 1 -The sta1th6n1 r . gaoling Hos. Mr. Canteen's pnrpeetive entry ial she Lander Cabinet ming be- lievers hen ovary day. 16 le said aloe that a large seeable of the 0.6910.8 1e for appointing him M the Senate In place of Hen. Mleh*.l Alamo, bet teas • other tontine feels ram It went' be Memel Im• possible en pacify the New Brenewlet Liberals If this Mere dote Aia[eaM[NT SY$TCNL 8s0 The Canadtan Order of Forestay has a larger Surplus par heart, and still larger for each 91,000 of rink tarried, than any other Society of the kind In Canada. 8urpIus per member $s 1.85; per $i,uoo. oo of Insurance $io, 95 All the money received from the monthly Insurance fees is placed tate the Insurance Fund, and no portion of this fund or the interest accriasg thele. hem as be seed for any purpose what- ever other than the liquidation of data claim certiOnttn. Nota fraction cos M tied for managing purposes, All asks careful l y selected. Nine purely Camels,. we 0011treet 50 risti In foreign countries, thus ensuring low death rate. Our death rate of 5 .44 of last year, and the average rata of 497 for the past nineteen years, 'posh for themselves. For further particulars esquire of 5170119* Oaken or Members of Use Order, or et R. ELLIOTT, THOS. WHITE, H.0 t- tegenoll Hlgb See',, sefatloee ERNSTOARTUNO, 5.0., lra.tb.< RIPENING CREAM. A Ilatggoslle• That N. ■alp Te. O.t or D1me.ltr. There ars very few things eeaseeted wise dairying that do not amentimM mon or Ism work-oftllmes mon than leas, says Hoard's Dairyman. The rlpan- lag et cream Is one of those tillage la wiles the 'moms of the dalrym*• do- peod' on his .0.011oo to details, as re- gardserpentan end time. Any dairy - lam wile lamed, to make MOW dmMK' the winter months abould have • room, dams or twee hex, when he gas have coma* 5171310. MI. some eontrol over the temperature Mlle is Deeesary If the work la 60 as deo. without •zeesslve labor, II a p1... of this kind ma be peddled, tw q.eeN.s of ripsaleg eream bee see • very ample ewe, eves 1e whaler. Fie Skeet W90 have sot ■ room that sea M kept ata •ream ripening emperaltre, we would suggest • doable box 118. Owes out. This I. a double beg with h{r M s11 Inaba, epees round the sides sal e msta. If the boles could he mode ser. maw•atly tight. so petted wtal1d be /S- quired. But as I' le, 11 had refer M. packed with sawdust, palpar, sum= et sons* ether son-eondteUq m.tmtal shag M'lean and odorless. A ... el ureas man be eel Is • box of this kind, wed If N la properly made, the seine will Mee boa Ilea of its beat daring 6h* MON. Iso to W a•rlrg 1 rough*. Wherever dost 1. watered from trough* in said weather teen should be • Nita axed at the lower end of the trough ea that with IM removal •11 the water sae be drawn off every nlgbt. 16 afar better, however, te water .took t■ winter la pends where the lee w111 remain frame all winter, only cattle, the trent tee that Ma formed over night d the waterlog plates. TM water ender thine la • deep pond Is kept warmer by the ley severing, and la amorally at the surface under the lee mean! degrees below f ming. if the weaning trough a allowed te 111 with Ise It w111 keep the water miry near the trees- iag temperature. A rooming Mack where the lee may not Neese ■t all M. water mach solder than 11 1s ander the lee to a pond. Mer 11.1104. Smith -My wife's too much of an orthe dot to suit me. .lone -Makes you get to and go to ehnreh on Sunday mornings del Smith -No; but judging from her Mo- lar raid' on my po.'ketbook .he evidently believes In the theory that, man is nude s[ "dam" Too T..ga., The doctor malt: "Show me your tongue Bus the bright Ilttle mall was high .trnngue. "My tongue isn't get," She .n.wpred him quick. "Tbs trouble's way down In my longue '-