HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-29, Page 8w wYear'4 Gifts 4 * •. • oan be given at • great saving of price. We make a Clearing Sale of all Goods left over in Fancy Goods Store, end are dividing them into lots : ,4 greab Bargain Lot, assorted, going at 5c., in Toys, etc., worth 10c. and 15c. Another Lot at 10c., very choice. Another Lot at 15c., were 25c. and 30c. COIE,"AND GET A NEW YEAR BARGAIN 1 DRY GOODS! HOSIERY and GLOVES,DRESS GOODS and SILKS, LACES, RIBBONS and VEIL: BLANKETS and COMFORTERS, INGS, , CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHINGS, MILLINERY and MANTLES, FURS and JACKETS. CASH AND ONE PRICE. SMITH BROS. 8c CO: DUNOANNON. NQ7xa- The Meal agency leW em ter Tran Barrel. le at the once of J. O. Wean. , con•q r nee. kc.. wbo will receive r dere for asbertptior. sdvwttm n( and los ammo* d Is dto the � to give rsoslpls fee el A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OV LUCK - now. will erlt Dammam on let and ard Vrid.v at este most, ell modern meth aa//.a or estrantilnie sad Meg, and matter arti- ficial beth. OMen ant door to Medd'Yi tailor sham. fleets. (as to t o.m. TUsiOAT. 1).o. 27th. BallovA1 -Ws. Phillips and family, wb have beta reddlas in our village for servo time, lett hare last week to locate on eget % Wenn Wawasosh. >Rlee'v 49.wtr and Amity have erne tri rondo k ear v1Uage. W. extend to them • hearty .Sloe eo r otUrs.s. Onnse AND Ootso - W Mato Fewlr, r., telt hare Net week ea a norms ter to .pad Christmas and New Yam's helfdaya wish frismds at Limewol and other potent We wish W venerable geatlsan • pleas. est tea bad sale rotors. Jeneph Smith, of Chicago, and formerly. of Daingemno., altar as extended visit 4 trim& and resewiag former amtaaletaaea, Mit far home Last week, beim asoasape.led by hes breehar-in-law, Jahn Kdpetriek, of Asl6*W. wM tarsda havu( as ase.dad rims M rotative la Orkem and enmity. Ws wish hiss a pieemst visit and safe re tots bum to his family. Orprmi roe Brsiones -- Dumas last week ear finial hardware seemliest mairsesoed Mica is W hes. He has an asosUant dock, bounding what the farming ooessaa- Ity sad *Men ay regime, and therefore selasses their p0troe.m and support. His este.Iishssent is attractively tided up, and 11s appearance will •15 In no small degree with hardware estrbtIshmw4 in mon pre. teniae* plus. W• wish him toe bet .aesesa COMM Aar, (lows,-9mos our last, x0.00 W mode its used Isar snail ps.daw.y. W ei a camber esl.bssted it joyfully sad wtlbout ea thing to me- the weal gladness Mist r omesimod by the rearms of relat hes sad friends, whims ethers beta since L.I Christos. bad to mourn to departure hem ere 4.1Uy sire% of ser sad dsrh beloved rslaMvu and therefore one less to isW*abe t this letivines 0nd happiness - Ci1 finesse b 01 nt sesta* rssaas. 8.has been hath. hymns days, and will be until the .r a Ma We wish the odder of Tun n S1Al. sad hie sad sad all our °Wrens a {rasp Now Year Dad say returns. IwrlNNetT es AS AMID PionS.a. - W• scant M lase be ehrentsle the dom- e of s.Mlr p4...r of she township of Mr. wimb., reU.t of VIII isi. masers Iters. sols .ter. abet iva*t. Nem .0em . beset troubles .,d (0.rd I balky. departed tble Ms en Saturday, EMM NM. The reabs were interred in la abs .*matey, Dammam o. Mo.day "' tis 961b, Wag sawrted thither from be. , E.I. rwi4awes la AMNIA , sad in the vioim- thy d Dmmpm,w, be a very large ogee mums of strrew1R friends, relatives. and seasulnhaeass, whish owing tra the demised b•!rg beam aa old sottisr. were m WY ma.rok. Ms asad 77 years. Rev. R. Faisb.in, FF' B.A.. maillastad the obsey tutee hi • very ins. p!!ssiva same. Tb dowsed lady was essasmed by all with wham she was :. ag.dated, being a good resident. a tiled taubsr, sad • regular satemdant at Thebes .trtIN.1 alts • liberal supporter of the _ iamb tm whisk she belongs. the Yreebe r- Eaa,.fwMae was a eombtest m.mbr. ab. will Me 3' and sorrowfully utrrad b the Mme deeds, is the Mean* sad by selmlib a. Your b.ibis orrspdant beard her Aegoa lly stets ramiadmenaes o1 I. bugaeblp• mid eln.gise baklava to her - setf. her NM btalaad, and Mbar etlen in 1M 0•111111111he days of settlement. one e1 MM. that en esennil oouaiw she esrrhed Ipsebilnan trim Oe1MeMb te her honk for K bbd dies Thedaseased Met in fords of sem end da,mgber. 1 • taps.11 bar departure. Ws. elms with Mimes. Mead ear trace eymwMy to Ibe bereaved family. Wo have good hope, from oeoversetioo with her darts( her illness, that she had !node a beery oaf blared change of an earthly babitetioo for a heaven- ly and eternal one of bite and nominated happiness. MUNICIPAL NOMINATION, --Janos Gib- son. for his choles. mustoipal service as reeve in W. waweaosh daring 1898, was re- elected by malmmeari.s. There are eleven oandidsted who rises been nominated, and are aspirasie for mualotpel honors 01 wares may tour of them can be elected. J, Webster and Wm. lame' on. two of the members of the late council, retired, as did also Wm. Plunkett. who bus left the eie ateame. Weprsasutetime 'bar they boon aspirant. for elsotioa th•t would have been returned by sociaation, and the tsun- ail would be the same for 1N99 as in 18118 However, there u ample material from wbioh te ohow a good oouooll for 1899. R, Medd and Wm. Itatli., two .t the oandidate for election, owing 4 their having been connected with the 000noll have Inge experie000 in municipal work. Election for four oouoolllors will take place ea Monday, the second day of Janavy, 1899 FeUowiap are candidate for eleos4sn to the council la Wet Wawao.sb for '99: yeses, R. Medd Om sorb( deputy relive) Wm. Bailie, Wm. Moljaillae, lath of whom have boss formerly eoanoilme., Jou. A. Mal. bash, Kiohard Andenoo, who was tax ool- lectr for four years, I) B Murray, John Tbompeoo, Patrick O'Co..or,_Charles Ty. tor, John Joynt, W. McAllister, 11 i. all. Patrbk Welsh was somi•0ted, but with- drew. Lenaoullor J. Webster was acminat- ed. but withdrew. Ashfield. -The old oouoml is ro.eleoted_ CHURCH NOTE& On Sunday tremor last, at Knox shuroh, Mie Ora Wilkinson, of Tor,,o',, gave a beautiful rendition of the sol, "Dream of foredo." Rev. H. levies, of Sr. Thomas, who is well known in Godertob and •iotony, has rewired • unanimous invitation to Listened for next owf.renoe year, and hu accepted. We regret that to oar report of the parker :o•oert oa tr.• lbth test., at the resides*, of C A. Nairn, we emitted reference to our of the meet enjoyable feature of Ike evening's program. This was a gra ase ree4Ml oo.dastd by J. F. Ths..s..i whoa gars several evletione dari.g the *Topeka. St. Uorge's Sunday school will hare its anneal Chrietmes tree and estertatement o. Friday evening aext, Io the Venetia Opera How. The program will omelet of a omata4, lllitry drill by twenty boys, sdootio.s by the Whims a.d the distriba. Mon of efts frees the Christer tree by Santa Clem. Sk Geerg.'. Sunday school has as enviable reputation for its entertain. sesta, ad as everybody is weloome tb. Opera Hoose shoal 1 be weal tilled. Tickets. 15 and 10 cents. The manual entartalamcst of Knox Amok Sunday wheal was held as Tuesday sight is the schoolroom, which was well tilled with the oiilWren, their parents mad friss& A program 000tribated wholly by the children did ,rent midi' to their instruc- tora. Just as one of the Utile o.e Osisbed rbc i01, Sant Claw Bank bounding in Gut ugh the droplets and out spots the Nese Mre Seats strived later on, and f or some preliminaries the brio*. of the oh /nary -piece, which were boxes filled with c,nry. N4 sod retake, were distributed . mato tbaoblldns, to Milk great ssm4at- meat. The 1'reebyteeme and Metldiat ooe0riv gat no, will observe the week of prayer by holdi (wale survie.as followe:-Meedy, Jae. tad, k Nor! -at. Methodist shank. Stake, Confinden snd Thaakaglving. Seeker, Rev. Jas. A. Aiderses. Tuesday, Jos 3rd, is Kaes amok. 8airre , Th. Gmanb Universal. Speaker, Rov. Jasper W'ilpea. Wedaedy, Jan. 4th, regular prelit�meeting is all the obarehea. Thurs- day, Jan. 601. is Vieterla-N. church. Sub OUR DAYS MORES...,. P'or the balance of this week we will cell EVERY- , THING AT COST, 1* we mo*t close at the end of this _Tisk.. +lit will pay you to buy now. In tinware, Lampe and (7atnee there is a special re- duction. A fgw Sleighs left, which we will clear out at 15c. each. A better line, with iron runner*, for 80c. A big line of ladies' Underwear and Hosiery that most be *old. We have Underwear from lac. up. Come in and ass same .of the eosin There in *re to be eomething you want, especially when you flee the piieea. Retaember, we must positively close of the 31st. OD'S FAIR, e-. Ipeat-M and Ire(, Bitariles and ' Vaster, IA.v. Jeep Willa. Friday, Ju. 611, Is Kae. obgigok, Saucer, Fermin Nttainaa Spotter, Bon. W. 0041 sic. The wrists will cegosos.. at It r.11. e - Oases% Or .tees RJa1ssat• Griffiths' Menthol I'e1aYat M the me curative dlecuvey Id Oa y. trains muerte, membrtae sad treat to tie very bone, bealehes pains and aches with b power Impoeslble with may Mbar is .d7• 4�U.cct Itaaa.tddw arheu • :Balis eaaaliSa,' ail 4raegt.ea. fi eraL� 700 $ALE ICY JAB. WILBtN. ro £DVISRTI/ERIS. Nm.. .1 Adages mast be lett at this Oise sob War taw, Saturday seem The Oopy for Mame. meek be kilt not [.tar than Mali day soca Omuta! Ad.rrkfasm.ar accepted lu to noon Wedaeeday .1 each week. THE WEEKLY Marino T REPORT ouuwt u. Der.M,floc ••-- - 01i1 to 1,0 110 It 00 13 00 tea 01040 061 M0 !Nal* u40to0N o 141001. o1s4011 3 00b3117 66Dle7N 000t000 0Na0M 3804400 u 10 to 615 U It a 013 0Ytall 500 to 5 PI e0046N 03 to Or .Melamely Per cwt • ra- ft per cwt liban.tea f7•ta, *bosh •...............:_:�_:: a bush.. Ray.. ton ate a babe eros\ upwind, a don Pelts iamb -Okla. .... Uv. Hon &soon. Hem. par Ib ....................... (Asa.. or ib-... firestilft Beit fere quarter bremat.fleci. hied Entre ler baste - RICE'S T 1190 PURE SALT town APWDICAPI annul lith,acs. SOLE RAMPS - 000fRk11.OM. Ti ANNUAL Christmas Tree AND ......-ENTERTAINMENT io ooanectton with St. Oeerge's Sunday School will be held In the YICTOBIA OPE1A HOCSE. UN Friday Eon'g, Dec. 3Oih The Entertainment will .vn,sist of a ( uutala, entitled "Pe Christmas Messengers TT ullruluunyg the " Spirit of Chri,tnuu," eleven attendant Mnusenger. and Chorus of (:iris. Military Drill by 90 Iloyr. Recitations, rte., by the C'bildren, eo ncludiug by distribution of Gifte by Saute Claus from the l'hriettnaa Tree. One of the DN.( ntnkuryt features of the .evening will lee a Scientific Address by a young Irish Phiketopher, whose profound remarks will throw marvellous and unex. peeted light upon many of tate hitherto dark problems of nature which hate per- plexed the minda of the people of Gudench. TICKETS, 15c. and 10c. Dorsppeti at 7: to commence at 7:30. EVERYBODY W EU'OM E. TH>WRIC IB A hot Time TO -N ICIEST 111 .Very hone using one of our Timm. De -Carbon Steel Stoves and Ranges W have some mors of them-. ,, l at fabulously low prioee. We guarantee them to stand tire, hake hotter and radiate mon hest than any other stove or range in the market. Our stock of TIN W ARI': and (.RANITE- H'ARE is compete, and cannot be exoellod in quality or ch..poee. All PLUMBING WORK executed with dispatch, enol satisfaction assured. Heolquart.•rs for Heating, Lighting and !lurching. FLLSIIUBB & ROBINSON, Cor. West -et and Square. Next Week .. . we will have our handsome 'tock of Perfumery, Hair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, combo, Dressing ('ease, Manicrea, Silver Mounted Pipes, rte., etc., opened out aNl ready to sell. All Fresh Goods - no Fwgsin counter stuff. Come and one our Ebony Goods. J. WILSON PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORE. 6 AODIRiOH STEAM BOILER WORKS. A. S. OHRYSTAL, Buesoesseto O1-r.l.lol Blom*. e4.sasaeswsr of all kkde et ElOIL1ER8. Smoke Stacks, Salt Fans, Hobert Ito- Weeks, ego., Ole., And peeler 1.- %glats. MsnYbOry Ofteihria. As. all N..nd aimsof Pipes mid Qtlsek Voices, Iaepbutess a• Osa.e.YF on Bead at Iowa A It.. N steal Weir sad Um 'Mw s w of 4.55.5. aM stbdr. t hiedska. a msptiv -Mede. le • A L lady P. O, e 'i ' CNTARI We do AH Kinds of rloulding and Repair Machinery of any description at short notice, and for little money. KaisrairydeWe, Mennen 13'O 13C3RICnit- CHOICE SELECTION OF McLaughlin Cutters �..� One Blass only, and that the Boot. PORTLAND °TITTERS PIANO -BOX CUTTERS PLEASURE CUTTERS JARVIS CUTTERS Th.. heatHund,,,] (uttr,,, the brat material waiLiketbena6kw�ti torAc eNsea. is w town of C. ch. (JOU and entwine before purchasing elsewhero. I tarry aloe a full lire of Agricultural` Implements Noma* 114,..' Binders. Mowers, Disc H. rows, Uri La, Spring Tooth Harrows, of the hest grade : Lucksh.at flow Co.'. high grade Plows of all kinds : Adams Wagon Co.'s Lumber Wiliam., Bobsleighs and Drays of the beet ytrltty. JOHN KNOX, 01.3 General Agent, Ooderloh. 1 96N C00[ S!1JYE At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is wit') coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, trod and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN Stovesand Ra n ges GALL AT OATTLE BROS. Hiders, batten and Tmtailha West .ids et rinser, sett Sturdy Breit 1ffEW GOODS FOR Fall and Winter Snits and Overcoats. READY-MADE CLOTHING °NEAP 507 owe make. Oa and ee them. R eode.de � yes lard or marts op ,n the latest T111RMB . C'Agg» H. DUNLOP)) Next Bank of Menblad oodartoh. For Bat Malts Advertise i Tbe Ngsal To New Years Bayern . ... . Yoe wish to know what to bay, where . to buy, and where your dollar or dime will go the tardiest. You will find 8MITA'S BAZAR the right place. Nowhere else in town will you find ro great an smart. meet of New and Beautiful Goods to select from. fns -Class Goode in Fin. China, Japanese Curios and Art Goods ; English, German and Austrian Goods. Toys. Novelties and Games of every description, at prices to Bait all pockets. C.owe in arta Wee dtirGrand. Display of Holiday Goods, whether you buy or not. 1t is only by seeing that you can form any idea of what we have oolleoted from all quarters of the globe to please our customers. We are confident we can pieriae you in Variety. Quality and Prioe Something to meet all camas. and requirements. SMITH'S' BAZAR, NE\T • IWN HALL. W ILKSB NIIIITH. OUR DI PLAY OP XMAS OAKES !hie year is the largest and tiurat we have ever mato, and, we re confident, not only the bast but the cheapest ut the town. My Chnst- nia. Cakes are made only frau the titieet ,.,!ectad hulk the beet that money can buy : no adulterant r weed - nothing that will in any way Mapco Uie goods fir diuuinish the rich, duh.aw guru to( the trite fruit take. CA NTELON 'S Pastry, Oyster Paulin, Tarts, Cream tells ad Short Bread, Niece Pies sad Lady Rogers, Macaroons, ilaraagees.rines, Brady Sups. Fac, are as good as the beet made In ant city in Canada. Our omtwide orders are oomiog in very well this year. iast year we did a large trade, extending to the cities, and we have soot wedding .ekes all over this Province. It I' )net as well to let yup: know your baker is appreciated outside of his own town, as Ise 16044. she trade io fancy ui-g fuel oniuneutiug and almond icing. 11.... newt in orniers early, as 1 will have aU my staff busy from now until New Vear's. Wishing you, opo and al:, a nlst•ry 0u -imams audl • happy New year, D. CANTELON, WEST -8T. Canad ian Pacific Ry. S THE DIREC If FAST ONLY - ALL -CANADIAN _ LINE TO TARE FOR Manitoba, the N( rthwest, KlondikeandYukon Gold Fields. LOWEST RATER, FASTEST TIME. ACCOMMODAI ION UNSURPASSED. TOURIST CARS A WtEK 3 TO THE PACIFIC COAST Tan fnrormatt.a had pamphlet •' Klondike and Yukon Gold elude." free. ♦pp17 4 R_ RADQr.Tpp�� A.csai OTT, -- csarac LIC7a- Satisfaction or Your Money Back. There it a difference in Guarantees. Sotne are only vague promises rade by salesmen with nothing track of than. We put a guarantee turd in the pocket of eac garmmg, which is 1s strong and binding as a Noterisi Contract. liege it i1: This cerci le a (Jsaraafee haat tie eloth In this gement has been Rhee. mob. SPONOaD and AIFlDlit awl Eke warkieseek p i. foggy jsa?a5teed. a amour a co. lidamtreaL Shorey's Readze-to-Wear Ciothins can be purchased from at least one reputable dealer in every town and village in Canada. Aok seeing thefcitShiPtria 7 "-.ClstNeg cad Meier os. rT 4-' • I - R. B. 33411:11 DRY GOODS 00. Ood.rtsh. Ont. Beatorth. Ont. CIIALLENGE SALE l AT aS CENTS. Pewney's French Kid Glove', every pair guaranteed, regular $1.25, for per pair 5 -yard length Bowe Silks for 7 yards heavy Grey Twill Flannel for 10 yards (trey Felt Flannelette for 10 yards Grey Flannel (Twilled) for 124 Silkilioe Print, dark eider, for 3 yards Eider Down for Children's Costa for 20 yards American °bailie. for 10 yards Wrapper Funnel for 25 yards Flannelette for 854, 95o 950 950 95o 95c 950 95c 95c 25 yards English fast color Print for ..... , , -, • , 950 8 yard. Cottonade for 8bo Heavy Meek Beaver Cloth for 950 per yard i .... 85c OA A LLINCHE SALE I AT 35 CENTS. Children'. Black and Colored Kid Gloves, 4 pearl buttons, sisee S; to til, for lbo 3i yards very fine diced Linen for - 350 7 yards Blue and White Checker! Iimes fee.. . 7 yards 24 in. fine- Valenciennes Lace for b yards doublefoldSkirt Lining for 5 yards Shirting and Apra Gingham for Ladies' heavy Wool Ovetho.e for per pair 35e -355. 351) 35c OE LLENGT SALT I AT 16 CENTS. Doabl4fold Wool Braine Veiling, per yard 38 -in. Striped Skirting, per yard Ladies' 4 -ply Linen Collars 24 yards French Canvas far 4 yards Black Skirt Lining, for Children'. and Misses' Lined Kid Mitt., per pa, 15o 15c 3 for 15e .-••••41....-• • • • . 15c 15o 15c We commence a month maim' thaaMa7tigl a Grand Clean -Sweep Sale of all Millinery and Fancy Dry Goods. R. B- SMITg. 0. W. ANDREWS, Manager. F. JORDAN has pleasure in announcing to his old friends, and as many new ones as possible, that he has re -opened business at the old stand, with a complete and en- tirely new stock of DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PERFU11E,, TOILET ARTICLES, HORSE and CATTLE PIEDICiNES and a large variety of Fancy Goods, suitable for .. XMAS PRESENTS . . Tk Dispensing Department will always be under his awiii super'vla'ion, or t..111100 a thoroughly competent assistant, -' F. JORDAN. set CAAENITA fA 10! DELIG HTFUL CIGAR That Makes of Every One who Trim it JMTTTtAv 4 C' MONTREAL. FOR THE HOLIDAYS, At the correct thing is to have the best for your visitors, and you can get the best GROCERIEB 1 STD -RIMY'- DROB. TRIC SQUARE, OODERWIL Ret year Up-t.•Date. Job Mit* at "The .>" ti. Illemsedir.fhw • lfs111 alai Meow I , all si Liver 1411mIrtlari► a1slAM` era moaEw. 0'*-- -