HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1898-12-29, Page 1VT, rg. 0 r w _. .,...,,.•hal . varraiiimmiereeermaiie THE BIIJiT IS THE CH I%APEST Ara THE SIGNAL ONE DOLLAR A YEA" IN ADVANCE (41)(s J1yr ♦ -dam '&'t 1 ' }s • TO SECURE THE BENT RENULI1 PLACE YOUR A1)VERTININO 1N THE COLUMNS Or THE 1.33ADIZsTO• 1ST3E]W8PAP3E3R OP HZTRON OOtTNTY_ FIFTY-F1RST YEAR ---2706 GFODERIOH, ONTARIO, CANADA : DEC. 29, 1898. D..,M°GILLIC (IDD , EDITOR. A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OUR SUBSCRIBERS. /r THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 1 01 OODERICH. 1 bare bees aumtnstea • oaadldate for the eft rime' 141H NA- have deeded to I t▪ error reek year 0000014. truer that m7 r000rd In the pout has bees ea.wf•o- tory a tae publio •md to the t niton of the Ise•. Your elaoer.,. 1. J. PRIDHAIJ. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN Or i.ODEIItICH, Ladles and Ostemos liavtas bees sommsted se • oe•d(dete for tbo tows eoanotl tor IN, 1 Mall Uta oppor' ratty to miler lour support. I have bad Warren year ezperteao at Or. morel board, se oon•.Ulor and reeve. and I am wUlino to be lodged by em pot record. Yeats very truly. C. A. HUMBER. Sisotion Cards. r110 THE ELECTORS O) THE TOWN 1 OF 000IRICH. Cadres sad Ootemea Us Mr ay eveat.g twit I WWI sominard for the pries of ono of the NI oon.nll(ors tar the tees et itedertob toe tbe rear tom. I served the town la re carer of seri dec ety reeve for W put two years sed trust that snob wok* met with your approval. It no. 1 rsepnodaW molten your support on the 1.d day et Jewry. 1 am your oadbet servant, DUDLEY HOLMES. rite THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 1 or OOUERICII. Wire .sd Georgie: 0s Monday ream. feet I was somlaated as • enadld.te for membership 1a the tows pend( for leM, od 1 .m standee for the pesltlor. Yen saw fit reelect m• to th• cons- oil n.oU by •oolemetloa for the Year 1!/' .sd dffil. for week 1 thank you; .sd it you rend ter that mf siernees to the Iowa have bees awed I true that you well gigots aver me with 7001. Amman t at the 0 MEI .Imuon. yllsh1g4yea • =Zee Year, -... _._.„!«M-.rWY.1. .C. MAHTLJI. T1HE ELECTORS OF THE TOWN OF 9ODERICH. ladies sad Uostlemea ► gad 'mat '170511 as oversee my sane wee Mt of the •eereeomt roll as an *rat of property weir Iowa W tows. I d d sot deo sever the ate tee Into. lied .000,4ln417 I am set to • retire to stood for tae see7erelt7 this fear. Nowt Ter i eh& 1 Mvvo110 r4• sesta metraea, so that I WWI bo 1• • se • corker. i take the 007014oalt7 se N.mkfas t/ freed. for tris efforts In nry behalf. and tree that art year they *1 es•e be abs to give sr tier valued rapport Wiser all Lha mmplmegts of the weds, I r.ma1.. Yours v.,, tree JAB, WILSON. To TAN ELECTORS OF THE TOWN 6le tpOBERIOH. idles and taco t les(' : 1 em oases a ramla5400 for the ggMWm d . to on ewuselllor, rad It dotted eM..v- se team as 45Ottalb 1n w aterwie .f 11. eon as i roe dose dartos the past twenty eve years. Lest fear 1 was oases..s of the water and (set somm,ttee...d fee Mood of the work I old on that ormmlHee. whet rood • say service. e ratepayers. •ad yvsstl7 lmaprov ■spto� to norm the rive support of or trl�ia ee I hays dens In the pest. 1 remota. Yore 44 741'1HOLiOlf. TO THE ELECTORS UT THE TOWN Oir OODIRICH. Ladies sod Oentlo..s : Having bene mirrored tar the pumas of saoaiatbr ter the tow& of (iod.rlob t., tle neer rear I beg leave to state that 1 have Imes Wear M beslare la the town of (►sdo- rlrb for over twentyNgbt years and have Imes a ratepayer ever roe l mem to re roe. I have always bees deeply Wher..tsd r the welfare of the Mw, of Uedertoh sod bops 1 always rue be. I rendre 5ellot 1eoir vets sed lafiu.soS. sad 1f noted I will de the best I or to teatime t1. Interests of the tewa. Treatise fes will give a • gen. areas sapper r the p.al& and wishing you &11 • happy'New Year. f remota Yours. JOHN KNOX. 0eOUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION. Iseethe E lila tsgf Ns Loden msdthe Oe e last 1 was somiried for the ps�Ysm.( erseillor tar dr above Qfr�IK Mwnmgsl the townships et Andel t sad QMbs t tawa of Yoderlo1 Two yeng=gx los Masted me as one of the retry tor this Menet 1t m7 entree the est twit lean la reference te oral, affairs has me with your approval. VW I sew mak 7eu to nor* the semen yea ~ oi7 min sae la a5 *41) be held m the gadd of J•a- aaty.Ifte. vMry i Yore1'tI�IIJi' HOLT. opdorkh. tat 1)eoamher, INS. LADIES AND GENTi.PMEN,-A8 yours no doubt aware. I bare been somisotea as • medldate for County Council - teeter Dialrtot No. 1. comprising them Town ships of AMlleld sad Colborse end t..• Town Mf ilodertoh, 1 have bon on the Council filling the DOUallos Colborne or Rev f4..1 11e st ilwo years. yeses Jr expirlag. sad .erred m she rlor*tl Oone- eH twee Mr Or throe years prevteee be the rear W the oompr.ltloa et the County Obmsell. I am nowth beton you tee e poet men rt Ova4 i;oaaeWor, sed If m7 r.cord ee a number of t1. Bo.M Is the poet the met with per approval I ask yrs timidly to favor mss with year Tess and Witham at the .4.e- ies to to held ea M*Aay, Jr. fled, Iles. It Meath, i will, as W tr pmt, endeavor to dean a m7 power to 'drawee the utorese sf wor DWrat .ad t1. County at 10515. It wfil ft possible for me to eel ea you all riessZ 'tad l take Ws mere of seirltl.1 oer rapport, booing to rvoelve to mama rang you yr m ', fmpillorieat Lha emare. I t Yoe radiant ALEX. TOUWO, Oslbefs., Der, 4th. WE. THE NOMINATIONS. The Tows Nall rooting -flet std from tb. Aenglrlrtes. T b. f--'--tir . g•0eti.g •Lift Loam rill oft Nesday night was not • partioalerly good ono, but obere was plenty of it. Too math tome was consumed by members of the old oouooil ie thrum fMet with their follow -members, and too little is brio/tag forth pleat for the future. Then boo home t oms alk of the existonce oft "clique" to the oouooil of 1898, but, ludgmf from the meal of auta4ontsms and oostradtotioes that Wall presented Monday opt, it would b. • Dazzle to loc•a s1-snlem It exult. &mono 11. members who did got put is an appear• roe on tee platform. In spite of the stormy wether, than was • good attondosr of i•teres4.4 ratepayers to th. hall. Nominations were made in writing, and were ,so(ived by awn Dark Mitooll from 7:30 40 8:30 o'olook, boa at tbolatter hour try were read out by the clerk, as follows : 70s KAYOS, Rob.rt Thompoma. Demes Wdeer roe 001111CI1.W5M. Wm Gretchen. Thos. C Neftel. H. W. Bell. W. R. Reo.rtees. Y. No:honor Jean Knox. D. C.atel0.. J. H. Colborn.. J. C Martin. eery Holmes. Fred. J Pride te. W. I'roudfoot. 1.. Campton. Chas A. Humber. R. R•doliffe. Chas. nano. Joe. Whitely. rah nt;MOOL Tsprrmge. 8R D.vtd'. Ward -A. 8 Crystal. 8t Andrew'. Ward -Jobs Cretgi•. • St. Georgi. Word --Cbl. Blake. St. Patriot's Ward -J. H. C.Iboro.. Thar, Doing only or homuatios for sobool trustee for sa.'b word, toe Work declared tb• stale... elected. Oa motion of J. H. l:ollborw od Wm. C re Abell, Jobs Aeries took Ur em.ir. Aft., an •rreopimteot bed been tread, u to Me tome to be allowed th' varioa..pwk.n, Ib. choruses Dolled upon mayor Thompson, who pref.o.d his address with an expression of pleasure at emis4 eo large • g.tba.sg of the 1.100.7.n and • refereooe to the erre which had b... mode whereby tbe easel fee 1899 would he oompe"ed of six eoosoillon owl the mayor, instead of me- tro etrmtars. H. trimmed that oat of 'boom . ominat.4 ,cod mon would be *looted to ropier' the town der45g charming year Tree/moil for the oom'sg year would bore e great deal to perform. It was propo.W to milergs the .Imtrto light plan', as thee. were • great number of lights applied for ; and oo apphoot• bed been toren to pro- cure tight., owing to the plot's ries al - reedy heeded o is foil eapaotty, some •d dittos to the plant would be •dvwbe. Ie . peaking of the elevator, of whioh 1. ssid they were all proud, the mayor commended the raths of the electors is passu, the ole nue bylaw. The electors lad tome for ward nobly 40 the •.*.sone of the council le .v.ry forward mov.m.nr. The town was to guarantor, the 13104s of th..1.vtor eon. pay, i et.•d of 1.4450g stock in it, and as w earily it would bay. • first mortgage oe 1be building for the •moot advanced and r iso .e pollee to ter or act* of $60,000. Winn the resod west tato office Hoy . bouldw.d • floating del of $19,000,whiob, ho regretted to say, they bad Iooreea0A a $20,000. However, try had $3,000 is .5.h on bead. or H they had looked into tbs emirs minor they would not Immo needed to de Mie. For coal aloe. $776 more had been rest tem in the past leer. Th. only thing to secret for the woo that Hot onus oil had booght inf.rior oral, weloh h• non Mired • entire, Repair to the intake pipe hal oast $800 or 1900 This or an o nfor.omn .xpe.dtt5re, over whir the twee - oat nonoil had no eenMol. Repairs to ELECTORS TOWN OF oUDERICH. Ladies sod Demtlemoo : Cede to MosIslpel AsendSsl4 Ad of IoM the osaseU for 1II10 will be nom whe00.r04.4 thy�01&7ri 50404* m00MUon to Orr*504 sl.et=e 45Md5g er gases kesblp et the oseaci) from 0 riven to semen. as t1.7141lea of reeve. to whlob Floe dented wane 1>w, I. sow dose away site I beg to lay that f ami a aamadam her the posies aof ll ase of t1. dot 0e5002len to l0 • dein be pleased to have fear su ••�.t the �ss�.Ir m 11:4111.7:11.1 t1. er Lha Y0of them a errs ore ydf mrt,r..m5gg�rrrst I mar say vve aiwaf. 45ss1denble laborest in tool� .mydoat re. Wvlog rpresenrd Et. IIIM t ate War MOM t.�M rd sir n'siyas te IMO es owe clerk by aith d gt 1 oennMl Y Aepay reeve l .era, ee that Mea wa5n very hoer w'. • Lha sae. mtpal b.elem. f e M..loe .tb..45*. Nmk�fy�ym►M155 s.00 fe MNl bit i011M5tleo • wle lrtg 1oa 5Y t 0 s.mpUaal .e mesa. ef tr. 1 romans. etN esn, WM. OAMPRI LL, For Adoption. t gagOR ADOPTION. -TWO MOTHEi4 01 11 WANT IMO 12- 1W�1111 /S "" }�(mmgI�rt S *t f►edtis�ftlis�� Mtet �r tJ W. PM NOW* A 11 II 1thII 0- Tnia�r TO HIVE R Yes le 'had I �I''a?+-.�. M►- n1eg. Ai►..a. , ii[ :�' It !r•- . p4.4 q For Isle or To Rent. FUR BALI' -SEVEN AND A HALF aerie of wad at foot of Froth street. Abe • berme. hareem•, v4**trm and cart. ler sparticulars, apply to HUGH DUNLOPWsst- 1 SOLID BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE - TbetJante solid trek reuse sitar* on Let le, One. 0. Town of Ooderloh w1*1 five or tea acres Oland as purchaser might require. Thera Is a fire slam ostler nodal. the bora T1s e• very desirable raptor tor gar 'm leg and fruit rowing. goal orohsrd on pr.mlem. 8w1 clay and imitable tor tea m•n- nfantans of hr.ok. Terme to suit p0rohoser Apply oo premier to Ono McMAHOw. or to Wm. 01111rraatl, 100070500 Ageat Wemtma. seers ):AOR SALE -LOTS 69 AND 70 L Hateldeeea's durvq la the Town of Ooderl.h, upon whlob Y mooted . aloe dwsll- le hour. Dated 4th gstsmber, IAN Apply to OAMERON. HOLT R HOLMES. Oederleh sett Situations Vacant. GOOD GENERAL SERVANT WANl'- 0d - f Leo MSP, LINDSAY at W. T. W.W'., Weatet Nutt WANTED -YOUNG MEN AND women,or older ores It .1411)tong la Wyk of mte*oMsed .fi0r1ntsy. poo fetes ambitions and iedaetreae, eau clad employ meat la • gond mums, 'MM $40 per month .hd a weldGerg le ability. REV. T. 8. LINSOTI', 'hewta WANTED -MEN AND WO'*HN WHO este work b0M talking mod writer ten beers daily for Mx •Amy, • west amid *141 e. rp�ts�t with ton len week/. A 1flier 1D{AA 00., Termite. boilers as tr pumping sate* ,had mood I oommittse, but the speaker eottJ.arceet ib an unusual •zpe.dlture amoaeu5g to sooty to the oommittm, 1200, Repairs hod baso mode at the come- 1a regard to tits gr•oolithlo walks, he tory at • oast of 1150 ; this would bot be said he was blamed brae* the walks were 9°O!)En'Y tWL4 Ip( t,U0k1791Ye1rt,. '' t1 *ot uoostruotd weer. He read a list of or 760U worth of e5Na area Iw hes Jame doom wkowiag the rooms ed the atter us the streets this year. The sum of $176, through 00000il, to show that the fault was for lauds bought at tax sales, •ploors so the not bit. He claimed that the proper and e xpenditures, but not la the &sesta ; they the legal steps had bot been taken in carry. .re good fur their face value. Over and log the project forward, Perm ,Ily as re. above the ruoolog exposits of the eltotri° gods the court of revision. The nea.s.bry light plant 1668 bad mien spent u °casino- tea days' Donn of the sitting of the oourt Woo work. In all, then woo over 13,000 of had not tiro gives, and on the date for extra expenditures, and it them hod not which It was &drafted he had appeared taken Moog the oouaotl for 1898 would have sed no one was ja att .*dance to bold the made • very fair showing. Time teems court, and eve, the al.rk was not present could not be left undone, and he thought ail A petit too had bees pressoted from trot/ - right -choler men would give the 0oasonl •ry holden on the Square to delay the des credit ter doing them. During the oo,struoetoa of oho walks until nett yrr, year the rsoeip(4 from the (dram lights when they would join u. In the threat_ had been 13641, and tth oast of running the taco the mayor was amused of ironing beats 12956, leaving 1686 to tho oredit ot himself to be mad. • tool. The 000tr50* the antra, the street Lpha being gives for the walks had beim given without going frog. They wen not going behind on the beton the 0000ml. They inked for ruder" (Immo pilaf eysam, but with the wear• to a rotor* record and out to the loose works system it woe different. The receipt. papers. Loo•1 men could have taken the from tag waterworks bad law *3558 and job, but they koew neer about it. Of the Dost of runnier $4631 ; so that try had :he publio wet kt oomenitt a not one could ✓ * brined on this 5000001 $1073. Tboy give tb. puttoulan Of the oontr.ct when had • very fair firs protection, aed Moro ncqumes were mode about it m oounoil. was the warns' of the streets, but still 't Tbe Bart inspector read mods • mistake i° was bot • pryteg roosts yet, .sd would taking the work so 'nee off the oonir56or's not be until sometbMg warn done to the way hods. The mosey was paid to the 000 - of making everybody ie the nefygbborbood of tractor tbo same day tie inspector made his the mains take the water. He was some- statement, although they hod ten days in what sorpriesd whoa 1. beard 'bat °oanoil• which to do It Tbe chairmen of the pub- lor '.9a eon woo to be • oodidat' for tit. lio work. oemmitre (1). Cantelen) was air - mayoralty. Oo*oillor Wilson was • good *rely entered for his moodier in oonmsetion an in hie plan, but he was young tad with the walks. there was still ulna for him if be word to to M. C.mpbell referred to the originates occupy the position. There wee a0 un- and stare] that he had strongly advocated wrote' leve to (lodaioh that the mayor the purchase of good cool. Tb. speaker was should bar Iwo years. It takes one year "hmkld" in regard te • atomiser he woo for, the mayor to get posted. b word nave said to have made w11h rslereno0 to the baso just as well for Mr. Wilson to wait auditors, but he denied with 0mphasie that Another year. There would be . fight to s bo had mad. the statement in question. gush, and oo the 2.4 of January Mr. WIl. .Mr.:Pndb.m, obarrm.a of the flours son would be the moat surprised man r.,e committee, was not is sight, but chairmen bad baa in tows fur some time. The mayor Aobesoo called for him with the declaration, end he bad ample Como to do full ratio" to " If he is not bore, r should be." Mr. the posttest, se be had roused from business Pridb&m dad not appear, however, and the toms m*ths ago, and he thought he ought "minister of publio works' was next es - ti, br given &author ohanm. He might pot vied to the rostrum. f.." don. .11 things well, bat be heal doth Mr Canteloo sated that as he had been dr best he oould, .0d 1. woo willing to alta ked pretty strongly be supposed he earn. sawn mak* some remarks. He had tabu Jas. W it... tollowsd t1. mayor. .ad the p mitre at • very 07166,4 111110. at tho s lard that three year ago be declined oss0 utien of the sewerage system. H* n omination t. favor of Dr. Shun*, .red toned Mat tbe sewer was not o.p.bls of do- th.4 Ise. Tear Im woo ammo 10 bs • °smog. nog weir it wee steroid to do. Ht called dote for tag mayoralty, but whoa he beord the oommittm 40getrr to take stops to that Mr. Thompre was mooing 1. dr remedy the matter, end they did so. The chars to stood. This year he (the speaker) *mimeo .7.4.10 will o01 yet empleted. was In the field. Mr. Wilson mentioned Mr. Macdougall, trojanginser whose &dvor had bees obtained, mid that they should hove both • sanitary and • dram mower The speaker had advocated the completion ot the sew ystim before gong as with err works He lodimted what bad been dna airway is for direotten sod said that neat spring they would be able to toll whether the result was satafmrry. At thea point • disputa arra broom Mr. Caa- t.lon and the reeve as to the omit of peals works daring the primer laser. lir. Can felon claimed that this b,srd for the year coed show mon Improvemouta than any proveoa& ho.rd for the same amount of money. Improvements had boon midis at the pork, which had been aegleoted for many years. He had lntroduoed the im provemaots at the oemelery and .Iso in t1. .1.01,10 fight room. 1f it bed not been for him a oompany, instead of the town it- self, would now have °erre of the eleotrie light "roam Ho iatroduoed the local ie- provem0.t and epee &amusement bylaw, in this introits of tbe tows .t tarts. In te- ased .god to the gr&eolitblo walk, r had made 00 nova witboa► genies the advim of the aolioitor. Hare the roots &gen disputed the.ocurrea of the sparer's 0aWmeoa, and words flew theeir and toot for • while. Whoa quiet was restored, Mr. Ca,4.1oo pro- ceeded to plow upon the reeve the blame for the delay in oonetractiog to walk. Only tor him they would have been down two months before they were. Mr. Tilt and Mr. Mclean wore very oozier to got the job done, and they were more Iearestod than the town, as they wen paying Mrse• fourths of the oar. Mr. Cages (the 000- tractci) A -d the o*or.to work at the •h. ..tor and 1voryo50 osmm.oded his work there They advertised for readers .0d Mr Comer tendered ot one half a mot lever than anyone else, and they thourb4 it would be see to give the work to him. The work would be finished -he would sake hos reputation on that ; if not by the onbtracter, he would finish it himself. The only room he wished to nth was tome that the work was dens. H. W. R.11 spoke ,ext, but under reposed protests from R. (;.mine, who oailn.d that Mr, Rall woo an auditor and hod en hesitates to snook. The ooirmio ruled that Mr. Ball, se • n ominee, had • right to be heard. Mr. Ball made thine explanations io regard to the errors in the natured satomea4., rd at to onaolnelon of his seldom anooaao.d file withdrawal iron m0didany. W. R Robert** nod • ropy of the or- der rder from the Deputy R.getrar G I authorizing the payment of the registration fees to Mr town clerk. H. also retired. Dudley Holmes marred his intention to trod for • plan. on the oo.nel hoard. He quoted t►..tatement of the Deputy At- torn•y-GasaFoI th.t an Grotto or 'eel for ooanollore is rob ward In wbtoh he M rotted, sed mentioned mag othor points to oonneotion with the oh.oge In the mode of slating M. oonoo d. Taktmg up the ques- tion of the payment! of ft* r.gW4ati°n fees to the °lark, he t.ld that oho Aet looked as if It wore meant that the Mork was *needed to their less Belem It woo dieti,ntly .tend in • bylaw shot he weary wog to rover them: Be •eked for grpp.rt'wpw kis ter erd darn the pose year. He alto woo a favor of Om .onrtidat4s of the debt M Nitheis a sate t 01 seal May Wo,. hovsgy else leek the era* as they W keen boning for the las* woes yews, bet *oy wen hovle, It at 403. per ten Illus. Po)) meets had been made this year *bleb sherd hoot hese oharg.d opiate last year. Mr, Caster. o used, was air then whoa the electric light Impreowmert wee Isaagants4. Mr. (:analis was not to be reedited with all r eWmed. H. did set start the sewer age notes: he haggled It Ha olatmd err elit for .v.rythiy, bat (maid the speaker) "I say, 4Ietlsoty, ha r *be biggest oyer *n over bad l5 Mer hw5.• the foot that Ur town was payout 5 per cont to the Rook of Montreal on 120 000 of borrowed money. He favored 000eo(d•tIoo of the debt, wbioh would enable them 10 get the money at 31, per omit. He would here all o4ioab of me arse brag im • im- port at every 010.1007, for the taforatioe of the couoml and the r.4.payera He had •pant Nivea years M the resod. and thor a he mire, get on ie the mayor's choir. H. didn't think It wee aeosmeary for • maw Le brooms old before he mourned the mayor's ober. He ems• on the Bowe oem- mutse, but woe not the chairman, sod be would lite to rev Mr. Laspbell or the chairman of the Sears oerlm,t4• the htl o ur of his tame, *o that they might hear • •atemeut of the town'. firmer. He wished oo personal or politest Aril. with Mr. Tbompmon, but hoped the electors would g ive him their support on the god of Jano- eirr• Ri.e Campbell than appeared upon the platform with • great bundle of papers, and alter expressing his pleasure at appearing before them and at 'wing to loony of the ratepayers preen' to her t1. &ff.ore of the town orator he plunged 1040 • dors- •1011 of the m5oi0ptl hoopoes. Last tear Dr. 8b.aaea had said the maenad of this Year might he able to get aloft with a lower oar rate thea did the les/ year's res- od. Et-rev.l'roedtoot tad G1. speaker .t the Neo said they did not thuk to In- erleg rued' mold do this. H. (the mpe.ur) told the ratepayers that he would go to the o0n0o14 with tie iotsetien of era - cinema/ ; test, although he bad had the as- sistaoe of • few of the member'. 1. did sot have the orate .t his bock in his alerts, &ad they were ow is • worth shop* tete they were before. Hr was reseed that the Gourd had been redoosd to comber ; it would be able to deal with .ff.lre better than the nom ail of slxt..s. The reeve then eatarsd an objection to the way in whieb the statutory eotooi.l easement hod been got out. H. esu • member of the Gnaws onmmittoo,bat bad armor ear the serer* until it was published. and hod nova had ootioe of a meeting el the oommlttoe, al. though one had been held. The m.yor should have ern that the erre-eat was • 0orrmt one. Tbree editions had been get Dat, bat iron the last rte was not regbi. Th. sootier pointed out • number of di. onpanois in the different statements. tad demanded an investigation as to %he reason for arena the changes. An senor err enema oy one of toe ratery.n premie to Mr. Campbell'' using •a awigaed statement, only the last the having been greed by the mayor and teem orer, but the revs elalmed that the ob- • ene of sack Immature" on ..y but the loot s:at(m0.l was only the result of an over- sight ; they hod bees printed for pmhiie die- tribe/too Mr. Campbell oh.rged tr mayor and tr.ssa/.r with having illegally inward they &mooat soder dtmoo*t In t4o book to 127,000-$11,000 more than they hod author - lb, to hays ander demount at or time. Th. ousel would eommene the year shoot WANTED -TEACHERS AND OTHER eight men ter vaestten 01 perm5ne06- 11 r sdto t for Maria A0 Eney0opndle oo�foti0 Coueenrr1raeyE,,"��4. ire rye c rpone vola week . TULIN4007T PUHLI H/NG 00. Matto. R FREDERICK 0, SIMPSON, OR - at gg.nn1.1 Nonfat Methodist Marek bre eM N•tva lo.s1 Osa•.rt0rf. New Yet, trill re. ve paNl•- assisted and &de•need-in nttN5, sad harmony. Rtodin, "The Iewr mos," Almond ft.. Ooderioh. 1 CLARA SHARMAN HAS STILI. WW1 for portIn per arid .tt..tlnn Is ore to tortenw . err.Nnry m,Mnd& 1101-11 I MINI lof P1ii5w Orpn+, rhwery, TILeam art fag W Htl(glt ar Tr.lnrt. A .pg04sler I Thern Preen** CI•mar _peetbd pt•etice (laver et D. W. Taman'• M rh. hr *111 potent the --gonT•rte m 5740. *nee- t - - Rea... $16,000 in dee Alter rear 81.41 rears.. tarn well foldout more than 17,000 or $8,000 loft under the Minkel of the toaa*l1. W here was the 116,000 to onme from The reeve mentioned • payment of 131 20 to tba awn Mork this year ler nil Imo of btrthe, msrrt•gen and desthe, sad aloe • similar oilman of 119.80 le 1897. He did not think them pommels wer. proper ; Gael he ramrod be soy that 41. manoil Oad 'nada every endeavor to baulk bine In ha .t - tempt to bring to matter adore the seen oil. Mr. Prldham had mode a motion to Mews le order to orerent him from get- ting It beton the enneeil. He ol•Ime4 that Hie bylaw appointing the oink mit that his miry wr to never all them Aeharssmeete. Mr Mitchel sever •ooepted this moor se - 1/07, nor hadry of *h1 former Marksler the peat 90 mitre snorted It The spaker himealf woo e4erk for mom years And had noon take. It. The wee set • nom to raise salaries or to pay silly mere money than eras ■eoeemry. Terranova out le • word fer .eeosh&pet / Holmes, *1.1.4 /even him his asp. ran roast tbreugheo*, although h• dr oared with him la this manor of the mats- tr•tI* foes, relied Md • veers melons Moroi la r'. 4 a to tows Ain. TOO this wiit Month* to the money paid for dog We. Ain sae am* bed h... paid M the taws paha. Alen iiTbe dark had served *best Old, "fol. 11 -' elrlsed the mosey om • pan theite teen (tw os ai o* of � A npwt e to Mom than was rand yak`mouser •ma wit retuned M the (learn lit to give him their vote, her would memo faithfully ; if tl t thought he had not done well, they could .urn bine down. Brief addresses were given by J. H Col- borne, K. C.mplon, P. Holt o•odidate for the runty oonnod), C. A. Trailer and 1. Knox. The mayor also s.td • few words to ropey to some remarks mad. by Mr Cam pion. The meeting broke up .t • motor or two after mida146t. Sine 0omlneti00 Mr Wilaos has discov- ered that, through as error an fait .mases - meat roll, he to not qualified for the mayoralty, and ooasqueutly he hos re- tired and Mr. Tlomp*oo is re-oleotod. A number of the other nominees have with- drawo, leering nine oandidarse from whom the aleotors may oboee's mix oouodloro for Those in the hold an : D. Canton*, et. C•mpball, Dudley Holmes, C. A. Humber, John Knox, J C. Muton, Tbe. L'. N•fal, M. hioboleon or F. J. Predb.m. COLSONNE. For Rosie-N•thp Johns by &coram.. 6100, For Counoillore-Riobd. low.11, Normo Keraigb.o, Alex. Robertson, domes 1'.ylor, Capt. Wm Young. A WORD TO MR. CAMPBELL. To the Editor of cos 81owe1. 8th, -Wel you kiudly allow me the op- portunity of addressing • few lines to the leotore in ezplanatioo of the oompl.iet made by reeve Campbell at the nomination *seting In connection with the registration f birth., dea6be od marmots' Mr. Camp'' II rouses me of taking 151 of see for such r54latretloe for the Mean 1896 d'97. I rako°.ledge I did reeivethree airs and another T.7 . ww paid lama ou the order of the Ontario Government. 1. statute authorizing the p•ymsot esye : "'Dry SMALL be paid to the deputy -reg• 'attar of mach munioip.lity," can be seen by anyone who will take he trouble to loot .t the statute. per- quisitesMr. Campbell claims there are no per- quisites in connection with the offim of Work. and that he never receiver any while he was town clerk. If be did not re - riot them directly he did so indirectly, io tee following manner, by having the free use ot tits clerk's othoe, fool and light for trenMa tr0tiDg or hown private business, viz.' Imnranoe and salt, thereby saving to himomco lf the ot of rent, fuel and light, at he ratepayers' expense, and obit *haus, any authonty from the °ousoel. As the is the only means of stating my B ide of Me question to the nrep.ynecessary 1 treat you will give one the necessary sprit Yours truly, W. MITCHet�„r Town Clerk. MR. CAMPBELL'S OPINIONS. • T Y To the Editor of Tarp 8101AL. 9r5,-1 should not lore troubled you nth this oommaniostioo had I the oppor teeny at the oominetion of replying Noone of the "psakon, and time to have discussed to a greeter intent the doings of the oouo- oil during the present year Mr. Cantel*, chairman of the publio works oommiitoo, stated that the ezpoodi tare on publio works wer 1300 loos than last year, and ol.imed credit for the mime The statement I oballeored, and on onmparlag the financial •a4.meatO and expeditors ander the hood of publio works it looked as if Mr. (:ont.lon was right. I have today examined the etaamens of 1897 and 1898 moro °lowly, and I was bel root, as you will see by the statement below. Stormont of 1898 shows expeoditur. 12467 80 Strainer of 1897 show. 12713 19 To be dedhoted front thio on oemerry 5/3., ia- oloded in above 348 40 -- 2364 79 An oyerezpeodilare he 1898 1 103 01 And I feel certain by the sod of this year when all •000ue s aro paid thorn will be an over -ex pond itare of 1300 in 1115, The publio works o.mmlN1 wf 11195 Were hot monomer b t4. gt/-Nimew .1 114 publio tends. I 000ld hove spent another heur,it 1 oould hays got th• time- to .1p0.404 the illegal doing, of the oouooil, eegotally io that famous Clip to Ottawa and the bringing in of • bogus *torment of 41005000. Tb. legal elpenditnres should not have cost more th.o 160. and $95 was taken oat of the tows treasury for It without 0athorlty from the council. I am told 15.00 of this money was spent in otg•rs at 10 eept. snob. There was also the Bre isvestigalion, which hat for me would have Dost the tows 1100 The whole iavussigation woe illegal. There was also the illegal Issue by the mayor, treasurer and clerk of the billiard hosier, in oontega.a o of which the tow. may he the laser e1 875 arrows eine. Then was also the bones error the ' errs' by the mayor, of only 125 00, or $36 00 in all, inol.ding um of errand and water. We should have bad at least 5100 par the same, the bylaw allowing rho mayor the right to charge as high as 1200 if he wished. Then sot many ether matters I maid 41e - ore, bat 1t would mak• rig leer too long; bat I will roper what I said at the nounla • tine, that the .m011114 token. eat of tie Iowa bereary for r.gistvetbe of births, deaths sad marriages, of 151, should never have then paid by the treasurer to the ark wither first haven, obtained the saedtes of the commit If the oeannil said they were witting to .'low the olerk this p0;gdds over and above hie 004.17 'bat would have Waled the matte. Th. matter of eatery Y ssttrely a the kande ret the anima Is the hes* of all the .4.01., s nosedas . It wdetlnotly .5dwuM0dtbat these fess won Ineleded ie retry. Thera was also the p0yseent of 117.60 eat of she eon fund, for deo Mge,tad the ree0ipl,I am teld,of abort 117 00 by the (deck for the sale et rase, and set • tingle art el Obis money has ever beam paid lase oho treasury. The clerk oW.m the ler erre allowed him to retain 14 for ale Orb* bet • promisor member el the erased of 1897 &110 me then is ell Igor is thee matter. I was mob tarprised. and eo ware messy of hes treads, at emery seenotllor Hee*, after Wee allowed te week •1 Ooo smote. flee, swag ad7rtage 0f lis permitter to speak .f masters &boat weir he ken+ se- tting with dr Ittentloo to do mean injury is my appeal to the element ter tbelr sap pert. 1 M ander the roweer, as fat as he 4. ..wo.reed, I. will he • 1.emener, 40. lag himself men a jury time me. I hes even the error 8.s.ds1 Nnto- mest wee duly leaMd. Lha fell 900 espial prated free .,..snip' la the bark d 111 prises/. This shhmebt mord bast 4... to too Mobil. had 1 net satieed the sw bkee in ItDarrel name M lir. 1!011. He lin weed eorr.Nad the k. mod had wither ,.MtW. W . *hie edition eves urate I loathd ee.ther throe. and al- e o►.* taw t -.W -.Otto igrallM J. C. Marna thought It would have h... • threat If Mees p71.em4 had reread ono at meth of the .minp of t1. .....11. i4 o hail served them to their eaMaf etfen, he hoped they world rotate hew. Re *hea4h* an nee mem0e, sherd he blamed : they should all bear the herds., I'hw .h.lrmen of ocertmttt.r had all tvsd,he believed, to mc* 4. the hest a*Neete at leo laws 15 retired that Mr. Oimeh.11 bid ,.Iold •h- lemerma a what he believed to M the best abrwlg el the tenni, hat M tttlb. iter) did or trek Mr, Oampbell's were a the lemma of M( tonne. o had .way emaewnd m Ewa. mad dM set aaM ee des ea Ne W It..e sl.tw.d a 4807 es& 1470 both Mas by -s.a.N14 . sod hu Waked l►. Masses fee 4410 If Of the mayor and triturator. thee a third edition bad to be printed es 1 said at the mesti07, the figures appeared to be 000ked up to some way to make roouipts epd sop.aduurog bel.0e, and if e1 oted to the °oilmoll 1 will demand an 15ee0ei4a- tion. My oppoasob, 1 am 'stormed, are emu- lating a story that I am not qu.bfisd. 1. with to say 11 ea • deliverer f.lrohond a,d, if elw'at, I will take my twat at the nnua• oil board. tyle CASPSSLL. PUBLIC 8014001. EXAMS. Let of ase rural. WIN Were aneeese154 la resse.t- Th. following ore the Dames of the pupils who wen esooeestul in poring Lha Cbrult- mos examinoke_n__s at the publio sohools io the town of iTertab. iko mases are given io order of merit. gr. ANDSIW'0 *ASD. From junior to senior divatoe, Mies Par- sons'.-Krne"t Be11,Csg.ie S.tebory, Chrisio Csooloo, Maud Dunlop, Roddie Jobasao, Catherine Lewis, Willie M•rwlok, Harold Brophy, Eddie McLean, Daalel Mcleod. From senior div1sloa to central, grade I, Mies %noon's.- Dolphins Nairo, Chester MoDobala, John Marwiok, Burt MoDonald, Willie Armstrong, Jimmie Strang, Emerson Evans, Freweb Todd, Alias Love, May Cornell, Katie MoOilllouddy. 17 DaVID's *ASD. From jeer to senior division. Miss Mo - Ivor'. - Etta Vaaatom, Broom Reid. Jack Proudfoot, Gladys Hogartb, Harold Robin- son, Russell Oke, Willie Burley, Vera Elliott, Ernst Henderson, Nettie Price. I. row 'senor division to oiotral, grads I., Moe W751o.' -. Maitland Loon, Mary Miller, Lily MaVi,r, Jas. MoVsoar, Arthur Whitney, Lorne Cbryetal, ()l.dy. Whitely, Tirol 8er•rsb. diary ,df.Y€ioore- „tom. 1homa., Bert I)af, 8.051,40. Harrieoo, ' Y7 PATRICK'S WARD. From jolter to senior division, Mies Le - Tourers. -Stanley Moser, Melville Rhy- ir, Artie Runoimao and Ib• Hamlin,equal, Harry Reid, Olive Smith and Albert Knee- eh&w, equal, Adele Robinson, Llzzle Taylor. From senior dtytsion 10 neutral, trade 1, Mule Burritt's.--Ecu Norlte, Jobe Wnrnll, Myrtle Howell, Graoe Martin, Bell• Btemtt, (4ladpr Platt, Malcolm Oration, Mtltoq,Mo Intyro, Cecil Fan, Fnd Egaoer, Harry Mir Creatb, Oaorie Yule. i:INTRAL SCHOOL. tirade 1. to grade II., Miss Stewart'e.- Rota Jordan, Jean Tom. Isobel Proudfoot, Nuns Craig, Anna Molvor, Marge Hawn*, John Trotbewey and John 01l11, equal. 8w.. Grierson, Blanche 'Knox, Harry Mole.n, Edith Leonard, Annie Lawton, Lewes E Nott, E.). M;auger, Uulhe Soot h. Gabrr., Sprung, Robert Wilson, B.rtba Dowding. Claude Murray Geode ILto grade I1I.-Altars MoIotyre, Omar Clifton, Also. Colborne and Geon Mc- G11Looddy, equal. Allis Andorra, May Mo - Lean and Maggie MoNevin, squat, Preston Sinai, Dottie Mar'oy, Lulu Tweed's, Alio. [)o lop, Willie C.ntelon, Pearl Malatyre, Asim Herten, Leiria Aitken, David Reid, Kat. Bat L, H,rry Botcher. (:rade 1. to grade IL, Miss Franks'.- Rom Aitken, Ivy Newton, Mat W y.tt, *abet Pollock, E'.n.l Platt and Donald Mo Kay equal, Rests Molwod, Lount Snell, Jennie Prondfoot, Cyril Carrie, Agate Dan - top, Olive Robertson. Boa Cornell and W.( or Somerton equal, George MoGaln and Redd's MoDonald quad, Harold Sparks, Georg. Garrick. Grade 1I. to grad• III -Groot Reyna', Pearl Holier and Nettie Ramsey opal. Josephine McIntyre, Lydia Book, Myrtle. Cowie, Lone Toted, M. P Leu*, May (:oats, Evan Allen, Pearl Craig, Georg. Vivian. Grade III. to grade 1V., Miss Ball's - Alden Young, Mabel Treth•wey, Arthur Motor, leo Elliott, Annie Stodd.rt, Ger- trude Morrow, Mary Niobolma, Petal Tre tbawsy. Archie MoC.aghan, Leine Robin. no, Loge Ksemh*w, Orad. IV. to grads V.-Roggis Tye, Dairy Roberts, Max Wilson, Rmgisald .*mita, Willie Tow.rsey, John M0K.v,Po4.r Coots, Franca Armstrong, Lath. Vivien, Nina Mar, Normae Allwo,Oreee Robertson, Maggie Prondfoot, May McDonald, Arno BSebanan. Orad. IIL to grade IV., MIs TnththiEt.:u. -Florence Dietrich, Arthur Manger, Alma Domy, Cecil C.rrie, Herbert Smith, Maggie MoEwan, Harry Babb, John Mo - boron. Nellie MoKay. Grade IV. to grade V. -May [w Cb.noe, Thirz. Lewitt, Floosie Nairn, Heigh Polley, Fred Craleie, Cepa• Faber, Fred Sturdy, Harry Gram, May MoAul.y. Orad. V. to grad. VI., Minos Shuman and Rusk's. -Elie Smith, Jennie Wells, Alias Garrick and Ralph Shepherd q..l, Charlie Smith. Edna Straiton, Leonard Cuff, Jeanie Lawson, Sydney Reloher, Alan Ger- row, Chao Saunders. Grade VI.. ( for eroding only , Miser Sharman and Rusk's-Cnrisahel Andean••, Gracie Dyke, Donald MoD maid, Lours Sharman, Roby McLean, 8peooer Guest, Magi* Murray. Harold T.ylor, Walter MaDoosld and Victoria Birthstone equal, Graham Robinson, Greta D.okom., Annie Andrews. Wilbur 0..t, Andrew Stoke, Allan Tn8ord, Bemis Brimwombe, Claroum Rhysr, Wilbur Anderson, Charlie ler., Kato MoDas.ld, Margery Ball. l'hd1p Mit- ohell, Albin [)yke. Hattie Sault., Wesley Malian, Christina Niobol.on, Pearl Snell, Myrtle Tread/the, Wdli. MOEwan, Flossie M.Creatb. Schools 111 -open on Tuesday, January 3rd, at 9 o'oleck, at which time all pupils are cr. pea ed to be pre' ial. S. P. HALLS, Ptaolpal. AROUND - TOWN. (7 sn Riots 14'ttioT.-7'be foli.wt'elr is tho more of the match held last Friday by the .18e oab : 100 rim. 200 yds. Total Water ... errem, 38 17 46 Rouen 41 12 b3 it P.seagtiee 44 19 63 Rongvls 22 10 32 11.11 ry .. 23 9 32 Donley 40 18 58 Andrews ,,. 96 5 31 Fri taley 18 0 18 C PesetagI.. 96 5 31 Wolter 94 26 50 Rhos* 19 31 50 A MUNICIPAL MIX-UP. SINCE the nomination a report., which appears to have foundation, has been circulated that the members o4.ifa ouuucil for 1898 who aro oaudidates tor the c uncal for 1899, are disqualified by virtue of the stator regulating the borrowin. powers of municips � itiee. It appe0ee that the aoanod for 11198 con- travened the mature by overstepping their borrgwuyl powers, and are thereby di. - qualified from serving on the board for at Meat two years. As then are but three candidates running who did sot salve ell the council of 1898, the Ia'EYg „4uo a iirniihtipsi ibdiriall -_ _ _ against the old member: would make a "mix-up" in our oouncil conditions. that woulei prove bothersome at the beginning o1 the year. Up to the present, we undersand none of the old members hes been seared of by the Humor of legal proceedings that are on the .treat. rater as bear better them "mother, each being presented with great .kill and nrturelne*.. Th. Musioal Society are to be congratulated upon the high aIee emua.- ment which they are affording the mNz000 of God.rioh, wbo could do no bettor than bestow their patronage more liberally. '101 Hchos & ONTARIO ELSCrOIO RAM. way.-Tbe scheme for the betiding of an .leotrio railway from Port Perry to Hlneer- dies, with a breath tem J3od.rtoh. ^1a mill la the air. The Lucknow Sentinel last week published some oorrespoodeooe in oo05.0 tion with the matter, from wh'oh it appears that Meller litmus the New York financial entente still have the project to mind. They appear to nooslder that there .re 1e toeurmounable obstacles to the building of the rood. M1i.XIY-CAtt?BSLL.-TIe m.rriege of Miss Sans G. Campbell and %V. 1'. Marosy took p1eo. at 11:30 o'olook Tuesday morning at the residence of the bride's poem's, Mr. wad Mn. Win. Campbell, Qoeben ■trent. Tbe osremooy wall performed by Rev. danger Wilton, B.A. The hade was as - voted by her .ear, Mom Mildred C.mp- be11, and If719:---* oTTiiiwtwe anted .e groom.mo. The bride were • ominm5 of . bite silk figure d orepoo, and i he bride. - ..wire draws i.e. pink organdie over piok. Ewh corned a hougeet of root* Mies L. tl'tl.on, of SG.fortn, pl.ved M adelwohu'o wedding muoh Toe bvtd.-maid'• pretest from the groom woo an opt ring. After the oeremony the gu•.te, who cumbered over fifty, partook of all .lcelbs01 wadding hr.ktost, ecd the nowly.wedde4 *••0011 left for thee harpoons trip * the 2:30 P M. train, Tui 81ONAL desires to jute 1■ the eboruv of good wishes which u• going out to her. and Mn. Murrey. Or INTht.rr TO SIOsRilrAL Vo),h*s.- Th. Deputy Attorney General hom made Lha followeer.taameot in regard to tito gela- tion raised as to the right of deuton W mole more than ono for 00000iflon whim tee .lewttotl is to be by pner.l vote : Smarm 158 of the Muaioip.l Aot providee i hat " I0 woos and cities loony elector may vote In each ward in w1wh M has b0.* rated for the orreary propriety gu.li8wtion, but in case of m.yor of cities, or mayor, room or drpa'y rear• of town., oho e1..•''•. shall be limited to 00. m°4.." 8. anon 159 prnvulm that "Nn oleo'or shall vote mor thea caro for reeve to a township or will.,,', nor more than oar in each w rd for oou'.otll..n le townships dln4ed into wade, nor .t stain..__ them ems polliog plan to thm to.nshtp er wlllage for deputy•rsev or deputy reeos or 000no,llon in tor0.hips not dlvidod deb w.rds and in v.11.goe " The •mondmeet/ male by the Munio'pal Amendment Art, 1898, 61 V,o., °hep. 23, hove not is impress term• dote •war 1111.12 wards, end It would ream therefor, that persons Ford for the 000em•ry qualification are still entitled to vote Io arab ward a which they bank beam ertli. ANNOUNCEMENTS - Rnw Ann P. NLLtarr. -Tb. Innlemest weather of last Thursday sight hindered moony r opt* from enjoying a rare %teat gives by the Imporeoe•tee Edward P. Elliott at Vlotori. Open Hones. Moth- hone one- 4, . oar:mottoes, even of oelehrrrd oem.dlem, rigrire the best arterio Ietirprn- estte0 to be eo)nyehle, bet Mr. RIIle►l's shinty is this resort le hogn.uNweed Ae is a sourer of his art, *hoof, .rrplad with big paelee, mikes him I.A0.A " • prier gt 0.tereahere.• Th. •nartainwtart T4.,.• d.7 eight woe an origins' adaptation of tee emerdy " Ohrinnpb.r Jet " Knit roe - ..ter was lmpwr. 5.104 to a ohsrmer ,n.s• ger. Re hegmer awl milliliter trine.ttt..t. 'TOM GOO to the Nber were elan ramar kiddy sad *8. e.peaad ..1 .min of ley1.er eeet4M4 he Moo sop••ewew of hie *Alta.. 1t weld he dHRenft to .rag* say ams ear - 4r 1 Rice's Pure 00:t for table or dairy. i hairs reoii,ed • o.rlo.d of British Col- ombia shingles, which 1 am prepared to will at prioee to .nit. F Ssrnrr.. Slaughter sale of all fanny roods, chi*, dolls, games, pioturee, books and purer Now'. the time to or barrios. J. Yellin. Ho for Wingh•m, with Is an dry goods shops and forty groceries. Boit.,. 16o to 17o ; oboloe turkeys, androgen, 10o. Every• body gives 20 lbs. granulated. (1. E RnwO, Woe ham. Don't forget that Geo, W. Thomson's Manic Depot 44 the beet hear in the meaty to prober your Cbristmm and New Year's promote, in the b(aatilul W ormwlth piano. Gnderioh organ, New Wllliant*, White and Quern sawing machines, guitars, violins, mandoline, mouth mete., all kinds of musiosl Instrumento, shoot music, muai) books, •:o. oto. 5.21 LOCAL NEWS IN BRIEF Rlre's Pun Salt tor tete or dalr7. A good New Year's gift would tea photo- rraph and your signature are hod. rs, tbe fine"t work 1n th.t line R. 8. Bellows 1. tIm , man and the pros le Sallewe' r utile. Now.you know you want eft beet work for the meet enlahlw pyre that you con 401, sea .} - for fin, tailoring you cannot d3 better ter roll at If. J. Prldha.Y and leave yews order. Tr day..n on tr tare. Mt.. Win. Wiled., of'4lie 1$•V g read, is slavering Irom • seven attack of .44044.50. 0.on 04 the lnmgm. '161'r r".v hr4ok ohimney ort *he organ lketoty M sew ooeeeeted with the hotline. To Larry was aimed for this purport es B.arday. Mies Orty, daughter of Jeer Grey, of A.h4.IA, has 44th. •n,ag54 r 100044.1 ie .oho.l 5001)00 No.11, A.hfl.Id, et Yh.ppord- ton, th0 promos rumor by W. Brownell. Allot Orono, who hat ren laid ap in • Westport hosptal for emir time, was se 4.r remvard u r 0edertake the nurser home week before rat. He is • sen ot Simon Grant, 5th sea., Grmy, and had hewn in the West .bout two year. Mr. Gnat .5 eepb.w of MN. Hairy Rn.soe, V4o*er4a .Ir0.R MARRIED. I URNTT-CAMPRRLL--On Toledo), taws. mtk, HIM. N oho GNAeaoa of the brldwi r, b, Rev Jeeps, Wring', R. A,. Wm. T. Mtima to noes O 4.aghter or Wm. obeli, all of feeder', h IdtRS--t'URWEN. 05 Wad modal. Iles, hot the t. Mono. t1. M.'.'. %ohs, tt►ea rrA, 4 Item. 4. Mt at. A.1 wtt.e. i..e4; IR "sett W&wuwt[h, iii Alree Mery Mooed 4.•54i.r .f :sr Cnrwwt. et l laroonh tow..hl0. DIED. SAtjOVY 21 . Aw . 1 TTr+•r•SddOsgp.Is7 Ods w;re Amos / 11 atwwW. - Ata