HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-29, Page 7d 1. y„ii;Fan-r-�73<, •--+•••-".""'-"a' , 1 ter ash.""" t-7=-. ,:. - �'^�n' ►.w. CltAWSHAIkoeband and W1te i• that story wet had—that perhise you would ne p W A. k1AI4t linuaT. CHAPTER XXIV. WIA'e groats. At the motion ut ber first egtettng the room 1.olu bad not "et' the pollee insector or Mr. Gifford, nut wise aha Doloed them au&taw that the ft rimer wore police tandem she mus partied. ••Wbo ere theta geutleweui" she. asked of t'ir Jutir:,y. But he was 11.0 u.ueir moved by her oomlug to be apse to too el r. "lurpecWr Bordeat•et le+ charged with tate inquiry iotathlestrigh of Pierre trorriau, and I urn hen looking 1 into 'Wogs for the frmiiy. 1 1w Mr. `sifford, a pleats Inquiry agent of Southampton otbrmP taw [o w London aud well I kn Uw n.•• I Ie oould not twist to 11453 Iself advuiieemeut even at rook a MO. went. , ` "1 cannot speak was then gentle - eau, Jaffray," said Lola. "What I I have to say tau be paid to you—and to Beryl, for ibe-tdre.dy knows every- thing, or nearly - every thi• g. " At this the police inspector pricked .p his eats aud looked across sharply at Beryl, wbo notiosd the actlou and the look. 1 "Then we'd better go, inspector," , said Mr. Gifford, seeing the dimoulty land trying to get over it with a rusk. But inspector Boederbam did not move. I "f really think it would be better for Ise to stay, Sir Jaffrey," be said • little 1 pervonny, afraid to offetsd the birofiir and yet very uuwtlling to go. 1 "1 see Do necessity whatever for your preseuoe," retorted the baronet shortly. (' You must see that this matter bas 1 sew taken a quite unexpected tent and that you can do *tithing. Yon can go. " "You will accept lb* rspousibifity?" "What responsibility is that?" ex- claimed Lois excitedly. "Do you mean for my presence, sir? 1 tell you 1 have Dome back for tbe express purpose of taping anything that any one may dare to whisper against me, that I ■bould set have conte back had it not been for the fact of Pierre Turrian's death, and that 1 shall remain"—sbe was going to eay ".t the n auor bourse" but checked b.rtelf and substituted—"where' you Matt *sow pecfaotly e4) ll-arksas retied I me whenever you wish. But now I have something to say to say—to Sir Jaffray, . which oonoern. mo one but himself, azid for the moment we most be left together." A flash of rapid thought oonvineed the Inspector that he oould not possibly do any bane by doing what wile asked, as be could easily .bedow ber ladyship should abs attempt to get away again. "1 will do what you wish," be said, and wit a bow be left the room with Mr. Clifford. • As soon as the three were alone there was a long silence. The -warmth with wbleb Lola bad spoken to the inspector died out, the pallor wkicb all had DO - timed on ber first entry increased, and the leaned back on the sofa on which the sat as though weak and driving to collect ber strength for a great effort " Sir Jaffrey sat apart, torn by ininile- ly painful emotions Her first repulse of him had roused a multitude of di.- tnrbing tbot.gbtr in which his Ivan on account of her madness, bis doubts abort the 190914rilO 404.,pirtycd in the ' death of Pierre Turrian and his love, ' lquiokeued into hot passion by the sight 'of her, were all miugled with a new !and worst tear that ber action wax the l''i result of a resolve 005 to let him gn near her until she had confesed—what . be knew not lir longed W cosh and Bake ber in his ureas and yet was -held ' Illfk in a conflict of doubts and fears. . Biryl sat quietly waiting for Lola to Nil in ber own way the story of which the knew the main features. Lola broke the silence at length with a long, deep sigh. Then the paid: "Ab, Jaffray, 1 have been mad!" The words so fitted them5dlyel to his wont hears on ber account tbrt he 'looked Berns% at ht r with an expreteiou 'which 1be seemed to read intuitively. . p "Do you think I am guilty of the • death of Pierre Tnrrlan, Jaffrey?" the cried in • voice of pain and reeleetmeDt. "And you, Beryl, do you?" And with- out waiting for any answer in words, ,rending one in the momentary ember- r'essed silence of the two, she cried in a 1 vole all sorrow and suffering: "Heaven `.help mel It ie indeed time I cense back! IOb, Jaffrey, Jeffrey!" And, bursting ' into robs. she buried her fret in ber thanda on the bead d the sot.. 1i Sir Jaffrey could not bear to sight .d her distress, hot want quickly to her, and, laying • band on her Houlder, said: "Give me your word that you know nothing of this, Lola, and 1 will believe lyes against the world." She shoo band off u though his k his louob burned ber, and, rising to ber feet, looked him steadily 1n the face. "Ware the posltionschasged I should land no word of yours to make me feel your innocents.. Jaffray," abs said in a tome which stabbed him, "bat yon *hall thane my word. As God le rey judge 1 know no more than yourself bow this man met his death." A good of relief burst over him at the words, and again he made as though he 'would clasp her in bis arms, and again tape prevented bim. I Then Beryl, who bad waited with subpense for the avowal of her litho - canoe. and who was quite ready to "t- empt it and to be convinced by it, feel - ,Ing something of the agony whidb L•0111 most at that moment be enduring, went to her, and, making bar sit down again eu the sofa, insisted oD sitting by her. ,ibe pat her arms resod her and held lea In a close embrace and kissed her. 1 "Fnreire inc. Lola, ter I, too, have wronged you in thought. 1 know what 'ye* rnuet bare suffered. Why did you >:.7t aims to me?" ' At fins bilabial to prevent the girl, .but the Meek d empathy wee toe swat M be Io.g repl.sd, and t8 first etffe red, than welcomed and at last rev- eled to the euseolatlos thug offered. "Ton shake say heavy task lighter," the said to beryl pr+eeently, gad the, after another paints, .be began her eon - barks, beginning, womanlike, with ea Implied attack upon Sir Jeffrey himself. "Ne Jeffrey, y, the blood d that man Ices not 11. cm my bandit" .he said in a low. deet voice. "It was on for that math 1888 I Medd Met let you take me 1h year erne jest son. Beavon knows. 1 fig. 888 sad and awn" kat I we me Wet ., The Innen swedes rehire 01 pro- tein 16tesla Wenn ytei it Mm, est nide/ IP Mrie ask. with I e head to ewe et Deiyi'e, she wont treeye^5r-as la low 1 1 gill w11j WRIPPINI.1110.011 Pierre Tarries aud myself. Yoe bare learn flow fsise 1 had Well tool 00 moms Inked Ina often whether there was any- to curse me for it" thiug in the just that 1 bad not told you. These•+ra.—that 1 was Pierre Turriau'r wife.. Now you can gimes what 1 have offered, and you kuow the tenon wby 1 41td." "Pierre Turriau's wife!" exclaimed Bir Jaffray, repeating ibe words over and over again as though he could not .nuc ietaud thele. 'a'egre '1'urrlau'e wife! Hie wife!" , after a long pause he ked, "D you know title when"-4did not finial), but she uu- Her bearers had listened breathlessly to this part of the story, marking every syllable, and when she stopped they could pot understood ber. t+ir Jaffrey himself had seen ber hours later than she said close W the oottage. "Where did you go, Lola, and when and what time did you leave that eau?" be asked Lurriedly and in some ezctte- mrt11. "1 war with him prob•aly an hour. not more., and 1 left him to walk dentooda straight to eraexton, in order to catch "You heard the story as he told it," tie, tuuil that stops then at 1 iu ibe the suswerrd. morning. 1 did that. We parted about "He mid you tried lo kill bini then." two wiles from the cottage, I should "That is true, as true as light!" cried tbluk, on the field path that roue from Iola vehemeutly, and Beryl felt ber start rod her mantes harden with tem- per. "It was an impulse, coming either from heaven to free myself from a devil, or from bell to bind myself closer then ever to him, I know out which, but 1 acted on it, and never !ruin that moment till now, when 1 see you .►o wk and quiver at the thought of 1t, Luce I regretted it. 1 will not palliate buy act or belittle it, but this I may ay -1 do not know --Net he•eonld porsekip. have saved himself Led I not steeped on his flugers, but Idid nut think of that then. He bad made say life a hell, and when the chance Premed to come iu my way I tried to free mysld, agd 1 would do the same again." She stopped and looked eagerly across at Mir Jaffray, hoping W read on his face an expression les bard than that which by ber words the seemed to ex- pect and not to fear. But he made no sign of any kind, and the went tin C „ rbe rest you know now or can Sees nearly, except one thing. 1 will tell the truth now, the whole of it, and you shall know the worst of me that can be known. I thought he was dead. and when my father died I dropped the 10 you by name, but Were eau Do an - name of Tnrrtan like a hated thing and ewer, and wham I had quieted my hors. came here to England merely aa Miss which bad taken fright at your appear- Crawsbay. " Then her voice grew harder, &ace, I tried in vain to follow. Is it im- p.sstbl• tbat you can have been there at that ti•...' "Imposible? Absolutely) You know the diatamcs from then to Branxton. I walked every step of the road. I teethed the station at a few minutes before 1, there to the main road to Braunton and close to the road." "1 am bewildered," be said again. "I1 I am under the impression that I raw you clone' to the oottnfte iu Ash Tree wood at a time put midnight that. eight, is it not possible for me to be right?" "What do you mean—that I was by that ruined cottage after the time 1 tell you?" "Lai me make this clear," be ex- cleimed. "When I found you bad gone. I rode first to Leyoester Court. That was directly after dinner. 1 Dame back, bopiug you might have returned, and then they gave me your letter. When I had pulled myself together, I started off se bard as 1 meld gallop to Mrs. Vill- yen' boas. hoping agaivat hope that yuo might hove gone tier*. Finding the plane Wooed and beariat, of boors, that you bad not been there, I rode again to the Const, but did.not rouse 14, and then deme ow borne. 1A .Mae then a loog way pant midnight, -40d a4) I got to to corner of Ash Tree wood, by the path which leads from the cot- tage, some one came to the gap in the hedge whom 1 took to be you. 1 called and the note of defiance again wile per- oeptible. "1 meant to marry and to mar• 1y well, and I had no with to be known as the widow of each • cheat and ell - 1a114 as Pierre '1'urrian. Then I met you and resolved that you should marry me. and I walrried you without loving you." The last words cam• slowly, and when oho 8ed.•dssmbad she kid her face ogaitt. , s tbuogh now afraid to meet his look. "That is the hardest thing you have said. Lola," said Sir Jaffray. Tben for to third time a long silence came upon them all. "I have been woefully pouiibed," mid Lois in • low, half mo..iug voice of infinite eeriness. "0.t of both my faalte have come the menu to punish tbem Tbe wan who was dead lived to stamp out the light of my life. The love 1 had never felt woke to make my pun- ishment greater shah 1 meld bear. 11 I bad never lived yep,• Jaffrey, I mould have fared without flinching all that that man oould do or threaten, hot when be bad the power to put out the lighted love wbick 1 had thought would never be kindled I was desolate. He came and 11.— -etmaeyotA _ forced himself ape me, and I dared not - int fy�im utterly. I dared not telt you. Her ha►,ert UMewad berathlterly. becaore 11 meant—I moat lase 700, Jaf- and at 10 minutes past I left there in H E"SA %TA) ER COL ..1 A PLUCKY MAI;ArDEADLY MTKt WITH A PANTHER. The 4'.1.1.5. Daring sae Llgbtallag. 111,. Atiark• of the Tins" ('at Were No Waters For the Iran eneu.Hee1F et the (rave Herm. e 1 • e Ea044bA'S*PR0DUCtS.22.. Plan. es rr,.,r Ian u.,.n,,,,..,, st,:.aa.tl,et r•ar Mock lir 11157 • rap,.rt,. 4)"4 linin art. ul ►f. .t.u.e. elected& last year produced YBY,ti91 Was et gypsum valued al 5941 631. The llmestoue fur nu" produced In Wnada last, year War valued at $4U,Uu0. The bald' of the m204 poli tlOa4 ID bt,•tuole In leer was 175,000. Cana,la produced last year. 11,900 tons In the little Aroostook camp when 1 of ochres valued at 1123,510. ' worked the wlnwr I war• le pare old then Millers' water to the value 01 5140,000 arrived au unusual kind of visitor. 1t woe produced In d)anade In 1891. -- vvu, nothing lees than • fine 0011. The The :molding sand found 10 Canada Mother of this unlooked for visitor was a bay man Called V'fznu. She had fine In- 10-lligtnee mid great working qualities, Let el.e was bed tempered to all but bur u.a.t,r.w►bo thought the world of her. Joe', now she was in wore temper than total, for .he thought her foal ought to he In snort) civilised quartan than than ut the camp moist" The oist 5The man and her baby, however, were oared for with a solleitude that should have softened ber heart. It was eprlug weather, warns fa the sun at midday, and besides the roomy corner of the stable wltleb had beau fitted up for buy lady's •cwunuodation the men had built her • wide pen In the yard, on the south ride of the stable wall, where she amid sun her orf owing at all convenient seasons. Oust div in the early aft nete'n: when the men lad gone hr off- to tbalr @Sew ping. the otok and I found oursel ves alone In canto A week or so before this 1 had had the misfortune to sink say az deep Imo my left foot The out was a bed one, and pinto the aoolden& 1 had not been able to walk a step. 1 was sitting on • log where the 000k batt plaosd m• when some slight sound attracted say attention. Glancing toward the noise, my eye caught a glimpse of a lank. tawny creature stealthily creeping between the tleetoD the outer edge of the Glaring. We 8011,E dr•gg*i the low did he crouch. He had not seen me, Iasi year Wtallw 6.485 tons, valued et 510,4)31. 'the value of the natural gas produced In Canada last year was 8325,878. Canada produced last year 8,609,857 barrels of petroleum valu.i at 11,011,646. Phosphates awounting to 908 tons were produced to Canada last year, {he value being 514,2)4)4 In 1897 Canada produced 88,910 tons of pyrites valued at 1110,730. Last years salt output lu Canada was val.t.d at 5190.000. Canada produo.d fart year 205,218 bat - nls of cement valued at 575,978. Flag stones to bb's value of 57,190 wets produced In Canada last year. The slats product in Canada lot year reached a value of 543.800. Cr8k e's ID4swilaineQt"minssuP•;se• duct faded year reams -!:blas of iPO 642.939. '1'bs value of the export of do1uestle asbestos by Canada last year was 5510,- 916. Canada last year exported 53,330,017 worth of domeetlo coal. The douteetlo Dopper exported by Can- ed. last year was $550,482. Canine's dolomite Boll exported last year was veined at 52,804,101. 'rhe gypsum, domestic, exported by Canada lasslle,ar was ,aloud as 8183,376. Thalren agar Canada exported last year was valued at 8'_41,979 and he took the utmost pains to escape Canada last year extorted domeetle observation. He mus eying Vixen and iron and steel valued al 5623,9h8 - her foal over the low feow of their pen 1 b value of the doluestie mica export - and was deciding on the tactics best oat- .d last year by Canada was 561,948. culated W give him Dolt for supper. The nickel exported by Canada last lie crept slowly round the clearing ■n- year was valued at $498,610. oheerved, as be thought, 1111 he bad the Canada exported In domestic phosphates stable between himself and the pen; then Talus amounting to 176. ne left his cover But he had underrated '4Le domestic sneer exported by Cao• Vixen's keenness. Her eye had been upon aaa last year reached 59,618,178 In "value. him from Use first, and the moment be In 481 Canada sported 147,771 wortb dfeappeiared from her view abs set up an of stone and marble. ,lilsoellaneo°s artl- exeited whinny, which was Intended to clot to the value of 4756,347 were also summon help from the comp. exported. The cook heard her call. Without wait- The total value of the exports of Can - Ing for more than • glimpse of the panther ada'a mtparal production last year was the couk,sta}rtod on the run for the chop 511,906,918. 4)f this Great Brltaln's por- ping where the men were at work. I tion was 4682,579 knew he had gone for his gun. abs only The United States took •lose'a1a sol- o+vR-•Jdt..oelane.1rlticJt. tt.,11el. „tletLte. ... taken with ham atter inmates. `rit4.h pose. I n_. 0k 0310- Se/dna no help come from the camp, British poeseblons Wok Canadian arals •mounting to 8896,678. took ok her molt to the middle of the Gennepy took 897,191 worth. peu and stood with It right under her The coal areas of Canada are estimated pose, while she kept • oees.lesa watch on at 97,200 square miles, tee lncludng all sides The Dolt seemed to ru•Ilw from awe known but u''yet it1*Mvsloped, in its mother's alarm that there was danger fa tit our ate r lrnrnm tliUU A Sailor Shangbaie4 and Ma- 1 rooted In Midoceaa. STARVATION AND ITft AGONIES. Saved tt from n Penu Matter 1.1••4••• • Bar L aw Marled Nae - !______ itt/•a� � re■ Masa se asd Was e'Irsllr Glee- /- eued by a Paa.l•a ship—I.lvlag .la Orissa aa1 Iseeete. 'Chgrhe Iteertig of t'Incfnnail, like many .notor ambitious youth, went to thu Pa- , itio txu,at many years ago to make MC for- tune. He was out wholly rueteeteful, but :0115 enough money to pay hie way book home He was obliged W spend a few /aye In t4an Franelsco, and, like many ad- venturous epirlte, took In the eights of ibe town The decks were • gnat attraction to hilt, and he loitered about them 111117 , lumpremed with the a.•tivlly and bustle that they pro,lrntud Especially did he admire the big -mean 11non and the tangled formal of masts and spars of the 'shipping tied up to the docks. Ile talked kuowlogly to e group of sailors. and they scented to take an interest in hint They were just begin - fray. In a moment of maduese and the mail train for Derby, where I had tbinktug 1 could play a desperate game planned to change carriages and get a with hof. t4) 1 tried to bold him at My freeb Dirket on to Ltmdm. and yet to keep your love for myself, Sir Jaffrey roes quickly from his but it was a..•i.as. Some one else had chair and rang the bell loudly, and, go - learned to truth—Beryl here. aud iLoinerto•the-door, told Use servant to read came near costing ber ber life, for that `Inspector •Borderham and Mr. Gifford evil, reckless' man .ought to take it even into the room at once. - 1n "'hi hone. But. like a woman f.• l- ••There is something that yoc mn"t ing far a woman's grief, Beryl and to bear immediately, impector," he said wake the (noble as light for me e■ it very excitedly. "There is • rnretcry could be. HeNven knows 8iw I Move here which must be probed at ono'. 1 thanked you for that and for all, Beryl!"•' Oen give you a clew to the whole at• cried Lola, breaking off • moment • to fair." Aud then he began to tall hnr- kiss the girl at ber ride. riedly that-prF of Lola's story which "But there was no hope of "cape," had d4died him, while the inRix.tor, the resumed. "Failing in hie attempt cele and stolid end mkeptiell, took on- to kill Beryl, the madman came to me pions notes of what he beard. with a plait to kill you, Jaffray, and— but you remember the scene that morn- I CHAPTER XXV. ing w lamb ydo interrupted. I knew than WAITING FOR 166 aRRaxT. that + very door of hope was abut agaw:.t Sir Jaffray was so excited at the pal- my when be had gone 1 went up to my room and tried to think out the best ability of clearing Lola from the terri- course. Do you know what determined bfe charge of which she had been ene- ma? Can you goes?" peotedand so relieved at having bis own She paused just an irritant and looked distreseing doubts removed and indeed at bim as if hoping that be could read so overjoyed to .s ber again that he her thoughts, bot before be had time to lust might of ■ll the first part of her con - answer the continued: fesion in thinking of to end, and he "No,' you will not guess after what I told the facts to the inspector with all have said and what bas happened. I the enthusiasm and eonfldence of pro - wanted to- find some way oat of the found belief. trouble which would have left some of But the two mem to wbo: be spoke your lone for me remaining. I thought listened to it witb tboaghta very differ - .° kill myself, but I knew that then the maa who is dead would have told you all my guilt end have tried to trade et to knowledge till the thought of tate would have been hateful to you. I tried to tell you that afternoon, but the words were uhilled on my tongue, end 1 could bat M wawa sew no y Then I R not. hops and so prove to to man who was thus between us that be could no longer rent by bis Petrel, and I planned it easily. Ile wrote tom. that afternoon telling me to meet bim at night at e o'eIvk near that cottage where beseems to have met his death. Then Beryl's Iettel came, and you know that it war. to ask nit to No to her, and it formed just the ex, nee i wanted. 1 left word that 1 was going to teyoeater Court, stud I drone over there, stopping joist 'short of the house and telling Robbin* that I , was uncertain what time I .hnuld t*'. turn. and that one of the Coart carriages would take me back, and u soon as be was gone 1 walked back. You know the lonely path across the fields. I came that way and did not meet any one the *bola time." "Did you go to that cottage that night?" asked Jaffray when she paused. bot Beryl sent a warning glance that Ye should let her tell the whole dory in bar own way. "Yes, i met him there. It was before •'d1nik, and we walked bask tin path I had ems. stopping every sew mid then. I lied to him in one Ming, knowing his—I told him *al pee knew eveeytb/ty. Jaffrey; that i was a fugitive of my own free will, that never sesta should be tat yeti on eyes os en, and that, tilesgh he had heetan g1e, the viotery ebo.ld be se grit and .Hes between bis teeth. I framed lift with the blows that yea had show- ered a hi• in the smite. and mad. dotted Nm with )sere at 1s fallen d astir end Middled Welt apprebenslvely to- the r mor get her The coal areas of ?lova Sootla cover Presently mond the earner of the stable about 686 duan miles. They an dfvld•d Into the Cape Breton, the Nowa and the Cl„ pt the panther, a tawny shadow, Qat Cumberland basin.. It 1s estimated that -On the snow The moment below through Nova Scotia conceits 7,000,00,000 ton. of *41. . the openlngeof the fence that the eye of e°54.ate man was upon him be bounded to Anthracite in 3 feet and 6 -fest seams, amongtop of the fence and made one bold somparfng favorably with that from among for his prey, but to mare was no Peonghanla, has hese fund in Queen ICAO lightning swift than himself. At the Charlotte Island. ffr.t glimpse of him she had whirled so Nova Scotia tart year producsl 9,466,- that not hash were award the en.nty sad SST ton* of coal 41 -.) waited in a c4) aching attitude that Hrltieb Columbia, in 1897, produced tope might have taken to indicate the ex• trees of terror As the panther sprang 988,7954 tons of coat of the law The tare wanted to mix 11 up Manitoba and Northwe.t Terrltortes In hear Iron heels met him with •thud that 1896 peodacei 225,4468 tons of opal. with the bogus °Meer end rescue their turned out of him ■n lnvoluntatT snarling New Brunswick In 1896 produced 7,500 frightened young companion, but were 1 fully and rapidly as any of the grew. He gasp, end he fell against the pun tenor tons of coal called off by the bartender, who requested ,fYas soul Inked, and the sailors teak pride In an instant he flashed over the fence and Th. total real °redact .f Canada for therm 006 W lay ,lolent 44.11,1• on the milli , In teaching hint The long voyage wag Ly down In the snow to taoov.r his 4997 was 83,876,201, she utilises 01 mer because of the preset•utfon which file ; motet pleasant so far, but a rough aloe was Amployer wot114 be stitUected to thereafter ahead. In the Chinn sea • typhlon struck at the hands of the letnee Ithe gallant• little ship with 15111[415 foto. Hoenig .enrn sii Irl the alleged officer. She withstood the terrible pounding 1• - but even to this day the young yuan dos i 0tetad by eke angry ware...for hours b. Many are the widows, children, sisters, mothers ujld dependants saved from penury, privation and want by the promptly re poli- cies of the • oretec It Canadian of J4O Two or three cents a day mike ata least $1000 safe for those you leave behind you when you are called __-A141 of $Ioo,000. b included in a Surplus Fund of $674,149.85 invested in Canada's Strongest Financial In- stitutions are some of the safe- guards offered by the C. O. F. For further particulars enquire of any of the Officers or Members of the Order, or address R. ELLIOTT, N. C.F.., re ., Irgeea. , t -MOS. wttITE. mor ascy. UrsNtne --- ERNST OARTUNO.I.9P; seeetswa ��-4. eta 119Jrt4TJ ■a1RTIO'e SION*L arab. n.ng to gain tbett there lege, after • Ieug voyage of 118 days from Borneo. By their stories of sea life they aroused • great deal of Interest on the part of young Hamel', and bethought that his sailor friends were tbe whole thing Eventually ons old "fiat foot” with tar under tan finger nails Wok a hitch In his trousers and suggested that they tack up the street and find a harbor Um • ul sterility. NM it tlfl*f babita- non could be dfstingute ed. ' r two days to young fellow wont *f of eating. Ms bungee became awful to Iii Intensity At nights, with n,thing,tut the mold, Inetaltia sky above hltu, he dept, mica - atonally awakened by dreams a steuuing and lueclous food His diespppittiment npoo ascertaining that the food was but • fancy of the brain, disordered by the pangs of hunger. was agonizingand Maddening. He tried to swum off death from starvation by eating grim and bark. Towle and fro Mete earn delicacies which he hunted wit& every animal instinct moused • id devour- ed greedily He soon began to show .vt- denor+ of mental and pbyminal oullaps. *Se were 74ollilf!{eeMt: boo ie dad Wt give up hole of emus He smiled upon Choi W save hlrn to a pitiful auppllcatloe. One day he crawled to a knoll, and, look- ' Ing out over the sea, be Paw a ship Hs rubbed his eyes and looked again- Theft it was, • full rigged clipper, bowling reap rlly over the waves about two 'miles eQ. He staggered to his feet, divested himself of hie blouse and waved It frantically about his bead H• yelled with all hie which would require no soundings wen strength He had been seen. Mown came ter The gang rolled up the thoroughfare the salts. The newt rounded to, a both and threw out • shoot anchor in a typical was launched, men jdropped Into 1t and sailor's move Ind lodging hon". 1t was with sturdy strokes pulled for Mora but a abort flume beton they were In the Hacrtlg fell In a deed faint Hie resousee happiest of spirits. In the midst of • jolly tenderly oonveyed hero to the bust amid discussion of the j,ifelneeeof silt horse the rowed book b ow ship He was lifted on door suddenly opened, a man walked In, board and Harried tato the first mall's " singled out young Heerttg and placed him cabin, when be was revived by grog. under arrest saying that he was an officer The vessel was bound for • tort to China. Haertl( made himself valuable. By this time hi mould go aloft as goo - breath.- - (nomad of making another direct attack �td"he coal prodncl of Nova Scotia, the panther met' sus to the fume, and 9,565,011 toes was sold, and 210,850 tons thence -prang to the roof of arrble, need in colliery consumption. St 44 here he crouched down anddsnarled - Of the coalproductof British Colons - Overtly Iola last year. 679,741 tuns were sold •for :1•.11 colt was i no the object of his export and 309,11th tens need as home. heart's dcsfrb Tho80 moment he mounted in British Columbia, the only eoll Melee W the rod Vfbad withdrawn W the at present in operation are on Vanoonvsr farthar.dgeof the pec, aha now alta mond seIsland, and ars situated at Nanalumo, bunched together with bar hood turned Wellington Union. mind Weet Wellington, backward, se as to let no movement of her and an four In number. fou cs;npse her eye. Canada last r..r Imported 1,457 295 From his superior height te panther tons of free antnrnolte cod valued et fancied that be could escape ber heels and 1p5.6!•5 180. K •e<:h IIllarc'. bock. As he'sp11g from The, quantity of dutiable bituminous hie vsnMtsgo ground the fmpretus nof his ret opal imported lat6,4yerr was 1,603,476 Oleic WWI tremendous and almost ,,» ). rind tons, •slued at '8,254,217. Ole Vixen almost stood oa her head, rind Canada tett year exported 1,102,06 her hole tout him fair 1h the :h, so eons of coal, veined at $1.880,01:. that be shrieked under the blowos,, but the 1 he ynnnNq of coal dust Imported mere momentum of his leap the into Canada lam year eats. 9'26,669 tons, r••I-trines of Vixen's hoofs to to thethe extent tutted at 859,6097 that he reached her beak and bore the The imports of gas mks for um 1n brave mare to the ground with his de mending for.*. She nimbly recovered her Canadian manufactures. only !apt year raw however, and shook blrn off, and by wax 88,330 tool. valued al 8267,540. this time the 000k came running toward Canada produced last year 78,811 toss the pen with his gun cocked, ezpecting to of coke, valved at •209,9•30. cru the panther at her throat But no, TM consumption of coal In Catt•d• f• then was little fight left In bftn. H. 4897 was 6,974,656 tons, an average ed looked very sick as he tried to crawl out 1.152 eats per heat!. of the pen, and the cook was on the point Nova Scotia Jut year .:ported 81.15! of Belittling him with a charge of buck tons °i reel The Northwest Territories imported shot, but Vixen intervened Leaving her colt, she darted forward and 8,774,081 tone New Brunswick imported 167,819 tons. Ontario imported last year for home oonsnmption 9,864,891 tons of oaal Quebec imported and consumed 489,882 tone. Nova Soot's imported for consumption 46,841 thus. New Hrunswlok imported and cos - mimed 60,528 tons. Manitoba imported and consumed 26,- 287 tons. Hrltlab Colun hla Imported and e.a- ■omed 5,44)6 tons. Prf°es Edward Island last year impart- ed for home consumption 1,870 tons. .at from his. tore his neck fier.x•Iy with her powerful "I have no donbt all that you say is teeth Ths beast roiled over on his back, screaming modfy, and as Vixen trampled him down wltb ber front pooh he doubled and wink Ida claws tato her nook and H oulden. Then for • moment be gnarled and clewed, while the bravo man's neck streamed with bhxxf an -1 the 000k soughtht • chance for • shot But Vixen'. pinng Inge gave him no opportunity It was plain to the cook that the mare would k111 her.dvenary to • minute or two more, but he dreaded lest meanwhile she should be sriousiy injured. With some misgiving as tothe ren,eptfoo he might have from Vixen Iblmself, though be was going to her asefatanne, he dropped his gun, drew h1. Inng knife and jumped into the pen As an opportunity showed itself he drove the knife with rill 441■ form straight through the beast's beekbone, dividing the .pine, and the lank caroms straightened out on the ono* The breve :aro stood over her fallen ad versary and whinnied triumphantly, and .he made It plain to the cook that she ap prenlsted his asai.tanne Then the cook got water 1n hie A:ehpan and washed her wouoda The dressing of them he left for ber toaster to ase to on hie return, but ever afterward Vixen was se gentle to the gook se toward her owner, tough with the rest of mankind the would have naught to do.—Youth's Oowpanlon. quite correct," staid the inspector at the close in the tone of • man wbo didn't believe a word of it "but there are -antis few questions I should like to oak Lady Walcott% with your permission." "O coarse. Ask what you like," said the baronet "First, I am bound te caution you, Lady Walcote. that you are rot com- pelled to @Hower any gneetion, and that, If you do gnawer, anything you prey may be used in evidence against you." "Ask what you pleas, sir," replied Lola readily. "What were the relations between you and this Pierre Terrien?" He was my husband.", Ivo et. t•'.' INeen.l 44) A •,•r, -r ., e.1 ....k nese. The man w''n gives mer W IT..? to 41s own Mb of Is ,:rads mine M he a weak chon,cter. He who is throw" into as tmenwarnahle pa.vtnn, when thing, do not torn out as he hoped they would, thereby 5105• thee he le flat *4n54 to the dtn,tlon. Ilia ex nfbltlon of anger le an nnennlefo0s emaciation of hie personal weakness. The strong, breve man looks leo dfsppnir.tment In the Wee and Is calm. 11s expecte to surmount the ob- stacle. dsMole. beton hire, old to rwov5, himself ens of bis misfortune. But the man who storms and raves, tberehy makes It evi- dent that he leeks oon8,tence In himself, end that he ean only vainly milt against the elreUmstenees wrleb be feels unable b Reiter. A man la an angry passion rarely annompnsbes any thine. steeps soeb things as be 1s afterward sorry for. At- omst everywhere displayed •eget le • bindr•ne5 to semen. It throw, the mind Into earfuelon; It overcomes in.. whet are tregoently raving at s•nnm end he- reon g l air fellow men, and yam select his plana What 1 did on tel Ms eves the •ssmu� eek ,n great fbw Vass. however. tree that 511,3 Bert wee it 14 sick and my rph'it bruised to death. We 18 the eornmewIty. "Anger math In the pr/td, a bleephemou1 oath ea Me side Loam, of 16.111.. Med • nine en him from me, sod I NI :re}ata toile darkness sad pleaded ti vers Meas.. ths sight, alone with fay inlet PNMm5s--Whet le cheapen M the cheapeing gr My k8Mls8g5 that the sae amid,you muse saw *tont n teareeln ennnllsy faster tis eons it all my life. 'Otte Patt es --A bncI.,trd welting 14s Cls - 111$8k, selitsry ray et eesfart is it all lilts --may've One u•.w s aegtaa+ng leans. Magfstne—Tbe assault ren have sos- witted on your poor young wife la • most towel on. Do ynu know of any' remits w by 1 eho0ld not send yon to prise? •rleon5r—If yon do, ypur honor, 11 will break up our honeymoon. —Lons.CIO les Draws 4)'.44. The Young Wife—How .old yon have grown! And yet yon know you promised you wnnld Ince me forever. Th. Yonne Hu•h.nd--Yea, I dad, bat I didn't think you'd take it to mean that 1 shouli be !"never loving yon.—Indtaa- aeolis Journal. An Agate .f abs Hart. He—frit, If you only understood the stormy heating of try AIWA and how— ebe (doctor of mrdietne)—H'm 1 Acme forte of heart dl,sa'se. 53.41 Messes* se tory mllles between 1 and 8 o'eles<t.—Um- sse Oesellsbatt- .r..kr:-s Ohj•rt.d to tit. .fads•. Counsel appointed to defend as Trine manchallenged several of aha Only, who his client mid bad a prejudice against him. "Are there any more jurymen who have a prejudlne against you?" whimper- ed the barrister. "No, sir; the jury's awl rolght: but UI want you to challenge the judge. I've been convicted under him wvrd times already, and loikely he's Is.glnnin' to have a prejudice against e e.ap.un..•, ..1 . .1..,, 'sugar. Consul Albert at Hrnnswfok, reports that ander the Intimate* of Amerman enterpelse abs writer believes that ebe production of sugar In Cuba and Puerto Hro will be enormous and will cripple the lndmerles of a Ilk• natosa is Om beauty -paying eeantrles of Rntope. wlrthda,. t .1.1,,- .,.e 1• *cirri.Tb. oudom of keeping hlrlbd.7.le essay n say Housed year. old. PLaeh's birthday feenvftl.a are mentioned to the YeN tameh. t et k*ow where he re+nlly went As 191 I fore she 'prong a leak. The manpower* two were pasting a dark place Hnerttg b- mnnned and every effort made to keep eelved • stunning blow on the head from 1 afloat, but the water gained steadily 4. behind and sank to the ground un0on- ber hold. She soon began to settle by the ectous He WM Ismund with •. rope end bows and roll and pitch heavily. The ',laced to a hack, which went on a gatemen igood ship was doomed and preparations the docks, HMrtlg etwoke with a splitting were matte to lenve her, The greet waves headache amid strange surmundinga He swept clew over her decks, and It was oould bear the creaking of block and only at the peril of life and limb that the tackle, hurrying f.N,ts1eie on deck, deep, crew worked to launch the bouts. The mellifluous cure" and order, roared out In tank was na»mplfehcd without mishap and a harsh volt* Hu wee in a little, 111 smell- atter skillful maneuvering they ruenagetl on Ing room that smelled strongly of green to keep from being ■unshed against Mr ■ id tobacco smoke. A tin lamp waw ■us- ' side. Sadly every eye nested on tbe ha4 pended from the ceiling. Around the morn toned craft as they pulled away into the were scattered the kits of sailors. In the gloom. For several days they rowed and center was a table littered with dirty diet- drifted dmles_ly but finally landed on 4lme e s All of theme cln•umtt.ncschines.oast. , connected ° with a pteehing motion, *bleb imparted •.*.. e► motion, peculiar feeling W young Haertlg'. atom- Pewee of Me Pitt. , Ira* T.glm• rich. convinced him that he really was at 11 Is Im 144la to comprehend IM sae He soon found that he had been fm- impartible ps° pressed into service as a sermon by the mower of the fifty first Psalm upon ib pewees known as "e(tenghaing..• rece. Kinee, scholars and cottager' rave The wasa whal, Isoand for the sad It with the stone spiritual Motif-, 11 Bering sus. When 1t was diecnvereil that was the death song 0f the French P Heortfg'hip had recovetvsl hisera n4)*, M webs: as fie• tents in the 11mea that fur 0ruelry • taken on deck The captain, a stocky built bad few dual'. It ens song by d,ssrea mars, stoodleaning on the teffrell, wttb Wishart, when salon prisoner before hie both hands plunged deep in the oapwioa'' martyrdom at 55. Andrews. Its opening pocketsof his sou'westerwas the dying cry of the Scottish Hearth' did • foolish thing He boldly mpltyr, Thomas Forret, show grave asked the skipper what he Intended W do was green a,q°arter of • century before with him '4)h• captain looked at him long Scotland became fres front eeclewlnatleal tyrarn,y. Its cry for mercy was ripened, by lady Jane Orey upon the fateful My a of ber own and her houbend'. death. Ile burning words broke from the Ilp. d John Hun at the place of his execution ,t near Conanee John Bogen repeated lie' ooufsslons and triumphant pnsans en hl. Way M tit• fires of Smithfield. The t worts of e Hebrew pealmist were spoken by Sir Thomas More—"who was 'famous through Enrops for slognenee and wledom"—as he laid his heal upon aha block. Its 17th verse, written by St Augustine upon the well of the sick - chamber, did not make the toil any she lee real to the greet German reformer. The .eventh verse of 1441e same maleswax found on a tablet of copper aruld the eiern:+l snow■ on tete highest point of the teeth's surface, near C'npe Heeohy— "51 ash me. and 1 shall be wittier than mow." ?no Omen Pied Pbl. l.epbee. "Many a young man tells a young mo - fen be loves her hewer than his life," sm end theorem fad phllnpher, "bat "One"to °tonere ate life he 1a leading."—Indlap- apolr Journal. A Married Wawa Cess.at. "Baena CVO has a lady bnteher " nen • •M @he most give her Imo bend when be comae looms late i"— •- Clev lead Plain Dealer. Of (worm. ltdltb-1)avte, what ere dead lettere, idavlm--TM kind that have blink boa. We. es' sears. and earnest, r 'Well. sink my tarry wig, what do you want to know torr It's none of your bad - 5511 "Wall, It Is some of my business ." 'Shades of Davy Jones, of all the fresh- sat'm •re the freshest' I men youngyou v oua pink tee" ole to give 1 g oing With ihls remark the skipper's big OA . bot Out, landing on flaertig's law, send- ing him to t44e d.ok He pinked him up by the Dollar, gave him a few whirls, marched him to the fo'oas'1•and presented hire with • heavy kook, which sent him below like • shot The mate was called by the oept.ln and ordered to confine the young man He was slapped in Irons and fed on :woken ons water for . few days. When be was released. he was pnt through the spouts H• ■howed .uch adepts - Witty In mastering his duties that even the captain thanked and complimented him. Rut the blow still rankled and ilaertfg de- Mrmin.d to desert the ship .t the first op- portunity One cold, clear day as the stench little ooh was scudding before a stiff bream the whole crew was electrified by . shout from the lookout 'There ahs blows!' 'What point?' bellowed the ^.pNtn. 'Little nor' by *10r'esia I Sperm?" R sronded the lookout. In an Instant int was well emulated excitement Two bowie were launnhed In a jiffy The men bent to their oars with • w111. and the boats fairly leaped through the water la the chose The whale, which was • tune tea two Swaywas cutting some antics He .aught eight of the hosts and dived, Mut neer ap end blowed defiantly about • mile from the origln•l position. 111 thil Mow of the boat of wble44 Haerttg was r °tympani towered the mnrular figure or an 011 salt with harpoon In hand. The chase brought the boat .hos In .bore, and 'inertia aaaed the opportunity to escape. Pe 'slipped ever the side and with sarong .tank.. °mem for shore. The ern Inked at him wonderingly, but made no effort In persue him. doubtless .ympithlaing with the lad The latter reached the shore after a hard battle with the wa'... waved his hand to the seamen and disappeared Into the er.reggy growth. A Amy had peeved before Planrtlg fully realized the peril and 80'88141 that eon fronted him Bot Om tbenght that hews free nomforted lilts in the Mfal WPM - new Re began to !1181 the gnteWInge of Mager. On every Med there were dagnla. HEARTBIJRNII' 1 " In the Spring of ,1197, i was attacked with Dyspepsia and Heartburn. Se slavers was the pilin that I could not 'deep or eat, and i was troubled with headache most all the time. I remained in that slate for three months, and tried everything I could think of. At last one day I read in the paper about Burdock Blood Bitters, and thought I would try it. Great was my surprise on finishing the first bottle to find 1 could eat better. the headache left me, and before 1 had used the second bottle, I was completely cured. 1 cannot advise too strongly all; sufferers from stomach troubled to try . B.B.B." MRS. WM. GRATTAN,, L- t diantown, N.B. The universal testimony from all parts of Canada gives the peke of victory over all diseases of the Stomach, Liver, Bowels and Blood, to L • BURDOCU � �°o-,