The Signal, 1898-12-29, Page 6T RIS
An, Ohio Man Tolls a Groat Story
Of What He Saw in Russia.
/We 11..0. Mil..- •• •
aapla'.Obla,ee C.rbinatle■ fee t\•
of A•I• smolt •. •
Y Blistery Mu N...r Yet boos 11 W 111
Maum for reeve and .e Able 1• Dictate
Terme t. Me Rest of tk. World.
London, Dem 22. -Juba W. Bookwaltr
of 0010, who has jest returned from a
eh se months' journey tluuugb Kumla,
told the eorreepondeot of the Associated
Praseu Interview yesterday that ha
,,,.h enjoyed Punta/ facilities for observing
Irk what le gulag on 1° that country. He
vexp vellee•17,eu0 tulles W the Iermloue ut
' O- lite* ybeelsu Hallway, to the end
of telt Iloe, reaching tee frontier of
Afgbaolstan, and to toe end of the one
pwatretlug {;bins tbrougb Msncbuwis-
•ll these ere pow practically completed.
Mr. Hooke -dicer w..s o(luwld to go every
. where, lu eve rr . ry.',lug and to take nue-
deeds of phologi4pns, thanks to eller-till
emelit taelted -fir MID lir the Waster W
ter Interior uu the ryptk0plu of tee -
Chit -ed Mauro Awt emed.r at Pt. 1'. lerrhutg.
Daring his journey be co yer•rd with the
Oovenier. a Iro.ire•.e and won mJllary
and 01,11 off, -tale. of all ranks.
England, R.ea1a and Chloe.
"Amenia .. best open dim to t entre/
AMA sail 111110s, said Yr. Uookwaltrr, '-If
thromo, lluslr. A gruel SUI pl,er lu We
w'o'rld Is ru IttpataUuu lit that hart tel lice
earth, rad It will ruwe, l it, ii., 1, rrcy
Won. \,4 Many years 10.11 .caps heftily
the aural w.0 set. Itu..als, bu.loud ilea
Fleur errwl,ilang for the part/Huh of Arla.
The ver) force of .reuutet auee• .1.1 bring
{ka smelt. r:eigl00d and Hteem. et' Ile,':
be state Iqq sgrve .W a parllll.-u ..f 401,11.1
bet Were th•woelt ea. lull wee will to ,1
CT:.Lab r tout lto.l a 'they
w.ale 411.41
be Arced to defend ';Jena, widen sloth I.
bristles' eipt net the rest of tbe word. a*J
to reste,wlt& her the duwln,uh 41 -tele.
'fer Centuries.
"'Phe ablate* •t, h.ussa and
C1ln►l-at� t rietherde of Jur huwrtt 'met -
wa1 be tbt'h do *Mauer as hWory has
serer yet aeon, rod .1 will be our white
WUY give tomer pe ie.- word for centilitre.It
41wed 140 ante to do -tate terms to the res:
lie bgme
L °Ota sola Ulrike fur pre.'. e11.1
of tbe world,
'America hag very little to gala by as
sees dour to C•I... That tvu111r1 Is •n In-
d eetAal one, and whatever we may new be
able to sell to them the Chimer will sown
be able to make for tbrm•e.ves. One d.y.
and that day Is near at hand. wbate.or
(Alm buys fro.. the rest of the would
will reacb her thrh1144 Mosta and Central
: R.../• Mas Dome Mach.
"Rosea In the last three years baa dope
• more to We•• the duan of China then Kne-
1■ pity years. No one. wbo has sot
seen It with his own eyes, can have lite
(Cutest. coucepuon of what !tussle has
dose and M Kill doing la Centre) Asia.
"1 have traveled over Ibe twelve hundred
miles of ralwsy eblrb she has built tum
the Caapluu Mee to Terhkr-od, In Turk. sten,
ever a brawn of 141. line. which runs to
Um nofthetn frontier of India .v,1 an-
o ther branch, which goes from Mery to
the border Sof Algbau.ata. Tbl. last
knocb was not completed whim 1 was
there. but It will be open to traffic neat
Week. There are also Itue•an flues all
Ideas the Persian frontier and penetrating
tato that country, either completed or rap
Idly approaching completion. All the work
its three artee 4e beim done by soldiers.
Pito, In this w4.. are not le kiwis, *1 elm -
where. non -producers.
The Work la Well Dene.
"AU this tn•weuduus Asiatic railway
o ystem a °wiled slid operated by the (:uT.
ointment. All the linen are admirably built
Mad WlendldlY eorippep. I saw • ba'lge
"scans Iver Awuderie, Hs O,Ottal Asia. at a
polio where the Aver Is three miles wide.
flat cont 2J.111.11/,aW route'.* aud le the er-at-
set tutor of englueerlaa work ever l, -rum -
mimed. Tbere,t. nothing Mir It anywhere
else In the wdrld. the celebrated Furtb
Midge, near bidlnbergb. not excepted.
"Wherever I went 1 sew cities and towns
apringmjr up. sueh as Arkabad. to lltrko-
matua. for earmpie. which already has Li-
ma tnhabltnnt*. NKr Mery the Csee is
traUdine • magnifirmot palate•, New Wil-
ber*. 12 taller MUM Bad Dothan, has 12.000
Wbabitaots. Tie pulley In Central
Ante is out to bring the pew and the old
"late too close a contrast, and w .4e builds
Mr railway stations a trw miles away from
the old ceutrm of population, thus forming
sew and eoarely modern centres. Where
do the people come from to Inhabit thews
towns? Why. from European Heel*. The
Government Is turning her surplus Euro-
pese popolaUon tato (kotrel ♦ele Joel as
the united Mtatae turned the surplus popu-
letiob of Der Athletic Mate. Into her great
Western territories. What 1 bare Jest
see* a 0entrsl Asa Is almost an exact re-
production or what I wltneeew.i yearn ago
In Illinois Iudlau• •nd MlteorarI. when the
emigrants from the East were p..ur'ng Into
the West. No human power con stay the
coward march of the 141., through tinsels
logo Asia which will be toe feature M the
twentieth century. lust •• the march of
the Aoglogazue tbrongh America has been
the feature of toe nineteenth.
• Meese. to arltlab India -
"Already. thanks to her railways. Russia
enc at any Ume pour her armlets •crow
the frontiers of India by the same route.
that Atexasder, - Tamerlane ■nd noble
Klan weediest to the meatiest of Feasters
Asa. Russia to -day 4sa 26.000,01/ roarer's,
41 of whom pave served In the army from
lye (typo (Pte. -fifth of her lrppo-
t has been drilled and disciplined a
Ntary work.
"Tee United States .111 be eommitting s
woeful mistake If she falls to regale the
friendship of this great world power of the
A Dea .roc Thl.e.
London, Deo. 28. -Alone among the
Epleeepal prelate., the Archbishop of
Armagh, Primate of Ireland, has seen fit
M protest against the disarmament agi-
Addressing a meeting at Armagh on
Thursday, be questioned whether this
blowing of trumpets about disarming
was wise 111 the present condition of
affairs. They all knew what disarming
meant in the ease of England. It would
meas polling down the great Met --a
dasgoroo. thing. People should 4*M
Hied n■ Golden Wedding Day.
Vienna, 1)re. 98.-A dsapatoh from
Metered@ reports • tragedy of unusual
int•rrnt. Dr. Johann Amztaloa. a phyd-
ean of national reputation, and hir wife,
Oltrollne, committed oohed. this week
on the night of their `olden wedding
andlvereary. They were found In loving
wsbraM ol doatb.
tAjeet Plght. is Toelo.•o,
Toaleyss, Frahm, Den. 22. -Serious
Monet dlacrder' oeeurred lest evening
between 'the Promoters of pro Dreyfus
.ad snail/Mettle meetings. 8seerel per-
med were severely Injured. and the win•
- )laws of a number of Jewish @hope were
' ema.Mei.
That geeret Deuler.
La idol, Den. 211. -The Paris oerre-
ape.4iut of the Daily Mall says "7'M
Oerrement has deeded to hand the
21111/Ra. 'mem demur is th. Court of
deenteiea. It will ales he e0mmenlcetsd
la Madame Dryfas find es M. Moreerd,
Abe a ..eel toe Dr eihn- _-
TM Greed Teed Teregrapbeee lewd Me
Cempa.y as 0111,.4.10 atter
Powell We. .rl... ,
D.4. 41.-4 while I• the
bt/w..w the Is4graphere In
of lies Greed Trent Hallway
renege hal it le
Mew 7eN.h.d. The tete
00mm11/se, e.eemeasl.d 47
10 Powell .1 flOt Ortier of Hell-
be'n, Igen Offillega Maremer
•' r.morning.
n.arl/ 1
Homo OMef
frees. -'w*, wee•-ellitiliere 0. to whtliege
4.410 plsoe. 1t gjas •ibferred, bowl:
that a oriel. In tau negotlasso1a bub
re.hod TM uornwlttoe 41114 not 00S -
slam. lis amfer•Ooe w1(h Mr Hays In
the afternoon, and 11 Is understood that
to day by noun ell'. decide wbetber the
negotiations looking to a isNlewenl of
the grievances of tbe telegraphers will
be broken off fur good. The oommlttos
has been an .walon In IM committee
room. at *4. Balmoral during the greater
part of the afieroo.u. Tbey will authorise
110 deflnle statement, but 14erw Is every
reason to believe that • oriels h•a been
1• It as Ultimatums?
Tbe telegraphers' oomrnitlw sent Mr.
Hays a oumwunlo.Iton last •venlig," and
from all that cats be learned, It bee lakes
114. form of .o ultimatum. In tact Mr.
Powell said that the future notion of the
men would be gelded by the 41.1110.1
manager's reply. which will probably be
known early la We day.
W Snug( ►pi?RR'. Mere Melon.
Allegation. of ,troop t'arua•■.blp, Da, -
tering tilt\ subordinates, its.
Moncton, N.B., Deo. 2& -Only two
wItue.aes have so far been examined et
the Investigation of affairs et 1)orobeetr
Mentar7, waaee" M-ztdo0 ifdallof mea
just been suspended by the Department
of Justice. There witnesses were Dr.
Mitchell, penitentiary surgeon, and Vital
Legere, who was a guard until some
time haat year The allegation* against
the •varden Include) strong partIe,niblp;
arranging for the purcha.e of a pleee of
marsh land by the Government by Which
he benrpted personally; barter and e1•
change between the warden and eartal0
prinon officials la buying potatoes, coal,
bay and other produots. winch bartering
Witt contrary its regulations; trading
Uovernment horsed with gaard. and
other. to bis pereniel advantage; work -
deg guardeend .o110- tin" refs "wive*
property without due credit to .;he
Government' for labor so performed;
baying a negro convict named Martin
travelling aeolend Memramowok and
other places with the warden's stallion
for service. • direct violation of regula-
tion.. Martin was a colored porter wbo
stoles large stint of money on a Pull:pas
ear some years ago.
t(Y01CKs 1104? 1810 COKRR('T,
N•er Certlee.te. 14..'.e•ary to Ship D, 4,
Goo.4. to ('and. In 1009.
New York, Dee.. 23. -Notice is given
b peportere by the ooetome authorities
here that, owing to action by the Clout
glen Government, • new form of airlift -
bates w111 be required on ell Invoices of
nrercbandles cold to Iruporlere In Canada
and exported tbereto 9b MO after JAR. Jr
1 11. Tbe oertlticate mutat be argued by
a partner, official or employe of the
'spoiler, having • knowledge of the facts
seethed to, and there must be written,
printed or stamped on the taw or back
of the Invoice the word.: "This Invoice
ie true and correct "
On and after Jan. 1, 1N9A, all Invoio,s
not bearing the above certlfleate will be
refused by Canadian 00.4010• authorities.
Terrible `erne h• ■ Factory.
New York, Dec 23,-A shocking stilt;
occurred in the Coale Braid Company'.
work. at Williamsburg yesterday, when
John Guertberman was born to plece. In
mrohlnerr. H1. clothing caught In the
. haft while he was oiling the machine&
H1s left leg weds ripped from hie body
and fell to the floor. Then a scene of
Indescribable eonfuslon ensued. Titers are
10G women employee, and .on,. emeamW
and ran panlo-etrl0ken from the plasm
while others fainted. In the meantlmg
Ouertberman's other leg was severed
from the body and also ba right arm.
When toe machinery wee stopped what
was left of M1s body wee found tight',
wedged in it. Surgeon (Mennen, who was
galled, devoted his time to restoring be
soneclouineee the dozen women who were
Lying In a faint on the floor.
A..tb.r Plump Individual.
Windsor, Ont., Dem 91. -Custom
Officer Yearsley last evening made •
1.4x1'5 of five ladle.' mackintoshes from
John Albert of Wlndeor. Yearsley noticed
that Albert looked rather corpulent, and
he was requested to rep 1.side the °Moe
wben be came off the boat. He objected
until threatened with arrest. Tines of
the garmeote were found ander his over-
arms, and he had 001 'trapped around
emelt of his legs under bis trousers.
Tb. O•sp.•la In Troebl.
Halifax, De.. 9& -The steamer Gas -
pods, the pioneer vessel of the new Cana-
dian Steamship Company, which bas Jost
Inaugurated an Atlantlo service between
Milford Haven and Pampebleo, le ashore
en Bios Point, Ht. Peter'. Island, at the
meshes 80 the harbor of Charlottetown,
P.E.I. Hite le on a mend bank. Her cap-
lets thought be would be able to get
se high tide on Thursday, as the Ude
WY Hien three-quarters low.
Stamm Did I.w...
Ravens, Dee. 94. -Marshal Mauro,
though not requested to do eo by the
American commissioners, Issued direc-
tions before leaving Cuba that the rich
d iver palace table ..wise be lett for ticm
americana, and that the magnificent
furniture of the reception room. he ales
for the AmerleaS occupant& The omelal
teach, with the arm. of Spain and the
furniture of the Treasury Departs's''',
will be .old.
Wks. sew Rotolo Det
Berlin, De.. 19. -TM Rowlett Govern-
ment now hes felt the pfneb of Premien
e xpaldo.l, and herr Joined with Austria
e nd Denmark In protesting against tbe
wholesale ejectment of Russian .abjaata
from Pri msian bonders. The RIgek1 Trod
of 8t. Petersburg and other Government
organ. are threseening that • continua-
tion of the present Premien polio( will
result he denrmined reprisal.
Oen.ral Nelsen A. Mlles Velem to10ts or
the roister Compl•Inta
Washington, D C , Deo. 22. -General
Nelson A. Miles. nom winding tbe Lolled
Stater army, and General Wesley Merritt,
sommander of the America.. forome at the
eaptnre of Melilla, wire the principal
figures before the war Investigating
eemmlttee 7emlerday General Mlles
responded to the summons of the eon -
mission only after attend day.' menders
Mon. He was accompanied by hie owe
stenographer His examination was tom -
pensively brief sad nee-oentlmtal Ha
,poke with monose billtns's as to the
"emhalmed beef," 1M canned beef
(trol.bed the army in the Ibid. This he
charaee.rl.ed as an experiment for which
"some one to W.ehl,•eon" was re.potd
Ole. H. said that the lending faellitias of
the Santiago expedielon were lstadegosle,
Ned that the men were .bort of rations
sad mediation and might have been pre.
lamed hum exposure en fever eonaglon.
Gemmel Merritt told the sommieelen
that he regarded the Pblllppfne expedi-
tion ea e deckled suenees, sod would
can loot It on the mmo lines if he had b
In Is over. Ha spoke et, bleb teems of the
Meese smiler Mer men sold Me army war
wall enppll.ot win medletnes and forret.
0U.•on 11,.14, vet. real.
Toronto, 1&e. 99. -TM petltlrro &caln.t
Rets, J. M Olb.on bee been allowed to
tepee. The $1,000 was neer paid
1N! JOS710E3`0EfEE.
Charge Ill In thOIVest York Trial
Will Go to Court of Appeal.
Cealnnatl•a or lh• 81..tloa C.•• tie
Thorpe., 10. W•teon Charge D10-
mlm.d Ft.. Dollar• Offered for ••r Canoed Produce M•.
Who Threw Duero . satchel or Homily
•od Told • t.I1,,... to Help D1mw1f.
Toronto, Leo. 9t. -Judgment was yes -
Mea., give° wpm oharg. 111 4. the W..$
York election case.
lo making known the decision, Jostle.
Frloonbrldge mid he and hie learned
bwtb.r took widely dlffere•S views of
the evldeoos, resulting to • ULt•greaotent,
which apparently could noe be removed,
Out It wuuld be left to the Court of Ap•
peal If It went that ler.
Favor. the Respond.nt.
Mr. Jurdo. Street said Mimed. koowo
his decision with a great deal of hesita-
tion, but be must give his decision an
favor of the respondent to the case. The
lnclple avtdance way by Walter Wright.
"is le Impossible to separate what 1s true
from what is false to hle evidence, and
there 1. • great deal of dlffloulty In 0.
revelling It '1'he charge depends on the
evidence of Mr. Brewn, Mr.,, drown,
Walter Weighs pad Mrs. Parsons. ! 1
accept Parsons' statement .. being trW:
Brown's end Wright -a stories agreed in
but one point, that something wee meld
■ boot • od0.table.hlp, Brown filmed!
swears Gm promise of appointment Was
■ 41010te. Wright has been contradicted
by nearly every witness that has been
The Browns are a week out, and tic
fact t4 8 ilrey--.11 agree .pea a'wrou
date means that there has been en *1100
1)101,1 among them. The fact that 14
would accept a plug of monaoo° for hi
vote .how. a low order of morality an
intelligence, at least, though I am 001
questioning Brown's honesty. I cannot
uddertake Do ray 18.1 any apeol4o charge
of ,:irruption bas teen proved.
There was only one book lathed for
7carlel l'lalua division. The evidence
shown that Wright had not the boo
before It was returned to the oomml;te.
rooms. I can hold Wright to be an
agent, to within three days Of the elec-
tion. 1 onuld not depend entirely on
Pearse'. evidence.
Mr. Jostles Fsl0oubrtdge reed the
charge. " WItb greet rel octal°. and
diffidence," be said, "I differ with my
learned Tlrntber.
"'the pointe to be decided on are: I
lfbetber edrrupk or Metal p..4f bli 11•
been proved- 9. Whether Wright was a
'gens. In reference to the Met I thick 1
has been fully proved. There 1a abundao
e vldeuoe to show that Wright had made
the rorrapt offer independent of 1.1.10.,
1 sin .ttsfied that thre people ore sub-
stantially telling the truth, the offer was
made and that It was acted upon. 'though
1 appreciate the force of the argument
electing the difference to time, oevertho-
lee. I have been 1oroed W Dome to the
eenrin.,on this; the story le In the main
true. Drown undoubtedly wept to the
poll, altb tigh he found the corrupt
premise won't carried out.
Ther. W s. I ,.rye, t .,ffer.
"Upon the whole, with great diffidence
and hesitation, I have teen forced to
curve* to the conclusion that there was
• corrupt offer.
"In regard to agen.y, 1n the former
raw his more oonfeoloo'Would not oo°-
stltute Wright en agent, but I have not
yet beard any reasonable explanation of
hit having poeeeeelon of those book.. 1
thank Wright has been telling the truth,
1 think Mrs Wright was telling the
tr otb. He got .4e books eo the aflaliOalt
..1 tee oleetlos r at4r. 'the Al i3tnnpo
4.o hienos of them books a enough to
satisfy me that there was an agency. 1 Wright was handfed 10. [books in
the hurry of election time.. With refer-
ence to ba oxupatloo during the elec-
tion, he swears he convened 20 or 30 pip-
pin and only one man a produced who
stated he didu't canvass him. He was
peen working at the poll. as an entente
Pearen'.evidence was extremely un-
matlutactory, though 1 don't any dl.bon-
eatly so
"Hogg's evidence about the books was
extremely 10eatisfantory, though not
dishonestly s0.
41111 (io to the Court of Appeal.
"I think the charge Is proved, there-
fore, there Wi11 be no judgment here,
hither party may bring the case to the
('our' of Appeal."
At the conclusion of the judgment
Mr. Hrl.tol &eked Mr Jn4tice Street If,
ae paned le hie flndtnt, he considered
Wright an agent within three Jay. of tbe
election; It so, thin proved the H•dmond
"i should not like to be understood as
(lending %bat Wright wan an agent three
or four day. be!ole tics eleetlo°," was
Jostle. Street's answer,
The °barge that Thomas Watson, the
druggist from Weston, had offered Mr.
H the position of -poll eonsable If
he would vete for Mr. 11111, was dM -
missed, their lordship! saying there bed
been • misapprehension,
The eourt then heard charges 66 to aa,
In .bleb Mr. I.enahan waacheesed with
offering 56 for • vote In 14h howl at
claim/11M William Wetherell testified
"het he had been offered 46 by Lenah.n
the night before the election. Crone -
examined, Wm witness put • value on Me
vote. He was a Conservative.
Five Dollars a Tot.
Arthur McArthur was aim a Con..rv.-
give. In the barroom of Let..ban's hotel,
Clairevllle, he was talking to L.nsban,
who said he world give wltne. S5 for
hie vote. Ltnahan throw down 46 and
winsome wild he would take It. L•nahan
then proposed whims. should Wren •
deelmretlon, and Winsome said: "Oh,
p.hew," and went away.
Arthur Hays* was the 17 -year-old eon
of hl. father, Jimmy Hayes, who nn-
bIu.bingly aseortsd %hal he hod taken
eight drinks and two rfssare In Lenahan'a
hotel on *M& night. Re •ppeeesd the
court, however, with the statement that!
41si drinks were e•r.aparilla. H. had
overheard I.enahan offer Wetherell and
McArthur 46 anise«. He heard lanah•n
may tea* on Sunday two men !HMO 40
dinner and told him to get the pay out
of the satchel, and Linehan did me, tatt-
ing at much am be could bold In hie
"Con yen prodnre theee men?" said
Jostler, Fnlnonbrldge.
"1 only with we weld," said Mr.
101104 aulaw. wq.ula.tlose la the VA
Are t'oatblela• sops T\ere w 111
D. One Olpatle Trot.
New York. Deo. 119. -Teres rival trust
a*soelatlune of t 110ers ars S meet in
1)rtrull In February, with the object a
herneng • glg.Otl. trust. They are the
•ta0sie States Canners' Aroelatbn.
the Weeisrn Canned Goode Packers'
Association and the Cannon' Machinery
£ Supply A.00etatlau.
The Dorms manufacturers of the coun-
try are also forming • Irust.
Tbe formation of'tbe spool silk Intel
bat taken the 1reds by the gars. It
Includes the blggeo wanuf oeuren, who
control the marks&
The Independent Straw Board trust le
about ready to complete 11. organisation
In Chicago.
Oat in S.•t$le will to the headquarters
of the new cedar ahingle trues, In which
all the Washington manufeetutere have
nom biped.
The flint bottle manufacturer. art now
is sesdun at Pittsburg, P&, and 17 firma
are about to eater the oombinatio0.
All the lead companies In Mt.ourt are
being oo0so1Ja1W, and one large corpora-
tion will be organised.
Seventeen of the brewing oompenle. of
Baltimore have oonsolldaled,L-- uptjsr No
faun o!$iryland grewlog Com-
pany, and negotiations are pending for
abworptloo of the four other* in the oily.
The firm is capitalised 111 47,600,000.
PKO,ECe7180 uaLeaOEot.�-
Rinse the G.rm•e O Met Think a
atlal.8. Was, Henn Made,
Berlin, Deo 99.-Tbe proeoou.fon of
I)r. Drlbruoot, the we1l known professor
.of history In the Berlin University. o0
a amount of an article written by him
0S0oanolag this Jim"' s SLImielou OL afrom
Schleswig 1s raising a considerable stir.
e 'floe action of the Prussian Government
1s ibtowo Into relief by Dr. Delbrueok'e
dlmiingulth I reeled, He was raised Do
oltoer's rank on the battlefield of Grave-
lotte for heroic eondue1, and acted as
tutor to the Emperor's deceased brotber,
Prince Walaeln.r. Me wee a member of
the Helcb,tag for six rears, but was too
independent and advanced to please the
k reactionary element, dominating the Go,•
woman'. He 1e • Conservative. Public
feeling in the matter I" euf Icieutly shown
by the .felted' of the press. 11 le net
•lone the Liberal papers whichattack the
Government hotly, but the Gov,fromeot
organs express themeelver .s eeendallzsi
by the action of le. authorities.
The Cologne Gazette, Poet, National
Zeitung and Ta ileche Huudohao, all of
which ■re staunch Coo.ervative paper',
cad soomeS-8toe• Dr. ty.tarweet'Y vtewc,
n regret the Government's wizen blonder,
and ezpr..s the bops that the praloutleo
will be dropped.
.r..t t.. Drew Him 008
William flesml.h of Unblocks bee
hated en Upsilon [tat M would tate 45
for Me thee. 1.14.4 o eskad 41in how he
would Hike to get 996. Witness replied
he wrmld rather have the 95
"That le the different between the
oath and areal* velem of • vele," said
Jostles 84rust.
Lesa4.s bid auntsee to nom. .mond
00 Sonde) and be wonld g111. blm Me
money. Withers was only thawing Lena
ha" owl Is the themes' of the Conserve-
Ith pr11Q. Na be !sew MMM was same
erco ed work ea and 414.'[ go ter the
n ed$arned.
• satire Ngyetl•a iiMeepopg, say* that
the feevereme*H ha. deceit id 40 prohibit
t1 es'Wet illeehnfle Reser. 1• um Hue
le Relieved to Bl.,. D..■ Solved by th•
Co-op.ratly. 0.1on.
Kingston, Jam.loa, Leo. 92. -London
advices just r.oelt14 bring promise that
the West Iodtan colonies will enter upon
the new year with brighter foduatrlal
prospects, owing to the s000e.ful launch-
ing et Wee, Indian ('o -Operative Union,
°rgrntzed on tLo lines of the Calfornta
Fruti U01o0 and the Dins s agricultural
ingsnlzatllon, which achieved wonder-
fully rapid themes. Subsequently various
1°e.1 am -operative societies and Lanka w111
Ibe established by tbe ot.lon. Important
g.10lts lu the direction of obviating the
present disastrous scot:omlo deadlock aro
anticipated. the promoter. realizing the
fact that only artificial condition. ham-
per the profitable working of the 0.101)4
resaaraes, which two centuries of devo-
tion to it single industry has obscur14.
Vet& imimiber with }Sir Thomas l.lpbn'e
Lagoa e, M *warded ea satisfactorily
solving the Wort Indian problem.
Treebl. Over the $.ee.•ser M eke Lau
Ring 10.11.1..
Aoekland, N.Z., Dae. 99. -Ad vice.
rsoefved here from Samos, under date of
Deo 16, my then le serlou.'rouble 1n
connection with the election of • king to
succeed the late King Malleto•. The sup-
porters of Mataafa h... benoma warlike,
and It Is reported that the German consul
1. supporting Mataafa, In seise of the
agreement arrived et between the consuls
to remain finite& and allow the chief
i justice to decide the question of succes-
sion. The foreign resident.. feartbere w111
be an outbreak of tribal war when the
chief justice pronounce. 41■ decision
•bone tbe end of the year, and they are
anxious for naval promotion.
Print» 0 -_ rrlves Ie Crete.
Canes, 'eland of Crete, Deo. 92. -
Prime George of Greece, dm high oom-
mlsslobw of the powers, arrived at Sada
Bay yesterday, escorted by the British,
French, Ruslan and Italian fla4ahlpa.
He was saluted by the torte, and wee
welcomed by Immense crowd. of people
on landing. A. soon se the Price. wee • procession was formed, and he
came ben. The Prince and hie parts
stopped before the church, wbere a 7e
Drum was fung. He then proceeded to
the Government Building, when the
Cretan flag 'was hoisted &.4 saluted by
the warships.
Th. N.. Cretan Flog.
Parte, Dee, 99.-Tbe four powers Wier.
toted In the reeon.trudlon of Crete have
sorted upon the design of a Cretan flag.
The ground 1. bias, traversed by two
diagonal baud. of whim, forming • 8t
Andrew'. croon. In 14e enter quarter,
next to the .tiff, lea red field bearing a
while 1vt1-polneed star, the red einem
being the symbol of the Sullen's weer
empty. The flag w111 be submitted to the
Sultan and Cretans for approval.
A Proelam.lien Imud.
(:ansa, Dee. /2. -Prince George hat
leaned 5 preelsanatlon proml.lne to
govern with Janice and impartiality,
W earing liberty to all without distinction.
Soldiers to Fight Rate.
Bromide, Dee. 99. -An extraordinary
plague of n4. Ma brnk•n oat In Kaatwn
Belgium. The rodent. are destroying the
granaries and have ranged stampede.
among the livestock. is..vowel insane.e
nhlldren have been attacked. The Govern.
meat hal orderwl troop to assist the
farmers 1n a war of exterenlna*Io.
TM sk.a..Mp Kehler W11Netm dr
Groans made the trip from Cherbourg to
New York In 6 days, IT home .ad 90
minutes. Her average speed on the 017-
aae was nearly 1114 knees per Mor.
The Minister of» Took •c,rnrry
Asti.. ow W.deseear.
Monetou, N.B., 11... 99,-A epeeist
nom DoreM..r says: A BMWs bas been
75.4.\14 1. the Inve.tyntloe of the affairs
of Pealle.s4ry by Demists -
slant ti111116 hwf bet. M progress
feel MOM .•r ttlaltts4 ren. fie.
e els MOM 'all Mei the Minister of
Jee11M t. ea/td NWarden Poe -
beteg Mbgrsphe.l yeseer-
day.Ilspe9/ Wartime floss was tempo,
aril/ p M eberge of IM pren14tM
fiery. It is eeppo.ed that kb* rhargle
aininiie Winne Pane are so the
Melt he Huiet.4 peeleenlary regulattose.
Than When the High Commis-
sioners Adjliumed,
Lord Igeree\ell ■art (:. Dome W Rog -
laud .• this Seth January. T•erefore
Oa* ase•lou to Oho 241.10 4111
Probably Last but Mor. Tbs. • Vont-
■Ig\t •11 1.l.t. of 1)11f.1.... rsoept
Koolpreeuy W n. 1.11l.d.
Washington, 1).C., Deo. 98. -The best
merlon of 114. joint high o0mmle.l.n
will be 1lmison pretty Moiety b a fort-
night. Lord H.reo4dl, the Briueh
member of the eommlealoa, Is booked to
sell for Europe on Jan 25. He canton
delay longer In I:m United Staler. for the
reason that be le obliged to attend the
opening of 140 Parti arbitration on the
Vesesael.n bobodery, being one of the
arbitrators. There are Indications that
atter all, the joint ounlm eeidnen regard
the prospect of reaching en agnomens ea
very muab brighter than they did just
before the adjournment of the session,
and the opinlon la now expressed In well-
% -Vnred etwae'etr.t, - uefor '""beet' Hr-
sonall'a departure, a trwlj 1011! 4.44 Bien
001091eted milling all the point" In die
pule between the Iwo countries, and even
outing some dight progress Iwards the
attainment of reolpruloty.
riewrinG oLD Gltlr IN NEW TO*K.
•11 Cars Ar. nolo. Pmmlgated .1e
Cleaned rorty -Poor No. Caw.
New York, Ileo 23.-Preeldent Mur-
phy of the New York Board of Health
untordey expressed the opinion that the
any would be '4411( *isle to control the
epidemic of grip, which bad entered eo
many homes, and whose ravages have
disturbed to such • remarkable assent
lb, course of pdbllo business. Th. 1n-
Junc:lon by the hoard of Health to ale
'mod rasde and city trao.portetion com-
panies to fumigate and thoroughly clean
(bele conveyances. 1e being rapidly carried
out In Bellevue Hospital yesterday there
were 44 corse of grip, but the additional
net of v1,Ums up to noon was not so
large as on other days. Magistrate Cor-
nell was one of times wbo was prevented
fr0m porter/slog his pubhle duties rousse-
der by the grip.
Meta. 11ATE4 0E74 • DITORCL
Det ed•.. Formerly • Tere•to 0.41der
Who Skipped With Acether
Mew 'York, De.. 29. -Hot, Leslie W.
Hassell, a jostles of the Supreme Court,
sitting In special term In this olty, bac
granted an absolute dlvoroe so Henrietta
Louie Hayes of 'luronte from Hlabard
Hayed( wbo was formerly • well known
bu4ldes In the wet end of that ally, but
who left big borne In company with a
prepossessing young lady of the •erne
city some time ago.
Judge Humsell 4.. decided that the
plaintiff is WHIIIM1 not only eo an et.o-
Iute divorce, but she le also entitled to
the custody of bee ebild.
The judge also aweede(l tillelOVII. IS be
paid by the defendant HiciraFillBaysie to
the plaoltlff tot tea support of herself
and oblbl. The 910111iff was formerly a
Mss Harvey of Toronto.
Rimed Her 101,14. in the Tonne'.
Frankfort, Ky., IMO. S3. -Kroll Hitter,
• commercial traveler. has beim eemteooed
lel six month.' Imprieonmeol for 'melte
embraced and k.s..d •nem Schmitz, a
young woman passenger on a railway
train near this city. TM offence wee
committed while the :rain was pawing
through • tunnel The Judea Imposed the
extreme penalty of the law, remarking
that only naval heroes •ooh as Hot on
were granted such privilege&
(agar 10.t.te Go.• err the Daughter.,
Ottawa, Dee. 23 -Mr. W. i.. Soot',
master-l0-ehaneery. hag completed hl.
report In the estate of Richard Nagle,
the a oounts of which have been before
the court. for several 1110011111 Thesis's,
which Is valued at 411,000, goes to the
dantthtrs of deceased, Mrs Free, Mrs,
Phelan and Mrs.--Heopby, after the pay-
ment of certain bills.
Where I. Platten/.
London, Iles. 23 - Mr. (Norge P.
Paxton has not ben peen eine, Wednes-
day, ■ week ego and hie friends are
anxloos. The young men was employed
as bookkeeper b7 the Dyment, Baker
Lumber Co. Enquiries made from isle
employer,' elleft the Information telt his
cash with the company was right to a
TheGnv.rnm.nt rue..
Toronto, IMS. 28. -The Attorney.
General of Canada has aerv14 & writ
u pon Jobn D111 of Czar street, Taranto,
for 417,000. The amount la said to he
overdue re•t of vfn.ber II, IM noverlog
• n area of 50 ethers 101404 on the banks
of the Colombia River. Brltt.14 Colum•
bI. The defendant say. another person la
0e.t.n Money Pmt Up
Montreal. Dee 28. -Arrangements have
been made to complete toss remaining 88
miles connecting the Great Northern
with the Booth system and Parry Sound,
It 1s understood that a Bolton .yndleats
has tarnished the 01011 17 meow to
oomplete the railway, and that Mr. I1.e-
donald, the a 011.04or, w111 begin work
daring tbe present winter.
London menet Car Employee
London, Dee. 21.-Otgnnleer Betio
Orr of the Amalgamseed A.9oo1/0on of
Hirer' Hallway Employee has arrived In
town again from Detroit, Mich„ and will
help the local street rellway men in their
dlfleulty with the sompa.y.
The Was In Leek.
Madrid, Dee. 11, Moab inlet 1t felt
Imre ere 8M,de•ti tie .n elephant which
was expee4d•a fight two bulle here on
Christmas Day. The fight wee to be the
'porting event of the yeas and had been
extensively adeertleed.
.fowl Dat Off Lightly.
Belleville, Ont., Dee. 99,-Hogb
Hrown bee leen eenteneed to four month.
In jail for emallner 91,900 from the body
M William Lennon at the Murray Hill
Tho r rf•tea.4.
Toronto, Dee. /8.-Nerth Gray and the
two 0tdwa Mieos protests will be die -
p [sad of to -day. These are IM 1.r8 Thee
will be dtamioesd,
51,500 ►RO►I.4 IIRT D1ATH
Owl.g to Fames. le this DI•trlrt .f
Y.m•n, Ar•hl..
BL Petersburg, De.. /9.-A vls4r7 et
the Turks ever rebel natives in the die -
trial et Yemen Amba, Is reported. The
InenrgeuM suffered beery leases. The
rebellion M' the retell of famine ae1ta41e..
Nlrtetr thoemnd• people bees died
recently from famine le the mine nate..
TM Caere advieen •n over
the 11115141611111 (e Frame, and ere Mtglneing
ee pieee1Md•ssers en the ►nnnn•Prwa-
stale healer. Home sf them are utileg
as .Mdl.dtae with 1aeaod, ea •
eneftlifilillthenre. and this 1. not limpets.
Its the la Millinery as reliefs rev
Trlmmtag Ceetaeee,
Dur, which bas never been more task
tunable than It 1a this yeas, la used In •
variety of w•ye--In fact, In every way
which can be deviated 1.v the mind of the
modiste. The fur cep. width has Lawn
abandoned fur so long, boa re.ppesred, or,
steer, • greatly setdlflal turns of 1t,
Toques covered with • wrinkled drapery
of fur and trimmed otherwise ea toques
usually are, although 'rumor uc*ntfly, are
the neared approach W tete otldfee/Armed
round fur cep. A still grea• r deserter
ts sren to the extremely a.1repllve fur hay
shown a'l'ong the 1•tad millinery models.
The crown is covered with fur, the brim
being of satin or velvet, or HM, crown 1a of
velvet and the brim of fur. the trimming
being ribbons, teal4ers and other millinery
Pat.Cal5 00011.
decorations such u are usually wee. Of
course only soft, thin, flexible furs appear
well when used In this way. Chinchilla
L • great favorite, both on ecco0ot of Its
delicacy mad pliability and because of tee
color, grey being exceedingly fashionable
Mile winter, especially for hate and bon-
TM illustration show. a princess gown
Of green velvet, trimmed In redingote style
b m circular flounce headed by • Seagaobincbtlla. The Bounds Is lined with
green satin and green satin planing. edge
tJe'velvet revers, which are adorned with
bands of chinchilla. The draped plastron
1e of pink .urah, se le the collar. A jew•
Bled clasp fastens the gown at the waist.
The toque of green velvet a trimmed with
pink flower@ and black feathers. Pearl
gray gloves ars worn.. JCUIC CM0IJJIT,
Osebteme, Pillows 5.4 S se foe
Dare Drawing Room.
Multitudinous cushions cot/Linos b bJ
a feature of fashionable drawing room&
Cushions with ruffles are not so universal
as was formerly the lame, a coed often be-
ing the only finish at the edge, and fre-
quently even that being omitted. This is
especially the cam with oumhlone covered
with oriental goods, Oblong cushions
are now mare employed than those of any
ether liana Tapestry, beware/Ile. silk,
11)1714 1V Bl•n1110.
satin and velvet are slimmed for coverings,
and variety le .Imed at am far as 14 pomata
ant with harmony. Eastern fahriee near-
ly always combine well, but the same la
not true with regard to many of the ord1•
nary upholstery good., the ooloringm..f the
different kindm often forming • moot un-
pleasant oven binatlon If the cushions cov-
ered with them are beeped together aunt•
out consideration.
Feathers are more desirable titan down
as • ailing -for cushions, as feather. we
much firmer and more elastic, and a pillow
filled with them retains la shape fir bet-
ter than one containing the less substan-
When an open fireplace le not In else,
the question of decorating or concealing It
has always to be considered. Louie XV
and Louis XVI decorations am so much
used at present that the chimney mermen
tllnatnted w111 be suitable and attractive.
It le of apeetry, baying • rococo design
an a 'tram ground, the frame being of
walnut, carved and polished.
A Clever Juggler.
"The moot rrinnrkahle telelt 1 este
siho..t who a juggle.'," maid a New Or
Man. busine.s man who recently returned
from a brief trip mer.s the pend. "Ho
wee at • utn,ie hall In Bremen, and he
walked down to the footlights, made op
as an old professor, carrying a cane under
his *1111, .moking a lung porcelain pipe,
• nd reading a newspaper. lie est the i)a-
per on fire, apparently by accident, and
began striking ■1 It wildly with his pipe
and @n t. In a moment all three were In
the dr and kept Mere until the last atom
was ransomed, but the mak bad nose e4
the effect of • planet juggling. It seemed
merely the e:cited efforts of en Ireaolble
old gentleman to altingnleh the blase.
When the paler disappeared, he senght
IM pipe in hie mouth and the ging in hie
NW and bobbled .Q In.ntleg ted met•
tering to himself, 1t was en excellent bit
e t atmedy, end considering tits face that
the burning paper was eontinnally @hang-
ing In weight the jnggling was certainly
• marvelous eththltion of dexterity."-
1Dew Orleans Times Democrat
One grind fornptke deserves another.
Gond reeds point tin way to pros-
Pain o right to be m.aonred 141 tics
If a man lea "boleti," be won't ler
people walk c. him.
It le easier to 11,. wltlia out means
Mau It ie without Them.
B&Miem' etweetbearnt Mosta wear
their haft 4s "h.RRm. "
A mss boot es doted crooked tbtegl
will go atralgbt to rola.--1r A. W.
Early Accidents
C*YM Ufaloao
A Olaaa tklat a Camiui g Tall.
When a lad about eight yeah o4 a e j
4011 mto • Cellar a dt, of ten
striking 0o m7 ho.4, artd cawung cuO_
custitoo d Ule brain, 1 w** takes w
Lender►' Eng.. Huapitai, tie first save.
days not recovering co0lciuurness, 1
DOW 5 years old and from the time of .
acr i cut until 1 Keegan taking Dr. Ward%
Pills five months ago I bad been subject le
Gaoling a101;o, never being more than two
weeks 0(1114001 an:ettack of hinting,
oldw Utaspells became
frequent, lasted longer, and left serve
k.s y. i[ wak, had nu ry h
0r Kun.navitalit, alw.was7. veery 1010 -spirited and
down-hMrtetti inylgined that every thing
and every person was going against mr,
and fife only had • dark side forme. M
appetite was poor most of the time, butt
MU now happy to say that, since laking
Dr. Ward's Blood and Nerve Pills, I have
only had one fainting spell, shortly after
I began taking them. so 1 have no
hesitation in saying that Dr. Wants
Pills curved me. Before taking thee.
pills I always t40ked- jot a fainting ape*
sot more than two week. apart ; now,
1 would be greatly surprised at a recur-
rence o4 these emetls. Life is now bright
Mveronstant, morbid, do p�g•04 feel -
leg la�urta, being eeplace3byjj
a contend.
ed, hopeful'reling, 1 feel like working.
My appetite is good, and in every revert
thieve experienced the health and strength
restoring properties of Dr. Ward's Blood
and Nerve P41& They certainly have
Footed a great blessing to me. Yours
truly, (Signed), Thomas Stanto0, Brig`
ton, Ont.
Dr. IVard's Blood and Nerve Pilh
are sold at Soc. per box, S boxes forillx,00
at drugg,,t., or mailed on receipt=
Toe Dvfwr Ward Co, -
Don't scold
the little ones if
the bed is wet
in the morning.
It isn't the child's fault. Weak
kidneys need streelgthening-
thal's all, You can't afford to
risk 1)4'o.*leveled may entail
a lifetime of eeffering.
gtre•gths. Oh Kidneys sad
01004 , thee NI tremble
Yr. John Carton, employed .t
M. S. Bradt & Co.'s Kori, Ham-
ilton, Ont., sate:
ty "My little boy seven years of age
• limbos treebled 0114 els kidneys
sup birth and cold not hold We
Wtester We spent bemired. of dot -
tester arc doetortcg and tried maty dit-
ty (.rept remedies, bet they wan M no
tet avid. One bot of Dose's Eldsey
WPUL completely cored him."
Th. Awf.' 4.t• .f Iltolerle4 Chlokolte, e
4 \leas• Eleetrlel•.
Chicago, Item 92. -Among • aetwart
of *free 20 feel above the grated, Hod
rick Chisholm, as electrloYE, we.'s1owly
burned to death lux night, 1n sight of
several hundred men` '•ton. rot surd
Mb annum, Ibex horror-stricken crowd
waeobed Om workmen In their hent&
effort@ to please their comrade from
among the wires. Hs bad *ramped a 1110
wlr& Ladders were secured, and after
ooneiderable difficulty and not • 11.114
danger *0 the rescuers, Chisholm's body
was gotten to the street
T►. 10.4..,'. ern.
Arlin, Dee. 22.-Tbe Kalor, wire
rseeatly presented the Re1Ohaag with •
swim of marine ikon/bee by NmseH,
Oaken en beard the Hohen.WNra, new
promote !t with • now eeries, sol&t»-0&14
with the marine painter Stover, and
d..tlned for the walls of the Retehstag.
Cfides say the gifts are Intended to pave
the way for a demand for fattier meal
DI•rovered • 7aed.. Oerm.
Lon000, Des. 91. -Dr. Manley Kest ef
London bac dissevered a vawlle germ
TM. discovery 1. of IM greatest Imyore
since, as It. use 1n pow esleuree removes
the Impure lymph wealth bas been the
canee of the widespread objesW• te
e et•wert4r.
Loos! Cadger (to elderly antiquary le
search of materials fur new book) -There.
00w, that m valuable Information, gov'-
nor, ain't itt
Hider Antiquary -It le Indeed. I .hall
be very glad to use k. • note of IL
Local Cadger -Do, gov'norl Piers
make It ••
N 44 Is Weak or Irregular deal Neel -
tote to Start the ase of 1111110*'.'.
Heart and here Pile at *wow
With a Wrong, Keady. debar
seg may expect vigorous
W dt a week. 1n'0gt4.r, t tsrmdtegt
pulse w• mut tell at snot the vitality le
low -elect Ahtya.d Faint Spells, Sao*.
and Malang hg besloatiolM 4..d sim-.r
rue meted fd 6.11.19.. ,.--'
wod,�MrvwO Norm
=geedPd41�Moo9� cine all t4awj.oramaka
ichor �e ear Wmats.
"Par aesea doe poet 1 hem snwlnd
from pallor, ww.kaam and surveys peer
nation. I had galgitedien and Lrregell.r
boating of eke bead es severe as le
cares tee Meat Maria i was heeled
bPbJruider, but gat no penesema
"1 a. 9'W in car that f rete fi/b.nb
Heart and Hem Pill. 1 derived fico
first rte) benefit that 1 over ROW lima
sty entire eyeless towed up, ainlillriZigt,
any .048684*.. My emendate
we lees then cheerfully rein nadtii:
pia lail e•i. � a reliable hold
tramm Mea NM.MM /kre �• •