The Signal, 1899-2-9, Page 2The Signal
a eommeau
ST D. Efeti i WCODDT•
terns et Ntlwrapttea
VoLBoom 1a ulnas* l 11
amour, yt
ala moths 1 ss
Do year "
Advertising Rates t
Legal and other casual adverttsem•■ta, loo.
far nue for Orel Insertion, and a eeuta per line
pr rash aut.t.praut Irsertluu. Measured by a
twntarell le ale.
Busilio s e.rds Qf *(I I1nes and under, 10 par
Advertilfme ens of Lost. Found, Strayed. tUt-
Ynne VV�i ■rel. "31timUune Wanted. end Busi-
nessCh.ncre Wanted. not exce.QTeg 0 lines
nun pare' I, t ler month.
Menem Rouon Sale and Farms on Sale. not to n•
•sed • linea. N for deet month, hue. per @ulna
pent m, nit h. Larger Wirt' tut proportion.
Any stwelal notice, the objet's of which 4 to
ln.uo,te the pee wintry neat of any ludlvldual
err cointanv W he coneiderst Siradvertlaentent
sod charged arrordimrly
l.o.•al .etirel iu nonpareil typo one Mit per
tt srdla•B Iea�l
to per word. o males for lr.. t
L.n bbE.
ucee for church.* and otter religiose d
**slant lrtltutl jw• hal! rate.
Atnnaeribsw sees fall to receive Trig Sloss&
resrul.rty by mall, will confer a favor by as
guile lug lM of the fact at as early • date se
ii • change of address is desired, both the
old and the new addr.w should Le given.
Publisher's Noel*.
J. C. Le Touaoi, "f tosierhrh, ha* been sp
ppllooted Veal Travelling Agent for the Towle
lidos of G..derich, lulborn', Asbdcld and Wa-
Local over the district are also
powered to tersely* wt..riptkms W Tea
♦II ewnmunlcaUaassed
Toa tiu;OAL.
As Nide sad barley awes petted. t 1111•
qutred tar borate ttrrtiminton. ttltYg ti0
nue torus a product trots wbtd tow
&n t amen to of the tarot it OW-
DeOernber, 1898, Bulletin From adored to any decree on.eoanbie
ARO. Province of Manitoba. i Mit at wheat,idiary is out eo moon at -
Mottos given to the !laid tad / .idttiOS
of these carrels. Oats sad barley ■ut-
/essed by the tr pertr•at err Afelealtoia hhnd deprseiati n ern acoAlst of the
wet weather, is the tame 11114.
.ad lr■tigrotieu cwssulled freer to. Inor es wheat, but then a an ample asp
1.17 for the provrnee. 'ire quaky /Daytar■. Weorlved at t4• t•yrrl■.. I Frees be gfvta as mixed. Noma Olrreeptm4
a•g■ler t perdra. Aam sena report pr"light and weedy'[
11414 00110111 report "fair," "good;' .n
0I101'8, LIVE $TOCK, ETO. III a ION. `ylgmp and hMv5i "
MANITOBA. !'lyt'A'1'()MJS.
The Infortuatlua coutaloed ,n thin 1 potato t, is light thus 7!•r.
bulletin at to the actual yield of the Farmers only eeleniette m raising inf-
lowg lends ql gets u, and the are, at Oche* for their rm n use, feed tug and
Ions glossily eltdni during hare, at over supply to eto 1. is the Winnipeg
and fell, re toot* i& !roue the mdeetreturns y
received trete ngulor rornsd;rtodehts die loot w4wr .pto.4derahle gun***
of the department made under date Of "5 r114ae) 1" x'tly'Ic the Winluils'c trtar-
I)Po'emtoer 1. tet. ;moth dfS'Wsty se rxperiemel las
The province Y divided into districts, eat her'na •.n nm'turt of the
as follow*: 'Ilse North western 1)wtriets contents' u:,,ns` 'snug the awe d
cid11M an.
Iand Farrel1.03 aux
rd 7.10 p.�.
1 and Express 10.50 pent.
EI and Express3.10 at
t and Expo* 3.14
4 SD pia.
u N1CHOl..S N, L. D. 8.
Roona slip••t'r the 11'141
1L Yaars R: perlenee.
the Southwestern, The North (..ntnl, digging.
th. Ltotrtt Centre!. the !' •res .11 a STOOK.
111110-lettombig MONO Pare a-suentt ry t.
et the yield. of the venom cops of ('ntta'. The utnnl•.'r of beet ...mate ex.
the province: p.,rted from the province this .esSoe
WHEAT. wits 12.52%, of which number over 15(0)
care»' (foul ilhe Northwest part of the
lr'a In Tt'a. reseal ni tributary the bee of Rho
am„. Hu Is 111. and N.W. Ry. lot %tire WOO
District. Acres. Hush. Ru+h.
Northwesters .. 7'.L.raNf 79.9 2,38n,1n0 stockers •tipped -to the A•rthwest Thr
Soothweeters .. *05.134 13.5 0,004.3100 rit•rirs to he rattled and 20,000 'DIP
North I leol rel .. 100.224 19.0 5.982,300
Rooth ('Pn:rat .. Venni 19. 7.017,300
Eastern .. ..... 90.4110 :10. 1.813.200
Province .. ..l,4AN.'::rl 17.01 25,313,743
OA'124. 33"
Area la Yield lilts'
trop. per sere Yield.
nisertet, Acres. Hush. Rues.
Nocenweeteva .. W:1.c42 3+.7 2,083.721
Routbwe.tern .. 111,.,.-2 23.0 4,f03,'40
North Central .. wt.. 113 37.7 3,381.143
..gestl.i -...-11;t tune ...$9 $. -. cam,.
Easter* .. .. .. no .(15 30.5 2.1312,131
Pre.taee .. .. 5- 4,•C4 1150 11.500.261
Area In Vele Total
Cr..t, per sere rt,•Itt
District. scr,e Itneb. nosh
Northwestern 15.4111 22n. *Mk 010
Sent hw°stern 32.04 '215 7:1).215
North Central 31.309 :9. 370.136
Routh Ct•stral ..- 51.334 20.2 1.400.:114
Eastern .. .... 27.503 23. 771.904
Pennine 1 :0.ir5* 27 03 4.277.217
natl. BTB AND ['EAR.
Mas .. •• •• •...•••••. ..3:61/11110
1175 .. .. tt3.W111
Peal .. . lase..'ic'+ 31.480
Total rests eters of the peovlaee, 47,3i.a-.
Oto/ bombe's.
North Central
South Central
A rgDapvedne ML
Ae•buei-iet i prouta
ball dental upset Yr.-sorvatlun of the Provloce ,
Mural terth • &pec'slty 1 puce : Ct r. West at.
and square (up stairs.. EutrauCe on Wet et
le • surgeon. (Lately aoclated
tth Dr.
Dlenn. of Notarial). Gold and poreelsln. -"•.
Seta tenth mounted on gold or alestnia i•....'
•pedal etteotoe even to tbh.s preservation of the
lateral teeth. Oi0rin Ketoses ser[ i tnek. ,
IS alit
le. Vence: Enos street, the t,-sid, nce
lately °erupted by Dr. McLean. Nista tali,
Irate reddeoee. Tele/how 5e.
Eglt=Sr »EATON -B 11111137039. OOWCI-
, Notary Pehale czoadlian geii.4 of
00•6111f441 Chambers, Sq !be -l.
• tor, Notary,Se ( 4!1.8 over Mr,la. a1 Halts.
maaer. Guderlch.
tor. (nmmuasloner, ter. M,,nry to loan.
Ofrcee : Gtr. Hamilton and ZM Andrew s p gas.
4odetich, trot504
ae• kc. Office: North a., next do* Soai1,
Mice. Private Fest to lead* lowest rate of
Attorneys. Oolieltor*, kr., Guderlcb. J. T.
narrow Q.C.. W. Proudloot.
tan, Seltrtt0n In `hasrery, ke , O• elven h
M. G Cameros, Q, C., P. Holt, Dedtey Ilulme*.
commissioner for taking and resit -low
recognizance* of ball. •Mdavits or adlrm,Uoua
or Solemn di, taratlol4 1n or c„o
aiming 50
aiming any action,colt or p,rne'Peding las the
High Court Justice, the Coolt 14 Apts.{ fo,
Ontario. or In any Co.mty nr. Disision Court.
All transactions carefully and promptly axe
sated. Residence and P 0. address Dun ` '
son, Oat.
Area In Yield
me. tier sere
A,•rn. Hush.
5.4M 144
3 SAO 205.
3.77.0. .167
4.501 158
111.19* 100
Tot 31
7q',. 1' •
3;n, .1 Ili
Area la Ttelt Total
aeon. per acre rt..l,l.
DlateeT tars Aeries Hash. Rests
14 1.400 3*W 6W.tsMI
.peters .. 2.� Ell 4101.1140North Centred ..
South, 2.023 *5 473,1South,CdtstlaL - 2:1111 Da1:O•r
etteasss _
Permian, ... _ 1.411---.1=___ZoffasDP
L Money to Iran, priests fonds; also nest
Nese tarns 0' rent or all. Homes and luta w
ion r for e•le. E. N LEWIS, Ban tater, God
I■ the August bulletin the ed'mated
wheat yi,•kl west 2.'.91:1,15•' hi sI"i',
teat In, about (3011311 bushels tn' ra-
ce•* of the srtnel yield nosy glyen.
There is no do.hht but that if thesee;
eon for ba nesting lied thre-4 ug
tern farnnble. the actual yield wadi
bore ctrietderMy ex..: Anil tate v eld
estimated in Augmet, for the conditions
of the trop improved from Aug. 1 mail
brereesbng coommeneed. .,-'Jt1e unfover-
■b1e weather for sucking and tnre•h-
tog, se egcep41err1 _ in_ tA* � some.
-rnntfnued faro;; a tnotttfir,1
pa? 9('on't4)45 f we
This was during the laws ten days of
H. (*ember and nearly ell of I lot tier.
The wheat yield suffered lona in extra
handling of stooks to dry the .em", in
taking down .treks that were damp
when Marked, M d;searde.g art or
damp obeavee Prom top of Slicks, and
it is well known teat for a month •r
Rt weeks when hat Itttle progress one
nude In *seining and threahxig. farm
el. fed hogs tad poultry on wheel
ad corm. as feed was ecwre, and :he
tkreshing meson long over doe.
Present returns indurate the wh,dt
•etmt117 threehe1 for export. seed or
teed. The tinning.. to wheat no sc-
r'nnt of wet wellthee hs variously esti-
mated from 1 to 'l:t per rent. of the
crop- The majority of reports Ln.m
the Northwestern I torrid fatleate that
there was bot letup damage: not ex-
ceeding 5 per rent. depreciation of the
.hope crop- M.04. Of the grain In this
dbtriet rendes N0. I bard. In the
Soothweeterv, North Central and Smith
(:tta-rot dieners, the damage in oath
eroded et from 1 to 10 per cent., lever-
veraging 7 per cent, of the veins of the
sop. '15*. Esstern Dietrltt seamed
the geese -Kt t damage. Reports estimate
• dcpreeintidw In value of from 2 per
cant. to 'i:9 per rent.. average .) per
tern. The %totem dlwttict wan de -
in threshing after nee sociable
weather pot in nn amine a of the land
being peeked with water, no es to
vender moving of thrombin( machines
altnrntt impossible nodi groom' was
freven; to other porta of to province
0bI dimg,Ity wens not leo greet. ('on-
Wierin,t the arww.n, it. la plen5114 to
nae thnl • conedernble ),oast-ty of
Wheat will grade No. 1 hard. ()[vita
that was enbjeied to enntinu• d utas
for tone Or five week. in *took
Hoene of the tkwcks, is generally report-
ed as losing a geode, end la some mese
two grades,, The reports of demote
dine. eetrrent during time e'riticel pertod,
w•Iien tlareehiner anrt Mocking were de•
Inyed for weeks, were hosed n0 11.,111)
clam the ttntertatil*7 ns to whether fev-
oraMe weather would Come .e late In
the year tis enable farmers 'to 'lee'r rep
thttr riinmeerr'e work before winter !et
in, hot to the mony erratic meal, Y (rte
Of rase weather during this ext, rethmal
semen ass added n few tine weeks in
November, *hien cns'Med ferment to
complete their threshing. with the re -
milt that a favoshlo .howlnt is, after
all, trade tor the year. la a hardly
necessary t0 ray that those who are
ecgtaatnted with all he facts. will never
fur a moment sttrihnt► the fifes to
serol. crop at the nen51 linty to t}a
tiduleme. or want of enter7ams on the
pert of terraria The delay wee solely
on armrest of the ,afavossble weather.
The movrsmaK of the whose mop of
Manitoba foe the r'rrrent year bM been
a m••nth or eft weeks inter then nasal.
IM Nov. 30 5,434.170 b*Mh#M at wheat
or its entMetk'ht wee etprMd, and
•hoot 4,00,000 bnd*MS of *bent wore
bell N Interior elevated, amities
ped to the United Stat.%.
Hogs. -'Ilse number nI hoos 141.44d industry of the pxovin)ra, may re Rene
to British Columba by the t:.P.K was rioted. '11e firm of Gordon. Intmnde
5100. The sandraekersreceived by tA1anS- and rare' . has a meted nn str*tutr b
peg loathers and packers was 113.0(3). IT'InMpeg"•t an animated coat of *15,-
7'o)sl, t, i arts n u pNNi, y„: bnilditlga Led all equipments.
tae reason gram for the *sort her t'r'"p
M 4LIe .zeee1ve rainfall wt►!cd no.oled
Ute bey meadows and mesas it lwpur-
NM. to secure She usual supper. In
ether dkstrlcta, bo[ eve taowtiig hay rm the
rapid settles eatthe
dew* • e being drained and ferment
wtro is former years depended entirely
5p n the native grasses for theirtly tnb.i
WOPly. sad that source et s Is d a ride
gn.dag)17 cot off. Agtu4
where sufficient supply or hay wee k
cured, meets of k has been destroyed
by toe •lee .tve valufall during We
South of October.
ti *5 0 oosnecn°n, attention !night be
directed to the cdtir■tidra 4 Bemis
gram Experime'Vta at the ttraudon
Erpertmsntal Farm 'bow red. ted that this r
grew M el JOCI .torp•, nein
fodder pommies in the Cx'o - s
hardy and pm/Moine Mine a heavy tem) Sur
esveral seasons washout reseeding.
Little Sermons from Dickens.
Tgtnk Inn begets thinking.
Every ase. has his enemies
A action is Its own reward.
Wilf g•• all do tome good, if we «19.
Let Rs Ise among the few who du their
duty. enrol Donis
Hates s's, 7tke misfortunes, J
Fof�veuees U. high quality, an exalted
In love of bonne the toys of country has
Ito rim. breve
In the cause of friendship .
all dangers.
Use and neceaslty are 'good teachers-
1he best of any.
Only time shall show w whither each
traveler Is bound. that
There is no situation In life w bel
NEW BUILDINGS. it osn't be mended. L< the [text
The will t0 do well .
ilia estimated exlreuAture for SIM thtug w having tow lever.
[mihbng, of nil kinder P as follows: pears m 7
'S� worird • sham engine.
Northw'elon Vieille! 291.300
North ('rutM District. .... .... 281 %a0 Fortune will not bear chiding. We moot
WtuM tketrrl 1x .. •••
71leteee .. .. .. Them
[ever et wound up • elee•k ur,
Northwestern Itletriet .. .. ....3
s8B,9ey ufltesaelissEafPelwwtUihmt_r
to can be"trontif ittok? ln'foilosetes
rrovlace .. .. 31.411,740 Him &DA seeking uo other footsteps.
AD honest nuts Is one of the few gnat
la 1hh7 the expenditure sur 7)f this
works that can be seen fur nothing.
310. The index tiff he pro.ture this 11 lr an undoub•ed tact that all r'enutrk-
tat << an andel of the pr'se11e's'1tJ °t able men have had retuarkable. n.ot�ies.
the expenditure
An expwtxlitarc in the wey of build- Natural affection and lnetlnct ars t
mgr that tuts ,peltal interest to the most beautiful of the Almighty's wo little
t*rmcvs of Manitoba, as it beers direct- Wb•t the poor are to, the poor
1 on ?be proepenty of the live stork known excepting to themselves had Gut'.
x 1O0 11 ore d tit. etre w 1 b
that 1,019,734 pipeg of park were res lots abattoir [tae suffiientcolmeRy to
Ported to Winnipeg erg feat rate mu... Montle 401) o.)ttlP, 400 .beep and 400
forts a to stfro the demand rot hogs pee dee•
kart snpp1IPd from Winnipeg.
A few years ago farmers In Manitoba tylrAmuldlt--
rraebted the ad+taeb_tty 7rr reRtagtIvr
exten4vel7 In MP hoc intimater. heifer- The weather duvng the time far Art -
hag that as over ''i4" 7 *mead sone tLlg troth was somewhat ratrhi. rar
glut the markt. Tb Invent this ea- men worked at a dradrautege, but
Resinbie condition of the market, tuiwd for the usual tine weather for
Metras. J. Y. Clotho and Ib. roQl1a:wed ,.f:.rking and thresh mg In thin d1e7
their pork pet'khmg plant to a'rapacity were .l.oi4it'..uged. for the latter pert
of 5100 hors per day, sod, with odd of September and the month of October
Morn re fa,ht lees and refr+gement. triune- were wet t.Pyord en. their ex p•rienced
pie -tattoo recently u.1o'l"d. ungeared to 11
ship produces direct to the Old Comntr7
la*1keb, developing trsde as necessity
It V Si be hoped that tote farmers of
ljim/tobe will In future eta '1 them
ashy, snore extensively of the 40,11Utes
Wier offered for trade ire this produet.
St MRS. '
A vel■abl.
Sadie -Mamma, mayn't I have • piece
of that lemon pie?
Mamma -1 think It best that you should
know that the hest
not, YO adte r.a piece
mit d *greed with you
you know
you 11aT< l
n_taught toe but
lits up ta
the rule: "It at Celt you don't succesd,tr7,
try sgsln-"
ilnard's Liniment Clues ikndruff. of Namklag.
George -I say, Jack, change me a ave,
won't your
1n the proving' donne the p^ -
Jack -I haven't more than enough for
51 "05 trimmedMitch delay and extra expensta�l*eh and oar tam In my reek.[. F. t 1s,
ertrimmedM.e•rr h7. Heparin revere I don't carry money host In my po.'ketl
all parts of the province ear that there anJ route. 1 put ft in
the bank and pay
t rrnrre rnoistumf b ti1P ground n, w
thnn baa be«n for yr ze at pet a m- bJ i' don't
meneement of winter. and ter.,srpretts :.'P "I don't am to bother with rhequew. 1
that next year our lands rt ,11 contain ahlwa75 etrry money to m7 pockets and I
ennna0 mosture to rive wed a start at sever mine¢."
once instead of lying dormant until June ••Yee, bst700 at dltlot a tarried."
mins revere. est was the ease the;,-
e.•nt eesa"h.,
Fl- Bi5AGER.tj6rveinf1ft'1\G AND Pf.
V• @unsure dace. W.1.31le Martine hater
ppeerr Cain. Nona dlrrnui.t*L C, $3A
Opposite Martins Hotel, Oode
• dent A 'old: at lowest rats
0ire : Cor. North -K aid Moore, Oodericb. tI
0t*� of Private Funds for Invrarmrnt at lowest
DOW a 1stouvroot Apply to OAR-
mo• Real state end Men.e7 Loaning A't.h.t.
Only 1n1-eq*SN romps 1.'. rrpusenhrd.. Money
as lend on straight ler .. at the lowest rate of
Internet going, In any w .y tomtit the *srruwer.
Office' Second door (tont Sowers, West *trees
•oderle•h. - wet!
k.es7.@t._ Oer•5.'. Pres.
Degeltweeterw Tlstl.', 570ff' Men la eon D104. , 10.510 2.070 3"..1n0
Worth tient rat Test.. 11,»2 I.)Nal :1t teen
South Desist Tet.. Q/1'1 3.µO
Province . .31.456 Immo 127.1010
This, tattle above a narked decrease
from the number dinposied of by fur -
goers last season.--Itrtswts indicate that
many t'*t'rkerur and turkeys were de-
stroyed this seri rap by *54*, . Some
etrrrwlwatdent■ ante that farmers use
he poultry rained for their own tented.
u a evident from the gnnntities of
prwkr7 now b iso brought into the
pmvinee from the .est tlhnt this hvenrh
Of farthing is l'et• a neglected, for dell
Prem the Inst rertsed anearnewt >!
turns by monition! .•lerka, the following
statement 1* g.tuptli'd:
NEIN is*CHI3E *bora.
iwEW MACHINE stf,il9-ALL. KINDS or
Repair Work doe- at Reasonable I'rieell.
7rming 1mp{ t'na•nt* I.,r tale. Machinery, new
and *tomdltnd bought and *old. Kcgloes
Mrd Rollers for sale. Naaed : Hates, old waggon
pop, coroer Victoria and Trafalgar streets. J.
In*uranrs Agent, Oa1Prleh. Ont. /lireto
pp�.�.eihon and Lancashire Fire In*. Co., the Gore
BetrM t Mutual Ire. 0o. OPP *Sod* In
say part of Na *linty. * 17
and Land Valuator, God.ri. h, Ont. Halt-
ing had roneldrr*hle experience in 1be seethe*
raring trade, he la Ina Itit,
with fuer h aall*tar0On all cuta*IM10M !Ir
Ousted to him. Order% left r' BnrtOu'I haul,
or fleet by mall toh4 &411' 0s. O,.detieh P.O..
.artfully attended to. 1OH3 3NO3, County
• end Onl Saes presiM. SPA-f.staing.
jampooing!t and es• t r other rerptIrernsnt rare
fill attended to, end n nr but romper -ant hand*
=ed. MrLPan s new block, nest door w
BltttYi Mgttba.geLe
3A1t131AOR T./rrt7BE*.
I�1�(T3tl1lp�R 1(R MARRIAGE LI
We ssotss, tiodencl. Ont. x543 11
By their action en the Stomach, idv-
er and Ilowela, Millers Worm Powders
tornn.-t ail such tnutbles ae lack of AR
petite, liilioustess, Drowsiness, Sallow
Somber of horses In the provi1rp • •101•rin
Namber of come las the Smythe* ..227.'337
Nnmber Ot *been In the pmrnnee .. :2.063
Number of swine in the province .. 00.640
The member of bonen increased 15611
during the seer and the number of Pm-
ol.. i, raised .'.t__. but the number of
sheep decreased ;�.•s) and uta number hal been restored to health through the ._..
of swine deoreesecl 5:811, 1lvete 91fr .use of Ur. s\ 11li:emt Pink Pills. Mr. and toed Motel.
area are taken f,•011 the ay, gr j Mrs. Roberts Carne to Canada a little more met m e lawn 9•rt7. Appropr'}
veils --roe stat early in the ,r. ar, read "TbpJ
the statement 'o[ cornsspo de lits 1 than five years NC". and Mrs. Roberta' fel sae. wasn't It 'ming she was •pass
►r -
Mrs. Roberts; of Montreal, Tells
a Wonderful Story.
A4• was . stoles* ter sere tier.. Isere
You need not cough All night and dire
tnrb your friends ; there is no occasion for
famon rmitation of the
he lungs orocon consug in-
while you can get Hickl.'s Anti-Con-
coughl. coldive Syrup.
,, iIDatma *tion of tis. lungis medicine s
and all thrust and chest troubles. It pro-
motes atree and er.r expectoratlon,whlch
■■d )Ldletl Tre■lr•rt Petted to stye' mediately relieves the throat and luny
Bee Mom' Thee Tune nal WI -A �o viscid phlegm
lir rte. ■a is.t�$lMgsa!--$ILeFt rcrt•rr
has the larger[ sole of $pv simile* p ppsA
'From the Herald, Montreal. •, inn sold 111 Canada It alws7s glyes
"I thourht it was something wonderful satisfaction by reatoriUg health to the
when I went three days without being little folks.
lark." *mid Mrs Annie Roberta to a repre-
sentative of the Montreal Herald, refer Ductus 10H07 lsexioo M:p.rted mon
to hoe over seven long recovery from an tobacco to Cub. (Havant') than to all the
Mrs. of seven years. Yr. and rest .e this world. It noshed Canada as
Mn. toren netdt' pt to Wolh street, "Uavas•" clgas.
V outTpal, and the reporter was cordially
welenm d when he wont to enquire a4 to
the truth:of the report that Mts. Roberts
td's UJtlmtot for sale arerJ1 ere.
it U learned that the number ofd H
amu swine at prevent in
mulch- lar then at tlfe time Mese ea-
trile were male. The [ugh price of
wheat loot year rind in the early' part
of the present year, and the
early part of the p meant year, and the
eira*cet7 of coarse grans, were fatal es
the hog 1aldnst17.
'111e seamy has been a most favorable
one for all parties enongsd m the manu-
facture of cheese end hatter. '17*e tn-
diistry, however, has had some diflIr'iI-
bee to contend with. One of the chief
difficulties was the policy pursued by
country merchants. In many plana
very [ugh price's were paid for dairy
Y bras
• M.mPha
hr tree On
of p•7 Plc and sell the same for 12e.
This te a actions ndstRke on the part
of the merchants. ow it ha• w tendency
to Increase the uutpnt of dairy butter
which is not wanted hi large quantities.
The prices this .ear hese been exa'p-
t dolly good- While it shows a de -
room In the amount of erenmer•y; hat-
ter made, the priee u suds that brings
Me wane up to an inere*AP over lest
year. The cheese output. so far as fig-
ures have Pomp tn. has d,rn•ne.•d. fenny
a million of dollen of farm pnepnee vOl1
be brought into flits enontry from other
provjneee, every donne of ohi. h Mani.
other f.rrneM Phonic! prodllee.
'Ili. following la a summery of pro-
dnet)oo end prices:
rreitrn'ver! *i.aeewr'*,
"SIMS takes yea *Salt the (.runt Is
doing m pv"ptwace
•Iia he. n .aromltd briar -$4.4144.,
gut wase I'm worN."-petrel$ !rw
new began while still In the Old Country.
"I was really the victim of a co FM, and he sneli.a rake."
of trohlea," rays Ctrs. Roberts. . dM
seven years neuralgia,with all la exerts -
Health for the children. !tiller's
Hating pains, has been m7 almost coo- o� powders.
Mint attendant. Attttsl to this I was at-
tacked . ith rheunu'i.m and palpitation
of the heart, and for the lost ave years
wan not able to get out of doors during the
winter ne nths. Sometimes I felt as
though those to rIlde pains In my head
would drive ms mall: my nerves wen all
unstrung and * knock at the door would
send me almost crazy. I was treated at
different times by four doctors since own-
ing to M .utrenl, but without any lasting
good, and) 1 had given up hope of ever be-
ing better on this side of the gr&vr. A
friend of mine whose father had been help-
Zeas for two years, but was restored by Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, urged me to try
them. My husband asked the doctor who
was attending the what be thought of
them, anis the doctor replied that he
believed them to be a good medicine. This
persuaded ane to begin their nee. No one
who sees me now can form any Ides of my
rondltion when I began taking Dr. Wil-
liam's Pink Pills, and I had only taken
three boxes when I began to rec'ver. But
amen years of pain had nearly shattered
my Ponstftutlon and l did not look for •
spr,edy recovery, and I was more than
gratified to flnd !bat after I had used (I
think) stout a dozen and a half boxes 1
WSW fully restored to heals 1. It seemed
all the more wonderful baster i the doc-
tors both In England and here never did
more than give mfr l.•rnpnrary relief, and
their treatment Was much more expen-
sive. The past summer was 'he first In
years that 1 really enjoyed life, a. d I was
*isle to go on $ visit to Forges.
17r. Williams' Pink Pills have al o been of
much benefit to my daughter Violet. She
1s just nine yeas old. but she suffered a
great deal from pains in the balk and sick
headache. but the pill. have merle her feel
all right again."
"I never fail to recommend Dr. WII•
Ham's Pink Pills when any of my friends
aro ill," raid Mrs. Roberts. "While visit-
ing st manor Forges I urged • young lady
friend, who has long been a sufferer from
curvature of the spine and obstinate oon-
stlpatlon, to try them, and they has* done
her s vast amount of good."
The reporter confessed that Stn Role
arta' story Is • wonder! .1 ote. That she
is nowt horoughly well a clear from her
fare, her manner and her happy spirit.
Mr. and Ms Roberts are Intelgent and
reliable people. Mr. Roberta Is lead engi-
neer In the biscuit works of Flan & Free,
the wealthiest firm in this line In the Do-
mini**, and he filly endorses the good
words 111. wife has to say in favor of Th..
Williams'fink P111o. In fact, het says the
.p-,•.lv ens they wrought in his wife's case
ha. ase c ' him ninny dollen.
Dr. Wtli: n..' fink 1'illshave nopurgs
tire soli n Itmi • do not weaken th.ho1d7.
They built up the blood by supplying 15
with the element* which enrich It, and
strengthen the nems. In this way they
cure all diseases having the r origin In
poor and watery blood. Always venue
the pink eolored imitations which some
dealers offer. *1.. that the full name, Int.
R'ill lams' Pink P111. for Pale People is on
every package you boy. If In doubt send
air,"••t to the i1r. W 1111•ms' Xdlolte Co.,
1., ale, Ont., amt they w� be ma0d
pets4 paid at Ink. • box or six bots. for �.
Rutter. Pound.. P71re. Vslne.
Creamery ,. , 9RL.1124 13.4) 3179.410.40
Dairy .. .. ..1.151.:20 15.94 1410.50:4.52
Pedal , . .. ..2.114.444 $.304.037.140
insure! 354 (41* 0.07 09.387.03
Total unto. of delro nrencta ..3409,456.23
HAIt11434'1' LAIt(Nt101111.
In the Allgood ISnI1PNn k wax emitt-
rgglsted :lred Mats laborers wonld he re -
is the berated fields.
Over 1480) hands curie from the en*
In Almost Although the larwor market
a! ■ few points in the peoerinee became
somewhat a premed few a few day;
yet ell 11Peired employment. and before
harvest and threshing were completed
k wee tmloesible to amply the demand
for more mein.
FAI.l. I'IA)WIN[3.
ire total arra of fall plowing is 907,-
TLO acre.. From the August bolledt.
tore ares of breakinet 1s reported are
184.9115 sere* and the anntntvr 43110*.
103 as 'PROM arse. Tetiu makes a
grand total of 1,011.456 acres prepared
for the trop of 148►. 'obi. starve* •
decree.* of over ;414.000 acres, hoot
the Igtrres of last year.
Over 40 per .+ret. of he reports oe-
reired state that ,the 'servant of I ny
savored Is nut notneent to meet the re-
gutrernerit* of the coming winter. This
men n. a gen'r'1t .h..rtoge, hiteto tions
the province In the majority ..f tones
441, (lt.q.
raid- - ,iib ° d /41 -e -ft
!�D ti�4.„,4/ M, //I t urns 'reitcl� _
;,'t4 a16 A 1J_
...„ares • 8..._1' -,'F 0
Aar •. r
/Don' i
FoFget the
When you're ready to bny that
new Bicycle. Write for Catalogue.
Gendron Mfg. Co.,
A Rubber
--imuss----1/� I
1111111111SMINnea1P1111111 MID
�r�r�■rr�Ini *
mosor300 `� 0 1
am or i
delivered* any station 1n Outer[
pm ems
Pelee eon Mete. lucludl0g k-itt.Hingeand Latch, •
I.eeYef-! ri. ft lt. t ft. e R 1 tt 1u ft. !i ft. 14
ISS 0 . .
ilft...• !AO 4450 111 title 44ail t67m 3a.
ti ft. 4. .4.LSO 1.111 1 i a* t6 otherwise M IN r
Chea► Rater.
The lest Teenaged dallies in Minnesota
have redu.•e,l the cost of manufacturing a
pound of Nutter to 1.28 cents. The prevail-
ing price in other States L about t cent.
Yes, it b true. I was vary weak and
Miller's Compound Iron Pills made me
Tie It 1147.
"I can't lire properly on ell• week,"
the young man complained.
oyes, you con," said his guardian. "The
nal trouble 1s you want to live Impro-
�,ly "
Irinard's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Palest TH.otder.--At the flet .vmre
• m,, ,.f lotto -tett disorder, *'nrn.r:ee'0
\ eppetAhle P714 should be psa0rted to On -
sea!, tel Tiro or them of these
pa.11etw, take. 15pf�ore toles to bed,
w o oe thrre d or Lha le sm two
WeestMioW pills ill
MVO •n a p1e+ewtive •t dMMe��. e-
.: tr.idat
msems seri dnpte, SIt 1111 oaf 11
FREE :'llr•
cal. tee
will rkelm and duns, ter ra-
ktg or. den WtuWtt(( a Wavle.
ar ten cents mac Ns Meng
Wriu. sed w will
send Me Wicks, po.tpud ..d
our Mg Premium Lw. When
(451) tare old tM Wino, sirturn 11 m.m.y tad we si11 at
od 7ouc watch row 1•:I char{ . =u.dreds
earnad change
airb.• a hint
for • by mot yeti? in
wrinns,wstenti•ss G4 rope.
TO. , CAle.
Al Member sent O. 0.•D. w approval M he paid for of entirely WYbctOrl, oro
WS Maur expense.
-Trout Pear*. Fr'es4-$bel Gates, send Frost Coiled Spring Wire.
0.Iy 0.e Bete.
$edge.--Hobson's feat w111 always live
In history.
Dsf7-Hobson) Was he with Yale?
pole's run wan the reol history making
feature of the Rime. -Philadelphia North
The Peter*.
First Aldmnan-if we vote for this hill,
we w111 never have mother chance to hold
Second Alderman-Hnbl We won't need
col--Cltotnn•tl Enquirer.
lsTOP t •
O. to your armrest. pr5rttre en• bolt)•
foe.R RATE
Thi Impr'nod Eauls1on, ente11N
best amisssad k*ving OS ma. 4111'"
110 Fttt111l ill LMt 0I1 wpm.
hes Olnarole Se., T.reata.
The Only Safe Way to Speculate
BUY TRE SCRIP AND PAY FOR IT. 160 and upwards sent to
ns can be doubled witnin one year ; we have done it a thousand
times, we 0:,1) do it again if our advice is acted upon, Row we do
it : We May low 'plead Railroad Shaw that we have Melds iishinnMiea rpoa.
We know of thousands who dabble in "Bucket Shops" and in-
iO3 Stocks, both are the wont kind of lotteries; we know of
thousands more turbo am ever ready to j,hveat in paper town lots
where the chances are ver remote for increase m value, and
�}molly Ibe 5luney invested is never recovered, and even when
the property does increase in value it is difficult to secure a cash
purchaser. If it is railroad stork you can Bell it for spot cash at
My time. We have been twelve years in business in this con-
servative old Vermont City of Burlington, and we can furnish
references from National Banks and leading citizens throughout
the State. and we do not expect any person to deal with u• unci:
we prove our responsibility and reliability.
Booker* and Beaters,
H C A00.
Waw J DONT074.
al444444444444444444E4E4EEE4EE44 E44441414EEE4444E444*
tM� •i JYaneWMOIL elaa••aeesb■r�
,rs w!L ter WW1 1 awns
.etaagee'a aasa�yw
emit ea+�ar / Re vtome er s aro BSe Mi .rrr�sl
reser. r .5* WNW 884 on 304 Mee Beeteae•. peek
p.e� vial err w rimer la's W rasrp. IIsi!`
lora wows, ea w small e■Im,Me rlr'retMea
We the 4,t is pint lidt �M slims
oars WORK e„el'r' is
emus po pow
g.gy3131I 00 LEVER MUTTON GO., TORONTO, ONT. ►W►f1y441W
wkal 14...'• God y Cent■b•
A bowlful of anter.
Enough salt to provide a dinner party
linough gas to fill a gnsodu.•t,•r of
8.6.9 feet,
Enoughiron to make Ove carpet
Enough ttrboo to make 9.360 lead
Phosphorus enough to make 8.064
boxes of matches.
Erongh hydrogen to all a balloon that
would lift himself.
There M enough tat to mak* from
four to eight pound* of Mediae.
A\ew life for a quarter. Miller'.
Pound Iron Pills.
147.51.1■. 11.1*
In Abyssinia 1t is the law that the
murderer be turned over to the rela-
ter.. of the deed perverse, they if they
please. to pest him to death is the same
manner In which the murdered perms
was removed.
A sew back for 50 eats. diner's
Kidney Pills and Plaster.
Floor Is now being prswped into
bricks for nee on the march and In
camp. The British (3overnmest 1s *551 -
In it for Its army.
■e Wasted to Reiter.
Bartender (to e» -tomer who has fat oda
anything) ---flay, mister! Did you sense M
bore to buy a drink, or are lea just shop
Skeptlnlam.-Tel* 111 unhappily an age
of skeet i-fam, hot. there Io one pnlnt nom
whish peones a.cgqlainted with the onto
}rat Marne. . amply, that Dr. Thomas'
tcleerie Oil 1. a medleine which eau be
,e11•8 upon to 0vre a Slough, rel0O15 pale,
heal sores l,f various kinds, and benefit
& y Inflamed
napplied.ameportion of the body to whisk
A dose .t Miller's Worts Powders
Occasionally will keey the abl)fa'sa
The mietaIsr's sermon ea harmer.
twinned to be somewhat out eel tabs.'
"Ifs farad Ines **tea"
' How dld yon get along with the Iodises
out in your part of the frontier?"
"Blest you. we doe's We snake the Is
Mans get along -if they have any land we
If the child is r.-.tlew at night, has
seated tonguesallow complexion, a dose
of Miller's Worms Powder to what 1s re-
quired; very pleasant and perfectly harm•
71555 Ras554 TM*.
"7*001't Teti think, John, that yen aught
to (pitch that bey that he can't have every-
thing he wsnta?" the mike1.
"Not ;.,w." he replied. "trill learn
thee quick enough aft** is married."
i inird's Uttnent Cure Baran, eta
and ViNISIi tbr7 kart
no equal. Correspond
sats wafted la every rows to ad as area
REID EROS., 167 Ira DWort.
sea ase (jolts, eerie
Old ,1.e4y-pew. torte,. 'mere gnit*
sore yah have pot all my inagag. int --the
Ng psr/m.M
4.i *nd-
psrelr--AU right, mss.
eilittedy-Acrd you're waifs Ise fel
Wstlnapfwn1 bahlndy
Peg1s 11., maty. WN altos • sonar.
wse-bsr"ea' aYt,'�eM►,orIeAg
=Waft isirlwwswam.
trT�.A"saun el!s[iatitt`tterl
T. N. U.
lossfth r