The Signal, 1899-2-9, Page 5y,N et.,lPle
sawn tl10 AMMti tout i.
as *Id Mears. town Theo ruree• • Ube
Akio. •ft the r,....t and the V.
Toe Leith•'sler death of .de ole had ba.
moo bus 01 £mb.niburg era erileo for
Tan `liana, by • mina. wom.•a who elem.
Gds ton se bee Mate;
First Arrivals
Fifty pieces of high class English Tapestry And
Brussels Carpets opened this week.
Prints, Scotch Oinghams, White Piques, Rodman
Satins and Organdies.
Ten cases Just received.
(Blitteriok'. March Patterns and Delineator now in.)
lark* Logit Fester key rested tile
(.. s.,ml betel sad takes poesees ice of it.
Bullets : EU Crich hem avid his err sere
farm es the sward o-eari.s of Belled te
Joke Cbas.y ler 8.3.000.
Morrie : Rpm. Ludlam, et Ber.4de,
Mas, wee vis4tass hie mater, Mr. George
Ja.bas, fer • few days roomette.
Etats... Joke Elliot, banister, .1 British
Columbia, le bome veins( manses Is
wsneetles with his deesassd father's estate.
Biose : tss bars that J. A. Williams.
of Zonal'. • wiser of Mr. CoLbledieh, is
toads untag to Exeter at as early date to
eleM M emaawag the roller mills he..
Mabrtb . Mir M, Seeable, daughter al
hie luat1N, who bad ham brooded for
time with • sero tem -1611-411e .iia/
tasmbsr removed by Dense Mac-
Grey : Tsmt4y el last weak, the Bois
bewobn sod Mua
Mrs. Fells, their sr.rMsrs
....,d is xuaa Thaw were brit esiwdtme
the ftaagal .f their smother, Mn. P. Bea,
Ilia cos.
Casten . T. Qofgny, sheem.keewho
W derided es remora to Kibnbrtdc., bus
disposed et hie hunger to Mr. Wigsls,la40
of Lond..b.r., wbo took poesseet.. es
Wedsesdiey, FSh. lot
Seafsrth : 1).... Resens, et
h. W.T., I here es • visit While bees be
e pmrMabsg hares e -M te aka beak with
Wm, sed wes op at Kinard. sed Wisg-
tlrlew dor huh for than perpeee.
Yea. (lit ) Graham, formerly
Br�sWs� .Leas treasurer et
the W. F. M. el WHEN Presbyteries
°bomb. Chios. se ofilos wbloh she has ked
rear. of 5..'.ranee la Silas s Brussels.
Tseksrsmith . As told amid very highly roe
.p.eted remiss* of tits tow.•b.p, a the
person of Mr, Whitley, of the Beres read,
te her reward es Friday •,eels.,
rosy 27th, se the ripe ego of 83 year.
Bla.lq • A anemias sad aarsN.g ones
wee 554.1nted at the hems of Y re. Oraestok,
tied .u..s.tos. se Jas 20,1r, "thee Ya.
9boriOid W. Rd wards, both of Coart-
wrickt, were netted Is ter hely heeds d
Hswll IterW,(• lie'Kerr. of•11,
Ms resetv54 • eeSaleious toenail.. to he -
seem t1it motor of Grace eb.reb. 8t.
Themas, fair the wit term. Re has .000pt-
d sabj•es to the rautleattsa of the saHon-
tag m.altw.
Cllatoa : Yr. Sean• 'mutated proo.d-
fags to miss* "sayer Shaw, on tbs ,road
thin be had bees • mealier of the Collegiate
tastiest* beard se the time of baa aeml•e-
des, wMIob, It I Maimed, dag•sllded him.
Lumbago and Rheumatism
madeHarmless_ by d's
Kidney Pills.
Lumbago and Rheumatism caves
endless pain and suffering. Every
man and woman who runs chances of
getting wet, or catching cold, is liable
to suffer from one or both. Oar
hospitals are full of sufferers from
these diseases i none are more pain-
ful. Every nerve is on fire ; every
joint is a centre of agora ; every mus-
cle an arta of torture. To move hand
er foot makes the victim shriek with
Rheumatism makes more cripples
than all the railroad accidents that
ever happened. Twisted, mis-shapen
caricatures of humanity, who cannot
walk without ntni. , are to be seen
every day. The kidneys are to blame.
If they are healthy you needn't fear
Rheumatism or Lumbajo Dodd's
Kidney Pills keep the kidneys healthy
and cure Rheumatism and 11..,au,mbego.
Dodd's Kidney Pills AI.wATS (Svcs
9%ser them 50.t.a0 the mbar, the mayor
. mhd.rsd his rasmsnea Sae ►oou,.oll 6.1
week. 0 Joheetes was appointed to set
es ptsmdty idiom dine/ tits vaeasoy. 11
. repotted that Mr. Searle will dam the
Loodmboro : A Megan wee gt... at
ladsbero re Wedesday *maim of Iasi
week to hoses of Dr. Ape., who 4. leaving
then shortly ler Oerwy, seeomphmyue
Dr. Terabit'', d Claim. They themes to
leave .bout the middy .f February.
Beasley : We deeply regret to Imre H
the data .f James Forst, of the Parr lies.
Seely Mr. Forest had tones IU for about
a1 Months, and be wee r.ltsved from his
suffering ea Saturday, J•as.ry 21es. Hs
had reached the good old t(• .f 84 yeah.
1;. W ; Robs M.K..r.. bee ei-
ok.og.d his 81• y] sore proper: y ea emit ethos
3 fora faro of bile more with J M.Ilo.gk.
et ocomesiee 5. A.kfisld, near Oeseao...
Tb. def emote armv Yr. McKesne, we
ethers and, I i• the aa5bberheed of $1300.
Usbera.: Os Wedoeadae emend of lest
that, •1 the reatde.o. of the bride's father,
Blowhard. bibs Vie Chowe, eldest
daughter of Wo. C&mws, of Arderwn, was
married to Mr. Rake, of Ushers.. Mr
Chows wee • former reeldeet of Ushers*
Grey : Another old resident et Grey
paesd they 8&tardey, January 28th. a th.
Wass of Mrs. Robert P.•r.ea, ere, 41b too. bad Lw ailing for some um. be,
It was sot thought serious oat she
meth symptom of p.eemenl about • week
before her death.
Braes•& : Dr. Menem who bed boon
mortis/ Dr. Aalhe.leob daring hie resent
111nw, left Bru.sls lest week, se Dr. K•Ib
emit T able to attend to his traetieo as
uss•1. Dr Monroe m.y take • wane at
the New York brownie. Be the . area
.trek .f (needs here.
Clinton . M W Haggai th, of Hibbert,
Muer .f Jam. Hnlgvtb, Rewtl, with ban
see of her lower limbo thipateted • tae
veer. a/o, was bro.gbt hen last week to r
treated. Fear are ssterisleod that tun her
amputation will hese to be dose. Math
syemtbd M felt for the vomit lady.
Wiseman : Many w111 regret te leam of
the death of E Nmol, el Barre. Man
tot.. Y❑ Nrel was well and widely
kswe a this Bounty. For merry years b•
was • readmit of the towwb.p of Tooker
o.ltb, sad &bog wetly. previous to r.mev-
inn to Yonitob., was to Month in Wilful.
Z.riob . Joeetb&m Merger has purchased
• hid( Interest 40 his brother'. enteral .tare
here, •.d .ill re-eessge la busies. in
Zero's. The firm have p.rehmd the
merchant milorlhg b5Nn.s of El Appel,
mid will red it is cossootlos with the dem
Mislead Mr. Appel hevisr bees rotela.J
as (Mier.
Emond will.: Ws mares
of the as Marne 8. Hdllu•.s, whose re-
mains were I.terred Is ear ousterse
Mende, 5Useee .. of let west:. It ls
laded • .ed ef.eUsa ler the broths
wed doter 1. Me hem, who, wlthis two
year, ham bees bereaved .f their meth*,
sod the deter..
Bromds : Two male, the property of
Jae :Maw, teak • cold beth tae utmwueh h, getting as Ibis hole in Ihe W
.1 the mill dem where the Im setaes Mai
be.. .t work the tn.Noa. day. Tb•
bo.Ieea were estraaad. but not before
some .( the rslieviog party had been nipped
y Jask Frust
W Isg`hero • GIs. 8. Ader.on, of H..I.
. tee Mae., Me been speediest • few days
with old Meade in this vlolelty. Mr. A. -
dense was .t ..e thee lead lawyer ter his
sole, J. J. Aden, a his saw -mill .t
W lashes,. 14 le bon years ides he left
here H. has boon engaged a the eadmet-
lag sed building Ilam is the West, and hes
date will
Egoist : Mrs. M. J. Verity, wife d ile.
lath W. H. Verity, pealed sway at as early
sear lase F. id•y ..ening at Breatferd,fe.m
heart trouble, le her 66thear. TM late
W. H. Verity wthe fender of the Verity
Pasgh Company .We reediest in Exeter.
Th. family removed to Westford thew.
serell year age. ead.N•blisb.d the Verity
plsmgk weeks there.
Valentines 1 Valentioes!
, Vd illr's w, Twenty, Fob. 1414111V
We have an artistic display of Vikntines,
ranging from 3c. to 50c. You should see them to
appreciate them, --and for those who do not know,
1 would just mention, they are once more all the
FRIDAY MORNING, FEB. 3RD, We place on sale
Canadian Diaries, ranging in price from 20c. to
111.00. Sale price, 4 oft'
Presentation Calendars, ranging in price
from 5c. to $ 1.00. Sale prig, 4 off.
Peloubet's Notes on the International Les-
sons for 1699, regilfar• price, $1.28. Sale price. .75c.
Look sharp ; don't wait till too late.
Tilephone No. 100. Court House Square, Cioderich.
There aro fan pleas le O•i rto w Mt sr -
est as as the little uw. of Amher.tborg
1N morrow •-meat•--mi ,.•slow I1" ole.
f•n.elr he oes14 seely Mobs bad..tth his
Bii.c110.rr woes he may- its owns old
renoa transom, inagtd with ihe mare
oumateeplaoe 'lt.otures a the preesat time,
Ibe broad Woo neer, Ube ,pretty bleeds
Bou Bash and Groins Isle, with the *Iimpse
of Lek. Erle not far to the south, menthe
to make it • moot •itr.oNve spot.
Only the towns of Coterie oath to
older thea Ahberethmr[, or Malde, as
was tolled for stay years.
1. the days of the tar-tredsr• some
Traub settlers nude their Mem aear the
neer, formas[ the .uoleas of the preens
Mug. Tura Cooed& was lakes by the
British, .ad before many years bad passed
moldier from the d4sb..Jud army and U. E.
L.4elt a from the resoled A leets oelq-
see ew.a.d the sits, .f nectars a UM
district, 5.111 A.b.ntber51.e.m. • pie.e
of e.bdderabie lm Luer. feeble•
Mose from the United 8aaw ssg&m to
seek • refute there; thus the tem hu •
. az.d population, the mild eilm+. woofs/
to .kit sties the dark, wary lnoobm•s•
the (scrim A•gbo•Sssoo and the .p•teeuo
The beaks of the neer and the wooded
islesds seer were, tee[ Ye, • f..eries to
tort of laths. tribes, sad metro trepa1N
will reword the slalom relit hunter. O.s
resident of tb• town paroh.sed, • tow yo..n
ego, an std homestead o. the Neer frost.
Wbsa grdleg the elope to the deer be um -
e arthed several liaise graves, white .s
merit/ration preyed to Sam bow mads
mere chit. • eistery eat. lose bite paves
b. gathered .Il kinds el .ruck., met el
whlob h. 0.. .till . he peseemea. Timm
aro braomlets, 'umbra, beside .f all desertp-
tt.os. q.siat stole* arebede and arrow-
heads, swords. a..lwts. eves teimhas,
wleoore. mid needles. the ant m..,tined
.rllols seed likely beteg treasures r•ss4ved
is barter fro the far traders rem tears
ago. Toy braes kilted, were lead pissed
spade dews se the boosts of the boded
•users, probably tee they might heel the
wherewithal be ..sit the same ..pissed es
rhe heavy husks/ armada Atone arrow-
te5d• haws bole bend a almost •eer7 feet
of ground in the tows; plou*am.s used to
tun them op by some ; bets dtgcime
for lett ass.rthea then, not.' the, bemuse
tee memos te .torsos scum, Bolide were
atmos. as .ohms; o•..o. balk .f some-
what rarer eeoa're5su.
Ahbsr•tberg bee witswssd gems eternise
seems la the war of 1818 jt wee the
eh l meed
led stronghold •s the ' las side of
he Detroit Aver. To Fart Malden To
iamb led his warden te aid the British.
The stone tree .tab that hefts warrior
&rescued his braves I ..rofully preserved
rid a posted out a see of the sights of
he tom. T. Fors Meld. Brook sante
ilk kb V.sps sad from there he smelted
8•adwieb to repel the teres of the s•
Afr•r Brook's rodent to Niagara, Bri►lsb
troops ender Col Prooar held the tort e■
1 the diwtreo• battle at Patio -Bey
tweed them to retreat up the 'ammo river
and Fort Walden and all the earrowsda[
sky fell tate the bawds of the
eases trams. 8.... of the leh.bttes•e of
he N.e went earned by the Crated Siston
are;- to Belle We. neer D•k•tt Coe ma
ith bun t e•year-old sea made kis seethe,
walked all the way to Niagara to join
• Britoil there Of •..b misrtal were
• early bottlers of this o.setry made.
Little ief the old fort sow rsmius, Unlash
Img, sorrow bullring 1• still petered eat
the old dais -bell ; • tiny seek -bosom is
robed a 11, The mouth en which the
.5 was pirated .till shows the dimmed sad
• 8.s -,riff rooted in It. The k...hee
h•rb *arrtwodd the [rounds are partly
led *p, but to the berth are still wore
rR th,•sgh new all free. -grown.
The how .hest Brett mads the head -
serum me torn does only • kw yeah
o, bat several other buildings°, that limo
smith in appsreauy geed oedime.
When the war was elided part of the Mod
tweed the fort was portioned out those
soldiers ; •Imre 'Aare of the r.malud•r
was for years •000pied by an asylum 4.. tit*
Imam. os the removal of the asylum te
Leaden the platy .5. ooaverted into a plot
•o[ mill,
which is mill busy ; while the river
basks, where wt mle oche paced to and
fro, are limed with pretty summer rstd•
During the rebelllos of 1837 Amherst Mrs
was ya.o one .,f 14.. of lvf points of 4.t•rv.,
is the West For • abort um • ropmeet
el *Adair' was satloo•d there, to the is
few delight of .11 the small boye of tb•
tows. The prinotpal work..00mpl.shed by
this mimeos seem to 1..m baa the dririy
of • Medial of rebels from Pelee Islam, Is
width enoeunter a few ealdis. lost their
live. An odd bet vbetmitlal monument
was sr•o'.d to their testrory in the yard of
an old thumb.
055 of the •vena of that rebellion .till re.
toted with moot' atsreat by those who r.-
ooIl•ot the eoesrrs.eo was the snorers of the
.chooser r• Anse. " The vessel esu attar
down the rites with several rebel.. 300 inset
el arms .d two eases' She res •armed
near the mouth of the rimer, 8.....f the
men of taw Iowa, with rely • dozen "r sin
nfies .ming them, pothered oe rhe bash
and fired at the•r, wen.disg end
hIllieg emend .gs 'lumen se the .asasi
returned the are bet Mjnr+ so este i' be
Ica winter,Ms it wee saflfsi•stly hrm to
bear ei mdd.eil• weight, and 11N tomatoes
walked NPR to the ..►.Deer. bearded .d
'eek pesssslea et bee. The emi.•o were
leaded, and one of them ee.dl lbw to freer
et the A.i.,etbsrp Nme hall.
tion •f the old hewer le A.b•r•tbar,
aro vary essboly use, la p•rlhUar, the
hems le wl'tob else old I.die relies aro to
be ren, is Manning with its bread halls, i4.
pel'ehed Been mid lovely old 8rp-plats
whisk ems oda ieoy Meddles/ 11101 and
.•nett se mid wines, ar..t.p. The old
khakis of Use hoe.s has been left us•
shared, and there the Indies rebs are d..
Played with ether objects of almost steel
I. ewes, the brig from Detrol. te A.•
her•nbrg ley bet ie delightful ; the river b
se breed sad Mos. the beaks promo .sob
meted awes, the pas•ee ee many waft of
efferent triads sed d.•.. front the little tad
or the etbl bergs le tem ai•edo sW.ship.
that the trip is only tee shed. Thee th.
town •sd the pretty perk of Bele Ritmo op-
posite offer s meth of Interne that • day
peeves •11 tee qul.kty, and ems departs wIM
the hope that the leg* o*pertestey to vide
o ath hitherto setas my nese same.
lag MA1•UM e, at.ortant-
Free the Lewis* [Asset : Al the med-
iae of the Paris Henpiteb Y.t15.1 Chewy
MU en Deo 15, Y. Lyssdro..l•re.d by
she *Vie tadreanill &..•a al dru.kea.e.,
naked tf n weak, the be psi elble to with.
theme the lay smile et . isp adtbsaer
em the daggers ef •leehai, wbe be ea Irma hooter meshed, that of
gNaw y ter the a/tt.Mlm it *slants
batons lbws with .lsiW*.. of /aloha
prepar•loms heehaw, t1e of N..bs4.
M. 1.0..dre nus boa *rioted fee W
patients • little leafl•o, the We of w11.1
rano r fano :
"Most el the abeam Weald la the
bos*Itela ante from atdshei4. acts-I1.h
1► M sap, they ere either sawed sib y•ggR�r►►
Mild ythe these .f Gimbel ABale01o14.
abbe ace dsa..e.s. God the meet br.g0
ars thew w)t4.1 ...tet. seal. la addl.
O n NwMI-50. fr MAIM, Gb*Ibs
a.d the sweated sprt..ts, sinned death
"Abidere dtMaku are arae alMgesmm
slew abet was rql* -s..w Imbrue
To make room for importations, prices
are cut down to clear out goods quickly.
('rose -Cut Saws -clown to
Hanging Lamps
Carpet Sweepers
Table Cutlery
Tie Chains
Sleigh Bells
. • •-e.
• 1.00
= • 1.00
1.00 per doz
35 per pair
. 16
from 10cc. to 11.00
All other goods in proportion.
The Tanners' Headquarters.
A IEw Aaalv[L O/
_17 -
In various style.
and eaoelient vales.- - - -
W C. GOODE. Chemist,
tlt.tit7C ji z�
Don't attempt to cure a Cold
- with a few Candies I
-1185 *Mt -
It gess right to the met mad eves .pwdlly.
26o.--6 for sa.00
Oar Cherub' HooPy Caoth Ctrs
mealw .. A ethearlly 1..... •
•lwkolto-t •., slowly poisoned by sleet.
--oyes If be Dever gee g4gk Usa,„o
day he drink. sleeted to tie lige( igsust
or two much waw, more them eao hero per
•Aloohol Is o poises 1b• habitual use of
whiob destroy. mereor less quickly. bs
nese the the osrorgasmly, all the orgasm meet
seosseary to ld.-sbe stomach, tb• liver
the k.donys, the blend '..oils, the heart
.ad t he bras. Alcohol steno mw, bat
dem net strengthen 4,... It is no oohed
tote for food. but takes away the tate tee
it "-'Does who oboe drak sloohol or tee
meat wise (more than see litre • day) ace
math mon table bo ill maw's= ill
h I James ; "Practical Poultry Kiwi.,." A.
1' i attielfrese ; "Domestic Eooeom,,~" Mr...1,
L. Smith ; •'8.f.e Bresdlue &ad Feeding "
John C. Nobel : and ••'loberoal•.ele," D
MoOree. A paper by Charles W. Nark, me
the h kis of Ostsrio In their relation t.
t a(riealtun, a • .peal feature of moth
Interest as it comprises 32 Bee Illwn.
• of C.daee
n bird. with information oeera
lesinful them. which show. eh. ful port they
pas s 00511. .s.
. with farm sooy.
Ie I&mother appendix to the volume the
I remelts of remotetriatl6a ezpNrtmhts 1.
Europe sad the United Soho Saa the Width,beteebss a a/Fioalarore aginmeth
e with me
4. The will be howl
ps�imkerly useful and tustrse tv. te the
p' termer who dares p to keep le
Meth with ter latest dlems veriand small
himself of the results of the remands. el
experts in • prsoNanl way by adopting sew
ureprocesseslo processes and lameness Bios
tsveruntions have 10 the pas does numb
N improve the oeedfMeoof the farmer.
By hwl.giee the keowlsd55 thus acquired
I. distern oo5ntrles In am
hl. for
Adore the Lumen of Osarlo, the Fermin'
motel1.-"mu a ars dote. • motel and mush
n • .,1041 work •d fully jo•
.vmeaad'ifying the en-
cnsr.t je.itsiev afforded them ty
Ori. $dmtuietratiee. The velum•
born-" us le •a •ztrea.► are Wahl, mid
rt.tyiee nldenoe a *Jo advaeeod own
mu. . gr
4 aleen l,ale this Provisos and
the ed satsrprf.. et the farm•
ler eosity, no lee* chap of the mev
tad pis tuselvea.
ssa .b.e hr 'he Depart -
moo of Agriculture a d.eataeal work.
are mood were, tor- Ametek
0...pheatot with foal dreariest
"Alcohol I • tem -net muse of *wamp-
um by is power of weakening the niece,
Every year we ss• patience who attend the
bo.pitels tor alcoholism Dome hook some
mootbe Iter suff.Asa from oo, sometime.
Fathers sed moths wbo drtak often 4...
ahnldree wbo .re detormed at idiots or who
die from Ma."
pyrex to wort AMU.
Liverpool. 1.0 1. - Tb. •ttnwdo of the
natives.. the West muse .f Alrtce •.d
phiaatbropsete geserally Imre with seethe
faction that the Government is now imps
a extra duty on the introdeeton et gin
and other mints tote the Writ Abrams
oast The dunk scandal on the Doan hoe
lot years bees .io.di.gly trove. end It le
sated tb.t most of the besefloteot work of
the mtseloe.ries-Eeelab end Ameritha-
hos been greatly baeuered by t0e wholesale
"damping down" of fiery ietonoonts ea the
moat, wb,ob the &mote, regard as mi lam
mlmable. boon• la their tpoor5.o5, they Ilt-
tie know that this eery enemy, whish re pet
Into their mouths as on equivalent of mory
for geode sod for wogs', 11 n&m.taturd on
pare.»e for them. priucipully is Oermay
rod Hnilend. The rffeots of the 10tun0.1
in • hot climate •re meet demorrbafog,
meatal and physical power shire soosamb
In[ to Ile frightful ravages. The gamines
of probi Metes has of tea bees &whited. Now
It I to a marten m.a.r5 ascend, for the has raised the duty materially.
The natter cam colder the oemilloratlee of
• .eemtt45e of the Ltvorp.el Chember of
Commerce ruosatly. It was admitted that
the evil was tort bis, and so opposition was
offered to the imposltleo of the higher .rs
duty, but It was stated that It ward be
very unfair for the date to be levied et
E.[ll.h porta, whin the “roods' can go
not fres, er Dearly ea, by Gorman end
Fresoh isletn. The hope was expressed
that Mr Cb•sberlaie-wbo re r g.rdod is
Liverpool caleedl melee a the ',vicar of
but oenmtry-will be .115 le indoor foreign
Go.ersmaau, m csma& ooetset with the
West Almmn Goa.$, to adopt the Maher
dory, im which saes Liverpool traders would
h. oozy tee glad to +deemm tin ohems.
it te aerated .nestle a Meat Isuewesiv.
ked Osersl Wort.
The O•l•ta Govenmsat ba never M-
ood • mon astrueelvs and asefal doom...*
thea the ropers of she yap.rls'sedn4 el
Farmers' I..Yt.4.. for the year 1197 8 lam
r.mivd. 1t b • Mid et about 600 pages
oonaaag humarroas thlestr•k..s and o.•
bracing the labs► end mese detailed Infer•
matte. thise every subjoin senesced with
the permit of fanning. The 7.....ra' 4.
intone w is • Iu.rMag es.dlt4s then
total .m.barkip Meter: leorwasd from
15,707 In 1827 t5 16,351 se Jell
31.4, 18118. During the year 668 lasso ate
e sestinsts wen bald, •meed.. by all Euro
g at* of 196.084 penes. God 5.970 addresses
delivered. Same 30,000
visited the Geoipb collage farm order ate
ruplw of the Formers' l.ssleutes. A
Woman's IuseINts has bees emoted .
ilehfisss sowauklp. Weanwseth mouthy.
with 86 ober, .1leh,lt a hmerte •y'
she pssh•er of • sew move went fur ares.-
Wriy 'wast. lea eke omen, diarists as the
me are sew erpslsed a the lustil.aee,
fee the dissuasion .f • large slaw of demo.
4(.. medal mid aaan eoloal preWeee la
.454.1 tarmacs' wives w Int 'sled.
The repose a./rlam mass/ papers end
addressee ddiracad Were sib I.stitmt.s,
ell of praedial vlpe is their bas*. apes
far. m4as.y. % ka.utaw have uswrd
the envies. .4 • Imps of osp.ej4
and lead`( lase 'browbeat the emery
.ho love freely Swat Nsr walal ksew•
I.15• at the dlpesal el the i.embMrs. T1
whaIm srasd d spar as ezus drily whip
nolo teetwdag erre 7110 N far.rag M-
dimbry mod amp uels.tlBo r osase.le
q.entiue width lore &m tmper•sab Mark.
ween W es.dlWb of she fanner. A vary
el are "Ors wlelah ad b walk*
Plamb." b W. T. lbws"wail ;; " •s
F.54 Atymlsb4.," by O. 1 Ds t . O* w.L
far PrsNlul UU.. la • Term T O.
Dalry" S H Da.
loo 3 the Dar! IMttaky bus leas for
Oaw54•." A. 1. Metres t "Spays. ked
>Z cti 1M(," J. it ole "Rasa.. d
AsrlwMar• M ser Wheel Masa," O. Q
Mowpay, F.h. 6,
Mr. Goldthorpe, tr.. from ser Terme.,
le visiting hit analuldra. Joseph Goldthorpe
Martin O'Ceeaell will nose mart otters.
Hous la his quarry to supply rose for the
Mr, G.fld.,., who has been • s5jvareer
for two month. '• Cools Sem's domain, re.,
barbed home en Saturday.
Hanford i. biol.,. Its own 'bars of s,sits•
meet over the ooviac 515Nless, and the
merits end demerits of the two Bots are
beteg warmly di.eeasd.
A 51.4.b load et you** people pees+
thrn•gh her ne Fri.l.y eight es their they
t5 Jas Vet,1'e, ethers • ."dal wee bold me
..s"entina with their oh.roh.
Mr. Leanne, our .w resident, has sees
eztenelee'yy fps poultry raising sed, by
sop 7.11 he will bar. e.ongh 1. 511 bh.
M.-4.5.55 ea th.'God.rieh foie grounds.
4 den's mu why oar your/ mei of the
errantry trawl /o to the Guelph Arnoultarst
4Iere when they mild naive the ease
education here es Jetta Walter' farm,
situated .hem 8• ,1.rd. TsI• a ase of rho
bee .esrinoted term this side of 0..1 o,
and If any pesom deal*, this stat u»H just
let him "erne sod see for himbolf. If man
ef nor farmers would adept Mr. Walters'
system there would be fewer mortgagee the county,
Ie my las letter I Verge. to minim the
storm of this pleas. They would M eared,'
to any town or v411ag.: tr5 baying bed roll.
Ing whleb takes Dime doily is really weeder
fel. The...tone ere supplied with every.
thing that lir saleable. been Melees to troth
ore, Yr.. J Walter boo low rea.lur her
5.tebhbbm..i for thirty pears, ted s worn
ehli/taw sst..w.w.. newer owed behind •
omeater. Her ..IBfo aoastonam sad
teeny laugh hers imide beg endeared to ail
who kmsw her.
YeE'llop : Hermeet 'Amara, toe .(
Janos Los....., of II Willey. sear eft -
coo k. wbe a • graduate of the Bible Trois-
leg Beheel, Ter..N, a soepey with
another young ami, sail free Raw Yak
sett Saturday, as mlmle.er4es to the dark
eaetlae.e. They ge under the se•Dlem of
the Melee. IdsekW Mieetese. They loft
Toronto Iwo weak for Now York
Wlegkeen : Meth regret be felt bore at
M. heath eI Hirst L...., of thle tem,
wraith ,•walbd heel a whew. .4b, r..
weeks' Ills.. Dssssesd ens in Me 60'k
Moe. bed hada raspiest of W i•ge.m
o wl vb,kley for sweet' years, la fat, kr was
eat el the rowers el the pl... Re otos.
Austad • earls* buslmoss kers fee • rants.
her M years. sed 011 1... syspd 4a soy
oy1 bn•sehes of bw.ew.
Get Neith ..A Reindeer frets 4)544'0
Ed.. Pala,
logien. 1.1 6 -Tleb eiti w sale ane
of the healthiest, bpptmt themes ba dn-
Nor woo le Yrs. J. bb lbw
.t 694 Oren arse., sad oho bat thb to say
to hor sabre throughout Okada
ler mato ran sty bit. was nab Mew.
WI* to fur* woks= I seal err dtf-
foress m54leMus, bus gras ltd a awe geed
to I erred to take Dale'. iCMus7 Tdia
" Tlo bur dor of alb
p•. tee r relief. I grow *N .11 der.
der. till wean 1 bad takes thew blweo i
we WNelh.ured."
Dodd10 IDesti -FAlls me the sell asitlnrms
**.sun ..esflaasy rely kr e
live SWIM
TIUMa.T, Fee. 9, 1699.
A Large Stock,
A Large Store and
Large Values
fa -al'1
• • • al
We are now comfortably settled in our new quar-
ters, and feel sure that with a bright store and a
bright stock we can supply your wants in
Dry Goods, Ready -Made Clothing,
House Furnishings, -
Carpets, Oil Cloths, etc.,
• at prices to please you.
Factory Cotton, 38 inches wide, at
Regular 7c. Cotton, in 30 -yard ends, at
" 8c. Glass Toweling at ,.
y.... . 4c. a yard
8c. Hand at •5c. '
A heavy Shirting, worth 121c., at ..-. •- lOc• "
" 10c. Print, wide, at -- 50. ' is
Regular $5 Men's Suite for ., :'«. .. 13,00
Regular 17 Men's overovate -•
_ _
IIIII aid sea fbr Yeurff.���-_.__.__
u� �uw�u�uw�u�u�u�uwu�u►�uu��uu�
Wm HA.PJO T==ic r>+.L-
The .peedv efhot of ear
&We au,Drw W snow riri Pe C w�ye ttbeaave sin s/euD.
Aotll,frmm Dnr'leuaeN, P� soh omit diad
Q,klnine Capsules or Pill/
iw beye ul Name, trash and reliable: ter., Mer.. fir. 4.t., .40.. tad ell Mem
teeny q.anw. trash.
Jost to bead, fresh supplies of
Bromo-Quylln. Tablets, Pills,
•_ sae 'h he,t mikes elf
_ Ttrlb and Wafer..
"-Ir. caws C}qb babies " Nr yaw colon, 15c. a Bottle.
Central Pt,/ slits, 8. E. H/CK. Disp■d* amnia
Wei are still at the same old stand, Nelson
Street, whereat* he+ been supplying our
=atopen ter a number of phare. We know
the feel that egg& yes.
Orders left with our delivery rigs or at
Worsell's ewe sad tiu shop and at our
office will remise pbvopt attention.
All anal weighed en market scales, unless
otherwise ordered.
We run sever.) Drays in connection.
JOHN 8. PLATT, Manager
Pbooe 6Q 2687-tf
Distinguished everywhere
for Delicacy of Flavour, Supe -
nor Quality, and Nutritive
Properties. Specially grate-
ful and oomfbrting to the
nervous and dyspeptic. Bold
only in 1-4 lb. tine, labelled
JAMES EPPB & 00 , Ltd.,
Homoeopathic Chemists, Lon-
don, lingland.
A Marvellous
Success .
The general exprett.+ion 1)s9 been, " How
can you eel lynch an excellent Axe so
cheap -such
An Excellent Axe
for only Fifty Centi?"
The answer we invariably give is, "They
were bought right." Out of six boxes
only a few are left. Get one before they
are all gone.
._-.. Shit*
A few Pairs of Skates to be run off
at Close Prices.
Tis sues TO BUY-RAnDW4ss OM?"